หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558

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Page 1: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558

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Page 2: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558

The lLrh Internationsl Conference

"ASIAN Cornrnunity Knowledge Networks for the Economy,Society, Culture, and Environmental Stability"

30 March * 3 April 2015

Venue: Kathmandu, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal


In Association with:

- Chiang Rai Rajabhat University,'l'hailand- Kathmandu University- Tribhuvan University- Pokhara University- Purbanchal University

- Yuxi Normal tJniversity- Choxiong Nonrtal University- I{o Chi Minh City Open University- Yadanabon University- Huntington University

Deadline for abstracts:

Deadline for Airlines and Hotel reservation:

Notification of Acceptance of Abstracts:

Deadline for papers:

The Progrnm date:

3l January 2015

3l January 2015

5 February 2015

20 February 2015


Contsct in Thailaud: International College of Mekong RegionAssoc. Prof. Dr. Makha Khittasangka: [email protected] Jumpa: peace*[email protected] I Fax: (66) 53 77$46Mcrbile: 66 -81-8100879,66 - 82-1900605Web: www.crru.ac,th, http://icmr.crru.ac.th

Federul Demouatic Republic of NepatzBim Prasad Sluesthq PhDAssociate Dean ( Researeh and Other Activiry )Professor, Department of Mechanical EngineeringKathmandu University, Dhulikhel, KavreCPO Box 6250 Kathmandu, NepalTel:+977- I 1-661399,66151 1,663188 Ext:2222 (offrce)Tel: +9'17-l-4287169 (home) Fax. +977- l1-661443Mobile: +977-985 l0-l 8136Skype: shrestha.prasad I

Web: http://www.ku.edu.np

Page 3: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558

The 11th International Conference

"ASIAN Community Knowledge Nefworks for the Economy,Society, Culture, and Environmental Statrilify"


Venue: Kathmandu, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

The Inter-University Cooperation Program aims to promote international understanding

and to develop academic and cultural ties arnong universities in Asia-Pacific and the CilvlS

countries. Its major activity is to bring the awareness of the global economic, social,

environmental and political issues that have significant impacts on global wanning, trade,

financial stability, and human security.As has been affirmed with strong eommitment by country members to accelerate the

establishment of the ASEAN Community by 2015, in parlicular, to hasten the eslablishment ofthe ASEAN Economic Community by 2015 and to transform into a region with the li'ee

movement of goods, services, investment, skilled labour, and free flow of capital, Thismotivation of looking ahead to ASEAN development among country members has inspired

Chiang Rai Rajabhat University and the other collaboration among universities on research

networking through joining since the beginning of the first International Conference in 2005 untilthe 7rh one organized.recently in 20ll in Sri Lanka with collaborated effort of the University ofKelaniya and the 8t" International Conference in July, 2012 in Republic of Korea withcollaborated effort of the Kyung Hee University. The other following 2 Conferences had been

held in Brunei Darussalam under cooperation of University of Brunei Darussalam, and the l0'"Conference in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, With these decisive purposes of the

Inter-University Cooperation Program, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University is seeking acadernicpartners in research and development efforts in bringing out the research outcomes for makingalternative solution for the development of the countries and regions and in particular the

agglorneration into the Greater Mekong Sub-region, Asia-Pacific or ASEAN Cornmunity of olose

cooperation, outward looking, living in peace, stability and prosperity, bonded together inpartnership in dynamic development.

The ultimate objectives of developn-rent must be to bring about sustained improvement in

the well-being of the individual and bestow benefits on all. If undue privileges, extreme ofwealth and social injustices persist, then strategy based on joint and concentrated action bydeveloping and developed countries in all spheres of economic and social life: in industry and

agriculture, in trade and finance, in employment and education, in health and welfare, in science

and technology, in environment and ecosystem to adapt naturally to climate change, and in foodproduction and human security.

It is anticipated that the presentations of the participants' conceptual ideas resulted fromtheir studies of the respective subjects/topics will be the useful inputs in formulating the policies.

Through exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge among the participants will facilitate irt

formulating the global policies in respect of the global and regional issues. Furthermore, it is

expected that the initiatives taken by the participants in their respective papers and reflecting theirconceptual ideas of mitigation measures to be considered about the regional issues, ltowever,should be a jump start to formulate policies pertaining to the regional stability.

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Inter-University Cooperation Program Aims

The Inter- University Cooperation Program on .'ASEAN Community Knowlcdge

Networks for the [conomy, Society, Culture, and Environmental Stabilityo' aims 1o serve the

following six objectives:Fiirst, to bring together researchers, scholars, experts and practitioners, NGOs, members

of the academic community, government and intergovernmental organizations for an exchange ofideas and views and to develop a mutual understanding with regard to issues on development

facing the countries of the Asia-Paoific, the Greater Mekong Sub-region as well as ASEAN

Community.Second, to clearly outline and address obstacles in sharing knowledge network through

social, economic, science, leclrnology, environmental development and healtli that we face in this

millennium, based on ten nrain areas of focus; (1) Poverty Alleviation, Social Welfare and

Protection (2) Education and Investing in Human Resource Development (3) Cultural Heritage,

Ethnic Diversity (4) Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers, Women'

Children, the El<lerly and Persons with Disabilities: Labor Rights and l{uman Rights

(5) Enhancing Food Security and the Green Revolution (6) Integration of T'ourism Development

and Tourism Standards (7) Environment, Sustainable Management of Natural Resource and

Bio-Diversity (8) Techno - Scientifirc Progress, Climate Change and the Energy Transition for

Developrneni (9) Institutional Strengthening, Social * Economics and Politics Challenges

(10) Human Development and Health-care Policy (l l) Resolutions and Agenda fbr Future Action

Third, to present viable models and strategies, as solutions to address the areas o1'

concem that represents barriers to policy formulation and implen-rentation"

Fourth, to create plans of iction that can be submitted to local, national and regional

leaders fbr consideration and implementation;Fifth, to creatc an international network of scholars, educators, politicians, and

development leaders dedicated to implementing these strategies at local, regional, and

international levels;Sixth, to address learning and adaptation for international understanding, living in

harmony among different cultures, and having respect for values of human dignity, equality and

furthering of dernocracy.

The Program Theme and Sub-Themes

THEME: "ASEAN Community Knowledge Networks for the Economy, Society, Culture,

Envirorunental StabilitY"Sub * themes

(l) Poverfy Alleviation, Social Welfare and ProtectionAbiolute poverty lines are now widely used to report the global incidence of poverly

using this approach, the World Bank (2001) estimates that about 1.2 billion people or 24 percent

of the world;s population of about 6 billion people had incomes of less than one dollars per day

or ($365 per person per annun-r) in 1998. In recent years, the Millenniurn Development Goals

(MDGs) have been adopted as a global measure of poverty reduction and, hence, represenl a

coherent set of poverty indicators that may be used to indicate progress toward agreed targets.

However, these represent only a subset of all useful poverty indicators. The MDGs are: tcr

achieve universal primary education; to promote gender equality and empower women; to reduce

child morlality; to improve natural health; to combat HlVs/AIDs, malaria, and other diseases; to

ensure environmental sustainability; and to develop a globalpartnership for development'

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(2) Education and Investing in Human Resource DevelopmentThe therne of 'Education and lnvesting in Human Resource Development' is the need for

educational refonn in this millennium. It is a worldwide primary concern of educators, scholars,government officials, and families. Ensuring the integration of education priorities and creating

knowledge based society by providing with equitable access to human development opportunitiesthrough investing in education and life-long learning. The rise of new technologies and the rapicl

dissemination of information have created opportunities for education that are beyond ourimagination. How can our educational systems adjust to meet these challenges and the needs ofour youth for the future?

(3) Cultural Heritage, Ethnic DiversityThere is a necessity for r"rnderstanding and cooperation among peoples of diverse cultures

within and among nations. 'Globalization' is a term often used to describe world economic

trends. However, in our steady advance to linh the economies of various nations, we often

overlook the human links; the bridges of understanding that tend to create the basis of true

parlnership and mutual cooperation. I{ow can we effectively build appreciation for and tolerance

of cultural diversity and the unique history within and among nations? The cultural aspects willinclude examining traditional ways of life, local wisdom, afts and languages as well as to protect

the distinctiveness of cultural heritage as a whole.

(4) Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers, Women, Children' the

Elderly, and Persons with Disabilities: Labor Rights and Human RightsThe Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) and neighboring countries comprise one of the

worlcl's most dynamic migration hubs. There are well over two million migrants in both Thailand

and Malaysia, and the number of migrants from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam continues to

rise. The structure of the economies and demographic evolution is driving the need for low-skilled workers in labour-intensive jobs; and established chain migration links match this demand

with a steady supply of migrants attracted by the wage differential.

As the number of women and men migrants within and from the GMS grows, so do the

opportunities for unscrupulous job brokers and employers to take advantage of them. Studies intothe living and working conditions o{'low-skilled migrants in the region reveal indicators of abtise

commonly associated with labour exploitation are widespread. These indicators include high

recruitment costs; deception about wages, type of work and legal status; withheld wages; retainedpassports or identity documents; physical confinement; substandard working conditions, and

threats of denunciation to the authorities,These phenomena need to establish the measure to promoting social justice and

mainstreaming people's rights and all spheres of life, including the rights and welfare ofdisadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized groups such as women, children, the elderly, persons

with disabilities and migrant workers.

(5) Bnhancing Food Security and the Green RevolutionOne of the rnost fundamental problems many less developed nations face is how to end

hunger in their lands. The rapid growth of their populations and the past neglect of an agriculturaldeveloprnent have resulted in increased suffering in rural areas. Advances in technology have

helped to keep the overall production of food in many poor countries a head of their increased

needs. For all developing nations, it is a necessity to ensure adequate access to food at all times

and ensure food safety at all levels.'I'he Bringing of high agricultural technology to the developing world has been called the

Green Revolution. The Green Revolution has two basic components: the use of new seeds,

especially for wheat, rice and corn and the use of various "inputs", such as fertilizer, irrigation,and pesticides.

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(6) Integration of Tourism Development and Tourism Standards in the Greater MekongSub region an<I Asia- Pacific

'fourism is the international business to increase the economic growth of the country.In the mean time, tourism can cause destruction of natural resources and bring harmful to the

country's social problems in particular created by the undesirable behavior of the tourists. Thcconstruction of highways and establishment of the Greater Mekong Economic Corridor has

expanded the economic cooperation of trade, investment and tourism enterprise among People'sRepublic of China, Lao People's Democratio Republic, Socialist }tepublic of Vietnam, Myanmar,'t'hailand and Kingdom of Cambodia. lt is then, the important issues of tourism in this regiott.

(7) Environment, Sustainable Management of Natural Resource and Ilio-DivcrsityThis theme is to effectively address global environmental issues towards promoting clean

and green environment by protecting the natural resources base fbr economic and socialdevelopment including the sustainable management and conservation of soil, water, mineral,energy, biodiversity, forest, coastal and marine resources as well as the improvement in water and

air quality. It recognizes that all States must take appropriate conservation measure, for 1he

conservation, rehabilitation and restoration of degraded ecosystems. Within Asia-Pacific and

GMS countries, the main aim is to assist the member countries to protect the environment and

maintain the ecological balance of the basin, and to ellsure environmental and socialsustainability of economic developrnent within the region. The liveliliood and prosperily of a

growing population living in the Mekong River Basin, Asia Pacific region and ASIIANCommunity, depends on having a healthy environment.

(8) Techno - Scientific Progress, Climate Change and thc Bnergy T'ransition forDevelopment

To many people, technology and development are synonymous. 'Iechnology is whatmakes economic growth and social change happen. The limited use of high technology by the

less developed nations is sometirnes given as one of tl're reasons why they are less developed and

less prosperous than the industrialized nations. Technology can cause a society to change in somevery undesirable ways. The immediate technology movement is not against the use of suchtechnology where simple technology would be appropriate.

The energy transition is the reiationship between energy use and development. It is a newability to produce economic growth with less energy. The role of conservation during the present

period of energy transition is explored in terms of noruenewable energy sources and renewableenergy sources. The change in the earth's climate, it has to reconsider the renewable energysource to replace for instance the oil crisis.

The effects of climate change on natural and human systems depending on the

consideration of adaptation, one can distinguish between potential impacts which meant allimpacts that occur in a given projected change without considering adaptation and the residualirnpacts whicli meant the impacts of climate change that would occur after adaptation. The abilityof a system to adjust to climate change or to cope with the consequences; understanding climaterelated risk and livelihood linkages, economic condition, social situation, technology,institutional capacity and environmental sustainability.

(9) Institutional Strengthening, Social * Economics and Politics Challenges within theGreater Mekong Sub region and Asia - Pacific

The objective of this theme is to explore ways to enhance the quality of planning,decision-making, and implementation of the complex development agenda at both the natior-ral

and sub-regional levels. Governance is a high priority r,vith stakeholders, with disclosure and

transparency of information, and in measures to strengthen Asia-Pacific, GMS countries and

ASEAN Community's mechanisms and processes.

Various contemporary social, economic and political problems are global in nature andare shared by many countries; their solution requires the cr:ordinatcd efforts of national

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governments, civil society and the intemational community at large. This theme is meant to

address social, economic, and capacity-building issues associated with sub-regional linkages. The

benefits of enhaneed connectivity and improved competitiveness, in terms of higher incomes and

improved quality of lil'e, must be shared widely to contribute to a greater sense of community and

to community well-being.The Asia-Pacific, GMS countries and ASEAN Community is currently undergoing

multiple transitions within a growth environment. The roles of markets and governments are

being redefined, and their economies are beconring more diversified and open. Because they are

in transition from centrally plamred to market economies, there are common problems that these

countries face. The future of the region may well depend on how successfully its members

manage a number of critical transitions. The region is becorning more oopen' economically.

(10) Human Development and Health-care Policy[.{uman development gaps within countries are as stark as the gaps between countries.

These gaps reflect unequal opportunity - people held back because oftheir gender, group

identity, wealth or location. Such inequalities are unjust. They are also economically wasteful and

socially destabilizing. Overconring the structural forces that create and perpetuate extreme

inequality is one of the most ef'ficient routes for welfare of society and accelerating progress

towards the development goals.

Cross-border migration and increasing labor mobility pose challenges in terms ofcommunicable diseases, human and drug trafficking, and the exploitation of child labor. Many ofthese social issues dispropo(ionately affect vulnerable groups such as women, children and

etluiic minorities. An important focus of the regional cooperation strategy is building up national

capacities and strengthening regional and sub-regional institutions. T'his phenomenou has toensure access to adequate and affordable healthcare, medical services and medicine, and promote

healthy lifestyles for the peoples.

(11) Resolutions and Agenda for Future ActionThe theme and the sub-themes provide the context fcrr developing an agenda for action to

encourage and ensure a creation of knowledge networks which incorporate professional bodies,

academic research groups and scientific communities that organize around a special subject

matter or issue. Individual or institutional inclusion in such networks is based upon professional

or official recognition of expertise as well as more subtle and informal processes of validatingscholarly and scientific credibility. The primary motivation of such networks is to create and

advance knowledge as well as to share, spread and, in sonle cases, use that knowledge to inftlrmpolicy and apply it to practice.

It is not simply sufficient to explore issues without setting out clearly how to achieve the

objectives we have and the issue we identify and discuss. The focus must also be on

recommending feasible suggestions for change based on deeper analyses of the problems

besetting the Asia-Pacific, GMS countries and ASEAN Community as well the strategies and

steps that need to be undertaken remedial action for sustainable development and regional


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Abstracts should not exceed 300 words in Time New Roman l2 point and must include

a separate title page. In submitting abstracts, please follow the Guidelines as outlined below:

l) Title for paper2) Theme of submission3) Two or ttree key words that describe the submission4) Name of the author5) Mailing address6) Phonenumber7) Fax number8) Email

Abstracts will be reviewed according to the subject matter, as well as their relevance to

the conference theme and sub-themes. Notification of acceptance will be provided by5 February 2015. If your abstract is accepted, electronic copies of futl papers should be

submitted by 20 February 2015.

Abstract and full papers should be sent electronically to:


peace_bew@hotmail. com

0r posted to:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Makha KhittasangkaDean, International College of Mekong Region

Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, 80 Phahonyothin Rd.,Muang district, Chiang Rai province, 57100, Thailand

Page 9: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558

The llth International Confcrence ScheduleInter- University Cooperation Prograrn

"ASIAN Community Knowledge Networks for the Economy,Society, Culture, and Environmental Stability"

30 March - 3 April 2015

Venue: I{otel and Kathmandu University, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

Travel ltinerary:

30 March 201514.30


3 I March 2015I April20152 April20l53 April2015

Participants arrival at Suvarnabhumi lntemational AirportRegistration and receiving document bag from the Conference StaifCheck in at Counter T.Leave S uvarnabhumi-Tribhuvan International AirportFlight RA 402; 17.25 (Iocal time) - arrival 19.40 (local time)

Commencement of the International ConferenceInternational Confbrence at Kathmandu UniversityF'ull Day Study TourLeave for 'thailand RA 401 ; I 1.45 - arrival 16.30 (local time)

Day Time Itinerary

30 March20l5Monday


Arrival of participants in Kathmandu, after irnmigrationprocedure, welcome by Organizing Committee and universityco-organizer representatives at the Tribhuvan Internationalairport.

20.30-21.30 Dinner at the hotel

21.30 Check in at the Hotel.

31 March2015.Tuesdav

06.30 - 7.30 Breakfast

8.00 - 8.30 Registration and arrival of the honorable guests

9.00 - 9. t5 Opening Session: Weloome opening by Chairman of the

Ceremony, Vice Chancellor of Kathmandu University9.15 - 9.30 Welcome speech by lhqt A'"butsrdot to N.d9.30 - 10.00 Welcome speech & Presentation of a token of appreciation by

Assistant Prof'essor Dr. Tlrosapol Arreenich,President of Chiang Rai Ra.'La_bhat University

10.00- l0.r5 Welcome speech by Vice Chancellor of Pokhra University

10.15 - 10.30 Welcome speech by Professor Dr. Khin Muang Oo,Rector of Yadanabon University, Republic of Myanmar.

10.30 - I r.00 Coffee/tea break & visit poster presentation

11.00 - 1r.30 Keynote Speech by Vice Chancellor of Huntington University

r r.30 * 12.00 Keynote Speech by Dr. Somsak Pipoppinyo, FAO CountryRenresentative for Nepal and Bhulan

r2.00 - 13.00 Lunch & visit poster presentation

13.00 - 17.00 Presentatiorr ofthe research paper into parallel sessions

18.30 - 2l .30 Reception Dinner at the hotel

Overnight stay at the hotel

Page 10: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558

Day Time Itinerary

l April2015Wednesday

06.00 - 07.00 Breakfast & and proceed to Kathmandu University by buses09.00-9.rs Greetings by Vice Chancellor of Kathmandu University9.ls -9.45 Keynote speech by Kathmandu University0.00 - r 2.00 Continuation of the International Conference.2.00 - 13.00 Lunch & visit University Campus3.00 - 17.00 Presentation ofthe research paper into parallel sessions7.00 - 21.00 Farewell Dinner at Kathmandu Universitv

21.30 - 22.30 Back to Kathmandu citv22.30 Overniglrt stay at the hotel


07.00 - 08.00 Breakfast

08.00 - 12.00 Kathmandu city tour & Swoyarnbhunath,Pashupatinath & Boudhanath,

12.00 - r 3.00

13.00 - 16.00


21.30 Back tr: the hotel & Overnight stay at the hotel

3 April2015Friday

5.30 - 6.00 Breakfast & Check out

6.00 - t0.00 En route to Bhadeaon. after that check in at Tribhuvan AiroortI t.45 Travel back to Thailand bv RA 401


Arrive at Suvarnabhumi International Airport with safe andsound

Lunch at Annapurna Hotel

Patan CityDinner at local restaurant & Napalese Dance Show

Page 11: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558

lnt{n'l:d:;quduturrtasfiut:nnr:ts'ln1:u1u"l{rfi n{l{i r r

The 11th Inter- University Cooperation Program

rdo r " tnSotiro nmuf rd o nmutiunlvrl{ tfi rugfi a frqn u druuot:u

uatdl rrrordo xtu4fi nr n to rfr er "

'ASIAN Community Knowtedge Network for the Economy,

Society, Culture, and Environmental Stabitity"


ru n1{n1sil1fue1

30 fiurnu - 3 Hurou 2558





C ,dailouilannog

- Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Thailand

- Kathmandu University- Tribhuvan University- Pokhara University- Purbanchal University

- Yuxi Normal University- Choxiong Normal University- Ho Chi Minh City Open UniversitY- Yadanabon University- Huntington University

i u u r dg u'r urtr 64fi n I n { rdrlt c il v'liYl ur du mt rtg 16 u I t r o

:fl.4:.!'rsrv tng}v*'tnv E-mait: [email protected]

qrunftBnr pnJr E-mait: peace_bewphotmait.com

lvr:dvrri Avr:ar: (66) 53 776306, 53 77600A ext 1406

Web: www.crru. ac.th, http://icm r.crru.ac.th

riruu n n r :d luvr dn d avrui d'u

d{r an-n :dr : or n 1 : tfi ufl rq *a tdfi'nuv

n15 tt{{ zuAn1:Fr0U:UlJVlf]1',]il'l a U

ii1 uu e dw vr Frmli {'u qu-u atu: nj


nl€rtuiufi 31 !n:1n:r 2558

nra'luiud 31 ilni1nil 2558

nraluiud s qrnTri'urS zssa

nruluiufi zo qrnrviuiS zssa

iuii so fiurnu - 3 tilu1uu 2558

Page 12: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558


In r s n r r il : s g ru ffrxu r uavfi n : : s n r :i u 1 fl 1 I ulu ls't 6 o *trd r r

The llth Inter- University Cooperation Programd a I v i - a v vt:o{t ft lfl t8lJ1ufi?1ilitilon?lililun{nl{[fltggn0 d{nil ?fr|1{fi lxxl

,,urdo ur o #on'lu nfi n t n ts tfi s "*ASIAN Community Xnowledge'Nefworks for the Economy,

Society, Culture, and Environmental Stability"

:vfidrsfiufi so fiutnu - 3 rilursu 2558

ud u ':ryrGrj'lqtaruilra€u n?.:nlslJltucvl dfiv{und']51:a{:$u:e



nr:fruufrrnvnT rriri'ln-uf,:efi'i1{il:srvrgfrtsriol#rfrornrrrur{rlstrnvnxrilrdnfiufir{{eilut::tJtritv

:su'irraorriun r: frnu rlud'ru nr:unnrrjfi uufi rn:: !n ?'ril{ ?ufio: s fi'ir{ ott t: titratrinfins r

,unurndn',:il:rcrunrrrLdlrLfioiirilfitiyrutii'utusirsil:srfln rjlur-l1ri'rfieni:n:trrinff

aorunr:nlJnnd'rurw:ugfio #rnru iruur::ru firrnndoru unsnr:tfiol lsrurqiltvodl{A{flantvYltL

rrn an rrs In n iou n r : rir n r : n { u u n r r u riu n I n tltn: u g fi n rtn s nr : ti u

n r: uJ6 uu rrrj n sil rr d'snilfi rfiq o rnr^rnnr:rfru lsrvrr sur: un fi tludtun t: rfrru runs^r6srfrur{trrov

a oh rr qu:n'r:0uu1ruqn1rr,{srulqaflrilnrrucJor!r{il:ynlfl t{auo{flr:dorurfl"'sniirrortrirtl{fi'uqnnrrur / d i, A a, t dA o l, - i. -,Y-- - -.oiolqurirrnv?rrnqdoil 6rrflur.J:rngnr:aifiurni{rutnsionr:ua?{t1tru?yl't{nt:ilTruuifiqneio{ nr:@ a dt I d ! " le 9i-- --^---^1 v 9

{flruricriJuri:yretunr:Brirrolrrurmt{n1:ilnd60rnilntnfinlufrnvlis (l) n1:rlaturpiolatrur:n

rirlrJrJfrrj6dldrua (z) vrquflnr:vinrurunvi6rJfrri6d'ordsrue{'nt1n$rurfl:unfrt rvrnlula6 6niilur

ri'snruiflurfitofirrgivrurfirrnn#ol (:) nr:vf,*rurfid'ugruto.rruurfietnr:nl6uurrilalrliorJ:ssrryu9d'n

[[nvn?rxJrurrrrl;{ilun{rorrJ:yrvrrtm6'(4) nr:fiflu1t{lun:;rrunr:'ld{nrilrtuaftlrtavti]ui6vrrs

hJ{nr: u:: qr{.lry ru rar osn r:vfiru u rnulri'tfion rrroqi6fi qcr 1il'irnr: rilslur#rr tvrir'hJ{nr:vf,flu t

ra:ugfir qndrun::u nrirnuns nr:r1r nrrsnr:ffrtudr n'r:finur flrr1:ruq$ nr:rt'ruurintlrntosri

rraerrnluln6 sraoo oufrrrnordourray: erttLfrt?flli nr: rJfrsl-rilosnt: ril6uurrilnsnrrc InnYou nt:

yrifl u ril a-s s r u 1r n um u n r : at fi m o r u r : [ [ a e fl x I tJ tiu fi { tj o { u u u d

Page 13: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558


nr:drduoHn{luili{eryrnr:ro{fnetlnr:unv{r{1iru#uuurrrlisrnt:ururvrfi lunr:, i 4 r vA J ^ v v a-------Y^^.61- a

rJ:vqrur:01..[niotlufl?rilirvlofl?rililun{fl1{lfltugno d{flil ?olufi::il lldvcr{[[?flaoulil4u$ln4 df i q yo 1j rr... Yq-.-- o h t 'toliu' riJunt:ritrRuounn?tuylt{-srnl: .:1uadu rv'ro'lfitnqn1:[[4fllilauunl:t5uu; tiln1:u1tilq

clorcuorruyunsn 1: rirfiuqruluurufia"rilr: o no fl6nunr: fllfirfiurlqv rnavqrle :: nsionr:firuu rd'u

rirTrJ{'nrr ra3 ua{xn'rtlfun {t o{Qflnln


ln:rnr:nr:rJ:v1uii'lruu1rrnsfiflr5flnrir^$rn'r:uru1$1fi o#ufi rt *tnlsdranrrruf;rfio

nerruriuErsnl{rflruSfio ffsnil iorurrru ,,urdu,rror&or'lu4fiRrnrotfio' "ASIAN community

Knowledge Networks for the Economy, Society, Culture, ancl Environrnental Stabitity" fl:VnOlgif U

r | -J?anil:rd.:fr 6 lj:vn]: gt{u

(r) rfiorirroSruhi'u-nio'u fniryrnr: {rBururiy uavr{rJfrdGrrun-rnflur}J ocr{n:il:sturtonsu

anrrlunr:frnur firi'ru,nunrnfn rrnsour{nrr:vv'irrrl:vrnn'iri'rranril6uuflxtilAarravrairLairlyq I s q r d d t Y 4

er r r u r.[ r 1 0 :'l xJ n u I u il : u t9l x] tfi : o tu 1 u n ? 1 ]J g I t n s n 1 : Yl s]l U 1 I U R 1 n [O tSU

(z) rfiodruud?.r1.rrrJ:rrffufiriJuqrJa::noionr:{erurfrrzu6cglurirsan"cr::ulnlirrnsnr:

alicrniodronxrxJg to il:srdu kirrri (l) n1:annx1ilulntu uluurua{a6nr:tlnvnr:{runr:ol

(z) nr:finurunyntio{Tulunr:ulplurrnfnurn:uqud(:) rL:onrrs{ruur::il n?1}Jfinlflilnluflr{a q J d ci I y?-..

rrfrvrlurf (q) dnfrrr:llrurravilyriilUUoryuroirrr{{rl;ov{uv{ ds}5 lern rlqlotqttnrryvlnt: (5) n?lt1

i ra sa dfuncrrcorfil:uo;n1:rlfrffirfiur tel nr:r{erurnt:viosifrsrttasillsu$rllnt:vo'ttvior

(z) fi.rrrrsr#oil nt:r''on1:Tfilu1n:ri5ilryrfi rrnvt'rlilfinrflfintuvl1{4?nrn (8) n'ltrur{rrfi#rvri'1

ivrursran{ rtnlulnEnr:nJfiuurrilavdnly{nfrorn1flrrnv}'{ii'{.1"turdont:u"plut (9) n?1rutrlilrr{ltos

flCItliu n?tllyl'1ynut,o{xi'{nil rflrsSfrs rrnvnr:rfio{ (10) nt:?fruut}lquti [[nsu]utlretqtnrrl

(:) ul'orausgrJrruurrnvqnffllfln$1unr:rrii'ltrTqilrqild::nturJ:vrduiiri',r1#rfinnrru

fi ?rnifl n drfi p,rnn:svrusionr:rirvuqrululro rtnvnt:ritulurLrool{nr:ilfr 16

(o) du,ouurrHurlfrri6nrrda',u'rro,ouooio{rJr:rd'uvlosdu:rri'umfi rtnv:vn'jrsil:rtyrsjrn"oulttaG

11{o I'Uqnr:ut luu0ua

(s ) ifi o rai r a Yr lrns o d r u : s y'j r s il : s rr elu n { u rinis t n t : u-n n t : fi n v r u-n n r : tfi o s un v {ri r

r1runr:nierur"[unr:rirqmrgiaqrihJld'lu:vnlrqruvur{or6u:vd'rnfintn ttav:vfidrcil:vtfls

(o) rvliodrruGouf,,orrlfu!nuryrirrrrflsilaYrsnrrilr{rln:vu'irril:vtvrslunr:oqjirrLri'u

odrwarnnrnfru:sn'irnrjlrirr{erul::ru rnlrflluqruriruavdnd#nuuo..,rur{luurlud nr1iltd}r0

n rnr rnufl ? rxrr{Ju il: vrrfr r.J'lns

Page 14: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558


U 9 AV Afi ?u0 nlt[trl{of{n{1u?out0s{1u ? f 1 n 15

uv< | v a a 3.,,4-,!- ,.,.2)-4- -----d----nrtoln:cnr:iltvluaulJu"lltaruyt:rstRt:?u1fl1t1t11{1s'l9l: "tn:o11un?1xJ;lilon?lxJl.lufl{Yl1't

rfl rug fi 0 dlnil ioru l: :il rtnvfi surodoru1u4fi n'lntor6u"u9


(t) nrrnfifl?lilslRoil ulsursaiafinr:ttavnr:{ruEr:al (Poverty Alleviation, Social

Welfare, Policy and Protection)

fiutnr:lnn (2001) ldiinr:{errdun':rrornrununutililtvilrilYouav 2+ utodru':u 6,000

t) '1'-'t4v"'---- a d o a d - 'ijgionuufljylfiu?fiunridruulii ru nu l.r : 1 u [9t Ft 0 ?u fi u.1 [fi : u[u d14 : $ 14 I 0 365 [14 : UiU dfi : $ A 0 1

ar{a'l::ulnri (Miltennium Developrnent Goals/ MDGr) ld{qnrrilutn0un?ud'hJri'tlurfl:n1:il6'aia d I r dr, ,.-,.t4,--,ut!..:

fil1uulnru11lJO,rfiur3n0uuorJlJo.lft?1lJ0tn1u[1JuA::YU519l IA[[n nlt{0"fin11tJfi?]MU[[OvUlnnU

nr:'k1iunr:finsr#uil:sorfinur nr:tirraSruer?rilrdxronrfl:eu'j1{fit!{s1uuavrfiilflu::nust#ri'rr

' 6 - a rt'gi]:n FIIV/AIDs 1J101fiCI ttnv4fi iu.t fl 1:nnfl 1:grlutJ0{Yl1: nr[: ntnn n]: d{td:ilq$Rlv'lu1:n1 nll 1

* A ' j {, - 4 e ' ar,{ q d | |

l:ngtoflodu"t :?ri?l{nt:}tF}lu1d'1[[?n6oilou1.lu'tuu[[4Yfl1:?'lPtlu1fl1:ud?ui?il

(2) nr:fr nuruasnt:a{Tu'lilnr:fiflu-wlYnurn:r.rquei rEducation and lnvesting in Human

Resource Development)

n'lrldrn"'cylu nr: rJ frg r.Jnr:finu r1u ay"'ar::ulur.ifionr:aw1u1unr:lt'erurmfu urn: ru11u ti

drrflun"lrruaulotorfnnr:finur riniryrnr: 16'rflriifito.tYntravn:oufli1 lurcni'rs:sti'ulnn

lnurn n rs nr: yrlslu rrvrnr lu Ia6fi nluaru-uua;nr: u.rorrvr *dory nri'tra",, d r rt,,* rriol#rfiFI1ofl1dvl1,1

nr:finurrfrun'irnrrilnrflfiilru :?ilfi{nr:finsreiorfiocnneflfiior rir,lrJ{dtniluri{nr:Suuf rrnr

drnrugrunrrrf 4,:rirTrl{nr:d''onr:n'lrrLfodxrfJursuu :euunr:finurrduddorurirlrJqfnr:fliflu"r


(3) xl:nnnr{iwur:ril n?1rJfiornfia1uyn{u1fifi'l{{ lCutturat Heritage, Ethnic Diversity)

nrru rirrfJutu nr:lirn rrrurr?rlnuns'ir?n rui rtr:r^o: vv'irsil:cstsuluorrrrn 1nfi a1ulr1{

isrur::u rrnvnrolun{urJ:yrvrerdurri'u nr:oqjdruri'uluryrsr'ttnvqfinrnotjrlfru6qto"rr{Jufitsei'os


r{Juarrfrnrorsrfr srnur {ruut::rL rtnvr.iru"u{osdil:vnounr:vlsrurrytfid'u{ rJ:rnoudru (t) d'e't

qr o s q ^ i i - ; ^y !'- x',-1'-..-.b{nrrudrrt'rg"lurfrlfiufrrrfltrnuunuflir,rurn:fiurfrlfuf ulud'rvri'nuuriloqorr{'u (2) n?rild1lJt:$trnu

n?tilrynyfu'lilntt[[dr]{oonrol?miralil^o{ (3) n?rlJflnrnfin'tuyn{{$utT:rurtnsnr:l#n?t}Jlnt:Tl

sioiruur::ufifioqjlud.rnru#u (+) nrrrudrduro{:suufrr?fllidarri:orjrnn1urur1{rJ:vluvristjrl


Page 15: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558

rrgidnlunlrnfnrrilurn ruo?olunuuilrrnsTilryurfioq#{fl{fi oqfivru'jrn nrunulufiurN rirueu

hiarrur: ndosrx t: rdorB lnntnt'tdrjt rursorv r: dl nl fr 'f rnrirolunnret


(4) urwtuo?tult sn? rdn {g.rorquar{finr:' ?nBrt:ssruuav?nBruqutruu (Promotion and

Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers, Women, Children, the Elderly' andPersons with Disabilities: Labor Rights and Human Rights)

rJ:vrvrnoq4nnrn{rurirTt'rrfiurrxriru*un,udurdrutor{nun{rutfirtollan {ovron

rnn'oudrurr:r{ruilretl1or z #rueruvirluil:srvrs'}nu rurtardudrrornri'uqrr d111:rufgil:sryrfirJ'lflu

il:csrryuar?rrnydlr'r:€uigd':nrfiurriuFrurrJ:?ilflsrn{ilil:nrfleir{",1 tol4fintntorBssrould'

rr:wru{rrvro'rrrrirdrilurr:ssruvinurriuoir drh{qniotiertottlfiu!yfsnr:6'roqruttnvrirflr{ tonfl1:

dryqrdrr unrdRrflnl:lirrrulucnrurJ:snounr:il:rngnr:oirciufrdrrilud'osritfiunrurn:nr:d'ru

finGu:.:rrurrnudidfinrTrLorn{:Lrdu'rrrnvd'otrlonrarriuasri rdn rflq'rorqunr{frnr:

1t; otlurtuo{lll{tolulrrravnrtrJfrifir6ur (Enhancing F'ood Security and the Grcen

Revolution)*Jtrtuou6ds-d{rTtyvrrfr-ugrurolrJ:yrvrgd'our,ilrlurnrn{[r.ry[Uno nr:rnqfl?uJfilIno tfio{trnnr:tfrtqru

n u.rl rrn,n, otix:'lnrl -ruorn'r, urn*o nr:lr-ruurnr:tnsn: r{lut^ta1#rfrsrnrrlotntufirlm u"lusuuvl


nr:riruurruerluladnr:rRlJsr:lurJ:vrvrsdrii"rr(nruild'ldlufio "nr:rJflifirfltrl"A^z 'i 4- '-q''1'4- -e.- 4 qilot - irrki'rrri{Junr:vnll:vr1ul[asliltJil-U$rUXilnq 2 illvnl:n0 n1: t$lilnqiluTltaun]: l'ltll00unl:Fll .

u4n1: n109rIr]Jn{ilnv?s?\tr

(r) nr:fiwurnrrrioq,duruayilrnrgrunr:rioqrdur'lun{xrJ:vrnn4finrn{rurirltr ttovrotitl-

urJfifln flntegration of Tourism Development and Tourism Standards in the Greate rMekong Sub region and Asia- Pacilic)

nr:viorrdurrilug:finfi4#r{:ruld'l#n1!il:srrr{ criusrfiurri'unr:viorrfiurfirirudrnru

frru'lcr doruvrr.: r::rrr6rrn v riol#rfrsrrlqpr r dr nrL o rnvr qn^n:::1fi l:irilrJ: s alri'volrinviuu,do',

nr:rfinrdunrrrrasnr:yflnrur:vrfiusrg:vgfioriolr{rfinnr:turu{i"]mrsnr:r1rnt:n aTuuasnl:viosrfi0')

:vm'jxrJ:srflq6u arrr:ufgrl:vrrf;rJ'lnurJ:vryrvuarr ditl:rufgd'rnrufiurtiuorurru 'lvrs ri'l1.vrdJt4

nJ U u ln : un s n u q r r or n o om u n { ru il : s rfl fl to tt u sr o u l d'6.r r{J u rJ : v i6 u fi dr ri'tg t o l 4 fi n r n fi

(z) ?.r ur qr fi oru n r : fi'or n r t n Yl'l u r n : r : t u u r fi ttav n r I il fi a I nfi a 1 tJ fl 1 {fi ? $ 1 tq

(Environment, Sustainable Management of Natural Resource and Ilio-Diversity)

t d J yvt et ----.a-,---.-g^-.S^.-^u.il:vrnuanrunr:ninrtilrJlnrutlnsnt:rrri'lvrTqxtn':rruutntuilnrrrutBot lulnu rlqtrgtuslArtv@qyd1<yZr"i1Jo{flu[[auoU:n!6r{r[-JFrdoulrasnr:ilrnu1,fn4vlro rilurr:sfffnrio.rrirmuorrutn:nr:frtxrurvaulu

s |rt 9t q q u 4 '- &.,-lf:q-Yn't5ou:fluElJft:o{ lJo{nu tlne[[d?{fi'.l?!n1:snnltn?lilHn1nfin1011'1.1s'ln'lv,l :'J}Jvl.lfll5ltullu [14

Page 16: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558


:vurfinsrfiorJm:ru fi.rn{rLrJ:vrraqfrnrnrorsuu:1fifin uavoqqfinrn{rLuririrltsnr:1#nrru

irlfiorironrfionrjrurJ:vnrnarur6nlunr:{loqri'udrurnd'0ru unv'fr:sfnulnxrxrdilqn{o{:rrtila d , t l * u a ,i d' t A q I a t -t f -lurlf,ulJo{qur[uti1 [r{n'ltu{ryy{[rosn']'uJrJ'tfi'1lJ0{1J:sr1n:no1fluoqu5tx€uqil[tuu1 [1'1

n{rurJ:vrvrnqfinrnrordu-rnJfiflnrrasrJ:vrrorJorrfiuu nrd'ordueqjd'rfirrrrn#orrfiaruq:ni

(s) narilfirrfifirflrciilrrrsrasr{ rnnlulad nr:nJdsuurlaranrw4fiotnrsuasufi'{lruril{onr:

rft'flur (Techno-Scientific Progress, Climate Change and the Energy Transition for


rvrnluln6rio}i'rfiflnr:{flu1rfi:u$fi0rinsn1:td6uuttrlarnrsd'snu nr:ldrvrrrlula6rlu4'rfi

rioucfirdrrifltsril: srn nd'oovl-plursr rfirirudrbi'nr:rfruurrrl:ug fitrirdrn'irrJ:ermflQerdrflnT rxr

rrsiryrfllula6fifitirudrlrt'tfronr:r,l-ruurfikifi{il:varrivrn'hif'r"'n1dlud'nsrusfitfiurvau riru

lrii'c':rufrriluorrfil:snoudrr,i'qlunr:vleturrR:vgfiof lduoqdor',*,o'lu-,:nlunr:tdrT d'lqiufi

rfiilrsailsionriderurrnr!$fi0 rnurnnr:ldflit'{rrurnuvru6.:d'orfitr:ru1fi{tt14ri'rila-{{rufi'hi

drr:odrnii'udulrldri:sluvriri'urrmcirxi{'rrrufie rrt:ndtn#urLrldrj:slumim3 oucxuri6ld

nfwrunerunuluanr:nr:sifiInnririi'rrHfrqnlunrrslanYouusoinqfi#rritiunr uiu nr:ldil#sctu

rir rfi o r.r fi n n : v r ra'lv,l fll r n n s n t u n r : tdvl #w r u r ral o r fi fl ri r{l u d'u

Ha o rnnr:nJfi0urril nsanrnqfioinrneio: sru firrnndoruvrrqt::lvror'ttnvlqu d rir

l#rfisrrrurn^orrornr:iliuci'rsiorinn:vnudruqnol*nuuri", orn1fl uio rLnfiufftfiErornl:':lru

q*a',nnrrudrfirt'rudrunluf,nhlnrrsrn:vgfrr aniunr:nivrrsd'rnil rvrnlu'io6 flut:nuscrosanrfuola d 9

tta& fl ?'llJ u n uu t o-1 d{ t [?9 n oil

(s) naru{uudwo{aorrYu nrrrrurhnrurorfflnru rn:ugfio rtavnr:rfio{'lun{lnJ:vtnnorlqfinrn

{rurirltluavrorfiuurJfiiln (tnstitutional Strengthening, Social * Economics and Politics

Challenges rvithin thc Greatcr Mekong Sub region and Asia - Pacific)

rJ:vrduqarnlil$o{nr:?1rrrruu nr:d'nfiuhrravnr:rlfrrJGnr:orrrur"runrulpi'rt:vnttfimurfiq e , !'o a I d

aei'l,i'l6ouyril:vriurrnrrauQilRrn u:urerur::rrrfirra 6rfin.lrldrri'tyrfJuR'rrr:ndrmfu{fieiruld'

rfiu lo0rqilrsnr:liJerrnurrncnr:t#{oqnfihJ*.r14 rtnvnr:il:vrfrunrrrrrlurrfirrLolna'lnrrnv

n: uu?un'r:1r3fi r: d'qni:lu n{rurJ: rrueol4finrn{urtririrltcunvro16ortilfrfiln

flrynrdrnrL rw:ugfiounvnrTul'o,lrfJurlqurfirfir,dund'rus,fi.:ri'udilnn rr-nsrfrp,duri'uvnru

il:vnrs nr:rrd'ltrlqnrdrr{lud'orfi.:firnrru*:rLfio:vrjrrYgrrauil.rtrfi :J:vrrit'rnilttnvqruyu


n{rurJ:rrvr14finrnrot6uuilfifrn fin:olnqrfiror14finrn{rurujrirltstravil:sryroruorrdtruoqjq I to ri i q y u .i ^


lu.*:rcJornr:rliunlfruunuarnHarunru ler nr:nfirurnrflnflrflr{nfl:u?rt.lvt-tnrnnrulullagfl"tuuon

qfinrn rdu uyurrnr{nr:rilrasnlra{Tu1,CI{nrnfg drrlolrluld'rJfrril6urrbl{nr:drr# ,duuu',n

Page 17: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558


Ygld'rJfuuJfiuunrn16rurnurr{rrHunrn'd?una'r.r uoirlolriuld'uJfiouhJ{nr:nnrnrfl:!$fi0 d,rr1eynrfi

- { q a it I cc & 9 a e a .s { ta t arfrerfru1uqfrntnluil:srduilndrundlri'u surnntor4frnrnilfrue{ri'trJ:vnrsaurfinrydonlrnu

= rq r + ^ J q Yvr , ' o d ut/ ' t4 d ^ a h rt 6l?nqfln1:[unuultun{fl[nnflu n4 [1Jflfi?11Jfl]r:fl l9l0u1.r t: s{:su1Jlfl:]t$ntilo.lgunlfl lonalutuu9q ar


(10) nl:fi'oturuUud ltnvuluulug$nrfl (Human Devclopment and Health-care Policy)

riovir.rnr:llinrurlruudluusinsil:smnrirnrsfin'rrurrnnei'l{ nrirrfio nr:'ld'fulonrafihirvir

tfit,tu il:vryrryucJrflnr:fidruiru,fiourrnnrrilrlnnei1{T&n'jrrvflsrrnsry10 n?rilrlnneil{roi4 | I l, d' a hr d tnr a .{

ti'srii'nuairo.rn{ruvrfivr-uq n?1:rf{fi'{fiSorrncirdrrin n?ru'lxirduonrnfionrru'hiqfit::ru rilosrrn

nrru'hiru&un{fl1{lfl:!Sfinrravd'rnilcJo{qnnd n1:[orsusfirtru'hjraruonrn,frr{lueier'fi'sra{adnr:du

iu dsnil uner* {foyreruurl#u: :qr{I'ry rlruI d v 4 S A st I q ya q r

u:v[ounl:01\ultlJ1lJ$1ur[9tuIra;n15tvrlJL,un1:[n00uu'10[[5':.:1u no lfitnflil6u1.t1ttnnqq0I ' / q j qy d r j j r c jo j

n:vlJ?ufl'r:filrJquulravu"rldlrsl9l nn0q0ufl1:nalJn'r; tTil:{{lurannqxJylrflrj.lstolJqfilY|tnfll11 ft{a i hf y I I a d i au d d o q d# r 4

fiantau{ rtJlt{ilnqxJryuoJ'r rnn [[n3nqrirylnfluq qil5fllflsr:fl?1ildlnq r{ruoqflun?1ilt']ltlJo:s1{11{

qfrnrn1unr: a#rr au::nuvIrnvnxlxJr{ilu{.rnrs1usrnuos:ywjrrqfinrnrrnv oqqfinrn


{r'ilr * x ru I n r { n r : 0 1 n n.j rL rl : s r11 fl Q fr n 1 n ro r6 u rril fi fr n rrn s :J : y rvr fl CI q I fi n r n, t 3 i ht ' h d u a d 4

{ruurirjrlt'r ktrri "[nu a]x riueril1il d'lrpr riluur:15 rrns5u rrns:?iln11ln{lrJ:vrmnfiauh'ld'uri

lunfinrnror6u-urJ6fin uasilrvsrnuolfiuu'id'rrri rurJrn anigorilSflr rrnsrrnurer {r{rdmrrJ:vqu, i <, 94 | . 4 I a v y ra qa q e o 4rfin1u[!uryilu:eflunl:olfi'lunl:']ru ttnsq'lun1:uaufl'ttu iu:yflljq!5u uftnl:flnu101n

e.9sSe-'ulv4tyAfl0lljuqslJflnlJ1[[n3:unuu tuljlu vr{fiu?u{runln:$ onnfl:?rsrul[0n$u 0{fln:unn:0{?'lo.tou

I t r -jo I y q 6 a v ao{fln15:ufi11.lU:vrvlflll}Ju tuulu9lllJ n1:ils}ru1[fl:g$n0 d{nil dil'ilquusu [[:{'rlultnyd']flflnl:va-i-{ti'lnu nr:frnur fllrr:tusqr rrnsnr:vrri'rrrurfionr:yiruur:'rrvirn{rLrJ:vvrri'lnufrfirirujrrulirsrutt o y A s 4u * y ' 3qlunltllplulTilryuno{nu n1:outnu't9iluI::}J fl.l[[')f]n0u [[nyu:?'{u1n5I::u5191 u:lxBtQilllilu1

Itr n{rLrJ: vrvrsrorfi uuil6fil n rrnyrJ: v ryra u o rr6uu

{uir*rruIn:.:nr:rJ:yuru 120 nu lurt'nriru 'lnu ' Firsil:vrvrfl 70: 50 nu

i. q sdolllllo'tlul-t lft; {nri ltau :ytt& t?41 :

rsuur?nt: :sndrciufr lo frurnu - 3 lilHluu 2558

C q d u I a tUt td6l'lllll: f[ n?{n]$il1tuc1"4 flfi?{UtdlI1:Olt$lJ:ss'ltU lslUtuilln

Page 18: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558



r. ri r r ai u l r?rin i,fi'o #n i s r n r : r!,rd u': v r eg u n v rfl rJ fr rio' n 1 fl d u 1 u o l rin : d'or u l t o n $ rl

aorfunr:finsr fir.iru{runrnYg unvo.rr{nr::sy'ixil:stnn'kiuannJduun:rufinrtasraSrua$rlnrru

rcirlriruii'ulud:srffu rniocjruo'trufvrr.rrn:ugfio d.tnil istut::ru filttrn#oruttnsqtnlillundil

' 3s d ta3l I drJ:rrvrnor14unrn{:LrirIt.r ror60-trilfi$ln ttavil:vvrnuortBuu

z. n{url:vrvrnil:ysrnruorrBuu qfinrnrorfiflrril8fln ttnvorlqt^ntn{urnirfi1t':irilriuttarsln, d idr r

11 5 VrglulltuUqu d: : nno n l5 il sllu 1

:. dr}i'rfisrnr:rauogilrr:rurrnsqnrfllderilunr:tui"itrTqutqrJa::n1urJ:vrfiufrriol#tfrnnrrr'r

v r r n i n n dr fr r.rn n : s vr u ei o isn u t : : ru r rn s n r : fis u r fi I r n n d'o rL

4. rduorrHuilfrrifrni:frarur:srrduerio{rit:sli'uri'osiiu :co-usr6 rtavnfinrn

rn^o hJ { n r : ri r 1rJ rj fr uG

s. rirl#rfinnr:raiua{r.rrn3odiu:sm'jr'rrJ:vrvrnlun{urini'fi's rinirytnt: u-nnt:finur rrnv{rir

d'runr:d'crurlunr:drqmrnrasrihJl'filu:*d'lgrLtuYio.rdu:tnllqfinrn rtns:vm'jtlil:stmn

o. drl#lfiqd.tlGuufrravrJfulnurmnr:rc3uaflxn'rriltc?rltirud'ulunr:oqii'lrun-uotjrlHRn

naunfiu:vm'jr.rn{ueir.r{nrur::rr fin'lrur{r1otraerylLd{luietur::u zuuul::trtfrsurJ:srnfi itfin

Trlirflru$fis d'rnu gnrnr:rfio{ nnonoucnruqn'rl:vtvrfl ttnsrrl'l:nluqnrrirrtnvd'ndffiqlo'rnrrilr{lu

rur1u d n':tru railo nrfl [[nun']t rurfJurJ :vsrGr-llsru

unfi'odo (Abstract)

nlurdluvrn-otjor{lunrurd'snqu d'rsn-ro-nu: Time New Roman 12 point

tiutiun#"' 3 rryufirx:fl: tiuunl 2.5 rryudrrsri 1ru 2.5 tryust^rln: ltnsdxz.s l$ufililst: iiruru'hirfiu

300 dr 'hj:ur title page rJ:vnold'ru

1) Title for paper2) Theme of submission3) Two or three key words that describe the submission

4) Name of the author5) Mailing address

6) Phone number7) Fax numberB) Ernail

n r : fi r r : tu r r m n"'o tj o r a dqr n r il fr {o fi rff u'r {o { d'u n t : r.l : v g ru #l ru u t is r n r : t r n rJ : v rd u

to rixioeiou n;nrrrirr.rvrd'ntjo nru'lui.ud rr un:rnu zsss r^lrunr:'fi'nil:vqruovrilvritfiosrolfl

lyrn-odonroluiufi s qunrfiu* zsst

Page 19: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558

firn'ld'frLfi#cfrosroriurvrri'ertioudrnlartrirrtnrr:ri'fi'unri:.rnrur;:ni 6utt Paper)

r{JuFile r?orya MS Wora nruluiud :gjruO:ri'ud zsse d'run"'rd'nu: Time New Roman

l2 point rY.tYu"ti'r I rryufirusr: #uun1l z.s rryufitruqrl uu 2.5 tvufirtn: rtavrirsz.s rryufitrun:

,firuru'lrirfi u s - tz urit

{rirrauonasruir-rlrruulrJaroroi ron?1xrn?fliriluvrri'ertiorrandonrlulrJarqreil#

n ruv n : r il n 1 : {vr : I q or'1 fi or T ? 0 fl o 1r ri a u d rd fi ru r(lu }I a rqr e $

:duuuunsrurnsroslilarnoi r{luhjarsro{tturLficrrdu llu't" 8o t,}tuel'tun: x 180lryufilil015

makha_kk@hotmai l. co. th

[email protected]

Page 20: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558



i'rsnvrAsqri{r?qirsln:.rnr:d:vqldlrurunci$::nnr:itrnr:ururtrfi n{.rd t t4,.4,[5ar " toia{ru n r T ufifi o n?lil{un.lvn {tn:ugfi I d'rnu iruuo:ru

uavdcurodaulunfi nrntorfi s "

:vra'ir{iud 30 fiurnru - 3 ruu'lnu zssg r;aufruiiarsr:nrYsrj:srlrBdlnurudra

t^ nrdfinrduriiroifru 9,500 ulvr^ J. d, t i - r,2. :1nlvlfl'ruusrriluFlrUn:[nua1:rn5o':uu[rJ-nnu (NepaI Airtines) n:{[vr1.1'1 -n1,q!rruq - nl{[vn^r'1

rirl:lu:ldnriillrul q fru rir:niueilaurufiu l:ru:ranrufiiorrJ:vril rJ:vriuq'Jfiruqnnonnr't

rfiuu'x arur:nnrliu a. do rdu a do rirorvr:'irl a $o n:crtllanar: ronarrnrqitrnll *as

rirl{iirulu nr:fi'nufi nuror.:rufi nrrrrruryi- ,q., .iir, uo i-,J. n 1 [1 A 1 UU llJ : 1 ]J Fr',t 5 : 1 ll rU U il n',r'i vl 1 ? g'l

c. {rri'ri-:urJr;tleior{uffErrauri{'[drunlniridr $nanqurirrfiunr:dridrrY:unuroildfi

an"ruvol ruilra rj:viir il:vinnlntrsarunidr fl nrurandnrrrtunrudrn d:sdril'rsiufllfi u

t Al qrluin 7 t fl uudrluiyl n5.in{}l'1 101 1 0 lil: :02- 39 1-l 240

lSulsri : wvvw.nepaterrrbassybangkok.com

{uuasrrnrlirnl: uil!nisir :

iut'uvri'iuqni rrar os.oo-t2.00 u. (iluirirl

iui'uri-i'uqni nnr tq.:o-t6.30 u. {iuirir)

tondr:rJr;nou nr:drlqirt, rlvuv{a{uidrfin:on{olnn:rLsiruz. rarirf, arduvr rrfi fi orq r,ra fr o'ltilruur nn j r 6 rfi ou nioudlur3. ;rJriruturor 2 " iiruru t grl


C'o e, ,, 4o r.lt9luyr't.l t!iJ'tt uufi 0nul.l18?t'lfi']gnuton

. rur.jsr'ln1'lunr:ouffi ldr I iul4rnrt

rir or:l rfi u uidr ruil r a ( n : rfi Eir rfi u nr : dr a n u ra I )

- arqinir 15 iu 875 ulvr

- oruidr 30 iu 1,400 ury- orqidr 90 iu 3,500 ulvr

rir n'n,lu vtusi rr il :v rrfi(rirpi'r rnio'riu:vu"i rrU: v iyn unsrirrruuvlu rir.r{:v rfl n )

r{rdr,r"nd (:rnrsionu) q 6u

rirawvrfiuu (rirronar: n:slt,rronflr: rnr)

Page 21: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558

-..-''-.:i"li n'lfiunn'I5 :

i tn:rnr:rj:vqu8'ururunvfim:ranrrisrnr:ururu6 nfud rr i

i fhe 11th lnter- University Cooperation Program i

' d .. a I ee ,,! [3a.: "rn5adlt,nmufrfiannufiuewrrud:ugfio frinru iruus::u i

:dvqadi uasf;.rurnfrollunfin1nrarfls" ',

i "ASIAN Community Knowtedge Networks for the Economy, :

l-..i; Society, Cutture, and Environmental Stabitity" i

;,i :sil'jx{ufi 3o fiurnr - 3 rrrs'uu 2558


i * n1{nlgenilE! arad'urfaror:ruigrJ:vtrBrflnelrurha

it.-*.. _.. _.. -.. *.. _

iuduvi d go fiurnil 2558 (1) nl{rvrv{"l - rud1ff


17.25 - 19.44


2430 - 2t.30


08.30 - 08.30

09,00 - 12.00

12.00 - 13.00

13.00 - 17.30

r8.00 - 21.30

vr{ou riufi viro'l n1fi u'ru6'r::ru4fi ru rnldrnoi Tarunr:fiu Nepat Airlines rdurrlu RA 402 ficvirornrnuruuruttrfi Tribhuvan

oanrfiuvrrr{6ornrgurruq lprualsnr:0u Nepat Airtines rfiurfiu RA 402

firvirornrnuruururtrfi Tribhuvan

nruv{drtlJ:vrlulfi uvrtfirrfi arnrglrruq aufiuriaror:ruYgtJ:vtr3tllnutu{ra

iirun:curun'r:sri?anil[d'rrfiorirns:-udln]:vifiuvtts li,irurJ:vqu*unrr'run{uf,C gv o o u ,frnrruvfrdnrirraun[u q neiilf, q d'u:nria uav:nfd$un:vrtlr t n*u!r. v d d , y r --s(rratfialdufrrurjra drnrru:crilf, tr4u 1u?[]J{ ts uT fi)

t6uyrxnrnaurufi ur{r{rfi or Kathmandu

iutl:svruorur:rfiu il l:cu:rl Soattee Crowne P(aza

rdt{'n ru I:ru:ru Soattee Crowne Ptaza


fi 6 utJn n r :r-J : squ d'uu u'r

uavnr:*anrUrgnnrfi rrtut - s4v

tJ o u u 0.: v : u a n tta u ta [utJ 14't?il u 1 a u tQ'] n 1 y{ 5? :.t


nr:rjrrauozunnuii'u*nvrua{ruylr{itrnr: (rrunuiju q fi'or)Xsr

n r : rd u{iu: or lnuuurivrrJrdo :rrfin rfi or :r o

unv uuriyurd'u16'rnruiru

ru #olotvr: Soaltee Crowne Plaza

r{ri'n ru I:qu:r Soattee Crowne Ptaza

iud'lnr: d gr fiurnl 2ss8 Q) rJ:vqudrrauop{a.:'rumcisrnr:fiI:.:u:u soattee crowne Ptaza



Page 22: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558

iu4o d 1 wsluu 2558 (3) rJ:;Euritauop{anuflr{ttrnrrd Kathmandu University

06.00 - 07.00

07.00 - 08.00

09.00 - 09,30

09.30 - 12.00

12.00 - 13.00

13.00 - r6.00

16.00 - 16.30

16.30 - 17.30

18.00 - 18.30

19.00 - 21.00

213A - 22.30

itlrj:sYrluorvr:r{r ru 1:r rt:rfi fi'nA { td -. .,

tFruvl'l{ hJvl Kathmandu University

a6nr:ud Kathmandu University nairrfrouYu

n15dr rauorJnnui6'u invrualrutrlitr nr: (*fl n t{lu q fi'ol)

Yuthvvnuorvr:nnrtiu d rathmandu University

nr:rir rauo zuarluii'u ffi u zun.rruvrritt nr: (uun tth 4. #o{)

nrirr a1Jl..r a nr:U:vqu uoiavn{udau

ilou:rqi'a'Ihe Best Practice Award

oBnr:ud Kathmandu University nr{rrilnnr:!:vqua'uuururlitrnt:ururgrfin{.rd tt!

Farewetl Dinner vt Kathmandu University

rfiuflrcn#u ru1:ru:rfifin

iurj:vuruotar:rdr zu 1:.i n:ufi fi'n

ri'nufinu, Pashupatinath & Boudhanath

iutJ:vvruorul:nar{iud Annapurna HoteI

vTrtufinur Patan city rfroqrrirurif:cmru 1,200 tl fr{nrtnvan'nracil:s:'l{?-qdo',ut:*'",

ar61:ruv ttanrizuuo::u4vtonraur un sBurr

YurJ:cynuo'rur:r6u ru Sruorvr:dudoruastunr:$fln{;fiuu0::urulras .j-

LOUvrl{ nau {u [:d tt:illly{n

ir-rrj:vyruorul: r'rir ru l:liuCheck out r'{ioild'r.rnr:v uiaufiud touuy I:tu:l rfrorduvrrrlilauuiu

:vu'jr.:vttrtrtvtu ffi o$r:rru Bhadgaon r,tio Bhaktapur 6unl ufi annr::ufi 9

vriourTufi virornlfl u'luu'rltsl1fi Tribhuvan

tfiuvn.rnfrurJ:urufltilulfluarun1:flu Nepal Airtines uduriu RA 401

rfi ufl rc 6rviro1nlfl uruq?:x ru4fi ln u ar-afi nrr

{uflqfi'aud d z rurgruu 2558 (4) fr'nufrnsT

07.00 - 08.00

08.00 - 12.00

12.00 - 13.00

13.00 - 16,00

19.00 - 21.00

2t.00 - 22.04

05.30 - 06.00


07.00 - 09.00


1 1.15


iuqni d 3 ruurau 2558 (5) n1gil'lruE - ni{tvtu'l

Page 23: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558

llnfn:Inrrnr:tltvll#luulrnvfim::nnr:itrnrlututttfi a?ud r r

The I l"'Inter- Unlversity Coopcration Progranr

rior *rnr'odrt,flr',u$,firo..,urirr"rnr.uR:ugfio fiinrr iEilutrru un;d'rurofisruluqfintnrotiu"

"ASIAN Contmunily Knowledge Networks for the Economy, Society, Culture, nnd Environmontal Stabllity"

:vnjxiufi lo iiurnr - 3 ruuruu 25s8 or nlnrnrrorrl aurYuforttrorigrJrvtrf;illsrstudtn


9t 1 t t?t u { Yl 1q?s] n1:...

; .,i a ' uy

g finrrurJ:vassirvrdrirrnt:rJrvluiud 30 fiilrflil -3 nruruu zssSlugluu

[_l lininln.,: rini{'o {rirrrunuluura {rlfid6rrulup$u li'oidu [_l dtiltoruHn{ruttr.rrlIddtnot

[-l {t:r,auunn{]uyrt{irylnr:1ufi il:vpL

19" ds{nr:oonlutcrioluurrt

f] ,oou4

iufi ro frurnru - 3 lil]ttuu 2558 dt!?u + fiu #nii Soaltee crowne Plaza Hotel

1* rfiuvrrsfi{ nl{ntSrl1$rcl andudarrrrarigrJ:vvrGrJ'lrrorurJrn Inu dtunt:fiu Nepal Airlines

rdunr,r'hj iud so fiurnu 2558 (Check in r?ar 13.00 u.)

tfiultxtrnsuvarnabhumi -TribhuvanlntcrnationalAirportr 30 March2015 Flight RA 402 17,25 -19.40 u

iufi t rusrsu zsss

t6unxtrn find Soatrcc Crowne Plaza Hotel - Kathmandu!

rfiurnxnflu iufi: rlsruu 2558

Univcrsity lnu :nuia: r?n1 07.00 - 08.00 u.

: 3 April 2015 Ftighr RA 401 11.45 - 16.30 ut6unrlltn Tribhuvan International Airport - Suvarnabhurni


Inu.lr:vrira{ilvrfisusiruruyirt*ur [-l Js.000uryr{finfj) [-lgl":op.o.lrrtdr.r6.ualqir:vriruyrruutnli : n!{#orlruLfluYq arrur: rLurirurn-rr:rryfi0r-tuq:tu {or"rq;ts: CRIJ-GMS CONFERENCE

rlrvr,nrrirXfi : oonvrind ,^odtiryfi, 422 - 1 - 20784 =g nis{nm'irrvriu : AYUDLHBK nlurti'rud'ngrunrrlouriu (Pay-in-Slip)

n'rolr;qfio-aqn uillsrnllrrpfiryi, E-mait rdofiorriond''rurnvdueiunrr'firxriu ueirlvrnlr-Q53:Z7O30g


t. nlrurrir:vriralv srfi uunru'luiufr I i il n:lnil 2558

2. nrdunrfinnr:r{rirlil:vqrdl:Lur nlrur*iwlranr:doil:vql riouiufi to qlnrfiui{ zsse


3. uuriyurdur toa'rrufrvr6{uirirrtln:rnr:iiru?u 120 virurvirriu nlrurdr:vnlralilvritiufill:uuclrarfirirlauel

vrnhidr:vrira{$urfluurrufiriluu0 {{'a!5cqrnslfi'avrd{afinrvirududu{.rnulr.i:sarr{liq. tuafn:dsrilr:nrirsronar:viaflndIilaoleir'ln http//icmr.cru.in.th, http//www.cru.in.th

s.1r.l:nd{!afinr niorLdrrurraricf;orduvrr.rfrfiorqnr:tdlrutfiu 6 ifiau (Passport) trti{n:ar: (053) 776306

Page 24: หนังสือรับเลขที่ 075 2558


lnt.rntll:v1l#uuuurnvinr:nnr:itrnr:urlrr16 ni,rfi t t

The I l'fr lnter- University Cooperation Program

t*sr "rn:^orirunr'tulrdunrrr,rtuornrlrn:ugfio #rnlr iorur::r uavd.rurofiodu4finrrrroriu"

"ASIAN Community Knowledge Networks for the Economy, Society, Culture, and Environmetrtal Stability"

r;n jr'riud 30 iiillnu - 3 ururuu 2558 fl ni{nrgilrsx1 nrrfiudflrrrrolYgrJ:vrrGrflel$rildra



-' ,; 6 | u/fl 09rfll!'r: nfl nno tgrflun?n ..

....................dnrufi riNru.........

16nr:flnur...... .......................... ....... E-mail Address.

I finrunJ:snrriryr{rirrnrlJ:vXliufi 3o fiurnr * 3 rxru'rur.r zss8luglusA uad yo s eraoo a e: f--l y.

[ | rinirnr: fni{'u {rilrunulouro {rJfrl5.rrulu1ilru yi0{6u [ | {rirrauonff.rluuuulildrnof

| | drirrauoHn{ru11r.!irylnr:lufirJ:v1ru(__J "

1* fiornrroon'lumSoluuru

[-l tloou

g nr:oorT:{uii/dfn

fufi :o fiurnu - 3 [u!'ruu 2558 dtu?u a 6u r(nii soaltee crowne plaza Horel

l* rfiunr{6{ nI.:nlnttrfllc{ alrfiudaur:rrfgrl:vvrirJlnorurJrn lns dlunr:fiu Nepat Airtines

r6unx'hj iud :o fiurnu 2558 (Check in r?a1 13.00 u.)

tdurrslrn Suvarnabhurni -Tribhuvan International Ai{port: 30 March 2015 h-lighr RA402 17.25 -19.40 1.1.

-i?l.tll I luuluu 2558

t6unxtrn vt-nfi Soaltee Crowne Plaza Hotel - Kathmandu University lqu :nfe, r?at 07.00 * 08.00 u.

-;milnlqnau ?iln 3 rilur8lJ 2558

lRllll1{01n Tribhuvan International Airport - Suvarnabhumi: 3 April 2015 Flight RA 401 I1..45 - 16.30 u


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s. lrJ:oreichalin: n{oldrtlruti.rfior6rrvrr.rfifiorqnr:bilu6u 6 rdou (Passport) urdsly:ar: @s3) 776306