st. bernadette · 06.09.2020  · st. bernadette 16245 n. 60th street · scottsdale, az 85254...

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Page 1: St. Bernadette · 06.09.2020  · St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249 September 6, 2020 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale,

April 15, 2018

St. Bernadette

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16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249

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September 6, 2020

16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249

St. Bernadette

Page 2: St. Bernadette · 06.09.2020  · St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249 September 6, 2020 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale,

Parish Staff

Pastor……………………………………….Fr. Don Kline, V.F.

Associate Pastor……………………...………...Fr. Paul Avarez

Deacons………….……………....Al Homiski & Frank Nevarez

Parish Administrator…..……..…..….……..Deacon Al Homiski

School Principal……..……………...…………….Preston Colao

Director of Sacred Music………….………..…...Brina Ziemann

Director of CGS……………………..……......Mindy Longwell

CGS Catechist ………..………………….…Brittany Rodriguez

Faith Formation Facilitator…………….………..Diane Flitcroft

Finance Director…………………..…...……..Margaret Colwell

Accounting Managers…….....Paula LoPresti & Helen Romano

Facilities Manager…….………….…..…Deacon Frank Nevarez

Facilities Supervisor………..…………..………...Leticia Garcia

Facilities Team…………....……...Rosa Alvarado, Bertha Ortiz,

………………...……....................Reyes Perez & Ruth Zamora

Parish Secretary………………….………...……....Mitzi Palma

Director of Volunteers………….……………...Shirley Smalley

Ministry Services Facilitator……………………Diane Flitcroft

High School (LIFE TEEN) & Young Adult Minister…………..

…………………………………………………...Sammie Carel

Middle School Minister (EDGE)………….….Julia McDonald



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Holy Day


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First Friday (September through May)



Adoration Chapel

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Healing Rosary





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Anointing of the Sick

Call the Parish Office 480-905-0221


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Parish Office Hours

M-Th: 8 AM - 12 Noon; 1 PM - 5 PM

Friday: 8 AM—1 PM

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Parish Mission Statement

We exist as a Eucharistic

community to celebrate, proclaim,

and live the Gospel of Jesus

Christ in Word and Sacrament

for the Glory of God.


Parish School:

Saint John XXIII

Catholic School Community

16235 N. 60th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Phone: 480-905-0939 Fax: 480-905-0955


Office Hours:

Monday—Friday 7 AM to 3:30 PM

Page 3: St. Bernadette · 06.09.2020  · St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249 September 6, 2020 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale,


Dear Family of God,

Peace and Joy in Our Lord Jesus Christ!

You may have noticed these signs around town. They are simple signs that

offer some hopeful messages. They are encouraging roadside signs that

have been popping up in neighborhoods all around the world – and it’s all

thanks to one woman who felt helpless in the face of mental illness.

Her name is Amy Wolff. After a heartbreaking discussion with a friend, she

felt called to start erecting the inspirational signs for others to see. Amy was stunned by the skyrocketing

suicide rates and she wanted to do something about it. Although she felt helpless and unprepared to alleviate

the problem, she never lost hope. Her love for life and desire to help others is bringing hope to millions of


I have to say, the novelty of Covid-19 wore out its welcome months ago and seeing these signs lifted my

spirits and gave me a hopeful perspective. Recently, I have been praying daily for an increase in the

theological virtue of hope. There are three theological virtues: faith, hope and love. They are called

theological virtues, because when we live them, they draw us to God because ultimately they come from Him.

Christians have a very specific understanding of hope that is related to our desire and longing for our eternal home in heaven. C.S. Lewis once said

that, "If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next. The

Apostles themselves, who set on foot the conversion of the Roman Empire, the great men who built up the Middle Ages, the English Evangelicals

who abolished the Slave Trade, all left their mark on Earth, precisely because their minds were occupied with Heaven."

I believe, for example, that our parishioners who stepped forward during the COVID-19 quarantine to participate in our parish blood drive were

imbued with hope. There is a certain bravery that motivated our parishioners to donate blood while most Americans stayed safely at home. So many

were simply inspired to save lives. Not all parishioners can give blood, so many parishioners supported our vulnerable brothers and sisters through

our food and water bottle collections and by dropping a few extra bucks in the collection basket.

There is a huge temptation to focus our attention solely on the conditions here on earth. This narrow vision limits our ability to actually improve

conditions down here on this earth! But hope, the pursuit of God, Heaven, and holiness is what charges us on towards the perfection of earthly


So if you really want to make a difference and if you really want to change the world, then start by making sure you are putting God and

your supernatural destiny first. Come to Holy Mass. Go to confession. Offer your daily prayers so that God is not a stranger in your life but the

most trusted Companion who alone is our hope.

We are disciples of Jesus at this parish, not social workers. The Catechism reminds us as we hope for heaven, “we are preserved from selfishness and

led to the happiness that flows from charity.”

There are many things that can call us away from hope and lead us to become frustrated and down. But as a hopeful people, we know that Jesus

wins! The victory is won! Your sins don’t define you! All will be well. God is with us! Never give up! God loves you! You are worthy of His


Lastly, if you haven’t yet signed up for online giving for our parish. Please do so here: Your gifts are

needed now more than ever so we can continue the mission of the Church of making more disciples. Thank you for all who have helped to keep our

parish focus on Christ, Our Eucharistic King!

God Bless,

Fr. Don Kline, V.F.


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Page 4: St. Bernadette · 06.09.2020  · St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249 September 6, 2020 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale,



Don't brood over an offense -

speak directly and privately

What can we learn from Jesus' instructions about how to

mend a damaged relationship (Matthew 18:15-20)? If you

feel you have been wronged by someone, Jesus says the

first step is to speak directly but privately to the individual

who has done the harm. One of the worst things we can

do is brood over our grievance. This can poison our mind

and heart and make it more difficult to go directly to the

person who caused the damage.

Seek the help of wise Christians

If we truly want to settle a difference with someone, we

need to do it face to face. If this fails in its purpose, then

the second step is to bring another person or persons,

someone who is wise and gracious rather than someone

who is hot-tempered or judgmental. The goal is not so

much to put the offender on trial, but to persuade the

offender to see the wrong and to be reconciled. And if

this fails, then we must still not give up, but seek the help

of the Christian community. Note the emphasis here is on

restoring a broken relationship by seeking the help of

other Christians who hopefully will pray and seek a

solution for reconciliation based on Christian love and

wisdom, rather than relying on coercive force or threat of

legal action, such as a lawsuit.

Pray for the offender -

for healing and reconciliation

Lastly, if even the Christian community fails to bring

about reconciliation, what must we do? Jesus seems to

say that we have the right to abandon stubborn and

obdurate offenders and treat them like social outcasts.

The tax-collectors and Gentiles were regarded as

"unclean" by the religious-

minded Jews and they resorted to shunning them.

However, we know from the Gospel accounts that Jesus

often had fellowship with tax-collectors (as well as other

public sinners), ate with them, and even praised them at

times! Jesus refuses no one who is open to receive

pardon, healing, and restoration.

Set no obstacle in seeking to

heal your brother's wound

When you are offended, are you willing to put aside your

own grievance and injury in order to help your brother's

wound? The Lord Jesus wants to set us free from

resentment, ill-will, and an unwillingness to forgive. The

love of Christ both purifies and sets us free to do good to

all - even those who cause us grief. The call to

accountability for what we have done and have failed to

do is inevitable and we can't escape it, both in this life

and at the day of judgment when the Lord Jesus will

return. But while we have the opportunity today, we must

not give up on praying for those who cause us offense.

With God's help we must seek to make every effort to win

them with the grace and power of God's healing love and

wisdom. Do you tolerate broken relationships or do you

seek to repair them as God gives you the opportunity to

mend and restore what is broken?

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and saving truth to those in need of healing and restora�on.�

Friday Night

Healing Rosary

every Friday at

6:30 PM via Zoom

Please use meeting ID

674 186 578;

password Rosary and the link below:


Page 5: St. Bernadette · 06.09.2020  · St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249 September 6, 2020 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale,

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Liturgy Of The Word: How The Readings Are Chosen

Why do we sit for the readings?

After the Introductory Rites, the community of believers sits for the readings. While some non-Catholics often describe Mass as

Catholic calisthenics, the physical postures that we use during the liturgy are not arbitrarily picked. Rather, they often represent

what we are spiritually supposed to be doing. Sitting, for example, is a position of receptivity. Sitting allows us to rest and to

attentively listen to the readings being proclaimed.

What effect did Vatican II have on the selection of the readings?

One of the greatest liturgical reforms of Vatican II, aside from allowing the liturgy to be celebrated in the vernacular (native

language), was an added emphasis on the role of Scripture in the liturgy. Prior to Vatican II, there was only one reading, the psalm

and the Gospel. Those readings were on a one-year cycle that repeated itself each year. For example, on the Fourteenth Sunday of

Ordinary Time, you heard the same readings, year after year.

In order to expose the faithful to more of the Bible in the liturgy, Pope Paul VI added another reading each Sunday and developed

a three-year cycle (Year A, B, C) instead of just a one-year cycle. The first reading is usually an Old Testament reading. During the

Easter season, however, it often comes from the Acts of the Apostles. After the first reading, there is the responsorial psalm, which

almost always comes from the Book of Psalms. The second reading always comes from the New Testament, and the Gospel

reading comes from one of the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Year A focuses primarily on the Gospel of Matthew, Year B on the Gospel of Mark and John 6, and Year C on the Gospel of Luke.

The Gospel of John is read during the Easter season every year.

How are the Sunday Scripture readings selected?

Aside from the emphasis on a more representative portion of Scripture, especially from the Old Testament, the readings were

selected in order to show the continuity and development of salvation history. In order to do this, the first reading and Gospel are

usually related in theme, while the second reading is not related. A scripture from the Old Testament that prophesies something

about the Messiah is often paired with a Gospel reading from the New Testament that shows how Jesus fulfilled that prophecy. For

example, on the Feast of Corpus Christi, the first reading comes from the book of Deuteronomy when God feeds the Israelites with

the manna in the desert. The Gospel reading is from the Bread of Life Discourse in John 6, when Jesus says that he is the Bread of

Life that came down from heaven.

Are the readings the same in all Catholic churches?

One of the truly “catholic” (universal) aspects of the church is that no matter what Catholic church you walk into on any given

Sunday, you will hear the same readings proclaimed. While the way in which the scriptures are preached on will differ, the

scriptural texts will be the same, whether you are in Nicaragua or Nigeria.

How are weekday readings selected?

Weekday readings are on a two-year cycle (Year 1 and 2). The first reading comes either from the Old Testament or the New

Testament. The responsorial psalm usually comes from the Book of Psalms, and the Gospel comes from one of the four Gospels.

For weekday readings, the first reading and the psalm rotate every other year, whereas the Gospel is the same for Year 1 and Year

2. The readings are not usually related in theme.

How do I know which year we are in the cycle of readings?

There is a pretty simple mathematical formula that can be used to figure out which cycle of readings is being used. Take the year

that we are in and divide by 3. If the remainder is .33, then we are in Year A. If the remainder is .66, then we are in Year B. If

there is no remainder, then we are in Year C. For example, 2011 divided by 3 equals 670.33, which means Year A. 2012 divided

by 3 equals 670.66, which means Year B. 2013 divided by 3 equals 671, which means Year C.

It is even easier to figure out which cycle is being used during weekday liturgies. If the year is an odd number (2013, 2015, etc.),

then it is Year 1. If the year is even-numbered (2012, 2014, etc.), then it is Year 2.

It is important to note that the cycles do not change on the first of January, but rather on the first Sunday of Advent, which usually

falls on the last week of November or the first week of December.

Excerpts from an article by Tom Hedrick in the Clarion Herald, the official newspaper of the Diocese of New Orleans.

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In his book “Becoming Catholic” David Yamane, explored the reasons why

individuals entered into an Adult Formation Catholic Initiation program. Did you

know that 72% of respondents said their family was the main reason they

joined the Catholic Church? Many explained that they were led to the Catholic faith by a direct

invitation from a family member or close friend.

If you have a spouse, in-law, other family member or a friend who has expressed an interest or

who attends Mass with you, maybe it is time for you to extend an invitation for them to learn more

about our faith. Our Initiation process for Adults (RCIA) is centered on faith-based relationships.

Meetings include service opportunities and a welcoming environment where people can learn

about and explore the Catholic faith, its history, its beliefs and its practices.

If you or someone you know is searching for something more in life or to just find out more about

the Catholic faith, Contact Shirley Smalley in the Parish Office. We have a small team of

committed Catholic adults ready and willing to answer questions and to journey beside inquirers

as together we learn more about Christ and His Church. All inquiries are welcome.

Come and see what the Catholic Church believes and why. Join us as we journey together in

faith. Anyone interested in finding out more about the RCIA process or about receiving

sacraments as an adult, should contact Shirley Smalley through the Parish Office.

Have YOU

thought about



Page 7: St. Bernadette · 06.09.2020  · St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249 September 6, 2020 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale,



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The Parish &

School Offices will

be closed Monday,

September 7th in

honor of Labor


Have a safe and

happy Holiday.

Page 8: St. Bernadette · 06.09.2020  · St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249 September 6, 2020 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale,



Saturday, September 5 5:00 PM �Virgil Grzywa

Sunday, September 6 8:00 AM �Gregory Mohr

10:00 AM St. Bernadette

5:00 PM Jimmy Burdick

Monday, September 7 6:30 AM Alexis Maguire

8:30 AM Ben Kline

Tuesday, September 8 6:30 AM Carol Champaign

8:30 AM Pepper Markovich

Wednesday, September 9 6:30 AM Cheryl DVriese

8:30 AM �Marie Wauro

Thursday, September 10 6:30 AM Ray Haiduk

8:30 AM Stella Dilema

Friday, September 11 6:30 AM �Frank Kubinski

8:30 AM Lisa Regan

Saturday, September 12 8:30 AM Terri DeVriese

5:00 PM Robert Jacobsen

Sunday, September 13 8:00 AM Fr. Doug Spina

10:00 AM St. Bernadette

5:00 PM �Randi Smith



“Be Not Afraid, I Go Before You Always.”

Welcome Back!

Saint John XXIII has begun

welcoming back students to campus

starting with Kindergarten and 1st

grade on August 24th and Second

and Third grade on August 31st!

Our teachers have done an amazing

job with handling their students in

the classroom while also teaching

their remote students online.

We will continue moving forward in

education with our students’ health and safety as our #1 priority!


School drop off times: Monday—Friday 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM

School Pick up times: Monday –Thursday 2:30 PM—3:45 PM

And Fridays: Noon—1:15 PM.

As a family, or as an individual, simply pray these intentions

before praying the daily Rosary. The Rosary is prayed every

day of the Novena.

Please pray for the following intentions:

1. For the conversion and spiritual protection of our nation,

currently experiencing a calamity of sin, division, and


2. For authentic leadership, secular and in the Church, rooted

in true virtue.

3. For the political parties of our nation to be led by the com-

mon good, and to agree on the fundamentals of any nation

with a future: protection of human life at all stages, recog-

nition of the dignity of every human person precisely be-

cause he or she is made in the image of God, upholding of

marriage as the fundamental building block of society, and

protection of free speech, freedom of religion, and all oth-

er attendant freedoms which help build a virtuous and

generous citizenry.

4. For the rejection of all forms of collectivism (CCC 1885),

whether Marxist or born of another false ideology, and the

cultivation of true patriotism, based on love for what is

best in our country, solidarity with those in need and sub-

sidiarity for those smaller stations of governance such as

the family.

5. For the strengthening of all families, in particular that

Catholic families live more deeply their call to be the

“domestic church”.

6. For the virtues of mercy and forgiveness to be demonstrat-

ed by our leaders and especially those who pray the Our


7. For an end to unjust discrimination and the healing of ra-

cial divisions and all other divisiveness unworthy of a

sovereign nation.

8. For the vulnerable among us, especially pre-born children,

elderly, immigrants, unemployed and the poor.

9. For the restoration of one nation, under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all.

Join Bishop Olmstead in Praying

a 54-Day Rosary

Novena For Our Nation

August 30-October 22

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Thank you for helping us collect bottled

water for the homeless. Because of you

generosity, we were able to collect 5,800

bottles of water.

The water bottles will be distributed to

the homeless by the Society of St.

Vincent de Paul Water Truck program.

This truck drives across the city handing

out water, sun screen, hats, sack lunches

and other items to those living one the


Thank you for being the hands

and feet of Christ to others.

SVdP Fifth Sunday


Your generosity provided our conference with

nearly $ 3,000.00 during our Fifth Sunday

Collection last weekend.

This pandemic has caused many of our

neighbors to fall behind on their rent, mortgage

and/or utility bills.

Your donations will help us to help them

Donations may still be made online or through the

Parish Office.

To donate go online to Scroll down to the

read “Please Donate Today” red box. Click on

it and then click on the SVdP donation tab.



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What is the new “normal” for

your marriage?

How about creating the best

marriage ever! Come receive

the tools to keep your marriage

full of love and passion.

And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this

rock I will build my church.

The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend

will be a 2 day virtual Zoom format beginning on

Oct 3. Please visit

for more information.

One Hundred Years

of Catholic Faith

In the last month, two of our

St. Bernadette friends have

celebrated their 100th birthdays.

Ray Haiduk and Helen Wavrek,

residents at two group homes near

St. Bernadette, were saluted on

their birthdays with balloons,

homemade cards, flowers, drive by

honking, and masked visitors.

Ray and Helen are among many

group home residents that have

continued to celebrate their

Catholic faith by receiving the

Eucharist from Pastoral Ministers

of Care. This ministry has been put

on hold during the virus but

hopefully can be resumed soon. We

respect the witness they give to

other residents, group home,

workers, and family with their











Page 10: St. Bernadette · 06.09.2020  · St. Bernadette 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 480-905-0221 Fax: 480-905-0249 September 6, 2020 16245 N. 60th Street · Scottsdale,

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Eucharistic Adoration Donna Homiski 602-738-6429

Friday Night Healing Rosary 480-905-0221


Boy Scouts Tim Whitney 602-403-4121

Knights of Columbus Martin Perez 602-404-4095

Sociable Seniors Shirley Teed 602-996-6151


Finance Council Mike Smalley 602-799-2256

Parish Council Don Tellis 602-370-3271


Sunday Donuts Volunteer Office 480-905-0221


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Mindy Longwell 480-905-0221

RCIA Shirley Smalley 480-905-0221

Infant Baptism Shirley Smalley 480-905-0221

Marriage Prep Deacon Al Homiski 480-905-0221


Annulments Deacon Al Homiski 480-905-0221

Funerals Deacon Frank Nevarez 480-905-0221

Funeral Hospitality Carol Flood 602-953-3625

Ministers of Care - Mayo Deacon Frank Nevarez 480-905-0221

Ministers of Care - Homebound Bill Walsh 480-236-6515


Altar Linens Donna Casillas 602-577-4326

Altar Servers Deacon Al Homiski 480-905-0221

Art & Environment Chita Dilema 480-797-0145

Eucharist Ministers Deacon Frank Nevarez 480-905-0221

Greeters Tom Horst 602-790-6414

Lectors Jon Altmann 602-765-4588

Sacristans Mike Smalley 602-799-2256

Ushers Bill Leicht 602-788-8254


Culture of Life Margaret Hinski 480-905-0221

Cursillo Kathy Andrzejczak 480-515-9696

St. Vincent de Paul Help Line 480-905-4439

Meals for Families in Crisis Rachel Bears 602-402-0220

& New Moms


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Mindy Longwell 480-905-0221

Life Teen Sammie Carel 480-905-0221

EDGE Julia McDonald 480-905-0221

Men’s Bible Study Brian Weber 602-295-6033

Women’s Bible Study (Info only) Parish Office 480-905-0221


This Week at St. Bernadette

Mass Monday through Friday mornings at 6:30 & 8::30 AM

Saturday mornings at 8:30 AM

Daily Confessions before daily mass 8:00 —8:25 AM

















LITURGY: 8 AM, 10 AM, 5 PM In the Church

LABOR DAY HOLIDAY: Parish office and school closed

7:30-8:30 AM St. John school drop-off

2:30-3:45 PM St. John school pick-up

7:30-8:30 AM St. John school drop-off

2:30-3:45 PM St. John school pick-up

6:30 PM Parent Meeting for EDGE & LIFETEEN In the Hall

6:30 PM RCIA Online Meeting

7:00 PM KofC Business Online Meeting

7:30-8:30 AM St. John school drop-off

2:30-3:45 PM St. John school pick-up

6:30 PM CGS Catechist Meeting in Rms. 2/3

7:00 PM Men’s Bible Study Online Meeting

7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study Online Meeting

7:30-8:30 AM St. John school drop-off

12:00-1:15 PM St. John school pick-up

6:30 PM Friday Night Healing Rosary Online Meeting

7:00 PM Men’s Bible Study Online Meeting

LITURGY: 5 PM In the Church

LITURGY: 8 AM, 10 AM, 5 PM In the Church

Readings for the Week

Indeed, the word of God is living and effective,

sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating

even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow,

and able to discern reflections and thoughts of

the heart.” — Hebrews 4:12

Sunday: Ez 33:7-9/Ps 95:1-2, 6-9/Rom 13:8-10/Mt 18:15-20

Monday: 1 Cor 5:1-8/Ps 5:5-6, 7, 12/Ps 5:5-6, 7, 12/Lk 6:6-11

Tuesday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30/Ps 13:6abc/

Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 or 1:18-23

Wednesday: 1 Cor 7:25-31/Ps 45:11-12, 14-17/Lk 6:20-26

Thursday: 1 Cor 8:1b-7, 11-13/Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14b, 23-24/

Lk 6:27-38

Friday: 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27/Ps 84:3-6, 8, 12/Lk 6:39-42

Saturday: 1 Cor 10:14-22/Ps 116:12-13, 17-18/Lk 6:43-49

Next Sunday: Sir 27:30—28:7/Ps 103:1-4, 9-12/

Rom 14:7-9/Mt 18:21-35

In today’s Gospel, Jesus says: “…where two

or three are gathered in my name, there am

I in the midst of them.”

Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please

have them call our SVdP conference at 480-905-4439 so

that together we can help the to know that indeed “God is

in the midst of them.”

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For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Bernadette, Scottsdale, AZ B 4C 05-0458

Our family values bring you the value you deserve

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For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Bernadette, Scottsdale, AZ A 4C 05-0458

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S T . B E R N A D E T T E P A R I S H I O N E R S& S T . J O H N X X I I I F A M I L Y  

S C O T T S D A L E N A T I V E & V A L L E Y R E L O C A T I O N


15% of My Commission

from a Parishioner

Closing will be donated

back to St. Bernadette.

Sandra Simon

6 0 2 . 8 8 2 . 8 0 3 8

[email protected]


S T . B E R N A D E T T E P A R I S H I O N E R S& S T . J O H N X X I I I F A M I L Y  

S C O T T S D A L E N A T I V E & V A L L E Y R E L O C A T I O N


15% of My Commission

from a Parishioner

Closing will be donated

back to St. Bernadette.

Sandra Simon

6 0 2 . 8 8 2 . 8 0 3 8

[email protected]


S T . B E R N A D E T T E P A R I S H I O N E R S& S T . J O H N X X I I I F A M I L Y  

S C O T T S D A L E N A T I V E & V A L L E Y R E L O C A T I O N


15% of My Commission

from a Parishioner

Closing will be donated

back to St. Bernadette.

Hansen Desert Hills Mortuary & Cemetery

Family Owned & OperatedServing the Diocese of Phoenix Since 1949 • 6500 E. Bell Rd. • (480) 991-5800

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