对 外 经 济 贸 易 大 学 《西方报刊经贸文章选读》 马振峰 方春祥...

《西方报刊经贸文章选读》 教案 邹丽 马振峰 方春祥 江春 陈小全 编著

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对 外 经 济 贸 易 大 学《 西 方 报 刊 经 贸 文 章 选 读》


邹丽 马振峰 方春祥 江春 陈小全 编著

《 西 方 报 刊 贸 文 章 选 读》教案

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一个好的教案是课程建设必不可少的要件。它有助于教师集思广益,有助于课程的规范化和系统化,从而最终有助于落实教学大纲的要求。负责《选读》课程建设的新老教师一直高度重视教案的编写并为之投入了大量精力。最新的教案是各位任课教师群策群力的结果,是他们在教学过程中宝贵经验的总结。它是根据《西方报刊经贸文章选读》(跨世纪版 对外经济贸易大学出版社 1999)这本教材编写的。教案的编写紧扣教学大纲的要求,在编写的过程中我们注意把握好以下几个关系:









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按照教材的顺序,教案共分 20 课。从体例上来讲,教案包括以下具体内容:1. 教学目的

包括传授知识方面的目的和培养技能方面的目的。每一课教案的编写都围绕着教学目的展开。2. 教学计划

主要涉及教学时间的安排。根据课文的难易程度和篇幅的长短,每篇课文所用的时间有所不同,但是每位教师都应该按照总学时的要求安排教学进度。3. 教学方法

教案主要采用的教学方法有:提问法,讨论法,翻译法,英语释义法,总结法,阅读理解法,等。教案根据每课不同的特点提出了不同的教学方法组合。4. 背景知识介绍:

主要介绍文章所述问题发生的社会、政治和经济背景,从而有助于学生更好地理解文章。5. 概念:

主要介绍一些重要的经贸术语和概念。这是正确理解此类文章重要的一环。6. 重点讲解:


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7. 练习和补充练习:这是教学过程的最后一环,目的是检验学生对所学知识的掌握程度并且帮助


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目 录

第一课 China In The Market Place - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 6

第二课 The Curtain Goes Up - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - 10

第三课 Beijing Rising - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -16

第四课 The Economic Scene: A Global Perspective - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23

第五课 Us Is Prepared to See Trade Relations Worsen - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --27

第六课Economic Troubles Cloud New Market’s Future - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -31

第七课 Japan Says No - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -34

第八课 Here Comes Korea, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 37

第九课 Prosperity Persists in the UAE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - 41

第十课 Freer Trade,With Luck - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -45

第十一课 The Comeback of International Barter - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -49

第十二课 Soft Drink Wars: The Next Battle - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -52

第十三课 Honk Kong Is Tops At Cracking U.S. Shell Eggs - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 56

第十四课Soft Commodities - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- 58

第十五课 Weekly Commodities - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- 63

第十六课 Off And Running - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - 67

第十七课 New Worlds To Conquer - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - 71

第十八课The Tug of War On Textiles - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- 77

第十九课 A Big Hit In The Stores - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - -- -- - - 81

第二十课An Oil Crisis Knocks On Recovery’s Door - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- 83

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China in the Market Place

I. 教学目的

1. 使学生了解外贸和国际投资领域最基本的概念和术语,从而为日后的学习打下良好基础。

2. 使学生初步掌握基本的阅读技巧,如总结、浏览和寻找段落的主题句等。3. 使学生熟悉本课常用的一些练习方式,如翻译、解释、讨论和口头演示等。4. 使学生掌握与中国经济贸易有关的一些术语。

II. 教学计划

由于是全书第一课,考虑到学生对这类文章比较陌生,因此本课计划用 6小时:介绍背景知识、难点、重点知识、课文串讲等用时 4~5 小时;讨论、课堂练习 1~2 小时。

III. 教学方法

讲解(传授新知识[口授法])和课堂练习(巩固知识技能[探讨研究法)相结合。讲解时突出重点、难点。课堂练习要充分调动学生的积极性,其形式和内容服从教学目的。练习的主要形式是: translation paraphrasing summarizing discussion questions and answers

IV. 背景知识:

Through reform and opening to the outside world, China entered a new era in thelate 1970s. Though the world was then still under the cold war regime, changes didoccur in China’s foreign trade, both in the commodity structure and in the trading partnership.Changes in trade policies:a. trade shifted away from the former Soviet Union and East European countries

toward Western countries.b. Emphasis was placed on upgrading domestic industry through introducing foreign

technology and attracting foreign direct investment.c. The recognizable trend of these changes was toward trade and investment


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V. 重点讲解:

概念讲解:资本设备: (capital equipment)国际收支:(balance of payment)经常项目(current account)有形贸易(visible trade)无形贸易(invisible trade)资本项目(capital account)

课文讲解:课本上所列 Notes to the Text 以及 Questions on Content and Language points(for preview, discussion and review)也属重点讲解之列,但在这儿省略。

1. During the 1950s China exported agricultural products to the USSR and EastEuropean countries in return for manufactured goods and the capital equipmentrequired for the country’s industrialization program which placed emphasis on the development of heavy industry.本句中请注意过去分词“required for the country’s industrialization program”作定语,修饰“the capital equipment”;另外,“which”所引导的定语从句修饰的是“the country’s industrialization program”。译:在 20 世纪五十年代期间,中国向(前)苏联和东欧各国出口农产品以换取制成品和国家以发展重工业为重的工业化进程中所需的资本设备。

2. The growth of foreign trade was disrupted again during the Cultural Revolution(1966—76) when agricultural and industrial production fell sharply andtransportation constraints became more serious.“when”所引导的从句是定语从句而非状语从句,它修饰的是“during the

Cultural Revolution”。译:外贸的发展在文化大革命期间再次被中断,当时工农业生产急剧下降,交通的制约问题更加严重。

3. Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role inmodernizing the Chinese economy had caused imports to rise by more than 50per cent in 1987 placing undue strain on the national economy.本句的主干是:“Official recognition … had caused imports to rise by more

than 50 per cent in 1987”。“that foreign technology could play a major role inmodernizing the Chinese economy”修饰“Official recognition”;“placing unduestrain on the national economy” 为现在分词短语,表结果。译:官方认为外国技术能在中国经济现代化中起重大作用,这使得 1987 年进口上升了 50%以上,从而给国民经济施加了过重的压力。

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4. Chinese officials stress the importance of introducing advanced technology todomestic industry, but the need is for technology of varying degrees ofsophistication, not necessarily for advanced technology as that term is understoodin the West.请注意“the need is for …, not for …”的结构。“as”所引导的是状语从句,表示“象…一样”。译:中国官员强调将先进技术引入到国内工业的重要性,但(中国)所需要的是不同层次不同尖端程度的技术,而不一定是西方人所理解的先进技术。

5. There are no official statistics covering the invisible account of the balance ofpayments, but the size of the visible trade surplus during 1981—83 and apronounced increase in earnings from tourism suggest that the current accounthas been in surplus over the past few years.“ the size of the visible trade surplus…”与“a pronounced increase inearnings …”并列做主语。“that the current account has been in surplus …”为宾语从句,做“suggest”的宾语。译:虽然有关国际收支的无形项目方面没有官方统计数字,但是 1981—83年间的有形贸易顺差量及旅游收益的显著增加表明过去几年来经常项目处于顺差状态。

6. The debt problems confronting a number of developing countries have reinforcedChina’s determination to introduce foreign technology by means of direct investment and concessionary finance rather than by raising substantial sums ofmoney on the international capital markets.现在分词“confronting a number of developing countries”做定语,修饰“The

debt problems”。注意“to introduce foreign technology by means of … rather than by …”的结构。译:许多发展中国家所面临的债务问题更坚定了中国通过直接投资和优惠融资的方式来引进外国技术的决心,而不是通过在国际资本市场筹集大量资金。

7. The authorities do not consider it appropriate to incur large amounts of externaldebt until a number of practical bottlenecks in the economy, such as aninadequate transport network and energy constraints, have been tackled.“The authorities do not consider it appropriate to …”表示“当局认为做某事是不合适的”。另外注意“until”所引导的时间状语从句。应理解为“直到…之时”或“在…之前”。译:当局认为,在经济中的许多如交通网络不足和能源限制等实际瓶颈问题得以解决之前不宜招致大量外债。

VI. 补充练习:

1. translation:

课文第 7 页第二段“China’s cautious approach to foreign borrowing is to be

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maintained, … also reduces the need to borrow on commercial terms.”

2. Paraphrase the following sentences, pay attention to the underlined parts: Grain imports have fallen sharply over the past few years –China became a netgrain exporter in 1984…

China has borrowed almost US $52 billion from the World Bank and its affiliates,but a substantial proportion of these loans are still to be disbursed.

Chinese officials stress the importance of introducing advanced technology todomestic industry, but the need is for technology of varying degree ofsophistication, not necessarily for advanced technology as that term is understoodin the West.

3. Discuss and answer the questions: What specific measures did the Chinese government adopt to encourage foreign

direct investment? Why did the Chinese government prefer foreign direct investment to foreign


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The Curtain Goes Up

I. 教学目的:

目的之一:通过本文的学习,使学生对我国从 1978年党的十一届三中全会始至1984年十二届三中全会结束这段历史时期我国政府在经济领域里所实行的改革开放政策及具体做法有所了解,充分认识在这一历史时期内我国改革开放所取得的成就,从而坚定学生对我国实行改革开放,走有中国特色社会主义道路的信心。目的之二:通过本文的学习,使学生能够用英语表达相关内容。

II. 教学计划:

由于课文、注解及课后设计的问题讨论长达15页之多,可考虑用7小时左右完成本文的学习。 其中1小时用于背景知识介绍,3小时讲解课文,3小时用于问题讨论和测验。

III. 教学方法:

用背景知识介绍、串讲课文(包括释义和经贸知识讲解 )、 归纳要点及问题讨论结合的方法处理本课文。

IV. 背景知识:

本文1985年1月3日发表于《远东经济评论》,文章的作者站在外国投资者立场上审视我国的改革开放、建立经济特区、开放沿海城市、吸引外资等方面的政策、法规及具体做法。文章一方面对中国的变化及其此为海外投资者带来的巨大商机进行了阐述,另一方面也记述了海外投资者对我国各种政策 、不同的 税收标准以及改革开放中所出现的问题所表现出的困惑和疑虑。

1. 改革开放背景介绍: (The overall background against which China launched itseconomic reform program.)

For the two decades from 1958 through 1978, China remained at a standstill. Therewas little economic growth and not much of a rise in the people's standard of living.That was largely due to the implementation of the left and, occasionally, the ultra-leftpolitical line. A case in point was the 'Cultural Revolution ' and another was the 'GreatLeap Forward '. The wrong political line led to the painfully slow development ofChina's productive forces, the ideological rigidity and the little incentive for peopleand grass-roots units to take any initiative. Apart from the left political line, China'smechanical copying of the Soviet model and the natural disasters it had gone throughin the early 60's, to a lesser extent, contributed to the standstill. As the overwhelmingmajority of our students are too young to know much about what happened in that

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period of our history, one or two examples might be given to illustrate the point thatthe only way out for China then was to reform and open to the outside world.

The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee held in 1978 proved to be aturning point in China's socialist construction. With the formulation of a new basicpolitical line, top priority was given to the drive for modernisation and developmentof the productive forces. The fact is that the then Central Committee drew up a seriesof new principles and policies, the major ones being reform and the open policy.Reform refers to the reform of China’s economic structure and political structure coupled with corresponding changes in all other areas; open policy, on the other hand,refers to opening to all foreign countries, irrespective of their social systems, and theinvigoration of China's domestic economy.

农村改革:(China's rural reform)China's economic reform started from the countryside where 80 percent of China'spopulation lives. Soon after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee,some measures were taken to carry out China's rural reform:· to give more decision-making power to the farmers and the grass-roots units;· to adopt a policy of diversifying agriculture, which increased not only the output

of grain, but also the output of cash crops;· to allow farmers to set up their own village and township enterprises.

The achievements made by the rural reform in the 80's:· tangible results were yielded, farmers' income substantially increased, and for

some farmers, their income doubled and even quadrupled;· the emergence of a large number of village and township enterprises;· the annual output value of village and township enterprises was increased by

more than 20 percent every year;· the increase provided jobs for 50 percent of the surplus labour in the countryside.

城 市 改 革:(China's economic restructuring in the cities)Based on the success of the rural reform, China started its urban economicrestructuring.Setting up special economic zones and opening 14 coastal cities. For details, pleaserefer to note 3 on pp 30-31 and the two paragraphs marked with ' * ' on page 21.

Finally, we need to emphasize the key to the success of China's rural reform and thatof its urban reform: our Party's correct political line and the correct policy laid downby the Central Committee.

V. 重点讲解

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1) China has rolled up a large section of its bamboo curtain (page 19) ----it is essential (for us teachers) to bring home to our students the implication of'bamboo curtain ', which is somewhat associated with 'cold war mentality'.'to roll up' originally means 'to form a flat object into a cylinder by bending andturning it '. Therefore, the things we can roll up are many, a carpet, a map, a scroll etc.Here, 'China has rolled up a large section of its bamboo curtain refers to the fact thatChina had declared itself open to the outside world. ' a large section ' here impliesthat China's complete opening to the outside world was yet to come.

2) 14 coastal cities (all former treaty ports) (page 19)Refer to note 4 on page 31.

3) The foundation for all this was assembled in piecemeal form, ......(page 19)'all this ' refers to the things China had done in the process of its economic reform ---setting up of the four special economic zones, specifically designed tax and otherincentives for the foreign investor and the fact that every provincial capital was doingits best to attract foreign investment. What about the foundation for all this ? Thebuilding up of the foundation had undergone quite a number of stages, and it couldnot possibly be completed overnight. In other words, China had adopted a step by stepapproach to the establishment of this foundation.

4) Chinese leaders were growing impatient with the rate of progress in the showpieceSEZ --- Shenzhen.(page 20)' the showpiece SEZ --- Shenzhen ' indicates that Shenzhen was a model of all SEZsor an extremely good example, which deserved to be followed by all.

5) Then came the much-publicised "decision on reform of the economicstructure"(page 20)"decision on reform of the economic structure" refers to the decision made on China'surban reform during the Third Plenary Session of the 12th Central Committee held inOctober 1984.

6) For foreign investors, the prospect of having access to a market of 1 billionconsumers no longer seems like a pipedream. (page 20) --- It is possible in the futurefor foreign investors to enter the Chinese market --- a market with 1 billionconsumers.'to have access to sth ' means 'to have the opportunity to approach or enter '.e.g. Only the lucky few have access to the building.

The students have quick and easy access to the library.'a pipedream ' is a dream that will never come true.

7) A well-placed source within ......(page 21)'source ' here is used in the sense of a source of information, which may refer to aperson or an organisation. 'A well-placed source ' refers to an official who is well

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informed because of his position.

8) 20% of China's capital stock was ......(page 22)'capital stock ' refers to the industrial equipment and machinery. For furtherinformation, please refer to note 7 on page 32.

9) These can be joint ventures, co-operative enterprises or wholly foreign-ownedoperations. (page 23)Refer to note 8 on page 33.

10) ...... imports of capital and consumer goods are exempted from customsduties, ......(page 23)Please see to it that the word 'exempt ' can be used either as a verb or an adjective.e.g. The local government has exempted small businesses from an increase in tax.

Goods exempt from this tax include books and children's clothes.

11) ...... which is the consultancy arm of the China International Trust and InvestmentCorp. (page 24)An arm of an organisation is one part of it responsible for a certain activity.e.g. Our company is just one arm of a large multinational.

12) ...... it will be some time before the dust settles ...... (page 25) It will be some timebefore things return to normal.' let the dust settle ' (wait until the dust has settled) means ' wait till the situationbecomes calm.'e.g. As the U.S. government has apologised, we'd better let the dust settle by releasingthe crew members of the spy plane.

13) What foreign businessmen find encouraging is that ideology is no longer in thedriver's seat, ... (page 25) Foreign businessmen feel very much encouraged becauseideology is no longer a serious problem when they deal with China.'to be in the driver's seat ' means 'to be in control '.

IV. 补充练习:

1. Topic for DiscussionWhy did some foreign investors feel confused ? Do you think it was really a'confusion ‘?(One suggestion here is to let the students, first of all, make a list of the decisions,policies, laws etc., and then find out the differences that exist among them. Afterthat, the students may, in groups, exchange views on the 'confusion ' brought aboutamong foreign investors. Finally, let the students focus on the significance of theseries of policies, laws, etc.)

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2. A list of policies, laws etc.The Third Plenary Session of the 12th Central Committee (1984, 10)decision on China's urban reformsetting up of the four special economic zones in Guangdong and Fujian provinces, 14coastal cities and Hainan IslandChina's first joint-venture lawa tax law for joint ventures

3. Reasons for the 'confusion '1). Areas open to foreign investment vary.· the SEZs;· coastal cities;· within coastal cities, each was granted the right to establish an Economic and

Technical Development Zone;· the ETDZ in Shanghai (one of the 14 coastal cities)enjoyed the same status as the

four SEZS.

2). Different tax rates for different areas.· 特 区:A uniform 15% income tax rate was applied to the SEZs. Imports of

capital and consumer goods (except cigarettes and liquor) were exempted fromcustoms duties.

· 沿海城市:Only factories where plant was being upgraded by foreign investmentenjoyed the 15% tax rate. Only "key equipment and other materials necessary fortechnical transformation which could not be readily obtainable in China" wouldenjoy exemptions from customs duties.

· 沿海城市建立的经济技术开发区:A uniform 15% income tax rate was appliedto the Economic and Technical Development Zones established by the coastalcities.

· 上海经济技术开发区:Only the ETDZ in Shanghai enjoyed the same status asthe four SEZs. It enjoyed the preferential tax rate of 15%. A joint venture outsidethe zone was liable to the standard 33% tax rate.

3). Different tax rates for different areas constituted only a minor source of confusionfor foreign investors. The major confusion was who had the authority to approveprojects.

4.Translate the following into English:

1) 竹幕2) 经济特区3) 吸引外资

4) 实际资本5)免除关税

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6) 利润汇款税

7) 经济技术开发区8) 所得税税率

9) 生产资料公有制10) 提高经济技术水平

5.Read the article and answer the following questions:

China Tries Guiding Foreign Investment

(The article is on page 16 of " Exercise & Supplementary Reading " )

The questions to be answered:

1). What does the author mean by saying that China has been a magnet tointernational companies?

2) Do you think that our government should encourage foreign investors to put theirmoney into high-tech and infrastructure projects ? If yes, Why ?

3) What did the Chinese officials imply when they said the targets would appear moreattractive to foreign investors after NPC passed a series of policies ?

4) Do you think China will continue to be attractive to foreign investment in futurebased on the information given in this article ?

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Beijing Rising

I. 教学目的:

通过本文的学习,使学生对文章中所描绘的中国 90 年代初的经济发展形势及其前景有所了解,同时,也要对作者的观点进行分析,从而认识到中国的现代化进程是不可阻挡的,但其中也存在着各种矛盾和问题。另一方面,相关的英文表达也是本课文学习的重点。最后,学生应对文章中涉及到的经贸知识(如:惩罚性进口关税、国民生产总值、证券及房地产市场等)以及一些国际大公司(美国通用汽车公司、宝丽来公司等)的背景略知一二。

II. 教学计划:

本课可用 6 小时完成,4 小时进行串讲及 背景知识,2 小时进行课堂讨论及完成课后练习。

III. 教学方法:

采用 背景知识、串讲(包括释义和相关知识讲解)以及课堂讨论的方法处理本课文。

VI. 背景知识:


V. 重点讲解:

概念讲解:Please refer to the notes on pp 46-51 for the relevant information of the following:punitive import tariff ( 惩罚性进口关税)securities and real estate markets (证券及房地产市场)Greater Chinatrade bloc (大中华贸易集团)Nike Inc. (耐克股份有限公司)public company (公众性公司)Reebok International Ltd (锐步国际股份有限公司)Adidas (阿迪达斯)high-tech, high-wage economy (高技术,高工资经济)

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Polaroid (Corporation)(宝丽来公司)General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)(关税及贸易总协定)McDonnell Douglas (麦克唐纳-道格拉斯飞机制造公司)General Motors (美国通用汽车公司)Ford (美国福特汽车公司)conglomerate (跨行业公司)NEC (日本电器公司)consortium (国际财团)CITIC (China International Trust and Investment Company)(中国国际信托投资公司)China Resources Inc. (香港华润(集团)有限公司)


1. China's emergence as an economic heavyweight after more than a decade of fastgrowth makes it likely to supplant Japan as the West's main trade worry in Asia.(p38) ......After more than ten years of fast growth, China has become one of the largesteconomies in the world and meanwhile, China is likely to replace Japan as themost competitive trading partner of the West in Asia.

A heavyweight originally refers to a boxer weighing 79.3 kg or more. It may alsorefer to a person or country of great influence or importance.'to supplant' here means 'to replace '.e.g. The heavyweight champion has been supplanted by his rival.'West's main trade worry': Japan is now the most competitive trading partner ofthe West in Asia and the western countries find it difficult to deal with Japanbecause of its commercial strength. Therefore, in the eyes of the West, Japan istheir main trade worry. In the long run, however, China is likely to replace Japanas the main trade worry of the West.

2. Along its two dusty lanes, local trucks and buses jockey with Cadillacs drivenby financiers from Taiwan and Hong Kong investors. (p38)

' to jockey ' here means ' to try to obtain a more advantageous position '.e.g. He is an excellent photographer and can always jockey for a good position.Cadillac (卡迪拉克轿车): a famous-brand, first-class sedan, manufactured byGeneral Motors, USA.

3. Migrant workers crowd the narrow shoulders. (p38)' shoulders ': edges of the road.

4. Outside the town of Jiading, one tractor trailer leaves Asia's largest containerplant every three minutes, carrying goods bound for the Shanghai docks.(pp38-39) ......Asia's largest container plant is just outside the town of Jiading and for every

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three minutes, one tractor trailer loaded with goods comes out of the plant andleaves for the Shanghai docks.

' to be bound for ' means ' to go in the direction of ......'e.g. The ship is bound for Europe.

He got on the train bound for London.

5. Zhangjiagang is a commercial hub of Jiangsu, the fastest-growing province inChina. (P39) ...... Zhangjiagang is a commercial centre of Jiangsu, thefastest-growing province in China.

The hub of something is the central or main part where there is most activity.

6. Its boom radiates from Guangdong, its richest province, ...... (p39) ......China's boom centres around Guangdong, the richest province of China, and thenspreads to other parts of the country.' to radiate ' here means ' to spread out from a central point '.

e.g. The roads are radiating out from London.

7. And it has penetrated the northeast, where the city of Shenyang, long a moribundcenter of state industry, is bustling with new private business, from tradingcompanies to prostitution. (P39)......

China's northeast is now on the track of rapid economic development, andShenyang, a city in the northeast, is now taking on a new look, shifting itself froman old and backward center of state industry to a busy and lively city where newprivate businesses ---- trading companies, prostitution etc.---- are flourishing.' to penetrate ' has the meaning of making a way into or through something.e.g. Western ideas have penetrated through the East.

The bullet penetrated his skull.(He has a penetrating voice. I gave him a penetrating glance.)

The word ' moribund ‘ is an adjective which means ' not active, not successful '.e.g. This part of the city is usually moribund in the evening.' to bustle ' means ' to move busily and energetically '.e.g. The girls are bustling about in the hall.The word ' bustle ' is also a noun.e.g. I am fed up with the hustle and bustle of city life.

8. Back in Beijing, officials at China's State Council, or cabinet, are giddy withexcitement and exhaustion. (P39)

If a person feels giddy, he has the feeling that everything is turning round.e.g. I feel giddy.I have a giddy feeling.

9. After a slowdown through 1990, China's economy bounced back mightily,reaching a recent peak of 13 percent growth last year. (p39)

After an economic slowdown in 1990, China's economy was enormously picking

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up again, reaching a recent peak of 13 percent growth last year.' to bounce back ' here means ' to recover well after a setback '.

10. A farfetched prediction ? (p40)A farfetched prediction is one that is unnatural or incredible.

11. Bill Clinton has appointed China hands to top Asia posts at the State andTreasury departments. When critics called the appointments a slight to Japan, theleading Pacific economic power, U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altmanexplained the administration's reasoning: (p40)

' China hands ' refer to those American officials who are skilled and experiencedin dealing with China.By calling the appointments a slight to Japan, the critics meant that Japan wasnot being properly treated. When someone is treated without proper respect orcourtesy, we say that the person is slighted.e.g. She felt slighted because nobody spoke to her.

12. Growing ties between China's traders in the mainland and their partners inTaiwan and Hong Kong are creating an unofficial but formidable "greater China"trade bloc. (P40) ......As China's traders in the mainland and their partners in Taiwan and Hong Kongare setting up close business relations among themselves, they are creating a"greater China" trade bloc which, unofficial as it is, is something the rest of theworld fear.

' formidable ' here means ' frightening, awesome ' .

13. Clearly, China's economy is a work in progress, nowhere near realizing thepotential of its billion-plus population. (p40) ...... It is clear that China is still inthe process of developing its economy, the potential of its over one billionpoulation is far from being fully developed.

14. Its gross domestic product last year was, according to the official measure, $ 420---- no more than that of southern California. (p40)

' according to the official measure ' means ' by the official standard ' .

15. Few state-owned firms have been sold, and most are laggard behemoths.(pp40-41)

Selling state-owned firms might be a solution to the problems that exist in them, iffew of them have been sold, the problems then are yet to be solved. Moreover,most of the state-owned firms are huge-sized and technically backward.A behemoth is a huge animal. A hippo, for example, is a behemoth.

16. Growth is driven by new joint ventures, collectives and private businesses, whichnow account for more than 50 percent of China's industrial production. (p41)

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' account for ' means ' to represent 'e.g. Statistics of China's trade show that fuels accounted for 24 per cent of totalexports in 1982.

17. Last year the Beibei company in Zhangjiagang cleared $ 14 million on exports of10 million pairs of shoes to U. S. department stores. (P41) ......Last year the Beibei company in Zhangjiagang earned $ 14 million by exporting10 million pairs of shoes to U. S. Department stores.

' to clear ' means ' to earn (money) as gain or profit ' .e.g. Our firm has cleared $ 100,000 on a single deal.

18. At the Beibei plant, women huddle over a conveyor belt in frigid temperatures,gluing rubber sneakers together.(p41) ......At the Beibei plant, women crowd together over a conveyor belt in a small spaceat low temperatures, gluing rubber sneakers together.

19. Just two years ago South Korean manufacturers were flourishing on contractsfrom western athletic footwear giants like Nike, Reebok and Adidas. (p41)

For the information of Nike Inc., Reebok International Ltd. and Adidas, pleaserefer to the notes on pp 47-48.

20. Since then much of the business has shifted to China, dealing a hard blow to theSouth Korean shoe industry. (p41)

' to deal a blow to sb ' means ' cause a great damage to somebody ' .e.g. The Asian financial crisis dealt a devastating blow to the bank.

He dealt Tom a tremendous blow with the baseball bat.

21. China is now reaching for the next rung on the economic ladder. (p41) ......China is now taking one step forward in its economic development.' rung ' means ' cross-piece forming a step in a ladder '.

22. Last year China's trade surplus surged, buoyed by exports of toys, textiles andconsumer electronics. (pp 41-42)

Because of China's exports of toys, textiles and consumer electronics, China'strade surplus considerably increased last year.

23. "After Japan, we'll be first in line for retaliation." (p42)......" After Japan is retaliated against, we will be the (next) target. "

24. At the same time, America has an increasingly large stake in good relations withChina. In 1992 American companies led a rush of foreign investors who signedmore than $30 billion worth of contracts in China. (p42) .......For America, meanwhile, having a good relationship with China is in its bestinterests. In 1992 American companies led a group of foreign investors who

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signed more than $30 billion worth of contracts in China.' to have a stake in sth ' is a phrase which means ' to have one's interests in sth '.e.g. Every teacher has a stake in the future success of the University.

The boss has a stake in the training of his employees.

25. In December Capital outbid a Japanese-Mexican-Chilean consortium to buyPeru's leading iron-and-steel complex, Hierroperu. (p42)

' Capital ' here refers to Capital Steel. (首钢)' to outbid ' means ' to offer a higher price '.

26. Other state-affiliated companies, including CITIC and China Resources. Inc. , arebranching out from Hong Kong to establish overseas posts as varied asdiamond-trading operations in Sri Lanka and brokerage services in New York.(p43) State-affiliated companies are the companies attached to the state. The companies ' are branching out from Hong Kong to establish overseas

posts ' ......With Hong Kong as their headquarters, the companies areestablishing overseas branches.

' ...... as varied as diamond-trading operations in Sri Lanka and brokerageservices in New York.' ...... The businesses they are involved in vary a greatdeal, from diamond-trading operations in Sri Lanka to brokerage services inNew York.

27. Inflation has recently climbed back into double digits, and the party press isissuing strident warnings, urging restraint on buyers and sellers alike. (P43)

A strident warning is a warning that is loud and serious.' buyers and sellers alike ': both buyers and sellers.

28. Rapid development is overwhelming China's antique transport networks. Energybrownouts are a regular occurrence in Guangdong and Shanghai.(p43)

' China's antique transport networks ' indicates that China's transport networks areold and out of date.'Energy brownouts are a regular occurrence in Guangdong andShanghai.' ......Power failure occurs regularly in certain areas of Guangdong andShanghai.

29. China's "new man " may well find himself astride one of the world's largesteconomies in the 21st century.

What the author is saying here is that the new leader in China has to shoulder adaunting task as China is becoming one of the world's largest economies in the21st century.' astride ' here is a preposition which means ' with one leg on each side of sth '.e.g. He is sitting astride a horse.

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VI. 补充练习:

Topics for Discussion:

1. Why does the author compare Highway 204 to the road to China's future ?The two lanes are dusty;Local trucks and buses jockey with foreign cars;Migrant workers crowd the narrow shoulders;Cranes turn overhead;The traffic on Highway 204 is extremely thick.(In what ways are the above related to China's economic development ?)

2. Do you believe that China will surpass both Japan and the United States tobecome the world's largest economy by 2020 ? Why ?

Some thoughts on the topic:The leadership of the Party;China's open-door policy;China's potencial of over one billion population;Progress made in the reform of China's large and medium-sized enterprises;The standard estimate of China's GNP, is many times low;"Greater China" trade bloc is being set up.

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The Economic Scene: A Global Perspective

I. 教学目的

本文节选自世界银行年度报告,对 1991 年世界经济形势从不同的角度进行了分析。文中有三个表格和两幅插图。整篇文章实际是对表格中的经济数据的说明和分析。通过本文的学习,要求学生能解读图表,并对图表中的信息作简单的描述。

II. 教学计划

本课用时 3 小时,介绍图表知识、难点、重点知识、课文串讲等用时 2~2.5小时。

讨论、课堂练习 0.5~1 小时。

III. 教学方法

介绍背景知识、讲解课文和讨论练习等用传统的教学手段。图表的讲授,可以通过电脑软件 excel 来实现,输入数据后,根据不同的要求,生成不同的类型的图片。

IV. 背景知识:


1. 图表的种类:a. Linear graphb.Bar graphc. Pie graphd.3-D pie graphe. Scatter chart

2. 描述图表常用短语Upward/downward trend, move up/down ward, decline, dwindle, fall, drop,slum, plummet collapse, slide, grow, upturn, upsurge, rise, soar, level of, reacha plateau, fluctuate

3. 轴和线条vertical axis, horizontal axis, solid line, dotted line, broken line.

Gulf Crisis 海湾危机1990 年 8 月 2 日凌晨,10 万伊拉克大军顷刻之间越过边界,朝邻国科威特

席卷而来,2 万科威特士兵尽管进行了最顽强的抵抗,但终因寡不敌众,机场、

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港口以及国防部、电视台等政府大厦相继失落。伊军在一天之间完成了占领科威特全国的行动。伊拉克入侵科威特的行为遭到了世界许多国家的谴责,同时各国对伊拉克的经济制裁接踵而来。联合国安理会连续通过决议,要求伊拉克撤军,恢复科威特的主权,以期和平解决海湾危机。但联合国在伊入侵科后在海湾地区派有部队的 28 个国家及世界其他一些国家所尽的——切努力斗争未能使伊拉克总统萨达姆·侯赛因同意从科威特撤军。五个多月之后,在联合国作出的让伊拉克从科威特撤军的最后期限——1991 年 1 月 15 日已经过去了—天多之后,1 月17 日凌晨,以美国为首的英国、沙特阿拉伯和科威多国部队空军飞机对伊拉克实施了大规模的空袭,开始了“沙漠风暴”行动,揭开了海湾战争的幕布。

石油是世界经济的中枢神经,也是工业化社会的命脉,石油危机可以给世界带来灾难性后果。海湾地区的石油产量约占 OPEC 成员国全部产量的 68%,蕴藏着世界石油产量的 60%。海湾危机及随后海湾战争的爆发,特别是伊拉克威胁欲摧毁海湾油田后,造成工业化国家极大恐慌,也引起世界石油市场的惊恐不安,石油价格不断上涨,本来已经处于低速增长的世界经济增长速度普遍放慢,出现了一定程度的经济衰退。危机不仅使西方股票市场价格大跌,对外汇市场也产生了重要影响。

V. 重点讲解:

课本上所列 Notes to the Text 以及 Questions on Content and Language points1) the G-7:the Group Of Seven 七国集团


2) de-inflationary policies 反通胀政策通过限制需求抑制通货膨胀的政策,措施是降低货币流通量(货币政策)和减少开支(财政政策)。所采取的方法和紧缩通货(deflation)政策相似,但要更温和,其目的在于尽量避免措施带来的消极后果。

3) anti-inflationary monetary policy 反通货膨胀货币政策西方国家为了抑制或减轻通货膨胀所采取的控制货币数量和信贷规模的政策,有时也称紧缩银根政策。主要措施有:中央银行或其他金融主管机构提高商业银行准备金的比例,提高贴现率和在公开市场上抛售政府债券等。

4) transfers (component)资本转移(部分)即国际资本转移。资本的国际运动一般出自投资、借贷或寻求安全庇护等目的,影响一国国际收支情况的变化。

5) war-related payments 战争费用的支付海湾战争的费用在战争期间大部分是由美国支付的。根据约定,这笔费用应由所有同盟国负担。战后,其他国家逐渐履行责任,偿付美国垫付款项。

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6) European Monetary System (EMS):欧洲货币体系。欧共体于 1979 年 3 月建立,旨在促进其成员国之间的经济与货币合作。该体系最为突出的特点是设有“汇率管理机制”(the Exchange Rate Mechanism),用以在预定的幅度内稳定各参加国的汇率。按照约定,任何参加国首先要对本国货币汇率的稳定负责,一旦一国货币的汇率上下浮动超出所限,该国的中央银行就要出面干预直到恢复正常。这就是为什么创战后新高的德国利率约束了一些 EMS 参加国降低本国利率的能力。因为在这些国家任何明显的利率下调都会使得资本外流投资德国并且因此可能造成本币汇率下降超出约定所限范围。

7) compared with… 原意为“与 80 年代的百分之 3.8 的增长率比”,表达对比的意思,可翻译为:“而 80 年代的增长率为百分之 3.8”。

8) the Soviet Union and its successor statessuccessor:继承人、接任者、后续的事物。苏联解体后,分成好多个小国家,也就是他们都继承了前苏联,翻译成继承国家,不合汉语习惯,故中文翻译成“苏联及其解体后的国家”

9) a new menu of enhanced concessions:menu = list

10) Earth Charter, or declaration of basic principles for the conduct of nations andpeoples with respect to environment and development(or 连接的是对前面名词的解释,不作“或”解)

11) Fading of a tax-cut-induced boom: diminishing effect of tax-cut

12) ordinary least square trend:[统计学]普通最小二乘法趋势

13) deflator (剔除物价变动因素的指数)GDP (GNP) deflator 剔除国内(国民)生产总值通货膨胀因素指数在通货膨胀的条件下,为了反映国内(国民)生产总值的实际变动情况,要剔除价格上涨的因素。其办法是把国内(国民)生产总值的各个组成部分用有关的价格指数消除掉价格上涨的成分,以求得无价格变动的产值。例如,以消费价格指数除总的消费支出,以批发价格指数除企业对资本设备、原料及半制品的总支出等。各个有关的价格指数的总和,就是消除国内(国民)生产总值中通货膨胀因素的指数。

14) structural unemployment 结构性失业,参见“结构性问题”

15) structural problemsstructure 的基本意思是“结构”,现在在经贸英语中常引伸为“体系”、“安排”、“制度”等义。Structural problems 在这里指的是由于社会体系或管理制度不完善而引起的问题,如欧洲的失业问题。目前一些经济学家认为,欧洲劳务

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16) leverage 杠杆作用企业因拥有普通股的资产而得以通过发行债券取得借贷资金。借贷资金利息的偿付优先于普通股的红利。普通股取得偿付利息后的剩余利润。收益率高于利率时普通股的红利增大,反之则缩小。因此自有资金与借贷资金的比例与收益有直接关系。通常可以通过少量的自有资金控制较多的资产,在通货膨胀时期尤为有利。Highly leveraged transactions 融资比例很高的业务

17) trade component of the deficit (part of balance of international payment: visibleand invisible trade)贸易逆差。比较 transfer component 资本转移(部分)

18) portfolio investment 证券投资。比较实物投资(real investment)Portfolio investment refers to paper securities like stocks, bonds, and T-bills,whereas direct foreign investment involves tangible goods like factories and officebuildings. Direct investment is long term, and is more visible than portfolioinvestment. Paper can be traded on a global market rather freely, but direct cannotbe freely moved from one state to another as conditions change. Portfolio theory isa branch of financial economics which analyses the most efficient amounts ofdifferent assets an investor should hold. Underlying portfolio theory is theassumption that investors like high returns and dislike risk. An efficient portfoliois one which delivers the highest expected possible return for a given amount ofrisk, or the smallest possible risk for a given expected return. In general, byholding a variety of assets, the risk of a portfolio can be reduced, because whenone asset happens to perform badly, it may that others will be doing well. Thus,diversification does pay.

19) LIBOR: London interbank offered rate(伦敦银行同业优惠利息)。LIBOR is therate applicable to borrowing and lending between London commercial banks. Theinterest rate for customer borrowers is fixed on that basis with a premium, butnow the prime rate(优惠利息)of the U.S. (the rate of interest charged for themost credit-worthy customers on short-term loans) tends to substitute for it infunction.

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I. 教学目的


a. American protectionism was on the rise in the name of fair trade.b. Highlights of American trade policies.c. Reactions to such trend, both home and abroad, pros and cons.

II. 教学计划

本课用时 3 小时,介绍背景知识、难点、重点知识、课文串讲等用时 2~2.5小时。讨论、课堂练习 0.5~1 小时。

III. 教学方法

采用口授法讲解课文和难点、疑点,用探讨研究法讨论练习,再结合翻译技巧的传授。让学生找出文章中词语的 reference(形成技能技巧),翻译、分析句子,以检查知识技能。

IV. 背景知识:


1993 年初,美国新任总统克林顿上台后,为了扭转当时美国经济不景气的状况,制定了新的对外贸易政策,改自由贸易为“公平贸易”,尽力扩张海外市场,为美国经济振兴创造条件。美国的新政策强调“公平互惠”和“机会均等”,即美国在欢迎海外产品和劳务进入美国市场的同时,也要让美国产品和劳务进入他们的市场。作为实现“公平”的保证,美国政府同时反对国内两种倾向:一是贸易保护主义倾向,二是“放任自流”的倾向,即主张政府面对国外的竞争无所作为。

克林顿政府的贸易政策有以下几个特点:(1) 在原则上,单方面强调维护美国的经济利益,对其盟国也不例外。(2) 在手法上,采取执行美国贸易法规和单方面制裁的措施。(3) 在策略上,迫使贸易伙伴增加进口美国的产品以平衡贸易。这种变相的美国贸易保护主义势力的抬头,引起美国国内外强烈反映,褒贬

不一。此文写于 1993 年 2 月,当时克林顿的贸易政策才初露端倪,该文是对当时形势的一个综述。作者似乎对美国贸易政策持理解态度,只是希望美国不要走得太远(goes too far)。

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2. NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreements) 北美自由贸易协定建立北美自由贸易区的设想系由美国、加拿大和墨西哥三国总统于 1991 年共同提出的。经过谈判,于 1992 年 8 月正式决定签定北美自由贸易协议。此协议于1994 年 1 月 1 日起生效。美国、加拿大和墨西哥三国将按照协定要求在 5 年内逐步取消三国间的几乎所有贸易的关税和其他非关税壁垒,实现商品、劳务及技术的自由流通,从而成为世界上最大的、拥有 3.7 亿人口的,平均产值 6 万多亿美元的共同市场。美、加、墨三国互有需要,但美国的期望更高。一位经济学家认为美国积极推动建立北美共同市场,这不过是第一步。其目标是把北美自由贸易区逐步扩建为一个西半球自由贸易协议。最后发展成为一个与欧洲和亚洲相抗衡的经贸实体。

3. Government procurement 政府采购政府采购这里指国际贸易中歧视性的政府采购政策,是非关税壁垒的一个重要手段。一些发达资本主义国家制定法令,规定政府机构在采购时优先购买本国产品,从而导致对外国产品进口的限制。政府在采购中可以采取有利于国内供应者而不利于外国供应者的差别待遇,或者在外国供应者那采取有利于某些国家而不利于其他国家的差别待遇。这种差别待遇可以采取对本国供应者给予价格优惠的方式,亦可以是对本国供应者或某些国家在做法上和程序上给予各种优惠待遇的方式。例如欧盟规定,欧盟各国的政府采购,欧盟国家享有优先权,这实际上等于排除了欧盟国家政府招标采购中美国公司中标的可能性。美国对此强烈不满,以报复相威胁。实际上美国的州政府采购,也有歧视的做法。如美国麻省州就有法律明文规定,在其政府招标采购中,为表达他们对缅甸所谓的人权状况的抗议,可以把和缅甸有往来或在缅甸做生意的公司排除在外。实质上是以人权为借口,实行贸易保护主义。

V. 重点讲解:

课本上所列 Notes to the Text 以及 Questions on Content and Language points (forpreview, discussion and review)也属重点讲解之列,但在这儿省略。1. U.S. is prepared to see trade relations worsen(在思想上有准备)2. is drawing the first lines of a tougher policy on trade

to draw the line = to set a limit (on)着手制定更为强硬的贸易政策。此习语已经变异,line 变成了复数,并加 first 予以修饰,表示对贸易进行政策上的界定,也就是制定贸易政策。比较第七课"Japan has decided to draw theline"

3. before they get better: before ≠ in advance of the time when(在…之前), itmeans "rather than" or "sooner than"。克林顿政府着手制定更加强硬的美国的贸易政策,向欧洲和日本发出信号,要为美国出口商争得更为公平的待遇,和贸易伙伴的关系因此不是改善,而是恶化,美国政府已有思想(或心理)准备。

4. Moved quickly to cite(迅速行动?也许在翻译时要译成副词“毫不犹豫”)cf."acted immediately" bellow(上周美国贸易代表米奇·坎特毫不犹豫地(或译成:坎特立刻作出反应,

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指出 12 国(组成的)欧共体在内部进行政府采购是对美国公司的“不能容忍的”歧视,这是美国发出的最强信号。

5. This push to expand… is considered essentialpush = a vigorous effort to attain an end, “很卖力气”,“不遗余力”的意思,即 an insistence that…(坚持要日本和欧洲创造一个“公平的贸易竞技场”,同意美国出口商享受同样的市场准入权利。试译:不遗余力扩大美国制造业出口,(被认为)是履行克林顿总统为美国创造更多的“高工资、高技术”就业这一竞选诺言,在政治上至关重要。

6. result oriented : export-oriented, (更多的类似合成词见 L.4:market-oriented,trade-oriented)

7. well trod path(走熟的路、老路)8. hawks and doves Concepts 鹰派 hawk 和鸽派 dove 强硬派的温和派的比喻说

法。9. acted immediately 即前文提到的 moved quickly。10. underpinnings (usually plural form: something that serves as a foundation:

BASIS, SUPPORTe.g. the philosophical ~s of psychoanalysisbalanced against {the meaning of balance: All praise or criticism is one sided (notbalanced), too much praise and too little criticism or vice versa is heavily skewed,strong criticism and high praise is balanced (symmetry).}

11. he saw little evidence of strategy, except for …(他认为政府的贸易政策缺乏策略性,只是一味迁汽车、半导体、钢铁、能源和其它产业中的保护主义要求,一味安抚这些产业在国会中的保护主义势力。)except for 和 except 都是“除了…”的意思,但他们是有区别的。Eexcept 后面可跟名词、代词等:None of us spoke French except John.跟介词短语:He rarely went anywhere except to his office.跟不定式:It had no effect except to make him angry.不定式没有 to: He will do anything except lend you money.跟从句:This suit fits me well except that the trousers are too long.Except fot 只能跟名词:The office was in darkness except for the solitary lightabove his desk.Except 也能表示“要不是…”、“因为有”:Except for you, I should be dead bynow.

12. to be cut to death by these cases 十分忙碌?to cut =to engage in; to death =beyond endurance, excessively

13. these cases 当指前面提到的 disputes with EC & Japan on Governmentprocurements, clashes over Euro steel, Canadian lumber and Japanese minivanand semiconductors.除非他们另有所图,否则他们就会因这些争议和冲突忙得不可开交,其贸易政策也必然具有浓重的保护主义色彩。“另有所图”应该是就开放贸易重开广泛的谈判。

14. Anyone (who thinks Europe and Japan will be bullied into meeting Americandeadlines and priorities) isn't awake to the changes: (注意句子结构分析:括号

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内为定语从句)。deadlines refers to previous sentence (paragraph 2, last sentence): "Theadministration will begin retaliating in six weeks if EC policies remainunchanged," Mr. Kantor said.priority See P.102 last line: A pledge to Mexico and Canada to seek congressionalapproval of the North American Free-Trade Agreement as the highest tradepriority.谁要是还以为欧洲和日本会屈服于美国的淫威,一切都是美国说了算(原意为:按美国旨意在 6 周内改变政府采购政策,把北美自由贸易协定在国会的通过当作头等大事),谁就是对发生的变化一无所知。

15. get off to a ragged start there || get off 动身、开始; ragged 高低不平的, 参差不齐的, 粗糙的, 破碎的。很有点像我们平时所说的“出师不利”。

VI. 补充练习:

讨论题:What is the significance of US's turning free trade into fair trade?

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Economic Troubles Cloud New Market’s Future

I. 教学目的:

使学生了解欧洲共同体(European Community)的起源、欧洲统一大市场的发展进程以及在其发展过程中遇到的障碍和困难。

II. 教学计划:

本课用时 4.5 小时,介绍背景知识、难点和课文串讲用时 3 小时,学生做翻译、讨论练习和研究汇报 1.5 小时。

III. 教学方法:


IV. 背景知识:

欧共体(欧盟)是世界上最为成功的区域经济一体化组织。90 年代初,欧共体致力于建立欧洲统一大市场,以实现人员、服务、产品和资本在共同体范围内的自由流动。但是,由于当时欧洲的经济状况欠佳,失业率保持在较高水平,人们对于统一大市场的建立及其发展前景并不抱乐观态度。

V. 重点讲解:


European Community(欧洲共同体),Note 2.Single Market(统一大市场),Note 3.European integration(欧洲一体化)Maastricht Treaty(马斯特里赫特条约),Note 5.Single European Currency(单一欧洲货币)free-trade zone(自由贸易区),Note 7.



1.标题:Economic Troubles Cloud New Market’s Future,其中 Cloud 的喻意为“使蒙上阴影,使暗淡”。

2.Paragraph 1. “. . . there will be no balloons and brass bands . . . ”,字面意思为

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3.Paragraph 2. “There won’t be the big bang some might have expected. . .”,“bigbang”原意为“大爆炸”,在此喻指“巨大震动,巨大反响”。

4.Paragraph 3, “Yet in its current dour mood. . .”,解释整个句子的句法结构,主句为“Europe risks almost overlooking the revolutionary step forward”, “it hastaken in creating. . .”为定语从句,修饰 step forward;“where, for centuries . . .bloodiest wars.”也为定语从句,修饰 a continent。

“revolutionary step forward”(迈出具有革命性意义的一步)。之所以称之为“革命性的”是因为在欧洲大陆,几百年来,经济利益上的纷争引发了人类历史上几次血腥的战争(第一次和第二次世界大战);而今,要在这样一个大陆上建立无壁垒的统一大市场,实现各国经济的共同繁荣,这的确可称为是一场革命。但在当时经济不景气的情况下,人们似乎忽视了这一行动的重大意义,这种态度是危险的,它会阻碍欧洲一体化的进程,甚至会使人们回到以往的经济争斗中。Barrier-free market(无壁垒市场),解释 trade barrier(贸易壁垒),tariff barrier(关税壁垒),non-tariff barrier(非关税壁垒),让学生讨论常见的非关税壁垒的几种形式,如 quota restriction,licensing system,technical standards,inspection standards,government procurement,local content requirement, etc.(配额限制,许可证制度,技术标准,检验标准,政府采购,本地成分要求等)。让学生在理解本句含义的基础上做翻译练习。

5.Paragraph 3, European integration(欧洲一体化), 介绍其它一些常用的搭配,如 global economic integration(全球经济一体化), regional integration(区域一体);在电脑行业中,integration 的意思为“整合”,如 system integration(系统整合),相应的,system integrator(系统整合商)。

6.Paragraph 4, “. . . we can anticipate more strains in the marriage contract that ultimately would. . .”中,“marriage contract”(婚约)在此喻指为建立欧洲统一大市场而签署的条约或协定。

7.Paragraph 5, “And without the promise of deeper political integration, those EC countries looking for more than a glorified free-trade zone could tire of the singlemarket’s free-market philosophy.”

结合注释介绍 free-trade zone(自由贸易区)。tire of: 厌倦,厌烦。翻译并理解本句话的含义:如果没有更进一步的政治一体化的承诺,那些希望看到的不只是一个美化了的自由贸易区的欧共体成员国会对统一大市场的自由市场原则感到厌倦。(意指这些国家认为,经济一体化和统一大市场的建立需要有政治一体化的支持,否则,自由市场的原则无法真正付诸实践,而最后建立起来的统一大市场也只能是一个大的自由贸易区而已,远远不能满足这些国家的期望。)

8.Paragraph 6, “It’s worth remembering that a majority of the questions askedduring the debate in France on the Maastricht referendum actually had nothing todo with Maastricht at all, but with measures already taken under the singlemarket,”


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9.Paragraph 7, “coming-out party”,a welcoming party for someone’s debut in society.

10. Paragraph 7, “The fact that free movement of people –an aspect of marketthat will be most evident to the average person –is not yet a reality also plays arole.”注意让学生理解该句的语法结构。

11. Paragraph 9, “. . . and much of that will already have been translated into national law,” “translate into” = transform into, convert into

12. Paragraph 10, “. . .the dark economic clouds now hanging over Europe.” (笼罩在欧洲上空的经济乌云),注意这种比喻用法,意指欧洲的经济不景气。“. . . but it is making its debut just as Europe traverses one of its roughest economic storms in years.” “make debut”本意为(演员)首次露面,首次演出,在此指欧洲统一大市场正式成立。 “traverse rough storms”本意为穿越急风暴雨,在此喻指欧洲正经历着多年来最为严峻的经济形势。

13. Paragraph 13, sentence 1,重点解释用于描述商业活动和经济发展趋势的两个常用词:“flat” (呆滞,疲弱)和“soar”(猛增,剧增)。介绍其它一些近义词,如,weak, dull; rise sharply, jump, increase, etc.

14. Paragraph 16, “. . . because of the mutual stakes no one would take a breach of those laws lightly.” “mutual stakes”,共同利益; “stakeholder”,利益相关人;“have a stake in . . .”,与. . .利害攸关; “take something lightly (seriously)”,轻(重)视某事。

15. Paragraph 18, “Everyone is politically weak back home, which leads to fighting instead of compromise over Europe.”


VI. 补充练习:

1.翻译和阅读理解练习穿插在课文串讲过程中。2.讨论题:What do you think about the future of eastern enlargement and the

political integration of European Union ? What are the difficulties in this ?3.Ask the students to do library research on the latest development of the EU,

particularly the performance of Euro and give presentations in class.

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Japan Says No

I. 教学目的:


II. 教学计划:

本课用时 5 小时,介绍背景知识、难点和课文串讲用时 3 小时,学生做翻译和讨论练习 1 小时,本课附文“Why Japan won’t Cave In to U.S. Trade Demands”重点介绍及讨论用 1 小时。

III. 教学方法:


IV. 背景知识:


V. 重点讲解:


free trade (自由贸易),Note 7.managed trade (管理贸易),Note 12.trade balance (贸易差额),Note 13

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1.标题:“An unwilling Japan has decided to draw the line.”“draw the line”本意为划定最后界限,此处指日本政府阐明自己的立场,对美国的要求不予接受。

2.Paragraph 1, “. . . and hope that the fuss would die down. No longer, it seems.”“the fuss would die down” 意指日本政府希望通过保持缄默来使国外对其贸易作法的种种指责因无争论对手而自我平息下来。“No longer, it seems.” 有两层含义,即 “It seems that Japan would no longer keep quiet.” and “It seems that the U.S. would not let the fuss die down until its trade demand is satisfied.”

3.Paragraph 1, “Far from capitulating to this new thrust of American trade policy, Japan is taking a stand that could lead to a trans-Pacific confrontation.”“thrust”意为 “the main point or essence”。翻译:这一次日本不会屈服于美国贸易政策的新的重点要求,而是会采取一种有可能引发太平洋两岸贸易冲突的(强硬)立场。

4.Paragraph 3, “In addition to the customary dry analysis, this year’s edition will put Japan’s side of an argument that has, until now, been dominated by American and European critiques.”翻译:除了惯常的不加渲染的事实分析外,今年的白皮书还将阐述日本在这场贸易争论中的立场,而此前,这一争论都是由美国和欧洲的评论人士唱主角。

5.Paragraph 3, “take (bring or call) somebody to task for something”: criticize or attack somebody.

6.Paragraph 5, “With the economy still barely growing, despite two fiscal packages in the past nine months, Japan’s critics say that the country is once more exporting its way out of recession.”注意句式“exporting its way out of recession”means “trying to get the economy out of recession by means of expanding export”。类似的用法还有 “export the way out of trouble (poverty)”。

7.Surplus, What Surplus? 注意这一小标题所蕴含的语气,似乎是日本人所做的诘问: “Surplus, what surplus are you talking about? Do you know the real reasons behind it? They have nothing to do with our trade practice. Let us give youthe objective explanation.”

8.Paragraph 7 and 8, 介绍日本的外贸进出口与国际初级产品市场价格、亚洲经济和美国经济状况的关系,并请学生做总结。日本是一个资源短缺、严重依赖原材料进口的国家。当初级产品价格较低时,其进口额会明显下降(尽管价格低会导致进口量的上升,但因日本经济几乎处于停滞状态,故进口量不会有太大增长);而作为其主要出口市场的亚洲和美国的经济却持续繁荣,因而促进了日本的出口。其净结果是日本的外贸顺差继续扩大。

9.Paragraph 8, “. . . which are highly sensitive to business cycle.” “对商业周期十分敏感”,指在商业繁荣时,日本对工业初级产品的需求量激增,而经济萧条时需求急剧下降。

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10. Paragraph 9, “. . . the surplus will, of its own accord, gradually diminish in size and relevance.” “of one’s own accord” means “voluntarily”(自愿地,主动地),此处意指 “Even without the interference of governments’ policies (of theUS and Japan), the trade surplus will diminish.”

11. Paragraph 11, “MITI believes that such exports should be of less concern to advocates of managed trade than consumer goods, because components increasethe competitiveness–and therefore the export potential–of the industries that buythem.”翻译:通产省认为,相对于消费品而言,这种出口应该不会引起管理贸易的倡导者们过分的担忧,因为日本的出口会增强购买这些零部件的外国工业的竞争力,也会相应地增它们的出口潜力。

12. Paragraph 13, “. . . Japanese firms have been export-driven; in the future theywill be less likely to export their way out of trouble.” 注意“. . .- driven”这样一种构词,类似的常用词还有 “profit-driven”, “demand-driven”等。

13. Paragraph 14, “. . . a persistent surplus is inevitable as long as Japanese households save more than American ones, and America’s budget deficit remains untamed.” 解释此句的因果关系。“That Japanese households save more thanAmerican ones will lead to the result that the Japanese demand for imports will belower than that of America. And if America’s budget deficit is untamed, the U.S. government’s spending will continue to rise, leading to more demand for both domestic and importedgoods.”

14. Paragraph 14, “What matters is access to Japan’s markets; America would be content if Japan increased its imports and exports by the same amount.”此句话强调了主张对日本施加进口指标限制的美国贸易人士的态度,即他们最关心的不是减少贸易逆差数字本身,而是为美国产品争得进入日本市场的平等机会。

15. Paragraph 15, 体会作者的态度。从本段的语句中可以明显看出作者反对美国对日本进行贸易威胁和制裁,并且认为这样做是无效的。美国应该通过降低国内的政府预算赤字来来减少贸易逆差。

VI. 补充练习:

1.Sum up the reasons for the recent rise in Japan’s trade surplus as presented in Paragraph 7 and 8.

2.讨论题:How do you comment on Japan’s huge trade surplus?

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Here Comes Korea, Inc.

I. 教学目的



II. 教学计划

本课用时 4 小时,介绍修辞知识(主要是比喻和夸张)、难点、重点知识、课文串讲等用时 3~3.5 小时。讨论、课堂练习 0.5~1 小时。

III. 教学方法


IV. 背景知识:

继日本之后,韩国在短短的几十年里创造了一个经济奇迹,从一个满目疮痍、一贫如洗的国家一跃而成为东亚经济强国。韩国在众多产业领域如钢铁、造船、半导体等占有与其国土面积和人口规模极不相称的世界市场份额。最近,韩国又成为经济合作和发展组织(OECD)的成员国,标志着它已经步入世界发达国家之列。韩国国土面积狭小,并且自 20 年代以来饱尝战乱之苦,摆脱日本殖民统治以后国内政局不稳,政变频仍,同时和北方的朝鲜民主主义共和国关系很紧张。人们不禁要问:韩国如何在如此诸多不利的条件下迅速实现经济腾飞的?它有那些成功的策略,有面临那些问题?本文试图回答这些问题。

IV. 重点讲解:

1.Korea Inc. This term means more than just “韩国公司”。It is derived from thephrase "Japan Inc."-- the concept of an entire nation conspiring to advanceeconomically at any cost. Here it means South Korea aims to forge just such anational economic machine, using the might of its established giants backedcentralized planners by way of huge subsidies, government backed loans andofficial favors. Unfortunately, there is no counterpart in Chinese.

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2.Hermit Kingdom (隐士王国),比喻闭关自守的国家。

3.Issue instructions that echo around the world. "Echo around the world" heremeans metaphorically "influence the world".

4.Their affiliates, joint ventures and subsidiaries girdle the globegirdle: to encircle with or as if with a belt; to circle around.比较:Japanese interest span the globe

5.state of the art: most advanced

6.a gantlet of other obstacles: Gauntlet, to run the gauntlet, to be attacked on allsides, to be severely criticized.The word came into English at the time of the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) asgauntlope, meaning the passage between two files of soldiers. The reference is tothe former punishment among soldiers and sailors; the company or crew, providedwith rope ends, were drawn up in two row facing each other, and the delinquenthad to run between them, while every man dealt him as severe a punishment as hecould.

7.an all-out export blitz: blitz = lightening. 闪电战 war conducted with great speedand force; specifically a violent offensive by massed air forces and mechanizedground forces in close coordination, as in W.W.II。 例:A heavy aerialbombardment.猛烈的空袭An intense campaign:激烈的竞选运动:a media blitz focused on young voters.集中于年轻投票人的一种媒体的激烈竞争。此处用来比喻韩国抢占欧洲市场,来得快、猛。

8.European manufacturers shuddered as $4.1 billion worth of Korean goods flowedinto their home market last year. Shudder: To shiver (shake; vibrate; quiver)convulsively from fear.说欧洲制造商怕韩国,却偏不用“怕”字,妙!

9.touched off a groundswell of concern, groundswell: 海啸,韩国抢占欧洲市场,来势犹如强烈地震,引起海啸,也是自然。

10. exporting its way out of poverty 用扩大出口的方法来摆脱贫困。参见:export its way our of recession (trouble)

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11. sizzled along at an 8% annual growth ratesizzle: to make the hissing sound characteristic of frying fat. 发出咝咝声发出咝咝声响,近似于油煎脂肪时发出的声音,可表示愤怒、激动、兴奋等,例如:The oil lamp sizzled softly.油灯轻轻发出咝咝声。Sales immediately began to sizzle. 销售情况立即出现喜人景象。试译:韩国经济长期保持高达 8%的年增长率,年复一年,竟达 20 年之久。

12. boast 有两层意思:以…为自豪;吹牛。可能是双关语。95%的识字率,韩国人完全有理由自豪,但也可能有吹牛的成分,因为后文提到,这样的文化普及率,只有少数发达国家才达到。韩国还不是发达国家,依次推理,不大可能达到这么高的百分比。

13. waiting for a bigger cut of Korea's newfound bonanzacut: A part that has been cut from a main body: 切片从主体上切割下来的一部分:a cut of beef 切下的一块牛肉;a cut of cloth.剪下的一块布bonanza: a rich mine, vein, or pocket of ore; a source of great wealth or prosperity.Cut = share

14. upset their economic apple cart,upset sb.'s apple cart:破坏某人计划。Thisidiom is already worn out. By adding "economic" to modify apple cart, new lifewas injected into the trite phrase.

15. change gears by moving up the high-tech ladderchange gears = 变速,一般用来比喻改变方式、办法等,这儿用来比喻为经济转型,即韩国要想保持市场份额,持续发展,必须完成由劳动密集型经济向技术密集型经济的转移,因为他们的劳动力廉价的优势已经没有了。High-tech ladder,将高科技形象化为梯子,不同先进程度的科技形象化为梯子的级。

16. to negotiate the transition…=to successfully travel along or over; complete,accomplish经贸中 negotiate 一词常表示“谈判”、“转让”、“议付”等,但此地表示“完成”、 “实现”。

17. To leapfrog many of the traditional bottlenecks:越过传统的瓶颈障碍cf. leapfrog: a game in which one player bends down and another leaps over him.

18. aim to catapult the country's still-fledging electronics industry into the outerfrontiers of high technologycapapult: 弹弓、石弩、弹射器;指跳跃式发展。

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Outer frontiers of high technology: 高科技的最前沿,即最高新的技术(state ofthe art)比较:(第一课)technology of varying degrees of sophistication (不同先进程度的技术)

19. the company and its sisters, sisters 姊妹公司,兄弟公司(平级公司)

20. The debate boils down to 煮浓、熬稠,即:归结为

21. whose qualifications are limited to their family ties 他们的资质仅限于家族的联系。委婉语,指经理层领导并无真才实学,靠裙带关系坐上领导位子。

22. It's a house of cards: a house of card : 孩子用纸牌搭成的房子,a structureor situation that is insubstantial, shaky, or in constant danger of collapse.

23. stepping on the toes of chaebol's enormously powerful chieftainsstep/tread on sb.'s toes: offend sb. 得罪某人chieftain: the leader or head of a group, especially a clan or tribe. 酋长, 一个群体,尤其是一个帮派或部落的领袖或首领。从用词的选择上,作者可谓用心良苦。在好多地方,作者都是通过巧妙的选词,非常委婉地把他的情感、立场表达出来。类似的用法还有:把韩国公司比作帝国(empire),日本国内外国公司不易打入,因而称之为 turf(黑社会势力的地盘)等。

24. learn to swim on their own--or sink 学会自己游泳,不然就是沉没。Idiom "to sink or swim"(成败靠自己)is modified here. 修辞效果同 upset sb.'seconomic apple cart.

25. to siphon funds out of the country's illegal but sprawling "curb money"market"Curb money market" probably derived from the expression "curb market"(场外证券市场 from the fact that it originally transacted its business on the street,amarket for trading in securities not listed on a stock exchange). Curb moneymarket 指非法金融借贷。Siphon funds 比较:channel more bank credits to small-medium-sized companies.American Stock Exchange

1. the second largest stock exchange in the U.S., located in New York City. Abbr.:ASE, A.S.E. Also called"AMEX, Amex."Formerly,"New York CurbExchange."Cf. New York Stock Exchange.

VI. 补充练习:

讨论题:What can China learn from S. Korea’s economic success?

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Prosperity Persists in the UAE

I. 教学目的


II. 教学计划

本课用时 3 小时,介绍图表知识、难点、重点知识、课文串讲等用时 2~2.5小时。

讨论、课堂练习 0.5~1 小时。

III. 教学方法


IV. 背景知识:1. Gulf Crisis 海湾危机,参见第四课背景知识

2. 碳税——欧盟层次上的生态税收

该税的全称是碳-能源税,由于其目的主要是为减少二氧化碳的排放,故称其为碳税。主要目的是通过鼓励减少使用矿物燃料,尤其是含碳量高的燃料,从而减少二氧化碳的排放。碳税是一个混合型税种。设计的税率由两部分构成,一部分由该能源的含碳量决定,所有固体的和液体的矿物能源包括煤、石油及其各种制品都要按其含碳量缴纳该税的碳税部分。另一部分是由该能源的发热量来决定,主要是指对矿物能源与非矿物能源,如电力征税。设计的的税率水平以每桶油 3美元的标准控制,其他种类的能源进行相应的换算。即根据控制标准先确定了每吨的碳的碳税税率为 10.3 欧洲货币单位。每标准能源单位(一桶标准油的能源含量)税率是 0.21 欧洲货币单位。然后根据各种能源的含碳量和所含的能源单位来确定其每吨或每千升的总体税率。


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3. The Basel Committee(巴塞尔委员会)The Basel Committee was established by the central-bank Governors of the

Group of Ten countries at the end of 1974, meets regularly four times a year. It hasabout thirty technical working groups and task forces which also meet regularly.

The Committee's members come from Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy,Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdomand United States. Countries are represented by their central bank and also by theauthority with formal responsibility for the prudential supervision of banking businesswhere this is not the central bank. The present Chairman of the Committee is Mr.William J. McDonough, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork.

The Committee does not possess any formal supranational supervisory authority,and its conclusions do not, and were never intended to, have legal force. Rather, itformulates broad supervisory standards and guidelines and recommends statements ofbest practice in the expectation that individual authorities will take steps to implementthem through detailed arrangements - statutory or otherwise - which are best suited totheir own national systems. In this way, the Committee encourages convergencetowards common approaches and common standards without attempting detailedharmonisation of member countries' supervisory techniques.

The Committee reports to the central bank Governors of the Group of Tencountries and seeks the Governors' endorsement for its major initiatives. In addition,however, since the Committee contains representatives from institutions which are notcentral banks, the decisions it takes carry the commitment of many nationalauthorities outside the central banking fraternity. These decisions cover a very widerange of financial issues. One important objective of the Committee's work has beento close gaps in international supervisory coverage in pursuit of two basic principles:that no foreign banking establishment should escape supervision; and that supervisionshould be adequate. To achieve this, the Committee has issued a number of documentssince 1975.

In 1988, the Committee decided to introduce a capital measurement systemcommonly referred to as the Basel Capital Accord. This system provided for theimplementation of a credit risk measurement framework with a minimum capitalstandard of 8% by end-1992. Since 1988, this framework has been progressivelyintroduced not only in member countries but also in virtually all other countries withactive international banks. In June 1999, the Committee issued a proposal for a NewCapital Adequacy Framework to replace the 1988 Accord. The proposed capitalframework consists of three pillars: minimum capital requirements, which seek torefine the standardised rules set forth in the 1988 Accord; supervisory review of aninstitution's internal assessment process and capital adequacy; and effective use ofdisclosure to strengthen market discipline as a complement to supervisory efforts.

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Following extensive interaction with banks and industry groups, a second consultativedocument, taking into account comments and incorporating further work performedby the Committee, is to be issued in January 2001, with a view to introducing the newframework in 2004.

Over the past few years, the Committee has moved more aggressively to promotesound supervisory standards worldwide. In close collaboration with many non-G-10supervisory authorities, the Committee in 1997 developed a set of "Core Principles forEffective Banking Supervision", which provides a comprehensive blueprint for aneffective supervisory system. To facilitate implementation and assessment, theCommittee in October 1999 developed the "Core Principles Methodology".

In order to enable a wider group of countries to be associated with the work beingpursued in Basel, the Committee has always encouraged contacts and cooperationbetween its members and other banking supervisory authorities. It circulates tosupervisors throughout the world published and unpublished papers. In many cases,supervisory authorities in non-G-10 countries have seen fit publicly to associatethemselves with the Committee's initiatives. Contacts have been further strengthenedby an International Conference of Banking Supervisors which takes place every twoyears, most recently in Basel.

The Committee's Secretariat is provided by the Bank for InternationalSettlements in Basel. The twelve person Secretariat is mainly staffed by professionalsupervisors on temporary secondment from member institutions. In addition toundertaking the secretarial work for the Committee and its many expertsub-committees, it stands ready to give advice to supervisory authorities in allcountries.

V. 重点讲解:

1.neutralize 有多层意思,课文中的意思是 make incapable of military action,即消除伊拉克的军事能力

2.cover 课中三处用了 cover 一词,注意他们不同的含义:The local Arabic press has given full coverage to the debates…报道…which will cover deliveries from 1996-2000 支付This covers requirements for the next 25 years.满足

3.upstream 上游(产品),比较 downstream 下游(产品)

4.risk-weighted assets 风险加权资产?请参见背景介绍 Basel Committee

5.unofficially re-exported 委婉语,指走私

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6.the loss leader philosophy: a featured article of merchandise sold at a loss in orderto draw customers 试比较:赔钱赚吆喝

7.let: to award, especially after bids have been submitted: let the construction job toa new firm.

8.condensate 凝析油9.spin-off: [Webster]any products or development derived incidentally from the

application of existing knowledge or enterprise(有用的)副产品;母公司收回子公司全部股本使之脱离的做法;主要技术项目或社会项目的附带作用(带/拉动作用)。

10. silly price 移就修辞格, 傻的不是价格,而是人,制定这么的价格的人!11. the streets of Abu Dhabi and Dubai are paved with gold 阿布扎比和迪拜遍

地是黄金(不一定要翻译成:阿布扎比和迪拜的街道都是黄金铺就的)12. in the same league:league 长度单位≈3 浬,借用,指规模、档次等。not

in the same league(不是一个档次规模)13. import bill:bill 帐单,进口帐单即进口量14. To be on hold = to be suspended15. to carry forward provisions to next year16. carbon tax 是“碳税”。参见 背景知识。

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I. 教学目的


a. Conflict between US and EC regarding farm trade in the Uruguay round talks.b. Review of protectionist practices and negotiation for policy reforms in farm

trade.c. Losses and gains with regard to trade protection and trade liberalization in

farm industry.

II. 教学计划

本课用时 3~4 小时,介绍背景知识、难点、重点知识、课文串讲等用时 2~3小时。

讨论、课堂练习 1 小时。

III. 教学方法

1) 要求学生先课前阅读课文两遍。第一遍快速阅读,写出此文的中心思想。第二遍仔细阅读找出问题及难点带到课堂来。

2) 讲解(传授新知识[口授法])和讨论练习(巩固知识技能[探讨研究法])穿插进行。针对学生的疑难点进行 paraphrases 答疑, 必要时结合翻译技巧的传授。可将疑难点分成 background difficulties and languagedifficulties 分别处理。

3) 让学生根据上下文的关联了解作者的真实意图和观点倾向。Read fromthe context and infer the implied meaning.

IV. 背景知识:


在乌拉圭回合谈判中,美国与欧洲共同体就农业补贴等政策展开了拉锯战,最终于 1993 年 11 月 15 日达成协议。乌拉圭回合谈判的另一项成果是建立世界

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贸易组织的决议。世界贸易组织于 1995 年 1 月 1 日正式替代关税及贸易总协定。

V. 重点讲解:


关税及贸易总协定 (General Agreement on Tariff and Trade)乌拉圭回合 (Uruguay Round of GATT Talks)补贴及反补贴税 (subsidy and countervailing duty)知识产权 (intellectual proper right)


课本上所列 Notes to the Text 以及 Questions on Content and Language points (forpreview, discussion and review)中的一部分也属重点讲解之列,但在这儿省略。

1.在第一段中,In the past few days the differences… …have narrowed to almostnothing. 这里的 differences…have narrowed to almost nothing 指的是美国和欧共体之间在农业政策方面的争端和差异已经缩小到零。

2.The deal is admittedly far from perfect, a series of messy compromises. 这里 thedeal 指的是乌拉圭回合里美欧双方达成的各种协议的总和。而 admittedly 和messy 两词则表达了人们普遍对协议的不满,“一堆乱糟糟的妥协”。

3.The cause of free trade will have many more battles to fight. Never mind. 自由贸易事业还有许多仗要打。这里 Never mind 翻译成“没有关系”不如根据上下文关系翻成“这些暂且不说/提”更好些。因为作者急于说出乌拉圭回合带来的好处。



6.This position is politically alarming as well as economically indefensible. (法国政府的)这种立场在政治上是危险的,在经济上是站不住脚的。

7.第四段主要描述了贸易保护主义在农业行业的表现形式和猖獗景象。其中包括补贴、关税、配额、垄断采购以及各种不同类型的行政干预。No industry inthe world……by means of prices set in markets. 是个强调句。这段中的 marketforces = liberal ideal of guiding resources to their best use. 与之相反的是 priceset and government intervention.

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10. 最后一段的最后一句 If governments care for their citizens at large, asopposed to noisy lobbies, they will grab it. 如果欧洲各国政府关心本国大多数人的利益,排除吵吵闹闹的说客的影响,他们将抓住农业贸易协议带来的好处。

VI. 补充练习:

讨论题:1. Please debate the benefits of free trade is much bigger than the benefits ofprotectionism.2. Why did countries of both developed and developing constantly turn to

protectionist measures in spite of obvious benefits of free trade?

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The Comeback of International Barter

I. 教学目的

学习本文的目的是想让学生了解除了正常的贸易交易方式之外,人类社会仍在大量沿用原始而低效的易货贸易形式。学生应了解易货贸易存在的原因及其交易的复杂性。通过学习本文学生应掌握与易货贸易相关联的词汇如:barter trade,countertrade, cartel, 并能应用这些词汇和观点进行讨论。

本文的中心思想:1) Specific examples of how complicated barter trade is actually carry out.2) History of barter trade and the reasons why both developing and developedcountries use it as a means of trade.3)Three variants of traditional barter form.

II. 教学计划

本课将用时 3~4 小时,介绍背景知识、难点、重点知识、课文串讲等用时 2~3小时。课堂讨论、课堂练习将用时 1 小时。

III. 教学方法


2)讲解(传授新知识[口授法])和讨论练习(巩固知识技能[探讨研究法])穿插进行。针对学生的疑难点进行 paraphrases 答疑, 必要时结合翻译技巧的传授。可将疑难点分成 background difficulties and language difficulties 分别处理。

3)学生根据上下文的关联了解作者的真实意图和观点倾向。Read from thecontext and infer the implied meaning.

IV. 背景知识:


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V. 重点讲解


国际货币基金组织(IMF)及世界银行(World Bank).易货贸易(Barter trade) 及反向贸易(Countertrade).卡特尔集团(Cartel)


课本上所列 Notes to the Text 以及 Questions on Content and Language points (forpreview, discussion and review)中的一部分也属重点讲解之列,但在这儿省略。

1.第一段 Boeing and Rolls-Royce will be paid in cash from proceeds, … withoutdipping into its currency reserves.

Proceeds 在此是卖原油所得收益的意思。Dipping into (fig.) = dip into one’s purse = spend money波音和罗易斯·罗尔斯公司从卖原油的收益中得到现金收入。沙特则得到飞机而没有花本国的外汇储备。

2.前三自然段作者列举了三个大型易货贸易的例子来说明易货贸易的回潮现象及其复杂性。(The comeback of international barter and its complication).

3.第四段落 Economists at the U.S Department of Commerce estimate…is nowsubject to some form of countertrade---an outgrowth of the ancient practice ofbarter.

“Outgrowth”means“natural development or product”. 自然产物“To be subject to”means“is conditioned upon”. 以…为条件,受制于…的美国商业部的经济学家预测,国与国之间的贸易有 20% 以上是以反向贸易的某种形式出现的—反向贸易是古代易货贸易的自然产物。

第五段落 Colonial powers forced bilateral barter upon their client states, making thecolonies take expensive manufactured goods in return for bargain-price raw materials,and prohibiting them from trading with other nations.“forced bilateral barter upon”means “colonial powers forced their colonies to acceptbarter trade.”“in return for” means “in exchange for”“bargain-price”means“very low and advantageous price”“prohibiting somebody from doing something”means “forbidding or stoppingsomebody from doing something”这段从历史的角度讲述了殖民列强如何将易货贸易强加于他们的殖民宗主国的身上,以其昂贵的工业制成品换取廉价的原材料。

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4.International trade was supposed to be freed from bartering’s constraints in July1944, when diplomats and economists attending the United Nations Monetary andFinancial Conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, hammered outagreements that led to the creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) andregulation of the worldwide currency exchange system.

注意作者这里的语气,was supposed to be freed from barter’s constraints. 本该摆脱易货贸易的束缚了吧。二战结束以后,1944 年在美国新罕布什尔州的布雷敦森林召开了联合国货币金融会议。鉴于三十年代世界性贸易保护主义所带来的惨痛教训,会议谴责各种不利于贸易的手段如:多重汇率、帐户封存、双边贸易协定等。为了鼓励多边贸易、稳定汇率、和自由兑换,这次会议拟定成立两个重要的国际组织: 国际货币基金组织和世界银行。

5.第六段落 Barter was as antiquated as the horse-soldier. Or so it seemed.这里的语气与上面的形成呼应。易货贸易就如旧时的骑士一样时过境迁,但这只是看起来如此吧(或许果真如此吗?)。

6.第七、八、九、十这四段讲述了易货贸易回潮的三大原因。第一是发展中国家的庞大的债务负担(enormous debt burden of developing countries)。第二是世界性商品过剩(worldwide surplus of goods),使得许多发达国家的公司,将易货贸易作为向大型跨国公司施加影响和加入其营销网络的敲门砖(as leverageto tap the networks of global firms)。还有些国家利用易货贸易作为出口补贴的遮掩 (as a camouflaged means of subsidizing exports)。

“leverage”means“influence, exert power”“networks”means“distribution/marketing channels”“camouflaged means”means“disguised method”.

7 从十一到十五段,作者阐述了易货贸易的三种变异形式:反向贸易、补偿贸易协议及清偿协议(counter trade, compensation agreements and clearing agreements)。It will not be difficult for students to understand since author gave specific examplesto illustrate each variant.

8.最后几段讲述了易货贸易的弊端。It will weaken the world trading system. It canbe a very

rishy business. Finally the structuring of countertrading deals is often Byzantine (拜占廷建筑风


9.By concealing the real prices and costs of transactions, says one U.S traderepresentative, the

various forms of barter may conceal and help perpetuate economic inefficiencies inthe


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率经济的保护作用。“help perpetuate economic inefficiencies”means “to make economic inefficiencies

long lasting and persistent.”

VI. 补充练习:

讨论题:1. It’s suggested here that students should check information on the two importantinternational organizations (IMF and World Bank) and get ready to talk about it in theclass.

2. Please explain the three variants of bartertrade. Talk about its bad effects on thegeneral world trading system.

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Soft Drink Wars: the Next Battle

I. 教学目的


本文的中心思想:1.Introduction of how two cola giants Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola use

competitive marketing strategies to gain bigger market share.2.Explanation of how growth strategies are realized at the expense of small

brand names such as Dr. Pepper and Seven Up.

II. 教学计划

本课将用时 3~4 小时,介绍背景知识、难点、重点知识、课文串讲等用时 2~3小时。课堂讨论、课堂练习将用时 1 小时。

III. 教学方法

1 要求学生课前阅读课文两遍。第一遍快速阅读,写出此文的中心思想。第二遍仔细阅读找出问题及难点带到课堂来。

2 讲解(传授新知识[口授法])和讨论练习(巩固知识技能[探讨研究法])穿插进行。针对学生的疑难点进行 paraphrases 答疑, 必要时结合翻译技巧的传授。可将疑难点分成 background difficulties and language difficulties 分别处理。

3. 学生根据上下文的关联了解作者的真实意图和观点倾向。Read from thecontext and infer the implied meaning.

IV. 背景知识:

在美国饮料市场上,有两大巨人,可口可乐和百事可乐公司。他们占据了美国饮料市场 50% 以上的市场份额。从 1984 年开始,为了防范百事可乐公司的强大攻势,可口可乐在做了大量的民意测验和市场调查分析之后,决计一改可口可乐公司的百年秘方,同时推出多种新型饮料 (Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Minute MaidOrange Soda)。这种以攻为守的策略引发了新一轮的饮料市场商战。

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V. 重点讲解


竞争战略 (competitive strategy)市场份额 (market share)试销市场 (test market)特许经营权 (franchising)


课本上所列 Notes to the Text 以及 Questions on Content and Language points (forpreview, discussion and review)中的一部分也属重点讲解之列,但在这儿省略。

1 第一段作者利用比喻的方式 (metaphor) 将商场比作战场,非常生动形象。In theU.S. SOFT DRINK industry, where 1% of the market is worth $300 million in retailsales, Cola-Cola and Pepsi Co don’t wage mere market share battles. They fight holywars.“wage mere market share battles”means“fight battles only for the purpose of gettingbigger market share”. 可口可乐和百事可乐公司进行的绝不仅仅是市场份额之战。“fight holy wars”means“the importance of the commercial war between the two colagiants is just like Holy war by the Crusade which is not only to defend their territorybut to eliminate or drive out the other totally from the market”. 可口可乐和百事可乐公司进行的是一场圣战,就像当年(1096-1291)基督徒十字军东征那样,以收复圣地的名义将穆斯林赶出巴勒斯坦。

2 These days the fighting is on two fronts. One is on the plains of the cola business,where the reformulation of Coke has Pepsi on the defensive. The other is in the backalleys of the smaller, non-cola market.“on two fronts”means “the commercial war between the two giants is in the twofrontlines”. 可口可乐和百事可乐公司的战役有两条主战场。可乐型和非可乐型饮料市场。“one the plains … back alleys”可乐型饮料市场非常大,就像在平原作战,而非可乐型饮料市场狭小,就像巷战。

3.第二段落 If these products live up to their early performance in test markets---abig if---they could produce $3 billion a year in retail sales.

“live up to one’s performance”means “to reach the performance standard in testmarket (a whole procedure of putting the trial product under normal shoppingconditions of a typical market to find consumers’reaction)”. 如果这些新产品能够达到测试市场的同等表现。“a big if”means “the assumption is made too bold”or the implied meaning is “testmarket is not 100% reliable”.

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4.第三段落 It’s too early to tell how the reincarnated Coke is selling, since manybottlers are still working off old inventories. But the company isn’t leaving muchto chance.

“reincarnated”a religious word which means“reborn or revitalized”. Here it refers toreformulated Coke. 后来的事实证明,可口可乐公司换秘方是个极大的决策错误,公司很快就将传统秘方可乐和新产品同时生产。“leave much to chance”means“the company will not depend on luck for success buton effort”. 可口可乐公司不指望靠机会获得成功。

5.第五段落讲述了可口可乐公司调整战略开发新型饮料的原因。(Baby-boomers)战后出生高峰期的人们随着年龄的增长,开始喜欢低脂、减肥的可乐和果汁。But the cola makers may experience more growing pains, at least with thehigh-calorie colas that account for half of all sales.

“growing pains”成长的烦恼“high-calorie colas”is the opposite of“less fattening, diet colas”.

6.Although Coca-Cola and PepsiCo’s new fruit juice sodas will compete with eachother, they are more likely to steal market share from all those other drinks alreadyon supermarket shelves.


7.One of the biggest battles in the soda wars, in fact, may not be for drinkers butfor bottlers. Bottlers have a symbiotic but occasionally fractious relationship withthe syrup makers.

从第十一段开始,文章讲述了可口可乐公司和百事可乐公司如何为争夺罐装商而战。从某种意义上讲,苏打饮料商战与其说是对消费者之争倒不如说是对罐装商之争。“symbiotic”means “of different living things which depend on each other for certainadvantages, often with one living on the other’s body”.“fractious”means“frictional or difficult to control”. 这两个词反映了饮料生产商与罐装商之间的既相互依存又彼此独立的矛盾关系。

8.Much of the expense of introducing a new product---blitzing consumers withcoupons and offering deep discounts to retailers to get the product on theshelves---is borne by the bottler. He is reluctant to walk away from his investmentin an existing brand to pony up for something new.

“blitzing”means“attacking quickly”“coupons and deep discounts”用赠券和大减价来赢得消费者“pony up”is an American slang which means to settle on something new by clearingup”.这里解释了罐装商为什么不愿放弃老品牌而经营新品牌的原因。

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9.The battle to unseat smaller brands, dominate niches, and shove competingproducts out of distribution will be costly and exhausting, and could go on foryears.

“unseat”means“replace, substitute”“niches”means“very small segment of market often ignored by big companies”“shove … out of”means “to get competing products out of distribution channel byusing shove”.替代小品牌,占领边角市场,将竞争产品铲除分销领域是一场劳民伤财的战争。

VI. 补充练习:1. Please ask students to fill in the following table and based on the information totalk about it.


New product Competingstrategies

Tactics to winbottlers


2. Please prepare to share with the whole class one case or story that is outstanding inmarketing strategy or competitive strategy.

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Honk Kong Is Tops At Cracking U.S. Shell Eggs

I. 教学目的


本文的中心思想:a. General introduction to shell egg market in Hong Kong.b. Consumer’s preference analysis in Hong Kong’s shell egg market.c. Hong Kong’s shell egg distribution system and the key competition area.

II. 教学计划

本课用时 3~4 小时,介绍背景知识、难点、重点知识、课文串讲等用时 2~3小时。

讨论、课堂练习 1 小时。

III. 教学方法


穿插进行。针对学生的疑难点进行 paraphrase 答疑, 必要时结合翻译技巧的传授。可将疑难点分成 background difficulties and language difficulties分别处理。

3)学生根据上下文的关联了解作者的真实意图和观点倾向。Read from thecontext and infer the implied meaning.

IV. 背景知识:

香港虽然只是一块弹丸之地,但它却是美国出口带壳蛋的第一大市场,占据了美国鸡蛋出口数量的 50%,出口价值的 40%,是继中国大陆和泰国之后的第三大进口市场。本文通过对香港市场构成及消费者喜好的分析,指出为什么美国带壳鸡蛋在香港失去了竞争优势。

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V. 重点讲解:


垄断 (monopolize)促销手段 (promotional tools)分销网络 (distribution channel)


课本上所列 Notes to the Text 以及 Questions on Content and Language points (forpreview, discussion and review)中的一部分也属重点讲解之列,但在这儿省略。

1.Hong Kong is tops at cracking U.S. shell eggs.这个标题用的非常巧妙,cracking 是象声词有敲碎和消费硬壳蛋的含义,tops 则有冠居榜首的含义。整个标题的意思是香港是美国带壳鸡蛋的第一大出口/消费市场。

2.Hong Kong consumers enjoy a variety of shell eggs, including fresh hen and duckeggs, dyed eggs for special occasions, eggs cooked in salt or tea leaves, pigeoneggs and preserved duck eggs.


3.Because of this loss of market share due to subsidized competition, USDArecently announced an Export Enhancement Program to facilitate the sale of 44million eggs to Hong Kong.

这里的补贴竞争指的是欧洲共同体从 1962 年开始的欧共体共同农业基金,用于补贴欧洲共同体农场主的出口产品或提供优质出口服务以此增强其竞争力。

4.At the retail level, eggs are sold through the wet markets, hawkers, grocery storesand supermarkets.

“wet markets”means“the market for unprocessed (raw) meat, fish, poultry, eggs etc”

VI. 补充练习:

Following this example of market analysis report,please ask students to find anexport item of China and write a similar report. They can also choose one item sold inChinese market and make a similar analysis. (market situation analysis, market shareanalysis, consumer preference analysis, product features analysis, and distribution andsupplier analysis)

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Soft Commodities

I. 教 学 目 的:

80 年代中期,世界经济增长缓慢,初级产品供大于求,投资已转向证券、金融期货、货币市场等领域;70年代投机商利用初级产品市场大获其利的局面已成为历史。这一切后面的原因究竟是什么?通过本文的学习,学生对此应有所了解。同时,学生亦应掌握相关的英文表达。

II. 教 学 计 划:

可用 6 小时完成本课文,4 小时用于相关知识介绍及课文讲解,2 小时用于问题讨论及完成课后练习。

III. 教 学 方 法:


IV. 重 点 讲 解:


Please refer to notes 2, 3, 4 and 5 on pp 268-269 for the definitions of the followingterms.futures ( 期货,远期交易)financial futures ( 金融期货)security ( 证券,有价证券)equity market ( 产权投资市场)money market ( 货币市场)capital market ( 资本市场)


1.And - with most soothsayers forecasting flat, or still lower prices - the marketsthemselves have lost much of their allure. (page 258)

most forecasters believe that the prices (for agricultural commodities) are likely toremain unchanged or even decline, therefore, the chance for the markets to pickup is slim.A soothsayer is a fortune-teller , therefore, 'soothsayers ' here refer to 'forecasters'.

The very use of the word 'soothsayer ' might imply that people should never takewhat they say for granted.

2.Speculators who profited handsomely from the price volatility of the 1970s have

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deserted soft commodities for the newer excitement of financial futures or thesecurity and big yields afforded by the equity and money markets. (pp 258-259)Speculators made quite a sum of money because of the price fluctuations in the1970s, and what they find fascinating now are financial futures, the security andthe potential profitability of the equity and money markets. They have alreadyinvested in those fascinating areas instead of putting their money in softcommodities.

A speculator is a person who buys and sells goods, stocks or shares in the hope ofmaking a profit. Meanwhile, a speculator has to run the risk of losing money.The word 'handsomely' is an adverb which means 'considerably '. 'handsome ' is theadjective.e.g. They have made a handsome profit.

They have profited handsomely.

3.The contrast with the "resources decade" of the 1970s could hardly be moremarked. (page 259)

During the 1970s, there seemed to be a global shortage of foodtuffs due to theconsiderable increase of agricultural commodities, however, the 80s turned out tobe completely different, for one thing, markets had to struggle to cope with floodsof surplus agricultural commodities. If we paint a picture of the 70s and anotherpicture of the 80s, we will immediately realize that the contrast between the twocan not be sharper."the 'resources decade ' of the 1970s" refers to the period of the 70s when 'resources' (soft or agricultural commodities) were selling well, and that was also the ten-yearperiod in which speculators made a handsome profit.

4..... currency movements over the past year have unexpectedly made mattersworse for many producers. (page 259) ---- What has happened unexpectedly(what has come out of the blue) since last year is that many producers havecome up with an even worse situation because of the currency fluctuations.

' currency movements ' refers to the appreciation and devaluation of differentcurrencies.

5.In the first half of the 1980s, it was conventional wisdom to say that theexceptional strength of the dollar was partly responsible for ---- and helped tooffset ---- the increasing weakness of dollar-denominated commodity prices. (page259)

6.In the first half of the 1980s, it was normally wise to say that the continuousfalling of dollar commodity prices was partly due to the dollar being extremelystrong, and a strong dollar could, in turn, lead to a slight increase of dollarcommodity prices.

'dollar-denominated commodity prices ' = 'dollar commodity prices ' ='dollar-marked prices for commodities ' ( 以 美 元 标 价 的 商 品 价格)

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7.commodity prices have continued to tumble from the peak they reached in thesecond quarter of 1984. (page 259)----- commodity prices reached their peak in thesecond quarter of 1984, and they have continued to fall ever since in a helplessmanner.

' to tumble ' means ' to fall helplessly '.

8.When calculated in a more representative basket of currencies, such as the SpecialDrawing Right, the fall looks even more precipitous.

'a basket of ' something is a group of related things.e.g. The value of the pound against a basket of the world currencies has slightlyfallen.Special Drawing Right ---特别提款权。'precipitous ' means ' very steep; dangerously high '.e.g. The company has suffered from a precipitous fall in car sales.

9.and its rally appears to have run out of steam. (page 260)it seems that the sugar price recovery has come to an end.The word 'rally ' means 'recovery '. ( 'rally ' can also be used as a verb)e.g. Share prices fell again today after yesterday's rally.The pound rallied against the dollar in trading today.The market will soon rally.' to run out of steam ' means ' to become exhausted 'e.g. The housing program is running out of steam.

10. For the industrialized world, by contrast, the drop in commodity prices hasbeen a real boon in the fight against inflation. (page 260) ----

The developing world has suffered from the drop in commodity prices, thedeveloped world, on the other hand, has benefited from it and finds itself in a betterposition to fight against inflation.The word 'boon ' means ‘advantage’.e.g. As I live far away from the University, a car would be a real boon to me.

11. In the case of some "temperate" agricultural products, such as the grains, onthe other hand, there is a particularly severe glut of supplies, and world marketprices are continuing to decline under the influence of a price-cutting war betweenthe US and the EEC. (page 261)

The word 'temperate ' here means 'moderate in degree '. 'temperate agriculturalproducts' refer to those agricultural products that were in line with the decliningtrend, but free from the then dramatic fluctuations . Coffee, for example, was anexception to the trend and it did not belong to the 'temperate' products. Sugar hadrebounded impressively and, therefore, was not one of the 'temperate' productseither.'a severe glut of supplies' refers to 'a situation in which supply considerably

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exceeds demand'.

12. the US is also setting out this year to arrest the decline in its exports ofsoybeans, cotton, tobacco and rice...... (page 261)

'to set out' means 'to begin''to arrest' means 'to stop'e.g. The British government is now doing everything it possibly can to arrest thespread of foot-and-mouth disease.

13. While falling oil prices ought to provide a fillip to western economicgrowth ...... (page 261)

The word 'fillip' here means ' stimulus, incentive or encouragement '.

14. In tea and sugar, to name but two other commodities, it is already taking itstoll in the form of reduced purchases by cash-strapped oil-producing states. ....(page 261) ...... When we consider two other commodities, namely tea and sugar,losses are being made as well. This is because the oil-producing countries, beingshort of cash, have reduced their purchases.

'to take its toll ' means 'to cause loss, damage, etc.''cash-strapped oil-producing states':When we say someone is strapped for cash, we mean that the person is short ofcash. Therefore, 'cash-strapped oil-producing states refer to those oil-producingcountries that were short of cash.

15. Uncertainties over the future of the US recovery and slow growth in Europeare keeping demand for key industrial raw materials relatively depressed. (page262)

As people are uncertain about the future of the US recovery and slow growth inEurope, the demand for key industrial raw materials remains relatively small.Please note that a clear understanding of the structure of the sentence is essential.The structure is: ' uncertainties keep demand depressed.'

16. This, in turn, has aggravated over-supply problems. (page 262)This, in trun, has made the problems of over supply even worse.

17. investment funds have moved out of commodities ---- which were bought inthe 1970's as stores of value ---- and into more liquid assets. (page 262)

'liquid assets ' refer to things like deposits, stocks, shares etc.

18. Looked at from this perspective, the scarcity worries of the 1970s weremerely a temporary aberration resulting from a sudden spur of economic growthand from the OPEC oil price shock. (page 263)

(There was a long-term downward trend in commodity prices, therefore, ) anyonewho looked at the scarcity worries of the 70s from this perspective would realize

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that the shortage of commodities in the 70s was just something temporary, whichwas caused by the extremely rapid economic growth at that moment and theskyrocketing of the OPEC oil prices.

The word 'aberration ' here means 'deviation from what is accepted as normal orright '.

19. The long-term downward trend, known among economists as the "Prebischeffect," is said to reflect increasing efficiency, ...... (page 263)

Raul D. Prebisch: an Argentine economist, a former secretary general of theUNCTAD.

20. Agricultural productivity has grown rapidly across the board, …... (page 263)‘across the board ‘ has the meaning of ‘ having an effect on people at every level and in every area’ .e.g. China’s medical reform has been across the board.Our university needs dramatic changes across the board.The offensive capabilities have been improved across the board.

VI. 补充练习:

Topics for Discussion:

1. Why could speculators profit handsomely from the world's commodity marketsin the 70's ?the price volatility of the 70'sthe warning of a global shortage of basic raw materials and foodstuffsthe currency movements in the 70'sthe contrary forces of supply and demand

2. Why did the prices for soft and agricultrural commodities keep falling in the1980's ?the increasing effiiciency both in the production and consumption of commoditiesthe growth of agricultural productivitythe constant shift in the soft commodities business from the less efficient, higher-costproducers to their more competitive rivals

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Weekly Commodities

I. 教学目的:通过本文的学习,学生应对国际商品市场的价格变化、决定价格变

化的因素以及供求关系理论有所认识和了解; 同时也要掌握一些相关的英语表达句式。

II. 教学计划:本课文可用6小时完成,4小时用于串讲课文及相关知识的介绍,2小


III. 教学方法:可采用释义、串讲、 英汉互译及问题讨论的方式处理本课文。

IV. 背景知识:

1.Demand and Supply ---- Basic ConsiderationsA businessman knows that one way of increasing sales is for him to reduce his price;he also knows that if market supply is currently being outstripped by demand, thereare further opportunities for sales and he will want to make a contribution toincreasing the supply. But, it is only in the last one hundred years that economistshave made systematic use of these ideas and have analysed demand and supply indepth.

2.PricesPrices are determined by the contrary forces of supply and demand. High pricesdiscourage the purchase of goods: producers and manufacturers, on the other hand,are stimulated by higher prices to supply goods in greater quantity. The pricemechanism, applies not only to the goods we buy and sell but also to wages, salariesand rent -indeed all the factors of production.

3.DemandThe law of demand states that for any particular commodity, the quantity demandedby buyers tends to increase as the price of the good decreases and to decrease as theprice of the good increases, other things being equal.

V. 重 点 讲 解:


1.oil prices seesaw to three-month low in "big bang" week london, oct 31 (afp) ......

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(p275)seesaw---- a board balanced on a central point. Here it means " (prices) go up anddown"."big bang" ---- the radical changes that took place in London Stock Exchange in Oct.1986.afp ---- Agence France Preses (= French Press Agency) (法 新 社)

2....... monday's big bang was muffled by computer failures, ..... (p275)As people drew their attention to computer failures, the 'big bang' problem was nolonger the focused issue..' to muffle' ---- to make things quieter, less strong.

3....... the dollar regained ground. (p275)...... the dollar bounced back.

4. as the dollar strengthened on news of a decline in the u.s. budget trade and a cutin the bank of japan's discount rate. (P276)' the U. S. Budget trade' refers to the governmental overseas purchases approved bythe U. S. Federal budget.'discount rate' : 贴 现 率

5.silver: quiet. values fluctuated lower in line with other precious metals on bothbullion and futures markets, ...... (p276)

Silver values fell slightly in accordance with other precious metals on both bullionand futures markets, ......'bullion' here refers to silver in bars.

6.oilseeds: firmer. prices continued to rise, underpinned by persistent demand forcoconut oil on fears of supply shortages in certain areas, particularly thephilippines, before profit-taking set in ahead of the weekend. (P281)

As people feared that coconut oil might be in short supply in certain areas, thePhilippines in particular, the demand for coconut oil remained steady. For thisreason, prices for oilseeds kept rising, though the time for profit-taking was yet tocome.profit-taking: 见 利 抛 售。'to set in' means 'to begin'.

VI. 补充练习:1. 英译汉:

Gold/silver/cocoa/rubber is quiet. ........... 清 淡, 成交很少。Petroleum/potatoes/cotton: lower. ............ 价格下降。Coconut oil was particularly strong. .......... 十分坚挺。Copper/tin/oilseeds: easier. ...................... 趋疲,略有下降。Lead/zinc/aluminum: firmer. ....................... 较坚挺。

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Nickel/wool: slightly steadier. .................... 较坚稳。Sugar/coffee/cereals: irregular. ................... 涨落不定。


(The price may rise, increase, fluctuate, seesaw, fall, go up, go higher, go lower, beon the rise, be on the decline, move higher/lower etc.)e.g. The oil prices seesaw to three-month low.石油价格浮动至三个月来的最低点。The price of tin rose to 4,400 pounds per tonne.锡的价格升至每公吨4, 400英镑。Prices on both wheat and barley futures markets went higher。期货市场上小麦和大麦的价格均升高。Prices moved gradually lower following an early setback。价格前期受挫后逐渐下跌。Crude oil prices fluctuated throughout the week.原油价格一周内上下浮动。The prices fluctuated in line with currencies in the market.价格随市场货币的不稳定而上下浮动。Prices fluctuated under opposing factors.在正反两方面因素的作用下,价格上下浮动。Prices continued to fluctuate wildly due to the political crisis.由于政治危机,价格继续大幅度波动。All sisal quotations remained unchanged, while jute quotations eased slightly.所有剑麻的报价保持不变,而黄麻报价略有下降。

3.以货物作主语+动词或货物+value + 动词表示的价格变化:

(The goods/values may rise, decline, rally, fluctuate ...)Lead and zinc rallied on the continuing lack of a solution to the labour managementdispute.Coffee fluctuated wildly on uncertainty over the issue.Gold values declined in line with platinum.Values suffered a decline to below 400 dollars per ounce.Values fluctuated lower in line with other precious metals on the futures market.Zinc values eased back after the extension of the agreement.Values fluctuated lower during the first half of the week.Values were unable to maintain their best levels.Values rose initially but lost ground afterwards.


The fall in oil prices brought pressure to bear.The latest figures showed a 4.6 per cent drop in gold production during the first ninemonths of 1986.London metal exchange (lme) stocks were down 100,000 ounces, at 25,148,000ounces.

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Lme stocks were down 1,075 tonnes at 33,725 tonnes, the lowest level since July lastyear.A sharp rise in lme stocks dulled the market at the outset.Platinum progressed at the outset on concern about the dispute.The metal was fixed at 572 dollars per ounce on Friday morning.Lower prices were quoted for tungsten, at 32-42 dollars per ten-kilo unit against 34-44the previous week.Buyers raised their bids for mercury from 150 to 160 dollars per 76- pound flask.His call for an urgent meeting took prices back up to over 14,50 dollars.British wheat and barley exports rose 164 per cent and 70 per cent respectively.Imports could fall to around eleven million tonnes a year by 1991.The cotton index fluctuated narrowly on the Liverpool market.


1) What are the main reasons for the price fluctuation ?2) What are the things that regulate the price movements in the market ?

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Off and Running

I. 教学目的



II. 教学计划

本课用时 4 小时,介绍背景知识、难点、重点知识、课文串讲等用时 3~3.5小时。讨论、课堂练习 0.5~1 小时。

III. 教学方法

讲解和课堂练习相结合。由于本文语言风格的特殊性,讲解时将把重点放在最能体现本文语言特色的地方。为了让学生加深对这种语言风格的认识,练习将主要采用以下形式:1.paraphrasing 主要考察学生对原文的理解。2.Rewriting the original text in a different style 让学生对比不同的语言风格。

IV. 背景知识:

Globalization and cultural differences are often at odds with each other. Theinterplay of the two forces has direct bearing on international business, particularly onmarketing. With their formidable financial clout and marketing savvy, the U.S.-basedmultinationals not only sell products to other parts of the world, but market theAmerican lifestyle as well, with the result that everywhere people’s way of life is increasingly homogeneous, or “Americanized”. Balanced against that convergence are the equally insurmountable cultural differences among various nations. When the USconsumer goods giants sell their products in a new culture, they must not ignore thesedifferences. In order to get their products selling, these companies will either changepeople’s long-held values and customs or adapt their products to local tastes. Thisarticle seems to suggest that the U.S. companies so far have been doing a fairly goodjob on the European continent.

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V. 重点讲解:


俚语(slang, colloquialisms)营销:marketing


课本上所列 Notes to the Text 以及 Questions on Content and Language points (forpreview, discussion and review)也属重点讲解之列,但在这儿省略。

1. Although U.S. sports may not yet perfectly translate, Nike and Reebok do.此句中的do指代的是perfectly translate。尽管美国的体育运动还没有完全转移到欧洲,耐克和锐步却做到了这一点。

2. Together the U.S. companies are jogging across Europe with a vengeance –overcoming 30% European community duties to trash the local competition.

overcoming. . . 现在分词短语作伴随状语,此处的30%指的是欧共体对进口的体育产品所征收的关税水平。


3. Thanks to marketing, appealing designs and Eurpean youths' fascination withthings American, Nike Inc. and Reebok International Ltd. have surged to a 50%market share from less than 5% just a decade ago –and vastly expanded the marketwhile doing so.

thanks to,由于,幸亏。注意,things American和American things有细微差别。前者指有美国特色的或与美国有关的东西(事情);而后者仅指美国的东西。


4. The popularity of sneakers in Europe –at $4.5 billion, sales are more than doubletheir 1985 level –is all the more remarkable because of the disdain with which theywere once regarded.

all the more,更加,愈发。with which they were once regarded是定语从句,修饰disdain。


5. It wasn't that long ago that Europe–home of fine leather shoes–exiled sneakers toschool gyms and tennis courts.


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6. For the sake of Nike and Reebok, he had better be right.for the sake of. . .为了,为了. . .的利益。此句起着承上启下的作用。前一段是

讲分析家Gary Iacobson预言,Nike和Reebok两家公司在欧洲的销量会有大幅度的增长;而后一段是讲美国的本土市场几近饱和。在这种情况下,两大公司必须拓展海外、特别是欧洲市场,而如果Gary Iacobson的预言是对的,自然对两大公司的发展有利。


7. “Europe is today where America was in 1984.”此句中,where America was in 1984 是表语从句。“今天的欧洲市场与1984年时的美国市场一样。”

8. But Europe's appetite could still grow.appetite本意为“食欲,胃口”,此处引申为“需求”。

9. Ms Virloire has reached a truce with her 14-year-old daughter, Lise, a Reebok fan–Lise can buy less-expensive sneakers than the U.S. imports, which her mother regardsas too dear.

此句中,Lisa, a Reebok fan都是14-year-old daughter的同位语,对之加以进一步的说明。破折号后的句子是truce的同位语,说明和解的内容。


10. But marketing goes beyond advertising. Subtle ties in personal relationships alsocount.

go beyond,超出,超越,引申为不仅仅是. . .但是,产品营销不仅仅是做广告,微妙的人际关系也很重要。

11. In the Netherlands, the 25 and older crowd prefer plain off-white while the youngopt for livelier colors.


12. How big the market will get in Europe to a large extent depends on whether thecurrent sneaker generation will carry its casual attitudes in clothing and shoes intoadulthood and the workaday world.

How big the market will get in Europe 是主语从句,to a large extent 是状语,修饰后面的depends . . . ;whether引导的是介词on的宾语从句。

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VI. 补充练习:

1. Rewrite the following passages in a more formal style:

Together the U.S. companies are jogging across Europe with a vengeance –overcoming 30% European community duties to thrash the local competition. (page299, the 3rd paragraph)

Sneakers and bluejeans used to be dead giveaways that an American tourist was intown, now there’s a good chance that casual dresser in one of us. (page 299, the 4th


The ad blitz, along with messages from PepsiCo Inc., Levi Strauss & Co. andMcDonald’s corp., is imbuing Europe, particularly its young, with more of an American soul. (page 299, the 1st paragraph form the bottom.)

Getting the shoe in the right place also is important. (page 304, the 1st paragraph fromthe bottom)

2. Paraphrase the following sentences:

In creating an image of sneakers as fashionable footwear, the companies have beendoing more than selling shoes; they have been selling America.

America’s image may be the last remaining export by U.S. firms.

3. Discussion:举例说明文化差异对国际营销的影响。

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New Worlds to Conquer

I. 教学目的



II. 教学计划

由于课文比较长,本课用时 4 小时,介绍背景知识、难点、重点知识、课文串讲等用时 3~3.5 小时。讨论、课堂练习 0.5~1 小时。

III. 教学方法


总结段落的中心思想或找出段落的主题句(topic sentences) 写 summary report, 有助于学生理解全文的结构。 讨论 释文

IV. 背景知识:

Here the broad setting is the ongoing globalization of the production andmarketing in the world auto industry. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the starkcontrast between the sagging economies in the West and the booming markets indeveloping countries was reshaping the auto industry’s global strategies, with the result that the world auto giants were shifting their operations to the “New World” –China, Brazil, Mexico, the Central Europe, etc. Although such a shift was necessarilya bumpy ride, the multinationals seemed determined to tap the New World ofcompetition through a package of well developed strategies.

V. 重点讲解:


定制 (customization)全球化(globalization)

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课本上所列 Notes to the Text 以及 Questions on Content and Language points (forpreview, discussion and review)也属重点讲解之列,但在这儿省略。


1.When they can move at all, trucks, cars, and vans maneuver around peasantslugging chickens and vegetables.at all(用于疑问句、条件从句和肯定句)究竟;从任何方面考虑;在任何程度上;在任何情况下。其具体译法依上下文而定。例如:Considering the hardstorm, I was surprised that he came at all. 如此风猛雨急的天气,他竟然能来,很出乎我的意料。Did you see him at all? 你到底见到他了没有?在本句中理解为“真的. . .”,“终于”。lugging. . .现在分词短语,修饰peasants。当车辆真的能动起来的时候,卡车、小汽车和货车也只能躲着那些拖着鸡禽和蔬菜的农民们左转右绕。

2.Visions of hundreds of millions of potential Chinese drivers have auto executivesaround the world drooling.此句的重点在句型 have somebody do(ing) something,意为使(让)某人...,如:Shall I have him come here?要我叫他上这儿来吗?将来,中国会有几亿人开车,这一前景使得世界各地的汽车生产厂家兴奋不已。

3.Auto sales in those 167 countries will grow 44%, to 11.3 million by 1998, predictsDRE/McGraw-Hill, nearly doubling the growth rate in the markets of theindustrial world, which are 2.5 times as large but saturated.此 句 中 , predicts DRE/McGraw-Hill 为 插 入 的 倒 装 句 , 正 常 语 序 为DRE/McGraw-Hill predicts that auto sales . . .。nearly doubling. . .为现在分词短语,修饰44%。which are . . .是定语从句,修饰the markets of the industrial world。as large 后省略了as the market of those 167 countries。据DRE/McGraw-Hill预测,这167个国家的汽车销量将增长44%,到1998年将达到1,130万辆。这一增长速度几乎是工业化国家市场增长率的两倍。后者的市场规模是前者的2.5倍,但市场已经饱和。

4.What’s happening is nothing less than a redrawing of the competitive map for the world auto industry.此句中,What’s happening 是主语从句,nothing less than,即是,正是,就 是。现在的情形即是对世界汽车工业竞争板图的重新构画。

5.Booker believes Ford's future hinges not just on exploiting the North AmericanFree Trade Agreement to sell more in Mexico but also on aggressively expandingin the Asian-Pacific market.North American Free Trade Agreement,北美自由贸易协定:美国、加拿大和墨西哥三国之间签署的自由贸易协定(详见第一课,注释9),该协定将为包括福特在内的美国公司在墨西哥的生产活动和出口提供更多的便利。

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6.To gain advantages of scale, the carmakers are trying to build key models in just ahandful of foreign plants, which have to customize cars for the variety of marketsthey'll supply.which have to . . . 是定语从句,修饰plants,其中又有一个省略了前置词that的定语从句they'll supply,修饰carmakers。为了赢得规模优势,汽车制造商只在少数几个外国工厂生产关键的车型,这些工厂必须根据其供货市场的具体需要生产汽车。

7.Choked by some of the world's worst pollution . . .因大量的汽车尾气排放会造成空气污染,所以,作者使用choke(闷塞,噎塞)一词表示人被汽车尾气熏呛,进而表示国家受空气污染的影响。

8.Andrej-Barcak, GM's Prague-based sales director for Central Europe, aims OpelCorsa advertising at those in their 30s, instead of 18-to-25-year-olds as in the West.aim . . . at. . .把目标瞄准. . .此处指广告宣传的目标定位。通用公司位于布拉格的中欧销售部经理Andrej-Barcak把Opel Corsa车的广告宣传目标定位在30岁左右的人,而不像西方定位在18-25岁的年轻人。

9.. . . sometimes all it takes to woo buyers is modern showrooms and the three-yearwarranties.此句中,it takes to woo buyers是定语从句,修饰all。句首省略了连接词that。在此从句中,it 为形式主语,实际主语为动词不定式短语to woo buyers,takes为谓语,省略了的 that是宾语。此从句的意思为,为吸引买主所需要做的。有时,要吸引买主,只需提供现代化的汽车展览厅和三年保修期就够了。

10. Although each of the Big Three has a redesigned small or full-size pickup,none brought out the version Kadrie says represents 80% of the developing worldmarket. . .此句中,Kadrie says为插入语,represents 80% of the developing world market是定语从句,修饰version。该从句中省略了主语that (which)。


11. GM says the S-10 will be replaced in 1995 by a new Sonoma pickup and aBlazer utility better suitd to China’s needs.此句中,better suited to China’s needs为过去分词短语,做定语,修饰a newSonoma pickup 和Blazer utility。通用公司说,到1995年时,S-10型号车将被一种新型的Sonoma货车和Blazer应用车所取代,这两种车更适合中国市场的需求。

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12. Changes at the top may finally be breakingdown Detroit’s parochialism.这里的at the top指的是美国三大汽车公司的最高领导层。Detroit,美国城市底特律,位于密歇根州,是著名的汽车工业中心,也是通用汽车公司总部所在地。美国三大汽车公司最高领导层的人士变动最终打破了底特律的狭隘观念。

13. Take Chrysler, which gets 1.5% of its unit sales from the developing world.此句中,take = take. . . for example,以. . .为例。

14. Instead of relying on U.S. staff, GM is having its Brazilian unit design andbuild a small pickup for the Mideast, Asia, and Latin America.

have sb. do sth.是一固定用法,表示让(叫,使)某人做某事。如:I wouldhave him wait for me. 我要他等我。The teacher had the student rewrite thecomposition.老师让那个学生重写作文。


15. The VW division of Autolatina, a Brazilian venture owned 51% by VW and49% by Ford, has been working with VW's Shanghai group to engineer anddevelop a new version of VW Santana for China.

此句中, a Brazilian venture owned 51% by VW and 49% by Ford是Autolatina的同位语,对之作进一步说明。大众公司的Autolatina分部是一家巴西的合资企业,其51%的股份由大众所


16. Chinese engineers flew to Brazil, and Autolatina engineers to China, as partof the $10 million design project.作为这一投资1,000万美元的设计项目的一部分,中国工程师飞往巴西,


17. The company makes Poland’s biggest seller, the 126, a $3,000 subcompact.此句中, the 126和a $3,000 subcompact都是biggest seller的同位语。该公司生产的价格为3000美元的126型小货车是波兰销量最大的车型。

18. The plans are driven partly by local-content rules though a scarcity oftop-notch suppliers causes problems.

local-content rules,本地成分规定,指的是接受投资的国家要求外国投资厂家在本国生产的产品中,需有一定的本地生产成分。在此指的是汽车生产中的一部分零部件需从本地供货商处购进。尽管当地缺乏高质量的供货商会带来一些问题,但是部分由于本地成分的要求,汽车厂商制定了这些计划。

19. While VW is now modernizing its model lineup, rival Fiat do Brasil was

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quicker to add new models,. . .注意,此句中的Fiat do Brasil是同位语,其中的do并非英文单词do,而是表示“的”。整个短语的意思为“巴西的菲亚特”。类似的短语在文中还有,请注意理解。

20. In the next five years, the giant auto maker will invest $2 billion in its LatinAmerican operations, funded from profits generated there.

funded from . . . 过去分词短语,修饰$2 billion,指20亿美元的资金来源。未来五年里,这一大的汽车制造商将投资20亿美元,用于其在拉美的汽车生产。这笔资金将来源于在当地创造的利润。

21. Even with a 20% tariff, the Chevy sells for $10,600, making it thesecond-cheapest model in Mexico, after VW's $8,500 Beetle –and still cheaperthan Nissan's $11,600 top-selling Tsuru, known as the Sentra in the U.S.即使加上20%的进口关税,Chevy的售价也仅为10,600美元,这使它成为墨西哥市场上第二便宜的车型,最便宜的是大众公司生产的售价为8,500美元的Beetle(甲壳虫);同时,它也比销量最大的日产公司生产的价格为11,600美元的Tsuru要便宜。Tsuru在美国市场上叫作Sentra。

22. In Eastern Europe, auto makers face a tougher call.在东欧,汽车生产商们面临着更严峻的局面。

23. But tariff policies and overcapacity have left most carmakers reluctant tomake big investments.

注意此句中的句型,leave somebody +形容词,意为使某人外于某种状态。但是,关税政策和生产能力过剩已使大多数汽车生产厂家不愿意做大规模投资。

24. Nowhere are government policies more in flux, and the jockeying amongcarmakers more intense, than in China.此句为倒装语序,正常语序应为government policies are more in flux and the

jockeying among carmakers (are) more intense nowhere than in China.没有哪一个地方比在中国的政府政策更多变,且汽车生产厂商之间的竞争更


25. With so much at stake, every carmaker is under pressure to gain a footholdsomewhere.at stake,存亡攸关,利害关系重大。由于事关自身的存亡,所以,每一个汽车生产厂家都迫于压力,必须在某个


26. That order, in different languages and variants, is echoing through the hallsof the world’s auto industry.hall的本意为大厅,走廊。作者用这个词是为了与 echo(回响)相呼应。此

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处,可把the halls of the world’s auto industry理解为整个世界的汽车工业生产。这一命令正以不同的语言和不同的形式回响在世界各地的汽车工业生产中。

VI. 补充练习:

1. Writing

写一篇本文的概要(summary)2. Reading

阅读《练习册》第十七课的补充阅读材料“Car Producers Race for Global Presence?”并且回答课后的问题。

3. Discussion


阅读本文 P316~317 两页,找出每段的主题句。

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The Tug of War on Textiles

I. 教学目的:



II. 教学计划:

本课计划用时 6 小时,背景知识、课上串讲约用 4.5 小时,学生做翻译练习、阅读理解和讨论用时 1.5 小时。

III. 教学方法:


IV. 背景知识:

多种纤维协定是 1973 年由 42 个国家和地区共同签署的关于世界纺织品贸易的协定,协定确定了成员国之间纺织品贸易的基本原则,根据这些原则,成员国可就彼此之间的具体贸易额进行双边谈判或签署双边协议。纺织品是世界很多国家、特别是发展中国家经济发展的重要支柱。欧美等纺织品进口大国希望减少进口,以保护国内的纺织工业;而发展中国家则希望建立更为宽松自由的纺织品贸易环境,以扩大纺织品出口,从而带动本国经济的发展。这两者之间的冲突使得 1986 年有关多种纤维协定续签的谈判进展艰难。由于在出口国中又有实力大小之分,这一阵营内部的立场也不统一,这就使谈判更为复杂。

V. 重点讲解:


MFA:Multi-fibre Arrangement(多种纤维协定)quota: 配额



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1.标题:“The Tug of War on Textiles”, “tug of war”,激烈争夺,决胜斗争。

2.Part I, Paragraph 1, “. . . will have stitched up their interests,. . .”“stitch up”,缝合,缝制,这里喻指美欧之间虽也有意见分歧,但在谈判之前它们统一起立场,共同应对纺织品出口国。

3.Paragraph 2, “. . . busy tying bilateral knots with . . .” “tie knot”,本意为打绳结,此处喻指签署双边协议。

4.Paragraph 6, “Curiously, Japan is regarded by the EC and the United States as a less developed country when it comes to textile and apparel trade and its exportsare limited under the arrangement.”注意句型 “when it comes to . . .”,涉及,谈到。例:When it comes to computer, I know nothing.关于电脑,我一窍不通。

5.Paragraph 7, “. . . to take a back seat during next week’s talk.”“take a back seat”,坐在后排座位;(口)较低的地位,较次要的地位。喻指实力较强的亚洲纺织品出口国在谈判中不会发挥积极作用。

6.Paragraph 8, “There is no doubt that a new MFA will be adopted, although probably not two minutes to midnight on July 31, . . .” 。midnight of July 31 是此轮谈判的最终截止时间,此句形容谈判的激烈程度。

7.Part II, Paragraph 1, “ . . . the few whales and the many minnows.”注意作者使用的比喻意。 “whale” (鲸鱼)和 “minnow”(小鱼)分别喻指实力强大和实力较弱的纺织品出口国。

8.Paragraph 2, “In a huge arc from . . . many more. That is where the similarity of interest ends.”


9.Paragraph 8, “Hong Kong is unique in . . . protectionist barriers. For that reason, . . . with the major importers.”

翻译:香港是一个完全开放的市场,进口关税很少,没有保护主义壁垒,这是它的独特之处。正因为如此,它一直拒绝承担在有些国家看来它理所应当承担的与主要进口国进行谈判的联合阵线的领导者。解释两句之间的因果关系。Hong Kong is a big textile exporter, so many textileexporting countries believe that in the negotiation with importers, it shouldnaturally take the leadership. However, as Hong Kong is an open market, itenjoys a favorable position in bilateral talks with the importing countries andthus gain some benefits to its own advantage. So it may not think it necessary orworthwhile to serve as the leader of the exporting camp, which could possiblyweaken its own bargaining power in the bilateral negotiations with the

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10. Paragraph 10, “Textiles have historically been a good route to economic advancement, with newcomers moving into the lower end of the market asestablished producers move up scale to escape quotas and enhance earnings.”low-end, relatively inexpensive of its kind,低价的,低级的(其反义词为high-end)。“lower end of the market”, 低层次、低价格产品市场。“move upthe scale to escape quotas and enhance earnings”,提高产品档次以避开配额限制并增加收入。Textile quotas are mostly imposed on low-end products (such astextile raw materials and low-processed products) but less on high-end, highvalue-added products. Thus by moving up the scale, the established producerscan get around the quota restrictions on their exports and enhancing exportingearnings.

11. Part III, 标题: “Europe is in the firing line again.” “firing line”: theforefront of any action or activity, esp. a controversy (争论、活动等的)第一线。标题意指欧洲再一次首当其冲,受到纺织品进口的严重冲击。

12. Paragraph 2, “The European Community, . . . stiffened its negotiating stance . . . had run out of steam . . . surging imports from low-cost producers.”“run out of steam”:(口)没有动力,没有精力;精疲力竭。

翻译:年初,欧洲纺织工业的复苏已明显乏力,再一次出现国内销售和出口下降而来自低成本生产商的进口激增这一常见的现象。因此,代表 12 个成员国进行谈判的欧共体采取了更为强硬的立场。

13. Paragraph 7, “ . . . this would be a recipe for commercial disaster.”Here“recipe” means “factor, contributor”.

14. Paragraph 8, “The cheaper dollar . . ., which are priced in dollars.”解释美元币值疲软与欧洲纺织品进出口的关系。The cheaper dollar made the dollar-denominated European textile exports moreexpensive, thus reducing their sales to the United States; while the dollar-pricedtextile products from far Eastern countries would be cheaper in terms of theEuropean currencies, resulting in the flooding of imports to European market.

15. Paragraph 11, 翻译: 欧共体和美国决心保护本国的纺织工业,第三世界生产国也认识到多种纤维协定的崩溃将导致国际贸易的巨大动荡,这一切意味着未来几星期在日内瓦举行的谈判最有可能出现的结果就是多种纤维协定的第三次续签。

16. Part IV, Paragraph 1, “In negotiating a new global textile agreement the United States must perform a delicate balancing act.”Here “balancing act” implies that the United States must strike a balance between calling for trade liberalization

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in Uruguay Round negotiation and pushing for a more restrictive MFA.

17. Paragraph 2, “Such a position, . . .against rapidly rising imports.”翻译:他们认为,这种立场不大可能给美国纺织工业带来抵御迅速增长的进口所需要的那种程度的保护。

18. Paragraph 4, “ . . . U.S. negotiators seeking to loosen trade restrictions in upcoming GATT talks will find their hand weakened.”“find their hand weakened” = “find their bargaining power weakened” because ifthey pushed for a moreprotectionist MFA, they could hardly convince others to accept its call forloosening trade restrictions in GATT talks.

19. Paragraph 8, “Liberalization should come after exporters make good on their promises,. . .”

make good (on): implement, fulfill. make good (on) one’s promise:履行诺言。

20. Paragraph 10, “. . .departure from the MFA’s growth rates. . .” “departure from. . .”本意为背离,偏离。此处应理解为“不受. . .的约束(限制)”。

VI. 补充练习:

Summarize the attitudes of the textile exporting countries and the importingcountries towards the MFA respectively.

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A Big Hit In the Stores

I. 教学目的:


II. 教学计划:

本课计划用时 3 小时,课上串讲约用 2 小时,学生做翻译练习、阅读理解和讨论用时 1 小时。

III. 教学方法:


IV. 背景介绍:

日本在电子产品生产方面位居世界领先地位,但在 90 年代电脑行业的繁荣时期,其国内电脑市场却逐渐被美国公司所占领,本文分析了其中的主要原因。

V. 重点讲解:


1 Paragraph 5, “While software writers in the U.S. dealt with only two systems regardless of the number of PC brands on the market, their Japanese competitorsfaced a paralyzing array and wound up writing far fewer programs and chargingfar more for them, which made the PC a less useful gadget to buy.”paralyzing本意为使. . .无能为力的,在此修饰array(大批,大量),形容日本的操作系统数量太多,让软件生产商无能为力或无所适从。wind up doingsth. 结果是. . .,结局是. . .。翻译:不管市场上有多少个 PC 品牌,美国的软件生产商只需处理两种系统,而他们的日本竞争对手则需面对数量众多的系统,结果,他们比美国生产商编写的程序少了很多,软件价格也更高,这使得个人电脑在买者看来不那么有用。

2.Paragraph 6, “Intel, the U.S. chipmaking giant, provided the initial key to

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unlocking Japan's computer puzzle.”chipmaking: 生产芯片的。注意: n. + making是一种常用的构词法,如:shoemaking(制鞋), steelmaking(炼钢)。在此句中,作者用了比喻手法,将日本市场多个操作系统并存,致使软件生产商无法应对的现象称作是一个难解之谜(puzzle),而下文提到的英特尔公司提供的386微处理器(386microprocessor)恰恰是破解这一谜团的钥匙。

3.Paragraph 9, “The press dubbed the price offensive the Kompakku Shokku, whichrevolutionized the Japanese PC market as effectively as the 1854 arrival ofAdmiral Perry’s black ships had ended centuries of isolation.”

Kompakku Shokku 为“Compaq shock”的日语音译,意为康柏(美国著名电脑公司和品牌)冲击,即康柏电脑(以及其它美国公司的电脑)给日本市场带来的巨大冲击。1854 arrival of Admiral Perry’s black ships:Admiral Perry, 美国海军上将彼里,其全名为Matthew Calbraith Perry。1853年7月,为使日本对外开港,彼里将军率美国舰队来到日本浦贺港,把美国总统的亲笔信交给当时的日本幕府。次年(1854年),他又率领商船队来到日本的江户湾(今天的东京湾),代表美国政府在横滨与日本签订了友好条约,从而使长期以来处于闭关锁国状态的日本打开了对外交往的大门。black ship:从事非法黑市交易的船只,因彼里将军率船队到达日本时,日本还没有正式对外开放,所以,作者把他的船队称为非法船队。

4.Paragraph 9, “Compaq has continued to cut prices, and companies like NEC are atlast in hot pursuit.”

in hot pursuit:穷追,直追。如:in hot pursuit of the enemy,穷追敌人。be inhot pursuit:被追击,被紧跟。在此句中指康柏公司的连续降价增强了其产品在日本市场的竞争力,从而使其市场地位直追NEC。

5.Paragraph 10, “Firms like consumer-electronics giants Aiwa and Matsushita havejumped into the ring in recent weeks with low-priced computer-televisionhybrids.”

jump into the ring,跳入角逐场,此处指加入竞争行列。

6.Paragraph 10, “In the technology race, no one wins for long.”The sentence implies that technology is advancing day by day and no one can besure of being No. 1 forever or even for a long time.

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An Oil Crisis Knocks on Recovery’s Door

I. 教学目的

1. Help the students appreciate the figure of speech (personification, simile,metaphor, parallelism, sarcasm, etc.)

2. Help the students understand the interplay of various forces in the world oilmarket and its impact on the global economy.

II. 教学计划

本课用时 3 小时,介绍背景知识、难点、重点知识、课文串讲等用时 2~2.5小时。讨论、课堂练习 0.5~1 小时。

III. 教学方法

a. 课文讲解b. 提问c. 课堂讨论法d. paraphrasee. translation

IV. 背景知识:

In 1993, three years after the Gulf War, peace and prosperity gradually returned tothe Middle East and the world economy seemed in a better shape. However, the Gulfregion, the world’s major supplier of oil, was far from a robust economy. Being cash-short, the OPEC members, particularly the Saudi Arabia, faced a gantlet ofeconomic challenges ranging from massive budget deficit to heavy burden of debtrepayment on arms purchase. On the political front, there is the danger of afundamentalist backlash against the pro-western ruling monarch. There were alreadyhints of cultural and ideological clashes. Political instability didn’t seem entirely impossible if such a economic landscape persisted.It is therefore not surprising that there is gathering pressure driving the oil price up inorder to help OPEC members make both ends meet, a pressure that casts gloom overthe world economic recovery.

V. 重点讲解:


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课本上所列 Notes to the Text 以及 Questions on Content and Language points (forpreview, discussion and review)也属重点讲解之列,但在这儿省略。

1. An Oil Crisis Knocks on Recovery’s Doorknock on the door,本意为敲门,表示来临。在此标题中喻指在西方国家经济


2. A cloud no bigger than a sheikh’s hand has been cast over the shining sun of world economic recovery.注意此句中使用的比喻。首先,no bigger than意为不比. . .大的,就是 . . .大

小的,有强调之意。a cloud no bigger than a sheikh's hand,一块如酋长的手掌般大小的云彩,喻指沙特阿拉伯酋长手掌一挥,决定采取抬高油价的政策。在此处使用no bigger than更强调仅沙特一国抬高油价就有可能阻碍全球经济的复苏,突出沙特在世界石油市场上的重要性。shinning sun,明媚的太阳,喻指全球经济复苏前景光明。cloud和sun形成对比,云彩遮住太阳意指沙特阿拉伯抬高油价的举动阻挡了全球经济的复苏。


3. Just as America’s economy seems set on proving that it can sustain full employment, rapid growth and nil inflation; just as Europe’s economies are emerging from the darkness on to the sunlit plain of annual growth in the 3%-4%range; and just as Japan seems set to turn its shrinking economy into a growingone, along comes OPEC, the world oil cartel.注意,作者在此句中连续使用了三个just as. . .引出的时间状语从句,用以强调“就在. . .时候”,以示事态的严重性。be (seem) set on doing sth.下定决心去做. . .,坚决去做. . .; sunlit plain,本意为“阳光普照的平原”,与前面的darkness 形成对比,比喻为“光明的境地”。be (seem) set to do sth. 很有可能做. . .,做好准备去做. . .。along comes OPEC是一个倒装句,字面意思为“欧佩克来了”。根据文章标题及整篇文章的内容,此处指的是以沙特为首的欧佩克将通过控制产量来提高石油价格,从而导致石油危机。


4. Saudi Arabia’s royal family may be about to snatch away the punch bowl just as the party starts.沙特阿拉伯的王室可能会在宴会刚一开始就把酒杯抢走。Saudi Arabia’s royal family, 沙特阿拉伯的王室。沙特是一个王国,此处


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5. With the world’s economies growing, so, too, is the demand for oil.此处的so指的是growing。伴随着世界经济的发展,对石油的需求也在增长。

6. In the past, Saudi Arabia has been the oil supplier of last resort, increasing outputto accommodate higher demand without triggering a price runup.oil supplier of last resort,最后的石油供应国。意指在世界石油市场出现供不


7. With huge reserves to sustain it well into the next century, it does not want toencourage investment in conservation or the development of substitute for oilproducts.由于有大量的石油储备可以使其维持到下个世纪,沙特阿拉伯不想鼓励在节能和开发石油替代品方面进行投资。(因为节约能源和开发石油替代品会减少对石油的需求,从而有可能减少沙特的石油出口收入。)

8. In the face of a deficit running at 10% of GDP -- four times that projected forBritain by Kenneth Clark, the chancellor, for 1995-96 -- it cut this year’s budget by 19%.running at . . .现在分词短语做定语,修饰deficit。four times (of) that,是. . . 的

四倍。that指代的是预算赤字占GDP的百分比,projected for Britain by . . .是过去分词短语做定语,修饰that。面对高达国内生产总值10%的预算赤字(这一数字是英国财长肯尼斯克拉克所预测的英国1995-96年度预算赤字占GDP的比例的四倍),沙特将今年的预算削减了19%。

9. More radical still, native Saudis are to be urged to take private-sector jobs, ratherthan leave them to the 4.5 m expatriates who keep the wheels of the Saudieconomy turning.more radical still,形容词短语做状语。keep the wheels turning,原意是使车轮


10. The middle class, otherwise restless under the social constraints imposed upon itby rules designed to placate Muslim fundamentalists, is sedated with free oralmost-free electricity to air-condition its homes, water to grow grass where

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nature intended a desert, and a free telephone service.otherwise restless under. . .,形容词短语作定词,修饰middle class。在此定语

中,imposed upon it是过去分词短语作定语,修饰social constraints;designed to...也为过去分词短语作定语,修饰rules。where nature intended a desert,地点状语从句,修饰grow。为了平息中产阶级的情绪,国家给他们免费(或者几乎是免费)提供房屋空调用电、在自然的沙漠地带种草所需的用水以及免费电话服务。否则,他们就会对那些为安抚穆斯林原教旨主义者而采取的各项规定给他们带来的社会限制感到不满。

11. Take away these goodies, a leading diplomat told me at dinner, and the royalfamily would likely find itself displaced by a military regime before the centuryis out.take away these goodies and . .这是一个固定句型,动词(短语)+ and 后接句

子。动词所表示的是条件状语,相当于If 从句。上句可改为If these goodies aretaken away, the royal family would. . .。又如Look out of the window and you cansee the lake.(往窗外看,你就可以看到那个湖。)晚餐时,一个重要的外交官对我说,如果取消这些福利,沙特王室很可能在本世纪结束前就会发现自己被一个军事政权所取代。

13. So OPEC’s hope that oil prices will reach its “reference level” of $21 by the end of 1995 may well be realized. And any interruptions in supplies may send priceswell above that level. If that happens, economic forecasters may well findthemselves revising their economic growth forecasts downward and the Westmay find itself coping with still another oil shock, one that will make those of the1970s seem trivial by comparison.that oil prices will. . .the end of 1995是hope的同位语从句。最后一句中的one

指代的是oil shock,其后的that从句是定语,修饰one。注意, 在此段中,作者连续用了三个副词well,均表示强调。may well be

realized,表示很有可能实现;well above that level, 表示远远超出那一水平;wellfind themselves. . .表示就会发现. . .。 注意句型find onself doing sth.**这样一来,欧佩克希望石油价格在1995年底以前达到每桶21美元的“参考水


14. So, too, will be the ability of America to put forces in the region when Saddaminevitably makes his next move, or when Iran’s mullahs decide to divert attentionfrom their economic mismanagement by deploying their nuclear capability.So, too, will be . . .是一个倒装句,so指代的是上一句的forfeit。两个由when

引出的时间状语从句修饰的是put forces in the region。美国在萨达姆必然采取下一次行动,或者伊朗的毛拉决定布署核力量,从而转

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VI. 补充练习:


2.讨论a. what is the potential impact of a major rise in oil price on the world economy?b. What is the importance of Saudi Arabia in the world oil market?