stanislav libensky award 2010


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Post on 19-Mar-2016




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catalog of glass exhibithion in Prague, Belvedere


  • Light Design Experience

    GingkoDesign by Jitka Kamencov Skuhrav & Gabriela NhlkovShangri-la Hotel, Tokyo Lobby Lounge Bar

  • PILCHUCK GLASS SCHOOL for 2011 summer program course descriptions and application process, scholarship information, and details of our non-summer residency programs. Applications due February 14, 2011.For registration, contact [email protected]

    photo by Chad Chisholm

    Scott Benef ie ld Anna Boothe Madele ine Bouleste ix Cather ine Cha lmers Char l ie Cohan Mel Doug las Mitche l l Gaudet Michae l Glancy J i r i Harcuba Gene Koss Er ika Lark in Bruce Mau Bruce Metca l f Je f f rey Mongra in John Mi l ler Rashaad Newsome P ike Powers

    John Reynt iens Ross R ichmond Magda lene Odundo Shunj i Omura Mich iko Sakano Nanda Soderberg Boyd Sug ik i Apr i l Surgent L ino Tag l iap ietra Chr i s Tay lor L ienors Torre Bert i l Va l l ien Ulr ica Va l l ien R ichard White ley Dav id Wi l l i s L i sa Zerkowitz & others !

    2011 Summer Education Program Session dates: 1 May 24June 10 2 June 14July 1 3 July 522 4 July 26August 12 5 August 1526

    P i l chuck o f fe rs res ident ia l workshops fo r beg inner , in te rmed iate , and advanced s tudents in g lassb lowing , hot g lass scu lpt ing , hot cas t ing , co ldwork ing , g lass enamel pa in t ing , fus ing ,

    k i ln cas t ing , pate de ver re , f lamework ing , a rch i tec tu ra l g lass , and neon .

    Join these artists in summer 2011