siddur sar shalom

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Britain's first Messianic Jewish Siddur, complete for Shabbat and Holy Day services.


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ShalomOnline Free Edition

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Daniel Nessim

Siddur Sar Shalom

Copyright © 2011 by Daniel Nessim. All Rights Reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-9566457-1-5

Daniel Nessim, 1960 —

Permission is granted to reproduce for personal and educational use only.Commercial copying, distribution or lending is prohibited.

Siddur Sar Shalom may be purchased at

In all cases this copyright notice must be included.

Scripture quotations are the author’s translation or are adapted fromthe Jewish Publication Society (JPS) Tanach published in 1917

Printed in the United Kingdom.

First Printing: July 2011 by Copytech (UK) Limited

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This Siddur is lovingly dedicated to

Elie and Judith Nessim

who have taught me about the Man from Nazareth

Special thanks are extended to Yoseph Dov Ben Yehoshuah who hascontributed towards the first printing of this siddur.

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Table of Contents

Preface iii Preface

legl zixgy 1 Daily Shacharit

zay axr 35 Erev Shabbat

zay zlaw 51 Kabbalat Shabbat

aixrn 75 Maariv

zixgy 115 Shacharit for Shabbat

dxez xtq z`ved 217 Torah Service

sqen 261 Mussaf

dlcad 301 Havdalah

milidz 305 Additional Psalms

xnrd zxitq 310 Counting of the Omer

dyxt 312 Parsha Readings

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Since the giving of the Torah, the prayers of the Jewish peoplehave been a topic for historian, prophet, and poet. By the days ofDaniel (Daniel 6:10) Jewish prayer had taken its present formwith morning, afternoon and evening prayers reflecting thesequence of the Temple sacrifices.

Though many of the prayers have changed, and many have beenadded over the centuries, in their general form and content theseare the prayers prayed by Yeshua in the Synagogue, by histalmidim, and without a doubt by Rav Shaul himself. These arethe prayers that bind us to our people of all time and in allplaces. They provide the creed of belief for the Jewish people. Inaddition, they point to Messiah Yeshua. They are primarilybased on the Hebrew Bible which speaks of him throughout, asYeshua taught his talmidim (Luke 24:27). At that time ‘we lookedupon his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,full of grace and truth.’ (Yochanan 1:14).

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The Messianic Siddur is thus more than an adaptation of Israel’sprayers. It is a rejoicing, a transformation, an infusion withnewly-found meaning that resonates throughout the soul.Though the words might be the same, every reference tosalvation echoes the name of our Salvation, Yeshua. There is nojoy like our joy, no satisfaction like our satisfaction in knowingHim, the One way to Hashem.

In a sobering way, the Messianic Siddur is also a dividing line.We cannot pray without giving honour to the One sent by theFather, who ‘being in the form of God, did not consider it theftto be equal with God, but emptied himself, taking the form of aslave, and coming in the likeness of humanity. And being foundin appearance as a man, he humbled himself and becameobedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.Therefore God has highly exalted him and given him the namewhich is above every name, that at the name of Yeshua everyknee should bow... and every tongue confess that MessiahYeshua is Lord, to the glory of God the Father’ (Philippians2:6-11).

It is on the basis of who Yeshua is that as believers in him weapproach the throne of God without hesitation (Hebrews 4:16). Itis in his Name that we pray and that we are assured of agracious reception.

I cannot but be extremely grateful for my wife Deborah, who hasborne with my isolation while on this Siddur project and manyother diversions. She is truly an Eshet Chayil - woman of valour.Those who have selflessly given of their time, Anthony S.,Janeine L., and Bernard M., to proofread the text have renderedan invaluable service that I believe will benefit the entirecommunity and the Cause of Messiah Yeshua. My thanks go tothem while I do not lay upon others any responsibility for errorsthat will invariably be present. I am only thankful for the many

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that were caught. There is one major donor who prefers not to benamed who has given generously to forward the publication ofthis siddur. We also thank Rabbi J. Feinberg, whose BritChadashah readings (from the Flame Foundation) we haveadopted.

Transliteration for this project generally follows the standardsset out in the Jewish Encylopedia (1906). As the primary purposehas been to facilitate proper pronunciation, this has beenmodified in certain instances.

It is my hope that this Siddur will assist you as you enter intoandoration of and prayer to the One who hears, knows andunderstands all.

Daniel NessimLondon, Sivan 5771.

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The Siddur is a holy book. Siddurim, Machzorim and Bibles arekissed before putting them away. The same is true if theyaccidentally fall to, or are mistakenly put on the floor.

Both Jews and non-Jews (males) are expected to wear headcoverings in the Synagogue. Most congregations will provideskullcaps near the entrance.

As they fulfil time-specific mitzvot, tallit and tefillin are intendedonly for males of Jewish faith.

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cli ik For a child is born to us and ason is given to us and the governmentwill be on His shoulder and He will becalled wonderful counsellor, mightyGod, eternal Father, Prince of Peace.KI YELED yulad lanu ben niten lanuvat-hi hamisra al shichmo vayikra shmopele yo’etz, el gibor, avi ad, sar shalom:

On entering the Synagogue:

eah dn How goodly are your tents,O Jacob, your dwelling places, O Israel!As for me, in the abundance of yourlovingkindness will I come into yourhouse: I will worship toward your holytemple in the fear of you. Lord, I lovethe habitation of your house, and theplace where your glory dwells. I willworship and bow down: I will bendthe knee before the Lord, my Maker.May my prayer to you, O Lord, be inan acceptable time: O God, in theabundance of your lovingkindness,answer me with your sure salvation.

c¤l¤i i ¦Mo¥µA Ep Àl c©N ªi d­x §U ¦O ©d i¬¦d §Y©e Ep ½l o ©Y ¦pF ¹n §W ` ¸x §w ¦I©e F ®n §k ¦W l ©rxF ½A ¦B l ¥ Æu ¥rFi `¤l¤ÂR

:mF«lWÎx ©U c ­©rÎi ¦a£

On entering the Synagogue:

Ea «ŸH d ©nLi«¤ld Ÿ L i «¤z Ÿp §M §W ¦n ,a Ÿw £r ©ia Ÿx §A i ¦p £ ©e .l ¥ x §U ¦i,L«¤zi ¥a `Fa ¨ L §C §q ©gl ©ki ¥d l ¤ d¤e£g ©Y §W ¤d Ÿed §i .L«¤z ¨ §x ¦i §A L §W §cw,L«¤zi¥A oFr §n i ¦Y §a«©d ¨.L «¤cFa §M o ©M §W ¦n mFw §nE

cli ik Isaiah 9:6; eah dn Numbers 24:5; Psalm 5:8, 26:8, 69:14.

legl zixgyzixgy zlitz

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MA TOVU ohalecha ya’akov,mishkenotecha israel. va’ani berovchasdecha avo beitecha, eshtachaveh elheichal kadshecha beyir’atecha. adonaiahavti m’on beitecha, umekom mishkankevodecha. va’ani eshtachavehv’echra’ah, evrechah lifnei adonai’ani tefilati lecha adonai, et ratzon,elohim berav chasdecha, aneni be’emetyish’echa.

Adon Olam

oec` adon olam asher malachbeterem kol yetzir nivral'et na'asah vecheftzo kolazai melech shemo nikra

v'acharey kichlot hakollevado yimloch noravehu haya vehu hovehvehu yih'yeh betifara

,dr «x §k ¤ §e d¤e£g ©Y §W ¤ i ¦p£©e.i ¦UŸr dŸed §i i¥p §t¦l dk §x §a ¤,d Ÿed §i L §l i ¦zN ¦t §z i ¦p £ ©eax §A mi ¦dŸl¡ ,oFvx z ¥rz ¤n ¡ ¤A i ¦p«¥p £r ,L «¤C §q ©g

.L «¤r §W ¦i

mler oec`

o Fc £mlFr ,K©ln x ¤W £ .`x §a ¦p xi ¦v §i lM m ¤x«¤h §A,l ŸM Fv §t ¤g §a dU £r©p z ¥r §l.`x §w ¦p Fn §W K¤l«¤n i©f £

,l ŸM ©d zFl §k ¦M i ¥x£g © §e.`xFp KFl §n ¦i FC ©a §l

,d¤e Ÿd `Ed §e ,did `Ed §e.dx ¨ §t ¦z §A ,d¤i §d ¦i `Ed §e

mler oec` Lord of the world, He reigned alone, while yet the universe was naught, When by His will all things were wrought, then first His sovereign name wasknown.And when the All shall cease to be, in dread lone splendour He shall reign, He was, He is, He shall remain, in glorious eternity.For He is one, no second shares His nature or His loneliness; Unending and beginningless, all strength is His, all sway He bears.He is the living God to save, my Rock while sorrow’s toils endure, My banner and my stronghold sure, the cup of life whene’er I craveI place my soul within His palm before I sleep as when I wake, And though my body I forsake, rest in the Lord in fearless calm.

* Adon Olam - In Sephardic custom and generally in British synagogues, it is sung atthe close of Sabbath and festival morning services. It is attributed to Solomon ibnGabirol (11th century) but may be much older and stem from Babylonia.

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vehu echad, Ve'ein shenilehamshil lo, lehachbirabeli reishit, beli tachlitvelo ha'oz vehamisrah

vehu eli, vechai go'alivetzur chevli b'et tzarahvehu nisi umanos limenat kosi beyom ekra

beyado afkid ruchib'et ishan v'a'irahv'im ruchi geviyatiadonai li velo ira


lcbi Exalted be the living God andpraised! He was, He is, He is to befor evermore! yigdal elohim chai veyishtabach, nimtza, v’ein et el metziyuto.No unity like unto His can be: Eternal, inconceivable is He. echad v’ein yachid keyichudo, ne’lam, vegam ein sof l’achduto.No form, or shape has theincorporeal One, Most holy He, pastall compare. ein lo demut haguf v’einu guf, lo na’aroch elav kedushato.

,i ¦p ¥W oi ¥ §e cg ¤ `Ed §e.dxi «¦A §g ©d §l Fl li ¦W §n ©d §l

,zi ¦l §k ©z i ¦l §A zi ¦W` ¥x i ¦l §A.dx §U ¦O ©d §e f Ÿrd Fl §e

,i ¦l £ ŸB i ©g §e i ¦l ¥ `Ed §e.dxv z ¥r §A i ¦l §a ¤g xEv §e

,i ¦l qFpnE i ¦Q ¦p `Ed §e.`x §w ¤ mFi §A i ¦qFM zp §n

,i ¦gEx ci ¦w §t © Fci §A.dxi «¦r ¨ §e o ©Wi ¦ z ¥r §A

,i ¦z I ¦e §B i ¦gEx m ¦r §e.`xi ¦ `Ÿl §e i ¦l d Ÿed §i


l ©C §b ¦i,g ©A ©Y §W ¦i §e i ©g mi ¦dŸl¡ l ¤ z ¥r oi ¥ §e ,`v §n ¦p

.FzE`i ¦v §n,FcEg ¦i §M ci ¦gi oi ¥ §e cg ¤sFq oi ¥ m©b §e ,ml §r¤p

.FzEC §g © §l,sEb Fpi ¥ §e sEB ©d zEn §c Fl oi ¥.FzX ªc §w eil ¥ KFx £r©p Ÿl

lcbi This song is the basis for the hymn ‘The God of Abram Praise’. While it’sauthorship is not certain it echoes Maimonides’ thirteen principles of faith. With thisprayer we joyfully affirm that in the last Messiah will be sent to us - to complete theRedemption he has begun. Yeshua is the Prophet like Moses. (Deuteronomy 18:15,34:10; Yochanan 1:45)


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He was, before anything was made, But His existence has no date, orbirth. kadmon lechol davar asher nivra, rishon v’ein reshit lereshito.LORD of the Universe is Heproclaimed,Teaching His greatness andkingdom. hine adon olam lechol notzar, yore gidulato umalchuto.He gave His gift of prophecy,To those in whom He gloried, lovedand chose. shefa nevuato netano, el anshei segulato vetif’artoA Prophet like Moses arose for us, Who beheld God face to face. yesh kam lanu beisrael kemoshe, navi umabit et temunato.God gave true torah to His people, By the hand of His prophet faithfulin His house. torat emet natan l’amo el, al yad neviyo ne’eman beitoGod will not alter or change His law,For any other for all eternity. lo yachalif ha’el velo yamir dato, l’olamim lezulato.He knows and heeds man’s secretthoughts,He sees the end of all before itsbeginning. tzofe veyode’a setarenu, mabit lesof davar bekadmato.With love He blesses the righteous, He metes out evil to wickedness. gomel l’ish chesed kemip’alo, noten lerasha ra cerish’ato

xW£ xaC lk§l oFn §c©woi ¥ §e oFW` ¦x ,`x §a ¦p.Fzi ¦W` ¥x§l zi ¦W` ¥x

,xvFp lk§l mlFr oFc£ FP ¦d.FzEk§l ©nE FzN ªc §b d ¤xFi

l ¤ ,Fpz §p Fz ¨ Ea §p r ©t«¤W.FY §x © §t ¦z §e FzNªb §q i ¥W§p ©

l ¥ x §U ¦i §A Epl mw W¥iz ¤ hi ¦A ©nE `i ¦ap ,d ¤W Ÿn §M

.FzpEn §Y

,l ¥ FO ©r§l o ©zp z¤n¡ z ©xFY.Fzi¥A o ©n¡¤p F`i ¦a §p c©i l ©r

xi ¦ni Ÿl §e l ¥ d si¦l£g©i Ÿl.FzlEf§l ,mi ¦nlFr§l ,FzC

hi ¦A ©n ,Epi «¥xz §q ©r «¥cFi §e d¤tFv.Fzn §c©w §A xaC sFq§l

,Flr §t ¦n §M c¤q«¤g Wi ¦ §l l ¥nFB.Fzr §W ¦x §M rx rWx§l o ¥zFp

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He at the last will send His Messiahanew,To redeem those who hope and awaitHis salvation. yishlach mechadas leketz hayamin, meshichenu lifdut mechakei ketzyeshuatoGod will restore the dead to life again.Praised be His glorious Name forevermore! metim yechayeh el berov chasdo, baruch adei ‘ad shem tehilato

jexa Blessed are you, O LORD ourGod, King of the universe, who hassanctified us by your commandments,and given us command concerningthe washing of the hands.BARUCH atah adonai, eloheinu melechha’olam, asher kidshanu bemitzvotav,vetzivanu al netilat yadaim

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, who hasformed man in wisdom and created inhim many passages and vessels. It iswell known before your gloriousthrone, that if but one of these beopened, or one of those be closed, itwould be impossible to exist andstand before you. Blessed are you OLord, who heals all flesh and workswondrously.

oi ¦nI ©d u¥w§l Wcg ¥n g©l §W ¦ii¥M ©g §n zFC §t¦l ,Ep«¥gi ¦W §n

.FzrEW §i u¥w

aŸx §A l ¥ d¤I ©g §i mi ¦z ¥nc ©r i ¥c £r KExA ,FC §q ©g

.FzN ¦d §Y m¥W

KExAdŸed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡,eiz Ÿe §v ¦n §A Ep«W §C ¦w x ¤y£.m ¦i «ci z©li ¦h §p l ©r Ep«E ¦v §e

KExAdŸed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡mc ¨ d z ¤ x ©vi x ¤W£Fa `xaE ,dn §kg §Ami¦lEl£g ,mi ¦aw §p mi ¦aw §pi¥p §t¦l ©rE «ci §e iElB .mi¦lEl£g

jexa The blessing for the washing of hands is generally recited upon washing handsafter getting up.jexa The blessing after relieving ones self is generally recited earlier in the morning.


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BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, asher yatzar et ha’adambechochma uvara bo nekavim nekavim,chalulim chalulim. galuy veyadu’alifnei kise kevodecha, sh’im yipateachechad mehem, ‘o yistem echad mehem,‘iy efshar lehit’kayem vela’amodlefanecha. baruch ata adonai, rofe kolbasar umapli la’asot

Blessings of the Torahjexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, who hashallowed us by your commandments,and commanded us to occupyourselves with the words of the Torah.

BARUCH atah adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, asher kidshanu bemitzvotavvetzivanu la’asok bedivrei torah.

axrde O Lord our God, we ask youto make the words of your Torahpleasant in our mouth and in themouth of your people, the house ofIsrael, so that we with our offspringand the offspring of your people, thehouse of Israel, may all know yourName and learn your Torah. Blessedare you, O Lord, who teaches theTorah to your people Israel.

VEHA’AREV na adonai eloheinu etdivrei toratecha b’finu uvefi amechabeit israel, venihyeh anachnuvetze’etzeinu vtze’etzei amecha beitisrael kulanu yod’ei sh’mecha velomdeitoratecha lishmah. baruch ata adonai,hamlamed torah l’amo israel

©g«¥zR ¦i m ¦ ¤W ,L «¤cFa §k `¥Q ¦km ¥zQ ¦i F` ,m ¤d ¥n cg ¤x ©W §t ¤ i ¦ ,m ¤d ¥n cg ¤.Li«¤pt§l cFn £r©l §e m¥I ©w §z ¦d§l`¥tFx ,dŸed §i dY © KExA.zFU£r©l `i¦l §t ©nE xUA lk

dxezd zekxa

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © Ep«W §C ¦w x ¤W£ ,mlFrd K¤l«¤nwFq £r©l Ep«E ¦v §e ,eiz Ÿe §v ¦n §A

.dxFz i ¥x §a ¦c §A

a ¤x £r ©d §eEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i `p Epi «¦t §A L §zxFz i ¥x §a ¦C z ¤,l ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥A L §O ©r i ¦t §aEEpi«¥ v ¡ ¤v §e Ep §g«©p£ d¤i §d ¦p §el ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥A L §O ©r i ¥ v¡ ¤v §ei ¥c §nFl §e L«¤n §W i ¥r §cFi Ep«N ªMKExA .Dn §W¦l L«¤zxFzc¥O©l §n ©d ,dŸed §i dY ©

.l ¥ x §U ¦i FO ©r§l dxFY

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jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, who haschosen us from all peoples and givenus your Torah. Blessed are you, OLord, Giver of the Torah.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, asher bachar banu mikolha’amim, venatan lanu et torato.baruch ata adonai noten hatorah.

jkxai The Lord bless you, and keepyou: the LORD make His face toshine upon you, and be gracious toyou: the Lord turn His face to you,and give you peace.

YVARECHECH adonai veyishmerecha;ya’er adonai panav elecha vichunecha;yisa adonai panav elecha veyasem lechashalom.

Ya’akov 1

z`f True and undefiled religionbefore God the Father is this: to carefor orphans and widows in theirdistress and to keep oneself frombeing contaminated by the world.

ZOT hi avodah tehorah utemimalifnei eloheinu avinu levaker yetomimv’almanot bimtzukoteihem ulehish-tamer min shemetz davar min ervatha’aretz.

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © x ©g«A x ¤W£ ,mlFrd K¤l«¤no ©z«p §e ,mi ¦O ©rd lM ¦n Ep«AKExA .FzxFY z ¤ Ep«lo ¥zFp ,d Ÿed §i dY ©

.dxFY ©d

L §k ¤xa §i.L «¤x §n §W ¦i §e d Ÿed §i x ¥ iLi«¤l ¥ eipR d Ÿed §i

.‚«¤P ªgi ¦e`V ¦iLi«¤l ¥ eipR dŸed §i

.mFlW L§l m ¥Ui §e

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z`Ÿfdx Ÿed §h dcŸa £r `i ¦d EEpi ¥dŸl ¡ i¥p §t ¦l dni ¦n §z

mi ¦n Ÿez §i x ¥T ©a §l Epi ¦a ¨§em ¤di ¥z ŸewEv §n ¦A z Ÿepn §l ©

xaC u¤n ¤WÎo ¦n x ¥n ©Y §W ¦d§lE:u ¤x ¨ d z©e §x ¤rÎo ¦n

jexa We remember how God has chosen us from all the nations, we also bless himfor it, which is our confession that is on the basis of his lovingkindness, not ourmerits, that we have been chosen.


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Mishna, Peah i

el` These are the precepts whichhave no fixed measure: the corners ofthe field, the first fruits, the offeringsbrought on appearing before theLord at the three festivals, thepractice of charity and Torah study.

ELU devarim she’ein lahem shi’ur.hape’ah vehabikurim vehara’ayonugemilut chsadim vetalmud torah.

Shabbat 127a

mixac el` These are the things ofwhich a man enjoys the fruits in thisworld, while the stock remains forhim for the world to come:honouring father and mother, deedsof kindness, timely attendance at thehouse of study morning and evening,hospitality to wayfarers, visiting thesick, dowering the bride, attendingthe dead to the grave, devotion inprayer, and making peace betweenman and His fellow; but the study ofthe Torah leads to them all.

ELU devarim she’adam ochelperoteihem ba’olam hazeh vehakerenkayemet lo la’olam haba, v’elu hen:kibud av va’em, ugemilut chasadim,vehashkamat beit hamidrash shacharitve’arvit, vehaknasat orchim, uvikurcholim, vehaknasat kalah, ulevayathamet, v’iyun tefilah, vahaba’atshalom bein adam lachavero, vetalmudtorah k’neged kulam

` d`t dpWn

EN«¥m¤dl oi ¥ ¤W mi ¦xa §c mi ¦xEM ¦A ©d §e d ¨ ¥R ©d :xEr ¦Wmi ¦cq£g zEli ¦n §bE oFi § ©xd §e

.dxFY cEn§l ©z §e

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EN«¥mc ¨ ¤W mi ¦xa §c mlFrA m¤di ¥zFx¥R l¥kF`Fl z¤n«¤I ©w o ¤x «¤T ©d §e d¤G ©d:o ¥d EN«¥ §e ,`A ©d mlFrlzEli ¦n §bE ,m ¥ e a ¨ cEA ¦Mzi¥A z ©nM §W ©d §e ,mi ¦cq£gzi ¦x£g ©W Wx §c ¦O ©dz ©qp §k ©d §e ,zi ¦a §x ©r §e,mi¦lFg xET ¦aE ,mi ¦g §xF`z©ie §lE ,dN ©M z ©qp §k ©d §e,dN ¦t §Y oEi ¦r §e ,z ¥O ©dmc ¨ oi ¥A mFlW z © a£d©edxFY cEn§l ©z §e ,Fx¥a£g©l

.mN ªM c¤b«¤p §Mmixac el` 'The study of the Torah’ leads to fruits in this world, while not decreasingour portion in the world to come. Yeshua, as Torah personified thus brings us fruitnow and hereafter.

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idl` O my God, the soul which yougave me is pure; you created it, youformed it, you breathed it into preserved it within me, and youwill take it from me, but will restoreit to me hereafter. So long as the soulis within me, I will give thanks untoyou, O LORD my God and God ofmy fathers, Sovereign of all works,LORD of all souls! Blessed are you, OLORD, who restores souls to thedead.

ELOHAI, neshamah shenatata bitehorah hi. atah bera’tah, atahyetzar’tah, atah nefach’tah bi, v’atahmshamrah bekirbi, v’atah atid litlahmimeni, ulehachazirah bi le’atid lavo.kol zeman shehanshamah bekirbi,modeh ani lefanecha, adonai elohaive’lohei avotai, ribon kol hama’asim,adon kol han’shamot. baruch atahadonai, hamachazir neshamot lifgarimmetim.

jexa Blessed are you, O LORD ourGod, King of the universe, who gavethe mind understanding todistinguish between day and night.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, asher natan lasekvi biynalehavchin bein yom uvein lailah

i ©dŸl¡i ¦A Y«©zP ¤W dnW §p ,dY © .`i ¦d dxFd §h,DY §x ©v §i dY © ,Dz`x §adY © §e ,i ¦A DY §g ©t §p dY ©dY © §e ,i ¦A §x ¦w §A Dx §O ©W §n,i ¦P«¤O ¦n Dl §H ¦l ci ¦zrci ¦zr¤l i ¦A Dxi ¦f£g ©d §lEdnW §P ©d ¤W o ©n§f lM .`Fal,Li«¤pt§l i ¦p£ d ¤cFn ,i ¦A §x ¦w §a,i ©zFa£ i ¥dŸl`¥e i ©dŸl¡ dŸed §ioFc£ ,mi ¦U£r ©O ©d lM oFA ¦xdY © KExA .zFnW §P ©d lMzFnW §p xi¦f£g ©O ©d ,dŸed §i

.mi ¦z ¥n mi ¦xb §t¦l

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © o ©zp x ¤W£ ,mlFrd K¤l«¤noi ¥A oi ¦g §a ©d§l dpi ¦a i ¦e §k«¤V©l

.dl§i«l oi ¥aE mFiidl` the soul which you gave me... Jewish faith recognises that while all mankindhas both a good inclination and an evil inclination (yetzer hatov and yetzer hara) oursouls are initially pure. Despite this, all that we do is tainted with sin. All ourrighteousnesses are as a polluted garment (Isaiah 64:6).


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jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, who hasmade me in His image.1

BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, she’asani betzalmo. 1

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, who hasmade me Israel.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, she’asani Israel.

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, who hasmade me free.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, she'asani ben (women saybat) horin.

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, whoopens the eyes of the blind.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, pokeach ivrim.

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © i ¦p «©Ur ¤W ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n

.En§l ©v §A1

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © i ¦p «©Ur ¤W ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n

.l ¥ x §U ¦i

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © Îo¤A i ¦p«©Ur ¤W ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n

.oi ¦xEg (Îz©A)

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © ©g «¥wFR ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n

.mi ¦x §e ¦r

jexa Morning Blessings: The series of blessings said every day affirms the distinctroles that God has given to different people. Thus within Israel, priests, Levites, andall Israel are distinct; men and women are distinct; Israel and the nations are distinct.All groups have their special missions and callings which contribute to the healing ofthe world. 1 The traditional blessings (who has not made me a Gentile, who has not made me aslave, who has not made me a woman) are substituted with prayers from the Masortitradition. Whether R. Judah composed these prayers in reaction to R. Shaul or R.Shaul wrote in reaction to these prayers in existence, we follow R. Shaul’s insistencethat ‘there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are allone in Messiah Yeshua’ (Galatians 3:28). This directly mirrors R. Judah’s blessings.

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jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, whoclothes the naked.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, malvish arumim.

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, who setsprisoners free.*BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, matir asurim.*

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, whostraightens the bent.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, zokef kefufim.

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, whospreads the earth above the waters.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, roka ha’aretz al hamayim.

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, whoprovides my every want.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, she’asah li ko

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, whoestablishes man’s steps.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, hamechin mitz’adei gaver.

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © Wi ¦A §l ©n ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n

.mi ¦O ªx £r

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © xi ¦Y ©n ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n

*.mi ¦xEq£

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © s ¥wFf ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n

.mi ¦tEt §M

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © u ¤x«¨ d r©wFx ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n

.m ¦i«O ©d l ©r

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © i¦l dU «r ¤W ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n

.i ¦M §xv lM

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © oi ¦k ¥O ©d ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n

.x¤a«b i ¥c £r §v ¦n* These three blessings ending in ‘free/asurim’ echo the words of Isaiah 61:1-2, 58:6, asread by Yeshua on Shabbat in Kfar Nahum (Luke 4:18-19).


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jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, whostrengthens Israel with might.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, ozer israel big’vurah.

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, whocrowns Israel with glory.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, oter israel betif’arah.

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, who givesstrength to the weary.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, hanoten laya’ef koach.

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, whoremoves sleep from my eyes andslumber from my eyelids.BARUCH ata adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, hama’avir shenah me’einaiutnumah me’af’apai.

oevx idie And may it be your will, OLord our God and God of ourfathers, to accustom us to walk inyour Torah, and to make us cleave toyour commandments. O lead us notinto sin,* or transgression, iniquity,temptation, or disgrace; let not theevil inclination have sway overus; keep us far from a bad manand a bad companion: make us

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © l ¥ x §U ¦i x¥fF` ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n

.dxEa §b ¦A

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © x ¥hFr ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n

.dx ¨ §t ¦z §A l ¥ x §U ¦i

KExAEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i dY © s ¥rI©l o ¥zFP ©d ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n

. ©g «ŸM

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.iR ©r §t ©r ¥n

oFvx i ¦di ¦edŸed §i ,Li«¤pt§N ¦n ,Epi«¥zFa£ i ¥dŸl`¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡,L«¤zxFz §A Ep«¥li ¦B §x ©Y ¤W

§el © §e ,Li«¤z Ÿe §v ¦n §A Ep «¥w §A ©c,` §h¥g i ¥ci¦l Ÿl Ep«¥ i ¦a §YŸl §e ,o Ÿer §e dx¥a £r i ¥ci¦l Ÿl §e

*oevx idie And lead us not into sin..... Yeshua instructs us to pray (Matthew 6:13).

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cleave to the good inclinationand to good works: subdue ourinclination so that it may submititself to you: and let us obtainthis day, and every day, grace,favour, and mercy in your eyes,and in the eyes of all who beholdus; and bestow lovingkindnessupon us. Blessed are you, OLord, who bestowslovingkindnesses upon yourpeople Israel.YIYHI RATZON milfanecha, adonaieloheinu ve’lohei avoteinu,shetargilenu betoratecha, vedabkenubemitzvotecha, v’al tevi’enu lo lideichet, velo lidei avera v’avon, velo lideinisayon, velo lidei bizayon, v’al tashletbanu yetzer hara. veharchikenume’adam ra umechaver ra. vedabkenubeyetzer hatov uvema’asim tovim, vkofet yitzrenu lehishta’bed lach. utnenuhayom, uv’chal yom, l’chen ulechesedulerachamim b’einecha, uv’einei kolro’einu, utigmelenu chasadim tovim.baruch ata adonai gomel chasadimtovim l’amo israel.

oevx idi May it be your will, OLord my God and God of myfathers, to deliver me this day, andevery day, from arrogant men andfrom arrogance, from a bad man,from a bad companion and from abad neighbour, and from any

i ¥ci¦l Ÿl §e ,oFiQ ¦p i ¥ci¦lEp«A h¤l §W ©Y l © §e ,oFiG ¦aEp «¥wi ¦g §x ©d §e .rxd x¤v«¥i.rx x¥ag ¥nE rx mc ¨ ¥naFH ©d x¤v«¥i §A Ep «¥w §A ©c §esFk §e ,mi ¦aFh mi ¦U£r ©n §aEc¤A §r ©Y §W ¦d§l Ep «¥x §v ¦i z ¤lk §aE ,mFI ©d Ep«¥p §zE .Klc ¤q«¤g §lE o ¥g §l ,mFi,Li¤pi ¥r §A mi ¦n£g ©x §lE,Epi «¥ Fx lk i¥pi ¥r §aEmi ¦cq£g Ep«¥l §n §b ¦z §edY © KExA .mi ¦aFhmi ¦cq£g l ¥nFB ,d Ÿed §i

.l ¥ x §U ¦i FO ©r§l mi ¦aFh

oFvx i ¦d §idŸed §i ,Li«¤pt§N ¦n ,i ©zFa £ i ¥dŸl`¥e i ©dŸl ¡mFi lk §aE mFI ©d i¦p«¥li ¦S ©Y ¤W,mi ¦pR zEG ©r ¥nE mi ¦pt i¥G ©r ¥n

oevx idi This prayer was recited by Yehudah HaNassi (135-220 CE) compiler of theMishnah, during his days which were days of great trouble for the Jewish people.


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mishap or evil hindrance; from aharsh judgment, and from a harshopponent, whether He is a son ofthe covenant or whether He is not ason of the covenant.YEHI RATZON milfanecha, adonaielohai v’elohei avoteinu, shetargilenihayom uvechol yom me’azei panimume’azut panim me’adam ra, umechaverra, umishachen ra, umipega ra,umisatan hamashchit, midin kasheh,umiba’al din kasheh, bein shehu be brit,uvein sh’eino ben brit.

mlerl At all times let a man revereGod in private as in public,acknowledge the truth, and speak thetruth in His heart; and let him riseearly and say:

L’OLAM yehe ada yere shamaimbeseter uvagaluy, umodeh al ha’emet,vedover emet bilvavo, veyashkemveyo’mar:

oeax Master of all worlds! Notbecause of our righteous acts do welay our supplications before you, butbecause of your abundant mercies.What are we? What is our life? Whatis our piety? What is ourrighteousness? What our helpfulness?What our strength? What our might?What shall we say before you, O Lordour God and God of our fathers? Arenot all the mighty men as nothingbefore you, the men of renown asthough they had never been, the wiseas if without knowledge, and the men

,rx x¥ag ¥nE ,rx mc ¨ ¥n,rx r©b«¤R ¦nE ,rx o¥kX ¦nEoi ¦C ¦n ,zi ¦g §W©O ©d ohV ¦nE,d ¤Ww oi ¦C l ©r«©A ¦nE ,d ¤Ww,zi ¦x §A o¤a `Ed ¤W oi ¥A

.zi ¦x §A o¤a Fpi ¥ ¤W oi¥aE

mlFr§l` ¥x §i mc ¨ ` ¥d §i ,iElB ©aE x ¤z«¥q §A m ¦i«©nW,z ¤n ¡ d l ©r d ¤cFnE,Faa §l ¦A z ¤n ¡ x ¥aFc §e

:x ©n`Ÿi §e m¥M §W©i §e

oFA ¦x lM mi ¦nlFrd,Epi «¥zFw §c ¦v l ©r `Ÿlmi ¦li ¦R ©n Ep §g«©p £l ©r i ¦M ,Li«¤pt§l Epi«¥pEp£g ©Ydn .mi ¦A ©xd Li«¤n£g ©xd¤n ,Epi«¥I ©g d¤n ,Ep §g«©p£,Epi«¥zFw §c ¦S d ©n ,Ep «¥C §q ©gd ©n ,Ep«¥zrEW§I d ©n

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of understanding as if lackingintelligence? For their many worksare in vain, and the days of their livesare like a short breath, and thepre-eminence of man over the beast isnothing: for all is but a short breath.RIBON kol ha’olamim, lo al tzidkotenuanachnu mapilim tachanunenulefanecha, ki al rachamecha harabim.mah anachnu, me chayenu, mechasdenu, mah tzidkotenu, mahyeshuatenu, mah kochenu, mahgevuratenu. mah no’mar lefanecha,adonai eloheinu velohei avotenu, halo kolhagiborim k’ayin lefanecha, v’ansheihashem kelo hayu, vachachamim kiblimada, unevonim kibli haskel. ki rovma’asehem tohu, vimei chayeyhem hevellefanecha, umotar ha’adam minhabehemah ein, ki hakol havel.

la` Nevertheless we are yourpeople, the children of your covenant,the children of Abraham, your friend,to whom you swore an oath onMount Moriah; the offspring of Isaac,His only son, who was bound uponthe altar; the congregation of Jacob,your firstborn son, whose name youcalled Israel and Yeshurun because ofthe love with which you loved him,and the joy with which you rejoicedin him.

d ©n .Ep«¥zxEa §B d ©n ,Ep«¥gŸMd Ÿed §i ,Li«¤pt §l x ©n` ŸP,Epi«¥zFa£ i ¥dŸl`¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡o ¦i«© §M mi ¦xFA ¦B ©d lM Ÿl£dm¥X ©d i ¥W§p © §e ,Li«¤pt§li¦l §a ¦M mi ¦nk£g©e ,Eid Ÿl §Mi¦l §a ¦M mi ¦pFa §pE ,rC ©nm¤di ¥U£r ©n aŸx i ¦M .l¥M §U ©dl¤a«¤d m¤di¥I ©g i ¥ni ¦e ,Ed «ŸYo ¦n mc ¨ d x ©zFnE ,Li«¤pt§llŸM ©d i ¦M ,o ¦i«¨ dn ¥d §A ©d


la£i¥p §A ,L §O ©r Ep §g«©p£ mdx §a © i¥p §A ,L«¤zi ¦x §aFN Y §r«©A §W¦P ¤W L §a ©dŸwg §v ¦i r©x«¤f ,dI ¦xFO ©d x ©d §Ai¥A©B l ©r c©w ¡r¤P ¤W ,Fci ¦g §iL §p ¦A aŸw £r©i z ©c £r , ©g«¥A§f ¦O ©d

,L «¤xFk §AL §za £d © ¥O ¤W


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AVAL anachnu amecha, bnei britecha,bnei avraham ohavecha shenishba’ta lobehar hamoriah, zera yitzchak yechido,shene’ekad al gabei hamizbeach, adatya’akov bincha bekorecha,sheme’ahavatecha she’ahavta oto,umisimchtecha shesamachta bo, karataet shemo israel viyshurun.

jkitl Therefore it is our duty tothank, praise and glorify you, tobless, to sanctify and to offer praiseand thanksgiving to your Name.Happy are we! how goodly is ourportion, how pleasant our lot, andhow beautiful our heritage! Happyare we who, early and late, morningand evening, twice every day,declare: LEFICHACH anachnu chayavimlehodot lecha, uleshabechacha,ulefa’ercha, ulevarech ulekadesh velatetshebach vehodayah lishmecha. ashreinu,mah tov chelkenu, umah na’imgoralenu, umah yafa yerushatenu.ashrenu, sh’anachnu mashkimimuma’arivim, erev vaboker, v’omrimpa’amim bechol yom:

All Aloud:


THE LORD IS ONE.shema israel, adonai eloheinu,

adonai echad

,FzF` Y §a «©d ¨ ¤WY §g«©nV ¤W L §zg §n ¦V ¦nEFn §W z ¤ z` «xw ,FA

.oEx ªWi ¦e l ¥ x §U ¦i

Kki ¦t§lmi ¦aI ©g Ep §g«©p£ ,L£g¥A ©W§lE ,L§l zFcFd§lW ¥C©w§lE K ¥xa§lE ,L §x ¤ t§lE

§edicFd §e g ©a«¤W z ¥zld ©n ,Epi «¥x §W © . .L«¤n §W¦lmi ¦rP d ©nE ,Ep «¥w§l¤g aFHdtI d ©nE ,Ep«¥lxFB,Epi «¥x §W © .Ep «¥zX ªx §imi ¦ni ¦M §W ©n Ep §g«©p £ ¤W,x¤w «Ÿae a ¤x «¤r ,mi ¦ai ¦x £r ©nElk §A m ¦i«©n £r ©R mi ¦x §nF` §e

:mFiAll Aloud:

©n §Wr,l ¥ x §U ¦i  ,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed § ¤ dŸed §i

rny Deuteronomy 6:4. ‘Hear’. Recited twice daily with full concentration,customarily covering the eyes with the right hand to aid concentration.

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All softly

Blessed be His Name, whose gloriouskingdom is for ever and ever.

baruch shem kevod malchuto l’olam va’ed

`ed dz` It was you who existedbefore the world was created; it is yousince the world was created; you arethe same in this world and you willbe the same in the world to come.REFRAIN: SANCTIFY YOUR NAME BY THOSEWHO SANCTIFY IT, SANCTIFY YOUR NAMETHROUGHOUT YOUR WORLD; AND THROUGHYOUR SAVING POWER RAISE UP AND UPHOLDOUR STRENGTH. BLESSED ARE YOU, O LORD,WHO SANCTIFIES YOUR NAME BEFORE THEWHOLE WORLD.ATAH HU ad shelo nivra ha’olam, atahhu mishenivra ha’olam, atah hu ba’olamhazeh, v’atah hu la’olam haba. REFRAIN: KADESH ET SHIMCHA ALMAKDISHEI SH’MECHA, VEKADESH ETSHIMCHA B’OLAMECHA, UVISHUA- TECHATARIM VETAGBIYAH KARNENU. BARUCHATAH ADONAI, MEKADESH ET SHIMCHABARABIM.

`ed dz` You are the Lord our God inheaven and on earth, and in the highestheavens. Truly you are the first andyou are the last and beside you there isno God. O gather those who hope inyou from the four corners of the earth.Let all the inhabitants of the world

All softly

KExAcFa §M m ¥W .c ¤re mlFr§l FzEk§l ©n

dY ©`Ed ŸN ¤W c ©r dY © ,mlFrd `x §a ¦p,mlFrd `x §a ¦P ¤X ¦n `Ed,d¤G ©d mlFrA `Ed dY ©mlFrl `Ed dY © §eL §n ¦W z ¤ W ¥C©w .`A ©d,L«¤n §W i ¥Wi ¦C §w ©n l ©rL §n ¦W z ¤ W ¥C ©w §eL §zrEWi ¦aE ,L«¤nlFr §A.Ep«¥p §x ©w ©Di«¦A §b ©z §e mi ¦xY,d Ÿed §i dY © KExAL §n ¦W z ¤ W ¥C©w §n

.mi ¦A ©xA

dY ©`Ed d Ÿed §i m ¦i «©nX ©A ,Epi «¥dŸl ¡m ¦i«©nX ©d i ¥n §W ¦aE u ¤x«¨ aEdY © ,z ¤n ¤ .mi ¦pFi§l ¤rddY © §e ,oFW` ¦x `Ed

`ed dz` In this second prayer, Israel looks forward to her ge’ula (redemption) withhope for the sanctification of God’s Name and the restoration of Israel. Zephaniah 3:20.


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perceive and know that you are God,you alone, over all the kingdoms ofthe earth. You have made the heavensand the earth, the sea and all that is inthem; and which among all the worksof your hands, whether among thoseabove or among those beneath, cansay to you, What are you doing? OurFather who is in heaven, deal kindlywith us for the sake of your greatName by which we are called; andfulfil for us, O Lord our God, thatwhich is written, ‘At that time will Ibring you in, and at that time will Igather you; for I will give you renownand praise among all the peoples ofthe earth, when I bring back yourexiles before your eyes, says theLord.’ATAH HU adonai eloheinu,bashamayim uva’aretz uvishmeihashamaim ha’elyonim. emet, atah hurishon, v’atah hu acharon, umibal’adechaein elohim. kabetz kovecha me’arbakan’fot ha’aretz, yakiru v’yed’u kol ba’eiolam ki atah hu ha’elohim levadcha, lecholmamlechot ha’aretz. atah asita ethashamaim v’et ha’aretz, et hayam v’etkol asher bam, umi bechol ma’ase yadechaba’elyonim ’o batachtonim, shyomar lcha,mah ta’aseh. avinu shebashamayim, asehimanu chesed ba’abur shimcha hagadolshenikra aleinu, vekayem lanu adonaieloheinu mah shekatuv: ba’et hahi avi’etchem, uva’et kabtzi etchem, ki etenetchem leshem v’lithilah bechol ameiha’aretz, beshuvi et shevutecheml’enechem, amar adonai.

Li«¤cr§l ©A ¦nE ,oFx£g © `EdLi«¤e Ÿw u¥A©w .mi ¦dŸl¡ oi ¥,u ¤x«¨ d zFt §p ©M r ©A §x © ¥ni ¥ A lM Er §c¥i §e Exi«¦M©i`Ed dY © i ¦M mlFrlŸk§l ,L §C ©a§l mi ¦dŸl¡ddY © .u ¤x«¨ d zFk§l §n ©nz ¤ §e m ¦i«©nX ©d z ¤ zi «¦Urz ¤ §e ,mI ©d z ¤ ,u ¤x«¨ dlk §A i ¦nE ,mA x ¤W£ lMmi ¦pFi§l ¤rA Li «¤ci d ¥U£r ©nx ©n`ŸI ¤W ,mi ¦pFY §g ©Y ©a F`Epi «¦a ¨ .d ¤U£r ©Y d ©n ,L§lEp«O ¦r d ¥U£r ,m ¦i«©nX ©A ¤WL §n ¦W xEa £r ©A c¤q«¤g,Epi«¥lr `x §w ¦P ¤W lFcB ©dEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i Ep«l m¤I ©w §e`i ¦d ©d z ¥rA :aEzM ¤X d ©nz ¥raE ,m¤k §z ¤ `i ¦a ¨o ¥Y ¤ i ¦M ,m¤k §z ¤ i ¦v §A©wdN ¦d §z¦l §e m ¥W§l m¤k §z ¤i ¦aEW §A ,u ¤x«¨ d i ¥O ©r lŸk §A,m¤ki¥pi ¥r§l m¤ki ¥zEa §W z ¤

.dŸed §i x ©n ¨

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Numbers 28:1-8

xacie And the Lord said to Moses,saying, Command the children ofIsrael, and say to them, My oblation,my food for my offerings made by fire,of a sweet aroma to me, you shall offerto me in its due season. And you shallsay to them, This is the offering madeby fire which you shall offer to theLORD; He-lambs of the first yearwithout blemish, two day by day, for adaily burnt offering. The one lamb youshall offer in the morning, and theother lamb you shall offer at evening;and the tenth part of an ephah of fineflour for a meal offering, mingled withthe fourth part of an hin of beaten oil. Itis a continual burnt offering, which wasordained in mount Sinai for a sweetaroma, an offering made by fire to theLORD. And the drink offering of it shallbe the fourth part of an hin for the onelamb: in the holy place you shall pourout a drink offering of strong drink tothe LORD. And the other lamb you shalloffer at evening: as the meal offering ofthe morning, and as the drink offeringof it, you shall offer it, an offering madeby fire, of a sweet aroma to the LORD.

zepaxwg-` ,gk xacna

x¥A ©c §i©ed¤W Ÿn l ¤ dŸed §i i¥p §A z ¤ e ©v .x Ÿn`¥NY §x ©n ¨ §e l ¥ x §U ¦ii ¦pA §xw z ¤ ,m¤d¥l£©gi «¥x i ©X ¦ §l i ¦n §g©lEx §n §W ¦Y ,i ¦g Ÿgi ¦p.Fc £rFn §A i¦l ai ¦x §w ©d§ld¤f ,m¤dl Y §x ©n ¨ §eEai «¦x §w ©Y x ¤W£ d ¤X ¦ di¥p §A mi ¦Ua §M ,d Ÿed §i©lm¦i«©p §W ,m ¦ni ¦n §z dpWz ¤ .ci ¦nz dl Ÿr ,mFI©ld ¤U£r ©Y cg ¤ U¤a«¤M ©d

z ¥ §e ,x¤w «ŸA ©aU¤a«¤M ©doi ¥A d ¤U £r ©Y i ¦p ¥X ©dzi ¦xi ¦U £r©e .m ¦i«A §x ©rd,dg §p ¦n§l z¤l «Ÿq dti ¥ dzi ¦zM o ¤n«¤W §A dlEl §A

xacie The Offerings are a lesson from the Torah, Brit Chadashah, Mishnah andTalmud on the temple offerings. Initially these readings and lessons were added as areminiscence over the inability of Israel to make offerings after the fall of the secondTemple. Thus they served as a replacement in the hope that they would be acceptableto God as the sacrifices themselves. Today as Messianic Jews we read them as a signof what the sacrifices were meant to be and in recognition of Messiah Yeshua whohas rendered continued sacrifice unnecessary.


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VAYEDABER adonai el moshe lemor.tzav et bnei israel v’amarta alehem, etkorbani lachmi l’ishai reach nichochi,tishmeru lehakriv li bemo’ado. v’amartalahem, zeh ha’isheh asher takrivuladonai, kevasim bnei shanah temimim,shenayim layom, olah tamid. et hakevesechad ta’aseh vaboker, v’et hakeveshasheni ta’aseh bein ha’’asirit ha’efah solet leminchah, belulahbeshemen katit revi’it hahin. olat tamid,ha’asuyah behar sinai, lereach nichoachisheh ladonai. venisko revi’it hahinlakeves ha’echad, bakodesh hasechnesech shchar ladonai. v’et hakeveshasheni ta’aseh bein ha’arbayim,keminchat haboker uch’enisko ta’aseh,isheh reach nichoach ladonai.

Leviticus 1:11

hgye And He shall slaughter it onthe side of the north side of the altarbefore the Lord: and Aaron’s sons,the priests, shall sprinkle its blood onthe altar all around.VESHACHAT oto al yerech hamizbeachtzfonah lifnei adonai, vezarku bneiaharon hacohanim et damo alhamizbeach saviv.

On Shabbat the following is added:

Numbers 28:9-10And on the shabbat day twounblemished male lambs of the firstyear, and two tenths of an ephah offine flour for a meal offering, mingledwith oil, and the drink offering

z©lŸr .oi ¦d ©d z ¦ri ¦a §xx ©d §A di ªU£rd ,ci ¦nYd ¤X ¦ ©g «Ÿgi ¦p ©gi «¥x§l ,i©pi ¦qz ¦ri ¦a §x FM §q ¦p §e .dŸed §i©l,cg ¤ d U¤a«¤M©l oi ¦d ©dxk ¥W K¤q«¤p K ¥Q ©d W ¤c «ŸT ©AU¤a«¤M ©d z ¥ §e .dŸed §i©loi ¥A d ¤U£r ©Y i ¦p ¥X ©dz©g§p ¦n §M ,m¦i«A §x ©rd,d ¤U£r ©Y FM §q ¦p §kE x¤w «ŸA ©d.dŸed §i©l ©g «Ÿgi ¦p ©gi «¥x d ¥X ¦

`i ,` `xwie

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.ai ¦aq ©g«¥A§f ¦O ©d

On Sabbath the following is added:

i-h ,gk xacna

mFi §aEi¥p §W ,zA ©X ©d dpW i¥p §A mi ¦Ua §kmi ¦p Ÿx §U ¤r i¥p §WE ,m ¦ni ¦n §Y

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thereof: this is the burnt offering ofevery shabbat, beside the daily burntoffering, and its drink offering.UVEYOM hashabat sh’nei kevasim beneishana temimim, ushnei esronim soletmincha belula bashemen, venisko. olatshabat beshabato, al olat hatamid veniskah.

dlEl §A dg §p ¦n z¤l «Ÿqz©l Ÿr .FM §q ¦p §e ,o ¤n«¤X ©al ©r ,FY ©A ©W §A z ©A ©W

.DM §q ¦p §e ci ¦nY ©d z©lŸr

iW`xae in case we should suppose that the sacrifices and offerings to be made toHashem were of little significance and are an arcane ritual, we recount in detail someaspects of them so that not one yod or tittle of the Torah should fall to the groundneglected. So much has the life of the Temple and our aspirations for its rebuildingbeen a part of our history that not only do we pray for the restoration but alsoremember the offerings that were made.


On the New Moon the following is added:

Numbers 28:11-15

iy`xae And in the beginnings of yourmonths you shall offer a burnt offeringto the Lord; two young bullocks, andone ram, seven unblemished malelambs of the first year; and three tenthsof an ephah of fine flour for a mealoffering, mingled with oil, for eachbullock; and two tenths of fine flour fora meal offering, mingled with oil, forthe one ram; and a separate tenth partof fine flour mingled with oil for ameal offering for every lamb; for aburnt offering of a sweet aroma, anoffering made by fire to the LORD. Andtheir drink offerings shall be half anhin of wine for a bullock, and one thirdof an hin for the ram, and a fourth ofan hin for a lamb: this is the burntoffering of every month throughoutthe months of the year. And one malegoat for a sin offering to the LORD; itshall be offered beside the daily burntoffering, and its drink offering.

On New Moons the following isadded:

bh-ah ,gk xacna

i ¥W`x §aEm¤ki ¥W §cg ,d Ÿed §i©l dl Ÿr Eai «¦x §w ©Y,m¦i«©p §W xwa i¥p §A mi ¦xRi¥p §A mi ¦Ua §M ,cg ¤ l ¦i«© §e.m ¦ni ¦n §Y ,dr §a ¦W dpWz¤l «Ÿq mi ¦p Ÿx §U ¤r dWŸl §WEo ¤n«¤X©a dlEl §A dg §p ¦ni¥p §WE ,cg ¤ d xR©ldg §p ¦n z¤l «Ÿq mi ¦p Ÿx §U ¤rl ¦i «© l o ¤n«¤X ©a dlEl §AoFxV ¦r oFxV ¦r §e .cg ¤ ddlEl §A dg §p ¦n z¤l «Ÿq,cg ¤ d U¤a«¤M©l o ¤n«¤X©a

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Mishna, Zevachim 5

1. edfi` Which were the places ofsacrifice in the Temple? The mostholy offerings were slaughtered onthe north side of the altar, as werealso the bull and the male goat forthe Day of Atonement. Their bloodwas there received in a vessel ofservice to be sprinkled between thestaves of the Ark before the veil ofthe Holy of Holies and upon thegolden altar. The omission of asprinkling invalidated the atonementceremonial. The priest poured outthe remaining blood on the westernbase of the outer altar, but if Heomitted to do so the atonementceremony was not invalidated.

d migaf dpyn

[`]Ed¤fi ¥l ¤W onFw §n mi ¦Wcw i ¥W §cw .mi ¦ga§fxR .oFtS ©A ozhi ¦g §WmFi l ¤W xi ¦rU §eozhi ¦g §W ,mi ¦xER ¦M ©di¦l §k ¦A onC lEA ¦w §e ,oFtS ©AoErh onc §e .oFtS ©A z ¥xW,mi ¦C ©A ©d oi ¥A l ©r diG ©dg©A§f ¦n l ©r §e ,z¤k «ŸxR ©d l ©r §e

zixgy zlitz

UVERASHEI chadsheichem takrivu olahl’adonai, parim benei bakar shnayim,v’ayil echad kevasim benei shana shiv’a,temimim. ushlosha esronim solet minchabelula bashemen lapar haechad, ushneiesronim solet mincha belula bashemenla’ayil haechad. ve’isaron isaron soletmincha belula bashemen lakevesha’echad, ola reyach nichoach ishel’adonai. veniskeihem, chatzi hahinyihyeh lapar ushlishit hahin la’ayilurvi’it hahin lakeves yayin, zot olatchodesh bechadsho lechadshei’ir izim echad lechatat l’adonai al olathatamid ye’ase venisko.

d¤X ¦ ©g «Ÿgi ¦p ©gi «¥x dl Ÿri ¦v£g ,m¤di¥M §q ¦p §e .dŸed §i©lxR©l d¤i §d ¦i oi ¦d ©dl ¦i«© l oi ¦d ©d z ¦Wi¦l §WEU¤a«¤M©l oi ¦d ©d z ¦ri ¦a §xEW ¤c «Ÿg z©lŸr z`Ÿf ,o ¦i«i.dpX ©d i ¥W §cg§l FW §cg §Acg ¤ mi¦G ¦r xi ¦r §UEl ©r ,dŸed §i©l z`H ©g§ld ¤Ur¥i ci ¦nY ©d z©lŸr

.FM §q ¦p §e

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EIZEHU mekoman shel zevachim.kadshei kadashim shechitatan batzfon.par vesa’ir shel yom hakipurim,shechitatan batzafon, vekibul damanbichli sharet batzafon. vedaman ta’unhazaya al bein habadim, v’alhaparochet, v’al mizbach hazahav.matana achat mehen m’akavet. sh’yareihadam haya shofech al yesod ma’aravishel mizbeach hachitzon, im lo natan,lo ikev.

2. mixt The bulls and the male goatswhich were to be entirely burnt wereslaughtered on the north side of thealtar, and their blood was therereceived in a vessel of service to besprinkled before the veil and uponthe golden altar. The omission of asprinkling invalidated theatonement ceremonial. The priestpoured out the remaining blood atthe western base of the outer altar;but if He omitted to do so theatonement ceremony was notinvalidated. These as well as thepreceding offerings were burnt inthe repository of ashes.PARIM hanisrafim us’irimhanisrafim, shechitatan batzafon,vkibul daman bichli sharet batzafon.vedaman ta’un hazaya al haparochetv’al mizbeach hazahav. matana achatmehen m’akavet. sheyarei hadam hayashofech al yesod ma’aravi shel mizbeachhachitzon, im lo natan, lo ikev. eluva’elu nisrafin beveit hadashen.

z ©g © dpY ©n .adG ©di ¥xi §W .z ¤a«M ©r §n o ¤d ¥nl ©r K ¥tFW did mC ©d©g«¥A§f ¦n l ¤W i ¦ax £r ©n cFq §i,o ©zp Ÿl m ¦ ,oFvi ¦g ©d

.a¥M ¦r Ÿl[a] mi ¦xRmi ¦tx §U¦P ©d

mi ¦xi ¦r §UE,mi ¦tx §U ¦P ©d lEA ¦w §e ,oFtS ©A ozhi ¦g §W.oFtS ©A z ¥xW i¦l §k ¦A onCl ©r diG ©d oErh onc §eg ©A §f ¦n l ©r §e z ¤k «ŸxR ©dz ©g © dpY ©n .adG ©di ¥xi §W .z ¤a«M ©r §n o ¤d ¥nl ©r K ¥tFW did mC ©d©g«¥A§f ¦n l ¤W i ¦ax £r ©n cFq §i,o ©zp `Ÿl m ¦ ,oFvi ¦g ©dEN«¥ e EN«¥ .a ¥M ¦r `Ÿl .o ¤W «C ©d zi¥a §A oi ¦tx §U¦p


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3. z`hg As to the sin offerings of thewhole congregation and of anindividual, the He-goats offered on theNew Moon and on festivals are thesin-offerings of the wholecongregation. These were slaughteredon the north side of the altar, and theirblood was there received in a ritualvessel. It was required to sprinkle thatblood four times, once upon each ofthe four corners of the altar. How wasthis done? The priest went up theascent to the altar and went around itsledge successively to its southeast,northeast, northwest and southwestcorners. He poured out the remainingblood at the south side of the base ofthe outer altar. These sacrifices,prepared for food after any manner,were eaten within the hangings of thecourt only by the males of thepriesthood during that day andevening until midnight.CHATOT hatzibur vehayachid, elu henchatot hatzibur: s’irei rashei chadashimveshel moadot, shchitatan batzafon,vekibul daman bichli sharet batzfon,vedaman ta’un arba matanot al arbakeranot. keitzad, ala bakeves, ufanalasovev uva lo lekeren deromit mizrachit,mizrachit tzafonit, tzefonit ma’aravit,ma’aravit deromit. sheyarei hadam hayashofech al yeson deromi. vene’echalinlifnim min hakla’im, lezichrei kehuna,bechol ma’achal, leyom valaila, adchatzot.

[b]z`ŸH ©gxEA ¦S ©d z`ŸH ©g o ¥d EN«¥ ,ci ¦gI ©d §ei ¥W`x i ¥xi ¦r §U :xEA ¦S ©d,zFc £rFn l ¤W§e mi ¦Wc¢glEA ¦w §e ,oFtS ©A ozhi ¦g §Wz ¥xW i¦l §k ¦A onCoErh onc §e ,oFtS ©Al ©r zFpY ©n r ©A §x ©,c ©vi¥M .zFpx §w r ©A §x ©dptE ,W¤a«¤M ©a dlro ¤x «¤w§l Fl `aE a¥aFQ©l,zi ¦gx§f ¦n zi ¦nFx §C,zi ¦pFt §v zi ¦gx§f ¦n,zi ¦ax £r ©n zi ¦pFt §v.zi ¦nFx §C zi ¦ax £r ©nK¥tFW did mC ©d i ¥xi §W.i ¦nFx §C cFq §i l ©ro ¦n mi ¦p §t¦l oi¦lk¡¤p §e,dP ªd §k i ¥x §k¦f§l ,mi ¦rl §T ©dmFi§l ,lk£ ©n lk §A

.zFv£g c ©r ,dl§i«©le

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4. dlerd The burnt offering was classedamong the most holy of the offerings. Itwas slain, on the north side of the altar,and its blood was there received in aritual vessel. It was requisite to make twodoubled sprinklings of that blood tomake four. That offering had to be flayedand dismembered and consumed by fire.

HA’OLAH, kodesh kadashim. shechitatahbatzafon, vekibul damah bichli sharetbatzafon. vedamah ta’un shtei matanotshehen arba, ut’una hafshet venituach,vechalil la’ishim

5. igaf As to the peace-offerings of thewhole congregation and thetrespass-offerings, the following are thetrespass-offerings; for robbery, for theprofane appropriation of sanctifiedthings, for violating a betrothedhandmaid, that which was brought bythe nazirite who had become defiled bya dead body, by the leper at Hiscleansing, and that brought for thesin-offering about which there was adoubt whether it should be atoned forby a sin-offering. All these wereslaughtered on the north side of thealtar, and the blood was received therein a ritual vessel. It was requisite tomake two doubled sprinklings of thatblood so as to constitute four. Thesesacrifices, prepared for food after anymanner, were eaten only within thehangings of the court by the males ofthe priesthood during that day andevening until midnight.

[c]dlFrdW ¤c «Ÿw ,Dzhi ¦g §W .mi ¦WcwDnC lEA ¦w §e ,oFtS ©A.oFtS ©A z ¥xW i ¦l §k ¦Ai ¥Y §W oErh Dnc §e,r ©A §x © o ¥d ¤W zFpY ©n, ©gE «Y ¦p §e h ¥W §t ©d dpEr §hE

.mi ¦X ¦ l li¦lk §e [d]i ¥g §a ¦fi ¥n§l ©W

EN«¥ ,zFnW£ ©e xEA ¦vm ©W £ :zFnW £ o ¥dm ©W £ ,zFl¥f §Bm ©W £ ,zFli ¦r §n,dtEx£g dg §t ¦Wm ©W £ ,xi ¦fp m ©W £,iElY mW ¨ ,rxFv §n,oFtS ©A ozhi ¦g §Wi ¦l §k ¦A onC lEA ¦w §eonc §e ,oFtS ©A z ¥xWzFpY ©n i ¥Y §W oErh


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ZIVCHEI shalmei tzibur va’ashamot, eluhen ashamot: asham gezelot, asham m’ilot,asham shifcha charufa, asham nazir,asham metzora, asham taluy, shechitatanbatzafon, vekibul daman bichli sharetbatzafon, vedaman ta’un shtei matanotshehen arba. vene’echalin lifnim minhakla’im, lezichrei kehuna, becholma’achal, leyom valaila, ad chatzot.

6. dcezd The thanksgiving-offeringof individuals and the ram offered bythe nazirite at the close of His vow,were of a minor degree of holiness.These might be killed in any part of thecourt of the Temple. It was requisite tomake two doubled sprinklings of theirblood so as to constitute four. Theymight be eaten, prepared for food afterany manner, in any part of the city byany person during the whole of thatday and evening until midnight. Thesame rules were observed with theportions of them appertaining to thepriests, except that these might beeaten only by the priests, their wives,their children and their servants.HATODA v’eil nazir, kadashim kalim.shechitatan bechol makom ba’azarah,vedaman ta’un shtei matanot shehenarba. vene’echalin bechol ha’ir, lecholadam, bechol ma’achal, leyom valaila, adchatzot. hamuram mehem kayotze bahem,ela shehamuram ne’echal lacohanim,linsheihem velivneihem ul’avdeihem.

oi ¦lk ¡¤p §e .r ©A §x © o ¥d ¤W,mi ¦rl §T ©d o ¦n mi ¦p §t ¦llk §A ,dP ªd §k i ¥x §k ¦f §l,dl§i«©le mFi §l ,lk £ ©n

.zFv£g c ©r

[e]dcFY ©dli ¥ §e .mi ¦N ©w mi ¦Wcw ,xi ¦fpmFwn lk §A ozhi ¦g §WoErh onc §e ,dxf £rAo ¥d ¤W zFpY ©n i ¥Y §Wlk §A oi ¦lk ¡¤p §e .r ©A §x ©,mc ¨ lk §l ,xi ¦rdmFi §l ,lk £ ©n lk §A.zFv£g c ©r ,dl§i«©le` ¥vFI ©M m ¤d ¥n mxEO ©dmxEO ©d ¤W `N ¤ ,m ¤da,mi ¦p£d ŸM©l lk ¡¤pm ¤di¥p §a ¦l §e m ¤di ¥W §p ¦l

.m ¤di ¥c §a ©r §lE

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7. minly The peace-offerings alsowere holy in a minor degree ofholiness. These might be killed in anypart of the court of the Temple, and itwas requisite to make two doubledsprinklings of their blood so as toconstitute four. They might be eaten,prepared for food after any manner, inany part of the city by any personduring two days and the interveningnight. Their portions appertaining tothe priests were subject to the samerules, except that they were to be eatenonly by the priests, their wives, theirchildren and their servants.SHELAMIM, kadashim kalim.shechitatan bechol makom ba’azara,vedaman ta’un shtei matanot shehen arba,vene’echalin bechol ha’ir, lechal adam,bechol ma’achal, lishnei yamim velailaechad. hauram meihem kayotze bahem, elashehamuram ne’echal lacohanim,linsheihem veliv-neihemul’avdeihem.

8. xekad The first-born of beasts, thetithe of cattle, and the paschal lambwere also holy in a minor degree.These might be killed in any part of thecourt of the Temple. Only onesprinkling of their blood was requisite,but that had to be done towards thebase of the altar. In the eating of them,however, the following distinction wasmade: the first-born animal was eaten

[f]mi ¦nl §Wmi ¦Wcw ,lk §A ozhi ¦g §W .mi¦N ©wonc §e ,dxf £rA mFwnzFpY ©n i ¥Y §W oErhoi ¦lk ¡¤p §e ,r ©A §x © o ¥d ¤Wlk §l ,xi ¦rd lk §A,lk £ ©n lk §A ,mc ¨dl§i«©l §e mi ¦ni i¥p §W¦lm ¤d ¥n mxEO ©d .cg ¤`N ¤ ,m ¤da ` ¥vFI ©Mlk ¡¤p mxEO ©d ¤Wm ¤di ¥W §p ¦l ,mi ¦p£d ŸM©l.m ¤di ¥c §a ©r §lE m ¤di¥p §a ¦l §e

x ¥U£r ©O ©d §e xFk §A ©d [g].mi¦N ©w mi ¦Wcw ,g ©q«¤R ©d §emFwn lk §A ozhi ¦g §WoErh onc §e ,dxf £rAca§l ¦aE ,zg ¤ dpY ©n.cFq §i ©d c¤b«¤p §M o ¥Y ¦I ¤W


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by the priests only, but the tithe could beeaten by anyone. Both the first-bornanimal and the tithe might be eatenprepared for food in any manner, in anypart of the city during two days and theintervening night, whereas the paschallamb had to be eaten on that night onlyand not later than midnight. Nor mightit be eaten except by those of apreviously constituted group, norprepared in any way other than roasted.HABECHOR vehama’aser vehapesach,kadashim kalim. shechitatan bechol makomba’azara, vedaman ta’un matana echat,uvilvad sheyiten keneged hayesod. shinaba’achilatan, habechor ne’echal lacohanim,vehama’aser lechal adam, vene’echalinbechol ha’ir, bechol ma’achal, lishnei yamimvelailah echad. hapesach eino ne’echal elabalailah, v’eino ne’echal ela ad chatzot,v’eino ne’echal ela limnuyan, v’einone’echal ela tzali.

Sifra i.

l`rnyi iax Rabbi Ishmael says theTorah may be expounded by thesethirteen principles of logic:

,ozli ¦k £ ©a dP ¦Wlk¡¤p xFk §A ©dx ¥U£r ©O ©d §e ,mi ¦p£dŸM©loi¦lk¡¤p §e ,mc ¨ lk§llk §A ,xi ¦rd lk §Ami ¦ni i¥p §W¦l ,lk£ ©ng ©q«¤R ©d .cg ¤ dl§i«©l §e`N ¤ lk¡¤p Fpi ¥lk¡¤p Fpi ¥ §e ,dl§i«©N ©aFpi ¥ §e ,zFv£g c ©r `N ¤,eiEp §n¦l `N ¤ lk¡¤p`N ¤ lk¡¤p Fpi ¥ §e



l` ¥rn §W ¦i i ¦A ©x,x ¥nF` zFC ¦n d ¥x §U¤r WŸl §W ¦A:o ¥dA z¤W «¤x §c¦p dxFY ©d

l`rnyi iax Rabbi Ishmael’s (90-135 CE) thirteen principles are the foundation ofBiblical exegesis that have remained relevant and powerful to this day. They and theseven principles of Hillel certainly predate him, but he is the tanna to transmit them.Contrary to Akiva, Ishmael holds that the Torah speaks in the language of men(mc` ipa oeylk dxez dxac - Sifre 112). Furthermore, R. Ishmael contradicts R.Akiva to assert that only the consonantal text is authoritative.These principles of exegesis, based upon the logical meaning of the text, are usedthroughout Jewish literature including the Brit Chadashah.

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1. lwn Inference from minor tomajor, or from major to minor.MIKAL vachomer

2. dxfbne Inference from similarity ofphrases in texts.UMIGZERA shavah

3. oipan A comprehensive principlederived from one text, or from tworelated texts.MIBINYAN av mikatuv echad,umibinyan av mishne ketuvim

4. llkn A general propositionfollowed by a specifying particular.MIKLAL ufrat

5. hxtne A particular term followedby a general proposition.UMIPRAT uchlal

6. llk A general law followed by aspecific examples (where the lawapplies to those examples)KLAL ufrat uchlal, iy atah dan ela k’einhaprat

7. llkn A general propositionrequiring a particular or specific termto explain it, and conversely, aparticular term requiring a general oneto complement it.MIKLAL shehu tzarich lifrat, umipratshehu tzrich liklal.

8. xac lk When a subject included ina general proposition is afterwardsparticularly excepted to give

.x¤n «Ÿge l ©T ¦n (`)

 (a)dx¥f §B ¦nE .deW

 (b)o©i §p ¦A ¦naEzM ¦n a ¨ a ¨ o ©i §p ¦A ¦nE ,cg ¤

.mi ¦aEz §k i¥p §X ¦n .hx §tE ll §M ¦n (c)

 (d)hx §R ¦nE .ll §kE

 (e)ll §M,ll §kE hx §tE oi ¥r §M `l ¤ oc dY © i ¦

.hx §R ©d

 (f)ll §M ¦nKi ¦xv `Ed ¤W `Ed ¤W hx §R ¦nE ,hx §t¦l

.ll §k¦l Ki ¦xv

 (g)xaC lMdid ¤W ll §M ©d o ¦n `vi §e ll §k ¦A


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information concerning it, the exceptionis made not for that one instance alone,but to apply to the general propositionas a whole.KOL DEVAR shehayah biklal veyatza minhaklal lelamed, lo lelamed al atzmo yatza,ela lelamed al haklal kulo yatza.

9. xac lk Whenever anything is firstincluded in a general proposition and isthen excepted to prove another similarproposition, this specifying alleviatesand does not aggravate the law’srestriction.KOL DAVAR shehayah biklal, veyatzalit’on to’an echad shehu k’inyano, yatzalehakel velo lehachamir.

10. xac lk But when anything is firstincluded in a general proposition and isthen excepted to state a case that is not asimilar proposition, such specifyingalleviates in some respects, and inothers aggravates, the law’s restriction.KOL DAVAR shehayah biklal, veyatzalit’on to’an acher shelo k’inyano, yatzalehakel ulehachamir.

11. xac lk Anything included in ageneral proposition and afterwardsexcepted to determine a new matter, cannot be applied to the generalproposition unless this be expresslydone in the text.KOL DAVAR shehayah biklal veyatza

l ©r c¥O©l§l Ÿl ,c¥O©l§l`N ¤ ,`vi Fn §v ©rFN ªM ll §M ©d l ©r c¥O©l§l

.`vi (h)xaC lMdid ¤W

oFr §h ¦l `vi §e ,ll §k ¦A`Ed ¤W cg ¤ o ©r Ÿ «hl ¥wd §l `vi ,Fp i §p ¦r §k

.xi ¦n£g ©d§l Ÿl §e

 (i)xaC lMdid ¤W oFr §h ¦l `vi §e ,ll §k ¦A`ŸN ¤W x ¥g © o ©r «Ÿhl ¥wd §l `vi ,Fp i §p ¦r §k

.xi ¦n£g ©d§lE

 (`i)xaC lMdid ¤W oFC ¦l `vi §e ll §k ¦Ai ¦ ,Wcg ¤d xaC ©AFxi¦f£g ©d§l lFki dY ©EP «¤xi¦f£g©I ¤W c ©r ,Fll §k¦l

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lidon badavar hechadash, iy atah yachollehachaziro lichlalo, ad sheyachazirenuhakatuv lichlalo befeirush.

12. xac An interpretation deducedfrom the text or from subsequent termsof the text.DAVAR halamed me’inyano, vedavarhalamed misofo.

13. oke In like manner when two textscontradict each other, the meaning canbe determined only when a third text isfound which harmonises them.VECHEN shnei ketuvim hamachechishimzeh et zeh, ad shyavo hakatuv hashlishiveyachriya beineihem.

idi May it be your will, O Lord our

God and God of our fathers, that thetemple be rebuilt, speedily in our days,and grant us our portion in yourTorah. And there we will serve youwith awe as in the days of old, and asin former years.YEHI ratzon milfanicha, adonai eloheinuvelohei avotenu, shyibaneh beithamikdash bimherah beyameinu, vetenchelkenu betoratecha. veshamna’avadecha beyir’ah, kiyemei olamucheshanim kadmoniyot.

Fll §k ¦l aEzM ©d .WExi¥t §A

 (ai)xaCc ¥nN ©d c ¥nN ©d xac §e ,Fpi §p ¦r ¥n

.FtFQ ¦n (bi)o ¥k §emi ¦aEz §k i¥p §W

z ¤ d¤f mi ¦Wi ¦g §k ©O ©daEzM ©d `ŸaI ¤W c ©r ,d¤f©ri «¦x §k ©i §e i ¦Wi ¦l §X ©d

.m¤di¥pi ¥A

i ¦d §i,Li«¤pt§N ¦n oFvx i ¥dŸl`¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §izi¥A d¤pA ¦I ¤W ,Epi«¥zFa£dx ¥d §n ¦A WC §w ¦O ©dEp «¥w §l ¤g o ¥z §e ,Epi «¥ni §aL §ca £r©p mW §e .L«¤zxFz §AmlFr i ¥ni ¦M ,d ¨ §x ¦i §A

.zFI ¦pFn §c©w mi ¦pW §kE


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The Rabbi’s KaddishWith a minyan, mourners recite:

lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadashshme raba.

(amen)be’alma di vra kir'utehveyamlich malchutehbechayechon uvyomechonuvechayei dechol beit israel,ba’agala uvizman karivve'imru amen(all and mourner: amen. yeheshmeh rabba mevarakh le’olamul’almei ’almaya)

yitbarach veyishtabachveyitpa’ar veyitromamveyitnase veyithadar veyit’aleveyit-halal shme dekudsha,brich hu. (brich hu)

le’ela min kol (during Days of

Awe: l’ela ul’ela mikol) birchataveshirata tushbechatavenechemata da’amiran b’almav'imru: amen.


al israel v’al rabanan, v’altalmideihon v’al kol talmideitalmideihon, v’al kol mand’askin b’orayta, di b’atrahadein v’di bechol atar va’atar.yehe lehon ulechon shelama

opaxc yicwWith a minyan, mourners recite:

l ©C©B §z ¦i.`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C©w §z ¦i §e (on`)

,D ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n §lr §AoFki¥I ©g §A D ¥zEk §l ©n Ki ¦l §n ©i §ezi¥A lk §c i¥I ©g §aE oFki ¥nFi §aE,ai ¦xw o ©n§f ¦aE `lb £r ©A ,l ¥ x §U ¦i

.o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e)all and mourner`A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §i

(.`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§l K ©xa §nx © R §z ¦i §e g ©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦ixC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §e`W §c ªw §C D ¥n §W lN ©d §z ¦i §e d¤N ©r §z ¦i §e

,`Ed Ki ¦x §A(`Ed Ki ¦x §A) lM o ¦n `N «¥r§l)during Days of Awe

(lM ¦n `N «¥r§lE `N «¥r§l`zk §x ¦A ,`zn¡g¤p §e `zg §A §W ªY `zxi ¦W§e .o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A oxi ¦n£ ©C

(o ¥n ¨ )l ©r §e ,opA ©x l ©r §e l ¥ x §U ¦i l ©ri ¥ci ¦n§l ©Y lM l ©r §e oFdi ¥ci ¦n§l ©Yoi ¦w §qr §C o`n lM l ©r §e ,oFdi ¥ci ¦n§l ©zi ¦c §e oi ¥cd `x §z © §a i ¦C ,`z §i ©xF` §AoFd§l ` ¥d §i .x ©z£©e x ©z£ lk §a

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raba, china vechisda verachamin,vechayiyn arichin, umezoneirevichei, ufurkana min kadamavuhon di bishmaya. v’imru:amen.


Yehe shlama raba min shmaya,vechayim aleinu ve’al kol israel,ve'imru amen.

(amen)Take three steps back. Bow left and say

‘ose’; bow right and say ‘hu’; bow centre then take three steps forward at


ose shalom bimromav huberachamav ya’ase shalom aleinu

ve’al kol israel, ve'imru amen(amen)

`P ¦g ,`A ©x `nl §W oFk§lE,oi ¦ki ¦x£ oi ¦I ©g §e ,oi ¦n£g ©x §e `C §q ¦g §emc¢w o ¦n ,`pw §x ªtE ,i ¥gi ¦e §x i¥pFf §nE,(`r §x © §e) `I ©n §W ¦a i ¦C oFdEa£

.o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e(o ¥n ¨ ),`I ©n §W o ¦n `A ©x `nl §W ` ¥d §ilM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr (mi ¦aFh) mi ¦I ©g §e(o ¥n ¨ ) .o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,l ¥ x §U ¦i

Take three steps back. Bow left and say d ¤UŸr;bow right and say `Ed;

bow centre then take three steps forward at end.

`Ed ,einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤UŸrEpi«¥lr mFlW d ¤U£r©i ein£g ©x §A.o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,l ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e

(o ¥n ¨ )

lcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name All: Amen

in the world which he has created according to his will. May he establish his kingdomduring your life and during your days, and during the life of all the house of Israel,even speedily and at a near time, and say, Amen.

All with Reader — Let his great Name be blessed for ever and to all eternity.Reader.—Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnifiedand praised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He.Though he be (exceedingly) high above all the blessings and hymns, praises andconsolations, which are uttered in the world; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader.—May there be abundant peace from heaven, and a happy life for us and forall Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader: He who makes peace in his high places, may he in his mercy make peace forus and for all Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.


On shabbat and holy days, continue on page 115

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Kindling Shabbat Lights

jexa Blessed are You, O Lord our God,King of the Universe, Who hassanctified us in Your commandments,and has commanded us to kindle theShabbat (and the Festival) lights. amen.BARUCH atah adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, asher kidshanu bemitzvotav,vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel shabat.

jexa Blessed are You, O Lord our God,King of the Universe, Who hassanctified us in Your Word, and givenus Yeshua our Messiah, andcommanded us to be light to the world.amen. BARUCH atah adonai, eloheinu melechha’olam, asher kid'shanu bidvarechavenatan lanu et yeshua meshichenu,vetzivanu lehiyot or la’olam. amen.

zay axr zexp

KExAd Ÿed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl ¡,eizF §v ¦n §A Ep«W §C ¦w x ¤W£l ¤W x¥p wi¦l §c ©d§l Ep«E ¦v §e

.zA ©W

KExAd Ÿed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl ¡L ¤x£a §c ¦A Ep«W §C ¦w x ¤W£©rEW¥i z ¤ EplÎo ©zp §ezFi ¦d§l Ep«E ¦v §e ,Ep ¥gi ¦W §n

:o ¥n ¨ :mlFr©l xF §

jexa It is customary to light two candles on erev Shabbat, symbolising a man and hiswife (Eliyah Rabbah). Customarily this is done by the woman of the house, but themitzvah is required to be done by a man as well if no woman is able to perform it.

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On a festival say:

Blessed are You, O Lord our God, Kingof the Universe, Who has kept us alive,sustained us, and brought us to thisseason.BARUCH Atah adonai, eloheinu MelechHa-olam, shehecheyanu, vekimanu,vehigiyanu, laz’man haze.

oevx idi May it be your will Lord, my

God and God of my forefathers, thatYou show favour to me (my husband,my sons, my daughters, my father, mymother) and all of my kin; and that Yougrant us and all Israel a good long life;that You remember us with goodmemory and blessing; that You visit uswith a visitation of Yeshua andcompassion; that you bless us with greatblessings, that You make ourhouseholds whole; that You cause YourPresence to dwell among us.* Privilegeme to raise children and grandchildrenwho are wise and understanding, loversof the Lord and fearers of God, people oftruth, holy offspring in the Lord whowill illuminate the world with Torahand good deeds and with every labourin the service of the Creator. Please hearmy cry at this time in the merit of Sarah,Rebecca, Rachel and Leah our mothers,

On a festival say:

KExAd Ÿed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡Ep «n §I ¦w §e Ep«i¡g ¤d ¤W

.d¤G ©d o ©n§G©l Ep «ri ¦B ¦d §e

oFvx i ¦d §i,Li«¤pt§l i ©dŸl`¥e i ©dŸl¡ dŸed §ii ¦zF` o¥pFg §Y ¤W ,i ©zFa£,i©pA z ¤ §e ,i ¦Wi ¦ z ¤ §e),i ¦a ¨ z ¤ §e ,i ©zFp §A z ¤ §e

(i ¦O ¦ z ¤ §elM z ¤ §elk§l §E Ep«l o ¤Y ¦z §e ;i ©aFx §wmi ¦aFh mi ¦I ©g l ¥ x §U ¦iEp «¥x §M§f ¦z §e ;mi ¦kEx£©e;dkx §a §E daFh oFxk¦f §Az ©C ªw §t ¦a Ep «¥c §w §t ¦z §e;mi ¦n£g ©x §e dr EW §izFkx §A Ep«¥k §xa §zEmi ¦l §W ©z §e ;zFlFc §Bo ¥M §W ©z §e ;Epi «¥zA

* epi«¥pi ¥A L §zpi ¦k §W o¥M §W ©z §e Your Presence to dwell among us - literally ‘Your Shekhinah’.

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and cause our light to illuminate thatit be not extinguished forever, andshine the light of your countenanceand we shall be saved. amen.YEHI RATZON lefanecha, adonaielohai velohai avotai. shetchonen othi[v’et ishi, v’et banai, v’et b’notai, v’etavi, v’et imi] v’et kol k’rovai; vetitenlanu ul’chol israel chayim tovimva’aruchim; vetizc’renu bezichron tovahuvrachah; vetif’k’denu bif’kudat yeshuaverachamim; utvarchenu brachotgedolot; vetashlim batenu; vetashkenshechinat’cha benenu. vezakeni lgadelbanim uv’nei banim chachamimunevonim, ohavei adonai, yir’ei elohim,an’shei emet, zera kodesh, b’adonaid’vekim, um’irim et ha’olam batorahuvem’asim tovim uvechol m’lechetavodat haborei. ana shema et tehinatiba’et hazot, biz’kut sarah v’rivkahv’rachel v’leah imoteinu, vha’er nerenushelo yik’beh l’olam va’ed, veha’erpaneche venivashe’ah. amen.

Blessing for ChildrenTo Sons say:

God make you as Ephraim andManasseh.YISMECHA elohim ke’efraimvechimanasseh.

i ¦p«¥M©f §e *.epi«¥pi ¥A L §zpi ¦k §Wi¥p §aE mi ¦pA l ¥C©b§l,mi ¦pFa §pE mi ¦nk£g mi ¦pai ¥ §x ¦i ,dŸed §i i ¥a£dF`,z¤n¡ i ¥W §p © ,mi ¦dŸl¡dŸed §i ©A ,W ¤cŸ «w r©x«¤fz ¤ mi ¦xi ¦ §nE ,mi ¦w¥a §Cmi ¦U£r ©n §aE dxFY©A mlFrdz¤k «¤l §n lk §aE ,mi ¦aFh`P ¨ .` ¥xFA ©d z ©cFa £rz ¥rA i ¦zP ¦g §Y z ¤ r ©n §WdxU zEk§f ¦A ,z`ŸG ©dd ¨¥l §e l¥gx §e dw §a ¦x §eEp«¥x¥p x ¥ d §e ,Epi«¥zFO ¦,c ¤re mlFr§l d¤A §k ¦i Ÿl ¤W.dr«¥WE ¦p §e Li«¤pR x ¥ d §e

.o ¥n ¨

mipad zkxaTo Sons say:

L §n ¦U §im ¦i «©x §t ¤ §M mi ¦dŸl¡ .d ¤X©p §n ¦k §e

* See note, page 36. Here we recall ‘the Word... dwelt among us’ xya di §d¦p xac ©dep¥kŸez §a o©ky §e (Yochanan 1:14), highlighting the messianic nature of Shabbat alreadyseen in oFvx i ¦d§i and its plea for a ‘visitation of Yeshua’.

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To Daughters say:

God make you as Sarah, Rebecca,Rachel and Leah.YISMECH elohim kesarah, rivka, rachelveleah.

To Sons and Daughters:

The Lord bless you, and keep you: theLord make his face to shine upon you,and be gracious unto you: the Lordturn his face unto you, and give youpeace.YVARECHECHA adonai veyishmerecha. ya’er adonai panav elecha viychunecha.yisa adonai panav elecha, veyasem lechashalom.

Shalom Alechem

shalom alechem, mal’achei hasharet,mal’achei elyonmimelech malchei hamlachimhakadosh baruch huPeace upon you, ministering angels,messengers of the Most High, of theSupreme King of Kings, the HolyOne, blessed be He.

boachem leshalom, mal’achei hashalom,mal’achei elyonmimelech malchei hamlachimhakadosh baruch hu

Come in peace, messengers of peace,messengers of the Most High, of theSupreme King of Kings, the Holy One,blessed be He.

To Daughters say:

K ¥n ¦U §i,dxU §M mi ¦dŸl¡ .d ¨¥l §e l¥gx ,dw §a ¦x

To Sons and Daughters:

.L «¤x §n §W ¦i §e d Ÿed §i L §k ¤xa §iLi«¤l ¥ eipR d Ÿed §i x ¥ i

.‚«¤P ªgi ¦e,Li«¤l ¥ eipR dŸed §i `V ¦i

.mFlW L§l m ¥Ui §e

mkilr mely

,m¤ki¥l £r mFlW ,z ¥xX ©d i¥k£ §l ©n ,oFi§l ¤r i¥k£ §l ©n

,mi ¦kl §O ©d i¥k§l ©n K¤l«¤O ¦n :`Ed KExA WFcT ©d

,mFlW§l m¤k£FA ,mFlX ©d i¥k£ §l ©n ,oFi§l ¤r i¥k£ §l ©n

,mi ¦kl §O ©d i¥k§l ©n K¤l«¤O ¦n :`Ed KExA WFcT ©d

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barchuni leshalom, mal’achei hashalom,mal’achei elyonmimelech malchei hamlachimhakadosh baruch huBless me with peace, messengers ofpeace, messengers of the Most High,of the Supreme King of Kings, theHoly One, blessed be He.

tzeitchem leshalom, mal’achei hashalom,mal’achei elyonmimelech malchei hamlachimhakadosh baruch huDepart in peace, messengers of peace,messengers of the Most High, of theSupreme King of Kings, the HolyOne, blessed be He.

The Woman of ValourProverbs 31

` A woman of worth who can find? For her price is far above rubies.

a The heart of her husband trusts inher; and he shall have no lack of gain.

b She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.

c She seeks wool and flax, and works willingly with her hands.

,mFlW§l i ¦pE «k §xA ,mFlX ©d i¥k£ §l ©n ,oFi§l ¤r i¥k£ §l ©n

,mi ¦kl §O ©d i¥k§l ©n K¤l«¤O ¦n :`Ed KExA WFcT ©d

,mFlW§l m¤k §z`¥v ,mFlX ©d i¥k£ §l ©n ,oFi§l ¤r i¥k£ §l ©n

,mi ¦kl §O ©d i¥k§l ©n K¤l«¤O ¦n :`Ed KExA WFcT ©d

lig zW``l ilyn

,`v §n ¦i i ¦n l ¦i«©g z¤W«¥ .Dx §k ¦n mi ¦pi ¦p §R ¦n wŸgx §e

,Dl §r ©A a¥l DA g ©h«A .xq §g¤i Ÿl llW §e

,rx Ÿl §e aFh Ed §z«©ln §B .di«¤I ©g i ¥n §i lŸM

,mi ¦Y §W ¦tE x ¤n«¤v dW §xC .di«¤R©M u¤t«¥g §A U ©r«©Y©e

lig zW` Eshet Chayil, from the last twenty two verses of the book of Proverbs. ‘TheValiant (or Mighty, or Virtuous) Woman’ is one of thirteen acrostic poems in theTanak, and is generally attributed to Solomon. Commentators agree that it isallegorical, but whether it refers to the Shechinah, Shabbat, Torah, wisdom orWisdom, the fact that the woman is chosen as the picture for the allegory is a greattribute to her.

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d She is like the merchant-ships; she brings her food from afar.

e She rises also while it is yet night,and gives food to her family, andgives tasks to her maidens.

f She considers a field, and buys it: with the fruit of her hands sheplants a vineyard.

g She girds her loins with strength, and makes strong her arms.

h She perceives that hermerchandise is good: her lamp does not go out bynight.

i She puts her hands to the distaff, and her hands hold the spindle.

k She stretches out her hand to thepoor; yes, she puts out her hands to theneedy.

,x¥gFq zFI ¦p¢M dz §id .Dn §g©l `i ¦aY wg §x¤O ¦n

,dl§i«©l cFr §A mw«Y©ewŸg §e ,Dzi¥a§l s ¤x«¤h o ¥Y ¦Y©e

.di«¤zŸx £r©p§l ,Ed«¥gT ¦Y©e d ¤cU dn §nf

.m¤x«M dr §h«p di«¤R©k i ¦x §R ¦n ,di«¤p §zn fŸr §a dx §bg .di«¤zŸrFx§f u ¥O © §Y©e

,Dx §g ©q aFh i ¦M dn £rh .Dx¥p dl§i«©N ©a d¤A §k ¦i Ÿl

,xFWi ¦M ©a dg§N ¦W di «¤ci .K¤l«t Ek §n«Y di«¤R©k §e

,i ¦pr¤l dU §xR DR©M .oFi §a ¤ l dg§N ¦W di «¤ci §e

` eshet chayil mi yimtza, verachok mipninim mikrah, abatach bah lev ba’alah,veshalal lo yechsar, b gemalat-hu tov velo ra, kol yemei chayecha, c darshah tzemerufishtim, vata’as bechefetz kapeha, d hayeta ka’aniyot socher, mimerchat tavilachmah, e vatakam b’od lailah, vatitem teref leveitah, vechok lena’aroteha, fzamemah sadeh vatikachehu, miperi kapeha nat’ah kerem, g chagrah b’od matneha,vat’ametz zero’oteha, h ta’amah ki tov sachrah, lo yichbeh balailah nerah, i yadehashilchah bakishor, vchpeha tamchu falech, k kapah parsah le’ani, veyadeha shilchahla’evyon, l lo tira leveitah mishaleg, ki kol beitah lavush shanim, n marbadim astahlah, shesh ve’argaman levushah, p noda bash’arim ba’lah, beshivto im ziknei aretz, qsadin astah vatimkor, vachagor natanah lakena’ani, r oz vehadar levushah, vatischakleyom acharon, t piha patchah bechachmah, vetorat chesed al leshonah, v tzofiyahhalichot beitah, velechem atzlut lo tochel, w kamu vaneha vay’ashruah, ba’lahvayehalelah, x rabot banot asu chayil, ve’at aliyt al kulanah, y sheker hachen vehevelhayofi, ishah yir’at adonai hi tithalal, z tenu lah miperi yadeha, viyhleluha vash’arimma’aseha.

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l She is not afraid of the snow for herhousehold; for all her household are clothed withscarlet.

n She makes coverings of tapestry forherself; her clothing is fine linen and purple.

p Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of theland.

q She makes linen garments and sellsthem; and delivers girdles unto themerchant.

r Strength and dignity are her clothing; and she laughs at the time to come.

t She opens her mouth with wisdom; and the law of lovingkindness is onher tongue.

v She looks well to the ways of herhousehold, and does not eat the bread of idleness.

w Her children rise up and call herblessed; her husband also, and he praises her,saying:

x ‘Many daughters have done worthily, but you excel them all.’

y Favour is false, and beauty is vain; buta woman that fears the Lord, she shallbe praised.

z Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her works praise her in thegates.

,b¤l«X ¦n Dzi¥a§l `xi ¦z ŸlWªal Dzi¥A lk i ¦M

.mi ¦pW ,DN dz §U «r mi ¦C ©a §x ©n

.DWEa§l onB §x © §e W ¥W ,Dl §r ©A mi ¦xr §X ©A rcFp

.u ¤x«¨ i¥p §w¦f m ¦r FY §a ¦W §A ,xŸM §n ¦Y©e dz §Ur oi ¦cq

.i ¦p £r©p §M©l dp §zp xFb£g©e ,DWEa§l xcd §e f Ÿr

.oFx£g © mFi§l w ©g §U ¦Y©e ,dn §kg §a dg §zR di«¦R

.DpFW§l l ©r c¤q«¤g z ©xF «z §e ,Dzi¥A zFki¦l£d dI ¦tFv

.l¥k`Ÿz Ÿl zEl §v ©r m¤g«¤l §e ,dE «x §X © §i©e di«¤pa En «w .Dl§l ©d §i©e Dl §r ©A

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,di «¤ci i ¦x §R ¦n Dl Ep §Ymi ¦xr §X ©a dE «l§l ©di ¦e

.di«¤U £r ©n

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Erev Shabbat Kiddush

And it was evening and it was morning (quietly),

iyyd mei the sixth day. And theheaven and the earth were finishedand all their host. And on the seventhday God had finished his workwhich he had made; and he rested onthe seventh day from all his workwhich he had made. And Godblessed the seventh day, and hehallowed it, because he rested on itfrom all his work which God hadcreated and made.YOM HASHISHI. vayechuluhashamaim veha’aretz vechol tzeva’am:vayechal elohim bayom hashvi’imelachto asher asah, vayishbot bayomhashvi’i mikol melachto asher asah:vayevarech elohim et yom hashvi’ivayekadesh oto, ki vo shabat mikolmelachto, asher bara elohim la’asot:

When there is a minyan add:

By your leave, my teachers, rabbisand friends:savri maranan verabanan verabotai:

jexa Blessed are You, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, creator ofthe fruit of the vine.BARUCH atah adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, bore peri hagafen

yeciwx¤wŸ «a i ¦d §i©e a ¤x «¤r i ¦d §i©e

EN ªk §i ©e .i ¦X ¦X ©d mFilk §e u ¤x «¨ d §e m ¦i «©nX ©dmi ¦dŸl ¡ l ©k §i©e :m ¨ a §vFY §k`©l §n i ¦ri ¦a §X ©d mFI ©Az ŸA §W ¦I©e ,dUr x ¤W£lM ¦n i ¦ri ¦a §X ©d mFI ©A:dUr x ¤W£ FY §k`©l §nmFi z ¤ mi ¦dŸl¡ K ¤x«a §i©ei ¦M ,FzŸ W ¥C©w §i©e i ¦ri ¦a §X ©d,FY §k`©l §n l§M ¦n z©aW Fami ¦dŸl¡ `xA x ¤W£


When there is a minyan add:

opA ©x §e opxn i ¦x §a ©q:i ©zFA ©x §e

KExAd Ÿed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi «¥dŸl ¡

.o¤t«B ©d i ¦x §R ` ¥xFA

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jexa Blessed are You, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, Who hassanctified us with His commandments,and with love and favour has given usHis Holy Shabbat as a heritage, aremembrance of creation. For that dayis the prologue to the holyconvocations, a remembrance of theExodus from Egypt. For You chose usand sanctified us and gave us YourHoly Shabbat as our inheritance.Blessed are You Lord, Who sanctifiesthe Shabbat.BARUCH atah adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, asher kidshanu bemitzvotavveratzah vanu, veshabat kadsho b’ahavahuveratzon hinchilanu zikaron lema’asehbereshit, ki hu yom techilah lemikra’eikodesh, zecher liytziyat mitzrayim, kivanu bacharta ve’otanu kidashta mikolha’amim, veshabat kadshecha b’ahavahuveratzon hinchaltanu. baruch atahadonai, mekadesh hashabat.

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord our God,King of the Universe, who brings forthbread from the earth.baruch atah adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, hamotzi lechem min ha’aretz.

KExAdŸed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡eizF §v ¦n §A Ep«W §C ¦w x ¤W£z ©A ©W§e ,Ep«a dv «x §eoFvx §aE da£d © §A FW §cwd ¥U£r ©n§l oFxM¦f Ep«li ¦g §p ¦dmFi `Ed i ¦M ,zi ¦W` ¥x §a,W ¤c «Ÿw i ¥ «x §w ¦n§l dN¦¦g §Y,m ¦i «x §v ¦n z © i ¦vi¦l x¤k«¥fEp«zF` §e Y §x«©ga Ep«a i ¦M,mi ¦O ©rd lM ¦n Y §W «©C ¦wda£d © §A L §W §cw z ©A ©W§e.Ep«Y§l ©g §p ¦d oFvx §aE,d Ÿed §i dY © KExA

.zA ©X ©d W ¥C©w §n

KExAdŸed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡o ¦n m¤g¤l `i ¦vF §O ©d

.u ¤x ¨ d

Erev Shabbat - Kiddush

During Sukkot, say:

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord our God,King of the Universe, who has sanctifiedus with his commands, and commandedus to dwell in the Sukkah.

baruch atah adonai eloheinu melech ha’olam,asher kidshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu leishevbasukah.

During Sukkot say:

KExAdŸed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸ Ÿl ¤eizF §v ¦n §A Ep«W §C ¦w x¤W££

.dM ªQ ©A a ¥Wi¥l Ep«E ¦v §e

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Songs for Erev ShabbatPsalm 118:26

jexa baruch haba b’shem adonai,hallelujahBlessed is he who comes in the Nameof the Lord, Hallelujah.

ep`ad hevenu shalom alechem... We bring peace to you.

Psalm 133:1

dpd hine ma-tov umah-na’im shevetachim gam-yachad:Behold how good and pleasant it is forbrothers to dwell in unity.

Jeremiah 33:10-11

rnyi cer od yishama b’arei yehudahuvechutzot yerushalayim kol sason vekolsimchah kol chatan vekol kalahStill can be heard in the hills of Judahand in the courtyards of Jerusalemthe sound of gladness and the soundof joy, the voice of the groom and thevoice of the bride.

l`xyi mr am israel chai!od avinu chai!od yeshua chai!The people of Israel yet live! Our Father yet lives! Yeshua yet lives!

zay lill zexinf

KExAm¥W §A `A ©d DiEl§l ©d ,dŸed §i

ep`¥a ¥dm¤ki¥l £r mŸely

d¥P ¦dÎd ©nE aFHÎd ©n mi ¦g © z¤a ¤W mi ¦rP


r ©nX ¦i cFri ¥xr §A

m©lWEx §i zFv ªg §aE dcEd §i dg §n ¦U lFw §e oFUU lFw

dN ©M lFw §e ozg lFw

l`xyi mr ,ig ,ig epia` cer.ig reyi cer

rnyi cer Jeremiah 33:10-11. Normally thought of as a wedding song, Od yishamapoints forward to the Messianic age, consonant with that very theme of the day.

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Menuchah Vesimchahmenuchah vesimchah or layehudim, yom shabaton yom machamadim, shomrin vezochrav hemah me’idim,ki leshishah kol beru’im ve’omdim.

Rest and joy, a light for the Jews, theShabbat day, a day of delights.Those who observe and keep it, theyattest that in six days all parts ofCreation were completed.

shmei shamayim eretz veyamim,kol tzeva marom gevohim veramim,tanin ve’adam vechayat re’eimim,ki b’yah adonai tzur olamim.

The highest heavens, the land andseas, all the heavenly forces, loftyand exalted; sea monsters, humans,and wild animals, for God is theeternal life giver.

hu asher diber le’am segulato,shmor lekadsho mibo’o ve’ad tze’to,shabat kodesh yom chemdato,ki bo shabat el mikol melachto.

It was God who said to the chosenpeople: ‘Keep it holy from start tofinish. It is the holy Shabbat, God’sbeloved day, for on it God restedfrom all God’s work.

bemitzvot shabat el yachalitzach,kum kera elav yachish le’amtzach,nishmat kol chai vegam na’aritzach, echol besimchah ki chevar ratzach.

dgnye dgepn ,mi ¦cEd §I©l xF` dg §n ¦U §e dgEp §n

,mi ¦C ©n£g ©n mFi oFzA ©W mFi,mi ¦ci ¦r §n dO«¥d eix §kFf §e eix §nFW

mi ¦ Ex §A lŸM dX ¦W§l i ¦M.mi ¦c §nFr §e

,mi ¦O©i §e u ¤x«¤ m ¦i«©nW i ¥n §Wmi ¦dFa §B mFxn `a §v lM

,mi ¦nx §e,mi ¦n ¥ §x z©I ©g §e mc ¨ §e oi ¦P ©Y

.mi ¦nlFr xEv dŸed §i Di §A i ¦M

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,Fz`¥v,FzC §n¤g mFi W ¤c «Ÿw z©A ©W

.FY §k`©l §n lM ¦n l ¥ z©a«W Fa i ¦M

,Kvi¦l£g©i l ¥ zA ©W z©e §v ¦n §A,Kv §O © §l Wi ¦gi eil ¥ `x §w mEw

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With the mitzvah of Shabbat Godgives you strength. Arise, call out toGod, and God will rush to strengthenyou. Say the Nishmat and theKedushah prayers, and you may eatwith joy, for God is pleased with you.

bemishneh lechem vekidush rabah, berov mat’amim veruach nedivah,yizku lerav tuv hamit’angim bah,bevi’at go’el lechayei ha’olam haba.With two loaves and the GreatKiddush, with abundant delicaciesand a generous spirit, they shallmerit much goodness, those whotake pleasure in it, when theRedeemer comes to grant eternal life.

Yom Zeh Leyisraelyom zeh leyisrael orah vesimcha, shabat menuchah.

This day for Israel is light andgladness, a Shabbat of rest.

tzivita pikudim bema’amad har sinai,shabat umo’adim lishmor bechol shanai, la’aroch lefanai mas’et va’aruchah,

shabat menucha.You commanded laws at theassembly at Mount Sinai, Shabbatand festivals to keep all my years,setting before me courses andbanquets: Shabbat of rest.

yom zeh leyisrael...This day for Israel...

,Kvi ¦x £r©p m©b §e i ©g lM z ©n §W¦pxa §k i ¦M dg §n ¦U §A lFk¡


,dA ©x WEC ¦w §e m¤g«¤l d¤p §W ¦n §A,dai ¦c§p ©gE «x §e mi ¦O ©r §h ©n aŸx §Ami ¦b §P ©r §z ¦O ©d aEh a ©x§l EM§f ¦i

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.`A ©d

l`xUil df meidxF` l ¥ x §U ¦i§l d¤f mFi

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x ©d c ©n £r ©n §A mi ¦cET ¦R zi«¦E ¦v ,i©pi ¦q

lk §A xFn §W¦l mi ¦c £rFnE zA ©W ,i©pW

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dxF` l ¥ x §U ¦i§l d¤f mFi.dgEp §n zA ©W ,dg §n ¦U §e

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chemdat halevavot le’umah shevurah, linfashot nich’avot neshamah yeterah, lenefesh metzerah tasir anachah,

shabat menucha.Heart's delight of the shatterednation, for suffering people an extrasoul; for a troubled soul it removesmoaning: Shabbat of rest...

yom zeh leyisrael...This day for Israel...

kidashta berachta oto mikol yamim, besheshet kilita mele’chet olamim, bo matz’u agumim hashket uvit’chah,

shabat menucha.You hallowed and blessed it aboveall other days, in six days Youcompleted making the universe, on itsad people find tranquility and trust:Shabbat of rest...

yom zeh leyisrael...This day for Israel...

l’isur mela’chah tziviytanu nora, ezkeh hod meluchah im shabat

eshmorah, akriv shai lamora, minchah merkachah,

shabat menucha.Work is banned, the Awesome Onecommanded us, I shall merit kinglyglory if I keep the Shabbat, I shallbring an sweet smelling offering tothe Fearsome One: Shabbat of rest...

yom zeh leyisrael...This day for Israel...

dO ª§l zFaa§N ©d z ©C §n¤g ,dxEa §W

,dx ¥z §i dnW§p zFa ¨ §k¦p zFWt§p¦l ,dgp£ xi ¦qY dx¥v §n W¤t«¤p§l

.dgEp §n zA ©W

dxF` l ¥ x §U ¦i§l d¤f mFi.dgEp §n zA ©W ,dg §n ¦U §e

lM ¦n FzF` Y §k «©x¥A Y §W«©C ¦w ,mi ¦ni

z¤k «¤l §n zi«¦N ¦M z¤W«¥W §A ,mi ¦nlFr

h¥w §W ©d mi ¦nEb £r E` §vn FA .dgEp §n zA ©W ,dg §h ¦aE

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dxF` l ¥ x §U ¦i§l d¤f mFi.dgEp §n zA ©W ,dg §n ¦U §e

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chadesh mikdashenu zachrah necherevet, tuvcha, moshi’enu, tenah lane’etzevet, beshabat yoshevet bezemer ushvachah,

shabat menucha.Renew our Sanctuary, remember the

ruined city, Bestow Your goodness,Saviour, on the saddened one whostill spends the Shabbat in song andpraise: Shabbat of rest...

yom zeh leyisrael...This day for Israel...

Yah Ribonyah ribon olam v’almaya, an’t hu malka melech malchaya, ovad gevurtech vetimhaya, shefar kadamach lehachavaya.yah ribon olam v’almaya, an’t hu malka melech malchaya,

Lord of all worlds, our God. King of kings, our Lord. It is my pleasure to declare yourmighty and wondrous deeds.Lord of all worlds, our God. King of kings, our Lord.

shevachin asader tzafra veramsha, lach elaha kadisha di vra kol nafsha, irin kadishin uvene enasha, cheyvat bara ve’ofei shemaya.yah ribon olam v’almaya, an’t hu malka melech malchaya,

I offer praises morning and evening,To you, holy God, creator of all life,Holy angels and human beings, Beasts of the field and birds of the sky.Lord of all worlds, our God. King of kings, our Lord.

dx §kf Ep«¥WC §w ¦n W ¥C ©g ,z¤a«¤x¡g¤p

dp §Y ,Ep «¥ri ¦WFn ,L §aEh ,z¤a«¤v ¡r¤P©l

x¤n«¤f §A z¤a«¤WFi zA ©W §A .dgEp §n zA ©W ,dga §WE

dxF` l ¥ x §U ¦i§l d¤f mFi.dgEp §n zA ©W ,dg §n ¦U §e

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ravrevin ovadach vetakifin, macheich remaya vezakef kefifin, lu yichyeh gevar shenin alpin, la ye’ol gevurtech bechushbenaya.yah ribon olam v’almaya, an’t hu malka melech malchaya,

Great and mighty are your deeds, Humbling the proud, raising the frail, Even if men lived a thousand years, They could not fully tell your might.Lord of all worlds, our God. King of kings, our Lord.

elaha di leh yekar urevuta, peruk yat anach mipum aryavata,v’apek yat amach migo galuta, amach di vechar’t mikol umaya.yah ribon olam v’almaya, an’t hu malkamelech malchaya,

Great and revered God, Save your flock from the lions’ jaws.Take your people out of exile, The people you chose of all peoples.Lord of all worlds, our God. King of kings, our Lord.

limkedashech tuv ulekodesh kudshin, atardi veh yechedun ruchin venafshin,viyzamrun lach shirin verachashin,biyrushlem karta deshufraya.

yah ribon olam v’almaya, an’t hu malkamelech malchaya,Return to Your Temple and to the Holyof Holies, The place where all souls will rejoice,There they will sing songs of praise toyou, In Jerusalem, the city of beautyLord of all worlds, our God. King of kings, our Lord.

Fr oi ¦a §x §a ©x ,oi ¦ti ¦T ©z §e Kica ,oi ¦ti ¦t §M s¥w©f §e `I ©n §x Ki¥kn ,oi ¦t§l © oi ¦p §W x ©a §b d¤i §g ¦i El.`I©p §A §W ªg §A K ¥Y §xEa §B lŸr¥i `l§Y §p © ,`I ©n§lr §e m©lr oFA ¦x Di.`I©k§l ©n K¤l«¤n `M§l ©n `Ed

,`zEa §xE x©w §i D¥l i ¦C `dl¡ ,`zei §x © m ªR ¦n Kpr z©i w ªx §R ,`zElb FB ¦n KO ©r z©i wi¥R © §e

lM ¦n §Y §x ©g §a i ¦C KO ©r.`I ©O ª

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oi ¦gEx oEc¡g¤i D¥a i ¦C x ©z£ ,oi ¦W §t©p §e

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Welcoming ShabbatPsalm 95

dppxp ekl Come, let's sing to theLord! Let's shout for joy to the Rockof our salvation! Let's come into hispresence with thanksgiving; let'sshout for joy to him with songs ofpraise. For the Lord is a great God, agreat king greater than all gods. Heholds the depths of the earth in hishands; the mountain peaks toobelong to him. The sea is his - hemade it - and his hands shaped thedry land. Come, let's bow down andworship; let's kneel before the Lordwho made us. For he is our God, and we are thepeople in his pasture, the sheep inhis care. Today, if you would listento his voice: "Don't harden yourhearts, as you did at Meribah, as youdid on that day at Massah in thedesert, when your fathers put me tothe test; they challenged me, eventhough they saw my deeds. For fortyyears I strove with that generation;

zay zlawdv milidz

dp §P «©x §p Ek§ldri ¦xp dŸed §i©l eipt dn §C©w §p :Ep «¥r §W ¦i xEv§l:F «l «©ri ¦xp zFx ¦n§f ¦A dcFz §AK¤l ¤nE dŸed §i lFcB l ¥ i ¦M:mi «¦dŸl ¡ lM l ©r lFcBu ¤x ¨Îi ¥x §w §g ¤n Fci §A x ¤W£:F «l mi ¦xd zFt £rF «z §eEdUr `Ed §e mI ©d FlÎx ¤W£e`ŸA :Ex«vi eici z ¤W¤A©i §edk §x §a ¦p drx §k ¦p §e d¤e£g«©Y §W¦p`Ed i ¦M :Ep«¥UŸr dŸed §iÎi«¥p §t¦lm ©r Ep §g©p £«©e Epi ¥dŸl ¡mFI ©d Fci o`Ÿv §e Fzi ¦r §x ©n:Er «n §W ¦z Fl Ÿw §A m «¦

zay zlaw

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I said, 'This is a people whose hearts goastray, they don't know my ways.' So Iswore in my anger ‘they shall not entermy rest.’*LECHU NERANENA ladonai nariahletzur yish’enu: nekadmah panav betodahbizmirot naria lo: ki el gadol adonaiumelech gadol al kol elohim: asher beyadomechkerei aretz veto’afot harim lo: asher lohayam vehu asahu veyabeshet yadavyatzaru: bo’u nishtachaveh venichra’ahnivrechah lifnei adonai osenu: ki hueloheinu va’anachnu am mar’ito vetzo’nyado hayom im bekolo tishma’u: al takshulevavchem kimrivah keyom masahbamidbar: asher nisuni avoteichembechanuni gam ra’u pa’ali: arba’im shanahakut bedor va’omar am to’ei levav hemvehem lo yad’u derachai: asher nishba’tiv’api im yevo’un el menuchati: *

Psalm 96

dedil exiW Sing to the Lord a newsong! Sing to the LORD, all the earth!Sing to the LORD, bless his name!Proclaim his victory day after day!Declare his glory among the nations, hiswonders among all peoples! For theLORD is great, and greatly to be praised;he is to be feared more than all gods.For all the gods of the peoples are idols,but the Lord made the heavens. In hispresence are honour and majesty; in hissanctuary, strength and splendour. Givethe Lord his due, you families from thepeoples; give the LORD his due of glory

m¤k §a ©a§l EW §w ©YÎl ©dQ ©n mFi §M dai ¦x §n ¦Mi ¦pEQ ¦p x ¤W£ :x«A §c ¦O ©Ai ¦pEpg §A m ¤ki ¥zFa £:i«¦l ¢rt E`xÎm©BhEw ¨ dpW mi ¦rA §x ©i ¥rŸY m ©r x ©nŸ e xFc §Am ¥d §e m ¥d aa¥l:i«kx §c Er §c«iÎ`Ÿli ¦R © §a i ¦Y §r ©A §W¦pÎx ¤W£l ¤ oE` Ÿa §i m ¦

*:i «¦zgEp §n

ev milidzd Ÿed §i©l Exi ¦Wxi ¦W

d Ÿed §i©l Exi ¦W WcgExi ¦W :u ¤x «¨ dÎlMFn §W Ek £x«A d Ÿed §i©lmFi §lÎmF «I ¦n Ex §V ©Am ¦iFB ©a Ex §R ©q :F «zrEW §imi ¦O ©r «dÎlk §A FcFa §MlFcb i ¦M :ei «zF` §l §t ¦pcŸ §n lN ªd §nE dŸed §ilM l ©r `Ed `xFp

* Psalm 95 prepares the reader for the rule of Messiah. Psalms 96 and 97, following, speakof Messiah’s Kingdom. As Yeshua said, ‘the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.’ Matthew 4:17.

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and strength; give the Lord the glorydue to his name; bring an offering, andenter his courtyards. Worship the Lordin holy splendour; tremble before him,all the earth! Say among the nations, 'the Lord isking!' The world is firmly established,immovable. He will judge the peoplesfairly. Let the heavens rejoice; let theearth be glad; let the sea roar, andeverything in it; let the fields exult andall that is in them. Then all the trees inthe forest will sing before the Lord,because he has come, he has come tojudge the earth; he will judge the worldrightly and the peoples with hisfaithfulness.SHIRU LADONAI shir chadash shiruladonai kol ha’aretz: shiru ladonai barachushemo basru miyom liyom yeshuato: saprubagoyim kevodo bechol ha’amim nifle’otav:ki gadol adonai umehulal me’od nora hu alkol elohim: ki kol elohei ha’amim elilimvadonai shamayim asah: hod vehadarlefanav oz vetif’eret bemikdasho: havuladonai mishpechot amim havu ladonaikevod va’oz: havu ladonai kevod shemose’u minchah uvo’u lechatzrotav:hishtachavu ladonai vehadrat kodesh chilumipanav kol ha’aretz: imru begoyim adonaimalach af tikon tevel bal timot yadav amimbemeisharim: yismechu hashamaim vetagelha’aretz yir’am hayam umelo’o: ya’alozsadai vechol asher bo az yeranenu kol atzeiya’ar: lifnei adonai ki ba ki ba lishpotha’aretz yishpot tevel betzedek ve’amimbe’emunato:

i ¥dŸl¡ÎlM i ¦M :mi «¦dŸl¡d Ÿed§i«©e mi¦li¦l¡ mi ¦O ©rdÎcF «d :d«Ur m ¦i ©nWf Ÿr eipt §l xcd §e:F «WC §w ¦n §A z ¤x ¤ §t ¦z §ezFg §R §W ¦n dŸed §i©l EaddŸed §i©l Ead mi ¦O ©rdŸed §i©l Ead :fŸ «re cFaMÎE « §U Fn §W cFa §ME` ŸaE dg §p ¦nEe£g«©Y §W ¦d :ei«zFx §v ©g§lW ¤cŸwÎz ©x §c ©d §A dŸed §i©lÎlM eipR ¦n Eli ¦gm ¦iFB ©a Ex §n ¦ :u ¤x«¨ doFM ¦YÎs © Kln dŸed §ioi ¦ci hFO ¦YÎl ©A l¥a ¥Y:mi «¦xWi ¥n §A mi ¦O ©rl¥bz §e m ¦i ©nX ©d Eg §n §U ¦imI ©d m ©r §x«¦i u ¤x ¨ di ©cU fŸl £r«©i :F « Ÿl §nEf ¨ FAÎx ¤W£ Îlk §e:x ©r«iÎi ¥v £r ÎlM Ep §P ©x §ii ¦M `a i ¦M dŸed §i i¥p §t¦lu ¤x ¨ d hŸR §W¦l `aw ¤c¤v §A l¥a ¥Y ÎhŸ «R §W ¦i

:F «zpEn¡ ¤A mi ¦O ©r §e

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Psalm 97

jln dedi The Lord will reign, let theearth rejoice, let the many coasts andislands be glad. Clouds and thickdarkness surround him; righteousnessand justice are the foundation of histhrone. Fire goes before him, settingablaze his foes on every side. Hisflashes of lightning light up the world;the earth sees it and trembles. Themountains melt like wax at thepresence of the Lord, at the presenceof the Lord of all the earth. Theheavens declare his righteousness, andall the peoples see his glory. All whoworship images will be put to shame,those who make their boast inworthless idols. Bow down to him, allyou gods! Zion hears and is glad, the LORD; thedaughters of Judah rejoice at yourrulings. For you, the Lord, most highover all the earth, you are exalted farabove all gods. You who love the Lord,hate evil! He keeps his faithful servantssafe. He rescues them from the power ofthe wicked. Light is sown for therighteous and joy for the upright inheart. Rejoice in the Lord, yourighteous; and give thanks on recallinghis holiness.ADONAI MALACH tagel ha’aretzyismechu iyim rabim: anan va’arafelsevivav tzedek umishpat mechon kis’o: eshlefanav telech utelahet saviv tzarav: he’iru

fv milidz

Kln dŸed §il¥bY mi ¦I ¦ Eg §n §U ¦i u ¤x ¨ dl¤tx £r«©e opr :mi«¦A ©xhR §W ¦nE w ¤c¤v eiai ¦a §qW ¥ :F « §q ¦M oFk §nh ¥d©l §zE K¥l ¥Y eipt§lExi ¦ ¥d :ei «xv ai ¦aqdz£ «x l¥a ¥Y eiwx §ami ¦xd :u ¤x«¨ d l¥gY©ei¥p §t¦N ¦n EQ ©np b©pFC©MoFc£ i¥p §t¦N ¦n dŸed §iEci ¦B ¦d :u ¤x«¨ d ÎlME`x §e Fw §c ¦v m ¦i ©nX ©d:F «cFa §M mi ¦O ©rdÎlkl¤q¤t i ¥c §aŸrÎlM EWa¥imi¦li¦l¡A mi¦l§l ©d §z «¦O ©dlM Fl Ee£g«©Y §W ¦ddr §nW :mi «¦dŸl ¡dp§l¥bY©e oFI ¦v g ©n §U ¦Y©eo ©r ©n§l dcEd §i zFp §A

Li ¤hR §W ¦ndŸed §i dY © Îi«¦M :dŸed §iu ¤x ¨ dÎlMÎl ©r oFi§l ¤r

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berakav tevel ra’atah vatachel ha’aretz:harim kadonag namasu milifnei adonaimilifnei adon kol ha’aretz: higiduhashamaim tzidko vera’u kol ha’amimkevodo: yevshu kol ovdei pesel hamithalelimba’elilim hishtachavu lo kol elohim: sham’ahvatismach tziyon vatagelnah benot yehudahlema’an mishpatecha adonai: ki atah adonaielyon al kol ha’aretz me’od na’aleita al kolelohim: ohavei adonai sin’u ra shomernafshot chasidav miyad resha’im yatzilem: orzaru’a latzdik uleyishrei lev simchah: simchutzadikim badonai vehodu lezecher kadsho:

Psalm 98

exiW xenfn A psalm: Sing a newsong to the Lord, because he has donewonders. His right hand, his holy armhave won him victory. The Lord hasmade known his victory; revealed hisvindication in full view of thenations,* remembered his grace andfaithfulness to the house of Israel. Allthe ends of the earth have seen thevictory of our God. Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth!Break forth, sing for joy, sing praises!Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre,with the lyre and melodious music! Withtrumpets and the sound of the shofar,shout for joy before the king, the Lord!Let the sea roar, and everything in it; theworld, and those living in it. Let thefloods clap their hands; let the

Îl ©r zi¥l £r«©p c Ÿ §ni ¥a £d «Ÿ :mi «¦dŸl ¡ÎlMx ¥nŸW rx E` §p ¦U dŸed §ic©I ¦n eici ¦q£g zFW §t©pxF` :m«¥li ¦S©i mi ¦rW §xÎi ¥x §W ¦i§lE wi ¦C ©S©l ©rªxfEg §n ¦U :d«g §n ¦U a¥lEcFd §e dŸed §i«©A mi ¦wi ¦C ©v

:F «W §cw x¤k¥f§l

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Exi ¦W xFn§f ¦ndŸed§i«©l zF`l §t ¦pÎi«¦M Wcg xi ¦WFN dri «¦WFd dUr:F «W §cw ©rFx§fE Fpi ¦n §iFzrEW §i dŸed §i ©ri ¦cFddN ¦B *m ¦iFB ©d i¥pi ¥r§lFC §q ©g x©kf :F «zw §c ¦vl ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥a§l FzpEn«¡«¤eu ¤x ¨ Îi ¥q §t © Îlk E`x:Epi«¥dŸl¡ z ©rEW §i z ¥

d Ÿe d §i«©l E r i ¦x dlM Ep §P ©x §e Eg §v ¦R u ¤x ¨ dd Ÿed §i©l Ex §O©f :Ex«¥O©f §e

* Messiah’s victory in his death and resurrection is revealed to Israel and the nations.

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mountains sing together for joy beforethe LORD, for he has come to judge theearth; he will judge the world rightlyand the peoples fairly.MIZMOR SHIRU ladonai shir chadashki nifla’ot asah hoshi’ah lo yeminozero’a kadsho: hodi’a adonai yeshu’atol’einei hagoyim* gilah tzidkato: zacharchasdo ve’emunato leveit israel ra’u kolafsei aretz et yeshuat eloheinu: hari’uladonai kol ha’aretz pitzchu veranenuvezameru: zameru ladonai bechinorbechinor vekol zimrah: bachatzotzrotvekol shofar hari’u lifnei hamelechadonai: yir’am hayam umelo’o tevelveyoshvei bah: neharot yimcha’u kafyachad harim yeranenu: lifnei adonai kiba lishpot ha’aretz yishpot tevel betzedekveamim bemeisharim:

Psalm 99

jln dedi The Lord is king; let thepeoples tremble. He sits enthroned onthe cherubim; let the earth shake! TheLord is great in Zion; he is high aboveall the peoples. Let them praise yourgreat and fearsome name: He is holy!"Mighty king who loves justice, youestablished fairness, justice andrighteousness in Jacob." Exalt the Lordour God! Prostrate yourselves at hisfootstool: He is holy! Moses and Aaron among his priestsand Samuel among those who call onhis name called on the Lord, and he

lFw §e xFP ¦k §A xFP ¦k §AlFw §e zFx §vŸv£g«©A :d «x §n¦fi¥p §t¦l Eri ¦xd xtFWm ©r §x ¦i :dŸed §i K¤l¤O ©dl¥a ¥Y F Ÿl §nE mI ©dzFxd §p :D«a i ¥a §Wi §ec ©g ©i sk E`£g «§n ¦i:Ep«¥P ©x §i mi ¦xd`a i ¦M d Ÿed §iÎi¥p §t«¦lÎhŸ «R §W ¦i u ¤x ¨ d hŸR §W¦lmi ¦O ©r §e w ¤c¤v §A l¥a ¥Y

:mi «¦xWi ¥n §A

hv milidz

Kln dŸed §imi ¦O ©r Ef §B §x ¦i hEpY mi ¦aEx §M a ¥WioFI ¦v §A dŸed §i :u ¤x«¨ d`Ed mx §e lFcBEcFi :mi «¦O ©r«dÎlMÎl ©r`xFp §e lFcB L §n ¦WK¤l ¤n fŸr §e :`E «d WFcwdY © a ¥d ¨ hR §W ¦nmi ¦xWi ¥n Y §p©pFMaŸw £r«©i §A dwc §vE hR §W ¦n

* See note page 55.

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answered them. He spoke to them in thecolumn of cloud; they kept hisinstructions and the law that he gavethem. The Lord our God, you answeredthem. To them you were a forgivingGod, although you took vengeance ontheir wrong doings. Exalt the LORD ourGod, bow down toward his holymountain, for the Lord our God is holy!ADONAI MELECH yirgezu amimyoshev keruvim tanut ha’aretz: adonaibetzion gadol veram hu al kol ha’amim:yodu shimcha gadol venora kadosh hu: v’ozmelech mishpat ahev atah konantameisharim mishpat utzedakah beya’akovatah asita: romemu adonai eloheinuvehishtachavu lahadom raglav kadosh hu:moshe v’aharon becohanav ushmu’elbekor’ei shemo kor’im el adonai vehuya’anem: b’amud anan yedaber aleihemshamru edotav vechok natan lamo: adonaieloheinu atah anitam el nose hayiyta lahemvenokem al alilotam romemu adonaieloheinu vehishtachavu lehar kadsho kikadosh adonai eloheinu:

Psalm 29*

cecl xenfn A psalm of David: Give the LORD his due, you who are

godly; Give the LORD his due of glory and

strength; Give the LORD the glory due his name;

worship the LORD in holy splendour. The voice of the LORD is over the

waters; the God of glory thunders, the

En §nF «x :zi «¦Ur dY ©Ee£g«©Y §W«¦d §e Epi ¥dŸl¡ dŸed §iWFcw eil §b ©x mŸc£d«©lo Ÿx£d«© §e d ¤Wn :`E «dl ¥ En §WE eip £d «Ÿk «§Ami` ¦xŸw Fn §W i ¥ §xŸw §A:m«¥p £r«©i `Ed §e dŸed §iÎl ¤x¥A ©c §i opr cEO ©r §Aeiz Ÿc ¥r Ex §nW m¤di¥l£d Ÿed §i :Fn«lÎo ©z«p wŸg §emzi ¦p £r dY © Epi ¥dŸl¡m¤dl zi ¦id `«¥UŸp l ¥:m«zFli¦l £r Îl ©r m¥wŸp §eEpi ¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i En §nF «xFW §cw x ©d§l Ee£g«©Y §W«¦d §ed Ÿed §i WFcwÎi «¦M


*hk milidz

c ¦ec §l xFn §f ¦nEad Ead mi¦l ¥ i¥p §A dŸed§i«©lEad :fŸ «re cFaM dŸed §i©lFn §W cFa §M dŸed§i«©ld Ÿed §i©l Ee£g«©Y §W ¦d

* The voice of the Lord is declared seven times in Psalm 29.

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Lord over rushing waters, The voice of the LORD in power, The voice of the LORD in splendour. The voice of the LORD cracks the cedars;

the LORD splinters the cedars of theLebanon and makes the Lebanon skiplike a calf, Siryon like a young wild ox.

The voice of the LORD flashes fieryflames;

The voice of the LORD rocks the desert,the Lord convulses the Kadesh Desert.

The voice of the LORD causes deer togive birth and strips the forests bare -while in his temple, all cry, "Glory!"The LORD sits enthroned above theflood! The LORD sits enthroned asking forever! May the LORD givestrength to his people! May the LORDbless his people with shalom!

MIZMOR LEDAVID havu ladonai benei elim havu ladonai kavod va’oz: havu ladonai kevod shemo hishtachavuladonai behadrat kodesh: kol adonai al hamayim el hakavod hir’imadonai al mayim rabim: kol adonai bakoach kol adonai behadar:kol adonai shover arazim vayeshaberadonai et arzei halevanon: vayarekidemkemo egel levanon vesiryon kemo benre’emim: kol adonai chotzev lahavot esh: kol adonai yachil midbar yachil adonaimidbar kadesh: kol adonai yecholel ayalot vayechesof y’arotuveheichalo kulo omer kavod: adonailamabul yashav vayeshev adonai melechl’olam: adonai oz le’amo yiten adonaiyevarech et amo bashalom:

lFw :W ¤cŸ «w z ©x §c ©d §Am ¦iO ©d l ©r d Ÿed §imi ¦r §x ¦d cFaM ©dÎl«¥:mi«¦A ©x m ¦i ©nÎl ©r dŸed §ilFw ©gŸM ©A dŸed §iÎlF «wlFw :x «cd¤A dŸed §imi¦fx£ x¥aŸW dŸed §ii¥f §x © Îz ¤ dŸed §i x¥A ©W §i©em ¥ci ¦w §x©I ©e :oF «pa §N ©do Ÿi §x ¦U§e oFpa§l l¤b ¥rÎFn §M:mi «¦n ¥ §xÎo¤a Fn §MzFa£d«©l a¥vŸg dŸed §iÎlF «wli ¦gi dŸed §i lFw :W«¥d Ÿed §i li ¦gi xA §c ¦nlFw :W «¥cw x ©A §c ¦nzFlI © l¥lFg §i d Ÿed §iFlki ¥d §aE zFxr §i sU¡g«¤I©ed Ÿed §i :cF «aM x ¥nŸ FN ªMa ¤W¥I©e aWi lEA ©O©l:m«lFr§l K¤l ¤n dŸed §io ¥Y ¦i FO ©r§l fŸr dŸed §iFO ©rÎz ¤ K ¥xa §i dŸed §i

:mF«lX ©a

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LECHA DODILECHA DODI likrat kalah. penei shabat nekabelah:

Come, my beloved, to greet the bride,and receive the presence of Shabbat.*

shamor vezachor bedibur echad,hishmiy’anu el hameyuchad.adonai echad ushemo echad.leshem uletiferet velit-hilah:lecha...

'Observe' and 'recall' in a single word,Our unifying God made us hear,God is one and God’s Name is one,In fame and splendour and song.

likrat shabbat lechu hi mekor haberachah.merosh mikedem nesukah. sof ma’aseh bemachashabah techilah:lecha...

Towards Shabbat let’s go, let’s travel,For she is the wellspring of blessing,From the start, from antiquity she was chosen,Last made, but first planned.

mikdash melech ir meluchah.kumi tze’i mitoch hahafechah.rav lach shevet b’emek habachah.vehu yachamol alayich chemlah:lecha...

Sanctuary of the king, royal city,Arise, leave from the midst of the turmoil;Too long you have sat in the valley of tearsHe will shower compassion on you.

icec dkl

i ¦cFc dk§l .dN ©M z` ©x §w¦l :dl §A©w §p zA ©W i¥p §R

,cg ¤ xEA ¦c §A xFkf §e xFnW.cgªi §O ©d l ¥ Ep «ri ¦n §W ¦d

.cg ¤ Fn §yE cg ¤ dŸed §i :dN ¦d §z¦l §e z ¤x«¤ §t ¦z§lE m ¥W§l


.dk§l¥p §e Ek§l zA ©W z` ©x §w¦l .dkx §A ©d xFw §n `i ¦d i ¦M .dkEq §p m ¤c «¤T ¦n W`Ÿx ¥ndaW£g ©n §A d ¤U£r ©n sFq

:dN ¦g §Y...dkl

.dkEl §n xi ¦r K¤l«¤n W ©C §w ¦n .dk ¥t£d ©d KFY ¦n i ¦ §v i ¦nE «w

w ¤n «¥r §A z¤a«¤W Kl a ©x .`kA ©d

:dl §n¤g K¦i«©lr lFn£g©i `Ed §e ...dkl

*Messianic Jews sometimes associate the Sabbath with Messiah on the basis ofHebrew 4:9 ‘So there remains a sabbath observance for the people of God’ and thatverse’s connection to the person and work of Yeshua.

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hitna’arai meafar kumi.livshi bigdei tif’artech ami:al yad ben yishai beit halachmi.karbah el nafshi ge’alah:lecha...

Shake yourself free, rise from the dust, Don your garments of splendour, my people,By the hand of Jesse’s son, of Bethlehem,*Redemption draws near to my soul.

hit’oreri hit’ ba orech kumi ori.uri ury shir daberi.kevod adonai alayich niglah:lecha...

Rouse yourselves! Rouse yourselves!Your light is coming, rise up and shine.Awaken! Awaken! utter a song,The glory of God is revealed upon you.

lo tevoshi velo tikalmi.mah tishtochachi umah tehemi.bach yechesu aniyei ami,venivnetah ir al tilah:lecha...

Do not be embarrassed! Do not beashamed!Why be downcast? Why moan?All my afflicted people will find shelter within youAnd the city shall be rebuilt on her hill.

.i ¦nEw xtr ¥n i ¦x £r©p §z ¦dK ¥Y §x © §t ¦z i ¥c §b ¦A i ¦W §a¦l

:i ¦O ©rzi¥A i ©W ¦i o¤A c©i l ©r

.i ¦n §g©N ©d :Dl ¨ §b i ¦W §t©p l ¤ da §xw


.i ¦x §xFr §z ¦d i ¦x §xFr §z ¦d.i ¦xF « i ¦nE ««w K ¥xF` `a i ¦M.i ¦x«¥A ©c xi ¦W i ¦xE «r i ¦xE «r

:dl §b ¦p K¦i«©lr dŸed §i cFa §M...dkl

.i ¦n§lM ¦z Ÿl §e i ¦WF «a ¥z Ÿld ©nE i ¦g£gFY §y ¦Y d ©n

.i ¦n¡d¤Y,i ¦O ©r i¥I ¦p £r Eq¡g¤i KA

:DN ¦Y l ©r xi ¦r dz §p §a ¦p §e...dkl

* Yeshua, while Jesse’s son, is not Joseph’s son, but Joseph’s step-son, as he wasconceived by the Ruach Hakodesh. It is he who brings redemption.

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vehayu limshisah sho’sayich.verachaku kol melval’ayich.yasis alayich elohayich.kemsos chatan al kalah:lecha...

May your despoilers become spoil,May any who would devour you be far away,Your God will rejoice in you,As a groom rejoices in a bride.

yamin usemo’l tifrotzi.v’et adonai ta’ yad ish ben partzi.venismechah venagilah:lecha...

To your left and your right you will burst forth,And God will you revereBy the hand of a child of Perez,We will rejoice and sing happily.

bo’i beshalom ateret ba’lah. gam besimchah uvetzhalah.toch emunei am’i kalah, bo’i kalah:lecha...

Come in peace, crown of her husband,Both in happiness and in jubilationAmidst the faithful of the treasured nationCome O Bride! Come O Bride!

.K ¦i«q`ŸW dQ ¦W §n¦l Eid §e.K ¦i «r§N ©a §n lM Ew£gx §e.K ¦i«dŸl¡ K¦i«©lr Ui ¦Ui

:dN ©M l ©r ozg UFU §n ¦M...dkl

.i ¦vF «x §t ¦Y l`Ÿn §UE oi ¦ni .i ¦vi «¦x £r ©Y dŸed §iÎz ¤ §e

.i ¦v §x ©R o¤A Wi ¦ c©i l ©r :dli«¦bp §e dg §n §U¦p §e


z ¤x¤h £r mFlW §a i ¦ F «A .Dl §r ©A

.dl¢dv §aE dg §n ¦U §A m©B .dNªB §q m ©r i¥pEn¡ KFY :dN ©k i ¦ F «A ,dN ©k i ¦ F «A

...dklicec dkl After the penultimate verse, rise and face the back of the synagogue to greetthe Sabbath, as if she were a bride. Thus the Sabbath, the is invited to enter into ourpresence, linking the Sabbath Rest (Hebrews 4:1-5) to the Presence of God. ShekhinahLecha Dodi while composed by the sixteenth century Kabbalist Rabbi Shlomo HaLeviAlkabetz contains a rich heritage for all Jews. Midrash Rabbah (11.8) has God say tothe Sabbath ‘The Community of Israel is your partner.’ So it is greeted as a bride. AnafYosef however, interpreted i ¦cFc as a reference to God’s dpi ¦k §W Shekhinah (Presence).Thus it is that we welcome God himself to the Sabbath with us and declare our lovefor him.

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Psalm 92

xiy xenfn A Psalm, a Song. For theShabbat day. It is good to give thanks tothe Lord, and to sing praises to Yourname, O Most High; To declare Yourlovingkindness in the morning, and yourfaithfulness in the night seasons. With aninstrument of ten strings, and with theharp; with a solemn sound upon the lyre.For you, Lord, have made me gladthrough what you have done, I will exultin the works of your hands. How greatare your works, O Lord! your thoughtsare very deep. A brutish man does notknow, neither does a fool understandthis. When the wicked spring up as thegrass, and when all the workers ofiniquity flourish; it is so that they may bedestroyed forever.But you, Lord, are on high for evermore.For look, your enemies, Lord, for look,your enemies shall perish, all theworkers of iniquity shall be scattered.But my horn you have exalted like thehorn of the wild ox; I am anointed withrich oil. My eye has also looked on thosewho lie in wait for me, my ears haveheard of the evildoers that rise upagainst me. The righteous shall flourishlike the palm tree, he shall grow like acedar in Lebanon. Planted in the houseof the Lord, they shall flourish in thecourts of our God. They shall still yieldfruit in old age; they shall be full of sapand richness. To declare that the Lord isupright, my Rock, in whom there is nounrighteousness.

av milidz

xi ¦W xFn§f ¦nmFi§l :z«A ©X ©d zFcŸd§l aFh

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oeaepi cer In old age... Kimchi notes this as a reference to the rejuvenation of Israel atthe time of Messiah. Israel, despite its age is like the palm tree, which at 200 years canstill bear fruit.

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MIZMOR SHIR leyom hashabat: tovlehodot ladonai ulezamer leshimcha elyon:lehagid baboker chasdecha ve’emunatechabaleilot: alei asor va’alei navel alei higayonbekinor: ki simachtani adonai bepa’alechabema’asei yadecha aranen: ma gadluma’asecha adonai me’od amkomachshevotecha: ish ba’ar lo yeda uchsil loyavin et zot: beproach resha’im kemo esevyayatzitzu kol po’alei aven lehishamdamadei ad: v’atah marom l’olam adonai: kihineh oyvecha adonai ki hineh oyvechayovedu yitpardu kol po’alei aven: vataremkir’eim karni baloti beshemen ra’anan:vatabet aini beshurai bekamim alai mere’imtishma’na aznai: tzadik katamar yifrachk’erez balvanon yisgeh: shtulim beveitadonai bechatzrot eloheinu yafrichu: odyenuvun beseivah dshenim vera’ananimyihyu: lehagid ki yashar adonai tzuri veloav’latah bo.

Psalm 93

dedi The Lord reigns; He is clothed inmajesty; the LORD is clothed, He isrobed with majesty. Truly, the world isestablished, that it cannot be moved.Your throne is established of old; Youare from everlasting. The floods havelifted up, O Lord, the floods have liftedup their voice; the floods lift up their

ÎlM Ec §xR §z ¦i Ec¥a`Ÿim ¤xY©e :o¤e«¨ i¥l £r «ŸRi ¦zŸN ©A i ¦p §x ©w mi ¥ §x ¦Mh¥A ©Y©e :o«p £r «©x o ¤n ¤W §Ami ¦nT ©A ixEW §A i ¦pi ¥rdp §r ©n §W ¦Y mi ¦r ¥x §n i©lrxnY ©M wi ¦C ©v :i«p §f ¨oFpa§N ©A f ¤x ¤ §M gx §t ¦izi¥a §A mi¦lEz §W :d«¤B §U ¦iEpi ¥dŸl¡ zFx §v ©g §A dŸed §ioEaEp §i cFr :Egi «¦x §t©imi ¦p ¥W §C dai ¥U §Aci ¦B ©d§l :E «i §d ¦i mi ¦P©p £r «©x §ei ¦xEv dŸed §i xWiÎi«¦M

:F «A dzl §e ©r Ÿl«§e

bv milidz

Kln dŸed §iW¥al zE`¥B xG © §z ¦d fŸr-dŸed §i W¥alÎl ©A l¥a ¥Y oFM ¦YÎs ©L£ «§q ¦M oFkp :hF «O ¦Y:dY«¨ mlFr«¥n f ¨ ¥n

jln dedi Psalm 93 continues the theme of the previous psalm. In Messiah’s days, itwill be declared that His apparently interrupted reign has resumed (MetsudathDavid).

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roaring. Above the voices of manywaters, the mighty breakers of the sea,the LORD on high is mighty. Yourtestimonies are very sure, holinessbefits Your house, O LORD, forevermore.ADONAI MALACH ge’ut lavesh laveshadonai oz hit’azar af tikon tevel bal timot:nachon kis’acha me’az me’olam atah: nas’uneharot adonai nas’u neharot kolam yis’uneharot dachyam: mikolot mayim rabimadirim mishberei yam adir bamaromadonai: edotecha ne’emnu me’od leveitchana’avah kodesh adonai l’orech yamim.

Yochanan 1

ziy`xa In the beginning was theWord, And the Word was with God, And the Word was God, He was with God in the beginning.

Everything was made through him,Nothing was made without him,In him was life,The life was the light of mankind.

The light shone in the darkness,And the darkness did not receive it.And the Word became flesh,Even the shechina in our midst.

And we beheld his glory,The glory as of the Father’s only son,Full of grace and truth.

d Ÿed §i zFxd §p E` §UpmlFw zFxd §p E` §Up:m«i §kC zFxd §p E` §U ¦imi ¦A ©x m ¦i ©n zFl ŸT ¦nmiÎi ¥x §A §W ¦n mi ¦xi ¦C ©:d Ÿed §i mFxO ©A xi ¦C ©cŸ §n Ep §n ¤ ¤p Li ¤z Ÿc «¥rW ¤cŸwÎde£«p L §zi ¥a§l

:mi «¦ni K ¤xŸ §l dŸed §i

` opg Ÿei

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ziy`xa In the beginning. Echoing the first words of the Torah, Yochanan introducesMessiah as the one through whom all things were created. Thus when God said ‘letthere be light,’ Yeshua was his voice.

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Mourner’s KaddishWith a minyan, mourners recite:

lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadash shme


be’alma di vra chir'uteh veyamlichmalchuteh bechayechonuvyomechon uvechayei dechol beitisrael ba’agala uvizman karivve'imru amen

(with cantor: amen. yehe shmeraba mevarach le’alam ul’alme’almaya.)

yehe shme raba mevarach le’alamul’alme almaya. yitbarachveyishtabach veyitpa’arveyitromam veyitnase veyithadarveyit’ale veyithalal shmedekudsha, brich hu

(brich hu)

mezi yicwWith a minyan, mourners recite:

.`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C©w §z ¦i §e l ©C©B §z ¦i (o ¥n ¨ )

,Di ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n§lr §AoFki¥I ©g §A Di ¥zEk§l ©n Ki¦l §n©i §ezi¥A lk §c i¥I ©g §aE oFki ¥nFi § ¦xw o ©n§f ¦aE `lb £r ©A .l ¥ x §U ¦i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e `A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §i .o ¥n ¨ )K ©xa §n(:`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§l

m©lr§l K ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §iK ©xA §z ¦i .`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lEm ©nFx §z ¦i §e x © R §z ¦i §e g©A ©Y §W ¦i §ed¤N ©r §z ¦i §e xC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §eKi ¦x §A `W §c ªw §C D ¥n §W lN ©d §z ¦i §e

`Ed(`Ed Ki ¦x §A)

Welcoming the Sabbath

bereshit haya hadavar vehadavar haya etha’elohim vehu hadavar haya elohim: huhaya berosh et ha’elohim: kol hama’asimnihyu al yado v’ein davar asher na’asamibal’adav: bo nimtza chaim vehachaimhem or ha’adam: veha’or zoreachbachoshech vehachoshech lo vechilenu:vehadavar lavash basar vayishkonbetochenu v’et kevodo ra’inu kichvod beyachid l’aviv male chesed v’emet:

Ÿl K ¤W Ÿg ©d §e K ¤W Ÿg ©A ©g ¥x ŸfW ©al xaC ©d §e :EP¤li ¦k §iEp ¥k Ÿez §A o ŸM §W ¦I ©e xUAEpi ¦ x Ÿec Ÿea §MÎz ¤ §eei ¦a ¨ §l ci ¦gi o ¥A cŸea §k ¦M

:z¤n¡¤e c¤q¤g ¥ln

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le’ela (during days of awe ul’elamikol) min kol birchataveshirata tushbechatavenechemata da’amiran be’almave'imru amen.


yehe shlama raba min shmaya,vechayim aleinu ve’al kol israel,ve'imru amen.


Take three steps back. Bow left and say ‘ose’; bow right and say ‘hu’;

bow centre then take three steps forward at end.

ose shalom bimromav hu ya’aseshalom aleinu ve’al kol israel,ve'imru amen.


`N «¥r§l)during Days of Awe `N «¥r§l(lM ¦n `N «¥r§lE`zk §x ¦A lM o ¦n

,`zn¡g¤p §e `zg §A §W ªY `zxi ¦W§e :o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A oxi ¦n£ ©C

(o ¥n ¨ ),`I ©n §W o ¦n `A ©x `nl §W ` ¥d §il ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mi ¦I ©g §e

.o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e (o ¥n ¨ )

Take three steps back. Bow left and say d ¤UŸr; bow right and say `Ed;

bow centre then take three steps forward at end.

`Ed einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤UŸrlM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mFlW d ¤U£r©i

(o ¥n ¨ ) :o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,l ¥ x §U ¦i

lcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name in the world which he has createdaccording to his will. May he establish his kingdom during your life and during yourdays, and during the life of all the house of Israel, even speedily and at a near time,and say, Amen.

All with Reader — Let his great Name be blessed for ever and to all eternity.Reader.—Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnifiedand praised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He.Though he be (exceedingly) high above all the blessings and hymns, praises andconsolations, which are uttered in the world; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader.—May there be abundant peace from heaven, and a happy life for us and forall Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader: He who makes peace in his high places, may he in his mercy make peace forus and for all Israel; and say, Amen. All: Amen.

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Bameh MadlikinThe following is not said on

Festivals, on the Shabbat during a Festival, or on the

evening after a Festival.

Mishna Treatise Shabbat, ch. ii.

(`) dna With what materials may theShabbat lamp be lit, and with what mayit not be lit? It may not be lit withcedar-bast, nor with uncombed flax, norwith floss-silk, nor with willow-fibre,nor with nettle fibre, nor withwater-weeds (all these formingimperfect wicks). It may also not belighted with pitch, nor with liquid wax,nor with oil made from the seeds of thecotton plant, nor with oil which, havingbeen set apart as a heave-offering andhaving become defiled, is condemned tobe destroyed by burning, nor with thefat from the tails of sheep, nor withtallow. Nahum the Mede says, one mayuse tallow when it has been boiled; butthe other sages say, that whether soprepared or not, it may not be used.BAMEH madlikin ubamah ein madlikin. einmadlikin lo belechesh, velo bechosen, velobechalach, velo biftilat ha’idan, velo biftilathamidbar, velo birokah she’al penei hamayim.lo bezefet, velo besha’avah, velo beshemen kik,velo beshemen serefah, velo be’alyah, velobechelev. nachum hamadi omer, madlikinbechelev mevushal. vachachamim omrim,echad mevushal ve’echad she’eino mevushalein madlikin bo:

oiwilcn dnaThe following is not said on

Festivals, on the Sabbath duringa Festival, or on the evening

after a Festival.

a zay dpyn

oi ¦wi¦l §c ©n d¤O©A (`).oi ¦wi¦l §c ©n oi ¥ dO ©aEŸl oi ¦wi¦l §c ©n oi ¥

,o ¤q «Ÿg §A Ÿl §e ,W¤k«¤l §AŸl §e ,KN ©k §A Ÿl §eŸl §e ,oci ¦ d z©li ¦z §t ¦AŸl §e ,xA §c ¦O ©d z©li ¦z §t ¦A

i¥p §R l ©r ¤W dwFxi ¦a,z ¤t«¤f §a `Ÿl .m ¦i «O ©d`Ÿl §e ,de £r ©W §a `Ÿl §e`Ÿl §e ,wi ¦w o ¤n«¤W §aŸl §e ,dt ¥x §U o ¤n«¤W §a

.a¤l«¥g §a Ÿl §e ,di§l © §a,x ¥nF` i ¦cO ©d mEg©pa¤l«¥g §A oi ¦wi ¦l §c ©nmi ¦nk£g©e .lX ªa §nlX ªa §n cg ¤ ,mi ¦x §nF`lX ªa §n Fpi ¥ ¤W cg ¤ §e

:FA oi ¦wi¦l §c ©n oi ¥

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(a) oi` On a festival one may not usecontaminated consecrated oil that hasbeen condemned to be burnt. RabbiIshmael says, one may not use tar, forrespect to the Shabbat. The sagespermit the use of all kinds of oil; theoil of sesame, of nuts, of radish seeds,of fish, of gourds, tar and naphtha.Rabbi Tarphon says, one may use noother than olive oil for lighting theShabbat lamp.EIN madlikin beshemen serefah beyomtov. rabbi yishma’el omer, ein madlikinbe’itran, mipenei kevod hashabat.vachachamim matirin bechol hashmanim,beshemen shumshemin, beshemenegozim, beshemen tzenonot, beshemendagim, beshemen paku’ot, be’itranubeneft. rabbi tarfon omer, ein madlikinella beshemen zayit bilvad:

(b) lk No part of a tree may be used asa wick for lighting, with the exceptionof flax; nor is any part of a tree, if usedas part of a tent, capable of acquiringpollution according to the lawconcerning the pollution of tents,except flax. If a slip of cloth has beentwisted but not singed, Rabbi Eliezersays it may become unclean, and maynot be used as a wick for lighting:Rabbi Akiva says it remains clean, andmay be used.

o ¤n«¤W §A oi ¦wi¦l §c ©n oi ¥ (a)i ¦A ©x .aFh mFi §A dt ¥x §Uoi ¥ ,x ¥nF` l` ¥rn §W ¦ii¥p §R ¦n ,ox §h ¦r §A oi ¦wi¦l §c ©nmi ¦nk£g©e .zA ©X ©d cFa §M,mi ¦pn §X ©d lk §A oi ¦xi ¦Y ©no ¤n«¤W §A ,oi ¦n §W §n ªW o ¤n«¤W §A,zFpFp §v o ¤n«¤W §A ,mi¦fFb¡o ¤n«¤W §A ,mi ¦bC o ¤n«¤W §A. §h §t¥p §aE ox §h ¦r §A ,zFr ªT ©Roi ¥ ,x ¥nF` oFt §x ©h i ¦A ©xz¦i«©f o ¤n«¤W §A `N ¤ oi ¦wi¦l §c ©n

:ca§l ¦A

u ¥rd o ¦n `¥vFI ©d lM (b)`N ¤ FA oi ¦wi¦l §c ©n oi ¥o ¦n `¥vFI ©d lk §e .oY §W ¦tz © §n ªh `¥O ©H ¦n Fpi ¥ u ¥rd.oY §W ¦t `N ¤ mi¦ld ŸDl §R ¦T ¤W c¤b«¤A ©d z©li ¦z §Ri ¦A ©x ,Da£d §a ¦d Ÿl §ed ¨ ¥n §h ,x ¥nF` x¤f «¤ri¦l¡

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KOL hayotze min ha’etz ein madlikin boella pishtan. vechol hayotze min ha’etzeino mitame tum’at ohalim ella pishtan.petilat habeged shekiplah velo hiv-havah,rabbi eliezer omer, teme’ah hi, ve’einmadlikin bah. rabbi akiva omer, tehorahhi, umadlikin bah:

(c) `l One may not pierce aneggshell, fill it with oil, and place itabove the mouth of a lamp, so thatdrops of oil may drip in it; even if it isan earthenware vessel; but RabbiJudah permits it. If, however, thepotter had originally joined the twoparts, then it is allowed, because it isactually only one vessel. A personmay not fill a bowl with oil, place it bythe side of the lamp, and put the endof the wick into it, so that it may drawthe oil to the flame; but Rabbi Judahpermits it.LO yikov adam shefoferet shel beitzahvimal’enah shemen veyitnenah al pi hanerbishvil shetehe menatefet, va’afilu hi shelcheres. verabbi yehudah matir. aval imchibrah hayotzer mitechilah, mutar,mipenei shehu keli echad. lo yeamale adamk’arah shemen veyitnenah batzad hanerveyiten rosh hapetilah betochah, bishvilshetehe sho’avet. verabi yehudah matir:

(d) daknd He who extinguishes thelight, because he is in fear of heathen,of robbers, or of an evil spirit, or to

.DA oi ¦wi¦l §c ©n oi ¥ §e ,`i ¦d,x ¥nF` `ai ¦w £r i ¦A ©xoi ¦wi¦l §c ©nE ,`i ¦d dxFd §h


mc ¨ a ŸT ¦i `Ÿl (c)dvi ¥A l ¤W z ¤x«¤tFt §WdP«¤p §Y ¦i §e o ¤n«¤W dP ¤ §N ©ni ¦eli ¦a §W ¦A x¥P ©d i ¦R l ©rEli ¦t£©e ,z¤t«¤H©p §n ` ¥d §Y ¤Wi ¦A ©x §e .q¤x«¤g l ¤W `i ¦dm ¦ la£ .xi ¦Y ©n dcEd §i,dN ¦g §Y ¦n x¥vFI ©d Dx §A ¦gi¦l §M `Ed ¤W i¥p §R ¦n ,xY ªnmc ¨ ¥N ©n §i Ÿl .cg ¤dP«¤p §Y ¦i §e o ¤n«¤W dxr §wW`Ÿx o ¥Y ¦i §e x¥P ©d c©v §A,DkFz §A dli ¦z §R ©d.z¤a«¨ FW ` ¥d §Y ¤W li ¦a §W ¦A

:xi ¦Y ©n dcEd §i i ¦A ©x §e

x¥P ©d z ¤ d¤A©k §n ©d (d)` ¥xi §z ¦n `Ed ¤W i¥p §R ¦n

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enable a sick person to sleep, isabsolved; if his object is to save thelamp, the oil, or the wick, he is guilty ofa breach of the Shabbat law. Rabbi Yoseabsolves from such guilt in every caseexcept in that of the one whose object isto save the wick, because by thusextinguishing it, he converts it into acoal.HAMECHABEH et haner mipenei shehumit-yarei mipenei goyim, mipenei listim,mipenei ruach ra’ah, o bishvil hacholehsheyiyshan, patur. kechas al haner, kechas alhashemen, kechas al hapetilah, chayav. rabbiyosi poter bechulan chutz min hapetilah,mipenei shehu osah pecham:

(e) lr For three transgressions womendie in childbirth: because they havebeen negligent in regard to their periodsof separation, in respect to theconsecration of Challah (the first lump ofdough), and in the lighting of theShabbat lamp.AL shalosh averot nashim metot besh’atledatan, al she’einan zehirot, benidah,bechallah uvehadlakat haner:

(f) dyly A man must say three thingsto his household on Shabbat eve beforedark: Have you separated the tithe?Have you prepared the Eruv? Light theShabbat lamp. If it be doubtful whetherdarkness has fallen, that which iscertainly untithed must not then be

i¥p §R ¦n ,m ¦iFb i¥p §R ¦n©gE «x i¥p §R ¦n ,mi ¦h §q ¦lli ¦a §W ¦A F` ,drx.xEhR ,oWi ¦I ¤W d¤lFg ©dqg §M ,x¥P ©d l ©r qg §Ml ©r qg §M ,o ¤n«¤W ©d l ©ri ¦A ©x .aI ©g ,dli ¦z §R ©duEg oN ªk §A x ¥hFR i ¦qFii¥p §R ¦n ,dli ¦z §R ©d o ¦n :mg¤R DUŸr `Ed ¤y

zFx¥a ©r yŸlW l ©r (e)z ©r §W ¦A zFz ¥n mi ¦Wpo pi ¥ ¤W l ©r ,ozc¥ldN ©g §A ,dC ¦p §A ,zFxi ¦d§f

:x¥P ©d z©wl §c ©d §aE

mi ¦xa §c dyŸl §W (f)x ©nFl mc ¨ Ki ¦xva ¤x «¤r Fzi ¥A KFz § ¥W£g m ¦r zA ©W.m¤Y §a ©x ¥r .m¤Y §x ©V ¦r

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tithed, nor may we immerse vessels topurify them from defilement, nor maywe light the Shabbat lamps. But whatis possibly untithed may be tithed, theEruv may be made, and hot foodsmay be covered to keep their heat.SHELOSHAH devarim tzarich adam lomarbetoch beito erev shabat im chashechah.isartem. eravtem. hadliku et haner! safekchashechah safek einah chashechah, einm’asrin et havadai, v’ein matbilin ethakelim, v’ein madlikin et hanerot, avalm’asrin et hadma’i, um’arvin, vetomninet hachamin:

Talmud Babli. Berachoth 64a

xn` R. Elazar said in the name of R.Chanina, The disciples of the sagesincrease peace throughout the world, asit is said, and all your children shall betaught of the Lord; and great shall bethe peace of your children. (Read notbanayich, ‘your children’, but bonayich,‘your builders’.) Those who love yourTorah have great peace; and there is nostumbling for them. Peace be withinyour rampart, prosperity within yourpalaces. For my brethren andcompanions’ sakes I would speak peaceconcerning you. For the sake of thehouse of the Lord our God I wouldseek your good. The Lord will givestrength to his people; the Lord willbless his people with peace.AMAR rabbi el’azar amar rabbi chanina:talmidei chachamim marbim shalom

w¥tq !x¥P ©d z ¤ Ewi«¦l §c ©dDpi ¥ w ¥tq dk ¥W£goi ¦x §V ©r §n oi ¥ ,dk ¥W£g

z ¤oi ¥ §e ,i`C©E ©d,mi¦l¥M ©d z ¤ oi¦li ¦A §h ©nz ¤ oi ¦wi¦l §c ©n oi ¥ §eoi ¦x §V ©r §n la£ ,zFx¥P ©d,oi ¦a §xr §nE ,i`n §C ©d z ¤

:oi ¦O ©g ©d z ¤ oi ¦p §nFh §ecq zekxa dkqn cenlz

x ©n ¨ xfr§l ¤ i ¦A ©x x ©n ¨i ¥ci ¦n§l ©Y :`pi ¦p£g i ¦A ©xmFlW mi ¦A §x ©n mi ¦nk£glk §e :x ©n¡¤P ¤W ,mlFrAa ©x §e dŸed §i i ¥cEO¦l K¦i«©pAi ¥x §w ¦Y l © :K¦i«pA mFl §W.K ¦i«p FA `N ¤ ,K ¦i«p Ai ¥a £d Ÿ §l ax mFlWFn«l oi ¥ §e ,L«¤zxFzmFlW i ¦d §i :lFW §k ¦nde §l ©W ,K¥li ¥g §Ai ©g © o ©r«©n§l :Ki«zFp §n §x © §AmFlW `P dx §A ©c£ ir ¥x §e

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ba’olam, shen’emar: vechal banayich limudeiadonai verav shelom banayich: al tikreibanayich, ela bonayich. shom rav l’ohaveitoratecha, v’ein lamo michshol: yehi shalombecheilech, shalvah b’armenotayich: lema’anachai vere’ai adabrah na shalom bach:lema’an beit adonai eloheinu avakshah tovlach: adonai oz l’amo yiten, adonai yevarechet amo bashalom:

dŸed §i zi¥A o ©r«©n§l :KAaFh dW §w ©a£ Epi«¥dŸl¡FO ©r§l fŸr dŸed §i :Klz ¤ K ¥xa §i dŸed §i ,o ¥Y ¦i

:mFlX ©a FO ©r

zay zlaw

The Rabbi’s KaddishWith a minyan, mourners recite:

lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadashshme raba.

(amen)be’alma di vra kir'uteh veyamlichmalchuteh bechayechonuvyomechon uvechayei decholbeit israel, be’agala uvizmankariv ve'imru amen(all and mourner: amen. yeheshmeh rabba mevarakh le’olamul’almei ’almaya)

yitbarach veyishtabachveyitpa’ar veyitromam veyitnaseveyithadar veyit’ale veyit-halalshme dekudsha, brich hu.(brich hu)le’ela min kol (during Days of

Awe: l’ela ul’ela mikol) birchataveshirata tushbechatavenechemata da’amiran b’almav'imru: amen.


opaxc yicwWith a minyan, mourners recite:

l ©C©B §z ¦i.`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C©w §z ¦i §e (on`)

Ki¦l §n©i §e ,D ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n§lr §Ai¥I ©g §aE oFki ¥nFi §aE oFki¥I ©g §A D ¥zEk§l ©no ©n§f ¦aE `lb £r ©A ,l ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥A lk §c

.o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,ai ¦xw)all and mourner`A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §i

(.`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§l K ©xa §n

m ©nFx §z ¦i §e x © R §z ¦i §e g ©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦ilN ©d §z ¦i §e d¤N ©r §z ¦i §e xC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e

,`Ed Ki ¦x §A `W §c ªw §C D ¥n §W(`Ed Ki ¦x §A)

lM o ¦n `N «¥r§l)during Days of Awe

(lM ¦n `N «¥r§lE `N «¥r§l`zk §x ¦A ,`zn¡g¤p §e `zg §A §W ªY `zxi ¦W §e

.o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A oxi ¦n£ ©C(o ¥n ¨)

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al israel v’al rabanan, v’altalmideihon v’al kol talmideitalmideihon, v’al kol man d’askinb’orayta, di b’atra hadein v’dibechol atar va’atar. yehe lehonulechon shelama raba, chinavechisda verachamin, vechayiynarichin, umezonei revichei,ufurkana min kadam avuhon dibishmaya. v’imru: amen.


Yehe shlama raba min shmaya,vechayim aleinu ve’al kol israel,ve'imru amen.

(amen)Take three steps back. Bow left and say

‘ose’; bow right and say ‘hu’; bow centre then take three steps forward.

ose shalom bimromav huberachamav ya’ase shalom aleinuve’al kol israel, ve'imru amen


l ©r §e ,opA ©x l ©r §e l ¥ x §U ¦i l ©ri ¥ci ¦n§l ©Y lM l ©r §e oFdi ¥ci ¦n§l ©Yoi ¦w §qr §C o`n lM l ©r §e ,oFdi ¥ci ¦n§l ©zi ¦c §e oi ¥cd `x §z © §a i ¦C ,`z §i ©xF` §AoFk§lE oFd§l ` ¥d §i .x ©z£©e x ©z£ lk §a`C §q ¦g §e `P ¦g ,`A ©x `nl §Wi¥pFf §nE ,oi ¦ki ¦x£ oi ¦I ©g §e ,oi ¦n£g ©x §eoFdEa£ mc¢w o ¦n ,`pw §x ªtE ,i¥gi ¦e §xEx §n ¦ §e ,(`r §x © §e) `I ©n §W ¦a i ¦C

.o ¥n ¨(o ¥n ¨),`I ©n §W o ¦n `A ©x `nl §W ` ¥d §ilM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr (mi ¦aFh) mi ¦I ©g §e

(o ¥n ¨) .o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,l ¥ x §U ¦iTake three steps back. Bow left and say d ¤UŸr;

bow right and say `Ed; bow centre then take three steps forward.

`Ed ,einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤UŸrl ©r §e Epi«¥lr mFlW d ¤U£r©i ein£g ©x §A

.o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,l ¥ x §U ¦i lM(o ¥n ¨)

lcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name. All: Amenin the world which he has created according to his will. May he establish his kingdomduring your life and during your days, and during the life of all the house of Israel,even speedily and at a near time, and say, Amen.

All with Reader — Let his great Name be blessed for ever and to all eternity.Reader.—Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnifiedand praised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He.Though he be (exceedingly) high above all the blessings and hymns, praises andconsolations, which are uttered in the world; and say, Amen. All: Amen.Reader.—May there be abundant peace from heaven, and a happy life for us and forall Israel; and say, Amen. All: Amen.Reader: He who makes peace in his high places, may he in his mercy make peace forus and for all Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.

Welcoming the Sabbath

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Congregation in an undertone:

Fn §W ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §e x © R §z ¦i §e g©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦i,`Ed KExA WFcT ©d mi ¦kl §O ©d i¥k§l ©n K¤l«¤n l ¤Woi ¥ eicr§l ©A ¦nE oFx£g © `Ed §e oFy` ¦x `Ed ¤W

.mi ¦dŸl¡1Ef§l ¦r §e Fn §W Di §A zFax £rA a¥kŸxl EN «Ÿq .eipt§l2.dN ¦d §zE dkx §A lM l ©r mnFx §n Fn §WE 3

m ¥W i ¦d §i .c ¤re mlFr§l FzEk§l ©n cFa §M m ¥W KExA.mlFr c ©r §e dY ©r ¥n KxŸa §n dedi4

yitbarach veyishtabach veyitpa’ar veyitromamveyitnase shemo shel melech malchei hamlachimhakadosh baruch hu, shehu rishon vehu acharonumibal’adav ein elohim.1 solu larochev ba’aravotbeyah shemo v’ilzu lefanav.2 ushemo meromam alkol berachah utehilah.3 baruch shem kevod malchutol’olam va’ed. yehi shem adonai mevorach me’atahve’ad olam.4

Congregation Rises


dŸed §i z ¤ Ek §xA:Kx Ÿa §n ©d

barchu et adonaihamevorach.

Bless the LORD who is tobe blessed.

Congregation, followed by Cantor

KxŸa §O ©d dŸed §i KExA:c ¤re mlFr§l

baruch adonai hamevorachl'olam va’ed.

Blessed is the LORD whois to be blessed forever.

1Isaiah 44:6. 2Psalms 68:5. 3Nehemiah 9:5. 4Psalm 113:2ekxa- The Reader calls the congregation to bless God. Psalm 103: Bless the Lord my soul,and all that is within me. Bless his holy name. All bow slightly as reader says Barchu.

Blessed, praised, glorified, lifted up and exalted is the name of thesupreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed be he, who is thefirst and the last, and beside him there is no God.1 Extol him thatrides upon the heavens, whose Name is the Lord, and rejoicebefore him.2 His Name is exalted above all blessing and praise.3

Blessed is the Name of his glorious kingdom for all eternity.Blessed be the Name of the Lord from this time and forever.4

aixrnaeh meile zayl aixrn

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Blessings of the ShemaStay seated until the Amidah

jexa Blessed are you O Lord our God,King of the universe, who at your wordbrings on evening twilight, withwisdom opens the gates of the heavens,and with understanding changes timesand varies the seasons, and arrangesthe stars in their courses in the sky,according to your will. You create dayand night; you roll away the light frombefore the darkness, and the darknessfrom before the light; you make the dayto pass and the night to approach, anddivide the day from the night, the Lordof hosts is your name. REFRAIN: MAY THE LIVING AND ENDURINGGOD REIGN OVER US FOR EVER AND EVER.BLESSED ARE YOU, O LORD, WHO BRINGS ONTHE EVENING TWILIGHT. (AMEN)BARUCH atah adonai, eloheinu melechha’olam, asher bidvaro ma’ariv aravim,bechachma poteach sh’arim, uvitvunahmeshaneh itim, umachalif et hazmanim,umesader et hacochavim, bemish-meroteihem barakia keretzono. bore yomvalaila, golel or mipnei choshech,vechoshech mipnei or. uma’avir yomumevi lailah, umavdil ben yom uvenlailah, adonai tzeva’ot shemo.

rny z`ixw zekxaStay seated until the Amidah

KExA,d Ÿed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl ¤ai ¦x £r ©n Fxa §c ¦A x ¤W£©g«¥zFR dn §kg §A ,mi ¦ax £rdpEa §z ¦aE ,mi ¦xr §Wsi¦l£g ©nE ,mi ¦Y ¦r d¤P ©W §nx ¥C ©q §nE ,mi ¦P ©n§G ©d z ¤,mi ¦akFM ©d z ¤©ri «¦wxA m¤di ¥zFx §n §W ¦n §AmFi ` ¥xFA .FpFv §x §Mi¥p §R ¦n xF` l¥lFB ,dl§i«lei¥p §R ¦n K ¤W «g §e ,K ¤W «gmFi xi ¦a £r ©nE .xF`li ¦C §a ©nE ,dl§i«l `i ¦a«¥nE,dl§i«l oi ¥aE mFi oi ¥A

.Fn §W zF`a §v dŸed §ici ¦nY ,mI ©w §e i ©g l ¥ ämlFr§l Epi«¥lr KFl §n ¦i

The Maariv (evening) service, like the Shacharit (morning) and Minchah (afternoon)services is modeled on the sacrifices commanded in the Torah. While there is notspecific mention of an evening sacrifice in the Torah, yet it was the time whenanything that could not be burned during the day was offered up. Thus over time itbecame customary to offer up prayer in the evening, at least the Shemoneh Esrei.

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zad` With everlasting love you have

loved the house of Israel, your people.A Law and commandments, statutesand judgments you have taught us.Therefore, Lord our God, when we liedown and when we rise up we willmeditate on your statutes. Yes, we willrejoice in the words of your Law and inyour commandments forever. REFRAIN: FOR THEY ARE OUR LIFE AND THELENGTH OF OUR DAYS, AND WE WILL


PEOPLE ISRAEL. (AMEN)AHAVAT olam beit israel amcha ahavta,torah umitzvot, chukim umishpatim,otanu limadta al ken adonai eloheinu,beshachvenu uvkumenu nasiachbechukecha, venismach bedivrei toratechauvemitzvotecha l'olam va’ed. REFRAIN: KI HEM CHAYENU, V'ORECH





,dŸed §i dY © KExA .c ¤re :mi ¦ax £r ai ¦x £r ©n ©d

z©a£d ©zi¥A mlFr ,Y §a«d ¨ L §O ©r l ¥ x §W ¦imi ¦T ªg ,zF §v ¦nE dxFYEp «zF` ,mi ¦hR §W ¦nEd Ÿed §i o¥M l ©r Y §c«©n¦lEp«¥a §kW §A ,Epi «¥dŸl ¡,Li¤T ªg §A ©gi «¦Up Ep«¥nEw §aEL«¤zxFz i ¥x §a ¦c §A g ©n §U¦p §e.c ¤re mlFr§l Li«¤zF §v ¦n §aEK ¤x «Ÿ §e Epi«¥I ©g m ¥d i ¦M äd¤B §d¤p m¤daE ,epi«¥niL §za£d © §e ,dl§i«le mnFiEP«¤O ¦n xi ¦qY l ©dY © KExA .mi ¦nlFr§lFO ©r a ¥dF` ,d Ÿed §i

:l ¥ x §U ¦i

Ma’ariv for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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When beginning without a minyan, say:

God, faithful King!

Hear O Israel, the Lord our God,

the Lord is One.shema israel,

adonai eloheinu, adonai echad

In an undertone:

Blessed be His name, whose gloriouskingdom is forever and ever.

baruch shem kevod malchuto, le’olam va’ed

Deuteronomy 6:5-9

zad`e And you shall love the Lordyour God with all your heart, and withall your soul, and with all your might.And these words, which I command youthis day, shall be upon your heart; andyou shall teach them diligently to yourchildren, and shall talk of them whenyou sit in your house, and when youwalk by the way, and when you liedown, and when you rise up. And youshall bind them for a sign upon yourhand, and they shall be for frontlets

When beginning without aminyan, say:

on¡¤p K¤l«¤n l ¥

©n §Wr,l ¥ x §U ¦i ,Epi ¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i:c«g ¤ dŸed §i

In an undertone:

cFa §M m ¥W KExA.c ¤re mlFr§l FzEk§l ©n

e mixac

Y §a ©d ¨ §edŸed §i z ¥ ,L §a«a§l-lk §A ,Li ¤dŸl¡-lk §aE ,L §W §t©p-lk §aEmi ¦xa §C ©d Eid §e .L «¤cŸ §ni ¦kŸp«¨ x ¤W£ ,d¤N ¥ d,mFI ©d L §E ©v §nmY §p©P ¦W§e :L«¤aa§l-l ©rmA Y §x ©A ¦c §e ,Li¤pa§l

rny The Shema, taken from Deuteronomy 6:4 is recited twice daily, mentally beingaware that its recitation is a Scriptural precept. Messianic Jews contend that within itis a seed of the Scriptural concept that God is a complex yet absolute Unity. In theevening it is preceded by two blessings and followed by one more. The threeblessings speak of creation, revelation and redemption. Messiah Yeshua instructedthat the Shema is the first of all the commandments (Mark 12:29). Rav Shaul alsoreiterates the Shema in 1 Corinthians 8:4.

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between your eyes. And you shall writethem upon the doorposts of your house,and upon your gates. VE’AHAVTA et adonai elohecha, bechollevavcha, uvechol nafshecha, uvecholm'odecha. vehayu hadevarim ha’eleh,asher anochi metzavcha hayom, allevavecha. veshinantam levanecha,vedibarta bam beshivtecha beveitecha,uvelechtecha vaderech uveshachbecha,uvekumecha. ukshartam le'ot al yadecha,vehayu letotafot bein einecha, uchtavtam almezuzot beitecha uvisharecha.

Matthew 22:37-40

`id ef This is the first and greatcommandment. And the second is likeit. You shall love your neighbour asyourself.1 On these two commandmentshang the law and the prophets.*ZU HI hamitzvah hagdolah veharishonah:vehashniyah damtah lah v’ahavta lere’achakamocha:1 v’al shtei hamitzvot ha’elehteluyiym kol hatorah vehanevi’im.

Deuteronomy 11:13-21

dide And it shall come to pass, if youshall listen diligently to Mycommandments which I command youthis day, to love the Lord your God, andto serve Him with all your heart andwith all your soul, that I will give the

,L ¤zi ¥a §A L §Y §a ¦W §AK ¤x ¤C ©a L §Y §k¤l §aE.L«¤nEw §aE ,L §A §kW §a «EzF` §l mY §x ©W §wEzŸth Ÿh§l Eid §e ,L ¤ci-l ©rmY §a ©z §kE ,Li«¤pi ¥r oi ¥AL ¤zi ¥A zFf ªf §n l ©r

:Li«¤xr §W ¦aE

n-fl:ak izn

`i ¦d Efde §v ¦O ©d :dp Ÿy` ¦xd §e dl Ÿc §B ©dDN dz §nC dI ¦p §W ©d §e:L ŸenM L £r ¥x§l Y §a ©d ¨ §e1

z Ÿe §v ¦O ©d i ¥Y §WÎl ©r §emi ¦iEl §Y d¤N ¥ d:mi ¦ i ¦a §P ©d §e dx ŸeY ©dÎlM

`i mixac

did §e©r ŸnW-m ¦ ,i ©zF §v ¦n-l ¤ Er §n §W ¦Yd¤E ©v §n i ¦k Ÿp ¨ x ¤W£da£d«© §l ,mFI ©d m¤k §z ¤

1Leviticus 19:18. `id ef Yeshua exceeds the traditional definition of a ‘neighbour’ as a fellow Jew (BavaMetzia 32b) to being even a Samaritan (Gentile). For if a Samaritan could be theneighbour of a Jew, so too could the opposite be true. This is foundational to Israel’srole to proclaim Messiah to the world (Matthew 28:19).

Ma’ariv for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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rain of your land in its season, theformer rain and the latter rain, that youmay gather in your corn, and yourwine, and your oil. And I will give grassin your fields for your cattle, and youshall eat and be satisfied. Take heed toyourselves, lest your heart be deceived,and you turn aside, and serve othergods, and worship them; and the angerof the Lord be kindled against you, andHe shut up the heaven, so that thereshall be no rain, and the ground shallnot yield her fruit; and you perishquickly from off the good land whichthe Lord is giving you. Therefore shallyou lay up these My words in yourheart and in your soul; and you shallbind them for a sign upon your hand,and they shall be for frontlets betweenyour eyes. And you shall teach themyour children, talking of them, whenyou sit in your house, and when youwalk by the way, and when you liedown, and when you rise up. And youshall write them upon the doorposts ofyour house, and upon your gates; thatyour days may be multiplied, and thedays of your children, upon the landwhich the Lord swore unto your fathersto give them, as the days of the heavensabove the earth.VEHAYA, im shamoa tishmu el mitzvotai,asher anochi metsaveh etchem hayom,l'ahava et adonai elohechem, ul’avdo bechollevavchem, uvechol nafshechem, venatati

,m¤ki ¥d«Ÿl¡ dŸed §i z ¤m¤k §a ©a§l-lk §A Fc §ar§lEi ¦Y ©z«p §e .m«¤k §W §t©p lk §aE,FY ¦r §A m¤k §v §x ©-x«©h §nY §t ©q«¨ §e ,WFw§l ©nE d ¤xFiL §W «xi ¦z §e L¤pb §ca ¤U ¥r i ¦Y ©z«p §e .L «¤xd §v ¦i §e,L ¤Y §n ¤d §a ¦l L §c «U §A.Y §r«aU §e Y §l ©k «¨ §em ¤kl Ex §n «X ¦d,m ¤k §a ©a §l d ¤Y §t ¦i-o ¤Rm ¤Y §c ©a £r©e m ¤Y §x ©q §emi ¦x ¥g £ mi ¦dŸl ¡.m«¤dl m¤zi ¦e£g ©Y §W ¦d §e,m¤kA dŸed §i-s © dxg §em ¦i ©nX ©d z ¤ x ©vr §e,xhn d¤i §d ¦i- Ÿl §eo ¥Y ¦z Ÿl dnc£d §em¤Y §c©a£©e DlEa §i-z ¤u ¤x ¨ d l ©r ¥n dx ¥d §ndŸed §i x ¤W£ da ŸH ©dm¤Y §n ©U§e :m«¤kl o ¥zŸpd¤N ¥ i ©xa §C z ¤-l ©r §e m ¤k §a ©a §l-l ©rm ¤Y §x ©W §wE m ¤k §W §t©p

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metar artzechem b'ito, yoreh umalkosh,v'asafta deganecha, vetiroshchaveyitsharecha. venatati esev besadchalivhemtecha, ve’achalta vesavata. hishamrulachem pen yifte levavchem, vesartem,va’avadtem elohim acherim,vehishtachavitem lahem. vecharah afadonai bachem, v’atsar et hashamaim, veloyihyeh matar, veha’adama lo titen etyevula, va’avadtem meheira me’al ha’aretzhatova asher adonai noten lachem.vesamtem et devarai eleh al levavchem v'alnafshechem ukeshartem otam l'ot alyedchem, vehayu letotafot bein einechem.velimadtem otam et beneichem, ledaberbam, beshivtecha bevetecha, uvelechtechavaderech, uveshachbecha uvekumecha.uchtavtam al mezuzot beitecha,uvisharecha. lema’an yirbu yemeichemvimei venechem al ha’adama asher nishbaadonai la’avotechem latet lahem kimeihashamaim al ha’aretz.

Numbers 15:37-41

xn`ie And the Lord spoke to Moses,saying: 'Speak to the children of Israel,and bid them that throughout theirgenerations they make themselvesfringes in the corners of their garments,

-l ©r zF`§l mzŸzŸthFh§l Eid §e ,m¤k §c¤i:m«¤ki¥pi «¥r oi ¥AmzŸ m¤Y §c ©O¦l §ex¥A ©c§l ,m¤ki¥p §A-z ¤,L ¤zi¥a §A L §Y §a ¦W §A ,mA,K ¤x ¤C ©a L §Y §k¤l §aE:L«¤nEw §aE L §A §kW §aEzFfEf §n l ©r mY §a ©z §kE:Li «¤xr §W ¦aE L ¤zi ¥Am¤ki ¥n §i EA §x ¦i o ©r ©n §ll ©r m¤ki¥p §a i ¥ni ¦er ©A §W¦p x ¤W£ dnc£dz ¥zl m¤ki ¥z «Ÿa£©l dŸed §im ¦i ©nX ©d i ¥ni ¦M ,m¤dl

:u ¤x«¨ d-l ©reh xacna

x ¤n`ŸI©el ¤ dŸed §i x¥A ©C :x «Ÿn ¥N d ¤WŸnl ¥ x §U ¦i i¥p §A l ¤EUr §e :m¤d¥l£ Y §x ©n«¨ §e

xn`ie The Shema and its blessings lay upon us the obligations to love God, asexhibited by speaking of him throughout the day, teaching of him to our children,having his word on our bodies and on our gates. So that we might not forget, we arealso instructed to wear tefillin. ‘And the Rabbis said: Why does the Torah enjoin usregarding tekhelet? Because tekhelet resembles sapphire, and the Tablets were ofsapphire, to tell you that so long as the people of Israel gaze upon this tekhelet theyare reminded of that which is inscribed on the Tablets and they fulfill it, and so it iswritten, “And you shall see it and remember.”' (Mishnat Rabbi Eliezer, ch. 14).

Ma’ariv for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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and that they put with the fringe of eachcorner a thread of blue. And it shall beto you for a fringe, that you may lookupon it, and remember all thecommandments of the Lord, and dothem; and that you go not about afteryour own heart and your own eyes,after which your used to go astray; thatyou may remember and do all Mycommandments, and be holy to yourGod. I am the Lord your God, whobrought you out of the land of Egypt, tobe your God: I am the Lord your God.'True - *VAYOMER adonai el moshe lemor: daberel b'nei israel v'amarta alehem: v'asulahem tsitsit al kanfe vigdehem ledorotam,venatnu al tsitsit hakanaf petil techelet.vehaya lachem letsitsit, uritem otouzchartem et kol mitzvot adonai, va’asitemotam, velo taturu acharei levavchemv'acharei einechem, asher atem zonimacharehem: lema’an tizkeru va’asitem etkol mitzvotai: vihyiytem kedoshiml’eloheichem: ani adonai eloheichem, asherhotseti etchem me’eretz mitzraim, lihyotlachem l’elohim, ani adonai elohechem:emet...

Cantor repeats: The Lord, your God, is True -

adonai eloheichem emet

i ¥t §p ©M l ©r z ¦vi ¦v m¤dl,mzŸx «Ÿc§l m¤di ¥c §b ¦aspM ©d z ¦vi ¦v-l ©r Ep §z«p §edid §e .z¤l«¥k §Y li ¦z §Rm¤zi ¦ §xE ,z ¦vi ¦v§l m¤kl

m ¤Y §x ©k §fE Fz Ÿz ¤ ,d Ÿed §i zF §v ¦n lMŸl §e ,mzŸ m¤zi ¦U£r«©e

m¤k §a ©a§l i ¥x£g«© ExEzzx ¤W£ ,m¤ki¥pi «¥r i ¥x£g«© §e:m«¤di ¥x£g © mi ¦p Ÿf m¤Y ©m¤zi ¦U£r©e Ex §M§f ¦Y o ©r ©n§l,izF §v ¦n lM z ¤mi ¦y Ÿc §w m ¤zi ¦i §d«¦ed Ÿed §i i ¦p£ :m¤ki ¥d«Ÿl ¥lx ¤W £ ,m ¤ki ¥d «Ÿl ¡u ¤x ¤ ¥n m¤k §z ¤ i ¦z`¥vFdm¤kl zFi §d¦l ,m ¦i ©x §v ¦ndŸed §i i ¦p£ ,mi ¦dŸl ¥l

*-z¤n ¤ :m«¤ki ¥d«Ÿl¡Cantor repeats:

z¤n¡ m¤ki ¥dŸl ¤ dŸed §i* z ¤n ¤ - True. According to ancient tradition, this last blessing after the Shema endswith the first word of the next line, to echo the words of Jeremiah 10:10 ‘The LordGod is the true God’ (tb Berachot 14a)dedi Adonai is true. Yochanan 3:33 ‘God is true’; Romans 3:4 ‘God would be trueeven if everyone were a liar’; 1 Thessalonians 1:9 ‘you turned to God from idols toserve the true God’. Early followers of Yeshua clearly acknowledged God being true,and indeed he had proven himself thus by sending Messiah at the appointed time.

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dpen`e True and trustworthy is all this,and it is established with us that he isthe Lord our God, and there is nonebeside him, and that we, Israel, are hispeople. It is he who redeemed us fromthe hand of kings, even our King, whodelivered us from the grasp of all theterrible ones; the God, who on ourbehalf dealt out punishment to ouradversaries, and requited all theenemies of our soul; who does greatthings past finding out, yes, andwonders without number; who held oursoul in life, and has not suffered our feetto be moved; who made us tread uponthe high places of our enemies, andexalted our horn over all them thathated us; who wrought for us miraclesand vengeance upon Pharaoh, signs andwonders in the land of the children ofHam; who in his wrath smote all thefirst-born of Egypt, and brought forthhis people Israel from among them toeverlasting freedom; who made hischildren pass between the divisions ofthe Red Sea, but sank their pursuers andtheir enemies in the depths. Then hischildren beheld his might; they praisedand gave thanks unto his name, REFRAIN: AND WILLINGLY ACCEPTED HISSOVEREIGNTY. MOSES AND THE CHILDREN OFISRAEL SANG A SONG TO YOU WITH GREAT JOY,SAYING, ALL OF THEM:

dpEn¡¤emI©w §e ,z`Ÿf lM dŸed §i `Ed i ¦M ,Epi«¥lr,FzlEf oi ¥ §e Epi«¥dŸl¡.FO ©r l ¥ x §U ¦i Ep §g«©p£©e,mi ¦kl §n c©I ¦n Ep «¥cFR ©ds©M ¦n Ep«¥l£FB ©d Ep«¥M§l ©nl ¥ d .mi ¦vi ¦xr ¤d lM,Epi «¥xS ¦n Ep«l rx §t ¦P ©dlk§l lEn §B m¥N ©W §n ©d §ed ¤UŸrd .Ep«¥W §t©p i¥aiŸ,x¤w«¥g oi ¥ c ©r zFlŸc §boi ¥ c ©r zF`l §t ¦p §eEp«¥W §t©p mV ©d .xR §q ¦nhFO©l o ©zp Ÿl §e ,mi ¦I ©g ©Al ©r Ep«¥ki ¦x §c ©O ©d ,Ep«¥l §b ©xm¤x«I©e ,Epi«¥aiF` zFnAlM l ©r ,Ep«¥p §x ©wEp«N d ¤U «Ÿrd .Ep«¥ §pFU,dŸr §x ©t §A dnw §pE mi ¦Q ¦pmi ¦z §tFnE zFzF`.mg i¥p §A z ©n §c © §AlM Fzx §a ¤r §A d¤M ©O ©d

dpen`e In the morning, this prayer has an alternate: ai ¦S©i §e ... z ¤n ¤ So the Exodus isremembered twice daily, as per Psalm 92:3 ‘To declare your lovingkindness in themorning, and your faithfulness in the night seasons.’

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VE’EMUNA kol zot, vekayam aleinu, kihu adonai eloheinu v'ein zulato,v’anachnu, israel amo. hapodenu miyadmelachim, malkenu hagoalenu mikaf kolhe’aritsim. Hael hanifra lanu mitsarenu,vehamshalem gemul l'chol oyeveinafshenu. ha’ose gedolot ad ein cheker,venifla’ot ad ein mispar. hasam nafshenubachayim, v’lo natan lamot raglenu.hamadrichenu al bamot oyvenu, vayaremkarnenu al kol son'einu. ha’oseh lanunisim unekama befar’o, otot umoftimb’ad-mat b'nei cham. hamakeh v'evrato,kol bechorei mitzraim, vayotsei et amoisrael, mitochem lecheirut olam. hama’avirbanav ben gizrei yam suf et rod'feihem v'etson'eihem, bithomot tiba. vera’u vanavgevurato, shibechu vehodu lishmo, REFRAIN: UMALCHUTO VERATSON KIBLUALEIHEM, MOSHE U-VNEI ISRAEL LECHA ANUSHIRA, BESIMCHA RABA, V'AMRU KULAM:

Exodus 15:2,11

dknk in Who is like unto you, O Lordamong the gods, who is like unto you,glorious in holiness, fearful in praises,doing wonders. REFRAIN: YOUR CHILDREN SAW YOUR SOVEREIGNPOWER, AS YOU SPLIT THE SEA BEFORE MOSES:THEY EXCLAIMED, THIS IS MY GOD! AND SAID:MI KAMOCHA ba’elim adonai, mikamocha nedar bakodesh, nora tehilot osehfeleh. REFRAIN: MALCHUTCHA RA’U BANECHA, BOKE’AYAM LIFNEI MOSHE, ZEH ELI ANU V’AMRU:

`¥vFI©e ,m ¦i «x §v ¦n i ¥xFk §Al ¥ x §U ¦i FO ©r z ¤.mlFr zEx¥g§l ,mkFY ¦noi ¥A eipA xi ¦a £r ©O ©dz ¤ ,sEq m©i i ¥x§f ¦Bz ¤ §e m ¤di ¥t §cFxzFnFd §z ¦A ,m¤di ¥ §pFUeipa E`x §e ,r ©A ¦hEcFd §e Eg §A ¦W .FzxEa §B .Fn §W¦loFvx §A FzEk§l ©nE äd¤Wn ,m¤di¥l ©r El §A ¦wEpr L§l l ¥ x §U ¦i i¥p §aE,dA ©x dg §n ¦W §A dxi ¦W

:mN ªk Ex §n ¨ §e`i,a:eh zeny

dk «Ÿnk i ¦nmi¦l ¥ A dk «ŸnM i ¦n ,d Ÿed §i`xFp ,W ¤c «ŸT ©A xC § ¤p: ¤l«¤t d ¥U «Ÿr, zŸNi¦¦d §zLi«¤pa E`x L §zEk§l ©n ä,d ¤Wn i¥p §t¦l mi ©r «¥wFA :Ex §n ¨ §e Epr i¦l ¥ d¤f

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Exodus 15:2,11,18


The Lord shall reign forever and ever.




epgp` We know that our Redeemerlives, and at the last he will take hisstand upon the earth.1 God hasspoken to us by his Son, whom he hasappointed heir of all things, throughwhom also he made the worlds; whobeing the brightness of His glory andthe express image of his person, andupholding all things by the word of hispower, when he had by himselfpurged our sins, sat down at the righthand of the Majesty on high.2

ANACHNU yoda’im go’ali chaiv’acharon al afar yakum:1 ha’elohim dibereleinu al pi haben asher samahu leva’al

gi:eh zeny

KŸl §n ¦i dŸed §i.c ¤re m¤lFr§l

i:`l dinxi

dct i ¦M :x ©n¡¤p §e äFl ¨ §bE ,aŸw £r©i z ¤ dŸed §iKExA .EP«¤O ¦n wfg c©I ¦nl © B ,d Ÿed §i dY ©z ¤ Epl o ¥z §e l ¥ x §U ¦i

:d ©yc ©g£d zi ¦xA£d


Ep §g«©p£i®g i¦l£« ŸB mi §r ©cŸ †i :mE «wi x¬trÎl ©r oF Àx£g«© §Œe2

Epi¥l ¥ x¤A ¦C mi ¦dl¡dx ¤W£ o ¥A ©d i ¦RÎl ©rdl£g©p l ©r ©a§l EdnU

FA x ¤W£©e lŸM ©adUr:u ¤x ¨ e m ¦i ©nWÎm©BFcFa §M x ©d Ÿf `Ed §e

eipR m¤l ¤v §el ŸkÎ` ¥UŸp §e Fxa §C ©gŸk §Ai ¥x£g © §e

2 Job 19:25. 3 Hebrews 1:1-3

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nachalah bakol va’asher bo asah gamshamaim va’aretz: vehu zohar kevodovetzelem panav venose kol bechoach devarov’acharei asher tiher otanu benafshomechatotenu yashav mimin asher lohagedulah bamarom:1

epaikyd Cause us, O Lord our God, tolie down in peace, and raise us up, Oour King, to life. Spread over us thetabernacle of your peace; direct usaright through your own good counsel;save us for your name’s sake. Be ashield about us. Remove every enemyfrom us: pestilence, sword, famine andsorrow. Remove also the adversaryfrom before us and from behind us. Oshelter us beneath the shadow of yourwings. For you, O God, are a graciousand merciful King. REFRAIN: GUARD OUR GOING OUT AND OURCOMING IN TO LIFE AND TO PEACE FROM THISTIME FORTH AND FOR EVERMORE. YES, SPREADTHE TABERNACLE OF YOUR PEACE OVER US.BLESSED ARE YOU, O LORD, WHO SPREADS THETABERNACLE OF PEACE OVER US AND OVERYOUR PEOPLE ISRAEL, AND OVER JERUSALEM.HASHKIVENU adonai eloheinu leshalom,veha’amidenu malkenu lechayim ufrosaleinu sukat shlomecha, vetaknenu b’etzahtovah milifanecha, vehoshi’enu lema’anshmecha, vehagen ba’adenu, vehaserme’aleinu oyev, dever, vecherev, vera’avveyagon, vehaser satan milfananu

Epz Ÿ x ¥d ¦h x ¤W £ FW §t©p §AEpi ¥z`ŸH ©g ¥n oi ¦ni ¦n a ©WiFl x ¤W £

dN ªc §B ©d:mFxO ©A 1

Ep«¥ai ¦M §W ©dd Ÿed §i ,mFlW §l Epi «¥dŸl ¡Ep«¥M §l ©n Ep «¥ci ¦n £r ©d §eEpi«¥lr UFx §tE mi ¦I ©g§lEp«¥p §T ©z §e ,L«¤nFl §W z©M ªq,Li«¤pt§N ¦n daFh dv ¥r §A,L«¤n §W o ©r«©n§l Ep «¥ri ¦WFd §ex ¥qd §e ,Ep «¥c ©r ©A o¥bd §e,x¤a «¤c ,a¥iF` Epi«¥lr ¥n,oFbi §e arx §e ,a¤x«¤g §eEpi ««¥pt§l ¦n ohU x ¥qd §eLi«¤tp §M l¥v §aE ,Ep «¥x£g © ¥nEl ¥ i ¦M .Ep «¥xi ¦Y §q ©YEp«¥li ¦S ©nE Ep «¥x §nFWK¤l«¤n l ¥ i ¦M ,dY «¨

,dY«¨ mEg ©x §e oEP ©gEp «¥z` ¥v xFn §WE ämi ¦I ©g §l ,Ep «¥ FaEc ©r §e dY ©r ¥n ,mFlW§lE

1 Hebrews 1:1-3

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Stand until after the Amidah. All say:

exnye And the children of Israel shallkeep the Shabbat, to observe theShabbat throughout their generations,for an everlasting covenant. It is a signbetween me and the children of Israelfor ever, that in six days the Lord madethe heavens and the earth, and on theseventh day he rested, and ceased fromhis work.VESHAMRU bnei israel et hashabbat,la’asot et hashabat ledorotam brit olam:beini uvein bnei israel ot hi l’olam, kisheshet yamim asah adonai et hashamaimv’et ha’aretz, uvayom hashvi’i shabbatvayinafash.

Epi«¥lr UŸx §tE .mlFrKExA .L«¤nFl §W z©M ªqU ¥xFR ©d ,dŸed §i dY ©l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mFlW z©M ªql ©r §e l ¥ x §U ¦i FO ©r lM

.m¦i«lUEx¦§iStand until after the Amidah.

All say:

Ex §nW §el ¥ x §U ¦i i¥p §a zFU£r©l ,zA ©X ©d z ¤mzŸxŸc§l zA ©X©©d z ¤oi ¥aE i ¦pi ¥A :mlFr zi ¦x §A`i ¦d zF` l ¥ x §U ¦i i¥p §Ami ¦ni z ¤W«¥W i ¦M ,mlFr§lz ¤ dŸed §i dUr,u ¤x«¨ d z ¤ §e m ¦i«©nX ©dz©aW i ¦ri ¦a §X ©d mFI ©aE

.W©tP ¦i©e

Ma’ariv for Shabbat and Yom Tov

On Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot, Leviticus 23:24:And Moses declared the set feasts of theLord to the children of Israel

vayedaber moshe et mo’adei adonai el bneiisrael.

On Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot,:cn:bk `xwie

i ¥c £rFn z ¤ d ¤yŸn x¥A ©c §i©e.l ¥ x §U ¦i i¥p §A l ¤ ,dŸed §i

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With a minyan, Cantor recites:


lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadash shmeraba

(amen)be’alma di vra chir'uteh veyamlichmalchuteh bechayechonuvyomechon uvechayei dechol beitisrael ba’agala uvizman karivve'imru amen

(amen. yehe shme raba mevarachle’alam ul’alme ’almaya.)

yehe shme raba mevarach le’alamul’alme ’almaya. yitbarachveyishtabach veyitpa’arveyitromam veyitnase veyithadarveyit’ale veyithallal shmedekudsha, brich hu

(brich hu)le’ela (During Days of Awe l’elamikol) min kol birchata veshiratatushbechata venechematada’amiran be’alma ve'imruamen.


With a minyan, Cantor recites:

yicw ivg

l ©C©B §z ¦i .`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C©w §z ¦i §e (o ¥n ¨)

Ki¦l §n©i §e ,Di ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n§lr §Ai¥I ©g §aE oFki ¥nFi §aE oFki¥I ©g §A Di ¥zEk§l ©no ©n§f ¦aE `lb £r ©A .l ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥A lk §c

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e .ai ¦xwK ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W ` ¥d §i .o ¥n ¨)

(:`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§lm©lr§l K ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W ` ¥d §ig ©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦i .`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lExC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §e x © R §z ¦i §e`W §c ªw §C D ¥n §W lN ©d §z ¦i §e d¤N ©r §z ¦i §e

`Ed Ki ¦x §A(`Ed Ki ¦x §A)

`N «¥r§l)During Days of Awe(lM ¦n `N ¥r§lE `zg §A §W ªY `zxi ¦W§e `zk §x ¦A lM o ¦nEx §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A oxi ¦n£ ©C ,`zn¡g¤p §e

:o ¥n ¨(o ¥n ¨)

lcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name in the world which he has createdaccording to his will. May he establish his kingdom during your life and during yourdays, and during the life of all the house of Israel, even speedily and at a near time,and say, Amen.

All with Reader — Let his great Name be blessed for ever and to alleternity.Reader.—Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnifiedand praised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He.Though he be (exceedingly) high above all the blessings and hymns, praises andconsolations, which are uttered in the world; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.

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jexa Blessed* are you, O Lord ourGod and God of our fathers, God ofAbraham, God of Isaac, and God ofJacob, the great, mighty and reveredGod, the most high God, who bestowsloving kindnesses, and is Master of allthings; who remembers the piousdeeds of the patriarchs, and in lovewill bring a Redeemer to theirchildren’s children for your Name’ssake, in love.BARUCH* atah adonai eloheinu v’eloheiavoteinu, elohei avraham, elohei yitzhak,v’elohei ya’akov, ha’el hagadol hagiborvehanora, el elyon, gomel chasadimtovim, vekoneh hakol, vezocher chasdeiavot, umevi go’el livnei v’neihemlema’an shemo b’ahavah:


zea`*KExAdŸed §i dY ©

,Epi«¥zFa£ i ¥dŸl`¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡i ¥dŸl¡ ,md §x §a © i ¥dŸl¡,aŸw £r©i i ¥dŸl`¥e ,wg §v ¦ixFA ¦B ©d lFcB ©d l ¥ d,oFi §l ¤r l ¥ ,`xFP ©d §e,mi ¦aFh mi ¦cq£g l ¥nFBx ¥kFf §e ,l ŸM ©d d¥pFw §e`i ¦a ¥nE ,zFa ¨ i ¥c §q ©gm¤¥di¥p §a i¥p §a ¦l l ¥ FB

:da£d © §A Fn §W o ©r ©n§l

* Bow 1 Ezekiel 1:7. 2 Psalm 51:17. The Amidah is also known as the Shemoneh Esrei - the Eighteen Blessings. However,since on Shabbat and festivals it only consists of seven blessings, it is just called theAmidah - the Standing (prayer). The fourth (middle) prayer, Sanctification of theShabbat, varies evening (creation), morning (revelation) and afternoon (redemption,looking forward to the Shabbat Messiah will bring).

Ma’ariv for Shabbat and Yom Tov

Begin by taking three steps backward and three forward as we are approachingthe King. We stand with feet together, in respect, as angels before God.1 We face

Jerusalem. The following is said when the Amidah is read silently:

:L«¤zN ¦d §Y ci ¦B©i i ¦tE gY §t ¦Y i ©zt §U ip Ÿc£2

Adonai sfatai tiftach, ufi yagid t’filatecha2

O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise.2

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Bend the knees at Blessed, bow at You, stand at Lord

King, Redeemer, Messiah and Shield: Blessed are you Lord, Shield ofAbraham.MELECH ozer umoshia umagen:baruch atah adonai, magen avraham:

God’s Might

dz` You are mighty forever, OLord, resuscitator of the dead, youart mighty to save.ATAH gibor l’olam adonai, mechayehmetim atah, rav lehoshia:

You sustain the living with lovingkindness, revive the dead with greatmercy, support the falling, heal thesick, free the bound and keep yourfaith to them that sleep in the dust.

Bend the knees at Blessed, bow at You, stand at Lord

K¤l«¤n:o¥bnE ©ri «¦WFnE x¥fFr o¥bn ,d Ÿed §i dY © KExA

:mdx §a ©

zexeabdY ©,ip Ÿc£ mlFr§l xFA ¦B

a ©x ,dY«© mi ¦z ¥n d¥I ©g §n: ©ri «¦WFd§l

l ¥M §l ©k §n,c ¤q«¤g §A mi ¦I ©g mi ¦n£g ©x §A mi ¦z ¥n d¥I ©g §n,mi ¦l §tFp K ¥nFq ,mi ¦A ©x

aeh meile zayl aixrn

On Shabbat Shuvah add:

Remember us to life, O King whodelights in life, and inscribe us in thebook of life, for your sake and the sakeof your Son Yeshua, O living God.

ZACHRENU lechaim, melech chafetzbachaim, vechatvenu besepher hachaim,lema’ancha ulema’an bincha yeshua elohimchayim.

On Shabbat Shuvah add:

u¥tg K¤l«¤n ,mi ¦I ©g§l Ep «¥x §kfx¤t«¥q §A Ep«¥a §zk §e ,mi ¦I ©g ©AL§p ¦A o ©r ©n§lE L§p ©r ©n§l ,mi ¦I ©g ©d

.mi ¦I ©g mi ¦dŸl¡ ©rEW §i

From the Shabbat after Simchat Torah until the first day of

Passover, say:

You send the wind and send down therain.

mashiv haruach umorid hageshem:

From the Sabbath after SimchatTorah until the first day of

Passover, say:

ci ¦xFnE ©gE «xd ai ¦X ©n:m ¤W«B ©d

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Who is like you, Lord of mighty acts,and who resembles you, O King, whoorders death and restores life andcauses salvation (Yeshua) to sproutforth?*MECHALKEL chaim bechesed, mechayehmetim berachamim rabim, somech noflim,urofe cholim, umatir asurim, umekayememunato lishenei afar, mi kamocha ba’algevurot umi domeh lach, melech memitumechayeh umatzmiach yeshua: *

And you are faithful to revive the dead.Blessed are you, O Lord, who revivesthe dead.**vene’eman atah lehachayot metim. baruchatah adonai, mechayeh hametim:**

Sanctification of the Name

dz` You are holy and your Name isholy, and holy ones praise you everyday. Selah. Blessed are you Lord, theholy God. (on Shabbat Shuvah: The King,the Holy One.)

xi ¦Y ©nE ,mi¦lFg `¥tFx §em¥I ©w §nE ,mi ¦xEq £,xtr i¥p ¥Wi¦l FzpEn¡zFxEa §B l ©r«©A LF «nk i ¦nK¤l«¤n ,KN d¤nF «C i ¦nE©gi «¦n §v ©nE d¤I ©g §nE zi ¦n ¥n

* :drEW §i

on ¡ ¤p §ezFi£g ©d §l dY © dY © KExA .mi ¦z ¥n:mi ¦z ¥O ©d d¥I ©g §n ,dŸed §i**

myd zyecwdY ©L §n ¦W§e WFcw

lk §A mi ¦WFc §wE WFcw.dl«¤Q ,LE«l§l ©d §i mFi

* who causes salvation (Yeshua) to sprout forth. Isaiah 11:1 ‘And there shall comeforth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Sprout shall grow from his roots.’ Zechariah6:12 ‘behold the man, Branch (Sprout) is his Name’ Midrash Rabbah (Numbers 18:21):‘This refers to the Messiah , of whom it also says, I will raise unto David a righteoussprout (tzemach tzadik)’.** The repeated emphasis on the resurrection of the dead echoes a controversy stillunabated in Rav Shaul’s day, when he evaded trial by shouting ‘for the hope andresurrection of the dead I am being judged!’ in the Sanhedrin (Acts 23:6, compareSanhedrin 10:1, Rosh Hashanah 17a).

Ma’ariv for Shabbat and Yom Tov

On Shabbat Shuvah say:

Who is like unto you, Father of mercy, whoin mercy remembers your creatures to life?

mi kamocha av harachamim, zocher yetzurav lechayim berachamim:

On Shabbat Shuvah say:

,mi ¦n£g ©xd a © LF «nk i ¦nmi ¦I ©g§l eixEv §i x¥kFf

:mi ¦n£g ©x §A

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ATAH kadosh veshimcha kadoshukedoshim bechol yom yehallelucha, selah.baruch atah adonai, ha’el hakadosh (on Shabbat Shuvah: hamelech hakadosh).

Sanctification of the Shabbat

dz` You sanctified the seventh day toyour Name, as the goal of the creationof heaven and earth; you blessed itabove all days, and sanctified it aboveall seasons; and thus it is written in yourTorah:ATAH kidashta et yom hashvi’i lishmecha.tachlit ma’aseh shamaim va’aretz.uverachto mikol hayamim, vekidashtomikol hazmanim vechen katuv betoratecha:

Genesis 2:1-3

elki©e And the heaven and the earthwere finished and all their host. And onthe seventh day God had finished hiswork which he had made; and he restedon the seventh day from all his workwhich he had made. And God blessedthe seventh day, and he hallowed it,because he rested thereon from all hiswork which God had created and made.VAYECHULU hashamaim veha’aretzvechol tzeva’am: vayechal elohim bayomhasvi’i, melachto asher asah, vayishbotbayom hashvi’i, mikol melachto asher asah:vayevarech elohim et yom hashvi’ivayekadesh oto, ki vo shabat mikolmelachto, asher bara elohim la’asot:

l ¥ d ,d Ÿed §i dY © KExA WFcT ©d)on Shabbat Shuvah:

WFcT ©d K¤l¤O ©d.(

zay zyecwdY ©mFi z ¤ Y §W «©C ¦w

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epidl` Our God and God of our fathers,accept our rest; sanctify us by yourcommandments, and grant our portion inyour Torah; satisfy us with yourgoodness, and gladden us with yoursalvation; purify our hearts to serve youin truth; and in your love and favour, OLord our God, let us inherit your holyShabbat; and may Israel, who sanctifyyour Name rest on it. Blessed are you, OLord, who sanctifies the Shabbat.

ELOHEINU ve’lohei avotenu, retzebimnuchatenu. kadshenu bemitzvotechaveten chelkenu betoratecha. sab’enumituvecha, vesamchenu bishuatecha, vetaherlibenu le’avdecha be’emet. vehanchilenuadonai eloheinu be’ahavah uveratzon shabatkadshecha, veyanuchu vah israel mekadsheishemecha. baruch atah adonai, mekadeshhashabat:

Temple Servicedvx Accept, O Lord our God, yourpeople Israel and their prayer; restore theservice to the inner sanctuary of yourhouse; receive in love and favour boththe offerings of Israel and their prayer;and may the worship of your peopleIsrael be ever acceptable unto you.

RETZE adonai eloheinu b’amcha israeluvitfilatam, vehashev et ha’avodah lidvirbeitecha. v’ishei israel utefilatam b’ahavahtekabel beratzon, utehi leratzon tamidavodat israel amecha.

Epi«¥dŸl¡,Epi ¥«zFa£ i ¥dŸl`¥e Ep«¥W §C©w .Ep«¥zgEp §n ¦a d¥v §xEp «¥w §l ¤g o ¥z §e Li«¤zF §v ¦n §AE p «¥r §A ©U , L «¤z x F z §AE p «¥g §O ©U §e , L ««¤a E H ¦nEp«¥A¦l x ¥d ©h §e ,L«¤zrEWi ¦AEp«¥li ¦g§p ©d §e ,z ¤n¡ ¤A L §C §ar§lda£d © §A Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i,L«¤W §cw z ©A ©W oFvx §aEl ¥ x §U ¦i Da Ege «p i §eKExA .L«¤n §W i ¥W §C ©w §nW ¥C ©w §n ,d Ÿed §i dY ©

:zA ©X ©ddcear

d¥v §xEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i l ¥ x §U ¦i L §O ©r §Az ¤ a ¥Wd §e ,mzN ¦t §z ¦aE.L«¤zi¥A xi ¦a §c¦l dcFa £rdmzN ¦t §zE ,l ¥ x §U ¦i i ¥X ¦ §e,oFvx §A l¥A©w §z da£d © §Aci ¦nY oFvx§l i ¦d §zE

.L¤O ©r l ¥ x §U ¦i z ©cFa £repal xdhe Repentance is likened to a door which, if man opens only as much as theeye of a needle, God opens as wide as a gateway (Cant. R. to v. 2), for whoso iswilling to cleanse himself is assisted from above (Shabbat 104a; Yoma 38b).dvx The prayer for restoration of Temple worship is fulfilled in Messiah throughwhom we can boldly enter the holiest place (Hebrews 10:19).

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On Rosh Chodesh and Chol Hamoed add:

Our God and God of our fathers! May ourremembrance ascend, come and beaccepted before you, with theremembrance of our fathers, of MessiahYeshua the son of David your servant, ofJerusalem your holy city, and of all yourpeople the house of Israel, bringingdeliverance and well-being, grace,lovingkindness and compassion, life andpeace on this day of

On New Moon: the New Moon.On Passover: the Feast of Unleavened Bread.On Sukkot: the Feast of Sukkot.

O Lord our God, remember us on it forour good; be mindful of us for blessing,and save us for life: by your promise ofsalvation and mercy, spare us and begracious to us; have mercy upon us andsave us; for our eyes are turned to you,because you are a gracious and mercifulGod and King.

eloheinu velohei avotenu, ya’aleh, veyavo,veyagi’a, veyera’eh, veyeratze, veyishama,veyipaked, veyizacher zichronenuufikdonenu, vezichron avotenu, vezichronmashiach yeshua ben david avdecha,vezichron yerushalaim ir kadshecha,vezichron kol amecha beit israel lefanecha,lifletah letovah, lechen ulechesedulerachamim, lechaim uleshalom, beyom New Month: rosh hachodesh hazeh Passover: chag hamatzot hazeh Sukkot: chag hasuKkot hazehzachreinu, adonai, eloheinu, bo letovah,ufakdenu vo livrachah, vehoshi’enu volechaim. uvidvar yeshua verachamim, chusvechanenu, verachem aleinu vehoshi’enu, kielecha einenu, ki el melech chanunverachum atah.

On Rosh Chodesh and CholHamoed add:

Epi«¥dŸl¡,Epi«¥zFa£ i ¥dŸl`¥e, ©ri«¦B©i §e ,`Ÿai §e d¤l £r©i,r ©nX ¦i §e ,d¤vx¥i §e ,d ¤ x¥i §eEp«¥pFx §k¦f x¥kG ¦i §e ,c¥wR ¦i §eoFx §k¦f §e ,Ep«¥pFc §w ¦tE©gi «¦Wn oFx §k¦f §e ,Epi«¥zFa£,L «¤C §a ©r c ¦eC o¤A ©rEy¥ixi ¦r m¦i«©lWEx §i oFx §k¦f §eL §O ©r lM oFx §k¦f §e ,L«¤W §cw,Li«¤pt§l l ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥Ao¥g§l ,daFh§l ,dhi¥l §t¦lmi ¦I ©g§l ,mi ¦n£g ©x§lE c¤q«¤g§lE

mFi §A ,mFlW§lE W`Ÿx :W ¤cŸg W`Ÿx§ld¤G ©d W ¤c «Ÿg ©d

d¤G ©d zFS ©O ©d b ©g :g ©q¤R§ld¤G ©d zFM ªQ ©d b ©g :zFM ªq§l

FA ,Epi«¥dŸl¡ ,dŸed §i ,Ep «¥x §kfFa Ep«¥c §wtE ,daFh§lFa Ep «¥ri ¦WFd §e ,dkx §a¦ldrEW §i x©a §c ¦aE ,mi ¦I ©g§l,Ep«¥Pg §e qEg ,mi ¦n£g ©x §e,Ep «¥ri ¦WFd §e Epi«¥lr m¥g ©x §el ¥ i ¦M ,Epi«¥pi ¥r Li«¤l ¥ i ¦M.dY«¨ mEg ©x §e oEp ©g K¤l«¤n

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And let our eyes behold your return inmercy to Zion. Blessed are you, O Lord,who restores your divine presence toZion.VETECHEZENAH einenu beshuvchaletzion berachamim. baruch atah adonai,hamachazir shechinato letzion.

ThanksgivingBow until °

micen We give thanks to you, for youare the Lord our God and the God ofour fathers° for ever and ever; you arethe Rock of our lives, the Shield of oursalvation through every generation. Wewill give thanks to you and declare yourpraise for our lives which arecommitted to your hand, and for oursouls which are in your charge, and foryour miracles, which are daily with us,and for your wonders and yourbenefits, which are wrought at all times,evening, morning and noon. You whoare all-good, whose mercies fail not;you, merciful Being, whose lovingkindnesses never cease, we have everhoped in you.MODIM anachnu lach, sha’atah hu,adonai eloheinu velohei avotenu, l’olamva’ed, tzur chayenu, magen yish’enu, atahhu ledor vador nodeh lecha unesapertehilatecha. al chayenu hamesurimbeyadecha, v’al nishmotenu hapekudotlach, v’al nisecha shebechol yom imanu,v’al nifleotecha vetovotecha shebechal et,erev vaboker vetzaharayim, hatov ki lochalu rachamecha, vehamerachem ki lotamu chasadecha me’olam kivinu lach.

dpi«¤f¡g ¤z §eEpi«¥pi ¥r oFI ¦v §l L §aEW §AKExA .mi ¦n£g ©x §A

,d Ÿed §i dY ©xi¦f£g ©O ©d.oFI ¦v§l Fzpi ¦k §W

d`cedBow until °

mi ¦cFn,Kl Ep §g«©p£ dŸed §i ,`Ed dY © Wi ¥dŸl`¥e Epi «¥dŸl ¡

,Epi«¥zFa£°,c ¤re mlFr§l ,Ep «¥r §W ¦i o¥bn ,Epi«¥I ©g xEvxFce xFc§l `Ed dY ©x¥¥R ©q §pE L §N d ¤cFpEpi«¥I ©g l ©r .L«¤zN ¦d §Yl ©r §e ,L «¤ci §A mi ¦xEq §O ©dzFcEw §R ©d Epi «¥zFn §W ¦plk §A ¤W Li«¤Q ¦p l ©r §e ,Kll ©r §e ,Ep «O ¦r mFiLi«¤zFaFh §e Li«¤zF`§l §t ¦px¤w «Ÿae a ¤x «¥¤r ,z ¥r lk §A ¤WŸl i ¦M aFH ©d ,m ¦i «x¢dv §e

Elkm¥g ©x §n ©d §e ,Li«¤n£g ©x Li «¤cq£g EO«©z Ÿl i ¦M

.Kl Epi«¦E ¦w mlFr ¥n

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On Hanukkah say:

miqpd lr We thank you also for the miracles,for the redemption, for the mighty deeds andsaving acts you have done, as well as for thewars which you waged for our fathers in days ofold, at this season.

AL HANISIM, v’al hapurkan, v’al hagevurot, v’alhatshu’ot, v’al hamilchamot, she’asita la’avotenubayamim hahem bazman haze.inia In the days of the Hasmonean, Mattathiasson of Yochanan, the High Priest, and his sons,when the wicked power of Greece rose upagainst your people Israel to make themforgetful of your Torah, and to force them totransgress the statutes of your will. Then in yourabundant mercy you rose up for them in thetime of their trouble. You pled their cause. Youjudged their case. You avenged their wrong.1 Youdelivered the strong into the hands of the weak,the many into the hands of the few, the impureinto the hands of the pure, the wicked into thehands of the righteous, and the arrogant into thehands of them that occupied themselves withyour Torah. You made a great and holy name inyour world for yourself. And for your peopleIsrael you worked a great deliverance2 andredemption as at this day. And after this yourchildren came into the inner sanctuary of yourhouse, cleansed your temple, purified your holyplace, kindled lights in your sacred courts, andappointed these eight days of Chanukah inorder to give thanks and praises unto your greatName.

BIYMEI matityahu ben yochanan cohen gadol,chashmonai uvanav, keshe’amdah malchut yavanharesha’ah al amecha israel lehashkicham toratecha,uleha’aviram mechukei retzonecha, v’atahberachamecha harabim amadta lahem b’et tzaratam,ravta et ribam, danta et dinam, nakamta etnikmatam, masarta giborim beyad chalashim,verabim beyad meatim, uteme’im beyad tehorim,uresha’im beyad tzadikim, vezedim beyad oskeitoratecha. ulecha asita shem gadol vekadoshb’olamecha, ule’amcha israel asita teshua gedolahufurkan kehayom hazeh. v’achar kach ba’u banechalidvir beitecha, ufinu et heichalecha, vetiharu etmikdashecha, vehidliku nerot bechatzrot kadshecha,vekav’u shemonat yemei chanukah elu, lehodotulehalel leshimcha hagadol.

On Hanukkah say:

,ow §x ªR ©d l ©r §e ,mi ¦Q ¦P ©d l ©rl ©r §e ,zFxEa §B ©d l ©r §e,zFng§l ¦O ©d l ©r §e ,zFrEW §Y ©dmi ¦nI ©A Epi«¥zFa£©l zi «¦Ur ¤W

.d¤G ©d o ©n§G ©A m ¥ddopgFi o¤A Ed«i §z ¦Y ©n i ¥ni ¦A,eipaE i`©pFn §W©g ,lFcB o ¥dŸMoei zEk§l ©n dc §nr ¤W §Ml ¥ x §U ¦i L §O ©r l ©r drW §xd,L«¤zxFY mgi ¦M §W ©d§l,L¤pFv §x i¥T ªg ¥n mxi ¦a £r ©d§lEmi ¦A ©xd Li«¤n£g ©x §A dY © §e,mzxv z ¥r §A m¤dl Y §c«©nrz ¤ Y §p «©C ,mai ¦x z ¤ Y §a «©x,mzn §w ¦p z ¤ Y §n «©wp ,mpi ¦Cc©i §A mi ¦xFA ¦B Y §x«©qnc©i §A mi ¦A ©x §e ,mi ¦WN ©gc©i §A mi ¦ ¥n §HE ,mi ¦H ©r §nc©i §A mi ¦rW §xE ,mi ¦xFd §hi¥w §qFr c©i §A mi ¦c¥f §e ,mi ¦wi ¦C ©vm ¥W zi «¦Ur L§lE .L«¤zxFz,L«¤nlFr §A WFcw §e lFcBzi «¦Ur l ¥ x §U ¦i L §O ©r§lEow §x ªtE dlFc §B dreW §YKM x ©g © §e .d¤G ©d mFI ©d §M,L«¤zi¥A xi ¦a §c¦l Li«¤pa E «AEx£d ¦h §e ,L«¤lki ¥d z ¤ EP ¦tEEwi«¦l §c ¦d §e ,L«¤WC §w ¦n z ¤,L«¤W §Cw zFx §v ©g §A zFx¥pdMªp£g i ¥n §i z©pFn §W Er §aw §el¥N ©d§lE zFcFd§l ,EN«¥

.lFcB ©d L §n ¦W§l1 Jeremiah 51:36. 2 1 Samuel 19:5.

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For all these acts your Name, O ourKing, shall be continually blessed andexalted for ever and ever.V’AL kulam yitbarach veyitromamshimcha malkenu tamid l’olam va’ed.

And every living thing shall givethanks to you for ever, and shall praiseyour Name in truth, O God, oursalvation and our help. Selah. Blessed*are you, O Lord, whose Name isAll-good, and unto whom it isbecoming to give thanks.VECHOL hachaim yoducha selah,vihallelu et shimcha be’emet, ha’elyeshuatenu v’ezratenu selah. baruch* atahadonai, hatov shimcha ulecha na’eh lehodot.

PeaceGrant abundant peace to Israel yourpeople for ever; for you are thesovereign Lord of all peace; and may itbe good in your sight to bless yourpeople Israel at all times and in everyhour with your peace. **(cont. p. 98)Blessed are you, O Lord, who blessesyour people Israel with peace.SHALOM RAV al israel amecha tasiml’olam, ki atah hu melech adon lecholhashalom. vetov b’einecha levarech etamecha israel, bechol et uvechol sha’ahbishlomecha. **(cont. p. 98) baruch atahadonai, hamevarech et amo israel bashalom.

l ©r §eK ©xA §z ¦i mN ªM Ep«¥M§l ©n L §n ¦W m ©nFx §z ¦i §e

.c ¤re mlFr§l ci ¦nY

,dl«¤Q LE «cFi mi ¦I ©g ©d lŸk §eL §n ¦W z ¤ El §l ©di ¦eEp«¥zrEW §i l ¥ d ,z ¤n¡ ¤A*KExA .dl«¤q Ep«¥zx§f ¤r §eaFH ©d ,d Ÿed §i dY ©d ¤ p L §lE L §n ¦W


l ¥ x §U ¦i l ©r ax mFlWi ¦M ,mlFr§l mi ¦UY L §O ©roFc ¨ K¤l«¤n `Ed dY ©aFh §e .mFlX ©d lk §lL §O ©r z ¤ K ¥xa§l Li«¤pi ¥r §Alk §aE z ¥r lk §A ,l ¥ x §U ¦i.L«¤nFl §W ¦A drW

**(cont. p. 98)dY © KExA z ¤ K ¥xa §n ©d ,d Ÿed §i

FO ©r.mFlX ©A l ¥ x §U ¦i * Bow at ‘Baruch’

Ma’ariv for Shabbat and Yom Tov

On Shabbat Shuvah say:

O inscribe all the children of yourcovenant for a happy life.

uchtov lechayim tovim kol bnei vritecha.

On Shabbat Shuvah say:

lM mi ¦aFh mi ¦I ©g§l aFz §kE.L«¤zi ¦x §a i¥p §A

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Let the words of my mouth and themeditation of my heart be acceptablebefore you, O Lord, my Rock and myRedeemer.YIHYU LERATZON imrei pi vehegyonlibi lefanecha, adonai tzuri vego’ali.

O my God! guard my tongue from eviland my lips from speaking guile; and tosuch as curse me let my soul be dumb,yes, let my soul be to all as the dust.Open my heart to your Torah, and letmy soul pursue your commandments. Ifany design evil against me, speedilymake their counsel of no effect, andfrustrate their designs. Do it for the sakeof your Name, do it for the sake of yourpower, do it for the sake of yourholiness, do it for the sake of yourTorah. In order that your beloved onesmay be delivered, O save by yourpower, and answer me. Let the words ofmy mouth and the meditation of myheart be acceptable before you, O Lord,my Rock and my Redeemer.

Ei §d ¦ii ¦t i ¥x §n ¦ oFvx§l ,Li«¤pt§l i ¦A¦l oFi §b ¤d §e

.i¦l£Fb §e i ¦xEv dŸed §i

i ©dŸl ¡i ¦pFW§l xFv §p ,x ¥A ©C ¦n i ©zt §UE .rx ¥ni©l §l ©w §n¦l §e :dn §x ¦ni ¦W §t©p §e ,mŸC ¦z i ¦W §t©p.d¤i §d ¦Y lŸM©l xtr¤M,L«¤zxFz §A i ¦A¦l g ©z §RsFC §x ¦Y Li«¤zF §v ¦n §aEmi ¦a §WFg ©d lk §e .i ¦W §t©pdx ¥d §n ,drx i©lrl¥w§l ©w §e mzv £r x¥tdd ¥U £r .mY §a ©W£g ©nd ¥U£r ,L«¤n §W o ©r«©n§l

aeh meile zayl aixrn

**On Shabbat Shuvah say instead:

In the Lamb’s book of life, blessing, peaceand good sustenance may we beremembered and inscribed before you, weand all your people the house of Israel, for ahappy life and for peace. Blessed are you, OLord, who makes peace.

BESEFER chaiyim asher laseh, berachaveshalom ufarnasah tovah, nizacher venikatevlefanecha, anachnu vechol amecha beit israel,lechaim tovim uleshalom.

**On Shabbat Shuvah say instead:

,mi ¦I ©g x ¤t«¥q §Ax ¤W£,d ¤U©lmFlW §e dkx §A

x¥kG ¦p ,daFh dqp §x ©tEEp §g«©p£ ,Li«¤pt§l a ¥zM ¦p §e,l ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥A L §O ©r lk §e.mFlW§lE mi ¦aFh mi ¦I ©g§l

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ELOHAI, netzor leshoni mera. usefataimidaber mirmah: velimkalelai nafshithidom, venafshi ke’afar lakol tihyeh.petach libi betoratecha, uvemitzvotechatirdof nafshi. vechol hachoshvim alaira’ah, meherah hafer atzatam vekalkelmachashavtam. aseh lema’an shemecha,aseh lema’an yeminecha, aseh lema’ankedushatecha. aseh lema’an toratecha.lama’an yechaltzun yedidecha, hoshi’ahyemincha va’aneni. yihyu leratzon imreipi vehegyon libi lefanecha, adonai tzurivego’ali.

Bow, take three steps back. Bow left, right, centre, saying:

May he who makes peace in his highplaces make peace for us and for allIsrael, and say: amen.ose shalom bimromav, hu ya’ase shalomaleinu, v’al kol israel v’imru: amen.

May it be your will, O Lord our Godand God of our fathers, that the templebe speedily rebuilt in our days, andgrant our portion in your Torah. Andthere we will serve you with awe, as inthe days of old, and as in ancient years.Then shall the offering of Judah andJerusalem be pleasant to the Lord, as inthe days of old, and as in ancient years.1

YEHI RATZON milfanecha, adonaieloheinu velohei avotenu, sheyibaneh beithamikdash bimherah beyameinu, vetenchelkenu betoratecha, veshamna’avadecha beyirah kiymei olamuchshanim kadmoniyot. v’arvah ladonaiminchat yehudah viyrushalaim kiymeiolam uchshanim kadmoniyot.1

d ¥U £r ,L«¤pi ¦n §i o ©r «©n §ld ¥U £r .L«¤zX ªc §w o ©r ©n §lo ©r «©n©l .L«¤zxFY o ©r ©n §ldri «¦WFd ,Li «¤ci ¦c §i oEv§lg¥iEi §d ¦i .i ¦p«¥p £r©e L §pi ¦n §ioFi §b ¤d §e i ¦t i ¥x §n ¦ oFvx§li ¦xEv dŸed §i ,Li«¤pt§l i ¦A¦l

.i¦l£Fb §eBow, take three steps back. Bow

left, right, centre, saying:

,einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤UŸrmFlW d ¤U£r©i `Edl ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e ,Epi¥lr

.o ¥n ¨ :Ex §n ¦ §e

oFvx i ¦d §idŸed §i ,Li«¤pt§l ¦n ,Epi«¥zFa£ i ¥dŸl ¦¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡WC §w ¦O ©d zi¥A d¤pA ¦i ¤Wo ¥z §e ,Epi«¥ni §a dx ¥d §n ¦AmW §e ,L«¤zxFz §A Ep «¥w§l¤gi ¥ni ¦M d ¨ §x ¦i §A L §ca £r©pmi ¦pW §kE mlFrda §xr §e .zFI ¦pFn §c ©wdcEd §i z ©g §p ¦n d Ÿed §i©lmlFr i ¥ni ¦M m¦i«lWExi ¦e

.zFI ¦pFn §c©w mi ¦pW §kE1

1Malachi 3:4.

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Cantor and Congregation:

And the heaven and the earth werefinished and all their host. On theseventh day God finished his workwhich he had done; and he rested onthe seventh day from all his workwhich he had done. And God blessedthe seventh day, and he hallowed it,because he rested on it from all hiswork which God had created andmade.1

VAYECHULU hashamaim veha’aretzvechol tzeva’am vayechol elohim bayomhashvi’i melachto ashre asah: vayishbotbayom hashvi’i mikol melachto asher asah.vayevarech elohim et yom hashvi’ivayekadesh oto, ki vo shabat mikolmelachto asher bara elohim la’asot: 1

Said only with a minyan, up to Kaddish (p. 78).




Cantor and Congregation:

EN ªk §i©eu ¤x«¨ d §e m ¦i«©nX ©d l ©k §i ©e m ¨ a §v lk §ei ¦ri ¦a §X ©d mFI ©A mi ¦dŸl¡x ¤W £ FY §k`©l §nmFI ©A zŸA §W¦I©e :dUrFY §k`©l §n lM ¦n i ¦ri ¦a §X ©dK ¤x«a §i ©e .dUr x ¤W £mFi z ¤ mi ¦dŸl¡,FzŸ W ¥C©w §i©e i ¦ri ¦a §X ©dlM ¦n z ©aW Fa i ¦M`xA x ¤W£ FY §k`©l §n

:zFU£r©l mi ¦dŸl¡1

Said only with a minyan, up to Kaddish (p. 78).

äKExA,d Ÿed §i dY © i ¥dŸl`¥e Epi «¥dŸl ¡i ¥dŸl ¡ ,Epi «¥zFa£¥,wg §v ¦i i ¥dŸl¡ ,mdx §a ©l ¥ d ,aŸw £r©i i ¥dŸl`¥e`xFP ©d §e xFA ¦B ©d lFcB ©dm ¦i«©nW d¥pFw oFi§l ¤r l ¥

:u ¤x«¨ e1Genesis 2:1-3.

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Congregation then Cantor:

obn He by his word was a shield to ourforefathers. By his bidding he willrevive the dead. There is none like theholy God (on Shabbat Shuvah say: holy King),who gives rest to his people on his holyShabbat day, for he took pleasure inthem to grant them rest. Him we willserve with fear and awe. Daily andconstantly we will give thanks to hisName with proper blessings. He is theGod to whom thanksgivings are due,the Lord of peace, who hallows theShabbat and blesses the seventh day,and in holiness gives rest to a peoplesated with delights, in memory of thecreation.MAGEN avot bidvaro, mechayeh metimbema’amaro, ha’el (on Shabbat Shuvah say:hamelech) hakadosh she’ein kamohu,hameniach l’amo beyom shabat kadsho, kivam ratzah lehaniach lahem. lefanavna’avod beyir’ah vafachad, venodeh lishmobechol yom tamid, me’ein haberachot. elhahoda’ot adon hashalom, mekadeshhashabat, umevarech shevi’i, umeniachbekdushah l’am medushnei oneg, zecherlema’aseh vereshit:


Congregation then Cantor:

o¥bn,Fxa §c ¦A zFa ¨ ,Fxn£ ©n §A mi ¦z ¥n d¥I ©g §n

l ¥ d )on Shabbat Shuvah

say:(K¤l«¤O ©d WFcT ©d ©gi«¦p ¥O ©d ,EdF «nM oi ¥ ¤Wz©A ©W mFi §A FO ©r§ldvx ma i ¦M ,FW §cweipt§l .m¤dl ©gi«¦pd§l,c ©g«©te d ¨ §x ¦i §A cFa £r©pmFi lk §A Fn §W¦l d ¤cFp §e.zFkx §A ©d oi ¥r ¥n ,ci ¦nYoFc£ zF`cFd ©d l ¥W ¥C ©w §n ,mFlX ©dK ¥xa §nE ,zA ©X ©d©gi«¦p ¥nE ,i ¦ri ¦a §Wi¥p §X ªc §n m ©r§l dX ªc §w ¦Ad ¥U £r ©n §l x ¤k¥f ,b¤p «Ÿr

:zi ¦W` ¥x §ai ¥dŸl`¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡ äd ¥v §x ,Epi ¥«zFa £Ep «¥W §C ©w .Ep «¥zgEp §n ¦aEp «¥w§l¤g o ¥z §e Li«¤zF §v ¦n §AEp «¥r §A ©U ,L«¤zxFz §A

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Hebrews 4:4-10*

meiÎlr ik For it has been written of theseventh day in this way: And Godrested on the seventh day from all hisworks. And again it is written: Theyshall not enter my rest. Since therefore itremains for some to enter it, and thosewho formerly received the good newsfailed to enter because of disobedience,again a certain day is appointed:‘Today,’ saying through David so longafterward, in the words already quoted,‘Today, if you hear his voice, do notharden your hearts.’ For if Joshua hadgiven them rest, God would not havespoken of another day later on. So then,there remains a Shabbat rest for thepeople of God, for whoever has enteredGod's rest has also rested from hisworks as God did from his.

Ep«¥g §O ©U §e ,L«¤aEH ¦nEp«¥A¦l x ¥d ©h§e ,L«¤zrEWi ¦A,z ¤n ¡ ¤A L §C §ar §lEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i Ep«¥li ¦g §p ©d §ez ©A ©W oFvx §aE da£d © §ADa Ege «pi §e ,L«¤W §cwi ¥W §C ©w §n ,l ¥ x §U ¦idY © KExA .L«¤n §W:zA ©X ©d W ¥C©w §n ,dŸed §i


*c:c wxt mi ¦x §a ¦rdÎl ¤

mŸeiÎl ©r i ¦Mi ¦ri ¦a §X ©d x¥g © mŸewn §A x ¥nŸmŸei ©A mi ¦dŸl¡ zŸA §W ¦i©e: ŸeY §k`©l §n lM ¦n i ¦ri ¦a §X ©dcŸer x ©n`Ÿi d¤G ©d mŸewn ©aE:i ¦zgEp §n l ¤ oE`Ÿa §i m ¦i ¦M d¤fÎlM ¦n Epl `¥vŸI ©ddgEp §O ©d l ¤ mi ¦ A W¥idxU §AÎz ¤ mi ¦r §nŸX ©d §eE`a Ÿl W`Ÿx ¥n daŸeh:mzpEn¡ x¤qŸg i¥p §R ¦nmi ¦A ©x mi ¦ni u¥w§lEx¥g © mŸei c ©ri §e si ¦qŸedc ¦ec i ¦R l ©r Ÿex §n ¨ §A

* The writer of Hebrews encourages Messianic Jews not to abandon our faith inMessiah Yeshua. Should we do so we would become like those who hardened theirhearts and did not enter the Promised Land.

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KI AL YOM hashvi’i omer bemakom achervayishbot elohim bayom hashvi’i mikolmelachto: uvamakom hazeh yomar od imyevo’un el menuchati: hayotze lanu mikolzeh ki yesh ba’im el hamenuchahvehashom’im et besorah tovah merosh lova’u mipnei choser emunatam: uleketzyamim rabim hosif v’ya’ad yom acherb’amro al pi david hayom kemo shene’emarhayom im bekolo tishma’u al takshulevavchem: ki ilu hevi’am yehoshua elhamenuchah hanechonah lo hayah medaberacharei chen al yom acher: velachen odnish’ar yom shabaton l’am elohim: ki habael menuchato yishbot mimlachto ka’ashergam shabat elohim mimlachto shelo:

x ©n¡¤P ¤W Ÿen §M mŸeI ©dErn §W ¦z Ÿel Ÿw §A m ¦ mŸeI ©di ¦M :m¤k §a ©a§l EW §w ©Y l ©l ¤ ©r ªyŸed §i m ¨ i ¦a ¥d EN ¦Ÿl dpŸek §P ©d dgEp §O ©d

o¥k i ¥x£g © x¥A ©c §n didcŸer o¥kl §e :x¥g © mŸeiÎl ©rm ©r§l oŸez ©A ©W mŸei x © §W¦pl ¤ `A ©d i ¦M :mi ¦dŸl¡zŸA §y ¦i ŸezgEp §nm©B x ¤W£ ©M ŸeY §k`©l §O ¦nŸeY §k`©l §O ¦n mi ¦dŸl¡ z ©a ©W

:ŸeN ¤y

Ma’ariv for Shabbat and Yom Tov

Full KaddishRecited by Cantor

lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadashshme raba

(amen)be’alma di vra chir'uteh,veyamlich malchutehbechayechon uvyomechonuvechayei dechol beit’agala uvizman kariv. ve'imruamen:

(amen. yehe shme raba mevarach le’alam ul’almealmaya:)

yehe shme raba mevarach

mly yicwRecited by Cantor

.`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C©w §z ¦i §e l ©C©B §z ¦i (o ¥n ¨ )

,Di ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n§lr §AoFki¥I ©g §A Di ¥zEk§l ©n Ki¦l §n©i §ezi¥A lk §c i¥I ©g §aE oFki ¥nFi §aEo ©n§f ¦aE `lb £r ©A .l ¥ x §U ¦i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e .ai ¦xw`A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §i .o ¥n ¨ )i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§l K ©xa §n

(:`I ©n§lrK ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §i

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le’alam ul’alme almaya. yitbarach veyishtabachveyitpa’ar veyitromamveyitnase veyithadarveyit’ale veyithallal shmedekudsha brich hu

(brich hu)le’ela (on Shabbat Shuvah: ul’elamikol) min kol birchataveshirata tushbechatavenechemata, da’amiranbe’alma, ve'imru amen:

(amen)titkabel tzelot-hon uva’ut-hondechol beit israel kadamavuhon di vishmaya. v’imruamen:

(amen)yehe shlama raba minshemaya vechayim aleinuv’al kol israel, v’imru amen:

(amen)ose shalom bimromav huya’aseh shalom aleinu v’alkol israel, v’imru amen:

.`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§lm ©nFx §z ¦i §e x © R §z ¦i §e g ©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦ilN ©d §z ¦i §e d¤N ©r §z ¦i §e xC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e

`Ed Ki ¦x §A `W §c ªw §C D ¥n §W(`Ed Ki ¦x §A)

`N «¥r§l)on Shabbat Shuvah:(lM ¦n `N ¥r§lE `zg §A §W ªY `zxi ¦W §e `zk §x ¦A lM o ¦nEx §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A oxi ¦n£ ©C ,`zn¡g¤p §e

:o ¥n ¨(o ¥n ¨)

zi¥A lk §C oFd §zEraE oFd §zFl §v l¥A©w §z ¦Y.`I ©n §W ¦a i ¦C oFdEa£ mc¢w l ¥ x §U ¦i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e(o ¥n ¨)

mi ¦I ©g §e `I ©n §W o ¦n `A ©x `nl §W `¥d §i :o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,l ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr

(o ¥n ¨) mFlW d ¤U£r©i `Ed einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤UŸr

§n ¦ §e ,l ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr:o ¥n ¨ Exlcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name in the world which he has createdaccording to his will. May he establish his kingdom during your life and during yourdays, and during the life of all the house of Israel, even speedily and at a near time,and say, Amen.

All with Reader: Amen. May his great Name be blessed for ever and to all eternity.Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnified andpraised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He (on Shabbat Shuvah add: exceedingly).Beyond all the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations, which are uttered inthe world; and say, Amen. All: Amen.May the prayers and supplications of the entire Family of Israel be accepted beforetheir Father Who is in heaven, and say, Amen. All: Amen.Reader.—May there be abundant peace from heaven, and a happy life for us and forall Israel; and say, Amen. All: Amen.Reader: He who makes peace in his high places, may he in his mercy make peace forus and for all Israel; and say, Amen. All: Amen.

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Kiddush in the SynagogueWhen kiddush is said in the synagogue prior to

celebrating Shabbat in the home. Leader takes wine:

jexa Blessed are You, O Lord our God,King of the universe, creator of the fruitof the vine.BARUCH atah adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, borei peri hagefen.

jexa Blessed are You, O Lord our God,King of the universe, Who has sanctifiedus with His commandments, and withlove and favour has given us His HolyShabbat as a heritage, a remembrance ofcreation. For that day is the prologue tothe holy convocations, a remembranceof the Exodus from Egypt. For Youchose us and sanctified us and gave usYour Holy Shabbat as our inheritance.Blessed are You Lord, Who sanctifiesthe Shabbat.BARUCH atah adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, asher kidshanu bemitzvotavveratza vanu, veshabat kadsho b’ahavahuveratzon hinchilanu zikaron lema’asehvereshit, ki hu yom techila lemikra’eikodesh, zecher litzi’at mitzrayim, ki vanuvacharta v’otanu kidashta mikol ha’amim,veshabat kadshecha b’ahavah uveratzonhinchaltanu. baruch atah adonai,mekadesh hashabat.

yeciwIn the synagogue prior to

Shabbat in the home. Leader takes wine:

KExAd Ÿed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl ¡

.o¤t«B ©d i ¦x §R ` ¥xFA

KExAdŸed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡eizF §v ¦n §A Ep«W §C ¦w x ¤W£FW §cw z ©A ©W§e ,Ep«a dv «x §eoFvx §aE da £d © §Ad ¥U£r ©n§l oFxM¦f Ep«li ¦g§p ¦dmFi `Ed i ¦M ,zi ¦W` ¥x §a,W ¤c «Ÿw i ¥ «x §w ¦n§l dN¦¦g §Y,m ¦i «x §v ¦n z © i ¦vi¦l x¤k«¥fEp«zF` §e Y §x«©ga Ep«a i ¦M,mi ¦O ©rd lM ¦n Y §W«©C ¦wda£d © §A L §W §cw z ©A ©W§eKExA .Ep«Y§l ©g§p ¦d oFvx §aEW ¥C©w §n ,dŸed §i dY ©

.zA ©X ©djexa On Shabbat we recall how this day was given in particular to Israel as aheritage. ‘I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them’ (Ezekiel20:12). Since all creation ceased on Shabbat, it is relevant to all humanity. The customof reciting Kiddush in the Synagogue is from the days when it was also used as ahostel for visitors who would then go and eat nearby.

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In the absence of children, the leader drinks thewine, although he will also drink at home.

Before Shavuot, the Omer is counted

See Table ‘A’

All stand for Aleinu. Bow at *.

epilr It is our duty to praise the Lordof all things, to ascribe greatness tohim who formed the world in thebeginning; since he has not made uslike the nations of other lands, andhas not placed us like other familiesof the earth; since he has not assignedunto us a portion as to them, nor a lotas unto all their multitude. (They bowdown to vanity and nothing, andpray to a god who can not save) Forwe* bend the knee and offer worshipand thanks before the supreme Kingof kings, the Holy One, blessed be he,who stretched out the heavens andlaid the foundations of the earth, theseat of whose glory is in the heavensabove, and the abode of whose mightis in the loftiest heights. He is ourGod; there is none else: in truth he isour King; there is none besides him;as it is written in the Torah, And youshall know this day, and lay it to yourheart, that the Lord he is God inheaven above and upon the earthbeneath: there is none else.ALEINU leshabeach la’adon hakol, latetgedulah leyotzer b’reshit, shelo asanukegoyei ha’aratzot, velo samanukemishpechot ha’adamah, shelo sam

In the absence of children, theleader drinks the wine, although

he will also drink at home.

Before Shavuot, the Omer is counted

See Table ‘A’

All stand for Aleinu. Bow at*.

Epi«¥lro Fc £©l ©g«¥A ©W §l x¥vFi§l dN ªc §B z ¥zl ,lŸM ©dEp«Ur ŸN ¤W ,zi ¦W` ¥x §A`Ÿl §e ,zFvx £ d i ¥iFb §MzFg §R §W ¦n §M Ep «nUmU `Ÿl ¤W ,dnc £ dlk §M Ep«¥lx Ÿb §e ,m¤dM Ep «¥w§l¤gmi¦e£g ©Y §W ¦n m¥d ¤W) mpFn£dmi¦l§l ©R §z ¦nE wi ¦xe l¤a«¤d§l(. ©ri «¦WFi `Ÿl l ¥ l ¤

 *mi ¦r §x FM Ep §g«©p £ ©e,mi ¦cFnE mi ¦e£g ©Y §W ¦nEi ¥k §l ©n ,K¤l«¤n i¥p §t ¦lKExA WFcT ©d ,mi ¦kl §O ©dd ¤hFp `Ed ¤W .`Ed,u ¤x «¨ c ¥q Ÿi §e m ¦i «©nWm ¦i «©nX ©A Fxw §i a ©WFnEFG ªr z©pi ¦k §WE ,l ©r «©O ¦n

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chelkenu kahem, vegoralenu kecholhamonam. (shehem mishtachavim lehevelvarik umitpalelim el el lo yoshia.)*  va’anachnu  kor’im  umishtachavimumodim, lifnei melech, malchei hamlachim,hakadosh baruch hu. shehu notehshamayim veyosed aretz, umoshav yekarobashamayim mima’al, uschinat uzobegav’hei meromim, hu eloheinu ein od.emet malkenu efes zulato, kakatuvbetorato: veyadata hayom vehashevota ellevavecha, ki adonai hu ha’elohimbashamayim mima’al, ve’al ha’aretzmitachat ein od:

ok lr We therefore hope in you, OLord our God, that we may speedilybehold the glory of your might; whenyou will remove the abominations fromthe earth, and the heathen will beutterly destroyed; when the world willbe perfected under the kingdom of theAlmighty, and all the children of fleshwill call upon your Name; when you willturn to yourself all the evildoers onearth. Let all the inhabitants of theworld see and know that to you everyknee must bow, every tongue mustswear allegiance.1 Before you, O Lordour God, let them bow and worship;and to your glorious Name let themgive honour; let them all accept theyoke of your kingdom, that you may

`Ed ,mi ¦nFx §n i ¥d §ab §A.cFr oi ¥ Epi «¥dŸl ¡q ¤t«¤ Ep«¥M §l ©n z ¤n ¡:FzxFz §A aEzM ©M ,FzlEfz Ÿa ¥W£d©e mFI ©d Y §r ©ci §ed Ÿed §i i ¦M ,L«¤aa§l l ¤mi«©nX ©A mi ¦dŸl¡d `Edu ¤x«¨ d l ©r §e ,l ©r«©O ¦n

:cFr oi ¥ ,z ©g«Y ¦no¥M l ©rdŸed §i L§N d¤E ©w §p

zF` §x ¦l ,Epi «¥dŸl ¡,L«¤G ªr z ¤x«¤ §t ¦z §A dx ¥d §no ¦n mi¦lEN ¦B xi ¦a £r ©d§lmi ¦li ¦l ¡ d §e ,u ¤x «¨ do ¥T ©z§l ,oEz ¥xM ¦i zFxM,i ©C ©W zEk§l ©n §A mlFrE` §x §w ¦i xUa i¥p §A lk §eLi«¤l ¥ zFp §t ©d§l ,L«¤n §W ¦aExi«¦M©i .u ¤x«¨ i ¥r §W ¦x lM,l¥a ¥z i¥a §WFi lM Er §c¥i §elM r ©x §k ¦Y L§l i ¦M

ok lr The second paragraph of Aleinu looks forward to the Messianic Era.1Isaiah 45:23; Philippians 2:9-11 ‘God has highly exalted him (Messiah Yeshua) that atthe name of Yeshua every knee should bow and every tongue confess.... that YeshuaMessiah is Lord to the glory of God the Father.’

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reign over them speedily, and for everand ever. For the kingdom is yours, andto all eternity you wilt reign in glory; asit is written in thy Torah, The Lord ShallReign for Ever and Ever. And it is said,And the Lord Shall Be King Over Allthe Earth; In That Day the Lord Will BeOne and His Name One.2

AL KEN nekaveh lecha adonai eloheinu,lir’ot meherah betif’eret uzecha, leha’avirgilulim min ha’aretz, veha’elilim karotyicaretun, letaken olam bemalchut shadai,vechol benei vasar yikre’u vishmecha,lehafnot elecha kol rish’ei aretz. yakiruveyed’u kol yoshvei tevel, ki lecha tikra kolberech, tishava kol lashon. lefanecha adonaieloheinu yichre’u veyipolu, velichvodshimcha yekar yitenu, vikablu kulam et ‘olmalchutecha, vetimloch aleihem meherahl’olam va’ed. ki hamalchut shelcha hi,ul’olamei ad timloch bechavod, kakatuvbetoratecha, adonai yimloch l’olam va’ed.vene’emar, vehayah adonai lemelech al kolha’aretz, bayom hahu yihyeh adonai echad,ushemo echad.1

lM r ©aX ¦Y ,K ¤x«¤A.oFWl1d Ÿed §i Li«¤pt §l

,El Ÿ «R ¦i §e Er §x §k ¦i Epi«¥dŸl ¡xw §i L §n ¦W cFa §k ¦l §ez ¤ mN ªk El §A©wi ¦e ,Ep«¥Y ¦iKŸl §n ¦z §e ,L«¤zEk§l ©n lFrmlFr§l dx ¥d §n m¤di¥l £rzEk §l ©O ©d i ¦M .c ¤rei ¥n §lF «r §lE ,`i ¦d L §N ¤W,cFak §A KFl §n ¦Y c ©rdŸed §i ,L«¤zxFz §A aEzM ©M.c ¤re mlFr§l KŸl §n ¦id Ÿed §i did §e ,x ©n ¡¤p §e,u ¤x«¨ d lM l ©r K¤l«¤n§ld¤i §d ¦i `Ed ©d mFI ©AFn §WE ,cg ¤ d Ÿed §i

.cg ¤2

1 See note 1, p. 107. 2 Zechariah 14:9

aeh meile zayl aixrn

Mourner’s KaddishWith a minyan, mourners recite:

lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadash shme raba

(amen)be’alma di vra chir'uteh veyamlichmalchuteh bechayechon uvyomechon

mezi yicwWith a minyan, mourners recite:

l ©C©B §z ¦i.`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C©w §z ¦i §e (o ¥n ¨ )

,Di ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n§lr §A oFki¥I ©g §A Di ¥zEk§l ©n Ki¦l §n©i §e

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uvechayei dechol beit israelba’agala uvizman karivve'imru amen

(with cantor: amen. yehe shmeraba mevarach le’alamul’alme ’almaya.)

yehe shme raba mevarachle’alam ul’alme almaya.yitbarach veyishtabachveyitpa’ar veyitromamveyitnase veyithadar veyit’aleveyithalal shme dekudsha,brich hu

(brich hu)le’ela (during days of awe ul’elamikol) min kol birchataveshirata tushbechatavenechemata da’amiranbe’alma ve'imru amen.

(amen)yehe shlama raba min shmaya,vechayim aleinu ve’al kolisrael, ve'imru amen.


Take three steps back. Bow left and say ‘ose’; bow right and say ‘hu’;

bow centre then take three stepsforward at end.

zi ¥A lk §c i¥I ©g §aE oFki ¥nFi § ¦xw o ©n §f ¦aE `lb £r ©A .l ¥ x §U ¦i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e `A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §i .o ¥n ¨ )K ©xa §n

(:`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§lm©lr§l K ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §ig ©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦i .`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lE` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §e x © R §z ¦i §eD ¥n §W lN ©d §z ¦i §e d¤N ©r §z ¦i §e xC ©d §z ¦i §e

`Ed Ki ¦x §A `W §c ªw §C(`Ed Ki ¦x §A)

`N «¥r§l)during Days of Awe `N «¥r§l(lM ¦n `N «¥r§lE`zk §x ¦A lM o ¦n

,`zn¡g¤p §e `zg §A §W ªY `zxi ¦W§e :o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A oxi ¦n£ ©C

(o ¥n ¨ ),`I ©n §W o ¦n `A ©x `nl §W ` ¥d §il ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mi ¦I ©g §e

.o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e (o ¥n ¨ )

Take three steps back. Bow left and say d ¤UŸr; bow right and say `Ed;

bow centre then take three steps forward at end.

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ose shalom bimromav hu ya’aseshalom aleinu ve’al kol israel,ve'imru amen.


`Ed einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤UŸrlM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mFlW d ¤U£r©i(o ¥n ¨ ) :o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,l ¥ x §U ¦i

lcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name in the world which he has createdaccording to his will. May he establish his kingdom during your life and during yourdays, and during the life of all the house of Israel, even speedily and at a near time,and say, Amen.

All with Reader — Let his great Name be blessed for ever and to all eternity.Reader.—Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnifiedand praised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He.Though he be (exceedingly) high above all the blessings and hymns, praises andconsolations, which are uttered in the world; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader.—May there be abundant peace from heaven, and a happy life for us and forall Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader: He who makes peace in his high places, may he in his mercy make peace forus and for all Israel; and say, Amen. All: Amen.

aeh meile zayl aixrn

From Rosh Chodesh Elul to Shmini Atzeret,recite Psalm 27

Psalm 27

cecl A Psalm of David. The Lord ismy light and my salvation; whomshall I fear? The Lord is thestronghold of my life; of whom shallI be afraid? When evildoers assailedme to eat up my flesh, myadversaries and foes, they stumbledand fell. If an army should encampagainst me, my heart will not fear; ifwar should rise up against me, eventhen will I be confident. One thinghave I asked of the Lord, that will Iseek after: to dwell in the house ofthe Lord all the days of my life, tobehold the beauty of the Lord, andto visit in His temple. For He hidesme in His shelter in the day of evil;He conceals me in the folds of His

From Rosh Chodesh Elul to SheminiAtzeret, recite Psalm 27

fk milidz

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tent; He lifts me up upon a rock. Then myhead will be lifted up above my enemiessurrounding me; and I will offer in Histabernacle sacrifices with trumpet-sound; Iwill sing, yes, sing praises to the Lord.Hear, O Lord, when I call with my voice,and be gracious to me and answer me. Myheart has said of you: 'Seek my face'; yourface, Lord, I will seek. Do not hide your facefrom me; put not your servant away inanger; You are my help; do not cast me off,do not leave me, O God of my salvation.For though my father and my mother haveleft me, the Lord will take me in. Teach meyour way, O Lord; lead me in an even path,because of my enemies. Do not abandon meto the will of my foes; for false witnesseshave risen against me, such as breathe outviolence. REFRAIN: IF I HAD NOT BELIEVED TO LOOK UPONTHE GOODNESS OF THE LORD IN THE LAND OF THELIVING! WAIT ON THE LORD; BE STRONG AND OFGOOD COURAGE; WAIT FOR THE LORD.

LEDAVID adonai ori veyish’i mimi ira adonaima’oz chayai mimi efchad: bikrov alai mere’imle’echol et besari tzarai v’oyvai li hemah kashluvenafalu: im tachaneh alai machaneh lo yiyralibi im takum alai milchamah bezot aniboteach: atah sha’alti me’et adonai otachavakesh shivti beveit adonai kol yemei chayailachazot beno’am adonai ulevaker beheichalo: kiyitzpeneni besukoh beyom ra’ah yastirenibeseter ahalo betzur yeromemeni: v’atahyarum roshi al oyvai sevivotai v’ezbechahb’ahalo zivchei tru’ah ashirah va’azamrahladonai: shema adonai koli ekra vechaneniva’aneni: lecha amar libi bakshu panai etpanecha adonai avakesh: al taster panechamimeni al tat b’af avdecha ezrati hayita altitsheni v’al ta’azveni elohei yish’i: ki avi v’imiazavuni v’adonai ya’asfeni: horeni adonaidarkecha unecheni b’orach mishor lema’anshorerai: al titneni benefesh tzari ki kamu biedei sheker viyfe-ach chamas: REFRAIN: LULEI HE’EMANTI LIR’OT BETUV ADONAIB’ERETZ CHAYIM: KAVEH EL ADONAI CHAZAKVEYA’AMETZ LIBECHA VEKAVEH EL ADONAI:

x¬¥T ©a§lE dŸed §i Îm ©rŸ «p §A»dŸM ªq §A i ¦p¥p §R §v ¦i i³¦M :F «lki ¥d §Ax¤z ¥q §A i ¦p «¥x ¦Y §q©†i d ¬¨r Åx mF¶i §A:i ¦p «¥n §nFx §i xE Àv § ŒA F®l ¢d ¨i ¿¦W` Ÿx mE ¶xi d ¸Y ©r §edg §A§f ¤ §e i À©zFai«¦a«§q i Ä©a §i Ÿ « Îl ©rd ®¨rEx §z i¥g §a¦f Fl¢d ¨ § †a:dŸed§i©l d Àx §O©f£«©Œe dxi¬¦W »` Àx §w ¤ Œ i¬¦lF»w dŸed §iÎr ©n §Wx ©n ¨ ³L§l :i¦p«¥p £r«©e i¦p¬¥Pg §eLi­¤pRÎz ¤ i®pt EW §T ©A i ¦A¦ †lx Ä¥Y §q ©YÎl © :W«¥T ©a£ dŸed §is À© §A h ©YÎl © »i ¦P ¤O ¦n Li¤pRzi®¦id i¬¦zx§f ¤r L¬¤C §a Å©ri ¦p À¥a§f ©r«© ŒYÎl © §e i¦p¬¥W §H ¦YÎl ©i ¦O ¦ §e i ¦a ¨Îi ¦M :i «¦r §W ¦i i¬¥dŸl»¡:i ¦p«¥t §q © «©i dŸed§i«©Œe i ¦pE ®af £ri ¦p¥g §p †E L¬¤M §x Å©C dŸed §i i ¦p¬¥xF ³do ©r À©n§ Œl xF ®Wi ¦n g ©xŸ ´ §AW¤t¤p §A i ¦p¥p §Y ¦ †YÎl«© :i «x §xFWx¤w À¤ ŒWÎi ¥c «¥r i¬¦aÎEn«w i¬¦M i®xv

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lcbi Exalted be the living God and praised! He was, He is, He is to be for evermore!yigdal elohim chai veyishtabach,nimtza, v’ein et el metziyuto.

No unity like unto His can be: Eternal, inconceivable is He.echad v’ein yachid keyichudo,ne’lam, vegam ein sof l’achduto.

No bodily form or substance has he, His holiness with without compare.ein lo demut haguf v’einu guf, lo na’aroch elav kedushato.

He was, before anything was made, But His existence has no date, or birth.kadmon lechol davar asher nivra, rishon v’ein reshit lereshito.

Lord of the Universe is He proclaimed,Teaching His greatness and kingdom.hino adon olam lechol notzar, yore gedulato umalchuto.

He gave His gift of prophecy,To those in whom He gloried, loved and chose.shefa nevuato netano, el anshei segulato vetif’arto.


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,Fpz §p Fz ¨ Ea §p r ©t«¤W FzNªb §q i ¥W§p © l ¤

.FY §x © §t ¦z §e

lcbi This song is the basis for the hymn ‘The God of Abram Praise’. While it’sauthorship is not certain it echoes Maimonides’ thirteen principles of faith. With thisprayer we joyfully affirm that in the last Messiah will be sent to us - to complete theRedemption he has begun. Yeshua is the Prophet like Moses.

aeh meile zayl aixrn

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A Prophet like Moses has arisen for us, Who beheld God face to face.yesh kam lanu beyisrael kemoshe,navi umabit et temunato.

God gave true torah to His people, By the hand of His prophet faithful in His house.torat emet natan l’amo el, al yad neviyo ne’eman beito

God will not alter nor change His law,For any other for all eternity.lo yachalif ha’el velo yamir dato,l’olamim, lezulato.

He knows and sees our secret thoughts,He sees the end of all before its beginning.tzofe veyode’a setarenu,mabit lesof davar bekadmato.

With love He blesses the righteous, He metes out evil to wickedness.gomel l’ish chesed kemif’alo,noten lerasha ra kerish’ato

He at the last will send His Messiah,To redeem who await His salvation.yishlach mechadash leketz hayamin,meshichenu lifdot mechakei ketz yeshuato

God will restore the dead to life again.Praised be His glorious Name forevermore!metim yechayeh el berov chasdo,baruch adei ‘ad shem tehilato.

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.FzN ¦d §Y m ¥W c ©r i ¥c £r KExA

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Alternatively, Psalm 30 (page 116)

Luke 1.

lcbz My soul magnifies the Lord, andmy spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.For the Mighty One has done greatthings. Holy is his name. His mercy isfrom generation to generation of thosewho fear him. He has shown strengthwith his arm, and scattered the proudin the thoughts of their hearts. He hastoppled princes from their thrones,and exalted the lowly. He has filledthe hungry with good things, and sentthe rich away empty. He has givenhelp to Israel his servant,remembering his mercy (as he said toour fathers) to Abraham and his seedforever.1 Blessed be the Lord God ofIsrael. He has visited and wroughtredemption for his people. He hasraised up a horn of salvation for us inthe house of his servant David (as hespoke by the mouth of his holyprophets in days of old), salvation

Alternatively, Psalm 30 (page 116)

` qwel

l ¥C©b §Y:dŸed §i z ¤ i ¦W §t©p i ¥dŸl` ¥A i ¦gEx l¥bz §edUr z Ÿel Ÿc §B :i ¦r §W ¦i`Ed xi ¦C © i ¦cO ¦rl ©r ŸeC §q ©g §e : Ÿen §W yŸecw §e:x Ÿece x Ÿec lk §A ei ¨ ¥x §iz Ÿe`l §t ¦p dUr Ÿer Ÿx§f ¦Az ©O¦f §n ¦A mi ¦ ¥B ui ¦t ¥ds ©cd mi ¦hi¦N ©W :mA¦lm ¤UI ©e mz Ÿe` §q ¦M ¦nmi ¦a ¥r §x :mŸexO©l mi¦lt §Wmi ¦xi ¦W £r©e a Ÿeh `¥N ¦nwi ¦f¡g ¤d :mwi ¥x g©lyxM §f ¦I©e ŸeC §a ©r l ¥ x §U ¦i §A:ein£g ©x z ¤ ŸelEpi ¥z Ÿa £©l x¤A ¦C x ¤W£ ©M

1Luke 1:46, 48-55.

zayl zixgyaeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

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from our enemies, and from the hand ofall that hate us. He has shown mercytowards our fathers and rememberedhis holy covenant, the oath which hespoke to our father Abraham. He hasgranted us that being delivered out ofthe hand of our enemies we shouldserve before him without fear inholiness and righteousness all our days.2

TEGADEL nafshi et adonai: vetagel ruchib’elohei yish’i: gedolot asah imadi adir huvekadosh shemo: vechasdo al yere’av becholdor vador: bizro’o asah nifla’ot hefitz ge’imbimzimat libam: shalitim hadaf mikis’otamvayasem shefalim lamarom: r’evim miletov va’ashirim shalach reikam: hechezikbeyisrael avdo vayizkar lo et rachamav:ka’asher diber la’avoteinu l’avrahamulezar’o ad olam:1 baruch adonai eloheiisrael ki fakad veshalach pedut l’amo:vayarem lanu keren yeshuah beveit davidavdo: ka’asher diber befir nevi’avhakedoshim asher mikedem: lehoshi’a lanumiyad oyveinu umikaf kol son’einu: ligmalchesed im avoteinu velizkor et brit kadsho:et brit hashvuah asher nishba l’avrahamavinu: ki yatzilenu miyad tzar veyitnenul’avdo bivli fachad: venithalech bekodeshuvitzdakah lefanav kol yemei chayeinu:2

Psalm 30.

xenfn A Psalm; a Song at theDedication of the Temple; a Psalm ofDavid. I will extol you, O Lord; for youhave lifted me up, and have not made

Ÿer §x©f §lE mdx §a © §l:ml Ÿer c ©r1 dŸed §i K §ExA

c©wt i ¦M l ¥ x §U ¦i i ¥dŸl¡: Ÿen ©r§l zEc §R g©lW §edrEy §i o ¤x¤w Epl m ¤xI©e: ŸeC §a ©r c ¦eC zi ¥a §Ai ¦t §A x ¤A ¦C x ¤W £ ©Mmi ¦W Ÿec §T ©d ei ¨ i ¦a §p©ri ¦W Ÿed§l :m ¤c¤T ¦n x ¤W£s©M ¦nE Epi ¥a §i Ÿ c©I ¦n Eplln §b¦l :Epi ¥ §pŸUÎlMEpi ¥z Ÿea £Îm ¦r c ¤q ¤gzi ¦x §A z ¤ x ŸM §f ¦l §ezi ¦x §A z ¤ : Ÿey §cwr ©A §W¦p x ¤W£ drEa §X ©di ¦M :Epi ¦a£ mdx §a © §lEp¥p §Y ¦i §e xv c©I ¦n Ep¥li ¦S©i:cgt i ¦l §a ¦A Ÿec §ar §lW ¤c Ÿw §A K¥N ©d §z ¦p §ei ¥n §iÎlM eipt§l dwc §v ¦aE

:epi¥I ©g2

l milidz

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1 Luke 1:46, 48-55. 2 Luke 1:68-75.

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

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my foes to rejoice over me. O Lord, myGod, I cried to you, and you healed me.O Lord, you brought my soul up fromthe grave: you have kept me alive, that Ishould not go down to the pit. Singpraise to the Lord, O you his lovingones, and give thanks to his holy Name.For his anger is but for a moment; hisfavour is for a lifetime: weeping maytarry for the night, but joy comes in themorning. As for me, I said in myprosperity, I shall never be moved. You,Lord, of your favour made mymountain to stand strong: you hid yourface; I was confounded. I cried to you, OLord; and to the Lord I madesupplication: What profit is there in myblood if I go down to the pit? Can thedust give thanks to you? Can it declareyour truth? Hear, O Lord, and begracious to me; Lord, be my helper. REFRAIN: YOU HAVE TURNED MY MOURNINGINTO DANCING; YOU HAVE LOOSED MYSACKCLOTH, AND GIRDED ME WITH GLADNESS:SO THAT MY SOUL MAY SING PRAISE TO YOU,AND NOT BE SILENT: LORD MY GOD, I WILLGIVE THANKS TO YOU FOR EVER.MIZMOR shir chanukat habayit ledavid.aromimcha adonai ki dilitani, velosimachta oyvai li. adonai elohai, shiva’tielecha vatirpa’eni. adonai he’elita minshe’ol nafshi, chiyiytani miyardi bor.

.i ¦l i ©a §i Ÿ Y §g «©O ¦Ui ¦Y §r«©E ¦W ,id Ÿl ¡ d Ÿed §id Ÿed §i .i ¦p«¥ R §x ¦Y©e Li«¤l ¥lF` §W o ¦n zi«¦l ¡r ¤di ¦c §xI ¦n i ¦p«©zi ¦I ¦g ,i ¦W §t©pd Ÿed §i©l Ex §O©f .xFax¤k«¥f §l EcFd §e ,eici ¦q£g,FR © §A r©b «¤x i ¦M .FW §cwa ¤x «¤rA ,FpFv §x ¦A mi ¦I ©g.dP ¦x x¤w «ŸA©l §e ,i ¦k«¤A oi¦li,i ¦e§l ©W §a i ¦Y §x«©n ¨ i ¦p£©e.mlFr§l hFO ¤ l ©AL §pFv §x ¦A d Ÿed §i,f Ÿr i ¦x §x ©d§l dY §c«©n ¡r ¤di ¦zi«¦id ,Li«¤pt Y §x«©Y §q ¦dd Ÿed §i Li«¤l ¥ .ld §a ¦pip Ÿc £ l ¤ §e ,`x §w ¤r ©v«¤A d ©n .oP ©g §z ¤l ¤ i ¦Y §c ¦x §A ,i ¦nc §A,xtr L §cFi £d ,z ©g «W

xenfn Psalm 30 has been included in the morning prayers since the seventeenthcentury. It begins as a dedication of the Temple after which the daily prayers arepatterned. As a dedication, it is suitable to begin the Shabbat, a day dedicated toHashem since creation. Psalm 30 precedes the first part of the morning service, thePesukei Dezimra, which praises God before we enter into making requests of Him(Berachot 32a)

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zamru ladonai chasidav, vehodu lezecherkadsho. ki rega b’apo, chayim bertzono,ba’erev yalin bechi, velaboker’ani amarti beshalvi, bal emot l’olam.adonai birtzonecha he’emadtah leharerioz, histarta panecha, hayiyti nivhal.eleicha adonia ikra, v’el adonai etchanan.mah betz bedami, berideti el shachat,hayodecha afar, hayagid amitecha. shemaadonai vechaneni, adonai heyeh ozer li. REFRAIN: HAFACHTA MISPEDI LEMACHOL LI,PITACHTA SAKI VAT’AZRENI SIMCHAH.LEMA’AN YEZAMERCHA KAVOD VELO YIDOM,ADONAI ELOHAI L’OLAM ODECHA.

r ©n §W .L«¤Y ¦n £ ci ¦B ©i £dd¥i¡d dŸed §i ,i¦p«¥Pg §e d Ÿed §i

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.‚ «¤cF` mlFr§l i ©dŸl¡

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

Mourner’s KaddishWith a minyan, mourners recite:

lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadash shme


be’alma di vra chir'uteh veyamlichmalchuteh bechayechonuvyomechon uvechayei dechol beitisrael ba’agala uvizman karivve'imru amen

(with cantor: amen. yehe shme rabamevarach le’alam ul’alme’almaya.)

yehe shme raba mevarach le’alamul’alme almaya. yitbarachveyishtabach veyitpa’ar veyit-romam veyitnase veyithadar

mezi yicwWith a minyan, mourners recite:

l ©C©B §z ¦i.`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C©w §z ¦i §e (o ¥n ¨ )

,Di ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n§lr §A oFki¥I ©g §A Di ¥zEk§l ©n Ki¦l §n©i §ezi¥A lk §c i¥I ©g §aE oFki ¥nFi § ¦xw o ©n§f ¦aE `lb £r ©A .l ¥ x §U ¦i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e`A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §i .o ¥n ¨ )i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§l K ©xa §n

(:`I ©n§lrK ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W ` ¥d §i.`I ©n §lr i ¥n §lr §lE m©lr §lx © R §z ¦i §e g ©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦ixC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §e

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veyit’ale veyithalal shmedekudsha, brich hu

(brich hu)le’ela (during days of awe ul’elamikol) min kol birchataveshirata tushbechatavenechemata da’amiran be’almave'imru amen.

(amen)yehe shlama raba min shmaya,vechayim aleinu ve’al kol israel,ve'imru amen.

(amen)Take three steps back. Bow left and say ‘ose’; bow right and say ‘hu’;

bow centre then take three stepsforward at end.

ose shalom bimromav hu ya’aseshalom aleinu ve’al kol israel,ve'imru amen.


`W §c ªw §C D ¥n §W lN ©d §z ¦i §e d¤N ©r §z ¦i §e `Ed Ki ¦x §A(`Ed Ki ¦x §A)

`N «¥r§l)during Days of Awe `N «¥r§l(lM ¦n `N «¥r§lE`zk §x ¦A lM o ¦n

,`zn¡g¤p §e `zg §A §W ªY `zxi ¦W§e :o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A oxi ¦n£ ©C

(o ¥n ¨ ),`I ©n §W o ¦n `A ©x `nl §W ` ¥d §il ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mi ¦I ©g §e

.o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e(o ¥n ¨ )Take three steps back. Bow left and say d ¤UŸr; bow right and say `Ed;

bow centre then take three steps forward at end.

d¤U£r©i `Ed einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤UŸr,l ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mFlW

(o ¥n ¨ ) :o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §elcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name in the world which he has createdaccording to his will. May he establish his kingdom during your life and during yourdays, and during the life of all the house of Israel, even speedily and at a near time,and say, Amen.

All with Reader — Let his great Name be blessed for ever and to all eternity.Reader.—Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnifiedand praised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He.Though he be (exceedingly) high above all the blessings and hymns, praises andconsolations, which are uttered in the world; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader.—May there be abundant peace from heaven, and a happy life for us and forall Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader: He who makes peace in his high places, may he in his mercy make peace forus and for all Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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Pesukei D’zimrah

xn`y jexa Blessed be he who spoke,and the world came into existence:

Blessed be he: Blessed be he who was the maker of the

world in the beginning: Blessed be he who speaks and does: Blessed be he who decrees and

performs: Blessed be he who has mercy upon

earth: Blessed be he who has mercy upon his

creatures: Blessed be he who deals bountifully

with them that reverence him: Blessed be he who lives for ever, and

endures to eternity: Blessed be he who redeems and

delivers: Blessed be his Name.—Blessed are you, O Lord our God, Kingof the Universe, O God and mercifulFather, extolled by the mouth of yourpeople, praised and glorified by thetongue of your pious servants. We alsowill praise you, O Lord our God, withthe songs of David your servant; withthe praises and psalms we will magnify,praise and glorify you. We will callupon your Name, and proclaim you ourKing, our God,

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dxnfc iweqt The Pesukei Dezimra ("hymnal verses") are prayers consist of variousblessings, psalms, and sequences of verses. The purpose of Pesukei Dezimra is so anindividual will recite praises of God prior to making requests of God which take placelater during Shacharit and throughout the day. Initially, Pesukei Dezimra consisted ofonly psalms 145-150, initiated by Rabbi Yose in the second century.

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REFRAIN: YOU THE ONLY ONE, THE LIFE OF ALLWORLDS. O KING, PRAISED AND GLORIFIED BEYOUR GREAT NAME FOR EVER AND EVER.BLESSED ARE YOU, O LORD, A KING EXTOLLEDWITH PRAISES.BARUCH SHE’AMAR vehayah adonaiha’olam, baruch hu, baruch oseh bereishit,baruch omer v’oseh, baruch gozerumekayem, baruch merachem al ha’aretz,baruch merachem al habriyot, baruchmeshalem sachar tov liyre’av, baruch chaila’ad vekayam lanetzch, baruch podehumatzil, baruch shemo. baruch atah adonaieloheinu melech ha’olam, ha’el ha’avharachaman, hamehulal befi amo,meshubach umefo’ar bilshon chasidavva’avadav, uveshirei david avdecha.nehalelcha adonai eloheinu beshvachotuvizmirot, unegadelcha uneshabechachaunefa’ercha venazkir shimcha,venamlichecha, malkenu eloheinu, REFRAIN: YACHID, CHEI HA’OLAMIM, MELECHMESHUBACH UMEFO’AR ADEI AD SHEMO HAGADOL.BARUCH ATAH ADONAI, MELECH MEHULALBATISHBACHOT.

1 Chronicles 16:8-36

eced O give thanks to the Lord, callupon his Name; make known his deedsamong the peoples. Sing to him, singpraises to him; tell of all his marvellousworks. Glory in his holy Name: let theheart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.Search for the Lord and his strength;seek his face evermore. Remember his

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marvellous works that he has done; hiswonders, and the judgments of hismouth; O seed of Israel, his servant,children of Jacob, his chosen ones. He isthe Lord our God: his judgments are inall the earth. Remember his covenantfor ever, the word which hecommanded to a thousand generations;which he made with Abraham, and hisoath to Isaac; and established it untoJacob for a statute, to Israel for aneverlasting covenant: saying, To you Iwill give the land of Canaan, as the lotof your inheritance: when you were buta few men in number; yes, few, andsojourners in it; and when they weregoing about from nation to nation, andfrom one kingdom to another people.He allowed no man to oppress them; herebuked kings for their sakes; Touch notmy anointed ones, and do my prophetsno harm. Sing to the Lord, all the earth;proclaim his salvation from day to day.Recount his glory among the nations,his marvels among all the peoples. Forgreat is the Lord, and exceedingly to bepraised; he is to be revered above allgods. REFRAIN: FOR ALL THE GODS OF THE PEOPLESARE THINGS OF NOUGHT: BUT THE LORD MADETHE HEAVENS.HODU ladonai kir’u vishmo, hodi’uba’amim alilotav. shiru lo, zamru lo, sichubechol nifle’otav. hithallelu beshem kadsho,yismach lev mevakshei adonai. dirshuadonai v’uzo, bakshu panav tamid. zichru

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nifle’otav asher asah, moftiv umishpeteifihu. zera israel avdo, benei ya’akovbechirav. hu adonai eloheinu, becholha’aretz mishpatav. zichru l’olam verito,davar tzivah l’elef dor. asher karat etavraham, ushvu’ato leyitzchak.vaya’amideha leya’akov lechok, leyisraelbrit olam. lemor, lecha eten eretz kna’an,chevel nachalatechem. behyotchem meteimispar, kim’at vegarim bah. vayithalchumigoy el goy, umimamlachah el am acher.lo hiniach l’ish l’ashkam, vayochachaleihem melachim. al tig’u bimshichai,uvinvi’ai al tare’u. shiru ladonai kolha’aretz, basru miyom el yom yeshuato.sapru bagoyim et kevodo, bechol haamimnifl’otav. ki gadol adonai umehulal m’od,venora hu al kol elohim. REFRAIN: KI KOL ELOHEI HA’AMIM ELILIM.VA’ADONAI SHAMAYIM ASAH.

xcde ced Grandeur and majesty arebefore him: strength and gladness are inhis place. Ascribe to the Lord, youfamilies of the peoples, ascribe to theLord glory and strength. Ascribe to theLord the glory due to his Name: take anoffering, and come before him; worshipthe Lord in the beauty of holiness.Tremble before him all the earth: theworld also is set firm, that it cannot bemoved. Let the heavens rejoice, and letthe earth be glad; and let them sayamong the heathen, The Lord reigns.Let the sea roar, and the fullnessthereof; let the field exult, and all that is

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in it. Then shall the trees of the forestexult before the Lord, for he is comingto judge the earth. Give thanks to theLord; for he is good: for hislovingkindness endures for ever. Andsay, Save us, O God of our salvation,and gather us and deliver us from thenations, to give thanks to your holyName, and to triumph in your praise.Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,from everlasting even to everlasting.And all the people said, amen, andpraised the Lord.REFRAIN: EXALT THE LORD OUR GOD, ANDWORSHIP AT HIS TEMPLE: HOLY IS HE. EXALTTHE LORD OUR GOD, AND WORSHIP AT HISHOLY MOUNT; FOR THE LORD OUR GOD IS HOLY.HOD VEHADAR lefanav, oz vechedvahbimkomo. havu ladonai mishpechot amim,havu ladonai kevod va’oz. havu ladonaikevod shemo, se’u minchah uvo’u lefanav,hishtachavu ladonai behadrat kodesh chilumilfanav kol ha’aretz, af tikon tevel baltimot. yis’mechu hashamaim vetagelha’aretz, veyomeru bagoyim, adonaimalach. yir’am hayam umelo’o, ya’alotzhasadeh vechol asher bo. az yeranenu atzeihaya’ar, milifnei adonai, ki va lishpot etha’aretz. hodu ladonai ki tov, ki l’olamchasdo. v’imru hoshi’enu elohei yish’enu,vekabtzenu vehatzilenu min hagoyim,lehodot leshem kadshecha, lehishtabeachbithilatecha. baruch adonai elohei israelmin ha’olam v’ad ha’olam, vayomru kolha’am, amen, vehalel ladonai.REFRAIN: ROMEMU ADONAI ELOHEINU,VEHISHTACHAVU LAHADOM RAGLAV, KADOSHHU. ROMEMU ADONAI ELOHEINUVEHISHTACHAVU LEHAR KADSHO, KI KADOSHADONAI ELOHEINU.

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.Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i

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From the Psalms

megx `ede And he, being merciful,forgives iniquity, and destroys not:truly, many a time he turns his angeraway, and does not stir up all his wrath.Withhold not your tender mercies fromme, O Lord: let your lovingkindnessand your truth continually preserve me.Remember, O Lord, your tender merciesand your loving kindnesses; for theyhave been ever of old. Ascribe strengthto God: his majesty is over Israel, andhis strength is in the skies. O God, youare to be feared out of your sanctuary:the God of Israel, he gives strength andpower to his people. Blessed be God. OLord, God to who retribution belongs,God to whom retribution belongs, shineforth. Lift yourself up, you Judge of theearth: render to the proud their desert.Salvation belongs to the Lord: yourblessing be upon your people. (Selah.)REFRAIN - THE LORD OF HOSTS IS WITH US; THEGOD OF JACOB IS OUR STRONGHOLD. (SELAH.)O LORD OF HOSTS, HAPPY IS THE MAN THATTRUSTS IN YOU. SAVE, LORD: MAY THE KINGANSWER US ON THE DAY WHEN WE CALL. VEHU RACHUM, yechaper avon, veloyashchit, vehirbah lehashiv apo, velo ya’irkol chamato. atah adonai, lo tichlarachamecha mimeni, chasdecha va’amitchatamid yitzruni. zechor rachamecha adonai


mEg ©x `Ed §e,x¥R©k §i ,zi ¦g §W ©i `Ÿl §e ,o Ÿer,FR © ai ¦Wd§l dA §x ¦d §e.Fzn£g lM xi ¦ri Ÿl §e`l §k ¦z Ÿl ,d Ÿed §i dY ©L §C §q ©g ,i ¦P«¤O ¦n Li«¤n£g ©x.i ¦pEx §S ¦i ci ¦nY L §Y ¦n£©ed Ÿed §i Li«¤n£g ©x xŸk§fmlFr ¥n i ¦M ,Li «¤cq£g©ef Ÿr Ep §Y .dO«¥dl ¥ x §U ¦i l ©r ,mi ¦dŸl ¥l.mi ¦wg §X©A FG ªr §e ,Fze£©Bmi ¦dŸl ¡ `xFpl ¥ ,Li«¤WC §w ¦O ¦nfŸr o ¥zFp `Ed ,l ¥ x §U ¦iKExA ,mrl zFn ªv £r ©z §ezFnw §p l ¥ .mi ¦dŸl ¡zFnw §p l ¥ ,d Ÿed §ih¥tŸW ` ¥UP ¦d . ©ri«¦tFdlEn §B a ¥Wd ,u ¤x«¨ dd Ÿed §i©l .mi ¦ ¥B l ©r

megx `ede This selection compiled from the Psalms is based on Psalms 99:5; 99:9;78:38; 40:12; 25:6; 68:35-36; 94:1-2; 3:9; 46:8; 84:13; 20:10; 28:9; 33:20-22; 85:8, 44:27;81:11; 144:15; 13:6.

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vachasadecha, ki me’olam hemah. tenu ozl’elohim, al israel ga’avato, v’uzobashchakim. nora elohim mimikdashecha,el israel, hu noten oz veta’atzumot la’am,baruch elohim. el nekamot adonai, elnekamot hofei’a. hinase shofet ha’aretz,hashev gemul al ge’im. l’adonai hayeshua,al amecha birchatecha selah.REFRAIN: ADONAI TZEVA’OT IMANU, MISGAVLANU ELOHEI YA’AKOV SELAH. ADONAITZEVA’OT, ASHREI ADAM BOTEACH BACH.ADONAI HOSHI’AH, HAMELECH YA’ANENUBEYOM KAR’ENU.

driyed Save your people and blessyour inheritance: sustain them, and tendthem for ever. Our soul waits for theLord: he is our help and our shield. Forour heart shall rejoice in him, becausewe have trusted in his holy Name. Letyour lovingkindness, O Lord, be uponus, according as we have hoped in you.Show us your lovingkindness, O Lord,and grant us your salvation. Rise up forour help, and set us free for yourlovingkindness’ sake. I am the Lordyour God, who brought you up out ofthe land of Egypt: open wide yourmouth, and I will fill it. Happy is thepeople that is thus favoured: happy isthe people, whose God is the Lord. REFRAIN: AS FOR ME, I HAVE TRUSTED IN YOURLOVINGKINDNESS: MY HEART SHALL BE GLAD INYOUR SALVATION: I WILL SING TO THE LORD,BECAUSE HE HAS DEALT BOUNTIFULLY WITH ME.

L §O ©r l ©r ,drEW §i ©d .dl«¤Q L«¤zk §x ¦a

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HOSHI’AH et amecha, uvarech etnachalatecha, ur’em venas’em ad ha’olam.nafshenu chikta l’adonai, ezrenuumaginenu hu. ki vo yismach libenu, kiveshem kadsho vatachnu. yehi chasdechaadonai aleinu, ka’asher yichalnu lach.har’enu adonai chasdecha, veyesh’achatiten lanu. kumah ezratah lanu, ufdenulema’an chasdecha. anochi adonai elohecha,hama’alcha me’eretz mitzraim, harchevpicha va’amal’ehu. ashrei ha’am shekachahlo, ashrei ha’am she’adonai elohav. REFRAIN: VA’ANI BECHASDECHA BATACHTI,YAGEL LIBI BIYSHUATECHA, ASHIRAH LADONAI,KI GAMAL ALAI.

Psalm 19For the Chief Musician. A Psalm ofDavid. The heavens declare the glory ofGod, and the firmament shows hishandiwork. Day unto day pours forthspeech, and night to night proclaimsknowledge. There is no speech norlanguage; their voice cannot be heard.Their sound is gone out through all theearth, and their words to the end of theworld; in them he has set a tent for thesun. And he is as a bridegroom comingout of his chamber, and rejoices as astrong man to run his course. His goingforth is from the end of the heaven, andhis circuit to the ends of it: and there isnothing hid from his heat. The teachingof the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul:the testimony of the Lord is sure,making wise the simple. The precepts ofthe Lord are right, rejoicing the heart:

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the commandment of the Lord is pure,enlightening the eyes. The fear of theLord is clean, enduring for ever: thejudgments of the Lord are true,righteous altogether. More to be desiredare they than gold, yea, than much finegold: sweeter also than honey and thedrippings of the honeycomb. Moreoverby them is your servant warned: inkeeping them there is great reward.Who can discern his errors? Clear mefrom hidden faults. Restrain yourservant also from presumptuous sins;let them not have dominion over me:then shall I be blameless, and I shall beclear from great transgression.


LAMNATZEACH mizmor ledavid.hashamayim mesaprim kevod el, uma’asehyadav magid haraki’a. yom leyomyabi’aomer, velailah lelailah yechavehda’at. ein omer v’ein devarim, beli nishmakolam. bechol ha’aretz yatza kavamuviktzeh tevel mileihem, lashemesh samohel bahem. vehu kechatan yotzemechupato, yasis kegibor larutz orach.miktzeh hashamayim motza’o utekupato alketzotam, v’ein nistar mechamato. toratadonai temimah meshivat nafesh, edutadonai ne’emanah machkimat peti. pikudeiadonai yesharim mesamchei lev. mitzvatadonai barah m’irat einayim. yir’at adonaitehorah omedet la’ad, mishpetei adonai

,FzR ªg ¥n `¥vŸi ozg §MuExl xFA ¦b §M Ui ¦Uim ¦i«©nX ©d d¥v §w ¦n .g ©x «Ÿl ©r FztEw §zE F`vFnxY §q ¦p oi ¥ §e ,mzFv §wdŸed §i z ©xFY .FzO ©g ¥n,W¤t«p z ©ai «¦W §n dni ¦n §Ydpn¡¤p dŸed §i zEc ¥ri ¥cET ¦R .i ¦z«¤R z ©ni«¦M §g ©ni¥g §O ©U §n mi ¦xW §i dŸed §idxA dŸed §i z©e §v ¦n ,a¥lz © §x ¦i .m¦i«pi ¥r z ©xi ¦ §nz ¤c«¤nFr dxFd §h dŸed §id Ÿed §i i ¥h §R §W ¦n ,c ©rl.eC §g©i Ew §cv ,z ¤n¡fR ¦nE adG ¦n mi ¦cn¡g¤P ©dW©a §C ¦n mi ¦wEz §nE ,axm©B .mi ¦tEv z¤tŸ «p §e,m¤dA xd§f ¦p L §C §a © a¤w «¥r mx §nW §A,oi ¦ai i ¦n zF`i ¦b §Wm©B .i ¦p «¥T©p zFxY §q ¦P ¦n,L «¤C §a ©r KŸU£g mi ¦c¥G ¦n

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emet, tzdku yachdav. hanechemadimmizahav umipaz rav, umetukim midvashvenofet tzupim. gam avdecha nizharbahem, beshamram ekev rav. shegi’ot miyavin, ministarot nakeni. gam mizedimchasoch avdecha, al yimshelu vi, az eitam,venikeiti mipesha rav. REFRAIN: YIHYU LERATZON IMREI PI VEHEGYONLIBI LEFANECHA, ADONAI TZURI VEGO’ALI.

Psalm 34

cecl A Psalm of David; when hechanged his behaviour beforeAbimelech who drove him away, andhe departed.LEDAVID, beshanoto et ta’mo lifneiavimelech, vayegarshehu vayelech.

` I will bless the Lord at all times: hispraise shall continually be in my mouth. Avarchah et adonai bechol et, tamidtehilato befi.

a My soul shall make her boast in theLord: the meek shall hear and rejoice. Badonai tithalel nafshi, yishme’u anavimveyismachu.

b O magnify the Lord with me, and letus exalt his Name together. Gadlu ladonai iti, uneromemu shemoyachdav.

c I sought the Lord, and he answeredme, and delivered me from all my fears. Darashti et adonai v’anani, umikolmegurotai hitzilani.

f ¨ ,i ¦a El §W §n ¦i l ©r ©W«¤R ¦n i ¦zi «¥T ¦p §e ,mzi ¥

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d Ÿed §i z ¤ i ¦Y §W «©xC ,i ¦p«pr §e

i ©zFxEb §n lM ¦nE .i¦p«li ¦S ¦d

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d They looked to him, and shone withjoy: Hibitu elav venaharu,

e And their faces shall not beconfounded. Ufneihem al yechparu.

f This sufferer cried, and the Lord heardhim, and saved him out of all histroubles. Zeh ani kara vadonai shame’a, umikoltzarotav hoshi’o.

g The angel of the Lord camps roundabout them that reverence him, anddelivers them. CHoneh mal’ach adonai saviv lire’avvayechaltzem.h O taste and see that the Lord is good:happy is the man that takes refuge inhim. Ta’amu ur’u ki tov adonai, ashrei hageveryecheseh bo.i O revere the Lord, you his holy ones:for there is no want to them that reverehim. Yer’u et adonai kedoshav, ki ein machsorlire’av.

k Young lions may want and hunger:but they that seek the Lord shall notwant any good.Kefirim rashu vera’evu, vedorshei adonailo yachseru kol tov.

,Ex«dp §e eil ¥ Ehi«¦A ¦d

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Ÿl dŸed §i i ¥W §xŸc §e .aFh lk Ex §q §g©i

h ‘taste and see’ - 1 Peter 2:3 also, ‘desire the pure milk of the word... if you havetasted that the Lord is gracious.’

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l Come, children, listen to me: I willteach you the fear of the Lord. Lechu vanim shim’u li, yir’at adonaialamedchem.

n What man is he that delights in life,and loves many days that he may seegood?Mi ha’ish hechafetz chayim, ohev yamimlir’ot tov.

p Keep your tongue from evil and yourlips from speaking guile.Netzor leshoncha mera, us’fatecha midabermirmah.

q Depart from evil and do good; seekpeace and pursue it.Sur mera va’aseh tov, bakesh shalomveradfehu.

r The eyes of the Lord are towards therighteous, and his ears are towards theircry. Einei adonai el tzadikim, v’aznav elshav’atam.

t The face of the Lord is against themthat do evil, to cut off their memoryfrom the earth. Pnei adonai b’osei ra, lehachrit me’eretzzichram.

v They cry, and the Lord hears, anddelivers them out of all their troubles. TZa’aku vadonai shame’a, umikoltzarotam hitzilam.

,i¦l Er §n ¦W mi ¦pa Ek§ldŸed §i z © §x ¦i .m¤k §c¤O©l£

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, ©r«¥nW dŸed §i©e Ew £rvmzFxv lM ¦nE

.mli ¦S ¦d

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w The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves such as are of acontrite spirit. Karov adonai lenishberei lev, v’et dak’eiruach yoshia.

x Many are the evil fortunes of therighteous: but the Lord delivers him outof them all.Rabot ra’ot tzadik, umikulam yatzilenuadonai.

y He guards all his limbs: not one ofthem is broken.Shomer kol atzmotav, achat mehena lonishbarah.

z Evil shall slay the wicked; and theythat hate the righteous shall be heldguilty. Temotet rasha ra’ah, veson’ei tzadikye’shamu.



Psalm 90. A Prayer of Moses, the man of God.O Lord, you have been a dwelling placeto us in all generations. Before the

i ¥x §A §W¦p§l dŸed §i aFxw©gE «x i ¥ §M ©C z ¤ §e ,a¥l

. ©ri «¦WFi ,wi ¦C ©v zFrx zFA ©x

EP«¤li ¦S©i mN ªM ¦nE .dŸed §i

,eizFn §v ©r lM x ¥nŸWŸl dP«¥d ¥n z©g ©

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.FA mi ¦qŸg ©d lM

v mildz

dN ¦t §YWi ¦ d ¤W Ÿn§l oFrn ,ip Ÿc£ ,mi ¦dŸl¡d

x Rav Shaul echoes this ‘what persecutions I endured, and out of them all the Lorddelivered me’ 2 Timothy 3:11. y This is fulfilled in that none of Yeshua’s bones were broken - even at death. John19:36.

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mountains were brought forth, or everyou gave birth to the earth and theworld, even from everlasting toeverlasting you are God. You turn manback to dust, and say, Return, childrenof men. For a thousand years in yoursight are but as yesterday when it ispast, and as a watch in the night. Youcarry them away as with a flood; theyare in a sleep; in the morning they arelike grass which sprouts afresh. In themorning it blooms, and sprouts afresh;in the evening, it is cut down, andwithers. For we are consumed by youranger, and in your wrath we areconfounded. You have set our iniquitiesbefore you, our secret sins in the light ofyour countenance. For all our days arepassed away in your wrath, we bringour years to an end like a tale that istold. The days of our years are sixtyyears and ten, or even by reason ofstrength eighty years; yet is their pridebut travail and nothingness; for it issoon gone by, and we fly away. Whoknows the power of your anger, andyour wrath according to the awe that isdue to you? So teach us to number ourdays, that we may get a heart ofwisdom. Return O Lord; howlong?—and relent concerning yourservants. O satisfy us in the morningwith your lovingkindness; that we may

xŸc §A EpN zi«¦id dY ©mi ¦xd m ¤x«¤h §A .x Ÿceu ¤x«¤ l¥lFg §Y©e Ec«N ªic ©r mlFr ¥nE ,l ¥a ¥z §ea ¥WY .l ¥ dY © mlFr,`M ©C c ©r WFp ¡i¥p §a EaE «W x ¤n` Ÿ «Y©emi ¦pW s¤l«¤ i ¦M .mc ¨lFn §z ¤ mFi §M Li«¤pi ¥r §AdxEn §W © §e ,xŸa £r©i i ¦Mdp ¥W mY §n ©x§f .dl§i«N ©axi ¦vg ¤M x ¤w Ÿ «A ©A ,Ei §d ¦iui ¦vi x ¤w Ÿ «A ©A .sŸl£g ©il¥lFn §i a ¤x «¤rl ,slg §eEpi«¦lk i ¦M .W ¥ai §eL §zn£g ©aE ,L«¤R © §adY ©W .Ep §l «d §a ¦pEp«¥nªl £r ,L «¤C §b¤p§l Epi«¥zŸp Ÿe £rlk i ¦M .Li«¤pR xF` §n¦l,L«¤zx §a ¤r §a EpR Epi«¥niFn §k Epi«¥pW Epi«¦N ¦MEpi «¥zFp §W i ¥n §i .d¤b«¤d

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exult and rejoice all our days. Make usrejoice according to the days in whichyou have afflicted us, the years in whichwe have seen evil. Let your work bemade visible to your servants, and yourmajesty upon their children. REFRAIN: AND LET THE GRACIOUSNESS OF THELORD OUR GOD BE UPON US: AND ESTABLISHTHE WORK OF OUR HANDS FOR US; YES, MAY HEESTABLISH THE WORK OF OUR HANDS.TEFILAH lemoshe, ish ha’elohim, adonai,ma’on atah hayita lanu bedor vador.beterem harim yuladu vatecholel eretzvetevel, ume’olam ad olam atah el. tashevenosh ad daka, vatomer shuvu benei elef shanim b’einecha keyom etmol kiya’avor, v’ashmurah valailah. zeramtamshenah yihyu, baboker kechatzir yachalof.baboker yatzitz vechalaf, la’erev yemolelveyavesh. ki chalinu v’epecha,uvachamatcha nivhalnu. shatahavonoteinu lenegdecha, alumenu lim’orpanecha. ki kol yameinu panu b’evratecha,kilinu shanenu kemo hegeh. yemeishnoteinu vahem shiv’im shanah, v’imbigvurot shmonim shanah, verahbam amalva’aven, ki gaz chish vana’ufah. mi yode’aoz apecha, uchyir’atecha evratecha. limnotyameinu ken hoda, venavi levav chochmah.shuvah adonai ad matai, vehinachem alavadecha. sab’enu vaboker chasdecha,uneranenah venismechah bechol yameinu.samchenu kiymot initanu, shnot ra’innura’ah. yera’eh el avadecha pa’alecha,vahadarcha al beneihem. REFRAIN: VIYHI NO’AM ADONAI ELOHEINUALEINU, UMA’ASEH YADEINU KONENAHALIENU, UMA’ASHEH YADEINU KONENEHU.

,dpW mi ¦r §a ¦W m¤dami ¦pFn §W zŸxEa §b ¦A m ¦ §elnr mA §dx §e ,dpWWi ¦g fb i ¦M ,o¤e «¨ e©r «¥cFi i ¦n .dt «ªrP ©eL §z ¨ §x ¦i §kE ,L«¤R © f ŸrEpi«¥ni zFp §n¦l .L«¤zx §a ¤ra ©a§l ` ¦ap §e ,r ©cFd o¥Md Ÿed §i daEW .dn §kgl ©r m¥gP ¦d §e ,izn c ©rx¤wŸ «A ©a Ep «¥r §A ©U .Li «¤ca £rdp §P ©x §pE ,L «¤C §q ©g.Epi«¥ni lk §A dg §n §U¦p §e,Ep«zi ¦P ¦r zFni ¦M Ep«¥g §O ©U.drx Epi «¦ x zFp §WLi «¤ca £r l ¤ d ¤ x ¥il ©r L §xc £d©e ,L«¤l ¢rt

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Psalm 91

ayi He that dwells in the shelter of theMost High dwells under the shadow ofthe Almighty. I say of the Lord, He ismy refuge and my fortress; my God, inwhom I trust.—For he shall deliver youfrom the snaring trap, and from thedevastating pestilence. He shall coveryou with his pinions, and under hiswings you shall take refuge: his truthshall be a shield and armour. You shallnot be afraid of the terror by night, norof the arrow that flies by day; of thepestilence that stalks in darkness, nor ofthe destruction that ravages at noonday.A thousand may fall at your side, andten thousand at your right hand, yet itshall not approach you. Only with youreyes you shall look on, and see theretribution of the wicked.—For you, OLord, are my refuge. — You have madethe Most High your dwelling place;there shall no evil befall you, neithershall any scourge come near your tent.For he shall give his angels charge overyou, to keep you in all your ways. Theyshall bear you upon their hands, lestyou strike your foot against a stone. Youshall tread upon the lion and the adder;

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a ¥W Ÿi,oFi §l ¤r x ¤z«¥q §A .opFl §z ¦i i ©C ©W l ¥v §Ai ¦q §g ©n d Ÿed §i©l x ©n Ÿi ©dŸl ¡ ,i ¦zcEv §nE`Ed i ¦M .FA g ©h §a ¤,WEwi g©R ¦n L§li ¦S©iFzx §a ¤ §A .zFE ©d x¤a «¤C ¦neitp §M z ©g ©z §e ,Kl K¤q«idx ¥gŸq §e dP ¦v ,d¤q §g¤Y`xi ¦z `Ÿl .FY ¦n £u ¥g ¥n ,dl §i«l c ©g«©R ¦nx ¤a «¤C ¦n .mnFi sEria ¤h «¤T ¦n ,KŸl£d©i l¤t «Ÿ Al ŸR ¦i .m ¦i «x ¢dv cEWidaa §xE s¤l«¤ L §C ¦S ¦n`Ÿl Li«¤l ¥ ,L«¤pi ¦ni ¦nLi«¤pi ¥r §A w ©x .WB ¦iz ©nªN ¦W §e ,hi ¦A ©zi ¦M .d ¤ §x ¦Y mi ¦rW §x

ayi - ‘he shall give his angels charge over you. Tal. Hag. 16a states that two ministeringangels accompany man through life to testify regarding his conduct to the heavenlycourt. As this Psalm refers in part to Messiah, the satan attempted to use it to promptYeshua to jump off the pinnacle of the Temple (Matthew 4:5-7; Luke 4:9-12), to whichYeshua replied ‘you shall not tempt the Lord your God’ (Deuteronomy 6:16).

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upon the young lion and the serpentyou shall trample. - Because he has sethis love upon me, therefore will Ideliver him: I will set him on high,because he knows my Name. When hecalls on Me, I will answer him; I will bewith him in trouble: I will deliver himand honour him. REFRAIN - WITH LENGTH OF DAYS I WILLSATISFY HIM, AND I WILL SHOW HIM MYSALVATION.* WITH LENGTH OF DAYS I WILLSATISFY HIM, AND I WILL SHOW HIM MYSALVATION.*YOSHEV beseter elyon, betzel shadaiyitlonan. omar ladonai machsi umetzudati,elohai evtach bo. ki hu yatzilcha mipachyakush, midever havot. b’evrato yasechlach, vetachat kenafav techseh, tzinahvesocherah amito. lo tira mipachad lailah,mechetz ya’uf yomam. medever ba’ofelyahaloch, miketev yashud tzaharaim. yipolmitzidcha elef urevavah miminecha, elechalo yigash. rak b’einecha tabit, veshilumatresha’im tir’eh. ki atah adonai machsi,elyon samta m’onecha. lo t’uneh elyechara’ah, venega lo yikrav b’ahalecha. kimal’achav yetzaveh lach, lishmarcha becholderachecha. al kapayim yisa’unecha, pentigof ba’even raglecha. al shachal vafetentidroch, tirmos kefir vetanin. ki vi choshakva’afaltehu, asagvehu ki yada shemi.yikra’eni v’e’enehu, imo anochi betzarah,achaltzehu va’achabdehu. REFRAIN: ORECH YAMIM ASBIY’EHU, V’AR’EHUBIYSHUATI.* ORECH YAMIM ASBIY’EHU,V’AR’EHU BISHUATI.*

,i ¦q §g ©n d Ÿed §i dY ©.L«¤pFr §n Y §n«©U oFi§l ¤r,drx Li«¤l ¥ d¤P ª §z Ÿla ©x §w ¦i `Ÿl r©b«¤p §eeik ¨ §l ©n i ¦M .L«¤l¢d ¨ §AL §xn §W ¦l ,KN d¤E ©v §il ©r .Li«¤kx §C lk §Ao¤R ,L §pE « V ¦i m¦i«©R©Ml ©r .L«¤l §b ©x o¤a«¤ A sŸB ¦Y,KŸx §c ¦Y o ¤z«¤te l ©g«©W.oi ¦P ©z §e xi ¦t §M qŸn §x ¦Y,Ed«¥h§N ©t£©e w ©Wg i ¦a i ¦Mr ©ci i ¦M Ed«¥a §B ©U£,Ed«¥p ¡r ¤ §e i ¦p«¥ x §w ¦i .i ¦n §W,dxv §a i ¦k Ÿp ¨ FO ¦r .Ed «¥c §A©k£©e Ed«¥v§N ©g£

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*.i ¦zrEWi ¦A

* I will show him my salvation - ‘He will witness the salvation I will bring about atthe advent of Messiah, at the time of the revival of the dead, and at the salvation ofthe World to Come (Radak)

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Psalm 135

dielld Praise the Lord. Praise theName of the Lord; praise him, youservants of the Lord: you that stand inthe house of the Lord, in the courts ofthe house of our God. Praise the Lord;for the Lord is good: sing praises to hisName; for it is pleasant. For the Lordhas chosen Jacob for himself, and Israelfor his peculiar treasure. For I know thatthe Lord is great, and that our Lord isabove all gods. What ever the Lordpleases, he does, in heaven and in earth,in the seas and in all deeps. He causesvapours to ascend from the ends of theearth, he makes lightnings for the rain;he brings forth the wind out of histreasuries. It is he who smote thefirstborn of Egypt, both of man andbeast. He sent signs and wonders intothe midst of you, O Egypt, uponPharaoh, and upon all his servants. It ishe who smote great nations, and slewmighty kings; Sihon king of theAmorites, and Og king of Bashan, andall the kingdoms of Canaan: and gavetheir land for an heritage, an heritageunto Israel his people. Your Name, OLord, endures for ever; your fame, OLord, throughout all generations. Surelythe Lord shall judge his people, andrelent towards his servants. The idols ofthe heathen are silver and gold, the

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DiEl§l ©dz ¤ El§l ©d ,i ¥c §a ©r El§l ©d ,dŸed §i m ¥Wzi¥a §A mi ¦c §nŸr ¤W .dŸed §izi¥A zFx §v ©g §A ,dŸed §ii ¦M DiEl§l ©d .Epi«¥dŸl¡Fn §W¦l Ex §O©f ,d Ÿed §i aFhaŸw £r©i i ¦M .mi ¦rp i ¦Ml ¥ x §U ¦i ,Di Fl x ©gAi ¦p £ i ¦M .FzN ªb §q ¦l,d Ÿed §i lFcb i ¦M i ¦Y §r «©ci.mi ¦dŸl¡ lM ¦n Epi«¥p Ÿc£©ed Ÿed §i u¥tg x ¤W£ lMm ¦i «©nX ©A ,dUrlk §e mi ¦O©I ©A ,u ¤x«¨ aEd¤l £r ©n .zFn Ÿd §Y,u ¤x«¨ d d¥v §w ¦n mi ¦ ¦U §p,dUr xhO©l mi ¦wx §A.eizFx §vŸ ¥n ©gE «x `¥vF «n,m ¦i «x §v ¦n i ¥xFk §A dM ¦d ¤W.dn ¥d §A c ©r mc ¨ ¥nmi ¦z §t ŸnE zŸzF` g©lW,m ¦i «x §v ¦n i ¦k«¥kFz §A

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work of men’s hands. They havemouths, but they do not speak; theyhave eyes, but they do not see; theyhave ears, but they do not hear; neitheris there any breath in their mouths.They that make them shall become likethem; yes every one that trusts in them. REFRAIN: O HOUSE OF ISRAEL, BLESS THELORD: O HOUSE OF AARON, BLESS THE LORD:O HOUSE OF LEVI, BLESS THE LORD: YOU THATFEAR THE LORD, BLESS THE LORD. BLESSED BETHE LORD OUT OF ZION, WHO DWELLS ATJERUSALEM. PRAISE THE LORD. HALLELUYAH, hallelu et shem adonai,hallelu avdei adonai. she’omdim beveitadonai, vechatzrot beit eloheinu. halleluyahki tov adonai, zamru lishmo ki na’im. kiya’akov bachar lo yah, israel lisgulato. kiani yadati ki gadol adonai, va’adonenumikol elohim. kol asher chafetz adonai asah,bashamaim uva’aretz, bayamim vecholtehomot. ma’aleh nesi’im miktzeh ha’aretz,berakim lamatar asah, motze ruachme’otzrotav. shehikah bechorei mitzraim,me’adam ad behemah. shalach ototumoftim betorchechi mitzraim, befar’ohuvechol avadav. shehikah goyim rabim,veharag melachim atzumim. lesichonmelech ha’emori, ul’og melech habashan,ulechol mamlechot kena’an. venatanartzam nachalah, nachalah leyisrael amo.adonai shimcha l’olam, adonai zichrechaledor vador. ki yadin adonai amo, v’alavadav yitnecham. atzabei hagoyim kesef

.eica £r lk §aE dŸr §x ©t §A,mi ¦A ©x m ¦iFB dM ¦d ¤W.mi ¦nEv £r mi ¦kl §n b ©xd §e,i ¦x Ÿn¡d K¤l«¤n oFgi ¦q§l,oWA ©d K¤l«¤n bFr§lE.o ©r«p §M zFk§l §n ©n lŸk§lE,dl£g©p mv §x © o ©zp §e.FO ©r l ¥ x §U ¦i§l dl£g©p,mlFr§l L §n ¦W dŸed §i.xŸce xŸc§l L §x §k¦f dŸed §i,FO ©r dŸed §i oi ¦ci i ¦¤p §z ¦i eica £r l ©r §es¤q«¤M m ¦iFB ©d i¥A©v £ri ¥c §i d ¥U£r ©n ,adf §eŸl §e m¤dl d¤R .mc ¨

m¤dl m¦i«©pi ¥r ,Ex«¥A ©c §im¦i«©p§f ¨ .E` §x ¦i Ÿl §es © ,Epi«¦f£ ©i Ÿl §e m¤dl.m¤di ¦t §A ©gE «x W¤i oi ¥,m¤di ¥UŸr Ei §d ¦i m¤dFn §M .m¤dA ©g«¥hŸA x ¤W£ lŸMEk §xA l ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥A äoŸx£d © zi¥A ,dŸed §i z ¤

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vezahav, ma’aseh yedei adam. peh lahemvelo yedaberu, einayim lahem velo yir’u.aznayim lahem velo ya’azinu, af ein yeshruach befihem. kemohem yihyu oseihem,kol asher boteach bahem. REFRAIN: BEIT ISRAEL BARCHU ET ADONAI, BEITAHARON BARCHU ET ADONAI. BEIT HALEVIBARCHU ET ADONAI, YIR’EI ADONAI BARCHU ETADONAI. BARUCH ADONAI MITZION SHOCHENYERUSHALAIM, HALLELUYAH.

Psalm 136

eced Give thanks to the Lord; for he isgood

For his lovingkindness endures for everHODU ladonai ki tov. ki l’olam chasdo.

Give thanks to the God of godsFor his lovingkindness endures for everhodu lelohei ha’elohim, ki l’olam chasdo.

Give thanks to the Lord of lordsFor his lovingkindness endures for everhodu ladonei ha’adonim, ki l’olam chasdo.

To him who alone does great marvelsFor his lovingkindness endures for everl’oseh nifla’ot gedolot levado, ki l’olam chasdo.

To him that by understanding made theheavens

For his lovingkindness endures for everl’oseh hashamaim bitvunah, ki l’olamchasdo.

To him that spread the earth above thewaters

For his lovingkindness endures for everleroka ha’aretz al hamayim, ki l’olamchasdo.

zi¥A .dŸed §i z ¤ Ek §xA,d Ÿed §i z ¤ Ek §xA i¦e¥N ©dz ¤ Ek §xA dŸed §i i ¥ §x ¦id Ÿed §i KExA .dŸed §i,m¦i«lWEx §i o¥kŸW oFI ¦S ¦n

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,m ¦i«O ©d .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M

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To him that made great lightsFor his lovingkindness endures for everl’oseh orim gedolim, ki l’olam chasdo.

The sun to rule by dayFor his lovingkindness endures for everet hashemesh lemamshelet bayom, ki l’olam chasdo.

The moon and stars to rule by nightFor his lovingkindness endures for everet hayareach vekochavim lememshelotbalailah, ki l’olam chasdo.

To him that smote the firstborn of theEgyptians

For his lovingkindness endures for everlemakeh mitzraim bivkoreihem, ki l’olam chasdo.

And brought out Israel from amongthem

For his lovingkindness endures for everveyotze israel mitocham, ki l’olam chasdo.

With a strong hand, and outstretchedarm:

For his lovingkindness endures for everbeyad chazakah uvizro’a netuyah, ki l’olam chasdo.

To him who parted the Red Sea asunderFor his lovingkindness endures for everlegozer yam suf ligzarim, ki l’olam chasdo.

And made Israel to pass through themidst of it

For his lovingkindness endures for evervehe’evir israel betocho, ki l’olam chasdo.

,mi¦l Ÿc §B mi ¦xF` d ¥UŸr§l .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M z¤l«¤W §n¤n§l W¤n«¤X ©d z ¤

,mFI ©A .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M mi ¦akFk §e ©g«¥xI ©d z ¤

,dl§i«N ©A zFl §W §n¤n§l .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M m ¦i «©x §v ¦n d¥M ©n§l

,m¤di ¥xFk §a ¦A .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M ,mkFY ¦n l ¥ x §U ¦i `¥vFI©e .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M ©rF «x§f ¦aE dwf£g ci §A

,diEh §p .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M ,mi ¦xf §b¦l sEq m©i x¥fŸb§l .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M l ¥ x §U ¦i xi ¦a ¡r ¤d §e

,FkFz §A .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M

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But threw Pharaoh and his army in theSea of Reeds

For his lovingkindness endures for everveni’er par’oh vecheilo beyam suf, ki l’olam chasdo.

To him who led his people through thewilderness

For his lovingkindness endures for everlemolich amo bamidbar, ki l’olam chasdo.

To him who smote great kingsFor his lovingkindness endures for everlamakeh melachim gedolim, ki l’olamchasdo.

And slew mighty kingsFor his lovingkindness endures for evervayaharog melachim adirim, ki l’olamchasdo.

Sihon king of the AmoritesFor his lovingkindness endures for everlesichon melech ha’emori, ki l’olam chasdo.

And Og king of BashanFor his lovingkindness endures for everule’og melech habashan, ki l’olam chasdo.

And gave their land for an heritageFor his lovingkindness endures for evervenatan artzam lenachalah, ki l’olamchasdo.

Even an heritage for Israel his servantFor his lovingkindness endures for evernachalah leyisrael avdo, ki l’olam chasdo.

Who remembered us in our low estateFor his lovingkindness endures for evershebshiflenu zachar lanu, ki l’olam chasdo.

Fli ¥g §e dŸr §x ©R x ¥r ¦p §e ,sEq m©i §a

.FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M ,xA §c ¦O ©A FO ©r Ki¦lFn§l .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M ,mi¦l Ÿc §B mi ¦kl §n d¥M ©n§l .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M

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,oWA ©d K¤l«¤n bFr§lE .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M ,dl£g©p§l mv §x © o ©zp §e

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,Ep«l x©k«f Ep«¥l §t ¦W §A ¤W .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M

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And has delivered us from ouradversaries

For his lovingkindness endures for evervayifrekenu mitzareinu, ki l’olam chasdo.




Psalm 33

eppx Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous:praise is seemly for the upright. Givethanks to the Lord with the lyre: singpraises to him with the harp of tenstrings. Sing to him a new song;* playskillfully with sounds of joy. For theword of the Lord is right; and all hiswork is done in faithfulness. He lovesrighteousness and justice: the earth isfull of the lovingkindness of the Lord.By the word of the Lord the heavenswere made; and all the host of them bythe breath of his mouth. He gathers thewaters of the sea together as a heap: helays up the floods in store- houses. Letall the earth revere the Lord: let all theinhabitants of the world stand in awe ofhim. For he spoke, and it was; he

,Epi «¥xS ¦n Ep «¥w §x §t ¦I©e .FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M

lk§l m¤g«¤l o ¥zFp ä ,xUA

.FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M *,m ¦i«nX ©d l ¥ §l EcFd

.FC §q ©g mlFr§l i ¦M

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Ep §P ©x,d Ÿed §i ©a mi ¦wi ¦C ©v :dN ¦d §z de`p mi ¦xW§i©l,xFP ¦k §A dŸed §i©l EcFd:Fl Ex §O©f xFUr l¤a«¥p §A*Wcg xi ¦W Fl Exi «¦W:drEx §z ¦A o¥B©p Eai «¦hi ¥d,dŸed §i x ©a §C xWi i ¦M:dpEn¡ ¤A Ed«¥U£r ©n lk §e,hR §W ¦nE dwc §v a ¥dŸd ¨ §ln dŸed §i c¤q«¤gdŸed §i x ©a §c ¦A :u ¤x«¨ d©gEx«§aE ,EU£r©p m ¦i«©nW

eced 'The God of Heaven’ first occurs in Jonah 1:9 and then often in the latterprophets. It differentiates the Lord from the gods of the heathen.eppx Sing to him a new song’ - points to the world to come. In history, ‘new song’ hasoften accompanied teshuvah and movements of people towards God.

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commanded, and it stood fast. “Happyis the nation whose God is the Lord”The Lord brings the design of theheathen to nothing; he has foiled thethoughts of the peoples. The counsel ofthe Lord stands fast for ever, thethoughts of his heart to all generations.Happy is the nation whose God is theLord; the people whom he has chosenfor his own inheritance. The Lord looksdown from heaven; he beholds all thesons of men; from the place of hishabitation he gazes upon all theinhabitants of the earth; he that fashionsthe hearts of them all, that gives heed toall their works. A king is not saved bygreatness of power: a mighty man is notdelivered by greatness of strength. Ahorse is a vain thing for safety: neithershall it rescue any by its great power.Behold, the eye of the Lord is uponthem that reverence him, upon themthat hope in his mercy; to deliver theirsoul from death, and to keep them alivein famine.REFRAIN: OUR SOUL WAITS FOR THE LORD: HEIS OUR HELP AND OUR SHIELD. FOR OUR HEARTSHALL REJOICE IN HIM, BECAUSE WE HAVETRUSTED IN HIS HOLY NAME. LET YOURLOVINGKINDNESS, O LORD, BE UPON US,ACCORDING AS WE HAVE HOPED IN YOU.RANENU tzadikim badonai, layesharimna’vah tehilah: hodu ladonai bekinor,benevel asor zamru lo: shiru lo shirchadash heitivu nagen betru’ah: ki yashar

q¥pFM :m ¨ a §v lM ei ¦Ro ¥zŸp ,mI ©d i ¥n c¥P©M:zFnFd §Y zFxvF` §AlM dŸed §i ¥n E` §xi ¦ilM ExE «bi EP«¤O ¦n ,u ¤x«¨ d`Ed i ¦M :l¥a ¥z i¥a §yŸidE ¦v `Ed i ¦d«¤I©e x ©n ¨xi ¦t ¥d d Ÿed §i :c Ÿn £r©I ©e`i ¦p ¥d ,m ¦iFB z ©v £rz©v £r :mi ¦O ©r zFa §W §g ©ncŸn £r ©Y mlFr§l dŸed §ixŸc§l FA¦l zFa §W §g ©niFB ©d i ¥x §W © :x Ÿce,eid Ÿl ¡ d Ÿed §i x ¤W £:Fl dl£g©p§l x ©gA mrd,d Ÿed §i hi ¦A ¦d m ¦i«©nX ¦ni¥p §A lM z ¤ d ¨ xFY §a ¦W oFk §O ¦n :mc ¨ di ¥a §yFi lM l ¤ , ©gi«¦B §W ¦dc ©g«©i x ¥vFI ©d :u ¤x «¨ dlM l ¤ oi ¦a ¥O ©d ,mA¦lK¤l«¤O ©d oi ¥ :m¤di ¥U£r ©n

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devar adonai, vechol ma’asehu be’emunah:ohev tzedakah umishpat, chesed adonaimal’ah ha’aretz: bidvar adonai shamaimna’asu, uvruach piv kol tzeva’am: koneskaned mei hayam, noten b’otzarot tehomot:yiyr’u me’adonai kol ha’aretz, mimenuyaguru kol yoshvei tevel: ki hu amarvayehi hu tzivah vaya’amod: adonai hefiratzat goyim, heniy machshevot amim:atzat adonai l’olam ta’amod machshevotlibo ledor vador: ashrei hagoy asher adonaielohav, ha’am bachar lenachalah lo:mishamaim hibit adonai, ra’ah et kol beneiha’adam: mimchon shivto hishgiach, el kolyoshvei ha’aretz: hayotzer yachad libam,hamevin el kol ma’aseihem: ein hamelechnosha berav chayil, gibor lo yinatzel beravkoach: sheker hasus litshuah, uverov cheilolo yemalet: hine ein adonai el yere’av,lameyachalim lechasdo: lehatzil mimavetnafsham, ulechayotam bara’av:REFRAIN: NAFSHENU CHIKTAH LADONAI,EZRENU UMAGINENU HU: KI BO YISMACHLIBENU KI BESHEM KADSHO BATACHNU: YEHICHASDECHA ADONAI ALEINU KA’ASHERYICHALNU LACH:

Psalm 92

A Psalm, a Song for the Sabbath Day.

xiy xenfn It is a good thing to givethanks to the Lord, and to sing praisesto your Name, O Most High: to declare

xFA¦B ,l ¦i«g ax §A rWFp: ©g «ŸM ax §A l¥vP ¦i Ÿl,drEW §z¦l qEQ ©d x¤w«¤W:h¥N ©n §i Ÿl Fli ¥g aŸx §aEl ¤ dŸed §i oi ¥r d¥P ¦dmi ¦l£g ©i §n©l ,ei ¨ ¥x §iz¤e«O ¦n li ¦S ©d§l :FC §q ©g§lmzFI ©g §lE ,mW §t©p

:arxAdz §M ¦g Ep «¥W §t©p äEp«¥P ¦bnE Ep «¥x§f ¤r ,d Ÿed §i©lg ©n §U ¦i Fa i ¦M :`EdFW §cw m ¥W §a i ¦M Ep«¥A¦lL §C §q ©g i ¦d §i :Ep §g «hax ¤W £ ©M Epi«¥lr d Ÿed §i

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xi ¦W xFn §f ¦nmFi §l zFc Ÿd §l aFh :zA ©X ©dL §n ¦W§l x¥O©f§lE ,d Ÿed §i©l

xiy xenfn This psalm is a bit of a mystery, as apart from its title, the Sabbath is nevermentioned. Traditionally it was composed by Adam on the first Sabbath. Rashicomments that it ‘speaks of the world to come, which is an undending Sabbath.’Hebrews 4:8-9 points to the significance of Sabbath as the ‘rest’ God provides.

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your lovingkindness in the morning,and your faithfulness at night, with aninstrument of ten strings and with aharp, with solemn music upon the lyre.For you, O Lord, have made me rejoicethrough your work: I will exult in theworks of your hands. How great areyour works, O Lord: your thoughts arevery deep. A brutish man knows it not,neither does a fool understand this:when the wicked sprang up as thegrass, and all the workers of iniquityflourished, it was that they might bedestroyed for ever. But you, O Lord, areon high for evermore. For, look, yourenemies, O Lord, for, look, yourenemies shall perish; all the workers ofiniquity shall be scattered. But mystrength have you exalted, like that ofthe wild-ox: I am anointed with freshoil. My eye also has seen the defeat ofmy enemies; my ears have heard thedoom of them that rose up against me,doers of evil. REFRAIN: THE RIGHTEOUS SHALL SPRING UPLIKE A PALM-TREE; HE SHALL GROW TALL LIKEA CEDAR IN LEBANON. PLANTED IN THE HOUSEOF THE LORD, THEY SHALL BLOSSOM IN THECOURTS OF OUR GOD. THEY SHALL STILLSHOOT FORTH IN OLD AGE; THEY SHALL BEFULL OF SAP AND GREEN: TO DECLARE THATTHE LORD IS UPRIGHT; HE IS MY ROCK, ANDTHERE IS NO UNRIGHTEOUSNESS IN HIM.MIZMOR shir leyom hashabbat: tovlehodot ladonai, ulezamer leshimcha elyon:lehagid baboker chasdecha ve’emunatcha

x ¤w «ŸA ©A ci ¦B ©d §l :oFi §l ¤rL §zpEn ¡ ¤e L «¤C §q ©gxFUr i¥l £r :zFli¥N ©AoFiB ¦d i¥l £r ,l¤a «©p i¥l £r©ei ¦p«©Y §g ©n ¦U i ¦M :xFP ¦k §Ai ¥U£r ©n §A L«¤l ¢rt §A dŸed §iEl §cB d ©n :o¥P ©x£ Li «¤cicŸ §n ,d Ÿed §i Li«¤U£r ©n:Li«¤z Ÿa §W §g ©n Ew §nr,rc ¥i `Ÿl x ©r«©A Wi ¦z ¤ oi ¦ai Ÿl li ¦q §kEmi ¦rW §x ©g «Ÿx §t ¦A :z`ŸflM Evi«¦vI©e a ¤U «¥r Fn §Mmc §nX ¦d§l ,o¤e«¨ i¥l £r «ŸRmFxn dY © §e :c ©r i ¥c £rd¥P ¦d i ¦M :dŸed §i ml Ÿr§ld¥P ¦d i ¦M ,d Ÿed §i Li«¤a §i ŸEc §xR §z ¦i Ec«¥a`Ÿi Li«¤a §i Ÿm ¤x«Y©e :o¤e«¨ i¥l £r «ŸR lMi ¦z«ŸN ©A ,i ¦p §x ©w mi ¥ §x ¦Mh¥A ©Y©e :op £r ©x o ¤n«¤W §Ami ¦nT ©A ,ixEW §A i ¦pi ¥r

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baleilot: alai asor va’alei navel, alei higayonbekinor: ki simachtani adonai befa’alechabema’asei yadecha aranen: mah gadluma’asecha adonai, me’od amkumachshevotecha: ish ba’ar lo yeda, uchsil loyavin et zot: bifroach resha’im kemo esevvayatzitzu kol po’alei aven, lehishamdamadei ad: v’atah marom l’olam adonai: kihineh oyvecha adonai, ki hineh oyvechayovedu yitpardu kol po’alei aven: vataremkir’eim karni, baloti beshemen ra’anan:vatabet eini beshurai, bakamim alaimere’im, tishma’nah aznai:REFRAIN: TZADIK KATAMAR YIFRACH, K’EREZBALVANON YISGEH: SHTULIM BEVEIT ADONAI,BECHATZROT ELOHEINU YAFRICHU: ODYENUVUN BESEIVAH, DESHENIM VERA’ANANIMYIHYU: LEHAGID KI YASHAR ADONAI, TZURIVELO AVLATAH BO:

Psalm 93

jln dedi The Lord reigns; he hasrobed himself in majesty; the Lord hasrobed himself, yes, he has girdedhimself with strength: the world also isset firm, that it cannot be moved. yourthrone is set firm from of old: you arefrom everlasting. The streams havelifted up, O Lord, the streams havelifted up their voice; the streams lift uptheir roaring. REFRAIN: MORE THAN THE ROARS OF MANYWATERS, MIGHTIER THAN THE WAVES OF THESEA, MIGHTIER IS THE LORD ON HIGH. YOURTESTIMONIES ARE VERY SURE: HOLINESS BEFITSYOUR HOUSE, O LORD, FOR EVERMORE.

dp §r«©n §W ¦Y ,mi ¦r ¥x §n i©lr :ip §f ¨

xnY ©M wi ¦C ©v äoFpa§N ©A f ¤x«¤ §M ,gx §t ¦izi¥a §A mi¦lEz §W :d¤B §U ¦izFx §v ©g §A ,d Ÿed §icFr :Egi «¦x §t©i Epi«¥dŸl¡mi ¦p ¥W §C ,dai ¥U §A oEaEp §ici ¦B ©d§l :Ei §d ¦i mi ¦P©p £r ©x §ei ¦xEv ,d Ÿed §i xWi i ¦M

:FA dz«l §e ©r Ÿl §e

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Kln dŸed §izE`¥b fŸr dŸed §i W¥al ,W¥aloFM ¦Y s © ,xG © §z ¦doFkp :hFO ¦Y l ©A l¥a ¥YmlFr ¥n ,f ¨ ¥n L £ §q ¦MzFxd §p E` §Up :dY«¨zFxd §p E` §Up ,d Ÿed §izFxd §p E` §U ¦i ,mlFw

:mi §kCjln dedi The Lord reigns, or ‘has become King’. In Messiah’s days, it will bedeclared that his apparently interrupted reign has resumed (Metsudath David).

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ADONAI MALACH ge’ut lavesh, laveshadonai oz hit’azar, af tikon tevel bal timot:nachon kis’acha me’az, me’olam atah:nas’u neharot adonai, nas’u neharot kolam,yis’u neharot dachyam:REFRAIN: MIKOLOT MAYIM RABIM, ADIRIMMISHBEREI YAM, ADIR BAMAROM ADONAI:EDOTECHA NE’EMNU ME’OD LEVEITCHANA’AVAH KODESH, ADONAI, L’ORECH YAMIM.

ceak idi Let the glory of the Lordendure for ever: let the Lord rejoice inhis works. Let the Name of the Lord beblessed from this time and forevermore. From the rising of the sun tothe going down of the same the Lord’sName is to be praised. The Lord is highabove all nations, and his glory abovethe heavens. Your Name, O Lord,endures for ever; your fame, O Lord,throughout all generations. The Lordhas established his throne in theheavens; and his kingdom rules over all.Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earthbe glad; and let them say among thenations, The Lord reigns. The Lord isKing! The Lord was King! The Lordshall be King for ever and ever! TheLord is King for ever and ever! Theheathen are perished out of his land.The Lord brings the design of theheathen to nothing; he has foiled thethoughts of the peoples. Many are the

,mi ¦A ©x m ¦i«©n zFlŸT ¦n ä,mi i ¥x §A §W ¦n mi ¦xi ¦C ©:d Ÿed §i mFxO ©A xi ¦C ©c Ÿ §n Ep §n ¤ ¤p ji«¤zFc ¥r,W ¤c ŸT de £ p L §zi ¥a§l :mi ¦ni K ¤xŸ §l ,d Ÿed §i

cFa §k i ¦d §idŸed §i dŸed §i g ©n §U ¦i ,mlFr§lm ¥W i ¦d §i .eiU £r ©n §AdY ©r ¥n ,Kx Ÿa §n dŸed §ig ©x§f ¦O ¦n .mlFr c ©r §e,F`Fa §n c ©r W¤n«¤Wmx .dŸed §i m ¥W lN ªd §nl ©r ,dŸed §i m ¦iFB lM l ©rdŸed §i .FcFa §M m ¦i«©nX ©ddŸed §i ,mlFr§l L §n ¦WdŸed §i .xŸce xŸc§l L §x §k¦f,F` §q ¦M oi ¦k ¥d m ¦i«©nX ©A.dl«Wn lŸM ©A FzEk§l ©nEl¥bz §e m ¦i«©nX ©d Eg §n §U ¦i,m ¦iFB ©a Ex §n`Ÿi §e ,u ¤x«¨ d

ceak idi Is a prayer composed from various Scriptures and proclaims the Kingship ofGod and his faithfulness to the people he chose.

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thoughts in a man’s heart; but thecounsel of the Lord, that shall stand.The counsel of the Lord stands fast forever, the thoughts of his heart to allgenerations. For he spoke, and it was;he commanded, and it stood fast. Forthe Lord has chosen Zion; he hasdesired it for his habitation. For theLord has chosen Jacob unto himself,Israel for his peculiar treasure. For theLord will not cast off his people, neitherwill he forsake his inheritance. And he,being merciful, forgives iniquity, anddestroys not: yes, many a time he turnshis anger away, and does not stir up allhis wrath. REFRAIN: SAVE, LORD: MAY THE KING ANSWERUS ON THE DAY WHEN WE CALL.YEHI KEVOD adonai l’olam, yismachadonai bema’asav. yehi shem adonaimevorach, me’atah v’ad olam. mimizrachshemesh ad mevo’o, mechulal shem adonai.ram al kol goyim adonai, al hashamaimkevodo. adonai shimcha l’olam, adonaizichrecha ledor vador. adonai bashamaimhechin kis’o, umalchuto bakol mashalah.yismechu hashamaim vetagel ha’aretz,veyomeru begoyim, adonai malach. adonaimelech, adonai malach, adonai yimlochl’olam va’ed, adonai melech olam va’ed,avdu goyim me’artzo. adonai hefir atzatgoyim, heni machshevot amim. rabotmachashavot belev ish, va’atzat adonai hitakum. atat adonai l’olam ta’amod,machshevot libo ledor vador. ki hu amar

d Ÿed §i .Kln d Ÿed §i,Kln d Ÿed §i ,K¤l«¤nml Ÿr §l KŸl §n ¦i d Ÿed §imlFr K¤l«¤n dŸed §i .c ¤rem ¦iFb Ec §a ¨ ,c ¤rexi ¦t ¥d d Ÿed §i .Fv §x © ¥n`i ¦p ¥d ,m ¦iFB z ©v £r.mi ¦O ©r zFa §W §g ©na¤l §A zFaW£g ©n zFA ©x`i ¦d dŸed §i z ©v £r©e ,Wi ¦d Ÿed §i z ©v £r .mEwz,c Ÿn £r ©Y mlFr §lxŸc§l FA¦l zFa §W §g ©nx ©n ¨ `Ed i ¦M .x ŸcedE ¦v `Ed ,i ¦d«¤I ©ed Ÿed §i x ©ga i ¦M .cŸn £r©I©eaWFn§l DE ¦ ,oFI ¦v §AFl x ©gA aŸw £r©i i ¦M .Fl.FzNªb §q§l l ¥ x §U ¦i ,Did Ÿed §i W ŸH ¦i `Ÿl i ¦M`Ÿl Fzl£g©p §e ,FO ©r

.aŸf £r©i

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vayehi, hu tzivah vaya’amod. ki bacharadonai betziyon, ivah lemoshav lo. kiya’akov bachar lo yah, israel lesgulato. ki loyitosh adonai amo, venachalato lo ya’azov. REFRAIN: VEHU RACHUM YECHAPER AVONVELO YASHCHIT, VEHIRBAH LEHASHIV APO,VELO YAIR KOL CHAMATO. ADONAI HOSHIAH,HAMELECH YA’ANENU BEYOM KAR’ENU.

ixy` Happy are those who dwell inyour house: They will be ever praisingyou. (Selah.) Happy is the people that isfavoured this way: Happy is the peoplewhose God is the Lord. ASHREI yoshvei beitecha, od yehalleluchaselah. ashrei ha’am shekachah lo, ashreiha’am sh’adonai elohav

Psalm 145 A Psalm of Praise: of David. tehillah ledavid,

` I will extol you, my God, O King; and I will bless your Name for ever andever. aromimcha elohai hamelech, va’avarechah shimcha l’olam va’ed.

a Every day will I bless you; and I will praise your Name for everand ever. bechol yom avarechecha, va’ahalelah shimcha l’olam va’ed

x¥R©k §i mEg ©x `Ed §e ä,zi ¦g §W ©i `Ÿl §e o Ÿe r,FR © ai ¦Wd§l dA §x ¦d §e.Fzn£g lM xi ¦ri Ÿl §eK¤l«¤O ©d ,dri «¦WFd dŸed §i

.Ep«¥ §xw mFi §a Ep«¥p £r©i

i ¥x §W ©,L«¤zi¥a i¥a §WFi .dl«¤Q LE «l §l ©d §i cFrdk«M ¤W mrd i ¥x §W ©mrd i ¥x §W © ,FN

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dk §xa£©e ,K¤l«¤O ©d .c ¤re mlFr§l L §n ¦W

,‚«¤k §xa£ mFi lk §AL §n ¦W dl§l ©d£©e .c ¤re mlFr§l

Psalm 145 is read thrice daily, prefixed by Ashrei ixy`, from Psalm 84:5 and 144:15.It is an acrostic: each verse begins with a subsequent letter of the alphabet, exceptingthe letter nun p.

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b Great is the Lord, and greatly to bepraised: and his greatness is unsearchable. gadol adonai umehulal m’od, veligdulato ein cheker.

c One generation shall praise your worksto another, and shall declare your mighty acts. dor ledor yeshabach ma’asecha, ugevurotecha yagidu.

d On the majestic glory of your splendour, and on your marvellous deeds, will Imeditate. hadar kevod hodecha, vedivrei nifl’otecha asichah.e They shall speak of your awesomepower, and I will recount your greatness.v’ezuz nor’otecha yomeru, ugidulatecha asaprenah.

f They shall utter the fame of your greatgoodness, and shall exult in your righteousness. zecher rav tuvecha yabi’u, vetzidkatecha yeranenu.g The Lord is gracious and merciful; slow to anger and of great lovingkindness. chanun verachum adonai, erech apayim ugedal chesedh The Lord is good to all; and his tender mercies are over all hisworks. tov adonai lakol, verachamav al kol ma’asav.

lN ªd §nE dŸed §i lFcBoi ¥ FzN ªc §b¦l §e ,cŸ §n


g©A ©W §i xFc§l xFCLi«¤zŸxEa §bE ,Li«¤U£r ©n


,L «¤cFd cFa §M x ©c£dLi«¤zŸ §l §t ¦p i ¥x §a ¦c §e

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,Eri«¦A©i L §aEh a ©x x¤k«¤f .Ep«¥P ©x §i L §zw §c ¦v §e

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.c¤q«g ,lŸM©l dŸed §i aFhlM l ©r ein£g ©x §e

.eiU £r ©n

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i All your works shall give thanks toyou, O Lord; and your loving ones shall bless you. yoducha adonai kol ma’asecha, vachasidecha yevarechuchah.k They shall speak of the glory of yourkingdom, and talk of your power; kevod malchutecha yomeru, ugevuratecha yedaberu.l To inform the sons of men of hismighty deeds,and the majestic glory of his kingdom. lohodia livnei ha’adam gevurotav, uchevod hadar malchuto.n Your kingdom is an everlastingkingdom, and your rule is for all generations. malchutcha malchut kol olamim, umemshaltecha bechol dor vador.q The Lord upholds all that fall, and raises up all those that are boweddown. somech adonai lechol hanoflim, vezokef lechol hakefufim.r The eyes of all wait upon you; and you give them their food in dueseason. einei kol elecha yesaberu,v’atah noten lahem et achlam b’ito.t You open your hand, and satisfy every living thing with favour. poteach et yadecha,umasbi’a lechol chai ratzon.

,Li«¤U£r ©n lM dŸed §i LE «cFi .dkE «k §xa §i Li «¤ci ¦q£g©e

,Ex«¥n`Ÿi L §zEk§l ©n cFa §M .Ex«¥A ©c §i L §zxEa §bE

mc ¨ d i¥p §a¦l ©ri «¦cFd§l ,eiz ŸxEa §B

.FzEk§l ©n x ©c£d cFa §kElM zEk§l ©n L §zEk§l ©n

,mi ¦nlFr .xŸce xŸC lk §A L §Y§l ©W §n¤nE ,mi¦l §tŸP ©d lk§l dŸed §i K ¥nFq

.mi ¦tEt §M ©d lk§l s¥wFf §e

,Ex«¥A ©U §i Li«¤l ¥ lŸk i¥pi «¥rz ¤ m¤dl o ¥zFp dY © §e

.FY ¦r §A ml §k ¨ ,L «¤ci z ¤ ©g«¥zFR

.oFvx i ©g lk§l ©ri«¦A §U ©nE

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v The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and loving in all his works. tzadik adonai bechol derachav,vechasid bechol ma’asav.

w The Lord is near to all that call uponhim, to all that call upon him in truth. karov adonai lechol kor’av,lechol asher yikra’uhu be’emet.

x He will fulfil the will of those whorevere him; he also will hear their cry, and will savethem. retzon yere’av ya’aseh, v’et shav’atam yishma veyoshi’em.

y The Lord guards all that love him: but all the wicked he will destroy. shomer adonai et kol ohavav,v’et kol haresha’im yashmid.




Psalm 146

dielld Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord,O my soul: I will praise the Lord, whileI live: I will sing praises unto my God

lk §A dŸed §i wi ¦C ©v ,eikx §C

.eiU £r ©n lk §A ci ¦qg §e ,ei ¨ §xŸw lk§l dŸed §i aFxw

Ed «ªx §w ¦i x ¤W£ lŸk§l .z¤n¡ ¤a

,d ¤U£r©i ei ¨ ¥x §i oFv §xr ©n §W ¦i mzr §e ©W z ¤ §e

.m ¥ri ¦yFi §e

lM z ¤ dŸed §i x ¥nFW ,eia£dŸ

mi ¦rW §xd lM z ¥ §e .ci ¦n §W©i

x¤A ©c §i dŸed §i z©N ¦d §Y äxUA lM K ¥xai ¦e ,i ¦R.c ¤re mlFr§l FW §cw m ¥W,Di K ¥xa §p Ep §g«©p£©e,mlFr c ©r §e dY ©r ¥n

.DiEl§l ©denw mildz

DiEl§l ©di ¦W §t©p i¦l§l ©d ,dl§l ©d£ .dŸed §i z ¤

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while I have my being. Do not put yourtrust in princes, in a son of man, inwhom there is no help. When his breathgoes forth, he returns to his earth; inthat very day his plans perish. Happy ishe that has the God of Jacob for his help,whose hope is in the Lord his God: whomade heaven and earth, the sea, and allthat is in it; who keeps truth for ever:who secures justice for the oppressed;who gives food to the hungry: the Lordsets free the prisoners; the Lord opensthe eyes of the blind; the Lord raises upthose that are bowed down; the Lordloves the righteous; the Lord guards thestrangers; he upholds the fatherless andwidow; but the way of the wicked hemakes crooked. REFRAIN: THE LORD SHALL REIGN FOR EVER;YOUR GOD, O ZION, TO ALL GENERATIONS.PRAISE THE LORD.HALLELUYAH, hallelu nafshi et adonai.ahalelah adonai bechayai, azamrah lelohaib’odi. al tivtechu bindivim, beven adamshe’ein lo teshuah. tetze rucho yashuvl’admato, bayom hahu avdu eshtonotav.ashrei she’el ya’akov b’ezro, sivro al adonaielohav. oseh shamayim va’aretz, et hayamv’et kol asher bam, hashomer emet l’olam.oseh mishpat la’ashukim, noten lechemlar’evim, adonai matir asurim. adonaipokeach ivrim, adonai zokef kefufim,adonai ohev tzadikim. adonai shomer etgerim, yatom v’almanah y’oded, vederechresha’im y’avet.

dx §O©f£ ,iI ©g §A dŸed §il © .i ¦cFr §A i ©dŸl ¥lo¤a §A ,mi ¦ai ¦c §p ¦a Eg §h §a ¦YFl oi ¥ ¤W mc ¨FgEx `¥v ¥Y .drEW §zmFi ©A ,Fzn §c © §l a ªWiEc §a ¨ `Ed ©di ¥x §W © .eizFp ŸY §W ¤r,Fx §f ¤r §A a Ÿw £r ©i l ¥ ¤Wd Ÿed §i l ©r Fx §a ¦Um ¦i«©nW d ¤UŸr .eidŸl¡z ¤ §e mI ©d z ¤ ,u ¤x«¨ ex ¥nŸX ©d ,mA x ¤W£ lMd ¤UŸr .mlFr§l z¤n¡ o ¥zŸp ,mi ¦wEW£r©l hR §W ¦n

,mi ¦a ¥r §xl m¤g«¤l .mi ¦xEq£ xi ¦Y ©n dŸed §i

,mi ¦x §e ¦r ©g «¥wŸR dŸed §i ,mi ¦tEt §M s¥w Ÿf d Ÿed §i

.mi ¦wi ¦C ©v a ¥dŸ dŸed §i ,mi ¦x¥B z ¤ x ¥nŸW dŸed §i,c ¥cFr §i dpn§l © §e mFzi .z¥E ©r §i mi ¦rW §x K ¤x «¤c §e

dielld The words of this psalm “who secures justice for the oppressed; who givesfood to the hungry: the Lord sets free the prisoners; the Lord opens the eyes of theblind” are reflected in the prophet Isaiah and later quoted by Messiah Yeshua inreference to himself. See Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:17-21.

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Psalm 147

dielld Praise the Lord; for it is good tosing praises to our God; for it ispleasant, and praise is seemly. The Lordbuilds up Jerusalem; he gathers togetherthe dispersed of Israel. He heals thebroken in heart, and binds up theirwounds. He counts the number of thestars: he calls them all by their names.Great is our Lord, and mighty in power;his understanding is infinite. The Lordupholds the meek: he brings the wickeddown to the ground. Sing to the Lordwith thanksgiving; sing praises uponthe harp to our God; who covers theheaven with clouds, who prepares rainfor the earth, who makes grass to growupon the mountains; who gives to thebeast its food, and to the young ravenswhen they cry. He does not delight inthe strength of the horse, he takes nopleasure in the swiftness of a man. TheLord takes pleasure in them that fearhim, in them that hope for hislovingkindness. Extol the Lord, OJerusalem; praise your God, O Zion. Forhe has strengthened the bars of yourgates; he has blessed your childrenwithin you. He makes peace in yourborders; he satisfies you with the creamof the wheat. He sends out hiscommandment to the earth; his word

,mlFr§l dŸed §i KŸl §n ¦i ä,xŸce xŸc§l ,oFI ¦v K ¦i«©dŸl¡

.DiEl§l ©d

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runs very swiftly. He gives snow likewool; he scatters hoar frost like ashes.He scatters ice like crumbs: who canstand before his cold? He sends out hisword, and melts them: he causes hiswind to blow, and the waters flow. REFRAIN: HE DECLARES HIS WORDS TO JACOB,HIS STATUTES AND HIS JUDGMENTS TO ISRAEL.HE HAS NOT DEALT SO WITH ANY OTHERNATION: AS FOR HIS JUDGMENTS, THEY DO NOTKNOW THEM. PRAISE THE LORD.HALLELUYAH, ki tov zamrah eloheinu,ki na’im, na’vah tehilah. bonehyerushalaim adonai, nidchei israelyechanes. harofe lishburei lev, umechabeshl’atzvotam. moneh mispar lakochavim,lechulam shemot yikra. gadol adoneinuverav koach, litvunato ein mispar. m’odedanavim adonai, mashpil resha’im adeiaretz. enu ladonai betodah, zamru lelohenubechinor. hamechaseh shamaim b’avim,hamechin la’aretz matar, hamatzmiachharim chatzir. noten libhemah lachmah,livnei orev asher yikra’u. lo bigvurat hasusyechpatz, lo beshokei ha’ish yirtzeh. rotzehadonai et yere’av, et hamyachalimlechasdo. shabchi yerushalaim et adonai,haleli elohayich tzion. ki chizak bericheish’arayich, berach banayich bekirbech.hasam gevulech shalom, chelev chitimyasbi’ech. hasholeach imrato aretz, admeherah yarutz devaro. hanoten shelegkatzamer, kefor ka’efer yefazer. mashlichkarcho kefitim, lifnei karato mi ya’amod.yishlach devaro veyamsem, yashev ruchoyizlu mayim. REFRAIN: MAGID DEVARAV LEYA’AKOV,CHUKAV UMISHPATAV LEYISRAEL. LO ASAHKEN LECHOL GOY, UMISHPATIM BAL YEDA’UM,HALLELUYAH.

qEQ ©d z ©xEa §b ¦a Ÿli ¥wFy §a Ÿl ,uR §g¤id¤vFx .d¤v §x ¦i Wi ¦ dz ¤ ,ei ¨ ¥x §i z ¤ dŸed §i.FC §q ©g§l mi¦l£g©i §n ©dz ¤ m¦i«©lWEx §i i ¦g §A ©WK ¦i«©dŸl ¤ i¦l§l ©d ,dŸed §ii ¥gi ¦x §A w©G ¦g i ¦M .oFI ¦vK¦i«©pA K ©x¥A ,K ¦i «xr §WK¥lEa §B mV ©d .K¥A §x ¦w §Ami ¦H ¦g a¤l«¥g ,mFlW©g«¥l ŸX ©d .K ¥ri ¦A §U ©ic ©r ,u ¤x«¨ Fzx §n ¦.Fxa §C uExi dx ¥d §n,x ¤n«S ©M b¤l«¤W o ¥zŸP ©d.x¥G ©t §i x¤t«¥ M xFt §M,mi ¦Y ¦t §k Fg §x©w Ki¦l §W ©n.cFn £r©i i ¦n Fzxw i¥p §t¦l,m¥q §n©i §e Fxa §C g©l §W ¦i .m ¦i«n El§G ¦i FgEx a ¥X©ieixa §C ci ¦B ©n äeihR §W ¦nE eiT ªg ,aŸw £r©i§ldU «r `Ÿl .l ¥ x §U ¦i §lmi ¦hR §W ¦nE ,iFB lk§l o¥k .DiEl§l ©d ,mErc §i l ©A

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Psalm 148

dielld Praise the Lord. Praise the Lordfrom the heavens: praise him in theheights. Praise him, all his legions:praise him, all his hosts. Praise him, sunand moon: praise him, all stars of light.Praise him, heavens of heavens, andyou waters above the heavens. Let thempraise the Name of the Lord: for hecommanded, and they were created. Hehas established them for ever and ever:he made a decree which none shalltransgress. Praise the Lord from theearth, you sea-monsters and all waterydepths: fire and hail, snow and smoke;stormy wind, fulfilling his word:mountains and all hills; fruit trees andall cedars: wild beasts and all cattle;creeping things and winged birds: kingsof the earth and all peoples; princes andall judges of the earth: both young menand maidens; old men and children: REFRAIN: LET THEM PRAISE THE NAME OF THELORD; FOR HIS NAME ALONE IS EXALTED: HISMAJESTY IS ABOVE THE EARTH AND HEAVEN.AND HE HAS EXALTED THE POWER OF HISPEOPLE, TO THE PRAISE OF ALL HIS LOVINGONES: EVEN OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, THEPEOPLE NEAR TO HIM: PRAISE THE LORD.HALLELUYAH, hallelu et adonai minhashamaim, halleluhu bameromim.halleluhu kol malachav, halleluhu koltzeva’av. halleluhu shemesh veyareach,halleluhu kol kochvei or. halleluhu shmei

gnw mildz

DiEl§l ©dz ¤ El§l ©d ,,m ¦i «©nX ©d o ¦n d Ÿed §i.mi ¦nFx §O ©A EdE «l §l ©d,eik ¨ §l ©n lk EdE «l §l ©d.ei ¨ a §v lM EdE «l §l ©d, ©g «¥xi §e W¤n«¤W EdE«l§l ©di¥a §kF «M lM EdE«l§l ©di ¥n §W EdE«l§l ©d .xF`x ¤W£ m ¦i«©O ©d §e ,m ¦i«nX ©dEl§l ©d §i .m ¦i«nX ©d l ©r ¥ni ¦M ,d Ÿed §i m ¥W z ¤.E` «x §a ¦p §e dE ¦v `Ed,mlFr§l c ©rl m ¥ci ¦n £r©I©e.xFa £r©i Ÿl §e o ©zp wgo ¦n dŸed §i z ¤ El§l ©dlk §e mi ¦pi ¦P ©Y ,u ¤x«¨ dcxaE W ¥ .zFnŸd §YgEx ,xFhi ¦w §e b¤l«¤W.Fxa §c dUŸr dxr §q,zFra §B lk §e mi ¦xd ¤d.mi¦fx£ lk §e i ¦x §R u ¥r,dn ¥d §A lk §e dI ©g ©d.spM xFR ¦v §e U¤n «¤x

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hashamaim, vehamayim asher me’alhashamaim. yehallelu et shem adonai, ki hutzivah venivra’u. vaya’amidem la’adl’olam, chak natan velo ya’avor. hallelu etadonai min ha’aretz, taninim vecholtehomot. esh uvarad sheleg vekitor, ruachs’arah osah devaro. heharim vechol geva’ot,etz peri vechol arazim. hachayah vecholbehemah, remes vetzipor kanaf. malcheieretz vechol l’umim, sarim vechol shofteiaretz. bachurim vegam betulot, zekenim imn’arim.REFRAIN: YEHALLELU ET SHEM ADONAI, KINISGAV SHEMO LEVADO, HODO AL ERETZVESHAMAIM. VAYAREM KEREN L’AMO TEHILAHLECHOL CHASIDAV, LIVNEI ISRAEL AM KEROVO,HALLELUYAH.

Psalm 149

dielld Praise the Lord. Sing to the Lorda new song; his praise in the assembly ofthose that love him. Let Israel rejoice inhis Maker: let the children of Zion beglad in their King. Let them praise hisName with the dance: let them singpraises to him with the timbrel and harp.For the Lord takes pleasure in his people:he adorns the meek with victory. Letthose that love him triumph in glory: letthem sing for joy upon their beds. Highpraises of God are in their throat, and atwo-edged sword* in their hand; to

lk §e u ¤x«¤ i ¥k §l ©nlk §e mi ¦xU ,mi ¦O ª §lmi ¦xEg ©A .u ¤x«¨ i ¥h §tŸ «Wmi ¦p ¥w§f ,zFlEz §A m©b §e

.mi ¦xr §p m ¦rm ¥W z ¤ El§l ©d §i äFn §W aB §U¦p i ¦M ,d Ÿed §iu ¤x«¤ l ©r FcFd ,FC ©a§lo ¤x «¤w m¤x«I©e .m ¦i«nW §elk§l dN ¦d §Y FO ©r§ll ¥ x §U ¦i i¥p §a¦l ,eici ¦q£g .DiEl§l ©d ,FaŸx §w m ©r

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DiEl§l ©ddŸed§i©l Exi «¦W ,FzN ¦d §Y ,Wcg xi ¦Wg ©n §U ¦i .mi ¦ci ¦q£g l ©d §w ¦Ai¥p §A ,eiUŸr §A l ¥ x §U ¦i.mM§l ©n §a Eli«¦bi oFI ¦v,lFgn §a Fn §W El§l ©d §i.Fl Ex §O©f §i xFP ¦k §e sŸz §A,FO ©r §A dŸed §i d¤vFx i ¦M

exiy ,dielld *The two-edged sword is likened by some rabbinical authorities to theway in which God and man both have a part in . executing his judgement upon thenations. The book of Hebrews describes the Word of God as even sharper than atwo-edged sword, in this case executing his judgement on the thoughts and attitudesof the heart (Hebrews 4:12).

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execute retribution upon the nations, andpunishments upon the peoples: REFRAIN: TO BIND THEIR KINGS WITH CHAINS,AND THEIR NOBLES WITH FETTERS OF IRON, TOEXECUTE UPON THEM THE JUDGMENT WHICH ISWRITTEN. HE IS THE HONOUR OF ALL HISLOVING ONES. PRAISE THE LORD.HALLELUYAH, shiru ladonai shirchadash, tehilato bikehal chasidim. yismachisrael b’osav, benei tzion yagilu bemalkam.yehallelu shemo bemachol, betof vechinoryezamru lo. ki rotzeh adonai b’amo, yefa’eranavim bishuah. ya’lezu chasidimbechavod, yeranenu al mishkevotam.romemot el bigronam, vecherev pifiyotbeyadam. la’asot nekamah bagoyim,tochechot bal’umim.REFRAIN: LE’SOR MALCHEIHEM BEZIKIM,VENICHBEDEIHEM BECHAVLEI BARZEL. LA’ASOTBAHEM MISHPAT KATUV, HADAR HU LECHOLCHASIDAV, HALLELUYAH.

Psalm 150

dielld Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary.Praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty acts: Praise him as befits his abundant

greatness. Praise him with the sound of the shofar: Praise him with the harp and lyre. Praise him with the timbrel and dance: Praise him with the clear-toned cymbals: Praise him with the loud-sounding


.drEWi ¦A mi¦ep £r x ¥ t §i,cFak §A mi ¦ci ¦q£g Ef§l §r©i.mzFa §M §W ¦n l ©r Ep §P ©x §i,mpFx §b ¦A l ¥ zFn §nFx.mci §A zFI ¦ti ¦R a¤x«¤g §e,m ¦iFB ©A dnw §p zFU£r©l

.mi ¦O ª§l ©A zFg¥kFYm ¤di ¥k §l ©n x Ÿq § ¤l äm ¤di ¥c §A §k ¦p §e ,mi ¦T ¦f §AzFU£r©l .l¤f §x ©a i¥l §a©k §A,aEzM hR §W ¦n m¤dAlk§l `Ed xcd

.DiEl§l ©d ,eici ¦q£g

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DiEl§l ©d , ,FW §cw §A l ¥ El§l ©d

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,xtFW r©w«¥z §A EdE«l§l ©d .xFP ¦k §e l¤a«¥p §A EdE«l§l ©d ,lFgnE sŸz §A EdE«l§l ©d

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HALLELUYAH, hallelu el bekadsho, halleluhu birkia’a uzo.halleluhu bigvurotav,halleluhu kerov gudlo.halleluhu beteka shofar,halleluhu benevel vekinor.halleluhu betof umachol,halleluhu beminim v’ugav.halleluhu betziltzelei shama,halleluhu betziltzelei truah.REFRAIN: KOL HANSHAMA TEHALLEL YAH HALLELUYAH. KOL HANSHAMA TEHALLEL YAH HALLELUYAH.

jexa Blessed be the Lord for evermore.amen, and amen.1 Blessed be the Lordout of Zion, who dwells in Jerusalem.Praise the Lord.2 Blessed be the LordGod, the God of Israel, who alone doeswonders. REFRAIN: BLESSED BE HIS GLORIOUS NAME FOREVER; AND MAY ALL THE EARTH BE FILLEDWITH HIS GLORY. AMEN, AND AMEN.3

BARUCH adonai l’olam, amen v’amen.1

baruch adonai mitzion, shochenyerushalaim, halleluyah.2 baruch adonaielohim elohei israel, oseh nifla’ot levado.REFRAIN: UVARUCH SHEM KEVODO L’OLAM,VEYIMALE KEVODO ET KOL HA’ARETZ, AMENV’AMEN.3

.ab ªr §e mi ¦P ¦n §A EdE«l§l ©d ,r ©n«W i¥l §v§l ¦v §A EdE«l§l ©d

i¥l §v§l ¦v §A EdE«l§l ©d .drEx §z

l¥N ©d §Y dnW §P ©d lŸM ä .DiEl§l ©d Di

Di l¥N ©d §Y dnW §P ©d lŸM .DiEl§l ©d

KExA,mlFr §l d Ÿed §i .o ¥n ¨ §e o ¥n ¨1dŸed §i KExA

,m¦i«lWEx §i o¥kŸW ,oFI ¦S ¦n.DiEl§l ©d2dŸed §i KExA

,l ¥ x §U ¦i i ¥dŸl¡ mi ¦dŸl¡ .FC ©a§l zF`l §t ¦p d ¥UŸr

FcFa §M m ¥W KExaE äFcFa §k ¥lO ¦i §e ,mlFr§lo ¥n ¨ ,u ¤x«¨ d lM z ¤

.o ¥n ¨ §e3

1 Psalm 89:53. 2 Psalm 135:21. 3 Psalm 72:18-19. A reply of amen is tantamount toactually wording an oath (Rambam, Hil. Shavuot 2:1). So with a blessing. The ‘amen’is repeated for emphasis.

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Stand until ‘You are the Lord’

1 Chronicles 29:10-13

jxaie And David blessed the Lord inthe presence of all the congregation:and David said, Blessed are you, OLord, the God of Israel our father, fromeverlasting to everlasting. Yours, OLord, is the greatness, and the power,and the glory, and the victory, and themajesty: for all that is in the heaven andin the earth is yours; yours, O Lord, isthe kingdom, and the supremacy ashead over all. Riches and honour comeof you, and you rule over all; and inyour hand are might and power; and itis in your hand to make great, and togive strength to all. Now, therefore, ourGod, we give thanks to you, and praiseyour glorious Name.VAYEVARECH david et adonai, l’eineikol hakahal, vayomer david, baruch atahadonai elohei israel avinu, me’olam v’adolam. lecha adonai hagedulah vehagevurahvehatif’eret vehanetzach vehahod, ki kolbashamaim uva’aretz, lecha adonaihamamlachah, vehamitnase lechol lerosh.veha’osher vehakavod milfanecha, v’atahmoshel bakol, uveyadcha koach ugevurah,uveyadcha legadel ulechazek lakol. v’ataheloheinu modim anachnu lach umehalelimleshem tif’artecha.

Stand until `Ed dY © .hk ` minid ixac

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.L«¤Y §x © §t ¦Y

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Nehemiah 9:6-11

`ed dz` You are he, Lord, even youalone; you have made the heavens, theheavens of heavens, and all their host,the earth and all things that are on it,the seas and all that is in them, and yougive life to them all; and the host ofheaven worship you. REFRAIN: YOU ARE HE, LORD, THE GOD WHOCHOSE ABRAM AND BROUGHT HIM OUT OF UROF THE CHALDEES, AND GAVE HIM THE NAMEOF ABRAHAM: AND FOUND HIS HEARTFAITHFUL BEFORE YOU:And you made a covenant with him togive the land of the Canaanite, theHittite, the Amorite, and the Perizzite,and the Jebusite, and the Girgashite,even to give it to his descendants, andhave performed your words; for you artrighteous. And you saw the affliction ofour fathers in Egypt, and heard their cryby the Red Sea; and imposed signs andwonders upon Pharaoh, and on all hisservants, and on all the people of hisland; for you knew that they dealtarrogantly against them; and you madeyourself a name, as it is this day. REFRAIN: YOU DIVIDED THE SEA BEFORE THEM,SO THAT THEY WENT THROUGH THE MIDST OFTHE SEA ON THE DRY LAND; AND THEIRPURSUERS YOU CAST INTO THE DEPTHS, AS ASTONE INTO THE MIGHTY WATERS.

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z ¥zlm ¤w «Y ©e ,Fr §x©f §l `ed dz` Following Ezra’s reading of the Torah, the regathered remnant of Israelpraised God with these words prior to entering into a curse and an oath to walk inGod’s Torah.

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ATAH HU adonai levadecha, atah asita ethashamaim, shemei hashamaim, vecholtzeva’am, ha’aretz vechol asher aleha,hayamim vechol ahser bahem, v’atahmechayeh et kulam, utzeva hashamaimlecha mishtachavim.REFRAIN: ATAH HU ADONAI HA’ELOHIM, AHSERBACHARTA B’AVRAM, VEHOTZETO ME’URKASDIM, VESAMTA SHEMO AVRAHAM.UMATZATA ET LEVAVO NE’EMAN LEFANECHAvecharot imo habrit latet et eretzhakna’ani, hachiti, ha’emori, vehaperizi,vehayevusi, vehagirgashi, latet lezar’o,vatakem et dvarecha, ki tzadik atah. vatereet ani avoteinu bemitzraim, v’et za’akatamshama’ta al yam suf. vatiten otot umoftimbefar’oh, uvechol avadav, uvechol amartzo, ki yada’ta ki hezidu aleihem, vata’aslecha shem kehayom hazeh. REFRAIN: VEHAYAM BAKA’TA LIFNEIHEM,VAYA’AVRU BETOCH HAYAM BAYABASHA, V’ETRODFEIHEM HISHLACHTA BEMTZOLOT KEMOEVEN BEMAYIM AZIM.

The Song at the SeaExodus 14:30-15:18

ryeie And the Lord saved Israel thatday out of the hand of the Egyptians;and Israel saw the Egyptians dead uponthe seashore. And Israel saw the great

wi ¦C ©v i ¦M ,Li «¤xa §C z ¤i ¦p ¢r z ¤ ` ¤x«¥Y©e .dY«¨,m ¦i «x §v ¦n §A Epi «¥z Ÿa £Y §r«©nW mzw £r©f z ¤ §eo ¥Y ¦Y©e .sEq m©i l ©rmi ¦z §t ŸnE z Ÿz Ÿ,eica £r lk §aE ,dŸr §x ©t §Ai ¦M ,Fv §x © m ©r lk §aEEci«¦f ¥d i ¦M Y §r «©ciL §l U ©r «©Y©e ,m ¤di¥l £r

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r ©WF «I©e The Song at the Sea is the third of three prayers of dedication. The first (1Chronicles 29) was when King David and the people praised the Lord, setting asidethe materials for the building of the first Temple. The second was when the returnedremnant of Israel dedicated themselves to the Lord and the Torah. The Song at the Seais following the redemption of Israel after crossing the Sea of Reeds.

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power which the Lord had displayedagainst the Egyptians, and the peoplerevered the Lord: and they believed inthe Lord, and in Moses his servant.

f` Then Moses and the children ofIsrael sang this song to the Lord, andspoke, saying:I will sing unto the Lord, for he hasbeen highly exalted: the horse and hisrider he has thrown into the sea. The Lord is my strength and song, andhe is become my salvation: this is myGod, and I will glorify him; my father’sGod, and I will exalt him. The Lord is a man of war: the Lord ishis Name. Pharaoh’s chariots and his host he hascast into the sea: and his chosencaptains are sunk in the Red Sea. The floods cover them: they went downinto the depths like a stone. your right hand, O Lord, is glorious inpower, your right hand, O Lord, dashesthe enemy in pieces. And in the greatness of your majestyyou overthrow them that rise up againstyou: you send out your wrath, itconsumes them as stubble. And with the blast of your nostrils thewaters were piled up, the streams stoodupright as an heap; the floods werecongealed in the heart of the sea. The enemy said, I will pursue, I willovertake, I will divide the spoil: mydesire shall be satisfied upon them; I

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will draw my sword, my hand shalldestroy them. You blew with your wind, the seacovered them: they sank as lead in themighty waters. Who is like to you, O Lord, amongst themighty: who is like to you, glorious inholiness, revered in praises, doingmarvels? You stretched out your right hand, theearth swallowed them. In your loving kindness you led thepeople whom you redeemed: youguided them in your strength to yourholy habitation. The peoples have heard it; they tremble:pangs have taken hold of the habitantsof Philistia. Then were the dukes of Edomconfounded; the mighty men of Moab,trembling takes hold of them: all theinhabitants of Canaan are melted away. Terror and dread fall upon them: by thegreatness of your arm they are still as astone; till your people pass over, OLord, till the people pass over, that youhave acquired. You will bring them in, and plant themin the mountain of your inheritance, theplace, O Lord, which you have made foryourself to dwell in, the sanctuary, OLord, which your hands haveestablished. The Lord shall reign for ever and ever.The Lord shall reign for ever and ever.

x©g §a ¦nE ,mI ©a dxim©i §a Er §A ªh eiW¦lW

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The kingdom of the Lord endures forever and to all eternity. When the horseof Pharaoh with his chariot and riderscame to the sea, the Lord returned thewaters of the sea over them, but thesons of Israel went on dry land in themidst of the sea.REFRAIN: FOR THE KINGDOM IS THE LORD’S:AND HE IS RULER OVER THE NATIONS.1 ANDSAVIOURS SHALL COME UP ON MOUNT ZIONTO JUDGE THE MOUNT OF ESAU; AND THEKINGDOM SHALL BE THE LORD’S.2 AND THELORD SHALL BE KING OVER ALL THE EARTH;3 INTHAT DAY SHALL THE LORD BE ONE AND HISNAME ONE.4

VAYOSHA adonai bayom hahu et israelmiyad mitzrayim, vayar israel etmitzrayim met al sefat hayam. vayar israelet hayad hagdolah asher asah adonaibemitzrayim vayiyr’u ha’am et adonai,vaya’aminu badonai uvemoshe avdo. AZ yashir moshe uvnei israel et hashirahhazot ladonai, vayomru lemor, ashirah ladonai ki ga’oh ga’ah, sus verochvo ramah bayam.azi vezimrat yah vayehi li lishuah, ze eli v’anvehu, elohei avi va’aromemenhu.adonai ish milchamah, adonai shemo.markevot par’oh vecheilo yarah bayam, umivchar shalishav tub’u beyam suf. tehomot yechasyumu, yardu bimtzolot kemo aven. yemincha adonai ne’dari bakoach,yemincha adonai tiratz oyev.uverov g’oncha taharos kamecha, teshalach charoncha yochlemo kakash.uveruach apecha ne’ermu mayim,

m¦l ¥ A dk «Ÿnk i ¦ndk «ŸnM i ¦n ,d Ÿed §i,W ¤c «ŸT ©A xC § ¤p ,zŸN ¦d §z `xFp

. ¤l«¤t d ¥U «Ÿr ,L §pi ¦n §i zi «¦hp

.u ¤x«¨ Fn «¥rl §a ¦YEf m ©r L §C §q ©g §a zi«¦gpL§Gr §a Y§l«©d¥p ,Y§l«¨ B .L«¤W §cw d¥e §p l ¤,oEfB §x ¦i mi ¦O ©r Er §nW

i¥a §W Ÿi f ©g ¨ li ¦g .z ¤W«l §R

i ¥tEN © El£d §a ¦p f ¨a ¨ Fn i¥li ¥ ,mFc¡

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c ©r ,o¤a«¨ M En §C ¦i,d Ÿed §i L §O ©r xŸa £r©iEf m ©r xŸa £r©i c ©r

.zi«¦pw1 Psalm 22:29. 2 Obadiah 1:21. 3 Zechariah 14:9. 4 Deuteronomy 6:4.

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nitzvu kemo ned nozlim, kaf’u tehomot belev yam.amar oyev erdof asig achalek shalal, timla’emo nafshi, arik charbi, torishemoyadi.nashfeta beruchacha kisamo yam, tzalelu ka’oferet bemayim adirim. mi kamocha ba’elim adonai, mi kamochnedar bakodesh, nora tehilot, oseh fele.natita yemincha, tivla’emo aretz. nachita bechasdecha am zu ga’alta, nehaltab’azcha el neveh kadshecha.sha’u amim yirgazun, chil achaz nivhalu alufei edom, eilei mo’avyochazemo ra’ad, namogu kol yoshveikena’an. tipol aleihem eimatah vafachad, bigdolzero’acha yidmu ka’sven, ad ya’avoramecha adonai ad ya’avor am zu kanita.tevi’emo vetita’emo behar nachalatecha, machon leshivtecha pa’alta adonai,mikdash, adonai, konenu yadecha.adonai yimloch l’olam va’ed. adonai yimloch l’olam va’ed.adonai malkuteh ka’em l’alam ul’ ba sus par’oh berichbo uveparashavbayam, vayashev adonai aleihem et meihayam, uvnei israel halchu bayabashahbetoch hayam.REFRAIN: KI LADONAI HAMLUCHAH, UMOSHELBAGOYIM.1 V’ALU MOSHI’IM BEHAR TZIONLISHPOT ET HAR ESAV, VEHAYETAH LADONAIHAMLUCHAH.2 VEHAYA ADONAI LEMELECH ALKOL HA’ARETZ,3 BAYOM HAHU YIHYEH ADONAIECHAD USHEMO ECHAD.4

x ©d §A Fn «¥rH ¦z §e Fn«¥ ¦a §YL §Y §a ¦W§l oFkn ,L §z«l£g©p,Wc §T ¦n ,dŸed §i Y§l «©rR .Li «¤ci Ep §pFM ,ip Ÿc£

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1 Psalm 22:29. 2 Obadiah 1:21. 3 Zechariah 14:9. 4 Deuteronomy 6:4.

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znyp The soul of every living thingshall bless your Name, O Lord our God,and the spirit of all flesh shall ever extoland exalt your fame, O our King. Fromeverlasting to everlasting you are God;1

and beside you we have no King,2 Oyou who redeems and saves, sets freeand delivers, who supports and pities inall times of trouble and distress; yes, wehave no King but you.You are God of the first and of the lastages, God of all creatures, Lord of allgenerations, adored in innumerablepraises, guiding your world with lovingkindness and your creatures withtender mercies. The Lord does notslumber nor sleep,3 he arouses thesleepers and awakens the slumberers;4

he makes the dumb to speak, sets freethe prisoners, supports the falling, andraises up those who are bowed down.5

NISHMAT kol chai, tevarech et shimcaadonai eloheinu, veruach kol basar tefa’eruteromem zichrecha malkenu tamid, minha’olam v’ad ha’olam atah el,1

umibal’adecha ein lanu melech2 go’elumoshi’a, podeh umatzil umeparnesumerachem bechol et tzarah vetzukah, einlanu melech ella atah. elohei harishonimveha’acharonim, eloach kol beriyot, adonkol toladot, hamehulal berov hatishbachot,

z ©n §W¦pK ¥xa §Y ,i ©g lM d Ÿed §i L §n ¦W z ¤lM ©gE «x §e ,Epi «¥dŸl ¡m ¥nFx §zE x ¥ t §Y xUA,ci ¦nY Ep«¥M§l ©n L §x §k¦fmlFrd c ©r §e mlFrd o ¦n

,l ¥ dY ©1Li«¤cr§l ©A ¦nE K¤l«¤n Ep«l oi ¥2l ¥ FB

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,oWi ¦i3 mi ¦p ¥W §i x ¥xFr §n ©d ,mi ¦nC §x ¦p ui ¦w ¥O ©d §e4

znyp 1 Psalm 90:2. 2 Isaiah 44:6. 3 Psalm 121:4. 4 Psalm 146:7. 5 Psalm 145:14. This prayerhas been attributed to Simon Peter, as stated by Rabbenu Tam (Encyclopedia Judaica12:1178).

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hamenoheg olamo bechesed, uveriyotavberachamim. vadonai lo yanum veloyiyshan,3 ham’orer yeshenim, vehamekitznirdamim,4 vehamesiach illemim,vehamatir asurim, vehasomech noflim,vehazokef kefufim.5

jl To you alone we give thanks. Wereour mouths full of song as the sea, andour tongues of exultation as themultitude of its waves, and our lips ofpraise as the wide-extended skies; wereour eyes shining with light like the sunand the moon, and our hands werespread forth like the eagles of the air,and our feet were swift as the wild deer,we should still be unable to thank youand to bless your Name, O Lord ourGod and God of our fathers, for onethousandth or one ten thousandth partof the bounties which you haveperformed for our fathers and upon us. LECHA levadcha anachnu modim. ilu finumalei shirah kayam, uleshonenu rinahkahamon galav, vesiftoteinu shebachkemerchavei raki’a, v’eineinu me’irotkashemesh vechareach, veyadeinu perushotkenishrei shamaim, veragleinu kalotka’ayalot, ein anachnu maspikim lehodotlecha, adonai eloheinu ve’lohei avoteinu,ulevarech et shemecha, al achat me’alef elefalfei alafim veribei revavot pe’amim,hatovot sh’asita im avoteinu v’imanu.

,mi ¦n§N ¦ ©gi «¦U¥O ©d §e ,mi ¦xEq£ xi ¦Y ©O ©d §e ,mi¦l §tFp K ¥nFQ ©d §e.mi ¦tEt §M s¥wFG ©d §e5

L §lEp §g«©p £ L §C ©a §l Epi «¦t EN ¦ .mi ¦cFn,mI ©M dxi ¦W `¥lnoFn£d©M dP ¦x Ep«¥pFW§lEg ©a«¤W Epi«¥zFz §t ¦U§e ,eiN©BEpi«¥pi ¥r §e , ©ri «¦wx i¥a£g §x ¤n §MW ¤n«¤X ©M zFxi ¦ §nzFUEx §t Epi «¥ci §e , ©g«¥xI ©k §eEpi«¥l §b ©x §e ,m ¦i«nW i ¥x §W¦p §Moi ¥ ,zFlI © M zFN ©wmi ¦wi ¦R §q ©n Ep §g«©p £d Ÿed §i ,L §l zFcFd §li ¥dŸl`¥e Epi «¥dŸl ¡z ¤ K ¥xa§lE ,Epi«¥zFa£s¤l«¨ ¥n z©g © l ©r ,L«¤n §Wmi ¦tl£ i ¥t§l © s¤l«¤,mi ¦nr §R zFaa §x i¥A ¦x §em ¦r zi «¦Ur ¤W zFaFH ©d

.Ep«O ¦r §e Epi«¥zFa£3 Psalm 121:4. 4 Psalm 146:7. 5 Psalm 145:14

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mixvnn You redeemed us from Egypt,O Lord our God, and released us fromthe house of bondage; during famineyou fed us, and sustained us in plenty;from the sword you rescued us, frompestilence you saved us, and from soreand lingering diseases you delivered us.Until now your tender mercies havehelped us, and your loving kindnesseshave not left us: forsake us not, O Lordour God, for ever. Therefore the limbswhich you have planted in us, and thespirit and soul which you have breathedinto us, and the tongue which you haveset in our mouths, they shall thank,bless, praise, glorify, extol, reverence,hallow and do homage to your Name, Oour King. For every mouth shall givethanks to you, and every tongue shallswear allegiance to you; every kneeshall bow to you,1 and whatever is loftyshall prostrate itself before you. Allhearts shall revere you, and ourinnermost being shall sing to yourName, according to the word that iswritten, All my bones shall say, Lord,who is like you? You deliver the poorfrom one that is stronger than he, thepoor and the needy from him that robshim.2 Who is like you, who is equal toyou, who can be compared to you,3 OGod, great, mighty, and awful, mosthigh God, Maker of heaven and earth?

m ¦i «©x §v ¦O ¦n,Ep «Y §l © §B zi¥A ¦nE ,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i.Ep «zi ¦c §R mi ¦ca £rraU §aE ,Ep«Y §p©f arx §Aa ¤x«¤g ¥n ,Ep «Y §l ©M §l ¦Mx ¤a «¤C ¦nE ,Ep «Y §l ©S ¦dm ¦il¢g ¥nE ,Ep «Y §h©N ¦nmi ¦pn ¡¤p §e mi ¦rxdP «¥d c ©r .Ep «zi ¦N ¦C`Ÿl §e ,Li«¤n£g ©x EpE «xf £rl © §e ,Li «¤cq£g EpE «af £r,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i ,Ep«¥W §H ¦Ymi ¦xa ¥ o¥M l ©r .g©v«¤pl©gE «x §e ,Ep«A Y §b«©N ¦R ¤WY §g«©tP ¤W dnW §pEx ¤W£ oFWl §e ,Epi«¥R © §Am ¥d o ¥d ,Epi «¦t §A Y §n«©UEg §A ©Wi ¦e Ek §xai ¦e EcFiEn §nFxi ¦e Ex £ ti ¦eEWi «¦C §w ©i §e Evi «¦x £r ©i §eL §n ¦W z ¤ Eki«¦l §n ©i §eL§l d¤R lk i ¦M .Ep«¥M§l ©n

1 Isaiah 45:23, Philippians 2:10. 2 Psalm 35:10. 3 Isaiah 40:25.

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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MIMITZRAIM g’altanu, adonai eloheinu,umibeit avadim peditanu. bera’av zantanu,uvesaba kilkaltanu, mecherev hitzaltanu,umidever milatetanu, umechalaim ra’imvene’emanim dilitanu. ad henah azarunurachamecha, velo azavunu chasadecha, v’altitshenu, adonai eloheinu, lanetzach. al kenevarim shepilagta banu, veruachuneshamah shenafachta b’apeinu, velashonasher samta bepinu, hen hem yoduviyvarchu viyshabchu yiyfa’aruviyromemu veya’aritzu veyakdishuveyamlichu et shimcha malkenu. ki kol pehlecha yodeh, vechol lashon lecha tishava,vechol berech lecha tichra,1 vechol komahlefanecha tishtachaveh, vechol levavotyiyra’ucha, vechol kerev uchlayot yezamrulishmecha, kadavar shekatuv, kol atzmotaitomarna, adonai, mi kamocha, matzil animechazak mimenu, v’ani v’evyon migozlo.mi yidmeh lach,2 umi yishveh lach, umiya’arach lach,3 ha’el hagadol hagiborvehanora, el elyon, koneh shamaimva’aretz.REFRAIN: NEHALELCHA UNESHABECHACHAUNEFA’ERCHA, UNEVARECH ET SHEMKADSHECHA, KA’AMUR LEDAVID, BARCHINAFSHI ET ADONAI, VECHOL KERAVAI ET SHEMKADSHO.4

L§l oFWl lk §e ,d ¤cFiL§l K¤x«¤A lk §e ,r ©aX ¦z

,r ©x §k ¦z1dnFw lk §e lk §e ,d¤e£g ©Y §W ¦z Li«¤pt§llk §e ,LE « xi ¦i zFaa§lEx §O©f §i zFil §kE a ¤x «¤wxaC ©M ,L«¤n §W ¦li ©zFn §v ©r lM ,aEzM ¤Wi ¦n ,dŸed §i ,dp §x«©n`ŸYi ¦pr li ¦S ©n ,LF «nki ¦pr §e ,EP«¤O ¦n wfg ¥ni ¦n .Fl§f ŸB ¦n oFi §a ¤ §e

,KN d¤n §c ¦i2d¤e §W ¦i i ¦nE ,KN2,Kl Kx £r©i i ¦nE

xFA ¦B ©d lFcB ©d l ¥ d,oFi §l ¤r l ¥ ,`xFP ©d §e

.u ¤x«¨ e m ¦i«©nW d¥pŸwL£g¥A ©W§pE L§l¤N ©d §p äz ¤ K ¥xa §pE ,L §x ¤ t §pExEn ¨ M ,L«¤W §cw m ¥Wi ¦W §t©p i ¦k §xA ,c ¦ec§li ©ax §w lk §e ,d Ÿed §i z ¤

.Fy §cw m ¥W z ¤4

1 Isaiah 45:23, Philippians 2:10. 2 Psalm 35:10. 3 Isaiah 40:25. 4 Psalm 103:1.

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On festivals the Cantor for Shacharit begins here:

l`d You are God in the vastness ofyour power, great in your gloriousName, mighty for ever and revered byyour awe-inspiring acts, the King whosits on a high and lofty throne.HA’EL beta’atzumot uzecha, hagadolbichvod shmecha, hagibor lanetzach,vehanora benor’otecha, hamelech hayosheval kise ram venisa.

On Shabbat the Cantorfor Shacharit begins here:


zeldwnae In the assemblies also of thetens of thousands of your people, thehouse of Israel, your Name, O our King,shall be glorified with joyous song in

On festivals the Cantor for Shacharit begins here:

l ¥ d,L«¤G ªr zFnªv £r ©z §A ,L«¤n §W cFa §k ¦A lFcB ©d`xFP ©d §e ,g©v«¤pl xFA ¦B ©dK¤l«¤O ©d ,Li«¤zF` §xFp §Amx `¥Q ¦M l ©r a ¥WFI ©d

.`V ¦p §eOn Shabbat the Cantor

for Shacharit begins here:

,c ©r o¥kFWmFxn ,aEzk §e .Fn §W yFcw §e,d Ÿed §i ©a mi ¦wi ¦C ©v Ep §P ©x .dN ¦d §z de`p mi ¦xW§i©lmi ¦xW §i i ¦t §A äi ¥x §a ¦c §aE ,lN ©d §z ¦Y,K ©xA §z ¦Y mi ¦wi ¦C ©vmi ¦ci ¦q£g oFW §l ¦aEa ¤x «¤w §aE ,mnFx §z ¦Y

.WC©w §z ¦Y mi ¦WFc §w

zFl£d §w ©n §aEzFa §a ¦x ,l ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥A L §O ©rL §n ¦W x © R §z ¦i dP ¦x §A

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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every generation; for such is the duty ofall creatures before you, O Lord ourGod and God of our fathers, to thank,praise, laud, glorify, extol, honour,bless, exalt and acclaim you and yourSon Yeshua, even beyond all the wordsof song and adoration of David the sonof Jesse, your anointed servant.UVEMAKHALOT rivevot amecha beitisrael, berinah yitpa’ar shimcha malkenu,bechol dor vador, sheken chovat kolhayetzurim, lefanecha adonai eloheinuve’lohei avoteinu, lehodot, lehalel,leshabeach, lefa’er, leromem, lehader,levarech, l’aleh ulekales uvincha yeshua, alkol divrei shirot vetishbechot david benyishai avdecha meshichecha.

gazyi Praised be your Name for ever,O our King, the great and holy God andKing, in heaven and on earth; for toyou, O Lord our God, and God of ourfathers, song and praise are becoming,hymn and psalm, strength and glory,holiness and sovereignty, blessings andthanksgivings from this time and forever.REFRAIN: BLESSED ARE YOU, O LORD, GODAND KING, GREAT IN PRAISES, GOD OFTHANKSGIVINGS, LORD OF WONDERS, WHOCHOOSES SONG AND PSALM, O KING AND GOD,LIFE-GIVER OF ALL WORLDS.

xFC lk §A ,Ep«¥M§l ©nlM z ©aFg o¥M ¤W ,xFced Ÿed §i Li«¤pt§l ,mi ¦xEv §i ©di ¥dŸl`¥e Epi «¥dŸl ¡,zFcFd §l ,Epi «¥zFa £,x ¥ t§l , ©g«¥A ©W§l ,l¥N ©d§l,K ¥xa§l ,x ¥C ©d§l ,m ¥nFx§lLp ¦aE q¥N©w§lE d¥N ©r§li ¥x §a ¦C lM l ©r , ©rEW §ic ¦eC zFg §A §W ¦z §e zFxi ¦WL §C §a ©r i ©W ¦i o¤A

.L«¤gi ¦W §n

g ©A ©Y §W ¦ic ©rl L §n ¦W K¤l«¤O ©d l ¥ d ,Ep«¥M §l ©nWFcT ©d §e lFcB ©di ¦M .u ¤x«¨ aE m ¦i«©nX ©Ad Ÿed §i ,d ¤ p L §li ¥dŸl`¥e Epi «¥dŸl ¡xi ¦W ,Epi «¥zFa £,dx §n¦f §e l¥N ©d ,dga §WE,g©v«¤p ,dlW §n ¤nE fŸrdN ¦d §Y ,dxEa §bE dN ªc §B

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YISHTABACH shimcha la’admalkenu, ha’el hamelech hagadolvehakadosh bashamaim uva’aretz. kilecha na’eh, adonai eloheinu veloheiavoteinu, shir ushvuchah, halelvezimrah, oz umemshalah, netzach,gedulah ugevurah, tehilah vetif’eret,kedushah umalchut. berachot uhoda’otme’atah ve’ad olam. REFRAIN: BARUCH ATAH ADONAI, ELMELECH GADOL BATISHBACHOT, ELHAHODA’OT, ADON HANIFLA’OT,HABOCHER BESHIREI ZIMRAH, MELECH, EL,CHEI HA’OLAMIM. (AMEN).

.zEk§l ©nE dX ªc §w ,z ¤x«¤ §t ¦z §edY ©r ¥n zF`cFd §e zŸekx §AdY © KExA .mlFr c ©r §elFcB K¤l«¤n l ¥ ,d Ÿed §i,zF`cFd ©d l ¥ ,zFgA §W ¦Y ©Ax¥gFA ©d ,zF`l §t ¦P ©d oFc£,l ¥ ,K¤l«¤n ,dx §n¦f i ¥xi ¦W §A

.mi ¦nlFrd i¥g(o ¥n ¨ )

lcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name in the world which he has createdaccording to his will. May he establish his kingdom during your life and during yourdays, and during the life of all the house of Israel, even speedily and at a near time,and say, Amen.

All with Reader — Let his great Name be blessed for ever and to all eternity.

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

With a minyan, Cantor recites:


lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadash shmeraba

(amen)be’alma di vra chir'uteh veyamlichmalchuteh bechayechonuvyomechon uvechayei dechol beitisrael ba’agala uvizman karivve'imru amen

(amen. yehe shme raba mevarach

le’alam ul’alme ’almaya.)

With a minyan, Cantor recites:

yicw ivg

l ©C©B §z ¦i .`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C©w §z ¦i §e (o ¥n ¨ )

,Di ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n§lr §AoFki¥I ©g §A Di ¥zEk §l ©n Ki ¦l §n©i §ezi¥A lk §c i¥I ©g §aE oFki ¥nFi § ¦xw o ©n§f ¦aE `lb £r ©A .l ¥ x §U ¦i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §eK ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W ` ¥d §i .o ¥n ¨)

(:`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§l

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yehe shme raba mevarachle’alam ul’alme ’almaya.yitbarach veyishtabachveyitpa’ar veyitromamveyitnase veyithadarveyit’ale veyithallal shmedekudsha, brich hu

(brich hu)le’ela (During Days of Awe l’elamikol) min kol birchataveshirata tushbechatavenechemata da’amiranbe’alma ve'imru amen.


i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§l K ©xa §n A ©x D ¥n §W ¥d §ix © R §z ¦i §e g©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦i .`I ©n§lrd¤N ©r §z ¦i §e xC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §e

`Ed Ki ¦x §A W §c ªw §C D ¥n §W lN ©d §z ¦i §e(`Ed Ki ¦x §A)

`N «¥r§l)During Days of Awe(lM ¦n `N ¥r§lE `zg §A §W ªY `zxi ¦W§e `zk §x ¦A lM o ¦nEx §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A oxi ¦n£ ©C ,`zn¡g¤p §e

:o ¥n ¨(o ¥n ¨ )

Reader.—Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnifiedand praised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He.Though he be (exceedingly) high above all the blessings and hymns, praises andconsolations, which are uttered in the world; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.jexa - Baruch. Sefer HaChinuch, in enumerating the taryag mitzvot (613commandments) comments (no. 430) that since we cannot add anything to God’sgreatness, ‘Baruch’ should be regarded as a description of who he is. He is, in reality,the source of all blessing. Congregation bows slightly as cantor reads Barchu.

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

If there is a minyan:Cantor chants during Barchu so

congregation can recite ‘Blessed...’


Bless the Lord Who is to be blessed

barchu et adonai hamevorachCongregation then Cantor:

Blessed is the Lord Who is tobe blessed for ever and ever.

baruch adonai hamevorach le’olam va’ed.

If there is a minyan:Cantor chants during Barchu socongregation can recite ‘K ©xA §z¦i’


.KxŸa §O ©d dŸed §i z ¤ Ek §xA

Congregation then Cantor:

KxŸa §O ©d dŸed §i KExA.c ¤re mlFr§l

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Congregation in an undertone.

jxazi Blessed, praised, glorified, exalted,and extolled be the Name of the supremeKing of kings, the Holy One, blessed be he,who is the first and the last, and besidehim there is no God.1 Extol him that ridesupon the heavens, whose Name is theLord, and rejoice before him.2 His Name isexalted above all blessing and praise.3

Blessed be His Name, whose gloriouskingdom is for ever and ever. Let theName of the Lord be blessed from thistime forth and forever.4

YITBARACH veyishtabach veyitpa’arveyitromam veyitnase shemo shel melechmalchei hamlachim hakadosh baruch hu,shehu rishon vehu acharon umibaladav einelohim.1 solu larochev ba’aravot beyad shemov’ilzu lefanav.2 ushemo meromam al kolberachah utehilah.3 baruch shem kevodmalchuto l’olam va’ed. yehi shem adonaimevorach me’atah v’ad olam.4

Blessings of the ShemaRemain seated until the


jexa Blessed are you, O Lord our God,King of the universe, who forms lightand creates darkness, who makespeace and creates all things:5

BARUCH atah adonai, eloheinu melechha’olam, yotzer or uvore choshech, osehshalom uvore et hakol.5

Congregation in an undertone.

K ©xA §z ¦ix © R §z ¦i §e g ©A ©Y §W ¦i §e Fn §W ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §emi ¦kl §O ©d i¥k§l ©n K¤l«¤n l ¤W`Ed ¤W ,`Ed KExA WFcT ©doFx£g © `Ed §e oFW` ¦x.mi ¦dŸl¡ oi ¥ eicr§l ©A ¦nE1

Di §A zFax £rA a¥kŸxl EN «Ÿq.eipt§l Ef§l ¦r §e Fn §W2Fn §WE

dkx §A lM l ©r mnFx §n.dN ¦d §zE3cFa §M m ¥W KExA

i ¦d §i .c ¤re mlFr§l FzEk§l ©ndY ©r ¥n KxŸa §n dŸed §i m ¥W

.mlFr c ©r §e4

rny zekxaRemain seated until the


,d Ÿed §i dY © KExA,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡,K ¤y «Ÿg ` ¥xFaE xF` x¥vFiz ¤ ` ¥xFaE mFlW d ¤UŸr

.lŸM ©d5

1 Isaiah 44:6. 2 Psalm 68:5. 3 Nehemiah 9:5 4 Psalm 113:2. 5 Isaiah 45:7. rny zekxa Blessings of the Shema. Daily, two blessings are said before the Shemaand one after it.jexa On Shabbat, which is fulfilled at the completion of creation in the olam haba,this the first blessing, which commemorates the initiation of creation, iscomplemented with additional prayers and praise.

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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Omit on a weekday festival:

jecei lkd All shall thank you, and allshall praise you, and all shall say, Thereis none holy like the Lord.1 All shallextol you for ever, Creator of all things,O God who opens every day the door ofthe gates of the East, and splits thewindows of the firmament, leadingforth the sun from his place, and themoon from her dwelling, giving light tothe whole world and to its inhabitantswhom you created by the attribute ofmercy. In mercy you give light to theearth and to them that dwell upon it,and in your goodness renews thecreation daily, continually; O King, whoalone was exalted from aforetime,praised, glorified and extolled fromdays of old. O everlasting God, in yourabundant mercies, have mercy on us,Lord of our strength, Rock of ourstronghold, Shield of our salvation, youStronghold of ours! There is none to becompared to you, neither is there anybeside you; there is none but you: whois like to you? There is none to becompared to you, O Lord our God, inthis world, neither is there any besideyou, O our King, for the life of theworld to come; there is none but you, Oour Redeemer, for the days of theMessiah; neither is there any like you,Yeshua our Messiah, for the revival ofthe dead.*

Omit on a weekday festival:

LE «cFi lŸM ©dlŸM ©d §e ,,Ex §n`Ÿi lŸM ©d §e ,LE «g §A ©W §i.d Ÿed §i ©M WFcw oi ¥1

,dl«¤Q LE «n §nFx §i lŸM ©dl ¥ d .l ŸM ©d x ¥vFimFi lk §A ©g«¥zFR ©d,gx§f ¦n i ¥x £r ©W zFz§l ©C, ©ri «¦wx i¥pFN ©g ©r «¥wFaE,DnFw §O ¦n dO ©g `i ¦vFn,DY §a ¦W oFk §O ¦n dpa§lEFN ªM mlFrl xi ¦ ¥nE`xA ¤W ,eia §WFi §lE.mi ¦n£g ©xd z ©C ¦n §Ami ¦xC©l §e u ¤x«¨ l xi ¦ ¥O ©d.mi ¦n£g ©x §A di«¤lrlk §A W ¥C©g §n FaEh §aEd ¥U £r ©n ci ¦nY mFiK¤l«¤O ©d .zi ¦W` ¥x §a,f ¨ ¥n FC ©a§l mnFx §n ©dx ¨ Ÿt §n ©d §e gA ªW §n ©dzFni ¦n ` ¥V©p §z ¦O ©d §e,mlFr i ¥dŸl ¡ .mlFr

1 1 Samuel 2:2.

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HAKOL YODUCHA, vehakolyeshabchucha, vehakol yomru, ein kadoshkadonai.1 hakol yeromemucha selah, yotzerhakol. ha’el hapoteach bechol yom daltotsha’arei mizrach, uvoke’a chlonei rakia,motzi chamah mimkomah, ulevanahmimchon shivtah, ume’ir la’olam kulouleyoshvav, shebara bemidat harachamim.hame’ir la’aretz veladarim alehaberachamim. uvetuvo mechadesh becholyom tamid ma’aseh bereshit. hamelechhameromam levado me’az, hameshubachvehamefo’ar vehamitnase mimot olam.elohei olam, berachamecha harabim rachemaleinu. adon uzenu tzur misgabenu,magen yish’enu, misgav ba’adenu. eink’erkecha v’ein zulatecha, efes beltecha,umi domeh lach. ein k’erkecha, adonaieloheinu, ba’olam hazeh, v’ein zulatchamalkenu lechayei ha’olam haba. efesbiltecha goaleinu limot hamashiach, v’eindomeh lecha yeshua meshichenu litchiyathametim.

m¥g ©x mi ¦A ©xd Li«¤n£g ©x §AxEv Ep«¥G ªr oFc£ .Epi«¥lr,Ep «¥r §W ¦i o¥bn ,Ep«¥A©B §U ¦noi ¥ .Ep «¥c £r ©A aB §U ¦n,L«¤zlEf oi ¥ §e L«¤M §x ¤r §Mi ¦nE ,L«¤Y §l ¦A q ¤t«¤oi ¥ .KN d ¤nF «C,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i ,L §M §x ¤r §Moi ¥ §e ,d¤G ©d mlFrAi¥I ©g §l Ep«¥M §l ©n L §zlEfq ¤t«¤ .`A ©d mlFrdzFni¦l Ep«¥l£FB L §Y§l ¦Ad¤nF «C oi ¥ §e , ©gi «¦WO ©dzEp¥gi ¦W §n ©rEW §i L§N

.mi ¦z ¥O ©d z©I ¦g §z¦l

jecei lkd - ‘the revival of the dead.’ Messiah Yeshua’s role in our redemption is as anagent of the Father, who raised him from the dead (Acts 2:24).1 1 Samuel 2:2 2 Psalm 104:24

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

On a weekday festival, read:

xi`nd Who in mercy gives light to theearth and to those who dwell on it, andin your goodness renews the creationevery day continually. How manifoldare your works, O Lord! In wisdom youhave made them all: the earth is full ofyour creatures.2 O King, who alone wasexalted from before creation, praised,

On a weekday festival, read:

mi ¦xC©l §e u ¤x«¨ l xi ¦ ¥O ©d,mi ¦n£g ©x §A di«¤lrlk §A W ¥C©g §n FaEh §aEd ¥U £r ©n ci ¦nY mFiEA ©x dn .zi ¦W` ¥x §a

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glorified and extolled from days of old;O everlasting God, in your abundantmercies, have mercy on us, Lord of ourstrength, Rock of our stronghold, Shieldof our salvation, you Stronghold ofours! The blessed God, great inknowledge, designed and formed therays of the sun: it was a boon heproduced as a glory to his Name: he setthe luminaries round about his strength.The chiefs of his hosts are holy beingsthat exalt the Almighty, and continuallydeclare the glory of God and hisholiness. Be blessed, O Lord our God,for the excellency of your handiwork,and for the bright luminaries which youhave made: they shall glorify you forever. Selah.HAME’IR la’aretz veladarim alehaberachamim, uvetuvo mechadesh becholyom tamid ma’aseh bereshit. mah rabuma’asecha adonai, kulam bechachmahasita, mal’ah ha’aretz kinyanecha.1

hamelech hameromam levado me’az,hameshubach vehamefo’ar vehamitnasemimot olam. elohei olam, berachamechaharabim rachem aleinu, adon uzenu tzurmisgabenu, magen yish’enu misgavba’adenu. el baruch gedol de’ah, hechinufa’al zaharei chamah, tov yatzar kavodlishmo, m’orot natan sevivot uzo, pinottzeva’av kedoshim romemei shadai, tamidmesaprim kevod el ukedushato. titbarachadonai eloheinu al shebach ma’asehyadecha, v’al m’oraei or she’asitayeva’arucha selah.

,d Ÿed §i Li«¤U£r ©n mN ªM d ¨ §ln ,zi «¦Ur dn §kg §A

.L«¤pi §p ¦w u ¤x«¨ d1K¤l«¤O ©d ,f ¨ ¥n FC ©a§l mnFx §n ©dx ¨ Ÿt §n ©d §e gA ªW §n ©dzFni ¦n ` ¥V©p §z ¦O ©d §e,mlFr i ¥dŸl¡ .mlFrm¥g ©x mi ¦A ©xd Li«¤n£g ©x §AxEv Ep«¥G ªr oFc£ ,Epi«¥lrEp «¥r §W ¦i o¥bn ,Ep«¥A©B §U ¦nl ¥ .Ep «¥c £r ©A aB §U ¦noi ¦k ¥d ,dr ¥C lFc §B KExAaFh ,dO ©g i ¥x¢df l ©rtE,Fn §W¦l cFaM x ©vizFai ¦a §q o ©zp zFxF` §nei ¨ a §v zFP ¦R ,FG ªr,i ©C ©W i ¥n §nFx mi ¦WFc §wcFa §M mi ¦x §R ©q §n ci ¦nYK ©xA §z ¦Y .FzX ªc §wE l ¥l ©r Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i,Li «¤ci d ¥W £r ©n g ©a«¤WxF` i ¥xF « §n l ©r §eLE «x £ t §i zi «¦Ur ¤W

.dl«¤Q1 Psalm 104:24.

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On a weekday festivalcontinue ‘Be blessed’ p. 181.

Responsively or with Cantor:

oec` l` God, the Lord over all works,blessed is he, and ever to be blessedby the mouth of everything that hasbreath.

His greatness and goodness fill theworld; Wisdom and insight surround him:

He is exalted* above the holy Chayot, and is adorned in glory above thechariot:

Purity and fairness are before histhrone, kindness and mercy beforehis glory.

The luminaries are good which ourGod has created: He formed them with knowledge,With understanding anddiscernment;

He gave them might and power,to rule in the midst of the world.

They are full of lustre, and they radiatebrightness: their lustre is beautiful throughoutthe world.

They rejoice in their going forth, andare glad in their returning; with awe they do their Creator’s will.

On a weekday festivalcontinue ‘jxazz’ p. 181.

Responsively or with Cantor:

oFc ¨ l ¥ ,mi ¦U £r ©O ©d lM l ©r

KxŸa §nE KExA ,dnW §p lM i ¦t §A

FaEh §e Fl §cB ,mlFr ¥ln dpEa §zE z ©r «©C

.FzF` mi ¦a §aŸq *d ¤ B §z ¦O ©d

,W ¤cŸ «T ©d zFI ©g l ©r cFak §A xC §d¤p §e

,daM §x¤O ©d l ©r xFWi ¦nE zEk§f

,F` §q ¦k i¥p §t¦l mi ¦n£g ©x §e c¤q«¤g

.FcFa §k i¥p §t¦l zFxF` §n mi ¦aFh

,Epi«¥dŸl¡ `xA ¤W z ©r «©c §A mxv §i

,l¥M §U ©d §aE dpi ¦a §A

* d`bznd Exalted above the holy Chayot (living creatures) Ezekiel 1:22, where God’sthrone is. The Chayot are thus the closest creatures to God’s Throne.

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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Glory and honour they render to hisName, exultation and rejoicing at the fame ofhis kingship.

He called to the sun, and it glowed inlight: he saw, and ordained the figure of themoon.

All the hosts on high render praise tohim, the Seraphim, the Ophanim and theholy Chayot ascribing glory andgreatness—

EL ADON al kol hama’asim, Baruch umevorach befi kol neshamah,Gadlo vetuvo male olam,Da’at utevunah sovevim oto.Hamitga’eh al chayot hakodesh, Venehdar bechavod al hamerkavah,Zechut umishor lifnei kis’o,CHesed verachamim lifnei kevodo.Tovim m’orot shebara eloheinu, Yetzaram beda’at bevinah uvehaskel,Koach ugevurah natan bahem,Lihyot moshlim bekerev tevel.Mele’im ziv umefikim nogah,Na’eh zivam bechol ha’olam,Smechim betzetam vesasim bevo’am, Osim b’eimah retzon konam.P’er vechavod notnim lishmo,TZahala verinah lezecher malkuto,Kara lashemesh vayizrach or,Ra’ah vehitkin tzurat halevanah,SHebach notnim lo kol tzeva marom, Tif’eret ugdulah, serafim v’ofanimv’chayot hakodesh.

dxEa §bE ©g «ŸM ,m¤dA o ©zp

mi¦l §WFn zFi §d¦l .l¥a ¥Y a ¤x «¤w §A

ei¦f mi ¦ ¥l §n ,D©b «Ÿp mi ¦wi ¦t §nE

mei¦f d ¤ p ,mlFrd lk §Amz`¥v §A mi ¦g ¥n §U

,m ¨ Fa §A mi ¦UU §e dni ¥ §A mi ¦UŸr .mpFw oFv §x cFak §e x ¥ §R

,Fn §W¦l mi ¦p §zFp dP ¦x §e dl¢dv

,FzEk§l ©n x¤k«¥f§l W¤n«¤X©l `xw ,xF` g ©x§f ¦I©e oi ¦w §z ¦d §e d ¨ x

.dpa§N ©d z ©xEv Fl mi ¦p §zFp g©a«¤W

,mFxn `a §v lM,dN ªc §bE z ¤x«¤ §t ¦Y

mi ¦P ©tF` §e mi ¦tx §U.W ¤c «ŸT ©d zFI ©g §e

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Hymn of the Sabbath Day

l`l To the God who rested from all hisworks, and on the seventh dayascended and sat upon the throne of hisglory. With beauty he wrapped the dayof rest, and called the Sabbath day adelight. This is the great distinction ofthe Sabbath day,* that on it God restedfrom all his work, when the Sabbathday itself offered praise and said 'APsalm, a song of the Sabbath day, It isgood to give thanks to the Lord'.1

Therefore let all his creatures glorifyand bless God; let them render praise,honour and greatness to the God andKing who is Creator of all things, andwho, in his holiness, gives aninheritance of rest to his people Israel onthe holy Sabbath day.* Your Name, OLord our God, shall be sanctified, andyour fame, O our King, shall beproclaimed in heaven above and on theearth beneath. Be blessed, O ourSaviour, for the excellency of yourhandiwork, and for the brilliantluminaries which you have made: theyshall glorify you for ever. Selah.

Hymn of the Sabbath Day

l ¥ llM ¦n z©aW x ¤W£ mFI ©A ,mi ¦U £r ©O ©ddN ©r §z ¦d i ¦ri ¦a §X ©d,FcFa §k `¥Q ¦M l ©r a ©Wi §emFi §l dhr z ¤x«¤ §t ¦Y`xw b¤p «Ÿr ,dgEp §O ©dd¤f .zA ©X ©d mFi §lmFi l ¤W g ©a«¤Wz©a«W FA ¤y *,i ¦ri ¦a §X ©d,FY §k`©l §n lM ¦n l ¥©g«¥A ©W §n i ¦ri ¦a §X ©d mFi §exi ¦W x Ÿen §f ¦n ,x ¥nF` §eaFh ,zA ©X ©d mFi §l.d Ÿed §i©l zFcFd §l1

Ek §xai ¦e Ex£t §i Kki ¦t§lg©a«¤W ,eixEv §i lM l ¥ ll ¥ l Ep §Y ¦i dN ªc §bE xw §i,l ŸM x ¥vFi K¤l«¤nFO ©r§l dgEp §n li ¦g §p ©O ©d

l`l * the great distinction of the Sabbath day is not merely that it is a cessation ofwork, but in that it is a delighting in God and in all that He has done.1 Psalm 92:1-2.* ‘an inheritance of rest to his people Israel’ Exodus 31:16-17. While the Sabbathcommemorates Creation and is thus relevant to all of the nations, it is to Israel that itis ordained as a day of rest. As Rav Shaul exhorts the Roman believers in Yeshua,‘One man esteems one day as better than another... Let every one be fully convincedin his own mind’ (Romans 14:5), Messianic Jews are not to impose Sabbathobservance on Gentiles.

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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LA’EL asher shabat mikol hama’asim,bayom hashvi’i hit’alah veyashav al kisekevodo, tif’eret atah leyom hamenuchah,oneg kara leyom hashabbat. zeh shevachshel yom hashvi’i,* shebo shavat el mikolmelachto, veyom hashvi’i meshabeachv’omer, mizmor shir leyom hashabbat, tovlehodot ladonai.1 lefichach yefa’aruvivarchu la’el kol yetzurav, shevach yekarugedulah yitnu la’el melech yotzer kol,hamanchil menuchah l’amo israelbikdushato, beyom shabbat kodesh. shimchaadonai eloheinu yitkadash, vezichrechamalkenu yitpa’ar, bashamaim mima’al v’alha’aretz mitachat. titbarach moshi’enu alshevach ma’aseh yadecha, v’al m’orei orshe’asita yefa’arucha. selah.

jxazz Be blessed, O our Rock, ourKing and Redeemer, Creator of holybeings, praised be your Name for ever,O our King; Creator of ministeringspirits, all of whom stand in the heightsof the universe, and with awe proclaimin unison aloud the words of the livingGod and everlasting King.2 All of themare beloved, all of them are pure, all ofthem are mighty, and all of them indread and awe do the will of theirMaster; REFRAIN: AND ALL OF THEM OPEN THEIRMOUTHS IN HOLINESS AND PURITY, WITH SONGAND PSALM, WHILE THEY BLESS AND PRAISE,GLORIFY AND REVERENCE, SANCTIFY ANDASCRIBE SOVEREIGNTY TO—

,FzX ªc §w ¦A l ¥ x §U ¦i.W ¤c «Ÿw z ©A ©W mFi §AEpi «¥dŸl ¡ d Ÿed §i L §n ¦WEp«¥M§l ©n L §x §k¦f §e ,W ©C©w §z ¦im ¦i «©nX ©A ,x © R §z ¦iu ¤x «¨ d l ©r §e l ©r «©O ¦nK ©xA §z ¦Y .z ©g«Y ¦ng ©a«¤W l ©r Ep «¥ri ¦WFnl ©r §e ,Li «¤ci d ¥U £r ©nzi «¦Ur ¤W xF` i ¥xF « §n

.dl ¤Q .LE «x£t §i

K ©xA §z ¦YEp«¥M§l ©n Ep «¥xEv ,mi ¦WFc §w ` ¥xFA Ep«¥l£ Ÿb §ec ©rl L §n ¦W g ©A ©Y §W ¦ix ¥vFi ,Ep«¥M §l ©nx ¤W £ ©e ,mi ¦z §xW §nmi ¦c §nFr mN ªM eiz §xW §n,mlFr mEx §Ad ¨ §x ¦i §A mi ¦ri ¦n §W ©nEi ¥x §a ¦C ,lFw §A c ©g«©iK¤l«¤nE mi ¦I ©g mi ¦dŸl ¡

.mlFr2,mi ¦aEd£ mN ªM mN ªM ,mi ¦xEx §A mN ªM

1 Psalm 92:1-2. 2 Jeremiah 10:10.

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TITBARACH tzurenu malkenuvego’aleinu bore kedoshim, yishtabachshimcha la’ad malkenu, yotzer meshartim,va’asher meshartav kulam omdim beromolam, umashmi’im beyir’ah yachad bekol,divrei elohim chayim umelech olam.1 kulamahuvim, kulam berurim, kulam giborim,vechulam osim be’eimah uveyir’ah retzonkonam. vechulam potchim.REFRAIN: ET PIHEM BIKDUSHAH UVTAHARAH,BESHIRAH UVEZIMRAH, UMEVARCHIMUMESHABCHIM, UMEFA’ARIM UMA’ARITZIM,UMAKDISHIM UMAMLICHIM.



mi ¦UŸr mN ªk §e ,mi ¦xFA ¦BoFv §x d ¨ §x ¦i §aE dni ¥ §A mi ¦g §zFR mN ªk §e .mpFwm ¤di ¦R z ¤ ä,dx ¢dh §aE dX ªc §w ¦A,dx §n ¦f §aE dxi ¦W §A,mi ¦g §A ©W §nE mi ¦k §xa §nE,mi ¦vi ¦x £r ©nE mi ¦x£t §nE:mi ¦ki¦l §n ©nE mi ¦Wi ¦C §w ©nE

m ¥W z ¤ ,l ¥ dxFA ¦B ©d ,lFcB ©d K¤l«¤O ©d.`Ed WFcw ,`xFP ©d §e2

mi¦l §A©w §n mN ªk §e äzEk §l ©n l Ÿr m ¤di¥l £r,d¤G ¦n d¤f m ¦i «©nWd¤f zEW §x mi ¦p §zFp §emx §vFi§l Wi ¦C §w ©d§l ,d¤fldtU §A , ©gE «x z©g«©p §A,dni ¦r §p ¦aE dxEx §acg ¤ §M mN ªM dX ªc §wmi ¦x §nF` §e mi ¦pFr

:d ¨ §x ¦i §A

1 Jeremiah 10:10. 2 Deuteronomy 10:17, Psalm 99:3.

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Holy, Holy, Holy, Is the Lord of Hosts:

the whole earth is full of his glory.1

kadosh kadosh kadosh adonai tzeva’otmelo kol ha’aretz kevodo





Blessed be the glory of the Lord from his place2

baruch kevod adonai mimkomo2





l`l To the blessed God they offermelodious strains; to the King, theliving and ever-existing God, they utterhymns and make their praises heard; for


,WFcw ,WFcw ,WFcwŸl §n ,zF`a §v dŸed §i.FcFa §M u ¤x«¨ d lk


zFI ©g §e mi ¦P ©tF`d §elFcB W ©r «©x §A W ¤c «ŸT ©dz ©O ªr§l mi ¦ §V©p §z ¦nmzO ªr§l ,mi ¦tx §U

:mi ¦x §nF` §e mi ¦g §A ©W §nCongregation

dŸed §i cFa §M KExA.FnFw §O ¦n2


Ÿec Ÿea §kÎz ¤ §eEpi ¦ x ei ¦a ¨ §l ci ¦gi o ¥a cŸea §k ¦k

:z¤n¡¤e c¤q¤g ¥ln3

l ¥ §lzFni ¦r §p KExA i ©g l ¥ K¤l«¤n§l ,Ep«¥Y ¦iEx«¥n`Ÿi zFx ¦n§f mI ©w §e

1 Isaiah 6:3. The Chayot take up this refrain in Revelation 4:8. 2 Ezekiel 3:12. 3 John 1:14.

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he alone works mighty deeds, andmakes new things; he is the Lord overstruggle, sowing righteousness, andreaping victory. He creates healing,and is revered in praises. He is theLord of wonders, who in his goodnessrenews the creation every daycontinually; as it is said, (praise) himwho makes great lights, for his lovingkindness endures for ever. REFRAIN: O CAUSE A NEW LIGHT TO SHINEUPON ZION, AND MAY WE ALL BE WORTHYSOON TO ENJOY ITS BRIGHTNESS. BLESSEDARE YOU, LORD, CREATOR OF THE RADIANTLIGHTS. (AMEN)L’EL baruch n’imot yitenu, lemelech elchai vekayam zemirot yomeruvetishbachot yashmi’u, ki hu levado po’elgevurot, oseh chadashot, ba’almilchamot, zore’a tzedakot, matzmiachyeshu’ot, bore refu’ot, nora tehilot, adonhanifla’ot, hamechadesh betuvo becholyom tamid ma’aseh bereshit. ka’amur,l’oseh orim gedolim, ki l’olam chasdo. REFRAIN: OR CHADASH AL TZION TA’IR,VENIZKEH KULANU MEHERAH L’ORO.BARUCH ATAH ADONAI, YOTZER HAM’OROT.(AMEN).

dad` With abounding love you haveloved us, O Lord our God, and greatand overflowing tenderness you haveshown us. O our Father, our King, forour fathers’ sake, who trusted in you,and whom you taught the statutes oflife, be also gracious to us and teach us.

i ¦M ,Eri «¦n §W©i zFgA §W ¦z §el ¥rFR FC ©a §l `Ed,zFWc£g d ¤UŸr ,zFxEa §B©r «¥xFf ,zFng§l ¦n l ©r«©A©gi «¦n §v ©n ,zFwc §v,zF`Et §x ` ¥xFA ,zFrEW §ioFc £ ,zFN ¦d §z `xFpW ¥C ©g §n ©d ,zF`l §t ¦P ©dci ¦nY mFi lk §A FaEh §A.zi ¦W` ¥x §a d ¥U £r ©nmi ¦xF` d ¥UŸr§l ,xEn ¨ MmlFr §l i ¦M ,mi ¦l Ÿc §B

.FC §q ©goFI ¦v l ©r Wcg xF` äEp«N ªk d ¤M §f ¦p §e ,xi ¦ YKExA .FxF` §l dx ¥d §nx ¥vFi ,d Ÿed §i dY ©

.(on`) .zFxF` §O ©d

da£d ©,Ep«Y §a ©d£ dA ©x dl §n¤g ,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §iY§l«©ng dx ¥zi ¦e dlFc §b,Ep«¥M§l ©n Epi «¦a ¨ .Epi«¥lrEg §hA ¤W Epi«¥zFa£ xEa £r ©A

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O our Father, merciful Father, who actsmercifully, have mercy upon us; O putit into our hearts to understand and todiscern, to mark, learn and teach, toheed, to do and to fulfil in love all thewords of instruction in your Torah.Enlighten our eyes in your Torah, andlet our hearts cleave to yourcommandments, and unify our hearts;to love and reverence your Name, sothat we be never put to shame. Becausewe have trusted in your holy, great andrevered Name, we shall rejoice and beglad in your saving power.• O bring usin peace from the four corners of theearth, and make us go upright to ourland, for you are a God who workssalvation. You have chosen us from allpeoples and tongues, REFRAIN: AND HAVE BROUGHT US NEAR TOYOUR GREAT NAME FOR EVER INFAITHFULNESS, THAT WE MIGHT IN LOVE GIVETHANKS TO YOU AND PROCLAIM YOUR UNITY.BLESSED ARE YOU, O LORD, WHO HAS CHOSEN

YOUR PEOPLE ISRAEL IN LOVE. (amen)AHAVAH raba ahavtanu, adonaieloheinu, chemlah gedolah viyterahchamalta aleinu. avinu malkenu, ba’avuravoteinu shebatchu becha, vatlamdemchukei chayim, ken techanenu utelamdenu.avinu, ha’av harachaman, hamerachem,rachem aleinu, veten belibenu lehavinulehaskil lishmo’a, lilmod ulelamed,lishmor vela’asot ulekayem et kol divreitalmud toratecha b’ahavah. veha’er eineinu

i ¥T ªg m ¥c §O©l §Y©e ,L §aEp«¥Pg §Y o ¥M ,mi ¦I ©g,Epi «¦a ¨ .Ep «¥c §O©l §zE,on£g ©xd a ¨ d,Epi«¥lr m¥g ©x ,m¥g ©x §n ©doi ¦ad§l Ep«¥A¦l §A o ¥z §e, ©r «Ÿn §W ¦l ,li ¦M §U ©d §lEx Ÿn §W¦l ,c¥O©l§lE cŸn§l¦lz ¤ m¥I ©w§lE zFU£r©l §ecEn §l ©z i ¥x §a ¦C lM.da £d © §A L«¤zxFY,L«¤zxFz §A Epi«¥pi ¥r x ¥ d §e,Li«¤z Ÿe §v ¦n §A Ep«¥A¦l w¥A ©c§eda£d © §l Ep«¥aa§l c¥g©i §e,L«¤n §W z ¤ d ¨ §x ¦i §lEmlFr §l WFa¥p `Ÿl §eL §W §cw m ¥W §a i ¦M .c ¤re,Ep §g«hA `xFP ©d §e lFcB ©ddg §n §U ¦p §e dli«¦bpEp «¥ i ¦a £d©e .L«¤zrEWi ¦Ar ©A §x © ¥n mFlW §l,u ¤x «¨ d zFt §p ©MzEI ¦n §nFw Ep«¥ki ¦lFz §el ¥rFR l ¥ i ¦M ,Ep«¥v §x © §l

• (Gather tzitzit in left hand between 4th and 5th fingers)

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betoratecha, vedabek libenu bemitzvotecha,veyached levavenu l’ahavah uleyir’ah etshmecha, velo nevosh l’olam va’ed. kibeshem kadshecha hagadol vehanorabetachnu, vagilah venismechahbiyshuatecha. vahavi’enu leshalom me’arbakanfot ha’aretz, vetolichenu komemiyutl’artzenu, ki el po’el yeshu’ot atah, uvanubacharta mikol am velashon. REFRAIN: VEKERAVTANU LESHIMCHA HAGADOLSELAH BE’EMET, LEHODOT LECHAULEYACHEDCHA B’AHAVAH. BARUCH ATAHADONAI, HABOCHER B’AMO ISRAEL B’AHAVAH.(amen).

ShemaWhen beginning without a

minyan, say:God, faithful King!el melech ne’eman

Hear O Israel, the Lord our God,

the Lord is One.shema israel, adonai eloheinu, adonai echad


Blessed be his name, whose gloriouskingdom is forever and ever.baruch shem kevod malchuto, le’olam va’ed

Ep«a E ,dY «¨ zFrEW §im ©r lM ¦n Y §x«©ga

.oFWl §eL §n ¦W§l Ep«Y §a ©x¥w §e ä,z¤n¡ ¤A dl«¤q lFcB ©dL §c¤g©i§lE L§l zFcFd§ldY © KExA .da£d © §AFO ©r §A x¥gFA ©d ,dŸed §i.da £d © §A l ¥ x §U ¦i


rnyWhen beginning without a

minyan, say:

on¡¤p K¤l«¤n l ¥

,l ¥ x §U ¦i r ©n §W ,Epi ¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i:c«g ¤ dŸed §i


cFa §M m ¥W KExAc ¤re mlFr§l FzEk§l ©n

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Deuteronomy 6:5-9

zad`e And you shall love the LORDyour God with all your heart, and withall your soul, and with all your might.And these words, which I commandyou this day, shall be upon your heart;and you shall teach them diligently toyour children, and shall talk of themwhen you sit in your house, and whenyou walk by the way, and when you liedown, and when you rise up. And youshall bind them for a sign upon yourhand, and they shall be for frontletsbetween your eyes. And you shall writethem upon the doorposts of your house,and upon your gates. V’AHAVTA et adonai elohecha bechollevavcha, uvechol nafshecha, uvecholm’odecha. vehayu hadvarim ha’eleh asheranochi metzavcha hayom, al levavecha:veshinantam levanecha, vedibarta bambeshivtecha beveitecha, uvelechtechavaderech uveshachbecha, uvekumecha.ukshartam l’ot al yadecha, vehayu letotafotbein einecha, uchtavtam al mezuzotbeitecha uvish’arecha:

Matthew 22:37-40

xn`ie And Yeshua said: This is the firstand great commandment. and thesecond is like it. you shall love your

c:e mixac

Y §a ©d ¨ §ed Ÿed §i z ¥ ,L §a«a §l lk §A ,Li ¤dŸl ¡lk §aE ,L §W §t©p lk §aEmi ¦xa §C ©d Eid §e .L «¤cŸ §ni ¦k Ÿp «¨ x ¤W £ ,d¤N ¥ dl ©r ,mFI ©d L §E ©v §nmY §p©P ¦W §e :L«¤aa §lmA Y §x ©A ¦c §e ,Li¤pa§l,L ¤zi ¥a §A L §Y §a ¦W §AK ¤x ¤C ©a L §Y §k¤l §a EL «¤nEw §a E ,L §A §kW §a «E.l ©r zF` §l mY §x ©W §wEoi ¥A zŸth Ÿh§l Eid §e ,L ¤cil ©r mY §a ©z §kE ,Li«¤pi ¥rL ¤zi ¥A zFf ªf §n

:Li«¤xr §W ¦aE

n-fl:ak izn

x ¤n`ŸI©eEf :eil ¥ ©rEW¥i dl Ÿc §B ©d de §v ¦O ©d `i ¦d

xn`ie Yeshua exceeds the traditional definition of a ‘neighbour’ as a fellow Jew (BavaMetzia 32b) to being even a Samaritan (Gentile). For if a Samaritan could be theneighbour of a Jew, so too could the opposite be true. This is foundational to Israel’srole to make disciples of Messiah throughout the world (Matthew 28:19).

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neighbour as yourself. On these twocommandments hang the law and theprophets. VAYOMER yeshua elav: zu hi hamitzvahhagdolah veharishonah: vehashniyahdamtah lah v’ahavta lere’acha kamocha:v’al shtei hamitzvot ha’eleh teluyiym kolhatorah vehanevi’im.

Deuteronomy 11:13-21

dide And it shall come to pass, if youlisten diligently to My commandmentswhich I command you this day, to lovethe LORD your God, and to serve himwith all your heart and with all yoursoul, that I will give the rain of yourland in its season, the former rain andthe latter rain, that you may gather inyour corn, and your wine, and your oil.And I will give grass in your fields foryour cattle, and you shall eat and besatisfied. Take heed to yourselves, lestyour heart be deceived, and you turnaside, and serve other gods, andworship them; and the anger of theLORD be kindled against you, and Heshut up the heaven, so that there shallbe no rain, and the ground shall notyield her fruit; and you perish quicklyfrom off the good land which the LORDis giving you. Therefore shall you lay upthese My words in your heart and inyour soul; and you shall bind them for asign upon your hand, and they shall befor frontlets between your eyes.

dI ¦p §W ©d §e :dp Ÿy` ¦xd §eY §a ©d ¨ §e DN dz §nC:L Ÿen M L £r ¥x §lz Ÿe §v ¦O ©d i ¥Y §WÎl ©r §emi ¦i El §Y d¤N ¥ d:mi ¦ i ¦a §P ©d §e dx ŸeY ©dÎlM

`i mixac

did §e©r ŸnW m ¦ ,i ©zF §v ¦n l ¤ Er §n §W ¦Yd¤E ©v §n i ¦kŸp ¨ x ¤W£da£d«© §l ,mFI ©d m¤k §z ¤,m¤ki ¥d«Ÿl¡ dŸed §i z ¤m¤k §a ©a§l lk §A Fc §ar§lEi ¦Y ©z«p §e .m«¤k §W §t©p lk §aE,FY ¦r §A m¤k §v §x © x«©h §nY §t ©q«¨ §e ,WFw§l ©nE d ¤xFiL §W «xi ¦z §e L¤pb §ca ¤U ¥r i ¦Y ©z«p §e .L «¤xd §v ¦i §e,L ¤Y §n ¤d §a ¦l L §c «U §A.Y §r«aU §e Y §l ©k «¨ §eo ¤R m¤kl Ex §n«X ¦d,m ¤k §a ©a §l d ¤Y §t ¦im ¤Y §c ©a £r©e m ¤Y §x ©q §emi ¦x ¥g £ mi ¦dŸl ¡.m«¤dl m ¤zi ¦e£g ©Y §W ¦d §e

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And you shall teach them to yourchildren, talking of them, when you sitin your house, and when you walk bythe way, and when you lie down, andwhen you rise up. And you shall writethem upon the door posts of yourhouse, and upon your gates; that yourdays may be multiplied, and the days ofyour children, upon the land which theLORD swore unto your fathers to givethem, as the days of the heavens abovethe earth.VEHAYAH im shamo’a tishm’u elmitzvotai, asher anochi metzaveh etchemhayom, l’ahavah et adonai eloheichem,ul’avdo bechol levavchem uvecholnafshechem. venatati metar artzchem b’ito,yoreh umalkosh, v’asafta deganechavetiroshecha veyitzharecha. venatati esevbesadcha livhemtecha, v'achalta vesava’ta.hishamru lachem pen yifteh levavchem,vesartem va’avadtem elohim acherimvehishtachavitem lahem. vecharah afadonai bachem, v’atzar et hashamaim veloyihyeh matar, veha’adamah lo titen etyevulah va’avadtem meherah me’alha’aretz hatovah asher adonai notenlachem vesamtem et devarai eleh allevavchem v’al nafshechem ukshartemotam l’ot al yedchem, vehayu letotafot beineineichem: velimadtem otam et beneichem,ledaber bam, beshivtecha beveitecha,uvelechtecha vaderech, uveshachbechauvekumecha: uchtavtam al mezuzotbeitecha uvish’arecha: lema’an yirbuyemeichem viymei beneichem al ha’adamahasher nishba adonai la’avoteichem latetlahem, kiymei hashamaim al ha’aretz:

,m¤kA dŸed §i s © dxg §em ¦i ©nX ©d z ¤ x ©vr §e,xhn d¤i §d ¦i `Ÿl §ez ¤ o ¥Y ¦z Ÿl dnc£d §em ¤Y §c ©a £ ©e DlEa §iu ¤x ¨ d l ©r ¥n dx ¥d §nd Ÿed §i x ¤W £ da ŸH ©dm¤Y §n ©U§e :m«¤kl o ¥zŸpl ©r d¤N ¥ i ©xa §C z ¤m¤k §W §t©p l ©r §e m¤k §a ©a§lzF`§l mzŸ m¤Y §x ©W §wEEid §e ,m ¤k §c¤i l ©r:m«¤ki¥pi «¥r oi ¥A zŸthFh§lz ¤ mzŸ m¤Y §c ©O¦l §e,mA x ¥A ©c §l ,m ¤ki¥p §A,L ¤zi ¥a §A L §Y §a ¦W §A,K ¤x ¤C ©a L §Y §k¤l §aE:L«¤nEw §aE L §A §kW §aEzFfEf §n l ©r mY §a ©z §kE:Li «¤xr §W ¦aE L ¤zi ¥Am¤ki ¥n §i EA §x ¦i o ©r ©n §ll ©r m¤ki¥p §a i ¥ni ¦er ©A §W¦p x ¤W£ dnc£dz ¥zl m¤ki ¥z «Ÿa£©l dŸed §im ¦i ©nX ©d i ¥ni ¦M ,m¤dl

:u ¤x«¨ d l ©r

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Put tzitzit in right hand. Kiss them at °

Numbers 15:37-41

xn`ie And the LORD spoke to Moses,saying: 'Speak to the children of Israel,and bid them that throughout theirgenerations they make themselvesfringes° in the corners of their garments,and that they put with the fringe° ofeach corner a thread of blue. And itshall be to you for a fringe°, that youmay look upon it, and remember all thecommandments of the LORD, and dothem; and that you go not about afteryour own heart and your own eyes,after which you used to go astray; thatyou may remember and do all Mycommandments, and be holy to yourGod. I am the LORD your God, whobrought you out of the land of Egypt, tobe your God: I am the LORD your God.'° It is true -CANTOR: THE LORD YOUR GOD IS TRUE.VAYOMER adonai el moshe lemor: daberel benei israel v’amarta aleihem: v’asulahem tzitzit° al kanfei bigdeihemledorotam, venatnu al tzitzit° hakanaf petiltechelet. vehayah lachem letzitzit,° ur’itemoto uzchartem et kol mitzvot adonai,va’asitem otam, velo taturu achareilevavchem v’acharei eineichem, asher atemzonim achareihem: lema’an tizkeruva’asitem et kol mitzvotai, vihyiytemkedoshim leloheichem: ani adonaieloheichem, asher hotzeti etchem me’eretzmitzraim, lihyot lachem leilohim, aniadonai eloheichem: ° emet - REFRAIN: ADONAI ELOHEICHEM EMET.

Put tzitzit in right hand, Kiss them at °

eh xacna

x ¤n` ŸI ©el ¤ d Ÿed §i x ¥A ©C :x «Ÿn`¥N d ¤W Ÿnl ¥ x §U ¦i i¥p §A l ¤EUr §e :m¤d¥l£ Y §x ©n«¨ §ei ¥t §p ©M l ©r z ¦vi ¦v m¤dl,mz Ÿx «Ÿc §l m ¤di ¥c §b ¦aspM ©d z ¦vi ¦v l ©r Ep §z«p §edid §e .z¤l«¥k §Y li ¦z §Rm¤zi ¦ §xE ,z ¦vi ¦v§l m¤kllM z ¤ m¤Y §x©k§fE FzŸm¤zi ¦U£r«©e ,d Ÿed §i zF §v ¦nExEzz Ÿl §e ,mzŸi ¥x£g«© §e m¤k §a ©a§l i ¥x£g«©m ¤Y © x ¤W£ ,m¤ki¥pi «¥ro ©r ©n§l :m«¤di ¥x£g © mi ¦p Ÿfz ¤ m¤zi ¦U£r©e Ex §M§f ¦Ym¤zi ¦i §d«¦e ,izF §v ¦n lM:m ¤ki ¥d «Ÿl`¥l mi ¦y Ÿc §w,m¤ki ¥d«Ÿl¡ dŸed §i i ¦p£m¤k §z ¤ i ¦z`¥vFd x ¤W£zFi §d¦l ,m ¦i ©x §v ¦n u ¤x ¤ ¥ni ¦p £ ,mi ¦dŸl`¥l m¤kl:m«¤ki ¥d «Ÿl ¡ d Ÿed §i

° -z¤n ¤

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aivie And certain, established andenduring, fair and faithful, beloved andcherished, delightful and pleasant,awesome and powerful, correct andaccepted, good and beautiful is thisaffirmation to us forever and ever. True- the God of the universe is our King;the Rock of Jacob is the Shield of oursalvation.* From generation togeneration He endures and his Nameendures and his throne is wellestablished; his sovereignty andfaithfulness endure forever. His wordsare living and enduring, faithful anddelightful forever (kiss the tzitzit then releasethem) and to all eternity.REFRAIN: FOR OUR FOREFATHERS AND FOR US,FOR OUR CHILDREN AND FOR OURGENERATIONS, AND FOR ALL THEGENERATIONS OF YOUR SERVANT ISRAEL’SOFFSPRING.VEYATZIV venachon vekayam veyasharvene’eman v’ahuv vechviv venechmadvena’im venora v’adir umetukan umekubalvetov veyafeh hadavar hazeh aleinu l’olamva’ed: emet elohei olam malkenu. tzurya’akov, magen yish’enu. ledor vador hukayam ushemo kayam. vechis’o nachon.umalchuto ve’emunato la’ad kayemet:udvarav chayim vekayamim. ne’emanimvenechemadim la’ad (kiss the tzitzit thenrelease them) ul’olmei olamim.REFRAIN: AL AVOTEINU V’ALEINU. AL BANEINUV’AL DOROTEINU. V’AL KOL DOROT ZERAISRAEL AVADECHA:

äz¤n¡ m¤ki ¥dŸl ¤ dŸed §i ai ¦v ©i §emi ©w §e oFkp §e

aEd ¨ §e on ¡¤p §e xWi §emi ¦rp §e cn §g¤p §e ai ¦ag §eow ªz §ne xi ¦c © §e `xFp §ed ¤ti §e aFh §e la ªw §neEpi¥lr d¤f ©d xac ©dz ¤n ¡ :c ¤re mlFr §l.Ep ¥M §l ©n mlFr i ¥dŸl ¡o¥bn ,a Ÿw £r ©i xEvxŸce xŸc§l *.Ep ¥r §W ¦i

`EdFn §WE mi ©w.mI ©w.oFkp F` §q ¦k §e

c ©rl FzpEn¡¤e FzEk§l ©nEmi ¦ig eixa §cE :z¤n¤i ©w

.mi ¦nI ©w §emi ¦pn ¡¤pmi ¦cn¡g¤p §e c ©rl (kiss

the tzitzit then release them)

.mi ¦nlFr i ¥n§lFr§lEEpi ¥zFa £ l ©r äl ©r §e Epi¥pA l ©r .Epi¥lr §elM l ©r §e .Epi ¥zFxFCl ¥ x §U ¦i r ©x¤f zFxFC

:ji ¤ca £r* aivie He is our Shield (Psalm 33:20). He is our Salvation (Psalm 27:1).

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mipey`xd lr For former and latergenerations alike, your word is goodand endures for ever and ever; it is trueand trustworthy, a statute which shallnot pass away. True it is that you areindeed the Lord our God, and the Godof our Fathers, REFRAIN: OUR KING, OUR FATHERS’ KING, OURREDEEMER, THE REDEEMER OF OUR FATHERS,OUR MAKER, THE ROCK OF OUR SALVATION;OUR DELIVERER AND RESCUER FROMEVERLASTING, SUCH IS YOUR NAME; THERE ISNO GOD BESIDE YOU.AL HARISHONIM v’al ha’acharonim,davar tov vekayam l’olam va’ed, emetv’emunah chok v’lo ya’avor. emet sha’atahhu adonai eloheinu veilohei avoteinu, REFRAIN: MALKENU MELECH AVOTEINU,GO’ALENU GO’EL AVOTENU, YOTZRENU TZURYESHUATEINU, PODENU UMATZILENUME’OLAM SHMECHA, EIN ELOHIM ZULATECHA.

zxfr You have been the help of ourfathers from of old, a Shield andSaviour to their children after them inevery generation: in the heights of theuniverse is your habitation, and yourjudgments and your righteousnessreach to the furthest ends of the earth.Happy is the person who listens to yourcommandments, and lays up yourTorah and your word in their heart.True it is that you are indeed the firstand you are the last, and beside you wehave no King, Redeemer and Saviour.From Egypt you redeemed us, O Lordour God, and from the house of

mi ¦pFW` ¦xd l ©rl ©r §e aFh xaC ,mi ¦pFx£g © d,c ¤re mlFr§l mI ©w §eŸl §e wŸg dpEn¡¤e z¤n¡

dY © W z ¤n ¡ .x Ÿa £r ©iEpi«¥dŸl ¡ d Ÿed §i `Ed

,Epi«¥zFa£ i ¥dŸl`¥eK¤l«¤n Ep«¥M§l ©n äl ¥ ŸB Ep«¥l£ ŸB ,Epi«¥zFa£xEv Ep «¥x §vFi ,Epi«¥zFa£Ep «¥cFR ,Epi «¥zrEW §i,L«¤n §W mlFr ¥n Ep«¥li ¦S ©nE

.L«¤zlEf mi ¦dŸl¡ oi ¥

z ©x§f ¤rdY © Epi«¥zFa£ o¥bn ,mlFr ¥n `Edm¤di¥p §a¦l ©ri «¦WFnExFC lk §A m¤di ¥x£g ©mlFr mEx §A .xFceLi«¤hR §W ¦nE ,L«¤aWFni ¥q §t © c ©r L §zw §c ¦v §eWi ¦ i ¥x §W © .u ¤x«¨,Li«¤z Ÿe §v ¦n §l r ©n §W ¦I ¤Wmi ¦Ui L §xa §cE L §zxFz §edY © ,z¤n¡ .FA¦l l ©r

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bondage you delivered us; you slew alltheir first-born, but our first-born youredeemed; you divided the Sea ofReeds, and drowned the proud; but youmade the beloved to pass through,while the waters covered theiradversaries, not one of whom was left.Wherefore the beloved praised andexalted God, and offered hymns, songs,praises, blessings and thanksgivings tothe King, the living and ever-enduringGod; who is high and exalted, great andrevered; who humbles the haughty, andraises up the lowly, frees the prisoners,delivers the meek, helps the poor, andanswers his people when they cry tohim;EZRAT avoteinu atah hu me’olam, magenumoshia livneihem achareihem bechol dorvador. berum olam moshavecha,umishpatecha vetzidkatcha ad afsei aretz.ashrei ish sheyishma lemitzvotecha,vetoratecha udvarcha yasim al libo. emet,atah hu adon l’amecha, umelech gibor larivrivam. emet, atah hu rishon v’atah huacharon, umibal’adecha ein lanu melechgo’el umoshi’a. mimitzraim g’altanu,adonai eloheinu, umibeit avadim peditanu.kol bechoreihem haragta, uvechorchaga’alta, veyam suf baka’ta, vezedim tiba’ta,viydidim he’evarta, vayechasu mayimtzareihem, echad mehem lo notar. al zotshibchu ahuvim veromemu el, venatnuyedidim zemirot shirot vetishbachot,berachot vehoda’ot, lemelech el chaivekayam, ram venisa, gadol venora,mashpil ge’im, umagbiyah shefalim, motziasirim, ufodeh anavim, v’ozer dalim,v’oneh l’amo b’et shav’am elav.

K¤l«¤nE ,L«¤O ©r§l oFc ¨ `Ed.mai ¦x ai ¦xl xFA ¦B`Ed dY © ,z ¤n ¡`Ed dY © §e oFW` ¦xoi ¥ Li«¤cr§l ©A ¦nE ,oFx£g ©. ©ri «¦WFnE l ¥ FB K¤l«¤n Ep«ldŸed §i ,Ep«Y§l © §B m ¦i «©x §v ¦O ¦nmi ¦ca £r zi¥A ¦nE ,Epi«¥dŸl¡m ¤di ¥xFk §A lM .Ep«zi ¦c §R,Y§l«¨ B L §xFk §aE ,Y §b «xdmi ¦c¥f §e ,Y §r «©wA sEq m©i §emi ¦ci ¦ci ¦e ,Y §r«©A ¦hm ¦i«©n EQ©k §i©e ,Y §x«©a ¡r¤dŸl m¤d ¥n cg ¤ ,m ¤di ¥xv

Eg §A ¦W z`Ÿf l ©r .xzFp,l ¥ En §nFx §e mi ¦aEd£zFx ¦n§f mi ¦ci ¦c §i Ep §zp §e,zFgA §W ¦z §e zFxi ¦WK¤l«¤n§l ,zF`cFd §e zFkx §Amx ,mI ©w §e i ©g l ¥,`xFp §e lFcB ,`V ¦p §e©Di«¦A §b ©nE ,mi ¦ ¥B li ¦R §W ©n`i ¦vFn ,mi ¦lt §W,mi ¦ep £r d ¤cFtE ,mi ¦xi ¦q£d¤pFr §e ,mi ¦N ©C x¥fFr §e .eil ¥ mr §e ©W z ¥r §A FO ©r§l

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Rise for Amidah



dk Ÿ «nk i ¦n Who is like unto you, O Lordamong the gods, who is like unto you,glorious in holiness, fearful in praises,doing wonders?MI KAMOCHA ba’elim adonai,mi kamocha nedar bakodesh,nora tehilot, oseh fele.



The Lord shall reign for ever and ever.

adonai yimloch l’olam va’ed

Rise for Amidah

äzFN ¦d §Y,oFi§l ¤r l ¥ §l .Kx Ÿa §nE `Ed KExAL§l l ¥ x §U ¦i i¥p §aE d ¤W Ÿndg §n ¦U §A dxi ¦W Epr

:mN ªk Ex §n ¨ §e ,dA ©x

dk Ÿ «nk i ¦nm¦l ¥ A xC § ¤p dk Ÿ «nM i ¦n ,d Ÿed §i,zŸN ¦d §z `xFp ,W ¤c «ŸT ©A

. ¤l«¤t d ¥UŸ «r

dWc£g dxi ¦W äL §n ¦W§l mi¦lE` §b Eg §A ¦Wc©g«©i ,mI ©d z©t §U l ©rEki«¦l §n ¦d §e EcFd mN ªM

:Ex §n ¨ §e

KŸl §n ¦i dŸed §i.c ¤re mlFr§l

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epgp` We know that our Redeemerlives, and at the last he will take hisstand upon the earth.2 God has spokento us by his Son, whom he hasappointed heir of all things, throughwhom also he made the worlds; whobeing the brightness of His glory andthe express image of his person, andupholding all things by the word of hispower, when he had by himself purgedour sins, sat down at the right hand ofthe Majesty on high.ANACHNU yoda’im go’ali chai v’acharonal afar yakum:2 ha’elohim diber eleinu al pihaben asher samahu leva’al nachalah bakolva’asher bo asah gam shamaim va’aretz:vehu zohar kevodo vetzelem panav venosekol bechoach devaro v’acharei asher tiherotanu benafsho mechatotenu yashav miminasher lo hagedulah bamarom:3


,l ¥ x §U ¦i xEv ä,l ¥ x §U ¦i z ©x§f ¤r §A dnE «wdcEd §i L«¤n ª §p ¦k d ¥c §tEd Ÿed §i Ep«¥l£ ŸB .l ¥ x §U ¦i §eWFc §w ,Fn §W zF`a §v

.l ¥ x §U ¦i1dY © KExA .l ¥ x §U ¦i l © B d Ÿed §i

midl`dEp §g«©p£i¦l£« ŸB mi §r ©cŸ †i

x¬trÎl ©r oF Àx£g«© §Œe i®g:mE «wi2x¤A ¦C mi ¦dl¡d

o ¥A ©d i ¦RÎl ©r Epi¥l ¥l ©r ©a§l EdnU x ¤W£FA x ¤W£©e lŸM ©a dl£g©pm ¦i ©nWÎm©B dUrx ©d Ÿf `Ed §e :u ¤x ¨ eei pR m¤l ¤v §e FcFa §MFxa §C ©gŸk §A lŸkÎ` ¥UŸp §ex ¥d ¦h x ¤W £ i ¥x£g © §eFW §t©p §A Epz Ÿoi ¦ni ¦n a ©Wi Epi ¥z`ŸH ©g ¥ndN ªc §B ©d Fl x ¤W £

:mFxO ©A3 1 Isaiah 47:4. 2 Job 19:25. 3 Hebrews 1:1-3

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jexa Blessed° are you, O Lord our Godand God of our fathers, God ofAbraham, God of Isaac, and God ofJacob, the great, mighty and reveredGod, the most high God, who bestowsloving kindnesses, and is Master of allthings; who remembers the pious deedsof the patriarchs, and in love will bringa Redeemer to their children’s childrenfor your Name’s sake, in love.BARUCH° atah adonai eloheinu v’eloheiavoteinu, elohei avraham, elohei yitzhak,v’elohei ya’akov, ha’el hagadol hagiborvehanora, el elyon, gomel chasadim tovim,vekoneh hakol, vezocher chasdei avot,umevi go’el livnei v’neihem lema’an shemob’ahavah:


zea`KExA° d Ÿed §i dY ©

i ¥dŸl`¥e Epi «¥dŸl ¡i ¥dŸl ¡ ,Epi «¥zFa £,wg §v ¦i i ¥dŸl¡ ,md §x §a ©l ¥ d ,a Ÿw £r ©i i ¥dŸl`¥e,`xFP ©d §e xFA ¦B ©d lFcB ©dl ¥nFB ,oFi §l ¤r l ¥d¥pFw §e ,mi ¦aFh mi ¦cq£gi ¥c §q ©g x ¥kFf §e ,l ŸM ©dl ¥ FB `i ¦a ¥nE ,zFa ¨o ©r ©n §l m ¤di¥p §a i¥p §a ¦l

:da£d © §A Fn §W1 Ezekiel 1:7. 2 Psalm 51:17.° Bow at Baruchjexa ‘has brought’ - traditionally translated as ‘will bring’ actually should be rendered aspointing to Messiah Yeshua who has already appeared.The Amidah (standing prayer) is prayed three times a day and formulated after the dailyTemple offerings (Ber. 26b). It’s origins may go back to the first exile (Daniel 6:10), and itwas implemented by Yeshua’s early Jewish followers as well. As a silent prayer, it is thetime for personal supplication to God. It is appropriately composed of three movements:praise, petition, and then thanksgiving. The Amidah is recited in shortened and abstractedform by Messiah Yeshua to his disciples in the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ (Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4cp. Ber 4:3, Tosefta Ber 4:7).

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

Begin by taking three steps backward and three forward as we are approachingthe King. We stand with feet together, in respect, as angels before God.1 We face

Jerusalem. The following is said when the Amidah is read silently:

:L«¤zN ¦d §Y ci ¦B©i i ¦tE gY §t ¦Y i ©zt §U ip Ÿc£2

Adonai sfatai tiftach, ufi yagid t’filatecha2

O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise.2

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Bend the knees at Blessed, bow at You, stand at Lord

jln King, Redeemer, Messiah andShield: Blessed° are you Lord, Shield ofAbraham.MELECH ozer umoshia umagen: baruch°atah adonai, magen avraham:

God’s Mightdz` You are mighty forever, O Lord,resuscitator of the dead, you aremighty to save.ATAH gibor l’olam adonai, mechayehmetim atah, rav lehoshi’a:

Bend the knees at Blessed,bow at You, stand at Lord

K¤l«¤n©ri «¦WFnE x¥fFr KExA :o¥bnE° dY ©

:mdx §a © o¥bn ,d Ÿed §i

zexeabdY ©mlFr §l xFA ¦B

mi ¦z ¥n d¥I ©g §n ,ip Ÿc £: ©ri «¦WFd§l a ©x ,dY«©

° Bow at Baruch.

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

On days of awe add:

u¥tg K¤l«¤n ,mi ¦I ©g§l Ep «¥x §kfx¤t«¥q §A Ep«¥a §zk §e ,mi ¦I ©g ©Ao ©r ©n§lE L §p ©r ©n§l ,mi ¦I ©g ©d.mi ¦I ©g mi ¦dŸl¡ ©rEW §i L §p ¦A

On days of awe add:

Remember us to life, O King who delightsin life, and inscribe us in the book of life,for your sake and the sake of your SonYeshua, O living God.

ZACHRENU lechaim, melech chafetz bachaim,vechatvenu besepher hachaim, lema’anchaulema’an bincha yeshua elohim chayim.

Between Shmini Atzeret and Pesach, add:

You send the wind and send down the rain.

mashiv haruach umorid hagashem:

lklkn You sustain the living withloving kindness, revive the dead withgreat mercy, support the falling, healthe sick, free the bound and keep yourfaith to them that sleep in the dust.

Between Shmini Atzeret andPesach, add:

ci ¦xFnE ©gE «xd ai ¦X ©n:m ¤W«B ©d

l¥M§l ©k §n,c¤q«¤g §A mi ¦I ©g mi ¦n£g ©x §A mi ¦z ¥n d¥I ©g §n,mi¦l §tFp K ¥nFq ,mi ¦A ©xxi ¦Y ©nE ,mi¦lFg `¥tFx §e

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Who is like you, Lord of mighty acts,and who resembles you, O King, whoorders death and restores life andcauses salvation to spring forth?MECHALKEL chaim bechesed, mechayehmetim berachamim rabim, somech noflim,verofe cholim, umatir asurim, umekayememunato lishenei afar, mi kamocha ba’algevurot umi domeh lach, melech memitumechayeh umatzmiach yeshua.

m¥I ©w §nE ,mi ¦xEq £,xtr i¥p ¥Wi¦l FzpEn¡zFxEa §B l ©r«©A LF «nk i ¦nK¤l«¤n ,KN d¤nF «C i ¦nE©gi «¦n §v ©nE d¤I ©g §nE zi ¦n ¥n

:drEW §i

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

On days of awe say:

Who is like you, Father of mercy, who inmercy remembers your creatures for life?

mi kamocha av harachamim, zocher yetzuravlechayim berachamim:

On days of awe say:

,mi ¦n£g ©xd a © LF «nk i ¦nmi ¦I ©g §l eixEv §i x ¥kFf

:mi ¦n£g ©x §A

on`pe And you are faithful to revive thedead. Blessed are you, O Lord, whorevives the dead.VENE’EMAN atah lehachayot metim.baruch atah adonai, mechayeh hametim:

During Cantor’s repetition, continue. When praying silently, go to page 202

‘Sanctification of God’s Name’.

on¡¤p §ezFi£g ©d§l dY © dY © KExA .mi ¦z ¥n:mi ¦z ¥O ©d d¥I ©g §n ,dŸed §i

During Cantor’s repetition,continue. When prayingsilently, go to page 202

‘yecw dz`’

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KedushahRise on the toes when reading

‘Holy, holy, holy; Blessed;

The Lord shall reign.

Cong. then Cantor:

ycwp We will sanctify your Name inthe world, even as they sanctify it in thehighest heavens, as it is written by thehand of your prophet: And they calledone to the other and said,NEKADESH et shimcha ba’olam keshemshemakdishim oto bishmei marom, kakatuval yad nevi’echa, vekara zeh el zeh v’amar:


Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts,the whole earth is full of his glory.1

kadosh, kadosh, kadosh, adonai tzeva’ot,melo kol ha’aretz kevodo.1

Cong. then Cantor:

lewa f` Then with a noise of greatrushing, mighty and strong, they maketheir voices heard, and, upraisingthemselves towards the Seraphim, theyexclaim over against them, Blessed—az bekol ra’ash gadol adir vechazak,mashmi’im kol mitnas’im l’umat serafim,l’umatam baruch yomeru:

dyecwRise on the toes when

reading ‘Holy, holy, holy;Blessed;

The Lord shall reign.

Cong. then Cantor:

W ¥C ©w §pL §n ¦W z ¤ m ¥W §M ,mlFrAFzF` mi ¦Wi ¦C §w ©O ¤WaEzM ©M ,mFxn i ¥n §W ¦A`xw §e ,L«¤ i ¦a §p c©i l ©r

:x ©n ¨ §e d¤f l ¤ d¤fAll:

WFcw,WFcw ,WFcw ,Ÿl §n ,zF`a §v d Ÿed §i.FcFa §M u ¤x«¨ d lk1

Cong. then Cantor:

lFw §A f ¨lFcB W ©r «©x mi ¦ri ¦n §W ©n ,wfg §e xi ¦C ©z ©O ªr§l mi ¦ §V©p §z ¦n ,lFwmzO ªr§l ,mi ¦tx §U

:Ex«¥n`Ÿi KExA

dyecw Kedushah, Sanctification, is a prayer based on those of the angels. For thisreason we stand on our toes for each repetition of the word ‘holy’ to emulate thosewho praise God and are not restrained on the earth. The same chayot (livingcreatures) that worship God in Isaiah 6 are also described in Revelation 4:8.1 Isaiah 6:3.

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

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Blessed be the glory of the Lord fromhis place.1

baruch kevod adonai mimkomo.1

Cong. then Cantor:

jnewnn From your place shine forth, Oour King, and reign over us, for we waitfor you. When will you reign in Zion?Speedily, even in our days, dwell there,and for ever. May you be magnified andsanctified in the midst of Jerusalemyour city throughout all generationsand to all eternity. O let our eyes beholdyour kingdom, according to the wordthat was spoken in the songs of yourmight by David your righteousanointed:MIMKOMCHA malkenu tofi’a, vetimlochaleinu, ki mechakim anachnu lach. mataitimloch betzion, bekarov beyameinu, l’olamva’ed tishkon. titgadal vetitkadash betochyerushalaim ircha, ledor vador ulenetzachnetzachim. v’eineinu tir’einah malchutecha,kadavar ha’amur beshirei uzecha, al yedeidavid meshiach tzidkecha:


The Lord shall reign for ever, your God,O Zion, to all generations. Hallelujah!2

yimloch adonai l’olam, elohayich tzion,ledor vador, halleluyah.2


d Ÿed §i cFa §M KExA.FnFw §O ¦n1

Cong. then Cantor:

L §nFw §O ¦nEp«¥M §l ©n ,Epi«¥lr KŸl §n ¦z §e , ©ri«¦tFz.Kl Ep §g«©p£ mi ¦M ©g §n i ¦M,oFI ¦v §A KŸl §n ¦Y i ©znmlFr§l ,Epi«¥ni §A aFxw §Al ©C©B §z ¦Y .oFM §W ¦Y c ¤reKFz §A W ©C ©w §z ¦z §exFc§l ,L §xi ¦r m¦i«©lWEx §i.mi ¦gv §p g©v«¥p§lE xFced p i «¤ §x ¦z Ep i«¥p i ¥r §ex a C ©M ,L «¤z Ek §l ©n,L«¤G ªr i ¥xi ¦W §A xEn ¨ d

c ¦e c i ¥c §i l ©r©gi «¦W §n :L «¤w §c ¦v


,ml Fr §l d Ÿed §i KŸl §n ¦ix Ÿc §l ,o FI ¦v K ¦i «©dŸl ¡

.DiEl§l ©d ,xŸce2

1 Ezekiel 3:12. 2 Psalm 146:10.

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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Holiness of the NameRecited during silent Amidah.

dz` You are holy and your Name isholy, and holy ones praise you everyday, Selah. Blessed are you Lord, theholy God. On days of awe conclude: the holy King.ATAH kadosh veshimcha kadoshukedoshim bechol yom yehalelucha, selah.baruch atah adonai ha’el hakadosh.

Holiness of the Day

gnyi Moses rejoiced at the gift of hisportion, for you called him a faithfulservant: you placed a crown of gloryupon his head when he stood before you


ci ¦B©p xFce xFc §lmi ¦gv §p g©v«¥p§lE ,L«¤l §cB,Wi ¦C §w©p L §zX ªc §w,Epi «¥dŸl ¡ ,L£g §a ¦W §eWEni `Ÿl Epi «¦R ¦nl ¥ i ¦M ,c ¤re mlFr §lyFcw §e lFcB K¤l«¤ndY © KExA .dY «¨ WFcT ©d l ¥ d ,d Ÿed §i

On days of awe conclude:

.WFcT ©d K¤l«¤O ©d

myd zyecwRecited during silent Amidah.

dY ©L §n ¦W §e WFcw lk §A mi ¦WFc §wE WFcw.dl«¤Q ,LE «l §l ©d §i mFi,d Ÿed §i dY © KExA

WFcT ©d l ¥ dOn days of awe conclude:

.WFcT ©d K¤l«¤O ©d

meid zyecwg ©n §U ¦iz©p §Y ©n §A d ¤WŸn

on¡¤p c¤a «¤r i ¦M ,Fw§l¤gli ¦l §M .FN z` «xw

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

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on Mount Sinai; and in his hand hebrought down the two tables of stone, onwhich are written the observance of theSabbath, and so it says in your Torah:YISMACH moshe bematnat chelko, ki evedne’eman karata lo. kelil tif’eret beroshonatata lo, b’amdo lefanecha al har sinai.ushnei luchot avanim horid beyado,vechatuv bahem shmirat shabat vechenkatuv betoratecha:

exnye And the children of Israel shallkeep the Sabbath, to observe theSabbath throughout their generations,for an everlasting covenant. It is a signbetween me and the children of Israelfor ever, that in six days the Lord madethe heavens and the earth, and on theseventh day he rested, and ceased fromhis work.1

veshamru benei israel et hashabat, la’asotet hashabat ledorotam brit olam. beiniuvein benei israel ot hi l’olam, ki sheshetyamim asah adonai et hashamaim v’etha’aretz, uvayom hashvi’i shabatvayinafash. 1

ezzp `le And you did not bestow it,O Lord our God, to the other nations ofthe earth, nor did you, O our King,make it the heritage of those whoworship idols, nor do the unrighteousdwell in its rest; but to your people

Y«©zp FW`Ÿx §A z ¤x«¤ §t ¦Yl ©r Li«¤pt§l Fc §nr §A ,FNzFgEl i¥p §WE .ipi ¦q x ©d,Fci §A ci ¦xFd mi ¦pa£z ©xi ¦n §W m¤dA aEzk §eaEzM o¥k §e ,zA ©W

:L«¤zxFz §A

Ex §nW §el ¥ x §U ¦i i¥p §a zFU£r©l ,zA ©X ©d z ¤mzŸxŸc§l zA ©X ©d z ¤oi ¥aE i ¦pi ¥A .mlFr zi ¦x §A`i ¦d zF` l ¥ x §U ¦i i¥p §Ami ¦ni z ¤W«¥W i ¦M ,ml Ÿr§lz ¤ dŸed §i dUr,u ¤x«¨ d z ¤ §e m ¦i«©nX ©dz©aW i ¦ri ¦a §X ©d mFI ©aE

.W©tP ¦I©e1

FY ©z §p Ÿl §edŸed §i ,zFvx£d i¥iFb§l Epi«¥dŸl¡Ep«¥M§l ©n FY§l ©g §p ¦d Ÿl §e

i ¥c §aFr§lm©b §e ,mi¦li ¦q §t 1 Exodus 31:16,17.

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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Israel you gave it in love, to the seed ofJacob whom you chose. The people thatsanctify the seventh day, even all ofthem shall be satiated and delightedwith your goodness, seeing that youfound pleasure in the seventh day, andhallowed it; you called it the desirableof days, in remembrance of the creation.VELO NETATO adonai eloheinu legoyeiha’aratzot, velo hinchalto malkenu l’ovdeipesilim, vegam bimnuchato lo yishkenuarelim. ki leyisrael amcha netato b’ahavah,lezera ya’akov asher bam bacharta. ammekadshei shevi’i, kulam yisbe’uveyit’angu mituvecha, uvashvi’i ratzita bovekidashto, chemdat yamim oto karata,zecher lema’aseh bereishit.

epidl` Our God and God of our fathers,accept our rest; sanctify us by yourcommandments, and grant our portionin your Torah; satisfy us with yourgoodness, and gladden us with yoursalvation; purify our hearts to serve youin truth; and in your love and favour, OLord our God, let us inherit your holySabbath; and may Israel who sanctifyyour Name, rest on it. Blessed are you,O Lord, who sanctifies the Sabbath.ELOHEINU v’elohei avoteinu, retzebimnuchatenu, kadshenu bemitzvotecha,veten chelkenu betoratecha, sab’enumituvecha, vesamchenu biyshuatecha,

Ep §M §W ¦i Ÿl FzgEp §n ¦Al ¥ x §U ¦i§l i ¦M .mi¦l ¥x £r,da£d © §A FY ©z §p L §O ©rmA x ¤W£ aŸw £r©i r©x«¤f§li ¥W §C©w §n m ©r .Y §x«gAEr §A §U ¦i mN ªM ,i ¦ri ¦a §W,L«¤aEH ¦n Eb §P ©r §z ¦i §eFA zi «¦vx i ¦ri ¦a §X©aEmi ¦ni z ©C §n¤g ,FY §W ©C ¦w §ex¤k«¥f ,z` «xw FzF` .zi ¦W` ¥x §a d ¥U£r ©n§l

Epi«¥dŸl ¡i ¥dŸl`¥e d ¥v §x ,Epi «¥zFa £Ep «¥W §C ©w ,Ep «¥zgEp §n ¦aEp «¥w§l¤g o ¥z §e ,Li«¤z Ÿe §v ¦n §AEp «¥r §A ©U ,L«¤zxFz §AEp«¥g §O ©U §e ,L«¤aEH ¦nEp«¥A¦l x ¥d ©h§e ,L«¤zrEWi ¦A,z ¤n ¡ ¤A L §C §ar §lEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i Ep«¥li ¦g §p ©d §ez ©A ©W oFvx §aE da£d © §AFa EgE «p i §e ,L«¤W §cw

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

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vetaher libenu l’avdecha be’emet,vehanchilenu adonai eloheinu, b’ahavahuveratzon shabat kadshecha, veyanuchu boisrael mekadshei shmecha. baruch atahadonai mekadesh hashabat.

Temple Service

dvx Accept, O Lord our God, yourpeople Israel and their prayer; restorethe service to the inner sanctuary ofyour house; receive in love and favourboth the offerings of Israel and theirprayer; and may the worship of yourpeople Israel always be acceptable toyou.RETZE adonai eloheinu b’amcha israeluvitfilatam, vehashev et ha’avoda lidvirbeitecha, v’ishei israel, utefilatam b’ahavatekabel beratzon, utehi leratzon tamidavodat israel amecha.

.L«¤n §W i ¥W §C©w §n l ¥ x §U ¦i,d Ÿed §i dY © KExA

.zA ©X ©d W ¥C©w §n

dceard¥v §xEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i

l ¥ x §U ¦i L §O ©r §Az ¤ a ¥Wd §e ,mzN ¦t §z ¦aExi ¦a §c ¦l dcFa £rd,l ¥ x §U ¦i i ¥X ¦ §e ,L«¤zi¥Ada £d © §A mzN ¦t §zEi ¦d §zE ,oFvx §A l ¥A ©w §zz ©cFa £r ci ¦nY oFvx §l

.L¤O ©r l ¥ x §U ¦i

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

On Rosh Chodesh and Chol Hamoed add:

Our God and God of our fathers! May ourremembrance ascend, come and be acceptedbefore you, with the remembrance of ourfathers, of Messiah Yeshua the son of Davidyour servant, of Jerusalem your holy city,and of all your people the house of Israel,bringing deliverance and well-being, grace,lovingkindness and mercy, life and peaceon this day ofOn New Moon say: the New Moon.On Passover say: the Feast of Matzot.On Sukkot say: the Feast of Sukkot.

On Rosh Chodesh and CholHamoed add:

,Epi«¥zFa£ i ¥dŸl`¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡, ©ri«¦B©i §e ,`Ÿai §e d¤l £r©i,r ©nX ¦i §e ,d¤vx¥i §e ,d ¤ x¥i §eEp«¥pFx §k¦f x¥kG ¦i §e ,c¥wR ¦i §eoFx §k¦f §e ,Ep«¥pFc §w ¦tE©gi «¦Wn oFx §k¦f §e ,Epi«¥zFa£,L «¤C §a ©r c ¦eC o¤A ©rEW §ixi ¦r m¦i«©lWEx §i oFx §k¦f §e

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dpifgze And let our eyes behold yourreturn in mercy to Zion. Blessed areyou, O Lord, who restores your divinepresence to Zion.VETECHEZENAH eineinu beshuvchaletzion berachamim. baruch atah adonai,hamachazir shechinato letzion.

dpi«¤f¡g ¤z §eEpi«¥pi ¥r oFI ¦v §l L §aEW §A

dY © KExA .mi ¦n£g ©x §Axi ¦f£g ©O ©d ,d Ÿed §i.oFI ¦v§l Fzpi ¦k §W

1 Nehemiah 9:31.

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

Remember us, O Lord our God, thereon forour well-being; be mindful of us forblessing, and save us unto life: by yourpromise of salvation and mercy, spare usand be gracious unto us; have mercy uponus and save us; for our eyes are bent uponyou, because you are a gracious andmerciful God and King.1

eloheinu v’elohei avoteinu, ya’aleh veyavo,veyagi’a, veyera’eh, veyeratzeh, veyishama,veyipaked, veyizacher zichronenu ufikdonenu,vezichron avoteinu, vezichron mashiach yeshuaben david avdecha, vezichron yerushalaim irkadshecha, vezichron kol amecha beit israellefanecha lifleitah, letovah, lechen ulechesedulerachamim, lechaim uleshalom, beyomOn New Moon say: rosh chodesh hazeOn Passover say: chag hamatzot hazeOn Sukkot say: chag hasukkot hazezachrenu, adonai, eloheinu, bo letova, ufakdenubo livrachah, vehoshienu bo lechaim, uvidvaryeshuah verachamim, chus vechanenu,verachem aleinu vehoshienu, ki elecha eineinu,ki el melech chanun verachum atah.1

L §O ©r lM oFx §k¦f §e ,L«¤W §cw,Li«¤pt§l l ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥Ao¥g§l ,daFh§l ,dhi¥l §t¦lmi ¦I ©g§l ,mi ¦n£g ©x§lE c¤q«¤g§lE

mFi §A ,mFlW§lE :W ¤cŸg W`Ÿx§l d¤G ©d W ¤c «Ÿg ©d W`Ÿx

:g ©q¤R§ld¤G ©d zFS ©O ©d b ©g:zFM ªq§ld¤G ©d zFM ªQ ©d b ©g

,Epi«¥dŸl¡ ,dŸed §i ,Ep «¥x §kfFa Ep«¥c §wtE ,daFh§l FAFa Ep «¥ri ¦WFd §e ,dkx §a¦ldrEW §i x ©a §c ¦aE ,mi ¦I ©g§l,Ep«¥Pg §e qEg ,mi ¦n£g ©x §e,Ep «¥ri ¦WFd §e Epi«¥lr m¥g ©x §el ¥ i ¦M ,Epi«¥pi ¥r Li«¤l ¥ i ¦M.dY«¨ mEg ©x §e oEp ©g K¤l«¤n1

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ThanksgivingDuring cantor’s repetition,the congregation quietly

recites Modim of the Rabbis (overleaf).

micen ° We give thanks to you, for youare the Lord our God and the God ofour fathers for ever and ever; you arethe Rock of our lives, the Shield of oursalvation through every generation. Wewill give thanks to you and declare yourpraise1 for our lives which arecommitted to your hand, and for oursouls which are in your charge, and foryour miracles, which are daily with us,and for your wonders and yourbenefits, which are worked at all times,evening, morning and noon. You whoare all-good, whose mercies fail not;you, merciful One, whose lovingkindnesses never cease,2 we have everhoped in you.MODIM ° anachnu lach, sha’atah hu,adonai eloheinu velohei avoteinu, l’olamva’ed, tzur chayeinu, magen yish’enu, atahhu ledor vador nodeh lecha unesapertehilatecha.1 al chayeinu hamesurimbeyadecha, v’ad nishmoteinu hapkudotlach, v’al nisecha shebchol yom imanu, v’alnifl’otecha vetovotecha shebchol et, erevvaboker vetzharaim, hatov ki lo kalurachamecha, vehamrachem ki lo tamuchasadecha me’olam2 kivinu lach.

d`cedDuring cantor’s repetition,the congregation quietly

recites Modim of the Rabbis(overleaf).

mi ¦cFn ° ,Kl Ep §g«©p £d Ÿed §i ,`Ed dY © Wi ¥dŸl`¥e Epi «¥dŸl ¡,c ¤re mlFr§l ,Epi«¥zFa£,Ep «¥r §W ¦i o¥bn ,Epi«¥I ©g xEvxFce xFc§l `Ed dY ©x ¥R ©q §pE L §N d ¤cFp

.L«¤zN ¦d §Y1Epi«¥I ©g l ©r l ©r §e ,L «¤ci §A mi ¦xEq §O ©dzFcEw §R ©d Epi «¥zFn §W ¦plk §A ¤W Li«¤Q ¦p l ©r §e ,Kll ©r §e ,Ep «O ¦r mFiLi«¤zFaFh §e Li«¤zF`§l §t ¦pa ¤x «¥¤r ,z ¥r lk §A ¤WaFH ©d ,m ¦i «x¢dv §e x¤w «Ÿae,Li«¤n£g ©x Elk Ÿl i ¦MEO«©z Ÿl i ¦M m¥g ©x §n ©d §e

mlFr ¥n Li «¤cq£g2Epi«¦E ¦w .Kl

° Bow at Modim/We until adonai/Lord 1 Psalm 79:13. 2 Lamentations 3:22-23.

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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Modim of the RabbisCongregation reads

quietly during cantor’s repetition (preceding page)

micen ° We give thanks to you, foryou are the Lord our God and the Godof our fathers, the God of all flesh, ourCreator and the Creator of all things inthe beginning. Blessings andthanksgivings be to your great andholy Name, because you have kept usin life and preserved us: so may youcontinue to keep us in life and topreserve us. O gather our exiles toyour holy courts to observe yourstatutes, to do your will, and to serveyou with a perfect heart; seeing thatwe give thanks to you. Blessed be theGod to whom thanksgivings are due.MODIM ° anachnu lach, sha’atah hu,adonai eloheinu velohei avoteinu, eloheikol basar, yotzsrenu yotzer bereishit.berachot vehoda’ot leshimcha hagadolvehakadosh, al shehecheyiytanuvekiyamtanu. ken techayenuutekaymenu, vete’esof galuyoteinulechatzrot kadshecha, lishmor chukechavela’asot retzonecha, ul’avdecha belevavshalem, al she’anachnu modim lach.baruch el hahoda’ot.

opaxc micenCongregation reads

quietly during cantor’srepetition (preceding page)

mi ¦cFn ° ,Kl Ep §g«©p £d Ÿed §i `Ed dY © Wi ¥dŸl`¥e Epi «¥dŸl ¡lk i ¥dŸl ¡ ,Epi «¥zFa £x ¥vFi ,Ep «¥x §vFi ,xUAzFkx §A .zi ¦W` ¥x §AL §n ¦W §l zF`cFd §el ©r ,WFcT ©d §e lFcB ©d.Ep«Y §n©I ¦w §e Ep«zi ¦i¡g ¤d ¤W,Ep «¥n §I ©w §zE Ep«¥I ©g §Y o ¥MEpi «¥zFI ªlB sFq ¡ ¤z §e,L«¤W §cw zFx §v ©g §lzFU£r©l §e Li «¤T ªg xFn §W¦laa¥l §A L §C §ar§lE ,L«¤pFv §xEp §g«©p £ ¤W l ©r ,m¥lWl ¥ KExA .Kl mi ¦cFn

.zF`cFd ©d

° Bow at Modim/We until adonai/Lord

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

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On Hanukkah say:

miqpd lr We thank you also for the miracles,for the redemption, for the mighty deeds andsaving acts you have done, as well as for thewars which you waged for our fathers in days ofold, at this season.

AL HANISIM, v’al hapurkan, v’al hagevurot, v’alhatshu’ot, v’al hamilchamot, she’asita la’avotenubayamim hahem bazman haze.inia In the days of the Hasmonean, Mattathiasson of Yochanan, the High Priest, and his sons,when the wicked power of Greece rose upagainst your people Israel to make themforgetful of your Torah, and to force them totransgress the statutes of your will. Then in yourabundant mercy you rose up for them in thetime of their trouble. You pled their cause. Youjudged their case. You avenged their wrong.1 Youdelivered the strong into the hands of the weak,the many into the hands of the few, the impureinto the hands of the pure, the wicked into thehands of the righteous, and the arrogant into thehands of them that occupied themselves withyour Torah. You made a great and holy name inyour world for yourself. And for your peopleIsrael you worked a great deliverance2 andredemption as at this day. And after this yourchildren came into the inner sanctuary of yourhouse, cleansed your temple, purified your holyplace, kindled lights in your sacred courts, andappointed these eight days of Hanukkah inorder to give thanks and praises unto your greatName.

BIYMEI matityahu ben yochanan cohen gadol,chashmonai uvanav, keshe’amdah malchut yavanharesha’ah al amecha israel lehashkichamtoratecha, uleha’aviram mechukei retzonecha,v’atah berachamecha harabim amadta lahem b’ettzaratam, ravta et ribam, danta et dinam, nakamtaet nikmatam,1 masarta giborim beyad chalashim,verabim beyad meatim, uteme’im beyad tehorim,uresha’im beyad tzadikim, vezedim beyad oskeitoratecha. ulecha asita shem gadol vekadoshb’olamecha, ule’amcha israel asita teshua gedolah2

ufurkan kehayom hazeh. v’achar kach ba’u banechalidvir beitecha, ufinu et heichalecha, vetiharu etmikdashecha, vehidliku nerot bechatzrotkadshecha, vekav’u shemonat yemei chanukah elu,lehodot ulehalel leshimcha hagadol.

On Hanukkah say:

,ow §x ªR ©d l ©r §e ,mi ¦Q ¦P ©d l ©rl ©r §e ,zFxEa §B ©d l ©r §e,zFng§l ¦O ©d l ©r §e ,zFrEW §Y ©dmi ¦nI ©A Epi«¥zFa£©l zi «¦Ur ¤W

.d¤G ©d o ©n§G ©A m ¥ddopgFi o¤A Ed«i §z ¦Y ©n i ¥ni ¦A,eipaE i`©pFn §W©g ,lFcB o ¥dŸMo e i zEk §l ©n dc §nr ¤W §Ml ¥ x §U ¦i L §O ©r l ©r drW §xd,L«¤zxFY mgi ¦M §W ©d §l,L¤pFv §x i¥T ªg ¥n mxi ¦a £r ©d§lEmi ¦A ©xd Li«¤n£g ©x §A dY © §e,mzxv z ¥r §A m¤dl Y §c«©nrz ¤ Y §p «©C ,mai ¦x z ¤ Y §a «©x,mzn §w ¦p z ¤ Y §n «©wp ,mpi ¦C1

c ©i §A mi ¦xFA ¦B Y §x «©qnc ©i §A mi ¦A ©x §e ,mi ¦WN ©gc ©i §A mi ¦ ¥n §HE ,mi ¦H ©r §nc ©i §A mi ¦rW §xE ,mi ¦xFd §hi¥w §qFr c©i §A mi ¦c¥f §e ,mi ¦wi ¦C ©vm ¥W zi «¦Ur L§lE .L«¤zxFz,L«¤nlFr §A WFcw §e lFcBzi «¦Ur l ¥ x §U ¦i L §O ©r§lE

dlFc §B dreW §Y2ow §x ªtE KM x ©g © §e .d¤G ©d mFI ©d §M,L«¤zi¥A xi ¦a §c¦l Li«¤pa E «AEx£d ¦h §e ,L«¤lki ¥d z ¤ EP ¦tEEwi«¦l §c ¦d §e ,L«¤WC §w ¦n z ¤,L«¤W §Cw zFx §v ©g §A zFx¥pdMªp£g i ¥n §i z©pFn §W Er §aw §el¥N ©d§lE zFcFd§l ,EN«¥

.lFcB ©d L §n ¦W§l1 Jeremiah 51:36. 2 1 Samuel 19:5.

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For all these acts your Name, O ourKing, shall be continually blessed andexalted for ever and ever.V’AL kulam yitbarach veyitromamshimcha malkenu tamid l’olam va’ed.

l ©r §eK ©xA §z ¦i mN ªM Ep«¥M§l ©n L §n ¦W m ©nFx §z ¦i §e

.c ¤re mlFr§l ci ¦nY

° Bow1 Numbers 6:24-25. This benediction was given the the priests to bless the people of Israel.

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

On Shabbat Shuvah say:

O inscribe all the children of your covenantfor a happy life.

uchtov lechayim tovim kol bnei vritecha.

And every living thing shall give thanksto you for ever, and shall praise yourName in truth, O God, our salvationand our help. Selah. Blessed° are you, OLord, whose Name is All-good, andunto whom it is becoming to givethanks.VECHOL hachaim yoducha selah, vihalleluet shimcha be’emet, ha’el yeshuatenuv’ezratenu selah. baruch° atah adonai, hatovshimcha ulecha na’eh lehodot.

Cantor during repetition:




(May it be your will)

On Shabbat Shuvah say:

mi ¦aFh mi ¦I ©g§l aFz §kE.L«¤zi ¦x §a i¥p §A lM

LE «cFi mi ¦I ©g ©d l Ÿk §ez ¤ El §l ©di ¦e ,dl«¤Ql ¥ d ,z ¤n ¡ ¤A L §n ¦WEp«¥zx §f ¤r §e Ep «¥zrEW §i

KExA .dl«¤q° dY ©L§lE L §n ¦W aFH ©d ,dŸed §i

.zFcFd§l d ¤ pCantor during repetition:

,Epi«¥zFa£ i ¥dŸl`¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡dkx §A ©a Ep«¥k §xAdxFY ©A z ¤W«¤N ªW §n ©dd ¤W Ÿn i ¥c §i l ©r daEz §M ©di ¦R ¦n dxEn£d ,L «¤C §a ©r,mi ¦p£dŸM eipaE o Ÿx£d © :xEn ¨ M ,L«¤WFc §w m ©r

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SHALOM.1 (ken yehi ratzon.)


mely miy Grant peace, welfare,blessing, grace, lovingkindness andmercy to us and to all Israel, yourpeople. Bless us, O our Father, even allof us together, with the light of yourcountenance; for by the light of yourcountenance you have given us, O LORDour God, the Teaching of life,lovingkindness and righteousness,blessing, mercy, life and peace; and mayit be good in your sight to bless yourpeople Israel at all times and in everyhour with your peace.

.L «¤x §n §W ¦i §e dŸed §i L §k ¤xa §i(.oFvx i ¦d §i o¥M)

Li«¤l ¥ eipR dŸed §i x ¥ i.‚«¤P ªgi ¦e

(.oFvx i ¦d §i o¥M)Li«¤l ¥ eipR dŸed §i `V ¦i

.mFlW L§l m ¥Ui §e(.oFvx i ¦d §i o¥M)

melymFlW mi ¦UdaFh

c ¤q«¤ge o ¥g ,dkx §aEl ©r §e Epi«¥lr ,mi ¦n£g ©x §e.L«¤O ©r l ¥ x §U ¦i lMEp«N ªM ,Epi «¦a ¨ ,Ep«¥k §xAi ¦M ,Li«¤pR xF` §A cg ¤ §M,Ep«N Y«©zp Li«¤pR xF` §az ©xFY ,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i,c¤q«¤g z©a£d«© §e mi ¦I ©gmi ¦n£g ©x §e dkx §aE dwc §vEaFh §e ,mFlW §e mi ¦I ©g §ez ¤ K ¥xa§l Li«¤pi ¥r §Az ¥r lk §A l ¥ x §U ¦i L §O ©r.L«¤nFl §W ¦A drW lk §aE

1 Numbers 6:24-25. This benediction was given the the priests to bless the people of Israel.

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

(during Days of Awe conclude: In the Lamb’s bookof life, blessing, peace and good sustenancemay we be remembered and inscribed beforeyou, we and all your people the house of Israel,for a happy life and for peace. Blessed are you,O LORD, who makes peace.)

Blessed are you, O LORD, who blesseshis people Israel with peace.

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SIM SHALOM tovah uvrachah, chenvachesed verachamim, aleinu v’al kol israelamecha. barchenu, avinu, kulanu k’echadb’or panecha, ki b’or panecha natata lanu,adonai eloheinu, torat chayim v’ahavatchesed, utzdakah uvrachah verachamimvechayim veshalom, vetov b’einechalevarech et amcha israel bechol et uvecholsha’ah bishlomecha

,d Ÿed §i dY © KExAFO ©r z ¤ K ¥xa §n ©d

(.mFlX ©A l ¥ x §U ¦i

Cantor’s repetition ends here.

i ©dŸl ¡i ¦pFW §l xFv §p ,x ¥A ©C ¦n i ©zt §UE .rx ¥n

:dn §x ¦n1i©l §l ©w §n ¦l §e i ¦W §t©p §e ,m ŸC ¦z i ¦W §t©p.d¤i §d ¦Y l ŸM©l xtr ¤M,L«¤zxFz §A i ¦A ¦l g ©z §RsFC §x ¦Y Li«¤zF §v ¦n §aEmi ¦a §WFg ©d lk §e .i ¦W §t©pdx ¥d §n ,drx i©lrl ¥w §l ©w §e mzv £r x ¥td

.mY §a ©W£g ©n1 Psalm 34:14. 2 Psalm 60:7, 108:7. 3 Psalm 19:15.

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

(during Days of Awe conclude:

x¤W£ mi ¦I ©g x¤t«¥q §AmFlW §e dkx §A ,d ¤U©lx¥kG ¦p ,daFh dqp §x ©tEEp §g«©p£ ,Li«¤pt§l a ¥zM ¦p §e,l ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥A L §O ©r lk §e(.mFlW§lE mi ¦aFh mi ¦I ©g§l

baruch atah adonai, hamevarech et amoisrael bashalom.

Cantor’s repetition ends here.

idl` O my God! guard my tongue fromevil and my lips from speaking guile;1

and to such as curse me let my soul bedumb, yes, let my soul be to all as thedust. Open my heart to your Torah, andlet my soul pursue yourcommandments. If any design evilagainst me, speedily make their counselof no effect, and frustrate their designs.Do it for the sake of your Name, do itfor the sake of your power, do it for thesake of your holiness, do it for the sakeof your Torah. In order that yourbeloved ones may be delivered, save byyour power, and answer me.2 Let thewords of my mouth and the meditationof my heart be acceptable before you, OLord, my Rock and my Redeemer.3

(during Days of Awe conclude: besefer chaimasher laseh, berachah veshalom ufarnasahtovah, nizacher venikatev lefanecha, anachnuvechol amecha beit israel, lechaim tovimuleshalom.)

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ELOHAI netzor leshoni mera. usfataimidaber mirmah:1 velimkalelai nafshitidom, venafshi ke’afar lakol tihyeh. petachlibi betoratecha, uvemitzvotecha tirdofnafshi. vechol hachoshvim alai ra’ah,meherah hafer atzatam vekalkelmachashavtam. aseh lema’an shmecha,aseh lema’an yeminecha, aseh lema’ankedushatecha. aseh lema’an toratecha.lama’an yechaltzun yedidecha, hoshi’ahyemincha va’aneni.2 yihyu leratzon imreipi vehegyon libi lefanecha, adonai tzurivego’ali.3

Bow and take three steps back then bow left, right and

centre while saying:

mely dyr ose shalom bimromav, huya’aseh shalom aleinu, v’al kol israel,v’imru amen.May he who makes peace in his highplaces make peace for us and all Israel.And say: amen.

oFvx i ¦d §i May it be your will, O Lordour God and God of our fathers, thatthe temple be speedily rebuilt in ourdays, and grant our share in yourTorah. And there we will serve youwith awe, as in the days of old, and asin ancient years. Then shall the offeringof Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant tothe Lord, as in the days of old, and as inancient years.

,L«¤n §W o ©r«©n§l d ¥U£r ,L«¤pi ¦n §i o ©r«©n§l d ¥U£r

.L«¤zX ªc §w o ©r ©n§l d ¥U£r.L«¤zxFY o ©r ©n§l d ¥U£r,Li «¤ci ¦c §i oEv§lg¥i o ©r«©n©l.i¦p«¥p £r©e L §pi ¦n §i dri «¦WFd2

i ¦t i ¥x §n ¦ oFvx§l Ei §d ¦i,Li«¤pt§l i ¦A¦l oFi §b ¤d §e

.i¦l£Fb §e i ¦xEv dŸed §i3 Bow and take three steps

back then bow left, right andcentre while saying:

mFlW d ¤UŸr,einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤U £r ©i `Edl ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e ,Epi¥lr

.o ¥n ¨ :Ex §n ¦ §e

oFvx i ¦d §i,Li«¤pt§l ¦n i ¥dŸl ¦¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §izi¥A d¤pA ¦i ¤W ,Epi«¥zFa£dx ¥d §n ¦A WC §w ¦O ©dEp «¥w§l¤g o ¥z §e ,Epi«¥ni §aL §ca £r©p mW §e ,L«¤zxFz §A

mlFr i ¥ni ¦M d ¨ §x ¦i §A1 Psalm 34:14. 2 Psalm 60:7, 108:7. 3 Psalm 19:15.

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YEHI RATZON milfanecha, adonaieloheinu v’elohei avoteinu, sheyibaneh beithamikdash bimherah beyameinu, vetenchelkenu betoratecha, vesham na’avadchabeyir’ah kiymei olam uchshanimkadmoniyot. v’arvah ladonai minchatyehudah virushalaim kiymei olamuchshanim kadmoniyot.

Individual’s repetition of Amidah ends.

Disciple’s Prayer

epia` avinu shebashamaim yitkadashshmecha: tavo malchutecha ye’asehretzoncha ba’aretz ka’asher na’asahbashamaim: ten lanu hayom lechemchukenu: uslach lanu et ashmatenu ka’ashersolchim anachnu la’asher ashmu lanu: v’altevi’enu liydei masah ki im hatzilenu minhara.REFRAIN: KI LECHA HAMAMLACHAHVEHAGVURAH VEHATIF’ERET L’OLMEI OLAMIM.(AMEN.)Our Father in heaven, sanctified beyour Name. Your kingdom come, mayit be done on earth as it is done inheaven: Give us our sustenance today:and forgive us our transgressions justas we forgive others who havetransgressed against us. And do notlead us into trials, but deliver us fromevil.REFRAIN: FOR YOURS IS THE KINGDOM ANDTHE POWER AND THE GLORY FOR EVER ANDEVER. (AMEN)

.zFI ¦pFn §c ©w mi ¦pW §kEz ©g §p ¦n dŸed §i©l da §xr §ei ¥ni ¦M m¦i«lWExi ¦e dcEd §imi ¦p W §k E ml Fr

.zFI ¦pFn §c©w

Individual repetition ofAmidah ends.

zlitz micinlzd

Epi ¦a ¨m ¦i ©nX ©A ¤y `ŸaY :L ¤n §y W ©C©w §z ¦iL §p Ÿev §x d ¤Ur¥i L¤zEk§l ©ndU £r©p x ¤W£ ©M u ¤x ¨ AmŸeI ©d Epl o ¤Y :m ¦inW ©aEplÎg©l §qE :Ep ¥T ªg m¤g¤lx ¤W£ ©M Ep ¥zn §W © z ¤x ¤W£©l Ep §g©p£ mi ¦g§l Ÿql © §e :Epl En §W ¨i ¦M dQ ©n i ¥ci¦l Ep ¥ i ¦a §Y .rxd o ¦n Ep¥li ¦S ©dÎm ¦dkl §n ©O ©d L§l i ¦M äz ¤x ¤ §t ¦Y ©d §e dxEa §B ©d §e:o ¥n ¨ mi ¦nl Ÿer i ¥n§l Ÿer§l

epia` Avinu. Matthew 6:9-13. Often called the ‘Lord’s’ or ‘Disciples’’ prayer,Messiah’s prayer is a summarisation of the key elements of the Amidah.

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

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Full KaddishRecited by Cantor

lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadashshme raba

(amen)be’alma di vra chir'uteh,veyamlich malchutehbechayechon uvyomechonuvechayei dechol beit’agala uvizman kariv. ve'imruamen:

(amen. yehe shme raba mevarach le’alam ul’almealmaya:)

yehe shme raba mevarachle’alam ul’alme almaya.

yitbarach veyishtabachveyitpa’ar veyitromam veyitnaseveyithadar veyit’ale veyithallalshme dekudsha brich hu

(brich hu)

mly yicwRecited by Cantor

.`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C©w §z ¦i §e l ©C©B §z ¦i (o ¥n ¨ )

,Di ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n§lr §AoFki¥I ©g §A Di ¥zEk§l ©n Ki¦l §n©i §ezi¥A lk §c i¥I ©g §aE oFki ¥nFi §aEo ©n §f ¦aE `lb £r ©A .l ¥ x §U ¦i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e .ai ¦xw`A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §i .o ¥n ¨ )i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§l K ©xa §n

(:`I ©n§lrK ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §i

.`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§lx © R §z ¦i §e g©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦ixC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §eD ¥n §W lN ©d §z ¦i §e d¤N ©r §z ¦i §e

`Ed Ki ¦x §A `W §c ªw §C(`Ed Ki ¦x §A)

lcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name in the world which he has createdaccording to his will. May he establish his kingdom during your life and during yourdays, and during the life of all the house of Israel, even speedily and at a near time,and say, Amen.

All with Reader: Amen. May his great Name be blessed for ever and to all eternity.Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnified andpraised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He (on Shabbat Shuvah add: exceedingly).

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Beyond all the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations, which are uttered inthe world; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.May the prayers and supplications of the entire Family of Israel be accepted beforetheir Father Who is in heaven, and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader.—May there be abundant peace from heaven, and a happy life for us and forall Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader: He who makes peace in his high places, may he in his mercy make peace forus and for all Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

le’ela (on Shabbat Shuvah: ul’ela mikol)

min kol birchata veshiratatushbechata venechemata,da’amiran be’alma, ve'imruamen:

(amen)titkabel tzelot-hon uva’ut-hondechol beit israel kadam avuhondi vishmaya. v’imru amen:


yehe shlama raba min shemayavechayim aleinu v’al kol israel,v’imru amen:


ose shalom bimromav huya’aseh shalom aleinu v’al kolisrael, v’imru amen:


`N «¥r§l )on Shabbat Shuvah:`N ¥r§lE (lM ¦n`zk §x ¦A lM o ¦n

,`zn¡g¤p §e `zg §A §W ªY `zxi ¦W §eEx §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A oxi ¦n£ ©C

:o ¥n ¨(o ¥n ¨)

oFd §zEraE oFd §zFl §v l¥A©w §z ¦Ymc ¢w l ¥ x §U ¦i zi ¥A lk §CEx §n ¦ §e .`I ©n §W ¦a i ¦C oFdEa£

:o ¥n ¨(o ¥n ¨)

`I ©n §W o ¦n `A ©x `nl §W ` ¥d §i,l ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mi ¦I ©g §e

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e(o ¥n ¨)

`Ed einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤UŸrlM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mFlW d ¤U£r©i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,l ¥ x §U ¦i(o ¥n ¨)

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The Torah PresentedAll stand.

jenk oi` ein kamocha ba’elim adonai, v’einkema’asecha.1 malchutecha malchut kololamim, umemshaltecha bechol dor vador.2

adonai melech,3 adonai malach,4 adonaiyimloch l’olam va’ed.5 adonai oz l’amo yiten,adonai yevarech et amo bashalom.6

There is none like you among thegods, O Lord; and there are no workslike yours.1 Your kingdom is aneverlasting kingdom, and yourdomination endures throughout allgenerations.2 The Lord is King;3 theLord was King;4 The Lord shall be Kingfor ever and ever.5 The Lord will givestrength to his people; the Lord willbless his people with peace.6

mi ¦n£g ©xd a © av harachamim, hetivahbirtzoncha et tzion, tivne chomotyerushalaim7 ki b’cha l’vad batachnu,melech el ram v’nisa, adon olamim.Father of mercies, do good in yourfavour to Zion; build the walls ofJerusalem.7 For in you alone do wetrust, O King, high and exalted God,Lord of worlds.

The Ark is opened. Remain standing.

Reader and Congregation:

z`ued xtq dxezAll stand.

LF «nM oi ¥,mi ¦dŸl¡a .Li«¤U£r ©n §M oi ¥ §e ,d Ÿed §i1

lM zEk§l ©n L §zEk§l ©nL §Y §l ©W §n ¤nE ,mi ¦nl Ÿr.x Ÿce x ŸC lk §A2

d Ÿed §i,K¤l«¤n3dŸed §i ,Kln4 dŸed §i KŸl §n ¦i

ml Ÿr §l.c ¤re 5f Ÿr dŸed §i K ¥xa §i dŸed §i ,o ¥Y ¦i FO ©r§l

.mFlX ©a FO ©r z ¤6

mi ¦n£g ©xd a ©,z ¤ L §pFv §x ¦a dai «¦hi ¥dzFnFg d¤p §a ¦Y ,oFI ¦v

.m¦i«lWEx §i7c©a§l L §a i ¦M mx l ¥ K¤l«¤n ,Ep §g«hA.mi ¦nlFr oFc£ ,`V ¦p §e

The Ark is opened. Remain standing.

Reader and Congregation:

1 Psalm 86:8. 2 Psalm 145:13. 3 Psalm 10:16. 4 Psalm 93:1. 5 Exodus 15:18. 6 Psalm 29:11. 7 Psalm 51:20.

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reqpa idie vayehi binso’a ha’aronvayomer moshe, kumah, adonai, veyafutzuoyvecha, veyanusu mesanecha mipanecha.1

ki mitzion tetze torah, udevar adonaimirushalaim.2 REFRAIN: BARUCH SHENATAN TORAH L’AMOISRAEL BIKDUSHATO.And it came to pass, when the Ark setforward, that Moses said, Rise up, OLord, and your enemies shall bescattered, and they that hate you shallflee before you.1 For out of Zion shallgo forth the Law, and the word of theLord from Jerusalem.2 REFRAIN: BLESSED BE HE WHO IN HIS HOLINESSGAVE THE TORAH TO HIS PEOPLE ISRAEL.

©rF «q §p ¦A i ¦d §i©eo Ÿx ¨ d ,dnEw ,d ¤WŸn x¤n` «ŸI©e,Li«¤a §i Ÿ Ev«ªti §e ,d Ÿed §i.Li«¤pR ¦n Li«¤ §p ©U §n Eq«ªpi §e1 ` ¥v ¥Y oFI ¦S ¦n i ¦MdŸed §i x ©a §cE ,dxFz

.m¦i«lWExi ¦n2

dxFY o ©zP ¤W KExA äl ¥ x §U ¦i FO ©r §l

.FzX ªc §w ¦A

1 Numbers 10:35. 2 Isaiah 2:3.reqpa idie The words spoken by Moses when the Ark of the Covenant set out tofollow the Cloud in the wilderness are spoken as the Torah is about to be removedfrom the ark. The Torah Readings go back to ancient times. During the Feast ofTabernacles preceding the conclusion of the Sabbatical year, there was a publicreading of portions of Deuteronomy at the Sanctuary. “Assemble the people, the menand the women and the little ones, and your stranger that is within your gates, thatthey may hear and that they may learn, and fear the Lord your God, and observe todo all the words of the law” (Deuteronomy 31. 12.) After the Exile, Ezra read from theTorah on every day of Tabernacles; and in later generations, the High Priest readselections from the Torah on the Day of Atonement. Such readings were also a featureof the lay devotional services which accompanied the daily sacrifices in the rebuiltTemple. Various portions of the Pentateuch and the Psalms were at an early dateintroduced into the daily Synagogue Service; and, since Maccabean days, the setReadings from the Sacred Scroll on Sabbaths and Festivals have been regularly anduniversally observed. At first these Readings were quite short on ordinary Sabbaths, as were also theselected passages on Festivals. In time, they grew longer, and the Sabbath Readingsbecame continuous. Selection from different parts of the Torah for ordinary Sabbathswas prohibited, and the Five Books of the Torah were completed in three years. Thistriennial cycle for the completion of the Torah on Sabbath mornings, was for manycenturies the usage in Palestine. However, the virile and enthusiastic Jewry ofBabylon concluded the Torah in the course of one year. Eventually this became theestablished rule throughout Israel. (adapted from Hertz, Authorised Daily PrayerBook)

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On Festivals (except Shabbat)

the following is said thrice:

dedi ,dedi The Lord, the Lord is a mercifuland gracious God, slow to anger andabounding in lovingkindness and truth;keeping lovingkindness for thousands,forgiving iniquity, willful transgression andsin, and acquitting the penitent.1

adonai, adonai, el, rachum, vechanun, erechapayim, verav chesed, ve’emet, notzer chesedla’alafim, nose avon, vapesha, vechata’ah,venakeh.1

On Festivals, continue:

epeax Lord of the universe, fulfil the wishesof my heart for good; grant my desire, giveme my request, even to me, your servant _______ the son of _______ (your maid servant ____ the daughter of____),2 and make me worthy (together withmy wife,) (my husband,) (my children,) todo your will with a perfect heart; anddeliver me from the evil inclination. O grantour portion in your Torah; make us worthyto have your divine presence abiding withus; bestow upon us the spirit of wisdomand understanding, the spirit of counsel andmight, the spirit of knowledge and fear ofthe Lord.3 So also may it be your will, OLord our God and God of our fathers, that Imay be fitted to do such deeds as are goodin your sight, and to walk in the way of theupright before you. Sanctify us by yourcommandments: guard us from evil deeds,and also from evil times that visit and afflictthis world. As for him who trusts in theLord, let lovingkindness surround him.1


On Festivals (except Shabbat) the

following is said thrice:

d Ÿed §i ,d Ÿed §i,l ¥ ,K ¤x«¤ ,oEP ©g §e ,mEg ©x,c ¤q«¤g a ©x §e ,m ¦i«©R ©c ¤q«¤g x ¥v Ÿp ,z ¤n ¡ ¤e,o Ÿer ` ¥UŸp ,mi ¦tl£l.d¥T©p §e ,d ¨ H ©g §e ,r ©W«¤te1

On Festivals, continue:

FpFA ¦x¥N ©n ,mlFr l ¤W ,daFh§l i ¦A¦l zFl£ §W ¦no ¥z §e i ¦pFv §x w¥td §eL §C §a ©r i¦l ,i ¦zl ¥ §W(zipelt) o¤A (ipelt)

,L«¤zn£2z¤ §e) i ¦p«¥M©f §e lk §e (i ©zFp §aE i©paE i ¦Y §y ¦zFU £r©l ,i ¦zi¥a i¥p §A,m¥lW aa¥l §A L§pFv §xo ¥z §e ,rxd x¤v«¥I ¦n Ep«¥h§N ©nEEp«¥M©f §e ,L«¤zxFz §A Ep «¥w§l¤g

L §zpi ¦k §W d ¤x §W ¦Y¤W ,Epi«¥lrdn §kg ©gE «x Epi«¥lr r ©tFd §eEp«A m¥I ©w §z ¦i §e ,dpi ¦aEdgp §e ,aEzM ¤W `x §w ¦n©gE «x ,dŸed §i ©gE «x eilr

1 Exodus 34:6-7. 2 Psalm 116:16. 3 Isaiah 11:2.

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RIBONO shel olam, male mish’alot libiletovah, vehafek retzoni veten sh’elati, liavdecha _____ ben _____ amatecha, vezakeni(v’et ishti uvanai uvnotai)1 vechol benei beiti,la’asot retzoncha belevav shaem, umaltenumiyetzer hara, veten chelkenu betoratecha,vezakenu shetishreh shechinatcha aleinu,vehofa aleinu ruach chochmah uvinah,veyitkayem banu mikra shekatuv, venachahalav ruach adonai, ruach chochmah uvinah,ruach etzah ugvurah, ruach da’at veyir’atadonai.2 vechen yehi ratzon milfanecha adonaieloheinu v’elohei avoteinu, shetzakenu la’asotma’asim tovim b’einecha, velalechet bedarcheiyesharim lefanecha, vekadshenubemitzvotecha, vetishmerenu mima’asim ra’imumisha’ot ra’ot hamitragshot lavo la’olam.vehaboteach b’adonai chesed yesovevenhu,amen.

Let the words of my mouth and themeditation of my heart be acceptable beforeyou, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.3

yihyu leratzon imrei pi vehegyon libilefanecha, adonai tzuri vego’ali.3

The following is said thrice:

May my prayer to you, Lord, be in anacceptable time: O God, in the abundanceof your lovingkindness, answer me withyour sure salvation.4

va’ani tefilati lecha adoani et ratzon, elohimberov chasdecha, aneni be’emet yish’echa.4

dv ¥r ©gE «x ,dpi ¦aE dn §kgz ©r «©C ©gE «x ,dxEa §bE

.dŸed §i z © §x ¦i §e2i ¦d §i o¥k §e dŸed §i Li¤pt§N ¦n oFvx

i ¥dŸl`¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡,Epi«¥zFa£mi ¦U £r ©n zFU £r©l Ep«¥M©f §Y ¤W

mi ¦aFhz¤k«¤ll §e ,Li«¤pi ¥r §A ,Li«¤pt§l mi ¦xW §i i¥k §x ©c §A,Li«¤zŸe §v ¦n §A Ep«¥W §C©w §emi ¦U £r ©O ¦n Ep «¥x §n §W ¦z §ezFrx zFrX ¦nE mi ¦rx`Fal zFW §B ©x §z ¦O ©ddŸed §i ©A ©g«¥hFA ©d §e .mlFrl.o ¥n ¨ ,Ed §p«¤a §aFq §i c¤q«¤g

i ¦t i ¥x §n ¦ oFvx§l Ei §d ¦idŸed §i ,Li«¤pt§l i ¦A¦l oFi §b ¤d §e

.i¦l£Fb §e i ¦xEv3

The following is said thrice:

dŸed §i L§l i ¦zN ¦t §z i ¦p£©eax §A mi ¦dŸl¡ ,oFvx z ¥rz¤n¡ ¤A i¦p«¥p £r ,L «¤C §q ©g

.L «¤r §W ¦i4

1 Psalm 116:16. 2 Isaiah 11:12. 3 Psalm 19:15. 4 Psalm 69:14.

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On Shabbat and Holy Days:

dny jixa Blessed is the name of theMaster of the Universe. Blessed is yourcrown and your abiding-place. Let yourfavour rest with your people Israelforever. Show them the redemption ofyour might in your holy temple. Bestowupon us the benign gift of your light,and in mercy accept our supplications.May it be your will to prolong our lifein well-being. Let me also be numberedamong the righteous, so that you maybe merciful to me, and have me in yourkeeping, with all that belong to me andto your people Israel. You are he thatfeeds and sustains all; you are he thatrules over all; you are he that rules overkings, for dominion is yours. I am theservant of the Holy One, blessed be he,before whom and before whose gloriousTorah I prostrate myself at all times: notin man do I put my trust, nor upon anyangel do I rely, but upon the God ofheaven, who is the God of truth, andwhose Teaching is truth, and whoseprophets are prophets of truth, and whoabounds in deeds of goodness andtruth. REFRAIN: IN HIM I PUT MY TRUST, AND TO HISHOLY AND GLORIOUS NAME I UTTER PRAISES.MAY IT BE YOUR WILL TO OPEN MY HEART TOYOUR TEACHING, AND TO FULFIL THE WISHESOF MY HEART AND OF THE HEARTS OF ALLYOUR PEOPLE ISRAEL FOR GOOD, FOR LIFE, ANDFOR PEACE.

On Shabbat and Holy Days:

D¥n §W Ki ¦x §A` ¥xn §C Kx §z ¦M Ki ¦x §A ,`n§lrKzEr §x ` ¥d §i .Kx §z © §el ¥ x §U ¦i KO ©r m ¦rKpi ¦n §i o ©w §x ªtE ,m©lr§lzi¥a §A KO ©r§l i¥f£g ©i ¥iE «h §n © §lE ,KW §C §w ©n,KxFd §p aEH ¦n `p«l`p «zFl §v l ¥A ©w §lE¨e £r ©x ` ¥d §i .oi ¦n£g ©x §A

oi ¦I ©g ol Ki ¦xFz §C Knc¢w`p£ i¥e¡d¤l §e ,`zEai ¦h §A,`I ©wi ¦C ©v Fb §A `ci ¦w §tx ©h§p ¦n§lE i©lr m©g §x ¦n§li ¦c §e i¦l i ¦C lM z©i §e i ¦zi§Y §p © .l ¥ x §U ¦i KO ©r§l,`N «Ÿk §l o f `Ed§Y §p © .`N «Ÿk§l q¥p §x ©t §nE,`N «ŸM l ©r hi¦N ©W `Edl ©r hi¦N ©W §C `Ed §Y §p ©`zEk §l ©nE ,`I ©k §l ©n`p £ .`i ¦d Kli ¦CKi ¦x §A `W §c ªw §c `C §a ©r,D ¥O©w `p §ci«¦bq §C ,`EdD ¥z §i ©xF` x©wi ¦C `O©T ¦nE

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BRICH shme demare alma, brich kitrachv’atrach. yehei r’utach im amach israell’olam, ufurkan yeminach achazei l’amachbeveit makdeshach, ul’amtuyey lana mituvnehorach, ulekabel tzelotana berachamin.yehei ra’ava kadamach detorich lan chayinbetivuta, velehevei ana pekida begotzadikaya, lemircham alai ulemintar yativeyat kol di li vedi l’amach israel. an’t huzan lechola, umefarnes lechola. an’t hushalit al kola, an’t hu deshalit al malkaya,umalkuta dilach hi. ana avda dekudshabrich hu, desagidna kameh, umikama dikarorayteh bechol idan v’idan. la al enashrachitzna, vela al bar elahin samichna, elabe’elaha dishmaya, dehu elaha keshot,v’orayteh keshot, uneviohi keshot, umasgeleme’bad tavevan ukshot. REFRAIN: BEH ANA RACHITZ, VELISHMEHKADISHA YAKIRA ANA EMAR TUSHBECHAN.YEHE RA’AVA KADAMACH DETIFTACH LIBA’IB’ORAYTA, VETASHLIM MISH’ALIN DELIBA’I,VELIBA DECHOL AMACH ISRAEL, LETAV


The Torah is presented to the cantor, who faces the


Cantor then congregation:

shema israel, adonai eloheinu,adonai echad.

Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One.

`l .oC ¦r §e oC ¦r lk §A,`p §vi«¦gx Wp¡ l ©roi ¦dl¡ x ©A l ©r `l §e`dl¡ ¤A N ¤ ,`p §ki «¦nq`dl¡ `Ed §C ,`I ©n §W ¦c,hFW §w D ¥z §i ©xF` §e ,hFW §w`¥B §q ©nE ,hFW §w i ¦dF « i ¦a §pE.hFW §wE oe §a ©h c©A §r ¤n§l

,ui ¦gx `p£ D¥A ä`xi ¦T©i `Wi ¦C©w D ¥n §W¦l §e.og §A §W ªY x ©n ¥ `p£Knc¢w ¨e £r ©x ` ¥d §ii ¦ A ¦l g ©Y §t ¦z §Cmi ¦l §W ©z §e ,`z §i ©xF` §A`A¦l §e ,i ¦ A¦l §C oi¦l£ §W ¦n,l ¥ x §U ¦i KO ©r lk § §W¦l §e oi ¦I ©g§lE a ©h§l

(.o ¥n ¨ )The Torah is presented to the

cantor, who faces thecongregation.

Cantor then congregation:

dŸed §i ,l ¥ x §U ¦i r ©n § ¤ dŸed §i ,Epi«¥dŸl¡

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Cantor then congregation:

echad eloheinu, gadol adonenu,kadosh shemo.

One is our God, great is our Lord, holy is his Name.

The cantor faces the Ark, bows and recites:

gadlu ladonai iti, uneromemashemo yachdav.

Declare the greatness of Hashem with me,and let us exalt His Name together.

The Ark is closed.

The cantor carries the Torah to the bimah as the

congregation sings:

jl lecha adonai hagedulah vehagevurahvehatiferet vehanetzach vehahod, ki kolbashamaim uva’aretz, lecha adonaihamamlachah, vehamitnase lechol lerosh. romemu adonai eloheinu, vehishtachavulahadom raglav, kadosh hu. romemu adonaieloheinu, vehishtachavu lehar kadsho, kikadosh adonai eloheinu.1

Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, andthe power, and the glory, and thevictory, and the majesty: for all that isin the heaven and in the earth is yours.Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom, and thesupremacy as head over all. Exalt the

Cantor then congregation:

lFcB ,Epi«¥dŸl¡ cg ¤.Fn §W WFcw ,Ep«¥pFc£

The cantor faces the Ark,bows and recites:

,i ¦Y ¦ dŸed§i©l El §C©B.eC §g©i Fn §W dn §nFx §pE

The Ark is closed.

The cantor carries the Torah to the bimah as the

congregation sings:

L§ldN ªc§B ©d dŸed §i z ¤x«¤ §t ¦Y ©d §e dxEa §B ©d §el Ÿk i ¦M ,cFd ©d §e g©v«¥P ©d §eL§l ,u ¤x«¨ aE m ¦i«©nX ©A,dkl §n ©O ©d d Ÿed §i.W`Ÿx§l lŸk§l `¥V©p §z ¦O ©d§e

dŸed §i En §nFx,Epi «¥dŸl ¡Ee£g ©Y §W ¦d §emŸc£d©l

WFcw ,eil §b ©x.`Edd Ÿed §i En §nFx,Epi«¥dŸl¡

1 Psalm 99:5,9. First sung by David when the people gave for the building of theTemple.

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Lord our God, and worship in histemple: holy is he. Exalt the Lord ourGod, and worship at his holymountain; for the Lord our God isholy.1

lkd lr Magnified and sanctified,praised and glorified, exalted andextolled above all be the Name of theSupreme King of Kings, the holy One,blessed be he, in the worlds which hehas created,—this world and the worldto come, in accordance with his desire,and with the desire of those who fearhim, and of all the house of Israel: theRock everlasting, the Lord of allcreatures, the God of all souls; whodwells in the spacious heights, whoinhabits the heaven of heavens of old;whose holiness is above the Chayot andabove the throne of glory. Thereforemay your Name, O Lord our God, shallbe sanctified among us in the sight of allliving. Let us sing a new song beforehim, as it is written, Sing to God, singpraises to his Name, extol him whorides on the heavens, whose name is theLord,* and rejoice before him.2 And maywe see him, eye to eye, when he returnsto his abode, as it is written, For theyshall see eye to eye,3 when the Lordreturns to Zion.4 And it is said, And theglory of the Lord shall be revealed, andall flesh shall see it together; for themouth of the Lord has spoken it.5

,FW §cw x ©d§l Ee£g ©Y §W ¦d §ed Ÿed §i WFcw i ¦M


l ŸM ©d l ©rl ©C©B §z ¦i g ©A ©Y §W ¦i §e W ©C ©w §z ¦i §em ©nFx §z ¦i §e x © R §z ¦i §el ¤W Fn §W ,` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e,mi ¦kl §O ©d i¥k§l ©n K¤l«¤n,`Ed KExA WFcT ©d,`xA ¤W zFnlFrAmlFrd §e d¤G ©d mlFrdoFv §x ¦k §e FpFv §x ¦M ,`A ©dzi¥A lM oFv §x ¦k §e ,ei ¨ ¥x §ixEv .l ¥ x §U ¦ilM oFc£ ,mi ¦nlFrdlM ©DF«l¡ ,zFI ¦x §A ©da ¥WFI ©d ,zFWt §P ©do¥kFX ©d ,mFxn i¥a£g §x ¤n §A.m ¤c «¤w i ¥n §W i ¥n §W ¦A,zFI ©g ©d l ©r FzX ªc §w`¥Q ¦M l ©r FzX ªc §wEW ©C©w §z ¦i o¥k §aE .cFaM ©d

dŸed §i Ep«A L §n ¦W1 Psalm 99:5,9. First sung by David when the people gave for the building of theTemple. 2 Psalm 68:5. 3 1 Corinthians 13:12. 4 Isaiah 52:8. 5 Isaiah 40:5.lkd lr* whose name is the Lord, literally ‘YH’. Menachot 29b teaches that this nameof God refers specifically to God as Creator.

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AL HAKOL yitgadal veyitkadashveyishtabach veyitpa’ar veyitromamveyitnase, shemo shel melech malcheihamlachim, hakadosh baruch hu, ba’olamotshebara, ha’olam hazeh veha’olam haba,kirtzono vekirtzon yere’av, vekirtzon kolbeit israel. tzur ha’olamim, adon kolhabriyot, eloah kol hanfashot, hayoshevbemerchavei marom, hashochen bishmeishmei kedem. kedushato al hachayot,ukedushato al kise hakavod. uvechenyitkadash shimcha banu adonai eloheinul’einei kol chai. venomar lefanav shirchadash, kakatuv: shiru leilohim zamrushemo, solu larochev ba’aravot, beyahshemo, v’ilzu lefanav. venir’ehu ayinb’ayin, beshuvo el navehu, kakatuv: ki ayinb’ayin yir’u, beshuv adonai tzion.vene’emar, veniglah kevod adonai vera’ukol basar yachdav, ki pi adonai diber.

mingxd a` May the Father of mercyhave mercy upon a people always borneby him. May he remember the covenantwith the patriarchs, deliver our soulsfrom evil times, check the evil inclinationin those borne by him, graciously grantus an everlasting deliverance, and in theattribute of his goodness fulfil ourdesires by salvation and mercy.AV HARACHAMIM, hu yerachem amamusim, veyizkor brit eitanim, veyatzilnafshoteinu, min hasha’ot hara’ot, veyig’arbeyetzer hara min hansu’im, veyachon otanulifleitat olamim, viymale mish’aloteinubemidah tovah yeshua verachamim.

Epi«¥dŸl¡ .ig lM i¥pi ¥r§lxi ¦W eipt§l x ©n`Ÿp §eExi «¦W :aEzM ©M ,Wcg,Fn §W Ex §O©f mi ¦dŸl ¥l,zFax £rA a¥kFxl EN «ŸqEf§l ¦r §e ,Fn §W *Di §Ao ¦i «©r Ed«¥ §x ¦p §e .eipt§l,Ed«¥ep l ¤ FaEW §A ,o ¦i «©r §Ao ¦i «©r §A oi «©r i ¦M :aEzM ©MdŸed §i aEW §A ,E` §x ¦idl §b ¦p §e ,x ©n¡¤p §e .oFI ¦vlk E`x §e ,d Ÿed §i cFa §Mi ¦R i ¦M ,eC §g©i xUA

.x¥A ¦C dŸed §i

mi ¦n£g ©xd a ©`Ed ,,mi ¦qEn £r m ©r m¥g ©x §i,mi ¦pzi ¥ zi ¦x §A xŸM§f ¦i §eo ¦n Epi«¥zFW §t©p li ¦S©i §ex ©r §b ¦i §e ,zFrxd zFrX ©do ¦n r ©xd x¤v«¥i §AEp«zF` oŸgi §e ,mi ¦ EU §P ©d`¥N ©ni ¦e ,mi ¦nlFr z ©hi¥l §t¦ldC ¦n §A Epi«¥zFl£ §W ¦n.mi ¦n£g ©x §e drEW §i daFh

1 Psalm 68:5. 2 1 Corinthians 13:12. 3 Isaiah 52:8. 4 Isaiah 40:5.

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The Torah is on the bimah

Call to the Torah1

xfrie veya’azor veyagen veyoshia lecholhachosim bo, venomar amen. hakol havugodel l’eloheinu utnu kavod latorah,May he help, shield and save all whotrust in him, and let us say, amen. Letus all ascribe greatness to our God, andrender honour to the Torah.

If a cohen is present he is called first:

odk cohen kerav. ya’amod ________ ben ________ hacohen.Cohen, approach. Arise _____ son of _____ the cohen.

If there is no cohen present:

ein ka’an cohen, ya’amod _____ ben _____israel (levi) bimkom cohen.There is no cohen present. Arise _____son of _____ Israel (Levi) in place of thecohen.

The Torah is on the bimah

dxezd z`ixw

lŸk§l ri «¦WFi §e o¥bi §e x Ÿf £r©i §ex ©n` Ÿp §e ,FA mi ¦qFg ©dl ¤c «Ÿb Ead lŸM ©d .o ¥n ¨cFak Ep §zE Epi«¥dŸl ¥l


If a cohen is present he iscalled first:

,ax §w o ¥dŸM_____ o¤A _____cŸn £r©i

.o ¥dŸM ©d

If there is no cohen present:

,o ¥dŸk o`k oi ¥____ o¤A ____ cŸn £r©imŸew §n ¦a (i¦e¥l) l ¥ x §y ¦i

.o ¥dŸkodk In the reading of the Torah, a cohen is always called to read first, as the cohen wasthe one who led Israel’s worship. If there is no cohen, a levite is asked to stand in hisplace, if no Levite, an Israelite.1 During the Torah reading, the Torah is placed on a bimah - in the centre of thecongregation so that the congregation is gathered around it just as Israel gatheredaround Mount Sinai for the giving of the Torah. A minimum of three stand aroundthe bimah while the Torah is read. The number of people called to the Torah variesaccording to the day. Monday and Thursday (fast days), Purim and Hanukkah -three; Rosh Chodesh and Chol Hamo’ed - four; Festivals and Rosh Hashanah - five;Yom Kippur - six; Shabbat - seven.

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jexa baruch shenatan torah, l’amo israelbikdushato. Blessed be he, who in his holiness gavethe Torah to his people Israel.


mz`e v’atem hadvekim b’adonaieloheichem, chayim kulchem hayom.You who cleave to the Lord your Godare all alive today.

Reading of the TorahAfter being shown the place

in the Torah, the oleh touches the Torah with the

tzitzit of his tallit and begins:

barchu et adonai hamevorach*Bless the Lord, the blessed One


baruch adonai hamevorach l’olam va’ed.Blessed be the Lord, who is to be

blessed for all eternity.


dxFY o ©zP ¤W KExAl ¥ x §U ¦i FO ©r §l

.FzX ªc §w ¦AAll:

dŸed §i ©A mi ¦w ¥a §C ©d m¤Y © §em¤k§N ªM mi ¦I ©g ,m¤ki ¥dŸl¡

.mFI ©d

dxezd z`ixwAfter being shown the place

in the Torah, the oleh touches the Torah with the

tzitzit of his tallit and begins:

Ek §xAdŸed §i z ¤ .Kx Ÿa §n ©d


KExAKx Ÿa §n ©d d Ÿed §i .c ¤re mlFr§l

jexa Blessed be he, who in his holiness gave the Torah to his people Israel. TheTeaching of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul: the testimony of the Lord isfaithful, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing theheart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The Lord willgive strength to his people: the Lord will bless his people with peace. As for God, hisway is perfect: the word of the Lord is tried: he is a shield to all them that trust in`e And you who cling to the Lord your God are alive every one of you this day.kexa Baruch - in the tradition started by Ezra (Nehemiah 8:6) before the Torah wasblessed he blessed the people and they responded ‘“Amen, Amen,” lifting up their hands.And they bowed their heads and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground.’

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Oleh:baruch adonai hamevorach l’olam va’ed.

Blessed be the Lord, who is to beblessed for all eternity.

Oleh continues:

jexa baruch atah adonai, eloheinu melechha’olam, asher bachar banu mikol ha’amim,1

venatan lanu et torato. baruch atah adonai,noten hatorah.Blessed are You, O Lord our God, Kingof the universe, who has chosen usfrom all peoples1 and has given usyour torah. Blessed are you, O Lord,giver of the torah.

After the reading, the oleh concludes:

jexa baruch atah adonai, eloheinu melechha’olam, asher natan lanu torat emet,vechayei olam nata betochenu. baruch atahadonai, noten hatorah. BLESSED ARE YOU, O Lord our God,King of the universe, who has given usthe law of truth, and has plantedeverlasting life in our midst. Blessed areYou, O Lord, giver of the Torah.

Prayer for the Oleh

jxay in May he who blessed ourfathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, blessall those who have been called to the


KExAKx Ÿa §n ©d d Ÿed §i .c ¤re mlFr§lOleh continues:

KExAd Ÿed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡lM ¦n Ep«A x ©g«A x ¤W£

mi ¦O ©rd1z ¤ Ep«l o ©z«p §e dY © KExA .FzxFY

.dxFY ©d o ¥zFp ,d Ÿed §i

After the reading, the oleh concludes:

dY © KExAd Ÿed §i ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡z ©xFY Ep«l o ©z«p x ¤W£r ©hp mlFr i¥I ©g §e ,z ¤n¡dY © KExA .Ep«¥kFz §A .dxFY ©d o ¥zFp ,d Ÿed §i

Prayer for the Oleh

K ©x¥A ¤W i ¦nEpi«¥zFa£ ,aŸw £r©i §e wg §v ¦i mdx §a ©

1 Deuteronomy 7:6; Romans 3:2

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Reading of the Torah. May the HolyOne bless them and their families,and send blessing and prosperity onall the work of their hands; (On theThree Festivals add: may he be foundworthy to participate in the Templerejoicings on the Festival); and let ussay, amen. (amen.)MI SHEBERACH avoteinu avrahamyitzhak veya’akov, hu yevarech et kolharu’im asher alah latorah. hakadoshbaruch hu yevarech otam v’etmishpachtam, veyishlach berachahvehatzlachah bechol ma’aseh yedeihem,(On the Three Festivals add: viyzakehu la’alotlaregel); venomar amen.


Prayer for the sick

jxay in May he who blessed ourfathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,may he bless and restore the sickperson _______ in the Name of Yeshuaour Messiah. May he in hiscompassion restore him (her) to perfecthealth, and revive him (her), andspeedily send him (her) a completehealing from heaven of soul and ahealing of body; let healing comespeedily. And let us say, Amen.MI SHEBERACH avotenu avrahamyitzchak veya’akov, hu yevarech viyrape naet hachole (hachola) _____ bashem yeshuameshichenu himale na rachamim alav(aleha) lehachalimo (lehachalimah)ulehachayoto (ulehachayotah), ushlach lo(lah) mehera refu’a shlema, refua’t hanefesh,urfu’a kerova lavo. venomar amen.

lM z ¤ K ¥xa §i `EdElr x ¤W£ mi ¦ Ex §T ©dyFcT ©d .mFI ©d dxFY©lmzF` K ¥xa §i `Ed KExAg©l §W ¦i §e ,mY §g ©R §W ¦n z ¤ §elk §A dgl §v ©d §e dkx §A

,m¤di ¥c §i d ¥U£r ©n (On the

Three Festivals add: m¥M©fi ¦e (l¤b«¤xl zFl £r©lx ©n`Ÿp §e

.o ¥n ¨(.o ¥n ¨ )

Prayer for the sick

K ©x¥A ¤W i ¦nEpi«¥zFa£ ,aŸw £r©i §e wg §v ¦i mdx §a ©`p `¥R §xi ¦e K ¥xa §i `Ed(dlFg ©d) d¤lFg ©d z¤©rEW¥i m ¥W©a _______`p ¥lO ¦d Ep¥gi ¦W §n,(di«¤lr) eilr mi ¦n£g ©x(Dni¦l£g ©d§l) Fni¦l£g ©d§l,(DzFi£g ©d§lE) FzFi£g ©d§lEdx ¥d §n (Dl) Fl g©l §WEz © Et §x ,dn¥l §W d ¨ Et §xdaFx §w d ¨ Et §xE ,W¤t«¤P ©d

.o ¥n ¨ x ©n`Ÿp §e .`Ÿal

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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After a Bar Mitzvah boy has finished the Torah blessing,

his father says:

jexa baruch sheptarani me’ansho shel ze.Blessed be he who has freed me from

the responsibility for this boy.

Mi-sheberach for a Barmitzvah.

May he who blessed our fathers,Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, blessthe lad on his barmitzvah, whowas called to the Torah. May theHoly One preserve him and savehim from all sorrow and distress;and may He plant in his heart thelove and fear of God to do His willand serve Him with a perfect spiritall his days; and let us say, Amen.MI SHEBERACH avrahamyitzchak veya’akov, hu yevarech ethabachur asher ala latorah. hakodeshbaruch hu yishmerehu veyatzilehumikol tzara vetzuka, veyasem beliboahavato veyir’ato, vela’asot retzonoul’avdo belevav shalem kol hayamim.venomar amen.

Blessing on the occasion of an intended marriage.

jxay in May he who blessedour fathers, Abraham, Isaac andJacob, bless the bridegroom _____and his bride _____, May the Holy

After a Bar Mitzvah boy hasfinished the Torah blessing,

his father says:

KExAFW §pr ¥n i ¦p «©xh §R ¤W .d¤f l ¤W

Mi-sheberach for a Barmitzvah.

K ©x ¥A ¤W i ¦nEpi «¥zFa £ ,aŸw £r©i §e wg §v ¦i mdx §a ©xEgA ©d z ¤ K ¥xa §i `Ed.dxFY©l dlr x ¤W £`Ed KExA yFcT ©dlM ¦n Ed«¥li ¦S ©i §e Ed «¥x §n §W ¦iFA¦l §A m ¥Ui §e ,dwEv §e dxvzFU£r©l §e ,Fz ¨ §x ¦i §e Fza£d ©aa¥l §A Fc §ar§lE FpFv §xx ©n`Ÿp §e .mi ¦nI ©d lM m¥lW

.o ¥n ¨

Blessing on the occasion of an intended marriage.

K ©x ¥A ¤W i ¦nEpi «¥zFa £ ,aŸw £r©i §e wg §v ¦i mdx §a ©___ ozg ¤d z ¤ K ¥xa §i `Ed

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Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

One guide them with his light andhis truth all their days and sendhappiness and prosperity unto them;and let us say, Amen.MI SHEBERACH avraham yitzchakveya’akov, hu yevarech et hachatan_____ v’et hakala _____. hakadoshbaruch hu yadrichem b’oro va’amito kolhayamim, veyishlach berachavehatzlacha bechol ma’aseh yedehem.venomar amen.

ThanksgivingPersons who have been in peril of their lives, during journeys by sea or land, in captivity or

sickness, upon their deliverance or recovery say:

KExA Blessed are you, O Lord ourGod, King of the universe, who doesgood to the undeserving, and who hasdealt kindly with me.

BARUCH atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melechha’olam, hagomel lechayavim tovim,shegmalani kol tov.

The Congregation responds:

o ¥n ¨ He who has shown you kindness,may he deal kindly with you for ever.

AMEN. Mi shegmalcha kol tov, huyigmalcha kol tov selah.

.___ dN ©M ©d z ¤ §e`Ed KExA WFcT ©dFY ¦n£©e FxF` §A m¥ki ¦x §c©ig©l §W ¦i §e ,mi ¦nI ©d lMlk §A dgl §v ©d §e dkx §Ax ©n`Ÿp §e .m¤di ¥c §i d ¥U£r ©n

.o ¥n ¨

lnebdPersons who have been in perilof their lives, during journeysby sea or land, in captivity or

sickness, upon theirdeliverance or recovery say:

KExAdedi dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡,zFaFh mi ¦aI ©g§l l ¥nFB ©d

.aFh lM i¦p«©ln §B ¤W

The Congregation responds:

o ¥n ¨lM L§ln §B ¤W i ¦n .lM L§ln §b ¦i `Ed ,aFh

.dl«¤q aFh

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The Scroll is covered.


lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadashshme raba (amen)be’alma di vra chir'utehveyamlich malchutehbechayechon uvyomechonuvechayei dechol beit israelba’agala uvizman karivve'imru amen

(amen. yehe shme raba

mevarach le’alam ul’alme’almaya.)

yehe shme raba mevarachle’alam ul’alme ’almaya.yitbarach veyishtabachveyitpa’ar veyitromamveyitnase veyithadar veyit’aleveyithallal shme dekudsha,brich hu

(brich hu)le’ela (During Days of Awe l’ela

The Scroll is covered.

yicw ivgl ©C©B §z ¦i .`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C©w §z ¦i §e

(o ¥n ¨ ),Di ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n §lr §AoFki ¥nFi §aE oFki¥I ©g §A Di ¥zEk§l ©n Ki¦l §n©i §e`lb £r ©A .l ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥A lk §c i¥I ©g §aE

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e .ai ¦xw o ©n§f ¦aE

K ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §i .o ¥n ¨ )(:`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§l

m©lr§l K ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §ig ©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦i .`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lExC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §e x © R §z ¦i §e`W §c ªw §C D ¥n §W lN ©d §z ¦i §e d¤N ©r §z ¦i §e

`Ed Ki ¦x §A(`Ed Ki ¦x §A)

`N «¥r§l)During Days of Awe`N ¥r§lE lcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name

All: the world which he has created according to his will. May he establish hiskingdom during your life and during your days, and during the life of all the houseof Israel, even speedily and at a near time, and say, Amen.

All with Reader — Let his great Name be blessed for ever and to all eternity.Reader.—Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnifiedand praised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He.

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After the Reading.The Scroll is held up.

The Congregation sing:

z`fe vezot hatorah asher sam moshe lifneibenei israel, al pi adonai beyad moshe.This is the Torah which Moses setbefore the children of Israel, at thecommandment of the Lord, by thehand of Moses.

urmiig etz chaim hi lamachazikim bah,vetomcheha m’ushar. deracheha darcheino’am, vechol netivoteha shalom. orechyamim biymiynah, bismo’lah oshervechavod. adonai chafetz lema’an tzidko,yagdil torah veya’dir.It is a tree of life to those who grasp it,and it supporters are praiseworthy. Itsways are ways of pleasantness, and allits paths are peace. Length of days is inits right hand; in its left hand are richesand honour. It pleased the Lord, for hisrighteousness’ sake, to magnify theLaw and to glorify it.

After the Reading.The Scroll is held up.

The Congregation sing:

z`Ÿf §ex ¤W£ dxFY ©d i¥p §A i¥p §t¦l d ¤WŸn mUdŸed §i i ¦R l ©r ,l ¥ x §U ¦i

.d ¤Wn c©i §A

mi ¦I ©g u ¥r`i ¦d ,DA mi ¦wi ¦f£g ©O©l.xX ª §n di«¤k §n Ÿz §e,m ©r «Ÿp i¥k §x ©c di«¤kx §C.mFlW di«¤zFai ¦z §p lk §e,Dpi ¦ni ¦A mi ¦ni K ¤x «Ÿx ¤W «Ÿr Dl` Ÿn §U ¦Au ¥tg d Ÿed §i .cFak §eli ¦C §b ©i ,Fw §c ¦v o ©r «©n §l

.xi ¦C § ©i §e dxFY

Though he be (exceedingly) high above all the blessings and hymns, praises andconsolations, which are uttered in the world; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

mikol) min kol birchata veshirata

tushbechata venechemata da’amiran

be’alma ve'imru amen.


(lM ¦n`zxi ¦W§e `zk §x ¦A lM o ¦n oxi ¦n£ ©C ,`zn¡g¤p §e `zg §A §W ªY

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A(o ¥n ¨ )

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Blessing of the ProphetsThe Torah scroll is tied and covered.

The Haftorah reader says:

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord our God,

King of the universe, who has chosengood prophets, and has found pleasurein their words which were spoken intruth. Blessed art You, O Lord, who haschosen the Torah, and Moses yourservant, and Israel your people, andprophets of truth and righteousness.(amen.) BARUCH atah adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, asher bachar binvi’im tovim,veratza bedivreihem hane’emarim be’emet,baruch atah adonai, habocher batorahuvmoshe avdo, uvyisrael amo, uvinvi’eiha’emet vatzedek. (amen.)

After the Haftorah, the following blessings are said by the reader:

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord our God,King of the universe, Rock of all worlds,righteous through all generations, Ofaithful God, who says and does, whospeaks and fulfils, all whose words aretruth and righteousness. Faithful are

dxhtdd zekxaThe Torah scroll is tied and


The Haftorah reader says:

KExAdŸed §i d³Y © ,m ½lFrd K¤l ¤n ÆEpi ¥dŸl¡mi´¦ i ¦a §p ¦A Æx ©gA x³¤W£d¬vx §e ,mi ½¦aFhmi ´¦xn¡¤P ©d m­¤di ¥x §a ¦c §ad ¹Y © KExA ,z®¤n¡ ¤AÆdxFY ©A x³¥gFA ©d ,dŸed §i,F ½C §a ©r d´¤W Ÿn §aE,F ½O ©r l´¥ x §U ¦i §aEz­¤n ¡ d i¬¥ i ¦a §p ¦aE

(.o ¥n ¨ ) .w¤c«¤ve

After the Haftorah, the following blessings are said by the reader:

KExAd Ÿed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡,mi ¦nlFrd lM xEv,zFxFC ©d lk §A wi ¦C ©v

jexa - Baruch. Sefer HaChinuch, in enumerating the taryag mitzvot (613commandments) comments (no. 430) that since we cannot add anything to God’sgreatness, ‘Baruch’ should be regarded as a description of who he is. He is, in reality,the source of all blessing.

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you, O Lord our God, and faithfulare your words, and not one ofyour words shall return void, foryou are a faithful and merciful Godand King. Blessed are you, O Lord,God, faithful in all your words.(amen)BARUCH atah adonai eloheinumelech ha’olam, tzur kol ha’olamim,tzadik bechol hadorot, ha’elhane’eman ha’omer v’oseh, hamedaberumekayem, shekol devarav emetvatzedek. ne’eman atah hu adonaieloheinu, vene’emanim devarecha,vedavar echad midvarecha achor loyashuv rikam, ki el melech ne’emanverachaman atah. baruch atah adonaiha’el hane’eman bechol devarav.(amen.)

mgx Have mercy on Zion, for it isthe source of our life, and save herthat is grieved in spirit speedily,even in our days. Blessed are you,O Lord, who makes Zion joyful inher children. (amen.)RACHEM al tzion ki hi beitchayeynu, vela’aluvat nefesh toshi’abimherah beyameinu. baruch atahadonai, mesameach tzion bevaneha.(amen.)

x ¥nF`d on¡¤P ©d l ¥ d,m¥I ©w §nE x¥A ©c §n ©d ,d ¤UŸr §ez ¤n ¡ eixa §C lM ¤W`Ed dY © on¡¤p .w¤c«¤vemi ¦pn¡¤p §e ,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §icg ¤ xac §e *,Li «¤xa §C`Ÿl xFg ¨ Li «¤xa §C ¦nl ¥ i ¦M ,mwi ¥x aEWi.dY«¨ on£g ©x §e on¡¤p K¤l«¤nl ¥ d ,d Ÿed §i dY © KExA.eixa §C lk §A on¡¤P ©d


m¥g ©x`i ¦d i ¦M oFI ¦v l ©r

z ©aE «l £r©l §e ,Epi«¥I ©g zi ¥Adx ¥d §n ¦A ©ri «¦WFY W ¤t«¤pdY © KExA .Epi «¥ni §aoFI ¦v ©g«¥O ©U §n ,d Ÿed §i

(on`) .di«¤pa §A

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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epgny Gladden us, O Lord our God,with Elijah the prophet, your servant,1

and with the kingdom of the house ofDavid, your anointed. Soon may hereturn and rejoice our hearts. Suffer nota stranger to sit upon his throne, nor letothers any longer inherit his glory; forby your holy Name you swore untohim, that his light should not bequenched for ever. Blessed are you, OLord, the Shield of David. (amen.)SAMCHENU, adonai eloheinu, b’eliyahuhanavi avdecha,1 uvmalchut beit davidmeshichecha, bimherah yashuv veyagellibenu, al kis’o lo yeshev zar, velo yinchaluod acherim et kevodo, ki b’shem kadshechanishba’ta lo shelo yichbeh nero l’olamva’ed. baruch atah adonai, magen david.(amen.)

On fast days the blessings end here.

On Sabbaths and festivals continue:

dxezd lr For the Torah, for the divineservice, for the prophets, and for thisSabbath day, which you, O Lord ourGod, have given us for holiness and forrest, for honour and for glory, for all

,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i ,Ep«¥g §O ©U`i ¦aP ©d Ed«I ¦l ¥ §A

,L «¤C §a ©r1zi¥A zEk§l ©n §aE dx ¥d §n ¦A ,L«¤gi ¦W §n c¦eCl ©r ,Ep«¥A¦l l¥bi §e aEWi,xf a ¤W«¥i Ÿl F` §q ¦McFr El£g§p ¦i Ÿl §ei ¦M ,FcFa §M z ¤ mi ¦x¥g£Y §r«©A §W¦p L §W §cw m ¥W §aFx¥p d¤A §k ¦i ŸN ¤W FNKExA .c ¤re mlFr §l.c ¦eC o¥bn ,d Ÿed §i dY ©

(o ¥n ¨ )

On fast days the blessingsend here.

On Sabbaths and festivalscontinue:

dxFY ©d l ©rl ©r §e ,l ©r §e ,dcFa £rdmFi l ©r §e ,mi ¦ i ¦a §P ©dY«©zP ¤W ,d¤G ©d zA ©X ©d

1 Malachi 3:1, 4:5. Elijah the prophet is to herald the reign of King Messiah, adescendant of David. Yochanan the Immerser thus came in the ‘spirit and the power’of Elijah (Luke 1:17,76). Yeshua went further, saying ‘if you are willing to accept it, heis Elijah who is to come’ (Matthew 11:14).

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these we thank and bless you,1 O Lordour God, blessed be your Name by themouth of every living being continuallyand forever. Blessed are you O Lord,who hallows the Sabbath.

AL HATORAH, v’al ha’avodah, v’alhanevi’im, v’al yom hashabbat hazeh,shenatata lanu, adonai eloheinu, likdushahvelimnuchah, lechavod uletif’aret. al hakol,adonai eloheinu, anachnu modim lach,umevarchim otach,1 yitbarach shimcha befikol chai tamid l’olam va’ed. baruch atahadonai mekadesh hashabbat.

,Epi ¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i ,Ep«N,dgEp §n ¦l §e dX ªc §w ¦ll ©r .z ¤x«¨ §t ¦z§lE cFak§l,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i ,lŸM ©d,Kl mi ¦cFn Ep §g«©p£,KzF` mi ¦k §xa §nE1

lM i ¦t §A L §n ¦W K ©xA §z ¦i.c ¤re mlFr§l ci ¦nY i ©g,d Ÿed §i dY © KExA

.zA ©X ©d W ¥C©w §n

1 1 Chronicles 29:13.

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

On the Festivals, and on the Shabbat during

Sukkot, say:

For the Torah, for the divine service,for the prophets; and for this On Shabbat: Sabbath Day,On Passover: day of the Feast of Unleavened

Bread,On Shavuot: day of the Feast of WeeksOn Sukkot: day of the Feast of TabernaclesOn Shmini Atzeret: day of Shmini Atzeret,

which you, O Lord our God, has givenus

On Shabbat add: for holiness and for rest, for joy and gladness, for honour andglory, — for all these we thank andbless you, O Lord our God, blessed be

On the Festivals, and on the Shabbat

during Sukkot, say:

l ©r §e ,dxFY ©d l ©rl ©r §e ,dcFa £rd

mFi l ©r §e ,mi ¦ i ¦a §P ©dOn Sabbath add

,d¤G ©d zA ©X ©dOn Pesach say

zFS ©O ©d b ©gOn Shavuot say

zFr ªaX ©d b ©gOn Sukkot say

zFM ªQ ©d b ©g

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aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

your Name by the mouth of everyliving being continually and forever. Blessed are you, O Lord, whohallows (the Shabbat,) Israel and theFestivals.

al hatorah, v’al ha’avodah, v’alhanevi’im, v’al yom On Shabbat: hashabbat hazehOn Passover: chag hamatzotOn Shavuot: chag hashavuotOn Sukkot: chag hasukkotOn Shmini Atzeret: hashmini chag

ha’atzerethazeh, shenatata lanu adonai eloheinuOn Sabbath add: likdushah velimnucha)lesason ulesimcha, lechavoduletif’aret. al hakol adonai eloheinu,anachnu modim lach, umevarchimotach, yitbarach shimcha befi kol chaitamid l’olam va’ed. baruch atahadonai mekadeshOn Shabbat add: hashabbat ve-israel vehazmanim.

On Shmini Atzeret say

z¤x«¤v £rd b ©g i ¦pi ¦n §X ©ddŸed §i Ep«N Y«©zP ¤W ,d¤G ©d

,Epi«¥dŸl¡On Sabbath add

dgEp §n¦l §e dX ªc §w¦l,dg §n ¦U§lE oFUU§ll ©r .z ¤x«¨ §t ¦z§lE cFak§l,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i lŸM ©d,Kl mi ¦cFn Ep §g«©p£,KzF` mi ¦k §xa §nElM i ¦t §A L §n ¦W K ©xA §z ¦i.c ¤re mlFr§l ci ¦nY i ©g,d Ÿed §i dY © KExA

W ¥C©w §nOn Sabbath add

-§e zA ©X ©d .mi ¦P ©n§G ©d §e l ¥ x §U ¦i

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Blessings of the BesorahThe reader of the Besorah:

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord our God,King of the universe, who has revealedto us the good news of redemptionthrough Yeshua our Messiah, bringingsalvation to Israel and all nations.Blessed are you, O Lord who reveals theMessiah.1 (amen.)BARUCH atah adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, asher gila elenu et besorat hag’ulahal yedei yeshua meshichenu, umevi yeshuahleyisrael ulechol hagoyim. baruch atahadonai, megaleh hamashiach.1 (amen.)

After the Besorah is read, the reader says:

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord our God,King of the universe, who makes a NewCovenant with us, by which he writeshis Torah on our hearts.2 blessed areyou, O Lord, who makes the NewCovenant. (amen.)BARUCH atah adonai eloheinu melechha’olam, ahser koret itanu brit chadasha,v’al levavenu kotev et torato.2 baruch atahadonai kotev habrit chadasha. (amen.)

dxeya zekxaThe reader of the Besorah:

KExAdŸed §i d³Y © ,m ½lFrd K¤l ¤n ÆEpi ¥dŸl¡z ¥ Epi¥l ¥ dN ¦B x³¤W£l ©r dN ª §B ©d z ©xFU §AzEp¥gi ¦W §n ©rEW §i i ¥c §idrEW §i `i ¦a ¥nE.m ¦iFB ©d lk§lE l ¥ x §Ui§l,d Ÿed §i d³Y © KExA

. ©gi ¦W §n ©d d¤N©B §n1(o ¥n ¨ )

After the Besorah is read, thereader says:

KExAd Ÿed §i d³Y © ,m ½lFrd K¤l ¤n ÆEpi ¥dŸl¡EpY ¦ z ¥xFM x³¤W £l ©r §e ,dWc£g zix §Az ¤ a ¥zFM Ep ¥aa §l

.FzxFY2 d³Y © KExA

zix §A ©d a ¥zFM ,dŸed §i(o ¥n ¨ ) .dWc£g

1 Blessing used by permission of First Fruits of Zion.2 Jeremiah 31:30.

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wnrÎdn Oh the depth of the richesboth of the wisdom and knowledge ofGod. How unsearchable are hisjudgments and his ways past findingout. For of him and through him and tohim are all things, to whom be gloryforever.1 (amen.)MAH OMEK osher ha’elohim, mah omekchochmato vedato. ein cheker lemishpatavv’ein masig et derachav, ki hakol miyadohakol bo vehakol lo hu asher lo hakavodl’olam va’ed.1 (amen.)

Yekum PurkanThe following three

paragraphs are not said on Festivals on weekdays:

owxet mewi May salvation from heaven,with grace, lovingkindness, mercy, longlife, ample sustenance, heavenly aid,health of body, a higher enlightenment,and a living and abiding offspring, thatwill not break with, nor neglect any ofthe words of the Torah, be granted tothe teachers and rabbis of the holycommunity, who are in the land ofIsrael, and in the land of Babylon,* tothe heads of the academies, the chiefs ofthe captivity, the heads of the colleges,

w ¤nŸr dnx ¤WŸr w ¤nŸr dn ,mi ¦dŸl ¤ doi ¥ .Fz ©c §e Fzn §kgoi ¥ §e eihR §W ¦n§l x¤w¥gi ¦k ,eikx §C z ¤ bi ¦V ©nŸea lŸk ©d Ÿeci ¦n lŸk ©dŸelÎx ¤W£ `Ed Ÿel lŸk ©d §e.c ¤re ml Ÿer§l cŸeaM ©d1

(o ¥n ¨ )

owxet mewiThe following three

paragraphs are not said onFestivals on weekdays:

ow §xER mEw §io ¦n `C §q ¦g §e `P ¦g ,`I ©n §W,i¥ki ¦x£ i¥I ©g §e i ¥n£g ©x §e`Y §r©I ¦q §e ,i ¥gi ¦e §x i¥pFf §nEzEi §x ©aE ,`I ©n §W ¦c.`i§l ©r ©n `xFd §pE ,`tEB,`nI ©w §e `I ©g `r §x©f,wEq §t ¦i `l i ¦C `r §x©f,lEh §a ¦i `l i ¦c §e

1 Romans 11:33,36.

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and the judges in the gates; to all theirdisciples, to all the disciples of theirdisciples, and to all who occupythemselves with the study of the Torah.1

May the King of the universe blessthem, prolong their lives, increase theirdays, and add to their years, and maythey be saved and delivered from everytrouble and mishap. May the Lord ofheaven be their help at all times andseasons; and may Yeshua our Messiahbe revealed to them, and let us say,amen.YEKUM PURKAN min shemaya, chinavechisda verachmei vechayei aricheiumezonei revichei vesiyata dishmaya,uvaryut gufa, unehora ma’alya. zar’achaya vekayama, zar’a di la yifsuk, vedi layivtul, mipitgamei orayta. lemarananverabanan, chavurata kadishata, di b’ar’adeyisrael, vedi bevavel, lereishei kalei,ulereishei galvata, ulereishei metivata,uledayanei di bava, lechol talmideihon,ulechol talmidei talmideihon, ulechol mand’askin b’orayta.1 malka d’alma, yevarechyat-hon, yapish chayeiyhon, veyasgeyomeihon, veyiten archah lishneihon,veyitparkun veyishtezvun min kol akaumin kol mar’in bishin. maran dibishmaya yehei besa’dehon, kol zemanv'idan, vehayah yeshua megulach aleichemvenomar amen. (amen.)

.`z §i ©xF` i ¥nB §z ¦R ¦n,opA ©x §e opxn §li ¦C ,`zWi ¦C©w `zxEa£gi ¦c §e ,l ¥ x §U ¦i §c `r §x © §a,i¥N ©k i ¥Wi ¥x§l ,l¤aa §A,`ze §l ©b i ¥Wi ¥x §lE,`zai ¦z §n i ¥Wi ¥x §lElk§l ,`aa i ¦c i¥pI ©c§lElk §lE ,oFdi ¥ci ¦n§l ©Y

i ¥ci ¦n§l ©Y,oFdi ¥ci ¦n §l ©z oi ¦w §qr §C on lk §lE

.`z §i ©xF` §A1`M §l ©n ,oFd §z©i K ¥xa §i ,`n§lr §c`¥B §q©i §e ,oFdi¥I ©g Wi ¦R©idk §x © o ¥Y ¦i §e ,oFdi ¥nFioEw §xR §z ¦i §e ,oFdi¥p §W ¦l`wr lM o ¦n oEa§f ¥Y §W ¦i §e.oi ¦Wi ¦A oi ¦r §x ©n lM o ¦nE` ¥d §i `I ©n §W ¦a i ¦C oxno ©n§f lM ,oFd §C §r ©q §a©rEW¥i did §e ,oC ¦r §ex ©n`Ÿp §e m¤ki¥l£ glªb §n

.o ¥n ¨1 1 Timothy 5:17,18

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For those in leadership. Said only with a Minyan.

owxet mewi May salvation arise fromheaven, with grace, lovingkindnessmercy, long life, ample sustenance,heavenly aid, health of body, loftyvision, and a living and abidingoffspring, that will not break with, norneglect any of the words of the Torahand our Messiah, be granted unto allthis holy congregation, great and small,women and children. May the King ofthe universe bless you, prolong yourlives, increase your days and add toyour years, and may you be saved anddelivered from every trouble andmishap. May the Lord of heaven beyour help at all times and seasons, andlet us say, amen. (amen.)YEKUM PURKAN min shemaya, chinavechisda verachamei chayei arichei,umezonei revichei vesiya’ta dishmaya,uvaryut gufa, unehora ma’alya. zar’achaya vekayama, zar’a di la yifsuk, vedi layivtul, mipitgamei oraita umeshichenu.lechol kehala kadisha hadein, ravrevaya imz’eraya, tafla uneshaya. malka d’alma,yevarech yatchon, yapish chayeichon,vayasgei yomeichon, veyiten archahlishneichon, vetitparkun vetishtezvun minkol aka umin kol mar’in biyshin. maran dibishmaya yehei besa’dechon, kol zemanv'idan, venomar amen. (amen.)

For those in leadership. Saidonly with a Minyan.

ow §xER mEw §io ¦n `C §q ¦g §e `P ¦g ,`I ©n §W,i¥ki ¦x£ i¥I ©g §e i ¥n£g ©x §e`Y §r©I ¦q §e ,i ¥gi ¦e §x i¥pFf §nEzEi §x ©aE ,`I ©n §W ¦c.`i§l ©r ©n `xFd §pE ,`tEB,`nI ©w §e `I ©g `r §x©f,wEq §t ¦i `l i ¦C `r §x©f,lEh §a ¦i `l i ¦c §e`z §i ©xF` i ¥nB §z ¦R ¦n`ld §w lk§l .Ep ¥gi §W §nE,oi ¥cd `Wi ¦C ©w,`I ©x ¥r§f m ¦r `I ©a §x §a ©x`M§l ©n .`I ©W§pE `l §t ©h,oFk §z©i K ¥xa §i ,`n§lr §c`¥B §q©i §e ,oFki¥I ©g Wi ¦R©idk §x © o ¥Y ¦i §e ,oFki ¥nFioEw §xR §z ¦z §e ,oFki¥p §W¦l`wr lM o ¦n oEa§f ¥Y §W ¦z §e.oi ¦Wi ¦A oi ¦r §x ©n lM o ¦nE` ¥d §i `I ©n §W ¦a i ¦C oxno ©n§f lM ,oFk §C §r ©q §a.o ¥n ¨ x ©n`Ÿp §e ,oC ¦r §e

(o ¥n ¨ )

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For those who serve the community. Said only with a Minyan.

jxay in May he who blessed ourfathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, blessall this holy congregation, together withall other holy congregations; them, theirwives, their sons and daughters, and allthat belong to them; those also who uniteto form Synagogues for prayer, and thosewho enter them to pray; those who givethe lamps for lighting, and wine forKiddush and Havdalah, bread for visitors,and charity to the poor, and all whooccupy themselves in faithfulness withthe wants of the congregation. May theHoly One, blessed be he, give them theirrecompense; may he remove from themall sickness, heal all their body, forgive alltheir iniquity, and send blessing andprosperity upon all the work of theirhands, as well as upon all Israel, theirbrethren; and let us say, amen. (amen.)

MI SHEBERACH avoteinu, avraham,yitzchak veya’akov, hu vevarech et kolhakahal hakadosh hazeh, im kol kehilothakodesh, hem unesheihem uvneihemuvnoteihem, vechol asher lahem. umishemyachadim batei knesiyot litfilah, umisheba’im betocham lehitpalel umi shenotnimner lama’or veyayin lekidush ulehavdalah,ufat la’orchim utzdakah la’aniyiym, vecholmi she’oskim betzarchei tzibur be’emunah,hakadosh baruch hu yeshalem secharam,veyasir mehem kol machalah, veyirpa lecholgufam, veyislach lechol avonam, veyishlachberachah vehatzlachah bechol ma’asehyedeihem, im kol israel acheihem, venomaramen. (amen.)

For those who serve: Said only with a Minyan.

K ©x¥A ¤W i ¦n,Epi«¥zFa£ ,aŸw £r©i §e wg §v ¦i mdx §a ©lM z ¤ K ¥xa §i `Edm ¦r ,d¤G ©d WFcT ©d ldT ©dm¥d ,W ¤c «ŸT ©d zFN ¦d §w lMm¤di¥p §aE m¤di ¥W§pEx ¤W£ lk §e ,m ¤di ¥zFp §aEmi ¦c£g©i §O ¤W i ¦nE .m¤dl,dN ¦t §z¦l zFI ¦q¥p §k i ¥YAmkFz §A mi ¦ A ¤W i ¦nEmi ¦p §zFP ¤W i ¦nE ,l¥N ©R §z ¦d§lWEC ¦w§l o¦i«©i §e xF`O©l x¥pz ©tE ,dlC §a ©d §lEdwc §vE mi ¦g §xF`li ¦n lk §e ,mi ¦I ¦p £rlxEA ¦v i¥k §xv §A mi ¦w §qFr ¤WKExA WFcT ©d ,dpEn¡ ¤A,mxk §U m¥N ©W §i `Ed,dl£g ©n lM m¤d ¥n xi ¦qi §e,mtEB lk§l `R §x ¦i §e,mpŸe £r lk§l g©l §q ¦i §edgl §v ©d §e dkx §A g©l §W ¦i §e,m ¤di ¥c §i d ¥U £r ©n lk §A,m¤di¥g£ l ¥ x §U ¦i lM m ¦r

(o ¥n ¨) .o ¥n ¨ x ©n`Ÿp §e

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Prayer for the Royal Family

The Torah Scroll is held.

ozepd He who gives salvation to kingsand dominion to princes, whosekingdom is an everlasting kingdom,may he bless1

HANOTEN teshuah lamlachimumemshala lansichim, malchuto malchutkol olamim, hu yevarech1

Prayer for theRoyal Family

The Torah Scroll is held.

o ¥zFP ©ddrEW §Y dlW §n ¤nE mi ¦kl §O©lFzEk§l ©n ,mi ¦ki ¦q §P©l,mi ¦nlFr lM zEk§l ©n

K ¥xa §i `Ed1

1 1 Timothy 2:1-3. This prayer is traditionally modified in each country.The prayers forgovernment and for the Royal Family are included according to the instruction ofJeremiah 29:7 to the exiles from Jerusalem (6th century BCE) ‘seek the peace of the cityto which I have exiled you’ and the instruction of Rav Shaul in a letter to his disciple(1 Timothy 2:1-2) ‘make supplications... for kings and all who are in authority that wemay live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.’

aeh meile zayl zixgy zlitz

May the supreme King of kings in hismercy preserve the Queen in life, guardher and deliver her from all trouble andsorrow. May he put a spirit of wisdomand understanding in her heart and intothe hearts of all her counsellors, that theymay maintain the peace of the kingdom,advance the welfare of the nation, anddeal kindly and fairly with all the Houseof Israel. In her days and in ours may theHeavenly Father spread the tabernacle of

mi ¦kl §O ©d i¥k§l ©n K¤l«¤n,di¥I ©g §i ein£g ©x §Adxv lM ¦nE ,d ¤x §n §W ¦i §eo ¥Y ¦i §e .d¤li ¦S©i oFbi §elM a¥l §aE DA¦l §Adn §kg ©gEx ,di¤v £r ŸeimŸel §W wi¦f£g ©d§l ,dpi ¦ae

Our Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth,Philip, Duke of Edinburgh,Charles, Prince of Wales,And all the Royal Family.

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peace over all who dwell on earth, andmay the Redeemer return to Zion; andlet us say, amen.MELECH malchei hamlachim berachamavyechayeyha, veyishmereha umikol tzarahveyagon yatzileha. veyiten belibah uvelevkol yo’atzeha, ruach chachmah uvinah,lehachazik shelom hamalchut, veshalvatamah, vela’asot chesed ve’emet im kolisrael. beyameha, uveyameinu, yifros avinushebashamaim sukkat shalom al kol yoshveitevel, uva letzion go’el venomar amen.(amen.)

Prayer for Israel and theIsraeli Defence Forces

jxay in May he who blessed ourfathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, blessthe State of Israel, its leaders andadvisors in the land which he swore toour fathers to give us. Put into theirhearts love and fear of you to uphold itwith justice and righteousness, and maywe be worthy in our days to see thefulfilment of the words of your servantsthe prophets: ‘For the law shall go forthfrom Zion, and the Word of the Lordfrom Jerusalem.’ Our Father in heaven,remember the Israel Defense Forces,guardians of our holy Land. Protectthem from all distress and anguish, and

z©e §l ©W §e ,zEk §l ©O ©dc¤q¤g zŸeU£r©l §e ,DO ©r

lM m ¦r z ¤n ¡ ¤e,di ¤ni §A .l ¥ x §U ¦iEpi ¦a ¨ UŸx §t ¦i ,Epi ¥ni §aEmŸelW z©M ªq m ¦i ©nW ©A ¤W,l¥a ¥z i¥a §W Ÿei lM l ©r,l ¥ ŸeB o ŸeI ¦v§l `aE

(o ¥n ¨ ) .o ¥n ¨ x ©n`Ÿp §e

Prayer for Israel and theIsraeli Defence Forces

K ©x¥A ¤W i ¦n,Epi«¥zFa£ ,aŸw £r©i §e wg §v ¦i mdx §a ©z©pi ¦c §n z ¤ K ¥xa §i `Ed,di ¤W`x ,l ¥ x §U ¦idnc£d l ©r ,di¤v £r Ÿei §eEpi ¥z Ÿea£©l r ©A §W¦p x ¤W£mA¦l §A o ¥Y .Epl z ¥zl,L §z ¨ §x ¦i §e ,L §za £d ©hR §W ¦n §A Dc £r ©q §ld ¤M §f ¦p §e ,dwc §v ¦aEL ¤ca £r i ¥x §a ¦c§l Epi ¥ni §A

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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send blessing and success to all thework of their hands. Grant peace inyour holy Land and everlastinghappiness to all who dwell in it, so thatJacob shall again have peace andtranquillity, with no one to make himafraid. Spread the tabernacle of yourpeace over all who dwell on earth. Maythis be your will, and let us say, amen.(amen.)MI SHEBERACH avoteinu, avrahamyitzchak veya’akov, hu yevarech etmedinat israel, rasheha, veyo’atzeha, alha’adamah asher nishba la’avoteinu latetlanu. ten belibam ahavatcha, veyir’atcha,lesa’adah bemishpat uvitzdakah, venizkehbeyameinu ledivrei avadecha hanevi’im, kimitzion tetze torah, udevar adonaimirushalaim. avinu shebashamaim, pekodna et chayalei tzeva hahaganah leyisraelmeginei eretz kadshenu. shamrem mikoltzarah vetzukah, ushlach berachah,vehatzlachah, bechol ma’ase yedeihem. simshalom ba’aretz, vesimchat ‘olam al kolyoshveha, veshav ya’akov veshakatvesha’anan v’ein macharid. ufrosh sukkatshlomecha al kol yoshvei tevel artzecha,vechen yehi ratzon. venomar amen.(amen.)

o Ÿei ¦S ¦n i ¦M ,mi ¦ i ¦a §P ©dx ©a §cE ,dx Ÿez `¥v ¥Y.m ¦ilWEx §i ¦n d Ÿed §i

,m ¦i ©nW ©A ¤W Epi ¦a ¨i¥lI ©g z ¤ `p cFw §RdPb £d ©d `a §vu ¤x ¤ i¥P ¦b §n l ¥ x §U ¦i§llM ¦n m ¥x §nW .Ep ¥W §cwg©l §WE ,dwEv §e dxv,dgl §v ©d §e ,dkx §A.m¤di ¥c §i d ¥U£r ©n lk §A,u ¤x ¨ A mŸelW mi ¦UlM l ©r mlFr z©g §n ¦U§eaŸw £r©i aW §e ,di¤a §WFioi ¥ §e op£ ©W§e h©wW §ez©M ªq WFx §tE .ci ¦x£g ©ni¥a §WFi lM l ©r L §nFl §Wi ¦d §i o¥k §e ,j¤v §x © l¥a ¥z.o ¥n ¨ x ©n`Ÿp §e .o Ÿevx

(o ¥n ¨ )

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Blessing the MonthOn the Sabbath before the new moon. The cantor stands at the

bimah and he or one next to him holds the Torah.

Congregation then cantor.

oevx idi May it be your will, O Lordour God and God of our fathers, torenew to us this coming month forgood and for blessing. Grant us longlife, a life of peace, of good, ofblessing, of sustenance, of physicalhealth, a life marked by the fear ofHeaven and the dread of sin, a life inwhich there is no shame orhumiliation, a life of prosperity andhonour, a life in which the love of theTorah and the fear of Heaven shallcling to us, a life in which the desiresof our heart shall be fulfilled for good.amen. Selah.YEHI RATZON milfanecha, adonaieloheinu v’elohei avoteinu, shetchadeshaleinu et hachodesh hazeh letovahvelivrachah, vetiten lanu chayimaruchim, chayim shel shalom, chayimshel tovah, chayim shel berachah,chayim shel parnasah, chayim shelchilutz atzamot, chayim sheyesh bahemyir’at shamayim veyir’at chet’, chayimshe’ein bahem bushah uchlimah, chayimshel osher vechavod, chayim shet-hebanu ahavat torah veyir’at shamaim,chaim sheymale adonai mish’alot libenuletovah, amen. selah.

ycegd zkxaOn the Sabbath before the newmoon. The cantor stands at the

bimah and he or one next to himholds the Torah.

Congregation then cantor.

oFvx i ¦d §i,Li«¤pt§N ¦n i ¥dŸl`¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §iEpi«¥lr W ¥C©g §Y ¤W ,Epi«¥zFa£daFh§l d¤G ©d W ¤c «Ÿg ©d z ¤mi ¦I ©g Ep«l o ¤Y ¦z §e ,dkx §a¦l §el ¤W mi ¦I ©g ,mi ¦kEx£,daFh l ¤W mi ¦I ©g ,mFlWmi ¦I ©g ,dkx §A l ¤W mi ¦I ©gl ¤W mi ¦I ©g ,dqp §x ©R l ¤Wmi ¦I ©g ,zFnv £r uEN ¦gm ¦i«©nW z © §x ¦i m¤dA W¥I ¤Wmi ¦I ©g ,` §h ¥g z © §x ¦i §edWEA m¤dA oi ¥ ¤Wx ¤W «Ÿr l ¤W mi ¦I ©g ,dO¦l §kEEp«a ` ¥d §Y ¤W mi ¦I ©g ,cFak §ez © §x ¦i §e dxFY z©a£d ©¥N ©n §I ¤W mi ¦I ©g ,m ¦i«©nW

Ep«¥A ¦l zFl £ §W ¦n d Ÿed §i.dl«¤q o ¥n ¨ ,daFh§l

Shacharit for Shabbat and Yom Tov

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The congregation is told of the molad then recites:

dyry in He who wrought miraclesfor our fathers, and redeemed themfrom slavery to freedom, may hespeedily redeem us, and gather ourexiles from the four corners of the earth,even all Israel united in fellowship; andlet us say, amen.MI SHE’ASAH nisim la’avoteinu, vega’alotam me’avdut lecherut, hu yig’al otanubekarov, viykabetz nidacheinu me’arbakanfot ha’aretz, chaverim kol israel,venomar amen.

Cantor takes Torah scroll.

Congregation repeats after the cantor:

The New Moon of _____ (the month)will be on _____ (the day). May it come to us and to all Israel forgoodness.ROSH CHODESH _____ yihyeh beyom _____haba aleinu v’al kol israel letovah.

Congregation then the cantor:

edycgi May the Holy One, blessed behe, renew it to us and to all his people,the house of Israel, for life and peace,for gladness and joy, for salvation andconsolation; and let us say, amen.

The congregation is told ofthe molad then recites:

dUr ¤W i ¦nmi ¦Q ¦p mzF` l © b §e ,Epi«¥zFa£©l`Ed ,zEx¥g§l zEc §a ©r ¥n,aFxw §A Ep«zF` l © §b ¦ir ©A §x © ¥n Epi«¥gC ¦p u¥A©wi ¦emi ¦x¥a£g ,u ¤x«¨ d zFt §p ©Mx ©n`Ÿp §e ,l ¥ x §U ¦i lM

.o ¥n ¨

Cantor takes Torah scroll.

Congregation repeats afterthe cantor:

( ) y ¤cŸg W`Ÿx ( ) mFi §A d¤i §d ¦i

lM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr `A ©d .daFh§l l ¥ x §U ¦i

Congregation then thecantor:

Ed«¥W §C ©g §iKExA WFcT ©d lM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr `Ed,l ¥ x §U ¦i zi ¥A FO ©r

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YECHADSHEHU hakadosh baruch hualeinu v’al kol amo beit israel, lechaimuleshalom, lesason ulesimchah, liyshuahulenechamah, venomar amen.

Memorial PrayerThe following is said on Sabbaths before Shavuot

and the ninth of Av:

mingxd a` May the Father of mercies,who dwells on high, in his mightycompassion, remember those loving,upright, and blameless ones, the holycongregations, who laid down theirlives for the sanctification of the divineName, who were lovely and pleasant intheir lives, and in their death were notdivided; swifter than eagles, strongerthan lions to do the will of their Masterand the desire of their Rock. May ourGod remember them for good with theother righteous of the world, and renderretribution for the blood of his servantswhich has been shed; as it is written inthe Torah of Moses, the man of God,Rejoice, O nations, with his people, forhe will avenge the blood of his servants,and will render retribution to hisadversaries, and will make expiation forthe land of his people.1 And by the

oFUU§l ,mFlW§lE mi ¦I ©g§ldrEWi ¦l ,dg §n ¦U §lE.o ¥n ¨ x ©n`Ÿp §e ,dng¤p§lE

mingxd a`The following is said on

Sabbaths before Shavuot and the ninth of Av:

mi ¦n£g ©xd a ©o¥kFW ,ein£g ©x §A ,mi ¦nFx §ncFw §t ¦i `Ed ,mi ¦nEv £rdmi ¦ci ¦q£g ©d ,mi ¦n£g ©x §A,mi ¦ni ¦n §Y ©d §e mi ¦xW §i ©d §eEx §qO ¤W W ¤c «ŸT ©d zFN ¦d §wz ©X ªc §w l ©r mW §t©pmi ¦ad ¡¤P ©d ,m ¥X ©d,m ¤di¥I ©g §A mi ¦ni ¦r §P ©d §e,Ec «x §t ¦p Ÿl mzFn §aE,EN «©w mi ¦xW §P ¦n,Ex«¥aB zFix £ ¥nEmpFw oFv §x zFU £r©lm ¥x §M §f ¦i .mxEv u ¤t«¥g §e

1 Deuteronomy 32:43.

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hands of your servants, the Prophets, itis written saying, I will hold (theheathen) innocent, but not in regard tothe blood which they have shed: for theLord dwells in Zion.1 And in the HolyWritings it is said, Why should theheathen say, Where then is their God?Let there be made known among thenations in our sight the revenge for theblood of your servants which has beenshed.2 And it is said, For he that rendersretribution for blood remembers them;he forgets not the cry of the humble.3

And it is further said. He shall judgeamong the nations. The places are full ofdead bodies: he shall smite rulers over awide land. Of the brook shall he drinkin the way: therefore shall he lift up thehead.4

AV HARACHAMIM, shochen meromim,berachamav ha’atzumim, hu yifkodberachamim, hachasidim vehayesharimvehatmimim, kehilot hakodesh shemasrunafsham al kedushat hashem, hane’ehavimvehan’imim bechayeihem, uvmotam lonifradu, minsharim kalu, ume’arayotgaveru, la’asot retzon konam vechefetztzuram. yizkerem eloheinu letovah, imsh’ar tzadikei olam, veyinkom l’eineinunikmat dam avadav hashafuch, kakatuvbetorat moshe, ish ha’elohim: harninugoyim amo, ki dam avadav yikom,venakam yashiv letzarav, vechiper admatoamo.1 v’al yedei avadecha hanevi’im katuv

m ¦r ,daFh§l Epi«¥dŸl¡,mlFr i¥wi ¦C ©v x ¨ §Wz ©n §w ¦p Epi«¥pi ¥r§l mFw §p ¦i §e,KEtX ©d eica £r m ©Cd ¤W Ÿn z ©xFz §A aEzM ©M:mi ¦dŸl ¡ d Wi ¦i ¦M ,FO ©r m ¦iFb Epi«¦p §x ©dmwp §e ,mFT ¦i eica £r m ©cx¤R ¦k §e ,eixv§l ai ¦Wi

.FO ©r Fzn §c ©5i ¥c §i l ©r §e mi ¦ i ¦a §P ©d Li «¤ca £r,i ¦zi «¥T ¦p §e :x Ÿn ¥l aEzM,i ¦zi «¥T ¦p `Ÿl mnC.oFI ¦v §A o ¥k ŸW d Ÿed §i ©e1

W ¤c «ŸT ©d i ¥a §z ¦k §aEEx §n`Ÿi dO«l :x ©n¡¤p,m¤di ¥dŸl¡ d¥I © ,m ¦iFB ©d,Epi«¥pi ¥r§l m ¦iFB ©A r ©cE ¦iLi «¤ca £r m ©C z ©n §w ¦p

.KEtX ©d2i ¦M :x ¥nF` §e mzF` mi ¦nC W ¥xŸcz©w £r ©v g©kW Ÿl ,xkf

1 Joel 4:21. 2 Psalm 79:10. 3 Psalm 9:13. 4 Psalm 110:6-7. 5 Deuteronomy 32:43.

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lemor: venikeiti, damam lo nikeiti vadonaishochen betzion.1 uvchitvei hakodeshne’emar: lamah yomru hogoyim, ayeheloheihem, yivada bagoyim l’eineinu,nikmat dam avadecha hashafuch.2 v’omer:ki doresh damim otam zachar, lo shachachtza’akat anavim.3 v’omer: yadin bagoyimmale geviyot, machatz rosh al eretz rabah.minachal baderech yishteh, al ken yarimrosh.4

ixy` Happy are those that dwell inyour house: they will be ever praisingyou. Selah. Happy is the people forwhom this is so: happy is the people,whose God is the Lord.ASHREI yoshvei beitecha, od yehalleluchaselah. ashrei ha’am shekachah lo, ashreiha’am she’adonai elohav.

Psalm 145 A Psalm of Praise: of David. tehillah ledavid, ` I will extol you, my God, O King; and I will bless your Name for ever andever. aromimcha elohai hamelech, va’avarechah shimcha l’olam va’ed.a Every day will I bless you; and I will praise your Name for everand ever. bechol yom avarechecha, va’ahalelah shimcha l’olam va’ed

.mi ¦ep £r3oi ¦ci :x ¥nF` §e m ¦iFB ©A,zFI ¦e §b `¥ln

u ¤x«¤ l ©r W`Ÿx u©g«nK ¤x «¤C ©A l ©g«©P ¦n .dA ©xmi ¦xi o ¥M l ©r ,d ¤Y §W ¦i


i ¥x §W ©,L«¤zi¥a i¥a §WFi .dl«¤Q LE «l §l ©d §i cFrdk«M ¤W mrd i ¥x §W ©mrd i ¥x §W © ,FN

.eidŸl¡ dŸed §i ¤W

dnw mildz

,c ¦ec§l dN ¦d §Yi ©dFl¡ L §n ¦nFx£

dk §xa£©e ,K¤l«¤O ©d .c ¤re mlFr§l L §n ¦W

,‚«¤k §xa£ mFi lk §AL §n ¦W dl§l ©d£©e .c ¤re mlFr§l

1 Joel 4:21. 2 Psalm 79:10. 3 Psalm 9:13. 4 Psalm 110:6-7. Psalm 145 is read thrice daily, prefixed by Ashrei ixy`, from Psalm 84:5 and 144:15. It is anacrostic: each verse begins with a subsequent letter of the alphabet, excepting the letter nun p.

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b Great is the Lord, and greatly to bepraised: and his greatness is unsearchable. gadol adonai umehulal m’od, veligdulato ein cheker.

c One generation shall praise yourworks to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. dor ledor yeshabach ma’asecha, ugevurotecha yagidu.

d On the majestic glory of yoursplendour, and on your marvellous deeds, will Imeditate. hadar kevod hodecha, vedivrei nifl’otecha asichah.

e They shall speak of your awesomepower, and I will recount your greatness.v’ezuz nor’otecha yomeru, ugidulatecha asaprenah.

f They shall utter the fame of your greatgoodness, and shall exult in your righteousness. zecher rav tuvecha yabi’u, vetzidkatecha yeranenu.

g The Lord is gracious and merciful; slow to anger and of great lovingkindness. chanun verachum adonai, erech apayim ugedal chesed

lN ªd §nE dŸed §i lFcBoi ¥ FzN ªc §b¦l §e ,cŸ §n


g©A ©W §i xFc§l xFCLi«¤zŸxEa §bE ,Li«¤U£r ©n


,L «¤cFd cFa §M x ©c£dLi«¤zŸ §l §t ¦p i ¥x §a ¦c §e

.dgi «¦U ¨

,Ex«¥n`Ÿi Li«¤zF` §xFp fEf ¡r¤e .dP «¤x §R ©q£ L §zN ªc §bE

,Eri«¦A©i L §aEh a ©x x¤k«¤f .Ep«¥P ©x §i L §zw §c ¦v §e

,d Ÿed §i mEg ©x §e oEP ©glc §bE m¦i«©R © K ¤x«¤


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h The Lord is good to all; and his tender mercies are over all hisworks. tov adonai lakol, verachamav al kolma’asav.i All your works shall give thanks toyou, O Lord; and your loving ones shall bless you. yoducha adonai kol ma’asecha, vachasidecha yevarechuchah.k They shall speak of the glory of yourkingdom, and talk of your power; kevod malchutecha yomeru, ugevuratecha yedaberu.l To inform the sons of men of hismighty deeds,and the majestic glory of his kingdom. lohodia livnei ha’adam gevurotav, uchevod hadar malchuto.n Your kingdom is an everlastingkingdom, and your rule is for all generations. malchutcha malchut kol olamim, umemshaltecha bechol dor vador.q The Lord upholds all that fall, and raises up all those that are boweddown. somech adonai lechol hanoflim, vezokef lechol hakefufim.r The eyes of all wait upon you; and you give them their food in dueseason. einei kol elecha yesaberu,v’atah noten lahem et achlam b’ito.

,lŸM©l dŸed §i aFhlM l ©r ein£g ©x §e

.eiU £r ©n lM dŸed §i LE «cFi

,Li«¤U£r ©n .dkE «k §xa §i Li «¤ci ¦q£g©e ,Ex«¥n`Ÿi L §zEk§l ©n cFa §M

.Ex«¥A ©c §i L §zxEa §bE

mc ¨ d i¥p §a¦l ©ri «¦cFd§l ,eiz ŸxEa §B

.FzEk§l ©n x ©c£d cFa §kElM zEk§l ©n L §zEk§l ©n

,mi ¦nlFrxŸC lk §A L §Y§l ©W §n¤nE

.xŸcelk§l dŸed §i K ¥nFq

,mi¦l §tŸP ©d.mi ¦tEt §M ©d lk§l s¥wFf §e ,Ex«¥A ©U §i Li«¤l ¥ lŸk i¥pi «¥r

m¤dl o ¥zFp dY © §e .FY ¦r §A ml §k ¨ z ¤

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t You open your hand, and satisfy every living thing with favour. poteach et yadecha,umasbi’a lechol chai ratzon.

v The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and loving in all his works. tzadik adonai bechol derachav,vechasid bechol ma’asav.

w The Lord is near to all that call uponhim, to all that call upon him in truth. karov adonai lechol kor’av,lechol asher yikra’uhu be’emet.

x He will fulfil the will of those whorevere him; he also will hear their cry, and will savethem. retzon yere’av ya’aseh, v’et shav’atam yishma veyoshi’em.

y The Lord guards all that love him: but all the wicked he will destroy. shomer adonai et kol ohavav,v’et kol haresha’im yashmid.




,L «¤ci z ¤ ©g«¥zFR .oFvx i ©g lk§l ©ri«¦A §U ©nE

,eikx §C lk §A dŸed §i wi ¦C ©v .eiU £r ©n lk §A ci ¦qg §e

,ei ¨ §xŸw lk§l dŸed §i aFxwEd «ªx §w ¦i x ¤W£ lŸk§l

.z¤n¡ ¤a

,d ¤U£r©i ei ¨ ¥x §i oFv §xr ©n §W ¦i mzr §e ©W z ¤ §e

.m ¥ri ¦yFi §elM z ¤ dŸed §i x ¥nFW

,eia£dŸmi ¦rW §xd lM z ¥ §e

.ci ¦n §W©ix¤A ©c §i dŸed §i z©N ¦d §Y äxUA lM K ¥xai ¦e ,i ¦RmlFr§l FW §cw m ¥WK ¥xa §p Ep §g«©p£©e .c ¤re,mlFr c ©r §e dY ©r ¥n ,Di

.DiEl§l ©d

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The cantor takes the scroll as the Ark is opened, and says:

Let them praise the Name of the Lord; for his Name alone is exalted:1

yehallelu et shem adonai, ki nisgav shemo levado1


eced His majesty is above the earth andheaven; and he has exalted the power ofhis people, to the praise of all his lovingones, even of the children of Israel, thepeople near to him. Halleluyah!HODO al eretz veshamaim. vayaremkeren l’amo, tehilah lechol chasidav, livneiisrael am kerovo, halleluyah.

On ordinary Sabbaths, as the Torah is carried to the

Ark, sing:

Psalm 29*

cecl xenfn A psalm of David: Give the LORD his due, you who are

godly; Give the LORD his due of glory and

strength; Give the LORD the glory due his name;

worship the LORD in holy splendour. The voice of the LORD is over the

waters; the God of glory thunders, theLord over rushing waters,

The voice of the LORD in power, The voice of the LORD in splendour. The voice of the LORD cracks the cedars;

The cantor takes the scroll asthe Ark is opened, and says:

,d Ÿed §i m ¥W z ¤ El§l ©d §i.FC ©a§l Fn §W aB §U¦p i ¦M1


FcFdu ¤x«¤ l ©r o ¤x «¤w m ¤x«I ©e .m ¦i «nW §elk §l dN ¦d §Y ,FO ©r §ll ¥ x §U ¦i i¥p §a¦l ,eici ¦q£g

.DiEl§l ©d ,FaFx §w m ©r

On ordinary Sabbaths, as the Torah is carried to the

Ark, sing:

ha mildz

Ead ,c ¦ec §l xFn §f ¦nEad ,mi¦l ¥ i¥p §A dŸed §i©lEad .fŸre cFaM dŸed §i©l,Fn §W cFa §M d Ÿed §i©ld Ÿed §i©l Ee £g ©Y §W ¦d

.W ¤c «Ÿw z ©x §c ©d §A,m ¦i«O ©d l ©r dŸed §i lFw,mi ¦r §x ¦d cFaM ©d l ¥

1 Psalm 148:13-14.* The voice of the Lord is declared seven times in Psalm 29.

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the LORD splinters the cedars of theLebanon and makes the Lebanon skiplike a calf, Siryon like a young wild ox.

The voice of the LORD flashes fieryflames;

The voice of the LORD rocks the desert,the Lord convulses the Kadesh Desert.

The voice of the LORD causes deer togive birth and strips the forests bare -while in his temple, all cry, "Glory!"The LORD sits enthroned above theflood! The LORD sits enthroned asking forever! May the LORD givestrength to his people! May the LORDbless his people with shalom!

MIZMOR LEDAVID havu ladonai benei elim havu ladonai kavod va’oz: havu ladonai kevod shemo hishtachavu

ladonai behadrat kodesh: kol adonai al hamayim el hakavod hir’im

adonai al mayim rabim: kol adonai bakoach kol adonai behadar:kol adonai shover arazim vayeshaber

adonai et arzei halevanon: vayarekidemkemo egel levanon vesiryon kemo benre’emim:

kol adonai chotzev lahavot esh: kol adonai yachil midbar yachil adonai

midbar kadesh: kol adonai yecholel ayalot vayechesof y’arot

uveheichalo kulo omer kavod: adonailamabul yashav vayeshev adonai melechl’olam: adonai oz le’amo yiten adonaiyevarech et amo bashalom:

.mi ¦A ©x m ¦i«©n l ©r dŸed §ilFw , ©g «ŸM ©A dŸed §i lFwlFw .xcd ¤A d Ÿed §i,mi¦fx£ x¥aŸW dŸed §ii¥f §x © z ¤ dŸed §i x¥A ©W §i©e

.oFpa§N ©d,l¤b «¥r Fn §M m ¥ci ¦w §x©I ©eo¤a Fn §M oFi §x ¦U§e oFpa§l

.mi ¦n ¥ §xzFa£d©l a¥vŸg dŸed §i lFwli ¦gi dŸed §i lFw .W ¥d Ÿed §i li ¦gi ,xA §c ¦n

.W ¥cw x ©A §c ¦nl¥lFg §i d Ÿed §i lFw,zFxr §i sŸU¡g¤I©e zFlI ©x ¥nŸ FN ªM Flki ¥d §aE

.cFaM,aWi lEA ©O©l d Ÿed §iK¤l«¤n d Ÿed §i a ¤W«¥I ©eFO ©r§l fŸr dŸed §i .mlFr§lz ¤ K ¥xa §i dŸed §i ,o ¥Y ¦i

.mFlX ©a FO ©r

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On Festivals occurring on Weekdays:

Psalm 24

cecl A Psalm of David. The earth is theLord’s, and all it contains; the world, andthey that dwell in it. For it is he that hasfounded it upon the seas, and established itupon the floods. Who may ascend themountain of the Lord? And who maystand in his holy place? He that has cleanhands and a pure heart: who has not liftedup his soul to what is false, and has notsworn deceitfully. He shall receive ablessing from the Lord, and righteousnessfrom the God of his salvation. Such is thegeneration of them that seek after him, thatseek your presence, God of Jacob! Selah.Lift up your heads, O gates; and be liftedup, you everlasting doors, that the King ofglory may come in. Who is the King ofglory? The Lord strong and mighty, theLord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads,O gates; yes, lift them up, you everlastingdoors, that the King of glory may come in.Who, then, is the King of glory? The Lordof hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.

LEDAVID mizmor, ladonai ha’aretzumelo’ah, tevel veyoshvei bah. ki hu al yamimyesadah, v’al neharot yechoneneha. mi ya’alehbehar adonai, umi yakum bimkom kadsho.neki kapayim uvar levav, asher lo nasa lashavnafshi, velo nishba lemirmah. yisa berachahme’et adonai, utzdakah me’elohei yish’o. zehdor dorshav, mevakshei panecha ya’akov’u sh’arim rasheichem, vehinas’u pitcheiolam, veyavo melech hakavod. mi zeh melechhakavod, adonai izuz vegibor, adonai gibormilchamah. se’u sh’arim rasheichem, use’upitchei olam, veyavo melech hakavod. mi huzeh melech hakavod, adonai tzeva’ot, humelech hakavod. selah.

On Festivals occurring onWeekdays:

ck mildzc ¦ec §ld Ÿed §i©l ,xFn §f ¦n

l¥a ¥Y ,D ¨ Fl §nE u ¤x«¨ dl ©r `Ed i ¦M .Da i¥a §WŸ «i §ezFxd §p l ©r §e ,Dcq §i mi ¦O©ix ©d §a d¤l £r©i i ¦n .d«¤p §pFk §imFw §n ¦A mEwi i ¦nE ,dŸed §ix ©aE m ¦i«©R©k i ¦w §p .FW §cw`Up Ÿl x ¤W£ ,aa¥lr ©A §W¦p Ÿl §e ,i ¦W §t©p ` §eX©ldkx §a `V ¦i .dn §x ¦n§ldwc §vE ,dŸed §i z ¥ ¥nxFC d¤f .Fr §W ¦i i ¥dŸl¡ ¥nLi«¤pt i ¥W §w ©a §n ,eiW §xFCmi ¦xr §W E` §U .dl¤q aŸw £r©ii¥g §z ¦R E` §UP ¦d §e ,m¤ki ¥W`xK¤l«¤n `Fai §e ,mlFrK¤l«¤n d¤f i ¦n .cFaM ©d,xFA ¦b §e fEG ¦r dŸed §i ,cFaM ©d.dng§l ¦n xFA ¦B dŸed §i,m¤ki ¥W`x mi ¦xr §W E` §U`Ÿai §e ,mlFr i¥g §z ¦R E` §UEd¤f `Ed i ¦n .cFaM ©d K¤l«¤nd Ÿed §i ,cFaM ©d K¤l«¤nK¤l«¤n `Ed ,zF`a §v

.dl«¤q cFaM ©d

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As the Scroll is being placed in the Ark,

the following is said:

dgpae And when it rested, he said,Return, O Lord, to the ten thousands ofthe families of Israel. Arise, O Lord, toyour resting place; you, and the ark ofyour strength. Let your priests be clothedwith righteousness; and let your lovingones shout for joy. For the sake of Davidyour servant, do not reject the face ofyour anointed. For I give you gooddoctrine; do not forsake my Teaching. It is a tree of life to them that grasp it,and of those who uphold it every one isrendered happy. Its ways are ways ofpleasantness, and all its paths are peace.Turn us to you, O Lord, and we shallreturn: renew our days as of old.UVNUCHOH yomar, shuvah, adonai,rivevot alfei israel. kumah adonailimnuchatecha, atah va’aron uzecha.kohanecha yilbeshu tzedek, vachasidechayeranenu. ba’avur david avdecha, al tashevpenei meshichecha. ki lekach tov natatilachem, torati al ta’azovu. etz chaim hi lamachazikim bah,vetomcheha me’ushar. deracheha darcheino’am, vechol netivoteha shalom.hashivenu adonai elecha venashuvah,chadesh yameinu kekedem.

The Ark is Closed

As the Scroll is being placed in the Ark,

the following is said:

dŸgªp §aE,daEW ,x ©n`Ÿi i ¥t§l © zFa §a ¦x ,d Ÿed §id Ÿed §i dnEw .l ¥ x §U ¦ioFx£©e dY © ,L«¤zgEp §n¦lEW §A§l ¦i Li«¤p£dŸM .L«¤G ªr.Ep«¥P ©x §i Li «¤ci ¦q£g©e ,w¤c«¤v,L «¤C §a ©r c¦eC xEa £r ©Ai¥p §R a ¥WY l ©aFh g©w«¤l i ¦M .L«¤gi ¦W §ni ¦zxFY ,m¤kl i ¦Y«©zp

.Ea «Ÿf £r ©Y l ©`i ¦d mi ¦I ©g u ¥r,DA mi ¦wi ¦f£g ©O©l.xX ª §n di«¤k §n Ÿz §e,m ©r «Ÿp i ¥k §x ©c di«¤kx §C .mFlW di«¤zFai ¦z §p lk §eLi«¤l ¥ d Ÿed §i Ep«¥ai ¦W£dEpi«¥ni W ¥C ©g ,daE «Wp §e

.m ¤c «¤w §M

The Ark is Closed

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lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadash shmeraba (amen)be’alma di vra chir'uteh veyamlichmalchuteh bechayechon uvyomechonuvechayei dechol beit israel ba’agalauvizman kariv ve'imru amen

(amen. yehe shme raba mevarachle’alam ul’alme ’almaya.)

yehe shme raba mevarach le’alamul’alme ’almaya. yitbarachveyishtabach veyitpa’ar veyitromamveyitnase veyithadar veyit’aleveyithallal shme dekudsha, brich hu

(brich hu)le’ela (During Days of Awe l’elamikol) min kol birchata veshirata

tushbechata venechemata da’amiran

be’alma ve'imru amen.


yicw ivg

l ©C©B §z ¦i .`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C©w §z ¦i §e (o ¥n ¨)

,Di ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n §lr §AoFki¥I ©g §A Di ¥zEk §l ©n Ki ¦l §n ©i §ezi¥A lk §c i¥I ©g §aE oFki ¥nFi § ¦xw o ©n§f ¦aE `lb £r ©A .l ¥ x §U ¦i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §eK ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §i .o ¥n ¨)

(:`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§lm©lr§l K ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §ig ©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦i .`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lE` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §e x © R §z ¦i §eD ¥n §W lN ©d §z ¦i §e d¤N ©r §z ¦i §e xC ©d §z ¦i §e

Ed Ki ¦x §A W §c ªw §C(`Ed Ki ¦x §A)

`N «¥r§l)During Days of Awe`N ¥r§lE (lM ¦n`zxi ¦W §e `zk §x ¦A lM o ¦n

oxi ¦n£ ©C ,`zn¡g¤p §e `zg §A §W ªY:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A

(o ¥n ¨)lcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name

All: the world which he has created according to his will. May he establish hiskingdom during your life and during your days, and during the life of all the houseof Israel, even speedily and at a near time, and say, Amen.

All with Reader — Let his great Name be blessed for ever and to all eternity.Reader.—Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnifiedand praised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He.Though he be (exceedingly) high above all the blessings and hymns, praises andconsolations, which are uttered in the world; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.

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jexa Blessed° are you, O Lord our Godand God of our fathers, God ofAbraham, God of Isaac, and God ofJacob, the great, mighty and reveredGod, the most high God, who bestowsloving kindnesses, and is Master of allthings; who remembers the pious deedsof the patriarchs, and in love hasbrought* a redeemer to their children’schildren for your Name’s sake.


zea` KExA°d Ÿed §i dY ©

i ¥dŸl`¥e Epi «¥dŸl ¡i ¥dŸl ¡ ,Epi «¥zFa £,wg §v ¦i i ¥dŸl¡ ,md §x §a ©l ¥ d ,aŸw £r©i i ¥dŸl`¥e,`xFP ©d §e xFA ¦B ©d lFcB ©dl ¥nFB ,oFi §l ¤r l ¥

1Ezekiel 1:7. 2Deuteronomy 32:3. 3Psalm 51:17.° Bow

Begin by taking three steps backward and three forward as we are approachingthe King. We stand with feet together, in respect, as angels before God.1 We face

Jerusalem. The following is said when the Amidah is read silently:

.Epi«¥dŸl ¥l l ¤c «Ÿb Ead ,`x §w ¤ dedi m ¥W i ¦M2 :L«¤zN ¦d §Y ci ¦B©i i ¦tE gY §t ¦Y i ©zt §U ip Ÿc£3

ki shem adonai ekra, havu godel le’eloheinu.2

adonai sfatai tiftach, ufi yagid t’hilatecha.3

When I cal l on the Name of the Lord, ascribe greatness to God. 2

My Lord, open my l ips, and my mouth shal l declare your praise. 3

sqenycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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BARUCH° atah adonai eloheinu v’eloheiavoteinu, elohei avraham, elohei yitzchak,velohei ya’akov, ha’el hagadol hagiborvehanora, el elyon, gomel chasadim tovim,vekoneh hakol, vezocher chasdei avot,umevi go’el livnei beneihem lema’an shemob’ahavah:

d¥pFw §e ,mi ¦aFh mi ¦cq£gi ¥c §q ©g x ¥kFf §e ,l ŸM ©dl ¥ FB `i ¦a ¥nE ,zFa ¨o ©r ©n §l m ¤di¥p §a i¥p §a ¦l

:da£d © §A Fn §W

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

jexa ‘has brought’ - traditionally translated as ‘will bring’ actually should berendered as pointing to Messiah Yeshua who has already appeared.The Amidah (standing prayer) is prayed three times a day and formulated after thedaily Temple offerings (Ber. 26b). It’s origins may go back to the first exile (Daniel6:10), and it was implemented by Yeshua’s early Jewish followers as well. As a silentprayer, it is the time for personal supplication to God. It is appropriately composed ofthree movements: praise, petition, and then thanksgiving. The Amidah is recited inshortened and abstracted form by Messiah Yeshua to his disciples in the ‘Lord’sPrayer’ (Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4 cp. Ber 4:3, Tosefta Ber 4:7). ° Bow

During days of awe add:

Remember us unto life, O King whodelights in life, and inscribe us in thebook of life, for your own sake and thesake of your Son Yeshua, O living God.ZACHRENU lechayim melech chafetzbachayim, vechatvenu besefer hachayim,lema’ancha ulema’an bincha yeshua elohimchayim.

During days of awe add:

K¤l«¤n ,mi ¦I ©g§l Ep «¥x §kfEp«¥a §zk §e ,mi ¦I ©g ©A u¥tgL §p ©r ©n§l ,mi ¦I ©g ©d x¤t«¥q §A©rEW §i L §p ¦A o ©r ©n§lE

.mi ¦I ©g mi ¦dŸl¡

jln King, Redeemer, Saviour andShield. Blessed° are you Lord, Shield ofAbraham.MELECH ozer umoshia umogen: baruch°atah adonai magen avraham:

God’s Might

dz` You are mighty forever, O Lord,

K¤l«¤n©ri «¦WFnE x¥fFr KExA :o¥bnE°dY ©

:mdx §a © o¥bn ,d Ÿed §i

zexeabdY ©mlFr §l xFA ¦B

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resuscitator of the dead, you are mightyto save.ATAH gibor l’olam adonai, mechayehmetim atah, rav lehoshi’a:

mi ¦z ¥n d¥I ©g §n ,ip Ÿc £: ©ri «¦WFd§l a ©x ,dY«©

Mussaf for Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh

Between Shmini Atzeret and Pesach, add:You send the wind and send down the rain.

mashiv haruach umorid hagashem:

Between Shemini Atzeret andPesach, add:

:m¤W«B ©d ci ¦xFnE ©gE «xd ai ¦X ©n

lklkn You sustain the living withloving kindness, revive the dead withgreat mercy, support the falling, healthe sick, free the bound and keep yourfaith to them that sleep in the dust. Whois like you, Lord of mighty acts, andwho resembles you, O King, who ordersdeath and restores life and causessalvation to spring forth?MECHALKEL chayim bechesed,mechayeh metim berachamim rabim,somech noflim, verofe cholim, umatirasurim, umekayem emunato lishenei afar,mi kamocha ba’al gevurot umi domeh lach,melech memit umechayeh umatzmiachyeshua.

l¥M§l ©k §n,c¤q«¤g §A mi ¦I ©g mi ¦n£g ©x §A mi ¦z ¥n d¥I ©g §n,mi¦l §tFp K ¥nFq ,mi ¦A ©xxi ¦Y ©nE ,mi¦lFg `¥tFx §em¥I ©w §nE ,mi ¦xEq £,xtr i¥p ¥Wi¦l FzpEn¡zFxEa §B l ©r«©A LF «nk i ¦nK¤l«¤n ,KN d¤nF «C i ¦nE©gi «¦n §v ©nE d¤I ©g §nE zi ¦n ¥n

:drEW §iOn Shabbat Shuvah say:

Who is like unto you, Father of mercy, whoin mercy remembers your creatures untolife?

MI KAMOCHA av harachamim, zocheryetzurav lechayim berachamim:

On Shabbat Shuvah say:

LF «nk i ¦na © eixEv §i x¥kFf ,mi ¦n£g ©xd

:mi ¦n£g ©x §A mi ¦I ©g§l

on¡¤p §ezFi£g ©d§l dY © dY © KExA .mi ¦z ¥n:mi ¦z ¥O ©d d¥I ©g §n ,dŸed §i

on`pe And you are faithful to revive thedead. Blessed are you, O Lord, whorevives the dead.VENE’EMAN atah lehachayot metim.baruch atah adonai, mechayeh hametim:

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During the Cantor’s repetition, Kedushah is said at this point. When praying

silently, go to page 266.

KedushahOnly read during cantor’s repetition:

Rise on the toes when reading ‘Holy, holy, holy;

Blessed; The Lord shall reign.

Cong. then Cantor:

ycwp We will sanctify your Name inthe world, even as they sanctify it in thehighest heavens, as it is written by thehand of your prophet: And they calledone to the other and said,NEKADESH et shimcha ba’olam keshemshemakdishim oto bishmei marom, kakatuval yad nevi’echa, vekara zeh el zeh v’amar:


Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts,the whole earth is full of his glory.1

kadosh, kadosh, kadosh, adonai tzeva’ot,melo kol ha’aretz kevodo.1

Cong. then Cantor:

Then with a noise of great rushing,mighty and strong, they make theirvoices heard, and, lifting themselves up

During the Cantor’srepetition, Kedushah is saidat this point. When praying

silently, go to page 266.

dyecwOnly read during cantor’srepetition: Rise on the toeswhen reading ‘Holy, holy,

holy; Blessed; The Lord shall reign.

Cong. then Cantor:

W ¥C ©w §pL §n ¦W z ¤ m ¥W §M ,mlFrAFzF` mi ¦Wi ¦C §w ©O ¤WaEzM ©M ,mFxn i ¥n §W ¦A`xw §e ,L«¤ i ¦a §p c©i l ©r:x ©n ¨ §e d¤f l ¤ d¤f


,WFcw ,WFcw ,WFcwŸl §n ,zF`a §v dŸed §i

.FcFa §M u ¤x«¨ d lk1

Cong. then Cantor:

lFcB W ©r «©x lFw §A f ¨mi ¦ri ¦n §W ©n ,wfg §e xi ¦C ©

dyecw Kedushah, Sanctification, is a prayer based on those of the angels. For thisreason we stand on our toes for each repetition of the word ‘holy’ to emulate thosewho praise God and are not restrained on the earth. The same chayot (livingcreatures) that worship God in Isaiah 6 are also described in Rev 4:8.1 Isaiah 6:3.

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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towards the Seraphim, they exclaimover against them, Blessed—az bekol ra’ash gadol adir vechazak,mashmi’im kol mitnas’im l’umat serafim,l’umatam baruch yomeru:


Blessed be the glory of the Lord fromhis place.1

baruch kevod adonai mimkomo.1

Cong. then Cantor:

jnewnn From your place shine forth, Oour King, and reign over us, for we waitfor you. When will you reign in Zion?Speedily, even in our days, dwell there,and for ever. May you be magnified andsanctified in the midst of Jerusalemyour city throughout all generationsand to all eternity. O let our eyes beholdyour kingdom, according to the wordthat was spoken in the songs of yourmight by David your righteousanointed:MIMKOMCHA malkenu tofi’a, vetimlochaleinu, ki mechakim anachnu lach. mataitimloch betzion, bekarov beyameinu, l’olamva’ed tishkon. titgadal vetitkadash betochyerushalaim ircha, ledor vador ulenetzachnetzachim. v’eineinu tir’einah malchutecha,kadavar ha’amur beshirei uzecha, al yedeidavid meshiach tzidkecha:

z ©O ªr§l mi ¦ §V©p §z ¦n ,lFwmzO ªr §l ,mi ¦tx §U

:Ex«¥n`Ÿi KExA


dŸed §i cFa §M KExA.FnFw §O ¦n1

Cong. then Cantor:

L §nFw §O ¦nEp«¥M §l ©n ,Epi«¥lr KŸl §n ¦z §e , ©ri«¦tFz.Kl Ep §g«©p£ mi ¦M ©g §n i ¦M,oFI ¦v §A KŸl §n ¦Y i ©znmlFr§l ,Epi«¥ni §A aFxw §Al ©C©B §z ¦Y .oFM §W ¦Y c ¤reKFz §A W ©C ©w §z ¦z §exFc§l ,L §xi ¦r m¦i«©lWEx §i.mi ¦gv §p g©v«¥p§lE xFcedpi«¤ §x ¦z Epi«¥pi ¥r §exaC ©M ,L«¤zEk §l ©n,L«¤G ªr i ¥xi ¦W §A xEn ¨ d©gi «¦W §n c¦ec i ¥c §i l ©r

:L «¤w §c ¦v

1 Ezekiel 3:12.

Mussaf for Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh

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The Lord shall reign for ever, your God,O Zion, to all generations. Hallelujah!1

yimloch adonai l’olam, elohayich tzion,ledor vador, halleluyah.1





Sanctification of the NameRecited only during

silent Amidah.

You are holy and your Name is holy,and holy ones praise you every day,Selah. Blessed are you Lord, the holyGod. On Shabbat Shuvah conclude: the holy King.


,mlFr §l d Ÿed §i KŸl §n ¦ix Ÿc §l ,oFI ¦v K ¦i «©dŸl ¡

.DiEl§l ©d ,xŸce1


xFc §lci ¦B©p xFce mi ¦gv §p g©v«¥p§lE ,L«¤l §cB,Wi ¦C §w©p L §zX ªc §w,Epi «¥dŸl ¡ ,L£g §a ¦W §eWEni `Ÿl Epi «¦R ¦nl ¥ i ¦M ,c ¤re mlFr§lyFcw §e lFcB K¤l«¤ndY © KExA .dY«¨ WFcT ©d l ¥ d ,d Ÿed §i

On days of awe conclude:

.WFcT ©d K¤l«¤O ©d

myd zyecwRecited only during silent


L §n ¦W §e WFcw dY ©lk §A mi ¦WFc §wE WFcw.dl«¤Q ,LE «l §l ©d §i mFi,d Ÿed §i dY © KExA

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

1 Psalm 146:10.- 266 - Siddur Sar Shalom may be purchased at

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atah kadosh veshimcha kadosh ukdoshimbechol yom yehallelucha, selah. baruch atahadonai, ha’el hakadosh.On Shabbat Shuvah conclude: hamelech hakadosh.

On Shabbat Rosh Chodesh, continue with ‘Atah Yatzarta’.

On regular Sabbaths recite:

zay zpkz You instituted the Sabbath,and favourably accepted its offerings;you commanded its special duties withthe order of its drink offerings. Theythat delight in it shall inherit everlastingglory; they that enjoy its happinessmerit life; while such as love itsteachings have chosen greatness.Already from Sinai they werecommanded concerning it; and youhave also commanded us, O Lord ourGod, to bring on it the additionaloffering of the Sabbath properly. May itbe your will, O Lord our God and Godof our fathers, to lead us in joy to ourland, and to plant us within ourborders, where we will prepare to youour obligatory offerings, the dailyofferings according to their rule; and theadditional offering of this Sabbath daywe will prepare and offer up to you inlove, according to the commandment ofyour will, as you have written for us inyour Torah through Moses yourservant, from the mouth of your glory,as it is said:

WFcT ©d l ¥ dOn Shabbat Shuvah conclude:

.WFcT ©d K¤l«¤O ©d

On Shabbat Rosh Chodesh, continue with, 'Y §x«©vi dY © ,’.On regular Sabbaths recite:

zA ©W Y §p«©M ¦Yzi «¦vx ,zi«¦E ¦v ,di«¤zFp §A §xwi ¥xEC ¦q m ¦r di «¤WEx ¥Rdi«¤b §P ©r §n .di«¤kq §p,El«g §p ¦i cFaM mlFr §l,Ekf mi ¦I ©g di«¤n £rFhdi «¤xa §C mi ¦a£dF`d m©b §ef ¨ ,Ex«gA dN ªc §B.di«¤lr EE ©h §v ¦p i©pi ¦Q ¦n,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i ,Ep«¥E ©v §Y©eo ©A §xw DA ai ¦x §w ©d §l.iE`xM zA ©W s ©qEn,Li«¤pt §N ¦n oFvx i ¦d §ii ¥dŸl`¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §iEp«¥l £r ©Y ¤W ,Epi «¥zFa £,Ep«¥v §x © §l dg §n ¦U §amW §e ,Ep«¥lEa §b ¦A Ep «¥rH ¦z §e

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TIKANTA SHABBAT, ratzitakarbenoteha, tzivita perusheha im sidureinesacheha. m’angeyha l’olam kavodyinchalu, to’ameyha chayim zachu, vegamha’ohavim devareha gedulah bacharu, azmisinai nitztavu aleha. vatetzvenu, adonaieloheinu, lehakriv bah karban musafshabbat kara’uy. yehi ratzon milfanecha,adonai eloheinu v’elohei avotenu,sheta’aleinu besimchah l’artzenu,vetita’enu bigvulenu, veshem na’asehlefanecha et karbenot chovoteinu, temidimkesidram umusafim kehilchatam. v’etmusaf yom hashabbat hazeh, na’asehvenakriv lefanecha b’ahavah, kemitzvatretzonecha, kemo shekatavta aleinubetoratecha, al yedei mosheh avdecha, mipikevodecha, ka’amur:

zayd meiae And on the Sabbath daytwo year-old lambs without blemish,and two tenths of an ephah of fine flourmixed with oil for a meal offering, andit’s drink offering; this is the burntoffering of every Sabbath, beside thedaily burnt offering and its drinkoffering.UVEYOM HASHABBAT, shnei kevasimbnei shanah temimim, ushnei esronim soletminchah belulah bashemen venisko. olatshabbat beshabato, al olat hatamidveniskah.

z ¤ Li«¤pt §l d ¤U £r©p,Epi «¥zFaFg zFp §A §xwmx §c ¦q §M mi ¦ci ¦n §Y.mzk §l ¦d §M mi ¦tqEnEzA ©X ©d mFi s ©qEn z ¤ §eai ¦x §w©p §e d ¤U £r©p ,d¤G ©d,da£d © §A Li«¤pt §lFn §M ,L«¤pFv §x z©e §v ¦n §MEpi«¥lr Y §a «©zM ¤Wi ¥c §i l ©r ,L«¤zxFz §Ai ¦R ¦n ,L «¤C §a ©r d ¤W Ÿn

:xEn ¨ M ,L «¤cFa §k

zA ©X ©d mFi §aEi¥p §W ,dpW i¥p §A mi ¦Ua §ki¥p §WE ,m ¦ni ¦n §Ydg §p ¦n z¤l «Ÿq mi ¦p Ÿx §U ¤r.FM §q ¦p §e o ¤n«¤X©a dlEl §A,FY ©A ©W §A z ©A ©W z©l Ÿrci ¦nY ©d z©l Ÿr l ©r

.DM §q ¦p §e

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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egnyi They that keep the Sabbath andcall it a delight shall rejoice in yourkingdom; the people that hallow theseventh day, even all of them shall besatiated and delighted with yourgoodness, seeing that you foundpleasure in the seventh day, andhallowed it; you called it the desirableof days, in remembrance of the creation.YISMECHU bemalchutecha shomreishabbat vekor’ei oneg, am mekadsheishevi’i, kulam yisbe’u veyit’angumituvecha, uvashvi’i ratzita bo vekidashto,chemdat yamim oto karata, zecherlema’aseh bereishit.

epidl` Our God and God of our fathers,accept our rest; sanctify us by yourcommandments, and grant our portionin your Torah; satisfy us with yourgoodness, and gladden us with yoursalvation; purify our hearts to serve youin truth; and in your love and favour, OLord our God, let us inherit your holySabbath; and may Israel who sanctifyyour Name, rest on it. Blessed are you,O Lord, who sanctifies the Sabbath.ELOHEINU v’elohei avoteinu, retzehbimnuchatenu, kadshenu bemitzvotecha,veten chelkenu betoratecha, sab’enumituvecha, vesamchenu biyshuatecha,vetaher libenu l’avdecha be’emet,vehanchilenu adonai eloheinu, b’ahavahuveratzon shabbat kadshecha, veyanuchubo israel mekadshei shmecha. baruch atahadonai mekadesh hashabat.

Eg §n §U ¦iL §zEk §l ©n §a i ¥ §xF «w §e zA ©W i ¥x §nFWi ¥W §C ©w §n m ©r ,b¤p «ŸrEr §A §U ¦i mN ªM ,i ¦ri ¦a §W,L«¤aEH ¦n Eb §P ©r §z ¦i §eFA zi «¦vx i ¦ri ¦a §X ©aEmi ¦ni z ©C §n¤g ,FY §W ©C ¦w §ex¤k«¥f ,z` «xw FzF`

.zi ¦W` ¥x §a d ¥U£r ©n§l

Epi«¥dŸl ¡i ¥dŸl`¥e d ¥v §x ,Epi «¥zFa £Ep «¥W §C ©w ,Ep «¥zgEp §n ¦aEp «¥w§l¤g o ¥z §e ,Li«¤z Ÿe §v ¦n §AEp «¥r §A ©U ,L«¤zxFz §AEp«¥g §O ©U §e ,L«¤aEH ¦nEp«¥A¦l x ¥d ©h§e ,L«¤zrEWi ¦A,z ¤n ¡ ¤A L §C §ar §lEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i Ep«¥li ¦g §p ©d §ez ©A ©W oFvx §aE da£d © §AFa EgE «pi §e ,L«¤W §cw.L«¤n §W i ¥W §C©w §n l ¥ x §U ¦i,d Ÿed §i dY © KExA

.zA ©X ©d W ¥C©w §n

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On Shabbat Rosh Chodesh, in place of 'You instituted’ above:

zxvi dz` You formed your worldfrom of old; you finished your work onthe seventh day; you have loved us andtaken pleasure in us, and have exaltedus above all nations, have sanctified usby your commandments, brought usnear, O our King, to your service, andcalled us by your great and holy Name.You, O Lord our God, also gave us inlove Sabbaths for rest and New Moonsfor atonement. But because we sinnedagainst you, both we and our fathers,our city has been laid waste, oursanctuary is desolate, our splendour hasgone into exile, and the glory has beenremoved from the house of our life.May it be your will, O Lord our Godand God of our fathers, to lead us up injoy unto our land, and to plant uswithin our borders. And we considerthe Emissary and High Priest of ourconfession, Yeshua, who was faithful toHim who appointed him, as Moses alsoin all his house. But Yeshua has beencounted worthy of more glory thanMoses, just as he who built the househas more honour than the house. Forevery house is built by someone, but hewho built all things is God. And Mosesindeed was faithful in all his house as a

On Shabbat Rosh Chodesh, inplace of ‘zA ©W Y§p«©M ¦Y’ above:

Y §x«©vi dY ©L §nlFr zi«¦N ¦M ,m ¤c «¤T ¦nmFI ©A L §Y §k`©l §nY §a «©d ¨ .i ¦ri ¦a §X ©d,Ep«A zi «¦vx §e Ep «zF`lM ¦n Ep «Y §n ©nFx §eEp «Y §W ©C ¦w §e ,zFpFW §N ©dEp «Y §a ©x ¥w §e ,Li«¤z Ÿe §v ¦n §A,L«¤zcFa £r©l Ep«¥M §l ©nWFcT ©d §e lFcB ©d L §n ¦W§eo ¤Y ¦Y©e .z` «xw Epi«¥lrEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i EplzFzA ©W ,da £d © §Ai ¥W`x §e dgEp §n ¦li ¦t§lE .dxR ©k§l mi ¦Wc¢gEp §g«©p£ Li«¤pt§l Ep`«hg ¤Wda §xg ,Epi «¥zFa £ ©ezi¥A m¥nW §e ,Ep «¥xi ¦r,Ep «¥xw §i dlb §e ,Ep«¥WC §w ¦nzi ¥A ¦n cFaM l ©H ªp §eoFvx i ¦d §i .Epi«¥I ©gEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i ,Li«¤pt§N ¦n,Epi «¥zFa £ i ¥dŸl`¥e

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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servant, for a testimony of those thingswhich would be spoken later. ButMessiah as a son over his own house,whose house we are if we hold fast theconfidence and the rejoicing of the hopefirm to the end.1

ATAH YATZARTA olamcha mikedem,kilita melachtecha bayom hashvi’i. ahavtaotanu veratzita banu, veromamtanu mikolhalshonot, vekidashtanu bemitzvotecha,vekeravtanu malkenu la’avodatecha,veshimcha hagodol vehakadosh aleinukarata. vatiten lanu adonai eloheinub’ahavah, shabbatot limnuchah verasheichadashim lechaparah. ulefi shechatanulefanecha anachnu va’avoteinu, charvahirenu, veshamem beit mikdashenu, vegalahyekarenu, venutal kavod mibeit chayeinu.yehi ratzon milfanecha, adonai eloheinuv’elohei avoteinu, sheta’aleinu besimchahl’artzenu, vetita’enu bigvulenu. habitupenei mal’acho hakohen hagadol asher lotishava leshonenu hu hamashiach yeshua:asher ne’eman hu l’osehu bechol beitokemosheh. ki ya’atah lo yeter sh’et almosheh ka’asher boneh beit rav kevodo minhabayit. ki kol bayit banuy biydei bonehuboheh kol hu elohim. amnam moshehk’eved ne’eman hayah bechol beito l’edut alamarav asek ye’ameron. ach hamashiachne’eman keben beveito uveito anachnu imrak nochez bemivtachenu v’oz tikvato adhaketz.1

dg §n ¦U §a Ep«¥l £r ©Y ¤WEp «¥rH ¦z §e ,Ep«¥v §x © §li¥p §t Ehi ¦a ©d .Ep«¥lEa §b ¦Al Ÿecb ©d o ¥dŸk ©d Ÿek ¨ §l ©nr ©aW ¦z Ÿel x ¤W£©gi ¦Wn ©d `Ed Ep¥p ŸeW§lon¡¤p x ¤W£ : ©rEW¥ilk §a Ed ¥UŸr§l `Edi ¦k .d ¤Wn §k Ÿezi¥az ¥ §W x¤z¤i Ÿel dz£id¥pŸa x ¤W£ ©k d ¤Wn l ©rŸec Ÿea §k a ©x z ¦i ©az ¦i ©aÎlk i ¦k :z ¦ia ©dÎo ¦nd¥pŸae d¤pŸa i ¥ci ¦a iEpa.mi ¦dŸl¡ `Ed lŸkc¤a ¤r §k d ¤Wn mp §n ¨Ÿezi¥a lk §a did on¡¤peixn £ l ©r zEc ¥r §lK © .oFx ¥n ¨ ¥i w ¤U £o ¥a §k on¡¤p ©gi ¦Wn ©dEp §gp£ Ÿezi¥aE Ÿezi¥a §af ¥g` Ÿp w ©x m ¦Ÿeze §w ¦z fŸr §e Ep ¥g ©h §a ¦n §a

.u¥w ©d c ©r1

1Hebrews 3:1-5.

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zayd meiae And on the Sabbath daytwo year-old lambs without blemish,and two tenths of an ephah of fine flourmixed with oil for a meal offering, andit’s drink offering; this is the burntoffering of every Sabbath, beside thedaily burnt offering and its drinkoffering.1

UVEYOM HASHABBAT, shnei kevasimbnei shanah temimim, ushnei esronim soletminchah belulah bashemen venisko. olatshabbat beshabato, al olat hatamidveniskah. 1

iy`xae And on your new moons youshall offer a burnt offering to the Lord;two young bullocks, one ram, sevenyear old lambs without blemish, andtheir meal offering and their drinkofferings as has been ordained, threetenths of an ephah for each bullock, andtwo tenths for the ram, and one tenthfor each lamb, with wine according toit’s drink offering, and a goat withwhich to make atonement, and the twodaily offerings according to theirenactment.UVERASHEI chadsheichem takrivu olahl’adonai, parim benei bakar shnayim, v’ayilechad, kevasim benei shana shiv’ah,temimim. uminchatam veniskeihemkimdubar, sheloshah esronim lapar, ushneiesronim la’ayil, v’isaron lakeves, veyayinkenisko, vesa’ir lechaper, ushnei temidimkehilchatam.

zA ©X ©d mFi §aEi¥p §W ,dpW i¥p §A mi ¦Ua §ki¥p §WE ,m ¦ni ¦n §Ydg §p ¦n z¤l «Ÿq mi ¦p Ÿx §U ¤r.FM §q ¦p §e o ¤n«¤X©a dlEl §A,FY ©A ©W §A z©A ©W z©lŸrci ¦nY ©d z©lŸr l ©r

.DM §q ¦p §e1

i ¥W`x §aEm¤ki ¥W §cg ,d Ÿed §i©l dlFr Eai «¦x §w ©Y,m¦i«©p §W xwa i¥p §A mi ¦xRmi ¦Ua §M ,cg ¤ l ¦i«© §e,dr §a ¦W dpW i¥p §Amzg §p ¦nE .m ¦ni ¦n §Y,xA ªc §n ¦M m ¤di ¥M §q ¦p §emi ¦pFx §U ¤r dWŸl §Wmi ¦pFx §U ¤r i¥p §WE ,xR©l,U¤a«¤M©l oFxV ¦r §e ,l ¦i«¨ lxi ¦rU §e ,FM §q ¦p §M o ¦i«©i §emi ¦ci ¦n §z i¥p §WE ,x¥R©k§l

.mzk§l ¦d¦§M1Numbers 28:9-10.

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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egnyi They that keep the Sabbath andcall it a delight shall rejoice in yourkingdom; the people that hallow theseventh day, even all of them shall besatiated and delighted with yourgoodness, seeing that you foundpleasure in the seventh day, andhallowed it; you called it the desirableof days, in remembrance of the creation.YISMECHU bemalchutcha shomreishabbat vekor’ei oneg, am mekadsheishevi’i, kulam yisbe’u veyit’angumituvecha, uvashvi’i ratzita bo vekidashto,chemdat yamim oto karata, zecherlema’aseh bereishit.

epidl` Our God and God of our fathers,accept our rest, and on this Sabbath dayrenew this New Moon to us for goodand blessing, for joy and for gladness,for salvation and comfort, forsustenance and maintenance, for lifeand peace, for you have chosen yourpeople Israel from among all nations,and have made your holy Sabbathknown to them, and have appointed tothem statutes for the beginnings of themonths. Blessed are you, O Lord, whosanctifies the Sabbath, Israel and thenew moons.ELOHEINU v’elohei avoteinu, retzehbimnuchatenu, vechadesh aleinu beyomhashabbat hazeh et hachodesh hazeh,letovah velivrachah, lesason ulesimchah,liyshuah ulenechamah, lefarnasah

Eg §n §U ¦iL §zEk §l ©n §a i ¥ §xF «w §e zA ©W i ¥x §nFWi ¥W §C ©w §n m ©r ,b¤p «ŸrEr §A §U ¦i mN ªM ,i ¦ri ¦a §W,L«¤aEH ¦n Eb §P ©r §z ¦i §eFA zi «¦vx i ¦ri ¦a §X©aEmi ¦ni z ©C §n¤g ,FY §W ©C ¦w §ex¤k«¥f ,z` «xw FzF`

.zi ¦W` ¥x §a d ¥U£r ©n§l

Epi«¥dŸl ¡i ¥dŸl`¥e d ¥v §x ,Epi «¥zFa £W ¥C ©g §e ,Ep «¥zgEp §n ¦azA ©X ©d mFi §A Epi«¥lr,d¤G ©d W ¤c «Ÿg ©d z ¤ d¤G ©d,dkx §a ¦l §e daFh §l,dg §n ¦U §lE oFUU §l,dng¤p §lE drEWi ¦l,dlM §l ©k §lE dqp §x ©t §li ¦M ,mFlW §lE mi ¦I ©g §lY §x«©gA l ¥ x §U ¦i L §O ©r §az©A ©W§e ,zFO ªd lM ¦n,Y §r «cFd m¤dl L §W §cwmi ¦Wc¢g i ¥W`x i¥T ªg§e

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lechalkalah, lechayim uleshalom, kiba’amcha israel bacharta mikol ha’umot,veshabbat kadshecha lahem hoda’ta,vechukei rashei chadashim lahem kabata.baruch atah adonai mekadesh hashabbat.v’israel verashei chadashim.

Temple Service

dvx Accept, O Lord our God, yourpeople Israel and their prayer; restorethe service to the inner sanctuary ofyour house; receive in love and favourboth the offerings of Israel and theirprayer; and may the worship of yourpeople Israel always be acceptable toyou.RETZEH adonai eloheinu b’amcha israeluvitfilatam, vehashev et ha’avodah lidvirbeitecha, v’ishei israel, utefilatam b’ahavahtekabel beratzon, utehi leratzon tamidavodat israel amecha.

dpifgze And let our eyes behold yourreturn in mercy to Zion. Blessed areyou, O Lord, who restores your divinepresence to Zion.VETECHEZINAH eineinu beshuvchaletzion berachamim. baruch atah adonaihamachazir shechinato letzion.

KExA .Y §r«aw m ¤dlW ¥C ©w §n ,d Ÿed §i dY ©l ¥ x §U ¦i §e zA ©X ©d

.mi ¦Wc¢g i ¥W`x §e


d ¥v §xEpi «¥dŸl ¡ d Ÿed §i l ¥ x §U ¦i L §O ©r §Az ¤ a ¥Wd §e ,mzN ¦t §z ¦aExi ¦a §c ¦l dcFa £rd,l ¥ x §U ¦i i ¥X ¦ §e ,L«¤zi¥Ada £d © §A mzN ¦t §zEi ¦d §zE ,oFvx §A l ¥A ©w §zz ©cFa £r ci ¦nY oFvx§l

.L¤O ©r l ¥ x §U ¦i

dpi«¤f¡g ¤z §eEpi«¥pi ¥r oFI ¦v §l L §aEW §AdY © KExA .mi ¦n£g ©x §Axi ¦f£g ©O ©d ,d Ÿed §i

.oFI ¦v§l Fzpi ¦k §W

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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During cantor’s repetition, congregation quietly recites

Modim of the Rabbis (page 276).

micen ° We give thanks to you, for youare the (stand up) Lord our God and theGod of our fathers for ever and ever;you are the Rock of our lives, the Shieldof our salvation through everygeneration. We will give thanks to youand declare your praise1 for our liveswhich are committed to your hand, andfor our souls which are in your charge,and for your miracles, which are dailywith us, and for your wonders and yourbenefits, which are worked at all times,evening, morning and noon. You whoare all-good, whose mercies fail not;you, merciful One, whose lovingkindnesses never cease,2 we have everhoped in you.MODIM ° anachnu lach, sha’atah hu,adonai eloheinu velohei avoteinu, l’olamva’ed, tzur chayeinu, magen yish’enu, atahhu ledor vador nodeh lecha unesapertehilatecha. al chayeinu hamesurimbeyadecha, v’al nishmoteinu hapkudotlach, v’al nisecha shebchol yom imanu, v’alnifl’otecha vetovotecha shebechol et, erevvaboker vetzaharaim, hatov ki lo kalurachamecha, vehamrachem ki lo tamuchasadecha me’olam kivinu lach.

d`cedDuring cantor’s repetition,

congregation quietly recites Modim of the Rabbis

(page 276).

mi ¦cFn °,Kl Ep §g«©p £ d Ÿed §i ,`Ed dY © W,Epi«¥zFa£ i ¥dŸl`¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡xEv ,c ¤re mlFr §l,Ep «¥r §W ¦i o¥bn ,Epi«¥I ©gxFce xFc§l `Ed dY ©x ¥R ©q §pE L §N d ¤cFpEpi«¥I ©g l ©r .L«¤zN ¦d §Yl ©r §e ,L «¤ci §A mi ¦xEq §O ©dzFcEw §R ©d Epi «¥zFn §W ¦plk §A ¤W Li«¤Q ¦p l ©r §e ,Kll ©r §e ,Ep «O ¦r mFiLi«¤zFaFh §e Li«¤zF`§l §t ¦px¤w «Ÿae a ¤x «¤r ,z ¥r lk §A ¤WŸl i ¦M aFH ©d ,m ¦i «x¢dv §e

m¥g ©x §n ©d §e ,Li«¤n£g ©x ElkLi «¤cq£g EO«©z Ÿl i ¦M

.Kl Epi«¦E ¦w mlFr ¥n° Bow at Modim/We until adonai/Lord1Psalm 79:13. 2 Lamentations 3:22-23.

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Modim of the RabbisCongregation reads quietly during cantor’s repetition

(page 275)

micen ° We give thanks to you, for youare the Lord our God and the God ofour fathers, the God of all flesh, ourCreator and the Creator of all things inthe beginning. Blessings andthanksgivings be to your great and holyName, because you have kept us in lifeand preserved us: so may you continueto keep us in life and to preserve us. Ogather our exiles to your holy courts toobserve your statutes, to do your will,and to serve you with a perfect heart;seeing that we give thanks to you.Blessed be the God to whomthanksgivings are due.MODIM ° anachnu lach, sha’atah huadonai eloheinu velohei avoteinu, elohei kolbasar yotzrenu, yotzer bereishit berachotvehoda’ot leshimcha hagadol vehakadosh,al shehecheyiytanu vekiyamtanu. kentechayenu utekaymenu, vete’esofgaluyoteinu lechatzrot kadshecha, lishmorchukecha vela’asot retzonecha, ul’avdechabelevav shalem, al she’anachnu modimlach. baruch el hahoda’ot.

opaxc micenCongregation reads quietlyduring cantor’s repetition

(page 275)

mi ¦cFn °,Kl Ep §g«©p£ d Ÿed §i `Ed dY © Wi ¥dŸl`¥e Epi «¥dŸl ¡lk i ¥dŸl ¡ ,Epi «¥zFa £x ¥vFi ,Ep «¥x §vFi ,xUAzFkx §A .zi ¦W` ¥x §AL §n ¦W §l zF`cFd §el ©r ,WFcT ©d §e lFcB ©d.Ep«Y §n©I ¦w §e Ep«zi ¦i¡g¤d ¤W,Ep«¥n §I ©w §zE Ep«¥I ©g §Y o¥MEpi «¥zFI ªlB sFq ¡ ¤z §e,L«¤W §cw zFx §v ©g §lzFU£r©l §e Li «¤T ªg xFn §W¦laa¥l §A L §C §ar§lE ,L«¤pFv §xEp §g«©p £ ¤W l ©r ,m¥lWl ¥ KExA .Kl mi ¦cFn

.zF`cFd ©d

° Bow at Modim/We until adonai/Lord

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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On Hanukkah say:

miqpd lr We thank you also for the miracles,for the redemption, for the mighty deeds andsaving acts you have done, as well as for thewars which you waged for our fathers in days ofold, at this season.

AL HANISIM, v’al hapurkan, v’al hagevurot, v’alhatshu’ot, v’al hamilchamot, she’asita la’avotenubayamim hahem bazman haze.inia In the days of the Hasmonean, Mattathiasson of Yochanan, the High Priest, and his sons,when the wicked power of Greece rose upagainst your people Israel to make themforgetful of your Torah, and to force them totransgress the statutes of your will. Then in yourabundant mercy you rose up for them in thetime of their trouble. You pled their cause. Youjudged their case. You avenged their wrong.1 Youdelivered the strong into the hands of the weak,the many into the hands of the few, the impureinto the hands of the pure, the wicked into thehands of the righteous, and the arrogant into thehands of them that occupied themselves withyour Torah. You made a great and holy name inyour world for yourself. And for your peopleIsrael you worked a great deliverance2 andredemption as at this day. And after this yourchildren came into the inner sanctuary of yourhouse, cleansed your temple, purified your holyplace, kindled lights in your sacred courts, andappointed these eight days of Hanukkah inorder to give thanks and praises unto your greatName.

BIYMEI matityahu ben yochanan cohen gadol,chashmonai uvanav, keshe’amdah malchut yavanharesha’ah al amecha israel lehashkicham toratecha,uleha’aviram mechukei retzonecha, v’atahberachamecha harabim amadta lahem b’et tzaratam,ravta et ribam, danta et dinam, nakamta etnikmatam,1 masarta giborim beyad chalashim,verabim beyad meatim, uteme’im beyad tehorim,uresha’im beyad tzadikim, vezedim beyad oskeitoratecha. ulecha asita shem gadol vekadoshb’olamecha, ule’amcha israel asita teshua gedolah2

ufurkan kehayom hazeh. v’achar kach ba’u banechalidvir beitecha, ufinu et heichalecha, vetiharu etmikdashecha, vehidliku nerot bechatzrot kadshecha,vekav’u shemonat yemei chanukah elu, lehodotulehalel leshimcha hagadol.

On Hanukkah say:

mi ¦Q ¦P ©d l ©r,ow §x ªR ©d l ©r §e ,l ©r §e ,zFxEa §B ©d l ©r §e,zFng§l ¦O ©d l ©r §e ,zFrEW §Y ©dmi ¦nI ©A Epi«¥zFa£©l zi «¦Ur ¤W

.d¤G ©d o ©n§G ©A m ¥ddopgFi o¤A Ed«i §z ¦Y ©n i ¥ni ¦A,eipaE i`©pFn §W©g ,lFcB o ¥dŸMo e i zEk §l ©n dc §nr ¤W §Ml ¥ x §U ¦i L §O ©r l ©r drW §xd,L«¤zxFY mgi ¦M §W ©d §l,L¤pFv §x i¥T ªg ¥n mxi ¦a £r ©d§lEmi ¦A ©xd Li«¤n£g ©x §A dY © §e,mzxv z ¥r §A m¤dl Y §c«©nrz ¤ Y §p «©C ,mai ¦x z ¤ Y §a «©x,mzn §w ¦p z ¤ Y §n «©wp ,mpi ¦C1

c ©i §A mi ¦xFA ¦B Y §x «©qnc ©i §A mi ¦A ©x §e ,mi ¦WN ©gc ©i §A mi ¦ ¥n §HE ,mi ¦H ©r §nc ©i §A mi ¦rW §xE ,mi ¦xFd §hi¥w §qFr c©i §A mi ¦c¥f §e ,mi ¦wi ¦C ©vm ¥W zi «¦Ur L§lE .L«¤zxFz,L«¤nlFr §A WFcw §e lFcBzi «¦Ur l ¥ x §U ¦i L §O ©r§lE

dlFc §B dreW §Y2ow §x ªtE KM x ©g © §e .d¤G ©d mFI ©d §M,L«¤zi¥A xi ¦a §c¦l Li«¤pa E «AEx£d ¦h §e ,L«¤lki ¥d z ¤ EP ¦tEEwi«¦l §c ¦d §e ,L«¤WC §w ¦n z ¤,L«¤W §Cw zFx §v ©g §A zFx¥pdMªp£g i ¥n §i z©pFn §W Er §aw §el¥N ©d§lE zFcFd§l ,EN«¥

.lFcB ©d L §n ¦W§l1Jeremiah 51:36. 21 Samuel 19:5.

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lre For all these acts your Name, O ourKing, shall be continually blessed andexalted for ever and ever.V’AL kulam yitbarach veyitromamshimcha malkenu tamid l’olam va’ed.

l ©r §eK ©xA §z ¦i mN ªM Ep«¥M§l ©n L §n ¦W m ©nFx §z ¦i §e

.c ¤re mlFr§l ci ¦nY

° Bow1Numbers 6:24-25. This benediction was given the the priests to bless the people of Israel.

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

On Days of Awe say:

O inscribe all the children of your covenantfor a happy life.

uchtov lechayim tovim kol bnei vritecha.

lke And every living thing shall givethanks to you for ever, and shall praiseyour Name in truth, O God, oursalvation and our help. Selah. Blessed°are you, O Lord, whose Name isAll-good, and unto whom it isbecoming to give thanks.VECHOL hachaim yoducha selah, vihalleluet shimcha be’emet, ha’el yeshuatenuv’ezratenu selah. baruch° atah adonai, hatovshimcha ulecha na’eh lehodot.

Cantor during repetition:




(May it be your will)

On Days of Awe say:

mi ¦aFh mi ¦I ©g§l aFz §kE.L«¤zi ¦x §a i¥p §A lM

l Ÿk §eLE «cFi mi ¦I ©g ©d z ¤ El §l ©di ¦e ,dl«¤Ql ¥ d ,z ¤n¡ ¤A L §n ¦WEp«¥zx §f ¤r §e Ep «¥zrEW §i

KExA .dl«¤q°dY © L§lE L §n ¦W aFH ©d ,dŸed §i

.zFcFd§l d ¤ pCantor during repetition:

Epi«¥dŸl ¡i ¥dŸl`¥e Ep«¥k §xA ,Epi «¥zFa £z ¤W«¤N ªW §n ©d dkx §A ©al ©r daEz §M ©d dxFY ©A,L «¤C §a ©r d ¤W Ÿn i ¥c §io Ÿx£d © i ¦R ¦n dxEn£dm ©r ,mi ¦p £d ŸM eipaE

:xEn ¨ M ,L«¤WFc §w

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SHALOM.1 (ken yehi ratzon.)


mely miy Grant peace, welfare,blessing, grace, lovingkindness andmercy to us and to all Israel, yourpeople. Bless us, O our Father, even allof us together, with the light of yourcountenance; for by the light of yourcountenance you have given us, O Lordour God, the Teaching of life,lovingkindness and righteousness,blessing, mercy, life and peace; and mayit be good in your sight to bless yourpeople Israel at all times and in everyhour with your peace.

.L «¤x §n §W ¦i §e dŸed §i L §k ¤xa §i(.oFvx i ¦d §i o¥M)Li«¤l ¥ eipR dŸed §i x ¥ i

.‚«¤P ªgi ¦e(.oFvx i ¦d §i o¥M)Li«¤l ¥ eipR dŸed §i `V ¦i

.mFlW L§l m ¥Ui §e(.oFvx i ¦d §i o¥M)

melymFlW mi ¦UdaFh

c ¤q«¤ge o ¥g ,dkx §aEl ©r §e Epi«¥lr ,mi ¦n£g ©x §e.L«¤O ©r l ¥ x §U ¦i lMEp«N ªM ,Epi «¦a ¨ ,Ep«¥k §xAi ¦M ,Li«¤pR xF` §A cg ¤ §M,Ep«N Y«©zp Li«¤pR xF` §az ©xFY ,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i,c¤q«¤g z©a£d«© §e mi ¦I ©gmi ¦n£g ©x §e dkx §aE dwc §vEaFh §e ,mFlW §e mi ¦I ©g §ez ¤ K ¥xa§l Li«¤pi ¥r §Az ¥r lk §A l ¥ x §U ¦i L §O ©r.L«¤nFl §W ¦A drW lk §aE

1Numbers 6:24-25. This benediction was given the the priests to bless the people of Israel.

Mussaf for Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh

(during Days of Awe conclude: In the Lamb’s bookof life, blessing, peace and good sustenancemay we be remembered and inscribed beforeyou, we and all your people the house ofIsrael, for a happy life and for peace. Blessedare you, O Lord, who makes peace.)

Blessed are you, O Lord, who blesseshis people Israel with peace.

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SIM SHALOM tovah uvrachah, chenvachesed verachamim, aleinu v’al kol israelamecha. barchenu, avinu, kulanu k’echadb’or panecha, ki b’or panecha natata lanu,adonai eloheinu, torat chayim v’ahavatchesed, utzdakah uvrachah verachamimvechayim veshalom, vetov b’einechalevarech et amcha israel bechol et uvecholsha’ah bishlomecha

,d Ÿed §i dY © KExA z ¤ K ¥xa §n ©dFO ©r

l ¥ x §U ¦i(.mFlX ©A

Cantor’s repetition ends here

i ©dŸl¡i ¦pFW§l xFv §p ,x¥A ©C ¦n i ©zt §UE .rx ¥n

:dn §x ¦n1i©l §l ©w §n ¦l §e i ¦W §t©p §e ,m ŸC ¦z i ¦W §t©p.d¤i §d ¦Y l ŸM©l xtr ¤M,L«¤zxFz §A i ¦A ¦l g ©z §RsFC §x ¦Y Li«¤zF §v ¦n §aEmi ¦a §WFg ©d lk §e .i ¦W §t©pdx ¥d §n ,drx i©lrl ¥w §l ©w §e mzv £r x ¥td

.mY §a ©W£g ©n1Psalm 34:14. 2Psalm 60:7, 108:7. 3Psalm 19:15.

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

(during Days of Aweconclude:

x¤W£ mi ¦I ©g x¤t«¥q §AmFlW §e dkx §A ,d ¤U©lx¥kG ¦p ,daFh dqp §x ©tEEp §g«©p£ ,Li«¤pt§l a ¥zM ¦p §e,l ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥A L §O ©r lk §e(.mFlW§lE mi ¦aFh mi ¦I ©g§l

(during Days of Awe conclude: besefer chaimasher laseh, berachah veshalom ufarnasah tovah,nizacher venikatev lefanecha, anachnu vecholamecha beit israel, lechaim tovim uleshalom.) baruch atah adonai, hamevarech et amoisrael bashalom.)

Cantor’s repetition ends here.

idl` O my God! guard my tonguefrom evil and my lips from speakingguile;1 and to such as curse me let mysoul be dumb, yes, let my soul be to allas the dust. Open my heart to yourTorah, and let my soul pursue yourcommand- ments. If any design evilagainst me, speedily make their counselof no effect, and frustrate their designs.Do it for the sake of your Name, do itfor the sake of your power, do it for thesake of your holiness, do it for the sakeof your Torah. In order that yourbeloved ones may be delivered, save byyour power, and answer me.2 Let thewords of my mouth and the meditationof my heart be acceptable before you, OLord, my Rock and my Redeemer.3

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ELOHAI netzor leshoni mera. usfataimidaber mirmah:1 velimkalelai nafshitidom, venafshi ke’afar lakol tihyeh. petachlibi betoratecha, uvemitzvotecha tirdofnafshi. vechol hachoshvim alai ra’ah,meherah hafer atzatam vekalkelmachashavtam. aseh lema’an shmecha,aseh lema’an yeminecha, aseh lema’ankedushatecha. aseh lema’an toratecha.lama’an yechaltzun yedidecha, hoshi’ahyemincha va’aneni.2 yihyu leratzon imreipi vehegyon libi lefanecha, adonai tzurivego’ali.3

Bow and take three steps back then bow left, right and centre while saying:

mely dyr ose shalom bimromav, huya’ase shalom aleinu, v’al kol israel, v’imruamen.May he who makes peace in his highplaces make peace for us and all Israel.And say: amen.

oevx idi May it be your will, O Lordour God and God of our fathers, thatthe temple be speedily rebuilt in ourdays, and grant our share in yourTorah. And there we will serve youwith awe, as in the days of old, and asin ancient years. Then shall the offeringof Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant tothe Lord, as in the days of old, and as inancient years.

,L«¤n §W o ©r«©n§l d ¥U£r ,L«¤pi ¦n §i o ©r«©n§l d ¥U£r

.L«¤zX ªc §w o ©r ©n§l d ¥U£r.L«¤zxFY o ©r ©n§l d ¥U£r,Li «¤ci ¦c §i oEv§lg¥i o ©r«©n©l.i ¦p«¥p £r©e L §pi ¦n §i dri «¦WFd2

i ¦t i ¥x §n ¦ oFvx§l Ei §d ¦i,Li«¤pt§l i ¦A¦l oFi §b ¤d §e

.i¦l£Fb §e i ¦xEv dŸed §i3 Bow and take three steps back then bow left, right and centre while saying:

mFlW d ¤UŸr,einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤U £r ©i `Edl ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e ,Epi¥lr

.o ¥n ¨ :Ex §n ¦ §e

oFvx i ¦d §i,Li«¤pt§l ¦n i ¥dŸl ¦¥e Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §izi¥A d¤pA ¦i ¤W ,Epi«¥zFa£dx ¥d §n ¦A WC §w ¦O ©dEp «¥w §l ¤g o ¥z §e ,Epi «¥ni §aL §ca £r©p mW §e ,L«¤zxFz §AmlFr i ¥ni ¦M d ¨ §x ¦i §A

1Psalm 34:14. 2Psalm 60:7, 108:7. 3Psalm 19:15.

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YEHI RATZON milfanecha, adonaieloheinu v’elohei avoteinu, sheyibaneh beithamikdash bimherah beyameinu, vetenchelkenu betoratecha, vesham na’avadchabeyir’ah kiymei olam uchshanimkadmoniyot. v’arvah ladonai minchatyehudah virushalaim kiymei olamuchshanim kadmoniyot.

Individual’s repetition of Amidah ends.

Disciple’s Prayer

epia` avinu shebashamaim yitkadashshmecha: tavo malchutecha ye’asehretzoncha ba’aretz ka’asher na’asahbashamaim: ten lanu hayom lechemchukenu: uslach lanu et ashmatenu ka’ashersolchim anachnu la’asher ashmu lanu: v’altevi’enu liydei masah ki im hatzilenu minhara.REFRAIN: KI LECHA HAMAMLACHAHVEHAGVURAH VEHATIF’ERET L’OLMEI OLAMIM.(AMEN.)Our Father in heaven, sanctified beyour Name. Your kingdom come, mayit be done on earth as it is done inheaven: Give us our sustenance today:and forgive us our transgressions justas we forgive others who havetransgressed against us. And do notlead us into trials, but deliver us fromevil.REFRAIN: FOR YOURS IS THE KINGDOM ANDTHE POWER AND THE GLORY FOR EVER ANDEVER. (AMEN)

.zFI ¦pFn §c ©w mi ¦pW §kEz ©g §p ¦n dŸed §i©l da §xr §ei ¥ni ¦M m¦i«lWExi ¦e dcEd §imi ¦pW §kE mlFr

.zFI ¦pFn §c©wIndividual repetition of

Amidah ends.

micinlzd zlitz

Epi ¦a ¨m ¦i ©nX ©A ¤y `ŸaY :L ¤n §y W ©C©w §z ¦iL §p Ÿev §x d ¤Ur¥i L¤zEk§l ©ndU £r©p x ¤W£ ©M u ¤x ¨ AmŸeI ©d Epl o ¤Y :m ¦inW ©aEplÎg©l §qE :Ep ¥T ªg m¤g¤lx ¤W£ ©M Ep ¥zn §W © z ¤x ¤W£©l Ep §g©p£ mi ¦g§l Ÿql © §e :Epl En §W ¨i ¦M dQ ©n i ¥ci¦l Ep ¥ i ¦a §Y .rxd o ¦n Ep¥li ¦S ©dÎm ¦dkl §n ©O ©d L§l i ¦M äz ¤x ¤ §t ¦Y ©d §e dxEa §B ©d §e:o ¥n ¨ mi ¦nl Ÿer i ¥n§l Ÿer§l

epia` Avinu. Matthew 6:9-13. Often called the ‘Lord’s’ or ‘Disciples’’ prayer,Messiah’s prayer is a summarisation of the key elements of the Amidah.

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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Full KaddishRecited by Cantor

lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadashshme raba

(amen)be’alma di vra chir'uteh,veyamlich malchutehbechayechon uvyomechonuvechayei dechol beit’agala uvizman kariv. ve'imruamen:

(amen. yehe shme raba mevarach le’alam ul’almealmaya:)

yehe shme raba mevarachle’alam ul’alme almaya.

yitbarach veyishtabachveyitpa’ar veyitromam veyitnase

mly yicwRecited by Cantor

D ¥n §W W ©C ©w §z ¦i §e l ©C©B §z ¦i .`A ©x

(o ¥n ¨ ),Di ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n§lr §AoFki¥I ©g §A Di ¥zEk§l ©n Ki¦l §n©i §ezi¥A lk §c i¥I ©g §aE oFki ¥nFi §aEo ©n §f ¦aE `lb £r ©A .l ¥ x §U ¦i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e .ai ¦xw`A ©x D ¥n §W ` ¥d §i .o ¥n ¨)i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§l K ©xa §n

(:`I ©n§lrK ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §i

.`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§lx © R §z ¦i §e g©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦i

lcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name in the world which he has createdaccording to his will. May he establish his kingdom during your life and during yourdays, and during the life of all the house of Israel, even speedily and at a near time,and say, Amen.

All with Reader: Amen. May his great Name be blessed for ever and to all eternity.Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnified andpraised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He (on Shabbat Shuvah add: exceedingly).Beyond all the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations, which are uttered inthe world; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.May the prayers and supplications of the entire Family of Israel be accepted beforetheir Father Who is in heaven, and say, Amen.

All: Amen.

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veyithadar veyit’ale veyithallalshme dekudsha brich hu

(brich hu)

le’ela (on Shabbat Shuvah: ul’ela mikol)

min kol birchata veshiratatushbechata venechemata,da’amiran be’alma, ve'imruamen:

(amen)titkabel tzelot-hon uva’ut-hondechol beit israel kadam avuhondi vishmaya. v’imru amen:


yehe shlama raba min shemayavechayim aleinu v’al kol israel,v’imru amen:


ose shalom bimromav huya’aseh shalom aleinu v’al kolisrael, v’imru amen:


xC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §eD ¥n §W lN ©d §z ¦i §e d¤N ©r §z ¦i §e

`Ed Ki ¦x §A `W §c ªw §C(`Ed Ki ¦x §A)

`N «¥r§l )on Shabbat Shuvah:`N ¥r§lE (lM ¦n`zxi ¦W §e `zk §x ¦A lM o ¦n

oxi ¦n£ ©C ,`zn¡g¤p §e `zg §A §W ªY :o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A

(o ¥n ¨)oFd §zEraE oFd §zFl §v l¥A©w §z ¦YoFdEa£ mc¢w l ¥ x §U ¦i zi¥A lk §C

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e .`I ©n §W ¦a i ¦C(o ¥n ¨)

`I ©n §W o ¦n `A ©x `nl §W ` ¥d §i,l ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mi ¦I ©g §e

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e(o ¥n ¨)

`Ed einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤UŸrlM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mFlW d ¤U£r©i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,l ¥ x §U ¦i(o ¥n ¨)

Reader.—May there be abundant peace from heaven, and a happy life for us and forall Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader: He who makes peace in his high places, may he in his mercy make peace forus and for all Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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epidl`k oi` There is none like ourGod, none like our Lord, none likeour King, none like our Saviour.

Who is like our God, who like ourLord, who like our King, who likeour Saviour?

We will give thanks to our God, wewill give thanks to our Lord, we willgive thanks to our King, we willgive thanks to our Saviour.

Blessed be our God, blessed be ourLord, blessed be our King, blessedbe our Saviour. You are our God,you are our Lord, you are our King,you are our Saviour.

You are he to whom our fathersburnt the spice-incense. EIN K’eloheinu, ein k’adoneinu, einkemalkenu, ein kemoshienu.

MI K’eloheinu, mi k’adoneinu, mikemalkenu, mi kemoshienu.

NODEH L’eloheinu, nodeh l’adoneinu,nodeh l'malkenu, nodeh l’moshienu.

BARUCH eloheinu, baruch adoneinu,baruch malkenu, baruch moshienu.

ATAH hu eloheinu, atah hu adoneinu,atah hu malkenu, atah hu moshienu.

ATAH hu shehiktiru avoteinu lefanechaet ketoret hasamim.

Revelation 8And I saw the seven angels whostand before God. And an angel cameand stood at the altar, holding agolden censer; and much incense wasgiven to him, so that he might add it

Epi«¥dŸl`¥M oi ¥ , ,Epi«¥pFc`©M oi ¥ ,Ep«¥M§l ©n §M oi ¥

.Ep «¥ri ¦WFn §M oi ¥i ¦n ,Epi«¥dŸl`¥k

,Epi«¥pFc`©k i ¦n ,Ep«¥M§l ©n §k i ¦n

.Ep «¥ri ¦WFn §k i ¦nd ¤cFp ,Epi«¥dŸl ¥l

,Epi«¥pFc`©l d ¤cFp ,Ep«¥M§l ©n§l d ¤cFp

.Ep «¥ri ¦WFn§l d ¤cFpKExA ,Epi«¥dŸl¡

,Epi«¥pFc£ KExA ,Ep«¥M§l ©n KExA

.Ep «¥ri ¦WFn KExAdY © ,Epi«¥dŸl¡ `Ed

dY © ,Epi«¥pFc£ `Ed dY © ,Ep«¥M§l ©n `Ed

.Ep «¥ri ¦WFn `Ed dY ©Exi «¦h §w ¦d ¤W `Ed dY ©z ¤ Li«¤pt§l Epi«¥zFa£

.mi ¦O ©Q ©d z ¤x «Ÿh §w

g wxt opg Ÿei o Ÿefg

mi ¦k ¨ §l ©n dr §a ¦W ` ¤x ¥ e:mi ¦dŸl¡d i¥p §t¦l mi ¦c §nŸrdl¤v ¥ cŸn £rI©e K ¨ §l ©n `ŸaI©e

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to the prayers of all the holy ones on thegolden altar which was before thethrone. And the smoke of the incense,with the prayers of the saints, went upbefore God out of the angel’s hand. VA’ERE SHIV’AH mal’achim ha’omdimlifnei ha’elohim: vayavo mal’achvaya’amod etzel hamizbeach uveyadomikteret zahav vayitnu lo ateret ketoretlehaktir im tefilot kol hakdoshim almizbeach hazahav asher lifnei hakise:vaya’al atar anan haktoret im tefilothakdoshim miyad hamal’ach lifneiha’elohim.

Talmud Babli: Treatise Selichoth A

zxhwd meht The compound formingthe incense consisted of balm, mocha,laudanum and frankincense, inquantities weighing seventy manehseach; of myrrh, cassia, spikenard andsaffron, each sixteen manehs by weight;of costus twelve, of aromatic bark three,and of cinnamon nine manehs; of lyeobtained from a species of leek, ninekabs; of Cyprus wine three seahs andthree kabs: though, if Cyprus wine wasnot procurable, old white wine might beused: of salt of Sodom the fourth part ofa kab, and a minute quantity of the herbMaaleh Ashan.

z ¤x¤h §w ¦n Ÿeci §aE ©g¥A§f ¦O ©dz ¤x¤z £r Ÿel ep §z ¦I©e adfm ¦r xi ¦h §w ©d§l z ¤xŸh §wmi ¦W Ÿec §T ©d lM zŸeN ¦t §Yx ¤W£ adG ©d g¥A§f ¦n l ©rl ©r©I©e :`¥Q ¦M ©d i¥p §t¦lz ¤xŸh §T ©d o©p £r x ©z £rmi ¦W Ÿec §T ©d zŸeN ¦t §YÎm ¦ri¥p §t¦l K ¨ §l ©O ©d c©I ¦n

:mi ¦dŸl¡d

'`:e zezixk zkqn cenlz

z ¤x «Ÿh §T ©d mEH ¦R :i ¦x¢S ©d,,dp §A §l ¤g ©d ,o ¤x «ŸR ¦S ©d §el ©w §W ¦n ,dpFa §N ©d §emi ¦r §a ¦W mi ¦r §a ¦W,dri ¦v §wE ,xFn .d¤pn,mŸM §x©k §e , §C §x¥p z¤l «ŸA ¦WxUr dX ¦W l©w §W ¦nxUr dX ¦Wmi¥p §W §h §W ŸT ©d .d¤pn,dWŸl §W dtEN ¦w §e ,xUrzi ¦xŸA .dr §W ¦Y oFnP ¦w §e,oi ¦A©w dr §W ¦Y dpi ¦W §x©M

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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PITUM HAKTORET: hatzari,vehatziporen, hachelbenah, vehalvonah,mishkal shiv’im shiv’im maneh. mor,uktzi’ah, shibolet nered, vecharkom,mishkal shishah asar shishah asar maneh.hakosht shneim asar, vekilupah shloshah,vekinamon tish’ah. borit karshinah tish’ahkabin, yeiyn kafrisin s’in telata vekabintelata, v’im ein lo yeyn kafrisin meivichamar chivaryan atik, melach sedomitrova hakav, ma’aleh ashan kol shehu.

Mishna: Tamid 7:4

xiyd These were the Psalms which theLevites used to recite in the Temple:On the first day of the week they usedto recite (Psalm 24), The earth is the Lord’sthe fulness thereof, the world and those

who dwell in it.On the second day (Psalm 48), Great is theLord and exceedingly to be praised, inthe city of our God, in his holymountain.On the third day (Psalm 82), God stands inthe congregation of the mighty; hejudges among the judges.On the fourth day (Psalm 94), O Lord,God to whom retribution belongs, youGod to whom retribution belongs, shineforth.On the fifth day (Psalm 81), Sing for joy toGod our strength; shout for joy to theGod of Jacob.On the sixth day (Psalm 93), The Lord

oi ¦ §q oi ¦qi ¦x §t©w oi¥i,`zl §Y oi ¦A©w §e `zl §Yoi¥i Fl oi ¥ m ¦ §ex ©n£g `i ¦a ¥n ,oi ¦qi ¦x §t©wg©l«¤n ,wi ¦Y ©r oi §x©E ¦g,aT ©d r ©a «Ÿx zi ¦nFc §qlM oWr d¤l £r ©n

.`Ed ¤W

c:f cinz dpyn

Eid m¦I ¦e§l ©d ¤W xi ¦X ©dzi ¥a §A mi ¦x §nF`mFI ©A .WC §w ¦O ©d:mi ¦x §nF` Eid oFW` ¦xd,D ¨ Fl §nE u ¤x«¨ d dŸed §i©l.Da i¥a §W «Ÿi §e l¥a ¥Y:mi ¦x §nF` Eid i ¦p ¥X©AlN ªd §nE d Ÿed §i lFcBEpi«¥dŸl¡ xi ¦r §A ,cŸ §ni ¦Wi¦l §X©A .FW §cw x ©dmi ¦dŸl¡ :mi ¦x §nF` Eid,l ¥ z ©c £r ©A aS ¦p.hŸR §W ¦i mi ¦dŸl¡ a ¤x «¤w §A:mi ¦x §nF` Eid i ¦ri ¦a §xA

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reigns; he has robed himself in majesty;the Lord has robed himself, yes, he hasgirded himself with strength: the worldalso is set firm, that it cannot be moved.On the Sabbath (Psalm 92); A psalm, asong for the Sabbath Day. It is the psalmand song also for the hereafter, for theday which will be wholly Sabbath, andrest for life everlasting.HASHIR shahleviyim hayu omrim beveithamikdash. bayom harishon hayu omrim:l’adonai ha’aretz umelo’ah, tevel veyoshveibah. basheni hayu omrim: gadol adonaiumehulal me’od, be’ir eloheinu har kadsho.bashlishi hayu omrim: elohim nitzavba’adat el, bekerev elohim yishpot. barvi’ihayu omrim: el nekamot adonai, elnekamot hofi’a. bachamishi hayu omrim:harninu l’elohim uzenu, hari’u l’eloheiya’akov. bashishi hayu omrim: adonaimalach ge’ut lavesh, lavesh adonai ozhit’azar, af tikon tevel bal timot. bashabathayu omrim: mizmor shir leyomhashabbat. mizmor shir le’atid lavo, leyomshekulo shabbat umenuchah lechayeiha’olamim.

Talmud Babli. Berachoth 64A

xfrl` ia ©x xn` Rabbi Elazar said inthe name of Rabbi Chanina, Thedisciples of the sages increase peacethroughout the world, as it is said, andall your children shall be taught of theLord; and great shall be the peace ofyour children. (Read not here banayich,

l ¥ ,d Ÿed §i zFnw §p l ¥. ©ri «¦tFd zFnw §p:mi ¦x §nF` Eid i ¦Wi ¦n£g©A,Ep«¥GEr mi ¦dŸl ¥l Epi«¦p §x ©d.aŸw £r©i i ¥dŸl ¥l Eri «¦xd:mi ¦x §nF` Eid i ¦X ¦X©AzE`¥B Kln dŸed §if Ÿr dŸed §i W¥al ,W¥aloFM ¦Y s © ,xG © §z ¦d.hFO ¦Y l ©A l¥a ¥Y:mi ¦x §nF` Eid zA ©X©AmFi §l xi ¦W xFn §f ¦nxi ¦W xFn§f ¦n .zA ©X ©dmFi §l ,` Ÿal ci ¦zr¤ldgEp §nE zA ©W FN ªM ¤W

.mi ¦nlFrd i¥I ©g§l

'`:cq zekxa zkqn cenlz

xfr§l ¤ i ¦A ©x x ©n ¨:`pi ¦p£g i ¦A ©x x ©n ¨mi ¦nk£g i ¥ci ¦n §l ©Y,mlFrA mFlW mi ¦A §x ©nK¦i«©pA lk §e :x ©n¡¤P ¤W

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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your children, but bonayich, yourbuilders.) - Great peace have they wholove your Torah; and there is nostumbling for them. Peace be withinyour rampart, prosperity within yourpalaces. For my brethren andcompanions’ sakes I would fain speakpeace concerning you. For the sake ofthe house of the Lord our God I wouldseek your good. The Lord will givestrength to his people; the Lord willbless his people with peace.AMAR RABBI ELEAZAR amar rabichanina: talmidei chachamim marbimshalom ba’olam, shene’emar: vecholbanayich limudei adonai, verav shelombanayich, al tikrei banayich ela bonayich.shalom rav l’ohavei toratecha, v’ein lamomichshol. yehi shalom becheilech, shalvahb’armenotayich. lema’an achai ver’ai,adabrah na shalom bach. lema’an beitadonai eloheinu, avakshah tov lach. adonaioz l’amo yiten, adonai yevarech et amobashalom.

Stand for Aleinu. Bow at *.

epilr It is our duty to praise the Lord ofall things, to ascribe greatness to himwho formed the world in the beginning,since he has not made us like the nationsof other lands, and has not placed us likeother families of the earth, since he hasnot assigned to us a portion like theirs,nor a lot as to all their multitude. For we* bend the knee and offer worship and

a ©x §e ,d Ÿed §i i ¥cEO¦li ¥x §w ¦Y l © ,K¦i«pA mFl §W.K¦i«pFA `N ¤ K¦i«pAi ¥a£dŸ §l ax mFlWFn«l oi ¥ §e ,L«¤zxFzmFlW i ¦d §i .lFW §k ¦nde §l ©W ,K¥li ¥g §Ao ©r «©n §l .K ¦i «zFp §n §x © §Adx §A ©c£ ,ir ¥x §e i ©g ©o ©r«©n§l .KA mFlW `P,Epi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i zi¥A.Kl aFh dW §w ©a£,o ¥Y ¦i FO ©r§l fŸr dŸed §iFO ©r z ¤ K ¥xa §i dŸed §i

.mFlX ©a

Stand for Aleinu. Bow at *.

Epi«¥lroFc£©l ©g«¥A ©W§l dN ªc §B z ¥zl ,lŸM ©dŸN ¤W ,zi ¦W` ¥x §A x¥vFi§l

,zFvx£d i¥iFb §M Ep«UrzFg §R §W ¦n §M Ep«nU Ÿl §emU Ÿl ¤W ,dnc£d

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thanks before the supreme King of kings,the Holy One, blessed be he, whostretched forth the heavens and laid thefoundations of the earth, the seat ofwhose glory is in the heavens above, andthe abode of whose might is in theloftiest heights. He is our God; there isnone else: in truth he is our King; there isnone besides him; as it is written in hisTorah, And you shall know this day, andlay it to your heart, that the Lord he isGod in heaven above and upon the earthbeneath: there is none else.ALEINU leshabeach la’adon hakol,latet gedulah leyotzer b’reshit,shelo asanu kegoyei ha’aratzot,velo samanu kemishpechot ha’adamah,shelo sam chelkenu kahem,vegoralenu kechol’anachnu kor’im umishtachavimumodim, lifnei melech, malchei hamlachim,hakadosh baruch hu.shehu noteh shamaim veyosed aretz,umoshav yekaro bashamaim mima’al,ushchinat uzo begav’hei eloheinu ein od, emet malkenu, efeszulato, kakatuv betorato: veyadata hayom,vehashevota el adonai hu ha’elohim, bashamaimmima’al, ve’al ha’aretz mitachat, ein od.

ok lr We therefore hope in you, O Lordour God, that we may speedily behold theglory of your might, when you willremove filthy idols from the earth, andfalse gods will be utterly destroyed, whenthe world will be perfected under the

Ep«¥lx Ÿb §e ,m¤dM Ep «¥w§l¤g* .mpFn£d lk §M Ep §g«©p£©e

mi ¦e£g ©Y §W ¦nE mi ¦r §xFMK¤l«¤n i¥p §t¦l ,mi ¦cFnE

i¥k§l ©nWFcT ©d ,mi ¦kl §O ©d `Ed ¤W .`Ed KExAc¥qŸi §e m ¦i«©nW d¤hFpFxw §i a ©WFnE ,u ¤x«¨z©pi ¦k §WE ,l ©r«©O ¦n m¦i«©nX©A.mi ¦nFx §n i ¥d §ab §A FG ªr,cFr oi ¥ Epi«¥dŸl¡ `Edq¤t«¤ ,Ep«¥M§l ©n z¤n¡:FzxFz §A aEzM ©M ,FzlEfz Ÿa ¥W£d©e ,mFI ©d Y §r ©ci §ed Ÿed §i i ¦M .L«¤aa§l l ¤mi«©nX ©A ,mi ¦dŸl¡d `Edu ¤x«¨ d l ©r §e ,l ©r«©O ¦n

.cFr oi ¥ ,z ©g«Y ¦n

o¥M l ©r dŸed §i L§N d¤E ©w §pdx ¥d §n zF` §x¦l ,Epi«¥dŸl¡xi ¦a £r ©d§l,L«¤G ªr z ¤x«¤ §t ¦z §A,u ¤x«¨ d o ¦n mi¦lEN ¦B

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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kingdom of the Almighty, and all thechildren of flesh will call upon yourName, when you will turn to yourself allthe evildoers upon earth. Let all theinhabitants of the world see and knowthat to you1 and the name of Yeshua2 everyknee must bow, every tongue must swearallegiance. Before you, O Lord our God,let them bow and worship; and to yourglorious Name let them give honour; letthem all accept the yoke of your kingdom,and may you reign over them speedily,and for ever and ever. For the kingdom isyour, and to all eternity you will reign inglory; as it is written in your Torah, TheLord shall reign for ever and ever. REFRAIN: AND IT IS SAID, AND THE LORD SHALL BEKING OVER ALL THE EARTH. IN THAT DAY THELORD WILL BE ONE, AND HIS NAME ONE.

AL KEN nekaveh lecha adonai eloheinu,lir’ot meherah betif’eret uzecha, leha’avirgilulim min ha’aretz, veha’elilim karotyikaretun, letaken olam bemalchut shadai,vechol benei basar yikr’u bishmecha, lehafnotelecha kol rish’ei aretz. yakiru veyed’u kolyoshvei tevel, ki lecha1 ulashem yeshua2

tichra kol berech, tishava kol lashon.lefanecha adonai eloheinu yikr’u veyipolu,velichvod shimcha yekar yitenu, viykablukulam et ’ol malchutecha, vetimloch aleihemmeherah l’olam va’ed. ki hamalchut shelchahi, ul’olmei ad timloch bechavod, kakatuvbetoratecha, adonai yimloch l’olam va’ed. REFRAIN: VENE’EMAR, VEHAYAH ADONAILEMELECH AL KOL HA’ARETZ, BAYOM HAHUYIHYEH ADONAI ECHAD, USHEMO ECHAD.

,oEz ¥xM ¦i zFxM mi¦li¦l¡d §ezEk§l ©n §A mlFr o ¥T ©z§lxUa i¥p §A lk §e ,i ©C ©WzFp §t ©d§l ,L«¤n §W ¦a E` §x §w ¦i.u ¤x«¨ i ¥r §W ¦x lM Li«¤l ¥i ¥a §WFi lM Er §c¥i §e Exi«¦M©i

L§l i ¦M ,l¥a ¥z1m¥WlE ©rEW¥i2,K ¤x«¤A lM r ©x §k ¦Y

.oFWl lM r ©aX ¦YEpi«¥dŸl¡ dŸed §i Li«¤pt§lcFa §k¦l §e ,ElŸ «R ¦i §e Er §x §k ¦i,Ep«¥Y ¦i xw §i L §n ¦WlFr z ¤ mN ªk El §A©wi ¦eKŸl §n ¦z §e ,L«¤zEk§l ©nmlFr§l dx ¥d §n m¤di¥l £rL§N ¤W zEk§l ©O ©d i ¦M .c ¤rec ©r i ¥n§lF «r§lE ,`i ¦daEzM©M ,cFak §A KFl §n ¦YKŸl §n ¦i dŸed §i ,L«¤zxFz §A

.c ¤re mlFr§ldŸed §i did §e ,x ©n¡¤p §e ä,u ¤x«¨ d lM l ©r K¤l«¤n§ldŸed §i d¤i §d ¦i `Ed ©d mFI ©A

.cg ¤ Fn ¤WE ,cg ¤ok lr The second paragraph of Aleinu looks forward to the Messianic Era.1Isaiah 45:23; Philippians 2:9-11 ‘God has highly exalted him (Messiah Yeshua) that atthe name of Yeshua every knee should bow and every tongue confess.... that YeshuaMessiah is Lord to the glory of God the Father.’

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Mourner’s KaddishWith a minyan, mourners recite:

lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadash shme


be’alma di vra chir'uteh veyamlichmalchuteh bechayechonuvyomechon uvechayei dechol beitisrael ba’agala uvizman karivve'imru amen

(with cantor: amen. yehe shme rabamevarach le’alam ul’alme’almaya.)

yehe shme raba mevarach le’alam

ul’alme almaya. yitbarach

veyishtabach veyitpa’ar veyit-

romam veyitnase veyithadar

veyit’ale veyithalal shme dekudsha,brich hu

(brich hu)

mezi yicwWith a minyan, mourners recite:

l ©C©B §z ¦i.`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C©w §z ¦i §e (o ¥n ¨ )

,Di ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n§lr §A oFki¥I ©g §A Di ¥zEk§l ©n Ki¦l §n©i §ezi¥A lk §c i¥I ©g §aE oFki ¥nFi § ¦xw o ©n§f ¦aE `lb £r ©A .l ¥ x §U ¦i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e`A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §i .o ¥n ¨ )i ¥n§lr§lE m©lr§l K ©xa §n

(:`I ©n§lrm©lr§l K ©xa §n `A ©x D ¥n §W `¥d §iK ©xA §z ¦i .`I ©n §lr i ¥n §lr §lEm ©nFx §z ¦i §e x © R §z ¦i §e g©A ©Y §W ¦i §ed¤N ©r §z ¦i §e xC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §eKi ¦x §A `W §c ªw §C D ¥n §W lN ©d §z ¦i §e

`Ed(`Ed Ki ¦x §A)

lcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name in the world which he has createdaccording to his will. May he establish his kingdom during your life and during yourdays, and during the life of all the house of Israel, even speedily and at a near time,and say, Amen.

All with Reader — Let his great Name be blessed for ever and to all eternity.Reader.—Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnifiedand praised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He.

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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le’ela (during Days of Awe ul’ela

mikol) min kol birchata veshiratatushbechata venechemata

da’amiran be’alma ve'imru amen.(amen)

yehe shlama raba min shmaya,

vechayim aleinu ve’al kol israel,

ve'imru amen.


Take three steps back. Bow left and say ‘ose’; bow right and say ‘hu’;

bow centre then take three stepsforward at end.

ose shalom bimromav hu ya’aseshalom aleinu ve’al kol israel,ve'imru amen.


`N «¥r§l)during Days of Awe `N «¥r§l(lM ¦n `N «¥r§lE`zk §x ¦A lM o ¦n

,`zn¡g¤p §e `zg §A §W ªY `zxi ¦W§e:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A oxi ¦n£ ©C

(o ¥n ¨ ),`I ©n §W o ¦n `A ©x `nl §W ` ¥d §il ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mi ¦I ©g §e

.o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e(o ¥n ¨ )

Take three steps back. Bow left and say d ¤UŸr; bow right and say `Ed;

bow centre then take three steps forward at end.

`Ed einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤UŸrlM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mFlW d ¤U£r©i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,l ¥ x §U ¦i (o ¥n ¨ )

Though he be (exceedingly) high above all the blessings and hymns, praises andconsolations, which are uttered in the world; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader.—May there be abundant peace from heaven, and a happy life for us and forall Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader: He who makes peace in his high places, may he in his mercy make peace forus and for all Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.

Mussaf for Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh

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Song of Glory

The Ark is opened, and the following Hymn is chanted

in alternate verses by the Reader and Congregation.

I shall weave melodies and sweeten songs,For you are all for which my spirit longs.

an’im zemirot veshirim e’erog, ki elecha nafshi ta’arog.

To be within the shadow of your hand,And all your mystery to understand.

nafshi chamdah betzel yadecha,lada’at kol raz sodecha,

While your glory is upon my tongue, My heart yearns for your love.

midei dabri bichvodecha,homeh libi el dodecha.

So though your mighty marvels I proclaim,It’s songs of love by which I greet your Name.

al ken adaber becha nichbadot,veshimcha achabed beshirei yedidot.

I have not seen you, yet I tell your praise,Nor known you, yet I image forth your ways.

asaprah kevodcha velo r’iticha,adamcha achancha velo yeda’ticha.

By your prophets’ hands, your servants’ speech, You showed the splendrous glory of your power.

beyad nevi’echa besod avadecha,dimita hadar kevod hodecha.

From the grandeur of your work they drew, The measure of your inner greatness, too.

gedulatcha ugevuratecha.kinu letokef p’ulatecha.

ceakd xiyThe Ark is opened, and the

following Hymn is chanted inalternate verses by the Reader

and Congregation.

mi ¦xi ¦W §e zFxi ¦n§f mi ¦r §p © ,bFx¡ ¤

.bFx £r ©z i ¦W §t©p Li«¤l ¥ i ¦M

,L «¤ci l¥v §A dc §ng i ¦W §t©p.L «¤cFq fx lM z ©r«©cl

,L «¤cFa §k ¦A i ¦x §A ©c i ¥C ¦n.Li «¤cFC l ¤ i ¦A¦l d¤nFd

,zFcA §k ¦p L §A x¥A ©c£ o¥M l ©ri ¥xi ¦W §A c¥A©k£ L §n ¦W §e

.zFci ¦c §iŸl §e L §cFa §k dx §R ©q£

Ÿl §e L §P ©k£ L §O ©c£ ,Li «¦zi ¦ §x.Li «¦Y §r ©c §i

,Li «¤ca £r cFq §A Li«¤ i ¦a §p c©i §A .L «¤cFd cFa §k x ©c£d zi «¦O ¦C

.L«¤zxEa §bE L §zN ªc §B.L«¤zN ªr §R s¤wŸ «z§l EP ¦M

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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They told of you, but not as you must be,Since by your work they tried to portray you.

dimu otcha velo kefi yeshcha,vayeshavucha lefi ma’asecha.

To countless visions did their pictures run,Behold through all the visions you are one.

himshilucha berov chezyonot, hincha echad bechol dimyonot.

They saw you, old and then young,The head with grey, the black hair hung.

vayechezu becha ziknah uvacharut,usi’ar roshecha beseivah veshacharut.

The ancient Judge, the youthful Warrior, The Man of Battles, terrible in war,

ziknah beyom din uvacharut beyom kerav,k’ish milchamot yadav lo rav.

The helmet of salvation on his head, And by His hand and arm the triumph led.

chavash kova yeshuah berosho,hoshiah lo yemino uzero’a kadsho.

With bright dew drops, his head is filled,My crown of beauty he shall ever be!

talelei ‘orot rosho nimla,kevutzotav resisei lailah.

He will glory in me for he delights in me, A diadem of beauty he will be to me.

yitpa’er bi ki chafetz bi, vehu yihyeh li la’ateret tzevi.

His head is like a crown of pure gold, Engraved on his head the glorious Name ofhis holiness.

keter tahor paz demut rosho,vechak al metzach kevod shem kadsho.

,L §W¤i i ¦t §k Ÿl §e L §zF` EO ¦C.Li«¤U £r ©n i ¦t§l LE «E ©W §i©e

,zFpFi§f¤g aFx §A LE «li ¦W §n ¦d.zFpFi §n ¦C lk §A cg ¤ L §P ¦d

,zEx£g©aE dp §w¦f L §a Ef¡g¤I©edai ¥U §A L §W`Ÿx x ©r §UE

.zEx£g ©W §emFi §A zEx£g©aE oi ¦C mFi §A dp §w¦f

,ax § Fl eici zFng§l ¦n Wi ¦ §M ,Fy`Ÿx §A drEW §i r©aF «M W©ag

©rF «x§fE Fpi ¦n §i FN dri «¦WFd.FW §cw

,`l §n ¦p Fy`Ÿx zFxF` i¥l§l ©h.dl§i«l i ¥qi «¦q §x eizFSªe §w

,i ¦A u¥tg i ¦M i ¦A x ¥ R §z ¦i.i ¦a §v z ¤x«¤h £r©l i¦l d¤i §d ¦i `Ed §e

,Fy`Ÿx zEn §C fR xFdh m¤z«¤Mm ¥W cFa §M g©v«¥n l ©r w ©g §e

.FW §cw

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For grace and glory, pride in splendour, His people crown him with prayer.

lechen ulechavod tzevi tif’arah,umato lo itrah atarah.

The curls of his head are as in days of youth, It’s black tresses flowing in curls.

machlefot rosho keviymei bechurot,kevutzotav taltalim shechorot.

The abode of righteousness is the pride ofhis splendour, Up upon his head, his delight.

neveh hatzedek tzevi tif’arto,ya’aleh na al rosh simchato.

He loves His people; the meek will glorify,And, shrined in prayer, draw their rapt reply.

segulato tehi na beyado ateret,utznif meluchah tzevi tif’eret.

From youth he bore them as a crown andaffixed them. They are dear in his sight, he honoured them.

amusim nesa’am ateret indam,me’asher yakru b’einav kibdam.

His glory is on me and mine on him, And near to me when I call on him.

p’ero ‘alai uf’eri alav,vekarov elai bekar’i elav.

White and crimson, his clothing is red,As he comes from Edom, treading the winepress.

tzav v’adom lilvusho adom,purah bedarcho bevo’o me’edom.

The tefillin knot he showed to Moses, The image of Hashem before his eyes.

kesher tefilin her’ah le’anav,temunat adonai leneged einav.

,dx ¨ §t ¦z i ¦a §v cFak§lE o ¥g§l.dxh £r dx §H ¦r Fl FzO ª

i ¥ni ¦a §M Fy`Ÿx zFt§l §g ©n ,zFx ªg §a

.zFxFg §W mi¦N ©Y§l ©Y eizFSªe §w

,FY §x © §t ¦z i ¦a §v w ¤c«¤S ©d d¥e §py`Ÿx l ©r `P d¤l £r©i

.Fzg §n ¦U

Fci §a `p i ¦d §Y FzN ªb §qi ¦a §v dkEl §n si ¦p §vE .z ¤x«¤h £r

.z ¤x«¤ §t ¦z

z ¤x«¤h £r m ¨U §p mi ¦qEn £r ,mc §P ¦r

.mc §A ¦M eipi ¥r §a Ex §wi x ¤W£ ¥n

,eilr i ¦x ¥ §tE i©lr Fx ¥ §R.eil ¥ i ¦ §xw §A i©l ¥ aFxw §e

,mFc ¨ FWEa§l¦l mFc ¨ §e g ©vF`Fa §A Fk §xc §A dxER

.mFc¡ ¥n,epr¤l d ¨ §x¤d oi¦N ¦t §Y x ¤W «¤w.eipi ¥r c¤b«¤p§l dŸed §i z©pEn §Y

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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He desires his people, the poor he raises, He dwells in their prayers, he glories with them.

rotzeh b’amo anavim yefa’er,yoshev tehilot bam lehitpa’er.

Your first word is true, called from the first,Every generation that seeks you seek it.

rosh devarcha emet kore merosh,dor vador am doreshcha derosh.

Place, please, my many songs before you, And may my glad song come near to you.

shith hamon shirai na aleicha,verinati tikrav eleicha.

May my praise be a crown for your head, And my prayers be accepted as incense.

tehilati tehi leroshcha ateret,utefillati tikon ketoret.

May the poor man’s song be dear in your eyes, Like a song sung over sacrifice.

tikar shirat rash b’einecha,kashir yushar al karbanecha.

May my blessing go up as the head of thesustainer, creator, lifegiver of righteous might.

birchati ta’aleh lerosh mashbir, mecholel umolid tzadik kabir.

And in my blessing, incline your head to me,And take it to yourself as the finest spices.

uvevirchati tena’ana li rosh,v’otah kach lecha kivsamim rosh.

May my prayer be sweet to you, For my soul shall long for you.

ye’erav na sichi nafshi ta’arog elecha.

,x ¥ t §i mi ¦ep £r FO ©r §a d¤vFxmA zFN ¦d §Y a ¥WFi

.x ¥ R §z ¦d§l` ¥xFw z¤n¡ L §xa §C W`Ÿx

,W`Ÿx ¥n.WFx §C L §W ¤xFC m ©r xFce xFC,Li«¤lr `p i ©xi ¦W oFn£d zi ¦W

.Li«¤l ¥ a ©x §w ¦Y i ¦zP ¦x §e

LW`Ÿx§l i ¦d §Y i ¦zN ¦d §YoFM ¦Y i ¦zN ¦t §zE ,z ¤x«¤h £r

.z ¤xŸ «h §w,Li«¤pi ¥r §A Wx z ©xi ¦W x©wi ¦Y.Li«¤pA §xw l ©r x ©WEi xi ¦X©M

W`Ÿx§l d¤l £r ©z i ¦zk §x ¦A ,xi ¦A §W ©n

.xi ¦A©M wi ¦C ©v ci¦lFnE l¥lFg §n ,W`Ÿx i¦l r©p £r©p §z i ¦zk §x ¦a §aE

mi ¦nU §a ¦M L§l g©w DzF` §e.W`Ÿx

.Li«¤lr i ¦gi ¦U `p a ©x ¡r¤i.Li«¤l ¥ bFx £r ©z i ¦W §t©p i ¦M

Mussaf for Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh

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The Ark is closed. All read:

jl Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, andthe power, and the glory, and thevictory, and the majesty:1 for all that isin the heaven and in the earth is yours;yours, O Lord, is the kingdom, and thesovereignty as head over all.2 Who canutter the mighty acts of the Lord, ordeclare all his praise?3

LECHA adonai hagedulah vehagevurahvehatif’eret vehanetzach vehahod,1 ki kolbashamaim uva’aretz, lecha adonaihamamlachah, vehamitnase lechol lerosh.2

mi yemalel gevurot adonai, yashmi’a koltehilato.3

The Ark is closed. All read:

dN ªc §B ©d d Ÿed §i L §lz ¤x«¤ §t ¦Y ©d §e dxEa §B ©d §e

,cFd ©d §e g©v«¥P ©d §e1lŸk i ¦M L §l ,u ¤x «¨ aE m ¦i «©nX ©A,dkl §n ©O ©d d Ÿed §il Ÿk §l ` ¥V©p §z ¦O ©d §e

.W` Ÿx §l2l¥N ©n §i i ¦n ©ri «¦n §W©i ,d Ÿed §i zFxEa §B

.FzN ¦d §Y lM3

1Matthew 6:13. 21 Chronicles 29:11. 3Psalm 106:2.lcbzi Magnified and sanctified be his great Name in the world which he has createdaccording to his will. May he establish his kingdom during your life and during yourdays, and during the life of all the house of Israel, even speedily and at a near time,and say, Amen.

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

Mourner’s KaddishWith a minyan, mourners recite:

lcbzi yitgadal veyitkadash shme


be’alma di vra chir'uteh veyamlichmalchuteh bechayechonuvyomechon uvechayei dechol beitisrael ba’agala uvizman karivve'imru amen

(with cantor: amen. yehe shme rabamevarach le’alam ul’alme ’almaya.)

mezi yicwWith a minyan, mourners recite:

l ©C©B §z ¦i.`A ©x D ¥n §W W ©C©w §z ¦i §e (o ¥n ¨ )

,Di ¥zEr §x ¦k `x §a i ¦C `n§lr §AoFki¥I ©g §A Di ¥zEk§l ©n Ki¦l §n©i §ezi¥A lk §c i¥I ©g §aE oFki ¥nFi §aEo ©n§f ¦aE `lb £r ©A .l ¥ x §U ¦i

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e .ai ¦xwK ©xa §n `A ©x D¥n §W `¥d §i .o¥n ¨)

(:`I ©n§lr i¥n§lr§lE m©lr§l

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yehe shme raba mevarach le’alamul’alme almaya. yitbarachveyishtabach veyitpa’ar veyit-romam veyitnase veyithadarveyit’ale veyithalal shme dekudsha,brich hu

(brich hu)le’ela (during days of awe ul’ela mikol)min kol birchata veshiratatushbechata venechemata da’amiranbe’alma ve'imru amen.

(amen)yehe shlama raba min shmaya,vechayim aleinu ve’al kol israel,ve'imru amen.


Take three steps back. Bow left and say ‘ose’; bow right and say ‘hu’;

bow centre then take three steps forward at end.

ose shalom bimromav hu ya’aseshalom aleinu ve’al kol israel,ve'imru amen.


m©lr§l K ©xa §n `A ©x D¥n §W `¥d §ig©A ©Y §W ¦i §e K ©xA §z ¦i .`I ©n§lr i ¥n§lr§lExC ©d §z ¦i §e ` ¥V©p §z ¦i §e m ©nFx §z ¦i §e x © R §z ¦i §e`W §c ªw §C D¥n §W lN ©d §z ¦i §e d¤N ©r §z ¦i §e

`Ed Ki ¦x §A(`Ed Ki ¦x §A)

`N «¥r§l)during Days of Awe `N «¥r§l(lM ¦n `N «¥r§lE`zk §x ¦A lM o ¦n

,`zn¡g¤p §e `zg §A §W ªY `zxi ¦W §e :o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e ,`n§lr §A oxi ¦n£ ©C

(o ¥n ¨),`I ©n §W o ¦n `A ©x `nl §W `¥d §il ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mi ¦I ©g §e

.o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e(o ¥n ¨)Take three steps back. Bow left and say d ¤UŸr; bow right and say `Ed;

bow centre then take three steps forward at end.

d¤U£r©i `Ed einFx §n ¦A mFlW d ¤UŸr,l ¥ x §U ¦i lM l ©r §e Epi«¥lr mFlW

:o ¥n ¨ Ex §n ¦ §e(o ¥n ¨)

All with Reader — Let his great Name be blessed for ever and to all eternity.Reader.—Blessed, praised, and glorified, exalted, extolled and honoured, magnifiedand praised be the Name of the Holy One, blessed be he;

All: blessed be He.Though he be (exceedingly) high above all the blessings and hymns, praises andconsolations, which are uttered in the world; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader.—May there be abundant peace from heaven, and a happy life for us and forall Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.Reader: He who makes peace in his high places, may he in his mercy make peace forus and for all Israel; and say, Amen.

All: Amen.

Mussaf for Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh

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Adon Olamoec` adon olam* asher malach,beterem kol yetzir nivra,l'et na'asah becheftzo kol,azai melech shemo nikra.

Lord of the world, He reigned alone, whileyet the universe was naught,when by Hiswill all things were wrought, then first Hissovereign name was known.

v'acharey kichlot hakol,levado yimloch nora,vehu haya vehu hoveh,vehu yih'yeh betifara.

And when the All shall cease to be, in dreadlone splendour He shall reign, He was, Heis, He shall remain, in glorious eternity.

vehu echad, v'ein sheni,lehamshil lo, lehachbira,beli reishit, beli tachlit,velo ha'oz vehamisrah.

For He is one, no second shares His natureor His loneliness; Unending andbeginningless, all strength is His, all swayHe bears.

vehu eli, vechai go'ali,vetzur chevli b'et tzarah,vehu nisi umanos li,menat kosi beyom ekra.

He is the living God to save, my Rock whilesorrow’s toils endure, My banner and mystronghold sure, the cup of life whene’er Icrave

beyado afkid ruchi,b'et ishan v'a'irah,v'im ruchi geviyati,adonai li velo ira.

I place my soul within His palm before Isleep as when I wake, And though my bodyI forsake, rest in the Lord in fearless calm.

mlFr oFc£ x¤W£ mlFr oFc£,K©ln

.`x §a¦p xi ¦v §i lM m¤x«¤h §A ,lŸM Fv §t¤g §a dU £r©p z ¥r§l.`x §w¦p Fn §W K¤l«¤n i©f£

,lŸM ©d zFl §k ¦M i ¥x£g © §e.`xFp KFl §n ¦i FC©a§l ,d¤eŸd `Ed§e ,did `Ed§e

.dx ¨ §t ¦z §A ,d¤i §d ¦i `Ed§e ,i¦p ¥W oi ¥ §e cg ¤ `Ed§e

.dxi«¦A §g ©d§l Fl li ¦W §n ©d§l ,zi¦l §k ©z i¦l §A zi ¦W` ¥x i¦l §A

.dx §U ¦O ©d§e fŸrd Fl §e ,i¦l£ ŸB i ©g§e i¦l ¥ `Ed§e

.dxv z ¥r §A i¦l §a¤g xEv §e ,i¦l qFpnE i ¦Q¦p `Ed§e

.`x §w ¤ mFi §A i ¦qFM zp §n ,i ¦gEx ci ¦w §t © Fci §A

.dxi «¦r ¨ §e o ©Wi ¦ z ¥r §A ,i ¦zI ¦e §B i ¦gEx m ¦r§e

.`xi ¦ Ÿl §e i¦l dŸed §i mler oec` Adon Olam - In Sephardic custom and generally in British synagogues, it issung at the close of Sabbath and festival morning services. It is attributed to Solomonibn Gabirol (11th century) but may be much older and stem from Babylonia.

ycg y`x zayle zayl sqen

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Behold God is my salvation, I willtrust and will not be afraid, for theLord my God is my strength andsong, and he is become mysalvation. Therefore with joy shallyou draw water from the wells ofsalvation. Salvation belongs to theLord: your blessing be upon yourpeople. (Selah.) The Lord of hosts iswith us; the God of Jacob is ourrefuge. (Selah.) The Jews had lightand joy and gladness and honour. Sobe it with us. I will lift the cup ofsalvation, and call upon the name ofthe Lord.HINEI el yeshuati, evtach velo efchad,ki azi vezimrat yah adonai, vayehi liliyshuah. ush’avtem mayim besason,mima’ainei hayeshuah. l’adonaihayeshuah, al amecha birchatecha

g ©h §a ¤ ,i ¦zrEW §i l ¥ d¥P ¦di¦Gr i ¦M ,cg §t ¤ Ÿl §ei¦l i ¦d §i©e ,dŸed §i Di zx §n¦f §em ¦i«©n m¤Y §a © §WE .drEWi¦l.drEW §i ©d i¥p §i ©r ©O ¦n ,oFUU §AL §O ©r l ©r ,drEW §i ©d dŸed§i©ldŸed §i .dl«¤Q L«¤zk §x ¦aEp«l aB §U ¦n ,Ep«O ¦r zF`a §vdŸed §i .dl«¤q aŸw £r©i i ¥dŸl¡mc ¨ i ¥x §W © ,zF`a §v,dri «¦WFd dŸed §i .KA ©g«¥hŸA.Ep«¥ §xw mFi §a Ep«¥p £r©i K¤l«¤O ©ddxF` dz §id mi ¦cEd§I©l


A cup of wine is taken in the right hand, and the following is said:

(At the end of a festival and Yom Kippur on a weekday, do not include the followingparagraph or the blessing for the spices. At the end of a festival the blessing for the

flame is omitted.)

dlcadzay i`venl dlcad

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selah. adonai tzeva’ot imanu, misgavlanu elohei ya’akov selah. adonai tzeva’ot,ashrei adam boteach bach. adonai hoshiah,hamelech ya’anenu beyom kar’enu.layehudim hayetah orah vesimchah,vesason viykar. ken tihyeh lanu. kosyeshuot esa, uvshem adonai ekra.

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord our God,King of the universe, who creates thefruit of the vine.BARUCH atah adonai, eloheinu melechha’olam, borei peri hagefen.

Put down the wine.Pick up the spice box, and say:

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord our God,King of the universe, who createsdiverse kinds of spices.BARUCH atah adonai, eloheinu melechha’olam, borei minei besamim.

Smell the spices. Put the spice box down.

The hands are spread towards the light.

Say the following:

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord our God,King of the universe, who creates thelight of the fire.BARUCH atah adonai, eloheinu melechha’olam, borei me’orei ha’esh.

o¥M .xwi ¦e oFUU §e dg §n ¦U §ezFrEW §i qFM .Ep«N d¤i §d ¦YdŸed §i m ¥W §aE ,`V ¤

.`x §w ¤

KExA,d Ÿed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡

.o¤tb ©d i ¦x §R ` ¥xFA

Put down the wine.Pick up the spice box, and say:

KExA,d Ÿed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡

.mi ¦nU §a i¥pi ¦n ` ¥xFA

Smell the spices. Put the spice box down.

The hands are spread towards the light.

Say the following:

KExA,d Ÿed §i dY © ,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡

.W ¥ d i ¥xF` §n ` ¥xFA


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Take the cup in the right hand.The following is said:

jexa Blessed are you, O Lord our God,King of the universe, who makes adistinction between holy and profane,between light and darkness, betweenIsrael and the nations, between theseventh day and the six working days.Blessed are you, O Lord, who makes adistinction between holy and profane.BARUCH atah adonai, eloheinu melechha’olam, hamavdil bein kodesh lechol, beinor lechoshech, bein israel la’amim, beinyom hashvi’i lesheshet yemei hama’aseh.baruch atah adonai, hamavdil bein kodeshlechol.

Elijah the Prophet

eliyahu hanavi, eliyahu hatishbi,eliyahu, eliyahu, eliyahu hagilodi,bimherah beyameinu yavo eleinuim mashiach ben david.bimherah beyameinu yavo eleinuim yeshua ben david. Elijah the prophet, Elijah the Tishbite,Elijah the Gileadite

Speedily in our days may he bringWith him, Messiah son of David.

Speedily in our days may he bring With him, Yeshua son of David.

Take the cup in the right hand.The following is said:

,d Ÿed §i dY © KExA,mlFrd K¤l«¤n Epi«¥dŸl¡W ¤c «Ÿw oi ¥A li ¦c §a ©O ©d

,K ¤W Ÿ «g§l xF` oi ¥A ,lFg§l,mi ¦O ©rl l ¥ x §U ¦i oi ¥Ai ¦ri ¦a §X ©d mFi oi ¥A.d ¤U£r ©O ©d i ¥n §i z ¤W«¥W§l,d Ÿed §i dY © KExAW ¤c «Ÿw oi ¥A li ¦c §a ©O ©d


`iapd edil`

`i ¦ap ©d edi¦l ¥ i ¦a §y ¦z ©d edi¦l ¥i ¦cr§l ¦b ©d edi¦l ¥

epi¥l ¥ Ÿeai Epi ¥ni §a dx ¥d §n ¦a .c¦ec o¤a ©gi ¦yn m ¦r

`Ÿeai Epi ¥ni §a dx ¥d §n ¦aepi¥l ¥

.c ¦ec o¤a ©rEW¥i m ¦r


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Psalm 22

gvpnl For the Chief Musician. To ‘TheDeer of the Dawn’. A Psalm of David.My God, my God, why have youforsaken me? Why are you so far fromhelping me, and from the words of mygroaning? My God, I cry in the daytime,but you do not answer; in the night, andam not silent. But you are holy,enthroned on the praises of Israel. Ourfathers trusted in you: They trusted, andyou delivered them. They cried to you,and were delivered: They trusted inyou, and were not put to shame. But Iam a worm, and no man; scorned ofmen, and despised by the people. Allwho see me laugh at me in scorn: Theysneer and shake their heads, saying,‘He trusts in the Lord, let the Lorddeliver him. Let him deliver him, seeinghe delights in him.’ But you took me outof the womb; you made me trust when Iwas at my mother's breasts. I was caston you from the womb; you are my Godsince my mother bore me. Do not be farfrom me, for trouble is near, for there isno one to help. Many bulls surroundme; Strong bulls of Bashan encircle me.They gape at me with their mouths, as aravening and a roaring lion. I ampoured out like water, And all mybones are out of joint. My heart is likewax. It is melted within me. Mystrength is dried up like a potsherd, andmy tongue sticks to my jaws. You havebrought me to the dust of death. Dogshave surrounded me. A company of

a:k milidz

©g ¥S©p §n«©lz¤l¬¤I © Îl ©r :c«¦ec§l xF¬n§f ¦n x ©g À©X ©Œdi¦p®Y §a©f £r dnl i¦l ¥† i¦l ¥i¬¥x §a ¦C i À¦zrE «Wi ¦ Œn wF¬g»x`´x §w ¤ i À©dŸl«¡ :i «¦zb £ «©Wdl §i À©l §Œe d®¤p £r«©z ´Ÿl §e mnF ­id¬Y © §e :i«¦l d¬I ¦nE «cÎ Ÿl«§ezF¬N ¦d §Y a À¥WF Œi WF ®cwEg §hA L § †A :l«¥ x §U ¦iE Àg §h ¨ŒA Epi®¥z Ÿa £Ew £r«f Li¤l ¥ :Fn«¥h§N ©t §Y«©eEg §ha ­L §A Eh®l §n ¦p §ei´¦k Ÿp ¨ §e :EWF «aÎ`Ÿl §ez¬©R §x¤g Wi®¦ Î Ÿl §e z ©r©lFz:m «r iE¬f §aE m Àc ¨Œi®¦l Eb ´¦r §l ©i i © Ÿ †xÎlMEri¬¦p»i d ÀtU § Œa Exi¬¦h §t©ide Ÿd §iÎl ¤ lŸB :W`Ÿ «xu¥t¬g i»¦M Ed À¥li ¦S©Œi Ed®¥h§N ©t §ii´¦g Ÿb d´Y © Îi «¦M :F «Ai¬¥c §WÎl ©r i À¦gi ¦h §a ©Œn o¤h®A ¦ni ¦Y§k©l §Wd Li¤l ¨†r :i «¦O ¦i¦l¬¥ i À¦n ¦ Œ o¤h¬¤A ¦n m¤g®x ¥nw ©g §x ¦Y l © :dY «¨

gvpnl Psalm 22 is noted for its description of the circumstances surroundingMessiah’s death.

Messianic Psalms

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evildoers have encircled me; Theypierced my hands and my feet. I cancount all my bones. They look and stareat me. They part my garments amongthem, and cast lots for my clothing. Butbe not far off, O Lord. O my help,hasten to help me. Deliver my soulfrom the sword, My darling from thepower of the dog. Save me from thelion's mouth. rescue me from the hornsof the wild-oxen. I will declare yourname unto my brothers. In thecongregation I will praise you. You whofear the Lord, praise him! Youdescendants of Jacob, glorify him! Standin awe of him, all you descendants ofIsrael! For he has not despised norabhorred the suffering of the afflicted.He has not hidden his face from him,but when he cried to him, he heard. Ofyou comes my praise in the greatassembly: I will pay my vows beforethose who fear you. The meek shall eatand be satisfied. Those who seek theLord will praise him: Let your heart livefor ever. All the ends of the earth shallremember and turn to the Lord; And allthe families of the nations shall worshipbefore you. For the kingdom is theLord’s, and he is the ruler over thenations. All the rich of the earth shall eatand worship: All those who go down tothe dust shall bow before him, eventhose who cannot keep themselvesalive. A seed shall serve him. The nextgeneration shall be told of the Lord.They shall come and declare hisrighteousness to a people yet to be born,for he has done it.

d®aFx §w d´xvÎi ¦M i ¦P ¤O ¦ †ni ¦pEaa § †q :x«¥fFr oi¬¥ Îi ¦Mi­¥xi ¦A © mi®¦A ©x mi ´¦xRi©lr EvR :i ¦pE «x §Y ¦M o´Was¬¥xŸ»h dÀ¥i §x © Œ m®¤di ¦R»i ¦Y §k ©R §W¦p m¦i¬©O©M :b«¥ ŸW §ei¬zF Ån §v ©r lM E Àc §x«R §z ¦d §eq À¥n Œp b®pFC©M i ¦A¦ †l didU ¤x¤g©M W³¥a»i :i «r ¥n KFz §AwA §c ªn i ¦pFW§l †E i À¦gŸMz¤e¬n x ©t£r«©l §e i®gFw§l ©ni ¦pE Àaa §qÎi«¦M :i ¦p«¥z §R §W ¦Ymi ¦r ¥x § †n z´©c £r mi¬¦a Ål §Mi¬©c»i i À¦x£«¨ŒM i ¦pE ®ti ¦T ¦dx¬¥R ©q £ :i«l §b ©x §eEhi À¦A©Œi dO¬¥d i®zFn §v ©rÎlMi´©cb §a Ew§N ©g §i :i«¦aÎE` §x ¦iEli¬¦R©i i À¦WEa§ ŒlÎl ©r §e m®¤dll © de Ÿd§†i dY © §e :l «xFbi ¦z¬x§f ¤r§l i À¦zEli¡Œ w®g §x ¦Ya¤x¤g ¥n dli ¦S ©d :dWE «ga¤l À¤ŒMÎc©I ¦n i®¦W §t©pi ¦R ¦n i ¦p «¥ri ¦WF †d :i «¦zci ¦g §imi´¦n ¥x i­¥p §x©T ¦nE d®¥i §x ©L §n ¦W d´x §R ©q£ :i ¦p«zi ¦p £rl´dw KF ­z §A i®g ¤ §l

miigiyn mildz

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LAMNATZEACH al ayelet hashacharmizmor ledavid: eli eli lamah azavtani rachokmishu’ati divrei sha’agati: elohai ekra yomamvelo ta’aneh velailah velo duiyah li: v’atahkadosh yoshev tehilot israel: becha batchuavoteinu batchu vatfaltemo: elecha za’akuvenimlatu becha batchu velo voshu: v’anochitola’at velo ish cher4pat adam uvzuy am: kolro’ai yal’igu li yaftiru besafah yani’u rosh: golel adonai yefaltehu yatzilehu ki chafetz bo: kiatah gochi mibaten mabtichi al shedei imi:alecha hashlachti merachem mibeten emi eliatah: al tirchak mimeni ki tzarah kerovah ki einozer: sevavuni parim rabim abirei bashankitruni: patzu alai pihem aryeh toref vesho’eg:kamayim nishpachti vehitpardu kol atzmotaihayah libi kadonag names betoch me’ai: yaveshkacheres kochi uleshoni mudbak malkochaivela’afar mavet tishpeteni: ki sevavuni kelavimadat mere’im hikifuni ka’ari yadai veraglai:asaper kol atzmotai hemah yabitu yir’u bi:yechalku begadai lahem ve’al levushi yapilugoral: v’atah adonai al tirchak eyaluti l’ezratichusha: hatzilah mecherev nafshi miyad kelevyechirdati: hoshi’eni mipi aryech umikarneiremim anitani: asaprah shimcha l’echai betochkahal ahalelecha: yir’ei adonai halleluhum kolzera ya’akov kabeduhu veguru mimenu kolzera israel: ki lo bazah velo shikatz enut anivelo histir panav mimenu uveshu’o elavshame’a: me’itcha tehilati bekahal rav nedaraiashalem neged yere’av: yochlu anavimveyishba’u yehallelu adonai deroshav yehilevavchem la’ad: yizkeru veyashuvu el adonaikol afsei aretz veyishtachavu lefanecha kolmishpechot goyim: ki ladonai hamluchahumoshel bagoyim: achlu vayishtachavu koldishnei eretz lefanav yichr’u kol yordei afarvenafsho lo chayah: zera ya’avdenu yesuparl’adonai lador: yavo’u veyagidu tzidkato l’amnolad ki asah:

d¸e Ÿd §i i³¥ §x ¦i :J«¤l§l ©d£aŸw £r«©i r©x¤fÎlM EdE Àl§l«©dEp À¤O ¦ Œn ExE¬b §e EdE ®c §A©Mi³¦M :l«¥ x §U ¦i r©x¬¤fÎlMu ¿©T ¦W `¶Ÿl §e d¸faÎ`«Ÿlxi´¦Y §q ¦dÎ Ÿl §e i À¦pr zE Äp ¡reil ¥ F ­r §E ©W §a «E EP®¤O ¦n eipRi¬¦z ÅN ¦d «§z L §Y ¦ «¥n : ©r«¥nWm À¥N ©W£ i¬©x»c §p a®x ldw §AE Äl §k`Ÿi :ei«¨ ¥x §i c¤b¤pEl§l«©d §i Er ÀA §U ¦i §e mi ¦ep £ri­¦g §i ei®W §x Ÿ «C de Ÿd §†iE ³x §M §f ¦i :c «©rl m¤k §a ©a§llM de Ÿd§†iÎl ¤ Ea´ªWi §eE¬e£g«»©Y §W«¦i §e u¤x®¨ i ¥q §t ©zF¬g §R §W ¦n l«M Li À¤pt§ Œlde Ÿdi© †l i´¦M :m «¦i FB:m«¦iFB ©A l À¥Wn ŒE d®kEl §O ©di¥p §W ¦C l«M Ee£g«©Y §W«¦I©e E Äl §k ¨Er §x §k¦†i eipt§l u ¤x À¤F ÀW §t©p §Œe x®tr i´¥c §xFiÎlMEP®¤c §a ©r«©i r©x¬¤f :d«I ¦g ´Ÿl:xF «C©l ip Ÿc «©l x­©R ªq §iF ®zw §c ¦v Eci ¦B ©i §e E` Ÿa¨†i

:d«Ur i ¦M c ÀlF Œp m ¬©r§l

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Psalm 67

gvpnl For the Chief Musician, withstring instruments. A Psalm, a song.God be gracious to us and bless us; mayhe cause his face to shine upon us;Selah. That your way may be known onearth, your salvation among all nations.Let the peoples praise you, O God; letall of the peoples praise you. Let thenations be glad and sing for joy; for youwill judge the peoples justly, and guidethe nations of the earth. Selah. Let thepeoples praise you, O God; let all of thepeoples praise you. The earth hasyielded its harvest; may God, our God,bless us. May God bless us, and all theends of the earth will fear Him.LAMNATZEACH binginot mizmor shir:elohim yechanenu viyvarchenu ya’erpanav itanu selah: lada’at ba’aretzdarkecha bechol goyim yeshuatecha:yoducha amim elohim yoducha amimculam: yismechu viyranenu l’umim kitishpot amim mishor ul’umim ba’aretztanchem selah: yoducha amim elohimyoducha amim kulam: eretz natnahyevulah yevarchenu elohim eloheinu:yevarchenu elohim viyiyr’u oto kol afseiaretz.

fq milidz

xF¬n§f ¦n zŸ Àpi ¦b §p Œ¦A g¬¥S©p §n«©lEp¬¥Pg §i mi À¦dŸl«¡ :xi «¦Wei­pR x¬¥³i Ep®¥k §xai«¦ez ©r´©cl :dl«¤q Ep´Y ¦L®¤M §x ©C u ¤x´¨ A:L«¤zrEW §i mÀ¦iF ŒBÎlk §Ami®¦dŸl¡ mi¬¦O ©r LE ­cFi:m«N ªM mi¬¦O ©r LE ÀcF Œimi¬¦O Ū§l E Àp §P ©xi ¦e E¬g §n §U«¦imi´¦O ©r h ŸR §W ¦zÎi «¦Mu¤x­¨ A mi æO ª§lE xŸ ®Wi ¦nLE ­cFi :dl«¤q m ¥g §p ©YLE ÀcF Œi mi®¦d »Ÿl¡ mi¬¦O ©ru ¤x ¤† :m«N ªM mi¬¦O ©rEp À¥k §xa §Œi D®lEa §i dp §zp:Epi «¥dŸl ¡ mi¬¦dŸl ¡E ¬ §xi«¦i §e mi®¦dŸl¡ Ep¬¥k §xa §i:u ¤x«¨Îi ¥q §t © ÎlM F ÀzF Œ

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Psalm 110

cecl A Psalm of David. The Lorddeclared to my Lord: 'Sit at my righthand, until I make your enemies yourfootstool.' The Lord will extend yourstrong sceptre from Zion, you will rulein the midst of your enemies.' Yourpeople will offer willingly themselves inyour day of warfare; in holy array, fromthe womb of the dawn, yours is the dewof your youth. the Lord has sworn, andwill not turn back: 'You are a priestforever according to the order ofMelchizedek.' The Lord at your righthand will crush kings in the day of Hiswrath. He will judge among the nations.He will heap up the corpses and willcrush the rulers of the the world. Hewill drink from the brook by the road;therefore he will lift up his head. LEDAVID mizmor n’um adonai l’adonishev limini ad ashit oyvecha hadomleraglecha: mateh uzecha yishlach adonaimitzion redeh bekerev oyvecha: amechanedavot beyom cheilecha behadrei kodeshmerecham mishchar lecha tal yaldutecha:nishba adonai velo yinachem atah kohenl’olam al divrati malki-tzedek: adonai alyemincha machatz beyom apo melachim:yadin begoyim male geviyot machatz roshal eretz rabah: minachal baderech yishtehal ken yarim rosh:

iw milidz

m³ª §p xF ¬n §f Ŧn cÀ¦ec §la¬¥W i À¦p Ÿc «©l d¸e Ÿd §izi¬¦W »Îc ©r i®¦pi ¦ni«¦lm Ÿc £d Li À¤a §i Ÿ ŒÀL §G ªr d³¥H ©n :Li«¤l §b ©x §loF®I ¦S ¦n de Ÿd §†i g©l §W ¦ia ¤x ´¤w §A d À¥c §Œx»z Ÿac §p ¬L §O ©r :Li«¤a §i ŸL¬¤li Å¥g mF ¶i §Am¤g´¤x ¥n W ¤c Ÿ ­wÎi ¥x §c ©d «§Al´©h ÀL § Œl x®g §W ¦nd¸e Ÿd §i r³©A §W¦p :Li«¤z ªc§l©io¬¥dŸkÎd«Y © m À¥gP ¦i ¬Ÿl §ei À¦zx §a ¦ŒCÎl ©r m®lFr §li¬p Ÿc £ :w ¤c«¤vÎi ¦M §l ©nu­©gn ®L §pi «¦n §iÎl ©r:mi «¦kl §n FR © ÎmF «i §AzF®I ¦e §b `¥ln m ¦iFB ©†A oi ´¦ciu¤x¬¤ Îl ©r W`Ÿ À Œx u©g¬nK ¤x´¤C ©A l ©g©P ¦ †n :d«A ©xmi¬¦x»i o À¥ŒMÎl ©r d®¤Y §W ¦i

:W`Ÿ «x

Messianic Psalms

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Day TABLE A – COUNTING THE OMER1 Today is the first day of the Omer2 Today is the second day of the Omer3 Today is the third day of the Omer4 Today is the fourth day of the Omer5 Today is the fifth day of the Omer6 This is the sixth day of the Omer.7 This is the seventh day of the Omer, making the first week of the Omer.8 This is the eighth day of the Omer, making one week and one day of the Omer.9 This is the ninth day of the Omer, making one week and two days of the Omer.10 This is the tenth day of the Omer, making one week and three days of the Omer.11 This is the eleventh day of the Omer, making one week and four days of the Omer.12 This is the twelfth day of the Omer, making one week and five days of the Omer.13 This is the thirteenth day of the Omer, making one week and six days of the Omer.14 This is the fourteenth day of the Omer, making two weeks of the Omer.15 This is the fifteenth day of the Omer, making two weeks and one day of the Omer.16 This is the sixteenth day of the Omer, making two weeks and two days of the Omer.17 This is the seventeenth day of the Omer, making two weeks and three days of the Omer.18 This is the eighteenth day of the Omer, making two weeks and four days of the Omer.19 This is the nineteenth day of the Omer, making two weeks and five days of the Omer.20 This the twentieth day of the Omer, making two weeks and six days of the Omer.21 This is the twenty-first day of the Omer, making three weeks of the Omer.22 This is the twenty-second day of the Omer, making three weeks and one day of the Omer.23 This is the twenty-third day of the Omer, making three weeks and two days of the Omer.24 This is the twenty-fourth day of the Omer, making three weeks and three days of the Omer.25 This is the twenty-fifth day of the Omer, making three weeks and four days of the Omer.26 This is the twenty-sixth day of the Omer, making three weeks and five days of the Omer.27 This is the twenty-seventh day of the Omer, making three weeks and six days of the Omer.28 This is the twenty-eighth day of the Omer, making four weeks of the Omer.29 This is the twenty-ninth day of the Omer, making four weeks and one day of the Omer.30 This is the thirtieth day of the Omer, making four weeks and two days of the Omer.31 This is the thirty-first day of the Omer, making four weeks and three days of the Omer.32 This is the thirty-second day of the Omer, making four weeks and four days of the Omer.33 This is the thirty-third day of the Omer, making four weeks and five days of the Omer.34 This is the thirty-fourth day of the Omer, making four weeks and six days of the Omer.35 This is the thirty-fifth day of the Omer, making five weeks of the Omer.36 This is the thirty-sixth day of the Omer, making five weeks and one day of the Omer.37 This is the thirty-seventh day of the Omer, making five weeks and two days of the Omer.38 This is the thirty-eighth day of the Omer, making five weeks and three days of the Omer.39 This is the thirty-ninth day of the Omer, making five weeks and four days of the Omer.40 This is the fortieth day of the Omer, making five weeks and five days of the Omer.41 This is the forty-first day of the Omer, making five weeks and six days of the Omer.42 This is the forty-second day of the Omer, making six weeks of the Omer.43 This is the forty-third day of the Omer, making six weeks and one day of the Omer.44 This is the forty-fourth day of the Omer, making six weeks and two days of the Omer.45 This is the forty-fifth day of the Omer, making six weeks and three days of the Omer.46 This is the forty-sixth day of the Omer, making six weeks and four days of the Omer.47 This is the forty-seventh day of the Omer, making six weeks and five days of the Omer.48 This is the forty-eighth day of the Omer, making six weeks and six days of the Omer49 This is the forty-ninth day of the Omer, making seven weeks of the Omer

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TABLE A – COUNTING THE OMER Dayx ¤n «Ÿrl cg ¤ mŸei mŸei ©d 1x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni i¥p §y mŸei ©d 2

x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dyŸl §y mŸei ©d 3x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dra §x © mŸei ©d 4

x «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦n£g mŸei ©d 5x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦y mŸei ©d 6

x ¤n «Ÿrl cg ¤ ©re «ay m ¥d ¤y mi ¦ni dr §a ¦y mŸei ©d 7x ¤n «Ÿrl cg ¤ mŸei §e cg ¤ ©re «ay m ¥d ¤y mi ¦ni dpŸen §y mŸei ©d 8x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni i¥p §ye cg ¤ ©re «ay m ¥d ¤y mi ¦ni dr §y ¦z mŸei ©d 9

x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dyŸl §ye cg ¤ ©re «ay m ¥d ¤y mi ¦ni dxy£r mŸei ©d 10x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dra §x © §e cg ¤ ©re «ay m ¥d ¤y mŸei xyr c ©g © mŸei ©d 11x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦n£g©e cg ¤ ©re «ay m ¥d ¤y mŸei xyr mi¥p §y mŸei ©d 12x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦y §e cg ¤ ©re «ay m ¥d ¤y mŸei xyr dyŸl §y mŸei ©d 13

x ¤n «Ÿrl zŸereay i¥p §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei xyr dra §x © mŸei ©d 14x ¤n «Ÿrl cg ¤ mŸei §e zŸereay i¥p §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei xyr dy ¦n£g mŸei ©d 15x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni i¥p §ye zŸereay i¥p §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei xyr dy ¦y mŸei ©d 16

x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dyŸl §ye zŸereay i¥p §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei xyr dr §a ¦y mŸei ©d 17x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dra §x © §e zŸereay i¥p §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei xyr dpŸen §y mŸei ©d 18x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦n£g©e zŸereay i¥p §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei xyr dr §y ¦z mŸei ©d 19

x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦y §e zŸereay i¥p §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦x §y ¤r mŸei ©d 20x ¤n «Ÿrl zŸereay dyŸl §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦x §y ¤r §e cg ¤ mŸei ©d 21

x ¤n «Ÿrl cg ¤ mŸei §e zŸereay dyŸl §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦x §y ¤r §e m¦i«©p §y mŸei ©d 22x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni i¥p §ye zŸereay dyŸl §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦x §y ¤r §e dyŸl §y mŸei ©d 23

x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dyŸl §ye zŸereay dyŸl §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦x §y ¤r §e dra §x © mŸei ©d 24x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dra §x © §e zŸereay dyŸl §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦x §y ¤r §e dy ¦n£g mŸei ©d 25

x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦n£g©e zŸereay dyŸl §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦x §y ¤r §e dy ¦y mŸei ©d 26x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦y §e zŸereay dyŸl §y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦x §y ¤r §e dr §a ¦y mŸei ©d 27

x ¤n «Ÿrl zŸereay dra §x © m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦x §y ¤r §e dpŸen §y mŸei ©d 28x ¤n «Ÿrl cg ¤ mŸei §e zŸereay dra §x © m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦x §y ¤r §e dr §y ¦z mŸei ©d 29

x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni i¥p §ye zŸereay dra §x © m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦yŸl §y mŸei ©d 30x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dyŸl §ye zŸereay dra §x © m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦yŸl §ye cg ¤ mŸei ©d 31

x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dra §x © §e zŸereay dra §x © m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦yŸl §ye m¦i«©p §y mŸei ©d 32x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦n£g©e zŸereay dra §x © m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦yŸl §ye dyŸl §y mŸei ©d 33x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦y §e zŸereay dra §x © m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦yŸl §ye dra §x © mŸei ©d 34

x ¤n «Ÿrl zŸereay dy ¦n£g m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦yŸl §ye dy ¦n£g mŸei ©d 35x ¤n «Ÿrl cg ¤ mŸei §e zŸereay dy ¦n£g m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦yŸl §ye dy ¦y mŸei ©d 36

x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni i¥p §ye zŸereay dy ¦n£g m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦yŸl §ye dr §a ¦y mŸei ©d 37x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dyŸl §ye zŸereay dy ¦n£g m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦yŸl §ye dpŸen §y mŸei ©d 38x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dra §x © §e zŸereay dy ¦n£g m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦yŸl §ye dr §y ¦z mŸei ©d 39

x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦n£g §e zŸereay dy ¦n£g m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦ra §x © mŸei ©d 40x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦y §e zŸereay dy ¦n£g m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦ra §x © §e cg ¤ mŸei ©d 41

x ¤n «Ÿrl zŸereay dy ¦y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦ra §x © §e m¦i«©p §y mŸei ©d 42x ¤n «Ÿrl cg ¤ mŸei §e zŸereay dy ¦y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦ra §x © §e dyŸl §y mŸei ©d 43

x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni i¥p §ye zŸereay dy ¦y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦ra §x ¨ §e dra §x © mŸei ©d 44x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dyŸl §ye zŸereay dy ¦y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦ra §x © §e dy ¦n£g mŸei ©d 45x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dra §x © §e zŸereay dy ¦y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦ra §x © §e dy ¦y mŸei ©d 46x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦n£g©e zŸereay dy ¦y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦ra §x © §e dr §a ¦y mŸei ©d 47x ¤n «Ÿrl mi ¦ni dy ¦y §e zŸereay dy ¦y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦ra §x © §e dpŸen §y mŸei ©d 48

x ¤n «Ÿrl zŸereay dr §a ¦y m ¥d ¤y mŸei mi ¦ra §x © §e dr §y ¦z mŸei ©d 49- 311 - Siddur Sar Shalom may be purchased at

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Parsha Torah Haftarot B"HGenesis

1 zi ¦y` ¥x §aBereishit

1:1-6:8 Isaiah 42:5–43:10 (S 42:5-21)

Revelation 22:6-21

2 ©gŸpNoach

6:9-11:32 Isaiah 54:1–55:5 (S 54:1-10)

Matthew 24:36-46

3 L§l-K¤l Lech-Lecha

12:1-17:27 Isaiah 40:27–41:16 Romans 4:1-25

4 `x¥i ©eVayeira

18:1-22:24 2 Kings 4:1–37 (S 4:1-23)

Luke 1:26-38;24:36-53

5 dxy i¥i ©g ChayeiSarah

23:1-25:18 1 Kings 1:1–31 Matthew 1:1-17

6 zŸc§lFYToledot

25:19-28:9 Malachi 1:1–2:7 Romans 9:1-13

7 `¥v¥i ©eVayetze

28:10-32:3 Hosea 12:13–14:10 (S 11:7-12:12)

Yochanan 1:19-51

8 g©l §y¦i ©eVayishlach

32:4-36:43 Hosea 11:7–12:12 (S Obadiah 1-21)

Hebrews 11:11-20

9 a ¤y¥i ©eVayeshev

37:1-40:23 Amos 2:6–3:8 Matthew 1:1-6, 16-25

10 u ¥w ¦nMiketz

41:1-44:17 1 Kings 3:15–4:1 Matthew 27:15-46

11 W©b¦i ©eVayigash

44:18-47:27 Ezekiel 37:15–28 Luke 6:12-16

12 i ¦g§i ©eVayechi

47:28-50:26 1 Kings 2:1–12 1 Peter 1:1-9


13 zFn §yShemot

1:1-6:1 Isaiah 27:6–28:13;29:22–23 (S Jer 1:1-2:3)

1 Corinthians14:13-25

14 `x ¥ eVa'eira

6:2-9:35 Ezekiel 28:25–29:21 Revelation 16:1-21

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Parsha Torah Haftarot B"H15 Ÿa

Bo10:1-13:16 Jeremiah 46:13–28 Romans 9:14-29

16 g©l ©y §aBeshalach

13:17-17:16 Judges 4:4–5:31 (S 5:1-31)

Revelation 19:1-20:6

17 Fx §z¦iYitro

18:1-20:23 Isaiah 6:1–7:6;9:5–6 (S 6:1-13)

Matthew 5:8-20

18 mi ¦ht §y ¦nMishpatim

21:1-24:18 Jeremiah 34:8–22; 33:25–26

Matthew 17:1-11

19 dnEx §zTerumah

25:1-27:19 1 Kings 5:26–6:13 2 Corinthians 9:1-15

20 d¤e ©v §zTetzaveh

27:20-30:10 Ezekiel 43:10–27 Hebrews 13:10-16

21 `y ¦z i ¦kKi Tisa

30:11-34:35 1 Kings 18:1–39 (S 18:20-39)

2 Corinthians 3:1-18


22 l ¥d §w©i ©e*Vayakhel

35:1-38:20 1 Kings 7:40–50 (S 1 Kings 7:13-26)

Hebrews 9:1-11

23 i ¥cEw §t*Pekudei

38:21-40:38 1 Kings 7:51–8:21 (S 1 Kings 7:40-50)

Hebrews 8:1-12


24 `x §w¦i ©eVayikra

1:1-5:26 Isaiah 43:21–44:23 Hebrews 10:1-18

25 e ©vTzav

6:1-8:36 Jeremiah 7:21–8:3; 9:22–23

Hebrews 9:11-28

26 i ¦pi ¦n §yShemini

9:1-11:47 2 Samuel 6:1–7:17 (S 2 Samuel 6:1-19)

Hebrews 7:1-19


12:1-15:33 2 Kings 7:3–20

27 ©ri ¦x §f ©z*Tazria

12:1-13:59 2 Kings 4:42–5:19 Luke 7:18-35

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Parsha Torah Haftarot B"H28 rxŸv §n

*Metzora14:1-15:33 2 Kings 7:3–20 Matthew 23:16-24:2,



16:1-20:27 Amos 9:7–15 (S Ezekiel 20:2–20)

29 zFn i ¥x£g ©*Acharei

16:1-18:30 Ezekiel 22:1–29 (S 22:1-16)

1 Corinthians 6:9-20

30 mi ¦yŸc §w*Kedoshim

19:1-20:27 Amos 9:7–15 (Ezekiel 20:2–20)

Matthew 5:43-48

31 xŸn¡Emor

21:1-24:23 Ezekiel 44:15–31 Luke 14:12-24


25:1-27:34 Jeremiah16:19–17:14

32 x ©d §a*Behar

25:1-26:2 Jeremiah 32:6–27 Luke 4:16-21

33 i ©zŸw ªg §a*Bechukotai

26:3-27:34 Jeremiah16:19–17:14

Matthew 22:1-14;(The person called toread the curses(verses 26:14–43) isnot called up by nameand whispers the listas fast as possible)


34 x ©a §c ¦n §aBamidbar

1:1-4:20 Hosea 2:1–2:20 Romans 9:22-33

35 ŸypNaso

4:21-7:89 Judges 13:2–25 Yochanan 12:20-36

36 L §zŸl£r ©d §aBehaalotecha

8:1-12:16 Zechariah 2:14–4:7 Revelation 11:1-19

37 L§l-g©l §yShlach

13:1-15:41 Joshua 2:1-24 Hebrews 3:7-4:11

38 g ©xŸwKorach

16:1-18:32 1 Samuel11:14–12:22

Acts 5:1-11

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Parsha Torah Haftarot B"H


19:1-25:9 Micah 5:1-6:8 (S Micah 5:6-6:8)

39 z ©w ªg*Chukat

19:1-22:1 Judges 11:1–33 Yochanan 3:10-21

40 wla*Balak

22:2-25:9 Micah 5:1-6:8 (S Micah 5:6-6:8)

Romans 11:25-32

41 qg§pi ¦tPinchas

25:10-30:1 1 Kings 18:46-19:21 Yochanan 2:13-25

Matot-Masei 30:2-36:13 Jeremiah 2:4–28;3:4 (S 2:4-28; 4:1-2)

42 zFH ©n*Matot

30:2-32:42 Jeremiah 1:1-2:3 Acts 9:1-22

43 i ¥r §q ©n*Masei

33:1-36:13 Jeremiah 2:4–28;3:4 (S 2:4-28; 4:1-2)

James 4:1-12


44 mi ¦xa §cDevarim

1:1-3:22 Isaiah 1:1–27 Acts 7:51-8:4

45 o©p ©g §z ¤ eVa'etchanan

3:23-7:11 Isaiah 40:1–26 Matthew 23:31-39

46 a ¤w¥rEikev

7:12-11:25 Isaiah 49:14–51:3 Hebrews 11:8-13

47 d ¥ §xRe'eh

11:26-16:17 Isaiah 54:11–55:5 Yochanan 7:37-52

48 mi ¦h §tŸyShoftim

16:18-21:9 Isaiah 51:12–52:12 Matthew 3:1-17

49 `¥v ¥z-i ¦kKi Teitzei

21:10-25:19 Isaiah 52:13-54:10 (S Isaiah 54:1-10)

1 Corinthians 5:1-5

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Parsha Torah Haftarot B"H50 `Faz-i ¦k

Ki Tavo26:1-29:8 Isaiah 60:1-22 Luke 24:44-53;

(The person called toread the curses (verses28:7–69) is not calledup by name andwhispers the list as fastas possible)


29:9-31:30 Isaiah 61:10–63:9

51 mi ¦av ¦p*Nitzavim

29:9-30:20 Isaiah 61:10–63:9 Yochanan 15:1-11

52 K¤l¥i ©e*Vayelech

31:1-31:30 Hosea 14:2-10 Joel 2:15-27 (S +Micah 7:18-20)

Romans 10:1-17

53 Haazinu,Epi ¦f£ ©d

32:1-32:52 2 Samuel 22:1–51 Romans 10:17-11:12,12:19, 15:9-10

54 dkx §a ©d z Ÿf §eV'ZotHabrachah

33:1-34:12 Joshua 1:1-18 (S 1:1-9)

Revelation 21:9-22:5

Holiday ReadingsChanukkah -1st Shabbat

Zechariah 2:14-4:7 Yochanan 9:1-7,10:22-39

Chanukkah -2nd Shabbat

1 Kings 7:40-50



Isaiah 55:6-56:8 Exodus 32:11-14,34:1-10, Isaiah55:6-56:8

Tu Beshevat Psalms 104:16-17Psalms 120-134

Matthew 7:13-24,28-29

Shekalim (1of 4)*


2 Kings 12:1-17 (S 2 Kings11:17-12:17)

Tzom Esther Exodus32:11-14,34:1-10

Isaiah 55:6-56:8

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Parsha Torah Haftarot B"HZachor (2 of 4)*


1 Samuel 15:2-34

Purim Exodus17:8-16

Esther, Psalms 3:3, Hebrews 11

Parah (3 of 4)*


Ezekiel 36:16-38 (S Ezekiel 36:16-36)

Hachodesh(4 of 4)*


Ezekiel 45:16-46:18 (S Ezekiel45:16-46:15)

HaGadol Malachi 3:4-24

Pesach Exodus12:21-51(maftirNumbers28:16-25)

Joshua 3:5-7,5:2-15, 6:1, 27

Yochanan 1:29-31,10:14-18

Pesach, 7thday


2 Samuel 22:1-51 Revelation 15:1-4



Isaiah 10:32-11:12 Matthew 24:29-44

Shavuot Exodus19:1-20:23(maftirNumbers28:26-31)

Ezekiel 1:1-28, 3:12 Yochanan 1:32-34,Matthew 3:11-17

Tzom 17thof Tammuz


Isaiah 55:6-56:8

Tzom TishaB'av


Jeremiah 8:13-9:23 Matthew 23:1-3,16-23, 34-24:3



1 Samuel 1:1-2:10 1 Thessalonians4:13-18

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Parsha Torah Haftarot B"HShabbatShuvah

Hosea 14:2-10Micah 7:18-20Joel 2:15-27



Isaiah 55:6-56:8

Yom Kippur Leviticus16:1-34(maftirNumbers29:7-11)

Isaiah 57:14-58:14 2 Corinthians 5:10-21

Sukkot Leviticus22:26-23:44(maftirNumbers29:12-16)

Zechariah 14:1-24 Revelation 7:1-10



Ezekiel 38:18-39:16 Revelation 19:1-16



1 Kings 8:54-9:1 Matthew 17:1-9



Joshua 1:1-18 Matthew 5:17-48



Isaiah 66:1-24 1 Peter 2:4-10

(On the first Sabbath Hanukkah, read Zechariah 2:14–4:7.On the second Sabbath Hanukkah, read 1 Kings 7:40–50)

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