tense and aspect 2 grammar and vocabulary Ⅰ may 24, 2011

Tense and Aspect 2 Grammar and Vocabulary May 24, 2011

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Page 1: Tense and Aspect 2 Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅰ May 24, 2011

Tense and Aspect  2

Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅰ

May 24, 2011

Page 2: Tense and Aspect 2 Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅰ May 24, 2011

Let’s begin with BBC news

Do you like sausages? Do you like meat? What kind of meat do you like? Which do you like better, red

meat or white meat?         red meat…赤(身)肉(牛肉や羊肉など)     white meat…白(身)肉(鶏肉、魚、豚肉など)

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American researchers have found that small quantities of processed meat like bacon and ham can increase the chances of developing heart disease but they found no such risk from eating red meat, like steaks.

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News script The team from Harvard University looked at 20 studies

involving more than a million people from around the world. They found that eating the equivalent of one sausage a day appeared to increase the likelihood of heart disease, the leading cause of death in the UK, by over 40%. The regular eating of processed meat also raised the risk of diabetes(糖尿病) by nearly 20%.

But those who enjoy red meat can draw some comfort from the report. The researchers did not find any heightened risk of heart disease or diabetes from eating unprocessed red meat, like beef, lamb or pork - even in larger quantities.

Writing in the journal Circulation, they suggest it may be the salt and preservatives used in processed meat that are behind the increased risk of disease, rather than the fat or cholesterol content which so often gets the blame.

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Tense and Aspect

Tense(時制)Present TensePast TenseFuture Tense

Aspect(相)PerfectiveContinuous / progressive

Page 6: Tense and Aspect 2 Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅰ May 24, 2011

Tense and Aspect

Tense (3)


Perfective (2: Yes / No)


Progressive (2: Yes / No)

= 12 patterns

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Exercise 2

(1) I ( ) up at seven every morning. ⇒ get(2) Hiromi ( ) to bed at eleven every

night. ⇒ goes(3) You ( ) from the university three

years ago. ⇒ graduated

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(4) Tom ( ) an essay next week. ⇒ will write(5) The New York Yankees ( ) the

game last night. ⇒ won(6) She was ( ) her dinner at that

time. ⇒ having

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(7) I was ( ) Chinese when you called me last night.

⇒ studying

(8) My children were ( ) in the garden.

⇒ playing

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Exercise 3

(1) I take my dog for a walk twice a day. 〔 twice a dayを nowにして進行形に〕

⇒ I am taking my dog for a walk now.(2) I ate a sandwich yesterday. 〔 yesterdayを at that timeにして進行形に〕

⇒ I was eating a sandwich at that time.

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(3) Sue has two children. 〔未来の表現に〕

⇒ Sue will have two children.

(4) John visits the National Gallery in London. 〔過去形に〕

⇒ John visited the National Gallery in London.

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(5) We discussed that matter in class. 〔進行形に〕

⇒ We were discussing that matter in class.

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Exercise 4

(1) ( ) We finished writing the report

three days ago. ( ) We have finished writing the

report three days ago.(2) ( ) When did you catch a cold? ( ) When have you caught a cold?

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( ) Did Russia succeed in launching a rocket in 1960?

( ) Has Russia succeeded in launching a rocket in 1960?

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Conversation Practice 2

Do You Realize What You Just Did? Pay attention to tense and aspect

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Model dialogue:

A: Do you realize what you just did?B: No. What did I do?A: You just ate both our salad.B: I did?A: Yes. You did.B: I’m really sorry. I must have been very

hungry. If I hadn’t been very hungry, I NEVER would have eaten both our salads!

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A: Do you realize what you just did?B: No. What did I do?A: You just drove past my house.B: I did?A: Yes. You did.B: I’m really sorry. I must have forgot your

address. If I hadn’t forgot your address, I NEVER would have driven past your house!

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A: Do you realize what you just did?B: No. What did I do?A: You just stepped on my feet.B: I did?A: Yes. You did.B: I’m really sorry. I must have lost my

balance. If I hadn’t lost my balance, I NEVER would have stepped on your feet!

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A: Do you realize what you just did?B: No. What did I do?A: You just went through a red light.B: I did?A: Yes. You did.B: I’m really sorry. I must have been

daydreaming (空想にふけてぼーっとしている) . If I hadn’t been daydreaming, I NEVER would have gone through a red light!

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Vocabulary (Chapter 5)

Vocabulary_09 Vocabulary_10

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Get Well Soon

Across 3. physician 7. fever 8. tablets 9. temperature10. break11. pills12. patient13. ward

Down 1. spots 2. heal 3. prescription 4. sore 5. cure 6. aspirin 9. theatre

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Get Well Soon

Across3. 医師7. 熱8. 錠剤9. 熱10. 折れる11. 錠剤、丸薬12. 病人、患者13. 病棟

Down1. 吹き出物、ニキビ2. 癒える、治る3. 処方箋4. 痛い、(のどが)荒れた

5. 治療(法)、療養6. アスピリン9. 手術室( BrE)

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重要! 2011年 6月 7日GVⅠの中間試験を行います範囲については後日詳しく連絡します

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Take care of yourself!