teadusliku uurimistöö alused uurimismeetodid v test 2013 sügissemester

Teadusliku uurimistöö alused Uurimismeetodid V Test 2013 sügissemester

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Teadusliku uurimistöö alused

Uurimismeetodid V


2013 sügissemester

Page 2: Teadusliku uurimistöö alused Uurimismeetodid V Test 2013 sügissemester


• Isiksuseomaduste ja individuaalsete erinevuste uurimine. Psühhomeetria

• Test: küsimuste/ülesannete kogu, mille põhjal saab teha järeldusi inimese eripära kohta (võrdluses suurema rühmaga)

• Testi eripärad: individuaalne hindamine, standardiseeritus, valmis instrument

• Isiksusetestid, intelligentsitestid, projektiivsed testid

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• Ajalugu: temperamendi mõõtmine: sangviinik, koleerik, melanhoolik, flegmaatik


• Suur viisik: tänane teadmiste tase

• Viis dimensiooni, mis eristavad inimesi: avatus, vastutustundlikkus, ekstravertsus, kooskõlalisus, neurootilisus

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Lavater: flegmaatik, koleerik, sangviinik, melanhoolik

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MMPI 2 trait scales

• The ten trait scales on the MMPI-2 are:• Scale 1 — Hypochondriasis

– Neurotic concern over bodily functioning. • Scale 2 — Depression

– Poor morale, lack of hope in the future, and a general dissatisfaction with one's own life situation. High scores are clinical depression whilst lower scores are more general unhappiness with life.

• Scale 3 — Hysteria – Hysterical reaction to stressful situations. Often have 'normal' facade and then go to pieces when faced with

a 'trigger' level of stress. People who tend to score higher include brighter, better educated and from higher social classes. Women score higher too.

• Scale 4 — Psychopathic Deviation – Measures social deviation, lack of acceptance of authority, amorality. Adolescents tend to score higher.

• Scale 5 — Masculinity-Femininity – This scale was originally developed to identify homosexuals, but did not do so accurately. Instead, it is used

to measure how strongly an individual identifies with the traditional (pre-1960's) masculine or feminine role. Men tend to get higher scores. It is also related to intelligence, education, and socioeconomic status.

• Scale 6 — Paranoia – Paranoid symptoms such as ideas of reference, feelings of persecution, grandiose self-concepts,

suspiciousness, excessive sensitivity, and rigid opinions and attitudes. • Scale 7 — Psychasthenia

– Originally characterized by excessive doubts, compulsions, obsessions, and unreasonable fears, it now indicates conditions such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). It also shows abnormal fears, self-criticism, difficulties in concentration, and guilt feelings.

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MMPI 2• Scale 8 — Schizophrenia

– Assesses a wide variety of content areas, including bizarre thought processes and peculiar perceptions, social alienation, poor familial relationships, difficulties in concentration and impulse control, lack of deep interests, disturbing questions of self-worth and self-identity, and sexual difficulties.

• Scale 9 — Hypomania – Tests for elevated mood, accelerated speech and motor activity, irritability, flight of ideas, and brief periods of depression.

• Scale 0 — Social Introversion – Tests for a person's tendency to withdraw from social contacts and responsibilities.

• The authors also developed four Validity Scales to detect "deviant test-taking attitudes" and gauge the accuracy of the other scales.

• The "Cannot Say" scale – This is the simple frequency of the number of items omitted or marked both true and false. Large numbers of missing items call the

scores on all other scales into question. • The L scale

– Originally called the "Lie" scale, this was an attempt to assess naive or unsophisticated attempts by people to present themselves in an overly favorable light. These items were rationally derived rather than criterion keyed.

• The F scale – This is a deviant, or rare response scale. The approach was to look at items which are rarely endorsed by normal people. If less

than 10 percent of the normals endorse the item, but you do, your F count goes up. "All laws should be eliminated." • The K scale

– This scale was an attempt to assess more subtle distortion of response, particularly clinically defensive response. The K scale was constructed by comparing the responses of a groups of people who were known to be clinically deviant but who produced normal MMPI profiles with a group of normal people who produced normal MMPI profiles (no evidence of psychopathology in both). The K scale was subsequently used to alter scores on other MMPI scales. It was reasoned that high K people give scores on other scales which are too low. K is used to adjust the scores on other scales. K-corrected and uncorrected scores are available when the test results are interpreted.

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Suur viisik• Avatus/Openness to Experience - appreciation for art, emotion, adventure

, unusual ideas, imagination, and curiosity.

• Vastutustundlikkus/Conscientiousness - a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievement; planned rather than spontaneous behaviour.

• Ekstravertsus/Extraversion - energy, positive emotions, surgency, and the tendency to seek stimulation and the company of others.

• Kooskõlalisus/Agreeableness - a tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards others.

• Neurootilisus/Neuroticism - a tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, such as anger, anxiety, depression, or vulnerability; sometimes called emotional instability.

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Extraversion items

• I am the life of the party. • I don't mind being the center of attention. • I feel comfortable around people. • I start conversations. • I talk to a lot of different people at parties. • I am quiet around strangers. (reversed) • I don't like to draw attention to myself. (reversed) • I don't talk a lot. (reversed) • I have little to say. (reversed) • I keep in the background. (reversed)

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Agreeableness items

• I am interested in people. • I feel others’ emotions. • I have a soft heart. • I make people feel at ease. • I sympathize with others’ feelings. • I take time out for others. • I am not interested in other people’s problems.

(reversed) • I am not really interested in others. (reversed) • I feel little concern for others. (reversed) • I insult people. (reversed

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Conscientiousness items

• I am always prepared. • I am exacting in my work. • I follow a schedule. • I get chores done right away. • I like order. • I pay attention to details. • I leave my belongings around. (reversed) • I make a mess of things. (reversed) • I often forget to put things back in their proper place.

(reversed) • I shirk my duties. (reversed)

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Neuroticism items

• I am easily disturbed. • I change my mood a lot. • I get irritated easily. • I get stressed out easily. • I get upset easily. • I have frequent mood swings. • I often feel blue. • I worry about things. • I am relaxed most of the time. (reversed) • I seldom feel blue. (reversed)

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Openness items

• I am full of ideas. • I am quick to understand things. • I have a rich vocabulary. • I have a vivid imagination. • I have excellent ideas. • I spend time reflecting on things. • I use difficult words. • I am not interested in abstract ideas. (reversed) • I do not have a good imagination. (reversed) • I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas. (reversed)

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• Alfred Binet (1900dad)

• John Raven (1930dad)

• Raymond Cattell (1940/50dad)

• Hans Jürgen Eysenck (1960-70dad)

• Intelligentsustestide kasutusalad

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Projektiivsed testid

• Hermann Rorschach (20 saj algus) – värviplekitest

• Henry Murray (1930dad) – TAT

• Projektiivsete testide interpreteerimine ja kasutusalad

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Hermann Rorschach


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• Skaala – konstrukti x mõõtev küsimuste komplekt

• Näited: – Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS)– Intimacy Scale (IS) – Fear of Intimacy Scale (FIS)– Beck Depression Inventory– Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations

• Lai levik, võimaldavad võrdlusandmeid

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• Testi eripärad: standard, luba ja ettevalmistus, manuaal, läbiviimise oskus

• A.Binet, H.Rorschach, J.Raven, R.Cattell, H.J.Eysenck

• Täpsem info:


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Näide: testide loend• Pages in category "Psychological tests"• There are 70 pages in this section of this category. • Psychological testing• A• Abika test • Autism Spectrum Quotient• B• Barnes Akathisia Scale • Bartle Test • Baum test • Beck Depression Inventory • Beck Hopelessness Scale • Bender-Gestalt Test• C• California Psychological Inventory • Cattell Culture Fair III • Conflict management style • Conflict style inventory • Continuous Performance Task• D• DISC assessment • Draw-A-Person Test• E• Edwards Personal Preference Schedule • Enneagram• G• Geriatric Depression Scale• H• Hamilton Depression Rating Scale • Harcourt Assessment • Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument • Holland Codes• H cont.• Holtzman Inkblot Test•

• Lexical decision task • Lüscher color test• M• Major Depression Inventory • Mini-mental state examination • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory • Morey PAI • Morrisby Profile • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator• N• Neuropsychological test• O• Oxford Capacity Analysis• P• Parent-Child Interaction Assessment-II (PCIA-II) • Personality Plus • Personality quiz • Personality test • Picture Arrangement Test • Porteus Maze Test• P cont.• Projective test • Talk:Beck Depression Inventory• R• Raven's Progressive Matrices • Revised NEO Personality Inventory • Rorschach inkblot test• S• SWAP-200 • Sally-Anne test • Self-report inventory • Stanford-Binet IQ test • Stanine •