wellaware - spring 2012

t www.mcmc.net Mid-ColuMBia MediCal CeNTeR Reaching for the Sky Hood River Artist Faces Cancer Head On Spring 2012 Community Benefit Report New Heart Specialist and Pediatrician Tips for Healthy, Vibrant Skin

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WellAware is a medical and community publication created twice a year by Mid-Columbia Medical Center in The Dalles, Oregon.


Page 1: WellAware - Spring 2012



Mid-ColuMBia MediCal CeNTeR

Reaching for the SkyHood River Artist Faces Cancer Head On

Spring 2012

CommunityBenefit Report

New HeartSpecialist andPediatrician

Tips for Healthy, Vibrant Skin

Page 2: WellAware - Spring 2012

Dear Neighbor

In the 23 years that I have had the good fortune of being associated with Mid-ColumbiaMedical Center, stories of our innovative, humanistic approach to caring for our patients and communities have appeared in literally hundreds of media outlets aroundthe globe.

Needless to say, we are not used to the kind of attention we have received lately relatedto the alleged acts of an anesthesiologist who once was entrusted with the care of ourpatients. Certainly we have never had to endure a series of one-sided statementsdesigned to discredit our own handling of the related investigation.

In the history of this organization, this is the first time that our deep commitment to ourpatients’ safety has been compromised so terribly. Measures that were always in placeto safeguard our patients have been revisited and strengthened where necessary tohelp ensure this can never happen again, but we know we can’t make the pain go away quickly.

Our hearts go out to the victims of these horrific acts and their loved ones. They havesuffered most of all. But this has also been painful for every member of the Mid-Columbia Medical Center family, including all the employees, physicians and careproviders, volunteers and board members who have worked so hard to build a trulyspecial, and safe, center of healing.

It is especially painful to endure the allegations made against this organization, andthe good people who comprise it, without having the freedom to respond withcomplete facts — with our side of the story.

Winston Churchill said, “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it,ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

We will have our time, and trust that in the end any questions youmay have will be answered. But for now please accept myassurances, and those of every member of our organization,that nothing is more sacred to us than the safety and wellbeing of our patients.

Duane FrancisPresident/CEO


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It is Our Mission…

To lead and act as a catalyst inpromoting health for all people. To recognize the individual as awhole human being with differentneeds that must be enthusiasticallymet. To communicate a vision ofhealth, art, education, technologyand create a center for healingwhich will continually upgrade thequality of life in the communityenvironment in which we live. Toempower people to becomepartners in their health care.

Mid-Columbia Medical Center is a not-for-profit healthcare organization offeringcomprehensive services to the Mid-Columbia Region and governedby a volunteer Board of Trustees:

Robert L.R. Bailey Daniel Boldt Paul Cardosi, M.D. Rob Carnahan Duane Francis Gretchen Kimsey Carina Schmidt Wallace Wolf, Jr., D.V.M.

WellAware is published by:

Mid-Columbia Medical Center1700 East 19th StreetThe Dalles, OR 97058mcmc.net

Editor: Dick Baltus e-mail: [email protected]

Writers: Dick Baltus, Cate Hotchkiss, Mark Adams

Photography: Lauri Streaker Pages 8-15Jim Semlor Pages 2, 4-7

Printed with Agri based inks on recycled paper,10% post consumer.All rights reserved. No informationmay be reprinted without the written consent of MCMC.


In This Issue:

4 6 9

11 15 16

18 20

Still Laughing: Still GoingHood River artist Kathy Watneuses her mother’s words asinspiration to face cancer headon, and her own strength andresiliency to overcome it.

Women Treating WomenThe care team at Celilo CancerCenter treats every patient asif he or she were a member ofthe family. But a special bondis created when women carefor women.

Deep in the HeartMCMC’s new pediatricianDenis FitzSimon, M.D.,provides skilled andcompassionate care to area children.

Community Benefit Report

Step-by-Step PlanningMCMC’s coordinatedrehabilitation programsprovide a comprehensivecontinuum of care to help patients.

Bright Lights, Small CityNew heart specialist Dr. KevinWei brings internationalexpertise and another OHSUconnection to his newpractice at Water’s Edge.

Healthy EdgeIncluding tips for takingcare of the skin your in.

Wellness at Water’s Edge Clinics, classes and programs tohelp you reach your healthy best.

Spring 2012

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Still Laughing; Still Going StrongHood River artist Kathy Watne uses her mother’s words as inspiration to face cancer head on and her own strength and resiliency to overcome it.

It was June 2011, and Kathy Watne, aHood River enamel artist, was branchingout. Inspired by her expansive gardenand the trees visible through her studiowindow, ideas were flowing. She keptan extra close eye on the trees.

“When you’re a windsurfer, you’realways looking at the trees becausewhen they start moving around, it’stime to go down to the river,” Watneexplains.

Watne’s renderings of trees are asdelightful and uplifting as she. By firingopaque and transparent enamels onsmall copper plates, a new approachfor the long-time jewelry maker, hertrees display depth, texture and vitality.They form a grove on her studio wall.Some stand straight and tall; somesway. Her birch trees shine. “Fall Tree” is dropping its leaves.

Life was good last June. In addition toenjoying a surge in creativity,windsurfing season had arrived. Plus,she was planning to spend a month inHawaii with her husband, Stewart. Thecouple enjoyed an active lifestyletogether windsurfing, cycling, hiking,skiing and riding motorcycles.

Cancer was not supposed to be part of Watne’s inspired life.

But there it was — a dark shadow on a routine mammogram that led to a second mammogram. That wasfollowed by a biopsy and surgery

to remove a raisin-sized tumor and threelymph nodes, two of which turned out to be cancerous resulting in the finaldiagnosis: Stage IIA ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

“It all happened so fast,” says Watne, then54. “I hardly had time to think about it.”

She and Stewart were in shock.

“It just didn’t seem like I had cancer. Whenyou have the flu you feel sick or when youbreak your leg you feel something. But withcancer, I didn’t feel anything.”

When her doctor recommendedchemotherapy and radiation treatmentbecause the cancer had spread to thelymph system, shock turned to fear.

“When I heard ‘chemo,’ I thought, Oh myGod, that’s the death sentence,” she says.

Yet, despite her fear, Watne wasdetermined to take the scary diagnosis and treatment in stride.

“When I told my mom I had cancer, shesaid, ‘You were the little girl who would falldown in the mud and get up laughing andkeep going.’”

Resiliency was something Watne couldcount on.

At Ease at Celilo

Watne’s surgeon recommended CeliloCancer Center for her treatment. Celilo’swarm staff and tranquil environmentimmediately put Watne at ease.

After just one visit, she says, everyoneknew her name. She also appreciated thecenter’s lush gardens, soothing waterfeatures and abundant natural light,which reflected elements in her ownhome.

There were sweeping views of theColumbia River. Art by local artists hungon the walls. This was her kind of place,even if it was a place for cancer care.

In July, Watne started her eight-monthtreatment: six intravenous chemotherapytreatments followed by radiation therapyto destroy any remaining cancer cells andreduce the risk of cancer’s return.

She recalls how helpful the entire staffwas. Melodi Johnson, R.N., Celilo’s nursenavigator and breast care coordinator,empowered her with lots of usefulinformation and resources, helping todemystify the treatment process.

“She really helped me understand whatwas going on,” says Watne.

By Cate Hotchkiss

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Jessica Vincenzo, M.S.W., Celilo’s socialworker, made sure that not only Watnewas doing O.K., but that Stewart’s needswere met, too. The center’s oncologynurse practitioner, Nina Van Es, A.N.P.,consistently checked in with Watne tofind out how she was feeling, sleepingand eating.

Watne had chemo every 21 days onTuesdays. Like clockwork, when theweekend hit after a treatment, she felttired and her taste buds changed. Afterdropping five pounds following the firsttreatment, Watne asked Van Es, “Is this a cancer treatment program or just aweight-loss program from hell? Maybe I’ll lose weight!”

Even through cancer, Watne maintainedher upbeat spirit—and eventually, herhealthy appetite, both of which, she says,helped keep her strong. She also tookadvantage of complementary therapiesoffered on-site including massage, theJacuzzi, sauna and acupuncture toreduce the negative side effects of thepowerful chemicals in her bloodstream.

“Everyone at Celilo truly listened to myneeds,” she says. “I was able to maintain apretty normal lifestyle going through this.”


“I have great, close, true friends.

I knew they had my back. Cancer

has probably mademe closer to them.”

— Kathy Watne

Watne wasn’t shy about voicing an importantconcern: For example, could she and Stewartstill go to Maui in October? Because she didso well during treatment, the Celilo providerscreated a treatment schedule that allowedher to go.

“I may have had cancer, but I was in Hawaiisitting on the beach. I wasn’t going tocomplain”, she says.

Sisterhood of Support

Before heading to Hawaii, Watne startedlosing her hair.

“When it started falling out, it really startedfalling out,” she says, “It was a milestone —you wonder when it’s going to happen.”

To mark the event, she invited her girlfriendsto a party at Atomic Hair Lounge in HoodRiver where good friend and stylist JanieneCrum carefully shaved Watne’s head. Herfriends took a video.

“Janiene did a great job,” says Watne. “It wasliberating to have my head shaved. I kind ofsecretly always wanted to shave my headbecause it would fit better under amotorcycle, cycling or windsurfing helmet.”

After it was shaved, her girlfriends assuredher she had a nice head. She admits thatwhen she first found out she had cancer, shedidn’t want to worry them.

“I didn’t want to tell my friends I had cancerfor a long time because it was such awfulnews, but then I thought if it were one of mygirlfriends, I’d want to know. So I emailed allmy friends,” Watne says.

They rallied around her and supportedher every step of the way, includingsetting up a driving schedule so she’dnever have to drive herself from HoodRiver to The Dalles and back. There was afriend or family member with her for eachfive-hour chemo treatment.

“I have great, close, true friends. I knewthey had my back. Cancer has probablymade me closer to them.”

When Watne felt comfortable enoughwalking around the beach in Hawaiiwithout a hat on, a couple of women onthe beach approached her with their owncancer stories.

“I’ve talked to women with good stories,”she says. “They were amazed I was outthere windsurfing. I felt like I was gettingsupport everywhere.”

Standing Tall and Strong

Watne had her last radiation treatment inFebruary. Her prognosis is good. Her hairis growing back, but she thinks she’ll keepit short.

“It’s coming back in all these weird colors,”she says. “It’s cool. I’m thinking about ahenna (natural dye) design.”

She refers to her cancer surgery as her“raisonectomy” and her time at Celilo aspositive and nurturing.

In the back of her mind, she wonders if thecancer will return, but like her trees shestands tall, strong and rooted in the earth,while continuing to reach for the sky.

“Fall Tree”

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“Every woman I treat reminds me not to take life for granted.”

— Dr. Ann Harris

The care team atCelilo Cancer Centertreats every patientas if he or she were a

member of the family.But a special bond iscreated when women

care for women.

The word “celilo” means “the sound of water upon the rocks,” which echoes the powerful spiritof hope and healing that so well defines Mid-Columbia Medical Center’s one-of-a-kindcancer center. On the following pages, we show glimpses of this spirit through the words ofthe women whose hands, hearts and minds contribute so much to the unique healingenvironment that is Celilo.

We also celebrate the united spirit of women helping women — a “sisterhood” eloquentlydescribed by Celilo’s social worker Jessica Vincenzo, who says:

“All humans are connected. All women are really connected. We all have an experience somewherethat is like one another. A woman with breast cancer is a part of you. How you help her movethrough her experience has to be sensitive to the female, not just the patient.”

Ann Harris, MD, Surgeon

As the surgeon, I am usually the first physician on thecancer treatment team that meets with patients. Thefirst visit consists of a lot of education on their cancerand cancer in general.  We go over the team approachand explain the different aspects of care they may receive. We also discuss the surgeries in particular and whichone would best suit them. I also try to provide a lot ofreassurance that they are not alone in this fight, theyare going to get through this and aren't going to die. 

It is amazing to work with women. Maybe it isbecause, as a woman, I can understand their thoughtprocess. But connecting with them on a personallevel, when they are going through what is likely themost difficult time in their life, is an absolute gift.These women let me in and have to completely trust a perfect stranger. I don't take that lightly.

Every single one of my patients provides me withperspective on life.  I have yet to meet a woman who is not affected by this journey, but the mostcommon remark I hear is, "I wouldn't wish this onanyone, but it has changed me so much in so manygood ways." Every woman I treat reminds me not to take life for granted.

“These women let me in and have to completely trust a perfectstranger. I don't take that lightly.”

Kerry Proctor, MD, Pathologist

As a pathologist, my role is to assist thepatient’s doctor in getting to the correctdiagnosis, whether that be confirmingcancer, classifying the type of cancer,assessing surgical margins or arranging for ancillary studies, including moleculartesting. We help solve puzzles — our job is a lot like detective work.

“As a woman, I feel a special

By Dick Baltus


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Melodi Johnson, RNBreast HealthCoordinator andNurse Navigator

I see myself as an educator— guiding, supporting,reassuring and helpingwomen completelyunderstand their diagnosisand options for treatment.Sometimes absorbingmedical information andmaking decisions can be daunting. A cancerdiagnosis doesn’t just affect women physically; it can affect them socially,relationally, emotionally,spiritually and financially.We understand this and are concerned with thewhole person. 

When I first meet a patient, I create a personalizednotebook with relevantmaterials and resources.I try to empower them

with education so theycan make informed

decisions. I also try to bemindful of their personalneeds and learning styles.

We have a wonderfulwomen’s support group.Women tell their storiesand are supportive of each other. We also offer body image programs, as well as integrated medicine. It’s not a cook ie-cutter approach. I think of these women as snowflakes; each is unique. 

We want women to know we are here for them. I count it ablessing to work with them. In fact, I’ve never loved a job or my team more. 

Nina Van Es, ANP, MSN, MSOncology Nurse Practitioner

As a nurse practitioner, I manage the chemotherapy treatmentsfor patients in consultation with the oncologists. I also makereferrals to complementary therapies that patients are open tosuch as acupuncture, massage, gentle yoga and physical therapy.

The pathology of the disease is a very small part of the totalperson. I try to help patients focus on the living. I ask them, “What do you love? What nurtured you before cancer? If you liked jogging, can you still run around the block?”

I try to help patients focus on the new normal. I encouragethem to focus on the positive and things they can enjoy.

I’ve met extraordinary human beings at Celilo. They have been agift to me. Many of them have become part of who I am. They aregreat teachers. It’s an honor to do this work.

“I’ve met extraordinaryhuman beings.

They have been a gift to me. Many of

them have becomepart of who I am.”

Mostly, I’m behind the scenes, but I am also part of MCMC’sBreast Care Center team, and I am available to do fine needleaspirations on certain women who are presenting with breastlumps or enlarged lymph nodes. I enjoy being part of a multi-disciplinary team, with the common goal of delivering thehighest level of care to our breast cancer patients.

As a woman, I feel a special connection to my breast cancerpatients and enjoy working with the other members of the teamto ensure we arrive at the correct diagnosis as quickly as possible.

“I think of thesewomen assnowflakes; each is unique.” 

connection to my breast cancer patients.”


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Jessica Vincenzo, MSWSocial Worker

As an oncology social worker, I try to figure out what barriersmight stand in the way ofpatients focusing on theirhealthcare.

What attracted me to socialwork was losing my mother to stage 4 breast cancer. If mymom had been treated in afacility like this, she may nothave lived longer, but shewould have had a completely different experience. She wastreated in a large facility in a large city — it was a concrete jungle.She had a great oncologist, but had to go to a different locationfor every type of treatment. She didn’t have access to alternativemodalities.

Here, the mind, body and spirit get addressed all under one roof.People know your name. You’re not just a number. The staff is truly nurturing.

I love working at Celilo because you see people get very clearabout what life is about. It’s a gift to be able to work with peoplewho are at their most vulnerable.

“I love working herebecause you see people

get very clear aboutwhat life is about.”

Denise Watson, Clinical Lab Assistant

My role is to conduct a complete blood count for patients.The blood counts are important because they determinewhether someone can have chemotherapy.

I’m also here to help patients in any way I can, which includesempowering them in their healthcare process. I try to letthem know why a test is being done and how we are goingto obtain the specimen.

My chair is like that of thebeautician’s. Women share their fears, joys, family plansand their day. Everyone whosits in my chair is in a differentplace. Some are afraid. Iacknowledge and try toalleviate people’s fears. I’veprayed, laughed and cried withpatients. Sometimes I can’t say a thing because there’s not aword to say, but I can hold apatient’s hand.

We, as a team, don’t rushpatients. We listen. We try tomake this a brighter place. Welet patients know they matter.We remember their names.

If I had cancer, I would come here.

“If I had cancer, I would come here.”


Paula Lee-Valkov, MD, Radiologist

Radiology is detective work for the whole body.It’s challenging, fun and exciting at the same time.Our role as radiologists comes in multiple stagesduring diagnosis and treatment. The mostsignificant role is in the diagnosis of cancer andafterwards, during the follow-up of the cancer, tomonitor the effectiveness of and response totreatment.

We work as a cohesive team, which is reallyrewarding. As opposed to being in a big city

or big faceless hospital, the doctors here can just call one another and have heart-to-heartconversations in a relatively easy manner.

As radiologists, we work mostly behind thescenes. We don’t necessarily know what ourcancer patients look like, but we know theirnames. When you see significant disease on ascan at diagnosis or significant worsening duringfollow-up, it’s very sad. There’s still a humanelement. When I see the images from a womanwith breast cancer, it hits home.

At Celilo, it’s helpful and comforting for patients tohave access to non-physician providers who arevery familiar with cancer, and for women to findsupport among women who have helped otherwomen through this process. Plus, MCMC is a verynon-institutional place — that provides a lot ofcomfort for people.

“It’s helpful and comforting . . . forwomen to find support amongwomen who have helped otherwomen through this process.”

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Deep in the Heart

She may be from the Lone Star State, but MCMC’s newpediatrician Denis FitzSimon, M.D., feels right at home in the

Gorge, providing skilled and compassionate care to area children.

By Dick Baltus

If you were to take a leisurely strollthrough the pages of Dr. DeniseFitzSimon’s curriculum vitae(professional resume), past theeducation and training history, by theboard certifications and licensures,down the names of practice sites andover the impressive list of awards,committee assignments, researchprojects, university faculty positions andadministrative responsibilities, whenyou emerged at the other side youwould have been exposed more than80 times to a single word…


And the CV only chronicles the 26 years of Dr. FitzSimon’s training andprofessional life. The years before that were also All Texas, All the Time.

Is it any wonder Mid-Columbia MedicalCenter’s newest pediatrician callsherself a Northwesterner?


“I was born and bred in Texas, but havebeen coming to the Northwest foralmost 30 years to visit family andfriends,” says the children’s specialist andTexas A&M grad (both undergraduateand medical school). “I fell in love with it.”

Dr. FitzSimon’s moved here in 2006,bought a house at the base of Mt.Hood, met and married a fellow namedHoward Hawkes, merged their families(eight children including twin girlsplaced with her in permanent fostercare when they were 16), prepared tosettle down, then didn’t.

“When I met Howard he was living in Condon and running a wind farm,”she says. “Considering our differentprofessions and the economy at the timeit was tough for us to find a way that weboth could be working and living in thesame place at the same time.”

Coincidentally, both had Texas connections,and when Howard found a job there,

Dr. FitzSimon found herself back in hernative state. The family was together,but she missed Oregon and didn’t wantto mess with Texas for long.

“I didn’t like it; I went a year withoutrain,” she says. “Both of us really missedbeing here, so we worked our way back up.”

Howard left the wind power industryhe’d been in for 25 years and opened an antique store in Hood River. Dr. FitzSimon picked up where she left off, providing comprehensivehealthcare for children, a career she had targeted when she was still caringfor dolls.

“I was born and bred inTexas, but have been comingto the Northwest for almost30 years to visit family andfriends. I fell in love with it.”

Continued on page 10

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“I knew I wanted to be a pediatricianwhen I was 7,” she says. “I’m one ofthose strange people who have alwaysknow what I wanted to do. My greatgrand-father was a country doctoroutside San Antonio, who rode a horseto make house calls. He was thephysician caring for people in his town,and he had a big influence on me.”

Dr. FitzSimon’s enthusiasm for herprofession is obvious to patients,parents and colleagues. She has beennamed to the list of America’s TopPediatricians each of the past six years.

“I had a pediatrician I really loved, and when I used to serve on acommittee that interviewed medicalschool candidates, many of themwere strongly influenced by theirpediatrician. We do play an importantrole in helping children learn habits ata young age that can later helpprevent some of the health problemsthat are so prevalent, like obesity.

“I love seeing children. They are sohonest and open and, for the most

part, positive. And most parents arevery motivated to do the right thingfor their kids. So you can really makea difference in their lives.”

As much as she loves her profession, Dr. FitzSimon also enjoys her down time. She and her husband enjoysnowshoeing, which comes in handywhen one lives at the base of Mt.Hood. They also love to sturgeon fish.

Dr. FitzSimon also has designs ongetting back into the sport offencing. She didn’t take it up until shewas 42, but quickly made her mark,rising as high as No. 3 in the nationalrankings for women in her agegroup.

Take a stroll through Googlesometime and you’ll even findarticles written about her fencingprowess – after you get past all thereferences to Texas.

Dr. Denise FitzSimon is in practice atColumbia Hills Family Medicine in TheDalles. To make an appointment foryour child, please call 541.296.9151.


Deep in the HeartContinued from page 9

MCMC EnhancesIts Web Presence Mid-Columbia Medical Center recently unveileda new and improved website to offer our onlinevisitors an even more comprehensive, in-depthlook at the people, programs and servicesavailable from the Gorge’s healthcare leader.

Here is just a sampling of the information andresources MCMC is now dropping convenientlyin your laptop or desktop computer.

• Calendar of Events: The place to go if youare looking for a health education program,exercise class, yoga sessions and much more.

• Departmental Information: Learn about all the programs with MCMC, and exploredetailed micro-sites for specialty clinics andprograms, including Family, Women’s andInternal Medicine clinics, Orthopedics,Cardiology, Urology, Celilo Cancer Center and Water’s Edge.

• Meet our Medical Staff: Search for aphysician or another healthcare professional,and view fascinating video profiles to get aglimpse of the personalities of some of thepeople providing care in your community.

• Information to help future patientsprepare for admission.

• Our popular New Baby page, where you willfind a special web page devoted to eachMCMC newborn.

• Job Opportunities: Visit our Careers link tolearn about current job openings and submitan online application.

All this and much more on the new MCMC website.See for yourself at: MCMC.net

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Elise Bailey takes time from

her busy schedule each week to read to a third grader.

Joyce Powell Morin helps facilitate a support group for the widows of veterans.

Lab and pathology employees buy gifts during the holidays for homeless teens.

Throughout Mid-Columbia Medical Center there are scores of examples of people and depart-

ments contributing their time, talents and, often, finances in service to others in area communities.

These are called “community benefit”activities, and they are undertakenvoluntarily to help MCMC fulfill its mission to improve the overall health andquality of life of Gorge-area communities.

Community benefit activities range fromproviding millions of dollars worth of freecare to individuals without the means topay to providing free health education

and support programs to MCMC’songoing effort to recruit new healthcareproviders to the community.

All of these activities are funded by anyrevenue the hospital receives that exceedsthe cost of the care and services weprovide.

Each year we face additional challenges in our quest to fulfill our communitybenefit mission.

An ever-growing percentage of everydollar MCMC receives must be used tomake up for the insufficient reimbursementswe receive from the government for careprovided to patients covered by Medicaid

and Medicare. Still more revenue isdevoted to our charity care program,which has grown significantly with theeconomic downturn.

These and other forces beyond our control make it increasingly challenging to support our community benefitinitiatives. However, we remain committedto maintaining and enhancing the higheststandards of performance in the areas that we can control.

On the pages that follow you can readabout some of the specific communitybenefit activities that occurred in 2010 in service to our community.

A Designated Planetree Patient-Centered Hospital

M I D - C O L U M B I A M E D I C A L C E N T E R ’ S A N N U A L C O M M U N I T Y B E N E F I T R E P O R T

1 7 0 0 E A S T 1 9 T H S T R E E T , T H E D A L L E S | W W W . M C M C . N E T


Our Communities

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An Open BookShe’s a lifelong reader with a

passion for books, and nowshe is sharing her love of

literature and literacy with children.

Elise Bailey, MCMC’s materialsmanager, began volunteering hertime at Dry Hollow ElementarySchool in The Dalles as part of theSMART (Start Making A ReaderToday) program.

She spends 30 minutes a weekreading with a third-grade girl andanother 30 minutes with akindergarten boy, and enjoys thetime immensely.

“I love to read, it’s just a passion ofmine,” Bailey says. “I want to pass thatexcitement along.”

She likes to watch her young friendsas they explore the world of books.

“It’s fun to watch the face of a childas you read to them, their reaction asthe story develops … I ask themquestions sometimes before we turnthe page about what’s going tohappen next.”

Bailey says she loves seeing theyoungsters get involved in thestories, and admits she gets as muchas she gives during the sessions.

“When I come out of there I am so full of energy – I could go thewhole day.”

Bailey has five grandchildren andloves to read books to them as well.Their current favorite was a surpriseto her – it’s the “Dick and Jane” seriesthat so many cut their teeth on asyoung readers. She’s surprised it’sheld up so well over the years.

When it’s time for the readingsessions at Dry Hollow, she and theother SMART volunteers watch asthe children enter the room.

“You see them look for their mentor,and you can see their eyes light upwhen they find them,” she says.

At home Bailey likes adventurestories, like Clive Cussler’s tales, andbooks about the outdoors, andstories about quirky people with alife to share.

“I love to read, it’s just a passion of mine. I want to pass thatexcitement along.”

“I read them and say, Wow, I’m kindof like that myself,” she says. “Whenyou read, it’s like taking a vacation.There’s always something I can applyto my life.”

Bailey tries to read one book a week,and she’s routinely working onanywhere from two to eight at atime. She likes to have a book closeat hand at all times in case she runsinto a little unexpected down time.

The SMART volunteers make adecided impression on the children,she says, serving as a positive rolemodel. Some kids may not get theexperience of reading aloud withsomeone at home.

“You spend time with them, and they know someone cares,”Bailey says.

She’d love to see the children she reads with in another 10 years, tosee if their shared experience tookroot.

”I’d like to see if they’ve developednot just a passion for reading, butalso for helping others,” she says.

“All you’ve got to do is open thebook,” she said. “Then it’s about the story, and the child.”

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Joyce Powell Morin is no strangerto volunteerism. The longtimeMCMC employee has been

involved in volunteerism since her highschool days, when she was a candystriper at MCMC (then The DallesGeneral Hospital).

Powell Morin’s current responsibilitiesas director of the hospital’s SpiritualCare department includes overseeingMCMC’s volunteers, and the countlesshours she has given her own time toimportant causes has prepared herwell for the job.

Among the volunteer activities she isinvolved in today is serving as one ofthree facilitators for the Widows ofVeterans & Women Veteran’s SupportGroup, which grew out of the “Keepthe Home Fires Burning” communitygroup that was formed in 2011 to assist local veterans and their families.

Although Powell Morin is not a warwidow (the two other facilitators are), she says the rewards of being part of the group are many. The

facilitators offer grief support and help participants move forward after aloss. They also provide information onpractical topics like veteran’s benefitsand the transition back home forwomen veterans.

“It’s an incredible opportunity to servein the community,” Powell Morin says.“Our veterans’ widows and womensoldiers have special needs, and themonthly support group provides anavenue for friendship, fellowship,sharing lessons learned, and emotionaland spiritual support for grieving loss.

“I feel privileged to be a part of thehealing process for these hurtingindividuals.”

The facilitators report that the groupcontinues to grow and new membersare always welcome. The group meetson the second Tuesday of each monthat 11 a.m. at 201 Federal Street in The Dalles.

Call Powell Morin at 541.296.7266for more information.

Mid-Columbia Medical Center has a long-standing commitment tooffering residents of the region freeopportunities to improve their healthstatus through an array of freeeducational programs and healthscreenings. Thousands of individualstook advantage of these offerings last year:

6,500 HealthyLearners……benefited from the comprehensivefree consumer health informationavailable at MCMC’s Planetree HealthResource Center in downtown TheDalles and via the center’s popular free lecture series.

370 People Kept the Beat…….by either walking in the Heart Truth Health Walk or attending one of the Go Red for Women Heart Expo sponsored by MCMC.

350 Know More About Diabetes…….than they did before attending the annual MCMC-sponsoredDiabetes Day, which offered freescreenings and an array of educational opportunities.

125 Shots in The Arm……were given during MCMC’s Visiting Health Services drive-by flu vaccine clinic.

120 People Pumping Up……with free blood pressure checksperformed by MCMC staff at theannual Health and Safety Fair.

Supporting WidowsAnd Women Vets


By the Numbers

(L-R) MCMC’s Joyce Powell Morinco-facilitates the Widows ofVeterans Support Group withBarbara Thomas and Ruth Otto.

Page 14: WellAware - Spring 2012

Each year MCMC’s financial resources are

stretched both by voluntary, mission-

driven commitments and by other forces

beyond our control. In 2010, MCMC

provided the following free and/or

subsidized care and made contributions

to other programs and organizations as

part of its mission to improve the health

of the communities we serve.

$3,722,000The amount of free treatment providedby MCMC last year to patients withoutthe means to pay for their care.

$10,049,037The value of care provided to patients covered by government-sponsored programs (Medicare and Medicaid),whose reimbursements to MCMC were far below our actual costs. As theBaby Boom generation continues toswell the ranks of Medicare recipients,and as reimbursements from the federalgovernment continue to decline, thefinancial burden on MCMC on otherhospitals will continue to grow moresignificant. In just one year, MCMC’sfinancial loss from reimbursementshortfalls grew by more than 20 percent.

It’s kind of like the “shadow people” –both those who give and the oneswho receive – coming together each

year under the lights of a holiday tree.

There are the teenagers, homeless forany number of reasons, some sleepingon other people’s couches, some in cars or wherever they can find shelter,struggling to still get to school and not give up.

And then there are the employees ofMCMC’s Laboratory and Pathologydepartments, who through acommunity intermediary reach out tothe homeless teens each year to shareholiday gifts.

“These are the kids that are left out eachyear,” says Lois Corbett, director ofLaboratory Services for MCMC. “They liveout there in the shadows – a lot ofpeople don’t know who they are.”

Corbett and her employees andcolleagues, who work largely behind the scenes at the hospital, feel a bit of kinship.

“We’re kind of like that too,” she says. “And every year we love doing this.”

For the last three years members of the two MCMC departments buy giftsthat are distributed through the Mid-Columbia Community Action Council

to homeless students attending TheDalles-Wahtonka HIgh School. The kidsaren’t always easy to find.

“They want to be incognito; they don’twant everyone to know they’rehomeless,” Corbett says, adding thatcouncil volunteers are responsible fortracking the kids.

Lab and Pathology staff membersdonate everything from socks andsweatshirts to gift cards easilyredeemable by the teenagers to meet daily needs.

The gift cards are a favorite of the maleemployees who participate.

“It’s hard enough to get them to buypresents for their own families,” Corbettsays with a laugh.

The main concern each year is that they have enough for all the teens, andso far there’s been plenty to go around.This year more than 80 teenagersreceived presents.

And more than half of departmentemployees participate. This year thatincluded 44 laboratory workers and four pathologists, all of whom are gladfor the chance to help.

“It really kind of touches everybody,”Corbett says.

Quality Care For All

Giving, Close To Home

A Designated Planetree Patient-Centered Hospital

Lab director Lois Corbett (in red) and her staffgive to homeless teens during the holidays.

Page 15: WellAware - Spring 2012

MCMC’s coordinated rehabilitation programs provide a comprehensive continuum of care to help patients like Roland Simantel get back on their feet as quickly as possible.

By Mark Adams

Solid planning generally leads to successfuloutcomes. Loran “Roland” Simantel iswalking testament to that. And he iswalking better than he has in a long timethanks to Mid-Columbia Medical Center’srehabilitation team and his own hard work.

Simantel runs the J Bar S Ranch near Wascowith his sons and has never shied awayfrom hard work. But the wheat rancher,who has a mild case of Parkinson’s disease,had the limits of his work ethic testedearlier this year when he suffered a stroke.

After being stabilized in the MCMCEmergency Department, Simantel wasadmitted to Oregon Health & ScienceUniversity in Portland for specialized care.After his treatment, he was sent home,where he realized he still didn’t have hislegs completely under him.

It wasn’t long before he was back in theMCMC Emergency Department, beingtreated for a head injury that occurredwhen he fell getting out of bed.

That’s when MCMC staff developed a long-range plan to get Simantel firmly back onhis feet. The plan included a two-week stay in mPower, the hospital’sinpatient rehabilitation unit, followed by regular visits to MCMC’s outpatienttherapy program at Water’s Edge.

The goal of mPower, says physical therapistJanell Wyatt, is to develop comprehensiveplans for each patient that addresses theirspecific needs so they can return to thehighest level of functioning as quickly and safely as possible.

“We take a multidisciplinary teamapproach and give patients access to the wide range of therapeutic tools

and programs that are available here,” Wyatt says.

The mPower unit has six private rooms, a gym and a kitchen. Patients are cared for by a 24-hour medical and nursing staff, along with the rehabilitation staff,which includes physical, occupational and speech therapists. After they returnhome, patients then continue theirrecovery with the help of MCMC’soutpatient rehabilitation therapy team.

“That continuum of care can make all thedifference in the world to a patient,” Wyattsays. “If, for example, a person has a mildstroke, then goes directly home, he or she is not going to have as successful arecovery as someone who benefits from a plan of care, a trained rehabilitationteam and an organized system ofrehabilitative care.”

Wyatt says Simantel was a favorite of thestaff of the staff because of his positiveattitude and willingness to put in the hours needed to improve.

“Roland was really a hard worker,” Wyattsays, “He took everything we said to heartand really participated. He listened toeverything we wanted him to do andalways wanted to know what more hecould do to help.”

Simantel has high praise for Wyatt and therest of the mPower staff.

“The care was excellent,” he says. “I can’t sayenough about it — I’m doing a lot better.”

Simantel has been going to Water’s Edgefor outpatient therapy since the end ofFebruary. The rancher says he always looksforward to the challenge of working withthe rehab team.

True to form, he’s jumping in with both feetto ensure he gets back to his former self assoon as possible, all according to plan.

For more information about: mPower Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation, call 541.506.6901. For MCMC OutpatientTherapy, call 541.296.7202.


Step-by-Step Planning

MCMC Rehab team members Jayme Mason(left) and Janell Wyatt assist help Roland

Simantel as he continues on the road to recovery from the effects of a stroke.

Page 16: WellAware - Spring 2012


Bright Lights, Small City

New heart specialist Dr. Kevin Weibrings international expertiseand another OHSU connection to MCMC’S Cardiology Clinic atWater’s Edge.

By Dick Baltus

Page 17: WellAware - Spring 2012


Kevin Wei, M.D., has “big-city doctor” allbut imprinted on the pocket of his shirt.

He was born in Hong Kong and split hisyouth between there and Toronto. Heearned his bachelor’s and medicaldegrees at the University of Toronto, andwas a member of the faculty of VirginiaMedical Center, where he practicedpatient care, conducted research andearned a reputation as, in one colleague’swords, “an internationally recognizedleader in echocardiography.”

In 2005 Dr. Wei moved from Virginia toPortland and over the next six yearshelped double the size of the CardiologyDivision of Oregon Health & ScienceUniversity.

The point being, he is not the likeliest ofcandidates to now being practicing inThe Dalles and offering his significantskills and expertise in heart care topatients throughout the Columbia River Gorge.

Dr. Wei is just the latest in a series ofphysicians who, with virtually the entireworld of practice opportunities at theirfeet, have chosen The Dalles. Thisincludes his practice partner, DavidGuarraia, M.D., who in 2009 establishedThe Gorge’s first full-time cardiologypractice, a collaboration between Mid-Columbia Medical Center and OHSU.

Dr. Guarraia’s practice filled so quicklythat MCMC and OHSU were soon lookingfor a second heart specialist to answerthe need. They didn’t have to look far.

“I saw this as a great opportunity to dosomething I have wanted to do for awhile, which is to practice in a smallercommunity where there is significantneed for specialty heart care,” Dr. Wei says.

He whet his appetite for the setting in2010, when he practiced one day a weekin Longview, Wash., so he isn’t a strangerto the small-town setting. But in theMCMC | OHSU Cardiology Clinic atWater’s Edge he sees the opportunity forsomething bigger than just a small-townpractice.

“We want to work to build a facility fordiagnosing and managing heart diseasethat is similar to what is available at OHSU,” Dr. Wei says.

MCMC has helped him take a big steptoward that goal by equipping theWater’s Edge clinic with state-of-the-artechocardiography equipment, whichmeans area residents now have localaccess to an important tool fordiagnosing an array of heart conditions.

Dr. Wei has specific expertise in contrast,or bubble, echocardiography, which usestiny gas bubbles injected into the bloodstream to evaluate and understand bloodflow and heart function. He was trained in the procedure at theUniversity of Virginia Medical Center byone of its leading experts, Dr. Sanjiv Kaul,and later followed Dr. Kaul to OHSU.

In addition to his practice at MCMC |OHSU Cardiology, Dr. Wei continues to

see patients at OHSU and is a member ofthe medical school faculty. He still workswith Dr. Kaul, who has high praise for hiscolleague.

“Dr. Wei is one of the most experiencedclinical contrast echocardiographyexperts in the world and a widelysought-after teacher,” Dr. Kaul says. “Atleast half a dozen of Dr. Wei’s researchpapers on the topic are the most often-quoted in echocardiography.”

Dr. Wei says bubble echocardiographyhelps him visualize heart structure andfunction with much greater clarity thanother commonly used techniques. Otherthan OHSU, the Water’s Edge CardiologyClinic is the only setting in Oregon wherethe technology is available.

“The bubbles really light up the imagesand give us a better view of the heart,” hesays. “Having this technology availablewill provide significant benefits to heartpatients throughout the region.”

The same can be said about MCMC’spartnership with OHSU, Dr. Wei adds.“Our clinic at Water’s Edge really is like asatellite clinic of OHSU,” he says, addingthat it is also “A win-win situation for me.I get to keep my connection with OHSU,but also get to see patients in this smallersetting, which I am really enjoying.”

Dr. Kevin Wei is in practice at Water’s EdgeCardiology, 551 Lone Pine Blvd, The Dalles.For information or appointments, pleasecall 541.506.6531.

“I saw this as a greatopportunity to dosomething I have wanted to do for a while, which is to practice in a smallercommunity where there is significant need forspecialty heart care.”

Page 18: WellAware - Spring 2012

Healthy Edge Healthful News From the Health & Wellness Center at Water’s Edge


To help you, The Spa at Water’s Edge offers a line of high-quality skin-care products and several programs you can take advantage of.

PROGRAMS• New! Skin Fit Club. This new program

allows men, women or teens to purchaseaffordable skin-care packages thatinclude facials and other services andproducts. The Spa’s goal is to enablelients to access top-quality skin care on a routine basis, combining facials witheffective at-home care.

• Complimentary skin-careconsultation. The estheticians at TheSpa can help you develop a skin-careprogram tailored to your needs. First,they examine your skin under a

magnifying light and then discuss yourneeds and concerns, health history,lifestyle and any sensitivities you have.

• Educational classes. (See the WellAware calendar for a list of upcomingclasses related to your skin health.)

SKIN-CARE PRODUCTS• New! The Spa at Water’s Edge

signature line of skin-care products.The Spa has just launched its own line ofmedical-grade skin care productsdesigned with ingredients that reallywork. The products feature clinicallytested plant extracts, stabilized vitaminsand antioxidants. Products are free ofharsh and unwanted ingredients such asparabens, phthalates and progesterone.

• Osmosis Skincare: Osmosis Skincareaddresses every aspect of skin damage;collagen/elastin production, scar tissuebuild-up, loss of skin nutrition, growthfactors and DNA damage.

• Colorscience Pro Makeup. Thismineral-based, luxury makeup feels good and is good for your skin. It alsohelps protect skin from the damagingeffects of the sun and environment. The Spa’s estheticians can help you choose and apply makeup thathelps you look and feel your best.

Take Care of the Skin You’re In

Head to Toes, It’s All Connected

The first step in getting great skin is to develop a skin-care plan that’s right for you.

The skin is the largest organ of the bodyand reflects your overall health. Keepingyourself healthy in every way is essentialto optimal skin health. For healthy, vibrantskin, consider these tips from the wellnessexperts at The Spa at Water’s Edge:

• Protect your skin by using a sunscreeneach day (see Page 19 story on how topick the best one).

• Get regular exercise. Exercise improvescirculation, which nourishes skin cells andpromotes a healthy glow. It also makesyou sweat, which helps rid your body oftoxins. Plus, it reduces stress.

• Manage stress. Stress can make your skin more sensitive and aggravate skinproblems. It can also interfere withsleeping, which is vital to skin health. The Spa at Water’s Edge offers an array ofmind-body classes and therapies such asfacials, massages and acupuncture to help manage stress and promote vitality.

• Eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains. Buy what’s fresh —

enjoy the bounty of fresh produce fromthe Gorge.

• Get your beauty sleep. Studies showthat sleep deprivation is associated withdecreased circulation, which can lead topuffy eyes and dull-looking skin.

• Drink plenty of water. Drinking water is essential to keeping your skin hydrated.Dehydrated skin looks and feels dry. The skin is the largest organ of your body, yet it’s the last one to receive thebenefits of water.

• Don’t smoke. If you do, make acommitment to quit.

• Support your lifestyle efforts with a good skin-care routine. The Spa atWater’s Edge offers complimentary skincare consultations to help you developa routine that’s right for you.

Page 19: WellAware - Spring 2012


Enjoying the great outdoors is part of the Gorge lifestyle, yet trying to choose asafe, effective sunscreen can be confusinggiven all the products on the market.

Here are some facts from Mary Lively, esthetician at the Spa at Water’s Edge, to help demystify the latest science onsunscreen and sun protection:

• First, there are two types of ultraviolet rays: UVA rays andUVB rays. UVA rays are the longer, deeper-penetrating raysthat damage collagen and elastin. UVB rays are the shorterrays that cause you to turn pink or burn. Both rays causeearly skin aging and increase skin cancer risk.

• There are two categories of sunscreens: chemical (absorbthe sun’s rays) and physical (deflect the sun’s rays).

• The majority of sunscreens sold in drugstores are chemicalsunscreens, which are less effective than physicalsunscreens because they absorb the rays; they have ahigher rate of irritation; they degrade rapidly so needfrequent reapplication; and they only protect against UVBrays, with the exception of those containing avobenzone.Avobenzone, however, is an unstable ingredient that breaksdown into unknown chemicals when exposed to sunlight.To prevent it from breaking down quickly, companies haveadded other chemicals to prolong its effectiveness — morechemicals can lead to more irritation.

• Physical block sunscreens are the most effective becausethey deflect UVA and UVB rays. There are two ingredients

that make a physical block: zinc oxide and titanium oxide.These ingredients are stable and long lasting. How

do you know if your sunscreen is chemical orphysical? Turn the bottle over and look at

the ingredients — don’t necessarily trustwhat the front of the bottle claims.

• Don’t bemisguided by the SPF number. This number only refersto the protection offered fromUVB rays, not UVA rays, and refers to the amount of timeyou are protected, not how strong it is. Plus, higher SPFscan cause more irritation.

• This summer, the Sunscreen Labeling Protection Act goesinto effect, which may help to reduce all the confusion.Under the new guidelines, ingredients in sunscreen willremain the same, but the labels must be clearer and moreaccurate. For instance, there will be no such thing as an SPFhigher than 50 because the research doesn’t support thatan SPF higher than that number provides extra protection.Sunscreen companies will no longer be able to claim“waterproof” or “sweatproof,” but may claim “water-resistant.”Sunscreens may be labeled “broad spectrum” if they blockUVB radiation and a percentage of UVA radiation. And, theycan now claim that they protect against skin cancer andearly aging.

HOW TO APPLY SUNSCREENOnce you’ve chosen the right sunscreen, it’s important toapply it properly. “With every client,” says Lively, “I stress theimportance of daily sunscreen. I make sure they know howimportant it is year-round. UVA rays penetrate glass, so it’simportant to wear sunscreen even when you’re inside”, Lively explains.

How much sunscreen? The American Cancer Societyrecommends using about a palm full (one ounce) to cover the arms, legs, neck and face of an average adult. Mostsunscreens must be reapplied at least every two hours andmore if you are swimming or sweating. In addition to sunscreen,experts also suggest wearing protective clothing, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses and seek shade when the sun’sUV rays are most intense between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The Spa at Water’s Edge carries a full line of high-quality, broad-spectrum physical block sunscreens, which not only protect your skin, but feel great, too. For more information, call 541-506-5788.

What You Don’t Know AboutSunscreen Can Burn You

Page 20: WellAware - Spring 2012

All classes and clinics are held at Water’s Edge, 551 Lone Pine Blvd., The Dalles, unless otherwise indicated. Pre-registration required;please call 541-296-7319 to register or for appointments.

Cardiac Rehabilitation ClinicCardiac Rehabilitation is the next stepafter a heart attack or heart surgery, a

diagnosis of stable chestpain or other cardiacconditions. This 10-weekclinic includessupervised exercise,nutrition and educationin heart healthmanagement. This clinicwill help you regainstrength, lessen fatiguewhile learning the tools

to reduce cardiac risk factors. Classes areoffered throughout the year and coveredby most insurance plans.

Pulmonary Health ServicesThe Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at Mid-Columbia Medical Center isdesigned for patients with chronicrespiratory disease (COPD), emphysema,asthma, chronic bronchitis, pulmonaryfibrosis and other chronic lungconditions. This 10-week class explores the relationship between breathingdisorders and physical activity. It will guide patients in making lifestylechanges that will help them to improvetheir endurance and quality of life. Goalswithin this program include:

• Decreasing shortness of breath• Improving physical conditioning

and exercise tolerance• Improving emotional well being

Acupuncture TherapyAcupuncture is one discipline taken fromthe heritage of Chinese medicine. The technique involves the insertion ofvery fine needles at specific points in thebody which have been shown to beeffective in the treatment of variousconditions.

Individual Diabetes Nutrition EducationMeet one on one with our registereddietitian, who will review your bloodsugars in relationship to your nutrition.Together you will customize a healthyeating plan that will support living wellwith diabetes. Covered by mostinsurance plans.

Individual Certified DiabetesNurse EducatorConsultationSchedule a one onone with ourregisterednurse and learnabout the many aspects ofblood sugar management. In this visitour nurse will work with you and customize thevisit to your specific concerns. Covered by most insurance plans.

Individual Nutrition ConsultationBy appointment only. Some insurance plansmay cover a portion or all of the visit.Meet one on one with our registereddietitian. Research indicates nutritionplays a vital role in health and diseasemanagement. Our dietitian will guide youin eating healthy and feeling your best.

Mindfulness Based Stress ReductionWednesdays, 2:30 to 4:30 pm Begins Sept. 26, 8-week program$199 In this clinic our instructor will help youto explore ancient and modern evidence-based researched healing techniques.You will experience gentle meditativeyoga and other natural techniques, calledmindfulness relaxation practices, to helpyou activate your own natural healingpowers. The practice allows you to obtain:

• Lasting decreases in physical andpsychological symptoms

• An increased ability to relax • Reductions in pain levels and an

enhanced ability to cope with pain that may not go away

• Greater energy and enthusiasm for life

• Improved self-esteem • An ability to cope more effectively

with both short and long-termstressful situations

• Healthy weight management


551 Lone Pine Blvd., The Dalles

For information or to register call 541-296-7319.

Water’s EdgeMid-Columbia Medical Center at Lone Pine Village



Page 21: WellAware - Spring 2012

Living Healthy with DiabetesEvening classes: May 7, 14, 21 & 28, 6 to 8:15 pmSept. 10, 17, 24 & Oct. 1, 6 to 8:15 pm

Day class: July 2, 9, 16 & 23, 2 to 4:15 pm

The Diabetes Self-ManagementEducation Class is a learning experiencefor people who are newly diagnosed orhave a history of diabetes. In this class, you will learn blood sugar monitoring,nutrition and meal planning, stressreduction, medications and muchmore. We encourage a support personto attend, at no additional fee. Dayand evening classes are availablethroughout the year. The DiabetesEducation program at MCMC isaccredited by the American DiabetesAssociation.

Borderline or Pre-Diabetes ClassTuesday, June 5, 6 to 7:30 pmFreeStudies show that diabetes can bedelayed for 10 years or prevented withlifestyle change. If your healthcareprovider has told you that you havepre-diabetes or you are interested inpreventing diabetes, this class is foryou.

Healthy Weight Solutions Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:30 pm$199 Next Class begins Sept., 8-week programCall 541-296-7519 for dates and timesLooking for a change? Lackingmotivation? Come join us in HealthyWeight Solutions to get the boost youneed to live the life you've imagined. Byfocusing on mindful living in all aspects ofyour life, including food, exercise andstress reduction, you will learn to live inharmony. In our eight-week program wewill provide you with an individualizedmeal plan tailored to your metabolic rateas well as personal training ideas forexercise. Healthy Weight Solutionsprovides you with the tools to sustain ahealthy life and obtain your bodies idealbalance. You are welcometo bring a support person for free!



Relaxation............................................ 60min/$65 90min/$90Therapeutic ............. 60min/$75 90min/$100 120min/$135

Relaxation ................................. 60min/$150 90min/$200Therapeutic ............................... 60min/$170 90min/$220

Youth Sports............................ 45min/$60 series of four/$220ADD ONS

Add warm stones to any massage ............................ $15Extend massage by 15 minutes .................................. $15Hitto Muscle Repair Gel ................................................ $15Includes use during treatment plus 4 treatments for home


Reflexology .............................................................. 60min/$65Reflexology & Relaxation Combo ...................... 90min/$100ACUPUNCTURE

Evaluation & Treatment...................................................... $85Follow-up Treatment .......................................................... $55


Botanical Mineral Bath & Mini-Reflexology ..........................................................$45& Essential Facial............................................................$105& Relaxation Massage...............90min/$99 120min/$120& Therapeutic Massage ..........90min/$109 120min/$130


Infusion Peel ......................................... $95 series of five/$400 Microdermabrasion................................ $95 series of six/$485

Add an Essential Facial $50Therapeutic Body Exfoliation ........................................... $55Vichy Exfoliation ................................ 45min/$75 75min/$110

Essential .............................................................. 45min/$75Therapeutic ...................................................... 75min/$110

TREATMENT PACKAGESRenew Total Body Skin Care ........................ 2.5 hours /$150

Essential Facial / Body Exfoliation / Botanical Mineral BathRelax ................................................................ 2.5 hours /$17060 min Relaxation Massage / Essential Facial / Botanical Mineral Bath

Rejuvenate $25 in skin care products ............ 2.5 hours /$20060 min Relaxation Massage / Facial Peel or Microdermabrasion Resurfacing Treatment / Essential Facial

Revitalize $50 in skin care products ............. 2.75 hours /$295 Treatment Focused Facial / Vichy Exfoliation60 min Relaxation Massage / Lip and Eye Collagen treatment


Eyebrows ...................... $15Bikini ............................. $35Full Face........................ $50Full Leg ......................... $60Brazilian ....................... $85

Lip or Chin .................... $10Underarm ..................... $351/2 Leg .......................... $35Full Leg w/Bikini ......... $85Back ..................... $35 & up


Essential ...................... $75Treatment Focused .....$85Make-up Application

& Lesson .................... $50

Men’s ...............................$75Teen .............................. $45Back .............................. $95

$25 applied to make-up purchase



Spa Menu – Combine any two single services and receive a 10% discount excluding waxing. Gift Certificates available.

Mindfulness MeditationWednesday, August 8, 7 to 8:30 pmFree Mounting research is showing the healthbenefits of relaxation practices. In this basic class you will learn the history ofmindfulness, the medical benefits andsimple relaxation techniques that you can use in your personal plan of good health.

Reflexology for Couples Class Thursday, June 28, 6 to 8:30 pm $35A natural healing art based on the principlethat there are reflex points in the feet whichcorrespond to every system within thebody. Through application, reflexologyrelieves tension, improves circulation andhelps to promote the natural function of the related body area. Each couple willwork with their partners feet and learn howto apply basic reflexology therapy. This treatment feels wonderful and is delightfully relaxing.

Page 22: WellAware - Spring 2012

Check out Water’s Edge website fornew spa services and specials.

[email protected]

Skin Care Club


With a physician’s referral, these therapies are covered by most insurance plans, including Medicare. We will assist you to determine your insurance benefits.

Water’s Edge 551 Lone Pine Blvd. 541-296-7202Our multidisciplinary approach to outpatient rehabilitation services includes physicaltherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and aquatic therapy.

Our Skin Care Clubs were created tohelp you achieve the healthy skinyou desire through individualizedskin care therapies. Both pay-as-you-go plans allow you to receivefabulous discounts as you fulfill yourcommitment to caring for your skin.

All Skin Care Club members will receive fun surprises with each visit. Schedule your treatment today and sign up for the Skin Care Club of your choice!

Club 6

Club 12Treat your skin to 3 facials in 6 months and receive 50% off your 4th facial.

Rejuvenate your skin with 6 facials in 12 months and receive 7th facial FREE!

GORGE COMMUNITY DRUG TAKE BACK• Most abused prescription drugs comefrom family and friends. You could be a drug dealer and not even know it.

• More Americans die from prescriptiondrug abuse than cocaine, heroin andhallucinogens combined.

• A study of 139 streams in 30 states found drugs in 80% of water samples.

Friday, May 4 10 am to 2 pm• Moro - Road Department, 4th & Hood Street

Saturday, May 5 10 am to 2 pm• The Dalles - Mid-Columbia Senior Center• Hood River - Hood River County Courthouse• Cascade Locks - Fire Station

For more information, contact: Hood River Commission on Children & Families 541-386-3335Sherman County Commission on Children & Families 541-565-3200 / YouthThink 541-506-2673

Presented by: YouthThink, Hood River County Commission on Children & Families, Wasco County Commission on Children & Families, Sherman CountyCommission on Children & Families, Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital and Health Services, Planetree Health Resource Center, Mid-ColumbiaMedical Center, Faith Connections Coalition, Hood River County Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Prevention Coalition, Sherman County PreventionCoalition, Tri-County Hazardous Waste & Recycling Program, Eastern Region Oregon DEQ, Hood River City Police Department, The Dalles City PoliceDepartment, Hood River County Sheriff ’s Office, Sherman County Sheriff ’s Office, and Wasco County Sheriff ’s Office.

TURN IN YOUR EXPIRED OR UNWANTED:• Household prescription medicines• Over-the-counter medicines• Vitamins, nutritional supplements• Pet medicines

NOT ACCEPTED:• Needles or sharps • Medical waste• Thermometers • Medical equipment


Specialized ProgramsPhysical TherapyFunctional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)Biomechanical Bicycle Fitting — “Get fit to be fit”Golf ClinicMobility & Seating ClinicOsteoporosisVestibular Rehab & Balance Therapy Women’s Health Physical Therapy

Aquatic Therapy

Occupational TherapyHand Therapy & Upper Extremity Lymphedema Treatment & Therapy

Speech TherapyDysphagia

Orthopedic RehabilitationNeurological Rehabilitation


A gift any Mom will adore, elegantlywrapped and a special added gift. Or plan a healthy and relaxing spa day retreat for yourself, mom and friends. Contact the Spa Desk for more information. 541-506-5788.

Mother’s Day Gift Certificates

and Spa Packages

Page 23: WellAware - Spring 2012

Les Mills BODYPUMP™ A challenging barbell workout for all your major musclegroups; this class combines great music and exercises like squats, presses, lifts and curls that will shape and tone muscles.

Les Mills BODYFLOW™ Fusion of Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates inspired poses thatwill leave you feeling strong, centered and calm.

Circuit Training Interval resistance training intended to help you build strength and improve cardiovascular fitness.

Boot Camp Ramp up your workout with a dynamic combinationof plyometric drills, and body and weight exercises.Intensely fun!

Group Cycle/Core This is an awesome 45 minute cardio blast workouton a stationary bike followed with 30 minutes ofcore specific exercises.

Group Cycle A great way to get a vigorous workout on anexercise bike! This class is taught by inspiringinstructors making it fun and challenging!

Core Yoga This is a mat-based core stabilization/yoga blend class.

Water Aerobics A lower impact water workout that will improvemuscle tone and cardiovascular fitness. All levels.

Zumba Aerobic dance exercise designed to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat.

Tai Chi for Balance A great introduction to Tai Chi, Participants may sit or stand during this class.

EXERCISE CLASSES YOGACore Yoga This is a mat-based corestabilization/yoga blend class.

Gentle Yoga An easy-does-it class perfect for beginners.

Hatha Yoga All Levels This class incorporates props, allowingparticipants to receive the maximumbenefit from each posture.

Healing Hatha Yoga This class is tailored to the individual.Beginners welcome!

Sunrise Yoga Breathe, stretch, strengthen and begin your day in a positive way. All levels.

Vinyasa Flow Yoga Explores flexibility, strength and balance.

Our facility offers a medical fitness approach to achieving lasting lifestyle changeand optimal wellness. We offer a comprehensive selection of group exercise classes for all fitness levels. All group classes are included with membership.Non-members are welcomed. Please call for prices. Currently we offer more than 40 group classes per week! Some class sizes are limited. Registration becomesavailable 7 days prior to each class. Class times and days vary. Please check thecalendar at www.WellnessAtWatersEdge.com for more information.




HOURSMonday - Friday: 8 am - 1 pm, 3 - 8 pmSaturday: 8:30 am - 1 pm

EVERY WEEKMonday: Ball hop gamesWednesday: Jump Rope and Hula Hoop GamesFriday: TwisterPlease contact the Kid’s Club formore information regarding 2012workshop and Parent’s Night Outschedule. 541.506.5786



Personal Training One-on-one sessions with a personal trainer canassist you in developing a training program andreaching personal goals. Trainers can work withyour physician, physical therapist and otherhealthcare specialists to develop a safe program.

Trainer Challenge Sign up by 4/20/2012 to experience a challengeof a lifetime. Work directly with a personaltrainer and four other team members in this 12 session program lasting 6 weeks. Compete for body fat loss bragging rights along with amonetary award. $120 for members and $150 for non-members. Call 541-506-5779 for details and to register or come down thefitness center and register on site

Performance Testing Please call 541-506-5779 to learn more about thefollowing: Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), VO2Max, Lactate Threshold, Body Composition, Sub-max VO2, and Sub-max Strength Assessment.


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1700 E. 19th St., The Dalles, OR 97058