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  • 1Cantemus2014. augusztus 15-21. Nyregyhza Magyarorszg

    10 th Cantemus International Choral Festival and Conducting Mastercourse

    15-21 August 2014 Nyregyhza Hungary

    X. Cantemus Nemzetkzi Krusfesztivl s Karvezetoi Mesterkurzus

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    rmmel tlt el, hogy dvzlhetem nket a X. Nemzetkzi Cantemus Krusfesztivl alkalmbl. A fesztivl idejre dall vltozik a vros s a zene nemzetkzi nyelvn hirdeti a kultrk s emberek soksznsgt s sszetartozst, egyetemes egysgt. nnep ez mindannyiunk szmra s kln nnep neknk, nyregyhziaknak, hiszen ezt a tallkozt vrosunk bszkesge, a Magyarorszg legmagasabb rang zenemvszeti egyttesei kz tartoz Cantemus kruscsald szervezi. Kvnom a rsztvevknek, a koncertek ltogatinak, hogy merljenek el a krusmuzsika varzslatos vilgban, fedezzk fel ezt a csodt, s vigyk haza szvkben vrosunk vendgszeretett.

    I am delighted to have the privilege of welcoming you on the occasion of the 10th International Cantemus Choir Festival. During the time of the festival our town turns into song and proclaims the colourful variety of cultures and people, their unity and the universal bond between them. This is a celebration for us all and especially for us who live here in Nyregyhaza as the pride of our town the Cantemus choral family - has been awarded National Artistic Institution status which has raised the choirs into the category of the top music performing institutions in Hungary. I wish all of you both participants and concert visitors to immerse yourselves in the miraculous world of choral music, discover this wonder and take home the hospitality of our town in your hearts.

    Dr. Kovcs FerencNyregyhza Megyei Jog Vros Polgrmestere Mayor of Nyregyhza

    Tisztelt Vendgeink, Kedves Zenebartok!

    Our Honoured Guests, Dear Music Lovers!

    Tisztelt Krustagok! Kedves Kznsg, kedves Vendgek!

    Dear Singers, Members of the Audience and Guests of the Cantemus Choir Festival!

    2014. augusztus 01.

    Kodly Zoltn rta: Mechanizld korunk olyan ton halad, melynek vgn az ember gpp vlik. Ettl csak az nek szelleme vd meg. Magyarorszgon mindenki tudja: egy krusrendezvnyt nem lehet mssal kezdeni, mint Kodly Zoltn szellemnek megidzsvel. Vele kezddtt a magyar krusnekls aranykora, s ltala emelkedett a legmagasabb mvszi sznvonalra is. Sok zenetanr, karvezet csak azrt jn Magyarorszgra, hogy megismerje a Kodly-mdszer csodjt. Akik rszt vettek mr korbbi Cantemus krusfesztivlokon mind azon a vlemnyen voltak, hogy Nyregyhzn az eurpai kruskultra cscst talltk, s hogy itt csodlatos mdon a zene nyelvn mindenki megrtette egymst. Persze az is kellett ehhez, hogy a Cantemus Kruscsald tagjai, szvket-lelkket adjk a sznpadon s a vendgltsban. Szeretettel kszntm a jubileumi, 10. krusfesztivlra rkez vendgeket, az ket fogad hzigazdkat. Mindenkinek sikeres fellpst, maradand zenei lmnyt, j s megjul bartsgokat kvnok!

    More than half a century ago Zoltn Kodly wrote Our age of becoming focussed on mechanical advancement will result in the human race turning into mere machinery. Theres only one protective force: the spirit of singing. It is common knowledge in Hungary that there is no other starting point for a choir competition than to invoke the spirit of Zoltn Kodly. It was his name which marked the launch of the golden age of choral singing in Hungary. His work turn the choral movement into art of the highest standard. Those, who have already been here as participants of one of the previous Cantemus Choir Festivals said: the summit of the European choral culture can be found in Nyregyhza, and that here, in a miraculous way everybody understood one another through the language of music. What was also needed of course to create this atmosphere was that the groups of the Cantemus Choral Institute of Nyregyhza always sing and care for their guests from their hearts and souls. I warmly welcome our guests who have come to take part in this 10th anniversary choir festival and also their hosts in Nyregyhza. I wish all of you successful performances, lasting musical experiences and new and renewed friendships.

    Dr. der JnosA Magyar Kztrsasg Elnke President of the Republic of Hungary

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    Hnyszor rezzk letnk sorn azt, hogy szavunk a vilg ms, tvoli szegletbe is eljut? A modern technika szntelenl ad hrt, de ezek a tudstsok pillanatok alatt meg is vltozhatnak. A krusnek ms hullmhosszon szvi ssze a zeneszeretket, s zenete tovbb tart, msrl mesl.

    A X. Cantemus Nemzetkzi Krusfesztivl ilyen lmnyt nyjt mindazoknak, akik velnk tartanak aktv fellpknt vagy csendes hallgatknt. Bzom abban, hogy mindnyjan szp pillanatokkal gazdagodunk, s bszkn elmondhatjuk, hogy Nyregyhza, Szabolcs-Szatmr-Bereg Megye s az egsz orszg j hrt kldjk szt a nagyvilgba. A Kodly Zoltn ltalnos Iskola minden dolgozja erre trekszik s ezrt a clrt munklkodik.

    How many times in our lives do we experience our words and thoughts reaching other, remote parts of the world? Todays modern technology spreads news round the clock, but the contents and messages of those reports are susceptible to constant changes. Choral music unites music lovers of the world using an entirely different wavelength and the shared messages have a longer lasting and more fundamental content.

    I am convinced that through participation in the 10th Cantemus International Choral Festival both the performing singers and the quietly listening audiences will have the opportunity to experience this power of music. I hope that all of us will be enriched by beautiful moments to cherish and will have a shared pride in spreading the good reputation of Nyregyhza, the county of Szabolcs-Szatmr-Bereg and Hungary wherever we are in the world.

    All the staff of the Kodly Zoltn Primary school have endeavoured and will continue to work to achieve this.



    Baloghn Nmeth SzilviaA Kodly Zoltn ltalnos Iskola igazgatja Headmistress of the Kodly Zoltn Primary School

    Szab DnesFesztivligazgat Festival director

    Kedves nekes bartaim!

    My dear singing friends

    A Cantemus kruscsalddal sokfel jrtunk mr a vilgban. Sok bartsgot szereztnk, felejthetetlen lmnyekkel gazdagodtunk az vek sorn. A fesztivlszervezs gondolata azrt is merlt fel bennnk 18 vvel ezeltt, hogy valamikppen viszonozhassuk a krusbartainktl kapott sok szeretetet. Msrszt azonban nagy vilgversenyeken sokszor tapasztalnunk kellett, hogy a szervezk gyakran szem ell tvesztik a krusok fontossgt s egyb szempontokat helyeznek eltrbe. Szeretnnk olyan fesztivlt rendezni, ahol a szervezsnek msutt megtapasztalt buktatit elkerlhetjk, hogy vendgeink rezhessk, a fesztivl minden klssgnek rtelme vgl is az a bels tartalom s rtk, melyet a krusnekls mvszete kpvisel. Kodly szavait idzve:

    Nem sokat r, ha magunknak dalolunk, szebb, ha ketten sszedalolnak. Aztn mind tbben, szzan, ezren, mg megszlal a nagy Harmnia, amiben egyek lehetnk. Akkor mondhatjuk majd igazn: rvendjen az egsz vilg!

    We - members of the Cantemus Choir Family have travelled extensively almost in all corners of the world. Over the years we have made a lot of friends, and have gained unforgettable experiences to treasure for life. The idea of organising our own international festival is somewhat rooted in our strong desire to find some way of returning the lot of love we have received from our choral friends. On the other hand sometimes at prestigious international choir competitions we had to see through our own experience that the organisers often overlook the importance of the participating choirs needs, giving priorities to other matters over them. We endeavour to organise a festival which can avoid the organisational pitfalls so that our visitors can feel that all the outer and technical details of the festival ultimately culminate in serving the inner content and value of what choral singing represents.

    In Kodly Zoltns words: Singing to ourselves is not worth much. Its nicer when two do it together. Then more and more a hundred, a thousand till the great harmony begins to sound which unites all of us. Thats when we can truly say: may the whole world rejoice !

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    Dr. der JnosA Magyar Kztrsasg Elnke Fvdnk President of the Republic of Hungary Main Patron of the festival

    Dr. Kovcs FerencNyregyhza Megyei Jog Vros Polgrmestere - Vdnk Mayor of Nyregyhza - Patron of the Festival

    Szab DnesA Pro Musica Lenykar s a Cantemus Gyermekkar Kossuth-djas karnagya - A fesztivl mvszeti igazgatjaKossuth Prize awarded conductor of the Pro Musica Girls Choir and the Cantemus Childrens Choir - Artistic Director of the Festival

    Baloghn Nmeth SzilviaA Kodly Zoltn ltalnos Iskola Igazgatja Director of the Kodly Zoltn Primary School

    Rendez szervek / Organising bodies

    Nyregyhzi Cantemus Krus Cantemus Choral Institute Nyregyhza

    Kodly Zoltn ltalnos Iskola Kodly Zoltn Primary School

    Nyregyhza Megyei Jog Vros nkormnyzata Local Government Offices, Nyregyhza

    Pro Voce Humana Alaptvny Pro Voce Humana Foundation

    Cantemus Alaptvny Cantemus Foundation

    TTH PTER 1965-ben szletett Budapesten. Zenei tanulmnyait prhuzamosan folytatta a Bartk Bla Zenemvszeti Szakkzpiskolban t- s zeneszerzs szakon Schwarcz Oszkr, illetve Kocsr Mikls tantvnyaknt. 1985-ben felvtelt nyert a Liszt Ferenc Zenemvszeti Egyetemre, Petrovics Emil osztlyba, ahol 1990-ben szerzett diplomt. DLA fokozatot 2008-ban vette t. 2014-ben habilitlt a Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem Mvszeti Karn A kilencvenes vekben szmos ksrzent rt vidki s budapesti sznhzak produkciihoz s tbb vig dolgozott a Sznhz-

    s Filmmvszeti Egyetem raad tanraknt. Jelenleg a Szegedi Tudomnyegyetem Zenemvszeti Karnak dknja. Szmos krusmve nyert djat magyar s nemzetkzi versenyeken. 2007-ben Erkel-djat, 2009-ben KTA-djat, 2013-ban Bartk-Psztory Ditta-djat kapott. A Magyar Mvszeti Akadmia rendes tagja.

    PTER TTH was born in Budapest in 1965. He completed his conservatoire studies of percussion and composition at the Bla Bartk Conservatoire in Budapest under the direction of Oszkr Schwarz and Mikls Kocsr respectively. Beginning in 1985 he continued his studies at the Ferenc Liszt University of Music in the class of Emil Petrovics and graduated in 1990. He was awarded the title of DLA (Doctor of Liberal Arts) in 2008 in Budapest and subsequently the title of Dr. habil at the Department of Arts of the University of Pcs in 2014. In the 1990s he composed accompanying music to numerous theatre productions for theatres in both Budapest and other Hungarian cities. He worked as a part-time lecturer at the University of Theatre and Film in Budapest. Currently he works as the Dean of the Music Department of the University of Szeged. Several of his choral compositions have been awarded national and international prizes. He was awarded the Erkel-prize in 2007, the KOTA prize for composition in 2009 and the Bartk-Psztory prize in 2013. He is a full member of the Hungarian National Art Academy.

    ANDrIS VEISMANIS karvezet s kontratenor, a Lett Zeneakadmin szerezte karvezets diplomjt (Imants Kokars professzor osztlyban) 1990-ben, majd 1995-ben mester fokozatot tett. Szimfonikus s opera karmesteri kurzust vgzett Jurij Szimonovnl. A Lett Nemzeti Opera krusnak vezet karnagya volt 1997-tl, 2006-tl pedig karmester ugyanitt. Mvszeti vezetje a Sacrum Kamarakrusnak s a Vidzeme Kamarazenekarnak is. Andris Veismanis Lettorszg egyik vezet kontratenorjaknt is ismert, fleg barokk s bcsi klasszikus mvek eladjaknt.

    1993-ban s 1998-ban egy egy operaprodukciban nyjtott alaktsrt elnyerte a Lett Zenemvszet Nagydjt. Gyakran nekel oratorikus mvekben is, rendszeres meghvottja rgizene fesztivloknak csakgy, mint a Lett Nemzeti Opera produkciinak.

    ANDRIS VEISMANIS counter-tenor and conductor, graduated from the choir conducting department (the class of Professor Imants Kokars) of the Latvian Academy of Music in 1990, received the degree of Master of Arts in 1995. He studied symphonic and opera conducting with Jurijs Simonovs. Andris Veismanis was the Principal Chorus Master of the Latvian National Opera from 1997 until 2006. Since 2006, he is a conductor at the Latvian National Opera. He is also the artistic leader of the chamber choir Sacrum and the Vidzeme Chamber Orchestra. Andris Veismanis Veismanis is one of the leading counter-tenors of Latvia, a connoisseur of Baroque and Classicism music. The winner of the Latvian Great Music Award in 1993 for Dido and Aeneas staged by the Avantgarde Academy and in 1998 for Alcina staged at the Latvian National Opera. He often appears in works of Baroque composers in churches of Latvia, participates in Early music festivals and several projects of Latvian National Opera. He regularly leads master classes in conducting both in Hungary and abroad. In 2002 he was awarded the Grand Cross Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary. In 2004 he received the Liszt Award.

    Minst verseny zsrije

    Jury of the Qualifying Competition

    Vdnkk s rendez szervek

    Patrons and organising bodies

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    Dr. MINDSZENTy ZSuZSNNA karnagy, a Magyar Krusok s Zenekarok Szvetsgnek elnke. 1978-ban szerzett tanri s karvezeti diplomt a Liszt Ferenc Zenemvszeti Egyetemen. 1985 ta az Etvs Lornd Tudomnyegyetem Blcsszettudomnyi Kar Zenei Tanszkn karvezetst s krusgyakorlatot tant. 20 vig vezette az ELTE Nikart, amivel jelens nemzetkzi sikereket rt el. Jelenleg az ELTE Pro Musica Vegyeskar karnagya. 1994-ben megalaptotta a Musica Nostra Krust, mellyel szmos nekik ajnlott kortrs krusmvet mutattak be s rgztettek

    rdi s CD felvteleken. Krusaival bel- s klfldi versenyen rtkes djakat nyertek (Budapest, Arezzo, Tours, Marktoberdorf, Debrecen, Maribor, Pozsony, stb.). rendszeresen rszt vesz magyar s nemzetkzi krusversenyek zsrijben, kurzusokat s nekes mhelyeket, nyri kurzusokat vezet (Nmetorszg, Belgium, Szlovkia, Oroszorszg, Szlovnia, Hollandia, Izrael, uSA, stb.) Szmos versenyen nyert karnagyi djat, hromszor kapott ArTISJuS eladi djat. 2003-ban Liszt Ferenc-djjal tntettk ki. 2004-ben DLA fokozatot szerzett.

    ZSuZSNNA MINDSZENTy choir conductor, president of the Association of Hungarian Choirs and Orchestras. She graduated as a music teacher and choir conductor at the Academy of Music Ferenc Liszt in 1978. Since 1985 she has been a teacher of choir conducting at the Faculty of Music of the University ELTE in Budapest. For 20 years she has directed the ELTE-Female Choir at this university participating successfully in numerous competitions. Now she is working at the university with the ELTE Pro Musica Mixed Choir With the goal of performing old and contemporary music with skilled singers of a high level quality Zsuzsnna Mindszenty founded the female choir MUSICA NOSTRA in 1994. She has achieved international success with this choir as well (Budapest, Debrecen, Arezzo, Tours, Marktoberdorf, Maribor, Neuchatel) She is regularly invited to conduct choir workshops and teach various courses (Germany, Belgium, Slovakia, Russia, Slovenia, Israel, USA). She was honoured with several conductors prizes. She has received the ARTISJUS-award for performing contemporary compositions, and in 2003. She received the Ferenc Liszt award (for outstanding artistic achievement). She obtained her degree of doctor (DLA) in 2004. She regularly serves in the jury-panels at national and international choir contests.

    PRoF. LEoN SHIu-wAI ToNG a Nemzetkzi Krusszvetsg (IFCM) els alelnke. Tiszteletbeli elnke a Knai Kzpiskolk Krusszvetsgnek. Mvszeti vezetje s vezet karnagya a Hong Kong Treble Choir-nek s a Guangzhou Childrens Palace Choir-nek. Meghvott professzor a Tianjin Egyetemen s a Shanxi Norml egyetemen. Tong professzor elismert krusszakrtknt szmos nemzetkzi krusverseny zsrijben szerepelt. Meghvott eladja volt az nekls a Zeneoktatsban szimpziumnak, melyet az Eurpai Krusszvetsg rendezett Budapesten, a Liszt Ferenc Zeneakadmin. Mr. Tong alaptotta a Hong Kong

    Treble Choirs krusszervezetet, mely irnytsa alatt szmos djat s elismerst szerzett fesztivlokon, versenyeken, s mr tz alkalommal szervezett nemzetkzi krustallkozt Hongkongba. Kulturlis tevkenysge elismerseknt Kna Gyermekkarairt Djat s rdemes Mvsz kitntetst kapott.

    PRoF. LEoN SHIu-wAI ToNG first Vice President, International Federation for Choral Music Honorary Chairman, China High School Choral Committee Artistic Director and Principal Conductor, Hong Kong Treble Choir and Guangzhou Childrens Palace Choir Visiting Professor, Tianjin University and Shanxi Normal University. As an internationally renowned choral expert Prof. Tong has often invited to be member of international adjudicating panels. Mr. Tong was invited to be the speaker of the Symposium on Singing in Music Education Budapest at Franz Liszt Academy of Music by European Choral Association. Mr.Tong founded the Hong Kong Treble Choirs Association and the Hong Kong Treble Choir. Under Tongs guidance, the Choir obtained various awards from choir festivals and competitions. Tong has organized over 10 large-scale events and successfully invited numerous choirs to tour in Hong Kong and China. In recognition of his contribution to choral music, Tong received the China Treble Choir Achievement Award, the Award for Arts Achievement.

    SZAB DNES napjaink egyik legnevesebb magyar krusvezetje. A Kodly Zoltn ltalnos Iskola tanra, a Cantemus Gyermekkar s a Pro Musica Lenykar vezetje. A Nyregyhzi Cantemus Krus igazgatja. Zenetanri, karnagyi munkssgrt szmos kitntetsben rszeslt, tbbek kztt Liszt-djat, Bartk Bla-Psztory Ditta-djat, Kossuth-djat kapott, Nyregyhza vros dszpolgrv vlasztotta. A Magyar Mvszeti Akadmia tagja. Krusaival a vilg legjelentsebb krusversenyein (Tolosa, Debrecen, Arezzo, Gorizia, London, Marktoberdorf, Llangollen, Krusolimpia Busan,

    stb.) tbb mint 50 els djat, aranyrmet, vagy nagydjat nyert. A Cantemus Gyermekkarral s a Pro Musica Lenykarral 23 CD lemezt jelentetett meg. Olyan vilghr muzsikusokkal mkdtt egytt, mint Leonard Bernstein, Seiji Ozawa, Giuseppe Patane, Samuel ramey, Marton va, Dorti Antal, vagy Vsry Tams. Venezueltl Japnig, Ausztrlitl Kanadig szmos orszgban koncertezik rendszeresen, tart mesterkurzusokat. Nemzetkzi fesztivlok meghvott vendge, versenyek zsritagja s zenei konferencik eladja. A Magyar Mvszeti Akadmia 2014-ben a Nemzet Mvsznek vlasztotta.

    DNES SZAB is considered one of the leading choral conductors of Hungary. He teaches music at the Zoltn Kodly Primary School in Nyregyhza and conducts the Cantemus Childrens Choir and the Pro Musica Girls Choir. He is the director of the Cantemus Choral Institute of Nyregyhza. Several awards have acknowledged his devoted teaching work. He has been awarded the Liszt Ferenc-Prize, the Bartk Bla-Psztory Ditta -Prize, and the Kossuth-Prize. With his choirs he has won more than 50 first prizes, gold awards or Grand Prix on the most significant choral competitions of the world. (Tolosa, Debrecen, Arezzo, Gorizia, London, Marktoberdorf, Llangollen, Choir Olympic Games Busan, etc) He published 23 CD of the choirs of the Cantemus Family. He worked together with such world famous musicians as Leonard Bernstein, Seiji Ozawa, Giuseppe Patane, Samuel Ramey, Marton va, Dorti Antal or Vsry Tams. From Venezuela to Japan, from Ausztrlia to Canada he is highly sought after as a choral conductor and lecturer in music education at international festivals, master classes and conferences. He has also been a member of the judging panels at several leading international choir competitions. To acknowledge his lifetime achievement he was awarded the Artist of the Nation by the Hungarian Academy of Arts in 2014.

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    08.15. PNTEK / FRIDAy

    20.00 Kurzusnyit jtkonysgi hangverseny Welcome Concert of the Conducting Mastercourse Magyarok Nagyasszonya Rmai Katolikus Trsszkesegyhz / Roman Catholic Church (4400 Nyregyhza, Kossuth tr 4.) A koncertet megnyitja: Dr. Adorjn Gusztv / Welcome speech: Dr Gusztv Adorjn A koncert bevtelt s tovbbi adomnyaikat a Jsa Andrs Krhz prevencis programjnak tmogatsra fordtjuk. Concert income and your donations will go towards the prevention programme of the Nyregyhza Jsa Andrs Hospital.

    Belpdj / Entrance fee: 1000 Ft

    08.16. SZoMBAT / SATuRDAy

    17.00 Tvol-kelet hangjai / Sounds of the Far East (A koncert eltt gasztronmiai bemutat a szabadtri sznpad rzsakertjben 16:00 rtl. Before the concert culinary demonstration in the rose-garden of the openair stage at 4 pm.)

    Szabadtri sznpad / Open air stage (4400 Nyregyhza, Benczr tr 22.) Belpdj / Entrance fee: 1000 Ft

    Yuen Long Gyermekkrus (Hong Kong) / Yuen Long Treble Choir (Hong Kong) Taipei Filharmnia Krusa (Tajvan) / Taipei Philharmonic Choir (Taiwan) Wuxi Shanhe Vegyeskar (Kna) / Wuxi Shanhe Chorus (China) Resonanz Gyermekkar (Indonzia) / The Resonanz Childrens Choir (Indonesia)

    20.00 nnepi Nyithangverseny / Opening ceremony and concert Kodly-terem / Kodly Hall (4400 Nyregyhza, Vay . Krt. 18.) zrtkr / participants only

    A Nyregyhzi Cantemus Krus nekkarai / Choirs of the Cantemus Choral Institute

    08.17. VASRNAP / SuNDAy Fesztivlhangversenyek / Festival concerts 19.00 NyrEGyHZA Kodly-terem / Kodly Hall (4400 Nyregyhza, Vay . Krt. 18.) Belpdj / Entrance fee: 1000 Ft A koncertet megnyitja: Kozma Pter kormnymegbzott, Szabolcs-Szatmr-Bereg Megyei Kormnyhivatal Opening speech : Pter Kozma Government Official Government Office for Szabolcs-Szatmr-Bereg County

    Resonanz Gyermekkar (Indonzia) / The Resonanz Childrens Choir (Indonesia) Cantemus Gyermekkar (Nyregyhza) / Cantemus Childrens Choir (Nyregyhza)

    18.00 ArANyOSAPTI Rvaranyosi Reformtus Templom / Calvinist Church (4634 Aranyosapti, Petfi u. 59.) A koncertet megnyitja: Nick Ferenc a Falvak Kultrjrt Alaptvny elnke / Welcome speech: Ferenc Nick

    Family Singers (Eger) / Family Singers (Eger) Gemma nekegyttes (Budapest) / Gemma Vocal Ensemble (Budapest) Sevda-Cenap Nikar (Trkorszg) / Sevda-Cenap Womens Choir (Turkey)

    18.00 NyrBTOr Minorita Templom / Minorita Church (4300 Nyrbtor, Krolyi u. 19.) A koncertet megnyitja: Trefn Szabolcs polgrmester jellt / Welcome speech: Szabolcs Trefn

    Cantemus Fikrus (Nyregyhza) / Cantemus Boys Choir (Nyregyhza) Sonitus Scarbantiae Nikar (Sopron) / Sonitus Scarbantiae Female Voice Choir (Sopron) Aglepta Lenykar (Spanyolorszg) / Aglepta Girls Choir (Spain)

    18.00 rAKAMAZ Szent Istvn Kirly Templom / Roman Catholic Church (4465 Rakamaz, Szent Istvn t 137.) A koncertet megnyitja: Farkas Ern polgrmester / Welcome speech: Ern Farkas

    Ady Lenykar (Debrecen) / Ady Girls Choir (Debrecen) Wuxi Shanhe Vegyeskar (Kna) / Wuxi Shanhe Chorus (China)

    18.00 TISZADADA Reformtus Templom / Calvinist Church (4455 Tiszadada, Hsk tere 2.) Yuen Long Gyermekkar (Hong Kong) / Yuen Long Treble Choir (Hong Kong) Haager Spatzen Gyermekkar (Nmetorszg) / Haager Spatzen Childrens Choir (Germany) Pro Musica Lenykar (Nyregyhza) / Pro Musica Girls Choir (Nyregyhza)

    18.00 VLLAJ Rmai Katolikus Templom / Roman Catholic Church (4351 Vllaj, Temet u. 10.) Vrsmarty Lenykar (Budapest) / Vrsmarty Girls Choir (Budapest) Kodly Zoltn Gyermekkar (Szolnok), / Kodly Zoltn Childrens Choir (Szolnok) Candlelight Vegyeskar (Kna) / Candlelight Chorus (China)

    18.00 VSrOSNAMNy Rmai Katolikus Templom / Roman Catholic Church (4800 Vsrosnamny, Rkczi F. u. 19.) A koncertet megnyitja: Filep Sndor polgrmester / Welcome speech: Sndor Filep

    Acapellart nekegyttes (Nyregyhza), / Acapellart Singers (Nyregyhza) Wah Yan Fikrus (Hong Kong) / Wah Yan Boys Choir (Hong Kong)

    19.00 IBrNy Rmai Katolikus Templom / Roman Catholic Church (4484 Ibrny, Lehel u. 51.) A koncertet megnyitja: romn Istvn helyettes llamtitkr / Welcome speech: Istvn romn

    Napsugr Gyermekkar (Nyregyhza) / Napsugr Childrens Choir (Nyregyhza) East China University Krus (Kna) / Choir of East China University (China)

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    08.18. HTF / MoNDAy

    10.00 Minst verseny / Qualifying Competition Kodly-terem / Kodly Hall (4400 Nyregyhza, Vay . Krt. 18.) ingyenes / free entry

    17:00 Fesztivlhangverseny / Festival Concert Kisvrda, Vrsznhz / Castle Theatre 4600 Kisvrda, Vr u. 35. A koncertet megnyitja: Sesztk Oszkr a Szabolcs-Szatmr Bereg Megyei Kzgyls elnke Opening Speech: Oszkr Sesztk Chair of the Szabolcs-Szatmr-Bereg County Government Committee

    ingyenes / free entry

    Wah Yan Fikrus (Hong Kong) / Wah Yan Boys Choir (Hong Kong) Resonanz Gyermekkar (Indonzia) / The Resonanz Childrens Choir (Indonesia) Aglepta Lenykar (Spanyolorszg) / Aglepta Girls Choir (Spain) Candlelight Vegyeskar (Kna) / Candlelight Chorus (China)

    19:00 Fesztivlhangverseny / Festival Concert Eger, Kepes Intzet / Kepes Institute 3300 Eger, Szchenyi Istvn utca 16. Belpdj / Entrance fee: 500 Ft

    Wuxi Shanhe Vegyeskar (Kna) / Wuxi Shanhe Chorus (China) East China University Vegyeskar (Kna) / Choir of East China University (China)

    19:00 Beethoven: IX. szimfnia / Beethoven 9th Symphony Kodly-terem / Kodly Hall (4400 Nyregyhza, Vay . Krt. 18.) Belpdj / Entrance fee: 2000 Ft

    Cantemus Vegyeskar (Nyregyhza) / Cantemus Mixed Choir (Nyregyhza) Tamatomo Kamarakrus (Japn) / Tamatomo Chamber Choir (Japan) Taipei Filharmnia Krusa (Tajvan) / Taipei Philharmonic Choir (Taiwan) Budafoki Dohnnyi Zenekar (Budapest) / Dohnnyi Orchestra Budafok (Budapest) Vradi Marianna szoprn / Sopran Megyesi-Schwartz Lcia mezzoszoprn / mezzosopran Nyri Zoltn tenor / tenor Thomas de Vries (D) bariton / bariton

    Veznyel / Conducted by: Hollerung Gbor

    08.19. KEDD / TuESDAy

    17:00 Koncert a Zsinaggban / Concert in the Synagogue Nyregyhza, Mrtrok tere 6. ingyenes / free entry

    Napsugr Gyermekkar (Nyregyhza) / Napsugr Childrens Choir (Nyregyhza) Yuen Long Gyermekkar (Hongkong) / Yuen Long Treble Choir (Hong Kong) Shikmim Vegyeskar (Izrael) / Shikmim Mixed Choir (Israel) Cantemus Ifjsgi Vegyeskar (Nyregyhza) / Cantemus Youth Mixed Choir (Nyregyhza) Taipei Filharmnia Krusa (Tajvan) / Taipei Philharmonic Choir (Taiwan)

    20.00 Folklr est / Folklore night Nyregyhza, Kossuth tr / Kossuth Square A rendezvnyt megnyitja: Dr. Kovcs Ferenc Nyregyhza polgrmestere Welcome speech: Dr Ferenc Kovcs Mayor of Nyregyhza ingyenes / free entry

    08. 20. SZERDA / wEDNESDAy

    20.00 Glakoncert / Galaconcert SSTI PARKFRD / SST WATER FUN PARK 4431 Nyregyhza, Berent u 1-3. Kszntt mond: Hoppl Pter az Emberi Erforrsok Minisztriumnak Kultrrt Felels llamtitkra Welkome speech: Pter Hoppl Ministry of Human resources State Secretary for Culture

    Zrszt mond: Dr. Kovcs Ferenc Nyregyhza polgrmestere Closing speech: Dr. Ferenc Kovcs Mayor of Nyregyhza

    Felntt jegy: 1000 Ft / Gyerek jegy: (14 ves korig) 500 Ft Adults: 1000 HuF / Children: (under 14 years) 500 HuF

    08. 21. CSTRTK / THuRSDAy

    18.00 Karvezeti Mesterkurzus Zrhangverseny Conducting Mastercourse Closing Concert Kodly-terem / Kodly Hall (4400 Nyregyhza, Vay . Krt. 18.) ingyenes / free entry

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    11 1. Cantemus Fesztivliroda, Kodly Iskola / Office of Cantemus Festival, Kodly School 4400 Nyregyhza, Vay dm krt. 18. Tel.: (+36-42) 508-708

    2. Kossuth-tr / Kossuth square Nyregyhza Megyei Jog Vros Polgrmesteri Hivatala / Town Hall of Nyregyhza 4400 Nyregyhza, Kossuth tr 1.

    3. Magyarok Nagyasszonya Rmai Katolikus Trsszkesegyhz / Roman Catholic Church 4400 Nyregyhza, Kossuth tr 4. Tel.: (+36-42) 409-691

    4. Nyregyhzi Zsinagga / Synagogue 4400 Nyregyhza Mrtrok tere 6. tel.: (+36-42) 417-939

    5. Korona Hotel s tterem / Korona Hotel and Restaurant 4400 Nyregyhza, Dzsa Gyrgy u. 1. Tel.: (+ 36-42) 409-300

    6. Luther Kollgium / Luther Youth Hostel 4400 Nyregyhza, Iskola u. 2. Tel.: (+36-42) 410-601

    7. Zrnyi Kollgium / Zrnyi Youth Hostel 4400 Nyregyhza, Szchnyi u. 29-31. Tel.: (+36-42) 315-911

    8. Europa Hotel / Hotel Europa 4400 Nyregyhza, Hunyadi u. 2. Tel.: (+36-42) 508-670

    9. Centrl Hotel / Hotel Central 4400 Nyregyhza, Nyr u. 2-4. Tel.: (+36-42) 411-330

    10. Nyregyhzi Szabadtri Sznpad / Open Air Theatre of Nyregyhza 4400 Nyregyhza, Benczr tr 22. tel.: (+36-70) 9494-141

    11. Sandra, Campus s Bessenyei Hotel / Hotel Sandra, Campus and Bessenyei 4400 Nyregyhza, Ssti t 31/B Tel.: (+36-42) 505-400

    12. Ssti Parkfrd / Sst Water Fun Park 4431Nyregyhza-Sstfrd, Berent utca 1-3.

    13. Krdy Vigad / Krdy Banquet Hall 4431 Nyregyhza-Sstfrd, Ssti t 75.


    Useful Addresses and Phone Numbers

    Hasznos informcik / Contact usMarianna ware (+36) 30 469 2135, (+36) 30 815 3975 Fldesi Ildik (+36) 30 215 2388 Szab Soma (+36) 20 268 1411orvos / Doctor on duty: Kondor Lszl (+36) 30 965 6171 Seglykrs / Emergency Call in Hungary 112 Mentk / Ambulance 104 Rendrsg / Police 107 Tzoltsg / Firestation 105A fesztivl honlapja / Festival website: www.cantemus.hu/fesztival


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    Rsztvev krusok

    Participating Choirs

    Ady Lenykar / Ady Girls' Choir Debrecen, Hungary

    Aglepta Lenykar / Aglepta Girls' Choir Spanyolorszg / Spain

    Candlelight Vegyeskar / Candlelight Chorus Kna / China

    East China university Vegyeskar / Choir of East China university Kna / China

    Family Singers / Family Singers Eger, Hungary

    Gemma nekegyttes / Gemma Vocal Ensemble Budapest, Hungary

    Haager Spatzen Gyermekkar / Haager Spatzen Childrens Choir Nmetorszg / Germany

    Kodly Zoltn Gyermekkrus / Kodly Zoltn Childrens Choir Szolnok, Hungary

    resonanz Gyermekkar / resonanz Children's Choir Indonzia / Indonesia

    Sevda-Cenap Nikar / Sevda-Cenap & Music Foundation Womens Choir Trkorszg / Turkey

    Shikmim Vegyeskar / The Shikmim Choir Izrael / Israel

    Sonitus Scarbantiae Nikar / Sonitus Scarbantiae Female Voice Choir Sopron, Hungary

    Taipei Filharmnia Kamarakrusa / Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir Taiwan / Tajvan

    Tamatomo Kamarakrus / Tamatomo Chamber Choir Japn / Japan

    Vrsmarty Lenykar / Vrsmarty Girls Choir Budapest, Hungary

    Wah yan Fikrus / Wah yan Boys Choir Hong Kong / Hong Kong

    Wuxi Shanhe Vegyeskar / Wuxi Shanhe Chorus Kna / China

    yuen Long Gyermekkar / yuen Long Treble Choir Hong Kong / Hong Kong

    Ady Lenykar Ady Girls Choir

    Karvezet / Conductor: Kerekes Rita



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    Az Ady Endre Gimnzium Lenykart 1984-ben alaptotta Debrecenben Potyk Balzs. A legtbb krustag emelt szint nek-zenei osztlyokban tanul. Szp szmmal vannak kzttk hangszeres nvendkek is. Az utbbi msfl v sorn tbb zben kpviseltk iskoljukat s szkebb hazjukat terleti s orszgos szint rendezvnyeken. Az nekkar jelenleg 35 tagot szmll. Kiemelked eredmnyeik: Ifjsgi nekkari kategria 1. dja s Klndjak XXIV. Bartk Bla Nemzetkzi Krusverseny, Debrecen, 2010; Aranydiploma XIII. Budapesti Nemzetkzi Krusfesztivl s Verseny, Budapest, 2011; Aranydiploma, Legjobb magyar krus (klndj) - IX. Cantemus Nemzetkzi Krusfesztivl, Nyregyhza 2012; Ifjsgi nikarok I. dj, karnagyi klndj - Kodly Zoltn Magyar Krusverseny, Budapest 2012; Ifjsgi egynemkarok Aranydiploma - Budapesti Nemzetkzi Krusverseny 2013.

    The Female Choir of the Ady Endre Secondary School was founded in 1984 in Debrecen by Balzs Potyk. Most of the choir members study music and singing in advanced level music classes. Several of them take part in instrumental education. In the past one and a half years the choir represented its institute and the broader region at several regional and national events. Today the choir has 35 members. Their most significant achievements up to date are: Youth Choirs Category 1st prize and Special Prizes - Bla Bartk 24th International Choir Competition, Debrecen, Hungary, 2010; Gold Diploma - 13th International Choir Competition and Festival, Budapest, Hungary 2011; Gold Diploma, Best hungarian choir (special prize) - IX. Cantemus Nemzetkzi Krusfesztivl, Nyregyhza 2012; Ifjsgi nikarok 1st prize, conductor special prize - Kodly Zoltn Magyar Krusverseny, Budapest 2012; Ifjsgi egynemkarok Gold Diploma - Budapesti Nemzetkzi Krusverseny 2013

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    Aglepta Lenykar Aglepta Girls Choir

    Karvezet / Conductor: oriol Castanyer




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    Egy kortrs svd zeneszerz Arne Mellns mve nyomn esett a krus vlasztsa az Aglepta nvre. Ez a darab a szlamok egymsba olvad harmniival teremt elbvl hangzst, gy ejtve rabul a hallgatt. A krus 2001-ben alakult a Sant Cugat gyermekkar egykori alapt tagjaibl. repertorjuk a renesznsz polifnitl a pop feldolgozsokig minden stlust magba foglal. Nem csak Kataln fldn, de Belgiumban, Kanadban s Szerbiban is koncerteztek. 2009-ben Malgrat del Marban nemzetkzi krusverseny msodik djat nyertek, 2010-ben Cantonigrosban pedig negyedikek lettek. Anima Nostra cmmel 2012-ben jelent meg egyhzzenei mveket felsorakoztat els nll lemezk.

    The name of Aglepta comes originally from the contemporary piece by Swedish composer Arne Mellns. This composition represents the casting of a spell in which the voices intertwine creating a bewitching and captivating atmosphere of sounds. The choir was founded in October 2001 formed mainly by girls who at the time had been founding members of the Sant Cugat Childrens Choir. The repertoire of the choir covers music from all periods and styles; from renaissance music to contemporary pieces, including romantic composers and pop music groups. They have offered concerts in several locations around Catalonia, as well as in Belgium, Canada and Serbia. They have worked with conductors such as Elisenda Carrasco, Xavier Sans, Marjorie Malone, Dnes Szab, Dwight Jordan and Walter Whitman, among others. In 2009 Aglepta won second prize at the Malgrat de Mar International Choir Contest and in 2010 won fourth prize at the Cantonigrs International Music Contest. In 2012 they published Anima Nostra, their first recording project focused on religious music for upper voices by composers of all times.

    Candlelight Vegyeskar Candlelight Chorus

    Karvezet / Conductor: Mr. Da-lin Zhi

    A Candlelight krus 1993-ban alakult. Megalakulsa ta a Shanxi tartomny s az szaki vidkek npzenjnek felkutatsnak, feldolgozsnak s npszerstsnek szenteli tevkenysgt, gy egyedlll mvszi stlust hozott ltre. Jelenleg tbb mint 40 nekessel mkdik a Shanxi ltalnos Egyetemen, ahol vezeti mind tantanak. Az elmlt hsz v alatt a krus shanxi npdalok tucatjait dolgozta fel s adta el Kna-szerte s bels Mongliban. Munkjukat Cd-n is megjelentettk. 1996-ban Els helyezst rtek el az Egyetemek Mvszeti versenyn. 2000-ben ezst fokozatot nyertek az 5. Knai Nemzetkzi Krusversenyen. 2013-ban egy els s msodik djat szereztek a 4. Hong Kong Nemzetkzi Ifjsgi krustallkozn.

    Founded in 1993, Candlelight Chorus is a member of the China Association of Chorus Groups. Currently Candlelight Chorus has more than 40 members. Since its foundation, Candlelight Chorus has dedicated to exploration, adaptation, and performance of local Shanxi and other northern folk songs. Till now it has accumulated chorus, and formed its unique artistic style. In the past 20 years, Candlelight Chorus has successfully performed dozens of folk songs of Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, and Inner Mongolia and has released its own album Chorus Collection of Shanxi Folk Songs. In 1996, Candlelight Chorus won the First Prize in the First National Literature & Art Performance of Universities and was awarded through live broadcast on CCTV. In 2000, Candlelight Chorus was awarded the first place among the silver medal winners in the Fifth China Intl Chorus Festival. In 2013, the choir participated the 4th Hong Kong International Youth & Children Choir Festival, winning the second place in the folk song Gold Group and the first place in the female chorus Gold Group.


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    East china university Krus Choir of East China University

    Karvezet / Conductor: Cao Huaqin


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    A krus 2008-ban alakult a Kelet Knai Tudomnyos s Technikai Egyetemen Cao Huaqin professzor vezetsvel, aki az egyetem mvszeti rszlegt irnytja. A krustagok szisztematikus kpzsen vesznek rszt heti rendszeressggel. repertorjukban vltozatos mfaj s stlus knai s klfldi krusmvek szerepelnek. Szmos koncertet adnak vrl vre s a Shanghai krusversenyen szmos aranyrmet nyertek mr. Magas sznvonal eladsaikkal bizonytjk az egyetem tanulinak mvszi rzkt, terjesztik a kulturlis kapcsolatokat, amivel nemcsak az egyetem kultrjt erstik, de elismerst is szereznek neki. 2013-ban a Hongkongban a nemzetkzi Ifjsgi krustallkozn egy arany s kt ezst diplomt nyertek.

    Founded in 2008, Choir of East China University of Science and Technology is directed by associate professor Cao Huaqin, the Artistic Director of college students art troupe. The choir members carry out systematic and professional trainings on a regular basis and rehearse Chinese and foreign choral pieces of various forms and styles. They give many concerts in every year. They won several gold medals in competitions in Shanghai. Superb concert performances in foreign affair receptions demonstrate the exquisite art style of the university students, showcase the schools rich cultural heritage, and promote school cultural exchanges with others, which not only animate the campus culture but also win honours for the school. July 2013, the choir went to Hong Kong to participate in 2013 Hong Kong International Youth Choir Festival, and won a gold medal and two silver awards.

    Family Singers Family Singers

    Mvszeti vezet / Artistic director: Tth Vilmos

    A Family Singers nekegyttest 2013 prilisban alaptottk egyetlen csald tagjaibl. letkben a zene mindig meghatroz szerepet jtszott, mr azeltt is, mieltt a gyerekek elg idsek lettek a csaldi egyttes ltrehozshoz. Kicsi koruktl tanulnak nekelni s hangszereken jtszani, s egyre komolyabban vesznek rszt a csaldi egyttesben is. Az egyttes clja, hogy a zene s nek csodjt tovbbadjk msoknak is, s egyre ignyesebb mveket egyre magasabb sznvonalon mutassanak be. Kiemelt kldetsknek tartjk, hogy Kodly Zoltn szellemi rksgnek s zenepedaggiai koncepcijnak megrzshez s terjesztshez hozzjruljanak, Magyarorszgon s klfldn is. repertorjuk igen szles kr: klasszikus darabok minden korszakbl, npzenei, musical s knnyzenei feldolgozsok, gyermekdalok, filmzenk, gyakran sajt tiratban. Fontosabb eredmnyeik: A Muzsika Hdja nemzetkzi krusverseny (Budapest) arany oklevl, nekl Magyarorszg minst krusverseny, GLAKruS cm.

    Music has always played a major role in their life so the Family Singers were founded in 2013 when the children of one big family became old enough. They have been learning to sing since their early years, studying instrumental music and increasingly participating in the ensemble. Their purpose is to further the miracle of singing and music - performing more and more demanding and beautiful works. Their mission is to contribute to the preservation, teaching and promotion of Zoltan Kodalys spiritual heritage and concept for music education both in Hungary and abroad. Their repertoire includes classical choral pieces, folk songs, popular music and arrangements (often our own) of childrens songs and film music. Their most important achievements to date are: Bridge of Music Festival (Budapest) - Gold Award, Singing Hungary - GALA CHOIR qualification


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    Gemma nekegyttes Gemma Vocal Ensemble

    Mvszeti vezet / Artistic director: Tth Mrton



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    A Gemma nekegyttes 1996-ban alakult, azzal a szndkkal, hogy az egyttnekls rmnek gymlcseit msokkal is megosszk. Ekkor mg a tagok nagy rsze a Kodly Zoltn Magyar Krusiskola tanulja volt. Az iskolai vek utn is folytattk a kzs munkt: egyre tbb koncertet adtak, amelyek hatsra csiszoldott a hangzs s kialakult egy lland kzssg. Ma a kamara 8-12 tagot szmll, akik tbb mint 3 ve nekelnek egytt. nekeseik kztt zenszeken kvl kzgazdsz, gygypedaggus s irodalmr is van. repertorjukon fleg renesznsz misk, motettk s lamentcik (Palestrina, Lassus, Tallis, Byrd, White, Josquin), Bach kanttk tallhatk; emellett kortrs zeneszerzk mveit is szvesen neklik (Brdos, Ngrdi, Sznyi, Kocsr, Gyngysi). Koncertjeiket maguk szervezik, de rmmel tesznek eleget az egyre szaporod felkrseknek is. Nagyon fontos szmukra, hogy a zene segtsgvel az emberek lelkbe bkt, rmet s szeretetet teremtsenek s rk rvny rtkeket kzvettsenek.

    The Gemma Vocal Ensemble was formed in 1996 with the aim of sharing the joy of singing with others. Most of its members were students of the Kodly Zoltn Hungarian Choral School. They carried on singing together and gave a continually increasing number of concerts which aided the improvement of their music and also the formation of a permanent community. Today they have 8-12 members having been singing together for three years. Their members - besides musicians are economists, special needs teachers and literary scholars. Their repertoire mainly consists of Renaissance masses, motets, lamentations (Palestrina, Lassus, Tallis, Byrd, White, Josquin) and Bach cantatas but they also like performing contemporary Hungarian choral music (Brdos, Ngrdi, Sznyi, Kocsr, Gyngysi). Creating peace, joy and love in the human soul through music, and the conveyance of timeless values are of primary importance to the ensemble.

    Haager Spatzen Gyermekkar Haager Spatzen Childrens Choir

    Karvezet / Conductor: Krolyi-Philippzig Zsuzsanna

    A Bajororszgbl szrmaz gyerekkrus, 2007 szeptemberben alakult egy Mnchentl nem messze es kis kzsgben, Haagban. Ma krlbell 60 gyerek nekel a klnbz korcsoportokra osztott krusban. A koncertkrus jelenleg huszonhat tlnyom rszben 10-13 ves kor gyermekbl ll. A gyerekkrus sikeresen szerepelt nmet s nemzetkzi krusversenyeken, fesztivlokon. 2012-ben a Frankfurti Nemzetkzi Krusversenyen kategrijukban 1. djat, 2013-ban a 9. Bajor Krusversenyen 2. djat kaptak s tovbbjutottak a weimari orszgos versenyre. 2013 rszt vehettek a Wolfenbttelben megrendezett Eurotreff krusfesztivlon. Vezetjk Krolyi-Philippzig Zsuzsanna magyar szrmazs karnagy, 1993-tl l s dolgozik Nmetorszgban.

    The choir Haager Spatzen was founded in September 2007 in Haag, a small town in Bavaria near Munich. Today, 60 children in three different age groups sing in the choir. The concert choir consists of 26 children and adolescents aged 10-18 and average age 12 years. It has participated successfully in major german and international choral events, with the following achievements:1st prize at the International Choir Competition Chorfestival Frankfurt, 2012.; Participation at the Choir-meeting Eurotreff in Wolfenbttel, 2013.; 2nd place at the 9th Bavarian Choir Competition in Munich, 2013. Based on this result, the jury selected the choir to participate at the German Choir Competition 2014 in Weimar. Susanne Krolyi-Philippzig is a choir conductor of Hungarian origin, living and working in Germany since 1993.




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    Kodly Zoltn Gyermekkar Kodly Zoltn Childrens Choir

    Karvezet / Conductor: Zskain Juhsz Katalin





    A krust tbb mint 40 ve alaptottk a szolnoki Kodly Zoltn nek-zenei ltalnos Iskola nek-zene tagozatos, felss tanulibl. Az nekkarnak jelenlegi s volt tantvnyokkal egytt 120 tagja van. repertorjuk a kzpkortl napjainkig terjed idszakot lel fel, s mfajilag is vltozatos. F cljuk a magyar npi hagyomnyok polsa s a kortrs krusmuzsika npszerstse. 1989 ta Juhszn Zskai Katalin vezeti a krust. Az nekl Ifjsg minst hangversenyeken rendszeresen v Krusa kitntet cmet kapnak. rendszeresen fellpnek Szolnok vros s a megye krushangversenyein, nemzetkzi fesztivlokon s krusversenyeken Magyarorszgon s klfldn egyarnt. Tbb nemzetkzi Ezst- s Arany Diplomt szereztek, s kt krusolimpiai Ezst rem bszke tulajdonosai. 2013 jliusban hzigazdi voltak az EuroKinderchor Nemzetkzi Krusmhely rendezvnyeinek.

    The choir was formed over 40 years ago from the senior pupils of the music classes of the Szolnok Kodly Zoltn Primary School. The choir has 120 members now including present and former pupils of the school. Their varied repertoire extends from medieval to contemporary choral music. The main goals of the choirs work are the sustenance of Hungarian folk tradition and the popularization of contemporary choral music. The choir has been conducted by Juhszn Zskai Katalin since 1989. They are regular participants in the Singing Youth competitions in Hungary where they have won the Choir of the year title many times. They regularly take part in concerts, national and international competitions and festivals. They have given concerts in Finland, Poland, Germany and Italy. Their achievements to date are several international Silver and Golden Diplomas and two Silver Medals of Choir Olympic Games. They were the hosts of the Euro Kinderchor International Choir Workshop in July 2013.

    Resonanz Gyermekkar Resonanz Childrens Choir

    Karvezet / Conductor: Devi Francesca

    A resonanz Gyermekkar tbb neves indonziai egyttessel, mint pldul a Jakarta Koncert Zenekar egy zenei stdi (resonanz Music Studio) rszeknt mkdik. A krus clja a gyerekek zenei kpessg-fejlesztse mellett sokrt: az nekls lvezetre motivls, a tagok nbizalmnak erstse, pontossgra, trelemre nevels, a koncentrci-kpessg, valamint a memria-kapacits fejlesztse ppolyan fontos, mint a kzssgi erklcs kialaktsa s a gyerekek kreativitsnak tpllsa. A krus 2007-ben a Makai Zenekar Karcsonyi Glakoncertjn nekelt, majd 2008-ban debtlt nll msorral A nevem: zene cmmel. Azta tbb rangos esemnyen s hangversenyen szerepeltek, tbbek kztt az Indonz Televzi 18. vforduls rendezvnyen. 2012-ben a Bali Nemzetkzi Krusfesztivlon bajnoki cmet szereztek. 2013-ban a Hong Kong-i Nemzetkzi Ifjsgi s Gyermekkari Fesztivl keretben rendezett krusversenyrl hat djjal trhettek haza: tbbek kztt elnyertk a Vilg Krusa nagydjas cmet is.

    The Resonanz Children's Choir is a part of the Resonanz Music Studio which also manages the Jakarta Concert Orchestra. The purpose of the children choir is to hone its members musical skills as well as to motivate children to enjoy singing and to boost their confidence, accuracy, patience, concentration span, memory, ethics in friendship, and nurture their creativity. TRCC performed in theGala Concert Christmas with the Macao Orchestra in 2007, and had its debut concert - My Name is Music in 2008. Since then TRCC has performed in many significant events and concerts including the 18th anniversary celebrations of TV Indonesia. In 2012 TRCC became the Champion Childrens Choir in the Bali International Choir Competition. The choirs most recent outstanding achievement was winning six awards: including a Choir of the World title.



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    Sevda-Cenap Nikar Sevda-Cenap and Music Foundation Womens Choir




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    A Sevda-Cenap Nikar 1999-ben alakult a Sevda-Cenap zenei alaptvny rszeknt, melynek clkitzse, hogy fejlessze s npszerstse a tbbszlam kruszent Trkorszgban. A krus cljai: A nk szerepnek biztostsa a zenei letben. Befejezni a flbehagyott zenei nevelst. Felfedezni a bennnk rejl tehetsget s felszabadtani az elnyomott rzseket. lvezni a szabadidt. Szeretetet, tiszteletet s bartsgot kzvetteni a zene ltal. Alaptvnyi koncerteket szervezni. Zenjket minl szlesebb krben npszersteni. A polifn zent npszersteni Trkorszgban. A krus tagjai klnbz civil foglalkozs nk, akik telve vannak szeretettel, s a zent letk mindennapjainak rszeknt lik meg, s ennek kifejezsre hasznljk.

    Sevda-Cenap And Music Foundation Womens Choir was founded in 1999 as a part of Sevda - Cenap And Music Foundation, which contributes to the adoption, development and promotion of polyphonic music in Turkey. The aims of the choir are: To ensure the productivity of the women in music. To conclude their incomplete music education. To discover inborn talents and animate suppressed feelings. To enjoy the leisure times. To establish love, respect and friendship via music. To organize concerts for the Foundation. To reach people from every walk of life. To spread polyphonic music all around Turkey. The members of the choir are women from various professions with hearts full of love, who are dedicated to music and consider it as a part of their daily lives and also as a means of socializing and communication.

    Karvezet / Conductor: Cihan Can

    Shikmim Vegyeskar The Shikmim Choir

    A Shikmim (A platnfk) krus, Menashe Lev ran vezetsvel mr majd 30 ve mkdik. Nhnyan mg ennl is tbb ideje nekelnek egytt. A tagok klnbz foglalkozs amatr nekesek Tel Aviv krzetbl, akik hetente egy alkalommal jrnak ssze prblni. A Shikmim nv egy dalbl ered, amely egy platnfa ligetrl szl, mint a rgi Izrael szimblumrl, az egykori kis Tel Aviv megnvekedsvel hozva prhuzamba. A krus repertorja hber, angol s egyb nyelv klasszikus, Haszid, egyhzi s npzenei dalokbl ll. Vilgszerte sok orszgban koncerteztek mr, Angliban, Bulgriban, Portugliban, Oroszorszgban, Olaszorszgban, uSA-ban, Kanadban, Csehorszgban s Grgorszgban. A krus vezetje, Menashe Lev ran huszont vig az Izraeli rendrsg Zenekart vezette. volt az alaptja s mvszeti irnytja a 70-es s 80-as vekben a Haszid-dal Fesztivlnak.

    The Shikmim (the sycamore trees) choir, conducted by Menashe Lev Ran, has been active for almost 30 years. Some of the members have been singing together for even longer. The group consist of amateur singers from many professions, all residing in the Tel Aviv area, and they rehears once a week. The name Shikmim is connected to a song about the Sycamore tree garden that symbolizes the old Land of Israel and especially the little Tel Aviv of the past that has grown and changed. Their repertoire includes a variety of classical, Chasidic, liturgical and folkloristic songs in Hebrew, English, or other languages. The choir has performed in many countries around the world such as: England, Bulgaria, Portugal, Russia, Italy, USA, Canada, Check Republic, and Greece. The conductor of the choir, Menashe Lev Ran has been the conductor of the Israel police orchestra for 25 years. He was also the founder and musical director of the Chassidic-song festival during the years of the 70 and 80s.


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    Karvezet / Conductor: Menashe Lev-Ran

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    A 2008-ban alakult Sonitus Scarbantiae (Sopron hangja) nikar alapt tagjai szinte mindnyjan valamelyik Sopronban mkd vegyeskar dalosai, akik az egykori nagyhr Liszt Ferenc Ni Kar megsznse ta vgytak s vrtak arra, hogy a vros zenei egytteseinek s kulturlis letnek palettjt egynem kar is sznestse. Az eltelt t v alatt a ltszm bvlt, Harcz Katalin karnagy irnytsval a szlamok arnya mostanra megfelelv alakult s egytt-hangzsa is sszecsiszoldott. A Sonitus Scarbantiae egyre gyakrabban lp fel Sopron vros s a krnyez teleplsek rendezvnyein. Kt alkalommal vett rszt nagy sikerrel nemzetkzi krusfesztivlon (Eurocoer Festival, Quiberon-Franciaorszg). 2013 nyarn a Soproni nnepi Hetek program-sorozatban adta els nll koncertjt.

    The Sonitus Scarbantiae Female Voice Choir was founded in 2008. Almost all of the founding members of the ensemble sing in one of the mixed voice choirs of Sopron having had a strong wish and an expectation to add an equal voice colour to the palette of the towns cultural life and its music ensembles since the dissolution of the famous Liszt Ferenc Female Voice choir. The number of members has increased in the past five years and under the direction of Katalin Harcz the balance between the parts has been created resulting in a good overall choral sound. The choir performs short cantatas, masses, madrigals, folk song arrangements, poems set to music and contemporary choral pieces both acapella and accompanied. The choir often performs at events in Sopron and surrounding towns and villages. They participated in two international choir festivals with great success (Eurocoer Festival, Quiberon-Franciaorszg). Their first concert of their own was a performance in the Sopron Week of Arts in 2013.

    Sonitus Scarbantiae Nikar Sonitus Scarbantiae Female Voice Choir

    Karvezet / Conductor: Harcz Katalin

    A Taipei Filharmnia Krust 1972-ben alaptottk. Karvezeti ldozatos munkjnak ksznheten mra mr kiterjedt repertorral rendelkezik s Tajvan egyik legreprezentatvabb kpviselje a krusnekls vilgban. A 140 tagot szmll egyttesbl alakult a kisebb, 30 fs Taipei Filharmnia Kamarakrus, a nagy egyttes utaz, turnz kpviselje. A Taipei Kamarakrus vlogatott zenei anyaggal turnzik s nagy jelentsg tengerentli sikerekkel bszklkedhet. A vilg minden fldrszt bejrtk, tbb mint 30 vros neves koncerttermeiben nekeltek. Ma mr a vilg egyik legismertebb kamarakrusaknt kpviselik Tajvant s sokszor egsz zsit nemzetkzi rendezvnyeken.

    The Taipei Philharmonic Chorus was founded in 1972 and, through the efforts of its conductors, has put together an extensive repertoire and cultivated a reputation as one of the most prestigious choirs in Taiwan. From the 140 members of the larger Chorus, a 30 voice chamber choir has been established to tour and perform more selective musical works. This group, known as the Taipei Philharmonic Chamber, has an impressive history of performing overseas having been to all the continents of the world and performed in major performance venues in more than 30 cities. They are now one of the best known choral ensembles of the world and often represent Taiwan or even Asia at international events.


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    Tajpej Filharmnia Krusa Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir

    Karvezet / Conductor: yu-Chung John Ku

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    A Tamatomo krus rgi j ismerse a nyregyhzi kznsgnek. A krus a Tama kzpiskola vgzs nvendkeibl alakult azutn, hogy a kzpiskolai krusukkal rszt vettek a II. Cantemus Nemzetkzi Krusfesztivlon 1998-ban s arany minstsk mellett a fesztivl nagydjt is elnyertk. Azta tbb alkalommal is elltogattak a nyregyhzi fesztivlra, szmos arany diplomt s klndjat begyjtve. Nhny tagjuk kilencedik alkalommal ltogat Nyregyhzra. Az egyttes azonban leginkbb szk hazai krnyezetben koncertezik, vagy mkdik egytt ms nekkarokkal.

    The TAMATOMO choir is a well know old friend for the audience of Nyregyhza. The choir was formed by the graduates of TAMA High School Chorus Club in 1998 after joining the 2nd Cantemus International Choir Festival. They received gold prize and also grand prix in the competition held in the festival. They took part in Cantemus International Choir Festival several times, and they won gold prize and a special award. Some members of TAMATOMO individually participated in this festival maximum nine times. The group also contributes to the local areas by giving performances at nursing homes and collaborating with local chorus groups.

    Tamatomo Kamarakrus Tamatomo Chamber Choir

    A pestszentlrinci Vrsmarty Mihly nek-zenei Nyelvi ltalnos Iskola s Gimnzium lenykarnak 1991-es alakulsa az alapt igazgat Jrain dr. Bdi Gyrgyi, s Csk Mikls zenetanr-karvezet nevhez fzdik. A nagyformtum s elhivatott karnagy b vtizedes munkjt szmtalan zeneszeret dik felnevelkedse mellett a krus nagyszer versenyeredmnyei fmjelzik. Csk Mikls utn Kabdeb Sndor vette t a tagozat vezetst, akivel folytatdott a krus jelenlte a Budapesti s orszgos koncertletben. A lenykar rendszeres rsztvevje az nekl Ifjsg hangversenyeknek, tbbszr kaptak Az v krusa minstst; valamint a teljessg ignye nlkl az utbbi vekben a neerpelti, giesseni, celjei s tolosai krusversenyeken is kiemelked eredmnyeket rtek el.

    The formation of the girls choir of the Pestszentlrinc Music and Language Specialist Primary and High School was closely linked with the names of the schools founding headmistress, Jrain Bdi Gyrgyi and Csk Mikls - music teacher and conductor. Over a decade of dedicated work by this well established and acknowledged conductor has been marked by the nurture of countless music loving students as well as the outstanding competition results of the choir. Following Csk Mikls the music department and the choir were subsequently led by Kabdeb Sndor with the choir continuing its successful presence in concerts in Budapest and nationally. The choir regularly participates in the national Singing Youth competitions and has been awarded the Choir of the Year title several times. In recent years it has also achieved outstanding results at international choir competitions in Neerpelt, Giessen, Celje and Tolosa.



    , Hun


    Vrsmarty Lenykar Vrsmarty Girls Choir

    Karvezet / Conductor: Gyombolai Blint

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    A Wah yan Fikrus a Hong Kong vrosban s a Kowloon vrosban mkd Wah yan fiskola legtehetsgesebb fi tanulibl szervezdtt. A krus clja hogy tagjai kifejezsre juttathassk zene irnti szenvedlyket, egyni kpessgeiket fejleszthessk a klnbz nyelven s stlusban nekelt zenemveken keresztl. Nagy sikerrel vettek rszt klnbz helyi versenyeken, mint pldul a hongkongi iskolk zenei fesztivljn, valamint 2013-ban a Hongkongi Nemzetkzi Ifjsgi Krusversenyen, ahol jelents djakat nyertek. Nagy rmkre szolgl, hogy Cantemus Fesztivlon val rszvtelkkel lehetsgk nylik fldrszeken tvel kulturlis kapcsolatok s bartsgok ptsre, valamint arra, hogy a fikrus az kzssgi lmnyek ltal egy nagy csaldd vlhasson.

    The Wah Yan College Junior Boys Choir is formed by the most outstanding students from both Wah Yan College, HK and Wah Yan College, Kowloon. The choir aims to let members to learn from every single performance and to increase their vocal abilities. It also aims at encouraging and instilling the members passion for music, learning singing techniques whilst trying different repertoire through different languages. They have participated in different local competitions such as the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and the Hong Kong International Youth and Childrens Choir Festival in 2013 and won different prizes. The members of the choir are glad and excited that they can experience different music cultures of different countries and can make friends of many lands through this precious opportunity of being able to come to the Cantemus Festival. Last but not least, they are glad that music can make Junior Choir become a big family with joy and love.

    wah yan Fikrus Wah Yan Boys Choir

    Karvezet / Conductor: Mr. Lesley Ka-hei Chan

    A Wuxi Shanhe Vegyeskar 2000-ben alakult. Az egyttes tbb mint 50 koncertje alatt 300 knai s klfldi dalt nekelt mr, amibl 80 lland repertoron van. A Wuxi Shanhe Vegyeskar 9 aranyrmet nyert mr nagyszabs Knai nemzeti versenyeken. 2013-ban a Szentptervron megrendezett nemzetkzi krusversenyen megnyertk a vegyeskari kategrit, frfikari kategriban msodik djat kaptak, valamint a legjobb orosz m eladsrt s a legjobb nyugati darab eladsrt jr klndjakat.

    Wuxi Shanhe chorus was founded in September 2000. Since then the group has performed over 300 Chinese and foreign pieces - including over 80 as core repertoire and given more than 50 large scale concerts. Wuxi Shanhe chorus has won nine gold medals in major national competitions, including winning the 7th,8th and 9th China Choral Festival competitions. In St Petersburg in 2013, at the eleventh Singing World International Choral Arts Festival and Ninth International Choral Competition the choir won the mixed voice category, came second in the male and close harmony category, and also won the Best Russian Works and the Best Western Works performance awards.


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    wuxi Shanhe Vegyeskar Wuxi Shanhe Chorus

    Karvezet / Conductor: Prof. yan wANG

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    A yuen Long Kerleti Mvszeti Bizottsg Egynemkara (yuen Long Gyermekkrus) 2002-ben alakult. A krust Kwok-Ning Chan zeneigazgat s vezetkarnagy irnytja 20 tapasztalt karvezet s asszisztens kzremkdsvel. A krus 2006-ban nyert elszr nemzetkzi versenyt Hongkongban, s Mr Chan ugyanitt elnyerte a legjobb karnagynak jr klndjat is. Meghvst nyertek Dl-Afrikba a Tshwane Ifjsgi Mvszeti Fesztivlra, kzremkdtek a Hongkongban megrendezett Kelet zsiai Jtkok zresemnyn, Knban a Guangzhou Operahzban adtak koncertet. 2012-ben a Pekingben megrendezett nemzetkzi krusversenyen ifjsgi kategriban arany diplomt kaptak. 2013-ban a Hongkongi Nemzetkzi Ifjsgi Krusversenyen ismt arany diplomt nyertek.

    Yuen Long District Arts Committee Treble Choir (YLDAC), established in 2002. The Choir is led by Mr. CHAN, Kwok-Ning, the Music Director and Principal Conductor, and 20 experienced conductors and accompanists. In 2006 HK International Youth & Childrens Choir Festival, the Choir won their 1st International Choral Contest Gold Award as well as Championship of category B1. Mr. Chan, the conductor, earned the Grand Award of Best Conductor in this event. The choir was invited to performed in Tshwane Youth Arts Festival of Pretoria, South Africa, in Hong Kong at the Closing Ceremony of 2009 East Asian Games, and in China at The Guangzhou Opera House. In 2012, the Choir won their 2 nd International Choral Contest Gold Award (Youth Category) in Peking. In 2013, the Choir won their 3 rd Gold Award (Performance) in the Salute Concert in the2013 HK International Youth & Childrens Choir Festival .

    yuen Long Gyermekkrus Yuen Long Treble Choir

    Karvezet / Conductor: Mr. Kwok-ning Chan

    Vendglt krusok

    Host Choirs

    Cantemus Vegyeskar Cantemus Mixed Choir

    Pro Musica Lenykar Pro Musica Girls Choir

    Cantemus Gyermekkar Cantemus Childrens Choir

    Miss King-tung Klare Ng

  • 38 39

    Napsugr Gyermekkar Napsugr Childrens Choir

    Cantemus Ifjsgi Vegyeskar Cantemus Youth Mixed Choir

    Acapellart nekegyttes Acapellart Singers

    Cantemus Fikrus Cantemus Boys Choir

    Vendglt krusok

    Host Choirs

  • 40 41

    CIB Bank

    Cssz Platn Cgcsoport

    Eger nkormnyzata

    Emberi Erforrsok Minisztriuma

    Falvak Kultrjrt Alaptvny

    Fehrgyarmat nkormnyzata

    Giganet Internet Szolgltat Kft.

    GPrint Iroda

    Hungaro Chemicals

    Ibrny nkormnyzata

    IMI Print

    Kisvrda nkormnyzata

    Korz zlethz

    Nyrbtor nkormnyzata


    Sponsors Nyregyhza Megyei Jog Vros nkormnyzata

    Opus-Music Kft.

    Rakamaz nkormnyzata

    Sst-Gygyfrdk Zrt.

    Szabolcs Voln Zrt.

    Tiszadada nkormnyzata

    Tokaj Kereskedhz Zrt.

    Vllaj nkormnyzata

    Vsrosnamny nkormnyzata

    Wella Kft.

    Nyregyhza Megyei Jog Vros nkormnyzata


    Eurpa Rdi


    Nyregyhzi Napl

    Promotions Media

    Retro Rdi


    Media Sponsors

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    j bartok

    New Friends

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    j bartok

    New Friends

  • 44 45

    1 Kodly Zoltn ltalnos Iskola / Kodly Zoltn Primary School 4400 Nyregyhza, Vay dm krt. 18. Tel.: (+36-42) 508-708

    Cantemus PoINT segtsg / Cantemus POINT helpdesk

    2 Korz zletkzpont / Korz Mall 4400 Nyregyhza, Nagy Imre tr 1.

    Capri Italiano telbr (3. emelet) / Capri Italiano Restaurant (3rd floor)

    3 Johns Pub & Restaurant 4400 Nyregyhza, Dzsa Gyrgy utca. 7.

    4 John Bull Pub 4400 Nyregyhza, Dzsa Gyrgy utca 1.

    Ice and Go (a pub eltt / in front of the pub)

    5 Metropol zlethz / Metropol Mall 4400 Nyregyhza, Nagy Imre tr 1.

    Magyar npviseleti s ajndkbolt (fsz. 12.) / Folklore Handcraft and Gift Shop (ground floor 12) svnyvsr s fagylaltoz (az zlethz eltt a Kossuth tren) / Mineral fair and ice cream stall (in front of the Mall at Kossuth square)

    6 omnia Kvhz / Omnia Cafe 16 Sst omnia Gelateria / Sst Omnia Ice Cream Shop 4400 Nyregyhza, Szchenyi u. 1-3. (Sst vztorony alatt / At the foot of the hydro globe in Sst)

    7 opus Hangszerbolt / Opus Music Shop 4400 Nyregyhza, Szent Istvn utca 12.

    8 Mokka Cukrszda / Mokka Cafe and Confectioners 4400 Nyregyhza, Szarvas utca 39.

    9 Felbermann va dessgbolt s kvz / Chocolaterie and Cafe 4400 Nyregyhza, Szent Mikls tr 20.

    10 Borhl Borkereskeds / Borhl Wine Shop 4400 Nyregyhza, Kossuth utca 46.

    11 Csillag Csemege ruhz / Grocery Shop 4400 Nyregyhza, Szarvas utca 2.

    12 IDEM Papr Kft. / IDEM Stationery Shop 4400 Nyregyhza, Selyem utca 18-21.

    13 Kedves palacsintz / Kedves Pancake Shop 4400 Nyregyhza, Epreskert u.

    14 Lap-X Knyvesbolt / Lap-X Book Store 4400 Nyregyhza, Iskola u. 6.

    15 Platn gygyszertr / Platn Pharmacy 4400 Nyregyhza, Hsk tere 10.

    16 Hotel Continent Szlloda s tterem / Hotel Continent, Hotel and Restaurant 4400 Nyregyhza, Ssti t 52.

    Cantemus PoINT helysznek

    Map of Cantemus POINTS

    PoInt PoInt
















  • 46 47

    CantemusXI. Cantemus Nemzetkzi Krusfesztivl s Karvezeti Mesterkurzus

    2016. augusztus 16-20. Krusfesztivl Choral Festival

    2016. augusztus 15-21. Karvezeti Mesterkurzus Choral Conducting Mastercourse

    11th Cantemus International Choral Festival and Conducting Mastercourse

    Jelentkezsi felttelekrl krjk, vegye fel a kapcsolatot: For details and conditions of participation please contact:

    Nyregyhzi Cantemus Krus Cantemus Choral Institute Nyregyhza

    4400 Nyregyhza, Vay dm krt. 18. Hungary Tel./fax.: (+36) 42 508 708 e-mail: [email protected]


    4-7 Kszntk / Greetings

    8 Rendez szervek / Organizers

    9-11 Minst verseny zsrije / Judges of the Qualifying Competition

    12-15 Programok / Concert Programme

    16 Nyregyhza trkp / Map of Nyregyhza

    17 Helysznek / Venues

    18-36 Rsztvev krusok / Participating Choirs

    37-39 Vendglt krusok / Host Choirs

    40-41 Tmogatk / Sponsors

    42-43 j bartok / New Friends

    44 Cantemus POINT trkp / Map of Cantemus POINT

    45 Cantemus POINT helysznek / Venues

    46 Tartalomjegyzk / Table of Contents

    47 Cantemus Fesztivl 2014 / Cantemus Festival 2014

    Tartalom jegyzk

    Table of Contents


  • www.cantemus.hu