traccia n. 1

TRACCIA N. 1 1 - Il candidato illustri i contenuti principali dell’atto per l’assunzione dell’impegno di spesa per il biennio 2021/2022 relativo al servizio di pulizia del municipio soffermandosi sugli elementi obbligatori per il rilascio di parere contabile e quali sono gli strumenti per l’individuazione dell'imputazione corretta della spesa, la competenza dell’atto. 2 - Il fondo crediti di dubbia esigibilità in fase di bilancio di previsione, gestione 3 - I rimedi ai vizi degli atti amministrativi Rip Van Winkle lives in a small village in North America, next to the Catskill Mountains. He is a gentle man, who is popular with everyone in the village, except his wife, who always nags him. He often helps his neighbours and friends. One day, he goes for a walk in the mountains with his dog. He sees a group of strange men. They are drinking something and give him some. He becomes very tired and so lays down to sleep. When he wakes up, his dog is gone and everything seems different.

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Page 1: TRACCIA N. 1


1 - Il candidato illustri i contenuti principali dell’atto per

l’assunzione dell’impegno di spesa per il biennio 2021/2022

relativo al servizio di pulizia del municipio soffermandosi sugli

elementi obbligatori per il rilascio di parere contabile e quali sono

gli strumenti per l’individuazione dell'imputazione corretta della

spesa, la competenza dell’atto.

2 - Il fondo crediti di dubbia esigibilità in fase di bilancio di

previsione, gestione

3 - I rimedi ai vizi degli atti amministrativi

Rip Van Winkle lives in a small village in North America, next to

the Catskill Mountains. He is a gentle man, who is popular with

everyone in the village, except his wife, who always nags him. He

often helps his neighbours and friends. One day, he goes for a

walk in the mountains with his dog. He sees a group of strange

men. They are drinking something and give him some. He

becomes very tired and so lays down to sleep. When he wakes up,

his dog is gone and everything seems different.

Page 2: TRACCIA N. 1


1 - Il candidato illustri cosa farebbe e come procederebbe nel caso

in cui non fossero più soddisfatti gli equilibri di bilancio

2 - L’iter di predisposizione, approvazione e documentazione del

bilancio di previsione

3 - Il candidato illustri il regolamento di contabilità dell’ente:

approvazione, utilizzo, contenuti e adempimenti successi


Othello is one of William Shakespeare’s four greatest ‘tragedy’

plays. The protagonist, Othello, is a Moor (from northern Africa)

who has risen from very poor and humble beginnings to become a

general in the Venetian army. At the beginning of the play,

Othello secretly marries Desdemona, the rich and beautiful

daughter of a Venetian senator. The play deals with the themes of

jealousy, insecurity, loyalty, and anger and, as with all

Shakespearian tragedies, has a fatal outcome.

Page 3: TRACCIA N. 1


1 - Le variazioni di bilancio nei servizi per conto terzi illustrando i

contenuti dell'atto

2 - Con riferimento alle diverse tipologie di entrata come si

individua la scadenza del credito

3 - Il candidato illustri la potestà regolamentare dell’Ente

Emily Dickinson was an American poet, born in 1830 to highly-

educated parents. She was a very private person and, over time

began to withdraw from people and society, preferring to spend

time alone. Some believe her reclusive lifestyle was partly due to

depression caused by the early death of many of her friends and

family members. During her lifetime she published very few

poems, and it was only after her death that a collection of nearly

1.800 poems was found by her younger sister.

Page 4: TRACCIA N. 1


1 - Accertamento proventi sanzioni al codice della strada. Il

candidato illustri i contenuti principali dell’atto e gli elementi

obbligatori per il rilascio di parere contabile, la competenza


2 - L’iter di predisposizione, approvazione e documentazione

costitutiva del rendiconto

3 – Lo statuto dell’ente locale

Lan is from Vietnam. She and her family live in a modern block of

flats in Ho Chi Minh City. It’s near her school and the shops so

it’s very convenient. There’s even a communal garden with

tropical plants and flowers for all the residents to enjoy. At the

weekends, Lan sometimes goes to the countryside one hour from

the city where her aunt, uncle and cousins live. Their house is in

the traditional Vietnamese style.

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1 - Illustrare le variazioni di bilancio e predisporre una variazione

di competenza del responsabile del settore finanziario

2 - Il Candidato illustri la struttura del bilancio di previsione di cui

all’allegato 9 del DLgs.118/2011

3 - Le cause di nullità e annullabilità dei provvedimenti


Oddur comes from Iceland. He lives in a colourful house on the

outskirts of Reykjavik. It’s modern with three bedrooms, a living

room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a garage for the two family cars.

However, his grandparents live in the countryside in an Icelandic

turf house. These are the traditional houses and they have exterior

grass roofs and walls to provide extra insulation in the harsh

climate. When he’s visiting his grandparents, Oddur sleeps in a

bed made of wood under the roof and it’s very cosy.

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1 - L’anticipazione di Tesoreria

2 - Illustrare l’impostazione del conto del bilancio dell’ente così

come previsto dall’allegato 10 DLgs 118/2011

3 - Il candidato illustri genericamente il TUEL 267/2000

A Tale of Two Cities is set in London and Paris in the time before

and during the French Revolution. It is a historical novel that

looks at the relationship between the rich and poor in Paris,

focusing on how the aristocracy treat the peasants badly before the

revolution and the terrible things that happen to the aristocracy

during the revolution. It tells the story of a number of characters

who live in Paris and London, and compares life in the two cities

at this time.

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1 - A seguito della sottoscrizione del nuovo contratto di lavoro per

le funzioni locali relativo al triennio economico 2019-2021 si

rende necessario provvedere all’iscrizione a bilancio delle somme

necessarie per il pagamento degli emolumenti ai dipendenti.

Dove si reperiscono i fondi, quale atto è necessario. Il candidato

illustri dettagliatamente in ogni sua parte l’atto e le procedure.

2 - Il candidato parli degli equilibri di bilancio

3 - Le forme associative degli enti locali

Domestic robots first appeared in 2002 in the form of a robot

vacuum cleaner. But now, scientists at Waseda University in

Japan are working on a robot that does the job of a nurse and

could help older people to live independent lives. The Twendy-

one Nursebot can carry a person, help cook food, and even bring

them breakfast! The robot is the size of an adult woman and

moves around on a large wheel. It has two cameras for ‘eyes’, four

fingers on each hand, and can pick up an object the size of a coin!

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1 - Impostare una determinazione di impegno di spesa per acquisto

di cancelleria per un importo di €. 2.000,00 oltre IVA relativo

all’annualità 2021

2 - Quando un’obbligazione si intende giuridicamente

perfezionata, quando diviene esigibile e come avviene la

registrazione contabile

3 - Il candidato illustri l’iter di approvazione di una deliberazione

di mero atto di indirizzo da parte della Giunta Comunale

Milton Keynes is a typical English town, full of buses, cars and

taxis. But here there’s a difference: some of the cars don’t have

drivers! Three LUTZ Pathfinder driverless vehicles appeared in

September 2015. They travel at 15 mph and use sensors to detect

other vehicles and people. The vehicles are going to be used as

taxis but aren’t being used yet because the car still needs a ‘brain’.

Scientists at Oxford University are working on this and hope that

they can begin a trial on the streets of London soon

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1 - La gestione contabile degli incentivi per le funzioni tecniche

2 - Il candidato illustri le principali tipologie di variazioni che

possono essere apportate al bilancio illustrandone i presupposti,

l’iter, gli organi competenti ed i limiti temporali per la loro


3 - Funzioni e compiti del comune

Farming is a difficult job, so some farmers in California had an

idea to make their job easier. They designed a robot to help them

with their lettuces. Lettuce Bot moves along the rows of plants and

identifies which are small lettuces and which are weeds. It has a

database of more than a million images to help it identify the

plant. It then sprays pesticide on the weeds and leaves the lettuces.

Some farmers in France are using robots to check and harvest their

grapes, called Wall-Ye

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1 - L’ufficio cultura ha la necessità di assumere un impegno di

spesa per diritti SIAE per l'organizzazione di un evento, ma non

ha la disponibilità necessaria sull’apposito capitolo. A quale

tipologie di atti si può ricorrere per il reperimento delle somme

necessarie, ne illustri i contenuti e la competenza.

2 - Il candidato illustri il riaccertamento dei residui

3 - Il candidato illustri le competenze del sindaco

My grandfather is the oldest and most important person in our

village. He doesn’t know anything about the modern world, he

can’t use a computer or drive a car, and I know he can hardly read

and write, but he’s very wise and intelligent. He lives in our

family home and my mum takes care of him, which is the tradition

here. In my society, we treat our elderly with a lot of respect

because they have the knowledge and experience of so many years

of living.

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1 - Impostare una generica variazione di bilancio afferente la parte

corrente sia di entrata che di spesa

2 - Trattando di spese, quale è la differenza tra scadenza

dell’obbligazione e scadenza di una fattura? Se queste avvengono

nell’anno successivo rispetto a quello corrente cosa generano,

come vanno gestite

3 - Il Consiglio Comunale: elezione, composizione,

funzionamento, permessi, compensi dei consiglieri.

What is fast fashion? Fast fashion is the term to describe how

many of us buy cheap clothes that we wear for a short time, then

throw away. Americans buy one billion garments from China

every year, and a survey showed that most women in the UK wear

a new item of clothing seven times. The critical aspects of this

system are linked to the exploitation of labor (often women and

children), but also to the disposal of excess production and

garments, destined for landfills because they cannot be recycled

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1 - Le entrate e le spese non ricorrenti

2 - Il fondo pluriennale vincolato: cos’è – come si determina –

illustrare dal punto di vista contabile come viene esposto in


3 - Il candidato illustri le competenze del Consiglio comunale

Every year, people all over the world buy a total of two billion T-

shirts. In many countries, cotton clothes are cheap, but what is the

true cost of these T-shirts? Is your T-shirt green?

Cotton is a natural fibre, but it has a terrible impact on the

environment. Cotton production uses a lot of water and energy, as

well as 25% of the world’s pesticides. Even if your new T-shirt is

cheap, the environmental cost can be high.

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1 - Il candidato tratti in maniera completa la variazione di peg

disposta dal responsabile di area: presupposti, motivazioni,

caratteristiche e completi l’esposizione con un caso concreto.

2 - In tema di entrate di bilancio: indicare le fasi dell’entrata e le

procedure di accertamento

3 - L’elezione del Sindaco

We have a bit of a reputation for perhaps not spending as much

time as we should in the workplace, but this really is a stereotype!

I think one of the reasons is because we’re known for the siesta,

that little sleep people say we take in the middle of the day. But I

actually don’t know anyone who has a siesta. It’s nothing but a

myth nowadays! It really is advisable to have a siesta in the

summer because it’s very hot, but people never do during the

week because they’re too busy working.

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1 – Fondo di riserva: il candidato parli del fondo di riserva ,

imposti la deliberazione di prelievo dal fondo di riserva e

specifichi gli adempimenti successivi all’adozione della


2 - Il candidato illustri il piano dei conti finanziario, a cosa serve e

quali informazioni dà come è strutturato e in quale fase della

gestione del bilancio è necessario.

3 - Il candidato illustri la figura del Segretario Comunale

Generally, I think people in the UK respect older people. But life

is very busy here and perhaps we don’t always have a lot of time

for the elderly. There are about 11 million people over the age of

65 in this country and an average of 3.5 million older people live

alone. It isn’t really the tradition for our grandparents to live with

us when they grow old, and my grandfather lives in a residential

home. It’s quite common for the elderly to move to a place which

can help them when they startindingit difficult to cope on their


Page 15: TRACCIA N. 1


1 - Il risultato presunto di amministrazione

2 - Il candidato tratti della parte entrate del bilancio del Comune

illustrando nel dettaglio i tipi di entrata per titolo facendo degli

esempi di voci iscrivibili nei vari titoli.

3 - Il candidato illustri le competenze della Giunta Comunale

Three quarters of elderly people live with their families in Japan.

My grandmother Sayuri lives with us. In my country, we see the

older generation as a link to the past. They’ve lived through many

experiences and we youngsters can learn from them. When we

address senior citizens, we use “San” at the end of their name as a

sign of deep respect. To show our esteem for our older population,

we also have a special celebration called “Respect for the Aged


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1 - L’ufficio servizi sociali ha la necessità di erogare dei

contributi a due famiglie bisognose, ma non ha la disponibilità

necessaria sull’apposito capitolo di spesa quali azioni può

intraprendere per il reperimento delle somme necessarie. Illustri il

contenuto dell’atto e la competenza

2 - L’iter di predisposizione e di approvazione del DUP e il suo


3 - L’accesso agli atti della pubblica amministrazione

Kelvin Doe created his own youth radio station for Sierra Leone

where he plays music and broadcasts news under the name of DJ

Focus. A few years ago, some of his creations were noticed by

university professors in the USA and Kelvin had the chance to

travel there and present his ideas at a festival for inventors in New

York. He has even given talks to engineering students at Harvard

University. He really is remarkable!

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1 - Impostare una variazione di bilancio che comporta variazione

di cronoprogramma degli investimenti

2 - Il candidato tratti della parte uscite del bilancio del Comune

illustrando nel dettaglio i tipi di uscita per titolo facendo degli

esempi concreti di voci iscrivibili nei vari titoli

3 - Funzioni e responsabilità della dirigenza

In my city, we’re all really proud of Kelvin Doe, the inventor with

the most imagination in Freetown! He started inventing when he

was four years old and he loves designing electronic solutions,

especially for music, which is his passion. By the age of 13,

Kelvin was already building radios, audio speakers and amplifiers

from scrap metal and other materials he found in the rubbish. And

he created his own youth radio station for Sierra Leone.

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1 - Il disavanzo di amministrazione

2 - Il servizio di economato dell’ente e gli agenti contabili :

competenze, obblighi ed adempimenti di loro competenza

3 - Amministrazione trasparente: il candidato illustri le finalità, i

contenuti e gli aggiornamenti richiesti

Did you know we have one of the longest working days that I

know of? This is because we start at eight or nine in the morning,

take an hour for lunch, and then we work from three or four in the

afternoon until about eight o’clock in the evening. These are

typical private sector working hours, although there are a lot of

civil servants who only work until three o’clock. I wish I could be

one of them! I have to work at the weekends sometimes too, and I

hate that. My work/life balance could be better, I think!

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1 - A causa di un violento temporale due alberi all’interno di

un’area del comune sono caduti. E’ necessario procedere con

urgenza alla messa in sicurezza dell’area. Il responsabile LL.PP

non ha fondi sufficienti per la copertura della spesa, come può


2 - Il candidato illustri i principali adempimenti contabili e le

relative scadenze

3 - Le determinazioni

My pet is a tarantula. His name is Enrique and he’s two years old.

Tarantulas are great pets. They are small, quiet and clean and most

are quite gentle. But you must be careful when you pick them up

because you can hurt them. Tarantulas don’t need a big tank to

live in, but it needs to be warm. Tarantulas eat insects and I give

Enrique one or two crickets a week. Some of my friends don’t like

Enrique because they are scared of spiders, but I like his hairy

body and big legs. He’s a unique and interesting pet.

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1 - Il candidato parli delle fasi dell’entrata ed imposti un atto di

accertamento a propria scelta indicandone le motivazioni

2 - Il candidato illustri le tipologie di fondi iscrivibili nel bilancio

di previsione

3 - L’iter di approvazione delle delibere e la relativa pubblicazione

Deepika Kurup is a young American scientist who invented a new

water purification system when she was 14 years old. On a visit to

India, she saw children drinking dirty water and this made her feel

sad. When she returned home, she started working immediately on

a solution to the problem. She developed a low-cost method to

clean water using solar power which can stop the bacteria that

grows in waste water. It was a success, and in 2012 she won the

Young Scientist Challenge Award for her invention.

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1 - Cosa succede se il contratto decentrato integrativo per la

destinazione dei fondi destinati al trattamento accessorio del

personale non viene sottoscritto entro il 31 dicembre ?

2 - L’esercizio provvisorio la gestione provvisoria

3 - Diritti e doveri del dipendente pubblico

When she was 16 years old, Elif Bilgin from Istanbul discovered

an innovative new way to use banana peels. She created a new

bio-plastic with them. How amazing is that? Elif wanted to invent

a new type of plastic that causes less pollution than the traditional

petroleumbased plastics. She worked for two years to design a

new product that uses the skins of bananas because she realised

the starch and cellulose in the banana peel creates plastic. Her

environmentally-friendly bio-plastic won the 2013 Science in

Action award.

Page 22: TRACCIA N. 1


1 - A seguito di scorrimento di graduatoria il Ministero

dell’Interno inaspettatamente ha concesso all’Ente un contributo a

fondo perso per la realizzazione di interventi di manutenzione

straordinaria alla scuola dell’infanzia. Le somme non sono a

bilancio come si deve procedere. Il candidato indichi in maniera

chiara anche l’allocazione a bilancio delle stesse.

2 - Il fondo crediti di dubbia esigibilità a rendiconto

3 - Il programma di mandato: contenuti, approvazione ed eventuali

adempimenti a cura degli uffici comunali

The Hobbit House

The grass on the roof insulates the building, keeping it warm in

winter and cool in summer. The roof has features such as solar

panels to provide energy and skylights to bring in natural daylight

too. There’s a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen

with a fridge that keeps cool, thanks to a supply of cold air from

under the house. The building is a really impressive structure and

its design is very good for the environment because it causes

hardly any pollution.

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1 - Il candidato parli delle fasi della spesa ed imposti un atto di

liquidazione a propria scelta indicandone le motivazioni

2 - Con quale documento si determina l’avanzo di

amministrazione. Il candidato illustri successivamente in maniera

dettagliata la composizione dell’avanzo di amministrazione.

3 - Il responsabile per la trasparenza e anticorruzione

I’ve got two chinchillas. They are really cute, with their big, dark

eyes and soft grey fur. Chinchillas are easy to look after because

they are clean and quiet. You can’t really play with a chinchilla,

but mine are very curious and they like to sit on me. Chinchillas

need a place to run and jump: they love jumping and can jump

over one metre! They aren’t big animals, they are around 30 cm

long, but they need a big cage.

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1 - La nota integrativa al bilancio di previsione

2 - Il candidato tratti del bilancio consolidato dell’ente

3 - Il funzionario responsabile del servizio economico finanziario

I’ve got a crested gecko called Dawn. She’s green and I think

she’s beautiful. Geckos are one of the easiest lizards to have as a

pet. They are small and they are very friendly. Geckos grow to

around 17– 20 cm long. They are nocturnal, and can be noisy at

night, so Dawn doesn’t live in my bedroom. She has a home

called a vivarium with a special light and some plants in it. I buy

special reptile food for her but she also likes to eat small insects.

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1 - Il candidato illustri in maniera completa il mandato di

pagamento e completi l’esposizione con un caso concreto per il

pagamento di una fattura di consumi di energia elettrica del campo


2 - Il candidato illustri il PEG

3 - L’avvio del procedimento amministrativo

Life at the bottom of the sea

For many years, scientists believed that there was no life in the

ocean below 540 m. Conditions in the deepest part of the ocean

are very challenging, and it’s hard to see how they can support

life. There is very little oxygen and light, and that means food is

hard to find. And in the ‘hadal zone’ at 11,000 m, the pressure is

one ton per cm2. But now, new research is revealing that the deep

ocean is actually a world inhabited by amazing creatures.

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1 - Impostare una generica variazione di bilancio afferente la

parte investimenti sia di entrata che di spesa

2 - Gli strumenti della programmazione del Comune

3 - Il candidato illustri i controlli interni di cui all’art. 147 del tuel

The eco-friendly school

Solar panels heat the water in the bathrooms and canteen, and a

wind turbine provides electricity. The roof is covered in plants that

provide insulation and it’s also a living classroom for pupils to

study the natural habitat of insects in biology lessons. The school

is always thinking of new ways to be ecofriendly: it has toilets that

flush rainwater, sinks made from recycled plastic yoghurt pots and

desks made of drainpipes! It’s important to be green for our future,

and it’s often the small changes that make a big difference

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1 - La relazione della Giunta sulla gestione

2 - Il candidato dopo aver brevemente elencato le fasi della spesa,

esamini in maniera esaustiva la prima fase.

3 - La responsabilità patrimoniale e disciplinare del dipendente


London is a city destination where you can do lots of sightseeing,

go shopping in the most posh and fashionable markets and

warehouses in the world and try amazing food. The capital of the

UK is one of the most popular city for tourists in the world.

London is a destination to visit over and over again. A lifetime is

not enough to discover everything about this fabulous and

cosmopolitan English city!

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1 - Il candidato illustri in maniera completa l’ordinativo d’incasso

e completi l’esposizione con un caso concreto relativo alla

regolarizzazione di un’entrata per addizionale comunale

2 - Le modalità di finanziamento delle spese d’investimento

3 - Il candidato illustri i controlli di cui all’art. 147-bis (controllo

di regolarità amministrativa contabile) 147-ter (controllo

strategico) e 147-quater (controllo sulle società partecipate non


Most of us think that we choose our friends based on factors like

common interests, similar backgrounds and enjoying each other’s

company, but Dr Palmer’s book opens up a whole new way of

understanding friendship. And shows us that non-verbal

communication is clearly significant in making new friends. Her

research also reveals that some people have an open body

language and use gesture and touch to make us feel more relaxed.

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1 - Come si determina il fondo di cassa eventuali controlli

collegati alla cassa che il candidato farebbe in corso di gestione e

cosa farebbe in caso di cassa negativa

2 - Residui presupposti utilità significato

3 - Il responsabile del procedimento

Japan is exotic and culturally fascinating for many visitors. Last

year, it was the fastest growing travel destination in the world,

with a 24% increase in tourism. At the beginning of the decade,

the number of visitors fell a little because of an earthquake and a

tsunami. However, in recent years a new focus on tourism

promotion has helped to increase the number of international


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1 - Le regole e le procedure per l’assunzione dei mutui

2 - Illustrare il risultato di amministrazione: come si determina e

come si utilizza

3 - I controlli esterni sulla gestione dell’ente (art. 148 e 148 bis del

TUEL 267/2000)

A team of scientists recently investigated the ocean off the coast

of Japan. They discovered that there is an incredible range of life

in the deepest ocean water. These animals adapted to their habitat

over many millions of years, and developed clever ways of

surviving in a hostile environment. Most of the animals of the

deep are little studied or even unknown. In nature, however,

"useful" is not synonymous with "beautiful" and these animals are

a living demonstration of this.

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1 - Dal giornale di cassa del Tesoriere si evince che il sig. XY ha

effettuato un bonifico a favore del Comune di € 10.000,00 quale

canone di locazione per i locali di proprietà dell’ente da lui

occupati. Quali atti propedeutici sono stati necessari per far si che

il sig. XY abbia versato a favore dell’ente una somma, quale altro

atto deve essere predisposto per registrare tale movimento nel

bilancio? Di chi è la competenza di questi atti?

2- Il candidato illustri i principi su cui si fonda il bilancio dell’ente


3 - La conferenza di servizi ai sensi della Legge 241/90

The Cape Verde islands off the west coast of Africa are becoming

a popular package holiday destination for tourists, thanks to their

warm climate and a recent growth in development, with many new

hotels and airports. Cape Verde dues its name to the Portuguese,

who named it this way for the Senegalese peninsula of Cap Verd,

the western most point of Africa. The island of Sal, with its beach

called Santa Maria, is particularly popular with surfers.

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1 - Illustrare come è formato l’avanzo di amministrazione ed

impostare una variazione di bilancio che ne preveda l’utilizzo

tenendo in considerazione che l’ente è in anticipazione di tesoreria

2- Il controllo di gestione

3 - Il revisore dei conti: nomina, ruolo e competenze

I’m 15 years old and I live on the island of La Gomera. I speak a

local language called Silbo. I’ve spoken Silbo since I was at

primary school. Although it isn’t really a language which we

speak, it’s a language that’s made up of whistle sounds! On my

island, people have used Silbo for hundreds of years because

whistling was a useful way for the islanders to communicate with

each other across the hills and valleys.

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1 - La verifica dei crediti e dei debiti reciproci con i propri enti

strumentali e le società partecipate

2 - il candidato illustri il principio contabile di competenza


3 - Il piano anticorruzione (art. 1 L. 190/2012)

Adapting a book for film is known as writing a screenplay, but

just how different is a screenplay from an original story? In a

book, the author spends time describing the characters and plot

and exploring scenes in detail to develop the story as much as

possible for the reader. But a screenplay is very different. The

screenwriter must make lots of changes to the book without losing

the main story so that it works well as a film.