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  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02



    Chapter 2

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    Learning Objectives

    Describe the role and responsibilities of theboard of directors in corporate governance

    Understand how the composition of a board

    can aect its operation

    Describe the impact of the SarbanesOle!"ct on corporate governance in the UnitedStates

    Disc#ss trends in corporate governance

    $plain how eec#tive leadership is animportant part of strategic management

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*2

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    +ole of the ,oard ofDirectors

    Corporation a mechanism established to allow

    dierent parties to contrib#te capital-epertise and labor for their m#t#albene.t

    /he corporation is governed b! theboard of directorsthat oversees topmanagement with the conc#rrenceof the shareholders0

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*1

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    +ole of the ,oard ofDirectors

    Corporate governance refers to the relationship among the

    board of directors- top management andshareholders in determining thedirection and performance of thecorporation

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    +esponsibilities of the ,oard

    Efective Board Leadership

    Strategy o the Organization

    Risk vs. Initiative

    Succession Panning


    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*)

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    +esponsibilities of the ,oard

    "ue care the board is re3#ired to direct the aairs

    of the corporation b#t not to managethem

    4f a director or the board as a whole failsto act with d#e care and- as a res#lt- thecorporation is in some wa! harmed- thecareless director or directors can be heldpersonall! liable for the harm done0

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*5

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    +ole of the ,oard in

    Strategic 6anagement

    #onitordevelopments inside ando#tside the corporation

    Evauate and In$uencemanagement proposals- decisionsand actions

    Initiate and "eter%ine thecorporation7s mission and strategies

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*8

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    ,oard of Directors7Contin##m

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*9

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    6embers of a ,oard ofDirectors

    Inside directors t!picall! o:cers or eec#tives

    emplo!ed b! the corporation

    Outside directors ma! be eec#tives of other .rms b#t

    are not emplo!ees of the board7scorporation

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*;

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    6embers of a ,oard ofDirectors

    &gency theory states that problems arise in

    corporations beca#se the agents

    in the corporation

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*('

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    6embers of a ,oard ofDirectors

    Ste'ardship theory proposes that- beca#se of their long

    ten#re with the corporation- insiders

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    6embers of a ,oard ofDirectors

    &(iated directors not emplo!ed b! the corporation- handle

    legal or ins#rance wor>

    Retired e)ecutive directors #sed to wor> for the corporation- partl!

    responsible for past decisions aecting

    c#rrent strateg!*a%iy directors descendants of the fo#nder and own

    signi.cant bloc>s of stoc>

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*(2

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    Codetermination? Sho#ld $mplo!eesServe on ,oards@

    Codeter%ination the incl#sion of a corporation7s wor>ers on

    its board- began onl! recentl! in the United


    "ltho#gh the movement to place emplo!eeson the boards of directors of U0S0 companies

    shows little li>elihoodof increasing- the$#ropean eperience reveals an increasingacceptanceof wor>er participation oncorporate boards0

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*(1

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    4nterloc>ing Directorates

    "irect interocking directorate when two .rms share a director or when

    an eec#tive of one .rm sits on theboard of a second

    Indirect interocking directorate when two corporations have directors

    who serve on the board of a third .rm

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*(

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    4nterloc>ing Directorates

    Interocking directorates #sef#l for gaining both inside

    information abo#t an #ncertainenvironment and objective epertiseabo#t potential strategies and tactics

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*()

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    Aomination and $lection of

    ,oard 6embers

    +,- of U0S0 boards #se nominatingcommittees to identif! potential

    board membersStaggered !oards onl! a portion of board members stand

    for re*election when directors servemore than one !ear terms

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*(5

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    Aomination and $lection of

    ,oard 6embers

    Criteria for a good director incl#de? Billingness to challenge management

    when necessar!

    Special epertise that is important to thecompan!

    "vailable for o#tside meetings to advisemanagement

    $pertise on global iss#es

    Understands the .rm7s >e! technologiesand processes

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*(8

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    Organiation of the ,oard

    /he sie of a board in the UnitedStates is determined b! thecorporation7s charter and its b!*laws- in compliance with state laws0

    "ltho#gh some states re3#ire a

    minim#m n#mber of board members-most corporations have 3#ite a bit ofdiscretion in determining board sie0

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*(9

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    Organiation of the ,oard

    /he average large- p#blicl! held U0S0.rm has (' directors on its board

    /he average small- privatel!*heldcompan! has fo#r to .ve members0

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*(;

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    Organiation of the ,oard

    Lead director cons#lted b! the ChairC$O regarding

    board aairs and coordinates the ann#aleval#ation of the C$O

    ;5E of U0S0 companies thatcombine the Chairman and C$Opositions had a lead director0

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*2'

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    Organiation of the ,oard

    /he most eective boardsaccomplish m#ch of their wor>

    thro#gh committees0"ltho#gh the! do not #s#all! have

    legal d#ties- most committees are

    granted f#ll powerto act with thea#thorit! of the board betweenboard meetings0

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*2(

    4mpact of the Sarbanes Ole!

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    4mpact of the SarbanesOle!"ct on U0S0 Corporate

    GovernanceSar!anesO)ey &ct designed to protect shareholders from

    ecesses and failed oversight of boardsof directors

    whistleblower proced#res

    improved corporate .nancial


    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*22

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    $val#ating Governance

    S/P Corporate 0overnanceScoring Syste%

    Ownership Str#ct#re and 4nF#ence inancial Sta>eholder +ights and


    inancial /ransparenc! and 4nformation

    Disclos#re ,oard Str#ct#re and &rocesses

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*21

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    "voiding Governance 4mprovements

    6#ltiple classes of stoc>

    blic to private ownership

    Controlled companies

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*2

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    /rends in CorporateGovernance

    ,oards shapingcompan! strateg!

    4nstit#tional investors active on boards

    Shareholder demands that directorsand top management own signi.cantstoc>

    6ore involvement of non*a:liated

    o#tside directors

    4ncreased representation of women andminorities

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*2)

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    /rends in CorporateGovernance

    ,oards eval#ating individ#al directors

    Smaller boards

    Splittingthe Chairman and C$Opositions

    Shareholders ma! begin to nominateboard members

    Societ! epects boards to balancepro.tabilit! with social needs of societ!

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*25

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    /he +ole of /op6anagement

    1op %anage%entresponsi!iities

    involve getting things accomplishedthro#gh and with others in order tomeet the corporate objectives0

    are m#ltidimensional and are oriented

    toward the welfare of the totalorganiation

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*28

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    $ec#tive Leadership and

    Strategic Hision

    E)ecutive eadership the directing of activities toward the

    accomplishment of corporateobjectives- sets the tone for the entirecorporation

    Strategic vision description of what the compan! is

    capable of becoming

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*29

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    $ec#tive Leadership and

    Strategic Hision

    1ransor%ationa eaders provide change and movement in an

    organiation b! providing a vision forthat change

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*2;

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    $ec#tive Leadership and

    Strategic Hision

    Characteristics o efective CEOsincl#de?

    (0/he C$O artic#lates a strategic vision forthe corporation0

    20/he C$O presents a role for others toidentif! with and to follow0

    10/he C$O comm#nicates high performancestandards and also show con.dence in thefollowers7 abilities to meet these standards0

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*1'

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    6anaging the

    Strategic &lanning &rocess

    Strategic panning staf charged with s#pporting both top

    management and the b#siness #nits inthe strategic planning process

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*1(

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02


    6anaging the

    Strategic &lanning &rocess

    Strategic panning stafresponsi!iities incl#de?

    (04dentif! and anal!e compan!*widestrategic iss#es- and s#ggestcorporate strategic alternativesto topmanagement

    20Bor> as facilitators with b#siness #nitsto g#ide them thro#gh the strategicplanning process

    % &earson $d#cation Limited 2'() 2*12

  • 7/24/2019 Wheelen 14e ch02
