the university as knowledge entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家

The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大大 大大大大大 The Spirit of Creative Risk-Taking and Academic Enterprise 富富富富 富富富富富富富富富富

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The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家. The Spirit of Creative Risk-Taking and Academic Enterprise 富有创意、敢于冒险的知识型大学. What is an Entrepreneurial University?. 什么是创业型大学?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家

The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur大学:知识创业家

The Spirit of Creative Risk-Taking and Academic Enterprise富有创意、敢于冒险的知识型大学

Page 2: The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家

What is an Entrepreneurial University?

• Innovative• Flexible• Creative• Networked• Agile• Empowered• Open to Opportunity

The Entrepreneurial University encourages creative risk-taking to improve education, research, and community engagement.



• 创新• 灵活• 创造力• 资源关系• 机敏• 富有能力• 机遇

Page 3: The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家

大学设计要求1. 在地方发挥影响 ASU必须热忱地接受当地的文化、社会经济、以及自然环境

2. 改变社会ASU 不仅仅是一个地方,更是一种力量3. 知识创业者学术企业文化

4. 巴斯德原理由应用引起的基础研究

5. 注重个体学校优秀与否取决于最后的结果致力于知识和文化的多元化

6. 知识整合交叉学科 多种学科跨学科 后学科

7. 嵌入社会公共服务 参与社区事务 外展计划

8. 全球参与跨国 跨文化

Design Imperatives1. Leveraging Place ASU must embrace its cultural, socioeconomic, and

physical setting

2. Transforming Society ASU must become a force and not only a place

3. Knowledge EntrepreneurA culture of academic enterprise

4. Pasteur’s PrincipleUse inspired research

5. A Focus on the Individual Outcome-Determined Excellence A Commitment to Intellectual and Cultural Diversity

6. Intellectual FusionInterdisciplinary - MultidisciplinaryTransdisciplinary - Postdisciplinary

7. Social EmbeddednessPublic Service - Community Engagement – Outreach

8. Global EngagementTransnational - Transcultural

Page 4: The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家

Measuring Success

How will we know when we are an entrepreneurial university?

• Students, faculty and staff, as well as the external community, have increased access to and visibility for entrepreneurial work.

• ASU units have generated unique and interdisciplinary entrepreneurship.

• ASU is a leader in developing models for taking ideas to the marketplace and to society.


• 学生、教授、等教职员工和周边社区增强创业意识、重视创业理念、更深切地感受到创业

• 亚利桑那州立大学各级单位都积极进行标新立异的交叉学科创业活动

• 亚利桑那州立大学开创把“理念”推向市场和社会的成功模式,并在此领域首屈一指

Page 5: The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家

Tempe CampusASU坦佩市主校区

Polytechnic Campus


West CampusASU西校区

Downtown Phoenix CampusASU 凤凰城市中心校区

ASU: One University, Many PlacesASU: 一个大学,多个校区

ASU Scottsdale CenterASU-- 斯科茨戴尔市中心

Page 6: The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家

• Arizona population >6 million

o Second fastest growing state in US

• Area: 294,314.48 sq km

o Sixth largest state in US

• Student population expected to increase 18% in the next 6 years.

• 亚利桑那人口超过六百万,是美国人口增长最快的两个州之一• 占地面积达 294,314.48 平方公里,是美国第六大州• 在接下来的六年中,学生人口平均每年将增长 18%


Page 7: The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家

• 4th Largest University in the United States.

• A Research Extensive University.

• 23 Colleges, Schools, & Academic Divisions

• ASU offers 133 bachelor’s degrees, 108 master’s degrees, 55 doctoral degrees and one law degree.

• 美国第四大高校• 研究型大学• 拥有 23 个院系• 颁发 133 类本科学位、 108 类硕士学位、 55 类博士学位, 及法学位

Arizona State University亚利桑那州立大学

Page 8: The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家

ASU的学生来自美国五十个州以及全世界一百二十七个国家,包括四百名来自中国的学生。 现有学生 63500名 本科生 50000名 研究生 13500名

ASU 的‘ 全国优秀高中生’ 入学人数在美国公立大学中高居第四 ; 富布莱特奖获得者人数位居全美第四。

ASU students come from all 50 states plus 127 countries, including 400 students from China.

63500 students enrolled:• 50000 Undergraduates• 13500 Graduates

Among US public universities, ASU has the fourth highest enrollment of National Merit Scholars and the fourth most Fulbright Awards

ASU Students ASU 学生

Page 9: The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家


ASU Technopolis


Masters Consulting Group

Honors Consulting

Spirit of Enterprise Center

Edson StudentEntrepreneur Initiative

Technology Venture Clinic

Global Resolve

School of GlobalManagement & Leadership

Barrett Honors Collegecoursework Fulton Entrepreneurial

Programs Office

MBA Technology focus

W. P. Carey Small BusinessCertificate for Majors

Polytechnic SmallBusiness Minor


Combined Experience Business Outreach

University - BusinessProjects


W. P. Carey Entrepreneurial Coursework

Draft February 2006

Entrepreneurship as an Educational Tool知识创业家 -- 新的教育方式课堂经历 创业活动完美结合的经历

内部 大学 - 企业项目 外部

Page 10: The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家

Arizona Technology Enterprises亚利桑那技术转移公司FY 05 Stats 05 年统计• Disclosed 121 inventions • Filed 129 patent applications and received 35 patents • Signed 28 licenses/options• Assisted in the start up of 4 new companies

Recent Acquisitions 最近动态• ASU spinout Molecular Imaging Corp acquired by Agilent

Technologies (Dec 2005)• ASU spinout AzERx acquired by OrthoLogic Corp (Feb


Recent licensees/spinouts 最近授权 / 大学创业公司• ASU spinout constructNet International is partnering with

Tec de Monterrey to produce multilingual online construction education and training courses.

• Voltaix Inc., licensed an advanced materials technology related to wireless devices

• Altela, Inc., licensed water desalination technology

Marketplace 市场• Commercial Partners 商业伙伴• Manufacturers 生产商• Venture Capital 风险资金• Investment Banks 投资银行

Labs 实验室• Researchers 研究人员• Laboratories 实验室• Institutes 研究所• Innovators 创新家

Technology Transfer Services技术转移服务Technology Assessment 技术评估Product Development Expertise 产品开发技能Marketing Capabilities 营销能力Licensing/Partnering 授权 / 合作Capital Formation 资本组合Operations/Management Skills 运营 / 管理技能Strategic Business Development 战略发展

Page 11: The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家

Knowledge Entrepreneurship Throughout the University


• Arts, Media and Engineering Program, in the Herberger College of Fine Arts, brings together engineering, arts and science disciplines that are invested in media research and training.  

• The Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Management exists to advance nonprofit leadership practice so that organizations can better achieve their mission, whether the mission involves housing, youth development, recreation, or neighborhood revitalization.

• The ASU School of Nursing and Healthcare Innovations focuses on new multi-sector healthcare innovation for the community as well as evidence-based research.

• Leadership for Educational Entrepreneurs Program is a federally funded national model Master’s program for charter school leaders who need both education and business skills to successfully increase student achievement.  

全面贯彻知识创业精神• 艺术、多媒体和工程项目 赫博格艺术学院把工程、艺术和理科专业交叉结合,从事艺术领域的研究和培训• 非盈利组织领导管理中心帮助非盈利组织提高领导才能,使其在住房服务、青年指导、娱乐休闲、社区中间等各方面更好的实现自己的目标• 护理和健康学院 注重新型的多领域健康革新,服务社会,并开展实证性研究• 教育领导创业项目联邦资助的全国模范硕士项目,其针对特许学校领导,提供教育和商业技能,以更好的帮助学生取得成功

Page 12: The University as Knowledge Entrepreneur 大学:知识创业家

The University as Entrepreneur大学:知识创业家The Spirit of Creative Risk-Taking

and Academic Enterprise富有创意、敢于冒险的知识型大学