巴什拉的科學戰爭,或兩個文化的法國例外 bachelard.pdf ·...

邏輯、方法論與科學哲學學術研討會 南港,中央研究院數學所 2003/6/21-22 巴什拉的科學戰爭,或兩個文化的法國例外 Gaston Bachelard’s Science War, Or the French Exception to Snow’s Two Cultures 朱元鴻 交通大學社會與文化研究所 I 幾個脈絡使得巴什拉(Gaston Bachelard, 1884-1962)的科學哲學在今日有持 續相干的重要性。巴什拉關注科學史中明顯的斷裂以及相應的科學認知變遷,將 科學理性的結構視為歷史的現象,在英美科學哲學界的一些評論中常與孔恩的論 點相比較。巴什拉最受普及的概念,「認識論斷裂」 (epistemological break)指涉的 兩重意涵——科學知識與一般常識之間的斷裂、以及兩類科學認知結構之間的斷 ——被認為與孔恩的概念,典範形成以及典範轉換,有相通之處。巴什拉舉相 對論與量子論以說明「斷裂」的鮮明與重要,指出「新科學心靈」(new scientific spirit)因而開啟,所牽涉的不僅是自然世界的理解,也包括了科學方法的新認識 以及解釋妥效性的新判準。巴什拉在這些論題上的詳細論述,較英美科學哲學如 孔恩與費若本在類似論題的討論要早了二、三十年。而對於後孔恩的一些科學哲 學基本問題,巴什拉的論點仍然切題而相干,例如,在否認科學乃連續發展的同 時,保有科學向前進展的主張,以及在典範徹底轉換的歷史證據與科學理性之間 可以相容而不矛盾的觀點。 除了上述相干興趣之外,本文回顧巴什拉有兩個特殊的旨趣。其一,對照於 九0年代「科學戰爭」中科學衛士對於「社會建構論」的撻伐,我將指出,巴什 拉在廿世紀前半葉從事著一場更為深刻的科學戰爭,他毫無疑問地站在科學這 方,卻是發揮「社會建構」的認識論前提,犀利地頡抗當時來自傳統哲學許多方 面的形上學束縛。其二,對照於 C. P. Snow 描繪科學與人文相互隔閡的「兩個文 化」,巴什拉認識論影響深廣的當代法國思想脈絡,可以做為舉隅,來說明一個 科學與人文之間較無壁壘的知識形態。 1

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  • 2003/6/21-22

    Gaston Bachelards Science War, Or the French Exception to Snows Two Cultures


    (Gaston Bachelard, 1884-1962)

    (epistemological break)(new scientific spirit)

    C. P. Snow


  • II


    Steve Fuller(2000:344)STSBruno Latour(Georges Canguilhem)(Louis Althusser)(Michel Foucault)(Pierre Bourdieu)(Deleuze and Guattari 1987)(Lefebvre 1991)


    (The Althusserian Legacy)(Benton 1984; Kaplan and Sprinker 1993; Dews 1994)Dominique Lecourt(1974)

    Michel Vade(1975:7-9)

    (Canguilhem 1988) McAllester Jones (1991)

    Institut dHistoire des Sciences et des Techniques Folie et draison 1961

    1 (1938)Lautrmont (1939) (1942)(1943)(1948)(1957)(1960)



  • (Eribon 1991:119) Etudes dhistoire et de philosophie des sciences (1994 [1968])2

    (Canguilhem 1988) The Normal and the Pathological(1991)3

    (J. Cavaills)(A. Koyr)

    1968(Le Cercle dpismologie)

    (Foucault 1998)

    (Foucault 1972)

    The Craft of Sociology: Epistemological Preliminaries 1968 1991

    2 Claude Bernard(1813-1878) 3 Life: Experience and Science, Michel Foucault, the essential works 2 (1998)


  • C. P. Snow



    Dits et crits

    Ceci nest pas une pipe

    (Mallarm)(McAllester Jones 1991:8-9)


    4 A. Sokal and J. Bricment (1998) Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals Abuse of Science.


  • III

    Gross & Levitt1994Social Text 1996 Alan Sokal


    Social Text

    C.P. Snow(M. Bunge at McGill)(S. Cole at U. Alberta) (R. Hubbard at Harvard) (R.C. Lewontin at Harvard) Michael Lynch(2001:53)

    (Science)(Scientists) natural sciences(POMO)

    Levitt (1998) Nanda (1998)

    5 Lingua Franca (2000) Social TextRoss (1996)Koertge (1998)Labinger and Collins (2001)(2002)


  • Stanley Fish (1996/5/21)

    (Scientists vs. Constructivists)Ian Hacking The Social Construction of What? (1999)

    (Jean Bricmont) Impostures Intellectuelle (1997) Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals Abuse of Science(1998)(Lacan)(Kristeva), ( Irigaray)(Latour)(Baudrillard)(Deleuze & Guattari)(Virilio)

    ( If I dont understand it, it must be nonsense)

    Ian Hacking (1999:3)


  • /


    Les faits sont faits: Facts are fabricated, as Gaston Bachelard would say. Bruno Latour, We Have Never Been Modern (p.18)

    According to Bachelard, scientists most closely approximate the ideal of homo faber we are all constructivists before we are anything else.

    Steve Fuller, Thomas Kuhn (p.234)

    Scientific objects are what we make them, neither more nor less. Gaston Bachelard, The Dialectic of Duration (p.77)

    Ian Hacking(1999)

    Alfred Schutz Peter Berger & Thomas Luckman (1966) The Social Construction of Reality(Ludwik Fleck)


  • Andrew PickeringHacking Fuller



    (solipsism)(a city of physicists and mathematicians)


    (approximate knowledge)(irrational numbers)


  • 3 1/73 10/71

    (McAllester Jones 1991:19-20)

    Mary Tiles(1984:129)

    (scientific reality)

    McAllester Jones(1991:19) (Heisenberg)(1927)




    Einstein destroyed the absoluteness of that which has duration [R]elativity brought the sudden ruin of everything to do with the external proof of one unique Duration, that fundamental principle ordering all events.

    Gaston Bachelard, LIntuition de linstant

    Duration is relative. [C]ontinuity is simply a hypothesis and a very bad hypothesis since a continuous change can never be experienced [T]he development of quantum physics will necessarily lead to the conception of

    6 (Bachelard 1984:13)Latour & Woolger (1979) Laboratory Life(artificial reality)


  • discontinuous duration which will not have the linking properties illustrated by our intuitions of continuous trajectories.

    Gaston Bachelard, The Dialectic of Duration

    (epistemological obstacles)(pre-scientific mind)(interests of life)

    Isabelle Stengers(2000:26-7)



    Lecourt (1975:140)

    (Young 1990:52)



  • (long dure)




    [1889] (Bergson 2001)(G.F.B.Riemann, 1826-1866)(multiplicity)


    7 Deleuze(1991)


  • Extract in McAllester Jones (1991:33)

    Extract in McAllester Jones (1991:35)


    (stroboscope )


    (Proust)Gilles Deleuze


  • (Bachelard 2000:77-8)


    Cogitamus ergo sum.

    Bachelard 1984:3


    (second order realism) Phenomeno-technique




    cogito cogitamus

    cogitamus precedes cogito


  • (discursive)


    (Glashow 1992:28)





    (scientific act)

    8 Bachelard, La Rationalism appliqu (1949) Extract in McAllester Jones (1991:142-7)Alfred Schutz (1957) we-relationship The Problem of Transcendental Intersubjectivity in Husserl (Collected Papers III) 9 Max Scheler, (1924) Versuche zu einer Soziologie des Wissens, eng. trans., Problems of a Sociology of Knowledge, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980. 10 Karl Mannheim (1931) Wissenssoziologie, eng. trans as Part V in Ideology and Utopia, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1960.


  • (the given)

    (artifacts)(caricatures)(scientific subject)(a sociology without scientific object)

    (Bourdieu et. al. ed. 1991:48)


    C. P. Snow


    (Anglo-Saxon cultures)(Labinger & Collins 2001:3) Snow

    Snow //



  • (multiplicity)(discontinuity)

    (fashionable nonsense)

    (Sokal and Bricmont 1998:7)


    multiplicity discontinuity



  • 2002 45 173-207

    Bachelard, Gaston (1984) The New Scientific Spirit. Boston: Beacon Press. Bachelard, Gaston (2000) The Dialectic of Duration. Manchester: Clinamen Press. Benton, Ted (1984) The Rise and Fall of Structural Marxism: Althusser and his

    influence. London: Macmillan. Berger, Peter L. and Luckmann, Thomas (1967) The Social Construction of Reality.

    New York: Anchor Books. Bergson, Henri (2001) Time and Free Will. New York: Dover. Bourdieu, Pierre, Chamboredon, Jean-Cloude and Passeron, Jean-Claude (eds.) (1991)

    The Craft of Sociology: Epistemological Preliminaries. Berlin: de Gruyter. Canguilhem, Georges (1988) Ideology and Rationality in the History of the Life

    Sciences. Cambridge: The MIT Press. Canguilhem, Georges (1994) Etudes dhistoire et de philosophie des sciences:

    concernant les vivants et la vie. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin. Deleuze, Gilles (1991) Bergsonism. New York: Zone Books. Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Felix (1987) A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and

    Schizophrenia. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Dews, Peter (1994) The Limits of Disenchantment: Essays on Contemporary

    European Philosophy. London: Verso. Eribon, Didier (1991) Michel Foucault. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Foucault, Michel (1972) The Archeology of Knowledge. New York: Pantheon. Foucault, Michel (1991) Introduction to Georges Canguilhems, The Normal and the

    Pathological. New York: Zone Book. Foucault, Michel (1998) Michel Foucault: Aesthetics, the Essential Works II. New

    York: Penguin. Fuller, Steve (2000) Thomas Kuhn: A Philosophical History for Our Times. Chicago:

    The University of Chicago Press. Glashow, Sheldon (1992) The Death of Science? In The End of Science? Attack and

    Defense, ed. R. J. elvee. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America. Hacking, Ian (1999) The Social Construction of What? Cambridge, MA: Harvard

    University Press. Kaplan, E. Ann and Sprinker, Michael (eds.) (1993) The Althusserian Legacy.

    London: Verso. Koertge, Noretta (ed.) (1998) A House Built on Sand: Exposing Postmodernist Myths

    about Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


  • Labinger, Jay A. and Collins, Harry (eds.) (2001) The One Culture? A Conversation about Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

    Latour, Bruno (1993) We Have Never Been Modern. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

    Latour, Bruno and Woolgar, Steve (1986) Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

    Lecourt, Dominique (1974) Bachelard ou le jour et la nuit. Paris: Grasset. Lecourt, Dominique (1975) Marxism and Epistemology: Bachelard, Canguilhem and

    Foucault. London: New Left Books. Lefebvre, Henri (1991) The Production of Space, Translated by D. Nicholson-Smith.

    Oxford: Blackwell. Levitt, Norman (1998) The End of Science, The Central Dogma of Science Studies,

    in Koertge, N. (ed.) A House Built on Sand. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Lingua Franca Editors (2000) The Sokal Hoax. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Lynch, Michael (2001) Is a Science Peace Process Necessary? in Labinger J.A. and

    Collins, H. (eds.) The One Culture? Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Mannheim Karl (1960) Ideology and Utopia, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. McAllester Jones, Mary (1991) Gaston Bachelard, Subversive Humanist. Madison:

    The University of Wisconsin Press. Nanda, Meera (1998) The Epistemic Charity of the Social Constructivist Critics of

    Science and Why the Third World Should Refuse the Offer, in Koertge, N. (ed.) A House Built on Sand. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Ross, Andrew (ed.) (1996) Science Wars. Durham: Duke University Press. Scheler, Max (1980) Problems of a Sociology of Knowledge. London: Routeledge and

    Kegan Paul. Schutz, Alfred (1970) Collected Papers III: Studies in Phenomenological Philosophy.

    The Hague: Nartinus Nijhoff. Snow, C. P. (1998) The Two Cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sokal Alan and Bricment, Jean (1998) Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern

    Intellectuals Abuse of Science. New York: Picador USA. Stengers, Isabelle (2000) The Invention of Modern Science. Minneapolis: University

    of Minnesota Press. Tiles, Mary (1984) Bachelard: Science and Objectivity. Cambridge: Cambridge

    University Press. Vade, Michel (1975) Bachelard ou le nouvel idalisme pistmologique. Paris

    ditions sociales. Young, Robert (1990) White Mythologies: Writing History and the West. London:



    Gaston Bachelards Science War,Or the French Exception to Snows Two CulturesIIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIII