uc masterclassyoungpeople

8/10/2019 UC MasterclassYoungPeople http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/uc-masterclassyoungpeople 1/15  Youth & Crime: Anti- social behaviour, drugs and gangs Key Terms, Acts & Government Policy Rob Ralhs !" th  #ebruary !$%

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 Youth & Crime: Anti-social behaviour, drugs

and gangsKey Terms, Acts & Government


Rob Ralhs !"th #ebruary !$%

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'e(ning Anti-)ocial *ehaviour


'e(ned in )% o+ the Crime and 'isorder Act %./

• Acting 0in a manner that caused or was likely to causeharassment, alarm or distress to one or more personsnot of the same household 12


• 4hat is considered A)*, there+ore deends uonindividual interretation

• Positiveo 5mbraces all victims6e7eriences

• 8egativeo 9ague6too broado Could be alied to unorthodo7 behaviour

o easurement di;culties

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<arradine et al2 !$$=: =/:Tyology o+ A)*

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A)* >egislation and YoungPeole


• Critics o+ A)* legislation suggest ithas had a negative imact on youngeole

• <uman rights due rocess 6ublicity/

• Criminalisation o+ young eoleo ?$@ A)*s in Greater anchester

%-!$$? Bere given to youngeole

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A)* >egislation and YoungPeole


• oral anics: media creation o+EchavsF and EhoodiesF

• arginalisation o+ young eolerein+orced through the cleansingo+ ublic sace disersal/

• 'isroortionate number o+A)*s given to young eole Bith

learning di;culties and mental

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5nd o+ the A)*H

• May 2012 Coalition Governmentannounce ‘Community Trigger’

• http:!!!"##c"co"u$ne!%u$&politic%&1'1564'6

Critical o( )*+,%• -ropo%e to replace !ith t!o or.er%: the Criminal

+ehaviour ,r.er /C+, an. a Crime -reventionnunction /C-"

•  The C- i% a civil or.er an. %imilar to the ei%ting )%#o%& #ut mini%ter% %ay it !ill #e availa#le at an earlier%tage o( #a. #ehaviour an. #e ea%ier an. (a%ter to u%e"

• C+, an. C- have a lo!er %tan.ar. o( proo( an. coul.#e put in place in .ay% or even hour%"

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JK 'rug Trying Rates

  5)PA' 5nglish & )cottishadolescents highest drug trying

rates in 5uroe

  ?$-"$@ mid-adolescents trying

drugs Aldridge et al, %D*arnard et al %"/

  "$@ universit students tried

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JK 'rug Trends & oralPanics

• %.$s <eroin E Just say noF

%$s 5cstasy EOne pill can kill F

• !$$$s Ketamine E Just Say neighF

• !$%$s >egal <ighs EmeoB meoBF6ehadrone 8RG etc

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E>egal <ighsF Commonly sold as Elant+ertiliserF


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Problems Bith resonding tolegal highs

• in%toc$ et al /2010 +M March 2010:

“It is hard to judge whether controlling mephedroneunder the current provisions of the Misuse of Drugs Act

is the best public health response. Recent historysuggests that manufacturers will merely turn thereattention to the nearest eective but unsanctionedalternative substance. nfortunately! the list of potential synthetic psycoactive compounds is dauntingly


NB! Since ban 4 " new #legal highs disco$eredeach year%


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4hat do Be mean Bhen Betal about EgangsFH

•  A group of three or more people who have a distinct identity #e.g. aname or badge$emblem$dress code% and commit general criminal

or anti&social behaviour #A'( as part of that identity. )his groupuses #or is reasonably suspected of using% *rearms! or the threat of

*rearms! when carrying out these oences" /TG)-7 200': 23"

•  A relatively durable! predominately street&based group of young people who #+% see themselves #and are seen by others% as a

discernible group! #,% engage in a range of criminal activity andviolence! #-% identify with or lay claim over territory! #% have some

form of identifying structural feature and #/% are in con0ict withother! similar gangs. /8ying to +elong7 200:21"

• 9urogang .enition : A durable street&oriented youth group whose

identity includes involvement in illegal activity /;lein et al 2006<

eerman et al 200" 13

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EGangboFsF L latest olicy totacle gangs

• =e! legi%lation /pa%%e. =ovem#er 2007 e>ective 31%t an20117 (or tac$ling gang% un.er the 200 1olicing and 2rime Act : the gang in3unction & .u##e. the ‘gangbo% ? an )*+,/)nti&*ocial +ehaviour ,r.er (or gang mem#er%" ,riginallyre%tricte. to tho%e 1' an. over7 only a !ee$ a(ter the act !a%approve.7 the Crime an. *ecurity +ill propo%e. it% eten%ionto cover tho%e 14&1@"

• 8*2 /Gang nunction% have #een u%e. in the A* (or over t!o.eca.e%"

•  The gang inunction prohi#it% the (ollo!ing: being in a particular place3 being with particular persons in a particular place3 being in charge of a particular species of animal in a particular place3 wearing particular clothing in a particular place3 or using the internet to facilitate or encourage violence"


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