the free citizen.(orangeburg, s.c.)...

THE FREE CITIZEN. PUBLI8UEU SATURDAY, NOV..13, 1875. City ÏMi-eotoa-y. * cnX'OFKiCERS.. MÍYÜE, - - George Bolivcr. CLERK, - , TREASURER, - - ALi>KRMKN-James. F-. Tzlar, John M. « Thompson, J. W. Cannon, J. W. Moseley. POSTMASTER, - - - A. webster. CHURCHES. METHODIST EFISCOPALCHURCH-Rev Thomas Phillips, pastor. Services, mor li¬ ing, afternoon and evening. BAPTIST:-lïèv. Mr.¿Norris, pastor. Services, first Sunday evening, and the« second and fourth Sundays, morning, and evening. METHODIST (south).-Rev. Mr. Cam¬ pbell, pastor. Services morning and evening. Sunday-school, 9 A. M. PRESBYTERIAN.-Kev. Mr. "B rown evangelist. Services, morning and after¬ noon. Sunday-school, 9 1-2 A. M. EPISCOPAL.-First and third Sundays. Vloridug and afternoon. LUTHERAN CHURCH.-Rev. Mr. Hough, pastor. Services, morning 10 1-2, even lug at 7 o'clock. The passenger trains on thc S. C. R. H., on and after Monday next, will pasB through Orangeburg as follows : Day from Columbia, 31.30 a. m. Day, from Charleston, 2.00 p. m. Night, from Columbia, 11.53 p. m. " from Charleston, 2.20 a. m. TOWN CRIER. OFFICE HOURS AT ORANGEDURG DEPOT. From 8 o'clock A. M. to 2 P. M. From ; S o'clock P.'M. to §¿P. M. Goods received and delivered only v in office hours. . -The Governor has declined to pardon Jeffrey Horse}'. -The work on thc new coiut liouae is progressing finely, -.{We un¬ derstand thc-corner stono will'be laid "with Masonic ceremony on thanks¬ giving day, the 25th inst. -The annual meeting of the Grand ¿.-D.ivision of the Son3 of Temperance ?wilt be held in Charleston on Wed¬ nesday next, 17th inst., at 10 o'clock / a. m.,-iil> Hibernian Hall. -. -The much talked of, and long- needed fire cistern is now being con¬ structed on Bussel street. Our new mayor-haa tiut to continue as he hus ^egun, and all the 'citizen» will eoni- mond his course. if- We lcarp that John Duncan, of Fort Motte, was married on last ;. Thursday to Miss Rosa Moultry. v May their joys bo manjr, and all their troubles be little ones. *%f ' £¿& cs -we wouid call attentian to Mr. Schiflley's advertisement in this issue. He is supplying a demand long felt in this community Iljis pictures rep¬ resent'as good work as can be done in the city. We are requested «tate that.he will be absent during next. week in .attendance upon the .annual meeting of the Sons of Tem* perance. <* -The postmaster calls attention to the following from the postal laws| .and regulations : SEC. 198. Each post-office box or drawer^ in all post-oifiçes, JjjB restrict- <ed to the use of ono family, firm.or company, rffld the relit therefor muot .be paid at least one cmarter in ad- ?vance. ' SEO. 201. A person renting a post- office box is entitled to have the let¬ ters of his family, Urra or company put into it. Letters addressed to his friends stopping temporarily with him may also be placed in the box is di¬ rected to bis care or to thu number of tho box. But letters addressed to other persons* residing in tho same place, and living and doing business separate and apart from a box-holder should not bo placed in the box. Publisher's Notices. -Rev. Mr. Blakely is un authorized «gent for this paper. ^ - -A. W^pinckncy, of Branchville, ls an nuti,orl-/\d agent for this paper. -_J* SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. School Commissioner Phillips has his olllcc days on Thursdays, and Fridays of each week. His examinations arc on ¿ho first Monday of oach month ; jan. 80-tf ' List of Premiums Awarded. DEPARTMENT UB." Samples crops, by producers only : Name Article Premium. T Ë Dukes, Best Conj, $2 F N G mading, kk wilbur. 2 L U Beckwith, " ^ Tapphumoek, 2 W S Burton, " Rieft 2 J T Salley, " Peas 2 J J Salley, Jr. « Redouts, 2 G B Riley. Rye, 2 W F Burton, Burley, 2 J O A Connor, " Finders, 2 D II Rush, Churas, . 2 D II Hush, Sweet, potatoes 2 W S Burton, Irish potatoes .2 A. M Salley. Turnips, 2 fiJno Cntnpseu &»Ço, Flour, Diploma P B Livingston, Corn, meal, 2 " kl Grist, 2 F n Gramling * Syrup. 2 S F Burton, Sorghum, 2 iv A Mackay, Tobacco 2 II L Smonk. Wool. 2 \V F Barton Bale peaviue hay. 2 . " " . Hay, 2 J J Salley, .liv, , i Conj .forage, 3 \V F->BartoiT.",». "'""Bald CoVro'iV, ° tr W S Burton, 2d best Bu I «'cotton, 3 O B Riley. Sd best #ule option. 2 D W Snell, best s'plc Cotton stalks, 1 AD Duntzlcr. Sample Sugar Cuno. highly commendable, * S M Fairey. Sample Sugar Cane, commendable. DEPARTMENT »K3." Horses and Muîcs. J W Moseley, Best pair double. harness mares, imported. S10 E Hughes, Best single har¬ ness mare Co. raised, 3 C W Culler, Best single har¬ ness horse imported. 3 J T Salley, Best combina¬ tion horses, 3 E Hughes; best saddle horse, county raised, 3 j G Kcitt, best saddle maro. 3 J A «Tones, best saddle pony, imp'd 3 E B Rush. 2d best saddle pony, 2 C W Culler, best 3 yr old colt, 3 W J Snider, best 2 yr old colt. 2 Jj R Giiillith. best IS m'ths old colt, 3 W J Snider, best colt under 1 year, 3 EE Bruce, 1 pr mule colts 7 m'ths, 3 A M Salley, 1 pr imported muleâ, 5 Jas Stokes, best draught mules, 3 Master J \V un nain a ker. Farm- pony, imported, 3 DEPARTMENT k;D."-Cattle, sheep and Hogs. C W Culler, Best bear. 3 II Riggs, best Devonshire Bull, W F Barton1, best Ayei shire cow and calf, 3 \V J Snider best Bruiumuh bull, 5 T Cf Andrews, pr. Berkshire pi^r«. 2 J N Fogle, 2d best. ll nunmah bull, 3 I) lt Barton, best pen Hogs, 2 L K 'Beckwith. 2d best ewes, 2 J ii Moorer, best ewes, 3 .' be t buck. 3 ,l best lumh, _ 3. J W Danlzler. 2d best buck, 2 i' S Felder, best Yoke oxen, 5 J <J Keitt. 2 yr old heißer, 3 D NV Snell, two best gills, Chester und Essex. 2 Jude Robinson, 2d best ewes. 2 W C Whetstone, best pen sheep, 3 Jno II Dukes, 3d best cow and calf, 2 J P Mays, 2d best boar, 2 " " 2d best pen hogs, 2 P F Gramling, best woodland sow. 3 11 " ld best pigs. 2 A M Salley, best. Berkshire pigs, 3 Peter Barton, 2d best sow, 1 DEPARTMKNT "E. "-Household Co. C W Culler, best bacon, $"i J L poorer, 2d" best bacon. 3 Mrs. J S Bowman, best plate butter. 2 '\ D Louis, best, hird, 2 7 "'JD Strowuiun. best soap. 3 " Jas Stokes, box soap, hl» Illy ' commendable. " J G Holman, best loaf bretni, 2 ... "EE Riley, best t usks, -¿ " ' M D Briggmaii, bpst biscuits, 2 " E II Moorer, best yeast, cukes, 2 .>\ S J Dukes, iced cake, plain. 2 u A W Thariu, best fruit cake, ?> " " " iced corn cake, 2 " A Holuiau, best sponge cake, 2 " S ll Barton, best plain crackers. 3 u . L II Norris, best fancy iced euko. » " E ll Moorer. box potato- highly commendable, li M Jj Baldwin, 1 cake, highly commendable. " Rosa Baldwin, wax work, highly commendable, 41 James Stokes, largest collection lu this department, 10 i1 E R Moorer, 2d largest, ii T W Albcrgottl, best pastry, f> J E Bozard, two best baum, *^} D EPA RTM ENT F. Sweet Meats. M L Baldwin, best sample honoy, $2. Mrs. Jas. Stokes, best scuppernong wine, 3. Misa I len n ie Moorer, 2d best catsup, 2. Mis. J lt Fowles, " " " 3. "JG Culler, can peaches, highly commendable. " J Izlar, erystali/.ed figs, " Adam Srnook, 2d best scappornong wine, 2. Mrs. S H Hailey, 2d host dried fruit, 2 Hriggmann «fc I io i nicker, largest and best assortment ot'cigars, diploma Mrs. It li Zimmerman, bast water inelonprcserves 2. « " 2d " brandy peaches,, 1. " fig prc- : ». ay * serves, 1. " M Albergotti, assorted confection- eric's, highly commendable. " W C Haue, 3d best jelly, 1. Miss F Cannoa, best pickles, 3. " F Cannon, 2.1" " 2. " A.Holman, " " apple jelly 3. Mrs. O M Popsèr, 3d heal .catsup, 1 » "J 13 Glove i) best blackberry wine, 2. , ¿ IM rs. >V W Cu lief, 2d best brandy 'pcacîics, 2. Mrs. E J Frederick, 2d best home ' made candy, J.v > Mrs. D Rowe, best- peach cordial. I. " D Uowc, i^îariiudade, highly com incndable. Mrs. »Rosa Oliveros, best brand] peaches, 3. Mrs. S D Browning, 2d best grap preserves, 2. % M rs. E 15 Snider , best peach. 3. .1 D Stromtm,t ,r vinegar, 1. *" 'll" Beckwith, .2d best blackb.-rr wine, 2. Mrs, II. Beckwith, 3d liest cordial, 1. ll Beckwith, best whorlleberr ; shrub, 2. Mrs! L ll Beckwith, raspberry-cordir highly commen da bl e. Mrs. D Louis, '¿CL best pickles. 1. DEI\),R¥MEXÍ Ci. Gitnfou und Oi chard. Mrs. O M IVjoser, beans ami beets, SJ J G Keilt, " " " 1 Mrs. A C Andrews, basket figs, h " Albert Alle, mangoes, 1. " J C Moss, sample grape seedling Miss Jane Sillcy, plate peaches, 1. Mrs. A C Andrews, basket pii[>er 1. " O M Pooscr, sample paper, I. M Robinson, Jr. quinces, 1. Eddie Scoville, promegmnates, 1. Miss L V jlobiiiaou, pcaoans, high commendable. Mrs. E Bozard, tipples, t. D O'Cain, wa ter tue I ons, 1. R.B. Lcvingston, citron melons, 1. Mrs. O M Pupser, musk beaux, high commendable. "AC Andres, turnips, 1. J B S moak, radii ¡sh, highly common able. *> J i¿ Keilt, egg plants, 1. Mrs. D Rowe,egg plants, highly co mendabie. W F. Robinson, sponge cucutnb highly coin inundable. M J D Da ii brier, kerehaws, 1. M 'Li I3aldiviu, tunyahs, 1. Mrs. Jas. Stokes,.sample l)onns, 1. «{ " " " okra, highly nj men dable. * Mrs. Jus. Stokes, box hops, Iv " L li Beckwith, tomatoes, 1. "JD Strom a», cucumbers, h ¡gi commendable. T " J Keller, beet, " W S Barton, raddishes, higl commendable. " E R Muorer, variety vcgetalr highly coin in cmlablc. " T Kuhn, waiter, 1. " A M Snlley,Irish potatoes, 1. " Z M Wolfe, artichokes, 1. " W (J Mitchell, winier cabbages .' AV N Renville, best box flower; .«? S Dibble, 2d Miss Julia Jem ny, wax plant, 1. " Dora Laiiiyile, pyramid llnwei' r»KI»AHTMENT II. Phin Jfeedlc Work tie. M ré. D B BüoUhardt, best patch w quilt, 3. Miss A Bachuiiian, 2d best patch v quilt, 2. " Ii E Stack, 3d best patch vt quilt! L Mrs. C Conner, big cabin quilt 1st " D \V (Juttino, masonic " 2d 2 " Paul Felder, 1 patch work (j highly cntiinrioiidablo. " A M Sal ley, 1 homespun com 1st 2. " Jus. Stokes, F " *4 comfort, " E Vandyke, 1 " ni ade com pain, 1st 2. " J Dannel ly, 1 sample home-n sewing silk, 1st 2 " E J Frederick, 1 pair kn stockings, 1. " E T Granilitig, 1 pair kn socks, 1. " Jas. Stokes, 1 gents suit, hi made, 2. Miss llcnnio Moore, 1 " " 2. Mrs. G Oldeiidorir, nssortmcul millinery, 2. " ER M lorer, child's plain dre Miss Lucy Stokes, bed sot, 5. Mrs. E »Iii eke nba ker, rug carpoti " E Strowan, specimen wi jeans, 3. " B F Palmer, under shirt , 2. "SB Wilson, matrass, 2. " SA G rain, hiing, child's dress, " Ï Kohii, rug, 2. " Ca m pay, hexagon quilt, 3, Misa Minnie*-*- Hartzog, rug home¬ made, 2. " A N Zcllowrcry, lady's dress, 2. " Faunie Shulcr, hearth rug, 1. ".»>. Fannie Conner, crib quilt, 1. " K Robinson, gents suit, haiy£ made, 5. " p ) (J Rowe, home spun sewing timad, 1. . D EPA RT St K XT J. Fancy Needle Work, &c, M rs J ll Hcidmnn, specimen thread work, 2. ' " G fm.-. Carroll, pin cushion, 2. Miss, M J Robinson, crochet quilt, yarn, 2. " IM INC Briggmann, sofa, cushion, 2. Alf V Dawson, crochet tidies, 2. j " 8 Dibble, worsted crochet tidy, 2. j Miss M \V Pooser, embroidered hand- kerchief, 2. " Julia'Quattlebaum, silk embroi¬ dery, 2. " V" v tjMrs M Iv Riley, infant's dress, 2. j ". J A Hughes, infant's tatting ; dress, 2. '? J S Rowe, infant's embroidery Ires-, 2. Miss Agues Hennon, braided pillow hains, 2. Mrs .) 1) A. Brown, infant's cmbroi- tiered cloak, 2. Miss hallie Stokes, specimen tatting, 2 sf !." lîcekwilh, crotchet worsted I sha w li 2^ " I i afar,.specimen taning, 2d; ll " O H Briirgmann, crochet tidv, ht, 2. Mrs M A brecht, worsted mats, 2. " '1 ''? Barton, child's embroidered h .me.if, 2. Miss Minnie Hart zog, child's enibroi- dd red suit, 1st, 5. " V Kirkland, bras lyre, 2. .Mrs I' J* Jennings, case hair work, 2. Miss K Cîiliiland, shell work, 2. iv Aldrich, heed work, 2. ^ Mrs j? I'. Langley, feather work, . '. A S Hydrick, worsted lamp nia is, 2. 4- Y ?* Miss I.:/. ;c Elliott, rosin work,highly i' commended, J/ A Bair, triffgc, highly rccom- 1 untied. Mrs ir J Felder, fancy knitting, high ly nconi men ded. I " V A Glover, crochet hat, 2. ". (»lover, frame perforated recommended. Oliveros, braided pillow I .Vi M>. 1. obn, embroidered canvass, uglily recommended. " / Howe, largest col le (.?".ion ir. this ! li I'tment,.i and diploma. À fi ss iVghes Hthnan, 2d largest coi- uclion iu this department, 1. DEPARTMENT IC. Mahufncturt No. 1. .1 È A«lger &Co, farmers plow, diploma. do do rotary harrow, do. Wan iv. ('all, Marni N liaise plow, do VVUIeoek & Wolfe, 1-8 stove, do. M L Biihiwiu, g ain, harrow and cot¬ ton rake, 2. IF T Smoak, Dickson steel sweep, 2. V O Cnn iou, what mit, 2. Avery Ä Co. 7 tooth expanding cul¬ tivator, diploma. 81 walking cukiva'or, do. " . " shovel plows, do. ba-i i iliieti way. m.nh l huller chun.. 1 l: !.? Way. rake. I. IV A >taekay. model farm fence and cot¬ ton stalk culler, diploma. K Meiilz. i. sample hlack-niiih wink] 3. j.l(¡ .MçKwu. agt Wheeler A Wilson seeing machine Co.. diploma. H P Siiigner, Agi. (»-horse power engine, j ¿2.1 iiiicMitplouui. ) W S Hail- n. liillversitl seed planter, §5 and diploma. Avery ,i, .-ons, casi Iron pony plow, (li- plpma. ll il Thompson, iieeihe gi:), diploma. Kureka Mauufiel u ring Company. K11- I riïka inowliig»maeliiiio. diploma, ll Higgs, light hugg.v, I horse wagon. 3. J ft .\(I_'ci it Co.. largest collection in lld! department, diploma, liriiile.y iv Meyes, lírinley 2-horse colter, plow, diploma. DK.PAirr.MKNT L. Uaiiu/ttvturca No. 2. E 10 lin . eilar hucket, $1. \V I*'. Phillips, piece sole leal her 5. Jiio I. dressed sheepskin, W W Culler, dressed deer skin, .'». .lohn Ogn 'i. saddle, diploma. [K i<) Hull, . nocimen rosin, I. i.i ll I ii vi igstoii* Coiinade brick, diploma. Jp 'J Caiinoii^gim slock,*.'!. Atbr.rtii Phosphate Com, diploma, ill Ihgjjk. tmekcyc bee hive, M rs Adam Felder, carded wool, highly cctníucudcil. »jud Og»' :> lli'iiieinaii's hat. do. M I, Stahl« .11. i>lant<pi'nlcc(or, (lo. .1 .1 lionel;, rolling pin, do. I) Ktrckitigliam, 2 traps, htmie-madc. do. iL A (lr i Oil li, deer skin and horns, d,o-. |l* V (îriiuilliig, Oak basket, do. DEPARTMENT Si. Poititnj, iCc. J G Bowman, pair ducks Isl. $2; " J E Ro/.ard, pair turkeys. 2d. 1;^, »I L Baldwin, hive bees, 2st, 2. W E Mc Michael, trio »ame cocks, 2. " »f « fowls, 2. S D Dantzler, trio barnyard chickens, 2. Chas Albrecht, trio Bramah. *. 2. Jos D Robinson. 2 coops u 2. Elijah Robinson. 1 doz turkeys, 2. J II Felder, geese, 2. rfE Robinson, turkeys, commendable. Li lt Deck wit h. game cocks, do. coorj pigeons, 2. J C G;itbs. :f barnyard fowls, highly com- mcnihible. W \V Culler; game cock, 1. Dr A M Saaler. Hong Kong Geese, 2. Edward William«, pair English ducks, highly commendable. Archie Dukes, -I ducks, do. Chas II Green, pair puppies, highly com¬ mendable. DEPARTMENT N. JFüte Arts, etc. Missie D Rieker. recessed frame, 1. .. Martha Stokes, shuck Inti and mats 2. .. Maggie Didoes, specimen pemunh- ship, (.!<> «I pen) 1.50. * " Abbie Gulson, craj-on drawing 2. . J Ç I lay good, swinging basket, 2. " E Bugga rt. lire-screen, 1. .Mrs P DeMars, pine bur work, 1. M Fi baldu in, willow basket, 2. J A Hamilton, 2 frames water color painting. I. .. S A Hamilton, pencil drawing, 1. li J Dukes, .specimen penmanship, (gold pen) 2. A M Snider, india ink drawing. 1. I)i'iggmnnii& Hcnnokcr, segars,diploma, b S Wulfe, set teeth, diploma- .1 Wight num. fruit piece in oil, 1. VY A Coûtant, oil painting, diploma. F A Shilley, photographs, do. A II Lewin, case of hair work, do. Phillip Kohu. Masonic painting, do. * CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENTS. Miss Electra Izlar,.pe> Ibraled work, 2 Pauline Myers, "crochet tidy. 2. ,k Mattie E Knox, specimen pencil t drawling, 1. . r » ^ " -Ella Bull; crochet work. 2. ^..Carrie E Moss, 2 log cabin quilts, 1. ",k Emma Sailer, specimen bread. I. 44 " " u tomato,pickles. 1" " Dora lartigue, fancy Hobers, 1. .. bena. Sal ley,-jelly, 1. ¿ '* S Stackley, fancy bow: 1. " "'J largesUcidlection liri this detriment, 2. * '* Susie Gullly ard. patch work quilt, 1. ". Carrie Guinyard, child's dress, 1. Master Theo. Jeffords, basket, 1. f. PLOWING. ¡ny White-A M Salley, best 2 horse plowing, ;>. liv Coîiiied-Wiley 1 (olmnu, best 2 horse plowing, 3. Henry Smith,'besi 1 horse plowing, 2. HORSEMANSHIP, Best riding by G W Culler, 5. "~ Best running by A M Salley, C. MIDDLEPEN GUA NC I". Largest collcetion of articles, $20. TOURNAMENT PREMIUMS. No 1. premium and $."5. HASH BALL PREMIUM. Orange Base Ball club SPECIAL, OU M EUCH ANT'S DEPARTMENT. C V\ Culler, best bacon : C W Culler, best riding; J P Mays, best county raised [bog; Dr W F Barton, best bale cotton; I) W Snell, sample cotton stalks; TE Dukes, em u grown in county ; S D Dantz¬ ler, trio barnyard fowls ; T C Andrews, pair pigs; M S Snider, 2 year old coif, Mrs S D Stowmau, home made soap; Mrs E E Snider preserves; Mrs D B Bookhaidt, patch work quilt ; Mrs James Stokes, gem's shirt ; Mrs Kirk Robinson, band made gent's suit ; Mrs F II W Briggnuuin. bread; Mrs A W Tharhi, fruit cake: Mrs L R Nor vis, iced cake; Mrs E SI roman, specimen jeans; Mrs ('has Carroll; pin cushion; Mrs J S Bow¬ man, buller; Mrs S II Harley, best and hii'<re.«t collection dried fruit; Holman, home made lolly; Miss S F Beckwith, worsted crochet work; Miss Fannie ( 'tunion, pickles; Miss Julia Quat- tlfbiimn, embroidery : Miss F J Smith; braiding.; Miss Salley Stokes,' tatting; Miss Emilia Moroney, wax work; Miss S Staekjey, crochet work; Miss S Stack- ley, bestand largest collection in chil¬ dren's department. List of Advertised Letter?* fop the Week Ending- Airs Alice liesse, A M Riley, J J M urden, A 8 Patrick, Mrs Ann E Pinckney, M i ms Robson, care Bring Slmler, Nero Spears, Andrew Smoko, Joseph Yann, Mrs W A Way, John Li Williams. IZLAR & PIBBLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. No 7, LAW HANGE, OltAXiiKliUHO,' (Oppnstto Motliothst Church.) July »1-51-tr Cured by Dr. Bond's bl Remedies, with full directions sent, to anp pail of thu world. Semi for pam¬ phlet ami particulars. Address ¡H.T. I!0N1),Ä, Pi:XXA. DANCER \m% ^VJtlÖ Cbtjstnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. JOHU Wj¡ LINLEY & GO.. 190 King Stroet, Charleston, 8. C., 9 AND.IM[l'ORTERS OFtf General Merchandise* JSo Freight to Poy ! No freight to Pay! Oar prices nm below tho BU ornny'olher deal¬ er In tho United States. No oxtra charges for drayngc, boxing or froight- Wo prepay freights and deliver goods freo nt any depot on tito ¡¡nu of i«ö A'ofdi Eastern. Wil¬ mington and Columbia, South Carolina and '* Cttarlystun und Snrnnnnh Rall Rcnâs; üieö, tr» all points in South Carolina,georgia and Flori- da, lin 7ing duect water communication with Charleston, ALI. GOODS GUARANTEED. Always enclose this advertisement with order it convenient. LlST>t>F PlUCUS. NO ExrtNSE TO ADO. Finest quality Young Hyson Tea-quality un« surpassed, exquisito flavor, and strength, il.CK» per lb. This Ten specially rcuommeded. Finest quality Oolong, Souchong, Gunpowder, and ílysón Tens, $M)0poi lb,- Second quality Tens «no. per lb. Third quality Tens, sold by other ileulftfi nt $1 ncr lt», you cnn tiaro dclirored by us nt. MV. per lb. Crushed Sugar 13c. per lb. j powdered Sugar 12o por lb.: granulaled A. Sugar 12c. per III.; ostra C Sn gar, loo. per Hi.; clnrilled Ilrown Sugar, lo eta per IB. Lui* ley's Peerless Family Èlpur.-'our-own brand made from best Virginia Wheat-an elegant nrlicle-'Jil lbs, for $1. or to per barrel, Good Family Flour, 21 lbs for $1, or $7.5opor barrel« Extra CholOs; Finely Flavored Bagged liants, .ICR.; Good Ilnms, 13c, per lb. Extra Chole* Breakfast Strips, lC»ác. per lb. Choteo Tumbler" .Tellies, lnrgo size, 12>ic. each. 2 lb' Canned Tomatoes, I3u each; 3 lb Canned Tomatoes, lffd . each. I lb. Salmon, 18c. per cnn; 2 lb. Canned Pine Apple, Penches, Damsons, and Pears, 2Stí« per can-0 cans for *1.30;, Best Buallty Mixed Vinegar Pickles-pints, 17c. quarts, 27c each; «râlions, OOo each. Condensed Milk Etir roka, and Eatrlo Brand. 25c. each. Gnntz Scafoam, 1-2 lb* 25c,; lbs. 60 cents, per can. Lemon Sugar, 40c. per- can. Doo¬ ley's Yeast Powder, 15, 25, 40c. per can. English Cooking Soda, or Package Soda, 10c. per lb. J Boxes Sardines, 20c. ; 1-2 boxes Sardines, 35c. each. Shoddies, 1-4 boxes. 35c. each. Cox's Sparkliu Gela¬ tine, 20c. per pack. Capers. 40o. ; Olives 50c. ; Worchcstcrshirc, Walnut and Mushroom Sauces, genuine imported 40o por bottle. Imitation French Mustard, 20c. Genuine French Mustard, 25e. (French Primes, 15c. Raisins, 20o. Cit« r'on.'jtelO. Currants, 10c, Cheese, 20o. Kuli weight Candles, first quality, 23c- pei lb. Baker's Chocolate, 45c Cocoa, odo,)per lb. Broma, 00c. per lb. German Chocolate, 30c. per' lb. Ordi¬ nary Bin Cofl'ee, 4} Jon for 81 ; choiceltlo Vv Coffee, 4 .lbs, for §1 ; ".choice Lagnarti Cottee. 3 1-2 1';.-. for £1 ; ¿Old Govern-' > ment .lava Coffee. 3 lbs. for 31; Roasted and Ground ColfeesiSè. ndrllilonni, each îrratle. Ditryeii's Starch, 0 1-2 lbs. for 81. .Salin Gloss Starcdu_.75ov^ei^bo^r~""~ Corn Starch, 13c. per "piickr'"Bbx TJriiC~"~"r" lng. 33c. per dozen. Barley, 12 l-2o pwv , lb. Durbams Smoking Tobacco, .65, per.-'. ; lb. Marlin's Celebrated,Gilt Edge-JBjity ter. (Oe.. pcr-.Lbx Clroïce Goshen Butter, .>5c pw iii. Good TabhMWser,'30er-pe«-r-- lb. Cooking butter, 4 lbs. qlb^Yinnd 0 lbs. for $1 ;- Bire;:irs-Soda, li lbs. for §1 i Extra Pilot, 10e. ; Lemon. ; Wine, Ginger and 1 butter, at lue per lb. ; Nie Noes, I8c; Fancy Cakes. 2.">é. per lb. . Bfaek Pep>-' pur, 30o. ocr lb. ; Nutmugs, 15c. per ouncc; Mace. 15c. per ounce ; Gingcr,25c ' per lb. Bose and Vanilla FJutStlck Candy, '.:'....; a linc article, 25c. per lb; Ordinary stfe"* Candy, pure, 20c per lb; "Rock Candy any color, 22c. per lb. Colgate's Toilet; Snap-GO different kinds, a speciality cf ' ours, at manufactures pricea-from 23c to §4.00 per dozen cakes. Colgate's IlaiulkercliiefExtracts, 60c. per bottle»' Cashmere Bnquet Powder, 25c. per box« Cleveland's Pomade Vasal lue, a Restora¬ tive unequalled for the hair. 20c. per bottle. Old Com Whiskey. $1.80 net gal¬ lon. Rye Whiskeys, $l,60v $3,00, and §4.00, per gallon. Blackberry and Cher¬ ry Cordials, a pleasant dritifc,~ $1,850 per gallon. Table Port, and Sherry /Wino, §2.50 per gallon. Fine Old Madeira, §4,.; 00 per gallon. English ami Scotch Ale, . porter; bottled, 2.70 per dozen. Bremen Lager Beer, bottled, 82.70 per dozen. Demijohns for Liquors, extra 1-2 gallon 30c, ; gallon. 55c : 2 gallons, OOo. ; 3 gal- galîous, 75. ; 5 gallons, 81,00 each*- Avery Extensive Assortment of Crock¬ ery and Glassware always on hand«. Plates-Dinner s!zo, 81.50 per dozer.; ^ Breakfast' §1.25 ; Desert 81,00 ; Tea. 85c. ¿- lier dozen.. -Cup* and Suacers, 81.00 per set. Covered Dishes. G5c, 75c, and 81, 00 each. Tumblers', GU., 75., 81.00, $1.25 and §1.50 per dozen. Table Goblets,81, 20. §1,50. 82.00, 82.50, Wild 83,00 per dozen. Wino Glasses 81,00 per dogen Lamp Chimney's Sun O and A's, 4 r->r 25e ; B's 3 for 25o. Student or Arg Chininevs 3 for 25c Numberles .artk. - unmentioned. Information cheerfully* .riven- Our Brm waa established lu ÏSG7. and our business reputation and fuuüUiés uru of ibo behest o?der. We will do nil we promise. All ofdeia should bo addressed to . JonN W, .LINLEY & Co., (Key Box* 184*0 19p King Street CHARLESTON, S.G. CANVASSERS wanted for two' superb works ol' ¿French arl, "Llttlo Rnn- away and her Pets." and the pretty pair* The Dinner, and tho Nap." These pictures aro teorthy of r place in costly , homes and inexpensive inangti for the j simplest. Selling rapidly, ant] TAKE ON SIGHT. We guarantee ready sales, good profits, and quick returns. Any activo person who will take hold can make A handsome, income. Send for our best terms nt once. J. B. FORD & Co.. 27 Park Place, New York- AUGUSTUSIB. KNOWLTON, Land Agents ftc rautenigssil iss o^uá an office for flt« SALE of LAND. Per «mis hnvtag i3EA L ESTATE lo- dísyeBO of will do w«lt to register the Rome for silo. Lnrgo flirfns «nbillvldeü And »ola In either largo or small pareáis: Good farms for sate at from lwo to Aye dollars. per acre-, om onay terms. . AUGUSTUS B¿&NÓWLTON, 1 ,tfOrangcbnrg C. H., S.

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SATURDAY, NOV..13, 1875.

City ÏMi-eotoa-y.*

cnX'OFKiCERS..MÍYÜE, - - George Bolivcr.CLERK, -



ALi>KRMKN-James. F-. Tzlar, John M.« Thompson, J. W. Cannon, J. W.

Moseley.POSTMASTER, - - - A. webster.


Thomas Phillips, pastor. Services, mor li¬

ing, afternoon and evening.BAPTIST:-lïèv. Mr.¿Norris, pastor.

Services, first Sunday evening, and the«second and fourth Sundays, morning,and evening.METHODIST (south).-Rev. Mr. Cam¬

pbell, pastor. Services morning andevening. Sunday-school, 9 A. M.

PRESBYTERIAN.-Kev. Mr. "B rownevangelist. Services, morning and after¬noon. Sunday-school, 9 1-2 A. M.EPISCOPAL.-First and third Sundays.

Vloridug and afternoon.LUTHERAN CHURCH.-Rev. Mr. Hough,

pastor. Services, morning 10 1-2, evenlug at 7 o'clock.

The passenger trains on thc S. C.R. H., on and after Monday next, willpasB through Orangeburg as follows :

Day from Columbia, 31.30 a. m.

Day, from Charleston, 2.00 p. m.

Night, from Columbia, 11.53 p. m." from Charleston, 2.20 a. m.


OFFICE HOURS AT ORANGEDURGDEPOT.From 8 o'clock A. M. to 2 P. M.From ;S o'clock P.'M. to §¿P. M.Goods received and delivered only

v in office hours. .

-The Governor has declined to

pardon Jeffrey Horse}'.-The work on thc new coiut

liouae is progressing finely, -.{We un¬

derstand thc-corner stono will'be laid"with Masonic ceremony on thanks¬giving day, the 25th inst.

-The annual meeting of the Grand¿.-D.ivision of the Son3 of Temperance?wilt be held in Charleston on Wed¬nesday next, 17th inst., at 10 o'clock

/ a. m.,-iil> Hibernian Hall.-. -The much talked of, and long-

needed fire cistern is now being con¬

structed on Bussel street. Our new

mayor-haa tiut to continue as he hus

^egun, and all the 'citizen» will eoni-

mond his course.

if- We lcarp that John Duncan, ofFort Motte, was married on last

;. Thursday to Miss Rosa Moultry.v May their joys bo manjr, and all their

troubles be little ones.*%f

' £¿&cs -we wouid call attentian to Mr.

Schiflley's advertisement in this issue.He is supplying a demand long feltin this community Iljis pictures rep¬resent'as good work as can be donein the city. We are requested tö«tate that.he will be absent duringnext. week in .attendance upon the.annual meeting of the Sons of Tem*perance. <*

-The postmaster calls attentionto the following from the postal laws|.and regulations :

SEC. 198. Each post-office box or

drawer^ in all post-oifiçes, JjjB restrict-<ed to the use of ono family, firm.orcompany, rffld the relit therefor paid at least one cmarter in ad-?vance.


SEO. 201. A person renting a post-office box is entitled to have the let¬ters of his family, Urra or companyput into it. Letters addressed to hisfriends stopping temporarily with himmay also be placed in the box is di¬rected to bis care or to thu numberof tho box. But letters addressed toother persons* residing in tho sameplace, and living and doing businessseparate and apart from a box-holdershould not bo placed in the box.

Publisher's Notices.-Rev. Mr. Blakely is un authorized

«gent for this paper. ^-

-A. W^pinckncy, of Branchville, lsan nuti,orl-/\d agent for this paper.


Commissioner Phillips has his olllccdays on Thursdays, and Fridays ofeach week. His examinations arc on¿ho first Monday of oach month; jan. 80-tf '

List of Premiums Awarded.

DEPARTMENT UB."Samples crops, by producers only :

Name Article Premium.T Ë Dukes, Best Conj, $2F N Gmading, kk wilbur. 2L U Beckwith, " ^ Tapphumoek, 2W S Burton, " Rieft 2J T Salley, " Peas2J J Salley, Jr. « Redouts, 2G B Riley. Rye,2W F Burton, Burley, 2J O A Connor, " Finders, 2D II Rush, Churas, . 2D II Hush, Sweet, potatoes 2W S Burton, Irish potatoes .2A. M Salley. Turnips, 2

fiJno Cntnpseu &Ȃo, Flour, DiplomaP B Livingston, Corn, meal, 2" kl Grist, 2

F n Gramling * Syrup. 2S F Burton, Sorghum, 2iv A Mackay, Tobacco 2II L Smonk. Wool.2\V F Barton Bale peaviue hay. 2. " " . Hay, 2J J Salley, .liv, , iConj .forage, 3\V F->BartoiT.",». "'""Bald CoVro'iV, ° trW S Burton, 2d best Bu I «'cotton, 3O B Riley. Sd best #ule option. 2D W Snell, best s'plc Cotton stalks, 1AD Duntzlcr. Sample Sugar Cuno.highly commendable, *

S M Fairey. Sample Sugar Cane,commendable.

DEPARTMENT »K3." Horses and Muîcs.J W Moseley, Best pair double.harness mares, imported. S10

E Hughes, Best single har¬ness mare Co. raised, 3

C W Culler, Best single har¬ness horse imported. 3

J T Salley, Best combina¬tion horses, 3

E Hughes; best saddle horse, countyraised, 3

j G Kcitt, best saddle maro. 3J A «Tones, best saddle pony, imp'd 3E B Rush. 2d best saddle pony, 2C W Culler, best 3 yr old colt, 3W J Snider, best 2 yr old colt. 2Jj R Giiillith. best IS m'ths old colt, 3W J Snider, best colt under 1 year, 3E E Bruce, 1 pr mule colts 7 m'ths, 3A M Salley, 1 pr imported muleâ, 5Jas Stokes, best draught mules, 3Master J \Vunnainaker. Farm- pony,imported, 3

DEPARTMENT k;D."-Cattle, sheep andHogs.

C W Culler, Best bear. 3II Riggs, best Devonshire Bull,W F Barton1, best Ayei shire cow and

calf, 3\V J Snider best Bruiumuh bull, 5T CfAndrews, pr. Berkshire pi^r«. 2J N Fogle, 2d best. llnunmah bull, 3I) lt Barton, best pen Hogs, 2L K 'Beckwith. 2d best ewes, 2J ii Moorer, best ewes, 3

.' be t buck. 3,l best lumh,_ 3.

J W Danlzler. 2d best buck, 2i' S Felder, best Yoke oxen, 5J <J Keitt. 2 yr old heißer, 3D NV Snell, two best gills, Chesterund Essex. 2

Jude Robinson, 2d best ewes. 2W C Whetstone, best pen sheep, 3Jno II Dukes, 3d best cow and calf, 2J P Mays, 2d best boar, 2" " 2d best pen hogs, 2

P F Gramling, best woodland sow. 311 " ld best pigs. 2

A M Salley, best. Berkshire pigs, 3Peter Barton, 2d best sow, 1DEPARTMKNT "E. "-Household Co.

C W Culler, best bacon, $"iJ L poorer, 2d" best bacon. 3Mrs. J S Bowman, best plate butter. 2

'\ D Louis, best, hird, 27 "'JD Strowuiun. best soap. 3

" Jas Stokes, box soap, hl» Illy' commendable." J G Holman, best loaf bretni, 2

... "EE Riley, best t usks, -¿" ' M D Briggmaii, bpst biscuits, 2" E II Moorer, best yeast, cukes, 2.>\ S J Dukes, iced cake, plain. 2u A W Thariu, best fruit cake, ?>" " " iced corn cake, 2" A Holuiau, best sponge cake, 2" S ll Barton, best plain crackers. 3u

. L II Norris, best fancy iced euko. »" E ll Moorer. box potato-

highly commendable,li M Jj Baldwin, 1 cake, highly

commendable." Rosa Baldwin, wax work, highly

commendable,41 James Stokes, largest collection

lu this department, 10i1 E R Moorer, 2d largest, ii

T W Albcrgottl, best pastry, f>J E Bozard, two best baum, *^}


M L Baldwin, best sample honoy, $2.Mrs. Jas. Stokes, best scuppernong

wine, 3.Misa Ilenn ie Moorer, 2d best catsup, 2.Mis. J lt Fowles, " " " 3."JG Culler, can peaches, highly

commendable." J Izlar, erystali/.ed figs, "

Adam Srnook, 2d best scappornongwine, 2.

Mrs. S H Hailey, 2d host dried fruit, 2Hriggmann «fc I io inicker, largest and

best assortment ot'cigars, diplomaMrs. It li Zimmerman, bast water

inelonprcserves 2.« " 2d " brandy

peaches,, 1." fig prc-

: ». ay *

serves, 1." M Albergotti, assorted confection-

eric's, highly commendable." W C Haue, 3d best jelly, 1.Miss F Cannoa, best pickles, 3." F Cannon, 2.1" " 2." A.Holman, " " apple jelly 3.Mrs. O M Popsèr, 3d heal .catsup, 1 »

"J 13 Glove i) best blackberrywine, 2.

, ¿IM rs. >V W Cu lief, 2d best brandy

'pcacîics, 2.Mrs. E J Frederick, 2d best home

' made candy, J.v >

Mrs. D Rowe, best- peach cordial. I." D Uowc, i^îariiudade, highly com

incndable.Mrs. »Rosa Oliveros, best brand]

peaches, 3.Mrs. S D Browning, 2d best grap

preserves, 2. %

M rs. E 15 Snider , best peach. 3..1 D Stromtm,t ,r vinegar, 1.

*" 'll" Beckwith, .2d best blackb.-rrwine, 2.

Mrs, II. Beckwith, 3d liest cordial, 1.ll Beckwith, best whorlleberr

; shrub, 2.Mrs! L ll Beckwith, raspberry-cordir

highly commenda bl e.Mrs. D Louis, '¿CL best pickles. 1.

DEI\),R¥MEXÍ Ci.Gitnfou und Oi chard.

Mrs. O M IVjoser, beans ami beets, SJJ G Keilt, " " " 1Mrs. A C Andrews, basket figs, h" Albert Alle, mangoes, 1." J C Moss, sample grape seedling

Miss Jane Sillcy, plate peaches, 1.Mrs. A C Andrews, basket pii[>er 1." O M Pooscr, sample paper, I.M Robinson, Jr. quinces, 1.Eddie Scoville, promegmnates, 1.Miss L V jlobiiiaou, pcaoans, high

commendable.Mrs. E Bozard, tipples, t.D O'Cain, watertue Ions, 1.R.B. Lcvingston, citron melons, 1.Mrs. O M Pupser, musk beaux, high

commendable."AC Andres, turnips, 1.

J B Smoak, radii¡sh, highly commonable. *>

J i¿ Keilt, egg plants, 1.Mrs. D Rowe,egg plants, highly co

mendabie.W F. Robinson, sponge cucutnb

highly coin inundable.M J D Da iibrier, kerehaws, 1.M 'Li I3aldiviu, tunyahs, 1.Mrs. Jas. Stokes,.sample l)onns, 1.

«{ " " " okra, highly nj

men dable. *

Mrs. Jus. Stokes, box hops, Iv" L li Beckwith, tomatoes, 1."JD Strom a», cucumbers, h ¡gi

commendable. T

" J Keller, beet," W S Barton, raddishes, higl

commendable." E R Muorer, variety vcgetalr

highly coin in cmlablc." T Kuhn, waiter, 1." A M Snlley,Irish potatoes, 1." Z M Wolfe, artichokes, 1." W (J Mitchell, winier cabbages.' AV N Renville, best box flower;.«? S Dibble, 2d

Miss Julia Jem ny, wax plant, 1." Dora Laiiiyile, pyramid llnwei'


Phin Jfeedlc Work tie.M ré. D B BüoUhardt, best patch w

quilt, 3.Miss A Bachuiiian, 2d best patch v

quilt, 2." Ii E Stack, 3d best patch vt

quilt! LMrs. C Conner, big cabin quilt 1st" D \V (Juttino, masonic " 2d 2" Paul Felder, 1 patch work (j

highly cntiinrioiidablo." A M Sal ley, 1 homespun com

1st 2." Jus. Stokes, F

" *4 comfort," E Vandyke, 1 " niade com

pain, 1st 2." J Dannel ly, 1 sample home-n

sewing silk, 1st 2" E J Frederick, 1 pair kn

stockings, 1." E T Granilitig, 1 pair kn

socks, 1." Jas. Stokes, 1 gents suit, hi

made, 2.Miss llcnnio Moore, 1 " " 2.Mrs. G Oldeiidorir, nssortmcul

millinery, 2." E R M lorer, child's plain dreMiss Lucy Stokes, bed sot, 5.Mrs. E »Iiiekenbaker, rug carpoti" E Strowan, specimen wi

jeans, 3." B F Palmer, under shirt , 2."SB Wilson, matrass, 2." SA G rain, hiing, child's dress," Ï Kohii, rug, 2." Cam pay, hexagon quilt, 3,

Misa Minnie*-*- Hartzog, rug home¬made, 2.

" A N Zcllowrcry, lady's dress, 2." Faunie Shulcr, hearth rug, 1. ".»>.

Fannie Conner, crib quilt, 1." K Robinson, gents suit, haiy£

made, 5." p ) (J Rowe, home spun sewing

timad, 1..


Fancy Needle Work, &c,M rs J ll Hcidmnn, specimen thread

work, 2.' " G fm.-. Carroll, pin cushion, 2.Miss, M J Robinson, crochet quilt,

yarn, 2." IM INC Briggmann, sofa, cushion, 2.

Alf V Dawson, crochet tidies, 2.j " 8 Dibble, worsted crochet tidy, 2.j Miss M \V Pooser, embroidered hand-

kerchief, 2." Julia'Quattlebaum, silk embroi¬

dery, 2." V" v

tjMrs M Iv Riley, infant's dress, 2.

j ". J A Hughes, infant's tatting; dress, 2.

'? J S Rowe, infant's embroideryIres-, 2.

Miss Agues Hennon, braided pillowhains, 2.

Mrs .) 1) A. Brown, infant's cmbroi-tiered cloak, 2.

Miss hallie Stokes, specimen tatting, 2sf !." lîcekwilh, crotchet worsted

I shaw li 2^" I i afar,.specimen taning, 2d; ll" O H Briirgmann, crochet tidv,

ht, 2.Mrs M A brecht, worsted mats, 2." '1 ''? Barton, child's embroidered

h .me.if, 2.Miss Minnie Hartzog, child's enibroi-

ddred suit, 1st, 5." V Kirkland, bras lyre, 2.

.Mrs I' J* Jennings, case hair work, 2.Miss K Cîiliiland, shell work, 2.

iv Aldrich, heed work, 2. ^Mrs j? I'. Langley, feather work, .

'. A S Hydrick, worsted lampnia is, 2. 4- Y ?*

Miss I.:/. ;c Elliott, rosin work,highlyi' commended,J/ A Bair, triffgc, highly rccom-

1 untied.Mrs ir J Felder, fancy knitting, high ly

nconimended.I " V A Glover, crochet hat, 2.

". (»lover, frame perforatedrecommended.Oliveros, braided pillowI .Vi M>. 1.

obn, embroidered canvass,uglily recommended.

" / Howe, largest col le (.?".ion ir. this! li I'tment,.i and diploma.Àfi ss iVghes Hthnan, 2d largest coi-

uclion iu this department, 1.


Mahufncturt No. 1..1 È A«lger &Co, farmers plow, do rotary harrow, do.

Wan iv. ('all, Marni N liaise plow, doVVUIeoek & Wolfe, 1-8 stove, do.M L Biihiwiu, g ain, harrow and cot¬

ton rake, 2.IF T Smoak, Dickson steel sweep, 2.V O Cnn iou, what mit, 2.Avery Ä Co. 7 tooth expanding cul¬

tivator, diploma.81 walking cukiva'or, do.


" shovel plows, i iliieti way. m.nh l huller chun.. 1l: !.? Way. rake. I.IV A >taekay. model farm fence and cot¬

ton stalk culler, diploma.K Meiilz. i. sample hlack-niiih wink] 3.

j.l(¡ .MçKwu. agt Wheeler A Wilsonseeing machine Co.. diploma.

H P Siiigner, Agi. (»-horse power engine,j ¿2.1 iiiicMitplouui.) W S Hail- n. liillversitl seed planter, §5

and diploma.Avery ,i, .-ons, casi Iron pony plow, (li-

plpma.ll il Thompson, iieeihe gi:), diploma.Kureka Mauufiel u ring Company. K11-

I riïka inowliig»maeliiiio. diploma,ll Higgs, light hugg.v,

I horse wagon. 3.J ft .\(I_'ci it Co.. largest collection in

lld! department, diploma,liriiile.y iv Meyes, lírinley 2-horse colter,

plow, diploma.DK.PAirr.MKNT L.Uaiiu/ttvturca No. 2.

E 10 lin . eilar hucket, $1.\V I*'. Phillips, piece sole leal her 5.Jiio I. dressed sheepskin,W W Culler, dressed deer skin, .'»..lohn Ogn 'i. saddle, diploma.[K i<) Hull, . nocimen rosin, I.i.i ll I ii vi igstoii* Coiinade brick, diploma.Jp 'J Caiinoii^gim slock,*.'!.Atbr.rtii Phosphate Com, diploma,

ill Ihgjjk. tmekcyc bee hive,M rs Adam Felder, carded wool, highly

cctníucudcil.»jud Og»' :> lli'iiieinaii's hat. do.M I, Stahl« .11. i>lant<pi'nlcc(or, (lo..1 .1 lionel;, rolling pin, do.I) Ktrckitigliam, 2 traps, htmie-madc. do.iL A (lr i Oil li, deer skin and horns, d,o-.|l* V (îriiuilliig, Oak basket, do.

DEPARTMENT Si.Poititnj, iCc.

J G Bowman, pair ducks Isl. $2; "

J E Ro/.ard, pair turkeys. 2d. 1;^,»I L Baldwin, hive bees, 2st, 2.W E McMichael, trio »ame cocks, 2." '» »f « fowls, 2.

S D Dantzler, trio barnyard chickens, 2.Chas Albrecht, trio Bramah. *. 2.Jos D Robinson. 2 coops u 2.Elijah Robinson. 1 doz turkeys, 2.J II Felder, geese, 2.rfE Robinson, turkeys, commendable.Li lt Deckwit h. game cocks, do.

i¡ coorj pigeons, 2.J C G;itbs. :fbarnyard fowls, highly com-

mcnihible.W \V Culler; game cock, 1.Dr A M Saaler. Hong Kong Geese, 2.Edward William«, pair English ducks,

highly commendable.Archie Dukes, -I ducks, do.Chas II Green, pair puppies, highly com¬


DEPARTMENT N.JFüte Arts, etc.

Missie D Rieker. recessed frame, 1... Martha Stokes, shuck Inti and mats 2... Maggie Didoes, specimen pemunh-

ship, (.!<> «I pen) 1.50. *

" Abbie Gulson, craj-on drawing 2. .

J Ç I laygood, swinging basket, 2." E Bugga rt. lire-screen, 1.

.Mrs P DeMars, pine bur work, 1.M Fi baldu in, willow basket, 2.J A Hamilton, 2 frames water color

painting. I. ..

S A Hamilton, pencil drawing, J Dukes, .specimen penmanship, (gold

pen) 2.A M Snider, india ink drawing. 1.I)i'iggmnnii& Hcnnokcr, segars,diploma,b S Wulfe, set teeth, diploma-.1 Wight num. fruit piece in oil, 1.VY A Coûtant, oil painting, diploma.F A Shilley, photographs, do.A II Lewin, case of hair work, do.Phillip Kohu. Masonic painting, do. *

CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENTS.Miss Electra Izlar,.pe> Ibraled work, 2

Pauline Myers, "crochet tidy. 2.,k Mattie E Knox, specimen pencil

t drawling, 1. .

r »^" -Ella Bull; crochet work. 2.^..Carrie E Moss, 2 log cabin quilts, 1.

",k Emma Sailer, specimen bread. I.44 "


u tomato,pickles. 1"" Dora lartigue, fancy Hobers, 1... bena. Salley,-jelly, 1. ¿'* S Stackley, fancy bow: 1." "'J largesUcidlection liri this

detriment, 2. *

'* Susie Gulllyard. patch work quilt, 1.". Carrie Guinyard, child's dress, 1.Master Theo. Jeffords, basket, 1.


¡ny White-A M Salley, best 2 horseplowing, ;>.

liv Coîiiied-Wiley 1 (olmnu, best 2 horseplowing, 3.

Henry Smith,'besi 1 horse plowing, 2.

HORSEMANSHIP,Best riding by G W Culler, 5. "~Best running by A M Salley, C.


Largest collcetion of articles, $20.TOURNAMENT PREMIUMS.

No 1. premium and $."5.HASH BALL PREMIUM.

Orange Base Ball clubSPECIAL, OU MEUCHANT'S DEPARTMENT.C V\ Culler, best bacon : C W Culler,

best riding; J P Mays, best county raised[bog; Dr W F Barton, best bale cotton;I) W Snell, sample cotton stalks; TEDukes, em u grown in county ; S D Dantz¬ler, trio barnyard fowls ; T C Andrews,pair pigs; M S Snider, 2 year old coif,Mrs S D Stowmau, home made soap;Mrs E E Snider preserves; Mrs D BBookhaidt, patch work quilt ; Mrs JamesStokes, gem's shirt ; Mrs Kirk Robinson,band made gent's suit ; Mrs F II WBriggnuuin. bread; Mrs A W Tharhi,fruit cake: Mrs L R Norvis, iced cake;Mrs E SIroman, specimen jeans; Mrs('has Carroll; pin cushion; Mrs J S Bow¬man, buller; Mrs S II Harley, best andhii'<re.«t collection dried fruit;Holman, home made lolly; Miss S FBeckwith, worsted crochet work; MissFannie ( 'tunion, pickles; Miss Julia Quat-tlfbiimn, embroidery : Miss F J Smith;braiding.; Miss Salley Stokes,' tatting;Miss Emilia Moroney, wax work; MissS Staekjey, crochet work; Miss S Stack-ley, bestand largest collection in chil¬dren's department.

List of Advertised Letter?* fop theWeek Ending-

Airs Alice liesse, A M Riley, J JM urden, A 8 Patrick, Mrs Ann EPinckney, M ims Robson, care BringSlmler, Nero Spears, Andrew Smoko,Joseph Yann, Mrs W A Way, JohnLi Williams.


No 7, LAW HANGE, OltAXiiKliUHO,'(Oppnstto Motliothst Church.)

July »1-51-tr

Cured by Dr. Bond'sbl

Remedies, with full directions sent, toanp pail of thu world. Semi for pam¬phlet ami particulars. Address¡H.T. I!0N1),Ä, Pi:XXA. DANCER \m%^VJtlÖ Cbtjstnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.

JOHU Wj¡ LINLEY & GO..190 King Stroet, Charleston, 8. C.,


General Merchandise*JSo Freight to Poy !

No freight to Pay!Oar prices nm below tho BU ornny'olher deal¬

er In tho United States. No oxtra charges fordrayngc, boxing or froight-Wo prepay freights and deliver goods freo nt

any depot on tito ¡¡nu of i«ö A'ofdi Eastern. Wil¬mington and Columbia, South Carolina and '*Cttarlystun und Snrnnnnh Rall Rcnâs; üieö, tr»all points in South Carolina,georgia and Flori-da, lin 7ing duect water communication withCharleston,

ALI. GOODS GUARANTEED.Always enclose this advertisement with order

it convenient.LlST>t>F PlUCUS. NO ExrtNSE TO ADO.

Finest quality Young Hyson Tea-quality un«surpassed, exquisito flavor, and strength, il.CK»per lb. This Ten specially rcuommeded. Finestquality Oolong, Souchong, Gunpowder, andílysón Tens, $M)0poi lb,- Second quality Tens«no. per lb. Third quality Tens, sold by otherileulftfi nt $1 ncr lt», you cnn tiaro dclirored byus nt. MV. per lb. Crushed Sugar 13c. per lb. jpowdered Sugar 12o por lb.: granulaled A.Sugar 12c. per III.; ostra C Sngar, loo. perHi.; clnrilled Ilrown Sugar, lo eta per IB. Lui*ley's Peerless Family Èlpur.-'our-own brandmade from best Virginia Wheat-an elegantnrlicle-'Jil lbs, for $1. or to per barrel, GoodFamily Flour, 21 lbs for $1, or $7.5opor barrel«Extra CholOs; Finely Flavored Bagged liants,

.ICR.; Good Ilnms, 13c, per lb. Extra Chole*Breakfast Strips, lCȇc. per lb. Choteo Tumbler".Tellies, lnrgo size, 12>ic. each. 2 lb' CannedTomatoes, I3u each; 3 lb Canned Tomatoes, lffd .

each. I lb. Salmon, 18c. per cnn; 2 lb. CannedPine Apple, Penches, Damsons, and Pears, 2Stí«per can-0 cans for *1.30;, Best Buallty MixedVinegar Pickles-pints, 17c. quarts, 27c each;«râlions, OOo each. Condensed Milk Etirroka, and Eatrlo Brand. 25c. each. GnntzScafoam, 1-2 lb* 25c,; lbs. 60 cents, percan. Lemon Sugar, 40c. per- can. Doo¬ley's Yeast Powder, 15, 25, 40c. per can.English Cooking Soda, or Package Soda,10c. per lb. J Boxes Sardines, 20c. ; 1-2boxes Sardines, 35c. each. Shoddies, 1-4boxes. 35c. each. Cox's Sparkliu Gela¬tine, 20c. per pack. Capers. 40o. ; Olives50c. ; Worchcstcrshirc, Walnut andMushroom Sauces, genuine imported 40opor bottle. Imitation French Mustard,20c. Genuine French Mustard, 25e.(French Primes, 15c. Raisins, 20o. Cit«r'on.'jtelO. Currants, 10c, Cheese, 20o.Kuli weight Candles, first quality, 23c-pei lb. Baker's Chocolate, 45c per.lbCocoa, odo,)per lb. Broma, 00c. per lb.German Chocolate, 30c. per' lb. Ordi¬nary Bin Cofl'ee, 4} Jon for 81 ; choiceltlo VvCoffee, 4 .lbs, for §1 ; ".choice LagnartiCottee. 3 1-2 1';.-. for £1 ; ¿Old Govern-' >ment .lava Coffee. 3 lbs. for 31; Roastedand Ground ColfeesiSè. ndrllilonni, eachîrratle. Ditryeii's Starch, 0 1-2 lbs. for81. .Salin Gloss Starcdu_.75ov^ei^bo^r~""~Corn Starch, 13c. per "piickr'"Bbx TJriiC~"~"r"lng. 33c. per dozen. Barley, 12 l-2o pwv ,

lb. Durbams Smoking Tobacco, .65, per.-'. ;lb. Marlin's Celebrated,Gilt Edge-JBjityter. (Oe.. pcr-.Lbx Clroïce Goshen Butter,.>5c pw iii. Good TabhMWser,'30er-pe«-r--lb. Cooking butter, 4 lbs. qlb^Yinnd 0lbs. for $1 ;-

Bire;:irs-Soda, li lbs. for §1 i ExtraPilot, 10e. ; Lemon. ; Wine, Ginger and 1butter, at lue per lb. ; Nie Noes, I8c;Fancy Cakes. 2.">é. per lb. . Bfaek Pep>-'pur, 30o. ocr lb. ; Nutmugs, 15c. perouncc; Mace. 15c. per ounce ; Gingcr,25c '

per lb. Bose and Vanilla FJutStlck Candy, '.:'....;a linc article, 25c. per lb; Ordinary stfe"*Candy, pure, 20c per lb; "Rock Candyany color, 22c. per lb. Colgate's Toilet;Snap-GO different kinds, a speciality cf '

ours, at manufactures pricea-from 23cto §4.00 per dozen cakes. Colgate'sIlaiulkercliiefExtracts, 60c. per bottle»'Cashmere Bnquet Powder, 25c. per box«Cleveland's Pomade Vasal lue, a Restora¬tive unequalled for the hair. 20c. perbottle. Old Com Whiskey. $1.80 net gal¬lon. Rye Whiskeys, $l,60v $3,00, and§4.00, per gallon. Blackberry and Cher¬ry Cordials, a pleasant dritifc,~ $1,850 pergallon. Table Port, and Sherry /Wino,§2.50 per gallon. Fine Old Madeira, §4,.;00 per gallon. English ami Scotch Ale, .

porter; bottled, 2.70 per dozen. BremenLager Beer, bottled, 82.70 per dozen.Demijohns for Liquors, extra 1-2 gallon30c, ; gallon. 55c : 2 gallons, OOo. ; 3 gal-galîous, 75. ; 5 gallons, 81,00 each*-Avery Extensive Assortment ofCrock¬

ery and Glassware always on hand«.Plates-Dinner s!zo, 81.50 per dozer.; ^Breakfast' §1.25 ; Desert 81,00 ; Tea. 85c. ¿-lier dozen.. -Cup* and Suacers, 81.00 perset. Covered Dishes. G5c, 75c, and 81,00 each. Tumblers', GU., 75., 81.00, $1.25and §1.50 per dozen. Table Goblets,81,20. §1,50. 82.00, 82.50, Wild 83,00 perdozen. Wino Glasses 81,00 per dogenLamp Chimney's Sun O and A's, 4 r->r25e ; B's 3 for 25o. Student or ArgChininevs 3 for 25c Numberles .artk. -

unmentioned. Information cheerfully*.riven- Our Brm waa established luÏSG7. and our business reputation andfuuüUiés uru of ibo behest o?der. Wewill do nil we promise. All ofdeiashould bo addressed to .

JonN W, .LINLEY & Co.,(Key Box* 184*0 19p King Street


CANVASSERS wanted for two'superb works ol' ¿French arl, "Llttlo Rnn-away and her Pets." and the pretty pair*The Dinner, and tho Nap." Thesepictures aro teorthy of r place in costly ,homes and inexpensive inangti for the jsimplest. Selling rapidly, ant] TAKE ONSIGHT. We guarantee ready sales, goodprofits, and quick returns. Any activoperson who will take hold can make Ahandsome, income. Send for our bestterms nt once.

J. B. FORD & Co..27 Park Place, NewYork-


Land Agentsftc rautenigssil iss o^uá an office for flt«

SALE of LAND.Per «mis hnvtag i3EA L ESTATE lo- dísyeBO of

will do w«lt to register the Rome for silo.Lnrgo flirfns «nbillvldeü And »ola In either

largo or small pareáis:Good farms for sate at from lwo to Aye dollars.

per acre-, om onay terms.. AUGUSTUS B¿&NÓWLTON,

1 ,tfOrangcbnrg C. H., S. C»