snake crane wing chun : three forms, twin knives and one pole

蛇鶴詠春翁國榮體育會 蛇鶴詠春翁國榮體育會 蛇鶴詠春翁國榮體育會 蛇鶴詠春翁國榮體育會 Snake Crane Wing Chun Yung Kwok Wing Athletic Association (SCWCYKWAA) Update: 2012-06-25, by Wayne K.W. Yung e-mail: [email protected] 蛇鶴詠春 蛇鶴詠春 蛇鶴詠春 蛇鶴詠春 : : : : 三拳雙刀一 三拳雙刀一 三拳雙刀一 三拳雙刀一 Snake Crane Wing Chun: Three forms, twin knives and long pole. 據說,蛇鶴詠春開始時有數下招式法,即攤、膀、及衝而已,更離棄 了傳統少林長橋大馬,並內家拳形式,短法、借力力及快速法強攻敵 人中線。當受到攻擊時,是柔制剛、借力力、利身形抵消及運步法化解 對來勢,這較小的力量制服對,蛇鶴詠春達至內家拳定義的個標準: 「欲柔不欲強 欲順不欲逆 欲定不欲亂 欲聚不欲」 Accordingly, Snake Crane Wing Chun began only a few techniques under way, that TanSau (dispersing hand), BongSau (wing arm), FookSau (lying hand) and YatGeeKuen (vertical punch). It also abandons the traditional style of Shaolin Long bridge and big stance, and based on the Internal style concept, with short bridge and narrow stance, to develop a closed contact fighting techniques, leveraging the power of and fast way to storm the enemy centerline. When under attack, based on softness to overcome hardness, leveraging the power, the use of body movement and the use footwork to offset each other to resolve the attacking, which can be used little power to subdue the rival, so that it makes Snake and Crane Wing Chun having the four criteria to define as an Internal style martial arts: 欲柔不欲強 Prefer Softness rather than Hardness 欲順不欲逆 Prefer to Follow the direction of the attack rather than to Oppose the attack 欲定不欲亂 Prefer Imperturbability rather than Trepidation 欲聚不欲 Prefer Concentration of power rather than Scattering 往後更基於其中線理念、把這數下招式重組而小念頭套拳來練習,並應於黐 練習中。小念頭,並中中念與敵人峰,所被動的時候較。 要是一套完整拳法,須有其一面,攻一面及險時候救身面都要兼顧 到,時馬與步也要顧及得到的,往後蛇鶴詠春拳才遂漸及有系統發展「 橋」及「標指」來。

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Post on 08-Jul-2015




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'Snake Crane Wing Chun : Three forms, Twin knives and One pole' had been posted in the 'New Martial Hero Magazine', Hong Kong.


Page 1: Snake Crane Wing Chun : Three forms, Twin knives and One pole

蛇鶴詠春翁國榮體育會蛇鶴詠春翁國榮體育會蛇鶴詠春翁國榮體育會蛇鶴詠春翁國榮體育會 Snake Crane Wing Chun Yung Kwok Wing Athletic Association


Update: 2012-06-25, by Wayne K.W. Yung e-mail: [email protected]

蛇鶴詠春蛇鶴詠春蛇鶴詠春蛇鶴詠春 : : : : 三拳雙刀一棍三拳雙刀一棍三拳雙刀一棍三拳雙刀一棍 Snake Crane Wing Chun: Three forms, twin knives and long pole.





「欲柔不欲強 欲順不欲逆 欲定不欲亂 欲聚不欲散」

Accordingly, Snake Crane Wing Chun began only a few techniques under way, that

TanSau 攤手(dispersing hand), BongSau 膀手(wing arm), FookSau 伏手(lying hand) and

YatGeeKuen 日字拳(vertical punch). It also abandons the traditional style of Shaolin Long

bridge and big stance, and based on the Internal style concept, with short bridge and narrow

stance, to develop a closed contact fighting techniques, leveraging the power of and fast way

to storm the enemy centerline. When under attack, based on softness to overcome hardness,

leveraging the power, the use of body movement and the use footwork to offset each other to

resolve the attacking, which can be used little power to subdue the rival, so that it makes

Snake and Crane Wing Chun having the four criteria to define as an Internal style martial arts:


Prefer Softness rather than Hardness


Prefer to Follow the direction of the attack rather than to Oppose the attack


Prefer Imperturbability rather than Trepidation


Prefer Concentration of power rather than Scattering






Page 2: Snake Crane Wing Chun : Three forms, Twin knives and One pole

Later on, based on the concept of centerline, the above techniques are re-organized to develop

the first form “SiuLimTau 小念頭” for daily practice. It also applies to the Sticky hand

training. “SiuLimTau 小念頭” is mainly for defense, and using the concept “Keeping on the

centerline and make use of the centerline 守中用中” to oppose the enemy, so more passive.

To become a complete family of a style of martial arts, it needs to have defense, attacking

actively, and once in a worst situation, special techniques for surviving should be cope with.

Also, stances and steps should also be considered. Then the Snake Crane Wing Chun was

gradually and systematically developed with the ChumKiu and BiuJee..



白鶴戲水蛇歸洞 飛麟九轉表掌通 蛇鶴爭揮堵勁融

鶴足三提翼四功 白鶴摺翼登天際 蛇鶴能制逆宗童

In Snake Crane Wing Chun SiuLimTau, there is a six-seven-words-statements poem of the

"LimTau Song 念頭歌" with, and it is very rhymes. The whole poem describes the whole set

of the form and its origin from.


Whit crane plays around with water, and the snake returns the hole.


Flying snake rotates the head in nine ways to represent the palm techniques.


Snake and crane show off their best techniques and strength.


Crane feet step three times and the crane’s wing flips in four ways.


White crane folds the wings and flies to the sky.


Snake Crane Wing Chun is able to overcome the traitor (MaNinYee 馬寧兒) of

he Southern Shaolin.

Page 3: Snake Crane Wing Chun : Three forms, Twin knives and One pole



The first five statement of the poem describes the whole set playing of the SiuLimTau, and

the last statement tells that the reason to develop the Snake Crane Wing Chun is to overcome

the Shaolin traitor, MaNingYee 馬寧兒.





TanSau 攤手(dispersing hand), BongSau 膀手(wing arm), FookSau 伏手(lying hand) and

YatGeeKuen 日字拳(vertical punch) are the major techniques of SiuLimTau 小念頭 in

Snake Crane Wing Chun, and also some practical techniques, such as TonKiu(吞橋swallow

bridge), HuenSau(圈手circle hand), ChanGen(撐掌palm support) and etc are also added.

All techniques are applied to the unique sticky hands training. That’s why the SiuLimTau 小

念頭 is so importance in Snake Crane Wing Chun. The playing of the SiuLimTau 小念頭

form is based on the stance “YeeGeeKimYenMa 二字拑羊馬”, firm and no-step movement.

The player stands firmly and hands movement are mainly on the centerline to react. From the

concept of the centerline of view, the player defends and react along the centerline. That’s

why it can be said to be passive.










Back on the development of "ChumKiu 尋橋”, it looks for the opponent’s bridge 橋手(hands)

built on the initiative, and then make a quick attack. The main use of BongSau 膀手 is for

protection. It is used to protect the player himself/herself and to look for opponent’s body

bridge hand, and it is mainly for active attack. The form can be divided in two parts of the

static and dynamic. The first half is static and no next-step move. The main virtue of agility,

in the left side, in the right side and in the front of the bridge, is to find opponent’s hand. The

turning around the body is mainly based on the use of GuyGinMa(機剪馬side stance) to

turn. In the dynamic part, the GuyGinMa starts to step and move, and mainly to take the

initiative step with the actual situation and have a solid foot moving forward (Gait of

GuyGinMa 機剪步). Using BongSau 膀手 in ChumKiu 尋橋is for protection and looks for

the opponent’s bridge arm. Whether in static or dynamic, it looks for the three times. The

first and second ones pretend nothing to meet, so there is no attack techniques followed. The

third one pretends to get the opponent bridge of hand and makes immediate attack. Then the

group portfolio is complete. From the concept of the centerline of view, it is to find the

bridge of the opponents, and the centerline to centerline concept is built. In Snake Crane

Wing Chun, it terms "Toward the opponent and chasing the opponent’s centerline 朝面追中"

Page 4: Snake Crane Wing Chun : Three forms, Twin knives and One pole





左或右擺動時便正正如此,所以名「機剪馬」。 GuyGinMa 機剪馬 the name of the stance is from its rotation, turning the soles of the feet in

parallel, such as the angle of the ancient carpenter's measuring tools "machine cut 機剪". By

making two crossbars nailed in two straight woods, when crossbars are pulled relatively, the

two parallel straight woods will turn in the same direction. As the crossbars are about to pull

repeatedly forward and backward, the parallel ones will be relatively turning left and right.

The toes of feet becomes, like this “machine cut 機剪” tool, parallel to the left or right all the

time when it is precisely move, so named GuyGinMa 機剪馬(“machine cut 機剪” stance).






In BiuJee 標指,most techniques refer to the area to be more vicious, such as mainly elbow

techniques, neck attacks, knee attacks and etc, because it is used for survival. The opponent’s

centerline is not toward, but the player’s centerline is faced toward on by the opponent.

That’s why the techniques applied must be quick and heavy, more wild and fierce. It is also

used to adjust and to look toward the opponent’s centerline, unsparing attack in severe way to

re-beat opponent weaknesses. From the concept of the centerline, it seems loss of the

opponent’s centerline and the player’s centerline is looked toward on by the opponent. It

tries to snatch the opportunity and make the centerlines of both toward each other for

immediate counterattack.






Since the fire of the Southern Shaolin, the monks escape to different areas in the country.

Some fled to Lingnan 嶺南 area (GuongDong 廣東), and the Snake Crane Wing Chun spread

to Lingnan Red Boat 嶺南紅船 at this moment. However, the Snake Crane Wing Chun itself

does not have any weapons, so it makes the Lingnan butterfly knives 嶺南蝴蝶刀

improvement. Narrow the blades, and only the blade’s tips are open sharply. Then apply the

Snake Crane Wing Chun techniques to the knives, as the two hands extension, but with

special stances and steps. Finally, it named "YeeGeKimYamDuMingDao 二字拑羊奪命刀”

or "DuMingShunDao 奪命雙刀". The knives are usually hid in the long sleeves becoming

"sleeve knives 袖裏刀" (in Qing dynasty, the cloth was very big enough) and make the usage


Page 5: Snake Crane Wing Chun : Three forms, Twin knives and One pole

Snake Crane Wing Chun compared to the Lingnan butterfly knives 嶺南蝴蝶刀, the blades

are quite narrow to hide easily inside the long sleeves.


Lingnan butterfly knives 嶺南蝴蝶刀 relatively wide blade, not easy hidden in the sleeves


Page 6: Snake Crane Wing Chun : Three forms, Twin knives and One pole

In the Qing Dynasty, big clothes robes is wide sleeves, pole sleeves and easily hidden in a

"sleeve knives 袖裏刀", of course, not like the man wearing the T-Shirt now.


士穿著的 T-裇

Boating scull 搖櫓


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Snake Crane Wing Chun's scull-like "Long Pole" was developed from the boating scull 搖櫓,

weighs almost twelve to twenty catties. While the scullers had any disputes with others, they

used the scull as a weapon to fight. Later, on the shore, the pedals of the scull have been

removed, as a big thick stick. Simple pole techniques are applied to make the Snake Crane

Wing Chun's Long Pole techniques. From the old photo below, it can be found that the Long

Pole is thicker than the normal sticks from other families. Also, it is held on the pole head

(the thin side), not the pole end (the thick side), and it is very heavy enough and not easy to

lift up. There are only six and a half techniques applied to it, with a simple stance and small

steps movement on the boat.

Snake Crane Wing Chun's scull-like Long Pole (from thin to thick).

Young age of Master Law Chiu Wing 羅昭榮 in 1950s

