shrm 09 cappelli pres

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  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    Talent on Demand: Managing Talent in anUncertain Age

    Peter Cappelli

    Professor and Director Center for Human Resources

    The Wharton School

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    What is TalentManagement? Why

    should we care about it?The issue is money .The supply chain analogy -

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


     At the Individual Level:The Financial Challenge In the traditional model, supply meant internal

    deelopment !p-front inestment in candidates, recouped oer

    time through improed performance Can ma"e money this #ay Can also lose money if lose the inestment

    $utside hiring, pay as you go Can%t earn a return or &e a source of adantage

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


     C o m p e n

     s a t i o n  a n d 

     T r a i n i n g

     / D e v e l o p

     m e n t




  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    The rise of the great cororatecareer

     Diferent practices made sense atdiferent times

    $pen mar"ets in the early years The Rise of the Planning 'pproach

    ()*+s-%+s aerage ortune *++ eec had &een #ith their

    company /0 years The typical career path1

    (/-(2mo training (2-/( month 3o& rotation

    4Hi potential5 program 6 accelerated promotions 7*8 eecs had 9 *yrs on corporate staff  0+8 eecs &egan in mar"eting:sales Detailed #or"force and succession plans 6 (* years out


  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    Which is the !indergarten "eort CardWhich is the #erformance Araisal?System A

    Ran" candidates on a scale of1;ery Satisfactory 6 Satisfactory 6 !nsatisfactory• Dependa&ility• Sta&ility• Imagination• $riginality• Self-epression

    • Health and ;itality•  '&ility to plan and control• CooperationSystem BRan" candidates on a scale of1Satisfactory 6 Improing 6

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    What Is $i%erent &ow?The lietime model breaking upThe notion of a secure, long-term career is harder to imagine.President:C=$ tenure #as>10 yrs in ()*+s?5 years in ()+s? Do#n #ith employer: !p #ith occupation


  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    From Chaos to #lanning to"esonding Planning is out In the management ran"s - /++B SHR firm

    surey 6 +8 hae no succession planning

    of any "ind More than 70% had it in late 1970s

    In the #or"force as a #hole - /++0 IP'-HR

    surey 6 B8 hae no #or"force planning ofany "ind 96% of large companies had a dedicated planning

    department in 1950s! 

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    What changedon the emloyee side?

    Ho did they respond to end of lifetime


  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    I would change 'obs for(?

    !ould leave"or#

    5% o" &or'ers 50% o" &or'ers (5% o" &or'ers

    )nits Dollars )nits Dollars )nits Dollars

    Stoc" Grantace ;alue






    ;acation Days 7 days */(+

    days (,0++(*

    days /,7)


    (,+++ (,+++ *,+++ *,+++ (+" (+,+++



    (+8 B,7*+ /+8 7,*++ B*8 (*,+++

     PotentialSalary in ieKears

    ,+++ ,+++ (*" (*,+++ B*" B*,+++


    RetirementContri&ution *,+++ *,+++ /+ /+,+++ *+" *+,+++

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    $oes the &e)t*eneration "eally+ave $i%erent

     Attitudes Toward


    "hat do they e#pect from $os

    Ho should e manage them

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    Characteristics in First,mloyers-#lease rate the imortance of each of the following inchoosing a .rst emloyer

    Challenging assignments Company alues &alance &et#een personal life and career  Competitie &enefits Competitie salary inancial strength Good reference for my future career  High-achieer program High ethical standards Immediate responsi&ility Li"ea&le:inspiring colleagues $ngoing educational opportunities $pportunity to influence my o#n #or" schedule

    $pportunity to specialiEe $pportunities for continuous learning Secure employment ;ariety of tas"s or assignments rom Price#aterhouse surey of (*++ J' students from around the #orld

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    Characteristics in First ,mloyers#lease rate the imortance of each of the following in choosing a .rstemloyerGood reference for my future career --------------------------------------------------- 0/8

    Company alues &alance &et#een personal life and career ------------------0(8Li"ea&le:inspiring colleagues ----------------------------------------------------- B78Competitie salary  -------------------------------------------------------------B08Challenging assignments ------------------------------------------------- -BB8Competitie &enefits ----------------------------------------------------- -B/8$pportunities for continuous learning ----------------------------B(8

    $pportunity to specialiEe --------------------------------------------B+8Secure employment  ---------------------------------------------------B+8inancial strength  ----------------------------------------------------/)8High ethical standards ----------------------------------------------/)8$ngoing educational opportunities ------------------------/78High-achieer program ---------------------------------------/8;ariety of tas"s or assignments ---------------------------/8Immediate responsi&ility ----------------------------------/08$pportunity to influence my o#n #or" schedule- /08

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres



    *"A$/AT, 1/"0,23445

    I$,AL6 ,mloyer "an7ing 8 M9A verall 

    • *re"erred industries+ anagement consulting @//8A, inancial serices @//8A , Consumer goods @(8A• Attra,tive C-ara,teristi,s> Industry leadership @B28A , 'ttractie location@sA @/8A, Innoation @/*8A

    .mployer /an'ing



    y $00(






    y $00(



    Google ( /+.*28 / JooE 'llen Hamilton (, ,./28 (*

    cinsey M Company / (,.B(8 ( Procter M Gam&le (7 ,.()8 ((

    Goldman Sachs B (B.)*8 B Deloitte (2 ,.()8 (7

    Jain M Company 0 (+.))8 0 errill Lynch () *.*28 /+

    The Joston Consulting

    Group  * (+.2)8 * Walt Disney /+ *./B8 (0

     'pple Computer , (+.728 7  NPorgan Inestment

    Jan"  /( *.((8 /(

    icrosoft 7 7.2/8 (, KahooO // 0.2+8 /,General =lectric 2 7.7(8 2 IJ /B 0.7(8 /B

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    What do our  students say?“In your last job!

    8 #ho could identify the net promotion   8 #ho thought they had good chance of

    getting that promotion 8 #ho thought they could &ecome a leader if

    stayed #ith their company  

    8 of their eecs #ho came from #ithin   Ho# long they #ould #ait for opportunity  

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    The &ew Challenge for TalentManagement(; Generating the supply of talent to match

    estimated demand When demand is ery hard to predict

    When the supply of talent #on%t stay put The 4mismatch pro&lem5 that "illed talent

    mgmt in the ()7+s

    The talent glut in the ()2+s 1a&sor&ed &y the ())+s epansion

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    The Four #rinciles ofManaging Talent:

     Managing the "osts oUncertainty 

    (. 'oid ismatch Costs 6 Jalance 4a"eand  Juy5

    /. Reduce Ris" #ith Shorter orecasts and

    Portfolio 'pproaches B. Design Deelopment to =nsure Pay&ac" 0. Jalance =mployee Interests in Career


  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    Ma7e or 9uy $ecision: 4a"ing5 Talent is Cheaper, Jetter &F  Kou%re Certain 4Juying5 Talent:Nust-in-Time Hiring, Costs ore &ut

    Reduces Ris" of !ncertainty

    Ho# accurate is your forecast of demandQ If not ery, do more &uying

    Ho# long #ill the 4talent5 &e neededQ If not long, do more &uying

    Do you hae 3o& ladders or 4scale5Q If not, easier to hire Hiring also changes organiEational culture

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    /se a Mi) of >Ma7e and 9uy to"educe Mismatch Costs rom forecasts to simulations

    Can your IT system handle thisQ

    !se supply chain analyses to minimiEe

    4mismatch costs5  're 4Deep &enches5 inentoryQ

    $ershooting is often more epensie 6

    !se outside hiring to fill in gaps $nly hiring from outside also a mista"e

    =pensie, disrupts uniue s"ills and culture

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    What does this reuire of ITQ Coordination of information

    Improe responsieness 6

    Hire more freuently Delay specific deelopment

    =.g., no 4* yr manufacturing program5 Instead, 4B yr generalmgmt deelopment5 M 4/ yr special manufacturing program5

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


     C o m p e n

     s a t i o n  a n d 

     T r a i n i n g

     / D e v e l o p

     m e n t




    Ma7ing $eveloment #ay%(

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    What was your bestdevelomentale)erience?

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    The "eal !ey to Creating 0alue 8 Spot talent early and gie opportunity &efore

    they could get it else#here Performance . potential in identifying

    candidates 6 #hat%s the signalQ Self-selection as an alternatie approach Ho# to spot talent and gie opportunityQ

    Can try to assess:predict #ho #ill succeedQ Gie it a try6PMG motto 4ail uic"ly and cheaply5 G= model> eep small PML for screening

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    The s7ill of managing talentmeans( atching deelopment needs to aaila&le

    opportunities oement across tas"s, not 3o&s

    The technology &ehind &etter matches This reuires IT help> =DS, IJ

    Doesn%t reuire changing 3o&s

    Pro3ects, tas"s, coaching Jeing opportunistic, negotiating for opportunity

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    Jest candidates can go else#here

    Internal mo&ility programs - )8 large companies

    hae them 'nly ( re)uire current manager*s appro+al  cinsey s. icrosoft models

    Ho# much direction and adice to gieQ

    Raise epectations s. losing control idelity approach IJ%s 4hot s"ills5 inde

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    Career #lanning: *iving,mloyees a 1ay The 4Chess aster5 model

    Do#nside> Jest candidates can go else#here

    Internal mo&ility programs - )8 large companies

    hae them 'nly ( re)uire current manager*s appro+al  cinsey s. icrosoft models

    Ho# much direction and adice to gieQ Raise epectations s. losing control idelity approach

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


    The Long8"un Trend

    Challenge of uncertainty unli"ely to go a#ay $ld 4planning model5 reuires certainty

    Pressure for cost control in talent mgmt li"ely

    to gro# 4S"ill shortage5 drien &y reliance on outside

    hiring and lac" of deelopment

    We need a different approach

  • 8/17/2019 SHRM 09 Cappelli Pres


