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Unied Development for Mixed Multi-GPU and Multi-Coprocessor Environments using a Lightweight Runtime Environment Azzam Haidar 1 , Chongxiao Cao 1 , Asim YarKhan 1 , Piotr Luszczek 1 , Stanimire Tomov 1 , Khairul Kabir 1 , and Jack Dongarra 1,2,3 1 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA 2 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA 3 University of Manchester, Manchester, UK Abstract Many of the heterogeneous resources available to modern com- puters are designed for dierent workloads. In order to e- ciently use GPU resources, the workload must have a greater degree of parallelism than a workload designed for multicore- CPUs. And conceptually, the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors are capable of handling workloads somewhere in between the two. is multitude of applicable workloads will likely lead to mixing multicore-CPUs, GPUs, and Intel coprocessors in multi-user environments that must oer adequate computing facilities for a wide range of workloads. In this work, we are using a lightweight runtime environment to manage the resource- specic workload, and to control the dataow and parallel execution in two-way hybrid systems. e lightweight runtime environment uses task superscalar concepts to enable the de- veloper to write serial code while providing parallel execution. In addition, our task abstractions enable unied algorithmic development across all the heterogeneous resources. We pro- vide performance results for dense linear algebra applications, demonstrating the eectiveness of our approach and full uti- lization of a wide variety of accelerator hardware. 1 Introduction With the release of CUDA, the scientic, HPC, and technical computing communities started to enjoy the performance ben- ets of GPUs. e ever expanding capabilities of the hardware accelerators allowed GPUs to deal with more demanding kinds of workloads and there was very lile need to mix dierent GPUs in the same machine. Intel oering in the realm of hard- ware acceleration came in the form of a coprocessor called MIC (Many Integrated Cores) now known as Xeon Phi and avail- able under Knights Corner moniker. In terms of capabilities, on the one hand, they are similar to those of GPUs but, on the other hand, there are some slight dierences in workloads that could be handled by Phi. We do not aim this paper as comparison between GPUs and the recently introduced MIC coprocessor. Instead, we take a dierent stand. We believe that users will combine CPUs, GPUs, and coprocessors to leverage strengths of each of them depending on the workload. In a similar fashion, we are showing here how to combine their strengths to arrive at another level of heterogeneity by utiliz- ing all three: CPUs, GPUs, and coprocessors. We call this a multi-way heterogeneity. We present a unied programming model that alleviates the complexity of dealing with multiple soware stacks for computing, communication, and soware libraries. 2 Background and Related Work is paper presents research in designing the algorithms and the programing model for high-performance dense linear al- gebra (DLA) in heterogeneous environments, consisting of a mix of multicore CPUs, GPUs, and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors (MICs). e mix can contain resources with varying capabilities, e.g., CUDA GPUs from dierent device generations. While the main goal is to obtain as high fraction of the peak performance as possible for an entire heterogeneous system, a competing secondary goal is to propose a programming model that would simplify the development. To this end, we propose and de- velop a new lightweight runtime environment, and a number of dense linear algebra routines based on it. We demonstrate the new algorithms, their performance, and the programming model design using the Cholesky and QR factorizations. 2.1 High Performance on Heterogeneous Systems Ecient use of current computer architectures, namely, run- ning close to their peak performance, can only be achieved for algorithms of high computational intensity, e.g., in DLA, n 2 data requires O(n 3 ) oating point operations (ops). In contrast, less compute intensive algorithms like the ones using sparse linear algebra can reach only a fraction of the peak per- formance, e.g., a few Gop/s for highly optimized SpMV [5] vs. over 1, 000 Gop/s for DGEMM on a Kepler K20c GPU [9]. is highlights the interest in DLA and the importance of designing computational applications that can make ecient use of their hardware resources. Early results for dense linear algebra were tied to develop- ment of high performance BLAS. Volkov el al. [23] developed fast SGEMM for the NVIDIA Tesla GPUs and highly ecient LU, QR, and Cholesky based on that. e fastest DGEMM and factorizations based on it for the NVIDIA Fermi GPUs was developed by Nath et al. [16]. ese early BLAS developments 1

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Uni�ed Development for Mixed Multi-GPU and Multi-CoprocessorEnvironments using a Lightweight Runtime Environment

Azzam Haidar1, Chongxiao Cao1, Asim YarKhan1, Piotr Luszczek1, Stanimire Tomov1, Khairul Kabir1, andJack Dongarra1,2,3

1University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA2Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA

3University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

AbstractMany of the heterogeneous resources available to modern com-puters are designed for di�erent workloads. In order to e�-ciently use GPU resources, the workload must have a greaterdegree of parallelism than a workload designed for multicore-CPUs. And conceptually, the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors arecapable of handling workloads somewhere in between the two.�is multitude of applicable workloads will likely lead to mixingmulticore-CPUs, GPUs, and Intel coprocessors in multi-userenvironments that must o�er adequate computing facilitiesfor a wide range of workloads. In this work, we are usinga lightweight runtime environment to manage the resource-speci�c workload, and to control the data�ow and parallelexecution in two-way hybrid systems. �e lightweight runtimeenvironment uses task superscalar concepts to enable the de-veloper to write serial code while providing parallel execution.In addition, our task abstractions enable uni�ed algorithmicdevelopment across all the heterogeneous resources. We pro-vide performance results for dense linear algebra applications,demonstrating the e�ectiveness of our approach and full uti-lization of a wide variety of accelerator hardware.

1 IntroductionWith the release of CUDA, the scienti�c, HPC, and technicalcomputing communities started to enjoy the performance ben-e�ts of GPUs. �e ever expanding capabilities of the hardwareaccelerators allowed GPUs to deal with more demanding kindsof workloads and there was very li�le need to mix di�erentGPUs in the same machine. Intel o�ering in the realm of hard-ware acceleration came in the form of a coprocessor called MIC(Many Integrated Cores) now known as Xeon Phi and avail-able under Knights Corner moniker. In terms of capabilities,on the one hand, they are similar to those of GPUs but, onthe other hand, there are some slight di�erences in workloadsthat could be handled by Phi. We do not aim this paper ascomparison between GPUs and the recently introduced MICcoprocessor. Instead, we take a di�erent stand. We believe thatusers will combine CPUs, GPUs, and coprocessors to leveragestrengths of each of them depending on the workload. In asimilar fashion, we are showing here how to combine their

strengths to arrive at another level of heterogeneity by utiliz-ing all three: CPUs, GPUs, and coprocessors. We call this amulti-way heterogeneity. We present a uni�ed programmingmodel that alleviates the complexity of dealing with multipleso�ware stacks for computing, communication, and so�warelibraries.

2 Background and Related Work�is paper presents research in designing the algorithms andthe programing model for high-performance dense linear al-gebra (DLA) in heterogeneous environments, consisting of amix of multicore CPUs, GPUs, and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors(MICs). �e mix can contain resources with varying capabilities,e.g., CUDA GPUs from di�erent device generations. While themain goal is to obtain as high fraction of the peak performanceas possible for an entire heterogeneous system, a competingsecondary goal is to propose a programming model that wouldsimplify the development. To this end, we propose and de-velop a new lightweight runtime environment, and a numberof dense linear algebra routines based on it. We demonstratethe new algorithms, their performance, and the programmingmodel design using the Cholesky and QR factorizations.

2.1 High Performance on Heterogeneous Systems

E�cient use of current computer architectures, namely, run-ning close to their peak performance, can only be achievedfor algorithms of high computational intensity, e.g., in DLA,n2 data requires O(n3) �oating point operations (�ops). Incontrast, less compute intensive algorithms like the ones usingsparse linear algebra can reach only a fraction of the peak per-formance, e.g., a few G�op/s for highly optimized SpMV [5] vs.over 1, 000 G�op/s for DGEMM on a Kepler K20c GPU [9]. �ishighlights the interest in DLA and the importance of designingcomputational applications that can make e�cient use of theirhardware resources.

Early results for dense linear algebra were tied to develop-ment of high performance BLAS. Volkov el al. [23] developedfast SGEMM for the NVIDIA Tesla GPUs and highly e�cientLU, QR, and Cholesky based on that. �e fastest DGEMM andfactorizations based on it for the NVIDIA Fermi GPUs wasdeveloped by Nath et al. [16]. �ese early BLAS developments


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were eventually incorporated into the CUBLAS library [9]. �emain DLA algorithms from LAPACK were developed for asingle GPU and released through the MAGMA library [15].

More recent work has concentrated on porting additionalalgorithms to GPUs, and on various optimizations and algorith-mic improvements. �e central challenge has been to split thecomputation among the hardware components to e�cientlyuse them, to maintain balanced load, and to reduce idle times.Although there have been developments for a particular accel-erator and its multicore host [2, 4, 7, 10, 19, 20], to the best ofour knowledge there has been no e�orts to create a DLA libraryon top of a uni�ed framework for multi-way heterogeneoussystems.

2.2 Heterogeneous parallel programming models

Both NVIDIA and Intel provide various programming modelsfor their GPUs and coprocessors. In particular, to programand assign work to NVIDIA GPUs and Intel Xeon Phi copro-cessors, we use CUDA APIs and heterogeneous o�oad prag-mas/directives, respectively. To unify the parallel scheduling ofwork between these di�erent architectures we designed a newAPI, based on a lightweight task superscalar runtime environ-ment, that automates the task scheduling across the devices. Inthis way, the API can be easily extended to handle other devicesthat use their own programming models, e.g., OpenCL [7].

Task superscalar runtime environments have become a com-mon approach for e�ective and e�cient execution in multi-core environments. �is execution mechanism has its rootsin data�ow execution, which has a long history dating to thenineteen sixties. It has seen a reemergence in popularity withthe advent of multicore processors in order to use the availableresources dynamically and e�ciently. Many other program-ming methodologies need to be carefully managed in order toavoid fork-join style parallelism, also called Bulk SynchronousProcessing [22], which is increasingly wasteful in a face of everlarger numbers of cores.

In our current research, we build on the QUARK [24, 25] run-time environment to demonstrate the e�ectiveness of dynamictask superscalar execution in the presence of heterogeneousarchitectures. QUARK is a superscalar execution environmentthat has been used with great success for linear algebra so�wareon multicore platforms. �e PLASMA linear algebra libraryhas been implemented using QUARK and has demonstratedexcellent scalability and high performance [1, 14].

�ere is a rich area of work on execution environments thatbegin with serial code and result in parallel execution, o�en us-ing task superscalar techniques, for example Jade [18], Cilk [6],Sequoia [11], SuperMatrix [8], OmpSS [17], Habanero [4],StarPU [3], or the DepSpawn [12] project.

We chose QUARK as our lightweight runtime environmentfor this research because it provides �exibility in low level con-trol of task location and binding that would be harder to obtainusing other superscalar runtime environments. But, the concep-tual work done in this research could be replicated within otherprojects, so we view QUARK simply as a convenient exemplarof a lightweight, task-superscalar runtime environment.

3 Algorithmic AdvancementsIn this section, we present the linear algebra aspects of ourgeneric solution for development of either Cholesky, Gauss,and Householder factorizations based on block outer-productupdates of the trailing matrix.

Conceptually, one-sided factorization maps a matrix A intoa product of matrices X and Y:

F :[

A11 A12A21 A22


X11 X12X21 X22


Y11 Y12Y21 Y22

]Algorithmically, this corresponds to a sequence of in-place

transformations of A, whose storage is overwri�en with theentries of matrices X and Y (Pij indicates currently factorizedpanels):A(0)

11 A(0)12 A(0)


21 A(0)22 A(0)


31 A(0)32 A(0)


→P11 A(0)

12 A(0)13

P21 A(0)22 A(0)

23P31 A(0)

32 A(0)33

XY11 Y12 Y13

X21 A(1)22 A(1)

23X31 A(1)

32 A(1)33

→XY11 Y12 Y13

X21 P22 A(1)23

X31 P32 A(1)33

XY11 Y12 Y13X21 XY22 Y23

X31 X32 A(2)33

→XY11 Y12 Y13

X21 X22 Y23X31 X32 P33


XY11 Y12 Y13X21 XY22 Y23X31 X32 XY33

→ [XY]


where XYij is a compact representation of both Xij and Yij inthe space originally occupied by Aij.

Cholesky Householder GaussPanelFactorize xPOTF2 xGEQF2 xGETF2


xSYRK2 xLARFB xLASWPTrailingMatrixUpdate xGEMM xTRSM


Table 1: Routines for panel factorization and the trailing matrixupdate.

Observe two distinct phases in each step of the transfor-mation from [A] to [XY]: panel factorization (P) and trailingmatrix update: A(i) → A(i+1). Implementation of these twophases leads to a straightforward iterative scheme shown inAlgorithm 1. Table 1 shows BLAS and LAPACK routines thatshould be substituted for the generic routines named in thealgorithm.

Algorithm 1: Two-phase implementation of a one-sidedfactorization.for Pi ∈ {P1, P2, . . . , Pn} do



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Algorithm 2: Two-phase implementation with a split up-date.for Pi ∈ {P1, P2, . . .} do


�e use of multiple accelerators for the computations com-plicates the simple loop from Algorithm 1: we have to splitthe update operation into multiple instances for each of theaccelerators. �is was done in Algorithm 2. Notice that Pan-elFactorize() is not split for execution on accelerators because itis considered a latency-bound workload which faces a numberof ine�ciencies on throughput-oriented devices. Due to theirhigh performance rate exhibited on the update operation, andthe fact that the update requires the majority of �oating-pointoperations, it is the trailing matrix update that is be o�-loaded.�e problem of keeping track of the computational activitiesis exacerbated by the separation between the address spacesof main memory of the CPU and the devices. �is requiressynchronization between memory bu�ers and is included inthe implementation shown in Algorithm 3.

Algorithm 3: Two-phase implementation with a split up-date and explicit communication.for Pi ∈ {P1, P2, . . .} do


�e code has to be modi�ed further to achieve closer tooptimal performance. In fact, the bandwidth between the CPUand the devices is orders of magnitude too slow to sustaincomputational rates of accelerators1 �e common technique toalleviate this imbalance is to use lookahead [21].

Algorithm 4 shows a very simple case of lookahead of depth1. �e update operation is split into an update of the next panel,the start of the receiving of the next panel that just got updated,and an update of the rest of the trailing matrix R. �e spli�ingis done to overlap the communication of the panel and theupdate operation. �e complication of this approach comesfrom the fact that depending on the communication bandwidthand the accelerator speed, a di�erent lookahead depth mightbe required for optimal overlap. In fact, the adjustment of thedepth is o�en required throughout the factorization’s runtimeto yield good performance: the updates consume progressivelyless time when compared to the time spent in the panel factor-ization.

Since the management of adaptive lookahead is tedious, itis desirable to use a dynamic DAG scheduler to keep track ofdata dependences and communication events. �e only issue

1�e bandwidth for current generation PCI Express is at most 16 GB/s andthe devices achieve over 1000 G�op/s performance.

Algorithm 4: Lookahead of depth 1 for the two-phasefactorization.PanelFactorize(P1)PanelSend(P1)TrailingMatrixUpdate{Kepler,Phi}(P1)PanelStartReceiving(P2)TrailingMatrixUpdate{Kepler,Phi}(R(1))for Pi ∈ {P2, P3, . . .} do



is the homogeneity inherent in most of the schedulers which isviolated here due to the use of three di�erent computing devicesthat we used. Also, common scheduling techniques, such astask stealing, are not applicable here due to the disjoint addressspaces and the associated large overheads. �ese caveats aredealt with comprehensively in the remainder of the paper.

4 Lightweight Runtime for HeterogeneousHybrid Architectures

In this section, we discuss the techniques that we developed inorder to achieve an e�ective and e�cient use of heterogeneoushybrid architectures. Our proposed techniques consider both,the higher ratio of execution and the hierarchical memorymodel of the new and emerging accelerators and coprocessorhardware in order to create a heterogeneous programmingmodel. We also redesign an existing superscalar task executionenvironment to handle to schedule and execute tasks on multi-way heterogeneous devices. For our experiments, we considershared-memory multicore machines with some collection ofGPUs and MIC devices. Below, we present QUARK and thespeci�c changes incorporated in it to facilitate execution onheterogeneous devices.4.1 Task Superscalar Scheduling

Task-superscalar execution takes a serial sequence of tasks asinput and schedules them for execution in parallel, inferringthe data dependences between the tasks at runtime. �e depen-dences between the tasks are inferred through the resolutionof data hazards: Read a�er Write (RaW), Write a�er Read (WaR)and Write a�er Write (WaW). �e dependences are extractedfrom the serial code by having the user annotate the data whende�ning the tasks, noting whether the data is to be read and/orwri�en.

�e RaW hazard, o�en referred to as the true dependency, isthe most common one. It de�nes the relation between a taskwriting the data and another task reading that data. �e readingtask has to wait until the writing task completes. In contrast,if multiple tasks all wish to read the same data, they need notwait on each other but can execute in parallel. Task-superscalar


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execution results in an asynchronous, data-driven executionthat may be represented by aDirect Acyclic Graph (DAG), wherethe tasks are the nodes in the graph and the edges correspond todata movement between the tasks. Task-superscalar executionis a powerful tool for productivity. Since serial code is the inputfor the runtime system, and the parallel execution avoids allthe data hazards, the correctness of the serial code guaranteesparallel correctness.

Using task superscalar execution, the runtime can achieveparallelism by executing tasks with non-con�icting data de-pendences (e.g., simultaneous reads of data by multiple tasks).Superscalar execution also enables lookahead in the serial code,since tasks from further ahead in the serial presentation of taskscan be executed as soon as their dependences are satis�ed.Lightweight Runtime Environment QUARK (QUeuing

and Runtime for Kernels) is the lightweight runtime environ-ment chosen for this research, since it provides an API thatallows low level task placement. QUARK is a data-driven dy-namic superscalar runtime environment with a simple APIfor serial task insertion. It is the dynamic runtime engineused within the PLASMA linear algebra library and has beenshown to provide high productivity and performance bene�ts[14, 24, 25].

5 E�cient and Scalable Programming ModelAcross Multiple Devices

In this section, we discuss the programming model that raisesthe level of abstraction above the hardware and its accompany-ing so�ware stack to o�er a uniform approach for algorithmicdevelopment. We describe the techniques that we developed inorder to achieve an e�ective use of multi-way heterogeneousdevices. Our proposed techniques consider both, the higherratio of execution and the hierarchical memory model of thenew emerging accelerators and coprocessors.5.1 Supporting Heterogeneous Platforms

GPU accelerators and coprocessors have a very high compu-tational peak compared to CPUs. For simplicity, we refer toboth GPUs and coprocessors as accelerators. Also, di�erenttypes of accelerators have di�erent capabilities, which makesit challenging to develop an algorithm that can achieve highperformance and reach good scalability. From the hardwarepoint of view, an accelerator communicates with the CPU usingI/O commands and DMA memory transfers, whereas from theso�ware standpoint, the accelerator is a platform presentedthrough a programming interface. �e key features of ourmodel are the processing unit capability (CPUs, GPUs, XeonPhi), the memory access, and the communication cost. As withCPUs, the access time to the device memory for acceleratorsis slow compared to peak performance. CPUs try to improvethe e�ect of the long memory latency and bandwidth by us-ing hierarchical caches. �is does not solve the slow memoryproblem completely but is o�en e�ective. On the other hand,accelerators use multithreading operations that access largedata sets that would over�ow the size of most caches. �eidea is that when the accelerator’s thread unit issues an ac-cess to the device memory, that thread unit stalls until thememory returns a value. In the meantime, the accelerator’s

scheduler switches to another hardware thread, and continuesexecuting that thread. In this way, the accelerator exploitsprogram parallelism to keep functional units busy while thememory ful�lls past requests. By comparison with CPUs, thedevice memory delivers higher absolute bandwidth (around180 GB/s for Xeon Phi and 160 GB/s for Kepler K20c). To side-step memory issues, we develop a strategy that prioritizes thedata-intensive operations to be executed by the accelerator andkeep the memory-bound ones for the CPUs since the hierarchi-cal caches with out-of-order superscalar scheduling are moreappropriate to handle it. Moreover, in order to keep the accel-erator busy, we redesign the kernels and propose dynamicallyguided data distribution to exploit enough parallelism to keepthe accelerators and processors busy.

Algorithm 5: Cholesky implementation for multiple de-vices.Task Flags panel flags = Task Flags InitializerTask Flag Set(&panel flags, PRIORITY, 10000)

memory-bound→ locked to CPUTask Flag Set(&panel flags, BLAS2, 0)for k ∈ {0, nb, 2× nb, . . . , n} do

Factorization of the panel dA(k:n,k)Cholesky on the tile dA(k,k)TRSM on the remaining of the panel dA(k+nb:n,k)

DO THE UPDATE: SYRK task has been split into aset of parallel compute intensive GEMM to increaseparallelism and enhance the performance. Note thatthe �rst GEMM consists of the update of the nextpanel, thus the scheduler check the dependency andonce �nished it can start the panel factorisation ofthe next loop on the CPU.

if panel m > panel n thenSYRK with trailing matrixfor j ∈ {k + nb, k + 2nb, . . . , n} do

GEMM dA(j:n,k) × dA(j,k)T = dA(j:n,j)

From a programming model point of view, we probably can-not hide the distinction between the two levels of parallelism.For that, we convert each algorithm into a host part and anaccelerator part. Each routine to run on the accelerator mustbe extracted into a separate hardware speci�c kernel function.�e kernel itself may have to be carefully optimized for theaccelerator, including unrolling loops, replacing some memory-bound operations by compute-intensive ones even if it has amarginal extra cost, and also arranging its tasks to use thedevice memory e�ciently. �e host code must manage thedevice memory allocation, the CPU-device data movement,and the kernel invocation. We redesigned our QUARK runtimeengine in order to present a much easier programming envi-ronment and to simplify scheduling. �is o�en allows us tomaintain a single source version that handles di�erent typesof accelerators either independently or when mixed together.


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Our intention is that our model simpli�es most of the hardwaredetails, but gives us �ner levels of control. Algorithm 5 showsthe pseudocode for the Cholesky factorization as an algorithmdesigner views it. It consists of a sequential code that is simpleto comprehend and independent of the architecture. Each ofthese calls represents a task that is inserted into the scheduler,which stores it to be executed when all of its dependenciesare satis�ed. Each task by itself consists of a call to a kernelfunction that could either be a CPU or an accelerator function.We tried to hide the di�erences between hardware and le�ingthe QUARK engine handle the transfer of data automatically. Inaddition, we developed low-level optimizations for the acceler-ators, in order to accommodate hardware- and library-speci�ctuning and requirements. Moreover, we implemented a set ofdirectives that are evaluated at runtime in order to fully mapthe algorithm to the hardware and run close to the peak per-formance of the system. Using these strategies, we can moreeasily develop simple and portable code, that can run on dif-ferent heterogeneous architecture le�ing the scheduling andexecution engine do much of the tedious bookkeeping.

In the discussion below, we will describe in detail the op-timization techniques we propose, and explore some of thefeatures of our model and also describe some directives thathelp with tuning performance in an easy fashion. �e studyhere is described in the context of the Cholesky factorizationbut it can be easily applied to other algorithms such as the QRdecomposition and LU factorization.5.2 Resource Capability Weighing (CW)

Since there is no simple way to express the di�erence inthe workload-capabilities between the CPUs and accelerators.Clearly, we cannot balance the load, if we treat them as peersand assign them equivalent amount of work this naıve strat-egy would cause the accelerator to be substantially idle. Asdescribed above, in our model we propose to assign the latency-bound operations to the CPUs and the compute-intensive onesto accelerators. In order to support multi-way heterogeneoushardware, QUARK was extended with a mechanism for dis-tributing tasks based on the individual capabilities of eachdevice. For each device i and each kernel type k, QUARKmaintains an αik parameter which corresponds to the e�ec-tive performance rate that can be achieved on that device. Inthe context of linear algebra algorithms, this means that weneed an estimation of performance for Level 1, 2, and 3 BLASoperations. �is can be done either by the developer duringthe implementation where the user gives a directive to QUARKthat this kernel is either bandwidth-bound or compute-boundfunction (as shown in Algorithm 5 with a call to Task Flag Setwith BLAS2 argument) or estimated according to the volumeof data and the elapsed time of a kernel by the QUARK engineat runtime.

Figure 1 shows the execution trace of the Cholesky factor-ization on a single multicore CPU and a K20c GPU of system A.We see that the memory-bound kernel (e.g., the panel factoriza-tion for the Cholesky algorithm) has been allocated to the CPUwhile the compute-bound kernel (e.g., the update performed byDSYRK) has been allocated to the accelerator. �e initial datais assumed to be on the device, and when the CPU is executing

Figure 1: A trace of the Cholesky factorization on a multicoreCPU with a single GPU K20c, assigning the panel factorizationtask to the CPU (brown task) and the update to the GPU (greentask) for a matrix of size 20,000.

a task, they need to be copied from the device and sent backto be used for updating the trailing matrix. �e data transferis represented by the purple color in the trace. �e CPU panelcomputation is represented by the gold color. �e trailing ma-trix update are depicted in green. For clarity, we varied theintensity of the green color representing the update from lightto dark for the �rst 5 steps of the algorithm. From this trace,we can see that the GPU is kept busy all the way until the endof execution. �e use of the lookahead technique described inAlgorithm 4, does not require any extra e�ort since it is handledby the QUARK engine through the dependencies analysis. �eengine will ensure that the next panel (panel of step k + 1) isupdated as soon as possible by the GPU in order to be sentto the CPU to be factorized while the GPU is continuing theupdate of the trailing matrix of step k. Also, the QUARK enginemanages the data transfer to and from the CPU automatically.�e advantage of such strategy is not only to hide the datatransfer cost between the CPU and GPU (since it is overlappedwith the GPU computation), but also to keep the GPU’s CUDAstreams busy by providing enough tasks to execute. �is ishighlighted in Figure 1, where we can see that the panel ofstep 1 is quickly updated by the GPU and sent to the CPU tobe factorized and sent back to the GPU, which is a perquisiteto perform the trailing matrix update of step 1, before the GPUhas already �nished the update of trailing matrix of step 0, andso on.

However, it is clear that we can improve this further by fullyutilizing all the available resources, particularly exploiting theidle time of the CPUs (white space in the trace). Based on the pa-rameters de�ned above, we can compute a resource capability-weights for each task that re�ects the cost of executing it on aspeci�c device. �is cost is based on the communication cost(if the data has to be moved) and on the type of computation(memory-bound or compute-bound) performed by the task. Fora task that requires an n× n data, we de�ne its computationtype to be from one of the Levels of BLAS (either 1, 2, or 3).�us the two factors are fairly simply de�ned as:

communication =n× n

bandwidthcomputation = nk × αik where k is Level k BLAS

�e capability-weights for a task is then the ratio of the totalcost of the task on one resource versus another resource. For


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example, the capability-weights for the update operation (aLevel 3 BLAS) from the execution shown in Figure 1 is around1 : 10 which means that the GPU can execute 10 times as manyupdate tasks as CPU.Greedy Scheduling using Capability-Weights: As each

task is inserted into the runtime, it is assigned to the resourcewith the largest remaining capability-weights. �is greedyheuristic takes into account the capability-weights of the re-source as well as the current number of waiting tasks preferredto be executed by this resource. For example, for the CPU, thepanel tasks are memory-bound and thus are preferred to be ex-ecuted always on the CPU side. �e heuristic tries to maintainthe ratios of the capability-weights across all the resources.

Figure 2: A trace of the Cholesky factorization on 16-core,2-socket Sandy Bridge CPU and a K20c GPU, using capability-weights to distribute tasks.

In Figure 2, we can see the e�ect of using capability-weightsto assign a subset of the update tasks to the CPU. �e GPUremains as busy as before, but now the CPU can contribute tothe computation and does not have as much idle time as before.Careful management of the capability-weights ensures that theCPU does not take any work that would cause a delay to theGPU, since that would negatively a�ect the performance. Wealso plot in Figure 3 the performance gain obtained when usingthis technique. �e graph shows that on a 16-core Sandy BridgeCPU, we can achieve a gain of around 100 G�op/s (red curve)and 80 G�op/s (blue curve) when enabling this technique whenusing a single Fermi M2090 and Kepler K20c GPU on system Aand B, respectively (the hardware is described in §6.1).Improved Task Priorities: In order to highlight the impor-

tance of task priority, we recall, that the panel factorization taskof most of the one-sided factorization (e.g., the Cholesky, QRand LU algorithms) is on the critical path of execution. In otherwords, only if a panel computation is done in its entirety, itscorresponding update computation (compute-bound operation)can proceed. In the traces in Figures 1 and 2, it can be observedthat the panel factorization on the CPU occurs at regular inter-vals (e.g., the lookahead depth is one). By changing the priorityof the panel factorization tasks (using QUARK’s task priority�ags as mentioned in Algorithm 5), the panel factorization canbe executed earlier. �is will increase the lookahead depththat the algorithm exposes, increasing parallelism so that thereare more update tasks available to be executed by the deviceresources. Using priorities to improve lookahead results in ap-proximately 5% improvement in the overall performance of thefactorization. Figure 4 shows the update tasks being executedearlier in the trace.

2k 4k 6k 8k 10k 12k 14k 16k 18k 20k 22k 24k 26k0







Matrix size




Figure 3: Performance comparison of the Cholesky factoriza-tion when using the capability-weights (CW) to distribute tasksamong the heterogeneous hardware, on a node of 16 Sandy-Bridge CPU and either a Kepler (K20c) of system A “red curve”or a Fermi(M2090) of system B “ blue curve”.

Figure 4: Trace of the Cholesky factorization on multicore 16Sandy Bridge CPU and a K20c GPU, using priorities to improvelookahead.

Data layout: When we proceed to the multiple acceleratorsetup, the data is initially distributed over all the acceleratorsin a 1-D block-column cyclic fashion, with an approximatelyequal number of columns assigned to each. Note that thedata is allocated on each device as one contiguous memoryblock with the data being distributed as columns within thecontiguous memory segment. �is contiguous data layoutallows large update operations to take place over a numberof columns via a single Level 3 BLAS operation, which is farmore e�cient than having multiple calls with block columns.

Hardware-Guide Data Distribution (HGDD): �e exper-iments showed that the standard 1-D block cyclic data layoutwas hindering performance in heterogeneous multi-acceleratorenvironments. Figure 5 shows the trace of the Cholesky factor-ization for a matrix of size 30, 000 on System D (consisting ofa Kepler K20c, a Xeon Phi (MIC) and Kepler K20-beta that hashalf the K20c performance). �e trace shows that the execution�ow is bound by the performance of the slowest machine (thebeta K20, second row) and thus we expect lower performanceon this machine.

We propose to re-adjust the data layout distribution to behardware-guided by the use of the capability-weights. Usingthe QUARK runtime, the data is either distributed or redis-


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Figure 5: Cholesky factorization trace on multicore CPU andmultiple accelerators (a Kepler K20c, a Xeon Phi, and an old K20-beta-release), using 1D block cyclic data distribution withoutenabling heterogeneous hardware-guided data distribution.

tributed in an automatic fashion so that each device gets theappropriate volume of data to match its capabilities. So, for ex-ample, for System D, using capability weights of K20c:MIC:K20-beta of 10:8:5 would result in a cyclic distribution of 10 columnsof data being assigned to the K20c, for each 8 columns as-signed to the MIC, and each 5 columns assigned to the K20beta.�e superscalar execution environment can do this capability-weighted data assignment at runtime.

Figure 6: Cholesky factorization trace on multicore CPU andmultiple accelerators (a Kepler K20c, a Xeon Phi, and an old K20-beta-release), using the heterogeneous hardware-guided datadistribution techniques (HGDD) to achieve higher hardwareusage.

Figure 6 shows the trace of the Cholesky factorization forthe same example as above (a matrix of size 30K a node of thesystem D) when using the hardware-guided data distribution(HGDD) strategy. It is clear that the execution trace is morecompact meaning that all the heterogeneous hardware are fullyloaded by work and thus one can expect an increase in the totalperformance. For that we represent in Figure 7 and Figure 8 theperformance comparison of the Cholesky factorization and theQR decomposition when using the HGDD strategy. �e curvesin blue shows the performance obtained for a one K20c andone XeonPhi experiments. �e dashed line correspond to thestandard 1-D block-column cyclic distribution while the contin-uous line illustrate the HGDD strategy. We observe that we canreach an improvement of about 200-300 G�op/s when using theHGDD technique. Moreover, when we add one more heteroge-neous device (the K20beta), here it comes to the complicatedhardware situation, we can notice that the standard distribu-tion do not exhibit any speedup. �e dashed red curve that

represents the performance of the Cholesky factorization usingthe standard data distribution on the three devices of system Dbehaves closely and less e�cient that the one obtained with thesame standard distribution on two devices (dashed blue curve).�is was expected, since adding one more device with lowercapability may decrease the performance as it may slowdownthe fast device. �e blue and red curves in Figure 7 illustratethat the HGDD technique exhibits a very good scalability forboth algorithms. �e graph shows that the performance of thealgorithm is not a�ected by the heterogeneity of the machine,our proposed implementation is appropriate to maintain a highusage of all the available hardware.

2k 4k 6k 8k 10k12k 16k 20k 24k 28k 32k0



Matrix size



Chol 3 dev HGDDChol 3 dev 1DcolChol 2 dev HGDDChol 2 dev 1DcolChol 1 dev

Figure 7: Performance comparison of the Cholesky factoriza-tion when using the hardware-guided data distribution tech-niques versus a 1-D block-column cyclic, on heterogeneousaccelerators consisting of a Kepler K20c (1dev), a Xeon Phi(2dev), and an old K20-beta-release (3dev).

2k 4k 6k 8k 10k 12k 14k 16k 18k 20k 22k 24k 26k0










Matrix size



QR 3dev (HGDD)QR 3dev (1D−cyclic)QR 2dev (HGDD)QR 2dev (1D−cyclic)QR 1dev

Figure 8: QR performance comparison for hardware-guideddata distribution techniques vs. 1-D block-column cyclic, onheterogeneous accelerators consisting of a Kepler K20c (1dev),a Xeon Phi (2dev), and an old K20-beta-release (3dev).

5.3 Hardware-Speci�c Optimizations

One of the main enablers of good performance is optimizing thedata communication between the host and accelerator. Another


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one is to redesign the kernels to exploit the inherent parallelismof the accelerator even by adding extra computational cost.

In this section, we describe the development of our heteroge-neous multi-device kernels, which includes the constraints toconsider, the methods to deal with communication, and ways ofachieving good scalability on both CPUs and accelerators. Ourtarget algorithms, in this study are the one sided-factorization(Cholesky, QR and LU).

Redesigning BLAS kernels to exploit parallelism andminimize memory movement: �e Hermitian rank-k up-date (SYRK) required by the Cholesky factorization implementsthe operation A(k) = A(k) − PP∗, where A is an n by n Her-mitian trailing matrix of step k, and P is the result of the panelfactorization done by the CPU. A�er distribution, the portionof A on each accelerator no longer appears as a symmetricmatrix, but instead has a ragged structure shown in Figure 9.


Figure 9: Block-cyclic data distribution. Shaded areas containvalid data. Dashed lines indicate diagonal blocks.

Because of this uneven storage, the multi-device SYRK can-not be assembled purely from regular SYRK calls on each device.Instead, each block column must be processed individually. �ediagonal blocks require special a�ention. In the BLAS standard,elements above the diagonal are not accessed; the user is freeto store unrelated data there and the BLAS library will not alterit. To achieve this, one can use a SYRK to update each diagonalblock, and a GEMM to update the remainder of each blockcolumn below the diagonal block. However, these small SYRKoperations have li�le parallelism and so are ine�cient on anaccelerator. �is can be improved to some degree by usingeither multiple streams (GPU) or a pragma (MIC) to executeseveral SYRK updates simultaneously. However, because wehave copied the data to the device, we can consider the spaceabove the diagonal to be a scratch workspace. �us, we updatethe entire block column, including the diagonal block, writ-ing extra data into the upper triangle of the diagonal block,which is subsequently ignored. We do extra computation forthe diagonal block, but gain e�ciency overall by launchingfewer BLAS kernels on the device and using the more e�cientGEMM kernels, instead of small SYRK kernels, resulting inoverall 5-10% improvement in performance.Improving Coalesced Data Access. �e LU factorization

uses the LASWP routine to swap two rows of the matrix. How-ever, this simple data copy operation might drop the perfor-mance of such routines on accelerator architecture since it isrecommended that a set of threads read coalescent data fromthe memory which is not the case for a row of the matrix. Suchroutine needs to be redesigned in order to overcome this issue.�e device data on the GPU is transposed using a specializedGPU kernel, and is always stored in a transposed form, to allow

coalesced read/write when the LASWP function is involved.We note that the transpose does not a�ect any of the otherkernel (GEMM, TRSM) required by the LU factorization. �ecoalesced read/write improves the performance of the LASWPfunction 1.6 times.

Enabling Speci�c Architecture Kernels �e size of themain Level 3 BLAS kernel that has to be executed on the devicesis yet another critical parameter to tune. Every architecturehas its own set of input problem sizes that achieve higher thanaverage performance. In the context of one-sided algorithms,all the Level 3 BLAS operations depend on the size of the blockpanel. On the one hand, a small panel size lets the CPUs �nishearly but leads to lower Level 3 BLAS performance on the accel-erator. On the other hand, a large panel size burdens the CPUand the CPU computation is too slow to be fully overlappedwith the accelerator work. �e panel size corresponds to atrade-o� between the degree of parallelism and the amount ofdata reuse. In our model, we can easily tune this parameteror allow the runtime to autotune it by varying the panel sizethroughout the factorization.

Trading Extra Computation for Higher PerformanceRate: �e implementation that is discussed here is more relatedto the hardware architecture based on hierarchical memory.�e LARFB routine used by the QR decomposition consistsof two GEMM and one TRMM operation. Since acceleratorsare be�er at handling compute-bound tasks, for computationale�ciency, we replace the TRMM by GEMM, thus achieving5-10% higher performance when executing these kernels onthe accelerator.

6 Experimental Setup and Results6.1 Hardware Description and Setup

Our experiments were performed on a number of shared-memory systems available to us at the time of writing of thispaper. �ey are representative of a vast class of servers andworkstations commonly used for computationally intensiveworkloads. We conducted our experiments on four di�erentsystems all of each equipped with an Intel multicore systemwith dual-socket, 8-core Intel Xeon E5-2670 (Sandy Bridge)processors, each running at 2.6 GHz. Each socket had 24 MiBof shared L3 cache, and each core had a private 256 KiB L2 and64 KB L1 cache. �e system is equipped with 52 GB of memoryand the theoretical peak in double precision is 20.8 G�op/s percore.

• System A is also equipped with six NVIDIA K20c cardswith 5.1 GB per card running at 705 MHz, connected tothe host via two PCIe I/O hubs at 6 GB/s bandwidth.

• System B is equipped with three NVIDIA M2090 cardswith 5.3 GB per card running at 1.3 GHz, connected viatwo PCIe I/O hubs at 6 GB/s bandwidth.

• System C is also equipped with three Intel Xeon Phi cardswith 15.8 GB per card running at 1.23 GHz, and achiev-ing a double precision theoretical peak of 1180 G�op/s,connected via four PCIe I/O hubs at 6 GB/s bandwidth.


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Figure 10: Trace of Cholesky factorization on multicore CPUand multiple accelerators (up to 6 Kepler K20c).

2k4k 8k 12k16k20k24k28k32k36k40k 50k 60k0



Matrix size




Figure 11: Performance scalability of Cholesky factorization onmulticore CPU and multiple accelerators (up to 6 Kepler K20c).

• System D is a heterogeneous system equipped with a K20c,and a Intel Xeon Phi card as the ones described above,and also an old K20c beta release 3.8 GB running at 600MHz. All are connected via four PCIe I/O hubs at 6 GB/sbandwidth.

A number of so�ware packages were used for the experiments.On the CPU side, we used the MKL (Math Kernel Library) [13].On the Xeon Phi side, we used the MPSS 2.1.5889-16 as theso�ware stack, icc 13.1.1 20130313 which comes with the Com-poser XE 2013.4.183 suite as the compiler, and �nally on theGPU accelerator we used CUDA version Mixed MIC and GPU Results

Ge�ing good performance across multiple accelerators remainsa challenging problem that we address with the algorithmicand programming techniques described in this paper. �e e�-cient strategies used to schedule and exploit parallelism acrossmulti-way heterogeneous platforms will be highlighted in thissubsection through the extensive set of experiments that weperformed on the four systems that we had access to.

Figure 10 show a snapshot of the execution trace of theCholesky factorization on System A for a matrix of size 40Kusing six GPUs K20c. As expected the pa�ern of the tracelooks compressed which means that our implementation isable to schedule and balance the tasks on the whole six GPUsdevices. Figures 11 and 12 show the performance scalabilityof the Cholesky factorization in double precision on eitherthe 6 GPUs of System A or the 3 Xeon Phi of System C. �ecurves show performance in terms of G�op/s. We note thatthis also re�ects the elapsed time, e.g., a performance that istwo times higher, corresponds to an elapsed time that is twotimes shorter. Our heterogeneous multi-device implementationshows very good scalability. On System A, for a 60,000 matrix,

2k4k6k8k 12k 16k 20k 24k 28k 32k 36k 40k0







Matrix size



DPOTRF_3 XeonPhiDPOTRF_2 XeonPhiDPOTRF_1 XeonPhi

Figure 12: Performance scalability of Cholesky factorizationon multicore CPU and multiple accelerators (up to 3 XeonPhi).

2k4k 8k 12k16k20k24k28k32k36k40k 48k 56k0



Matrix size




Figure 13: Performance scalability of the QR decomposition onmulticore CPU and multiple accelerators (up to 6 Kepler K20c).

the Cholesky factorization achieves 5.1 T�op/s when using the6 Kepler K20c GPUs. We observe similar performance trendswhen using System C. For a matrix of size 40,000, the Choleskyfactorization reaches up to 2.3 T�op/s when using the 3 IntelXeon Phi coprocessors. Figure 13 depicts the performancescalability of the QR factorization on System A and Figure 14shows also the obtained results on System C. For a matrix ofsize 56,000, the QR factorization reaches around 4.7 T�op/s onthe System A using the 6 Kepler K20c GPUs and 2.2 T�op/s onthe System C using the 3 Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors.

2k4k6k8k 12k 16k 20k 24k 28k 32k 36k 40k0







Matrix size



QR 3 XeonPhiQR 2 XeonPhiQR 1 XeonPhi

Figure 14: Performance scalability of the QR decomposition onmulticore CPU and multiple accelerators (up to 3 Xeon Phi).


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7 Conclusions and Future WorkWe designed algorithms and a programing model for devel-oping high-performance dense linear algebra in multi-wayheterogeneous environments. In particular, we presented bestpractices and methodologies from the development of high-performance DLA for accelerators. We also showed how judi-cious modi�cations to task superscalar scheduling were usedto ensure that we meet two competing goals: (1) to obtain highfraction of the peak performance for the entire heterogeneoussystem, (2) employ a programming model that would simplifythe development. We presented initial implementations oftwo algorithms. Future work will include merging MAGMA’sCUDA, OpenCL, and Intel Xeon Phi development branches intoa single library using the new programming model.

Acknowledgements�is research was supported in part by the National ScienceFoundation under Grant OCI-1032815 and Subcontract RA241-G1 on NSF Prime Grant OCI- 0910735, DOE under Grants DE-SC0004983 and DE-SC0010042, NVIDIA and Intel.

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