ud batxillerat evolució lorena kim

SEQÜÈNCIA DIDÀCTICA 1R BATXILLERAT EVOLUCIÓ Tutor: Marcel Costa Mentora: Jill Simon Autores: Kim Barba i Lorena Fernández

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Unitat didàctica de 1r de Batxillerat (Científic-Tecnològic/Social-Humanístic) de l'assignatura Ciències pel Món Contemporani (CLIL). Evolution.


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Tutor: Marcel Costa

Mentora: Jill Simon

Autores: Kim Barba i Lorena Fernández

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1. Resum-Abstract

2. Programació

a. Context

b. Treball competencial

c. Objectius

d. Continguts

e. Seqüenciació de les sessions

3. Criteris d’avaluació generals

4. Criteris d’atenció a la diversitat

5. Connexió amb altres matèries

6. Materials

a. Alumnat

b. Professorat

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La nostra seqüència didàctica (SD) està emmarcada en el tema de l’evolució a l’assignatura de Ciències pel

Món Contemporani (CMC). La impartirem a les classes de 1r A (científic-tecnològic) i 1r B (social-humanístic)

de batxillerat de l’Institut Joaquima Pla i Farreras de Sant Cugat del Vallès. En aquestes classes trobem 34

alumnes al grup A i 32 al grup B. Cada grup fa dues hores de classe de CMC a la setmana.

El que pretenem és que els alumnes siguin capaços d’explicar als companys els coneixements adquirits

durant la seqüència didàctica, utilitzant una infografia, elaborada prèviament en grups, com a suport. Per

aconseguir aquest objectiu competencial global, els estudiants hauran de ser capaços de descobrir la

complexitat de l’arbre de la vida, investigar i fer-se preguntes sobre l’origen de la vida, comprendre la

dualitat de l’evolució com a teoria i fet, conèixer les teories de Lamarck i Darwin, entendre els principis del

Neodarwinisme, etc. Al llarg de la seqüència didàctica treballarem molt a partir de l’ús d’imatges i altres

recursos visuals com poden ser vídeos o dibuixos, donat que volem veure si aquesta manera alternativa de

treball augmenta la motivació dels alumnes i afavoreix el seu aprenentatge (TFM Kim).

Una de les dificultats amb que ens podem trobar a l’hora de fer les classes de la nostra seqüència didàctica

fa referència a la pròpia assignatura de CMC. La concepció d’aquesta assignatura és molt interessant si

realment es treballa la ciència des del punt de vista social i tenint en compte les repercussions que aquesta

té en la vida dels ciutadans del món. El problema és que el currículum sembla més enfocat a les ciències com

a tals i no aplicades en el context sociocultural. Així, ens trobem amb que molts alumnes (tant de ciències

com no) presenten una desmotivació cap a l’assignatura. Els de la classe del batxillerat científic-tecnològic

tenen una “lluita” entre els alumnes que fan biologia i els que no perquè creuen que CMC tracta molts temes

relacionats amb aquesta assignatura. D’altra banda, els del social tenen una mancança pel que fa als

coneixements bàsics de ciències i en molts casos no els interessa el temari. Per tant, haurem d’intentar

motivar al màxim els alumnes i anar adaptant les classes de manera diferent en cadascuna de les dues

classes de batxillerat.

Pel que fa a la diversitat d’alumnes cal destacar que, en un principi no sembla que hi hagi casos particulars

que requereixin d’una atenció especial, però haurem d’anar veient les necessitats individuals a mida que

vagin passant les sessions de la SD.

L’avaluació serà de forma continuada i reguladora, ja que hauran d’anar entregant petites tasques al llarg de

les sessions que seran corregides i tindran la possibilitat de presentar-les millorades al dossier final. La nota

final es calcula a partir dels següents percentatges:

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- 50% procediment: procedent de la nota final del dossier.

- 40% avaluació: repartit entre un 20% del treball grupal (infografia) i un 20% de la prova final


- 10% actitudinal.

Tant pel que fa a la nota de procediments com a la d’avaluació cal assolir un mínim de 3,5 perquè faci

mitjana amb la resta de notes. Aquests percentatges i notes mínimes venen donats per la normativa del

centre i assignatura, tot i que ens han permès fer petites modificacions.

Coma producte final hauran d’elaborar una infografia, en grup, on sintetitzin tots el continguts treballats al

llarg de la SD, el dossier i realitzar l’examen.


Nivell: 1r Batxillerat A i B (científic-tecnològic i humanístic-social)

Matèria: Assignatura obligatòria Ciències pel Món Contemporani

Tema: Evolució


Context d’aprenentatge:

El context que emmarca i acompanya la unitat serà un context basat en imatges.

A la primera sessió els alumnes rebran un petit dossier on hi haurà una imatge (dibuix) sobre la radiació

adaptativa, concretament el cas dels pinsans de Darwin. A partir d’aquí, de manera individual, els alumnes

hauran de respondre què observen en el dibuix, com poden explicar-ho amb les seves paraules i si ho poden

relacionar d’alguna manera amb l’evolució.

En aquesta mateixa sessió faran un treball similar per grups on cada grup (5-6 persones) rebrà una imatge

sobre la qual han de respondre les mateixes preguntes que se’ls demanava per a l’activitat individual. Poden

escriure un màxim de 2 idees de com l’evolució explica el que ells veuen. Aquestes imatges van lligades als

diferents continguts que s’aniran treballant al llarg de la unitat (Origen de la vida, Arbre de la vida,

Conceptes clau d’evolució, Lamarck, Darwin i Neodarwinisme). Així doncs cada grup fa una hipòtesi sobre la

seva imatge i posteriorment, sessió per sessió, s’aniran contrastant aquestes hipòtesis inicials de cada grup

amb les conclusions a les que arribarà tota la classe després d’haver treballat aquell apartat del tema. La

idea és enllaçar així els diferents continguts treballats durant la seqüència.

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Context d’aplicació:

El context d’aplicació serà una imatge (dibuix) extreta del mateix llibre que la imatge de l’activitat d’idees

prèvies. Totes dues il·lustracions són extretes del llibre: "The human evolution coloring book (Adrienne

L.Zihlman)". Concretament són les il·lustracions 1-16 Speciation and genetic drift: Snub-Nosed Monkeys

(prova final) i 1-17 Natural Selection in action: Galapagos Finches (prova inicial, idees prèvies).

Treballem amb aquestes dues imatges perquè fan referència al mateix procés evolutiu i per tant les podem

utilitzar com a punt de partida (idees prèvies) i cas d'aplicació (prova final) i a la vegada són iguals en el

sentit gràfic (mateix disseny, estil).

Aquest context d’aplicació serà una de les preguntes de la prova individual final de la unitat.


Competències generals:

- Competència comunicativa: es treballa durant totes les sessions a partir d’activitats on hagin de

redactar textos, expressar-se oralment davant de tota la classe o quan treballin en grups o parelles.

- Competència en la gestió i el tractament de la informació: es treballa en general al llarg de tota la

SD, però més concretament en l’activitat de cerca d’informació “Origin of Life” i amb les teories de

Lamarck i Darwin.

- Competència digital: Aquesta competència també es treballa al llarg de la SD en general, però més

concretament en l’activitat de cerca d’informació “Origin of life” i amb les teories de Lamarck i

Darwin. Com també en l’elaboració digital de la infografia.

- Competència en recerca: es treballa al llarg de la SD en diverses activitats, però és sobretot en

l’activitat experimental dels “pinsans de Darwin” que els alumnes hauran de mobilitzar els

coneixements i els recursos adients per aplicar un mètode lògic i raonable per resoldre un problema

o trobar resposta a preguntes rellevants.

- Competència personal i interpersonal: es treballa al llarg de totes les sessions perquè han de

realitzar algunes activitats d’autoregulació (competència personal, conèixer-se a un mateix i

reflexionar sobre el propi aprenentatge) i moltes activitats en grups o parelles (competència

interpersonal, conèixer i interactuar constructivament amb els altres). Però en especial es treballarà

al treball cooperatiu que es realitzarà al final de la SD.

- Competència en el coneixement i la interacció amb el món: al ser una assignatura de ciències,

contínuament estem treballant continguts que fan referència a conèixer i entendre el món.

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Competències específiques de la matèria:

- Competència en indagació: es treballa en totes les sessions, donada la mentalitat i metodologia CLIL,

on es promou de manera directa aquesta competència. Els alumnes s’hauran de fer preguntes amb

orientació científica i trobar les respostes a partir de diferents activitats i dinàmiques de classe on es

promourà la indagació, treball cooperatiu, etc.

- Competència en la dimensió social i cívica de la ciència i tecnologia: potser no se’n treballen tots els

aspectes però sí alguns. Donat el tema (evolució), l’alumnat pot veure la relació entre paradigma

científic i els models d’una època, poden situar el coneixement científic dins un context històric i

reflexionar i ser conscients de la naturalesa canviant de la ciència, en constant evolució, de la que

nosaltres formem part i en podem gaudir a l’hora que hem de ser responsables i conseqüents pel

que fa als nostres efectes sobre la natura.

- Competència en la reflexió sobre la naturalesa de la ciència: treballada de manera clara en totes les

sessions donat el temari (origen de la terra, teoria de l’evolució...). Veure com tots els processos

globals han afectat al planeta terra i a l’espècie humana tot analitzant la validesa de la informació

científica i sent conscients de la necessitat de contrastar informació i d’utilitzar un llenguatge

específic adequat en el discurs científic. Això es treballa a partir de cercar informació, explicar-li als

companys, que es corregeixin termes a la posada en comú, etc.


Objectiu global: Explicar als companys els coneixements sobre evolució adquirits al llarg de la seqüència

didàctica utilitzant una infografia elaborada prèviament en grups.

Objectius d’aprenentatge (OA):

1. Reflexionar sobre els propis coneixements de l’evolució a partir de la interpretació de d’una imatge


2. Descobrir la complexitat de l’arbre de la vida.

3. Investigar l’origen de la vida a través de cercar informació de manera crítica i sintetitzar-la.

4. Comprendre el perquè de la concepció canviant de l’evolució (primer com a teoria i ara com a fet)

5. Definir els conceptes bàsics per entendre l’evolució: arbres filogenètics, espècie, població i


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6. Crear un eix cronològic on es representin els principals autors i teories relacionats amb l’evolució

(objectiu que s’assoleix si es fa l’activitat optativa).

7. Deduir, a partir de recursos diversos facilitats per nosaltres (vídeos, links, etc.), les teories de

Lamarck i Darwin.

8. Conèixer el Neodarwinisme.

9. Aplicar els principis de la teoria de l’evolució i Neodarwinisme en un cas pràctic nou.

10. Interpretar imatges i altres recursos visuals i gràfics.

11. Sintetitzar els continguts treballats en una infografia desenvolupant la creativitat.

Objectius actitudinals:

12. Desenvolupar la creativitat en les activitats d’analitzar imatges i creació de la infografia.

13. Admetre/Prendre consciència de la necessitat de constant revisió i debat en el model científic.

Objectius procedimentals:

14. Treballar en grup de forma cooperativa i eficient.

15. Utilitzar un vocabulari científic adequat.

16. Transmetre els coneixements apresos de forma oral.

17. Comprendre textos i saber extreure’n les idees principals.


- L’origen de la vida

- L’arbre de la vida

- Història de les teories de l’evolució

o Conceptes clau d’evolució (arbre filogenètic, espècie i població)

o Introducció general (autors, teories)

o Lamarck

o Darwin: teoria de l’evolució per selecció natural

o Neodarwinisme

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Sessió 1:

Ens presentarem, els explicarem com treballarem, quins són els objectius, els criteris d’avaluació, etc.

utilitzant el suport de la guia docent 10’


→ “Guia docent” (veure annex 1)

● Activitat 1: idees prèvies

Fase del cicle: exploració.

Descripció: se’ls presentarà una imatge relacionada amb l’evolució (concretament el fenomen de la

radiació adaptativa) i hauran de redactar, individualment, què veuen (analitzar la imatge) i com ho

interpreten (hipòtesis sobre evolució) (veure annex 2, task 1) 15-20’

Després es tornarà a fer el mateix però en grup. Cada grup tindrà una imatge a analitzar. Primerament,

individualment hauran de redactar què extreuen de la imatge i després com a grup decidir quina hipòtesi

accepten com a més plausible. Les imatges a analitzar correspondran als continguts que es treballaran al

llarg de la unitat (veure annex 2, task 1) 10’

Gestió d’aula: seuran en grups de 5/6 persones.

Atenció a la diversitat: els grups seran formats per nosaltres de manera per tal que a un mateix grup hi

hagi diversitat d’alumnat (gènere, cognitiva, maduresa, etc.).

Avaluació - regulació: a cada sessió el grup que hagi treballat aquella imatge explica a quina hipòtesi van

arribar com a grup el primer dia i es contrasta amb les conclusions a les quals arriba tota la classe en

acabar la sessió que tracta amb el tema corresponent a la imatge.


→ imatges dels diferents continguts que es treballaran (power point i document pdf)

→ fitxes resposta idees prèvies: individual i grupal dossier idees prèvies

→ fitxes resposta final dossier idees prèvies

Objectius que es treballen: 1 i 13.

● Activitat 2: Quines preguntes tenen sobre el tema? 10’

Fase del cicle: exploració.

Descripció: Els demanem que escriguin, a la fitxa que els proporcionem, quines preguntes es plantegen

ells sobre l’evolució. Cada pregunta serà resposta pel company de la dreta al final de la SD, de manera

que cada alumne tingui dues preguntes i dues respostes (la seva i la del company) per afegir al dossier. A

la propera sessió hauran de portar la pregunta pensada per tal d’intercanviar-la amb el company (veure

annex 2, task 2).

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Fitxa “Unit question” dossier inicial alumnes

Rúbrica per avaluar-ho

Objectius que es treballen: 12

Sessió 2:

● Activitat 3: Origin of life:

Fase del cicle: introducció a nous coneixements

Descripció: primer passem a mirar que tots els alumnes hagin pensat la pregunta de la unitat i se l’hauran

d’intercanviar amb el company.

Després comencem amb l’activitat de “Origin of life” que serà una activitat amb metodologia CLIL 100%.

Els alumnes treballaran en parelles amb un ordinador i hauran de respondre unes preguntes (algunes

individuals primerament i després altres amb la parella) referents a l’origen de la vida. La informació

l’extrauran d’un link que els facilitarem. Hi ha diferents nivells de preguntes (menor a major abstracció).

Hauran d’entregar l’activitat al final de la sessió (veure annex 2, task 3).

Gestió d’aula: treballaran en parelles. Les professores haurem de guiar-los si tenen dubtes.

Avaluació - regulació: al final de la sessió entreguen l’activitat i se’ls torna a la propera sessió indicant què

tenen bé i què tenen malament però sense corregir les errades. Tenen una segona data de lliurament

definitiva per entregar l’activitat amb les correccions fetes.

“Social knowledge constuction”: imatge del grup 1 que mostra la creació de les primeres molècules (brou

primitiu) últims 5’ de la classe


→ web origin of life: http://exploringorigins.org/timeline.html

→ Fitxa activitats sobre la web (individuals i en parella)


Objectius que es treballen: 3, 9, 14 i 15

Sessió 3:

● Activitat 4: l’Arbre de la vida

Fase del cicle: introducció a nous coneixements

Descripció: primer se’ls donarà un text consistent en la transcripció del vídeo que visualitzaran més tard.

Llegiran el text en veu alta, passant per tots els alumnes de la classe i en parelles comentaran el

vocabulari anglès associat, explicat a partit d’imatges i definicions. Hauran de respondre un parell de

preguntes sobre què els ha ajudat més a entendre el vocabulari (imatges o definicions) (veure annex 2,

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task 4). Es visualitzarà el vídeo dues vegades. La primera el veurem sencer mentre que la segona anirem

fent unes petites pauses per clarificar les explicacions, acompanyant-nos d’un esquema amb les idees i

conceptes clau que anirem construint a la pissarra a partir de les preguntes que farem als alumnes. Quan

acabin podran començar a l’activitat 3 consistent en elaborar el “seu” arbre de la vida (realitzar un

esquema-dibuix a mode resum del vídeo) (veure annex 2, task 4.1). Per a fer-ho poden utilitzar

informació del vídeo com també de l’activitat de la sessió anterior. El que els hi falti acabar ho entregaran

de deures a la següent sessió. També tindran una activitat optativa que consisteix en pintar uns dibuixos

seguint unes instruccions. El fet de pintar-los seguint les indicacions que acompanyen l’activitat, fa que

entenguin el procés que intenta explicar cada imatge. L’activitat està extreta del llibre "The human

evolution coloring book (Adrienne L.Zihlman)" (veure annex 2, task 4.2).

Gestió d’aula: seuen en parelles, com de costum. Quan es llegeix el text en veu alta treballem tot el grup

classe en conjunt. Quan revisen el vocabulari treballen per parelles i quan visualitzem el vídeo tornem a

treballar amb tot el grup classe junt. L’activitat de l’arbre de la vida és individual.

Avaluació - regulació: els alumnes hauran de reflexionar sobre si els ha anat millor l’ajuda del vocabulari

amb imatges o definicions.

“Social knowledge constuction”: imatge del grup 2 que mostra un arbre de la vida últims 5’ de la classe


→ Vídeo de l’arbre de la vida “The tree of life” Narrated by David Attenborough: 6min, editat per

nosaltres (hem afegit alguns subtítols en anglès). El vídeo no està penjat a internet, però el tenim en un

USB i el podem facilitar a qui el necessiti. A l’aula el copiem a un alumne al seu USB per qui el vulgui, tot i

que tenen el text transcrit en l’activitat.

→ Transcripció del vídeo i vocabulari (imatges, definicions) amb preguntes finals

→ Activitat post vídeo: començar dibuix que representi el “seu” arbre de la vida amb les anotacions

complementàries pertinents que han d’acabar per deures i adjuntar al dossier.

Objectius que es treballen: 2, 10, 14, 15, 16 i 17.

Sessió 4:

● Activitat 5: Conceptes bàsics d’evolució: arbres filogenètics, espècie i població

Fase del cicle: introducció a nous coneixements.

Descripció: primerament es fa un repàs dels conceptes clau de la sessió anterior a partir de plantejar-los

la pregunta següent: quines imatges espereu trobar si busquem evolució al google imatges? Els

ensenyem que la majoria d’imatges que trobem són la dels micos-homos-Homo sapiens sapiens. A partir

d’aquí es pot recordar el fet que està malament pensar en evolució com una substitució d’una espècie

per una altra (com mostren aquestes imatges) que en realitat no totes les noves espècies substitueixen

d’altres anteriors, sinó que poden coexistir.

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Després es comença amb els conceptes bàsics d’evolució: es tracta que els alumnes vagin arribant a

entendre els diferents conceptes a partir de la interpretació d’imatges. Treballen en parelles. Cada

parella, a partir de les imatges que tenen al power point, han de definir els diferents conceptes (treballen

l’anàlisi de recursos visuals) a partir de respondre unes preguntes (veure annex 2, task 5). Després es fa

una posada en comú de cada concepte donant entre tots resposta als conceptes treballats, que quedaran

plasmats al power point que ells tindran al moodle.

Els conceptes que es treballen són els arbres filogenètics, posant èmfasi en les diferències entres els

grups mono, para i polifilètics; el concepte d’espècie des dels 4 criteris: morfològic, biològic, evolutiu i

filogenètic i, per últim, el concepte d’espècie per donar èmfasi en que l’evolució no fa referència al nivell

d’individu, sinó que fa referència a la població. Tot i que els primers passos (mutació o recombinació

genètica que pot suposar un avantatge o inconvenient respecte l’ambient) sí que es donen a nivell



→ imatges que necessitin per a la comprensió d’aquests conceptes per respondre les preguntes que els


→ fitxa preguntes

→ proporcionar webs on poden cercar informació

→ fitxa quadre amb els conceptes

→ power point amb conclusions de les definicions i preguntes

Objectius que es treballen: es treballen l’1, 5, 10, 14 i 15, però prioritzem el 5, el 10 i el 14.

● Activitat 6: Història de les teories de l’evolució:

Fase del cicle: introducció a nous coneixements.

Descripció: es tracta d’una activitat que hem anomenat “self-study”. A partir d’uns apunts (veure annex

2, task 6) que els proporcionem, els alumnes han de treballar a casa per tal d’elaborar un eix cronològic

amb els principals científics que hagin tingut repercussió en la teoria de l’evolució (veure annex 2, task



→ suport power point visual

→ material extra: web o apunts

→ Eix cronològic amb els diferents autors i teories (activitat d’ampliació lliure)

Objectius que es treballen: el 13 (i el 6 si es completa l’activitat d’ampliació).

Al acabar la sessió es fa l’activitat de “social knowledge construction” amb la imatge del grup 3 on hi ha

representades diferents marietes de la clina que es dóna al sud-est asiàtic.

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Sessió 5:

● Activitat 7: What is evolution (50’)

Fase del cicle: introducció nous coneixements

Descripció: primerament farem una petita introducció sobre Lamarck a partir d’un suport de power point.

Després treballarem amb un vídeo que es diu: What is evolution?. Els alumnes hauran de respondre unes

preguntes a partir de la visualització d’aquest. El vídeo serveix per acabar d’assimilar els conceptes

treballats fins ara (els relaciona molt bé) i per introduir-ne de nous (Darwin, Selecció Natural). Per tant va

molt bé per relacionar el què s’haurà treballat fins aleshores amb el què es treballarà al llarg de les

següents sessions. Les preguntes que han de respondre estan dividides en el següents apartats:

resistance, heritability, genètic information, offspring, artificial selection, reproduction with variation and

natural selection (veure annex 7). Primerament visualitzarem el vídeo una vegada i després anirem

parant apartat per apartat i responent les preguntes (en parelles i després farem posada en comú,

concepte per concepte).

Al final de la sessió es farà una explicació dels principals postulats i observacions de Darwin.

De deures hauran de visualitzar dos vídeos més: un sobre la selecció natural i un altre sobre les

evidències de l’evolució i contestar unes preguntes referents a aquests (veure annex 2, task 7).

Gestió d’aula: treballaran en parelles.


Fitxa preguntes

Power point

Vídeo (What is evolution?): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhHOjC4oxh8

Objectius que es treballen: 7

Sessió 6:

● Activitat 8: Lamarck, Darwin i Neodarwinisme

Fase del cicle: introducció nous coneixements

Descripció: es treballarà Darwin i Lamarck i es farà una petita introducció al neodarwinisme. Es

treballaran a partir d’unes activitats de metodologia CLIL, on els alumnes hauran de relacionar uns

conceptes amb unes definicions. Decidir si uns enunciats correspondrien a Darwin, Lamark o als dos, etc.

(veure annex 2, task 8).

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De deures hauran de visualitzar un web sobre el cas de “peppered moth” (arnes) on hi ha diferents

apartats: el cicle de les arnes, el procés d’industrialització, una simulació, etc. Se’ls demanarà als alumnes

que es quedin amb la idea de com l’ambient pot influenciar el procés d’adaptació de les espècies.

Al final de la classe els direm que al moodle tindran uns apunts d’ampliació sobre les evidències de

l’evolució més acceptades.

Gestió d’aula: treballaran en parelles.

Avaluació - regulació: “Social knowledge constuction”: imatges dels grups que treballaven Lamarck,

Darwin i Neo-Darwinisme que mostren el cas típic de les girafes de Lamarck, una imatge de les arnes de

Darwin i un esquema de herència de Drosophila lligat amb l’evolució últims 15’ de la classe.


dossier alumnes (veure annex 2, task 8)

web: http://peppermoths.weebly.com

Objectius que es treballen: 7, 8

Sessió 7:

● Activitat 9: elaboració de la infografia (treball en grup)

Fase del cicle: activitat de síntesi

Descripció: durant els primers 15’ de la sessió se’ls passarà una presentació power point on s’explica què

és una infografia, per què els fem fer una infografia, com ha de ser, què ha d’incloure i com la poden fer

(link a una aplicació gratuïta). També se’ls mostren alguns exemples perquè ho acabin d’entendre. La

resta de la sessió comencen a treballar en grups en la infografia que hauran de presentar a la propera

sessió. Caldrà un treball posterior fora l’horari establert de classe per acabar-la.

Gestió d’aula: seuran en els grups assignats en altres sessions que tenen penjats al moodle.

Atenció a la diversitat: els grups estaran formats de forma heterogènia i cada alumne tindrà assignat un

rol. De manera que, intentarem que el rol s’adapti a les capacitats, interessos, tipus de personalitat de

cadascú (tot i que en un principi els rols els distribuiran ells). Els diferents rols impliquen ser coordinadors

d’una tasca. Ser coordinador no vol dir fer aquella feina, vol dir coordinar al grup per a que aquella feina

estigui feta. Dins els grups s’establiran rols que repartiran els alumnes: coordinador de seguiment i

comunicació (cronograma, seguiment del treball quan queden fora l’horari escolar, comunicació interna i

externa), coordinador del disseny del pòster x2 (s’encarrega de la revisió del disseny del pòster i porta

més la iniciativa amb propostes, etc...), coordinador de la bibliografia (s’encarrega de revisar les fonts, la

correcta nomenclatura de la bibliografia, explicar perquè han escollit una o altra...), coordinador de

continguts x2 en grups de 6 (s’encarrega de dirigir als companys a l’hora d’acotar els continguts que han

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d’aparèixer al pòster i escollir quina és la informació més rellevant i la coordinació amb els coordinadors

del disseny).

Avaluació - regulació: tindran un diari on hauran d’anar apuntant què fan els dies que treballen en la

infografia. Al final tindran una rúbrica per avaluar als companys de grup i a ells mateixos (veure annex 5).


→ Ordinadors

Power point

→ Apunts

Fitxa diari i rúbrica de coavaluació i autoavaluació

Objectius que es treballen: es treballen el 10, 11, 12, 14 i 15 però es prioritzen el 12, 14 i 15.

Sessió 8:

● Presentacions orals (50’)

Fase del cicle: síntesi.

Descripció: en grups de 5/6 persones els alumnes hauran de fer una presentació oral, amb el suport de la

infografia elaborada en grups a les sessions anteriors on plasmin de manera original els diferents

continguts treballats a classe. La presentació oral durarà entre 5 i 6 minuts per grup.

Gestió d’aula: El grup que exposa surt a la pissarra digital on es projectarà la seva infografia i exposen el

seu treball a la resta de la classe. Acabada cadascuna de les exposicions, cadascun dels grups que estaven

d’oients ha de fer una pregunta que serà avaluada.

Avaluació - regulació: Els grups oients tenen una rúbrica d’avaluació i part de la nota de l’exposició ve

donada per les notes dels companys i la autoavaluació de cada grup, que també ha d’omplir una rúbrica.


→ power point: instruccions per fer la infografia, rols grup, link de l’aplicació gratuïta...

→ pdf: normes infografia per penjar al moodle.

→ rúbrica pels alumnes i per nosaltres

→ fitxa co-avaluació i autoavaluació individual i grupal

Objectius que es treballen: 14, 15 i 16.

Sessió 9:

● Activitat final + Qüestionari TFM Kim:

Fase del cicle: Aplicació

Descripció: l’activitat final consistirà en aplicar els coneixements adquirits al llarg de la SD a partir d’una tasca

individual on hauran de resoldre uns casos d’aplicació per veure la seva capacitat de transferència,

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assoliment d’objectius i competències. Podran dur 1 full amb lletra a mida normal amb les imatges,

anotacions, etc. que considerin 40’

A més a més, hauran de respondre el qüestionari TFM Kim (CLIL i ús d’imatges i altres recursos visuals en el

procés d’aprenentatge i les implicacions d’això en la motivació i capacitat de transferència dels alumnes)


Gestió d’aula: taules separades de manera individual.

Atenció a la diversitat: poden respondre la activitat final en català per aquells alumnes amb més dificultats a

l’hora d’expressar-se en anglès. La Jill els ho deixa fer únicament a l’examen.

Avaluació - regulació: es tracta d’una prova per tal d’avaluar els seu coneixements de manera individual.


Prova final

Objectius que es treballen: 9, 10 i 15.

Com a activitat de reflexió – metacognició, al final de cada sessió cada grup haurà d’explicar quines idees

tenien de la imatge que els va tocar el primer dia, i a quines conclusions han arribat després de treballar

sobre aquells continguts al llarg de la sessió.


Actitud (10%): Participen a classe fent aportacions interessants per a la matèria, el seu comportament és

adequat, treballen bé en equip (avaluat amb rúbriques), mostren interès per la matèria, etc. Aquest aspecte

s’avaluarà mitjançant una rúbrica.

Dossier de tota la seqüència (40/50%): Serà un dossier on es reculli tot el material treballat durant la

seqüència didàctica a mode de “carpeta d’aprenentatge”, avaluada seguint una rúbrica que els alumnes

tindran prèviament i ells també hauran d’autoavaluar-se.

Pòster científic (30%): Treball cooperatiu on hauran de plasmar tot allò que han après durant la seqüència

didàctica de manera molt visual i exposar-ho en format congrés científic a la resta de companys. Hi haurà

avaluació, a partir de rúbriques, durant les sessions de treball i de l’exposició i pòster final (veure annex 4).

Activitat de síntesi (10%/20%): Serà una activitat, la duració de la qual encara no està establerta, on els

alumnes hauran de demostrar el què realment han après durant la seqüència didàctica. Seran principalment

casos d’aplicació nous on es veurà la capacitat de transferència de l’alumnat i l’assoliment dels objectius i


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Per tal d’atendre les necessitats del màxim d’alumnes, supervisarem el seguiment de les seves tasques i que

atendrem individualment a aquells que ho requereixin.

Creiem que al treballar amb diversos recursos (imatges, textos, ordinador (web), audiovisuals, etc.) i

diferents tipus d’activitats (treball individual, cooperatiu (grupal), interpretació imatges, anàlisi de textos,

definir, cercar informació, etc.), estarem atenent la diversitat. Ja que al englobar un rang ampli de maneres

de treballar, esperem que estiguem englobant un gran rang d’alumnes.

Pel que fa als alumnes amb unes necessitats més concretes: com per exemple hi ha algun amb dislèxia.

Creiem que al treballar amb imatges i de forma oral, li serà una manera còmode d’aprendre. Pel que fa als

alumnes de flexible (reforç de català, castellà i matemàtiques), el fet de treballar en parelles i grupalment

(construcció social del coneixement) creiem que augmentarà el seu aprenentatge significatiu, en comparació

a si féssim un treball individual.


La matèria de CMC comparteix alguns temes, instruments i espais de reflexió amb la resta de matèries del

currículum. En el nostre cas sobretot compartim alguns temes amb les assignatures de:

- Llengua anglesa a l’hora d’expressar-se per escrit i oralment.

- Amb l’assignatura de visual i plàstica quan han de dibuixar el seu arbre de la vida, a l’hora d’analitzar les

imatges i en l’elaboració de la infografia.

- Amb l’assignatura de biologia perquè tractarem els diferents continguts d’evolució.



- ANNEX 1: guia de l’alumne

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Science for the contemporary world

1st baccalaureate


Name and surnames:

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Unit description

Teachers and contact







Working with visual resources

Activities and tasks:

- Prior ideas

- Origin of life

- The tree of life

- Evolution key concepts

- History of the Theory of Evolution

- Lamarck

- Darwin

- Neo-Darwinism

- Infographic

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Teachers’ contact

- Kim Barba Francken ([email protected])

- Lorena Fernández Ferrera ([email protected])


There’s no official prerequisite but we highly recommend students to review the contents and

vocabulary of the genetic unit, as well as previous knowledge of evolution students may have from

other years or units.


- Overall objective:

Explain to your classmates the knowledge acquired during the evolution unit using an infographic to

support your explanation previously prepared in cooperative groups.

- Learning objectives:

Reflect about your own knowledge of evolution from the interpretation of different visual aids.

Investigate the origin of life: search information critically and synthesize it.

Discover the complexity of the tree of life.

Define the basic concepts necessary to understand evolution (species, population, community,

phylogenetic trees...).

Create a timeline which represents the main authors and theories related to evolution.

Deduct, from various resources, the theories of Lamarck and Darwin.

Understand the main ideas of the Theory of Evolution and Neo-Darwinism and be able to apply them

in order to understand and analyse new study cases.

Understand the duality of the Evolution theory: evolution as fact and theory.

Interpret images and other visual resources (flow diagrams, graphs…).

Work cooperatively and efficiently in group.

Transmit orally the knowledge learned.

Synthesize the evolutionary contents studied in an infographic developing creativity.

Admit the need for constant review and discussion in the scientific model.

Understand texts and extract the main ideas.

Use appropriate scientific vocabulary.

Develop creativity.

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- General competences:

1. Communicative competence

2. Competence in the management and processing of information

3. Digital competence

4. Competence in research

5. Personal and interpersonal competence

6. Knowledge and interaction with the world

- Specific competences of the subject:

1. Competence in investigation

2. Competence in the social and civic science and technology

3. Competence in the reflection on the nature of science


- Origin of life

- The tree of life

- Evolution key concepts

- History of the Theory of Evolution

- Lamarck’s theory

- Darwin’s theory

- Neo-Darwinism


The methodology used in this unit to achieve the learning process is based on making Student work and

develop the information the teacher provides. The teacher’s role is to provide information to students,

or tell them where to get it and help and supervise the learning process so that it can be performed

effectively. To achieve this, the unit is based on the following activities:

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- Theoretical lessons

- Individual and group work tasks

- Practical sessions

- Interactive tasks and sessions


- Attitude 10%

- Procedure 50% (minimum mark to average 3,5)

o Evolution dossier (50%)

- Evaluation 40% (minimum mark to average 3,5)

o Infographic (20%): group task

o Final activity/exam (20%): individual task

The evaluation mark will be a combination of an individual and a group mark.

For the Infographic (20% of your final mark of the unit), 60% will be a group mark and 40% will be an

individual mark (from the 20%, the 30% will be given by your group mates –co-evaluation– and the

70% left will be given by the teachers). For the final activity/exam (20% of your final mark of the unit),

the mark will be individual and given only by the teachers.


This part of the dossier is to make a brief explanation about the methodology we will use during the

unit of evolution and the reason of it.

As you may know, we (Lorena and Kim) are following the master of “Teacher training in obligatory

secondary and upper secondary school education” in order to become secondary school science

teachers. In order to successfully pass the master we need to do several activities as well as a final

thesis. And here is where you become the main protagonists of the story.

Not only are we very grateful to be able to be your teachers during this evolution unit but also we want

to use this period to try some alternative teaching methods we think might help you in your

learning process.

Our final thesis of the master is a study of how working with visual resources in class may have an

influence in your motivation and significant learning. This is the reason for which we’ll work a lot with

different visual inputs to see how they help you or not to learn the contents and integrate them.

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We really want to thank you and let you know we’re both very excited about this experience and hope it

will be really positive for all of us.


In the following pages you will find several activities and tasks you will have to do during this evolution

unit and handle at the end of it.

During the unit we will give you some more material you will have to attach in order to complement the

final dossier (50% of your mark).

In this dossier you will have to show all the work you will have done during the unit. The dossier should

be structured and organized. It should include a front page, index, the contents and objectives tables,

the dossier evaluation criteria, all the activities done in class and at home, additional activities (if you do

some of them), etc.

To guide you a bit we give you some advises:

1- Keep and organize all the information and documents we give you

2- Add all the things that you think may be important for you and us in the dossier

3- We recommend you to do some of the “additional” activities (not compulsory)

4- Pay attention to the evaluation criteria of the dossier

5- Keep the work on date and don’t let it for the last moment

6- Once you have all the materials, number the pages

Front page of the dossier

Once we’ve finished the unit of evolution you will have to handle in the dossier. This should have a front

page. But what type of front page?

It has to contain:

- A title you choose which is representative for the contents we’ve been working on

- An image that you think visually sums up some of the main contents of the unit

- The subject (Science for the contemporary world)

- Your name and surnames

- The date

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Contents and objectives tables

In the following pages you’ll find two tables where the contents and objectives of the unit are


- Contents table: fill it in before and after the unit. Use different pen colours (indicate which

colour belongs to each moment below).

- Objectives table: fill it in once we’ve finished the unit.

Contents table:

CONTENTS I haven’t heard

about it

I’ve heard

about it

I could explain it to

a classmate

Origin of life

The tree of life

Evolution key concepts (e.g. species, population,

community, ecosystem, phylogenetic trees…)

History of the Theory of Evolution

Lamarck’s theory

Darwin’s theory


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Objectives table:

I’ve achieved it I’ve almost achieved it I haven’t achieved it

OBJECTIVES Student’s mark Teacher’s mark

Reflect about your own knowledge of evolution from the

interpretation of different visual aids.

Investigate the origin of life: search information critically

and synthesize it.

Discover the complexity of the tree of life.

Define the basic concepts necessary to understand

evolution (species, population, community, ecosystem,

phylogenetic trees...).

Create a timeline which represents the main authors and

theories related to evolution.

Deduct, from various resources, the theories of Lamarck

and Darwin.

Understand the main ideas of the Theory of Evolution and

Neo-Darwinism and be able to apply them in order to

understand and analyse new study cases.

Understand the duality of the Evolution theory: evolution

as fact and theory.

Interpret images and other visual resources (flow

diagrams, graphs…).

Work cooperatively and efficiently in group.

Transmit orally the knowledge learned.

Synthesize the evolutionary contents studied in an

infographic developing creativity.

Admit the need for constant review and discussion in the

scientific model.

Understand texts and extract the main ideas.

Use appropriate scientific vocabulary.

Develop creativity.

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Task 1: Prior ideas

- ANNEX 2: dossier

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Think about some hypothesis that could explain the evolutionary process that leads to what

you can see in the previous image (i.e. how does evolution explain what you see?):

In groups:

In groups, work on the image that you’ve been given and decide which evolutionary

explanation convinces you the most. You can write a maximum of two ideas:



Print and stick the image that you and

your group had to analyse

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In the following two pages you will have to print and stick the different images that concern to

each of the contents of the unit and write the conclusion/explanation to which the whole class

reaches for each of them.

The Origin of Life

The Tree of Life

Evolution Key concepts

Print and stick the image

Write the conclusion at the right


Print and stick the image

Write the conclusion at the right


Print and stick the image

Write the conclusion at the right


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Print and stick the image

Write the conclusion at the right


Print and stick the image

Write the conclusion at the right


Print and stick the image

Write the conclusion at the right


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Individually write one question you have about evolution that you would like to

know at the end of the unit. It has to be a question that needs some research to be

answered. (Genetics e.g: What characteristics do transgenic tomatoes have?)

Once you have written it, explain your question to the student you have at your left

side and listen to the question that the student on your right side has written. You

have to answer his/her question before the end of the unit and include it in your

dossier, as well as give a copy to him/her.

Both parts (the type of question you write and the answer you g ive to your

classmate) will be evaluated.

Your question:

Other student’s question and answer:

Task 2: Unit question

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Go to the following link and answer the following questions in pairs. Some questions require

further research. The arrows indicate the important dates you must learn:


Task 3: Origin of life

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Do you have any questions about the activity?

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Read carefully the following text corresponding to the transcription of the animation

“The Tree of Life”. You will find some helpful vocabulary explanations at the bottom of

the text (underlined words).

After you have read the text, we will watch the animation all together and discuss it.

Later you will have to make a drawing of “your own” Tree of Life with the main events

and names. You’ll have to deliver it next session. We recommend you to read again the

text and watch the video at home in order to be sure you have understood all the basic

concepts and that you have included them in your tree.

The style of drawing is free so be as creative as you want (use the shape of a tree, a river,

a path…). Use all elements you think may complement The Tree (e.g. key concepts, dates

and time, etc).

The Tree of Life animation

(Narrated by David Attenborough)

So, a hundred and fifty years after the publication of Darwin's revolutionary book, modern

genetics has confirmed its fundamental truth. All life is related. And it enables (=helps) us to

construct with confidence the complex tree that represents the history of life.

It began in the sea, some three thousand million years ago. Complex chemical molecules began

to clump together to form microscopic blobs: cells.

These were the seeds from which the tree of life developed. They were able to split, replicating

themselves - as bacteria do. And as time passed they diversified into different groups. Some

remained attached to (=connected to) one another so that they formed chains. We know them

today as algae. Others formed hollow balls which collapsed upon themselves, creating a body

with an internal cavity. They were the first multi-celled organisms. Sponges are their direct


As more variations appeared the tree of life grew and became more diverse. Some organisms

became more mobile and developed a mouth that opened into a gut. Others had bodies

stiffened by an internal rod. They, understandably, developed sense organs around their front


Task 4: The tree of Life

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A related group had bodies that were divided into segments with little projections on either

side that helped them to move around on the sea floor. Some of these segmented creatures

developed hard protective skins which gave their bodies some rigidity. So now, the seas were

filled with a great variety of animals.

And then around 450 million years ago some of these armoured creatures crawled up out of

the water and ventured (=came) on to the land.

And here the tree of life branched in to a multitude of different species that exploited this new

environment in all kinds of ways. One group of them developed elongated flaps on their backs,

which over many generations eventually developed into wings. The insects had arrived. Life

moved into the air and diversified into myriad forms.

Meanwhile (=at the same time), back in the seas, those creatures with a stiffening rod in their

bodies had strengthened it by encasing it in bone. They increased in size. They grew fins

equipped with muscles that enabled them to swim with speed and power. So fish now

dominated the waters of the world.

One group of them developed the ability to gulp air from the water surface. Their fleshy fins

became weight-supporting legs and 375 million years ago, a few of these backboned creatures

followed the insects on to the land. They were still not independent of water. They were

amphibians with wet skins and had to return to water to lay their eggs. But some of their

descendants evolved dry scaly skins and broke their link with water by laying eggs that had

watertight shells. These creatures, the reptiles, were the ancestors of today's tortoises, snakes,

lizards and crocodiles. And of unit, they included the group that, back then, came to dominate

the land: the dinosaurs.

So the tree of life burgeoned into a multitude of different branches.

But 65 million years ago, a great disaster overtook the Earth. Whatever its cause, a great

proportion of animal life was exterminated. All the dinosaurs disappeared – except for one

branch, whose scales had become modified into feathers. They were the birds.

While they spread through the skies, a small and seemingly insignificant (=que poden semblar

insignificants) group of survivors began to increase in numbers on the ground beneath. These

creatures differed from their competitors in that their bodies were warm and insulated with

coats of fur. They were the first mammals. With much of the land left vacant after the great

catastrophe they now had their chance (=opportunity). Their warm insulated bodies enabled

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them to be active at all times - at night as well as during the day - and in all places: from the

Arctic to the tropics, in water as well as on land, on grassy plains and up in the trees.



Related (adj.) associated, connected

Chemical molecules

Clump together

Microscopic blobs (noun) A microscopic globule of liquid; bubble


Split (verb) To divide into distinct parts or portions



Hollow balls A spherical or approximately spherical body or shape that is empty inside


Internal cavity A hollow space within the body, an organ, a bone, etc

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Stiffened That has become suddenly tense, rigid, etc.

Internal rod

Sense organs Specialized bodily structures that receive or are sensitive to internal or external stimuli; receptor.


Segments Any of the rings that compose the body of an annelid or arthropod. Any of the discrete parts of the body of an animal, especially of an arthropod.


Crawled up (verb) Moved out of



Myriad (noun) Innumerable, countless.

Stiffening rod The internal rod become suddenly tense or unyielding.

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Encasing (verb) To place or enclose in or as if in a case.


Gulp (verb) To swallow greedily or rapidly in large amounts.

Fleshy fins

Weight-supporting legs

Lay (verb) To produce and deposit

Dry scaly skins

Watertight shells Shells that are so tightly made that water cannot enter or escape.

Ancestors (noun) The actual or hypothetical form or stock from which an organism has developed or descended.


Exterminated (verb) To get rid of by destroying; destroy totally; extirpate.


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Spread (verb) To distribute over a greater or a relatively great area of space or time.

Ground beneath

Insulated (verb) To overlay or cover with something.

Coats of fur

Which resource do you think was more helpful to understand the vocabulary

(definitions or images) and why?

Which vocabulary you think you will remember for more time?

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Create your Tree of Life. It has to contain the main events, time and dates and it has to

follow a logical order. It should be understandable by a person who doesn’t know much

about science.

Task 4.1: Create “your” Tree of Life

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Choose one of the images below and follow the instructions to color and answer the questions.

To answer some of them you may need to do a little research.


Color the drawing following this order:

- 1st: You’ll have to color from the bottom of the plate to the top in order to represent stratigraphic

dating (oldest information is in the lowest stratum).

- 2nd: Choose four colors for the different eons and use the same ones for all the drawing

- 3rd: Color each eon at the same time you color its section of the time scale, the chronological date,

and the events of that eon.

- 4th: Choose light blue for the representation of atmospherix oxygen.


- Which is the timeline order/sequence of the four eons?

- What is the difference between Stratigraphic and Chronological dating?

- What are Stromatolites and why are they so important?

- What did emerge first: Prokaryotes or Eukariotes? What are the differences between them?

- Have oxygen levels been constant along earth history?

Task 4.2: Optional activity (Origin and diversification of life)

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Color the drawing following this order:

- 1st: Keep using the same colors from the previous drawing for the eons. Use new colors for the eras.

- 2nd: Color the eons and eras with their corresponding section of the time scale on the bottom left of

the page.

- 3rd: Choose six-light colors for the periods of the Paleozoic.

- 4th: Color individual plants and animals or use th light colors you chose, to color over each vignette.


- In how many eras is the Phanerozoic eon subdivided? Which ones?

- In how many periods is the Paleozoic era subdivided? What are their names?

- Are green algae the ancestors of land plants?

- When do the fisrt vertebrates appear?

- Why does the Carboniferours period receive this name?

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Color the drawing following this order:

- 1st: the eons and the eras (continue using the colors you have chosen).

- 2nd: the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, using three new light colors and the coloring plan

of the previous plate.


- Why is Mesozoic era called the Age of Reptiles?

- Why the Triassic period is called Triassic?

- What orders have appeared in this period?

- Why was the arrival of angiosperms in this era so important?

- What happened at the end of this era?

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Color the drawing following this order:

- 1st: the eons and the eras (continue using the colors you have chosen).

- 2nd: the Tertiary and Quaternary periods.

- 3rd: using light colors, color the Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene epochs.

- 4th: the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs of the Quaternary period.


- Why rock units of the Cenozoic era are better preserved than those of earlier eras?

- Which of those rocks will better provide us of detailed present evidences?

- Why is Holocene epoch so important nowadays?

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Answer the following questions about the evolution key concepts:

Phylogenetic Tree:

o What is a phylogenetic tree?

o Why do we use them?

o How can the different branches of a phylogenetic tree be related? Explain it in your own

words and give an example of each type of relation.


o What is a species according to the different classification criteria?






Task 5: Key Concepts of Evolution


Page 48: UD Batxillerat Evolució Lorena Kim


Creationist views reject scientific findings and methods.

Advocates of the ideas collectively known as "creationism" and, recently, "intelligent design creationism" hold a wide

variety of views. Most broadly, a "creationist" is someone who rejects natural scientific explanations of the known

universe in favour of special creation by a supernatural entity. Creationism in its various forms is not the same thing as

belief in God because, as was discussed earlier, many believers as well as many mainstream religious groups accept the

findings of science, including evolution. Nor is creationism necessarily tied to Christians who interpret the Bible literally.

Some non-Christian religious believers also want to replace scientific explanations with their own religion's

supernatural accounts of physical phenomena.

No scientific evidence supports these viewpoints. On the contrary, as discussed earlier, several independent lines of

evidence indicate that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old and that the universe is about 14 billion years old.

Rejecting the evidence for these age estimates would mean rejecting not just biological evolution but also fundamental

discoveries of modern physics, chemistry, astrophysics, and geology.

Source: http://www.nas.edu/evolution/CreationistPerspective.html

Read it for further information!

Let’s start thinking about the discovery of Evolution. Beginning in Classical times and persisting until long after the

Renaissance, scientists thought species were fixed and unchangeable (or “immutable” to use the language of the era).

Their reasoning ran something like this: if God’s creation was perfect from the start, why would he bother to tinker

(=play) with it at a later date?

Evolution Theory

Evolution, which is the change of characteristics of different populations over time, is the theory used to explain the

massive diversity experienced on Earth. These changes occur with small mutations in genes, which are then passed

onto offspring. Through natural selection, if the mutation gives some advantage, that individual survives to reproduce,

and thus secures that change in the genetics of the population.


A new naming system

Carolus Linnaeus, a Swedish scientist, published Systema Naturae, which includes the common modern naming system

of binomial nomenclature, or the naming of species with two names (i.e. Homo sapiens, for humans).


Birth of paleontology

Georges Cuvier, a highly respected French scientist, was born, He is known as the father of Paleontology. Also well

known for his denial of any sort of evolutionary theory, by his study of the fossil record.

Task 6: History of the Theory of Evolution (Self Study)

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Geologic time and gradualism

James Hutton, a Scottish scientist and physician, published a set of theories explaining the geology of the Earth, among

them the concept of geologic (or "deep") time, and that the Earth gradually changes over time.


Population studies

Thomas Robert Malthus publishes the first edition of "An Essay on the Principle of Population". After much

refinement, the 6th edition of this book was cited by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in development of the

theory of natural selection. He theorized that continued population growth would outgrow current resources.


First theory of evolution published

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, a French naturalist, published his theory of evolution. His theory was that evolution occurred

through the inheritance of acquired characteristics, or the use/disuse theory.


New thoughts on geology

Charles Lyell publishes "Principles of Geology". This pushed an uniformitarian view of geology, or the theory that

forces in the past are the same as forces in the present, and that we can use the forces present today to infer things

about the past.


A new world

Charles Darwin, then very young and still a student, joins the voyage of the HMS Beagle as a naturalist.


The First Essay

Charles Darwin, working for many years, writes an essay on the theory of evolution. This was never published.

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Competition for Evolution

Alfred Russel Wallace publishes a paper coming to some of the same conclusions as Darwin, including natural

selection. Darwin's friends present both Wallace's and Darwin's theories at the Linnean Society.


The Origin of Species

Darwin, suffering from sickness both in himself and his family, finishes his book "The Origin of Species" and publishes

it. It becomes wildly popular.


Heredity experimentation

Mendel's works with pea plants published, setting the background for the basis of natural selection.


Importance of DNA in heredity

August Weismann publishes findings detailing how important DNA is to heredity, along with germ cell theory - the

theory that inheritance only takes place by means of germ cells such as egg and sperm, and that other cells do not pass

on their genes.


Chromosomes and heredity

Walter Sutton proposed that chromosomes were the basis for Mendelian inheritance of characteristics.


Genetic material verified

DNA is proven to be the genetic material by which inheritance passes from one generation to the next, and thus is the

blueprint for evolution.

Source: http://www.softschools.com/timelines/evolution_theory_timeline/98/

We recommend you to have a look at it since it’s explained through a timeline and it’s more visual!

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Using the information given at the previous document and the link to the webpage, draw a timeline of the

History of the Theory of Evolution. Write the names of the main events and the different authors in

chronological order (dates).

Task 6.1: Optional activity: Timeline of the History of the Theory of Evolution

Page 52: UD Batxillerat Evolució Lorena Kim

Answer the questions about the video “What is Evolution” with your own words. Read the

questions once before we watch it and complete the questions at home to add extra information.

Video (What is Evolution): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhHOjC4oxh8


What is different about the grasshopper that survives the insecticide?

Why do the other grasshoppers die?

Do you think their death or survival is a result of a progressive or a sudden change in the

grasshopper and/or the environment? Is this the case for all situations of death or survival?


Give two examples of heritable traits:

- Physical trait:

- Behavioral trait:

Genetic information:

Where is the DNA stored?

What is a DNA mutation?

How did the amoeba come to have a long arm?

Task 7: What is evolution?

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In the example of the badgers we see that the mother has long claws and the father has wide

paws while the baby badger has a combination of both traits. What does this have to do with

where the baby badger’s DNA comes from?

What is the origin of the baby badger’s hairy ears?

Artificial selection:

How have dogs evolved from wolves?

Reproduction with variation:

Would Evolution be possible if only exact copies of DNA occurred in reproduction?

What is responsible for all the diversity of life we see today?

How does variation appear in the genetic information of an organism?

Natural Selection:

Which force did Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace say was also capable of guiding

random evolution to produce order and complex functions? You just need to mention the name.

You will work on it more in detail in the homework activity.

Write the main conclusions from the video:





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Application question:

Can you think of another example of Artificial Selection? Explain it in detail.

For homework watch the following two videos “What is Natural Selection” and “What is the

evidence for evolution” and answer the questions below with your own words:

Video (“What is Natural Selection”): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SCjhI86grU

Video (“What is the evidence for evolution”): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIEoO5KdPvg


Evolutionary key concepts that help us to understand what Natural Selection is:

Define the following key concepts:

- Descent with Modification:

- Common Descent:

Can these two concepts be considered a Fact? Why?

Charles Darwin:

Who was Charles Darwin?

When did he become interested in the idea of common descent?

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How is it that two species (Galapagos Tortoise and Chaco Tortoise) appeared from a common

tortoise ancestor?

Explain in detail the speciation process of the Galapagos Tortoises: its causes and results.


Are all variations favorable?

Are farmers responsible for “creating” variation?

What determines which variations get to live and reproduce and which don’t? Write the name

and explain how it occurs.

Natural Selection:

How does the video describe what Natural Selection is:

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Theory of Evolution:

Which are the two claims that the Theory of evolution makes about living creatures?



Are there different types of evidence to support this? In case there are, list them below:

All living things on earth are related:

How many species are estimated to exist?

What are Cetaceans (Research)?

Independent Lines of Evidence: comparative anatomy

What facts does comparative anatomy look at? Why?

How do wales breathe? What relation may this have with their connection with mammals?

Why do wales have a pair of strange tiny bones in the position where the legs (in case they had

them) should be?

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Independent Lines of Evidence: embryology and development

Are human and dolphin embryos similar in an early stage? How and why?

Independent Lines of Evidence: fossil record

Where are the nasal openings in the Basilosaurid’s skull, the modern whales’ skull and the land

mammals’ skull? How does evolution explain this?

Is Miacetus innus considered a land mammal or a whale? Why?




Independent Lines of Evidence: DNA comparisons

How can DNA tell us that two organisms are related?

Why where scientists surprised when they found a common ancestor of Whales and Hippos?

As you’ve heard in the video, there are still some other independent lines of evidence:

- Species Distribution

- Evolution Observed

- Predictive Power of Evolution

- Nested Hierarchies of Traits

Search for information about one of them and explain it in your own words.

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Match each definition with a word:

Predation Environment Natural Selection Mutation Ancestor

Variation Isolation Survive Offspring Competition

1. Differences among members of a species …………………

2. A relation between animals in which one organism captures and feeds on others …………………

3. Change in a sequence of DNA …………………

4. When an organism of the same species is separated …………………

5. To remain or continue in existence …………………

6. Someone from whom you are descended …………………

7. Rivalry for supremacy …………………

8. External factors surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time …………………

9. Any immature animal …………………

10. A natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment ……

Order the following words in every sentence and put them into the correct sequence. When

doing so, you will obtain the key points of the theory of evolution of Lamarck:



Some/changes/new/Environmental needs/generate

are/The/hereditary/ acquired/characters





Task 8: Lamarck, Darwin and Neo-darwinism

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Lamarckian or Darwinian?

According to the texts, decide the evolutionary theory that each giraffe “has chosen” in order to explain

his unusual long neck, and complete the thought bubbles.

Let me tell you how I obtained my long neck. A long time ago my ancestors had an important problem. We are herbivores but in African Savanna, where we used to live, there is not much grass. For this reason, my ancestors began to stretch (=extend) their necks to reach the leaves of the tall trees on the Savanna. Generation after generation, giraffes have inherited our current long neck. And even though we like our neck, the cause was not aesthetic, but for survival!

I have always asked myself a question: why do my relatives and I have such a long neck? One day, the oldest one of my herd explained it to me. He said that, a long time ago, our ancestors didn’t have a long neck. But the ones with longer neck were the ones that had more chance to survive and procreate, because they could reach the leaves of the tall trees in the African Savanna. In this way, the ones with long neck also had offspring with long necks and lots of generations later, the result is our current, long and fantastic neck.

After having listened to the main ideas of Darwin and Lamarck, work in pairs and fill in the

following table. You have to write the name of who you think thought each of the topics listed. It

could be Lamarck, Darwin or both of them.

TOPIC Who though this. Lamarck?

Darwin? Or both of them?

Organisms have changed over time.

Organisms changed because they wanted to survive.

There was a variation in a population.

Certain traits helped organisms survive and reproduce better than other

organisms without those traits.

Organisms can never become extinct.

The environment had something to do with why organisms changed.

Parents are able to pass on at least some of their traits to their offspring.

Parents are only able to pass on traits that they were born with.

Organisms could decide to change something about their body and pass

on that change to their offspring.

Organisms are still changing.

Hi folks, I am a ..........


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Before reading:

Read the following text and answer the questions below:

Task 8.1: Optional activity (Darwin’s life)

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Answer these questions after having read the text:

Useful website to find more information about Darwin’s life:


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- ANNEX 3: coavaluació dossier

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- ANNEX 4: coavaluació alumnat i rúbrica professorat de la infografia

GRUP: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Creativitat i qualitat gràfica de la presentació

Molt creatiu. Imatges ben triades i molt adequades a la temàtica. Originalitat de les imatges, etc. 2

Creatiu. Imatges prou adequades a la temàtica. 1,5

Imatges escasses o poc adequades a la temàtica. Presentació poc creativa. 1

Poques imatges o poc adequades a la temàtica. Creativitat escassa . 0

Expressió escrita

Redactat original, bona expressió i bona ortografia. 1

Redactat original, expressió i ortografia correctes, però amb algunes errades. 0,7

Redactat sembla que no sigui original o bé conté faltes d'ortografia i/o expressió. 0,4

Bona part del redactat clarament copiat i enganxat d'internet. 0

Ajustament al temps

S'ajusta al temps. 0,5

Han fet una presentació una mica curta o una mica llarga. 0,4

Han fet una presentació massa curta o massa llarga. 0,2

No s’ajusta al temps. 0

Expressió oral

Claredat de l'exposició: parla

de manera entenedora i

pausada i sap captar l’atenció

dels oients


Claredat de l'exposició: parla

de manera entenedora i



Claredat de l'exposició: parla de manera entenedora però va massa ràpid 0,5

No és clar/a en l’explicació i costa d’entendre el què explica 0

Originalitat de la proposta

La proposta és molt original, o encara que no ho sigui del tot està ben plantejada i té un desenvolupament atractiu i viable. 2

La proposta és original i té un desenvolupament prou atractiu, però falta acabar de perfilar detalls. 1,5

La proposta no és gaire original i no està plantejada de manera gaire atractiu. 1

La proposta no és original i no està plantejada de manera atractiva. 0

Adequació als continguts

S’ajusta als continguts tractats a la unitat. Inclou tots aspectes que calia tractar. El “tema lliure de grup” és interessant i es tracta de forma atractiva. 3

S’ajusta als continguts tractats a la unitat. Inclou tots aspectes que calia tractar. El “tema lliure de grup” és interessant. 2,5

S’ajusta als continguts tractats a la unitat. Falta algun dels aspectes que calia tractar. El “tema lliure de grup” no s’ha treballat adequadament. 2

S’ajusta als continguts tractats a la unitat. Falten varis aspectes que calia tractar. El “tema lliure de grup” s’ha de treballat de manera pobra. 0,5


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Dues o tres frases (si és el cas) per millorar la proposta:








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- ANNEX 5: coavaluació i autoavaluació treball en grup (Infografia)


Student’s name:



(0-10) Justification

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- ANNEX 6: power point suport de les sessions

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- ANNEX 7: examen 1r Batxillerat A (Científic-Tecnològic)

Institut Joaquima Pla i Farreras 1r batxillerat A - Evolution unit

Name and surnames:

Who is sitting next to you?

- In front of you:

- Behind you:

- At you left side:

- At your right side:

1) Circle de correct answer/answers of the following questions. There can be more than one correct answer. The

incorrect answers subtract. (2p)

1. Why is it easier for scientists to find evidences of the existence of a period of collisions in the Moon

rather than on the Earth?

a) Because the Moon is smaller than the Earth

b) Because in the Moon there is no gravity and so, no erosion

c) Because of the process of formation of the Moon

d) Because the Earth is more dynamic and has been modified by human impact

2. The Cambrian explosion receives this name because:

a) A meteorite crashed with the Earth

b) A lot of volcanoes became active

c) There was an explosion that caused the extinction of all species

d) There was a huge increase of biodiversity in short period of time

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3. Creationism:

a) There is no scientific evidence that supports this viewpoint

b) Creationism is the same thing as belief in God

c) It rejects natural scientific explanations of the known universe in favour of special creation by a

supernatural entity

d) All creationists say that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old

4. History of the theory of evolution:

a) The binomial nomenclature was invented by Carlous Linnaeus (1735)

b) Georges Cuvier is known as the father of Paleontology (1767)

c) James Hutton said that the Earth didn’t change over time (1795)

d) Charles Lyell had an uniformitarian view or understanding of geology (1830)

5. Importance of Genetics in Evolution:

a) Mendel’s works with the pea plants settled the background for the basis of natural selection (1865)

b) August Weismann published the germ cell theory in which he says that inheritance takes place through

all cells which pass on their genes (1892)

c) Walter Sutton proposed that chromosomes weren’t the basis for Mendelian inheritance of

characteristics (1903)

d) DNA is proven to be the genetic material by which inheritance passes from one generation to the next

and is the blueprint for evolution (1943)

6. Lamarck:

a) Around 1600 scientists like Lamarck to wonder whether species could change or transmute

b) Lamarck thought that if an animal acquired a characteristic during its lifetime, it could pass it onto its


c) Lamarck explanation for the long neck of the giraffes was the existence of an advantageous mutation

that enabled some individuals to survive and reproduce

d) Lamarck said that the use or disuse of some organs determined its development

7. What is evolution?

a) In biology evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation

to the next

b) Evolution happens in a short period of time and the changes are very fast

c) Evolution explains how all adaptations become more common within a population of organisms

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d) Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace “came up with” the Theory of evolution by inheritance of the

acquired characters

8. Natural selection:

a) It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most

adaptable to change

b) Peppered moths do camouflage with the lichens that cover the light bark of the trees in which they live

c) The change in colour of the peppered moth is thought to be related with the Industrial Revolution in


d) Studies demonstrated that the colour of the peppered moth was genetic and so, passed from one

generation to the next one

9. Lamarck vs. Darwin:

a) Both Lamarck and Darwin thought that organisms changed over time

b) Lamarck thought that parents were only able to pass on traits that they were born with

c) Darwin thought that the environment had something to do with why organism changed

d) Both Lamarck and Darwin thought that organisms could never become extinct

10. Neo-Darwinism:

a) Explains the reason for variation

b) Considers that the basic unit of evolution is an individual

c) Considers that the basic unit of evolution is a population

d) Has nothing to do with genetics

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2) Looking at the diagram below, explain in your own words how Neo-Darwinism gives an evolutionary

explanation for what you can see (2p):

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3) Explain in your own words what Stromatolites are and its formation process. (0,5p)

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4) Look at this simple diagram that Darwin drew. Imagine that you have to explain to a friend what the Tree of

life is. Use a scientific understandable language and think about the main ideas you will have to talk about.

Use the image to support your explanation. (1p)

5) Are these individuals the same species? Justify your explanation. (0,5p)

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6) Which type of group is marked in this Phylogenetic tree? Are there other types? In case there are, give

examples of each type using the names from the diagram below. (0,5p)

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7) Looking at the following images explain in your own words which were the four observations that enabled

Darwin to “came up with” the theory of evolution and write each postulate with the corresponding

observation. Be careful, the images may not be in order. (1,5p)






X F1


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8) How could you explain using Neo-Darwinism principles the cellular process of cancer disease. Focus on

Natural Selection. (Hint you can include these concepts: cells, mutation and metastasis). (1p)

9) Describe with your own word the following vocabulary. (1p)

- Seed/s (noun):

- Branch (verb):

- Watertight (adjective):

- Ancestor (noun):

- Spread (verb):

- Fur (noun):

- Microevolution (noun):

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- Macroevolution (noun):

- Mutation (verb):

- Offspring (noun):

10) Today’s evidences for speciation. Choose three fields of scientific knowledge that give different evidences for

the speciation process and explain them in detail. (Extra point question +1p)

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- ANNEX 8: examen 1r Batxillerat B (Social-Humanístic)

Institut Joaquima Pla i Farreras 1r batxillerat B - Evolution unit

Name and surnames:

Who is sitting next to you?

- In front of you:

- Behind you:

- At you left side:

- At your right side:

1) Circle de correct answer/answers of the following questions. There can be more than one correct answer.

The incorrect answers subtract. (2p)

1. Why is it easier for scientists to find evidences of the existence of a period of collisions in the Moon

rather than on the Earth?

e) Because the Moon is smaller than the Earth

f) Because in the Moon there is no gravity and so, no erosion

g) Because of the process of formation of the Moon

h) Because the Earth is more dynamic and has been modified by human impact

2. The Cambrian explosion receives this name because:

e) A meteorite crashed with the Earth

f) A lot of volcanoes became active

g) There was an explosion that caused the extinction of all species

h) There was a huge increase of biodiversity in short period of time

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3. Creationism:

e) There is no scientific evidence that supports this viewpoint

f) Creationism is the same thing as belief in God

g) It rejects natural scientific explanations of the known universe in favour of special creation by a

supernatural entity

h) All creationists say that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old

4. History of the theory of evolution:

e) The binomial nomenclature was invented by Carlous Linnaeus (1735)

f) Georges Cuvier is known as the father of Paleontology (1767)

g) James Hutton said that the Earth didn’t change over time (1795)

h) Charles Lyell had an uniformitarian view or understanding of geology (1830)

5. Importance of Genetics in Evolution:

e) Mendel’s works with the pea plants settled the background for the basis of natural selection (1865)

f) August Weismann published the germ cell theory in which he says that inheritance takes place through all

cells which pass on their genes (1892)

g) Walter Sutton proposed that chromosomes weren’t the basis for Mendelian inheritance of characteristics


h) DNA is proven to be the genetic material by which inheritance passes from one generation to the next

and is the blueprint for evolution (1943)

6. Lamarck:

e) Around 1600 scientists like Lamarck to wonder whether species could change or transmute

f) Lamarck thought that if an animal acquired a characteristic during its lifetime, it could pass it onto its


g) Lamarck explanation for the long neck of the giraffes was the existence of an advantageous mutation that

enabled some individuals to survive and reproduce

h) Lamarck said that the use or disuse of some organs determined its development

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7. What is evolution?

e) In biology evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to

the next

f) Evolution happens in a short period of time and the changes are very fast

g) Evolution explains how all adaptations become more common within a population of organisms

h) Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace “came up with” the Theory of evolution by inheritance of the acquired


8. Natural selection:

e) It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most

adaptable to change

f) Peppered moths do camouflage with the lichens that cover the light bark of the trees in which they live

g) The change in colour of the peppered moth is thought to be related with the Industrial Revolution in


h) Studies demonstrated that the colour of the peppered moth was genetic and so, passed from one

generation to the next one

9. Lamarck vs. Darwin:

e) Both Lamarck and Darwin thought that organisms changed over time

f) Lamarck thought that parents were only able to pass on traits that they were born with

g) Darwin thought that the environment had something to do with why organism changed

h) Both Lamarck and Darwin thought that organisms could never become extinct

10. Neo-Darwinism:

e) Explains the reason for variation

f) Considers that the basic unit of evolution is an individual

g) Considers that the basic unit of evolution is a population

h) Has nothing to do with genetics

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2) Looking at the diagram below, explain in your own words how Neo-Darwinism gives an evolutionary

explanation for what you can see (2p):

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3) Explain in your own words what Stromatolites are and its formation process. (0,5p)

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4) Look at this simple diagram that Darwin drew. Imagine that you have to explain to a friend what the Tree

of life is. Use a scientific understandable language and think about the main ideas you will have to talk

about. Use the image to support your explanation. (1p)

5) Are these individuals the same species? Justify your explanation. (0,5p)

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6) Which type of group is marked in this Phylogenetic tree? Are there other types? In case there are, give

examples of each type using the names from the diagram below. (0,5p)

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7) Looking at the following images explain in your own words which were the four observations that

enabled Darwin to “came up with” the theory of evolution and write each postulate with the

corresponding observation. Be careful, the images may not be in order. (1,5p)






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8) Describe with your own word the following vocabulary. (1p)

- Seed/s (noun):

- Branch (verb):

- Watertight (adjective):

- Ancestor (noun):

- Spread (verb):

- Fur (noun):

- Microevolution (noun):

- Macroevolution (noun):

- Mutation (verb):

- Offspring (noun):

9) Explain what Natural Selection is from a Neo-Darwinism point of view. (1p)

9.1 Make your explanation using the images below in which two species of fish are shown. The first image is a

diagram about the situation of these fishes in the past while the second one, shows the population of fish

after a contamination accident.

9.2 Draw your prediction about what would be the situation of this same environment in the future (lots of

years after the contamination) considering that the levels of pollution remain constant.

Sea before pollution Sea just after pollution Prediction of the future situation

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10) Today’s evidences for speciation. Choose three fields of scientific knowledge that give different evidences

for the speciation process and explain them in detail. (Extra point question +1p)

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- ANNEX 8: examen de recuperació

Institut Joaquima Pla i Farreras Examen de recuperació - Evolution unit

Name and surnames:

Who is sitting next to you?

- In front of you:

- Behind you:

- At you left side:

- At your right side:

1) Circle de correct answer/answers of the following questions. There can be more than one correct

answer. The incorrect answers subtract. (2p)

1. Why is it easier for scientists to find evidences of the existence of a period of collisions in the Moon

rather than on the Earth?

i) Because the Earth is more dynamic and has been modified by human impact

j) Because the Moon is smaller than the Earth

k) Because in the Moon there is no gravity and so, no erosion

l) Because of the process of formation of the Moon

2. The Cambrian explosion receives this name because:

i) There was a huge increase of biodiversity in short period of time

j) A lot of volcanoes became active

k) A meteorite crashed with the Earth

l) There was an explosion that caused the extinction of all species

3. Creationism:

i) It rejects natural scientific explanations of the known universe in favour of special creation by a

supernatural entity

j) All creationists say that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old

k) Creationism is the same thing as belief in God

l) There is no scientific evidence that supports this viewpoint

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4. History of the theory of evolution:

i) Charles Lyell had an uniformitarian view or understanding of geology (1830)

j) Georges Cuvier is known as the father of Paleontology (1767)

k) The binomial nomenclature was invented by Carlous Linnaeus (1735)

l) James Hutton said that the Earth didn’t change over time (1795)

5. Importance of Genetics in Evolution:

i) August Weismann published the germ cell theory in which he says that inheritance takes place through

all cells which pass on their genes (1892)

j) DNA is proven to be the genetic material by which inheritance passes from one generation to the next

and is the blueprint for evolution (1943)

k) Mendel’s works with the pea plants settled the background for the basis of natural selection (1865)

l) Walter Sutton proposed that chromosomes weren’t the basis for Mendelian inheritance of

characteristics (1903)

6. Lamarck:

i) Lamarck explanation for the long neck of the giraffes was the existence of an advantageous mutation

that enabled some individuals to survive and reproduce

j) Lamarck thought that if an animal acquired a characteristic during its lifetime, it could pass it onto its


k) Around 1600 scientists like Lamarck to wonder whether species could change or transmute

l) Lamarck said that the use or disuse of some organs determined its development

7. What is evolution?

i) In biology evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation

to the next

j) Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace “came up with” the Theory of evolution by inheritance of the

acquired characters

k) Evolution explains how all adaptations become more common within a population of organisms

l) Evolution happens in a short period of time and the changes are very fast

8. Natural selection:

i) Peppered moths do camouflage with the lichens that cover the light bark of the trees in which they live

j) It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most

adaptable to change

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k) Studies demonstrated that the colour of the peppered moth was genetic and so, passed from one

generation to the next one

l) The change in colour of the peppered moth is thought to be related with the Industrial Revolution in


9. Lamarck vs. Darwin:

i) Darwin thought that the environment had something to do with why organism changed

j) Both Lamarck and Darwin thought that organisms changed over time

k) Both Lamarck and Darwin thought that organisms could never become extinct

l) Lamarck thought that parents were only able to pass on traits that they were born with

10. Neo-Darwinism:

i) Considers that the basic unit of evolution is a population

j) Explains the reason for variation

k) Considers that the basic unit of evolution is an individual

l) Has nothing to do with genetics

2) Looking at the diagram below, explain in your own words how Neo-Darwinism gives an evolutionary

explanation for what you can see (2p):

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3) Explain in your own words what Stromatolites are and its formation process. (0,5p)

4) Explain the main ideas about the Tree of life. Imagine that you have to explain to a friend what the

Tree of life is. Use a scientific understandable language. (1p)

5) Are these individuals the same species? Justify your explanation considering the 4 criteria to define

species that we have studied in class. (0,5p)

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6) Explain the 3 types of groups that we have explained in class. You also have to give examples of each

type using the names from the diagram below. (Hint: you have one of the groups marked). (0,5p)

7) Looking at the following images explain in your own words which were the four observations that

enabled Darwin to “came up with” the theory of evolution and write each postulate with the

corresponding observation. (1,5p)



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8) Explain the process of natural selection using the example of the peppered moth in England (1p)

9) Fill in the following table. You have to write the name of who you think thought each of the topics

listed. It could be Lamarck, Darwin or both of them (1p)

10) Today’s evidences for speciation. Choose three fields of scientific knowledge that give different

evidences for the speciation process and explain them in detail. (Extra point question +1p)

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- ANNEX 9: pauta de correcció de l’examen (1r A i B Batxillerat)

1) Circle de correct answer/answers of the following questions. There can be more than one correct answer.

The incorrect answers subtract. (2p)

1. Why is it easier for scientists to find evidences of the existence of a period of collisions in the Moon

rather than on the Earth?

m) Because the Moon is smaller than the Earth

n) Because in the Moon there is no gravity and so, no erosion

o) Because of the process of formation of the Moon

p) Because the Earth is more dynamic and has been modified by human impact

2. The Cambrian explosion receives this name because:

m) A meteorite crashed with the Earth

n) A lot of volcanoes became active

o) There was an explosion that caused the extinction of all species

p) There was a huge increase of biodiversity in short period of time

3. Creationism:

m) There is no scientific evidence that supports this viewpoint

n) Creationism is the same thing as belief in God

o) It rejects natural scientific explanations of the known universe in favour of special creation by a

supernatural entity

p) All creationists say that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old

4. History of the theory of evolution:

m) The binomial nomenclature was invented by Carlous Linnaeus (1735)

n) Georges Cuvier is known as the father of Paleontology (1767)

o) James Hutton said that the Earth didn’t change over time (1795)

p) Charles Lyell had an uniformitarian view or understanding of geology (1830)

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5. Importance of Genetics in Evolution:

m) Mendel’s works with the pea plants settled the background for the basis of natural selection (1865)

n) August Weismann published the germ cell theory in which he says that inheritance takes place through

all cells which pass on their genes (1892)

o) Walter Sutton proposed that chromosomes weren’t the basis for Mendelian inheritance of

characteristics (1903)

p) DNA is proven to be the genetic material by which inheritance passes from one generation to the next

and is the blueprint for evolution (1943)

6. Lamarck:

m) Around 1600 scientists like Lamarck to wonder whether species could change or transmute

n) Lamarck thought that if an animal acquired a characteristic during its lifetime, it could pass it onto its


o) Lamarck explanation for the long neck of the giraffes was the existence of an advantageous mutation

that enabled some individuals to survive and reproduce

p) Lamarck said that the use or disuse of some organs determined its development

7. What is evolution?

m) In biology evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation

to the next

n) Evolution happens in a short period of time and the changes are very fast

o) Evolution explains how all adaptations become more common within a population of organisms

p) Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace “came up with” the Theory of evolution by inheritance of the

acquired characters

8. Natural selection:

m) It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most

adaptable to change

n) Peppered moths do camouflage with the lichens that cover the light bark of the trees in which they live

o) The change in colour of the peppered moth is thought to be related with the Industrial Revolution in


p) Studies demonstrated that the colour of the peppered moth was genetic and so, passed from one

generation to the next one

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9. Lamarck vs. Darwin:

m) Both Lamarck and Darwin thought that organisms changed over time

n) Lamarck thought that parents were only able to pass on traits that they were born with

o) Darwin thought that the environment had something to do with why organism changed

p) Both Lamarck and Darwin thought that organisms could never become extinct

10. Neo-Darwinism:

m) Explains the reason for variation

n) Considers that the basic unit of evolution is an individual

o) Considers that the basic unit of evolution is a population

p) Has nothing to do with genetics

2) Looking at the diagram below, explain in your own words how Neo-Darwinism gives an evolutionary

explanation for what you can see (2p):

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In this answer you had to deal with the following items always linking them with the images that you can see in

the diagram:

- Variation within a population (individuals of the same population present differences)

- This variation is a result of genetic variation that may be a result of:

o Mutation

o Recombination

- Favourable/Advantageous mutations will lead to a higher survival and individuals that present them will

be more adapted to the environmental conditions and will survive and pass these favourable traits to

their descendants (offspring) Natural Selection.

- The mutations will be selected depending on the environmental conditions and so, will be different in

each island, leading to speciation.

- We had a first common ancestor of finch which, during time, experienced variations and adapted to the

specific environment and food of each island.

- The unit of evolution is the population and are not the individuals, although the mutations and

recombination first “act” at the individual level.

- The fact that the island conditions are different leads to an isolation of the finches, so we have an

example of “adaptative radiation”.

- Reproductive isolation is considered a major essential factor in speciation

3) Explain in your own words what Stromatolites are and its formation process. (0,5p)

“Stromatolites are laminated rocks, the origin of which can clearly be related to the activity of microbial

communities (cyanobacteria), which by their morphology, physiology and arrangement in space and time

interact with the physical and chemical environment to produce a laminated carbonate pattern which is

retained in the final rock structure”.

You had to talk about:

- Carbonate build-up formations

- Cyanobacteria and its interaction with the environment

- Sedimentation and lamination process

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4) Look at this simple diagram that Darwin drew. Imagine that you have to explain to a friend what the Tree

of life is. Use a scientific understandable language and think about the main ideas you will have to talk

about. Use the image to support your explanation. (1p)

In this answer you had to deal with the following items using the image to support you explanation!

- All life is related

- LUCA/LCA (“1” in the image)

- Branching and diversification process

- As a result of this diversification process we have a lot of different groups/species/organisms

(depending on the level of classification) (“A”, “B”, “C” and “D” in the image).

- Gradual process that takes place during millions of years

- Understand evolution through natural selection (Coevolution and not Substitution)

5) Are these individuals the same species? Justify your explanation. (0,5p)

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The idea of this question was to make you get to the idea that species classification is very difficult and it brings

a lot of controversy. So, we can’t say that some organisms are the same species or not just looking at them from

one point of view or classification criteria.

You had to explain that there are four classification criteria and what they take into consideration to say

whether two organisms are the same species or not.

1. Morphological criteria: looks at the physical similarities between two organisms

2. Biological criteria: two organisms are considered the same species if they can reproduce and its

offspring is fertile

3. Evolutionary criteria: each final ramification of a phylogenetic tree is considered a different species

4. Phylogenetic criteria: each monophyletic group of a phylogenetic tree is considered a different species

6) Which type of group is marked in this Phylogenetic tree? Are there other types? In case there are, give

examples of each type using the names from the diagram below. (0,5p)

The group that is marked in blue is a polyphyletic group because it includes some of the descendants but not all

of them and the common ancestor.

There are three types of groups:

- Monophyletic

- Paraphyletic

- Polyphyletic

Monophyletic group

Polyphyletic group

Paraphyletic group

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An example of a paraphyletic group is: Diapsida, Lepidosauria and Crocodylia, since it includes the common

ancestor but not all the descendants (aves is not included).

An example of a monophyletic group would be the one that includes the entire phylogenetic tree, since it

includes the common ancestor and all the descendants.

7) Looking at the following images explain in your own words which were the four observations that enabled

Darwin to “came up with” the theory of evolution and write each postulate with the corresponding

observation. Be careful, the images may not be in order. (1,5p)

Observation: There is variation in the characteristics of members of the same species. Theory: Individuals within a population show variation in their phenotypes (their observable characteristics).

Observation: Some of these characteristics can be passed on from one generation to the next. Theory: Individuals with better adaptation (characteristics that give a selective advantage) are more likely to survive, reproduce and pass on their advantageous adaptations to their offspring.

Observation: Organisms produce more offspring than survive Theory: Predation, disease and competition create a struggle for survival.

Observation: Individuals that are the best acclimated to their environment are more likely to survive. Theory: Over time, the number of individuals with the advantageous adaptations increases.

8) How could you explain using Neo-Darwinism principles the cellular process of cancer disease. Focus on

Natural Selection. (Hint you can include these concepts: cells, mutation and metastasis). (1p)

You had to explain the process of Natural Selection:


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- Carcinogenic cell (mutated cell)

- Error in the reproduction process (mitosis)

- This mutation is advantageous and allow the mutated cells to spread without control metastasis

- Other parts of the body are affected

9) Explain what Natural Selection is from a Neo-Darwinism point of view. (1p)

9.3 Make your explanation using the images below in which two species of fish are shown. The first image is a

diagram about the situation of these fishes in the past while the second one, shows the population of fish

after a contamination accident.

9.4 Draw your prediction about what would be the situation of this same environment in the future (lots of

years after the contamination) considering that the levels of pollution remain constant.

In biology, evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. The change is slow and continual. It explains how advantageous adaptations become more common within a population of organisms. Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace “came up with” the Theory of evolution by Natural selection. Scientists use theories to attempt to explain their observations, Charles Darwin was no exception. Natural selection:

- Favourable/Advantageous mutations will lead to a higher survival and individuals that present them will be more adapted to the environmental conditions and will survive and pass these favourable traits to their descendants (offspring)

The fish that are light-coloured survive more in a “clean” environment while the dark-coloured fish are more

likely to camouflage in the “polluted” environment and consequently survive, reproduce and pass its

characteristics to their offspring. We expect the number of dark fish to increase in future.

Sea before pollution Sea just after pollution Prediction of the future situation

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10) Describe with your own word the following vocabulary. (1p)

- Seed/s (noun): the usually small, hard part of a plant that grows into a new plant

- Branch (verb): an arm-like division of the stem of a tree or shrub

- Watertight (adjective): constructed or fitted so tightly as to prevent water from penetrating.

- Ancestor (noun): a person or organism from whom someone is descended

- Spread (verb): to stretch out

- Fur (noun): the soft, thick, hairy coat of a mammal

- Microevolution (noun): is the change in allele frequencies that occur over time within a population. This

change is due to four different processes: mutation, selection (natural and artificial), gene flow, and

genetic drift. Microevolution over time may lead to speciation or the appearance of novel structure,

sometimes classified as macroevolution.

- Macroevolution (noun): is evolution on a scale of separated gene pools. Macro-evolutionary studies

focus on change that occurs at or above the level of species. Macro and microevolution describe

fundamentally identical processes on different scales.

- Mutation (verb): a change or alteration, as in form or nature due to an error in the DNA chain.

- Offspring (noun): a child or animal in relation to its parent or parents; product, result.

11) Today’s evidences for speciation. Choose three fields of scientific knowledge that give different

evidences for the speciation process and explain them in detail. (Extra point question +1p)

You had to choose three of the following speciation evidences from the following fields and explain them in


1. Biochemistry

2. Similar genes

3. Comparative anatomy

4. Homology

5. Vestigial structures

6. Fossil Record

7. Transitional fossils

8. Geography

9. Antibiotic resistance