t- vutyk jwwjl vs n &fifl$ wylwijl · 04 beretaitla st. bell tolo. 280 ifil hin hullirrin is...

MHMHMMMgHMgMHHB tr IHIHHIHHIHHbIIHHRBmuRhIPiii ' V . i . .As ,&$,' .j - J IT 4 r Pi .. J flfe? ? s n- - 1-- - ' k 1- - I && It , V tr. itg te- - .,. a X iwiiiriirillMlWMffWMMnifcwltllilwiWfflWlBrTWlllff'rTrlTTTlffrLT7 ." wVTTBSMPiiraiWW?.?'' 'rr, ,,fS5?SB W 'iiaiigifc a T- -f ri tf M v y.T W Ur V a wJ??iK-,ZOj- .tf vJ fl H v Q us ii yv a .dm .w a. jbk ssasi ters ".-- ki rj -- tb;' sy .&, fflr bs m- -t na& ra Vs n ma ,ts5r wa- - Baui: j -.- i-rw n m firii VUtyK JWWjl &fifl$ WylWIJl VOL. IV. NO. .r0(. HONOLULU, II. L, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2o, 1802. 1MUCK CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN 1'itiNTin) and riniusiinn KVKRY AFTERNOON I'.KITI'T Rt'NDAY IIY Till". Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd., at tiii: oi t'lci:. Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. SiniROMl'TION Six Doi.i.mw a Yi:,n. llollvcrcil in lloiidlulu nt Kitty Cknth a Month, In mlviinuc. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN - IS rUIJIiISHKI) At Foui! Doi.i.mh Yr.n to Domestic, nml Kivu iJni.iAiH to Foreign SuIwitHiit". BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Done in Superior Style. AililroMi letters for the aiier " Kilitor llui.i.iniN," anil Imilncss lulteri " llnniigur liulletiu I'lililUhing Coniimny." Uimg a IPL'isoiial aililress nuiy i'nuu delay in atten- tion. Itoth Telenhoiiea iVI. DANIEL LOGAN, Editor and Manager. Bu8inos3 Cards. J. ALFBED MAOOON, Anon.Nr.v-AT-I.A- ash Xotvhy 1'uiu.k'. I'J Merchant Street, Honolulu. LEWERS & COOKE, Iiuroitu.K.' sii I)i:aw:iii in Lumiu'.ii vsn AM. KINDS 01" BUILDINO MAlKUIAI.s. Kort Street, Honolulu. WILDEB, & CO., Dkai.him Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt, ani Uuiluinh Matkiuals o:' UVI.IIV KIND. Corner Fort and Queen Stieets, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, iMi'oiiTr.its and Commission Miuu-hanih- . Fort Stioet, Honolulu. H. HACKFELU & CO. (Jkniiim. Commission Aiiknts. Corner Fort and Queen Streets? Honolulu. Q. W. MACFARIiANE & CO., Imi'Outi:iis and Commission MruciiANrs. Kaahiiinauu Street, Honolulu. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, I.MI'OHTKIt AND llKALKU IN (ilSNUIIVI Mrn- - I'lIANlllsr. Qiicen Street, IXonolnlu. GONSALVES & CO. WllOl.KSAI.i: (illOl'KIlH AND WlNK M EIK'II AN Heaver lilock, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, ?iwi, AuoTioNKun and Ciknkual Liwinis Acii:nt. Ufaliukonn, Kolinhr, Hawaii. WENNER Ss CO., Maniikaotdiuno and Imi'ouiino ,Ti;vi:li:ii-- . )1 Fort Slveet, Honolulu, THOS. LINDSAY, M NUrAUTIIIIINO JKWKLl'.lt AND WAICH-- A KKII, ICukui Jewelry a bnecialty. Particulnr attention paid to all kinds of repairs. King Street, Honolulu, ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. OI' LONDON, H. W. Schmidt & Sons, Ani:.Nrn rem tiih Hawaiian Ihiandh. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, SrKAM K.NIUNI'.H, SlKlAH Mil.lJi, ItolLKltS, ClIOLKlH. I HON, lllUSS, AND LlIAII OASn.MIS. Machinery of Kvery Description Made to Order, Partieuiur atlention paid to Ships' lilackHiuitliliig. Job Work o.ecuted at Short Notice, VETERINARY INFIRMARY, hxow.i.HNT Accommodation i'oh I'a'iu'.nts, King Stieet, Honolulu, Dr. A. R. Rowat, V. S. oitidi: norms; 7:301o10a.m.j i'J::iOto-Ji-.M.- ; lilidlod ,..m. jieiiim. il'JI.KlMION'KH mii ,i j, ". llox sal. 0. B. RIPLEY, Completo plans and ieltlcntlonii for nvcry description of building. Contracts iliawn and e.tieful buperintendonceof con- struction given when ii'iiiired. Cull ami itMiniiliu plans. Now designs. .Modern buildings. Olllce, Itooiuri.Hlireckels' Hlock Mutual Tul. Wis, -- rr-r sV f wms"-- ' V Tl . PSl.'JWWWfWT.'FS " X T' 'yZf---'-'- : T9tyFrir. -, -t-T THMIHSink. "" , 'cr- - -- iw5fT "- -' " - jsj- - ;.. " s vmok. t " "wv.r MMw$'Ww?.. ' xr . k. . , v r - TK Wilder's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. 0. Wii.iii:ii, 1'ics't S. It, llitsi:, Soi-'- Oai-i- . .1. A. Kimi, VoitSuj)!. Stmr. KINAU, OLAIIRE, Commander, Will leavo Honolulu at '2 r. M., toueliing nt I.aliaina, Maalaca Day ami MaUetia the fialue iluyj MahuUona, Kawmhae nml J.au-iliouli- the following day, arriving at llilo at liiidnight. Itoturnilig leaves llilo, touching at same day ; Kawaihae A. m. ; 10 A. ai.j MaUena Iv. m. ; Mtmlnen Hay (I l'. M.J l.ahaina 8 r. M. tlie following day, uriiringiit Honolulu 11 a. m. Wednes- days and Saturdays. AlUHVKS AT HONOLULU: SATUltDAY August 27 g.&" N'o Kreiglit will bo received after 12 noon on day of sailing. Stmr. CLAUDINE, DAVIES, Commander, Will leave Honolulu eveiy Tuesday at fi r. .'I., touching at Kahului, lluelo, liana, llnmo.i and ICipaliulu, Maui; and 1'aau-liiu- i, Hawaii. Heturning will arrive at Honolulu eveiy Sunday morning. iTS3P-- Fieiglit will be lcteived after I i. M. on ilay of tailing. Consignees must bo at tho landings to leceivo their Fieight, as we will not hold ourselves responsible after such Freight ban been landed. While the Company will use due dili- gence in handling Live Stock, we decline to assume any Responsibility in case of the loss of same. The Company will not bo responsible for Money or Jewelry unless placed in the eaie of Pursers. Baldwin Locomotives. The undei signed having been appointed Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands i in: i in: ci:i,i:iniii:ii Baldwin. Locomotives FllOM TIIK WOllKS OF Burham, "Williams & Co., Pliiladelpbia, Fenn., Are now i)ieared to give IMliuntes and rceoivo Orders for these Lugincs, of any sie and stvle. The Baldwin Locomotive Works AIM: NOW MANITFAOTUUINO A STYLF OF LOCOMOTIVE PAUTIOITLAHLY Adapted for Plantation Purposes A number of which have recently been received at tlioso Islands, and wo will have pleasuio in furnishing plantation agents and managers with particulars of same. The Superiority of these Locomotives over all other makes is known not only here but Is acknowledged throughout the United Slates, WM. G. IRVIN & CO., Ltd., Solo Ayonts for the Hawaiian Islands. PIONEER Steam Candy Factory and Bakery. ' KfspS?(sTI Jfl jr .7 Tele- phone 74. Piactlcal Co ii feet loner, Pastry Cook iind Ibiker. E. J. MORGAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, 04 Beretaitla St. Bell Tolo. 280 Ifil Hin HULLirriN IS TIIK LKADINti 1. Dilllv Paiier of the Kiimiloiu. FiftN SSS?, cents per mouth. .liill.. VPilMTl VH"wiflf Wi( hum -- gia!x' fMLW ' 'UllESKlr&EK? '" av. ftx u a Oceanic Steamship Co, Australian Mail Service. For Sau Francisco : The now and lino Al Steel Steamship "MONOWAI" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will heduent Honolulu from Sydney and Auck- land on or about August 25th, And fill leave for the above port with Mails mid Passengers on oraboitt that date. For Sydney and Auckland : The new and line Al Steel Steamship "MARIPOSA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu, fiom Sail Francisco, on or about August 26th, And will have piompt despatch with Mails and Passengers for (he above ports. The undersigned are now prepared to issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. ft? For further paitioulars regarding Fieight or Passage apply to WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., General Agents. PacificMailS.S.Co. -- AND T1IK- - Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co. For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Steamers of tins above Companies will call al .Honolulu on their way to the nlioe ports on or about tho following dates: Stmr. "China". , . Oct. 3, lb!).! Stmr. "Oceanic" Nov. 1, 18! I J Stmr. "China"... . ...Dec. 12, 1NIJ Stmr. "Oceanic"' ... .bin. 11, lb!) I Stmr. "China" Feb. 20, ISlll Stmr. "(iaelic" .. . April 11, lbllU For SAN FRANCISCO. Steameis of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way fiom Hong- kong and Yokohama to tho above port on or about the following dates: Stmr. "China" Sept. !), Ik'.tl Stmr. "(iaelic" Oct. 31, ls'li Stin'r. "City of Itio do .laneiio" Dec. ISO, lhili Stmr. "itelgic" Feb. H, IWl'S Stmr. "City of Peking" .Miiicb 111. 1WU Stmr. "Oceanic" . . . May 7, I WHS ' Round Trip Tickets TO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $350. 3F For Fi eight unit Passage apply to H. HAGKFELD & CO., ai7 tf Atjonts. Oceanic Steamship Co. Time Table. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Airivo Honolulu Leave Honolulu from H. F. for H. F. Sopt.7 Sopt. 11 Od.n ,...Out. VI Nov. 2 Nov.il THROUGH LINE. From Sail Francisco l'"roiu Sydney for for Sydney. Kan Francisco, Arrhe Honolulu. .fine Honolulu, MAIHPOSA, Aug.'JU MONOWAI, Aug. :: MONOWAI, Sept, I'll ALAMi:i)A,Sept.22 ALAMKDA, Oct. 21 MAIHPOSA, Oct. 20 MAltIP()SA,Nov.18 MONOWAI, Nov. 17 CHAS. T. Notary Public for the Island of Oahu. Agent to take Acknowledgements, to La- bor Coutiiiets. Agent to grant Marriage Licenses, Hono- lulu, Oahu. Agent fur tho Hawaiian Islands of Pitt .v Soutt'a Fieight and Parcel F.xpinss. Agent for tlie Ituiliiigton llouto. Ill AL KSTATK llltOKF.lt ami (UINl'dlAL AdKNT, Hi 1. ins- - TKLKI'HONK MniiiALli;'! P. O. box lid -- orrii r. us Merchant St. Honolulu, 11, 1. 'J'HK DMLYBOLLE1IC0. An; lleeelvliif; Now Invoices of BOOK AND JOB STOCK Y KVKHY STI5AMKU "4 AT Tlir.IK wia or- - MHUdllAiNT STKHKT, Wlioio they are fully prepaived to do all kinds of woik in the latest styles, at llio shoitost notice and at the. most ltensonable Hati"?. Fine Job Work in Colors a Specialty OSTER PRINTING ICM'ciiteil in Ihu Most Attractive. Milliner. BILLHEADS. I ,ETTERHE ADS, STATEMENTS, NOTEHEADS, MEMORANDUMS, ETC. Jlenil the follnwiiif; jwrtial list of spec- ialties ami jet tho I!iju.i:tins pi ices be fore phicinjj your orders. Ity m, dniiif; you will 8iivu both tiiiioand money. Letter I lends, Nolo Heads, Bill Heads, iUomoisiinliiiiiK, Hills oi Lulling, Stalonii'iitK, Oirculiii-i- , Couliiiets, Ayieiiinoiith, Shipping ContrivclH, Olieek lioolis, Icgnl Hluiilcs, (Jiiluiiihirs, Wcililiii; Cauls, Visiting GuiiIh, UusinusH (Jiuils, Funuriil (Jnids, Admission Cards, FriUiirinil Uniils 'J'inio Ciuds, Milk Tickets, Men! Tii'kets, Tliiiiitru Tic.kotb, Kolinliirsliii L'urtiliuules, Cm por.ition CorlilicatCH, Mm lingo Coi lilicatos, ltei'oils of all kinds, Plantation Orders, l'roinisMiry iIch, I'm iililots, C.itnlogiiL'8, I'logriinnnos, Laliols of uvory variety, J'otitioim in iiuy hiiigungo, Kuvulopcs A- - Loiter CirculurH, Sporting 8eoreH A Jtucords, I'orpottial Wusliing Lists, General Hook Work, Km., I5tu Ktc, Etc,, Printed, and Mocked when ileshoil,- - Sfiy No .lob In allowed lo leave Hie of-li- until It gives siilisfnciinn, Addiegs, BUIIOT PUBLISHING CO,, II o inlulu. It. I. aiiiar, W. F. REYNOLDS, Prop. jTjisb Recsived. NEW DOMESTIC Paper Patterns ! PULL LINF, OF TOILET SOAPS At prices which we established at commencing CASH Hnsincss. Turkinli Bath Soap, 4 Cakes 25 cts. j Farina Bouquet, 4 Cakes 25 cis. Oatmeal Soap, 4 CaXcs 25 cts. Curly Mapla, 4 Cakes 2'i ls. And Other Soaps at 3 for 25 Cents. C&- - Sec our Fine Line of WltlTlNd PAPKP.S, WU1TIXG TAltLMTS, ir..MUIlANl)UM HOOKS, DP.AWIN'O PKNCILS, HltAWINO PAPIIlt, Blank Books of all Descriptions. Base Balls, Tenuis Balls, Tonnls Rackets. fff" Call and see om floods bcfoie buy- ing it elscwhiuo. Last but not least A LAItdl: VAIllKfY or Novels & Popular Bound Booh. FINE CANDIES ! HART & CO., . of Tin: Elite Ice Cream Parlors, "iVish to inform tho Public of Hono- lulu and all residents of the other Islands that they LviVo tmuimWl t!ia-- r services of Mr. Chailcs Ludwigsen, an exjieit Canih Maker of long ex- perience, and win) is p.uticulaily familiar witli the tastes o all lovers of sweets. " Having recently inaclegreat added new machin- ery toouroAtcnsivo Cund Factoiy, we are now lietter mile tnan ever be fine to supply the public, with High (liade Confections of Unsiu-passc- d Quality and btiiclly Pine and Wholesome Mnteilnl. Our motto will always be "mit lion L'iu:i', hit now i.oiw" can we make the Candies. Youis, anxious to please. H.VItT , CO. Ki.iti: Ii i 1'nrvM I'aiiiiiiis imi C.Miy F ii initv. 1 CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine INSURANCE AGENTS. AGENTS FOH New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., OF BOSTON". Etna Fire Insurance Co., OF IJAIITFOIU). Union Insurance Co,, OF SAN FltANClKCO, (UL. ELECTION of OFFIOER3. ATTHLAN'NUAL.MKKTINOOFTHK Company held this day, the following Olllccis were elected for the ensuing jear: President . . . Tom May, Treasurer , .(ieo, II, Kobertsou, Secretary ... A. O. Lovekln, Auditor ... . F. Wiiiidenbeig, I .1. O. Carter Diiectois Wm. (1. Itiasli. A. C. LOYIHCIN, Secieturv llonoinii Sugar Co. Honolulu, Aug. in, !.', I'li-i- m ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Till: ANNUAL MHin'INO OF AT the Stockholders of the HANALLI SLHiAlt MILL COMPANY, held this day, tho following Olllcerswero elected for the ensuing) ear: President ('has. L. Curler, Lsq. . Hon. .1. N. S. WIIIIuiiih Secietmy . . , .1. 0. Curler Ticiisuier.. . . (ieo. 11. Hoborlson Auditor , J, O, Curler Who uio also Directors of tho Company, .1.0. OAltTHlt, Secretary H, S, M, Co, Honolulu, July is, Iste. 171-l- u FOR SALE. f) jioiihi; pownii iipiunHT nAXn:u j Kngijio ami Holier, in good working order. For particulars or terms upplv lo Ihu HULLUTlN 0FFI0K. MviMta, luiiy Uios.uce showing ijhie line of lltimlmo and vtltrr gtylp I'urlur Kan In, Wall Jtrwhftn, nml W'imluw Coruivrs, nl Prices to meet the limes. BY AUTHORITY. Homestead Lots in South Konn, Hnwnli. Notice Is hereby given: 1 That (I Iits in lCalaniakowali, South Komi, Hawaii, have been set apart for the purpose of conveying to such persons as may wish to acquire homesteads upon which to live. '2 Maps of these Lots can lie examined tlm Land Olllce, Interior Department, Honolulu, or at the olllce of J. W. Kuai-inok- at Pnhoehoe, S. Koua, Hawaii. U .1. W. KualiiioUu will point out the Lots to iiuy person desiiing to sec (hem, for which service lie will be entitled to a fee of .'j.t from the pei-o- n apph ing. Persons wdio may desire Ixit shall apply in writing to tho Minister of the Interior upon a blank form, copies of which may ho obtained fioeofsnid J. Wf Kuaiiuokii. r No application will be considered from persons who already own land, n, . ' (I Kveiy applicant niiisl be of full age! ' 7 The applicant will be allowed ten ycar.s in which to pay for tho land, during F. w'hieh time it will bo iiAompt from, taxes. 6 He must within one jenr build u an dwelling house on the Uit unit begin to occiipi tho iMiiie, nud continue to occupy for the lcmainder of the term of ten year-- . !l Ho must within thice jeurs ouulose tlie Lots with a stilistiintinl fence. 10 He must pay ipinrterly in advance interest upon tho unpaid puiehaso price at tho rate of ."i peiceut per annum. The puiolmsei may pay tho whole or any part of the purchase price at any time, which will stop interest. 11 The preliminary agicenient is non- assignable, and the land cannot bo sold until all conditions are fulfilled. l'J Failure to comply with any of tlie conditions will work a foifeiture of tlie laud. C. N. SPKNCKIt, ltiS-I'- .t Minister of the Interior. ' Tondois for Purclinso of Hawaiian Government Bonds. Notice is heieby given that under autho- rity of Chapter IIS, Session Ijiws of Ids'-- , "An Act to give greater security to Dopo-sito- rs in the Hawaiian Postal Savings Hank," the Piistinastor-Uenera- l oll'ers foi sale ..U.iKHJof Coupon Ilondsof tho Hawai ian tioieriiinent, sucli bonds to bo issued ill the denomination of One Thousand Dol- lars each, icdcemable in not less than live jears nor more than twenty years, wilh interest at six per cent, per annum, paya- ble principal and intcics) payable, in II. S. gold coin, the bonds lo express on their face that they are issued as security for the Po-t- Savings Hank Deposits. Tonileis for the puichiise of the whole or any part of said bonds will be received at tho olllce of the Itegistrar of Public Ac- counts, Finance Department, up to 1'.' o'clock on THIIUSDAY, the 1st day of September, lb!)J. The Postmaster-fieiior- does not bind himself to accept any lender, or the whole of any lender. WALTLIl HILL, Postiiiastor-Honera- l. Dated August .'- -, 1)J. Approved: H. A. WlllKMAN.N, ' .Minister of Finance. SiMiun. P.ikki:ii, Minister of Foieign All'aiis, C. N. Si'i:.Ni'i:ii, Minister ol Interior. II. A. Wiipi:m inn, Attoriiey-Oeiicr.- il ad interim, ttfl-- m NOTICE TO MARINERS. During Ihu pioccss of Deopuning tho Channel at the entrance to Honolulu har- bor the Dredger will bu in operation night and day. At night there will be a Danger Signal placed on the forwiml ileirickof Dredger, about II J feet above sea level, which can bu seen by all vessels approaching the harbor. Tho Signal consists of II itcd lights mid a While light-- as in ' "i" i:ii thodiagr.ini the red lights being about U j feet apart, with I lie iVUlT! while light ill tho , center. ,, All steamers enisl ing tliu liar will stop at a safe distance from the Dredger mid give one blast of their whistle, which will lie answcicd Uj a single blast from tho Diedger, to be followed by three, blustn from the Diedger when the passage Isclctir and they can proceed. Tho Tug will boon hand when not other- wise engaged to assist sailing craft in pass ing tho Dredger when nccesMiry. 0. N. hl'IINCnit, Minister of tiiu Intciior. luteilor Olllce, March !l, It!).'.' I'l-t-f NOTICE. Owing to the drought unit scarcity of water, the residents iiiiiiAii of .liuld sticct are requested to collect what walurthey may nupiiie for hoiuehold purpose before b o'clock I, M, JOIINC. WHITII, Superintendent Honolulu Watur Woiks, Honolulu, Aug. IQ, lfcyj. luj-t- f THE SCALE PARASITE. After Six Months Few Insocts Sur- vive. No Bopondonco Can Bo Plnced in Lady Bups as Scalo Exterminators. Los Angok-P- . August 12- .- C. M I Ii'inlz, editor or the Iturnl Califor-nian- , furnisliL'si tlu following review of the otliiMiil invest iyat ion of tho scale parasites imported from Aus- tralia: Mtudt lias been said and printed regarding tlie Australian lady bugs recently imported and said to be ef- fective parasites of the red scale of tho orange and the woolly aphis of the apple. These parasites have now been "planted'' in the citrus and deciduous fruit orchards of South- ern California for six months, a suf- ficient length of time to prove their ability to hold (lie pest in check. 'I'o ascertain definitely what they have accomplished, Hurtietiltur.il Commissioner John Scott of Los Angeles county, D. V. Coquillett of the Department of Agriculture (divi- sion of entomology), a number of orchardisls and a coterie of news- paper men made a careful tour of inspection or all orchards in which the parasites had been placed. The first visited was that of Albert Koicheval. lleie Professor lt hadvcoiistruetcd a tent over orange tree badly infested with red scale in which ho liberated on November IWth four beetles, "orcus chalyblus," on December 2Slli three, .sud on .January 23d so only-live- . Besides these he liberated on tlie frees in the open :i2."i beetles on .January 2.'kl, eight on February 20th, and Iweii'iy-seie- n on April 15th, making a total of 112 beetles in this ono orchard. The conditions for tlibir rapid breeding were exception- ally good, there being an ample sup- ply of red scale for them to feed on and the orchard is well protected. After six months' time thoy cer- tainly should hae been breeding in great numbers. Ihil quite to the eoutrary this parasite has decreased. Few beetles were (o lie found, and only one batch of eggs and none of the larv.x1. Tho parasite of the woolby aphis, "leis coiifonnis," proved no better. One hunched and Fovonly of these lady buds wore liberated May Mth in tho orchaul of Samuel McKinloy just south of Los Angeles. The closest inspection failed to reveal a single specimen, the entire lot hav- ing undoubtedly perished. Tn the oichaid of William .Miles on Wash- ington street 510 of tho parasites of the red scale were liberated on one I ne .May 1 1th, but now scarcely one is to be seen. Tho trees in this or- chard are also well protected, and contain an ample supply of red, yel- low and black scale. In tho Sixth-stre- et Park were placed .January 2:id forty-fiv- e beetles (orcus Australasia), said to feed on the black scale, and additional fourteen on February 5th. They have multiplied but little and made no perceptible inroads on this scale. It is the general opinion of conversant with this sub- ject, and of tho Horticultural Com- missioners, that no dependence can be placed on these parasites for tho led and black scale or tho woolly aphis. .V. F, Chronicle. Doatli in a Honoy Boo. NewburgCN. Y.), August J2. Jlrs. Stephen Horry, who lives by the Dolowsirorivor near Walton, whiloout looking at her llower beds recently, was st ung on the right tomplo by a honeybee. She wont directly into tho house and applied ammonia to tho wound. In a few moments her daughter noticed that her mother's face was very pale and asked her if she felt ill. Mrs. Berry replied that shy did and a physician was at onco sent for, Bofoio one arrived, how- ever, .Mrs. Berry died. Her death occurred within thirty minutes of tho time when she was thing, Ac- cording lo medical opinions tho poison was implanted in an artery, and entering directly into the circu- lation quickly found its way to tho heart. .Mrs. Berry's age was 115. Triko Good Care, of the Childion. If you have children you will bo intoiohtod in the experience of Mr. John Cook, of Pilot, Vermillion, Co., 111. He says: "Two years ago two of my family, a young man and a girl, had viy severe and dangerous attacks of bloody Mux. The doctor here was unable, after a week's time, to cheek or relieve either case. 1 threw the doctor overboard and be- gan using Chamberlain's Colic, Cho- lera and Dinrrhu'ti Uomedy, Im- provement was seen very soon and my chiidron arose in a few days fiom what 1 feared would bo their deathbed. It is a grand, good medi- cine." For salu by all dealers. Ben- son, Smith & Co,, Ayonts,

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Page 1: T- VUtyK JWWjl Vs n &fifl$ WylWIJl · 04 Beretaitla St. Bell Tolo. 280 Ifil Hin HULLirriN IS TIIK LKADINti 1. Dilllv Paiier of the Kiimiloiu. FiftN SSS?, cents per mouth..liill




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1'itiNTin) and riniusiinn


Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd.,

at tiii: oi t'lci:.

Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

SiniROMl'TION Six Doi.i.mw a Yi:,n.llollvcrcil in lloiidlulu nt Kitty Cknth aMonth, In mlviinuc.



At Foui! Doi.i.mh Yr.n to Domestic,nml Kivu iJni.iAiH to Foreign SuIwitHiit".

BOOK AND JOB PRINTINGDone in Superior Style.

AililroMi letters for the aiier " Kilitorllui.i.iniN," anil Imilncss lulteri " llnniigurliulletiu I'lililUhing Coniimny." Uimg aIPL'isoiial aililress nuiy i'nuu delay in atten-tion. Itoth Telenhoiiea iVI.

DANIEL LOGAN, Editor and Manager.

Bu8inos3 Cards.

J. ALFBED MAOOON,Anon.Nr.v-AT-I.A- ash Xotvhy 1'uiu.k'.

I'J Merchant Street, Honolulu.


Iiuroitu.K.' sii I)i:aw:iii in Lumiu'.ii vsnAM. KINDS 01" BUILDINO MAlKUIAI.s.

Kort Street, Honolulu.


Dkai.him Paints, Oils, Nails,Salt, ani Uuiluinh Matkiuals


Corner Fort and Queen Stieets, Honolulu.


iMi'oiiTr.its and Commission Miuu-hanih- .

Fort Stioet, Honolulu.


(Jkniiim. Commission Aiiknts.

Corner Fort and Queen Streets? Honolulu.


Imi'Outi:iis and Commission MruciiANrs.

Kaahiiinauu Street, Honolulu.




Qiicen Street, IXonolnlu.



Heaver lilock, Honolulu.


?iwi, AuoTioNKun and Ciknkual Liwinis Acii:nt.

Ufaliukonn, Kolinhr, Hawaii.


Maniikaotdiuno and Imi'ouiino ,Ti;vi:li:ii-- .

)1 Fort Slveet, Honolulu,



ICukui Jewelry a bnecialty. Particulnrattention paid to all kinds of repairs.

King Street, Honolulu,



H. W. Schmidt & Sons,Ani:.Nrn rem tiih Hawaiian Ihiandh.




Machinery of Kvery Description Made toOrder, Partieuiur atlention paid to Ships'lilackHiuitliliig. Job Work o.ecuted atShort Notice,

VETERINARY INFIRMARY,hxow.i.HNT Accommodation i'oh I'a'iu'.nts,

King Stieet, Honolulu,Dr. A. R. Rowat, V. S.

oitidi: norms;7:301o10a.m.j i'J::iOto-Ji-.M.- ; lilidlod ,..m.jieiiim. il'JI.KlMION'KH mii ,ij, ". llox sal.


Completo plans and ieltlcntlonii fornvcry description of building. Contractsiliawn and e.tieful buperintendonceof con-struction given when ii'iiiired. Cull amiitMiniiliu plans. Now designs. .Modernbuildings. Olllce, Itooiuri.Hlireckels' Hlock

Mutual Tul. Wis,

--rr-r sV fwms"--'V

Tl .

PSl.'JWWWfWT.'FS " X T' 'yZf---'-'- : T9tyFrir. -, -t-T THMIHSink. "", 'cr-- --iw5fT "--' " - jsj- - ;.. " s vmok. t " "wv.r

MMw$'Ww?..' xr. k. . , v




Wilder's Steamship Co.


0. Wii.iii:ii, 1'ics't S. It, llitsi:, Soi-'-

Oai-i- . .1. A. Kimi, VoitSuj)!.

Stmr. KINAU,OLAIIRE, Commander,

Will leavo Honolulu at '2 r. M., toueliing ntI.aliaina, Maalaca Day ami MaUetia thefialue iluyj MahuUona, Kawmhae nml J.au-iliouli-

the following day, arriving atllilo at liiidnight.

Itoturnilig leaves llilo, touching atsame day ; Kawaihae A. m. ;

10 A. ai.j MaUena Iv. m. ; MtmlnenHay (I l'. M.J l.ahaina 8 r. M. tlie followingday, uriiringiit Honolulu 11 a. m. Wednes-days and Saturdays.


SATUltDAY August 27

g.&" N'o Kreiglit will bo received after12 noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,DAVIES, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu eveiy Tuesday at fi

r. .'I., touching at Kahului, lluelo, liana,llnmo.i and ICipaliulu, Maui; and 1'aau-liiu- i,


Heturning will arrive at Honolulu eveiySunday morning.

iTS3P-- Fieiglit will be lcteived afterI i. M. on ilay of tailing.

Consignees must bo at tho landings toleceivo their Fieight, as we will not holdourselves responsible after such Freightban been landed.

While the Company will use due dili-gence in handling Live Stock, we declineto assume any Responsibility in case of theloss of same.

The Company will not bo responsible forMoney or Jewelry unless placed in the eaieof Pursers.

Baldwin Locomotives.

The undei signed having been appointed

Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

i in: i in: ci:i,i:iniii:ii

Baldwin. Locomotives


Burham, "Williams & Co.,

Pliiladelpbia, Fenn.,

Are now i)ieared to give IMliuntes andrceoivo Orders for these Lugincs,

of any sie and stvle.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted for Plantation Purposes

A number of which have recently beenreceived at tlioso Islands, and wo will havepleasuio in furnishing plantation agentsand managers with particulars of same.

The Superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is known not onlyhere but Is acknowledged throughout theUnited Slates,

WM. G. IRVIN & CO., Ltd.,Solo Ayonts for the Hawaiian Islands.

PIONEERSteam Candy Factory

and Bakery.

'KfspS?(sTI Jfl jr .7




Piactlcal Co ii feet loner, Pastry Cook

iind Ibiker.



04 Beretaitla St. Bell Tolo. 280Ifil Hin

HULLirriN IS TIIK LKADINti1. Dilllv Paiier of the Kiimiloiu. FiftN


cents per mouth.

.liill.. VPilMTl VH"wiflf Wi( hum -- gia!x' fMLW ' 'UllESKlr&EK?'"

av. ftx u


Oceanic Steamship Co,

Australian Mail Service.

For Sau Francisco :

The now and lino Al Steel Steamship

"MONOWAI"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

heduent Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-land on or about

August 25th,And fill leave for the above port with

Mails mid Passengers on oraboitt that date.

For Sydney and Auckland :

The new and line Al Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu, fiom Sail Francisco,on or about

August 26th,And will have piompt despatch with

Mails and Passengers for (he above ports.

The undersigned are now prepared to issue



ft? For further paitioulars regardingFieight or Passage apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,General Agents.


--AND T1IK- -

Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co.


Steamers of tins above Companies willcall al .Honolulu on their way to the nlioeports on or about tho following dates:

Stmr. "China". , . Oct. 3, lb!).!

Stmr. "Oceanic" Nov. 1, 18! I JStmr. "China"... . ...Dec. 12, 1NIJ

Stmr. "Oceanic"' ... .bin. 11, lb!) I

Stmr. "China" Feb. 20, ISlllStmr. "(iaelic" .. . April 11, lbllU


Steameis of the above Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way fiom Hong-kong and Yokohama to tho above port onor about the following dates:

Stmr. "China" Sept. !), Ik'.tlStmr. "(iaelic" Oct. 31, ls'liStin'r. "City of Itio do .laneiio"

Dec. ISO, lhiliStmr. "itelgic" Feb. H, IWl'S

Stmr. "City of Peking" .Miiicb 111. 1WU

Stmr. "Oceanic" . . . May 7, I WHS '

Round Trip TicketsTO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $350.

3F For Fi eight unit Passage apply to


ai7 tf Atjonts.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Time Table.LOCAL LINE.


Airivo Honolulu Leave Honolulufrom H. F. for H. F.

Sopt.7 Sopt. 11

Od.n ,...Out. VI

Nov. 2 Nov.il

THROUGH LINE.From Sail Francisco l'"roiu Sydney for

for Sydney. Kan Francisco,

Arrhe Honolulu. .fine Honolulu,MAIHPOSA, Aug.'JU MONOWAI, Aug. ::MONOWAI, Sept, I'll ALAMi:i)A,Sept.22ALAMKDA, Oct. 21 MAIHPOSA, Oct. 20

MAltIP()SA,Nov.18 MONOWAI, Nov. 17


Notary Public for the Island of Oahu.

Agent to take Acknowledgements, to La-

bor Coutiiiets.Agent to grant Marriage Licenses, Hono-

lulu, Oahu.Agent fur tho Hawaiian Islands of Pitt .v

Soutt'a Fieight and Parcel F.xpinss.Agent for tlie Ituiliiigton llouto.

Ill AL KSTATK llltOKF.ltami (UINl'dlAL AdKNT,

Hi 1. ins- - TKLKI'HONK MniiiALli;'!P. O. box lid

--orrii r.us Merchant St. Honolulu, 11, 1.



An; lleeelvliif; Now Invoices of



"4AT Tlir.IK

wia or- -


Wlioio they are fully prepaived to do allkinds of woik in the latest styles, at

llio shoitost notice and at the.

most ltensonable Hati"?.

Fine Job Work in Colors a Specialty


ICM'ciiteil in Ihu Most Attractive.




Jlenil the follnwiiif; jwrtial list of spec-ialties ami jet tho I!iju.i:tins pi ices before phicinjj your orders. Ity m, dniiif;you will 8iivu both tiiiioand money.

Letter I lends,Nolo Heads,

Bill Heads,iUomoisiinliiiiiK,

Hills oi Lulling,Stalonii'iitK,

Oirculiii-i- ,


Shipping ContrivclH,Olieek lioolis,

Icgnl Hluiilcs,(Jiiluiiihirs,

Wcililiii; Cauls,Visiting GuiiIh,

UusinusH (Jiuils,Funuriil (Jnids,

Admission Cards,FriUiirinil Uniils

'J'inio Ciuds,Milk Tickets,

Men! Tii'kets,Tliiiiitru Tic.kotb,

Kolinliirsliii L'urtiliuules,Cm por.ition CorlilicatCH,

Mm lingo Coi lilicatos,ltei'oils of all kinds,

Plantation Orders,l'roinisMiry iIch,

I'm iililots,C.itnlogiiL'8,

I'logriinnnos,Laliols of uvory variety,

J'otitioim in iiuy hiiigungo,Kuvulopcs A-- Loiter CirculurH,

Sporting 8eoreH A Jtucords,I'orpottial Wusliing Lists,

General Hook Work,Km., I5tu Ktc, Etc,,

Printed, and Mocked when ileshoil,- -

Sfiy No .lob In allowed lo leave Hie of-li-

until It gives siilisfnciinn,



II o inlulu. It. I.

aiiiar,W. F. REYNOLDS, Prop.

jTjisb Recsived.NEW DOMESTIC

Paper Patterns !


TOILET SOAPSAt prices which we established at

commencing CASH Hnsincss.

Turkinli Bath Soap, 4 Cakes 25 cts. j

Farina Bouquet, 4 Cakes 25 cis.Oatmeal Soap, 4 CaXcs 25 cts.

Curly Mapla, 4 Cakes 2'i ls.

And Other Soaps at 3 for 25 Cents.

C&-- Sec our Fine Line of




Blank Books of all Descriptions.

Base Balls, Tenuis Balls, Tonnls Rackets.

fff" Call and see om floods bcfoie buy-ing

itelscwhiuo. Last but not least

A LAItdl: VAIllKfY or

Novels & Popular Bound Booh.


HART & CO.,.

of Tin:

Elite Ice Cream Parlors,

"iVish to inform tho Public of Hono-lulu and all residents of the otherIslands that they LviVo tmuimWl t!ia-- r

services of Mr. Chailcs Ludwigsen,an exjieit Canih Maker of long ex-

perience, and win) is p.uticulailyfamiliar witli the tastes o all loversof sweets. "

Having recently inaclegreatadded new machin-

ery toouroAtcnsivo Cund Factoiy,we are now lietter mile tnan everbe fine to supply the public, withHigh (liade Confections of Unsiu-passc- d

Quality and btiiclly Pineand Wholesome Mnteilnl. Ourmotto will always be

"mit lion L'iu:i', hit now i.oiw"can we make the Candies.

Youis, anxious to please.H.VItT , CO.

Ki.iti: Ii i 1'nrvM I'aiiiiiiisimi C.Miy F ii initv.



Life, Fire and Marine



New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.,


Etna Fire Insurance Co.,


Union Insurance Co,,



ATTHLAN'NUAL.MKKTINOOFTHKCompany held this day, the followingOlllccis were elected for the ensuing jear:

President . . . Tom May,Treasurer , .(ieo, II, Kobertsou,Secretary ... A. O. Lovekln,Auditor ... . F. Wiiiidenbeig,

I .1. O. CarterDiiectois

Wm. (1. Itiasli.A. C. LOYIHCIN,

Secieturv llonoinii Sugar Co.Honolulu, Aug. in, !.', I'li-i- m


Till: ANNUAL MHin'INO OFAT the Stockholders of the HANALLISLHiAlt MILL COMPANY, held this day,tho following Olllcerswero elected for theensuing) ear:President ('has. L. Curler, Lsq.

. Hon. .1. N. S. WIIIIuiiihSecietmy . . , .1. 0. CurlerTiciisuier.. . . (ieo. 11. HoborlsonAuditor , J, O, Curler

Who uio also Directors of tho Company,.1.0. OAltTHlt,

Secretary H, S, M, Co,Honolulu, July is, Iste. 171-l- u


f) jioiihi; pownii iipiunHT nAXn:uj Kngijio ami Holier, in good working

order. For particulars or terms upplv lo IhuHULLUTlN 0FFI0K.

MviMta, luiiy Uios.uce showing ijhieline of lltimlmo and vtltrr gtylp I'urlurKan In, Wall Jtrwhftn, nml W'imluw

Coruivrs, nl Prices to meet the limes.


Homestead Lots in South Konn,Hnwnli.

Notice Is hereby given:1 That (I Iits in lCalaniakowali, South

Komi, Hawaii, have been set apart for thepurpose of conveying to such persons asmay wish to acquire homesteads uponwhich to live.

'2 Maps of these Lots can lie examinedtlm Land Olllce, Interior Department,

Honolulu, or at the olllce of J. W. Kuai-inok-

at Pnhoehoe, S. Koua, Hawaii.U .1. W. KualiiioUu will point out the

Lots to iiuy person desiiing to sec (hem,for which service lie will be entitled to afee of .'j.t from the pei-o- n apph ing.

Persons wdio may desire Ixit shallapply in writing to tho Minister of theInterior upon a blank form, copies ofwhich may ho obtained fioeofsnid J. WfKuaiiuokii.

r No application will be considered frompersons who already own land, n, . '

(I Kveiy applicant niiisl be of full age! '

7 The applicant will be allowed tenycar.s in which to pay for tho land, during F.w'hieh time it will bo iiAompt from, taxes.

6 He must within one jenr build u andwelling house on the Uit unit begin toocciipi tho iMiiie, nud continue to occupy

for the lcmainder of the term of tenyear-- .

!l Ho must within thice jeurs ouulosetlie Lots with a stilistiintinl fence.

10 He must pay ipinrterly in advanceinterest upon tho unpaid puiehaso price attho rate of ."i peiceut per annum. Thepuiolmsei may pay tho whole or any partof the purchase price at any time, whichwill stop interest.

11 The preliminary agicenient is non-

assignable, and the land cannot bo solduntil all conditions are fulfilled.

l'J Failure to comply with any of tlieconditions will work a foifeiture of tlielaud.

C. N. SPKNCKIt,ltiS-I'- .t Minister of the Interior. '

Tondois for Purclinso of HawaiianGovernment Bonds.

Notice is heieby given that under autho-rity of Chapter IIS, Session Ijiws of Ids'-- ,

"An Act to give greater security to Dopo-sito- rs

in the Hawaiian Postal SavingsHank," the Piistinastor-Uenera-l oll'ers foisale ..U.iKHJof Coupon Ilondsof tho Hawaiian tioieriiinent, sucli bonds to bo issuedill the denomination of One Thousand Dol-

lars each, icdcemable in not less than live

jears nor more than twenty years, wilhinterest at six per cent, per annum, paya-ble principal and intcics)payable, in II. S. gold coin, the bonds loexpress on their face that they are issuedas security for the Po-t- Savings HankDeposits.

Tonileis for the puichiise of the whole orany part of said bonds will be received attho olllce of the Itegistrar of Public Ac-

counts, Finance Department, up to 1'.'

o'clock on THIIUSDAY, the 1st day ofSeptember, lb!)J.

The Postmaster-fieiior- does not bindhimself to accept any lender, or the wholeof any lender.

WALTLIl HILL,Postiiiastor-Honera- l.

Dated August .'- -, 1)J.Approved:

H. A. WlllKMAN.N,

' .Minister of Finance.SiMiun. P.ikki:ii,

Minister of Foieign All'aiis,C. N. Si'i:.Ni'i:ii,

Minister ol Interior.II. A. Wiipi:m inn,

Attoriiey-Oeiicr.- il ad interim,ttfl-- m


During Ihu pioccss of Deopuning thoChannel at the entrance to Honolulu har-bor the Dredger will bu in operation nightand day.

At night there will be a Danger Signalplaced on the forwiml ileirickof Dredger,about II J feet above sea level, which can buseen by all vessels approaching the harbor.Tho Signal consistsof II itcd lights mid aWhile light-- as in ' "i" i:ii

thodiagr.ini the redlights being about U j

feet apart, with I lie iVUlT!while light ill tho ,center. ,,

All steamers enisling tliu liar will stopat a safe distance from the Dredger midgive one blast of their whistle, which willlie answcicd Uj a single blast from thoDiedger, to be followed by three, blustnfrom the Diedger when the passage Isclctirand they can proceed.

Tho Tug will boon hand when not other-wise engaged to assist sailing craft in passing tho Dredger when nccesMiry.

0. N. hl'IINCnit,Minister of tiiu Intciior.

luteilor Olllce, March !l, It!).'.'I'l-t-f


Owing to the drought unit scarcity ofwater, the residents iiiiiiAii of .liuld sticctare requested to collect what walurtheymay nupiiie for hoiuehold purpose beforeb o'clock I, M,

JOIINC. WHITII,Superintendent Honolulu Watur Woiks,

Honolulu, Aug. IQ, lfcyj. luj-t- f


After Six Months Few Insocts Sur-vive. No Bopondonco Can BoPlnced in Lady Bups as ScaloExterminators.

Los Angok-P- . August 12- .- C. MI Ii'inlz, editor or the Iturnl Califor-nian- ,

furnisliL'si tlu following reviewof the otliiMiil invest iyat ion of thoscale parasites imported from Aus-

tralia:Mtudt lias been said and printed

regarding tlie Australian lady bugsrecently imported and said to be ef-

fective parasites of the red scale oftho orange and the woolly aphis ofthe apple. These parasites have nowbeen "planted'' in the citrus anddeciduous fruit orchards of South-ern California for six months, a suf-ficient length of time to prove theirability to hold (lie pest in check.

'I'o ascertain definitely what theyhave accomplished, Hurtietiltur.ilCommissioner John Scott of LosAngeles county, D. V. Coquillett ofthe Department of Agriculture (divi-sion of entomology), a number oforchardisls and a coterie of news-paper men made a careful tour ofinspection or all orchards in whichthe parasites had been placed.

The first visited was that of AlbertKoicheval. lleie Professor lt

hadvcoiistruetcd a tent overorange tree badly infested with

red scale in which ho liberated onNovember IWth four beetles, "orcuschalyblus," on December 2Slli three,.sud on .January 23d so only-live- .

Besides these he liberated on tliefrees in the open :i2."i beetles on.January 2.'kl, eight on February 20th,and Iweii'iy-seie- n on April 15th,making a total of 112 beetles in thisono orchard. The conditions fortlibir rapid breeding were exception-ally good, there being an ample sup-ply of red scale for them to feed onand the orchard is well protected.

After six months' time thoy cer-tainly should hae been breeding ingreat numbers. Ihil quite to theeoutrary this parasite has decreased.Few beetles were (o lie found, andonly one batch of eggs and none ofthe larv.x1.

Tho parasite of the woolby aphis,"leis coiifonnis," proved no better.One hunched and Fovonly of theselady buds wore liberated May Mthin tho orchaul of Samuel McKinloyjust south of Los Angeles. Theclosest inspection failed to reveal asingle specimen, the entire lot hav-

ing undoubtedly perished. Tn theoichaid of William .Miles on Wash-ington street 510 of tho parasites ofthe red scale were liberated on oneI ne .May 1 1th, but now scarcely oneis to be seen. Tho trees in this or-

chard are also well protected, andcontain an ample supply of red, yel-low and black scale. In tho Sixth-stre- et

Park were placed .January 2:idforty-fiv- e beetles (orcus Australasia),said to feed on the black scale, andadditional fourteen on February 5th.They have multiplied but little andmade no perceptible inroads on thisscale.

It is the general opinion ofconversant with this sub-

ject, and of tho Horticultural Com-missioners, that no dependence canbe placed on these parasites for tholed and black scale or tho woollyaphis. .V. F, Chronicle.

Doatli in a Honoy Boo.

NewburgCN. Y.), August J2. Jlrs.Stephen Horry, who lives by theDolowsirorivor near Walton, whilooutlooking at her llower beds recently,was st ung on the right tomplo by ahoneybee. She wont directly intotho house and applied ammonia totho wound. In a few moments herdaughter noticed that her mother'sface was very pale and asked her ifshe felt ill. Mrs. Berry replied thatshy did and a physician was at oncosent for, Bofoio one arrived, how-ever, .Mrs. Berry died. Her deathoccurred within thirty minutes oftho time when she was thing, Ac-

cording lo medical opinions thopoison was implanted in an artery,and entering directly into the circu-lation quickly found its way to thoheart. .Mrs. Berry's age was 115.

Triko Good Care, of the Childion.If you have children you will bo

intoiohtod in the experience of Mr.John Cook, of Pilot, Vermillion, Co.,111. He says: "Two years ago twoof my family, a young man and agirl, had viy severe and dangerousattacks of bloody Mux. The doctorhere was unable, after a week's time,to cheek or relieve either case. 1

threw the doctor overboard and be-gan using Chamberlain's Colic, Cho-lera and Dinrrhu'ti Uomedy, Im-provement was seen very soon andmy chiidron arose in a few daysfiom what 1 feared would bo theirdeathbed. It is a grand, good medi-cine." For salu by all dealers. Ben-son, Smith & Co,, Ayonts,

Page 2: T- VUtyK JWWjl Vs n &fifl$ WylWIJl · 04 Beretaitla St. Bell Tolo. 280 Ifil Hin HULLirriN IS TIIK LKADINti 1. Dilllv Paiier of the Kiimiloiu. FiftN SSS?, cents per mouth..liill

J flJjjjF KxyvSfiW '




Homostoad Lots in South Konn,Hawaii.

Nolko is lieieby given:lTlintOLols In Knliimnlmwril, Poiltli

Kotm, Hawaii, have l vol nimit fur lliop1lrpuoof to "iioli perom s

limy i tii homi-Minil- s 11)11111

which tolhe.1 Mnpiof thu-- o Lots cm lie UMihiiiu--

t tlio Lund Olllce, Intoilor Doji irttnutit,lIoiKilulu, or nt this ollli-- of .1. Kital-inok- u,

lit i'lihoohoo, S. Konn, Hawaii.!1 --J. W. Kimlinoku will point out tho

Loll to nny pcioii ilpxlrlng to -- on tliuin,for which sorvli-- luiwlll lie entitled to atoo of fioni tho person nppl lug.

I IVrions who inny de-dr- lts sdiall

npplj in writing to tho Minister of thoInterior 11)1011 11 hlnnk form, copies of

which may bo ohtaineil free of said J.Kimlinoku.

f Xonppllc.itlon will hoi 011sidel1.il f 10111

porMins who alrcadj own land?(I K.very applicant must bo of full ago.

T Tlio u)i)ilioniit will bo (tllowi-- toncars in which to pi, for tho land, during

which tinio It will bo eeinpt from tui".S lie must within 0110 jenr build a

dwelling house 1111 tlio 1iit and begin tooioii) tho s.uiiojimd oontinuu to ocoupjil foi tho lomaindoi of tho torni of tonj oars.

0 Ho niu-- t within three iars onolo-- o

thu Lots with a siilctnnli.il fonoo.

10 Ho niust'ii (iimitorly in advancointcro-- t 11)1011 the unpaid pureha--- )rioo attho rate of C peneut per annum. Thomruhii"or may paj tho whole or any part

of tho puiohae prke at iin time, whiehwill stop interest.

11 The picliminarj agroemont is non-

assignable, and the 1 mil bo solduntil .ill condition'- - are fullllled.

PJ railmo to comply with any of theconditions will work a forfeiture of thelaud.

t s. si'P.xrr.K,l')S-:- Minister of tlio Interior.


Of Government Lands in Kau, Ha- -

On SATURDAY, September:!, 18!).', at12 o'clock noon, nt the f out entrance of

.Aliiolani Halo, will be sold at Public Auc-

tion, tho Lease of the (jovernment Landsof llohakapn and l'ohakuloi, ul includ-

ing ICaal.iala and Kaioula.in ICnu, Hawaii,eoiitaiiiingaii aiea of '2'HA'i Acres, a littlemore or less.

Term Le.1-- 0 for 10 je.ir-- .Up-- et puce fJW per annum, pi,uhle

scmi-annua- ll in advance.Possession of the above Lands will be

gUim Jnntuirv 1, 18"'!.(J. X. Sl'DNCUK,

Minister of tho Interior.Interior Ollii e, Aug. 3, 180-- '.

ISS-.- Jt

SALE OF A PIECEOf Government Land, on Nuuanu

Street, Honolulu, Oahu.

On WKDNKSDAY, September II, lsOJ,

at 1'--' o'i lock noon, at tho f lout intrance of

Aliiolani Hale, will bo at public auc-

tion, a Piece of Government Land, situateon the fOtithc.ist side of Nuuanu fetieot,above Second Budge, and below JutlilStieet, containing nn aiea of of anAcre, a little more or less.

Upset prh 0, f VKI.

0. X. SPLNCnit,Ministei of the Intel ioi.

interior Oiliio, August Hi, li')J.I'j8--


Of the Government Land of Waimano- -

uka, Ewa, Oahu.

On Monday, August '22, Is').', at I J o'clocknoun, at tho fiont entrance of AliiolaniHale, will bo sold at Public Auction theLease of tho Government Land of

in Uwa, Oahu, containing anarea of 'JiiiOuues, a little 111010 or less.

Terms, Lease for Ten Years. Upset price,$;jsO )(.r milium, pavablo inadvance. 0. X. SPllN'Olllt,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Oillco, July SI, Is').'.

I8fl-- at


Holders of Water Privileges, or thosepaying Water Hates, 1110 houby notifiedthat, owing to tho drouth and tlio .scan it jof water in tho Governmentthe Hours for using water for Irriga-

tion purposes aro from 7 to 8 o'clock a. m.,

and 5 to 0 o'clock i m., until further notlio.JOHN 0. WHITi;,

Supt. Honolulu Water Works.Approved ;

0. X. Sri nci it,

Minister of tho Interior.Honolulu, H. L, Aug, .r, IN).'.

ib'J-- tr

l'ltlDAY, tho 2d day of September,being thu Anniversary of tlio lllrth of HerJlajosty tho Quien, will bo observed us aNational Holiday, and all GovernmentOlllcefi throughout tho Kingdom will be

dosed on that d'iy.o. s. si'u.vonii,

Minister of tho Inteiior.Interior OHU-o- , Aug. 21, lb'J2.


ilil. V. i:. II. )UVi:itILI has been un-

pointed by tho Hoard of Kdiieatlon, SchoolAuont for the District of Iluiinlel, on thoInland of Kauai, In plain of Mr. Chan.Koclliiij,', who hap resigned.

Ity order of the Board of Kducatlon.W. JAS. SMITH,

Secretary.Oillco of tho Douid of I'diientlon,

Aug, 15, ls!).. !!! :it-- :il 2t

Picture Frames made to order fromLatest Styles of Mouldinys. Jtt nota-tion of Old 1'ietures a specialty at KimjJhos,, Hotel street,

& o f

Tonilors for Purchaso of HawaiianGovormnont Bonds.

Notice is lieieby ghcu that under autho-rity of Chapter ,'H, Ssossiim Ijhvs of 1W,"An Act to give greater Mctirlt, to Depo-

sitors in the Hawaiian Postal SavingsUnnk," the I'oslinnstoi-lioncr- oilers forsale $.it),H00 of I'oupoii Itonds of the Hawai-ian (loorninont, such bonds tube Issuedin the denomination of One Thousand Dol-

lars uieli, lcdeoinablo In not less than liveyears nor more than twenty iars, witliinterest lit i pen-out-

. per aiiiuim, paja-bl- e

prltuipil ami iiiteu-s- t

pajable in U. H. gold coin, tin- - bonds toONploss oil thell face tiiat (be) ale issuedas security foi the Postal Savings HankDeposits.

Tenders foi tho purchase of the whole 01

aii p.ilt of Mid bonds will be icichedatthe ollleo of tho llegistiar of Public Ac-

counts, rinaiu-- Department, up to 12

o'clock on THURSDAY, the 1st day ofSeptember, 18!).!.

Tho Postmasti-r-Oenor.i- l docs not minihimself to ai-- ( opt any tender, or the w holoof iinv tender.

WAL'fT.l! HILL,PostniiiBter-tloner.i- l.

D ited August '22, 1S'L

A)ipiovcd:11. A. Wmr.MVNN,

Minister of Kin.incc.Swn-ri- . Pmiki 11,

Minister of Koicign Allah".('. N. a,

Minlstci of lntci ior.H. A. Wlin M inn,

Atto1ncy-Oe11cr.- il ad Interim.Mi-I- ll

Foreign Oillco Notice.

i.nwpit " nr """" "m " r iff m wnMgMPT , k ",, waynwwBFf'' v'w " ?ES$3tf "M 'TBWIPi'.t'BBHB.W. MMIMllBimTTIWMni.ainniAikajp- g- wi&.ifjivtA-- .

n.11.- -t- eji - -v ev FWf H-W- 8 "f T1" 'HK5wSfyp' fm --, TTPBR

ViiuciiiN On icr,HoMiiiu.u, Aug. 11, Ib'lJ.

It has pleased Her Majestj the Qtutrnto confer upon

SYDNUY KltOAl), llvi.,

Into Her Majesty's Consul at ralinouth,England, the decoration of Knight Com-

panion of thu liowil Older of tho down of'

Hawaii. flUt. tt !! . It


l'lahjid to wither Sat nor J'urti,lint IMublixhnl for the Jicurfit of All.

THURSDAY, AUG. 25. 18.)2.

-- ":"",f iwigpr

Tho lady bugs at Lav xngeles havebeen found not woith their salt. Itlooks as if they woio a failuio heroalso. They went at tlio scalo toothand nail when intioduced first, butnow when the pest has returned todespoil our foliage the ladies havenot leported for duty. Toihaps (hechemical engine of tlio Fiio Dopait-men- t

would kill and wash off thoscale. It would be good diill fortho firemen at least to try il.

There is nothing loft of the littlesensation about tlio alleged violationof American lights by the Britishoccupation of Johnston isles. A

prominent American in Honolulupooh-poohe- d tlio idea of Americanovvnorship boforo II. B. il. S. Cham-

pion returned from tho annexation.Tlio State Department at Washing-ton, it appears, looks on the matterwith the saino unconcern. Tho

Biitisli occupation of a coal-

ing station site beside the Americanone at Pago Pago, Samoa, is alsofound to be all right and in accordwith amity between the two gioatPoweis.


Tho Lcgislaluru is engaged to-da- y

in tlio Jtidiciaiy Bill ppc- -

tion by hootion. It is to bo hopedtho mcnsuio will cotno through with-

out daniago fioin ollicions ainend-niont- s.

Haing had its provisionsmaturely discussed by tho ablestmindfe of bench and bar, tlioto is

danger in tampering with tho do-tail- s.

Unless somo vital omission bodiscovered it is doubtful if tho billcan bo improved by tho assembledwisdom. Tho main question is onthe principle of tho bill, to whichthere seotns to bo a preponderatingassent. It ought to result if passedin a imolutioniing for the bettertho Judiciary of the Kingdom.


A graphic description of the sconesin Parliament attending tho down-

fall of Lord Salisbury's long-live- d

admiuibtiatiou is to be found iu thisissue. If we mistake not, tho "Mem-

ber of Parliament" who supplies Ben-

nett's cablo letter is Michael Davitt,who is well known as an able writoras well as parliamentarian, Theview he takes of Gladstone's posi-

tion, as that of a prominent homorulor, is decidedly interesting andscarcely calculated to inspire san-

guine hopes of the "grand oldinan's" nticcoss in this doubtless lastgreat oUbrt of his lifo. Homo rule,howoor,hnstakou an immense stridefonwtid, It is now advocated byCecil Hhodos, tho Imperial states-man of Capo Colony, as au import-ant factor iu the piohlom of Impe-

rial Federation,


It ih to bo hoped that tho HotulBoard of Honolulu, having htnitcdwell and won gonoral prnij-- for olli-uio- nt

work, will not ontor on a carcorof oxporiinontation. Thornaro many syntonis ofbtroot construction, tho uatuio of

whii'h bo loarnoil from fiticsshtMO thoy aio in vogtio by cono-spotHloni-- t'.

Tho groat tutotion tobo Fotllod, if wo aro to got boyondinaonilaiu, is what wrl of ootistnic-- tion is bost for tho moans at dis-

posal. Maomlam with good matorialistliomoM aoooptod, doubt loss, forcountry roads and oity st roots with-

out muoh (raliio, but all can soo fortlioinolvos that it has a ooinpara-tiol- y

short lifo on stroots havingoontiniiotislj lioavy trallio. It, more-

over, is not adaptiul to oithor thosprinkling or washing or horapingt lint thoioughfanis in tho businessquaitor of ii oity roquiio.


Tho Hawaiian lluroau of lnfouna-tio- n

is now fully oiganiod, and onsuch a basis as to nun it tho confi-

dence and support of tho businesscommunity. The people have longboon asking for relief front tho pio-so- nt

financial depression; nothinghototoforo has boon suggested thattends to remedy tho situation. Now.something practical is offered; thoIJuroau of Information has formu-lated a delinito scheme: advertiseHawaii as a health and pleasure re-

sort, jiiuI the incoming tide of tour-ists will sottlo tho question of dulltimes. The plan is feasible, easilycarried out, and ovoiy one can assist.Tho iomiU is sure. There can bo

but 0110 result. Hawaii will bo over-

run with travoleis and sightseers.Let every one buy a few shares;

every shaieholder is a member ofthe Buiuau and has a voice in theelection of Directors. Tho make-u- p

of tho Uoaid is a siillicient guarantee that every dollar subscribed willbo expended judiciously and for thecommon good.


Root Beer on draught at Benson,Smith & Co.'s.

0. J. AcCarthy has lots on Lilihashoot for sale.

After shaving use (Jucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith & Co., Agents.

Sunburn relieved at once by Cu-- tumber Tonic. Bonson, Smith & Co.,

Agents.Vita oil is a specific adveitised foi

various injuiies and maladies byHob: on, Newman & Co.

The blt-on- s will give a faiowolltestimonial benniit to Mrs. Marthali. Sleeti on .Monday evening not.

Fine tailor goods, furniture andfeed are to be sold at auction by .1.

P. ILorgan at 10 o'clock 1 row.

Ladies' shampooing and hair dress-

ing done at thoir houses by MissWolf, 7.'$ Boietania stieet. Mutualtelephone (5U(i.

Mechanics' Home, 59 and 01 Hotelstreet. Lodi;month 25c. and

by day, weekFiOc. a night;

and 1.2." a week.

W. Lanss has leased tho shootingright of ceitain lands in Koolatt-pok-

and warns liospassors theywill bo prosecuted.

Chas. R. Bishop issues an inipoit-au- tnotice to members of tho Ameri-

can IJeliof Fund and Americans, whoought to belong to it.

Madam Steen oilers her soi vices asadvisor to ladies and thoso disap-pointed in business and other all'aii.s.

Consultation hours aio given in acard elsewhoio.

Dr. McLennan has returned to Ala-ke- a

street, opposite tho Y. M. C. A.

hall, promises lately occupied by Dr.Lut. Ollico hours, 1) to 12, 2 to 1,

and evenings 0 to 7 ; Sundays 10 to 1.

Hell telephone PJ7 ; .Mutual 082.

Oilicor.i of the Waiohinu Agricul-tural and Grazing Company havebeen elected for tho ensuing year asfollows: Piesidont,IIon. W. G. Irwin;Vice-Preside- Mr. J. M. Monsairat;Secretary and Treasinor, Hon. C. P.taukoa; Auditor, Mr. W. M. Giilard;Directors, W. G. Irwin, ,1. M. Mon-saria- t,

C. P. Iaukoa, Hon. J. Kntt-han- e,

J, D. Paris.

Columbus and tho Egg,Profoshor Edwin J. Houston, in

his roconl lootnro boforo tho Brook-lyn Institutu of Aits and Scioncos,in roforring to tho inoidont of bal-

ancing an ogg on ond, givos tho usualexplanation that Columbus accom-plished it by cracking tho shell. Woaro not prepared to controvert thisidea authoritatively, but for yearshavo regarded it w.ith suspicion,Patriotism inspires in our breast sucha high regard for tho one who dis-

covered tho land upon which wo liveas to foi bid our attributing to himany such disroputablo trick. Wo bo-lio-

that others cracked eggs boforoColumbus, as thoy havo since, andstood them ou ond, too, but, as t herois another way of balancing an oggwithout rosoitiug to such unfairmeans, wo submit this explanationas probably tho true one of Colum-

bus' foat. If a fioshly laid hen's eggbo violently shaken so as to thor-oughly mix tho yolk and white, andalso to fracture tho air sac andallow the contained air to rise, it is

simply n question of manual dexter-ity, within tho roach of all, to balancean ogg, without cracking it, on ti

porfoctly smooth surface,


Of tho class of 181)2 nt CornellUniversity 118 favored a protootiotariff nud forty-nin- e opposed it.

Tho Prosbytorians ate about toestablish a college in Salt Lake City,and have purchased a site of 100

acres.Ono-thir- d of the students abioad,

it is said, dio prematurely from thoeffect of bad habits acquired in col-


During tho last joar there giadu-ato- d

from tho medical colleges of thoUnited Slates about r,00() youngdoctors.

Moip than one-thir- d of tho leach-or- s

of tho United States aro men --

12MI2!) men and 227,.'W)2 womenil5.r percent.

In almost all the manufacturingtowns of Europe during the lasthalf-centur- y schools have boon open-

ed for apprentices in the industrialarts.

England, with ninety-fou- r universities, hits 2,723 more professois and51,81-- more students than tho 360

universities of tho United States.The revenues of CKfoid and Cam-

bridge represent a capital of about$75,000,000. The University of Loip- -

sic is worth nearly 20,000,00- 0- .V.

1'. 1'rrst.

Tho oldest college in North Amer-

ica was founded in 1531 tho Col-

lege of St. lldofono, in tho City ofMexico. Tlio next oldest is LavalCollege, Quebec.

Prussian education is more thor-ough than that of any other country.Ever' child is in school f 10111 live tofouiteeu years of age. Patents mustobey tho law, pay a iino, or go toprison.

Out of a class of 110 gills, thelargest Wellesloy College has evergraduated, thirtj'-eigh- t gills havohealth as good as when they entered,twenty-si-x bettor and fourteen notas good.

On Juno 131 h the School Boaid ofSt. Paul, Minn., abolished tho dis-

tinction of sex in tho niattei ofsalaries, and will hereafter pa- - wo-

men tho same as 111011 for doing Ikesame work.

President Eliot speaks of Harvardas '"tlio only university in NinthAmeiic.i which has had the piivilo0oof giaduating eight successive gen-

et at ions of men in one honorable andsin v family."

The University of JWlin, with lisU,(MX) students and scores of famousprofessors, has a capital of but 750,-00- 0.

Its largest endowment, that oftho Countess Bose, is only S150.000.Nevertheless, it is tho seat of thehighest German learning and claimsto havo the ablest corps of instiuc-tor- s

of all tho vvoild's schools.

Bits of Information.

Statistics piovo that tho negto intho South lives longer than tho ne-

gro in tho North.While there aro now 1,000,000 Ho-bio-

in tho United States, there aioover r,000,000 in .Russia.

Tho number of juvenile criminalsin England shows a reduction from.1.)S8 in 1871 to 38i)2 in 1891.

Tn 100 j'eais $500 woith of pennieswould only bo worth $250, so quicklydoes copper money wear aw'ay.

Tho river approaches to Lake Nica-

ragua abound with tho onfy species,of fresh-wat- er shark known to .scien-

tists.lion expands with heat, and the

Eiflbl Tower is said to lie eightinches higher in hot than it is incold weather.

A well-know- n artist declares thatin ninety-nin- e cases out of 100 theleft side of the human face is morepei feet in outline.

Tho area of Philadelphia is 12!)..'$

square miles. The city of Philadel-phia is with the countyof tho same name.

Pftcitlc Hardware Co.

White Mountain Ice Cream Freez-

ers. From one quart to 12 quarts.

The larger sizes with lly wheel.

All attempts to supersede this

pattern hao failed.

Call and got a Whitman Patent

Killing Bit, nickol plated,

Paciiiu IIaiidwaiik Co., Ld.

Fort Street.

Mr. Lander's Recommendation.Mr. J. A. Lauder, a prominent

citizen of Clarksburg, Aio,, andwidely known in that State, says ofOhamboi Iain's Colic. Cholera andDiarrhoea Komodv: I havo seen itsgood results and can iccomniendit." For saloby allde;tlois. Bonson,Smith iVi Co., Agents.i


9 iioitbi: l'ownit immikjut iia.ti:uJj Lnginu mill Holler, in good wot kingorder, for part lutilnraui terinmipply totlui

miLLirriN orii'ioi:.Messrs. King Jiros. tire showiny a fine

line of ISamboo and other style 1'arlorEasels, Wall JSraehets, and WindowCornices, at Prices to meet the times.


For two years I suffered terriblywith stomach tronhlc, and was forall that time under treatment by aphysician. lie finally, after tryingeverything, said stomach was aboutworn out, nud that I woidd have tocease eating solid food for a time ntleast. I was so weak that I couldnot work. Finally ou the recom-mendation of a friend who hod used

your preparationsA worn-o- ut with beneficial re-

sults, I procured nStomach. bottle of August

Flower, and com-menced using it. It seemed to dome good at once. I gained iustrength and flesh lapidly; my ap-

petite became good, and I sufferedno bad effects from what I ate. Ifeel now like a new man, and con-sider that August Flower has en- -ji . .. .1 ... r T...Knr.!n 2.. St.ureiy emeu 1111; ui jjyajjsjsiu 111 icworst form. Jajiks F. Dudhrick,Saugerties, New York.

V. B. Utsey, St. George's, S. C,writes: I have used your AugustFlower for Dyspepsia and find it auexcellent remedy.

By Jas. F. Morgan.


AUCTION SALEto-:m:o:r.:r.o"- w

On Friday, -- 86,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M

I will sell nt Public Auction, at mj SiiIpm-rooui-

a l.i ro line of


In Suit and 1'ants Patterns:

Wools, Tweeds, Diagonals,Dtc, I'tu., Ktc. Also,

Ocnl's Underwear,Men's Gaiters,


Houseli'd Fiornit-u- r

I'.irloi- - (sets. Chairs,lite, Dtu., and

:m-- u

Sacks Com,


(psl-u- ; SMI nt,

Bran & Middlings,

IF1. Morgan,Auonovur.it.


Monday Evening, Aug. 29th,The List I'eiforin.inee anil rmetttll

Tustiiiioiuil Hcnelit to

Mrs. MARTHA E. STEEN,The Only Genuine Miutl Reader & Second

Sight Seer In the World 1


Oscar Smith's New Entertainment

Voices Shadowland ! "

Best Programme of the Season !

gUp- - Tickets now on .it Lewis .1.Levey's. WHi-- lt



Fisino Lessons


Residence 13 Emma St.W)'l-l- w

To or Lon.sc.



tnilly Inquire atISumxtik Olllcu. 3SMf


NIOKLY nt MuKIUi,near lieietaiila street I'.ir.Kent 10. AiililvtliNullieit.

Illl-t- f



xJ Keriitniiiii Ktreet, 011- -(Mite

Apply to



Fort street eluueli.It. I. lillii;,

AtTheo. II.


nousi: ok rivnrouniH. on Mumiine



Ktreet, Ilatliruuiii, pat- - Sjicut Vv. 0.. etc. t'oniiiianilH JLJoneol the Honolulu.to J. M. VIVAS


cori'Aoi: onlleietaulu stieet, near

I'ilKni Htieet, containingI'nilor, '2 Ilidiooms, Ilatli-roou- i.

Dliiiiiurooni, I'antrv

(illicit thin



Tel. 321.

ujmA (Jo.

w It Ii libS'ljdfL.


iami Kitchen,

Beraiit'Hin(iiii,Oarriiii;eIloiie,r)talile,ut(l15S-- tf

Traini-ar- liass even ainiiniiti-s- , Ipiily iatof paper.

For Sale.




SL-- A


Apply(177-t- f)



iih it htiuids. The Lease ofthe 1'reinlscs No. U Koit street, in ul-- o

ollcred foi iliwp03.il. Knrthei paitieitlaisou iipiillcatton to

Miis. ri:i)i.i:it,I'W-- tf On the

When you mint u Portrait Ihdaryedcall on King Jiros,, git their Pi he l.ixt,and see Samples. They can't be beatl


Have Opened Their New

China, Glass anil FurnitureSalesroom on Kaalnmianu St., Ground Floor,

Large Assortment of New Goods, ex Benmore,



and Other Fine Ware.

USTe-- I2.tn.gs and Osurpets,Englisli Furniture,

IRatta-n- . Ware.Fine Show of Glassware, lYoryware, Bohemian Vases, Wine Glasses,

Tumblers, Gut Salads, Etc.

Prices ZEedLuLced- -

00., Ltdau.xxim.ins' Blook., Fort Street.



China, Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery


Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd.

N104 Fort St., Honolulu.

Just Received a 3STew Invoice of the


h. niiiti.icn.



Agricultural ImplementsAND


Black StockingsFor Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses and Children.

Fast Color andAbsolutely Stainless.


Are tlie Best DVCaxfLe.



"W Just Received2Te-- w Dress Goods,Ijic3.ies' Bedford Caps,Belts, Latest Style.

Also a Large Line of Traveling Trunks and Valises.


3STe-- Goods ! 3STe-- w Goods !

l'ONdKi: DKAI'nKIKk-l'OltTIKKLri-J'lNnAl- 'I'bi: TISBUH BATTi:i3N8wuiTi: i)i!i:bh (iooi)b in oui:oks and whu-us- .

japan i:si: coiiDr.D tutni'i:.

Ladies', Childrens' and Infants' WearIN CiltNAT VAltlDTV AT LOW I'HIOIIB.

A Fine Line in Zephyrs, Cretonnes, Etc.

Batlaing Suits ixi Cotton and WoolKOlt LADIlIb, (UJNTb, AND OlIILDltK.N.

OA.IiIj .A-l-TI- SEE OXJK, 3STEV7" GOODS,Dressmaking under the Management of Miss Clark.

B. F. EHLERS & CO., 99 Fort St.




Page 3: T- VUtyK JWWjl Vs n &fifl$ WylWIJl · 04 Beretaitla St. Bell Tolo. 280 Ifil Hin HULLirriN IS TIIK LKADINti 1. Dilllv Paiier of the Kiimiloiu. FiftN SSS?, cents per mouth..liill


WS v.







3 .


Time Table.

KltOM AND AVTMl l'T,l)UUAKY 1, IS!).'.

IjV. HoMii.m.tr, (lilfi 8: IS l:l."i IsnstAit. lliiNniii.itiM, ":L'n D:n7 2:f7 fii.Titliv. IliiNimMtiM, 7ino 10: t:i 3:13 5:li!fAn. IIonoiui.U, K ::,) 1I:.V ItSS (tiSOt

I'RMii. City Local.I.v. Hiimiiui.u . rr.'JOSAn. ri:iii,UiTv fi:r.sI.V. I'r.siii, Oitv (1:00

Ait. lliiNoi.tii.il t):IU"

Sundays exeepied. t Saturdays only.Saturdays excepted.

Tides, Sun and Moon.

1IY f J. M(IN.

II - ?l H 2' a

i.AY.'&bft.ri iJ3 h s. h a ? if.

2J;lSl? i2p.m. a.m. n in. a.m.

Moil. 22 3 50 3 3(1 11 30 ! 0 'li II (! '21 7 R

TlH'i. 'Al 4 20 4 20 11 41 H 20 it 411 0 21 7 .17

XVctl. 21 4 4 4 no II M HI 30 5 41' II 21 8 10

Timts. 2.1 n ir. n si n fix li no fl ti a iix a ioin.iii.'iMii.i p.tu

ril. o (i o, n no o io n 42 o 211 11 11

Milt. 27, 0 25 (1 20 0 10 1 10 n 42 0 20 II 41

bun. 21 7 10 0 45. 10 3 5 5 42 (1 1!) 10 HII I

New union mi Uk' 22nd nt Oh. 2,Sm 11 in.


THURSDAY, AUG. 2.1, 1892.

2&A.&.T3X12 2STE-VV-S.

Arrivals.Tiiitjuiiw, Aug. 25.

It JI S Motion ni, Carey, from the Colonics

Departures.TiiuinuvY, Aug. 25.

Stnir Hawaii for Knliului and OlowaluSolir Kauikenouli for Koluila

Vessels LeavingStmr W i Hall for Maui and Hawaii at 1U

a in

Vessels in Port.USFS San Fruneisi o, Admiral Jlrown,

from San Diego.Am lik Albeit, Winding, from fean I'r.tn- -

ciseo.Am bk 1'oicst Queen, Dyteborg, fioni San

I'lawi-c- o.

Ger bk P Isenberg, Kiu.se, from San l'ran- -.

Ilk Margaret, I'etciscn, fiom Newcastle.Dr bk Kooriugn, Young, from Newcastle.

Foreign Vessels Expected.JI T JI S Hiei, Mori, iioin Japan.R M S Mariposa, Haj inid, fiom San Vian- -

eisco. Aug. 211.Am bk Ceylon, from San Francisco, Aug.

Ger bk J C Glade, from I.ivei pool, Aug.0.

Haw bk Helen llrewer, from Glasgow,Aug. 15.

MiH bkt Morning Star, from Jlieionesia,May 25.

Am sehr Mary Dodge, from llurcka, Sopt. .'!.

Am soli Glendale, trom IJuieka, Aug. l(i.JJr bk 11 1 Uitbet, from Catdill, Sept. 1.Ilk Greta, from Newcastle, N S V.Ger bk 11 Haekfeld, from Liverpool, Oct. 10.

Shipping Notes.The U S cruiser lioston is being lep.iintud

and otbeiwiie being cleaned.The bark Margaret will leave for the

Sound on Saturday in ballast.The U S cruiser San Francisco will re-

ceive 55 tons of coal before leaving.Tlio bark Albert is moored near the old

Custom House wbaif waiting for sugar.Tho steamer W G Hall will leave for

windward ports morning ut 10o'clock.

The I'ortuguoso sloop S Pedro is doing nprofitable business trailing between Wuiu-n-

and the city.

Married.JIKIEHICK-LKWIS-- In Honolulu, August

21, by lies'. TIkh. I,. Gulick, Mr.Clinrles F. Hcrriek to Misu Alice G.Low la, both of Honolulu.

Bureau of Information.

Tho diieclors of tlio HawaiianBureau of Information met thisafternoon at l:!i0 o'clock in tho officeof Hon. L. A. Thurston. There woiopresent: Hon. W. Or. Irwin, Presi-dent; Hon. Jno. Ena,

Hon. L. A. Thurston, Secre-tary; Mr. H. von Holt, Trcasuior;Mr. C. L. Carter, Auditor; Dr.Trousseau and Mr. S. B. Rose, I31ec-tiv- o

Directors.It was decided to offer for sale

2000 shares of stock at $10 per share,payable in monthly instalments off0 cents each or fi poicont. If theBoard disposes of all of the stock,tho monthly jncomo at tho disposalof tho organization will amount toS1000.

Mr. B. Ellsworth Caiey brieflystated a plan for tho disposal of tliostock to the citizens of Honoluluand tho outlying islands, and uponmotion was employed to representtho Board in tho matter of solicit-

ing subscriptions of stock.It is proposed to circulate descrip-

tive matter throughout the UnitedStates, and to wcino tho publicationof suitable articles in leading publi-cations; to hoik! an agent to thoColonies for tho purpose of inducingporsons visiting the Chicago Fair tostop over for a period in those isl-

ands; to establish a branch bureauin San Frauciaco for the purpose ofplacing tho attractions of this coun-

try before T2astern visitors, and, gen-erally, to advertise Hawaii n& tho"Baradiso pf the Pacific." It wasstated that if the tourist tiavel hero"could bo inci cased four or five fold,a great impetus would bo given toilll branches of business.


Diamond Head, 8 p. in, Wonlhercloudy, wind light northeast.

Tito Board of floalth had butlittlo business at this week's session.

The U. S. cruiser Boston carriestwo bigger guns than the flagshipSan Francisco.

Three native deserters of contractsorvico of the I. I. S. N. Co. decidedto return this morning to work.

alThe band will give a concert at

the Hotel this evening for the bene-fit of the Monowai's passengers.

Prof. Max. Loheido will givelessons in club swinging, wrestlingand other athletic exercises at theboat house.

Tom Hollingor has lost his blackmare, that figured in n race two yearsago. She died the other day aftergiving foal.

Thoio will bo a meeting of theAmerican Belief Fund at the roomof the Chamber of Commerce at 1 1

a.m. Saturday.U. S. Consul-Gene- t al H. W. Sever-

ance visited the U. S. cruior Bostonto-da- Ho was saluted on leaving.Prof. M. M. Scott accompanied !Mr.Severance.

A Chinaman was arrested yester-day on a chargo of common nuisancein obstructing the public highway.This morning ho was dischargedwithout trial.

The Board of Education latelymade many changes in the locationsand positions of teachers, and is nowawaiting i optics as to acceptance orothorwi'-e- .

The now system of loadniaking attho corner of Fort and King streetsdocs not scorn to have been a suc-

cess. Tho patchwork did not nackso well as expected.

Ltuii Geo, tlio Chinese peddler,who identified the Chinaman foundmurdered in tho bay on Apiil 19. ashis cousin, has applied for possessionof the body to give it decent burial.

Sydney Broad, lately HawaiianConsul at Falmouth, England, hashad contorted on him by Her Majes-ty tho decoration of Knight Com-panion of the Royal Older of theCrown of Hawaii.

Their Excellencies Samuel Parker,Minister of Foieign Affairs, and II.A. 'Widoniann, Minister of Finance,and Colonels Jno. Richaidson andW. II. Conns ell of Ilor Majesty'sstaff, paid an official visit to tho U.S. cruiser Boston this morning, re-

ceiving the usual salute on leaving.

In connection with two arrests atLos Angeles for passing Confederatebills, a dospatch says, "Such hillshave been in general citculation forseveral weoks and many businessmen have been bitten." As a newsitem in tho Bulletin a few day agoshowed, this bogus paper has crop-ped up in Honolulu.

About 11 o'clock yesterday morn-ing a Chinaman made an assault ona native woman near tho O. U. A: L.Co.'.s wharf. Tho damo picked upstonos and pelted tho Mongolian sothat ho was glad to get away fromher. Plucky woman, as there wasauothor Chinaman near, who, how-ever, did not make an attempt at interference.

Broke Its Log.

An accident which resulted in thokilling of ti valuable hor.se happenedat 10:510 o'clock this morning. A

hotso driven in a hack belonging totho Hawaiian Hotel Stables wasgoing around Hotel and Uichaidsstreets when one of the horse's hindlegs got over tho crossbar, causingtho animal to fall. Tho fall brokeits leg. Dr.W. T. Monsanat, Gov-ernment votoiinary surgeon, was oftho opinion that the animal wouldnot survive and ended its agony byshooting it.

Intermediary Court.

Mr. Justice Bickort on held Inter-mediary Couit to-da-

C. T. Gulick, trustee, vs, Wahapuuot al. Assumpsit. Defendants' ap-

peal from Waianae District Court.Magoon for plaintiff; no appearanceof or for defendants. AppejJ dis-missed.

Napoha vs. Keka. Assumpsit.appeal from Honolulu

Police Court. Nawaakoa for plain-tiff; Abhfotd for defendant. Judg-ment for plaintiff. His Honor, inrendering judgment, said it musthave been evident to all who heardtho evidence that somebody waslying. Both sides could not be tell-ing (ho truth, Ho did not like tlioway the defendant testified, as hoshowed he had been coached. A

judge must, in such a case, bo gov-

erned to some extent by the im-

pressions made on his mind. It ap-

peared to him as if plaintiff hadmade out a case that defendant hadfailed to disprove.

Antono Pedro vs. 0. P. Knnnkanui.Assumpsit. Plaintiff's appeal fromFwa District Couit. Kami for plain-tiff; Kahookauo for defendant. Caseis remanded back to the DistrictCourt on account of improper rulingat the original hearing there,



Wednesday, Aug. 21.

Afternoon Session.

Assembly from lecefs1 :M) o'clock.

Minister Widoniann, under suspen-sion of the rules, lend for tho firsttime a bill pioviding for tho con-tinuation of the payment of salariesuntil the passage of the Appropria-tion Bill. Read a second time andloforred to tlio Commit lee on Fin-

ance.Noble Marsden tead for the first

time a bill to exempt certain forestlands from taxation. Head a secondtime and loferied to Commit too onPublic Lands.

Rep. Robett 'Wilcox olfeted a ieso-lutio- n

that tho Cabinet obtain Jromthe Board of Genealogy a repot t

showing tho woik done by tho saidBoard, and a record of all the gene-alogies collected, and that a com-mittee of five bo appointed to ex-

amine the saidwoik and report tothe Legislature of 1891. Adopted.

Bill 79 was taken from the tableand referred to the Finance Com-mittee.

Tho special Older of the Day,Bill 177, to further secure depositorsin the Postal Savings Rank, wastaken up for consideration. Thobill piovidos for the issue of Tieas-111- 3

notes, payable in not less thanthieo months nor mote than eighteenmonths, and bearing no more than 0percent interest; such notes to boissued only for the purpose oT secur-ing funds to meet withdrawals. Thebill was considered section by sec-

tion.With but little debate and after a

few amendments tho bill a as passedto engrossment and to third leadingon Thursday.

No other business was ready, so at15:20 tho Assembly adjourned.


TurusDAY, Aug. 2."i.

iVIorning- - Seasion.

The Asembly convened at 10o'clock. Purser by Chaplain andminutes of tho previous meetingwero read and, as usual, approved.

Tho President announced tho com-mittee nil tlio Genealogy report, asfollows: Rep. R. W. Wilcox, Rep.Kauhi, Noblo Hoapili, Rep. Kuuna- -'

maiio, Minister Parker.Minister Spencer lepoitud that

Her Majesty had signed the folloss--in-

bills:I, to create Hana, Maui, and Wai-me- a

and Mnkaweli, Kauai, ports ofentry; 2, to authorize tho Minister ofIntetior to convoy certain land totho Sailors' Homo Society of Hono-lulu; :$, to iuuicnso the duty oneofloo; 1, lolatiug to the publicationof legal ., to bettordefine tlio right to bail; (i, to amendthe Road Board Act.

Noble Neumann, fiom the Judi-ciary Committee, presented a leporion Bill 170, relating to the leorgau-iziitio- u

of the Judiciary, lecomineud-in- g

tho bill for passage svith a sub-

stitute for the part lelatiug to theclerk's depaitmeut. The committeewill offer another enabling section.The committee acknosvledgo assis-

tance from members of the bar incou.sideiing the incnsiiic.

Hep. White, one ol the committee,agrees with but one exception whore-i- n

the term of court at Lahainn is tobe abolished. Roport tabled for bill.

Noble J. M. Horner from the Wajsand .Means Committee icported on a

resolution relative to the insertingof 12,000 in the Appropiiation Billfor tho purpose of defraying tho ex-

penses of Princes Kniulani in a tourthiough Furope and other countries,and to the effecL that, liosvoser muchtlioy may desito to grant the nppio-prinlio- n

asked for, the financialsituation of tho Government is suchthat they cannot reccoiniiiend theadoption of tho resolution, but

that it be tabled. Tabledto assail a niinoiily leport.

Rep. Kamauoha fiom a selectcommittee, to whom had been refer-red a icsolulion relative to subsidis-ing one of the Iiitur-Islau- d .steamersto call at Mahiikoua, repotted thatthey learn thai tho steamship com-panies svere already making anango-uient.- s

for that end and the commit-

tee tlieiefore lecoiumond (lie bill botabled. Roport adopted.

On mot ion (ho Order of (ho Daycame up, bringing forsvaid for con-

sideration Bill 170, to theJudiciary Department. Tho bill ss'asordered to bo considoied .'section bysection.

Section 1. Piovidos for a depait-nion- l

of Ihe Government out it ledthe Judiciary, to be presided over bytho Chief Justice. Reports to bo

made to Legiblaturo at each bo.snion.

l'assed.Section 2, Said depaidnont to be

iii(lependon( of both thu executiveanil legislatiso, hovoioign not tointoiToio. Pabsed.

Suction !), No Judge of the Su-

premo or any Circuit Court or any

magistrate shall exorcise tho profes-sion or employment of counsel orattorney at law or bo engaged in (hopractice of lasv. Passed.

Section J. All questions of lass

shall be decided by tho couit andto bo binding on jury

Passed.Section f, Common lasv of Eng

land is declared tho common lasv of(ho Hawaiian Islands. Passed.

Section (i. Several courts of ret-on- !

shall have posser to decide forthemselves the coiislitittionalitj andbinding effect of any lasv, etc. Su-

premo Couit have posser to annullaws eonbaiy to Constitution or opposed to the laws of nations. Passed.

Section 7. Several courts in theirdecisions to have due regaul forvested lights, Passed.

Section 8. District Magistrates (obe appointed for each district. Theymust lie proficient in the Hawaiianlanguage, Must reside in district.

Ponding action on the section theAssembly, at 12:05, took lecess until1:30.

Marriago Kocoptiou.

Mr. Charles F. Horrick, clerk to A

tlio Buicati of Public Wotks, andMiss Alice G. Lewis were married atthe residence of Rev. Dr. Becksvithyesterday evening. Res-- . Thos. L.Gulick was this officiating clergy-man. Tho cetcinony was private.A reception s hold, beginning aleight o'clock, at the residence of Mr.and Mrs. J. Rodanet, Punchbowlslreet. The couple stood beneath amariiago bell mainly composed oftuberoes to receive the congratula-tions of their friends. Mr. ChatlesCrane was best man, and Miss KatieMcLain biidesniaid. It s a good-lookin- g

young ssedded couple inwhoso faces supienie happiness en-

hanced the ehaims of the bride'scomely features and the manly hand-

someness of the giooin.At 9:110 tho party ntiinbeiing (50 or

70 sat down at tsso tables on whichsas spread an elaborate and entic-

ing wedding supper. Mr. WalterHill, an old fiiendof the groom'sfamily, pioposcd in happy (onushealth and happiness to the youth-ful pair. .Mis. J. YV. Pratt, who as-

sisted the Ito'-- t and hostess in dis-

pensing the hospitalities of (hohouse, supers isod the feast ssilhability and giacofulnoss. "Jr. andMis. YV. E. Heriick, patents of thegiooin, and Mrs. Husband, sister gfthe bride, also did a huge shate in(ho cntoitainincut, helping to makoall feel at home. The biido is asister of (he hostess, Mis. Rodanet.After supper, befoio and diningsvhich tho Hawaiian Quintet Clubplayed and sang its uuo music, thoreception loom s cleaicd for danc-

ing. Old and 5'oung folks sied svitheach other in doing justice to thesvedding with Hying feet and esei'-(hin- g

ssenl merry fill after mid-

night. It was a delightfully infor-

mal paity.'Charlie," svho svillboieineinboicd

in former years as tho polite "Central" of (ho Boll telephone ollice. isto bo congratulated on sviiiiiing aprettj" initio and on the pleasantsendoff his and her friends havegiven thorn on (hoir stalling in mar-

ried life. They recoiscd many beauti-ful and useful wedding pic-ont- s,

svhich sveie shosvn to the guests. A

huge pictuie of Romeo and Juliets gison by the groom's old chums

in tho telephone ollice.

Mormon Homilotics.

All elderly native, an adhoioiit to(ho Mormon faith, made an unsuc-

cessful attempt to conseit everal ofhi.s countrymen on the city fiontthis morning. The Mormon heldhis listeners in rapt attention forquite asvhilo, reciting Scripture andexplaining hosv it s that (lie .Mor-

mon religion s (he only due reli-

gion. It ssas really hosv( he old geu( Ionian ss ould quote Scrip-tuioo- ir

the tool. If i) fell into an argil'mont, however, svith one of hit H-oteliers svilh regaid (o the liiithdayof Our I,oid, the" old gentlemanholding thai accoiding to his icli-gio- n

the Lord svas horn in Septem-ber. (Jluihl's hiithplnco ho main-

tained svas in (he I'nited Stales anilthere being hiiosv in December ss ouldupset the pio.sout Uhrihlinas keep-


Meditates Battle.

The tsvo hula gills svho figured in

the Police Com I on Monday morn

ing will heme ineir (iiiieiences tillsevening. ICver Mine the trial Ivaluathe defendant has nn'lita(ed insengeagainsl .Jennie and this moiling shewill get il or o1m fresh cause for

lovonge. Theie ssill bo no lefeice,but thoie svill be seconds, and onlya foss on each .side ss'ill be allowedat the ring hide, Tho police neednot accept this nolico unions (hoylike.

"Uiiuk of Iluwaii."

Theie is homo feais that Jlorner'h"nii-itlal- " Hnnkiiis! Hill svill pass (heLegislature. To piovont (his, allb10uld get a Hill from (he HawaiianvmvH Company, study it, and shosv,,,.i.. ifw.... li,,,,. n...I.-- j..itriints In all- . oii meet.

iJUJ JIULLKTIN b TUK LKADi.N'OX Dally J'umr of tin Kingdom WJtfeuiun pur uioiitii



SttomamstsxmMft mrE&j

.A. PANACE, . FORSprains, Bruises,

Cats, Burns,

Lame Joints and

Cold on the Lungs,

Remedy Endorsed by the Medical Profession

Mi. .1. I,. Gooiltnan, of Atnator, (Ml.,sas: "I Iias-- bad ioc.UmI opportuultsof observing ami testing the telicslni; anilliciiliiiKiuality of Vits Oil. when appliedto painful, "ore mid inllameil part, al-- o Inlame joints, sprains and bruises. ameontldent that to the extent its safe, aetiveand powerful healing merits aie tried, it

s III be considered the indispensable faniilslenieds."

t6F- - Tor the asking suit svlll re- - imJiilf0 Testimonial Letter, l'ead one and doonr own thinking.

Hobron, Newman & Co.

"XAn.aolesn.le Agents,coiiM'.i: tout and king stim:i:i's.



And those Disappointed in Businessand O titer AftYurs !

7 0V WOULD 1)0 Wr.LLTOCOWSI'LTMsiism P.. SH.I-- for advice at hei

lesidcneu "Haalele.i Lawn," ISielmidsstreet. Hours: in . i. to i m., andfrom ! : m. till 5 i m. ."iiiii-- lt


Tin: ri)i:it.siG.vr,i uivr.s notii i:

of the Lauds, Halekoit ami Kahiaimhi, inthe District of Koolauiioko, Islatul ofO.ilut, anil ans pui-o- n

on the right ss'ill beS0i.-- SV. LAN'Z


A T Till! ADJOlTISNim ANNUALXV. Meeting of the Stockholders of theWaioliimi Agiicultiiul ,S Gi.iing Co. heldthis d.l), the follow ing Ollleeis werecUcledfor the ensuing sear:

I'icsideiit .. Hon. S'. fi. Irwin,.Mr. .1. JI. JIons.ui.it,

Seciet.irs I


.Hon. C. 1'. laukea,Tieasiner )

Aitditoi Hon. W Jl.Gillanl.ii :: i io::

W. G. Iiwiu, .1. JI. Motismr.it, O, I'.lauke .1. Kaiihaue, .1. I). IMii

C. I'. IAUKUA,Keretiirs W. A. .V, G. Co.

Honolulu, Aug. i, lh'i.'. fiOi-l-m

M'joting Noticos.


rpilK ASSOCIATION KNOWN ARTHK1 "American Kellef I'liiid," which. diir- -

iiians sens put, has given aid andrelief to. i lame nuiiibei of sick anil indigent eitii us of tho Untied States, is need-ing reorganization and funds Its lateI'tcsident, Alex. .1. (iirtwnght, ssas theprincipal ailiiiiuistialor of its Hinds, andssith the uiiilcijsigucil the only remainingollleer. The (alls fur help in these dajs,from those unable (o piovidc for thein-selve- s,

aie man.s , constant and pressing,and the means 'for giving relkf aio iti'ide-ipiat- e,

and unless tbe aroadd(d to libe-rally will soon be exliaiislid. The LifeJluiiilx'is and Animal Jlembeis of thu"Anuricau i'.elief Pund," and all otherAmericans who aio willing to become mem-bers in oider to piovide for thu leliefofsuch of their as are ormay be in distress and entitled to aid fromtill fund, arc icipicstcd to meet at theloom of the Chamber of Commerce, onSATUUDAV, the 27th lust., at 11 o'clock

. m. The inemhniship of this Associationshould not hc'coulliicd to Honolulu, or the1 island of Oahii, us Iheialln for lulief arenot icstrlctiid to this island,

CIIAS. It. ItlSHOl'.Honolulu, Aug. L'J, IsUJ. Wnv.'t


oTocunoi.niiitri in Tin; WAiiinr.O Kitgai Company will please take no-tice that a Special .Meeting of the Com-pany will be held at the ollice of C. llieweriS. Coiuiiau.s, on FltlDAY, the L'llth hist.,at '' o'clock m.

.1. 0. CAUTIIU,becretarv Wiillieo Sugar Co,

Houohilu, Aug. 18, IWIJ. ouo-l- w


bl'KCIAh JIlIKTINfl Oh Till:A hlocliholders of the Jlouoinu StiuarCompany will be held on tsATl'HDA V,S'eplembLr 'M, at lo o'clock s. m., at theolllie of C. ltruwet ,S Co., (I.'d)...r. LovniviN,

Sti n tars Houoinu Sugar CoHonolulu, Aug. Is, ls!IJ. WJl--'-


Life, Fire and Marine



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--A- "w --A-1 1 .a. srmonstrosities are as diflicult to liud as the man who says theStkij. Ai:i:motor is not the most perfect wind motor evermanufactured. They .'ire superior to all others, just thesame as our

P3I jPtL. R, ID "W .A. IR, IEis pronounced by every one to be just a little better qualitythan you can find in any other establishment. The reasonsare obvious we take nothing' but the best. CJoods likepeople are known by the

co 3vc :f j. nsr rthey keep. Our (Joods are all of Ihe best we never makethe mistake of .sandwiching" the cheap with the good, be-

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w s.104 Ifoi't 3ti3Qt, KCoiaolu.l.x.





IN'TAN'Th' CHIKroN llONN'r.i'S,




JUST RECEIVEDPer Baric JVltoox-t- 1

Hay, Grain, Feed

CROWN FLOURSale Cbcap Quantities Suit.


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Page 4: T- VUtyK JWWjl Vs n &fifl$ WylWIJl · 04 Beretaitla St. Bell Tolo. 280 Ifil Hin HULLirriN IS TIIK LKADINti 1. Dilllv Paiier of the Kiimiloiu. FiftN SSS?, cents per mouth..liill

'lMr Lit 'w Lu,i.t,


Graphic Description by ix Memberof Pailinmont.

London, August . Tho di'tul isdom. Mr. Qlndstouo is onoo more,t'riino AliniMvr potuliiig n fow form-

alities which nobody di'siros to ini-pod-

You a ill hnvo hoard abouttho groat lAoitoimnit attondingThursday night's dobalo and thofinal voto. To my oyos tho wholobusiness had a theatrical and arti-ficial look about it. Ono of ourpapers speaks of tho "fato of themembers tioinbling in the balanco"just bofoio tho division. What nou- -

"Wo, all of us know the resultdays ago, and ocopt for death orillness not a single voto could boa Hoc tod.

Hut an ovation had to begot upfor Gladstone, and his entry aftertho division was well timed for thopuipose. Ho was kept back to thelast. Then a lano was mado for himtlnough tho ciowd and all his partystood up and shouted. Tho Irishmen worked themselves into a gen-

uine fever. Tho old man walked tohis eat caioworn and weary looking,with a faint deprecating gesture, asmuch as to say: " Do not make allthis russ about me: 1 am not woitliyof it." And then his on hurriedhim oil-

- to bed.It was a cum dud hmi. 12oiy

'eat was taken and a lot of member-woi-

obliged to stand. New mem-

bers woio fusing around a- - ifthey were about to decide the fateof the universe. All this was a mat-

ter of ooun-o- . There was lion. Ed-

ward Blake, without his sombrero hat,out with an amazing display of shirtfiont, sitting on tho Irish benches.Mairy of tho new Nationalists woiothere, wild and unfettered in criesand geneial behavior, interruptingMr. Chamberlain with veils andgioans, and later on, when a mem-bo- r

of tho Gooinment was foolishlyput up to speak, almost beside them-

selves with lage.Theio was Kerr Ilaulio with j el-lo- w

trousers, a brown flannel shiitand a traveling cap, a costume whichho never seems to change, even whenhe goes to bed. None of your cleanshiit nonsense for this gentleman.Mr. Blake might lend him one ortwo of his majaia sliitt fronts thenest time ho drives down to theHouse with a brass band in a bankholiday van with his poifrait ex-

hibited.Tho Conservatives wero all as

spru6o as now pins, most of them inevening dross and wearing gorgeousllowors in their coats. There is agentleman with an oichid rivalingChamberlain's anil another ono withthe green carnations which youngdandies now afreet. Balfour has awhite rose, and Gladstone, oppositehim, .sports a red flower. Mai court

what's tho matter with Marcourt?Ho fidgets about all thiough thonight as though on a gridiron.First ho comes in and has a long,animated talk with Gladstone, andt lion rushes out. Ton minutes lateranother talk, and ho is off again; butho conies back, and seems as uneasyas a man waiting to have a toothout.

Indeed, on tho front of tho Glad-stonia-

there are no signs of joyand victory. Morloy is grave, ovendowncast. What, with tho Welshparty, with their ultimatum, and thoLayor party with theirs, and the twoIrish sections with theirs and Mr.Gladstone yielding to the weight ofeighty-thre- e 3 oars, what sort of aGovernment is possible? Would i(

bo rash enough to insuio its life over189.'1? The rumor is that llarcourtdocs not want to take ollico at all.Under tho present circumstancesMorloy must bo still less inelineYl.

Gladstone alone smiles when thoiiguios are road out which proclaimhim tho successor of Loul Salisbury,A more funereal paity utturued fromwhat is called victory I noer cameacross.

Why in tho world Balfour should,at tho last hour, put up our horseyfiioud Chaplin to speak no membercan guess. Tho House was tired ofdebate and a winding-u- p speech wasnot lequiicd. Poor Chaplin wentfloundering into a bog of oldspeeches, extracts f10111 blue books,and lakings and scrapings of thopolitical dust heap. New niemberswho had novor scon him boforo pur-sued him with jeom, jilie.s and mock-ing laughter. His portly figure,stumbling, thumping stylo of ora-torj'n-

dieary excursions beginning"What did Mr. Gladstone do in 1885?sont them into fits of mirth.

In tho midst of it all Dr. Tannerwalked down tho floor of tho Housewith a huge glass of water in hishand and coolly deposited it infront of .Mr. Chaplin, tho most im-

pudent thing 1 haoovor seen donein the House of Commons. TheSpeaker could not interfoio. Thetowas no broach of order, and jet it

was tho most insulting act that wasever perpetrated. Tho Gladstoniansclawed Tanner till they wore hoarse,diid (ho Conservatives could onlylook glum, for Chaplin's speech voxedtheir souls, also, and as midnight ap-

proached and ho was still at it openrevolt nearly In olio out, Never did

a great Ministry die uttering so weaka last word as that.

I lion bells, bells, a rush into thedivision lobby, tho checking of! ofour names by clerks and tho returnto the Mouse, a gieat reception toMr. Gladstone, ditto to Mr. Balfour,Kadical yells on ono side, deep- -

lunged Tory cheois on tho other, acrush outside for cabs and carriages,parting cheers for Balfour as hewalks homeward, and nil is over.

Thus ends a Ministry which lastedsk years, and thus begins anotherwhich is committed to a policy thatits own chief has never woiked out.We tui 11 over a new page in Englishpolitical history. Already the hand

r fato begins to make faint marksupon it.

A MKMimn op 1hmmi:nt.


England's Claim to a Coaling Station Admitted in Washington.

Washington, Aug. 6. There is

nothing more said at the StateDepartment regarding thosoi.uroofJohnston Islands, as it seems to botho impression that the UnitedSlates lost her lights by abandon-ment. The State Department olli-cia- ls

talk some, about Hie icportedseizure of I 'ago I'ago harbor. TI103say that tho novvhp.ipeis are alvvajstrving to stir up a contention be-

tween the United Slates and Eng-land, uul that in this case iheio willbe no tumble. Tor Great Britain hasnot seized I'ago I'.igo haibor, but isinoioly piepaiing to estahii-'- h acoaling depot theie, to which thopiivilege was granted her by Samoain 1SS0.

According to some of tliee off-icials we have no exclusive piivilegein Pago Pago haibor. Article secondof the tieaty between tho UnitedStates and tho Samoaii Government,adopted .January i. isi.s, s.ns:''Naval vessels of the United Statesshall have tho privilege of enteringand using part of Pago Pago andestablishing therein and on thoshores thereof a station for coal andother naval supplies for their navaland commercial marine, and thoSamoan Government will hereafterneither oeiciso nor authorize anyjurisdiction within tho said part ad-ver-

to such rights of tho UnitedStates or lostrictivo thereof."

Section seven of tho tieaty be-

tween Gieat Britain and Samoa,adopted August U7, 1880, says: "HerMajesty, tho Queen of Gieat Britain,11133 if she think fit, establish on thoshores of a Samoan harbor to bohereafter designated by Her Majesty,a naval station and coaling depot,but this articlo shall not apply totho harbors of Apia or Saluafata, orto that part of tho harbor of I'agoPago which ma' bo hereafter select-ed bj' tho Government of the UnitedStates as a station under provisionsof tho treaty of 1878."

Under tho interpretation put uponthose sections by some of tho StateDepartment officials both the UnitedStates and Groat Britain have thoright to establish coaling stations inPago Pago harbor, tho United Stateshaving tho first chance. Tho UnitedStates has already selected its siteand unless England encroaches uponthe actual territory selected by ourcountry there will bo no trouble, s.13'tho State Department officials. Ourrights to that harbor woro thoughtto bo exclusive Ivy some Congiess- -

111011 in 18SS), whon an appropriationwas made, viz.: "For tho survoj', im-

provement and occupation of PagoPago, $100,000." Senator Sherman,in his speech at that time, declaredthat "(ho first thing to bo done is toassort our power and occupancy ofPago Pago bay and so much of thoshoies of the Island of Tutuila as isnecessary for a coaling station."

Some Congressmen, expressed thobelief that tho United States can,under tho treat' of 1878, acquiiotitle to tho whole shore lino of PagoPago. Wo have already purchasedfrom tho Government an island andhalf a mile of tho opposite shore,and this is a small part of what Ad-

miral Kimhorly recommended shouldbo bought.

Saved a Woman's Ijifo.

M"r. J. E. Thorongligood, writingfrom Georgetown, Dolawaro, says:"Two toaspoonfuls of Ohamborlain'sColic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Hon-ied' haved tho lifo of Mrs. JanoThomas, of Huh plaeo." Ho alsohlatt'n that bovoral other vory badeaws of bowol complaint thoro hnvoboon cured by this roinody, Forsalo by all doalurs. Bonson, Smith& Co,, Agonts.

Old Rags Wanted.Oloan vvhilo rags,Biiilablo forband-ago- s,

aio wanted for nso at tho BishopHomo and tho Boys' Homo, LoporSettlement, Molokai. King tip 281Mnttial telephone, and thoy will bo.sunt for; or loavo tho same at thoollico of tho Board of Health, or atJ. T. Watorhoiibo's, Queen street.

rpjiu wi:i:iciy nui.iii:TiN-L- M coi.- -J. iiinii.sof IntcroHtiiiK Heading Mutter.Islandi, $1; mulled to foreign countries, $5.



YOUXO MAN ULHIltlCS A J'OBI-llo- nA as Couehiuaii in a prlvutufamily, Address "K," this ollice.



fmi?w w1-- k ji"H iBBBBBBBBIBwwmmmAw

SERBrewing Association.

IiO"u.is, IMIo.


Manufactured from Pure Malt Grade

flfXii ('urn or Corn Preparation used in place of Mnlt, a Is done ly othercost of their Ilccr, and to compete witli our

irfiTsvTunicil art Icle. SP. 'H Z 2

With the Compietion of the Wew Brewhouse,the is the

of any in the World.Brewing Capacity: C keltic, every 24 hours, G.000 Barrels, or 1,800,000

Barrels per year.Consumption of IvLot.rial: Malt, 12,000 bushels per day 3,600,000

bushels per year. IIopi : 7,"00 lbs. per day 2,250,000 lbs. per year.No Corn or Corn Preparations are used in the manufacture

of the Dr.nR. It is. therefore, the highest priced but thelost wholesome and really the leas'; expensive for its superior quality.

CAivn rv ; 100,000,000 Bottles and 5,000,000 Kegs, o

Tlic Aniii.iisi Co. have cuiii'd oil' tins Iliglii'sl Honors and Hip HilicstClass Gold Medals vvhcicvcr lliuy Imvo compctt'd. At all of 11m lnlc111ation.1l l'.liil)i-tion- s

tliroii(;lioiit tlie vvoild tlii'ii lici-- r llxctdU'd All t)tlioisl

This Cuiii).uiy lmvc iici.iied n Spirinl lSi.ind of llieir H ilif-- t Ciade 1'ci'i Xi tlioHawaiian Islands, known as "SI'IX'IAI. llltllW," willi a liand-om- o l.ilx-- and in Wliitoltultles, which, vvilli Hii'irlK-s- t "KXl'OliT AMUHIKHI!" in D.ul. lioltlcs, hciclofoioiiiiiortcd, wc will now supply to thoTr.ido in (Jicintltics to Suit.

G-- . "W. MACFARLAWE & CO.,Aiints for llio Hawaiian Inlands.





Hartford Firo Insurance Co.,


London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,Assets, 84,317,052.

Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, 86,124,057.

Now York Life Ins. Co.,Assets, 8125,947,290.81.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.HONOLULU.

The Best Lunch in Town.

Tea. and OoffeeAT ALL HOURS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON' HANI).

H. J. Prop,Island Shells and Curios I

WHOIiKSALlIANDJtrI'AIL.CltKAl'Khluis' Dry (loods Ktore and Finnic (icit.'KShoostom. asatf T. TAXNArr.



and Highest Hops!

Brewing Capacity LargestSrewery

ANiiFUsr.u-r.usc- u





6. IRWIN k CO.


Lime : and : Gemeiit,


Compounds and Roofing,


Felt Steam Pipe Covering,am. m.i:s.

Fertilisers :

Wool Dust, Bone Meal, Fish Guano.


High Grade Chemical Cane Manuro.

Grass Seeds :

Cocksfoot, Rye GrS3 and Clovers.

Refined Sugars.KAIltllWIv CANNINd CO.'S

Corned Beef;In mid 'J Hi Tin.



81 KING ST. MWholesale and Retail Butchers

AXl)- -


G. J. "Waller, Manager.

' " W ' ' r spP " '5fW VSTCSW , , V StW"' '.I

V- -



7 CAUTION tin? 1'illdle nmilli-- t tho ollcr-- L

ini'M of "Normal Sanitary .lingerI'ndcnw'ar" advcrti'cd liyhouses to mislead the public. The

Genuine Normal Sainry


UNDERWEARJ!W" Cannot ho imicluised there, hut

onlv at my Store.


1'or the Hawaiian Islands of I)i. med. CI.

Jailer's .saniiaiv rndi'ivvcnr.




. o 3


PinsIX '1 IIH

Pierced WorkNow so Popular


coXhiii:i! i:x(:i:i)ixui.Y lowroit such limn citADi: coodp.


t. : si vi ill'. V. V. IIOIATKI!.

Aloha Gallery,l'oit st.. over U. (loit.'s hi 100 Stoic.



&11H1 :is Xativui MnUiii); I'ui (ii.i'-- HoiihmIliiwaiiiin Sljlo Killing Ihiliihnl.iD.iiiot'is C'oi'o.inut (Jmim'n l'.ilm

and D.itf (iiuvi". Stii'it View1and lliiilillnj;'. WnrVr-'M.'l'- i

Shiiiiii; and ilaiiiu'Views, Kti1., Ktr.

AImi 11 Lingo Oolk'i'tion of all I'loinincntand Inli'ifsting Views of tho HawaiianIslands, idtiu'r .Mointcd or Llniiionnti'd.

Books of Hawaiian ViewsMade Ui to Oului at tho most Iti'.i'-onalil-

I'ati's in Jlnuoliilii.

Cabineis SG and S5 a Dozen.natl l'. O. l!o i')-- , -- - tf

Win. G. Irwin & Co.(LiMrrr.D)

Win. fi. Irw in, - I'icsideiit and Maniigci(.'Inns Sieclels, - - - - nt

W. M. (iillmil, - Sicrotaiy and Trc.isiiiciThen. ('. J'ortLr Auditor

STjigar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.


Oceanic Steamship Company,OK SAX FlIAXOIbCO, C'AL.


General Mercantile

Commission Agents.1. t). Carter l'lesideul and Manager(1. II. ltoheiuou. . TreasiueiJ). K. IUnIioii. KecietaiyW. '. Allen AudlloiHon. C. It. IllshopS. C. Allen ..:: eel 01 sII. Wateihoiite.,



WOOD and COAL.-- A1.80-

White and Black SandWhich wo will M'll nt the Von- - Lowest

.Maiktt Jtiiu-- for Cash.'

Bell 414 TELEPHONE - - Mutual 19

For MoulttiiiijH, l'tamr, I'utiteU, A

J'holojjriu'unn, HWUinijn, midrverylhiwj in Ike liur of J'iclurcx, y (0

Kiny Jtrai.t Hold street.


Steel & Iron Ranges5jaESS35c3aS!SSSEES5aSSca


Agate Ware in Large Variety,WHITE, GHAY and SILVUH-PLATK-

LA i i PS & CHANDE LlEJiS,Crockery, RtilDlosr Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes.



Mfl"J n 0KiBC' sTi.-air-so

FORsr n r

Eon tab e iiiie AssuraOF TFrE ITXTTET) STATES.

BRUCE & A. J. OAJRTWRIGHT,Gonoitil Auunls for Hawaiian l.slands.

CHAS. HUSTACE,mrouTKit and di:ali:r


Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Butterg&-- ALWAYS ON HAND &$

New Goods Received by Every Steamer from San Francisco.

gSf All Oidors faithfully atlcndod to.solicited and packed villi cine.

LINCOLK BLOCK, King Street -


n r



ne g4?aauv

072312d i

oce oc eiY

Satisfaction Kiiai.intecd. Inland Older

- Bet. Fort and Alakea Streets.

P. O. BOX 372.


etc. riiiisiitction giiiiriinteeu.

WEST CORNER NUUANU & KING STREETS.P. 0. Box 480. Mutual Telephone 90.

IF YOU WAXT TO BAVH TI.Mi: AX1) JIOXKV IiUY YOUIl KUHXI- -Ti'itr. a'p tiii: ixl. couxi:it xultamt a kixj STitKirrs.

I'OUNI) The jilaee to liny Xow CKfHSB 63gH and Second-han- d Km nituro of nilkinds at Lonct I'licus: Tho' 1XL, rtT jfy coiner Xuiianii and King streets.

liediomii Sots, Waidrolies, Ico Ky I!oes, Stoves, CliaiiH, llnnglngI.ainiis, lliigiJiueaUhjChulIoiilers, oSK itt', ''' t'henii for Cash at theI X L, comer Xuimnu and King Jy& streets.

bteaiuer and Veranda Chillis, rW JjPi BoTas, Hed Lounges, llahy Orilis,Clothes 11 isl.ets, Sewing Machines. Ksasn BSKaSa Whatnots, Meat tjafes,Triiiiks,etc.,.soul 111 tun Lowest l asii. I'nces at tlio 1 --v l. :ow and I'lir-nitu- ie

House, coinei Xuiianii and King utieets.


LEWIS & GO-- ,ti:m:i'hoxk 2ioi m PORT STREET. i 0. uox liu

- iMi'oimiits, wnoLr.s.VLi: and iu:taii, healths in

Groceries and Provisions.OX Ki: lly each steanier of tlio O. 8. H. Co. from California Vresh California Jtoll

llutter, Kiouu 0teis and 1'iesh California Fiults, Kluli, Oaiiio, Vegetahlos, otc.

A complete lino of Cioio it Jllackwull'ti and .1. T. Morton's Canned and llottled Goodsalways 011 hand.

.lusl iccclvcd n I'le-d- i Line of Clciiiian l'atcs and Totted Mwits and Bottled I'rosoivcdj Fiults, Lewis A I'o.'h .Multeso lliand Kiigar Cured Hums mid llaiou, New Hreakfat-- t

Ceieals, Cream Oat Flakes and Cicaiii Wheat Flakes, KIcll) Luinons, California Hiver- -Hlim uninges, uregon iiiiiimniv j'oiiuoos,

'MILl'H'lIONi: !).. 1 0. IlOX 1 in.


Groceries, Provisions a.nc3. FetBci.New (loods lleioived hy Hveiy 1'acket fioni tho Hiislern blatesaud lauojiu.


All Ordeis faithfully attended to and (looiN dellveied to any i:ut of the City flee.

Inland Oideis sollcilcd. Satisfaction giiaiauteed.23a.st Corner IToi't 8s KLinss Streets.

(ni.w nu.t.riiN ni.itii;, mciiciiamt htiiuirrj

KEAL ESTA.TE BROKERFire Insurance Placed. Collections Attended To.


