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  • 7/27/2019 Tijana Slanje


    Which words are

    the hardest?

    Focus on the

    tough ones!



    Teacher: Marijana Nikolic


    Source: http://stardate.org/astro-guide/ssguide


    Directions: Study the following keywords and definintions.

    1. giving rise to -(pv) - be the cause of something

    2. abundant -(adj) - Plentiful, ample.*

    3. collision -(n) - Violent contact.

    4. condensation -(n) - The act of making something occupy less space by lowering the

    temperature or ncreasing pressure.

    5. cosmic -(adj) - Related to the universe.*

    6. gaseous -(adj) - Relating to gas; being like air, or without a solid body.7. gravity -(n) - Universal force that causes objects to be attracted to one another.

    8. infinite -(adj) - Endless; more than any number.

    9. Milky Way -(n) - The galaxy.

    10. nebula -(n) - A cloud of gas in space.

    11. origin -(n) - The beginning or source of something..

    12. premise -(n) - The basic idea on which other ideas are built.

    13. quantity -(n) - The amount or number of something.

    14. rotate -(v) - To move in a circle.

    15. accepted -(v) - Allow someone to give something; the opposite of refuse.*

    16. originated -(v) - To create or begin something.

    17. expanding -(v) - To increase in range or scope.

    18. emitting -(v) - To send or give out.

    19. abandoned -(v) - To leave and give up ownership or control.

    20. celestial -(adj) - Related to the stars.

    21. renewed -(v) - To begin again; resume.

    22. sank -(v) - To fall or drop, usually through water.

    23. precipitations -(n) - The quantity of water fall (rain, snow, etc.) within a period of time.

    24. condensing -(v) - To make smaller.

    25. compressed -(v) - To press together or into smaller space.

    26. density -(n) - The amount of mass in a speci fic amount of volume.

    27. radius -(n) - Half the diameter of a circle. The radius is the distance from the center of a circle to the edge.

    28. axis -(n) - A line that is imagined to pass through the center of an object.


    Directions: Read the following passage carefully.

    Fill out the 'K' and the 'W' columns before you read, and then use the 'L' column to take noteswhile you read.

    K W L

    What do you KNOW

    about this subject?

    What do you WANT to know

    about this subject?

    What did you LEARN

    about this subject?

    Fill in K and W before reading the text. Return to L after you have finished answering the

    comprehension questions.

    The Earth is a planet in the


    The Universe is the space

    around it.

    There is no known end to

    the Universe.

    How did the Earth form_

    How big is the space_



    By the proto-planetary

    process out of the cold


    It is believed to have a

    radius of 15 billion light

    years and is


    Use some of the words to say what

    you already know about the Earth,

    the Solar System, the Milky Way and

    the Universe.



  • 7/27/2019 Tijana Slanje


    Inner Planets





    Outer Planets





    Minor Bodies





    The Universe is an infinite space surrounding the Earth, with a radius of at least 15 billion light years, and is believed to be constantly expanding. A light

    Groups of stars and

    planets in the Universe

    are called galaxies.

    The Earth rotates around

    the Sun with 7 other

    planets and this is called

    The Solar System.

    The Solar System is a part

    of the Milky Way Galaxy.

    How many galaxies are there There are millions of galaxies in the Universe

    in the Universe?

    How big is the Solar System? > The Solar System has one sun, eight planets,

    How far is the Solar System 60 satellites, numerous planetoids, meteors and cosmic dust.

    from the centre of the Milky Way? > It is 30 million light years away from the centre of the Milky Way.

    What is a light year and > A light year is the distance a ray of light covers in a year at the speed

    What is a cosmic year and why of 300,000 km/sec and a cosmic year is the time it takes the Solar System

    are they important? to complete the circle around the centre of the Milky Way - 226 million


    What can you see in the picture? The Sun.

    What can you see around it? The Universe.

    Why is the Sun important to us? t g ves us g t an eat

    ow oes t e art re ate to t e un t rotates aroun t

    re t ere any ot er p anets t at reate to

    the Sun?

    What are the Sun and its 8 planets called?

    What is the name of the galaxy that

    the Solar System belongs to?

    Yes, t ere are more p anets, sate tes,

    planetoids, meteors and cosmic dust.

    The Sun and its 8 Planets are called

    the Solar System.The Solar System belongs to the Milky Way


    at s t ere etween t e nner

    planets and the outer planets?

    There is an asteroid belt between

    Mars and Jupiter which separates

    the inner from the outer planets.

    Are there only planets in the

    Solar System?

    No, there are also satellites, planetoids,

    meteors, comets asteroids and

    cosmic dust.











  • 7/27/2019 Tijana Slanje


    year is the distance that a ray of light covers in a year at a speed of 300,000 km/sec.

    There is an infinite number of groups of stars or galaxies in the Universe. The Milky Way galaxy that our Solar System is a part of is just one of them,

    and in some Slavic languages it is referred to as kumova slama.

    The Sun and its system are 30 million light years away from the centre of this galaxy and they rotate with it. It takes 226 million years for the Solar

    System to complete a circle around the centre of the Milky Way, and this period of time is called a cosmic year.

    The Solar System consists of eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune , with an asteroid belt between

    Mars and Jupiter, 60 satellites, numerous planetoids, meteors and cosmic dust. According to the decision made in 2006, the Pluto is not considered to be a

    planet due to its constant distancing away from the Solar System.

    There are two groups of hypotheses about the origin and creation of the Solar System: those of the red-hot Earth and those of the cold Earth at the

    beginning. According to the former group the Earth is gradually getting cooler and older, whereas according to the latter the heat at the core is constantly

    being renewed.

    The premise of the nebular hypotheses of the first group is that the Sun and the planets formed out of nebula (celestial fog) in the process of self-

    formation. This hypothesis was supported by many scientists, one of them being the German philosopher Immanuel Kant and the French astronomer

    Pierre Laplace. Kant presented his hypothesis in 1755, in his bookThe Universal Natural History and Theory of the Sky which Laplace added to

    later. According to Kant-Laplace hypothesis the Solar System was originally a red-hot fogginess that revolved on its axis and thereby gained the shape

    of a disc. By emitting heat into the cold space around it, this fogginess was gradually cooling, condensing and reducing in size. By decreasing in volume it

    rotated gradually faster thus getting flatter. In time, the speed increased so much that it became stronger than gravity, especially in the centre around the

    fogginess equator. This led to separation of gaseous rings around the central mass. The heaviest elements concentrated in the centre and eventually created

    the Sun while the different density of the matter in rings led to the creation of gravitation cores that later became planets.

    This theory that the Earth formed out of the red-hot mass and is getting cooler was abandoned in the mid 20 th century. The now generally accepted

    hypothesis about the creation of the Earth by condensation of the cold particles of cosmic dust was first presented by Carl von Weizsecker in 1943.

    According to this proto-planetary hypothesis the Solar System formed out of the giant rotating cloud of cold cosmic dust and gases (nebula). The

    matter of the nebula was very tenuous at the beginning, its temperature being only a few degrees above the absolute zero (-273.16 degrees). Its solid

    particles were mainly composed of metal, silica, and icy-crystallized gases, while only hydrogen and helium, which made up 98% of the cloud matter, were

    in gaseous state. In the middle of the cloud, where the matter was the thickest, a central globula the proto-sun formed due to the collision of the particles

    inside. This central globula compressed fast and its gravity was increasing. The rest of the cloud gained the shape of a very flat disc where, due to the

    turbulent movements, smaller globulas or vortexes of cosmic dust formed somewhat later to become proto-planets.

    Due to its huge mass and gravity, there was a strong contraction and a sudden increase in temperature in the centre of the central globula. When the

    temperature reached several million degrees Celsius, a thermonuclear reaction of turning hydrogen into helium started, thus giving birth to a new star - the

    sun, which started emitting light and heat. According to this hypothesis, the sun and the planets originated from the same matter and formed at about the

    same time.

    The increase in temperature was a consequence of huge friction at the compression of the matter, although a substantial quantity of heat could have been

    the result of the radioactive decay of elements. Due to this, the matter that formed our planet started melting, first the minerals abundant in silica-dioxide.

    This molten mass ormagma, being lighter, started moving towards the surface whereas the other not as easy to melt elements with a greater specific weight

    sank towards the centre of the Earth. The melting of the core was followed by the release of huge amounts of gases, forming the atmosphere mainly

    composed of water vapour. The condensation of this water vapour in the atmosphere and the first precipitations created the hydrosphere, thus giving rise

    to the biosphere.

    To sum up, the Earth is not getting cooler and older. Instead its inner heat is constantly being renewed.

    Identify 3 important supporting

    details that contribute to the

    main idea of the passage.




    Identify 2 details that are not

    very important to the main idea


    e art s a p anet o t e o ar ystem, n t e y ay gaaxy, one o

    millions of galaxies in the Universe, which is infinite and expanding.

    A light year is the distance which a ray of light covers in one year at the speed

    of 300,000 km/sec; a cosmic year is the period of 226 years that takes the Solar System

    to complete a circle around the centre of the Milky Way.

    There are many hypotheses about the origin and creation of the Earth and the SolarSystem, and they can all be divided into two groups.

    t emany

    the first group of hypotheses takes the red-hot Earth as a premiseThe Kant-Laplace hypothesis belongs to this group. According to them the Earth is getting

    cooler and older. This belief was abandoned in the mid 20th century.

  • 7/27/2019 Tijana Slanje


    of the passage.2)

    Write 1 brief paragraph

    summarizing the main idea of

    the passage. Use the important

    details to support your

    discussion of the main idea.

    Question 1: What is the Universe and how big is it?

    Question 2: How are celestial bodies organised within the Universe?

    Question 3: What is the Milky Way?

    Question 4: How far is the Solar System from the center of the Milky Way?

    Question 5: What is the Solar System?

    Question 6: What is a light and what a cosmic year?

    Question 7: How can we divide all the hypotheses about the origin and creation of the Earth and the Solar System?

    Question 8: What is the premise of the Kant-Laplace hypothesis?

    Question 9: What is the premise of the proto-planetary hypothesis of Carl von Weizsecker?

    Question 10: What gave birth to the Sun?

    The second group of hypotheses starts from the premise of the cold nebula. The

    proto-planetary hypothesis is of this kind where the planets and the Sun originated

    from the same giant rotating cloud of cold cosmic dust and gases (nebula), and formed

    at about the same time.

    e n verse s an n n te space w t a ra us o a out g t years an s expan ng.

    The celestial bodies are organised into galaxies within the Universe.

    The Milky Way is a galaxy in the Universe, the one that our Solar System belongs to and rotates with.

    The Solar System is 30 mil light years away from the centre of the Milky Way.

    The Solar System is a group of 8 planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune; 60 satellites

    planetoids, asteroids, meteors, comets, and cosmic dust.

    g t year s t e stance t at a ray o g t covers n one year; w ereas a cosm c year s t e per o o t me t at ta es

    the Solar System to complete a circle around the centre of the Milky Way.

    We can divide all the hypotheses about the origin and creation of the Earth and the Solar System into those

    that start from the red-hot Earth and those that start from the cold Earth.

    The premise of the Kant-Laplace hypothesis is that the Earth, the Sun and all the planets formed out of the red-hot nebula

    in the process of self-creation and cooling.

    The premise of the proto-planetary hypothesis is that the Sun and the planets originated from the same matter of the cold

    nebula and at about the same time due to some physical and chemical processes.

    The thermonuclear reaction of hydrogen turning into helium eventually gave birth to the Sun.

  • 7/27/2019 Tijana Slanje


    Rule: The suffix ouschanges a noun into an adjective, like dangerous.

    Question 11: how did our planet form?

    Question 12: How are the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere connected?

    Focus on Grammar

    The simple present is used in 3 cases.

    1. General truths: "The sun rises in the east."

    2. Habits: "I drink coffee every morning."

    3. Conditions: "Today is sunny."How is the simple present used in the sentence(s)


    Directions: Identify how the simple_present is used in the sentence(s) below

    1. The Sun and its system are 30 million light years away from the centre of this galaxy and they rotate with it.

    2. The Sun and its system are 30 million light years away from the centre of this galaxy and they rotate with it.

    3. It takes 226 million years for the Solar System to complete a circle around the centre of the Milky Way, and this period of time is

    called a cosmic year.

    4. The Solar System consists of eight planets:

    Word Roots & Stems

    Directions: Identify the word that ends with -ous in each sentence and write it on the line.

    1. This led to separation of gaseous rings around the central mass.

    2. The matter of the nebula was very tenuous at the beginning , its temperature being only a few degrees above the absolute zero ( -

    273.16 degrees )

    3. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune , with an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, 60 satellites,

    numerous planetoids, meteors and cosmic dust.

    Our planet formed by melting of the elements due to huge friction in which process the heavier elements sank into the centre,

    the molten mas rose to the surface with gases released in the process of melting forming the atmosphere, the first precipitations

    from it forming the hydrosphere thus giving rise to the biosphere.

    the atmosphere was mainly water vapour and the process of condensation caused first precipitations which formed the hydrosphere

    which was one of the main conditions for the creation of biosphere.

    re t e un an ts system m g t years away e un an ts system are not m g t years away.

    Do they rotate with it? / They do not rotate with it.

    Does it take 226 mil years? / It doesn't take 226 mil years.

    oes t e o ar ystem consst o e g t p anets e o ar ystem oesnt cons st o p anets.

    gas + e + ous

    thin > tenu + ous

    num er > numer + ous

  • 7/27/2019 Tijana Slanje


    Directions: Fill in the blanks below, just as in the models.

    gaseous gas + eous Above 100 degrees C., water becomes gaseous.

    furious (fury-y) + ious When you pull her tail, the cat gets furious.

    mysterious ____________ ________________________________________________

    spacious ____________ ________________________________________________

    nervous (nerves - es) + ous I was nervous when he drove fast.

    glorious ____________ ________________________________________________

    Vocabulary PracticeFILL IN THE BLANK

    Directions: Use the word bank to identify the word that best completes the sentence.

    giving rise to abundant collision condensation cosmic gaseous

    gravity infinite Milky Way nebula origin premise

    quantity rotate accepted originated expanding emitting

    abandoned celestial renewed sank precipitations condensingcompressed density radius axis

    1. As the business grew their product line _______________ and now they sell everything.

    2. It is bad to _______________ gifts from strangers.

    3. The sailors had to _______________ the sinking ship.

    4. Telescopes were a big help to _______________ observation.

    5. The original book was 1000 pages, but this _______________ version is only 25 pages long!

    6. The telescope could not see through the _______________.

    7. Should we _______________ our cable tv contract or let it expire?

    8. She pushed hard to _______________ the clothes into the bag.

    9. The _______________ of the earth is measured from the center of the core out to the crust.

    10. We heard a _______________ bang from somewhere in the sky, and everything went dark.

    11. The bulb _______________ light.

    12. If you jump up, _______________ will cause you to come back down to the ground.

    13. The stars in the sky are _______________.

    14. He bought a small _______________ of cookies.

    15. The Titanic _______________ after it hit an iceberg.

    16. The ocean is the _______________ of life on earth.

    17. The problems with the heating system _______________ a lot of other problems that we had to solve.

    18. They built a big house on the _______________ that they would have many children.

    19. The earth _______________ around the sun.




  • 7/27/2019 Tijana Slanje


    A. giving rise to

    B. abundant

    C. collision

    D. condensation

    E. cosmic

    F. gaseous

    G. gravity

    H. infinite

    I. Milky WayJ. nebula

    K. origin

    L. premise

    M. quantity

    N. rotate

    O. accepted

    P. originated

    Q. expanding

    R. emitting

    S. abandoned

    T. celestial

    U. renewed

    V. sankW. precipitations

    X. condensing

    Y. compressed

    Z. density

    AA . radius

    AB . axis

    20. There was a _______________ between two cars. Thankfully, no one was hurt.


    22. The food was _______________ at the wedding.

    23. The storm brought several inches of _______________

    24. The _______________ of gold is 19.3 grams (mass) per cubic centimeter (volume).


    Directions: Write the letter of word that matches the definition on the line. If it helps, feel free to alsodraw a line between the definition and the matching word.

    29. _______ The act of making something occupy less space by lowering the temperature or ncreasing


    30. _______ To increase in range or scope.

    31. _______ Allow someone to give something; the opposite of refuse.*

    32. _______ To leave and give up ownership or control.

    33. _______ Related to the stars.

    34. _______ To make smaller.

    35. _______ A cloud of gas in space.

    36. _______ To begin again; resume.

    37. _______ The galaxy.

    38. _______ To press together or into smaller space.

    39. _______ Half the diameter of a circle. The radius is the distance from the center of a circle to the edge.

    40. _______ Related to the universe.*

    41. _______ To send or give out.

    42. _______ Universal force that causes objects to be attracted to one another.

    43. _______ Endless; more than any number.

    44. _______ Relating to gas; being like air, or without a solid body.

    45. _______ The amount or number of something.

    46. _______ To fall or drop, usually through water.

    47. _______ The beginning or source of something..

    48. _______ be the cause of something

    49. _______ The basic idea on which other ideas are built.

    50. _______ To move in a circle.

    51. _______ To create or begin something.

    52. _______ Violent contact.

    53. _______ A line that is imagined to pass through the center of an object.

    54. _______ Plentiful, ample.*

  • 7/27/2019 Tijana Slanje

















    55. _______ The quantity of water fall (rain, snow, etc.) within a period of time.

    56. _______ The amount of mass in a specific amount of volume.


    Directions: For each of the words in the box, write an original sentence using the word. Circle thevocabulary word in each sentence. Be sure to write a sentence that would help the reader better

    understand the meaning of the word.

    giving rise to abundant collision condensation cosmic gaseous

    gravity infinite Milky Way nebula origin premise

    quantity rotate accepted originated expanding emitting

    abandoned celestial renewed sank precipitations condensing

    compressed density radius axis

  • 7/27/2019 Tijana Slanje















  • 7/27/2019 Tijana Slanje


    LESSON:Aim:to learn of the different theories of the creation of the earth and the solar system Grade: 9 Subject: Prepared by: Marijana Nikolic


    Students will be able to understand, pronounce, and use the words in the vocabulary list below.

    Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension of the passage by answering questions which require basic understanding and

    interpretation of the content.

    to independently find the key information and be able to present the key points in the lesson; work in pairs

    Standards addressed:


    1. giving rise to 2. abundant 3. collision 4. condensation 5. cosmic 6. gaseous

    7. gravity 8. infinite 9. Milky Way 10. nebula 11. origin 12. premise

    13. quantity 14. rotate 15. accepted 16. originated 17. expanding 18. emitting

    19. abandoned 20. celestial 21. renewed 22. sank 23. precipitations 24. condensing

    25. compressed 26. density 27. radius 28. axis



    Differentiation Guide


    Introduction of vocabulary

    Introduce the new words from

    the vocabulary list in above

    (see Objectives) by modeling

    pronunciation, individual and

    choral repitition.

    Review defintions

    Sample Questioning:

    In your own words, explain

    the definition.

    Who can think of a time

    when this word might be


    Can you use this word in a


    Whats the antonym

    (opposite) of this word?

    When appropriate, give

    different types of learners an

    opportunity to write down the

    new words, associate a visual

    image to cue to understanding

    of the word, or develop a

    physical action to increase the

    students ability to remember

    the new words.

    ALL Students will be able to

    increase their understanding

    and awareness of the new

    words.SOME Students will be

    asked to orally demonstrate

    knowledge of new words.

    Reading & Comprehension


    Students will read the passages

    of and demonstrate

    comprehension of the content

    by question.

    Depending on the population:

    Read the entire passage aloud,

    to model phrasing and fluency.

    Pause at key moments and

    model good reading strategies

    through a think aloud. Ask

    students to volunteer to read

    parts of the passage aloud.

    Instruct students to read thepassage silently and complete

    the questions independently,

    while working with students who

    need more literacy help. Ask

    students to complete the

    questions by doing Think, Pair,


    ALL Students will read the

    passage or follow along as the

    passage is read. ALL Students

    will strive to demonstrate

    comprehension of the passage

    by answering the questions.

    SOME students will be given an

    opportunity to share their

    answer aloud.


    Students will review the usage

    of and then identify

    simple_present in sentences

    from the reading. Students will

    write 5 original sentences usingsimple_present.

    Give students need time to

    work on completing their own

    practice sentences for the

    grammatical structure. Invite

    early finishers to put theirsentences on the board or

    challenge them to not only use

    the grammar structure, but also

    include the vocabulary from the

    lesson in their sentences.

    ALL Students will be able to

    demonstrate an increased

    mastery of the grammar

    structure by independently

    writing sentences that correctlyemploy simple_present.

  • 7/27/2019 Tijana Slanje


    Word Building: Roots and


    Students will be encouraged to

    take away a word-attack

    strategy from this lesson by

    reviewing -y, which was used in

    the reading.

    Students may benefit from

    having time to complete this

    portion of the worksheet

    individually or in pairs.

    ALL students will be able to

    recognize the suffix -y and

    understand The suffix y

    changes a noun into an

    adjective, like dirty..

    Practicing New Vocabulary

    Students will be given a chance

    to practice applying new

    vocabulary by completing cloze


    Students complete this section

    of worksheet independently

    prior to group review of the

    answers. When appropriate,have students work in pairs or

    small groups.

    ALL Students will increase their

    familiarity with the new

    vocabulary and their ability to

    successfully use these newwords in context. Students who

    get more than two of the cloze

    sentences wrong should be

    asked do other reinforcement

    (i.e. flash cards).


    Instructor will review the

    objectives of the lesson with the

    class a whole.

    The summary can be

    completed as quick discussion

    or by asking student to

    summarize in their notes.

    Example quick assess: 3 new

    pieces of information from text,

    2 new words, 1 question about

    what they learned.

    Fill-in-the-blank Answer Key:

    2) expanded 3) accept 4) abandon 5) celestial 6) condensed 7) nebula 8) renew 10) compress 11) radius 12) cosmic 13) emits 14) gravity 15)

    infinite 17) quantity 18) sank 19) origin 20) gave rise to 21) premise 22) rotates 24) collision 26) abundant 27) precipitation 28) density

    Matching Answer Key:

    A. -20

    B. -26

    C. -24

    D. -1

    E. -12

    F. -16

    G. -14

    H. -15

    I. -9J. -7

    K. -19

    L. -21

    M. -17

    N. -22

    O. -3

    P. -23

    Q. -2

    R. -13

    S. -4

    T. -5

    U. -8

    V. -18

    W. -27

    X. -6Y. -10

    Z. -28

    AA. -11

    AB. -25