verbul in limba engleza

Verbul in limba engleza 1 . Trecut ( Past tense ) A ) Trecutul simplu (Simple past tense ) Afirmativ : S + verbul la forma a II a de pe lista verbelor iregulate We went to the zoo yesterday. – Am fost la zoo ieri. S + verb + ed – pentru cele regulate I phoned her. – I-am dat telefon. Negativ : S + aux DO la trecut (did) + not + verbul la infinitiv We did not finish the project in due time. – Noi nu am terminat proiectul la timp. Interogativ : Did + S + verbul la infinitiv ? Did you eat all the chocolate? – Ai mancat toata ciocolata? Trecutul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima : A. Actiuni terminate in trecut la un timp stabilit o Cand locul si timpul unde se petrece actiunea ne sunt date Marta called me in the morning from the hospital. – Marta m-a sunat dimineata de la spital. o Cand se intreaba timpul When did you go to the Opera? – Cand ai fost la Opera? o Cand timpul e definit ca rezultat al unei intrebari When did they find her? They found her 2 hours ago. – Cand au gasit-o? Ei au gasit-o acum 2 ore. o Cand timpul e definit ca rezultat al unei intrebari When did they find her? They found her 2 hours ago. – Cand au

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Page 1: Verbul in Limba Engleza

Verbul in limba engleza

1 . Trecut ( Past tense )

A ) Trecutul simplu (Simple past tense )

Afirmativ :

S + verbul la forma a II a de pe lista verbelor iregulate

We went to the zoo yesterday. – Am fost la zoo ieri.

S + verb + ed – pentru cele regulate

I phoned her. – I-am dat telefon.

Negativ :

S + aux DO la trecut (did) + not + verbul la infinitiv

We did not finish the project in due time. – Noi nu am terminat proiectul la timp.

Interogativ :

Did + S + verbul la infinitiv ?

Did you eat all the chocolate? – Ai mancat toata ciocolata?

Trecutul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima :

A. Actiuni terminate in trecut la un timp stabilit

o Cand locul si timpul unde se petrece actiunea ne sunt date

Marta called me in the morning from the hospital. – Marta m-a sunat dimineata de la spital.

o Cand se intreaba timpul

When did you go to the Opera? – Cand ai fost la Opera?

o Cand timpul e definit ca rezultat al unei intrebari

When did they find her? They found her 2 hours ago. – Cand au gasit-o? Ei au gasit-o acum 2


o Cand timpul e definit ca rezultat al unei intrebari

When did they find her? They found her 2 hours ago. – Cand au gasit-o? Ei au gasit-o acum 2


Adverbe ce se folosesc cu Simple Past Tense : yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week,

two weeks ago

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B) Trecutul continuu (Past continuous tense)

Afirmativ :

S + verbul To BE la past tense(I was

you were

he/she/it was

we were

you were

they were) + verbul de conjugat + ING

I was reading the lesson when the teacher came in. – Citeam lectia cand a intrat profesoara.

Negativ :

S + verbul To BE la past tense la forma negativa + verbul de conjugat + ING

They weren’t looking for Susan; they were looking for her sister. – Ei nu o cautau pe Susan, ei

o cautau pe sora ei.

Interogativ :

Verbul To BE la past tense + S + verbul de conjugat + ING

Was he driving too fast when he had the accident? – Conducea el prea repede cand a avut


Trecutul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima :

• actiune care se afla in desfasurare la un moment dat in trecut.

While wou were having a bath, the phone rang. – In timp ce faceai baie a sunat telefonul.

• actiune care continua de ceva vreme

Yesterday I was jogging in the park. – Ieri, faceam jogging in park.

• actiune care are loc in acelasi timp cu o alta actiune in trecut

While I was reviewing the article my husband was watching his favourite tv show. – In timp ce

eu revizuiam articolul sotul meu urmarea show-ul tv favorit.

• un echivalent in trecut al prezentului continuu

They told us they were spending the night at Select. – Ei ne-au spus ca o sa-si petreaca

noaptea la Select.

Adverbe folosite cu Past Continuous Tense: while, when , all morning, all night, as,all day

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C ) Trecutul perfect ( Past perfect simple )

Afirmativ :

S + Past tense al verbului To HAVE ( I had

you had

he/she/it had

we had

you had

they had ) + participiu trecut

Atentie: La verbele regulate participiul trecut = verb + ed iar la cele neregulate este forma a

3a de pe lista verbelor iregulate.

At last she showed me the dress she had bought. – Intr-un sfarsit, mi-a aratat rochia pe care

si-o cumparase.

Negativ :

S + Past tense al verbului To HAVE + Not + participiu trecut

They hadn’t gone to Mt. Omu, they had gone to another peak. – Ei nu au mers pe varful Omu,

au mers pe alt varf.

Interogativ :

Past tense al verbului To HAVE + S + participiu trecut

Hadn’t he loved you? – Nu te iubea?

Past Perfect Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima :

- O actiune care a avut loc inaintea altei actiuni in trecut.

By 12 o clock the cleaning lady had aired all the rooms in the hotel. – Pana la ora 12 camerista

aerisise toate camerele din hotel.

- Cauza unui efect trecut

Why did the window break? Because he had thrown a stone at it. – De ce s-a spart geamul?

Pentru ca el a aruncat o piatra in el.

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Adverbe care se folosesc cu Past Perfect Tense: just, already,when,before,after,by the time,until,by,till,as soon as.

D ) Trectul perfect continuu ( Past perfect continuous )

Afirmativ :

S+ had been + participiu prezent Participiu prezent = verb + ing

I have been thinking of writing you a mail when you called me. – Eu ma gandisem sa iti scriu

un mail cand tu m-ai sunat.

Negativ :

S + had + Not + been + present participle

I hadn’t been waiting long in a queue when I heard a voice calling my name. – Nu stateam de

mult la rand, cand au auzit o voce strigandu-mi numele.


Had + S + been + present participle

They hadn’t been doing their tasks so they didn’t get a bonus. – Ei nu si-au indeplinit din

taskuri deci nu au primit un bonus.

Past Perfect Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima :

- O actiune in desfasurare la un moment dat in trecut, durata fiind precizata.

They had been working for over an hour until the bus came. – Ei vorbisera timp de o ora pana a

venit autobuzul.

- Arata efectul unei actiuni intamplate in trecut.

Marc was tired because he had been working for a project all night long – Marc era obosit

pentru ca a lucrat pentru un proiect toata noaptea.

Adverbe care se folosesc cu Past Perfect Continuous Tense: by the time, since, for, before ,how


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2 . Prezent (present tense )

Afirmativ :

Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv

Exceptie : La pers a III sg verbul se termina mereu in –s sau – es :

The boy wants a toy car for Christmas. – Baiatul vrea o masina de jucarie pentru Craciun.

Atentie: 1. Verbele care se termina in -y la pers a III sg, y se transforma in -ies:

I cry – She cries.

I play – He plays.

2. Verbele care se termina in –o, -ss, -x, -sh, -ch primesc la pers a III sg - es

My mother usually goes to the market in the morning. – Mama se duce de obicei in piata


Negativ :

Subiect+ do not/ does not + verb

She does not sing in the school chorus. – Ea nu canta in corul scolii.

Interogativ :

do not/ does not + Subiect + verb

Does she want to participate in the competition? - Vrea ea sa participle in competitie?

Present Simple Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima :

- Adevaruri general valabile :

The earth has 2 emispheres - Pamantul are 2 emisfere.

- Actiuni repetitive:

She takes piano lessons each day at 5 o’clock. – Ea ia lectii de pian in fiecare zi la ora 5.

- Actiuni de moment, terminate in momentul in care sunt savarsite :

Mark gets out of bed, goes to the bathroom and washes his teeth. – Mark se da jos din pat, se

duce la baie si se spala pe dinti.

- Actiuni obisnuite : My grandfather and Iusually look at the starts when the sky is clear. –

Bunicul meu si cu mine, noi ne uitam de obicei la stele cand e senin.

- Actiuni planificate in viitor, obligatorii (cu verbe de miscare) :

The year ends with the 31st of December. – Anul se termina cu 31 decembrie.

Adverbe folosite cu Present Tense Simple : ever,never,always,

often,usually,rarely,sometimes,every day,every week..

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B . Prezentul continuu ( Preset continuous tense )

Afirmativ :

Subiect + Prezentul verbului “a fi” + verb+ ing :

She is cutting the cake in slices. (Ea taie prajitura felii.)

Negativ :

Subiect + Prezentul verbului “a fi” + not + verb + ing :

She is not talking at the moment, she is eating. (In acest moment ea nu vorbeste, mananca.)

Interogativ :

Prezentul verbului “a fi” + Subiect + verb + ing :

Is she smiling ? (Ea zambeste ?)

Prezentul continuu se foloseste pentru a exprima :

- actiune care se intampla in momentul vorbirii

Ex. The wind is blowing.- Vantul sufla.

It is raining outside. - Ploua afara.

- actiune care se extinde pe o perioada putin mai lunga de timp

Ex. Julia is reading a novel by Dickens. - Iulia citeste un roman de Dickens.

- actiune temporara, limitata Ex. I live in Cluj but this year I am living in Bucuresti. – Traiesc in Cluj dar in acest an locuiesc in Bucuresti.

- planuri imediate pentru viitorul apropiat

Ex. The children are going camping today. – Copiii merg cu cortul astazi.

- actiune frecvent repetata, suparatoare – se foloseste deseori cu adverbele always, forever,


Ex. Ann is always making plans without taking into consideration all the facts. – Ann isi face

mereu planuri fara sa ia in considerare toate aspectele.

- in propozitii subordonate

Ex They will go jogging while the babies are sleeping. – Ei vor face jogging cat timp copii dorm.

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Exista o serie de verbe care nu se folosesc la Prezent Continuu. Ele se impart in urmatoarele

categorii :

Verbe de perceptie : feel, hear, see, smell, taste

Verbe de opinie : assume, believe, consider, doubt, feel (= a crede), find (= a considera), suppose,


Verbe care se refera la perceptie mentala: forget, imagine, know, mean, notice, recognize,

remember, understand

Verbe care exprima emotii sau chiar dorinte : envy, fear, dislike, hate, hope, like, love, mind,

prefer, regret, want, wish

Verbe folosite pentru masurat : contain, cost, hold, measure, weigh

Alte verbe : look (= a se asemana), seem, be (in majoritatea cazurilor), have = a poseda)

Unele verbe pot fi folosite la forma continua dar isi schimba sensul :

Exemple: Verbul to see (a imagina) :

I think you are seeing things, there is no one in the house. – Cred ca iti imaginezi lucruri, nu e

nimeni in casa.

Verbul to smell (a adulmeca, a mirosi) :

She is smelling the roses.- Ea miroase trandafirii.

Verbul to look (a se uita) :

Tom is looking at Maria.

Verbul to be (a se comporta) :

She is being rude. – Ea se comporta nepoliticos.

Expresii de timp folosite cu prezentul continuu : now, at the moment, at present, these days,

still, nowadays, today, tonight.

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C . Prezentul perfect (Present perfect )

Afirmativ : Subiectul + Auxiliarul HAVE la prezent + participiul al verbului de conjugat We are not going on holiday since the prices have rise. – Noi nu mai mergem in vacant deoarece preturile au crescut. Negativ : Subiectul + have/has not + past participle al verbului de conjugat I haven’t seen her this morning, she is probably sleeping. – Nu am vazut-o de dimineata, probabil doarme. Interogativ : Auxiliarul HAVE la prezent + Subiectul + past participle al verbului de conjugat Haven’t you eaten too much chocolate already? – Nu ai mancat deja destula ciocolata? Present Perfect Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima :- o actiune care incepe in trecut, continua in trecut si se termina in prezent sau foarte aproape de prezent. Tell me, what have you done? – Spune-mi, ce ai facut? - o actiune care s-a terminat recent al carei rezultat este vizibil si in prezent We have just finished redecorating our house. – Tocmai am terminat de redecorat casa noastra. Adverbe folosite cu Present Perfect Tense: since si for, already, yet, just, ever, how long, recently,so far

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D . Prezentul perfect continuu ( present perfect continuous )

Afirmativ : Subiectul + prezentul perfect al verbului to be (have/has been)+ participul prezent al verbului de conjugat (baza + ing) They have been reading a lot of book lately. – Ei au citit o multime de carti in ultima vreme. Negativ : Subiectul + prezentul perfect al verbului to be (have/has been)+ NOT + participul prezent al verbului de conjugat They haven’t been watching TV this afternoon. – Ei nu s-au uitat la tv in acesta dupa-amiaza. Interogativ : Prezentul perfect al verbului to be + Subiectul + participul prezent al verbului de conjugat What have you been doing ? I have been working on a new project. – Ce ai mai facut? Am lucrat la un nou proiect. Present Perfect Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima :- o actiune care incepe in trecut, ajunge in prezent si are sanse de a continua in viitor. It has been snowing for 4 hours. – Ninge de 4 ore.

- o actiune recenta ar carei rezultat poate fi vazut Why is you hair wet? Because I have been swimming. – De ce ai parul ud? Pentru ca am inotat. Adverbe folosite cu Present Perfect Continuous : for, since,lately,how long 

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3 . Viitorul (future simple)

Afirmativ :

S + will + verbul la infinitiv

You will feel better if you take this pill. - Tu o sa te simti mult mai bine daca iei acesta pastila.

Negativ :

S + will not (won’t) + verbul la infinitiv

I won’t tell where she is. – Nu iti voi spune unde este ea.


Will + S + verbul la infinitiv

Will you love me in 10 years? – O sa ma iubesti si peste 10 ani?

Future simple se foloseste pentru a exprima :

- Promisiuni, amenintari, cereri, sperante

I will never tell you anything. – Nu o sa iti mai spun niciodata nimic.

- Actiuni care vor avea loc in viitor si peste care nu putem avea control

Next year Easter will be on 15 of April.

- Decizii luate pe moment, spontane

I will buy this car, I love it. – Voi cumpara acesta masina, imi place.

- Previziuni despre viitor

I believe she will be a great politician one day. – Cred ca va fi un bun politician intr-o zi.

Going To Future

Se foloseste pentru a exprima :

- Planuri, intentii pentru viitor

I am going to travel to Spain one day. – Intentionez sa vizitez Spania intr-o zi.

- Predictii bazate pe ceea ce stim sau ce vedem Look at the sky. It is going to rain soon. – Uita-te la cer, va ploua in curand. - Actiuni la care ne-am hotarat deja sa le facem in viitorul apropiat We are going to visit our relatives in the weekend. – Noi vom merge sa ne vizitam rudele in acest

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Adverbe folosite cu Simple Future Tense : tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, soon, next week, in a week, month

B. Viitorul continuu (Future continuous )

Afirmativ : S + Will be + verb + ing ( participiu) The Health Organisation will be opening a new hospital in this city. – Organizatia de sanatate va deschide un nou spital in acest oras. Negativ : S + will not (won’t) + verb + ing The train won’t be arriving any time soon; there was an accident on the road. – Trenul nu va ajunge prea curand, a avut loc un accident pe drum. Interogativ: Will + S + be + verb + ing Will you be shouting at me if I tell you the truth? – Vei tipa daca iti voi spune adevarul?

Future Continuous Tense se foloseste pentru a exprima :- Actiuni care se vor desfasura intr-un anumit punct din viitor By this time tomorrow I will be sailing on the Mediteranean Sea. - Actiuni care vor avea loc in viitor ca urmare a unei actiuni de rutina sau unui aranjament Do not interrupt her now. She will be signing a contract. – Nu o intrerupe acum. E pe cale de a semna un contract.

Adverbe si locutiuni adverbiale folosite cu Future Continuous Tense : tomorrow, by this time tomorrow.

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C . Viitorul perfect ( future perfect )

Afirmativ : S + will have + past participle al verbului de conjugat past participle = forma a III a verbului Tomorrow at 9 they will have left for Sibiu. – Maine la ora 9 ei vor fi plecat spre Sibiu. Negativ : S + will not have + past participle al verbului de conjugat When you phone Julie I will not have arrived at the station. – Cand o suni pe Julie eu nu voi fi ajuns in statie.

Future perfect se foloseste pentru a exprima :- O actiune vazuta din viitor dar care se intampla in trecut They will have had dinner by the time their friend arrives. – Ei vor fi luat cina pana vor ajunge prietenii lor.

Adverbe ce se folosesc cu Future Perfect Tense : by the time, after, until, by

D . Viitor perfect continuu (future perfect continuous )

Afirmativ :

S + will have been + present participle al verbului de conjugat ( present participle = verbul +


While Michael will have been writing his exercices, Maria will have been playing the violin. –

Cat timp Mihai isi va fi scris exercitiile, Maria va fi cantat la vioara.

Negativ :

S + will not have been + present participle al verbului de conjugat

You will not have been working here by this summer. – Tu nu vei fi lucrat aici pana in aceasta

vara.Future Perfect Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima :- O actiune in desfasurare la un moment dat in viitor, durata actiunii find precizata. Tomorrow at 7 I will have been sleeping for 10 hours. – Maine la ora 7 voi fi dormit de 10 ore.

Adverbe ce se folosesc cu Future Perfect Continuous Tense : by…for 

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