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国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心(NEAT)全国考试办公室  北京市海淀区三里河路 1号 2号楼四层  100044    电话:010-88375129/68313388-5279      传真:010-88375129    

邮箱:[email protected]        网址:www.neat.net.cn

全国中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)五级考试大纲一、考试目的《中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)》五级考试以国家教育部颁发的现行《初中英语教学大纲》为依据,以初中三(四)年即将毕业的学生为测试对象,对初中英语进行全面的综合性测试,以考查初中学生在听、说、读、写、译诸方面综合运用英语的能力。NEAT五级考试不仅对学生在整个初中阶段的英语学习提供总结性评价,而且对教师的教学情况提供积极的反馈与反拨作用,为学生升入上一级学校提供权威性的、有价值的参考信息。二、考试方法与要求《中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)》五级考试为闭卷考试,分口试和笔试两部分,总分为 120分,测试考生在听、说、读、写、译诸方面综合运用英语的能力。口试时间为每个考生 5分钟,分值为 20分。笔试考试时间为 2小时,分值为 100分,其中包括听力(30分钟,分值为 20分)、基础知识与综合能力运用(90分钟,分值为 80分)。中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)在公布测试成绩时采用分数制和等级制两种形式。等级制的评定方法是:在评卷时将把分数转换成A, B, C, D, F的等级形式,采用 A(120-90), B(89-60), C(59-40), D(39-20), F(19-0)五个等级(E通常表示成绩优秀的分数,故在此不采用)。获得A、B两个级别的考生被认定为通过考试,可获得全国考试办公室颁发的“中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)等级证书”。《中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)》五级考试以现行英语教学大纲和最新颁布的英语课程标准为依据,适用于使用人教版英语教材和其它地方英语教材版本的学生。试题说明使用汉语。阅读材料全部取自英语语言国家的报刊、杂志、文学作品和教材的原文和改写文本。阅读材料题材包括政治、社会、文化、经济、体育和科技等方面,题材包括说明文、议论文、记叙文、广告、图表和标识等。《中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)》五级考试试题为 16开纸 14个页面,相当于 10,000个汉字字符。试题形式既有考查学生语言、词汇、语法、功能意念和

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  题目 题号 分数 时间(分钟)


Ⅰ.自由对话 1-5 5 1

Ⅱ.语音语调 1-5 5 1

III.话题简答   5 1.5

IV.看图说话 1-5 5 1. 5


I.句子理解 1-5 5 (客观)

30II.对话理解 6-10 5 (客观)

III.短文理解 11-15 10 (客观)

I.选择填空 1-20 20 (客观) 90


(A) 21-25 5 (客观)


(B) 26-30 5 (客观)

(C) 31-35 5 (主观)

(D) 36-40 5 (主观)

(E) 41-45 5 (主观)

III.完形填空 46—60 15 (主观)

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IV.写作 命题作文 20 (主观)

四、实际水平描述:(一)总体目标总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。综合语言运用能力的形成建立在学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整体发展的基础上。语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础,文化意识是得体运用语言的保证。情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素,学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。这五个方面共同促进综合语言运用能力的形成。(二) 语言技能 语言技能是构成语言交际能力的重要组成部分。语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力。听和读是理解的技能,说和写是表达的技能;这四种技能在语言学习和交际中相辅相成、相互促进。学生应通过大量的专项和综合性语言实践活动,形成综合语言运用能力,为真实语言交际打基础。因此,听、说、读、写既是学习的内容,又是学习的手段。语言技能目标以学生在某个级别“能做什么”为主要内容,这不仅有利于调动学生的学习积极性,促进学生语言运用能力的提高,也有利于科学、合理地评价学生的学习结果。A.听力理解能力:1.能根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图;

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2.能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点;3.能借助语境克服生词障碍、理解大意; 4.能听懂接近正常语速的故事和记叙文,理解故事的因果关系;5.能在听的过程中用适当方式做出反应;6.能针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息。B.口语表达能力:1.能就简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见,参与讨论;2.能与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务;3.能在口头表达中进行适当的自我修正;4.能有效地询问信息和请求帮助;5.能根据话题进行情景对话;6.能用英语表演短剧;7.能在以上口语活动中语音、语调自然,语气恰当。C.阅读理解能力:1.能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义;2.能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系;3.能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局;4.能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料;5.能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息;6.能利用字典等工具书进行学习;7.除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到 15万词以上。D.书面表达能力:

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1.能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材;2.能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改;3.能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系;4.能简单描述人物或事件;5.能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。(三)语言知识基础教育阶段学生应该学习和掌握的英语语言基础知识包括语音、词汇、语法、功能和话题等五方面的内容。知识是语言能力的有机组成部分,是发展语言技能的重要基础。A.语音:1.了解语音在语言学习中的意义;2.了解英语语音包括发音、重音、连读、语调、节奏等内容;3.在日常生活会话中做到语音、语调基本正确、自然、流畅;4.根据重音和语调的变化理解和表达不同的意图和态度;5.根据读音拼写单词和短语。B.词汇:学会使用 1600个左右的单词、300个习惯用语和固定搭配。C.语法:1.了解常用语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能;2.在实际运用中体会和领悟语言形式的表意功能;3.理解和掌握描述人和物的表达方式;4.理解和掌握描述具体事件和具体行为的发生、发展过程的表达方式;5.初步掌握描述时间、地点、方位的表达方式;

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6.理解、掌握比较人、物体及事物的表达方式。D.功能:1.在日常生活中恰当理解和表达问候、告别、感谢、介绍等交际功能; 2.在日常人际交往中有效地进行表达。E.话题:1.熟悉与学生个人、家庭和学校生活密切相关的话题;2.熟悉有关日常生活、兴趣爱好、风俗习惯、科学文化等方面的话题。(四)情感态度  情感态度指兴趣、动机、自信、意志和合作精神等影响学生学习过程和学习效果的相关因素以及在学习过程中逐渐形成的祖国意识和国际视野。保持积极的学习态度是英语学习成功的关键。教师应在教学中,不断激发并强化学生的学习兴趣并引导他们逐渐将兴趣转化为稳定的学习动机,以使他们树立自信心,锻炼克服困难的意志,认识自己学习的优势与不足,乐于与他人合作,养成和谐和健康向上的品格。通过英语课程,增强祖国意识,拓展国际视野。1.有明确的学习英语目的,能认识到学习英语的目的在于交流;2.有学习英语的愿望和兴趣,乐于参与各种英语实践活动; 3.有学好英语的信心,敢于用英语进行表达;4.能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务;5.能体会英语学习中的乐趣,乐于接触英语歌曲、读物等;6.能在英语交流中注意并理解他人的情感;7.遇到问题时,能主动向老师或同学请教,取得帮助;8.在生活中接触英语时,乐于探究其含义并尝试模仿;9.对祖国文化能有更深刻的了解; 10.乐于接触并了解异国文化。

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(五)学习策略学习策略指学生为了有效地学习和发展而采取的各种行动和步骤。英语学习的策略包括认知策略、调控策略、交际策略和资源策略等。教师应在教学中,帮助学生形成适合自己的学习策略。认知策略是指学生为了完成具体学习任务而采取的步骤和方法;调控策略是指学生对学习进行计划、实施、反思、评价和调整的策略;交际策略是学生为了争取更多的交际机会、维持交际以及提高交际效果而采取的各种策略;资源策略是学生合理并有效利用多种媒体进行学习和运用英语的策略。A. 认知策略:1.根据需要进行预习;2.在学习中集中注意力;3.在学习中积极思考;4.在学习中善于记要点;5.在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题;6.借助联想学习和记忆词语;7.对所学习内容能主动复习并加以整理和归纳;8.注意发现语言的规律并能运用规律举一反三;9.在使用英语申,能意识到错误并进行适当的纠正;10.必要时,有效地借助母语知识理解英语;11.尝试阅读英语故事及其他英语课外读物。B. 调控策略:1.明确自己学习英语的目标;2.明确自己的学习需要;3.制订简单的英语学习计划;

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4.把握学习的主要内容;5.注意了解和反思自己学习英语中的进步与不足;6.积极探索适合自己的英语学习方法;7.经常与教师和同学交流学习体会;8.积极参与课内外英语学习活动。C. 交际策略:1.在课内外学习活动中能够用英语与他人交流;2.善于抓住用英语交际的机会;3.在交际中,把注意力集中在意思的表达上;4.在交际中,必要时借助手势、表情等进行交流;5.交际中遇到困难时,有效地寻求帮助;6.在交际中注意到中外交际习俗的差异。D. 资源策略:1.注意通过音像资料丰富自己的学习;2.使用简单工具书查找信息;3.注意生活中和媒体上所使用的英语;4.能初步利用图书馆或网络上的学习资源。(六)文化意识语言有丰富的文化内涵。在外语教学中,文化是指所学语言国家的历史地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、文学艺术、行为规范、价值观念等。接触和了解英语国家文化有益于对英语的理解和使用,有益于加深对本国文化的理解与认识,有益于培养世界意识。在教学中,教师应根据学生的年龄特点和认知能力,逐步扩展文化知识的内容和范围。在起始阶段应使学生对英语国家文化及中外文化的异同有粗略的了解,教学中涉及的英语国家文化知识,应与学生身边的日常生

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活密切相关并能激发学生学习英语的兴趣。在英语学习的较高阶段,要通过扩大学生接触异国文化的范围,帮助学生拓展视野,使他们提高对中外文化异同的敏感性和鉴别能力,进而提高跨文化交际能力。1.了解英语交际中常用的体态语,如手势、表情等;2.恰当使用英语中不同的称谓语、问候语和告别语;3.了解、区别英语中不同性别常用的名字和亲呢的称呼;4.了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗;5.了解英语国家正式和非正式场合服饰和穿戴习俗;6.了解英语国家的饮食习俗;7.对别人的赞扬、请求等做出恰当的反应;8.用恰当的方式表达赞扬、请求等意义;9.初步了解英语国家的地理位置、气候特点、历史等;10.了解常见动植物在英语国家中的文化涵义;11.了解自然现象在英语中可能具有的文化涵义;12.了解英语国家中传统的文娱和体育活动;13.了解英语国家中重要的节假日及主要庆祝方式;14加深对中国文化的理解。五、测试范围(一)语音项目表 1、基本读音:(1)26个字母的读音;(2)元音字母 a, e,i(y),o,u 在重读音节中的读音;(3)元音字母在单词中的基本读音;

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(4)常见的元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音;(5)常见的辅音字母组合在单词中的基本读音,如: th,sh,ch等;(6)辅音连缀的读音;(7)成节音的读音。2、重音:(1)单词重音;(2)句子重音。3、意群的读音:(1)连读和失去爆破;(2)弱读与同化。4、语调与节奏:(1)语调 (升调,降调);(2)节奏。(二)语法项目表 1、名词 (1)可数名词及其单复数(2)不可数名词 (3)专有名词 (4)名词所有格 2、代词(1)人称代词 (2)物主代词 

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(3)反身代词 (4)指示代词 (5)不定代词 (6)疑问代词 3、数词 (1)基数词 (2)序数词 4、介词和介词短语 5、连词 6、形容词 (比较级和最高级)

7、副词 (比较级和最高级)

8、冠词 9、动词 (1)动词的基本形式 (2)系动词 (3)及物动词和不及物动词 (4)助动词 (5)情态动词 10、时态 (1)一般现在时 (2)一般过去时 (3)一般将来时

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(4)现在进行时 (5)过去进行时 (6) 现在完成时11、被动语态 12、非谓语动词 (1)动词不定式 (2)动词的-ing形式 (3)动词的-ed形式 13、构词法 (1)合成法 (2)派生法 (3)转化法 (4)缩写和简写 14、句子种类 (1)陈述句 (2)疑问句(3)祈使句 (4)感叹句 15、句子成分 (1)主语 (2)谓语 (3)表语 

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(4)宾语 (5)定语 (6)状语16简单句的基本句型 17主谓一致18并列复合句19主从复合句 (1)宾语从句 (2)状语从句 (3)定语从句 (三)功能意念项目表1.社会交往 (Social Communications)

(1)问候 (Greetings)

(2)介绍 (Introduction)

(3)告别 (Farewells )

(4)感谢 (Thanks )



(7)请求允许 (Asking for permission )

(8)祝贺与祝愿 (Expressing wishes and congratulations)

(9)提供帮助 (Offering help)

(10)约会(Making appointments )

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(11) 打电话 (Making telephone calls )

(12) 就餐 (Having meals)

(13)就医 (Seeing the doctor)

(14)购物 (Shopping)

(15) 问路 (Asking the way)

(16)谈论天气 (Talking about weather)

(17)语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)

(18)提醒注意 (Reminding and warning)


(20) 建议(Suggestions)

2.态度 (Attitudes)

(1) 同意和不同意 (Agreement and disagreement)

(2)喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)

(3)肯定和不肯定 (Certainty and uncertainty)

(4)可能和不可能 (Possibility and impossibility)

(5)能够和不能够 (Ability and inability)

(6)偏爱和爱好 (Preference and hobbies)

(7)意愿和打算 (Intentions and plans)

(8)希望和愿望(Hope and wish)

(9)表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)

(10)责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)


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(7)恐惧 (Fear)


(1)时刻(Point of time)


(3) 频度(Frequency)

(4) 时序(Sequence)











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(3)材料 (Material)









9.比较 (Comparison)

(1)同级比较 (Equal comparison)

(2)差别比较(Comparative and superlative)

(3)相似和差别(Similarity and difference)

10.逻辑关系(Logical relations)

(1)原因和结果 (Cause and effect )


11.职业 (Occupation)



(四)话题项目表1.个人情况 (Personal information)

2.家庭、朋友与周围的人 (Family, friends and people around)

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3.周围的环境(Personal environments)

4.日常活动(Daily routines)

5.学校生活(School life)

6.兴趣与爱好 (Interests and hobbies)

7.个人感情 (Emotions)

8.人际关系 (Interpersonal relationships)

9.计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)

10.节假日活动 (Festivals, holidays and celebrations)

11.购物( Shopping)

12.饮食(Food and drink)



15.文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)

16.旅游和交通(Travel and transport)

17.语言学习(Language learning)

18.自然 (Nature)

19.世界和环境(The world and the environment)

20.科普知识与现代技术 (Popular science and modern technology)

21.热点话题 (Topical issues)

22.历史和地理( History and geography)

23.社会 (Society)

24.文学与艺术 (Literature and art)

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(五)词汇表(共约 1600个单词,300个习惯用语)


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a bit(of), a bottle of, a few, a glass of, a little, a lot of, a lot, a moment ago, a moment later, a pair of, a piece of, a place of interest, a shop assistant, a TV set, able, above, abroad, accident, across, active, activity, advertisement, aeroplane, afford, afraid, Africa, after a while, after class, again and again, again, against, ago, agree with, agree, aha, air, airport, alike, alive, all by oneself, all day, all kinds of, all over, all the same, all the time, all, allow, almost, alone, along, already, also, although, always, amaze, amazing, America, among, and so on, angel, angry, another, any more, anybody, anyone, anything, anytime, anywhere, appear, April, arm, around, arrive, art, artist, as if, as long as, as soon as, as usual, as well, as, as…as, Ashland, ask for, asleep, assistant, at all, at breakfast, at first, at last, at least, at midnight, at night, at once, at sea, at the age of, at the beginning of, at the end of, at the head of, at the moment, at the same time, at times, attack,attract, audience, August, Aussie, Australia, Australian, autumn, awake, away


baby, back, bad, badly, bamboo, band, bang, bank, barn, base on, base, baseball, BASIC, basket, basketball, be / get lost, be able to, be afraid of, be amazed at, be angry with, be awake, be born, be busy doing, be excited about, be famous for, be fed up with, be filled with, be full (of), be good at, be interested in, be late for, be made in, be made of, be pleased with, be proud of, be used for, be, beach, bear, beat ,Beatles, beautiful, because, become, beef, beeper, beer, before long, before, beg one’s pardon, beg, begin, beginning, believe, below, Berlin, best, best-seller, better, bill, billion, biology, birthday, bit, bleat, blind, blow, boat, boating, body, book, bookmark, bookshop, boot, boring, born, borrow, Boston, both, both… and, bottle, bowl, Brazil, bread, break, Brussels, breathe, bridge, bright, brightly, bring, Britain, British, brochure, broke, broken, brush, build, building, bus station, business, businessman, busy, but, butter, button, buy, by, by air by plane, by sea, by ship, by the time, by the way, writing brush


call, cabbage, café, Californian, camera, Canada, Canadian, cancer, cage, Cairo, candle, canoe, Canon, Capital, captain, card, care, careful, carefully, Cape Town, careless, carrot, carry, carry on, catch, catch up with, cause, CD player, celebrate, cent, centre(center), century, certainly, challenge, chance, change, channel, chart, cheap, check, check-out, cheese, chemistry, chess, chicken, chimney, chips, chocolate, choose, chopsticks, Christmas, church, cinema, circle, city, clean, cleaner, clear, clearly, clever,

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click, climb, close, closed, cloud, cloudy, club, code, coffee, coke, coin, cold, collect, college, colourful, come along, come down, come on, come out, come over, come to oneself, come true, come up with, comfortable, company,competition, complain, composition, concert, conductor, confidence, confident, congratulation, connect, contribution, conversation, cook, cookie, cool, copy, coral, corn, corner, correct, cost, cotton, cough, could, country, countryside, cousin, cover, cow, crash, cream, credit, crop, cross, crossing, crowd, cry, cupboard, cut, cut down


dance, danger, dangerous, date, day, daytime, dead, deaf, deal, dear, death, December, decide, decision, decorate, deep, deer, delicious, describe, description, desert, deserve, detective, develop, diagram, diary, dictionary, die, difference, different, dig, digital, dim, dining room, dinner, dinosaur, directly, dirty, disappear, disappearance, discover, discuss, discussion, disease, dish, display, disturb, dive, diver, do (some) reading, do homework, do morning exercises, do one’s best, do well in, document, dollar, dolphin, doorbell, double, down load, down stairs, draw, dream, drink, drive, driver, drop, drop off, drought, dry, duck, dumpling,   during, dustbin, DVD


each, each other, ear, earlier, early, earth, earthquake, easy, east, eat, eat up, edge, education, eighteenth, either,either…or, eighth, electronic, elephant, empty, encourage, end, engineer, English-speaking, enjoy, enjoy oneself, enjoyable, enough, enter, entrance, environment, escape, especially, essential, eve, even, even though, evening, event, ever, ever since, every, everybody, everything, everywhere, exactly, exam, example, excellent, except, excited, exciting, exercise, exit, expect, expensive, experience, expert, explore, explorer, eye, for example


face, fact, factory, fail, fall, fall asleep, fall behind, fall down, fall off, family name, famous, fan, far, far away, farm, farmer, farming, farmland, farther, farthest, fast, fat, feather, February, feed, feel, festival, few, field, field trip, fifth, fill, film, final, find out, finger, finish, fire, fireplace, first, first of all, fish, fishing, fit fix, flight, flood, fly, fog, foggy, follow, food, foot, foreign, foreigner, forest, forever, fork, form, fossil, found, fox, fragile, France, free, freeze, French, Frenchman, Friday, fridge, friendly, friendship, frighten, frightened, from, from now on, from…to, front, fruit, frustrate, frustrated, full, fun, future

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garden, gate, gatekeeper, generosity, geography, Germany, get …back, get back, get down, get married, get off, get on(a bus), get on well with, get to, get, get-together, give a concert, give birth to, give up, give…a hand, given-name(first name), glass, go, go back, go boating, go fishing, go hiking, go on doing(sth.), go out, go over, go shopping, go skating, go straight along, go to bed, go wrong goal, Gobi Desert, golf, goodness, grab, graduate, grand, grape, grass, grateful, great, greet, ground, group, grow, grow up, guide, Gum Tree


hair, had better(do), half-way, hall, hamburger, hand, hand in, hands up, hang, happen, happily, happy, hard, hardly, hard-working, harm, Harvard, harvest, has, hate, have a(good)rest, have a cold, have a cough, have a good time, have a try, have sports, have to, Hawaii, head, headmaster, heal, health, healthily, healthy, hear, heart, hear of, heavily, heavy, height, help yourself to, help…with, helpful, hey, high, high jump, high school, hike, hiking, him, himself, history, hit, hobby, hold, hold a sports meeting, hold on, hole, holiday, hometown,  homework, Honolulu, hooray, hope, horse, hospital, hot, hot dog, hotel, hour after hour, housework, how long, how much, however, hug, huge, human being, human, hungry, hurry up, hurry, hurt


ice, ice cream, iceberg, icon, idea, if, ill, imagine, important, improve, in a hurry, in fact, in front of, in front, in the air, in the day, in the end, in the future, in the open air, in this way, in time, increase, India, Indian, information, injection, Inner Mongolia, inside, inspector, instead, instead of, instruction, interest, interested, interesting, internet, into, invent, invention, inventor, invite, island, Italian, Italy


Japan, jacket, January, job, join, joke, journalist, journey, juice, July, jump, jumper, June, just, just now, just then


Kilo, Mount Godwin Austen Kashmir Mountain, a kind of, keep, keep doing something, key, kid, kill, kilometer(kilometer), kind, kind-hearted, kinds of , kitchen, knee, knife, knock at, knock on, knock, knowledge

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lake, lab(laboratory), ladies’ room, lady, land, language, lap, large, large number of, last, later, later on, laugh at, laugh, lay, lazy, leaf, learn, learn…from, least, leather, leave, leave …behind, left, leg, lend, less, less than, lesson, letter, librarian, library, lie, life, lifeboat, lifetime, lift, lion, list, listen, listen to, litter, live on, live, lively, Liverpool, living room, lock, lonely, long, long jump, look for, look out, look over, look up, lose, lost, lot, lots of, loud, loudly, loudspeaker, low, luck, luckily, lucky


machine, madam, magazine, magical, mail, mainland, make, make a contribution to, make a decision, make a mistake, make a noise, make faces, make friends, make money, make one’s way to, make phone calls, make room for, make sure, make telephone calls, make the bed, make up one’s mind, manager, Manchester, man-made, March, market, marry, match, math, maths, matter, may, May, maybe, meal, mean, meaning, meat, medicine, meeting, Melbourne, melon, member, memory, mend, mention, menu, merry, message, metal, metre(meter), microcomputer, Microsoft, mid-autumn, midfield, midfield player, milk, million, mind, minibus, minute, miss, missing, mist, mistake, misty, mobile, mobile phone, model, modem, moment, Monday, monitor, monkey, month, moon, moon cake, moonlight, more, more and more, more or less, more than, morning paper, Moscow, most, mostly motorbike, mount, Mount Qomolangma, mountain, mouth, mouth-to-mouth, move, moving, Ms, Multiply, multiply… by, mummy, museum, music, myself


New York, natural, nearby, nearly, neatly, necessary, neck, necklace, need, neighbour, neighbourhood, neither, neither…nor, Nepal, nervous, never, never mind, New Jersey, New Zealand, news, newspaper, next to, ninth, no longer, no matter, nobody, noise, noisy, none, noodle, nor, north, northeast, northern, northwest, nose, not as/so…as, not only… but also, not…any more, not…at all, nothing, notice, novel , November, nurse, nut, nylon


of course, object, ocean, October, offer, office, often, oil, Olympic, on display, on earth, on foot, on one’s way to, on, on show, on the left / right side, on the other hand, on time, on watch, once, once upon a time, one day, one-way, onion, online, onto, open, open up, opera, opposite, order, ordinary, other, Ottawa, ouch, ourselves, out, out of, outdoor, outside, over, own, owner, Peking Opera

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park, page, pain, painful, painter, painting, pair, palace, pan, panda, paper, pardon, parking, part, part-time, party, pass, pass on, passenger, past, path, patient, pause, pay for(sth.), pay, PE(physical education), pea, penguin, pepper, performance, perhaps, person, personal, pet, phone, physics, piano, pick up, pick, picnic, pie, piece, pig, pill, pink, pity, pizza, place, plan, plane, plant, plastic, plate, play a joke on, play, player, playground, pleasant, pleased, pleasure, pocket, point at, point to, point, police, politely, pollute, polyester, pool, poor, popular, population, pork, porridge, possible, post, post office, postal, postcard, postman, potato, pound, pour, practice (practise), practice, prefer to, prefer, present, press, pretty, prevent, price, pride, print, printer, prize, probably, problem, produce, program (programme), progress, protect, proud, provide, province, public, pull, pumpkin, pupil, push, put (sth.) down, put away, put off, put on, put up, the Summer Palace


question, quarrel, quarrel with, queue, quick, quickly, quiet, quietly, quite


read, 100-metre race, rabbit, race, racket, radio, rail, railway, rain, rainy, rather, rather than, reach, reading, ready, real, realize, really, receive, recycle, reef, refuse, regard, regard… as, relative, relax, relay, remember, repair, reply, report, rest, restaurant, result, return, review, rewarding, rice, rich, Richmond, riddle, ride, ridge, right, right now, rim, ring, ring up, road, rob, robber, robbery, robot, rock, rocket, roller-skating, Rome, room, rough, round, round-trip, rub, rubbish, rule, run, run away, runner, rush out, rush, Russian


safe, sad, sadly, safety, salesgirl, salt, San Francisco, sand, sandwich, satellite, Saturday, save, say, say goodbye to, scenery, schoolboy, schoolyard, science, scientist, scissors, score, Scotland, screen, scuba diving, scuba, sea, seafood, search, season, Seattle, second, secondhand, seem, self-respect, sell, seller, send, send up, September, serious, serve, set, set off, set one’s mind to do, several, shall, shape, shark, shelf , shellfish, shepherd, shine, ship, shoot, shop, shopping, shopping list, short, shot, should, shout, show, shower, showery, shut, shut down, shy, sick, side, sign, silently, silk, since, sing, singer, single, sink, size, skate, ski, sleep, slipper, slow, slow down, slow, slowly, smell, smile, smog, smoke, snake, snow, snowman, snowy, so, so far, so that, so-called, soccer, society, sock, software, soil, soldier, solve, somebody, someday, someone,

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something, sometime, sometimes, somewhere, sonata, song, soon, sooner or later, so-so, sound, soup, south, space, spaceship, speak highly of, speaker, special, speed, spend, spill, spirit, spit, spoil, spoon, sport, Spring Festival, spring, square, stamp, stand,  stand in line, star, start, starting / finishing line, station, stay, steal, steep, steer, steering wheel, step, stick, still, Stockholm, stocking, stop, stop...from, store, storm, story(storey), straight, strange, street, striker, strong, study, subject, success, successfully, such, suddenly, sugar, suit, summer, sun, Sunday, sunglasses, sunny, sunshine, supermarket, suppose, surf, surfer, surfing, surprise, Sweden, Swedish, sweep, sweet, swim 


table tennis, tail, take, take / leave a message, take a seat, take an active part in, take care of , take exercise, take off, take one’s place, take out, take photos, take time, take turns, take–away, talk, talk about, talk with, tape, taste, taxi, TB, teach, teach oneself, team, teamwork, teapot, tear, technology, telegraph, telephone, tell, temperature, tennis, tent, Terra Cotta Warriors, terrible, terrific, textbook, than, thankful, thanks to, Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving Day), the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, the Great Hall of the People, the Great Wall, the Himalaya Mountains, the more, the better, the Olympic Games, the Palace Museum, the same as, theatre(theater), themselves, then, there, thief, thin, think about, think of, third, thousand, thirsty, though, thought, through, throw, throw about, Thursday, tick, ticket, tidy, tie, tiger, till, time, tired, Titanic, to one’s surprise, toe, tofu, together, toilet, tomato, tomb, tomorrow, tonight, too, too…to, tool, tooth, top, Toronto, tourist, towards, town, toy, track, tractor, traditional, traffic, train, training, trap, travel, traveler, treat, trip, trip over, trouble, truck, true, truth, try, try on, try out, T-shirt , Tuesday, turkey, Turkey, turn, turn down, turn off, turn on, turn…over, turning, twelfth, twentieth,  twenty-first, twice, two-story, type


UK, underground, undersea, universe, university, unless, unlucky, unusual, upstairs, USA, use, used, used to, usual, usually


vegetable, vet, victim, video, village, visit, visitor, voice, volleyball


walk, a waste of time, wag, Waikiki, wait for, wait, waiter, waiting room, wake, wake up, wallet, war, wardrobe, warm, warn, was, wash, Washington, waste, watchtower, water, water-ski , wave,

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weak, wear, wear out, weather, Wednesday, week, weekday, weekend , well, well done, were, west, western, wet, wheat, wheel, when, whenever, wherever, whether, while, whole, whom, why, wide, widely, win, wind, windy, wine, winner, winter, wish, with, without, wonder, wonderful, wood, wool, wool(l)en, word, work out, workplace, world, worm, worried, worse, worst, worth, wound like, wow, write, write down, writer, wrong


yeah, yard, year, yen, yesterday, yet, yip, yippee, Yorkshire, yourselves, yo-yo

