unit i - Росметод – информационно...

Куличкова Елена Александровна Преподаватель английского языка ГАОУ СПО «Чистопольский сельскохозяйственный техникум» Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов электротехнических специальностей среднего профессионального образования. Методическая записка. Потребности общества в области подготовки специалистов нового типа в современных условиях отражены в квалификационной характеристике выпускника среднего профессионального учебного заведения. Квалификационная характеристика выпускника среднего профессионального учебного заведения предусматривает у него высокий уровень общей культуры и знание иностранных языков. Поэтому обучение иностранному языку рассматривается как необходимое звено в общей программе гуманитаризации образования.

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Куличкова Елена Александровна

Преподаватель английского языка

ГАОУ СПО «Чистопольский сельскохозяйственный техникум»

Методическое пособие по английскому языку

для студентов электротехнических специальностей среднего

профессионального образования.

Методическая записка.

Потребности общества в области подготовки специалистов нового типа в

современных условиях отражены в квалификационной характеристике

выпускника среднего профессионального учебного заведения.

Квалификационная характеристика выпускника среднего

профессионального учебного заведения предусматривает у него высокий

уровень общей культуры и знание иностранных языков. Поэтому обучение

иностранному языку рассматривается как необходимое звено в общей

программе гуманитаризации образования.

Основной целью обучения студентов английскому языку в среднем

профессиональном учебном заведении является достижение ими

практического владения этим языком, что предполагает формирование

умения самостоятельно читать литературу по специальности с целью

извлечения информации из иноязычных источников.

Поскольку основной целевой установкой обучения является получение

информации из иноязычного источника, особое внимание следует уделять

чтению текста.

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Понимание иностранного текста достигается при осуществлении двух

видов чтения:

1) чтение с общим охватом содержания;

2) изучающее чтение.

Понимание всех деталей текста не является обязательным. Читая текст,

предназначенный для общего понимания, необходимо, не обращаясь к

словарю, понять основной смысл прочитанного.

Чтение с охватом общего содержания складывается из следующих


-догадываться о значении новых незнакомых слов на основе

словообразовательных признаков и контекста;

-видеть интернациональные слова и устанавливать их значение;

-находить знакомые грамматические формы и конструкции и устанавливать

их эквиваленты в русском языке;

-использовать имеющийся в тексте иллюстративный материал, схемы,

диаграммы и др.;

-применять знания по специальным предметам в качестве основы смысловой

и языковой догадки.

Точное и полное понимание текста осуществляется путем изучающего


Изучающее чтение предполагает умение самостоятельно проводить

лексико-грамматический анализ, используя знание специальных предметов.

Итогом изучающего чтения является точный перевод текста на родной язык.

Проведение этого вида работы предполагает развитие навыков

адекватного перевода текста (устно или письменно) с использованием

отраслевых, терминологических словарей, словарей сокращений.

Пособие включает в себя 10 основных разделов для специальности

110 810 «Электрификация и автоматизация сельского хозяйства». Для

студентов электротехнических специальностей пособие рассматривает темы,

максимально приближенные к практике: это электрооборудование и

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электроприборы, бытовая электроника, основные операции и сборочные

инструменты электрика, электрооборудование автомобиля и

сельскохозяйственное электрооборудование, а также техника безопасности

при работе с электричеством и нанотехнологии в сельском хозяйстве.

Тексты пособия взяты, в основном, из оригинальной английской и

американской научно-популярной литературы. Некоторые тексты сокращены

и адаптированы. К каждому тексту даются пояснения и минимум слов,

подлежащих активному усвоению. Тексты для чтения могут быть

использованы как для работы в аудитории под руководством преподавателя,

так и для внеаудиторного чтения.

При разработке заданий использованы элементы функционально-

коммуникативного обучения иностранному языку, при котором явления

языка (лексика и грамматика) рассматриваются не только как система

языковых правил, но и как система коммуникативных функций. Объём и

содержание лексического и грамматического материала определены

программой по английскому языку для средних специальных учебных

заведений (неязыкового профиля).

В пособии широко использованы средства изобразительной и

графической наглядности (рисунки, схемы, таблицы), которые служат

дополнительной опорой при изучении иностранного языка и одновременно

развивают логическое мышление студентов.

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Unit 1.

The First Means of Communication.


Samuel Morse (1791-1872) accomplished something that is rarely assomplished:

he achieved fame and success in two widely different areas. Throughout his youth

he studied art and after graduating from Yale University he went to London where

his early artistic efforts met with enthusiastic approval. In London he was awarded

the gold medal for figure of Hercules, and some of his paintings were selected for

exhibit by the Royal Academy. Later in life, after returning to America, Morse

became known for his portraits. His portraits of the Marquis de Lafayette today are

on exhibit in the New York City Hall and the New York Public Library.

In addition to his artistic accomplishments, Morse is also well - known today for

his work developing the telegraph and what is known as Morse Code. He first had

the idea of trying to develop the telegraph in 1832, on board a ship returning to

America from Europe. It took eleven long years of ridicule by his associates,

disinterest by the public,and a shortage of funds before Congress finally allocated

$30,000 to Morse for his project. With these funds, Morse hung a telegraph link

from Washington, D.C. to Baltimore, and on May 24, 1844 a message in the dots

and dashes of Morse Code was successfully transmitted.

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I. Learn the new words:

to accomplish - добиться чего-либо

accomplishment – достижения

to achieve fame and success – достичь славы и успеха

a message in the dots and dashes – послание в виде точек и тире

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the Passive:

1. The printing press................(invent) in the fifteenth centure.

2. Last night I..................(invite) to a party bu a friend from Scotland.

3. Spain and Portugal.................(visit) by millions of tourists every year.

4. Italy and Russia..................(invade) by Napoleon.

5. The menu in that restaurant.................(change) every month.

6. Many people.................(kill) in road accidents every.

7. The United Nations................(found) in 1945.

III. Read and Learn the Morse Code:

The telegraph is a modern method used for rapid communication. Each letter of

the alphabet is coded into dots and dashes. There are intervals between the coded

letters and longer intervals between the coded words. The code in common use is

called the Morse code after the name of its inventor. The Morse code, or alphabet

of dots and dashes, is as follows:

A.— J.__ __ __ S...

B—... K__ .__ T—

C—.—. L.—.. U..—

D—.. M __ __ V...—

E. N—. W.__ __

F..—. 0 __ __ __ X—..—G__ __. P.__ __. Y __ . __ __H.... Q __ __ . __ Z __ __..

I.. R . _ _ .

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Full stop .. .. .. Repetition .. __ __ ..

Hyphen —..— Apostrophe . __ __ __ __

IV. Retell the story:

Physics is the science studying various phenomena in nature. Its object is to

determine exact relations between physical phenomena. Physics is divided very

naturally into two great branches, experimental and theoretical. The task of the

former is to make observations and carry out experiments. On the basis of the

experimental facts theoretical physics is to formulate laws and predict the

behaviour of natural phenomena. Every law is based on experiments, therefore it is

important that experiments be done very accurately. It was the study of natural

phenomena that made it possible to formulate various laws. There are still a lot of

problems to be solved. Scientists all over the world are doing their best to find

answers to numerous yet unsolved problems.


By means of the telephone we can communicate with people who are miles

away from us. The telephone consists of the housing with the number dial and

cradle and the receiver resting on the cradle. A cord connects the receiver and the

housing. The housing is attached to the connecting box by means of a telephone

cable. The telephone receiver has a mouthpiece into which you speak and аn

earpiece through which you hear.


When you have no telephone at home and you want to make a telephone call you

go to a telephone-box. In large cities automatic dial phones have been installed in

the telephone-box. A telephone talk from a telephone-box is limited to three

minutes. So when your three minutes are up, you must hang up the receiver. To put

through a call you must follow the printed instructions. Drop a 2-kopeck piece

(coin) into the money slot, lift the receiver and wait till a buzzing is heard in the

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earpiece, and then dial the number. Frequent high tone buzzing means the line is

engaged. Replace the receiver and you will get your coin back. In a few minutes

have another try (try again). If you hear a prolonged buzzing, it means the call has

been put through. You are connected.


If you press the button of an electric bell, electric current is sent along the wire

from a battery to the contact point. From here the current goes through the iron bar

attached-.to the striker, through the spring and along a wire to two electromagnets.

From the electromagnets it returns to the button and the battery. When the current

passes through the electromagnets, they pull the iron bar towards them, the spring

bends and the striker strikes the gong. But at the same time the iron bar comes

away from the contact point and this stops the current. The electromagnets become

nonmagnetic and release the iron bar, which is immediately pulled back by the

spring. When the iron bar touches the contact point, the whole process is repeated.

It takes only a fraction of a second and is repeated many times, as long as you

continue pressing the button.

I. Answer the questions:

1. What can we do by means of the telephone?

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2. What parts does the telephone consist of?

3. How much time can you talk from a telephone-box?

4. How much money have you to drop to make a telephone call from a public


5. What do you do when you hear high tone buzzing?

II. Fill in blanks:

1. While you were ... Victor phoned. 2. Comrade Petrov, you are wanted . . .

the telephone. 3. Don't shout . . . the mouthpiece. I hear you all right.

4. Don't press the receiver so tightly . . . your ear. 5. When he heard the

telephone ringing, he t o o k . . . the receiver. 6. Our telephone is . . . order.

Something is w r o n g . . . the line.

pick up, a call-box, coin, piece, lift, a telephone-box.

III. Learn the new words and word-combinations:

to attach - прикреплять

by means of – посредством

call-box – телефонная будка

to put through a call - позвонить

cradle – вилка

cord – шнур

dial - диск (с цифрами)

slot – отверстие

frequent high tone buzzing – частые короткие гудки

coin – монета

housing – корпус

prolonged buzzing – длинные гудки

earphones, earpieces - наушники

IV. Learn the dialogue:

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A: Hello. Secretary of director is speaking.

B: Is Mr.Petrov available?

A:He is out at present.

B: Did he leave any message with you for Belov?

A: I don't think so.

B: Sorry for troubling you. Do ask Mr.Petrov to phone me when he returns. Kindly

take down my number: 32-40-75. Belov.

A: Sorry, I didn' catch you name.

B: Belov, please. I need him on a very urgent matter.

A: I shall report to comrade Petrov about your call as soon as he returns.

V. Translate into Russian:

1. Will you take down my number?

2. You may leave a message to him.

3. Please, report to him about my call.

4. You have got the wrong number.


Alexander Graham Bell never planned to be an inventor. He wanted to be a

musician or a teacher of deaf people. The subjects that he studied in school

included music, art, literature, Latin and Greek. They did not include German,

which most scientific and technical writers used in their books, or science or math.

Alexander's mother was a painter and a musician. His father was a well-known

teacher. He developed a system that he called "Visible Speech", which he used to

teach deaf people to speak. When Alexander was a young boy he and his two

brothers helped their father give demonstrations of the system for doctors and

teachers. In 1863, when Alexander was only sixteen, he became a teacher in a

boy's school in Scotland. He liked teaching there, but he still wanted to become a

teacher of deaf people. He read all the books about sound that he could find, and

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started to work on some of his own experiments. Reading scientific books wasn't

easy for him, but he worked very hard, and he learned a lot about the laws of

sound. He became interested in telegraph, and he tried to find a way to send

musical sounds through electric wires. These experiments were not very

successful. Then Alexander was offered a job atthe School forthe Deafin Boston,

Massachusetts. He was so successful that he was able to open his own school when

he was only twenty-five.

About this time Alexander became interested in finding way to send the human

voice through an electric wire. He found an assistant, Tom Watson, who worked in

an electrical shop and knew a lot about building electric machines. Tom and

Alexander worked together to build a machine that people could use to talk to one

another over long distances. After two years, the two young men were becoming

discouraged. Then, one day, when they were working on a new transmitter,

Alexander spilled some acid on himself. Tom Watson, who was alone in another

room, heard a voice. The voice was coming through a wire to a receiver on the

table! The voice was Alexander Graham Bell's! It was saying "Come here, Mr.

Watson! 1 want you!" The spilled acid was forgotten when Tom and Alexander

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realized that their talking machine worked. The first permanent telephone line was

built in Germany in 1877. And in 1878, the first telephone exchange was

established in New Jersey. By 1915 a coast-to-coast telephone line was opened in

the United States— 5440 kilometres from New York to San Francisco. Alexander

Graham Bell was invited to open the new line, and he asked his old friend, Tom

Watson, to help. On the important day, January 25, 1915 Mr. Watson was in San

Francisco and Mr. Bell was in New York City. Everyone expected to hear a

serious, scientific speech. The words that Mr. Bell chose to say were: "Come here,

Mr. Watson! I want you!"

I. Continue the sentences:

1. Alexander Graham Bell wanted to be

— an inventor

— a teacher of deaf people

2. In school he studied

— science, math and German

— music, art, literature, Latin and Greek

3. Bell's father was

— a scientist

— a well-known teacher

4. He was well-known

— for his system for teaching deaf people to speak

— for his book on teaching

5. Alexander became a teacher when he was

— twenty-five

— only sixteen

6. Bell was interested

— in laws of sound

— in mechanics

7. He wanted to find a way

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— to send the human voice through an electric wire

— to communicate without wire

8. His assistant, Tom Watson, was

— a specialist on electric machines

— a mechanic

9. After two years of work they built

— an electric telegraph

— a talking machine (telephone)

10.In 1878 the first permanent telephone line was built

— in the United States

— in Germany

11. In 1915 Bell was invited to open

— the first telephone exchange in New Jersey

— the new coast-to-coast telephone line in the United States

II. Lern the new words:

Breakdown - поломка

Conductivity - проводимость

Capacitance - емкостное сопротивление, ёмкость

Capacitor - конденсатор

connector - штепсель

chassis - шасси

to cut in - включать

to cut off - выключать

chemically pure - чистый no химическому составу

compound resistor - составной резистор

induction coil - индукционная катушка

design - чертеж, схема

insensitivity - нечувствительность

device - устройство

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electricity - электричество

power - station электростанция

chandelier - люстра

light - свет

switch on - включать

switch off - выключать

button - кнопка

III. Retell the story:

Our Collective Farm.

The collective farm “New Life” is the largest in the district. It is situated on

the bank of the river. It is very rich and every family in the farm is well-of. Life

and work in the collective farm changes and improves. The villagers have

electricity and radio, TV-sets and computers in every house. Many new cottages

have been built everywhere, and soon country-children will have got a new

secondary school. It will have been built in the centre of the village by the new

school year.

A power station has just been constructed on the left bank of the river.

Before the power station was constructed the farmers had used electricity from the

neighboring village. Many useful machines have been invented to make the

farmers’ work easier. Our farm has a lot of automobiles, tractors, combine-

harvesters and other modern agricultural machinery.

IV. Learn the proverbs:

A bad workman quarells with his tools. — Плохой работник c инструментами

не в ладу. (Мастер глуп — нож туп.)

A cat in gloves catches no mice. — Кот в перчатках мышей не поймает. (Без

труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.)

Jack of all trades is master of none.—Человек, который берется за многие дела,

хорошо не владеет ни одним. (За все берется, да не все удается.)

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All lay load on the willing horse. — На добросовестную лошадь все грузы

взваливают. (Ретивому коню всегда работы вдвое, а тот же корм.)

Unit 2.

Radio and Television.


On the 7th of May we celebrate Radio Day because on that day in 1895 the

Russian scientist Alexander Popov demonstrated his first radio receiver in

operation. Soon after that he sent the first radiogram. It was picked up on a

distance of 250 metres. The importance of the discovery was great. Such a great

man as admiral Makarov understood it and helped the inventor of the radio. It was

the first radio station that was installed on board the icebreaker "Ermak". Radio

was used for saving a group of fishermen who were caught by a storm and driven

to the open sea. It was also used by Makarov for saving a military ship. These were

the first experiments in using radio. Since then, the radio has become one of the

most important means of communication.

Soviet television and radio do not have to worry about any sources of income,

they do not need to devote time to commercials to make money. Our state gives

enough money to produce TV films and theatrical pieces of the studios and other

TV films from cinefilm studios. An acquaintance with TV and radio programmes

shows that Soviet radio and television have but one purpose, and that is to serve

the people, to keep them informed, to extend education and to provide cultural

recreation. The Soviet Union is a multinational country. It is Natural thcrefore, that

all the Union and Autonomous Republics, National Areas and large regional

centres have their own TV and radio studios. All in all, there are 127 TV centres in

the Soviet Union. The truly democratic principle enables TV and radio to compile

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their programmes in such a way as to make many millions of people participants in

the most interesting events in the capital and other cities ot the country.

(Moscow News, 1972, No. 4.)

I. Answer the questions:

1.When do we celebrate Radio Day?

2.Who is the inventor of the radio?

3.On what distance was the first radiogram picked up?

4.Where was the first radio station installed?

5.Who helped the inventor?

6.What were the first experiments in using radio?

II.Transform the sentences into Passive:

1. We celebrate the Radio Day on the 7th of May.

2. A. Popov invented the radio.

3. A. Popov sent his radiogram on a distance of 250 metres.

4. Admiral Makarov used radio for saving a military ship.

5. They installed the first radio station on board the icebreaker "Ermak".

III. Learn the new words:

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mobile - подвижный

shock absorber - амортизатор

multilayer - многослойный

shock circuit - короткое замыкание

overvoltage - перенапряжение

relay - реле

property - свойство

subassembly - предварительная сборка

switching device - включающее устройство

to subject - подвергать

thermal - тепловой

tungsten - вольфрам

vacuum tube - вакуумная трубка (электронная лампа)

household outlet - розетка

appliances - электроприборы

equipment - оборудование

conductivity - проводимость

power - мощность

IV. Match the English and the Russian sentences:

1. A modern radio or electronyc system

includes several thousand components

and a great variety of operations.

a) За последние 10—15 лет были сде-

ланы новые попытки для развития

новых методов сборки, чтобы

механизировать некоторые операции.

2. The service life and trouble-free

operation of radio equipment to a great

extent depend on the quality of

assembly and alignment.

b) Новые методы производства

вызвали к жизни новые принципы

схемы радиооборудования, в

результате чего получили развитие

печатные технические схемы.

3. Much attention is given to the c) Современное радио или электрон-

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problems of mechanization and

automation of individual assembly

operations, such as wire cutting and

stripping, soldering and welding of

radio components, etc.

ная система включает в себя

несколько тысяч компонентов и

большое количество операций.

4. During the last 10—15 years new

efforts have been made to develop new

assembly methods to mechanize some


d) В соответствии со схемой и приме-

нением конденсаторы, используемые

в работе радио, могут

подразделяться на навесные,

подстроечные и конденсаторы пе-

ременной емкости.

5. New methods of manufacture called

for new principles of radio equipment

design which resulted in the

development of printed circuit


e) Большое внимание уделяется про-

блемам механизации и автома-

тизации отдельных операций по

сборке таких операций, как обрезание

проводов, их зачистка, пайка и сварка

радиодеталей и т. д.

6. According to design and application

capacitors employed in radio work may

be classified- into fixed, trimmer and


f) Срок эксплуатации и бесперебой-

ной работы радиооборудования в

значительной степени зависит от

качества сборки и установки.

IV. Answer the questions:

1. What does the service life of radio equipment depend on?

2. What individual assembly operations do you know?

3. Is much attention given to the problems of mechanization and automation of

individual assembly operations?

4. How many groups of capacitors do you know?

5. What are they?

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V. Translate into Russian:

the service life, fixed capacitors, equipment, trouble-free operation, stripping,

assembly methods, design;

VI. Translate into English:

качество сборки, установка, подстроечные конденсаторы, конденсаторы

переменной емкости, печатные технические схемы, сварка, обрезание



(1791 – 1867)

M. Earaday was horn on September 22, 1791 in a poor family, in a small village

near London. There were ten children in the familv, and the boy had to work to

learn a trade. So he became an apprentice in a bookbinder's shop. The books he

read arose his interest in science. Оnce he came across an article on electricity

which struck his imagination. Earaday began to attend lectures of Davy in London.

He wanted to make experiments and decided to devote his life to science. Davy

was impressed by Faraday's abilities. He took Earaday to Europe as a secretary and

assistant. These trips were very useful for the young scientist because he met

among other scientist"! Volta and Ampere were already famous for their

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discoveries in electricity. During his lifetime Faraday made two thousand

experiments and made very many discoveries. He made a new kind of steel and

glass, he was interested in physics and chemistry. At last Faraday made the

machine that gave electricity. From that time the new era, the era of electricity

began. This great discovery changed the face of the Earth.

Answer the questions:

1.What was Faraday’s main discovery?

2.When was Faraday born?

3.Why had he to work when he was a boy?

4.What lcctures did Faraday attend?

I. Learn the new words:

Abilities - способности

apprentice - ученик, подмастерье

bookbinder - переплетчик

announcer - ведущий (передачу), диктор

to switch the set on - включить телевизор

contact is loose - отошел контакт (нарушен контакт)

thermal - тепловой

II. Translate into English:

1.Я изучаю профессию электрика в Чистопольском сельскохозяйственном

техникуме. 2. Мой товарищ стал работать учеником у известного рабочего. 3.

Книга о новых методах работы поразила мое воображение. 4. Фарадей

известен своими открытиями в области электричества.

III. Make up negative and interrogative forms of the sentences:

1. The. book arose his interest in science.

2. He devoted his life to science.

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3. Davy was impressed by Faraday's abilities.

IV. Act out the dialogue:

Antony: Let's turn on your television set (TV set). Show me how to operate it, will

you? I might spoil something, I'm afraid.

Billy: Oh, it's very easy. You just turn this knob to the right and the screen begins

to glow. Then the picture appears and you tune your set in and soon yon see the

announcer... It's about time ior the television program to begin. Now you try to

switch the set on by yourself.

Antony: I think something has gone wrong with the set. I've done all you told me

to (do), but with no effect.

Billy: Perhaps the aerial or ground wire is out of its socket, or contact is loose.

Have a look at the back of the set.

Antony: I don't understand a thing there.

Billy: Let me see. We'll set things right immediately. Well, the set is simply not

plugged in (the plug is not inserted into the socket)... Here now, try once more...

That's it.

V. Learn the proverbs:

Diligence is the mother of success. — Прилежание — мать успеха. (Терпенье и

труд все перетрут.)

Не that will thrive, must rise at five. — Кто хочет преуспеть, тот пораньше

должен вставать. (Рано вставши — больше наработаешь.)

Не works best who knows his trade. — Лучше всех работает тот, кто знает свое

дело. (Дело мастера боится.)

I die folks lack no excuses. — У лодырей всегда отговорки находятся. (У

лентяя Федорки всегда отговорки.)

Text C.

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More than 100 years passed since the day when the Russian scientist Alexander

Popov demonstrated his "storm indicator" which was the prototype of modern

radio receivers. Great progress has been made in radio engineering, radio

communications, radio broadcastings and television since that time. We have be-

come so used to these means of communication that we can't imagine our life

without them. In the modern world, radio and television play an important role as a

mass media of information and at the means of people's political and cultural

education. There is hardly a spot on the whole vast territory of Russia where there

is no radio. The voice of Russian radio is heard all over the world. Today a great

number of radio broadcasting stations in our country transmit all-day long

programmes to other countries in about 50 languages. Modern means of radio

engineering cover the greater part of the globe with long, medium and ultra-short

radio waves. New radio stations are being built and equipped with the most

modern instruments. Television is also developing rapidly in our country. At

present Russia has a TV system which is among the largest in the world. It

includes 120 TV centres which make their own programmes. The construction of

the world's biggest television centre, the Moscow centre, which is housed in the

533-metre high Ostankino television tower had been completed by 1970. All

programmes which are broadcast by the Moscow centre are in colour. TV

broadcasts go out from Moscow every day on about 15 channels and total about

200 hours of broadcasting in every 24-hour period. There is a regular international

exchange of TV programmes as well. Our television is linked up with Intervision

and Eurovision international systems. Work on the improvement of space

television and broadcasting is of great interest. The application of powerful

outerspace relays makes possible televising programmes directly to huge

territories. The aim of Russian radio and TV is to provide listeners and viewers

with an objective review of events taking place in Russia and in the world.

I.Answer the questions:

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1. When did Alexander Popov demonstrate his "storm indicator"?

2. What was the "storm indicator"?

3. Why can't we imagine our life without radio and television?

4. What role do radio and television play in the modern world?

5. How many radio broadcasting stations work in our country?

6. In how many languages are programmes to other countries conducted?

7. Where is the Moscow television centre housed?

8. What is the aim of Russian radio and TV?

II. Write the Tense and the Voice of the verbs.

1. Radio engineering, electronics and television have already found great

application in industry, transport and medicine.

2. We have to apply powerful outerspace relays to televise programmes directly to

huge territories.

3. In the application of electronic devices the engineer must have a good

knowledge of their characteristics.

4. The automation of industrial processes, of heat and power stations, remote

control — all this has become possible due to the achievements of electronics.

5. An electronic machine has to be used to make all these calculations. They are

particularly complex.

6. Radio electronics has made it possible to perform the most precise

measurements and to test various equipment.

7. Every new hydroelectric power project has been designed at the Hydroproject


III. Translate the words in brackets, using: broadcasts; has passed; to operate;

aim; receivers; watch; to transmit; imagine

1.The number of radio (приемники) is over a thousand million on the planet.

2.The main (цель) of radio is to give information concerning life on our planet.

3.Radio Moscow (ведет передачи) in 50 languages.

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4.Much time (прошло) since the day when the first TV station began (работать) in


5.Today we can't (представить) our life without radio and television.

6.We can (смотреть) TV programmes even from space.

7.Special equipment has been worked out (чтобы передавать) colour TV


Ostankino in Moscow and Eiphel Tower in Paris

IV.Retell the story:

We know television to be widely used both in everyday life and in industry, in

scientific work, etc.

The photoelectric cell is a special kind of electronic tube in which light will cause

an electricurrent to flow. If we amplify the current sufficiently, we can cause it to

light an electric lamp and make the lamp's light proportional to that shining on the

photoelectric cell. The sensitive spot of the photoelectric cell can be moved across

the field of the picture, one spot at a time, line by line until the whole picture has

been covered.

As TV reached more people, the demand for a larger screen soon followed and set

picture size went up considerably. For a short period of time even this was not

enough, and projection systems became the vogue. The key to the fully portable

TV set is the translator and the low-power- consumption cathode ray tube.

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V. Learn the new words:

post - опора

fitter ['fits] - монтер

permission - допуск

claws - когти.

transformer - трансформатор

tester- тестер

soldering iron - паяльник

accumulator - аккумулятор

insulator - изолента

knife - switch - рубильник

AC power cord - шнур питания переменного тока.

constant speed - постоянная скорость

Unit 3.

Sources of Energy.


Wind energy is derived from solar energy. As a result of the irregular heating of

the earth's surface by the sun, air currents are created, which flow between areas of

differing temperature. The windpower which these air currents generate can be

converted in a rotational motion via a windmill. This motion can then be used, for

example, for driving a generator for the production of electricity. More than a

thousand years ago, windmills were in use in the Far and Middle East. At that time,

they were used for irrigating and draining the land. In the Netherlands, wind

energy was first used in the 15th century, mainly land reclamation.

I.Learn the international words:

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base hydroelectric

economic process

generate uranium

generator fraction

sphere principle

transmission generation

transport resources


II.Write the parts of speech.

to exist — existence; to require — requirement; efficient — ineffi- cient —

efficiency; to resist — resistance — resistant; possible — im possible —

possibility; to investigate — investigation — investigator; to apply — application

— applicable; to act — active — activity — actor; long — length — to lengthen;

to differ — different — indifferent —dit ference; to desire — desire — desirable

— undesirable; to divide di vision — divisible — indivisible; science — scientist

— scientific scientifically; product — production — productive — unproductive

productivity; to create — creation — creative — creator — creatively, to vary —

variety — various — variable — unvariable


The industrial progress of mankind is based on power: power for industrial

plants, machines, heating and lighting systems, transport, communication. In fact,

one can hardly find a sphere where power is not required. At present most of the

power required is obtained mainly from two sources. One is from the burning of

fossil fuels, i. e. coal, natural gas and oil. The second way of producing electricity

is by means of generators that get their power from steam or water turbines.

Electricity so produced then flows through transmission lines to houses, industrial

plants, enterprises, etc. It should be noted, however, that the generation of

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electricity by these conventional processes is highly uneconomic. Actually, only

about 40 per cent of heat in the fuel is converted into electricity. Besides, the world

resources of fossil fuels are not ever-lasting. On the other hand, the power

produced by hydroelectric plants, even if increased many times, will be able to

provide for only a small fraction of the power required in the near future. Therefore

much effort and thought is being given to other means of generating electricity.

One is the energy of hot water. Not long ago we began utilizing hot underground

water for heating and hot water supply, and in some cases, for the generation of


Another promising field for the production of electric power is the use of ocean

tides. Our engineers are engaged in designing tidal power stations of various

capacities. The first station utilizing this principle began operating in Russia on the

Barents Sea in 1968. The energy of the sun which is being used in various ways

represents a practically unlimited source. Using atomic fuel for the production of

electricity is highly promising. It is a well-known fact, that one pound of uranium

contains as much energy as three million pounds of coal, so cheap power can be

provided wherever it is required. However, the efficiency reached in generating

power from atomic fuel is not high, namely 40 per cent. No wonder, therefore, that

scientists all over the world are doing their best to find more efficient ways of

generating electricity directly from the fuel. They already succeeded in developing

some processes which are much more efficient, as high as 80 per cent, and in

creating a number of devices capable of giving a higher efficiency. Scientists are

hard at work trying to solve these and many other problems.

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I.Answer the questions:

1. What is the industrial progress of mankind based on?

2. Which is the first widely applied method of producing electricity at present?

3.Which is the second way of generating power?

4.What do we use the energy of hot water for?

5.When and where did the first power station using ocean tides begin operating in


6.What can you say about the energy of the sun?

7.What fuel is the most promising for the production of electricity?

8.Is the efficiency of generating power from atomic fuel high or not?

II.Learn the new words:

Assemble - сборка, монтаж; собирать

a.c. -(alternative current) переменный ток

d. с. -(direct current) постоянный ток

adjustment - регулировка, наладка, настройка

bunch -связка, пучок

check-up - проверка

to dissolve растворять

clip - зажим

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III. Define the Tense and the Voice of the verbs:

1. Ultrasonics has found many uses in a short time. 2. The man that is making a

report is the dean of our faculty. 3. Solids have a definite shape and volume due to

strong infermo- lecular and interatomic forces. 4.There are many sources of light.

5. They are given a difficult job to do. 6. She was shown the way to the laboratory.

7. The new laboratory equipment was sent for.

IV. Underline Participle I, II and translate the sentences:

1. The only force acting on a freely falling body in vacuum is gravity.

2. Radio waves pass through the atmosphere including clouds and fog.

3. Scientists have developed different types of lasers.

4. When placed over a fire, a substance becomes hot.

5. Russia is giving disinterested (бескорыстный) assistance to many countries.

V. Find the Modal verbs and translate the sentences:

1. We can read information from a book, a computer cannot.

2. We must therefore find some means by which we can put data Into a computer.

3. Through the use of words we are able to speak with one another,

4. Heat may be transferred by conduction, convection or radiation.

5. In Lobachevsky's geometry the sum of the three angles of a triangle

(треугольник) has to be less than 180°.

6. Our laboratory assistant is to prepare all the equipment for our experiments.


What is an electric current? No one has ever seen it. We only know of the

existence of a current owing to its effects. A current can heat a conductor, it can

have a chemical action when passing through a solution, or it can produce a

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magnetic effect. We can measure currents by observing their heating, chemical or

magnetic effects. The practical unit of current is called the Ampere.

Two things are necessary to cause an electric current to flow: first—-a complete

circuit, and second — a driving force called the electromotive force. If you put

free electrons on an insulated copper ball, what would they do? In this case they

would try to repel each other. In case you connected this charged ball to another

ball of equal size by a copper wire, what would be the result? The electrons would

move along the copper wire until the number of electrons on each ball were the

same. This is an example of electromotive force causing a current to flow. A

battery has a surplus of electrons on one of its two plates; so you say that a battery

furnishes an e. m. f. If a copper wire is run from one plate to the other, a current

flows in the complete circuit thus made. If a small bulb is placed in the circuit, it

will light up, giving evidence to a current flow. If the battery were disconnected

and a generator substituted for it, we should have a typical lighting system. Both

batteries and generators are the most common sources of electromotive force. The

practical unit of e. m. f. is the Volt.

Currents will flow more readily in some substances than in others, that is,

various substances offer lesser or greater resistance to the flow of current. Such

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substances as porcelain, ebonite, rubber, glass and the like having extremely high

resistance are known as insulators. The practical unit of resistance is the Ohm.

Substances whose properties lie between those of conductors and insulators are

called semiconductors. Let us name but a few most widely used at present, they are

germanium, silicon, selenium and copper oxide. The importance of semiconductors

in our life cannot be overestimated. But for these tiny "workhorses" electronic

industry would not have achieved such a great progress.

I. Answer the questions:

What is the unit of current?

What can an electric current do?

What is necessary to cause an electric current to flow?

What are the most common sources of electromotive force?

How does current flow in various substances?

What is the unit of resistance?

What substances do we call insulators?

What semiconductors do you know?

II. Learn the new words:

charge - заряжать

circuit- цепь, схема, ток (электрический)

plate- плата, пластинка

current- ток

silicon -кремний

substitute (for) -заменять

insulate -изолировать


driving force (electromotive) (e. m. f.) - электродвижущая сила

value -величина

winding –обмотка

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valve socket- клапан

reliability -надежность

wire -провод, проволока

resistance -сопротивление

resistant -сопротивляющийся, стойкий, прочный

resistor -резистор; реостат

Unit 4.

Electric Devices.


Two basic groops of resistors most commonly used in radio equipment are

compound resistors and wire resistance. The stability of resistors to a large extent

is dependent on the method of their protection against climatic and mechanical

effects. Compound and wire-wound resistors are divided into fixed and adjustable


Of the various types of commercial fixed resistance most extensively used are

damp proof type ВС. Another type of resistors widely used is the MLT type. These

are made in the form of a ceramic tube filmed with a special alloy. As compared to

ВС resistors the MLT type are smaller in physical size and can operate at higher

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temperatures. In addition to resistors which are in general use, the Soviet industry

manufactures a number of special purpose fixed compound resistors. A resistor is

one of the most common elements of any circuit. Resistors are used: to reduce

the value of current in the circuit; to produce IR voltage drop and in this way to

change the value of the voltage. When current is passing through a resistor its

temperature rises high. The higher the value of current the higher is the temperature of a resistor. Each resistor has a maximum temperature to which it

may be heated without a trouble. If the temperature rises higher the resistor gets

open and opens the circuit. Resistors are rated in watts, resistance is given in ohms

and current —in amperes.


A great variety of induction coils differing in design and purpose are employed

in high-frequency components and circuits of radio equipment. Inductance depends

mainly on physical characteristics of the coil; the bigger the coil and the turns it

has, the greater the inductance. There are several types of coils; they may be

multilayer coils and the cylindrical one-layer types. These two types are most

extensively used. The basic components of the coil are the former, winding and

screen. The former is the support for winding. It should be sufficiently strong to

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provide for rigidity of the winding. The formers are manufactured from ceramic,

polysterene and other dielectrics.


Radio equipment widely uses switches and relays, connectors and valve sockets.

A switch or an electromagnetic relay consists of one or several pairs of electric

contacts and of a special arrangement used to make or break these contacts.

Operation of the contacts is determined by the physico-chemical and mechanical

properties of the materials. The latter should be resistant to electrical erosion and

corrosion which bring about a loss of conductivity in the contact area and might

result in a failure of the whole device. The materials used for contacts should be

resistant to wear, easily machined, highly resistant to fusion, and have high thermal

and electric conductivity.

The materials possessing most of the above properties include platinum, platinum-

iridium alloy, gold-nickel alloy, gold-platinum alloy, chemically pure silver, silver-

copper alloy, "hard" brass and bronze, tungsten and metalloceramics. Switches are

intended for making breaking or simultaneously making one circuit and breaking

another. In radio equipment switches are used for cutting in and off, switching over

from one range to another and from one mode of operation to another, slopping

and locking moving parts in a given position and for remote control purposes. The

switch should not increase significantly the resistance of 'the electric circuit.

Depending on the number of the circuits controlled at a time there are two-, three-

and multipolar switches. Relays used in radio electronics should be of small

physical size and weight, and simple and reliable in design, have a sufficient

number of control elements, short operating time. Plug-and-socket connectors are

used in radio equipment for connecting individual units and subassemblies.

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In operation, radio equipment, especially mobile, is subjected to vibrations. The

effects produced by them are reduced by shock absorbers. The chassis is the basic

part of any electronic device and is ttsfd for mounting electron tubes, resistors,

capacitors and other components. The chassis design and configuration depend on

the typo oi the apparatus in which it is used. An important factor in placing

components on the chassis is whether the equipment is stationary or mobile. Most

of the control and adjustment elements have shafts on the front panel. For handy

operation the shafts are equipped with plastic knobs. Vacuum tubes are extensively

used in radio-electronic apparatus.


Semiconductor devices are widely used in electronics, radio engineering and

automatics, since they are much smaller in physical size than vacuum tubes. In

addition to small weight and dimensions, semiconductor devices also have a

number of other advantages over vacuum tubes: high reliability and long service

life, insensitivity to mechanical effects, in particular, to acoustic vibrations, great

mechanical rigidity, etc.

Answer the questions:

1.What are the most extensively used types of induction coils?

2.What basic components of the coils do you know?

3.From what are the formers manufactured?

4.What types of resistors do you know?

5.What materials should be used for contacts?

6.What is the basic part of any electronic device?

7.Where are vacuum tubes extensively used?

I. Learn the words and word combinations:

Solder- припой

Acoustic- акустический

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alloy -сплав

brass - латунь

inductance - индуктивность

device - устройство

damp-proof - влагонепроницаемый

dimension - размер

to film - покрывать пленкой, оболочкой

fixed - закрепленный

former - каркас

fusion - плавление

high-frequency - высокочастотный

knob - ручка, рукоятка; кнопка

leakage of current - утечка электричества

loss of conductivity - потеря проводимости

mounting -крепление, монтаж, установка, сборка

plug -штепсельная вилка

rigidity - жесткость

semiconductor - полупроводник

II. Fill in the correct words: damp- proof, insulation resistance, the climatic

test, a special alloy, over- voltage:

1. The MLT-type resistor is made in the form of a ceramic tube filmed w i t h . . . . 2. The effects of temperature and humidity of the capacitor is checked up b y . . . . 3. One of the most commonly used resistors is . . . type ВС.

4. A short circuit between the plates is often the result o f . . . .5. A fault of . . . is often the cause of leakage of current.

III. Translate into English:

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1. Существует много разновидностей включающих устройств: это

включатели, штепсели, реле, включающие клапаны, розеточные включатели.

2. Контакты делаются чаще всего из сплавов платины, серебра, золота,

никеля, иридия, вольфрама и других химически чистых материалов.

3.Амортизаторы снижают эффект вибрации. 4.Каркас индукционной катушки

является основой для обмотки.

IV. Divide into homonyms and anthonyms:

Stationary, disadvantage, transistor, mobile, automatic operation, shaft, advantage,

semiconductor device, handy operation, knob.

V. Act out the dialogue about future profession:

Тom: What profession have you chosen, Ann?

Ann: I've decided to become a radio assembler (operator). I'm going to work in

radio industry, at the Radio Apparatus plant. I think this work is rather interesting

and important.

Тom: Where do you study?

Ann: I study at the Chistopol Agricultural Technical School and learn a trade of a

radio assembler.

Тom: Where have you your practice?

Ann: I have my practice at the workshops of our technical school.

Тom: What plant have you your practice at?

Ann: My friend and I have our practice at the shops of the Chistopol “Vector”. It's

one of the oldest radio-companies in our town. TV sets are the main production of

the plant.

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There are a lot of assembly operations such as wire cutting, stripping,

soldering and welding of radio-components, wiring, mounting, adjustment,

alignment and tuning. In designing radio equipment particular attention is paid lo

Uie ease of fabrication of individual components, elements and th? apparatus as a

whole. Mounting. The problems of mounting radio equipment require close

attention because of high labour requirements and the effects of mounting

operations on the parameters of equipment. The choice of the right tools is of

primary importance. Soldering is intended to obtain a permanent joint of metallic

parts with the aid of a molten metal or alloy (solder). Different types of solders are

widely used in radio engineering. In riveting (or flanging out) the connected parts

are tightly pressed together.

After soldering, the apparatus and wiring should be blown out with

compressed air to remove dust and wire lelt-overs. The completely finished and

cleaned wiring is carefully located (arranged) as required on the chassis. Soldering

is performed with the aid of fluxes, which protect the surface to be joined against

possible oxidation at elevated temperatures. Fluxes also clean the surface of the

parts from dirt and promote better flowing of the solder into the gaps between the

parts. In soldering, solder is held in the left hand and, with the soldering iron in the

right hand, is applied to the joint area simultaneously with the. iron tip. During

soldering care should be taken not to touch the adjoining components and wires

with the heated portion of the soldering iron. In the process of soldering the

apparatus must he protected from drops (splashes) of solder and flux. Drops of

solder must be immediately removed with tweezers. To remove flux remains, the

joint аге.ч should be washed immediately with tampon wetted in spirits and wound

on tweezers.

The use of other solvents for clearing is not recommended as they may

damage the varnish coating and the marking inscription. In radio-components

industry use is made mostly of electric welding processes; gas welding is

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employed much rare. A new trend in the development of radio engineering is the

introduction of automatic welding lor wiring operations. In eonvever belt welding,

welding is performed with the aid of disk electrode rotated at a constant speed in a

direction opposite to the advance of the joints being welded.

Wiring. Successful wiring of a radio apparatus requires that the rules of

assembly and wiring operations be observed. The assembler, when performing his

work, must have a clear understanding of the operating conditions of the apparatus,

and must ensure easy repair of the apparatus in operation or replacement of

components, and check-up of the radio circuits. The apparatus is assembled in

strict conformity with the adopted technology.

In each particular case, however, the succession of assembly and wiring can

be partially changed, if required. The wire ends are stripped of insulation with the

use of special tools. Care must be taken to ensure a sufficient spacing (not less than

5 mm) between certain components and movable elements. Electric wiring in the

immediate proximity to components emitting heat must be with heat-resistant

insulation cables. The cotton insulation of wiring must not get in touch with non-

insulated wiring elements. Two or more electric wires should be bound into a


The hook-up elements are spaced from each other and from all other other

current-conducting surfaces at not less than 2 mm.

Connecting wires, bunched conductors, and hook-up elements should not obstruct

reading of marking inscriptions. In soldering wire connections a reliable contact

and the required mechanical strength must be ensured. Finished wiring must be

carefully cleaned of dust and dirt. Connecting wires. In mounting radio equipment

use is made of copper wires. Connecting wires are insulated with the use of rubber,

glass fibre, polyvinilcWoride, cotton, silk and other materials. Connecting wires

are cut into required lengths for assembly by means of special automatic machines.

The method of insulation stripping depends on the wire type. Methods of

fastening insulation ends also depend on the type of wire used. The ends of wires

in bunched conductors are usually marked. Rectifiers. Rectifiers are used to

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convert a.c. voltage to d.c. Various types of rectifiers are used in radio equipment.

In the assembly and wiring of a rectifier particular attention should be paid to the

reliability of mechanical and electrical connections. Rectifier wiring is made with

the use of several bunches of conductors of intricate configuration. The insulation

at the ends should be fastened beforehand and the ends tinned. After .laying out

and checking the bunched conductors, the wire ends are soldered. After soldering,

the bunched conductors are fastened to the chassis with metal clips. After fastening

the bunches, the component wires should be straightened.

I. Answer the questions:

1.How many assembly operations do you know? Enumerate them, please.

2.In what operation do you use a soldering iron?

3.How is welding performed in conveyer-belt welding?

4.While wiring what should you do with the wire ends?

5.What is a bunch?

6.What apparatus convert a.c. voltage to d.c.?

II.Learn the new words and word-combinations:

constant speed - постоянная скорость

conveyer belt - ленточный конвейер

cross scction - поперечное сечение

to emit - испускать, излучать

glass fibre - стекловолокно

heat-resistant insulation cable - теплоизоляционный кабель

joint - соединение

leftovers - остатки

marking inscription - маркировка

oxidation - окисление

solder - припой; паять

soldering -пайка мягким припоем

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soldering iron - паяльник

solvent -растворитель

spacing - интервал, расстояние

to straighten- выпрямлять

to stretch - вытягивать

to strip - очищать, сдирать

to tin - лудить

tuning- настройка

tweezers - пинцет, щипчики

welding - сварка

wiring - разводка проводов

III. Explain using of the verb should:

1.After soldering, the apparatus and wiring should be blown out with compressed

air. 2. To remove flux remains, the joint area should be washed immediately with

tampon wetted in spirits. 3. Two or more electric wires should be bound into a


IV. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form:

1. In designing radio equipment particular attention (to pay) to the ease of

fabrication of individual components and the apparatus as a whole. 2. Different

types of solders (to use) widely in radio engineering. 3. In riveting the connected

parts (to press) tightly together. 4. The completely finished and cleaned wiring (to

locate) carefully on the chassis. 5. In soldering, solder (to hoJd) in the left hand.

V. Make up questions:

1. with, materials, insulated, what, are, connecting wires. 2. usually, marked,

bunched conductors, is, what, in. 3. are, soldered, how many, te-be, wires, to one

contact. 4. is, the soldering iron, in what hand, held, in soldering.

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VI. Translate into English:

Pадиопромышленность, конвейер, проверка, надежный контакт, переменный

ток, постоянный ток, пайка мягким припоем.

Text C.THOMAS ALVA EDISON (1847 – 1931)

Edison is known as one of the greatest inventors of his time. He invented so

much that it is difficult to say which of his achievements is the greatest. He was an

experimenter and a practical man more than a theoretician.

Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. Edison did

not have any education. He went to school only for three months. Then he left it

because the teacher considered him a dull boy. His mother became his teacher. The

boy loved books and his mother said that he had a wonderful memory. Tom’s

mother was his first teacher. She gave him some books on science. The boy studied

them and became interested in all kinds of experiments. When he first visited a

public library and saw a lot of shelves with books he decided that he would know

everything in the world. He measured the shelf and decided to read a foot of books

every week. Edison began to work at 12 as a newspaper boy on a train. Once he

saved the life of a little boy on the railway and the boy's father, a telegraphist, gave

Edison lessons in telegraphy. Edison spent almost all his free time in

experimenting. He made many important inventions at his laboratory which was

full of batteries, chemicals and a great number of instruments.

In 1868 Edison built his first patented invention - an electromagnetic device. It

is said that he planned to ask three thousand dollars for his invention, though he

secretly decided he would sell it for two thousand if necessary. He was invited to a

meeting of businessmen who were interested in buying his invention, but when he

was asked to name the price he was very nervous and quite unable to speak. "It is

no use asking us a big price", said one of the businessmen, "we have already

decided how much we will pay. Forty thousand dollars is our limit". With this

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money Edison established a workshop and began his career as a professional

inventor at the age of twenty one.

Edison's inventions include the phonograph, gramophone, the dictaphone, the

incandescent lamp and some other inventions. All his inventions were the result of

hard work. He sometimes made thousands of experiments. According to his words

the idea that a genius works only by inspiration was absurd. Edison continued to

work all through his long life. He used to say: "Genius is 2 per cent inspiration and

98 per cent perspiration", he often said.

I.Learn the new words:

battery - батарея; гальванический элемент

chemicals - химические препараты, химикаты

inspiration -вдохновение

incandescent lamp - лампа накаливания

perspiration - пот, испарина

transmission - передача, трансмиссия

II. Read the words:

telegraph, phonograph, megaphone, cinematograph.

III. Find the answers in the text:

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1.When was Edison born? 2. What was he interested in? 3. When did Edison

begin to work? 4. What did he use to say? 5. What do Edison's inventions include?

IV. Make up sentences into indirect speech:

1. Edison said: "Ninetv-eight per cent perspiration and two per sent inspiration".

2. I read in the newspaper: "Edison made invention as a result of a lot ot


3. Our teacher told us: "One of the greatest inventions in the history of science is

the invention of the incandescent lamp".

Unit 5.

Safety Practices.


Usually a set of assembly and wiring tools includes two flat-nose pliers. Round-

nose pliers also come in two pairs. Forceps are also used in operating radio

equipment. Usually surgical forceps not more than 130 to 140 mm in size and

watch maker's forceps are used. Scissors in sizes from 150 to 200 mm are

necessary for cutting paper or fine fabric. The cutting edges of the scissors should

he sharp. Electrician's knife is also included into the tool set. It may be of a length

between 150—170 mm; with one or two blades. The knife is used for stripping the

wires and for other similar jobs. The handle of a screwdriver should be convenient

for gripping and have no sharp corners. On large-scale production assembly lines

operators often use electric or pneumatic screwdrivers. The tool set should include

an ordinary filter's hammer weighing 200 to 300 g with a hard wood handle and

230—250 mm in length. In addition to the fitter's hammer, a smaller,

watchmarker's hammer is necessary. It is used for such operations in which the

heavier hammer cannot be used. It is also useful to have a mallet. This will be

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useful for such jobs as straightening or bending. Files come in various lengths

(from 75 to 450 nun). Files of medium length are most convenient in radio work.

The round file should be not over 8—10 mm in diameter. Files are used for cutting

and smoothing metal. After filing the file should be cleaned of particles of the

material struck to the cut with a special brush. Files are kept separately from other

tools in special places. Needle files are made of thin steel wire. A set of five or six

needle files should be in the radio operator's tool kit. Rivet set and rivet snap are

the tools used for riveting parts in the process of radio equipment assembly.

I. Learn the new words:

tо bend - гнуть

blade - лезвие

cutting edge - режущий край

fabric - структура, текстура; изделие, фабрикат

flat-nose pliers - плоскогубцы

to grip - захватывать, зажимать, закреплять

forceps - пинцет, щипчики

hammer - молоток

large-scale - в крупном масштабе, крупномасштабный

mallet - молоток (деревянный), киянка

rivet snap or rivet set - заклепка

round-nose pliers - круглогубцы

screwdriver - отвертка

side cutters - кусачки

to straighten - выпрямлять

rectifier - выпрямитель

reliable contact - надежный контакт

repair - ремонт, починка

replacement - замена

riveting - клепка

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to rotate - вращать(ся)

surgical – хирургический

II.Divide the words into 2 parts:

side-cntlers, soldering, mounting, forceps, a knife, a screwdriver, adjustment,

wiring, a hammer, • scissors, soldering iron, alignment, files, flat nose pliers.

Operations Instruments

III. Fill in the blankets:

1. The handle of . . . should be convenient for gripping (a file, a screwdriver).

2. . . . are necessary for cutting paper or fine fabric (scissors, forceps).

3 . . . . is used for stripping the wires (a hammer, я knife).

4 . . . . is useful for straightening and bending (a mallet, a soldering iron).

IV.Translate the sentences:

1. Electricity can be dangerous if it is carelessly used. A faulty installation or a

defective piece of equipment can cause a serious fire and there is also the danger of

an electric shock with possible fatal consequences. Nany precautions should be

taken and safety devices should be used to minimize these dangers: insulation,

earthing, fuses and automatic cut-outs being among the most common safety


2. Insulation is the covering of a conductor with a non-conducting material to

prevent it from touching another conductor. The materials aer used according to

the nature of the conductor and the condition in which it is used. It has to withstand

extremes of temperature and resist corrosion. The insulation of power leads to

portable appliances must be flexible and also very strong.

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3. Any piece of electrical apparatus having a metal body or frame espesially

portable appliances such as electric irons, kettles and power tools must be earthed

as a safety measure. Earthing is brought about by connecting the metal body or

frame directly to earth with a thick conductor. In a 3-pin power plug the metal pin

is always to earth the connection.


Overvoltage may be the cause of a breakdown of insulation resulting in a short

circuit between the plates. Short-circuiting, as a result of mechanical action, is

more often a fault of variable capacitors. Excessive heating reduces insulation

resistance which results in leakage of current. Assembly defects are checked by

visual examination, after dust, chips, drops of solder and other foreign matter have

been blown off the capacitors, particularly from the gaps between the stator and

rotor plates. This cleaning should be done in a room with ventilation.


The basic electric parameters to be tested include: (a) insulation resistance between

the stator and the chassis; (b) minimum and maximum capacitance; (c)

microphones; d) stability of the resistance value of current carrying electric

contacts. The "climatic" test determines the effects of temperature and humidity of

the capacitor.


The work bench of an operator is a table or a bench provided willi all necessary

equipment. Proper arrangement of the work bench is of great importance,

influencing the efficiency and quality of llie operator's work. The tools are

arranged in drawers of the bench in strict order of application. Measuring, wiring,

mounting and fitter's tools must not be stored all in one box. The arrangement of

tools in each box should also be well thought out. The best practice is to keep each

tool in the box in its special place. The soldering iron is placed on support. The

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soldering iron support is made in the form of a box divided into two sections: for

the flitx and for the solder. In modern practice electric soldering irons of various

designs are used for wiring operations. In assembly shops a special line fed from

transformer is laid along the assembly conveyer to supply current to soldering

irons. The operator's bench should be well illuminated by natural light, therefore it

should be located close to a window. If arc welding is used in the assembly

processes, the operator's bench is provided with special screens or curtains

protecting the operator's eyes from the arc light. To protect the apparatus from

damage in the process of assembly, a rubber mat is placed on the operator's bench;

inflammable liquids (spirits, varnish, etc), are kept in metal boxes.

I. Answer the questions:

What is an operator's work bench?

Where are the tools kept?

Where is the soldering iron placed?

When do you use special screens?

What assembly tools do you know?

II.Learn the new words:

to damage - повреждать

electric shock - электрический удар

in bad repair - в неисправном состоянии

electrician - электромонтер

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fault - поломка, неполадка

handy - удобный (для пользования) ; находящийся под рукой

installation - установка

precaution - предосторожность

safety - безопасность

to splash - брызгать, расплескать

arc welding - дуговая сварка

inflammable liquids - воспламеняющиеся жидкости

screen - экран, защитный экран

spirits - спирт

varnish – лак

III. Act out a dialogue about a visit to a plant:

Ann: Where were you yesterday, Kate?

Kate: My friends and I went on an excursion to the Radio Apparatus Plant.

Ann: Was it interesting?

Kate: Rather. The foreman told us about the main radio assembling operations. We

were shown the work of the main assembling line.

Ann: Please, tell me about the plant.

Kate: With pleasure. The plant is rather old, but it is equipped with modern

machine tools, and comfortable instruments.

Ann: Are you going to work at this plant after finishing the secondary vocational


Kate: Yes, I'm going to work there for I find this work interesting and important.

Text C.

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The proper organization of labour, accuracy and care in the process of work are

the essential conditions for the safety of the operator. Electric shocks present the

most imminent danger. The operator must know the effects of current on a human

body. Faults in the main should be repaired only by an electrician.

It is forbidden to:

1.check the presence of voltage and heating of the current- carrying elements of the

circuit by touching them;

2.use wires with damaged insulation for the connection of units and deviccs of


3.work on high-voltage installations without special rubber gloves and insulated

tools. While working with soldering iron guard your hands. Particular precautions

should be taken against splashing of solder in the process of soldering.

All the tools should be reliable and handy for work, otherwise, the operator will

injure himself with the tools, if they are in bad repair. The operator's station must

be equipped with a medicine chest so that first aid can be rendered immediately in

case of necessity.


CAUTION: Welding can be dangerous. Any of these accidents might happen to

you: (a) you could be blinded by sparks; (b) you could get an electric shock; (c)

your face, body, arms, legs or feet could be burnt; (d) there could be a fire in the



1. A mask or helmet must be worn in electric arc welding. (In gas welding, goggles

can be used).

2. Clothes must be kept dry and clean.

3. Thick, heavy boots must be worn. These must be made of some insulating

material such as rubber.

4. Gloves, and apron and a cap must be worn.

5. Overalls must have long sleeves and no pockets or cuffs.

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6. The floor must be made of concrete.

7. There must be a metal container on the floor for the sparks.


CAUTION: A ladder can be a very dangerous tool. Any of these accidents

could happen to YOU. (a) The ladder could slip on an oily floor and you could fall

off; (b) the top could fall backwards; (c) a door could open and push the ladder

backwards or to the side; (d) a metal ladder could touch an electric wire and give

you an electric shock; (e) a ladder could fall off boxes or drums.


1.Metal ladders, or wooden ones with metal wires must never be used for electrical


2.Wet or oily floors must be cleaned before a ladder is lifted.

3.When the ladder is near a door, the door must be locked closed, or the door must

be blocked open, or there must be a man at the bottom.

4.The foot of the ladder must be fixed.

5.The ladder must NEVER be placed on drums, boxes, etc.

6.The top must be fixed. It should be tied to poles, etc, using hooks, chains, ropes

or a strap.

I. Answer the questions:

What are the essential conditions for the safety of the operator?

Why do doors have to be locked closed?

Why must metal ladder not be used?

Why must you wear a mask or helmet? (ANSWER: Because you could / may /

might. . .)

Why must you keep clothes dry?

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What is the most imminent danger of a radio operator's work?

What precautions have you to take working on high-voltage installations?

What should the operator's station be equipped with to render the first aid?

Can you check the presence of voltage by touching the current- carrying elements?

Why must the floor be made of concrete?

Why must oily floors be cleaned? (ANSWER: Because you might…)

Unit 6.

Electric Machines.


Volta made his experimental cell in 1800, producing for the first time a steady

reliable electric current. During the nineteenth century, the development of

practical applications of electrical energy advanced rapidly. The first major uses of

electricity were in the field of communications — first for the telegraph and the

telephone. They used not only electric current but also electromagnetic effects.

Thomas Edison's invention of the electric light bulb was perhaps the most

momentous development of all, but not because it was such a unique invention. It

was momentous because it led to the creation of an electric power system which

has since reached into nearly every corner of the world. Actually, other people

were working simultaneously on the same problem, and Edison's claim to the

invention was disputed. Perhaps Edison's most important claim to fame is his

pioneering work in engineering, which helped to provide electric service for New

York City in 1882. The application of electricity has grown to the point where

most of us lead "electrified lives", surrounded by a variety of devices that use

electric energy. Less visible, but probably more important, are the thousands of

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ways industry has put electric energy to work. The direct-current machine is one of

the most important ways.

I. Translate the international words without a dictionary:

Alternating current, direct current, armature, electromagnet, field coil, pole,

winding, brush, brush holder, commutator, generator, motor.

II.Write down the sentences describing the work of electrical machines.

III.Translate sentences:

1. Sources of electromotive force can be classified as/ divided into cells and


2. There are two main sources of electromotive force: cells and generators.

3. An example of a cell is the lead-acid accumulator.

4. The alternator is an example of a generator.

It is never too to learn.—Учиться никогда не поздно. (Век живи, век учись.)

Make haste slowly.—Торопись медленно. (Тише едешь, дальше будешь.)

Measure thrice and cut once.—Три раза отмерь, один раз отрежь. (Семь раз

отмерь, один раз отрежь.)

Never do things by halves.—Никогда ничего не делай наполовину. (Начатое

дело доводи до конца.)

Text B.

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Electrical machines are divided into alternating current (a. c.) and direct-current

(d. c.) machines. The basic parts of a d. c. machine are the armature and

electromagnets (or field coils). Coils wound on the pole cores form the excitation

field of the machine. The armature is the rotating part of the machine. In its

insulated slots is placed a winding connected to the commutator. Carbon brushes

are placed in brushholders and contact the rotating commutator. There are two

electric circuits in the d. c. machine, the armature circuit and the excitation circuit.

A d. c. machine is reversible: if the machine is rotated and the magnetic field is

excited the machine sends a direct current into the external circuit through the

commutator and brushes: the machine operates as a generator. If the armature and

excitation winding are joined to a d. c. circuit the armature runs and the machine

operates as a motor and converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

I.Give Russian equivalents:

alternators, linear machines, electrical machines, motors, d. c. generators, linear

motors, rotating machines, generators, electric motors, compound-wound,

synchronous, variable-speed commutator, d. c. motors, series-wound, induction,



There can be next defects at the first starting. An engine is revolved in

retrograde. For the change of direction of rotation it is necessary to change placed

two phases of network in the place of connecting of electric motor to magnetic

allow or knife-switch. An engine buzzes unnaturally, heated on single work

consumable from a network current anymore nominal. It can be at erroneous

connection of chart. It is necessary to check the «beginnings» and «ends» of coils

marked. An engine does not take loading from a place, normally buzzes here.

Possible reasons: an undervoltage is in a network, a strap is so much pulled-in, a

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safety device is burned out. It is necessary to check up tension a voltmeter. To

weaken the pull of strap replace a safety device. If it is all right, help an engine to

take loading from a place by the preliminary untwisting by hand or to set a

working machine in such position at which during including of engine a moment

of its resistance would be minimum. Engine starts working, begins to spinup,

buzzes, and then stop. Reason can be in that safety devices which were not counted

on this loading burned out. At starting of engine in a phase rotor a starting rheostat

is strongly heated on loading. Reason is in a starting rheostat is small for these

terms of starting. It is necessary to decrease loading in the moment of starting or

set new rheostat.

I. Choose the correct translation of the word:

топливо — a) fuel; b) oil; с) tide; d) way

обычный — a) promising; b) efficient; c) cheap; d) conventional

преобразовывать — a) convert; b) consist; c) contain; d) create

достигать — a) represent; b) remain; c) resist; d) reach

стараться — a) flow; b) try; c) obtain; d) use

посредством — a) however; b) namely; c) no wonder; d) by means

поэтому — a) thanks to; b) besides; c) i. е.; d) therefore

источник (энергии) – a) reserve; b)resource; c)source

II. Translate the sentences:

1. It was at the beginning of the 19th century that scientists first established

experimentally the atomic theory of the structure of matter.

2. It was Lomonosov who first determined the existence of atmosphere round


3. Moscow University wgs named after M. V. Lomonosov because it was due to

him that the University was founded in 1755.

4.It was only after Mendeleyev's death that many of his ideas were put into

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III. Define the tense and the voice of the verbs:

1. Polymers are machined much better and easier than wood, stone or metal,

therefore so much attention is being given to these man-made materials at present.

2. A small power station using the energy of the wind has started operating on the

Caspian Sea.

3. A great many experimental models had been tested before the first tidal power

station was built.

5. The development of heavy industry in our country is paid great attention to.

6. It should be said that all the chemical elements known to science can be found in

the Ural mountains.


...M.V. Lomonosov (1711—1765) was the first in Russia to make experiments

with atmospheric electricity and to equip a laboratory for the investigation of

electrical phenomena?

...V.V. Petrov (1761—1834) discovered the electric arc and indicated the

possibilities of its utilization as a source of heat and light?

...P.N. Yablochkov (1847—1894) invented the "Russian candle" (known abroad

as "Russian light") which was the first source of electric light?

...A.N. Lodygin (1847—1923) is the inventor of the incandescent lamp, the

most common source of electric light?

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Unit 7.

Atomic Energy.


Achievements in studying atom structure have opened up new, practically

unlimited possibilities to humanity for further mastering nature's forces. The

discovery of atomic energy provides as profound effect for the benefit of

civilization as the discovery of fire and electricity. After having recovered from the

shock of unimaginable horror of the explosion of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima

people asked scientists how soon they would be able to apply the immense power

of fissioned nucleus to peaceful purposes.

Many problems had to be solved: the main one was that of "braking" the

released neutrons efficiently so that the chain reaction could be controlled. The

"classical" solution to this problem is conducting the heat generated by the fission

process out of the reactor, making it boil water and forcing the resulting steam to

drive turbines which, in their turn, drive electric generators. It is a way which

works well although it is still rather expensive. It is to be noted that the first power

station fed by atomic fuels which was also the world's first atomic power station

started working in Obninsk, near Moscow, in 1954. Its capacity was 5,000

kilowatts. Thirty years later in the Soviet Union there were already 13 atomic

power stations with the total capacity of over 21 million kilowatts. At the same

time with large atomic stations smaller mobile electricity producing units have

been created based on the discovery of radioactive sources — isotopes. Mobile

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nuclear installations may be carried by rail and then by transporters to the out-of-

the-way regions even in areas having no roads. Such a station according to

estimates can operate without being recharged for two years. Today scientists are

looking for new more efficient nuclear processes of producing energy. But it was

only lately that the physicists understood that the process of producing tremendous

energy by stars, including our Sun, was the very process they were looking for.

Now we know that this thermonuclear process is called fusion and it takes place at

fantastically high temperatures. It can be done only by imitating on the Earth the

process that makes the Sun shine. There are many difficult problems to overcome

before thermonuclear power stations based on this process can become a reality,

but the problem of fuel supply is the least of them: the oceans of the Earth are

practically an inexhaustible source of deuterium which plays the decisive part in

the fusion process and its extraction from sea water is neither complicated nor

expensive. In short, peaceful uses of atomic energy are vast — but we must stop

using it on weapons of mass annihilation.

I. Answer the questions:

1.What question did people ask scientists after the explosion of the first atomic


2.What was the main problem in applying the immense power of fissioned nucleus

to peaceful purposes?

3.When and where did the first atomic power station start working?

4.Why are mobile nuclear installations convenient?

5.What thermonuclear process takes place at fantastically high temperatures?

II. Learn the new words:

according (to) — согласно

although — хотя

brake — тормозить, обуздывать

decisive — решающий

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explosion— взрыв

feed (fed) — питать

Out-of-the-way regions – отдаленные районы

fusion — синтез

III. Translate the word-combinations, and underline the prefixes:

Inorganic chemistry; unexpected results; disordered movement; non-magnetic

steel; to misunderstand the explanation; immobile installation; a displaced ray;

uncharged neutrons; non-breakable crystals; an irregular form; a serious

miscalculation; an illogical conclusion; unlimited possibilities; misusage of terms.

I. Pay attention on the meaning of the words very and only:

1.The thermonuclear process of fusion takes place at very high temperatures. It is

the very process that makes the Sun shine.

2.The mass of all the protons is always less than the mass of the whole atom

nucleus. The only exception to this is hydrogen whose nucleus contains only one



It all began in June 1954 when the first atomic power station in the world was

put into operation and the people of Obninsk were the first in the world to warm

their morning tea and coffee with "atomic electricity". Today Russia has

considerable experience in building nuclear power plants and is conducting more

research in this field.

Now the power industry is taking the next step: apart from conventional nuclear

stations producing only electricity, we are also building stations which produce

both electricity and heat for houses and industry. Up to 40 per cent of fuel

resources in our country are used by thermal electric plants and boiler-houses to

supply houses and enterprises with heat and hot water. That is why development

and application of nuclear heat sources are so important.

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Atomic thermoelectric stations are extremely promising for the European part

of Russia: because one such station will save about 800,000 tonnes of organic fuel

a year and will substitute for about 500 low-efficiency boiler-houses polluting the


Atomic heating stations have also an advantage of being ecologically clean and

therefore they can be built close to big cities. Hot water supplied to houses and

enterprises is isolated from reactor water. Atomic "boiler-houses" and nuclear

power stations are under constant control.

I. Choose the correct answer:

1.What happened in June 1954 in Obninsk?

a)new mineral fuel deposits were discovered;

b)the first atomic power station in the world was put into operation;

c)a fully automatic plant was built.

2.Why are atomic thermoelectric stations extremely promising for the European

part of our country?

a)because one such station will save about 800,000 tonnes of organic fuel a year;

b)because it is densely populated;

c)because there are many big cities there.

3.What is an advantage of such a thermoelectric station?

a)it is ecologically clean;

b)it produces cheap energy;

c)it is fully automatic.

II.Learn the new words:

Advantage — преимущество

apart from — кроме, помимо

boiler-house— котельная

deposit — месторождение

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enterprise — предприятие

promising — перспективный

environment — окружающая среда

pollute — загрязнять

III. Translate the words in brackets:

light; producing; peaceful atom; will substitute for; was put into operation;

experience; heat; ecologically clean

1. The first atomic power station in the world (была введена в действие) in 1954

in Russia.

2. Today our country has considerable (опыт) in building nuclear power stations.

3. Apart from nuclear stations (производящих) only electricity, nuclear stations

which produce both electricity and (тепло) are built.

4. One such station (заменит) about 500 boiler-houses.

5. Atomic heating stations are (экологически чистые).

6.Today (мирный атом) is used in many branches of industry and agriculture/

Text C.ERNEST RUTHERFORD (1871—1937)

Rutherford was a British physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics for

1908. His rcsearches in radiation and atomic structure were basic to the later 20th-

century development in nuclear physics. He was born in New Zealand in 1871 and

received his secondary training at a collcge, then he graduated in 1889 from the

University of New Zealand. By 1893 he had taken his M. A. degree with a double-

first in mathematics and physics.

In 1895 Rutherford won a prize which took him to Cambridge University. At the

Cavendish laboratory his ability was recognized at once. His earliest research was

a detector for eleclromagnetic waves, its essential feature being a small

magnetizing coil containing a tiny bundle of magnetized iron wire. Rutherford's

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second piece ni work dealt with the temporary conduction in gases which results

from ionization produced by X-rays. Later Rutherford continued his work at

Cambridge on the radiation from radium and reported in 1899 of his work.

Rutherford was one of the creators of the modern theory of radioactivity. His

nuclear theory is the greatest of all his contributions to physics. He died at

Cambridge on October 19, 1937.

I. Define the functions of the verb to have:

Radioactivity is invisible and inaudible, and we cannot feel it until we have

received too much of it and become ill. But in our nuclear age we have a vital tool,

the Geiger counter, which is used for detecting radioactivity. It was invented by

Hans Geiger, a German physicist, and has the ability to register cosmic rays as well

as gamma-rays. Geiger counters have been made for all kinds of purposes — light

ones for uranium prospecting, built-in types for atomic power stations and research

establishments; counters with warning signals for factory workers who have to

handle radioactive matter and whose hands and clothes have to be checked and so


II. Learn the new words:

a piece of work – научная работа

double-first diploma – диплом первой степени по двум специальностям

to take a M.A. degree – защищать кандидатскую диссертацию

Research Institute научно-исследовательский институт

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winner of the Nobel Prize – Лауреат Нобелевской премии

reactor атомный реактор

public figure общественный деятель


I. V. Kurchatov, a distinguished Soviet scientist, was born in 1903 in the Urals.

He studied at the University (in the Crimea) and graduated from it in 1923. Then

he worked, at the Leningrad Phvsico-Technical Institute. In the period of 1925—

№33 he made a number of experiments in dielectrics. In 1933 he began his work in

nuclear physics and in 1938 Kurchatov was appointed the director of the Nuclear-

Physics Research Institute in Leningrad. I. V. Kurchatov was a public figure. He

look an active part in social life of our country, was a member of the Presidium of

the Academy of Sciences, a deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He was an

enthusiastic fighter for peace and friendship between the peoples of the world. The

first nuclear reactor was constructed under his guidance. I. V. Kurchatov died in


A monument to Academician Igor Kurchatov (1903—1960), one of the most

outstanding physicists of our times, and a distinguished Soviet scientist, has been

unveiled in Moscow. This scientist made a tremendous contribution to the study of

the peaceful uses of atomic energy for the benefit of mankind. His name is

associated with the birth of atomic technology in our country, and with the

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exploration of ways of using it in different branches of economy. Academician

Kurchatov has three times been awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labour, and

was decorated with many Orders and medals. He was not only an outstanding

scientist, but a prominent statesman. The bronze monument has been erected in

front of the Institute of Atomic Energy which bears his name, and whose director

he was for many years.

III. Answer the questions:

1.When and where was Kurchatov born?

2.What did he graduate from?

3.Where did Kurchatov work in the period of 1925—1933?

4.Did he take an active part in social life of our country?

5.Where was he elected to?

6.What was constructed under his guidance?

IV. Define the functions of the verb to be:

1. Kurchatov was born in 1903. 2. In 1938 Kurchatov was appointed the

director of the Nuclear Physics Research Institute. 3. He was an enthusiastic

fighter for poace and friendship between the peoples in the world. 4. The

first nuclear reactor was constructed under his guidance.

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Unit 8.



Solar energy has proved to be an ideal source of power. Man had learned to

obtain electric power directly from the sun. In a climate where continuous sunshine

can be guaranteed for long periods of the year architects have designed and built

houses to be heated by solar radiation. The solar collector built into the roof

consists of a number of blackened metal plates with spaces between them. Air is

circulated between the plates and, when heated, it passes through a largecontainer

filled with gravel. During the day the gravel heats up, and at night cold air is

passed through the hot gravel and then to the rooms where warmth is required. A

surprising feature of such a system is that under suitable conditions solar radiation

can greatly raise the temperature of the air. The simple principle of focusing the

sun's rays by mirrors has been applied to create a very-high-temperature furnace

for melting metal alloys. To obtain a really high temperature for such furnaces by

traditional methods is not easy. There is a limit of the temperature that can be

achieved by combustion of fuels.

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Solar installations have no such limitations. Furnaces of this type are now under

construction in many countries. Solar energy has also proved to be an ideal source

of power for artificial satellites. The device employed for converting solar energy

into useful power is-the solar cell. This is somewhat like thermocouple which

consists of two dissimilar metals joined together. In the solar cell the junction is of

two different kinds of semiconductors and the cell is energized not by heat but by

light. The basic semiconductor employed in the solar cell is silicon in the form of a

single crystal. We know the solar energy to be produced by fusion of hydrogen

atoms into helium atoms. The reaction that takes place in the sun is made possible

due to extremely high temperatures — millions of degrees. Now the highest

temperature commonly reached on earth can be measured in thousands of degrees.

An electric arc, for instance, has the temperature of about 3000°C. There are good

prospects that this reaction of fusion can be reproduced artificially and in a

controlled way on earth. If we had succeeded in doing it we should have found a

complete solution to energy problems, for we have a vast store of hydrogen in the

oceans, enough to satisfy the world's power requirements for thousands, if not

millions of years.

How can people solve energy problems?

I. Learn the new words:

gravel — гравий

thermocouple — термопара

fusion — синтез

to succeed in — удивиться что-либо сделать

II. Pay attention to the meaning of the modal verb should and would:

1.If we were told about the disadvantages of this material we should not use it in

the device.

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2.It should be said that quantum generators are one of the outstanding discoveries

of the 20th century.

3.The launching of artificial satellites would not be possible without new sources

of energy such as solar cells.

II.Find the Infinitive and the Participle:

1.The solar cells to be installed in space vehicles will convert solar radiation into


2.There are many types of tubes which are in use, the simplest being the diode.

3.Some materials, when heated, will generate a continuous flow of electricity.

4.Non-metallic materials are of great importance, some of them being widely used

in place of metals.

5.When using a laser, the antenna system can be reduced to only a few inches.

6.Holographic television, although complex and expensive, is likely to be useful

for special purposes in the nearest future.

7.Experiments conducted recently have shown that the laser can be used for


IV. Translate sentences paying attention to the underlined words:

1. A laser is a device that produces light in an entirely different way from that of

an incandescent lamp.

2. It is electrons that enter into chemical bonds to form the vast variety of chemical

compounds we possess.

3. A laser can be used just as a radio transmitter is used.

4. As to holography (голография) it produces optical images in three dimensions.

5. Due to its great intensity laser light can be extremely harmful to the eyes.

6. Unlike the vacuum tube and the transistor, both of which amplify electric

currents, the laser amplifies electromagnetic waves.

7. For many centuries men were interested in metals that either occurred in a free

state or were obtained by metallurgical processes.

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It is rather hard to find today a field of human activities where technological

devices serving the most diverse purposes are not employed. Functions which used

to be the prerogatives of humans have imperceptibly? been transferred to

machines. Mechanical instruments perform with enviable speed the most complex

calculations, logical sequences of operations, and all sorts of forecasts. According

to some estimates, by the end of the present century the vast majority of people

will be working in the fields of science, education, trade, management and the

services industry. Only some 15 per cent of all the gainfully employed will be

concerned directly With material production. Machines and automatons will be the

chief producers of material wealth. Russia is already elaborating such machines

with an eye to the future. Here we enumerate some of them.

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An electrical generating unit of 800,000 kw capacity has been built. Its

capacity is equal to the muscle power of 30,000,000 people, one such giant being

sufficient to provide electric power for a city with a population of 1,000,000.

Power engineers are now working on a new generating unit whose capacity will

run into 1,200,000 kw. Driverless trams are operating at the Tashtagol ore mine.

Russian specialists have designed a system for automatic control of mine trams.

Only one dispatcher is needed to keep the tram traffic under observation.

A rotary excavating complex is known to be made soon. It will be able to

dig and remove 12,000 cubic metres of earth per hour. Modern technology rids

man of a host of unnecessary operations and helps him to build the material basis

for raising living standards and producing cheaper goods. We are now witnessing

truly fantastic changes in industry, transport and agriculture without which we can

hardly imagine life.

I. Learn the new words:

diverse — разнообразный

imperceptibly — незаметно

enviable — завидный

witness — быть свидетелем

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host — множество

gainfully employed — оплачиваемые служащие

with an eye to — с взглядом на

partial mirror — полупрозрачное стекло

rid — освобождать

II. Choose the correct answer:

What rids man of a host of unnecessary operations?

1.The achievements in cosmic exploration rid man of a host of unnecessary


2.Modern astronomy rids man of a host of unnecessary operations.

3.Modern technology rids man of a host of unnecessary operations.

III. Find the Gerund:

1. Radiation chemistry — a new science — is based on the property of high-energy

particles to destroy molecules of substances leading to the formation of new


2. Crystal silicon batteries collect solar energy out in space to feed various devices

in man-made satellites.

3. The transformation of atomic nuclei was found to take place within the stars at

temperatures of millions of degrees.

4. Energy is not lost by being used; it is transformed.

5. The necessity of having a continuous source-of energy for satellites led to the

development of solar cells (солнечные батареи).

6. We know a number of nuclear power plants to be under construction in the


7. Water power being one of the best and cheapest ways of producing electricity, it

is widely utilized to drive generators which provide electric current.

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II.Complete the sentences:

Beginning End

1.Our plant provided with the most

modern equipment

a) as well as a means of driving

machines in industry.

2.Experiments with solar energy


b) 16 times that of a hydrogen atom.

3.Electricity provides a clean and

efficient method of heating and lighting

c) the basic properties of the element.

4.One should know that the weight of an

oxygen atom is

d) has raised its output.

5.In the future the direct use of solar

radiation will probably be confined to

relatively small installations because of

e) obtain a continuous source of energy

for satellites.

6.It is the number of electrons within the

atom that determines

f) that it is possible to use solar energy

for many purposes.

7.As soon as solar cells were developed

we were able to

j) difficulties in collecting large amounts

of energy.


Laser — слово лазер состоит из начальных букв фразы, описывающей

функцию прибора: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation —

усиление света в результате вынужденного излучения

The laser has become a multipurpose tool. It has caused a real revolution

in technology. Atoms emit rays of different length, which prevents the forming of

an intense beam of light. The laser forces its atoms to emit rays having the same

length and travelling in the same direction. The result is a narrow, extremely

intense beam of light that spreads out very little and is therefore able to travel very

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great distances. The most common laser is the helium-neon laser in the laser tube,

containing 10 per cent helium gas and 90 per cent neon gas. At the end of the tube

there is a mirror, and at the other end there is a partial mirror. The electrons get

energy from a power supply and become "excited", giving off energy as light. This

light is reflected by the mirror at one end of the tube. It can only escape through

the partial mirror at the other end of the tube.

The first laser was built in 1960. Since then scientists have developed several

types of the laser which make use of luminescent crystals, luminescent glass, a

mixture of various gases and finally semiconductors. Having been developed at

Lebedev Institute of Physics in 1962, semiconductor quantum generators occupy a

special place among the optical generators. While the size of the ruby crystal laser

comes to tens of centimetres and that of the gas generator is about a metre long, the

semiconductor laser is a few tens of a millimetre long, the density of its radiation

being hundreds of thousands of times greater than that of the best ruby laser.

But the most interesting thing about the semiconductor laser is that it is able to

transform electrical energy directly into light wave energy. With an efficiency

approaching 100 per cent as compared to a maximum of about 1 per cent of other

types, the semiconductor laser opens up new possibilities of producing extremely

economical sources of light. But it is in the field of communication that the laser

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will find its most extensive application in future. Scientists foresee the day when a

single laser beam will be employed to carry simultaneously millions of telephone

conversations or a thousand of television programmes. It will serve for fast

communications across continents, under the sea, between the Earth and

spaceships and between men travelling in space. The potential importance of these

applications continues to stimulate new developments in the laser field. The 20th

century was often called the age of the atom, the age of polymers, or the space age.

It would be equally correct to call it the age of the laser. It is impossible to list all

the jobs the laser can do. It has become a part of our life being used in various

industries, medicine, biology, etc. It should be mentioned that all the methods we

know of processing materials with the laser were suggested not long ago.

Physicists knew of the tremendous capabilities of the laser beam, but they could

not be realized until the laser of adequate capacity was developed. To make a laser

device really useful the radiation intensity had to be increased (since capacity

determines productivity) and high beam efficiency created. Creating a highly

effective laser device is still one of the main problems of quantum electronics. In a

gas laser device all one has to do in order to increase the capacity is to increase the

volume and the pressure of gas.

I. Learn the new words:

capabilities — возможности

correct — правильный

carbon dioxide — двуокись углерода

list — перечислять

weld — сваривать

process — обрабатывать

pulse duration — продолжительность импульса

II. Answer the questions:

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1. What is the laser?

2. What is the function of the laser?

3. When was the first laser built?

5. What types of quantum generators did scientists develop after 1960?

6. What type of the laser is the most common one at present?

III. Finish sentences:

1. The list of jobs the laser can do is...

a) limited;

b) very short;

c) so long that it is impossible to name all of them.

2. The laser productivity is determined by...

a) radiation intensity;

b) the volume of gas in a laser tube;

c) the size.

3. One of the main problems of quantum electronics is...

a) creating a very small laser device;

b) creating a laser device which would operate in various conditions;

c) creating a highly effective laser device.

Do you know that...?...a laser beam is already widely used in medicine.

...a beam emitted by a helium-neon laser can be used for taking X-ray pictures,

it being quite harmless for man's organism.

...laser beams are now being used for treatment and for diagnostics of various


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Unit 9.

Robots and Computers.


Many years ago there were no electronic computers. There was only a dream of

creating a mechanism that could do the work usually done by the human brain. In

our days the first electronic machines appeared in 1945 in America. Now, if you

enter the Institute of Automatization and Telemechanics in Moscow, you will be

able to see a laboratory for the development of thinking machines. Working faster

than a human tbought, these machines must help to release the human mind from

mechanically functions and make possible a new approach to physics, mechanics,

astronomy and other sciences.


The development during the past years of fully automatic highspeed computing

machines — the so-called "electronic brains" — is having a great effect upon

computational methods in scientific work. The speed at which the calculations can

be done has been greatly increased. The machine has also made possible

calculations which could never be undertaken by even the most skilful of computer

people. Recently new and much more highly perfected machines have been built in

which transistors are used in place of ordinary electronic valves. These machines

are much faster than the previous ones. Some large computers are capable of

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translating books and articles from one language into another. Research in the field

of machine translation is actively conducted by a large number of research

institutions in different parts of the world. Computers must be distinguished from

all other machines.

The ordinary machine is built to do a certain thing. When it is turned on, it does

what it was built to do. But the computers are built to follow instructions.

Therefore, what it does at this or another time depends on what its instructions tell

it to do. A set of instructions prepared for the machine to carry out some process is

called a programme. So, when we make a machine translate, it will not be the

machine but the programme which will "do" the translating. This is perhaps like

the construction of a building. The work of constructing the building is done by

workmen, but what they do is directed by the architect. The workmen correspond

to the computer and the architect — to the programme. Though a machine that

translates from one language into another is sometimes called "a translating

machine", what it really does is word-for-word substitution. That means, it finds

Russian words in a dictionary and prints out any equivalents given by it. The

results are sometimes difficult to understand, sometimes not, but they need addi-

tional work: putting into order the results of the machine translation. With time,

when the computers will have better linguistic information they will be able to

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translate up to 6,000 words a minute, and the results of their translation will be

easier to put into order.

I. Translate into Russian:

1. Мы учимся в Чистопольском сельскохозяйственном техникуме. 2. Я

изучаю профессию монтажника. 3. После окончания техникума я буду

работать на заводе и учиться в институте. 4. Мы проходим практику в

мастерских техникума и на производстве. 5. Наш мастер —

квалифицированный рабочий. 6. Мои друзья и я — студенты. 7. Мы

обсуждаем важные вопросы на наших собраниях группы. 8. Я – староста

нашей группы.

II. Learn the proverbs:

No pains, no gains. — Без труда нет и заработка. (Без труда нет плода.)

Self done is well done. — Хорошо делается то, что делается своими руками.

Such carpenters, such chips. — Каковы плотники, таковы и щепки. (Каков

мастер, такова и работа.)

The cobbler should stick to his last. — Сапожнику следует держаться за свою

колодку. (Не за свое дело не берись.)

The early bird catches the worm.—Ранняя птичка ловит червя.

The work shows the workman. — По работе и мастера видно.

Where there's a will, there is a way. —Где есть желание, там есть и путь. (Была

бы охота, заладится любая работа.)

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Developing new methods of organization, new equipmentand new

technologies is a global process. Swift production automation, the introduction of

microprocessors, robotics, rotary and rotary-conveyer lines, flexible readjustable

production is vital for today's industry. Industrial robots play an important part in

the process. Many institutes are currently engaged in developing them. The

concept of designing robot modules is making successful headway. The task today

is to raise their reliability, speed and failure-free operation.

Russian engineers cooperate in the development of flexible production systems

with experts from different countries. Also needed for the operation of flexible

systems are robots which will transport billets and parts between machine tools, i.

e. transport robots, robot trailers, as well as measuring robots. Experts from the

Institute of Machine Studies are developing measuring manipulators and

coordinate- measuring machines. It is hard to enumerate all the problems facing

our engineers and designers in the development of flexible productions.

Automated systems of adjusting, controlling instruments, machined parts and

many other things are needed. The combination of flexible systems with the

general system of programmed production, the spreading of flexibility to the

processes of preparatory productions — foundry, forging and welding — are also

very complicated problems.

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I. Find international word-combinations and devide them into 3 groups:

Machine-building Instruments Automation

production system, flexible production system; production automation;

preparatory production; rotary line, rotary-conveyer line; robot, robotics, robot

module, transport robot, trailer measuring robot; operation, failure-free operation;

enterprise, production enterprise; measuring manipulator; foundry, forging,

welding; flexibility; reliability

II. Make up word-combinations:

1) to design a) reliability

2) to restruct b) problems

3)to introduce c) production

4) to develop d) new methods

5) to raise e) speed

6) to enumerate f) robot modules

7) to transport g) the stages of production

III. Choose the correct question for the underlined words:

1.... is facing the task ... (что? что делает? какой? что делать?) 2.... industry

facing the task ... (что делает? какой? что?) 3. ... robots play the ... (что делают?

что?) 4. ... robots play is ... (что делают? какой? что?) 5.... the task is to raise ...

(что должна делать? в чем заключается она?) 6. ... the engineer is to raise ...

(что должен делать? что делать?) 7. ... of programmed production ... (какие? что

делали?) 8. ... they programmed production ... (что делали? какие?)

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The word "robot" was first used by Czech playwright Karel Capek, who in 1920

wrote a drama about machines that could move like human beings — and do their

work. Today this idea has become a reality. Industrial robots now being

manufactured perform certain tasks even better than a human being. We are thus at

the threshold of the era of robots — what might be called a "robolution". An

industrial robot is a unit which has movement functions with a high degree of

freedom similar to human arms and hands and is able to move autonomously on

the basis of sense and perceptions.

There are six categories of robots: (1) the manual manipulator, remotely

controlled by a person, which carries out hand-and-arm functions to hold and move

objects; (2) the fixed-sequence robot, which performs a series of operations in a

preset order, always in the same series of locations in space; (3) the variable-

sequence robot, which operates in the same manner as a fixed-sequence robot but

can easily be reprogrammed for a different sequence of operations; (4) the

playback robot, which repeats a sequence of movements and operations that are

first "taught" by manual movement of a manipulator and stored in the robot's

memory unit; (5) the numerically- controlled robot, which moves from one

position to another according to numerical instructions in such forms as punched

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paper tapes or cards; and (6) the intelligent robot, an advanced type that can decide

its course of action on the basis of its sensing devices and analytical capability.

Today robots play a major role in welding, press-forming, coating and other

operations, particularly in the automotive industry.

I. Pay attention to the underlined words:

1. We should create research possibilities for those who have the ability to research


2. In stretching an elastic object such as a steel spring, for instance, there comes a

time when the elastic limit is reached.

3. Nuclear energy is of great importance, for it can be applied practically in every

sphere of life.

4. Moscow Radio has been transmitting its programmes to foreign countries for

more than sixty years.


Although he has over 60 patents to his credit, Jack Kilby would justly be

considered one of the greatest electrical engineers of all time for one invention: the

monolithic integrated circuit, or microchip. The microchip made microprocessors

possible, and therefore allowed highspeed computing and communications systems

to become efficient and convenient. Some time after earning a BSEE at the

University of Illinois (1947) and an MSEE at the University of Wisconsin (1950),

Kilby took a research position with Texas Instruments, Inc., in Dallas, Texas

(1958). Within a year, Kilby had conceived and created what no engineer had

thought possible: a small, self-contained, "monolithic" integrated circuit, in a

single piece of semiconductor material about the size of a fingernail. At the first

professional presentation of his invention, the IRE (Institute of Radio Engineers)

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Show of 1959, Kilby's colleagues were both astonished and overjoyed — and the

"fourth generation" of computers was born.

Kilby went on to develop the first industrial, commercial, and military

applications for his integrated circuits — including the first pocket calculator (the

"Pocketronic") and computer that used them. By the mid-1970s, the computing

industry was inconceivable without the microchip, which forms the basis of

modern microelectronics.

I. Underline the Gerund in the sentences and define the functions:

1. Using radioactive isotopes opens up new possibilities for medicine and


2. John Dalton stated that atoms are incapable of being destroyed or created.

3. The Curies' having discovered radium gave them the possibility of discovering

other radioactive elements.

4. One of the ways of producing tremendous energy is imitating on the Earth the

process that makes the Sun shine.

5. We know of the atomic reactor being fed with uranium 235.

6. After the young scientist's report having been discussed at the conference it was

published in a scientific journal.

7. We know of Yablochkov's having found a brilliant solution to the difficult

problem of using the electric arc for lighting.

8. While heavy atoms can be made to release energy by splitting, light atoms, such

as hydrogen, can yield energy by being fused together.

12. It is the Sun and the sunlike stars that have provided the key to the energy

conversion that can be obtained with a hydrogen plasma.

13. It was Kurchatov who discovered the isomerism of artificial radioactive nuclei.

14. It is atomic electricity that will be the electricity of tomorrow.

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II. Fill in the blankets with constructed, heat, temperature, Russia,

Periodic, cosmic.

1. Automatic interplanetary stations carrying scientific instruments will continue to

serve as the principal means of studying ... space.

2. As infra-red rays can be detected by their heat effect, they are sometimes called

... waves.

3. Since gases expand on heating and contract on cooling, it is interesting to

consider what will happen as we continue lowering their ... below 0°.

4. As soon as all the sections of Novovoronezhskaya atomic power station were

put into operation, it became one of the biggest atomic stations in ... .

5. Atomic as well as conventional power stations are being ... in Russia.

6. Mendeleyev's ... Table enabled him to predict not only the existence of some

unknown elements but their properties as well.

III. Act out the dialogue:

Jilly: Hello, James. You’ve entered the Chistopol Agricultural Technical School,

haven’t you?

James: Yes, I’ve chosen the profession of an electrician, you know. I think it’s one

of the most important and prestigious professions.

Jilly: I think so. We use electricity every day: switch on and off TV-set, play the

computer, iron our clothes, keep food in the refrigerator and many other.

Electricity is also used in industry and in agriculture. But I wonder, who advised

you to become an electrician?

James: As for me I have made my choice long ago. My choice of that profession

wasn’t sudden flash. Mankind can’t live without electricity nowadays, and I hope

to make my career in such a necessary profession.

Jilly: I wish you good luck!

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IV. Match the pictures and the words:

1. electrician (electrical fitter, wireman)

2. bell push (doorbell) for low voltage safely current

3. house telephone with call button

4. (flush-mounted) rockcr switch

5. (flush-mounted) earthed socket (wal1 socket, plug point, Am. wall outlet,

convenience outlet, outlet)

6. (surface-mounted) earthed double socket (double wall socket, double plug point,

Am. Double wall outlet, double convenience outlet, double outlet)

7. switched socket (switch and socket)

8. four-socket (four-way) adapter

9. eathed plug

10. extennsion lead (Am. extension cord)

11. extennsion plug

12. extension socket

13. surface-mounted three-pole earthed socket (or three-phase circuit) with neutral


14. three-phase plug

15. elctrric bell (electric buzzer)

16. pull-switch (cord-operated wall switch)

17. dinamer switch (for smooth adjustment of lamp brightness)

18. dry-cast rotarу switch

19. miniature circuit breaker (screw-in circuit breaker, fuse)

20. remitting button

21. set crew (for fuses and miniature circuit breakers)

22. underfloor mounting (underfloor sockets)

23. hinged floor socket for power lines and communication lines

24. floor socket with hinged lid (snap lid)

25. surface-mounted socket outlet (plug point)

26. pocket torch, a torch (Am. flashlight)

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27. drycell battery

28. cordact spring

29. strip of thermoplastic connectors

30. steel draw-in wire (draw wire) with threading key, and ring attached

31. electricity meter cupboard

32. electricity meter

33. miniature circuit breakers (miniature circuit breaker consumer unit)

34. insulating tape (Am. Friction tape)

35. fuse holder

36. circuit breaker (fuse), a fuse cartridge with fusible element

37. colour indicator (showing current rating)

38-39. contact maker

40. cable clip

41. universal test meter (multiple meter for measuring current and voltage)

42. thermoplastic moisture-proof cable

43. copper conductor

44. three-core cable

45. electric soldering iron

46. screwdriver

47. pipe wrench

48. shock-resisting safely helmet

49. tool case

50. round-nose pliers

51. cutting pliers

52. junior hacksaw

53. combination cutting pliers

54. insulated handle

55. continuity tester

56. electric light bulb (general service lamp, filament lamp)

57. glass bulb (bulb)

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58. coiled-coil filament

59. screw base


61. fluorescent tube

62. bracket for fluorescent tubes

63. electrician's knife

64. wire strippers

65. bayonet fitting

66. three-pin socket with switch

67. three-pin plug

68. fuse carrier with fuse wire

69. light bulb with bayonet fitting

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Заключение. В условиях широкого внедрения в народное хозяйство достижений науки

и техники, в век нанотехнологий возрастают требования к культурно-

техническому уровню специалистов, особенно выпускников средних и

высших учебных заведений.

Одним из основных принципов преподавания английского языка в

средних специальных учебных заведениях является принцип межпредметных

связей, особенно со специальными предметами. Специфика предмета

подсказывает возможность увязать его не формально, а логически с

преподаванием почти всех других дисциплин, изучаемых в техникуме.

Осуществление принципа межпредметных связей способствует более

глубокому и прочному усвоению изучаемого материала. Предлагается на 2

году обучения, в разделе тем «Моя будущая профессия» специально обучать

студентов терминологии на английском языке, связанной с их будущей

профессией, на базе знаний, полученных на занятиях по специальным

предметам и в процессе производственной практики в учебных мастерских

техникума или на предприятиях агропромышленного комплекса.

Студенты сельскохозяйственных техникумов, в том числе и нашего

техникума, занимаются по учебникам для ссузов, но их недостатком является

отсутствие технических текстов, которые можно было бы использовать для

профильных средних профессиональных учебных заведений.

Чтобы приблизить учебный процесс к требованиям ФГОС СПО,

преподавателю приходится обращаться к различным источникам, подбирать

специальные тексты, некоторые из них адаптировать, другие составлять

самим, используя технические характеристики, паспорта станков,

инструментов, и даже технический паспорт автомобиля или другой техники.

В данной методической разработке предлагаются разнообразные виды

работ с техническими текстами по специальности «Электрификация и

автоматизация сельского хозяйства» в средних специальных учебных

заведениях сельскохозяйственного профиля. В основу рекомендуемых

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текстов положены тексты из учебников по данной специальности на русском

языке. Помимо этого, включены оригинальные тексты, наиболее сложные из

которых адаптированы. Использованы также тексты из учебников для вузов,

тексты из газет или литературы научно-популярного характера.

При работе с техническими текстами следует выделить несколько этапов.

Первый этап – чтение всего текста с целью понимания его содержания.

Второй этап – выделение законченных по смыслу частей текста и их

последовательный перевод. Третий этап – литературная обработка перевода,

устранение стилистических неточностей.

В рекомендациях предлагаются различные виды упражнений –

лексические, грамматические, фонетические. Как правило, к каждому тексту

даются вопросы. Если текст сложный, ответы лучше давать в письменной

форме. Степень трудности упражнения диктует формы его выполнения.

Более легкие упражнения выполняются устно. Сложное упражнение

студенты выполняют сначала устно с помощью преподавателя, а затем в

письменной форме. При выполнении грамматических упражнений следует

повторить пройденный грамматический материал.

На завершающем этапе работы по темам предлагаются диалоги. Тексты

для диалогов можно заимствовать из различных учебных пособий, а также

составлять самим на базе изученной лексики. Работа с диалогами преследует

несколько целей. Прежде всего, она развивает навыки устной речи студентов,

помогает развить беглость речи, облегчает постановку правильного

произношения и интонации, способствует накоплению языкового материала,

в том числе оборотов, идиоматических выражений, речевых образцов. По

своей форме и содержанию диалоги должны быть приближены к

ситуативной беседе, чтобы их можно было использовать в разговоре.

Поэтому читать их лучше в лицах, а короткие, простые диалоги или

отдельные части – заучивать наизусть после фонетической отработки.

Важным этапом в работе с текстами, содержащими технические

термины, является введение новой лексики. После записи слов необходимо

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уделить внимание фонетике – хоровому и индивидуальному повторению

слов. Для закрепления новых слов рекомендуется делать выборочный

перевод на русский язык предложений, в которых они встречаются, это

экономит время на уроке. Аудирование, а также перевод с русского

предложений, содержащих новые слова, является важным видом работы для

закрепления новой лексики.

В зависимости от цели урока методы и приемы проведения урока

должны быть разнообразными. Правильно выбранные методы обучения

позволяют при наименьших затратах времени достичь более высоких

результатов. Я надеюсь, что данное методическое пособие окажет

действенную помощь преподавателям английского языка в осуществлении

межпредметных связей.

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Список использованной литературы.1.К.Е. Эккерсли «Английский язык» Харьков, «Каравелла», 2001.

2.И.П.Агабекян, П.И.Коваленко «Английский язык для технических вузов»,

Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2002.

3.Л.Н.Андрианова, Н.Ю.Багрова, Э.В.Ершова «Курс английского языка» (для

вечерних и заочных технических вузов) М., «Высшая школа», 2002.

4.В.Н.Бгашев, Е.Ю.Долматовская «Английский язык для студентов

машиностроительных специальностей» М., «Астрель», «АСТ», 2002.

5.С.В.Николаева, Н.Н.Дерябина «Английский язык для студентов-заочников»

Сергиев Посад, «Загорская Типография», 2005.

6.Е.Н.Комарова, Е.В.Глушенкова «Английский язык для спуз

сельскохозяйственного профиля» М., «Высшая школа», 2004.

7.У.И.Малинина, Е.А.Чижевский «Дидактический материал по английскому

языку для средних сельских технических училищ», М., «Высшая школа»,


8.А.Л.Памухина «Пособие по английскому языку для учащихся

энергетических специальностей», М., «Высшая школа», 1968.

9.А.В. Парахина «Пособие по переводу технических текстов для средних

специальных учебных заведений», М., «Высшая школа», 1972.

10.Lengish.com Простые технические тексты на английском языке.

11.Laem.ru Технический курс английского языка.

12.UciYazili.ru/index.php Технический английский.

13.u/technical texts Технические тексты на английском языке.