two aime women of papua new guinea “measured” by lord moyne and colleague

Two Aime women of Papua New Guinea “measured” by Lord Moyne and Colleague

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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Two Aime women of Papua New Guinea “measured” by Lord Moyne and Colleague

Two Aime women of Papua New Guinea “measured” by Lord Moyne and Colleague

Page 2: Two Aime women of Papua New Guinea “measured” by Lord Moyne and Colleague
Page 3: Two Aime women of Papua New Guinea “measured” by Lord Moyne and Colleague

John Howard, Hukara Camels of Poona (1860)

Page 4: Two Aime women of Papua New Guinea “measured” by Lord Moyne and Colleague

Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxiscope, ca 1870.

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Corbis/Bettmann Archive, Artist Using a Camera Obscura, ca 1820

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William Henry Fox Talbot, Latticed Window at Lacock Abbey, 1835

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Leonardo da Vinci, Perspective Constructed of Leonardo’s Last Supper, 1495-1498.

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Fra Carnavele, The Annunciation, 1448

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Funerary Papyrus of the Princess Entiu-ny, 1025 BC.

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Zhang Zeduan, Going Upriver at the Qing Ming Festival, 1111-1126

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Donatello, St. Anthony Healing the young Man’s Foot (with perspective systems marked), 1846-1849

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Mark Rothko, Red-tone, 1959

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Claude Monet, Rouen Cathedral (facade at sunset), 1894.

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Claude Monet, Impression-Sunrise, 1872.

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Claude Monet, Haystack in Winter, 1891

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Claude Monet, Haystack, ca 1891

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Picasso in his Studio

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Pablo Picasso, Ma Jolie, 1912

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Georges Braque, The Portuguese, 1911

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James Anderson, Michaelangelo’s Moses from the Tomb of Julius II, early


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Edward Munch, The Scream, 1893

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Scala Art Resource (advertisement), Tips for Relieving Stress, 1999nt Van Gogh, Self Portrait,