vlk/kj.k hkkx [k.m 3 mi&[k.m izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr...

3750 GI/2017 (1) jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 1698] ubZ fnYyh] c`gLifrokj] twu 15] 2017@T;s"B 25] 1939 No. 1698] NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2017/JYAISTHA 25, 1939 वािण वािण वािण वािण᭔य ᭔य ᭔य ᭔य और उोग मंालय और उोग मंालय और उोग मंालय और उोग मंालय अिध अिध अिध अिधसूचना सूचना सूचना सूचना नई ᳰद᭨ली, 14 जून, 2017 का.आ. का.आ. का.आ. का.आ. 1912 1912 1912 1912(अ). (अ). (अ). (अ).—सांियकᳱ संᮕहण िनयम, 2011 के िनयम 5 और िनयम 7 के साथ पᳯठत सांियकᳱ संᮕहण अिधिनयम, 2008 (2009 का 7) कᳱ धारा 3 और धारा 4 ᳇ारा ᮧद᭜त शितयᲂ का ᮧयोग करते ᱟए, वािण᭔य और उोग मंालय सांियकᳱय सवᱷᭃण के मा᭟यम से थोक मू᭨य सूचकांक (थो.मू.सू.) कᳱ नई ᮰ृंखला के िलए िविनमाᭅण वतुᲐ के थोक मू᭨य के आंकडᲂ के संᮕहण का िनदेश देता है, त᭜पचात् िन᭥न अनुसूची मᱶ दशाᭅये गए िववरणानुसार ["िवᱫीय वषᭅ 2017-18 के िलए मािसक थोक मू᭨य सूचकांक (आधार 2011-12 = 100) पर सवᱷᭃण" हेतु िनदट करता है।] वािण᭔य और उोग मंालय, सांियकᳱ और कायᭅᮓम कायाᭅ᭠वयन मंालय भारत सरकार कᳱ अिधसूचना सं. एस.ओ.3396(अ), ᳰदनाँक 07 नव᭥बर, 2016 िजसे आंिशक ᱨप से सांियकᳱ और कायᭅᮓम कायाᭅ᭠वयन मंालय ᳰक अिधसूचना संया एस.ओ.4091(अ) ᳰदनाँक 19 ᳰदस᭥बर, 2016, एस.ओ.125(अ) ᳰदनाँक 13 जनवरी, 2017 एस.ओ.1378(अ) 1 मई, 2017 के अंतगᭅत संशोिधत ᳰकया गया है एवं भिवय मᱶ भी समय-समय पर संशोिधत ᳰकया जा सकता है के अ᭠तगᭅत िनयुत सांियकᳱ अिधकाᳯरयᲂ को उनकᳱ उि᭨लिखत भौगोिलक इकाईयᲂ के बाबत सांियकᳱ अिधकारी के ᱨप मᱶ िनयुत करता है, ज᭥मू-कमीर रा᭔य के िलए िनयुᲦ सांियकᳱ अिधकारी को छोड़कर। अत: इसिलए, वािण᭔य और उोग मंालय सांियकᳱ संᮕहण अिधिनयम, 2008 कᳱ धारा 4 कᳱ उपधारा (2) ᳇ारा ᮧद᭜त शितयᲂ का ᮧयोग करते ᱟए िविवध सवᱷᭃण अनुभाग, राᮝीय ᮧितदशᭅ सवᱷᭃण कायाᭅलय (फᳱ᭨ड ऑपरेशन िडिवज़न), मुयालय ᭃे संकायᭅ ᮧभाग, सांियकᳱ भवन, जी.पी.ओ.ए.िबᳲ᭨डग, सी.बी.डी. शाहदरा, करकरडूमा कोटᭅ के नजदीक, ᳰद᭨ली-110032 को िव᭜त वषᭅ 2017-18 के मािसक थोक मू᭨य आंकड़े पर सवᱷᭃणाधीन सांियकᳱ संᮕहण मᱶ सहायता करने तथा पयᭅवेᭃण करने के िलए अिभकरण के ᱨप मᱶ िनयुत करता है। सांियकᳱ संᮕहण अिधिनयम, 2008 कᳱ धारा 4 कᳱ उपधारा (4) ᳇ारा ᮧद᭜त शितयᲂ का ᮧयोग करते ᱟए, वािण᭔य और उोग मंालय समत सांियकᳱ अिधकाᳯरयᲂ को उस भौगोिलक इकाई के भीतर िजसके िलए सांियकᳱ अिधकारी िनयुत ᳰकया गया है अनुबंध के आधार अिभकरणᲂ या ऐसे अिभकरणᲂ मᱶ कायᭅरत ᭪यिᲦयᲂ या कमᭅचाᳯरयᲂ को या कंपनी या संगठन या ᭪यितयᲂ कᳱ संथा को अिधिनयम कᳱ धारा 4 कᳱ उपधारा (2) और उपधारा (3) के अ᭠तगᭅत िनयोिजत करने कᳱ शित ᮧ᭜यायोिजत करता है।

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Post on 19-Jun-2018




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  • 3750 GI/2017 (1)

    jftLVh la Mh ,y&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

    vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY

    Hkkx II[k.M 3mi&[k.M (ii) PART IISection 3Sub-section (ii)

    izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY

    la- 1698] ubZ fnYyh] c`gLifrokj] twu 15] 2017@T;s"B 25] 1939 No. 1698] NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2017/JYAISTHA 25, 1939

    , 14 , 2017

    ........ 1912191219121912().().().(). , 2011 5 7 , 2008 (2009 7) 3 4 , (...) , [" 2017-18 ( 2011-12 = 100) " ]

    , . ..3396(), 07 , 2016 ..4091() 19 , 2016, ..125() 13 , 2017 ..1378() 1 , 2017 - , -

    : , , 2008 4 (2) , ( ), , , .... , ... , , -110032 2017-18

    , 2008 4 (4) , 4 (2) (3)

  • 2 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IISEC. 3(ii)] , , , 2008 4 (6) ,

    - - ,

    , 2017-18

    2017-18 , 2008 , 2011

    1. : : : :----

    , 2017 , 2018

    2. : : : :--------

    2017-18 , 2008

    3. ::::--------

    , , , ,

    4. ::::--------

    ( ) ,

    5. ,,,, ::::----

    6. ::::---- 1 , 2017 31 , 2018

    7. ::::--------

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    (2) ( ), , , / (...)

    8. , , , , :-- ,

  • Hkkx II[k.M 3(ii) Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 3

    9. ::::--------


    10. ::::---- - , , , , , ,

    11. ::::--------

    [. . ./-11/ /2013]

    . . ,



    New Delhi, the 14th June 2017

    S.O. 1912(E).In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 and section 4 of the Collection of Statistics Act, 2008 (7 of 2009) read with rule 5 and rule 7 of the Collection of Statistics Rules, 2011, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry hereby directs collection of statistics on wholesale prices of manufacturing items for the new series of Wholesale Price Index(WPI) through a statistical survey, [hereinafter referred to as Survey on monthly WPI (Base 2011-12=100) for the Financial Year 2017-18] as per the details mentioned in the Schedule given below.

    The Ministry of Commerce and Industry hereby appoints statistics officers appointed vide notification of the Government of India, in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation number S.O 3396 (E), dated the 7th November, 2016 as partially amended by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation vide notification numbers S.O.4091(E) dated the 19th December, 2016, S.O. 125(E) dated the 13th January,2017 and S.O. 1378(E) dated the 1st May, 2017 and as may be further amended from time to time as statistics officers in respect of the geographical units mentioned thereof except the statistics officer appointed for the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

    Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 4 of the Collection of Statistics Act 2008, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry appoints Miscellaneous Survey Section, National Sample Survey Office (Field Operations Division), Head Quarter, Sankhyiki Bhawan, GPOA Building, C.B.D. Shahdara, Near Karkardooma Court, Delhi-110032 as the agency to aid in and supervise the collection of statistics under the survey on monthly wholesale price data for the Financial Years 2017-18.

    In exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (4) of section 4 of the Collection of Statistics Act, 2008, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry delegates to all statistics officers, the power of appointing agencies or persons working in such agencies or employing on contract basis any agency or company or organization or association of persons, conferred on it by sub-section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 4 of the said Act within the geographical units for which the statistics officer is appointed.

    Also, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry under sub-section (6) of section 4 of the Collection of Statistics Act, 2008 delegates to all statistics officers, the power to specify the form, particulars required or the interval within which the statistic officers to whom the statistical information shall be furnished.

    The persons authorized by the concerned statistics officer shall carry a photo identity card or a letter of authorization issued by the concerned statistics officer and would be engaged in their jurisdiction for verification of information furnished by each informant, for inspecting relevant records and for seeking clarifications, as may be necessary.

    The statistics collected in respect of the survey on monthly price data for the Financial Year 2017-18 furnished by the informants, after due verification and scrutiny, shall be processed by officials working in the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion.

    The persons engaged in any activity in respect of the monthly price data for the Financial Year 2017-18 shall be governed by the provisions under the Collection of Statistics Act, 2008 and the Collection of Statistics Rules, 2011.



    1. Subject and purpose of collection of statistics.Statistics relating to wholesale prices of selected commodities manufactured by organised manufacturing sector units is regularly collected through monthly price for bulk sale at first stage of transaction on a monthly basis from April, 2017 onwards till March, 2018.

    2. Geographical area for Collection of statistics.The monthly price data for the year 2017-18 survey is conducted under the Collection of Statistics Act, 2008 for the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

    3. Method of data collection.A notice shall be issued by each statistics officer to informants under his jurisdiction, indicating therein the date by which, the officer or office to whom the unit or the units for which, and the formats in which, information is required to be furnished. A statistics officer may permit an informant to file the prescribed information in electronic form, subject to such other conditions that he may specify in the notice.

    4. Nature of informants from whom data may be collected.The owner or occupier of a unit (i.e., a factory or establishment or enterprise) selected for collection of data who would be issued notice by a statistics officer shall furnish information about the unit.

    5. Period during which collection of statistics may be completed.The date for submission of information by each informant would be mentioned in the notice and it would generally fall within one month from date of issue of notice.

    6. Reference Period.Information is required to be furnished from the 1st April, 2017 till the 31st March, 2018 on a monthly basis.

    7. Nature of information to be collected.(1) Information is required on monthly wholesale price and the item details have to be recorded along with complete contact details of the units (official e-mail, mobile number, landline number and complete postal details).

    (2) The item details to be collected include information on wholesale prices [price for bulk sale at first stage of transaction of the items], and product specifications, accounting unit, excise duty or Goods and Services Tax (as and when applicable) and trade discount.

    8. Language in which information is to be furnished by informant.An informant shall furnish information in the prescribed formats either in Hindi or in English. However data shall be reported in English.

    9. Obligation of Informant.An owner or occupier of a unit shall furnish information in the manner and by the date mentioned in the notice received by him from the concerned statistics officer. He should also furnish relevant records for inspection, and answer questions in relation to the information sought, as may be required by the Statistics officer or a person authorised by him.

    10. Nature of business records and other records which may be inspected.Business records of a unit, such as balance sheet, profit and loss account, muster rolls, attendance register, labour register, pay rolls, Directors report or any other legal document in support of the information furnished by the unit may be inspected by the statistics officer or a person authorised by him.

    11. The manner of inspection.The concerned statistics officer or a person authorised by him may verify the information furnished by a unit on the basis of business records and other records of the unit and seek clarification from the concerned owner or occupier or a person authorised by the management of the unit.

    [F. No. Ec.Ad/B-11/WPD/2013]

    G. S. NEGI, Economic Adviser

    Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064

    and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

    2017-06-20T18:37:50+0530RAKESH SUKUL