ufo historical revue 00

Cont act: URR Box 176 St one ha m, MA. 02 180 V.l8.II TeB Editor:Barry Greenwood EXPERIME NTAL ISSUE Februa ry 1, 199 2 i 1'113 AIRCR .. U'T O'"ER DOVER. : A' WC;Wf.I:;J) . i \ . 1,1A L'H 1.', 1::. ' . It IS reported l('Om , IXly ('r , t hOot B 'ttj·in;.: " -m*:.hin,c. which. it i. .. bcli('\· cd . ,_" aft aii lun;hip • . I pused that. ,to,,'Tl Ilf'foro dnynr('ak on I ! 100rni(lg. Thfl ('rait. it fllar«J, ' ; " '08 " and J!l'OC'N'dl'ff fl'Qrn on'r , tM fI(' ,a-'.i n a h0rth.(\8gtf' rly di.riot-tion. " . 'Aooording' - to -a Do\'C'r - ('ol'J"(lt;pondmt. it ': W lilti impoMiblf' 'to dil'linguiilhtlat) a;hapo of tilt· : m aduJw; but owing to the fa«'t that it '('arrif'<i : " ii iht and the:' no;- of thl' ('n,:tinNi it jlihfolif!\'f'd : \O ', havf'l a{l-..ail'llhip aDd not ' an 8I'ropbUle. i - It. in irim) O\'f ll' and to ! ' bt: _ in. ". dir'I'Cl.lon. Tho : - at tJl('i tlmo w"" _\ cry '" M flS( ,from _ l hO I : ,.'fWtwani . ' John Hobbtt. a, (')()rpotat40i;l fOnt· I ! ployee. t,bat he aaw the m-.cbinfl .haul I i'50'clock. Hi .. t tention " ..... 'fir.t. attract<'d ! l' b, - {M , Qoi1t9 , Qf th6 mOtors. " 'hich " ill "'ell' j kilOwza .t. 00_. and _ ift e.h. which tbe ao, und C'.Une " be ' aa. a li"ht : at. " grMt. .peed from t tMI di..ecuon or k-th8 Jit!&. the, throb' 01 the ,en¢ nee ... the 0"" , the, to'"' . I'Was YWY - dia. The , DOIIIe .of mof,On w .. by 'lIr. a local ,tftdearqM. ,COMtable '" ' , " , - . . . " . t:ON(} O,.J - ' fe.bf'v4 3{ /1 13 -1 -·-· - -- .----- --- '- ' -r '-' --'- . -\ XOT Hh:H ) 1" S'!£ltfQL"S ': .\ ," , ;", - ..- . i .i , Ca pta:i n, i.jon.,li •• - - eo ,' I' (il .. . i 'QI'):I"' l. , r'·,p, ;rl. /lh .. !' a l1 ' IIi ri<tti 'P ' y .. on}" : Ihp tbt 'ti'-I ' I"a:lil ... "' .:I " > , : ': 1 1""'7"">/ • Feb 2JJ 11 1 3 ') I j : ,- THE AIRSHIP : FI HE ,JULLOOX IX ,: 1 ' Whiff! furplt'r"';pqrl S o[ t 1\(\ of · , , ." I I )jehts in Ih.· IIky. which "rt! tluppOI;(·d In h(llho:K' ! I . of llil ain;hip. 'CQntilllit. 10 btl r .... ' .. j\"l.cl. it .. - is I I "tatool t hRI n Ii",· h"liuon fOllnd in t h(' : : ! imcl t.lllll' t.h''' , I.: ': fur 11101111. ""(On In tlat' I ' 1a. .. It. ill , : t lill t "'111m (lll(' IIllly i lu,y .... ·Ii ' (,X pt.·ri 11If"llt \\· jih fin. llol\looll:ol. : ; ' AI lI!'m.·.1 Walt .. r :\'0011'1'. in I h<>, , "IUJ>I Ifllll'nt of ("'010111' ,1 lJlnICJAl". cor lIuughlon 1\,,11, ' " l \\'0 l1.lil.,s 110111 b of , )tart,·t , W .. lghton lln.1 ahnul " ! -I milf'!f fmm Snlb,.. found, A II'" h .. ,lIonn nn ' ; lillor on SlInd.);' III' 1;IIid 1Ir.t1 i.'lit tn ;' ! tor Oil "n.1 : I lW ... 1 not hl'anl nf' , t hfO rumnu", ",hkh lI'<St ... I II.· , : tilthls whil'h ,hud brcon ill ,I rid wi( h rtll ' l'il:n ; i ai",hiJlt!. 11.· Iht'n "IAlf'd Ihplth.·hllll .... 11 ,.., .... th. ; i N ix.' nf II !lr .. allli jlll'I Iil;r ,IIIIf',' "1'11\ III' 1\\ : 11:1\1", ... ' 'I'b" lIu&rk.·,{ in "lilt· n fill p'"ml', I Ntrir-. I,"t\ I h" ftr< ,.' (OUIl'\ <lid not. uPP"ar In ' h}l, ' • .' 1M' ll fl 'Itortl: , T1Jr )" ,Ht l,"m hnlr· : , d.-nA" ,,1 1\111\ , WlWi hill.,, ' k. , Ufl ''OlIIplI'I...t Hil! pm"''' .. or .1" II"t iun. li ll.1 "-"( "p'"I ... J lip Il;tr Antl t.x." iI ' hom .. , 11, i .. thtollght Ihi.t : 'I lit" Ii" hj. <I f t h iM UallOOIl 'il. \'C. b('eu t hnt t'''t'll on : j l-:ri ,l ay r\·C'ruilj(. , :' " " . ,' , " " 'I I An ainohill iI' ",n'lM'rlf'd,. lo b",·.. I : Portlan.1 Uarbour on, W.'tlnl'ltda\" nilt\ll. ' .'\ i I tl'·t:l"n."I !.hat, I.hn •• ..• .. r out linn t hI' nlrahl". ' 11 ! ",hlt'h ",a" t':uTy11lA: " clau ,lIult ,"-archh"hl,., It 'W:"" I I nLw' ,..... 1} " (io,'OrtIQI,'nl , ulllt'ial.lIontl I: I 'I WII,. plainly h.',,,,I, .\ nl';ti't nil""') "''''i!lr':E ', I'i lOt I Burck-a,·(\'; abo ,,·at('Ilt' ttt,h.,.J'gl\tll. w4h' tt : nt'C' .... iOlll\lly for IIOmntime, A '. "t· . It1\AN the sky i J JJ m wh And Il nt«:rn,l iHw ''' ';.' ." ; " i\ Ih,,,",,all. 'lilt. I : report!''' t,h .. ft'fttcmtay ·' JllnmlnS;.4bout.:!o·ul ;I .... .n "I",hlp .wlth InlOWerf\lI ' Mia' . ",hl .11hl- ''''' I frOm t4lelilrilcUoll of .. NolUnscb.", towards.l\l cow. and A .. imlt.r IIlatcoinont. hM boon: &, nu berl "f , \"O!)it'l'I\ ;r-,,. , loa:rin,a I'spplu . ('k I. III t' t,he,. . "'4uhC'el a 'bgtlt. t.i'lA vi'UiIltl I for . flYfO mllllltftl.wlu,·R. lt dls4p.fM'Ilrc'tl. . ' ,;,. .\ ,. Tb .. lIt_mer , , ql'f:'.n.dlA , Ob . • mvAI nt lhf' K1$wan rsterday fl'Oft\ the ' Or , I '.i\at', aD' @nchll) · WII¥ 1tCen·!lt 6 1 , .m. off w.r h :,.:' , t > i

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ufo research


Cont act: URR Box 176 St oneham, MA. 02 180

V.l8.II TeB

Editor:Barry Greenwood

EXPERIME NTAL ISSUE Februa r y 1, 199 2




• : R~POHTEl) ~iGHT\"IS IT OJ-~ A' WC;Wf.I:;J) . i \ . 1,1A L'H 1.', 1::. ' .

It IS reported l('Om , IXly('r , t hOot B 'ttj·in;.: " -m*:.hin,c. which. it i. .. bcli('\·cd. ,_" aft aii lun;hip • .

I pused o~'cr that. ,to,,'Tl Ilf'foro dnynr('ak on I

! ~turday 100rni(lg. Thfl ('rait. it i~ ' fllar«J, ' ; " '08 ('.arry in~ " li~ht, and J!l'OC'N'dl'ff fl'Qrn on'r , • tM fI(',a-'.in a h0rth.(\8gtf'rly di.riot-tion. " . 'Aooording' -to - a Do\'C'r - ('ol'J"(lt;pondmt. it ' : Wlilti impoMiblf' ' t o dil'linguiilhtlat) a;hapo of tilt·

: maduJw; but owing to the fa«'t that it '('arrif'<i : " iiiht and the:' no;- of thl' ('n,:tinNi it jlihfolif!\'f'd : ~ \O',havf'l ~n a{l-..ail'llhip aDd not ' an 8I'ropbUle. i - It. ~o in irim ) O\'fll' ~I(\ ~ and BPJlf'~' to ! 'bt: go~ _ in. " . n,orth~_t~rly dir'I'Cl.lon.. Tho : -' ~'Jnd at tJl('i tlmo w""_ \ cry '" M flS( ,from _ l hO I : ,.'fWtwani. ' John Hobbtt. a, (')()rpotat40i;l fOnt· I

! ployee. ~ t,bat he aaw the m-.cbinfl .haul I i '50'clock. Hi • .. t tention " ..... 'fir.t. attract<'d ! l'b, -{M ,Qoi1t9 ,Qf th6 mOtors. " 'hich " ill "'ell' j kilOwza .t. 00_. and _ ~iD' ift e.h. ~tioa\ ~' which tbe ao,und C'.Une " be 'aa. a li"ht : '~ at. " grMt. .peed from t tMI di..ecuon or

k-th8 Jit!&. the, throb' 01 the ,en¢ nee ... the

1"~~' 0"" , the, to'"'. I'Was YWY-dia.

'~- The,DOIIIe .of mof,On w .. ,~ beard by 'lIr. ~. a local ,tftdearqM. ~' Po1iee~ ,COMtable ~ '" ' , " ,

- . . . " .

t:ON(}O,.J 1(fI1~ - '

fe.bf'v4 3 { /1 13 -1-·-· - -- .----- :-· =::Jl:::::l;er.I -:=---='~=-~=-=' =~' ---'-'-r'-'--'-

.-\ XOT Hh:H ) 1" S'!£ltfQL"S ': • .\ ~SB U:'. ," , ;",

- ..- . i .i

, ~ Capta:in, i .jon.,li • • ihrl~~y, 'Ch~'f - (~,"~1 !i.i'l~ - eo,'I' (il .. . i'QI'):I"'l. , r'·,p, ;rl. /lh .. !' a l1 ' IIiri<tti'P ' y .. (' ~ ;i~;l i'I1 ' N:'. 'n . on}" : Ihp tbt'ti' -I "'~ 'I"a:lil ... .h '~- u.i~I\t ; · " '.:I " > , : ':1

1""'7"">/ •


Feb 2JJ 11 13 --~----:--r-- ') I

j: ,- THE AIRSHIP Rl~)l()Pli~ " II : : FI HE ,JULLOOX 1-··9l·~U IX YOJU~SHIHE. , : 1 ' Whiff! furplt'r"';pqrl S o[ t 1\(\ 1~"p('Urnnc" of · , , ." I I )jehts in Ih.· IIky. which "rt! tluppOI;(·d In h(llho:K' ! I . of llil ain;hip. 'CQntilllit. 10 btl r .... ' .. j\"l.cl. it .. -is I I "tatool t hRI n Ii",· h"liuon lill~ hc~n fOllnd in t h(' : : ! }o:!'~t' i Ridjn~ ofY()rk,R~irr. imcl t.lllll' t.h''', 1lI~IY I.: ': hIlV\lIE·.·ount~'d fur ,~ 11101111. ""(On In tlat' .la~t.ru:t I ' 1a. .. t~\tlt'I;;. : It. ill , "uP;~''Mt4'cJ : t lill t "'111m (lll(' IIllly i lu,y .... ·Ii '(,X pt.·ri 11If"llt ill~ \\·jih fin. llol\looll:ol. : ; ' AI \II'dor·GDcu"k~JM"r. lI!'m.·.1 Walt .. r :\'0011'1'. in I h<>, , "IUJ>I Ifllll'nt of ("'010111', 1 lJlnICJAl". cor lIuughlon 1\,,11, ' " l \\'0 l1.lil.,s 110111 b of, )tart,·t, W .. lghton lln.1 ahnul" ! -I ~ milf'!f fmm Snlb,.. found, A II'" h .. ,lIonn nn lIou~ht"" ' ; lillor on SlInd.);' mQtOl~; III' 1;IIid hi~ 1Ir.t1 ,·i.'lit tn ; ' ! ~1M'k.·f .w~·ilChton' tor !II'\·.~ r,,1 .11I~'1i Oil 'I'u,~lI1Y. "n.1 : I lW ... 1 not hl'anl nf' , t hfO rumnu", ",hkh lI'<St ... i'~I.·.1 I II.· , : tilthls whil'h ,hud brcon ""C'~ ill ,I 1\l~"t1i"l rid wi( h rtll'l'il:n ; i ai",hiJlt!. 11.· Iht'n "IAlf'd Ihplth.·hllll .... 11 ,.., .... th.; i Nix.' nf II !lr .. ~~lonrll."" allli jlll'I Iil;r ,IIIIf',' "1'11\ III' 1\\ : 11:1\1", ... ' 'I'b" t'O,~; \~'IL" " lIu&rk.·,{ in "lilt· n fill p'"ml' ,

I Ntrir-. I,"t\ I h" ftr< ,.' ~' 11I'1I (OUIl'\ <lid not. uPP"ar In ' h}l,' • .' 1M'llfl 'Itortl:, "'"~IIIIiIi.i,,h.·.I. T1Jr )" ,Htl,"m ~\'a, " hnlr· : ,d.-nA",,1 1\111\ ,WlWi tt'''lin~ "~l\i'Hf ~:'i ~ml\l\ hill.,, 'k. , Ufl ''OlIIplI'I...t Hil! pm"''' .. or .1" II"t iun. lill.1 "-"("p'"I ...

J lip Il;tr ~t1\·"r Antl t.x." iI' hom .. , 11, i .. thtollght Ihi.t : 'I lit" Ii" hj. <If t hiM UallOOIl ' ~lIlf 'il. \'C. b('eu t hnt t'''t'll on : j l-:ri,lay r\·C'ruilj(. , :' " " . ,' , " " 'I I An ainohill iI' ",n'lM'rlf'd,. lo b",·.. ~Ii "N'ln' ~t'('r I :

Portlan.1 Uarbour on, W.'tlnl'ltda\" nilt\ll. ' .'\ ~t,ml\n i I tl'·t:l"n."I !.hat, ~I" ~w I.hn •• .. • .. r out linn ,~, t hI' nlrahl". ' 11 ! ",hlt'h ",a" t':uTy11lA: " clau,lIult ,"-archh"hl,. , It 'W:"" I

I nLw' ,... .. 1} ,h~' " (io,'OrtIQI,'nl, ulllt'ial.lIontl Ihflpi."o,Jt·~\t!r I: I 'I WII,. plainly h.',,,,I, .\ nl';ti't nil""') , !~h " "''''i!lr':E' , I'i lOt I

Burck-a,·(\'; IIn~"!' abo ,,·at('Ilt' ttt,h.,.J'gl\tll. w4h'tt "~''CI : nt'C' .... iOlll\lly '·lIlil'l,,"I~hod. for IIOmntime, A '. "t· . ~ It1\AN 1I1~1,""b"IIA""li"bt"ln the sky lIe.I' ,~t. ' A1bf.n·.: i J JJmwh And Ilnt«:rn,liHw r~~ !nb~' ; I\.·'1(I(,,,. ''' ';.' ." ; " i\ pnlll""I'OM~WIp ~'1""tll»..,.l." Ih,,,",,all. ~ 'lilt. I : report!''' t,h .. ~ ft'fttcmtay·'JllnmlnS;.4bout.:!o·ul :~ h~ ;I .... ~ .n "I",hlp .wlth InlOWerf\lI 'Mia'.",hl.11hl- ''''' ~ ~ng

I frOm t4lelilrilcUoll of .. NolUnscb.", towards.l\l cow. and A .. imlt.r IIlatcoinont. hM boon: ~t', . b)' &,nu berl "f, \"O!)it'l'I\ -~hQ . ;r-,,., loa:rin,a , w~J;..· ~t, I'spplu . ('k

I. "'Ih~_ ,, ;.t III t' t:h~t" t,he,. . "'4uhC'el a 'bgtlt. t.i'lA vi'UiIltl I for . flYfO mllllltftl.wlu,·R. lt dls4p.fM'Ilrc'tl. . ' , ; , . . \ ,. Tb .. lIt_mer, ,ql'f:'.n.dlA, Ob . • mvAI nt lhf' K1$wan

rsterday .ft~m.oPn fl'Oft\ the ' S~t1.:h' lal""l)r Or , I ' ''~l::~I , '.i\at',aD' @nchll) ·WII¥ 1tCen·!lt 6 1,.m. off w.r

h l' OIl_ ,\(O,D~~Y _7l~ ~~; ~ ;':''' , '', :-.'' ' '' ·. :,.:', t > i '~

LON/'()"; rJl~e..J

~b. '2'7 IfJ3

' .} ', ,- . '.~ ' .':

loc:8tiQn of' aU Genn.D airiihi .• . ' . kn01n .. daat

, ; .:C:~~~~~=~=~~= '. sbi ' bj~'~d~/'''ue8t.iOD;-wowd' _\of ' .

<~..:.a~-=~~d~t .• • , . t~. ' .' o.ven ... jJ) .. "" .. int .. . ~. ~ .. . ~ .• ~ .. '. '~. t.9 ... E.ngJ.~. '. ~. !:., t . i . ~k,ieou1d~~lis.lf'r~. " " .,' , ,. I\Dcl . " kwiJ.~~~l. ;,).j,bip·~' .~.~t.

,-=r~~~·=·~~:·,=; .. ~." '.t~ld ha\'~ ~ "?*b~"'"hatev~ ·to : .. gtr.i~b:r '~· I ; . . ~. adven~j ,wb.iah:~" .. ' 1D " 'provide , , only ~,fortbeagit.&tio~ag~t. .. ,' , .y:; .' " ,1$.· m1l b. ;'eI!Il~~u-.; .. ' :.b.ich'

,.:~.:=t;:~=,.,~ ,= " '. with ~~~Ite ." '. "'lao',

' ~~:::!;t:t " 110 '~h :~t.eziticxit.O ~be 8~bjec:t.: t4bi ;tJ;i&Y<lo . .. ,ftlf~ to~, that it . ! ~ ~ 'Frese .,'" -JhiChexplo.' itM~~'. ei~~.~··.~·.igii. oran.' .. ·· ...

IQsgtistion' ,in, '~" ,,~ 'ordet' to ', show th&t.

~ .. , !n=.i2i: .~. '~· .• ~; !l~:~~:~ ~ , Tb8'0ermaQ;' NavY' airship . ijad ' aD~ident;

. ,tria alternooD .. :~~""beiDthrotJgbtiJit~it. , abed at J ohamiiAthal afi#a· ~iBct.Oneof the. propener.was , brok~ . i.ndfmther .fligbta ' will be impOWbJe Unt.il. the D~ ~"teri. can be sent fnun Friedricbahafeu. .

- __ .___ II ' " - ' . " ", 2

, A G~~irmalfDauled., nmo.!('II'Qtgon

;~"!1.~:~':~~ ·~~~~c~~

'7i~~j:a~~~~ :: '~"=. . . ht.Of,~~~:;A.Omo.tree; (.t~t.)~, . : ~ ':. ' c· • .. :"'."', ' . . ' " A .Don-comQ)"'tJ.edomcer ',IlAJll.ed.lI~lfe ....

.' ' to h,a.e :~ ..... &IrabiP ... ~lD:t.b" ,~letricf;a(CaiD

:s.lIt~ "~ t.be~OI{~~Jl/ . Tbe .o,*"en: d~cl&re . •. ~,~:::t;t~:.:e~J:ew;;::r~~= : tbe '~ waa ,at· :a: '~ ,~h~~_.~lt.lisht W45 I

'~E .• . ;.if.l .F.: ... ~;.ei : ' :"'<ll~~=-iB,. t .. ~Al;:~ < .orae.diiy.~::r: ·':":'~.~X~: fron,>Old . Hun, .


". .UU~1"1t. , ,~_ .tat.ed. :D~'~<~ .

~l~f[1jf:lfi :" n,, :~,"~'c' - ~t' HulI tbe'.TJeW'· · ,,; :e~J

· tb.-.t~~ ... 1SfJje.11 oll ,'l"~~ .. 'W .... lltarj .hut . OD .,f!be ~tbet blUid. : it : 1.t,poin~~u-t.tbli:itlh~ .

_~_~~~~~:!~~:~~~tl' [o",io", 77 W1.e...J,;­

__ h.6,.-ve.J''( L.f I I 9 t :3

" , ~gMYSTI~IUOUS~HIP~~ The 8MVAIlte of ('0100('.1 Hen.... Le-'. f "" l

.• _-' ('_-". • I - , .... 0 ul'«'eD-m ..... ow. ~ .. I. IIt.te t.~ey a.w IUl a""hi '. abo ' l~.~6 ou Saturday night travelling in a tea ch~.a,pd , . cohlltahie .to' ,Aberavoo ~ th~ be obeerved. at 7.30 all ~Wld&y night . at ' . :8'0.1111. oyer BWlUUlca nay _Dd t.be MumbU:;; . Scot rsbJp other -people decL&re they obeerved tb%utiin t'teml aU:UdP ~ Itt Ji,l'lt,. . '. e 0 All

, ------,- -

~~7~i.B¥;: " -~~1~. .;I' BRiafiTLIGtiiSmml< 4'n:i;' ;;-- [ ·THE·. ~RTED .. · VlSITS ... OF.I . .iI·,·. ,I.<Ia,.· .. n~. ~., [rom,. :.C .. ;~I'tJ. :. 'l.uarlm .. ·· .i'" ··t. bitt ··.iris.i.lt n.m..rv ' - . ; ...... ". . '. ' ':<:. . . : Ii«hb~ ~~d h) bf! t.h~Ol .iH~,.. ,,~' ..... 1d '

AIRSHIPS.. 1 • . '. ', ' " ', I th.ur 011 ~~(l,a)' ~hf, aQd laat ~agbt.;.". ", . . 1 '. ' i . on )fonda1. night; about s ·o.'dOl't, ·.a "right. li;bt. ---... _--- I ",n!t ~n, fOOling OYf'1:" G06ron~' .-\lthoagli . ~. sOund:

; . of ,machiDel'1-' waa bfoard and 1Sot~IoIf'. 1If'el'i , i.ef ~M

.CAPABILITIES .OF .... ,.G~I " . . ' Ni cnnlopo> 01 the v~llt, ~. helle .... t'd t.b«.t. tb~ J~ . ! W'I~ tba., t; of an • . 'I"&hl. P · "'bic~~ID&ir;lcd .. . at .• pt . ..... t. ! .. VF..8SELS lu:tght. " , . . . . " ' . . . • . . ' )li',F.d~'Mool'f'I .... lWH\'~fd.the,_~.p~",: ·

. . ," " , . '} ;. J Jp;swk-h, dt'ctared. y(>i~('Ma1lhAt.,;f~ ,IO ... ~rAI ;frlftda· ('¥X Ot:~ . OWS COUDPO~~. ! on~ ¥oJ1dIlY cvP!linl1 ·hO .A. .... , a.· n.;,.lril'l:p . ~ .. rlDC

· BEllLlN'. Fu. "1.1 . t.o.:,. thb ,W<>I!tnf U'e to. .... , Thr- ;·al"-hip ·)jjd :a:Jarre. . ..' . ,~ .' I '; ~hlrb~ • • nd after TNiOU1l .~Qne. ' ·bad beeD' .

MoM of .. be Londo~ correspoode:lta of G«" I I""ee,J~~ . thftv-J, ~eocIedm~ . ... , 1ICN~"C'fI~1y J'Q8n ~C.\HlpaPf'r. ~n~ to make ~y ~et , ·.~~~J:~ .It!I:~tU~;t,::':JeltJ ;::,.:.t. toO.:~~ -. the reports that aU'8hi have, been ~. at nagl~t I: ". It. as ,,\lIC) IltAt~.t.h!lt an=p, witlb a'brit:htlitrbt .. in .. vnno~ : perts' ofF. . land,. TbfIir r('~nnr~ :' :;~t.'7:~ ~t:"<; . ~~.~n:iiilt~'; "' ... ~ •

. are Cllno mler~t a~ r &rds t~ explonaCion of '. djl'f"d.lou~ " · :p&I> . ' . ~~. ~. 1.1l_~&cr1t . ' tbf':l(' m~·st{'riou.<I 8ppAriio~0l' .a ~d'i tlM! . T,~ v •• c~"r.bl~.c~~i~fori~at'ilG!l"t Il.tib' ·· 'ftt'eCi Cur IIcrie.1 dt-f"nrt', brt it ·is l)rohll"'h' 'tnie · · ~~I~nll. JO.t tb..!,illi'tnl'h·· n pr~:tf'f!: .,Vll, .. tho ec:it,.ot what ....

, . . . " . . " . . . . ~ lev .... 0 n~ . e airthlp .. h1oh bjiId ·pN.kmiiI bMa

I t~M • thf" t':;l'o.bilJtl~ P I G~m8ny8 eXl,,!m:o.: .· ~n9vClr ';lI'Onast-~, ' e",w.ta 'of . pi«, ." ~bloct " ~urlll:IP tlet-t lU"O eXBJ!~crat~ m. many qt~"W!":'I . i.!l U"¢<"Dt.re .of . tb,t)city ·'rIUt.~/~ -t.he~~ 1 In EIl~ !Ilr.tl. .-\. I>N1'L·t· .crUl~ from I1ny_ (.flh~ _ ,station ' ~n4 W'atch<..u thn 1pO\'emt'~ts of tli.e l..of.h

:. i JlIU\~"wh('rt- · th~ Gr.-rulBllairshipd art' ·stationed- . tor cn'er an hou.r. wb.l'n .. • 'j~ d~p~d:> j!,\::-' . 1.. . h~ E :" 1' . . . . h' f . we/ltA!rly dil'f'lCtion.Tb,. liJrbtA of ·tb.f 'VIMeI · ·~

: I to ~'I~ '.~ Ish ('(II;: ut :-:-to say not . "»t o . An ; i '~Y diiotlrn,., l;habtr.. .\ttUnt'a t~ .. ~ to . I ood:itlO!'ol }!l lanu \'oYIl!!e--;fl.nd bm'k. T f ~ ('~'l" I' q\J~t~ ~ri1o~t. wbUe oeca.,>IQllallYa:;t.ct of .red w:.

'·1 many I~' ''''. th(' prC>J<.>ot tlmo f'''tra()'rdi.nilral)· ;.: ,'b;.blf',' · . . _ . . .', '. .~ . . ' :' .. '.':.' . f! impro~abl~;, T~,~reart;. apparent.I)', otll~: tlirt:n ~ .. t i Zeppelma.trshlpsw}u{'h could perform the ; I ! YOyQ~(' at n1l from Bf·rlin or from Iit.lQ.t'r~ Hll·de.1 ;' ,. IUid back. ~~ noil('of t~em could l~i~)m~ . ~tWet'1l ~~t and· 8t1Jl1'18t' • . E,,:o!l ,·,f ;:"f'(,~rN''y , I couJu 00 1..~llnt(~ on thj~ side of th(>I Xorth : 1 ~--whielJ : is imp.oba!)l¢ :in pf't>.c(': illlc- .:. .th~ ! i ainhip w;~~ ~,:., si:;!.I :'ro oitl~l"~l F.l1~I~I ~d ·or ; : :-:t, >'('·n . J'.\'('n !! -: ~\kh An ~\'('n! \Jre' wl"'f' ''l';:l~' . !. ti~'~ hl l'. i :,~WO\lld ~m to ,~ (':'ttr!lor<}411:l rijv,: I Ullllt'IT1l i ·t i n ' ,ilnd to fm'ol\'en1sl1\,',ri,k!< \mhOlit ! ! offC'ring /lily Fainti,.:· It i>l prcH ;;' : ef"rttlin '.'that i , h,'!,.!,l": if ('ver . a t:!,rnym tpl'~hrJ)' "bits Y~i-~k. ~

~l'llrf' an · t ht'dead QI.lllght,: snd UIA unthorltl(ifl.! : pll.hlir<h C'ith{>r )10 r<"Il()~ts ()'~ f81~c rr'po,t .. abl;iti.t I ; Jt~ OlIW(' ln",ntli4 there ":111 h~~'p~n. itgr(·;.lr d~:f I. , more f<:.UtI I)U'I prnr:tll'c lU. hilr{UI(~~(tH·l"St'R : : cr·\i~~ . . . . . "'. " .: .. ! : !\q r('~nn;t,.. : tJj(' n~ \';- militlll'Y' 7.opp<-li,;· calJ~l' I E~t:z Z 1:': \-clli"I~i<l1t ~ pr~nt~mdM;goiri~ : : trials , e.~p('Ii'I~llIy Q~ . ill'r n,,\IV Wlrt'JeslJ' t(':~:lpN' i-' . appArel,,;; , tht>ff·; IS llO rMllonttL dotlbt that 'j d ll r.iJ:;;! til ... H\lhil1c (If. ~nhlJ'(lA." night.' :;far. "''''' j "l'm,\w,.! · h(,~.1l ; llnden~Jad,.n . J "r.a.· I!kfllf.t-,: ',J

, l\I~ ;" )1(110, I.Ind lxllrl,q'uht> i bemg <IlU thf' tlplfflll ! : ~m('l~ communication with~rir.lfI:r~~ . " Xor [I , . :'< therf' nn~' r c aiKlll 10 ~IIPl~OIJf'J ,nl.:it,. (,ltb~p th" ~i

J Wv. 21 1'113

' . l-Lall'4\ or tlwlWw navnl nU'Bhlp .:}:n.s :"n. ·r .... ) II a~'ay frC'n) ~krhn" · 'l'h~ . tw~, ships \' m~('! I . ' ,I th,~h l ~ hC'ff' thL'l ~ft-('rnOO~I. I!nd.exdlBng~ 'WU'~i

I' I(·"s. 1I1(~"I\~I.· ,Wlt,1t t)J!C anoth~r .. 8jld lnth thl' l, . JO~IU\J>; lhal ~tataoll_. _. __ . . . .. . . j

1-0N~N It ""Ia.s

r-e. hrvW'( '24, - -- ~---:



• ' .10 o·doek OIl ~1' nlib\, ~ to -,i

01 Were." •• reporta. aD alnbJp .... i .........a pIII'CII of North-BIIat. W~ I

~ .... E~ ... LoaJiord. '11w Ailbt. ..... olear. aDd ' ~ OIl .t.hoIJ .... ,. frClIIiD ...... j

. tJaM. .tJaq .. " . the ,Yf!lMl. wide)"' .. ... .. ~ .t .. 1 ___ &ad ... .... . w.;....

~...,..~ ..... ~ .. ~ . 1\ .. ~~ ... ",.;;~,.;we"..,:!~ . . ,' ) . . ' . ~ '~:... ... ,." :" , ' ' .. ; :'-~" .


-::r OJ.; :2..~ I "t (] - - ~~ .• .....--.- . • - --r--' -. ~.-

r:~l~'FrOY}!R . . LIVERPOOL. . 1 U I.. N1*"t1'fl '""" U .. rrrlQ('lltb~t '" Alr,..~rt,, ·

I.h~rh It. "' .. not JK'l'"I'lblf- to jrir.RtUy, I.U!II!I IlN'n ."""' .. . OYfl. tbAt ('it r. .\ Mldrnl i II t~;f' Clul.H'llOOr flistnrt!' _,.,. that aa &t.llrda, nhlM hrt"'N'Jl 7 IUld tnll'-r-t. 8 . o'''.Ior.k "!Il alrr,""'t w!'" _n "l'~hMo:l f-ran!linp: &tllw rat4' ,tl .Ahnut :!II mIl .... an 11"111", II, r"rri.'cia 'lr1"f hrllllMlt· IIlIhl. Thrl'f' WI'I'f' Urr ~n. .. in th .. h"u~r.. · at 1hI- Ihlll' And , ......... ·h.,,1 It f<>,. ""'mr timr ..

It III lltatl'd lit· ttw: 1"""1"p<".1 Av\"'~on !"t·h,i(,1 ttillt. ; "on .. "t thr ainDf'Q tllI'r,' ""rtf out. on 'l'iatwllAy' I Dl,ht~

.:JCA.N, /3, 11~8


LON),,"; 7ht~

S ItfJ t. JI, I ',.s-----~ •.. -



Sir,-On SIIturdll1 e1'1!IIinjr bat (Augaat 81) I wa. wll.lkWIC . northward on the fYol.tem p!lYo:IDent iu St . . i

I ailc,',. Odord. &I1d. haviug j~t pua<'J the entrance of I St. John' •• wa.I .till wiUun t.beCDcl~ . arca in hunt of

i t.ba~ Collcre wb.t!n m1 eyl's .ytere arreatcd by a briUi&ut

I lum~olU body whic:il .u.m~y em .. rated o,.er the tope I of t4e tre<>.. before me UD the Ii>Ct ItoIld moved . cout~ i I aerOfl tho "'1 abo\~tl ~tl in fruut of me. Ita· appdrmee WU~ at t.b6 6nit .:lauce, lUeb III. to .uPt II Lrilliaot meWor, oooaiderably. larg8l' thAn YenlU"~ her greateR brill~aney. ben lh.l 11ollVoo. of ita motioD. III it .niled or fioattoJ maj~tically aoro.. the tleld of viaiuD. D8 if . .lrivlID bJ a 'tron~ winJ, ma.de me doub~ whether it wu I

I DO~ fUmlS ..rtifici:&l firework. Expecting to ace it explode 1 or 1'0 OQ~. I war.tohed for a IICcood or two till it nC~ I I i~ culminating point r.ud Will ~bOlit to be hidden from I me ~, the lofty Colll'j;c building. ou wlicb I IP~ over the con>8I' of the low ltoll8 w.u of ~. ooc'lolUre. aDCl. walki~ liJc..uo and backward. aftOSI St. Giles'." I wu enabled to lee it"thr,ollCh the .pace between the old and nL" ballding. of the ('allege. D8 it coutinued it • . course toward tho ellStCI'll boriaoD. It cUd Dut cxplode, omit &I1y .park. or leave ~, tR.iu or tn.ck: lMlt it ~e rapidly dimmer &lid famtcr .. i, approached the boria-. aud ftnally di_ppeared bt>hind ' a t~. _ tbroOCh the . • ~ in q_tioo. I_villi me. quite '1IIen'­

tain .. to it. nablre. 'Ibe fact. thai. it 10 perccptib!y ere'" fainter &I ~ receded .1OOIDI \u LJn.(lly \.hat iL h:W IIO~. "'" fTC&' elCl1'& .... aDd . 10 f,.,. fa,·oun" tIenO­atnal uriciD. \boaeh 1 am quite ~lte ~ ooueej,.. ho~ uythiD. ardlc1a1 Oftld ..-n tbe .... a~ • 00 tbe ot.hv baDd, it a 1DII&.cIOl'. iU _ wU IDar11 ~imea e10wiIr u..a u., of l1li,,,." 1 b" "-_. 1 w .. too"- \&keD \11 ~ &DIll teo ~.r­~ * .bMa"iov. to DOte a' u.. -' ita ..,..,.... -.. .... taw ... ; ~ 011 obiorvu. \bt __ .rw ta. " ..... I .... II .. , ik ~ .. * ,..... -V polM of .lr'- ..... froaa ., AUotb _ .... '" ., ......... tMI .... ~tM PW Sw. ~ a.-6DDeIa. ....... Aad~. I ~ .... If.., .... .1,................... wm ,," ....... ' ·0' ~~ .... .... hob~ ....... ...u. ............. ., It. •• ..,,'-, . '. I ..... ", .... '" .. .w. ::~.kc "_ ... 1 bIMlU: ~ .y ........ ,_ w .... lot ..... it I __ tbIak · (~. .. . .... " ... __

I - ....... : . .:.~ , .. ' ' . l' Oaf-. ..... It. ,. ' ~. ~. B..IIU,u,u.

• hNJod V-~-J Aev-r I If2(



",-;.---'-.-::-- ~-

)....o,..,d().v 77n1~ .'. - I

Pelrvw1 I') tOJ':{t'

J-c; N) 0-"; 7i Il1 e.s

~r. ;2.4 1?7/


jONi:JN; ;;/VI e...s

Nov. 9 I t>..s-~




FOR AUGUST" 1713: ' ~ . I ---.-'~ AuguR ~o. able authorilY I-Exaaly al nine o'clock

Account ofo remarkable PHOENOMENO" the ball W31 rem, near Ct.ehnsford in which appeared in the Finn.ment on Effi:x, 10 break from a cloud in 111£ N. W, Mondoy" Au,;uR 1 S,. ,. . q"utcr, in appear.loce aboul the fi~e of a About l"ne o·clock. al mgbt, , body of : fuU moon, and 10 13lte ils direCtion ,,0Ii ,

fire! or fqme ,othe,' lummous matter, took II zontally towards Ihe S. E.; revernl rm311~ honzon~1 d're..'hon from nOI:,h '!> fouth, a- mmor.. of dilfermt colours, /hooting ~rofs Ih . firmament" and an >Is lr3nfit, from it ~I ""riou. times in ill conrfe; 00'1 . ... hlCh~lt1ed to ,continue about f~u,r fe- the whol. hcmifphere fo iIIum;'l"." by 0 I conds, efll'ltui I~ght, ne:lrly aa ' v.~.d aa blue irl'llCiialion, that objea. were viC.ble -- -~~~~~~~~~ -~~-the r3)'~ of Ihe lun at . noon-day; II wa. at -llf mil .. diilance. It ",,/Ted ova- r.- I not CI .. c~l~r, bUI cf, an Irregul.~ form, ~nJ Jngate~one, Brentwood, and Rumford, a J !J / ' , ' .,..., /, .., , . h~d a !~i' . f"merhmg ref<onblang. a k.le, few minutes afler, and ovc< the metro- /--tJ IV cJ' Q N ' . I '" ~ \II.lh var r.j;:"00 c.qI~u,,; the rellea,on _. polia about a quarte .. after nine, having Ii> po:-"o',I'I, .h.t .1 atf.aed lome people" the rame 3ppearance, and w.a reen a feW o~e. like. tlalh of IIghllllug. Such a lud- ,minule. aftcr by rome Gentlcmen on Sun­, I 4~ bury CQ!nmon, who ray, they law it f:Mt _ and QPCOmtnOll ~nammon created with gr~at vcloc,il), on Ihe rai,l ~ommon, I\luch aAooilhment in .a11 thaI raw il. It bound to lome dllbn", 3nd not nfe .~m, Fl ' D n_ • - A waa feen ftI)' diftio81y aU over the city, What mak.~ Ihis phil'nolll.n~n the more .AU. ,,10Jlft 01' TS. t1&JL\M VUAIII". -and f(Ya21 miles round, and many people rem3rk3ble! II, t~al the, tvenong ,.'ns Ie- JOOd deU of d~ .... heeD 101.. OQ la ahip~ wrre fo demved, th21 m.y thought tlley (J13rb~1Iy lerene. IInmtJ",tely before nnd eirc1. OD the bD. aDd Wear d1ll'lDc tilt!' .,.. IDOD~ faw it fall, fome at one pan, and olh,,, afler .115 31'pe3t:ance, wllhoul ' Ihunder, wi ... -~ to' ,h. D"-anMI a-..I IIlwd..l ..... ~'-al another part oflhc IOwn. hghtnmg, or r3m. ,,,_'0& - IIQ I~~----

The 'following ia the only coune of il ...;.-.;;;..---""------1 ~la whloh han OOCWI'N duriDi ~ ~.. .. oa &be Ihat we bm yet reui,ec\ on unqudtion. Oa.rham 'oou\, Deal' WlUtburD, about eq,LdUtaD, from

~ two lmport.t.Dt oommeroial port.. .. · From .,W-

J-cN)6/11 r;r;~e..t

Se-pf' 2.'1, '187S'"


eftr oaa.e, u,.re ClaD be DO dCMlb'1ha& UM maJ~ T ___ ~ that bay. ~ nraoded ban beeD .Pancl . byalilbt or liIJata fteetDbliDI U,e flMhlD&llr'" OpoD TI .... moulh PoiDt. attbe mODtb of~. TyDe:. I' WIllI bni&ed abroad a pod deallD abipplq eirel. ,6at ~ ... bad beea decoyed upon the roob ." faI.eUpt. ; aD~ ~.~ w boee ft.e .. ,~ blleD 1IttaDded, iD . aOOO1lD""" for &be 10. oftheirTee.elt., ~. WeN all mod poaiU"I ~ liP" bad beeD exhibited. aDd ,hat t.be7 had been aUu" .. bON by . Uaem. The nbj~ . W&I 1Umi\W to the LoDdoD Trini,y-'" &Del aD laqulry ... -..de by Admiral ColliMOU at 8aDderlaDd ~ al~~la' ~ ...a from U,e .rideQOe of Tlriou penoaa ao doll .,.. left _ the mlDCla 01 ' _, penoD' u,at ,aIM un bel ... exblbit.d, aad that ..... bad beeD a.a 'ubon tit .... by. But .. i' ... 1." I. doUl whether the ahlbiiioG of tbaM lich. • .. . " .,utlll or MGldeut.al, __ qu.doD ... in a aeue left aD om oa~ W1UUo, ho .. YW, the "". two 01' Uaree -11~' baa apln beeD brooQht UDder Ut. DotlO8 of the TyDe Pilotllp Oomml_oll. :ir. Lyall, the clerk. u.id that t.he N autfoal OommiUee of the ComIDla­lioneR had examiDed .olD. of tbeir rUota with reprd to u'e li,ht.a u.id to bay. bHD exblbited a Whitbuna. . .BenjamiD Peel .tated to them tha\ h. bad ... a lip' uhlbi'*l at WhitburD. The liP' .... ooouioDaUr ,"D .. a brlah' 10-termhtin, or reTolTinr light. The Ugbt. to \he beri" of bia juqment, wal a.t u,. Til~of Wb1\baro. 'l'bomaa Tynemoutb eald he u.wa brlgM 1 . ,to tbe DOnIl of Sotlter Pnlnt,oD the Digbt of the of Deoember. It . bore W.S. W., aDel ,ap~ to be a reTOlrior Ught.. U la a rocky deeolate Ibore. There an DO dweUiDP iD th. · nei~hbourbood, and the ligbt wemed to be oooliderably ,1,­nted ~~ye tbe !aDd. ' John Skee Blair, a pUo'" appreDtice, pye Ilmllar testimODY. The Oterk to tti. OommWionen IUiPlted that u'e Board of 'I'nd, .bould b'e aabd to oft.r a ~ward for _tbe. diloonry of tbe penona nhibitilll . this !lIht. The. N a,ubeal Oommlttee wu reque.ted to ooatiDuelta IDvestiptlOU, and report to the Dest meetiD~' Board. There ia a stronr f~lillr in tbe north tbat th. of Trad • • ~ld make a eearcbiDI,lnquf.rj iuto the'oa'u* of tlte ap­pearance of theae mYlte~oul H,~t., ~ m~h for th.chant,.. I

Ler of the fishermeD ... in tbe ibtera~ of Ute uriptloD of the Nortb Sea; for If. thell U2bta haT' beeD eshibI'ted acei­dMltallya proper liSht. Iboulflbe put. up 'a' 6008' OD Souter Point aboot wblch there oould be DO m~ke~ 'If tbelil'hta h~ye beeD Wilfully IlloW'll to~aJlure 'YNlfI. 011 ahore thla 11 a cmmethat bas heretofore bee.D totally unlnaOWD ~poD '·t.h. D_c.rtb-aat eGad, aDd people ~_~bardly !*l!",.l~ .

If you enjoyed the c ontents -" - --N rA:tD-I'J.! Re,;.t.f~r 01 Pe~S'lIV"iII/~ of thi s experimental iss u e, do )(18C~LLANEOUS. Lf(fi4.'i) 4/'1 (JULY get in t o uch with any remarks or . l! a

submissions o f "new" o ld inform- . Hr •. Bditor:-Am~teorof'iraatift..i~~11.r character a t ion. We will 0 n 1 y P r in t f a c s i mil e s Dladeiitl ppear:mce 10 tbe beaweDS 1ul mgbt,bet"eeri

o for i gin a 1 c 1 ips but 0 t he r i n f 0 will numbe ,'of ;;our leaden, owing to th-:I teneaa of the be welcome as well. Only data pr io r hour,-i.adnotanopportunillo1'obsel'Yin it, I lball en-

the b of elnen .nd. tweh'e O'C1Oft Aa a great

to June 24, 19 47 will b e relevant to dtayourtogivelOmedeacnptionofit. . . It arOle apparentlr from the neigh~~ rll00d of the

t his pub 11 cat 10 n . Schuylkill, and palllDg oyer Kensin~~ri and the rinr G Delaware, finally: disal?pcare~ behind til' wood~ of Jer-

B. . ley. A 10llg trail of light, like that 0~ah09\ing atar was acen to follow it u. the beginning its asceDiion; large Iparkle. separated tbemselvea m It and de-8ceDde~ slowly, were diltinctly viai 1 until 'bidden from "lew by the topa of the bOUl.a. ~ motiona "ere ~pid, il'n' .. gular,. and wave~ng, like th ftuttering of a kite or the. rocking of an &II' balloon. . ta appearance was of a de'ep red colour, and remll' ably brilliant, aeemingly ohbout half the aize oCthe moon. It arose

TO THE EIlITOR Ol" -TliE TIME.~. sir,-O,*rnri of toLal.eli.,. .. of the IUD .Rem to pay

lHat litLl ... t~QtioD to tbe f&et. that pr.bly there exill!, a b,Ultl$ uuk,oawu pIne' ..-hich l'oyu1.vea ~ &u '~rbit iu· \erial' W lbaf ~f Merour)'. t;uoh. body; if it due. ~X:I:tt, OQu~ be .tlll det.eot.eU dlUiuK the progre.a of a tot ,1 I;vl .. r ~lpee. if tbe rtlii,)u of the ' aky ill Lbe DeighbuurhlJo.:i of ,he lun "as Y;,ry carefully exaruined. It lillt.Y b" 1U t Le recolleo1.ioD OllOlDtI oi your re&llen th.t-· no t.b~ ()CCaSiIJD of t.b. ec:lipM ofl\u,ust. 7. 1!;6~. & briRb~ - C!bject If';" leen ~. InenJ olnon ... La dOH proxilllity to tho .01I&r4lro, "oJ

. ~ntil i~ croaaed tbe Delaware; wbe.n it appeared but an i Inconalderable speck acarcely dlscernable, arid lhen deac.n~t:d • with astonisHing velocity until within a ahort dlltance of the horizon, where it reQ)&ined Itation • .,y for a few momenta. Suddenly it beCame exceed­ingly I~e and brilliant, sparklel apia It"parated from the maIO body, and descended al before. It loon afier btcame dim and di8&ppear~d behind the trees. · AltO. gethtr, I should IUppose it was visible about fif\een or twenty minutea.-.8urora. . ~idoymomi"g, July 11th, 1829.


Ie NelON J;~e.s ~·e;.JJt: ~1 I J? f S­

===========-~---i~ il not liDpl'oklable .. uat. thia wu act.ualJ), the plaoo:L ~;Lidl .... -;A LOBI' BALL09N. LeICllocbiLult. ou .\larch :lti. l&)~, WhUca60d in trlllllit. ,It i:;; . • t.rue tbat. obeernt.iuuI mlkie of l.~e~n 'with t4~ 'pe..: i;Ot 'rO, TUI BDlTOa 01' THB TDD8. ubje6t of dotecti0l this awpected plauet . in transit .. vcr t~;, •• -!'be , eDCJO..t. "bWa l _, ,tna ... Bela .. . • un'l diacbavebeea'unlucc .. lfu'l, ~o object. pl'el8otiug a.o IIoUI1- ~ OOMIII fII the 8&.Ia s-&., ID&J .... ~ M' lIIIIat .. 10l0u appearaDce-to a pl&uetary body ml:viug be~~bat"'''.tlJ. ODe of the bel ... wbicll hue made aD uceDt til .. ~ ID PM,MiDI our tbe solar lurfaCt'. ',l'hil fact, boweyer, dOOl!nol; ~JtD.laDd 01' Fraaee, uad .Mt beell wbeeqaatb bMrd fII. provo 'be uOD-Ujl~u6e uf t.he plauei, aDd it is ad\'iliat,le It la nideDi. from' the detqiptioa &ha* ' the car ~·becoaie ' Uuot o~ ... el'lpf thu fonhcolOiD~ CC~I~ carefl.!l!y IIln,..l : lJ :te detaehed. UMt that Ute ~C)OI) ltall wu bfi\. 1Ila.,.- , tht; oi ilhbourbood ' of the 'suu at tUIl 'tiwll of t.otahty~ _,0 I .~.=.~~: to~~t,.au~ bos~1f ~ :-~ ! t.bat it rna)". be redilcove.reJ if voui!Jle. Sevt:ral Ob.il·P·t-rJ CI'CIUiDt tbe AltaDtio" aU. I.am" k. . , of Dote Lan OD .. riou. " oocllIioo. witoeaae4 the p:.rtitJ . ~_... rI. B; LKI'BOI'. kaDlb of opat'Qe pl';'D~'-&r)' bedi. acro .. tJJe IUn, lu.uJit · - ¥ --.. -. .. Por Uae JIofal (J..... : : . d~ DOt. seem altopt.her improbable tnat tbeaepoJic:. ar~ , , . .. A ltallooa Pu..d ~udi.. . iIlLra-lMrourial plaUdl, wbich ftom tbell' ·prol.i,.ity w/~LtI ".oa.ia1 Clare, Southam ::.l A .... Wi 1_ IIIIl coul~ Devor bP. ~rQed except when iu ~Lrnllait or ~t ... lIrr-'lbunday 1llOrDlD" .boa' _ LIn., laue wM the tirue of a to&&llOlar eclip.e. It il to' be hopt:d thllot llt ob .. ned b, Mr .. AdeliDa D. Be...t • .uaap o~. the time of t.he approa.chiug~clipaeth18 TacL "Ulbe ~oll,i· the cload .. ··eolDm. fI'OID the aorth. he-;" aal.Wa the aha-

I d 1 ~ 'kID of lin. L J..ftelllo it, ud ~ ..... both .... W d.red, aDd &, riaofOUS aearen. rnadefor tbe Iu.p~e , P aDe alarmt'd b, th, pbenOlllenou. BowetU

l the, eoa'iaaed to i

10 Lhat thellD., be cUaoovend ' audaD inaoaae to our ... atell it ..... IiI, for IOIIIe t';l!od .. ,dNw Dearer daeJ ,. bowled,. .tfea~ • obMrYed \Iia& It' wtu of triaD ape &Dd aboaa .... liM

1 have the booour to be. Sir, ,OUl ,?bedioQt ""~Dt, 01 ODe ·of oar pilot boat' •• ..,. .. n., witll cIIaIu .u.eW ,.llJ.lAJl F •. DE.'lNl.NQ, Ho·n. sec. Obitrvia,' to Uae bottGID pan 01 It. "'beD erGMIDa tile Iud i'.~

• . ~ &0 deeOaDcl, but .. i& .... , &0 ttie _ It uee."WI A'lfoDbanica.1 S6ciety. , . ad .0 eoatiDaed UIlitl It .... ftaal tIMdr alabt ia *be .

Holl1.00a-boQ"~ CotbMtl-park, Bri~tOl. . NJ)7. 2, .... ,. ... . eloatt.lOQ$Ja. ' If )Wan T~ BAMIft." i