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更多内容请访问澳洲墨尔本游洋教育网站 Summarize Spoken Text 1. Laughing / Humor 1. Humor existed in Europe for example Berlin long time ago. 2. Jokes of Berlin Wall can be used as effective therapy. 3. Laughing is the simplest and cheapest method to deal with stress. 4. It can relieve pain, reduce blood pressure and decrease stress. 5. Able to protect self-respect and identity. This lecture talks about the benefits of laughing, especially in adversity, and there were war jokes about Berlin Wall prevailing in Eastern countries during the Second World War, which can ease the harm of the war. Moreover, laughing is the simplest and cheapest method to deal with stress, reduce blood pressure and helping people get through bleak and boring time. Finally, laughing can effectively improve people’s self- respect and identity. 2. Animal survives and reproduces The lecture mentioned how animals can survive and reproduce, how to maintain their body under water; tolerate different temperature, seasons and how animals use inhabit, daily activities and behaviors. Researchers put a frog into the water and heat up the water. The result of the experiment indicates that the frog can adjust their body temperature according to the change of the water temperature in order to survive itself. 3. Mental things People will forget they are in the middle of doing something. 4. Job competition faced by English Spoken Countries 英语国家面临的竞争 Job market competition in English speaking countries becomes fierce. 一个女的提到了 现在英语越来越 popular导致 English speaking 国家的市场资源越来越紧张。主要 体现在三个方面:一是 government funding, 二是 research contracts,三是 charity 源方面 5. Observation in the hemisphere ocean Antares detectors 水下探测器 The lecture is about a kind of remote technology- underwater Antares detectors. Detectors can be used to observe the environment change and water temperature change. More importantly, these detectors are installed underwater to monitor fishes’ reaction to feeding. This makes it possible for people to change their feeding strategy quickly when fish do not react to the feeding.

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Summarize Spoken Text

1. Laughing / Humor

1. Humor existed in Europe for example Berlin long time ago.

2. Jokes of Berlin Wall can be used as effective therapy.

3. Laughing is the simplest and cheapest method to deal with stress.

4. It can relieve pain, reduce blood pressure and decrease stress.

5. Able to protect self-respect and identity.

This lecture talks about the benefits of laughing, especially in adversity, and there were

war jokes about Berlin Wall prevailing in Eastern countries during the Second World

War, which can ease the harm of the war. Moreover, laughing is the simplest and

cheapest method to deal with stress, reduce blood pressure and helping people get

through bleak and boring time. Finally, laughing can effectively improve people’s self-

respect and identity.

2. Animal survives and reproduces

The lecture mentioned how animals can survive and reproduce, how to maintain their

body under water; tolerate different temperature, seasons and how animals use inhabit,

daily activities and behaviors.

Researchers put a frog into the water and heat up the water. The result of the experiment

indicates that the frog can adjust their body temperature according to the change of the

water temperature in order to survive itself.

3. Mental things

People will forget they are in the middle of doing something.

4. Job competition faced by English Spoken Countries 英语国家面临的竞争

Job market competition in English speaking countries becomes fierce. 一个女的提到了

现在英语越来越 popular, 导致 English speaking国家的市场资源越来越紧张。主要

体现在三个方面:一是 government funding, 二是 research contracts,三是 charity资


5. Observation in the hemisphere ocean Antares detectors 水下探测器

The lecture is about a kind of remote technology- underwater Antares detectors.

Detectors can be used to observe the environment change and water temperature change.

More importantly, these detectors are installed underwater to monitor fishes’ reaction to

feeding. This makes it possible for people to change their feeding strategy quickly when

fish do not react to the feeding.

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6. Sound Receptor

The lecture talks about the mechanism of sound receptor in human’s ear.

These little spiky and flappy things in the ear can translate vibrational energy coming

from the ear, hurting the eardrum, being translated into physical motion throughout the

fluid, and then further into electrical motion and electrical signal. Finally the speaker

invited MIT students to learn more about it as they think it as a remarkable device.

7. Urbanization (The development of urbanization and agriculture.)

The lecture mentioned the nexus between city and countryside. Farmer produces food

then trade in city. Actually more and more people move to city because of hard life in

countryside and more opportunities in city. The development of urbanization, for

example agriculture, a farmer grow food can benefit many families in the city. People

tend to move to city then make a living in city, however, start losing jobs.

The lecture talks about the nexus between urbanization and agriculture. Firstly, farmers

live in country produce food, and then trade in city. The first reason they move to the

demand for food in large city is decreasing. Another reason is that the live in moral area

is hard.

8. Consultant 女人欠大学贷款


I'm 43 years old and I owe tens of thousands of dollars in student loans. Oh sure, I knew

the loans

were piling up as I went through school. But with one loan coming from here, another

from there, I had no idea of the rockslide that was building.

Fifteen years later, I still experience moments of sheer horror regarding my family's

financial situation. My monthly student loan payment is more than triple my car payment.

OK, so without my college degree, I would not have been able to get my current job. For

that I'm

grateful; but at what cost?

My loans have been accruing at a rate of 10 percent, and now they have burgeoned to —

well, I'm an English major, you do the math. I don't think they'll ever get paid off. We're

in debt way past our eyeballs, and there's no hope in sight.

I'm being kept in class — a financial class of graduates whose only hope for attending

college meant borrowing money from the government. Because of our mounting credit

card debt and monthly payments that far exceed our family's income, my kids will also

join the class of citizens who can't rely on their parents for college support.

Do I wish I'd chosen another educational route? You bet. Perhaps trade school — I've

thought that being a plumber might not be such a bad gig. But if your job aspirations

require a four-year degree, take my advice and choose a college you can

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afford, both during and after graduation. Take a realistic look at your anticipated income,

and factor in priorities that don't carry a price — like the spouse and children you might

want to have some day.

I was overconfident that my student-loan debt would pale in comparison to the lucrative


career I'd enjoy after graduation. Now I'm paying for that decision — in more ways than

I'd ever



In this consultation, the concern of financial situation was raised by a woman who was 43

years old and with a student loan of more than 10,000 dollars and still be unpaid after 15

years past. Meanwhile, the monthly loan repayment is more than triple of her car loan

and the debt exceeds her family income which limited the support of her children’s


9. Stanford university conference

A lecture held by Stanford university business school stressed the importance of

management and leadership in business school. It is clear that educational purpose is to

learn management and leadership. Student should be responsible for the management

performance and identify how it could happen appropriately. The responsibility means

that the accomplishments achieved by themselves with on indication from other.

The lecturer talks about the importance of management. Firstly, he mentions that many

worldwide large institutions are heavily depending on management. To be more

specifically, an accountable and responsible person play a major-part of management.

关键词:Stanford University, New York Times, Article, Leadership, Management,

Responsibility, Accomplishment, indication

10. Competition faced by LSE

1. two factors: English and funding of government.

2. 5 main kind competitions: for students, academic staff, research funding, research

contracts, pound against other currencies

11. Advertisement on prescription medicine 处方药广告

The advertisement on prescription medicine has doubled, especially in prime time.

People buy drug depend on what they saw on the ad. Despite medicine ads may be

technically accurate, they are misleading in tones. Depression patients, for example, may

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feel better after administering the medicine, but not means there is a change in life style.

Therefore, buying the prescription medicine is not like buying soap.

12. Globalization 三个定义

Globalization has variety definitions and meanings. Firstly, globalization is a

proliferation of trade, transactions, communications, services and multinational

companies beyond the borders. Secondly, there are more travel and cooperation around

the world. Thirdly, integrated economics strategy and organization integration, different

countries consume or produce different goods, so countries would depend on the

economy of other countries.

13. Indian peasants and Debt 印度债务

Peasants are very pool in India. The country’s debt has been increased by 2000 percent

these years, and debtors are unlikely to pay off.

Once debtors try to borrow money to pay off their debts, it will only become a vicious


Along with the globalization of free market, the issue has become more severe, and most

of the creditors are in the same industry, which sell pesticides and seeds.

14. Government information disclosure.

Citizens are not well informed. Although the western countries are democratic counties,

the government uses tricks in the book to cover up the truth and take it for granted. In the

meantime, the government policies are often wrongly interpreted and misleading the

people. Besides, the government hides the events which have already taken place.

Furthermore, the government hides information to keep their citizens less informed.

15. Modification of Government (Power)

The lecture first stated the need to modify government power from federal to state level.

Then it is followed by addressing the different opinions holding by the two political

parties. The Democratic Party believes that the government should hold the strong power

and entitlements, while the Republican Party regards the government should share the

power with the states and people. However power being handed to state normally means

taking power away from people due to some secret reasons behind the government. (考试


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16. A female novelist女作家走弯路



A female desired to become a novelist and detoured 10 to 12 years to fulfill the dream.

Before that time, though she wanted to write novel, she remained a non-fictionist and

never regret about it. Until one day she was inspired by another famous novelist and she

started writing novel in 1990, and in 1992 the first chapter named “The Secret Life of

Bees” was finished.

17. Artificial Intelligence 人工智能

People have been talking about symbolic representation of computers long before they

were invented.

2. If we can know more about how human manipulate and work with symbols. Just like

computers works with bits and bytes.

3. Computer has a high potential to develop intelligence.

This lecture talks about computer and artificial intelligence. Human brain is a

symbol processor. Human tells computer what and how to do. Computers can

operate, given the meaning of certain words. It has systems and symbols. Computer

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relies on analyzing messages into bytes, which is similar to human brain. Computer

has a high potential to develop computer intelligence.

18. International environmental legislation and law

1. International law, climate change

2. Improve environment –globally and locally

3. 2 human activities on environment and industrial revolution. Improve employee’s


The lecture mentioned the environmental law. British government launched the

environmental law for controlling the impact of humans on environment locally and

globally. Companies applied the Adam Smith theory to increase their profitability.

Managers were unsatisfied about environmental law because companies would pay

more money to ensure the health of their employees under the environmental law,

which made companies less competitive in the market.

19. 海里的三种人造发电 devices

现在很多 device 是靠海洋生物的原理进行模拟的,举了三个例子

利用 oyster 的原理,浮在海面上,利用 energy from wave

利用 snake 的原理,tube 吸水然后把水吐出去的时候产生能量

利用 snake 的原理,是 steel 制造,可以产生 electrical power,还是 green energy

Sea creatures are inspiring the latest devices that harness wave power.

This one called the Oyster, sits on the sea floor, and opens and closes as waves pass over it.

Cables attach it to generators on the shore. Since the November 2009, it's been powering 9000 ho

mes in the Orkney Islands.

Another device looks like a snake. The anaconda is made from a rubber tube filled with water that

floats just below the surface. When the swell hits the front of it, the tube squeezed above ripples

done its links and powers a turbine in its tail. Prototypes are currently being tested, but the full-

scale version will be 2000 meters long.

This System also looks like a snake. But this one is made of steel. It floats near the surface,

where waves make its joints move, this drive hydraulic system that power electrical generators, li

ke the anaconda. It’s still being tested; results will prove that these devices are up to the

job of supplying variable sources of green energy.

Implemented in the squeezing power prototype

Sea-creature-like devices are implemented in green energy detection. Oyster-shaped device

opens and closes as waves pass over it, powering nine thousand families since 2009. A snake-

shaped rubber tube that has a full-length of two hundred meters was also under test for

measuring waves’ squeezing power. Another prototype made of steel contributes to electric

power generating.

Sea creatures are inspiring the latest devices that harness wave power.

20. Napoleon III Paris Renovation

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The lecture mentioned the renovation of Paris in 1890s. The renovation was a vast public

program commissioned by Napoleon the third and directed by Haussmann. Haussmann

was designated to bring air and light to the centre of Paris and to drain the

sewages. Haussmann was required to plant trees, build roads and fountains. The reason

of renovation was the old Paris had many problems including overcrowding, diseases and


21. A women suffered lung disease,and she need to work and live on herself, so she

has a big financial pressure

22. Introduce risk management

1. What is risk

2. There are two possibilities

3. Has different meaning in different context (linguistic meaning)

23. War of talent 三个原因,有两个版本

版本 1(imminent retirement of the baby boomers, collapse of loyalty, mismatch

between what schools are producing and what companies need)

版本 2(low birth rate and aging problem, change of economy nature, mismatch

between what schools are producing and what companies need)

Because nowadays short of talent,big companies and countries are search for talented

people. Some young immigrants have a degree in university,and after graduate, will

compete with local student(will give a figure),actually, it is the way how developed

country attract the talents;and the world has put the talents on a primary position.

In this speech, the issue of talent shortage (talent war) was raised. Firstly, the low

birth rate and aging problem were the main causes. Then, the change of economy

nature caused the intense demand of intelligent employees by large organizations.

Lastly, the speaker believed that the mismatch brought by education institutions

also caused the shortage of talented people.

Reference article(very similar)

The war for talent refers to an increasingly competitive landscape for recruiting and

retaining talented employees. In the book, Michaels, et al., describe not a set of

superior Human Resources processes, but a mindset that emphasizes the importance

of talent to the success of organizations.

The war for talent is intensified by demographic shifts (primarily in the United States and

Europe). This is characterized by increasing demand along with decreasing supply

(demographically). There are simply fewer post-baby-boom workers to replace the baby-

boom retirement in the US and Europe (though this is not the case in most of East

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Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Central America, South America, or the Middle

East; Eastern Europe also tends to have similar demographics, namely an aging and/or

shrinking labor force).

While talent is vague or ill-defined, the underlying assumption is that for knowledge-

intensive industries, the knowledge worker (a term coined byPeter Drucker) is the key

competitive resource (see the Resource-based view of the firm). Knowledge-based

theories of organizations consistently place knowledge workers as a primary, competitive


Talent is never explicitly defined in the book, though the Preface notes, "A certain part of

talent elude description: You simply know it when you see it." (p. xii) After several

further caveats, the authors go on: "We can say, however, that managerial talent is some

combination of a sharp strategic mind, leadership ability, emotional maturity,

communications skills, the ability to attract and inspire other talented

people, entrepreneurial instincts, functional skills, and the ability to deliver results." (p.

xiii) The authors offer no outside support for this assertion.

A 2006 article in The Economist, which mentions the book, notes that, "companies do not

even know how to define “talent”, let alone how to manage it. Some use it to mean

people like Aldous Huxley's alphas in “Brave New World”—those at the top of the bell

curve. Others employ it as a synonym for the entire workforce, a definition so broad as to

be meaningless."

The 'War for talent is seen by various sources as becoming irrelevant during economic

downturns. However, there have been highly visible talent poaching by solvent firms of

others who have economic hardship (e.g., JP Morgan was raided by a European firm in

March, 2009)

24. Chocolate in Maya Society (Cocoa)

This lecture talks about cocoa during the time of Aztecs. Cocoa was mainly used as a

beverage. However, not everybody could afford it. Furthermore, Cocoa beans were used

as a currency and cocoa butter can be used as sunscreen to protect skin. Besides, cocoa

also has the religious significance, because people of Maya society believed that drinking

chocolate can give them wisdom.

25. Language extinguish 小语种消失

Language accelerates to extinguish. And now many small languages are extinguishing at

an unprecedented rate. Globalization contributes to it, as more people are going to urban

to live and work being influenced by mainstream language. Urbanization makes small

language hard to survive. The ideal place for small languages to survive is isolated areas.

26. Harry Bergson

The lecture is about an unusual person called Harry Bergson.

Harry is not from the academic world. He runs a consulting company and is regarded as a

genius. He is dedicated to save energy and solve problems by using existing technology

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27. Mr. Green---Amory Lovins

Amory Lovins is an American consultant and he has been active at the nexus of energy,

resources, economy, environment, development and security for over 40 years. Amory

pays attention to energy saving and dedicates to the sustainable energy utilization and

built a house with plenty of energy-saving concepts. People think Amory was crazy and a

female writer wrote a book about Amory called Mr. Green.

28. Large animals/small animals

energy/water consumption. Small animals can survive almost anywhere since they do not

need much water/energy. On the contrary。。。

29. Mary Mallon

Mary Mallon was born in Ireland in 1869 and moved to New York in 1893 and worked

as a cook. Although everyone is satisfied with her work, she felt bored with her boss

sometimes. Later, she got a typhoid fever, which could transmit through water and food.

Even before she died, Mary denied she had typhoid fever. Actually, 22 people were

infected by her and one of them died.

30. DNA & RNA

Biology is a subject that studies animals, human and the environment around them.

Although animals are looked differently, they are closely related to each other. All living

things rely on DNA and RNA to store and transmit genetic information. They all based

on cells, which is the fundamental structure of lives. The inner chemicals are still the

same and they react alike to use and covert energy.

Biology (DNA RNA)

1. The butterfly, flower and dolphin and other creatures look different, but they are


2. Creatures rely on DNA and RNA, which are used for storing and transmitting genetic


3. All creatures rely on genetic and inherited information, which can be passed on, such

as molecules based on forms of cell

4. Cells are foundation of building organs

5. All organs have similar metabolism system, which can convert energy from one form

to another.

6. They have the same building blocks of life, which are cells, within which the same

chemicals are contained.

Biology is a subject that studies animals, human and the environment around them.

Although animals are looked differently, they are closely related to each other. They

all rely on DNA and RNA to store and pass genetic information. They all based on

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cells, which is the fundamental structure of lives. All organs have similar

metabolism system, which can covert energy from one form to another.

31. Citizenship Education (School)

以前学校都忽视 citizenship education, 跟其他 subject起来,现在的学校更应该注重

培养学生的 citizenship education,因为学生会 change the world. 将 citizenship

curriculum就是 critical school的这部分课比其他科目课少但是这门课很有价值如果

学生投入足够的时间这门课可以让学生面对 the changing world 变得自信也可以解


Originally, school ignored the citizenship education and reluctant to teach it, while

today’s school should pay more attention to the development of citizenship education,

because students will change the world. Although citizenship curriculum has fewer

classes, it is worth learning and if the students spend enough time on citizenship

education, they will be more confidence in a changing world and solve the problems such

as lack of leadership.

32. Einstein

For thousand years, people believe that universe was absolutely fixed. However, such

theory has been transformed by Einstein in 20th century. Einstein suggests that the stars

and planets were under continuous dynamical changes. Actually, such theory was not

firstly proposed by Einstein while by the astronomer whose name called Hubble.

33. The utilization of robots (这题语速蛮快的,大概两个数字):

Development of robots; applied into car manufacture in the factories; service robots; shou

ld against robots for general purpose, change to special purpose such as vacuum robots w

hich has been purchased by many bachelors; 25,000 robots have been sold out in a year.

34. Vitamin 维生素 D

讲人体中的 Vitamin D, 如果生活环境里有充足的阳光是不需要补充的。比如:在

tropical area 生活的人就不需要补充,因为皮肤经常和阳光接触。但是在 cold

area 生活的人就需要通过食物来补充 Vitamin D

Vitamin D refers to a group of fat-soluble secosteroid responsible for

increasing intestinal absorption of calcium, iron and magnesium. Dermal

synthesis of vitamin D from D3 is depending on sun exposure. Vitamin D

may be considered as a hormone. People live in tropical area don’t need

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vitamin D supplement because of enough sunshine while in winter people

wear more clothes need to eat food to get vitamin D.


Sunshine vitamin adequate amount of sunshine

Climate change, not enough sunshine

Get from food, food is not abundant in Vitamin D

Hormone, Tropical area, wear clothes, Eat food to get Vitamin D

35. Marketing

Marketing is the process and activity that goods and services transfer from

the suppliers to the end user or customer. Meanwhile profit and nonprofit

companies interchange their services and products in order to meet win-

win. Besides, there is a profit model can ensure profit. Therefore

companies can generate more return capital. So marketing equals to

increasing in sales.

36. Gene Development

This lecture talks about development of genes. The lecture firstly talked

about genetic differences on cognitive abilities between present people

and ancestors, then it highlighted the small number of different genes

between modern people and people from 5000 years ago. The way of

people piss is no difference with our ancestors in half million years ago,

because the gene didn’t change too much.

37. Human creativity 3P

This lecture talks about human creativity. Product, process and people are

the three key elements of human creativities. A creative product should be

surprising, original, beautiful and useful. As for people, the most important

factors necessary for genius are ability, grit and right mindset. While

process is the most important factor, which including improvement,

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insight, innovation and imagination. Human being can survive because of

their creativity.

38. Making error

The lecture mentioned how to do things right. There are two reasons.

Firstly, if the task is well-designed, people are likely to do right thing,

otherwise they are prone to make mistakes.

Secondly, distraction is a key factor which causes people making error. For

example, when someone is operating a photocopier, if something disrupts

the thinking process, people are likely to leave the original files in the
