vegetals 6è a

The Vegetable Kingdom

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Post on 11-Jan-2017




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The Vegetable Kingdom

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•What is Vegetable Kingdom?•Plants without flower•Plants with flower The Gimnosperms The AngiospermsPHOTOSYNTHESISWhere do they live?


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What is the Vegetable Kingdom

•It’s formed of plants, they’re pluricellular and autotrophic.•They’re divided in two , the plants without flower, and the plants with flower.

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Plants without flower•This plants are normally the oldest that have been in the earth, they’re the Fern and the Moss. The Fern reproduces with spores, and the Moss too.

Fern Moss

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Plants with flowers

•There are 2 types of plants with flower

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The Gimnosperms

•The Gimnosperms are the plants with flowers that create seeds. •They are the pine tree,fir,cypress and more…

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The Angiosperms

•The Angiosperms are the plants that there flowers are divided in sepals.•There are the apple tree, rose, wheat and more…

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Where do they live?

Plants live in different parts of the world, cause not al the plants can survive on

other places

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