story of turning palestine into israel

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Story of turning Palestine into IsraelPalestinians worldwide observe Al Nakba, catastrophe, day on 14 May 1948 .nakba-keyBy Latheef FarooklogoPalestinians worldwide observe 14 May 1948 as Al Nakba ,meaning disaster or catastrophe, to mark the exodus of more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs who were expelled from their homes and lands. They were forced to flee due to panic and fears caused by the by Zionist terrorists who on 9 April 1948 massacred around 250 men, women, children and the aged at Deir Yassin village in the outskirts of Jerusalem.

Their own homes and lands were grabbed by the Zionist Jews brought in from all over to establish a racist Jewish state in Palestine.Here is the story of Palestinian tragedy and the blood soaked Israeli history.The endless sufferings of Palestinians and the grabbing of their lands, began with the advent of Zionist Jews in the 1930s, continue unabated even today, due to the blind support of the West and the indifference of the Arab dictators.Unprecedented in known history, a nation of people, Palestinian Arabs-both Muslims and Christians- were uprooted at gun point from their traditional homes and lands and dumped in refugee camps to create a country for European and Middle Eastern Jews who had not even seen this soil.The idea of a separate state for Jews was first mooted in 1895 by the Austrian Jewish journalist, Theodore Herzl .Two years later the first World Zionist Congress in Geneva decided to act on this plan to create this first ever religious- racist state .Palestine then was a province of Turkeys Ottoman Empire and more than 96 percent of the population were Arabs while the remaining four percent were Jews. They all lived in peace and harmony. It was such a peaceful place, before the arrival of Zionists, that one cannot even hear a bad word leave alone people talking loud. Violence, unknown to people there, came with the arrival of Zionists.nakba-oldIn the aftermath of the World War 1 Turkey was defeated and Palestine was brought under British Mandatory power which helped Jews realise their goal of a separate state.Jews adopted both deception and crime. They first started buying prime property in Palestine offering attractive prices which many Palestinians, unaware of the conspiracy, couldnt resist. Hand in hand they trained and armed Jewish terror gangs to kill, frighten and drive away unarmed Palestinians at gun point from their lands.Some of the most notorious Jewish terror gangs were Haganah, Irgun and Stern .Two of their main leaders were Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, godfathers of terrorism, who were later elected prime ministers of Israel.Hitler's Nazi laws were cleverly exploited by the Jewish propaganda machine to hoodwink the world and win sympathy to colonise Palestine with Jews. Britain helped prepare the ground work for the Zionist state of Israel which was proclaimed on 14 May 1948.Manipulated by US, UN handed much of Palestine to the Jews on a platter on 14 May 1048. Within minutes came the recognition from the White House followed by Moscow. Thus Palestine was wiped off the map of the world and Israel came into existence in its place. Even at this point the Arabs were in a majority.Unarmed Palestinians ended up in refugee camps in neighbouring countries. By 1948 there were more than 800,000 Palestinian refugees. They continue to languish there to date in appalling conditions though they still have the keys of their houses and the title deeds for their lands.Israel, served as the outpost of the Western colonial powers since its birth, never had any intention to live in peace with its Arab neighbours. In 1955 Israel joined Britain and France to invade Egypt to take back the Suez Canal nationalised by Egypt. In June 1967 Israel attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan and captured Sinai, Gaza strip, West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.It was at this point the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) came into existence.In 1982 terrorist turned Prime Minister Menachem Bergin invaded Lebanon and killed nearly 18,000, mostly Palestinians. His defence Minister Ariel Sharon supervised the slaughter of more than 2200 Palestinian men, women, children and the aged at Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps.The silence on the part of US and Europe only demonstrated their the blessings to this crime against humanity.Former President George Bush, claiming to be fighting war on terrorism, rolled red carpet to receive this very same Ariel Sharon at the White House "as a man of peace.Unfortunately for the Palestinians even the PLO was neutralised by Arab rulers to please their Western masters placing the Palestinians in a hopeless situation.This gave rise to the ideologically oriented organisation Hamas which won the hearts and minds of grass root Palestinians.In a spotless democratic election held under the supervision of former US President Jimmy Carter in January 2006 Hamas was elected with an overwhelming majority .But for Israel and its Western collaborators Hamas were terrorists because they believe in peace with dignity. They wanted Palestinians who would carry out their instructions as PLO did, after the Oslo Treaty, when Hamas freedom fighters were arrested, tortured and killed by PLO.To eliminate Hamas, Israel, United States and Europe stopped all donations and cut off the flow of all money to starve Palestinian into submission. The Arab tyrants too joined this Zionist sponsored financial blockade knowing very well the misery they were causing to Palestinians. But the Hamas controlled Palestinian Authority - both in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip - needed this money to keep body and soul together.nakba-key4The task of overthrowing the Hamas government was entrusted to President Mahmoud Abbas. He was given arms by Israel and $ 42million by President Bush, to precipitate a civil war, shed more Palestinian blood and crush Palestinian democracy. The former Israeli premier Ehud Olmert said "we gave arms because we need Abbas' help. To achieve this end the US began establishing a secret military camp in Jericho at a cost of $ 20 million- part of the cost was met by some Arab regimes.President Abbas held talks with Israeli intelligence Chief Yuval Diskin in Jordan. The meeting was attended by Egypt, Jordan and a Gulf Arab country .Some say it was Saudi Arabia, demanding that Hamas government be toppled at any cost to ensure democracy doesnt flourish in Gaza and West Bank as it would give food for thought to their own people and threaten their oppressive regimes.It was shameful that Arab dictators collaborate with Israel against Palestinians. But unfortunately, this is the reality in the Middle East where some Arab rulers were prepared to go to any length to compromise to protect their autocratic regimes.The tragedy of starving Palestinians worsened since June 2006 due to repeated Israeli invasion of Gaza and the war crimes they have committed there.Shameful state of affairs is such that Hamas spokesman in the Palestinian parliament Salah Al Badawi said that President Mahmud Abbes had asked then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to strike at the Gaza Strip. Israel agreed and the Palestinians pay the price for the treachery of Fatah.Palestinians in Gaza, and even in the West Bank, remained virtual prisoners in their own homes. Israel often cut off air, sea and land routes to the Gaza Strip preventing basic requirements like medicine and food from getting in. Supplies of electricity and water are irregular and insignificant. This is grave war crime and German leaders were sentenced to death for lesser crimes.The Israeli killing of Palestinian men, women, children and the aged continued on a daily basis while Jewish Rabbis openly claim that one thousand Palestinian lives are not worth a finger nail of a Jew. During the first ten days of this month more than 70 Palestinians were killed. Over 10,000 Palestinians languish in Israel Jails.This cruel repression of Occupied Palestine, possible only due to the naked support of US and Europe, is the most scandalous issue in the world today. But who cares?Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery said the message of Jews, the US and Europe to Palestinian is that you will reach the brink of hunger, and even beyond, if you do not surrender. You must remove the Hamas government and elect candidates approved by Israel and the US. You must be satisfied with a Palestinian state consisting of several enclaves, each of which will be utterly dependent on the tender mercies of Israel.Thus the history of Zionism is nothing but history of lies, deception, bloodshed, conspiracy and crime. Yet the West preaching democracy and other cherished values stand fully behind this very same Zionist entity as they all have one goal- destabilise the entire Middle East and plunder its resources.Betrayed and abandoned by all, the Palestinians, the most educated and most politicised people in the world, stand alone today. They had shed enough of blood, lost enough of loved ones, spent too long years in refugee camps and even lost their basic human rights and dignity. Yet the West and the Western media portray them as terrorists. EndsPosted byThavam