ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ module 9: civil law · pdf file513...

513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမားကို ေျဖရွင္းျခင္း SESSION 9.1: CIVIL LAW: RESOLVING CONTRACT DISPUTES အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၂: တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆက္ခံမႈ ဥပေဒ နွင့္ အမိးသမီးမားအတြက္ တန္းတူညီမွမႈ SESSION 9.2: CIVIL LAW: INHERITANCE LAW AND EQUALITY FOR WOMEN အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၃: တရားမဥပေဒ- ေၾကြးၿမီကိစၥကို တရားရံုးသိ႔ ယူေဆာင္လာျခင္း SESSION 9.3: CIVIL LAW: TAKING A LOAN CASE TO COURT အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၄: ပဋိညာဥ္-ေရွ႕ေနမားအတြက္ အဆင့္ျမင့္သင္ခန္းစာ SESSION 9.4: ADVANCED CONTRACTS FOR LAWYERS မာ္ဂး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ MODULE 9: CIVIL LAW

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Page 1: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


အစအစဥ၉.၁:တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခပစာတမးအျငငးပြားမႈမားကေျဖရငးျခငး SeSSion 9.1: Civil law: ReSolving ContRaCt DiSputeS အစအစဥ၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမးသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ SeSSion 9.2: Civil law: inheRitanCe law anD equality foR women

အစအစဥ၉.၃:တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး SeSSion 9.3: Civil law: taking a loan CaSe to CouRt

အစအစဥ၉.၄:ပဋညာဥ-ေရ႕ေနမားအတြကအဆငျမငသငခနးစာ SeSSion 9.4: aDvanCeD ContRaCtS foR lawyeRS

ေမာဂး၉:တရားမဥပေဒModule 9: Civil law

Page 2: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.1: Civil law: Resolving Contract Disputesတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၁တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခပစာတမးအျငငးပြားမႈမားကေျဖရငးျခငး

SeSSioN 9.1: Civil law: ReSolviNG CoNTRaCT diSPuTeSအစအစဥ၉.၁-တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခပစာတမးအျငငးပြားမႈမားကေျဖရငးျခငး

Purpose of Session: to introduce participants to the basic rules of contract law in order to illustrate that a legal system functioning in accordance with the rule of law is essential to make reliable and enforceable contracts (and the many personal and business arrangements these contracts facilitate) possible.

အစအစဥ၏ရညရြယခက-ပဋဉာဥဥပေဒ၏အေျခခစညးမဥး၊စညးကမးမားကသငတနးသ/သားမားအားမတဆကေပးရန။ထသ႔မတဆကေပးျခငးသညတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးႏငကကညေအာငလပေဆာငေနေသာဥပေဒဆငရာစနစတခသညပဋဉာဥမားက ယၾကညမႈ ရေစရနႏင စညးေႏာငအားရေစရန (ထပဋဉာဥမား/စာခပမားမားမ ထနးကြပေပးေသာမမကယပငႏငစးပြားေရးဆငရာအစအမမားႏင)မရမျဖစလအပသညဟသညကေဖာျပႏငေစရနျဖစသည။

outcomes, Skills and Methodologiesရလဒမား၊ကၽြမးကငမႈမားနငသငၾကားနညးနညးပညာမား

outcomes: ရလဒမား

as a result of this session participants will be able to:

• identify the required ingredients of a valid contract

• identify remedy for breaches of contract • identify the relevant rule of law


ဤသငခနးစာအျပးတြငသငသည• တရားဝငပဋဉာဥအတြကလအပသည

အရာမားကခြျခမးစတျဖာႏငမည။• ပဋဉာဥေဖာကဖကမႈအတြက

သကသာခြငမားကခြျခမးစတျဖာႏငမည။• တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးႏငဆကဆငေသာ


Skills: အရညအခငးမား

in this session participants will practice the following skills:

• listening• Cooperation• persuasion• analysis• advocacy


• နားေထာငစြမးရည• ပးေပါငးပါဝငမႈ• စြေဆာငမႈစြမးရည• ခြျခမးစတျဖာဆနးစစမႈ• အေရးဆတငျပျခငး

Page 3: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.1: Civil law: Resolving Contract Disputes တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၁တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခပစာတမးအျငငးပြားမႈမားကေျဖရငးျခငး

Methodologies: သငၾကားနညးနညးပညာမားin this session participants will practice the following training methodologies:

• Brainstorming• Role play• analysing scenarios• think-pair-share


• ႀကတငႀကဆေတြးေတာျခငး• သရပေဖာတငျပမႈ• အနာဂါတျဖစလာႏငေျခမားက

ခြျခမးစတျဖာျခငး• စဥးစား၊နစေယာကတစတြေဆြးေႏြး၊မေဝ

Rule of law Principlesတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးမမား

the following rule of law principles are relevant to this session:

• legal certainty• non-arbitrariness• access to justice


• ဥပေဒအရတကမႈ• ဘကလကမႈမရျခငး• တရားမတမႈရပငခြင


Materials: လအပေသာျပငဆငမႈႏငပစၥညးမားfor this session you will need:

• whiteboard• pens

ဤအစအစဥတြင သငသည ေအာကပါအရာမားကလအပမည။

• ဝႈကဘတ• ေဘာလပင

Handouts: ေဝငစာရြကမား

in this session participants will use:

• 9.1.1 – Role play• 9.1.2 – Scenarios for Small groups

ဤအစအစဥတြင သငတနးသားမားသည ေအာကေဖာျပပါတ႔ကအသးျပရမည။

• ၉.၁.၁-သရပေဖာတငျပမႈ• ၉.၁.၂-အပစငယမား အတြက ဇာတလမး


Page 4: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


oPeN SeSSioN (5 mins)

အဖြငအစအစဥ ၅မနစ

introduce the session ‘s background and purpose.Review lesson outcomes with the participants. write outcomes on flipchart paper or whiteboard and explain them. Discuss other announcements and concerns.


တကေရာကသမားႏင ရလဒမားအား ျပနလညသးသပပါ။ ရလဒမားကဝကဘတ (သ႔) စာရြကအႀကးေပၚတြငေရးၿပးရငးလငးပါ။တစျခားေသာအေရးႀကးအေၾကာငးအရာမားကလညးေဆြးေႏြးပါ။

Review (5 mins)

ျပနလညသးသပျခငး (၅မနစ)

link the session outcomes to previous sessions and activities and to relevant rule of law principles, including access to justice, predictability and independent and impartial adjudication. in particular, ask participants to share what was the most important information they discussed during module 7.1 and 7. 2 alternative Dispute Resolution.

ဤအစအစဥမရလဒမားနင တရားမတမႈရပငခြင၊ ခနမနးႏငစြမးလြတလပ၍တရားမတေသာဆးျဖတခကမားအပါအဝင သကဆငေသာတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးမဝါဒမား၊လပရားမႈမားနငယခငအစအစဥမားကခတဆကရန။အထးသျဖငသငတနးသားမားအားေမာဂး၇.၁နင၇.၂(အျငငးပြားမႈဆငရာအျခားနညးျဖငေျဖရငးနညး)တ႔တြင၄ငးတ ေဆြးေႏြးခေသာအေရးႀကးဆးသတငးအခကအလကသညမညသညအရာျဖစသညကေဝမခငးပါ။

aCTiviTY 1: FoCuSeR - FouNdaTioNS oF CoNTRaCT law (15 mins)

လႈပရားမႈ၁:ပဋဉာဥဥပေဒ၏အေျခခမား (၁၅မနစ)

Purpose of activity: To help participants learn what a contract is and how it is made.လပရားမႈ၏ရညရြယခက-သငတနးသသငတနးသားမားအားပဋဉာဥဆသညမာမညသညအရာျဖစသည၊မညသ႔ျပလပရသညကေလလာရာ၌ကညေပးရန

Methodology: Brainstormingသငၾကားနညးနညးပညာမားႀကတငႀကဆေတြးေတာျခငး

Handout(s): No handouts ေဝငစာရြကမား-ေဝငစာရြကမရပါ။

Materials: Noneသငေထာကကပစၥညးမား

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.1: Civil law: Resolving Contract Disputesတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၁တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခပစာတမးအျငငးပြားမႈမားကေျဖရငးျခငး

Page 5: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို



• ask participants to think about a definition of a contract: what is a contract? • what is the connection between aDR and a contract? • ask and discuss as needed:

o what is a remedyo what types of contracts are there? o are there any differences between personal contracts and business contracts?o Define an oral contract

• သငတနးသ/သားမားအား ပဋဉာဥ၏အဓပၸာယဖြင႔ဆခကႏင႔ပတသက၍ စဥးစားခငးပါ။ ပဋဉာဥဆသညမာအဘယနညး။

• အျငငးပြားမႈအားအျခားနညးလမးျဖင႔ေျဖရငးျခငးႏင႔ပဋဉာဥတ႔အၾကားဆကႏြယမႈမာအဘယနညး။• လအပသလေမးျမနးေဆြးေႏြးပါ။

o ကစားျခငးဆသညမာအဘယနညး။o ပဋဉာဥအမးအစားမားမာအဘယနညး။o ပဂၢလကဆငရာပဋဉာဥမားႏင႔စးပြားေရးလပငနးဆငရာပဋဉာဥမားအၾကားတြငကြာျခားခကမားရပါသလား။o ႏႈတပဋဉာဥအားအဓပၸါယဖြင႔ဆပါ။o စာပဋဉာဥအားအဓပၸါယဖြင႔ဆပါ။

NoTe FoR FaCiliTaToRS:

a contract is a mutual promise between parties that each party will perform an act (such as make a product or pay a price) for the benefit of the other party. Contracts are only possible if each party is satisfied that the contract will be enforced and a remedy will be available if the other party reneges on their promise. a reliable legal system administered by independent and impartial judges and competent lawyers (discussed in sessions 3.2 and 3.3), and which dispenses accessible justice without excessive delays (a key rule of law principle discussed in module 1), is essential to creating a legal environment where contracts are possible. many commercial contracts state that disputes in the interpretation of those contracts will be resolved using one of the methods of alternative Dispute Resolution. as discussed in module 7, negotiation, mediation and arbitration can provide parties with more flexible, faster and cheaper methods of resolving disputes. in this way, aDR may also facilitate contracting by enhancing access to justice. in this session, participants will study some of the basic rules about how contracts are created and the circumstances under which contracts are breached in order to illustrate the importance of a stable, fair and reliable system of laws to enforce those rules.


ပဋဉာဥဆသညမာအမႈသညမားၾကားရတစဥးနငတစဥးျပမလပေဆာငၾကရမည(ဥပမာအကးရလဒတစခကျပလပျခငးသ႔အခေၾကးေငြေပးေဆာငျခငး) နစဥးနစဘကကတကဝတျပျခငးျဖစသည။ ပဋဉာဥသညအမႈသညက ၄ငး၏ကတကဝတက လကနာေဆာငရြကဖ႔ရန ပကကြကလငကစားခြငရရႏငရမညျဖစၿပး ပဋဉာဥကအတညျပထားျခငးကအမႈသညတငးက ေကနပမသာလငသတမတႏငသည။လြတလပ၍တရားမတေသာတရားသႀကးမားနငအရညအခငး

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.1: Civil law: Resolving Contract Disputes တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၁တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခပစာတမးအျငငးပြားမႈမားကေျဖရငးျခငး

Page 6: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


ျပညဝေသာေရ႕ေနမားမ (အစအစဥ ၃.၂၊ ၃.၃ တ႔တြငေဆြးေႏြးထားၿပး) စမခန႔ခြထားၿပး ယၾကညစတခရသညဥပေဒစနစသည မလလားအပေသာေနာငေနးၾကန႔ၾကာမႈမားမရေစဘ တရားမတမႈရပငခြငက ေထာကပေပးၿပး ပဋဉာဥခပဆႏငေသာ အေျခအေနတြင ခငမာေသာဥပေဒအဝနးအဝငးဖနတးရာ၌ မရမျဖစအေရးပါသည။ စးပြားေရးဆငရာပဋဉာဥစာခပေတာေတာမားမားတြင၄ငးပဋဉာဥစာခပမားကအဓပါယျပနဆရာမအျငငးပြားမႈမားကအျငငးပြားမႈဆငရာအျခားနညးျဖငေျဖရငးနညးမားထမ နညးတစနညးနညးျဖင ေျဖရငးရမညဟေဖာျပသည။ ေမာကး(၇)တြငေဆြးေႏြးခသလ၊ညနငးေဆြးေႏြးျခငး၊ဖနေျဖေပးျခငးနင ၾကားဝငေျဖရငးေပးျခငးတ႔မအမႈသညကပ၍လကေလာညေထြျဖစေသာ၊ျမနဆနေသာ၊ စားရတသကသာေသာ အျငငးပြားျခငးဆငရာေျဖရငးျခငးနညးလမးမားျဖင အေထာကအကျပႏငသည။ဤနညးလမးျဖငအျငငးပြားမႈဆငရာေျဖရငးျခငးနညးလမးမားသညတရားမတမႈအခြငအလမးကတးျမငေပးၿပးပဋဉာဥစာခပခပဆျခငးက လြယကသကသာေစသည။ ဤအစအစဥတြင တကေရာကသ သငတနးသား/သငတနးသမားသညပဋဉာဥစာခပမားကမညသ႔မညပစမသညနငပတသကေသာတစခ႕ေသာအေျခခဥပေဒမားကေလလာရမညျဖစၿပး၄ငးဥပေဒမားကအတညျပႏငေစရန၊ တညၿငမေသာ ယၾကညစတခရေသာ ဥပေဒစနစ၏ အေရးပါပက ေဖာျပဖ႔ရနအတြကပဋဉာဥစာခပကခးေဖာကႏငေသာအေျခအေနမားကလညးေလလာရေပမည။

aCTiviTY 2: wHaT MaKeS a CoNTRaCT lawFul (20 mins)

လႈပရားမႈ၂-ပဋဉာဥတစရပကတရားဝငျဖစေစသညအခကမား ၂ဝမနစ

Purpose: To help participants learn to identify the requirements of a lawful contract and the circumstances in which a contract might not be lawful.ရညရြယခကသငတနးသသငတနးသားမားအားဥပေဒနငကကညေသာပဋဉာဥစာခပတစခ၏လအပခကမားနငပဋဉာဥစာခပတစခ၏ဥပေဒနငမညညြတေသာအေျခအေနမားကေဖာထတသရဖ႔ရနေလလာရာတြငကညရန

Methodology: Role playing အသးျပသညနညးလမး:သရပေဖာတငျပမႈ

Handouts: 9.1.1 – Role Playsေဝငစာရြကမား၉.၁.၁သရပေဖာတငျပမႈ

Materials: Noneသငေထာကကပစၥညးမား

• what is needed to make a contract valid? make a list to post on wall.

• what is needed to register a contract? make reference to the Registration act. make a list to post on wall (5 minutes)

• Before this next session, ask four pairs of participants to volunteer to prepare and play the short, two sentence role plays in handout 9.1.1. Begin this session by asking the volunteers to perform the role-plays in the order they are presented in handout 9.1.1.

• after each role-play, ask the rest of the participants to identify the ingredients of the agreement involved in the role play. also ask them which ingredient makes the contract lawful or unlawful and why? ask other participants to agree by raising one hand. ask

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.1: Civil law: Resolving Contract Disputesတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၁တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခပစာတမးအျငငးပြားမႈမားကေျဖရငးျခငး

Page 7: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


them to raise both hands if they disagree. explore the reasons for any disagreements that arise and follow up regarding points raised, encouraging everyone to express their views. at some point also ask participants to list all factors that can make a contract unlawful, and write them on the board as they are mentioned. make sure that the list includes everything in the following note to facilitators. 18 minutes.

• ပဋဉာဥစာခပတစခအားတရားဝငျပလပရန မညသညတ႔လအပပါသနညး။ နရေပၚတြငကပရနအတြက စာရငးျပလပပါ။

• ပဋဉာဥစာခပတစခအား မတပတငရနမညသညတ႔ လအပပါသနညး။ မတပတငျခငးဆငရာ အကဥပေဒအားမျငမးမႈျပလပပါ။နရေပၚတြငကပရနစာရငးျပလပပါ။(၅မနစ)

• ေနာကအစအစဥမတငမအတြေလးတြကေဝငစာရြက၉.၁.၁တြငတေတာငး၍နစေၾကာငးစာရေသာသရပေဖာတငျပမႈမားက လပအားေပးဖ ၇နေျပာဆပါ။ဤအစအစဥက လပအားေပးသမားအား ေဝငစာရြက၉.၁.၁ တြငတငျပခသညအစအစဥအတငးသရပေဖာတငျပမႈကလပေဆာငဖရနေျပာဆျခငးျဖငစတငပါ။

• သရပျပေဆာငရြကမႈတစခၿပးတငး ၿပးတငးတြင၊ တစျခားသငတနးသ/သငတနးသားမားက ယငးသရပေဖာတငျပမႈတြင ပါဝငေသာသေဘာတညမႈတစခတြင ပါဝငရမယအဂၤါရပမားက ေဖာထတရာေဖြခငးတစျခားသငတနးသား/သငတနးသမား ကသေဘာတညပါက လကတစဖကေျမာကျပခငးပါ။ သေဘာတညမႈမရပါကလကနစဖကစလးေျမာကျပခငးပါ။ လတငးလတငးအား ၄ငးတ႔၏အျမငမားကေဖာျပဖရနတကတြနးၿပး ေပၚလာေသာ သေဘာမတညမႈ အေၾကာငးျပခကမားနင ၄ငးနငဆကစပေန၍ ထြကေပၚလာေသာအခကမားကလညးေလလာပါ။တစခ႕ေနရာမားတြငတရားမဝငစာခပျဖစေစႏငသညအခကမားက၄ငးတအားေဖာျပထားၿပးျဖစသညအတငး ဘတေပၚတြငေရးပါ။ သငတနးနညးျပအတြက ေအာကပါမတစတြင အခကအလကအားလးစာရငးထတြငပါမပါေသခာစြာလပေဆာငပါ။(၁၈မနစ)

NoTeS To FaCiliTaToRS:


examples: ဥပမာ

Proposal/offer အဆျပခက/တငျပခက/ကမးလမးခက

acceptance လကခေဆာငရြကမႈ/လကခခက

Promise ကတကဝတ/ကတ

agreement သေဘာတညမႈ

Consideration အဘးစားနား

age of majority အရြယေရာကသညအသက

examples of things that make contracts unlawful include:


Minority of party အမႈသညမားတြငအရြယမေရာကေသးသမားပါဝငျခငး

unsound mind စတေပါသြပျခငး

unlawful consideration ဥပေဒႏငမညေသာအဘးစားနားမားပါဝငေနျခငး

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.1: Civil law: Resolving Contract Disputes တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၁တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခပစာတမးအျငငးပြားမႈမားကေျဖရငးျခငး

Page 8: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


aCTiviTY 3: BReaCH oF CoNTRaCT (30 mins)

လႈပရားမႈ၃-ပဋဉာဥခးေဖာကျခငး ၃ဝမနစ

Purpose: To help participants learn to identify what causes a breach of contract and how parties may seek a remedy for breachesရညရြယခကးသငတနးသသငတနးသားမားကမညသညအရာကစာခပခးေဖာကမႈကျဖစေစသညအမႈသညမားထခးေဖာကမႈအတြကကစားမႈကမညသ႔ရာေဖြႏငသညကေဖာထတသရႏငရနေလလာရာတြငကညရန

Methodology: analyzing scenariosအသးျပမညနညလမးမား:ဇာတလမးမားကခြျခမးစတျဖာဆနးစစျခငး

Handouts: 9.1.2 – Scenarios for Small Groupsေဝငစာရြက၉.၁.၂အပစငယမားအတြကဇာတလမးမား

Materials: Noneသငေထာကကပစၥညးမား

• Distribute handout 9.1.2 to everyone.

• ask and help participants divide into small groups of 4 or 5 persons quickly. ask each group to discuss the three scenarios in handout 9.1.2 and identify what would be the most appropriate remedy for the person who suffered a contract breach and why? 10 minutes.

• ask for a representative from each group to report their decision and reasoning to everyone else, moving one scenario at a time. ask other participants to raise one hand if they agree, and to raise two hands if they disagree. explore reasons for disagreement and discuss them before moving on to see if any other groups feel differently about the scenario under discussion, and then move to another group to report their decision and reasoning on the next scenario. Repeat the one hand-two hand response question until all ideas for all three scenarios have been presented. 10 minutes.

• ေဝငစာရြက၉.၁.၂ကအားလးအားေပးပါ။

• သငတနးသားမားအား ၄ ေယာက (သ ) ၅ ေယာကတစအပစ ခြျပး ဇာတလမးသးခက ၁ဝ မနစခန ေဆြးေႏြးေစျပးမညသညသကသာခြငသညအသငေလာဆးႏငအဘယေၾကာငဆသညကေဆြးေႏြးခငးပါ။

• အပစတစခစမ ကယစားျပတစဥးစထြကဖ႔ရနေျပာ၍တစႀကမတြငဇာတလမးတစခခငးစလညလညကာ၄ငးတ႔၏ဆးျဖတခကနငအေၾကာငးျပခကကတစျခားလအားလးအားအစရငခရနေျပာပါ။တစျခားသငတနးသားမားကသေဘာတပါကလကတစဖကကေျမာကျပခငးပါ။သေဘာမတပါကလကနစဖကလးေျမာကျပခငးပါ။တစျခားအဖြ႕မား၏ ဇာတလမးနငပတသကေသာတစျခားထငျမငခကမားက ေဆြးေႏြးမႈမလပေဆာငမ (လကရအဖြ႔၏သေဘာမတညရျခငးအေၾကာငးအရာကထထဝငဝငေလလာ၍သတနင ေဆြးေႏြးပါ။ ၿပးေနာကတစျခားအပစ

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.1: Civil law: Resolving Contract Disputesတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၁တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခပစာတမးအျငငးပြားမႈမားကေျဖရငးျခငး

Page 9: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


တစခဆသ႔ တစျခားဇာတလမးတစခနငပတသကၿပး သတ၏ဆးျဖစခကနင အေၾကာငးျပခကက အစရငခရနသြားေရာကပါ။ဇာတလမးအားလးနငပတသကေသာအႀကဥာဏမားအားလးတငျပၿပးသညအထလကတစဖကေထာငလကနစဖကေထာငေမးခြနးမားကထပခါထပခါျပလပပါ။

NoTe FoR FaCiliTaToRS:


available remedies: ရရနငသညကစားခကမား

• Specific performance (သးျခားေဆာငရြကခက)• injunction (တားျမစမန႔၊တားဝရမး)• Compensation and damages (ေလာေၾကးႏငနစနာျခငး)

Closing activity: 10 minutes

ask participants to remain in the small groups they used for the earlier exercise. assign one of the following questions to each group and ask them to present their answer and the reasons for it to everyone after discussing and designing their answer. if more than four groups exist, give these groups the same questions starting with the first. • how do you commence proceeding for breach of contract?• which court would be appropriate? • what would be the first step?• who pays the costs of proceedings? 5 minutes.

next, ask a group representative to present their answer to their designated question, and the reasons for this answer. move through the groups in order of their assigned question, starting with the first. Solicit responses from other groups assigned to the same question before moving on to group[s] dealing with next question. ask respondents in other groups to raise one hand if they agree, and two hands if they disagree. explore disagreements, eliciting the reasons for them, and let whatever discussions this generates conclude before moving to the next group. 5 minutes.


သငတနးသ၊ သငတနးသားမားက အေစာပငးေလကငခနးအတြက ရေနေသာအပစထတြင ဆကလကေနခငးပါ။ေအာကေဖာျပပါေမးခြနးမားထမ တစခခငးစက အပစတစခခငးစအားခေပးၿပး ၄ငးတ႔၏ အေျဖနငအေၾကာငးျပခကကေဆြးေႏြးအေျဖထတၿပးေနာက တစျခားသမားအားတငျပခငးပါ။ အကယ၍အပစေလးခထကပရခပါက ပထမအပစမစတငကာတညေသာေမးခြနးကေမးပါ။• ပဋဉာဥခးေဖာကျခငးအမႈအတြကတရားစြဆျခငးကမညသစတငမလ။• မညသညတရားရးသညသငေလာမညနညး။

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.1: Civil law: Resolving Contract Disputes တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၁တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခပစာတမးအျငငးပြားမႈမားကေျဖရငးျခငး

Page 10: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


• မညသညအဆငမစတငေဆာငရြကမညနညး။• တရားစရတကမညသကေပးေဆာငမညနညး။(၅မနစ)

ေနာကတစဆငအေနျဖငအပစတစခ၏ကယစားျပက၄ငးတ အတြကခေပးထားေသာေမးခြနး၏အေျဖကတငျပဖ ရနနငအေၾကာငးျပခကမား ေပးပ႔ရနေျပာဆပါ။ အပစမားအား ၄ငးတ႔တာဝနေပးထားေသာ ေမးခြနးအစဥလကအတငးသြားၿပးပထမေမးခြနးမစတငရမည။ ေမးခြနးတညေသာ တစျခားအပစမားကလညး တစျခားေမးခြနးမားက တာဝနယရသညအပစမားထ မသြားေရာကမ ၄ငးတ႔၏ထငျမငခကမားက ေမးျမနးရမည။ တစျခားအပစမားမ ေျဖၾကားသမားကလညး(လကရအပစ၏အေျဖက) သေဘာတလင လကတစဖကေျမာကခငးၿပး၊ သေဘာမတပါက လကနစဖကလးေျမာကရနေျပာရမည။ သေဘာမတညမႈမားအတြက အေၾကာငးျပခကမားက ထငသာျမငသာရေစရနအလ႔ငာ ယငးသ႔သေဘာမတညခကမားကထထဝငဝငေလလာရမညျဖစၿပးအႀကဥာဏထြကေပၚႏငေသာမညသညေဆြးေႏြးမႈမးကမဆခြငျပ၍တစျခားအပစသ႔မသြားမအဆးသတပါ။(၅မနစ)

SuMMaRY aNd evaluaTioN (15 mins)အကဥးခပႏငသးသပျခငး (၁၅မနစ)

in closing, ask and help participants quickly form pairs with someone who was not in their recent small group. assign each pair to prepare responses to the set of two questions assigned to them Rotate assigning pairs to develop responses to the following sets of two questions: 8 minutes

• what aspects of your daily life involve contracts? anD

• why is it important to satisfy each of these ingredients for the community and for society? oR

• what do you think causes people to breach contracts? anD

• are the remedies for breaching contract appropriate and sufficient to deter breaching? oR

• why are rule of law principles important in contract law? anD

• how can we ensure that rule of law principles are respected in myanmar contract law?

ask each team to share their list of responses and remain with teams considering the first two questions in the above sequence until these lists are finished before moving to the teams responding to the second set of questions. Remind everyone not to repeat something someone else has said. ask participants who are listening to raise both hands if they disagree with what is said. if time allows, quickly explore reasons underlying disagreements but time probably will not permit further exploration. Collect the written documents the teams prepare and review them after this session when time allows. important things participants write they learned suggest what went well in the session. things about which participants remain confused or want to learn more probably suggest things that might be done differently next time. making notes of these comments will help share this knowledge with future facilitators who might work with these same materials. 7 minutes.

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.1: Civil law: Resolving Contract Disputesတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၁တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခပစာတမးအျငငးပြားမႈမားကေျဖရငးျခငး

Page 11: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


သငခနးစာအပတတြငသငတနးသားမားကယခငမမတ႔နငမတြခေသာတစျခားသငတနးသားမားျဖငအတြဖြ႕ဖ႔ရနေျပာၿပးထသ႔ လပေဆာငရာတြငကညပါ။ တစတြခငးစက ၄ငးတ႔အားေပးထားေသာ ႏစခတြေမးခြနးတစစက ထငျမငခကေပးပ႔ရနျပငဆငခငးပါ။ သငတနးသားတစဥးခငးစကလညး ဤအစအစဥအတြငး သငယခရေသာ အေရးအႀကးဆးအေၾကာငးအရာ သးခနင မမတ႔နားမလညေသာ အေၾကာငးအရာတစခ သ႔မဟတ ဒထကမက သခငေသာအေၾကာငးအရာတစခတ႔က စာရြကတစရြကေပၚတြင ေရးသားဖ႔ရနေျပာဆပါ။ သငတနးသားမားသညမမတ႔၏ ေလလာသငၾကားမႈကျပနလညသးသပရာတြငအေၾကာငးအရာတစခခငးစကစာလးတစလးသ႔အနညးငယမျဖင(႐ႈပေထြးေသာစာေၾကာငးမားမဟတဘ) ေဖာျပသငေပသည။ သငတနးသားမားက မမ၏တြဘကသငတနးသားမားျဖင တစဥးခငးတစေယာကခငး ေလလာသငယမႈ သးသပခကမားက ေဆြးေႏြးဖ႔ရနတကတြနးပါ။ သငတနးသားအတြမားကေအာကေဖာျပပါေမးခြနးသးစအတြကထငျမငယဆခကေပးရနလညလညတာဝနေပးပါ။

သငတနးသားမား သငယသရသြားေၾကာငး ေဖာျပႏငေသာေမးခြနးမားက ေမးပါ။ ေမးခြနးမားက ဆရာကေသာလညးေကာငး၊ႏစေယာကတြ(သ႔)အပစငယအတြငးတြငေသာလညးေကာငးအခငးခငးေမးႏငသည။

• သင၏မညသညေနစဥလပငနးေဆာငတာမားသညပဋဉာဥႏငပတသကေနပါသနညး။

• လအစအဖြ႔ႏငလမႈအသငးအဝငးအတြကေဖာျပပါအခကအလကအစတအပငးမားပါဝငမႈသညအဘယေၾကာငအေရးၾကးသညဟထငပါသနညး။


• မညသညအေၾကာငးအရာမားကလမားအားပဋဉာဥကခးေဖာကေစပါသနညး။

• ပဋဉာဥကခးေဖာကျခငးအတြကကစားမႈမားသညဆေလာမႈရသညဟထငပါသလား။


• အဘယေၾကာငတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခမမားသညပဋဉာဥဥပေဒတြငအေရးၾကးပါသနညး။• တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခမမားအားပဋဉာဥဥပေဒမလကနာမႈရေစရနမညသေဆာငရြကမညနညး။

ပထမဆးေမးခြနးနစခက စဥးစားသးသပသညအေနျဖင သငတနးသားအတြတငးအားမမတ႔၏ထငျမငခကစာရငးက ေဝမေစဖ ရန ေျပာဆ ၿပးေနာကေမးခြနးမားကအဖြ မားက ဆကလကမေျဖၾကားမလကရစာရငးကနဆးသညအခနထအဖြ နငအတရရနေျပာဆပါ။ လအားလးအားတစျခားသေျပာၿပးသား အေၾကာငးအရာကမေျပာဆရနသတေပးပါ။နားေထာငေနေသာသငတနးသားမားကသေဘာမတညပါကလကနစဖကေျမာကျပအခကေပးဖရန ေျပာဆပါ။အခနရပါကသေဘာမတရသညအေၾကာငးျပခကကျမနျမနဆနဆနထထဝငဝငေလလာပါ။သေသာေနာကထပတစျခားေသာေလလာမႈမားျပလပရနအခနရႏငမည မဟတေပ။အခနရပါကအဖြမားျပငဆငထားေသာစာရြကစာတမးမားကစစညးကာဆနးစစပါ။ သငတနးသားမားေရးသားထားေသာ(၄ငးတ႔သငယထားေသာ)အေရးႀကးသညအေၾကာငးအရာမားသညအစအစဥတြင မညသညအရာ အဆငေျပသညက တငျပသည။သငတနးသားမားနားမလညေသာ သ႔ပမသခငေသာအေၾကာငးအရာမားသည ေနာကတစႀကမတြငမညသညအရာမားက ေျပာငးလလပေဆာငသငသညက အႀကျပသည။ဤေဝဖနအႀကၿပေရးသားခကမားကမတစမတေရးသားထားျခငးျဖငအလားတသငရးကအသးျပမညေနာကသငတနးနညးျပမားအတြကအေထာကအကျပသည။(၇မနစ)

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.1: Civil law: Resolving Contract Disputes တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၁တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခပစာတမးအျငငးပြားမႈမားကေျဖရငးျခငး

Page 12: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.1.1: Role playsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၁.၁သရပေဖာတငျပမႈမား


9.1.1 – Role Plays



Buyer- you said you will sell your land with 50 lakhs. But now you said you are not going to sell it. i will file a complaint at the court and have you arrested.Seller- Don’t do that, uncle. i am still young and don’t want to stay in the prison.



landlord- i will let my home to you with the rent of 1 lakh per month. During the football match gambling season, you have to pay5 lakhs per month.Tenant- yes. i will pay 5 lakhs during the premier season.



landowner- i will sell my land for 100 lakhs.Foreigner- ok, i will buy it. here is 50 lakhs for advance payment. please sign here in this contract.



Father- hey, guy!!! Don’t contact to my daughter any more! Don’t marry her! i will give you 100 lakhs if you do not marry her and not contact her any moreBoy- ok. i will not contact her anymore. give me 100 lakhs.

Page 13: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Courses: handout 9.1.2: Scenarios for Small groupsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၁.၂အပစငယမားအတြကဇာတညႊနးမား


Scenarios for Small Groups

ေမာငျဖသည မနက လကထပရန ကတျပထားသည။ ေမာငျဖသည ကတေဖာကဖက၍ မဝါကလကထပလကသည။


mr.phyu promised to marry ms.ni. mr.phyu broke his promise and married ms.wah. Question: what kind of remedies should ms.ni ask from mr.phyu?



mr.wah promised to sell a plot of land to mr.mae forh 100 lakhs. mr.wah broke his promise and sold the plot of land to mr.ni for 700 lakhs. Question: what kind of remedies should mr.mae ask from mr.wah?


ျဖျဖေကာသနးသည ကတေဖာကဖက၍ ထေန႔တြင သေဌးတစဥး၏ ေျမးေမြးေန႔တြင သြားေရာကသဆရနကပသနး(၅ဝဝ)ျဖငလကခလကသည။


Singer phyu phyu kyaw thein promised lawyer u tun kyi to sing at his 40th birthday celebration for 150 lakhs. phyu phyu kyaw thein broke her promise and sang at a tycoon’s grandson’s Birthday that day for 500 lakhs. Question: what kind of remedies should u tun kyi ask from phyu phyu kyaw thein?

Page 14: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.2: Civil law: inheritance law and equality for womenတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမားသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ

SeSSioN 9.2: Civil law: iNHeRiTaNCe law aNd eQualiTY FoR woMaNအခနး၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမးသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ

Purpose of Session: to learn aspects of myanmar inheritance law in the context of rule of law principles, focusing on the disparate impact on different children and different religious or ethnic minorities.အစအစဥရညရြယခက-မတကြျပားေသာဘာသာေရးလနညးစ၊တငးရငးသားလနညးစနငအေျခအေနမတညေသာကေလးမားအေပၚကြျပားျခားနားစြာသကေရာကမႈကအဓကထား၍တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသေဘာတရားမားမျမနမာနငငအေမြဥပေဒ၏အခကအလက မားကေလလာရန။

outcomes, Skills and Methodologiesရလဒမား၊ကၽြမးကငမႈမားနငသငၾကားနညးနညးပညာမား

outcomes: ရလဒမား

as a result of this session participants will be able to:

• explain sources of family law, the site of inheritance rules in customary law, in myanmar

• identify rule of law principles in myanmar family law traditions, practices, and provisions

• Debate a proposed amendment to an existing law


• ျမနမာႏငငတြငရေသာ မသားစဥပေဒ အရငးအျမစမား၊ ျမနမာဓေလထးတမးဥပေဒ၏ အေမြဆကခမႈစညးမဥးမား၏တညေနရာကရငးျပႏငမည။

• ျမနမာႏငငရ မသားစဥပေဒထမ တရားဥပေဒအေျခခစးမးေရးမမား ဓေလထးတမးမား ကငစဥမားနငျပဌာနးခကမားကရာေဖြေဖာထတႏငမည။

• ဥပေဒကျပငဆငရန စကားရညလ ျငငးခေဆြးေႏြးႏငမည။

Skills: အရညအခငးမား

in this session participants will practice the following skills:

• listening• Cooperation• persuasion• analysis• advocacy


• နားေထာငတတျခငး• ပးေပါငးပါဝငေဆာငရြကျခငး• စညးရးသမးသြငးေျပာဆျခငး• ခြျခမးစပျဖာသးသပျခငး• ဥပေဒေရးရာအေရးဆတငျပျခငး

Page 15: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.2: Civil law: inheritance law and equality for womenတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမားသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ

Methodologies: သငၾကားနညးနညးပညာမားin this session participants will practice the following training methodologies:

• Brainstorming• analyzing law• take a Stand• think-pair-share• pReS


• ႀကတငၾကဆေတြးေတာျခငး• ဥပေဒအားခြျခမးစတျဖာသးသပျခငး• မမ၏ရပတညခကကေနရာယျခငး• စဥးစား-နစေယာကတတြေဆြးေႏြး-မေဝပါ• PRES

Rule of law Principlesတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးမမား

the following rule of law principles are relevant to this session:

• equality before the law• non-discrimination• non-arbitrariness• legal certainty• fairness

ေအာကေဖာျပပါ တရားဥပေဒ စးမးေရး စညးမဥးမားသည ဤအစအစဥနင စပဆငေသာ အရာမားျဖစ ၾကသည။

• တရားဥပေဒေရေမာကတြငတနးတညမမႈရျခငး

• ခြျခားဆကဆမႈမရျခငး• ဘကလကမႈမရျခငး• ဥပေဒအရတကမႈ• တရားမတမႈ


Materials: သငေထာကကပစၥညးမားfor this session you will need:

• whiteboard and pens• flipchart and pens• agree and Disagree Sign on paper• list of Rule of law principles displayed• Sticky note

ဤအစအစဥအတြကသငသညေအာကေဖာျပပါမားကလအပပါလမမည။• ဝႈကဘတႏငမာကာမား• စာရြကအၾကးႏငေဘာပငမား• စာရြကေပၚတြငေရးထားေသာ“သေဘာတပါသည”

ႏင“သေဘာမတပါ”သေကၤတႏစခ• ခငးကငးျပသထားမညတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရး

အေျခခသေဘာတရားမား• ကပခြာမတစ

Page 16: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


Handouts: ေဝငစာရြကမားin this session participants will use:

• 9.2.1 – myanmar Buddhist Customary inheritance law

• 9.2.2 – ethnic inheritance Customs


• ၉.၂.၁ ျမနမာဗဒၶဘာသာဓေလထးတမးမ အေမြဆကချခငး

• ၉.၂.၂ တငးရငးသားအေမြဆကဆျခငး ဓေလထးမား

oPeN SeSSioN (5 mins)

အဖြငအစအစဥ (၅မနစ)

introduce the session’s background and purpose.

Review lesson outcomes with the participants. write outcomes on flipchart paper or whiteboard and explain them. Discuss other announcements and concerns.



Review (5 mins)

ျပနလညသးသပျခငး (၅မနစ)

link the session outcomes to previous sessions and activities and relevant rule of law principles, including equality before the law (module 4.1).

သငတနးသားမားအားဤအစအစဥ၏ရလဒမားကတရားဥပေဒ ေရ ေမာကတြငတနးတညမမႈရျခငး (ေမာကး ၄.၁)ကထညသြငးစဥးစား၍ယခငအစအစဥမား၊ပတသကနးႏြယေသာတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရး၏အေျခခသေဘာတရားမား၊လႈပရားမႈမားနငခတဆကခငးပါ။

NoTeS FoR FaCiliTaToRS:

this module relates back to session 2.1, Sources of myanmar law, and module 4, equality Before the law and vulnerable populations. inheritance law in myanmar is governed by many different legal sources, including customary law, ethnic customs, and statutes applicable to Christians and muslims. the rules contained in some of these sources arguably conflict with equality before the law by giving preference to some groups over others. vulnerable groups, such as women, may be treated differently from men. in activity 2 and activity 3, participants will consider whether certain rules of inheritance law applicable in myanmar are consistent with equality before the law and substantive equality of vulnerable groups.

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.2: Civil law: inheritance law and equality for womenတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမားသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ

Page 17: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို



ဒေမာကးကအခနး၂.၁ျမနမာဥပေဒအရငးအျမစမား၊ေမာကး၄တရားဥပေဒေရေမာကတြငတနးတညမမႈရျခငး၊ထခကလြယေသာ လမား နငစပဆကသည။ ျမနမာနငင ၏အေမြဆကခမႈ ဥပေဒက ဓေလထးတမး ဥပေဒမား၊တငးရငးသားဓေလထးစမား၊ခရစယာန၊မြတစလငမားအတြကအကးဝငေသာဥပေဒမားအပါအဝငမားျပားလစြာေသာတရားဝင အရငးအျမစမားက ထနးခပသည။ အခ႕လအပစမားက တစျခားလမားထက အေရးေပးေသာေၾကာငအထကမာ ေဖာျပေသာအခ အရငးအျမစမားတြငပါဝငသည ဥပေဒမားမာတရားဥပေဒေရ႕ေမာကတြငတနးတညမမႈရျခငးဆေသာအခကနငကကညမႈမရေၾကာငးေတြ႕ရသည။အမးသမးကသအားနညးထခကလြယေသာလအပစမားကအမးသားမားနငခြျခားဆကဆခရသည။လႈပရားမႈ၂နင၃တြငသငတနးသားမားသညျမနမာနငငတြငကငသးေနေသာအေမြဆကခမႈ ဥပေဒ၏ စညးမဥးအခ႕သည တရားဥပေဒေရ႕ေမာကတြင တနးတညမမႈရျခငးဆေသာအခက၊ စာနာေထာကထားသငေသာသမား၏အေရးပါေသာတနးတညမမႈနငကကညမႈရမရစဥးစားသးသပရမည။

aCTiviTY 1: SouRCeS oF iNHeRiTaNCe law (15 mins)

လႈပရားမႈ၁။အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒ၏အရငးအျမစမား ၁၅မနစ

Purpose of activity: To help the participants learn to identify sources of inheritance lawလႈပရားမႈ၏ရညရြယခက-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒမား၏အရငးအျမစမားကသငတနးသားမားေဖာထတနားလညသရေစရနျဖစသည။

Methodology: Brainstormingအသးျပသညနညးလမး-ႀကတငၾကဆေတြးေတာျခငး

Handout(s): No handouts ေဝငစာရြကမား-ေဝငစာရြကမရပါ။

Materials: whiteboard and pensသငေထာကကပစၥညးမား-ဝႈကဘတနငေဘာပငမား


• ask participants to form pairs. then ask participant pairs to think about and then share their ideas about sources of family law in myanmar, in other words, where it comes from. 5 minutes.

• then ask one member of each participant team to come to the whiteboard and write one of their ideas regarding the sources of family law in myanmar. ask them to not list a source if it is already written on the board. 5 minutes.

• then ask to whom these laws from the listed sources apply to? if necessary, prompt responses by asking whether a listed source applies to everyone or just to certain groups

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.2: Civil law: inheritance law and equality for womenတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမားသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ

Page 18: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


of people, and what groups of people. also prepare to prompt responses by asking questions whether listed source apply to different religious or ethnic groups. 10 minutes.

• သငတနးသားမားက ၂ ေယာကခငးစတြၿပး ျမနမာ မသားစ ဥပေဒမား မညသညကဆငးသကလာသညကေဆြးေႏြးရနေျပာပါ။(၅မနစ)

• သငတနးသားမားက ဝႈကဘတေပၚတြင ၄ငးတ႔၏ ျမနမာ မသားစ ဥပေဒ ဇစျမစမား နင ပတသကေသာစတကးအႀကဉာဏမားက ေရးခငးပါ၊ ဝႈကဘတေပၚတြင ေရးၿပးသား ဥပေဒ ဇစျမစမားက ထပေရးမခငးပါႏင။(၅မနစ)

• ဝႈကဘတေပၚမာေရးထားေသာအရငးအျမစစာရငးထကဥပေဒေတြကဘယသေတြနငသကဆငသလဆတာသငတနးသားေတြက ေမးပါ။ လအပရင ဒ အရငးအျမစ စာရငးေတြက လအားလးက အကးဝငေစတာလား၊လအပစ တစခ က ပ အကး ဝငတာလား၊ ဒါဆရင ဘယ အပစလ ဆတာက ေမးျပး သငတနးသားေတြရထငျမငခကက ရယပါ။ ဒ အရငးအျမစ ေတြက မတညတ ဘာသာေရးအဖြ ေတြကပ အကး ဝငတာလား၊တငးရငးသား လမးစေတြက အကးဝငေစတာလား ေမးျခငးျဖင သငတနးသားမား၏ ထငျမငခက က ယဖ႔ျပငဆငပါ။(၁ဝမနစ)

NoTeS FoR FaCiliTaToRS:

Depending on the location, participants may easily or not identify that the different religious and ethnic groups have different laws. Be ready to encourage the conversation.

Some examples might be:

Customary law decided by court ruling. legislation (Christian marriage act, mahomedan law, adoption act, 2015 myanmar Buddhist women Special marriage law)Dhammathats, ancient myanmar language (pali) texts used for agreement – and apparently governing succession law ethnic Customs




foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.2: Civil law: inheritance law and equality for womenတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမားသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ

Page 19: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


aCTiviTY 2: ideNTiFYiNG Rule oF law PRiNCiPleS iN iNHeRiTaNCe law (20 mins)



Purpose of activity: To help participants learn to identify rule of law principles relevant to inheritance lawလႈပရားမႈ၏ရညရြယခက-အေမြဆကချခငးဥပေဒနငနးႏြယေသာတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသေဘာတရားမားကေဖာထတနားလညေစရနသငတနးသားမားကကညရနျဖစသည။

Methodology: analysing law သငၾကားနညးနညးပညာ-ဥပေဒအားခြျခမးစပျဖာသးသပျခငး

Handout: 9.2.1 – Myanmar Buddhist Customary inheritance law9.2.2 – ethnic Customs ေဝငစာရြက၉.၂.၁ျမနမာဗဒၶဘာသာဓေလထးမအေမြဆကချခငး၉.၂.၂တငးရငးသားမးႏြယစဓေလထးတမးမား

Materials: Noneသငေထာကကပစၥညးမား


• make small groups of four or five people, and distribute handouts 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 to all groups. ask them to read myanmar Buddhist Customary inheritance law and two or three ethnic inheritance Customs. assign participants the task of analyzing laws by using Rule of law principles. [or consider using the alternative activity explained in the notes for facilitators box below]. 5 minutes.

• write each Rule of law principle across the top of the whiteboard as if they were the top of a column extending vertically below them. ask participant teams to consider which Rule of law principles are not followed in the laws described in handout 9.2.1 and 9.2.2.

• then ask each participant team to write on a sticky note one Rule of law principle that is not followed in the laws described in handout 9.2.1 and 9.2.2. they then stick their note under the matching principle on the board. 5 minutes.

• after all teams have posted, the facilitator should rotate between teams asking each why they posted their note where they did, and asking for the reasons they used to reach this decision. facilitators should ask the next team to discuss a different note dealing with a

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.2: Civil law: inheritance law and equality for womenတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမားသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ

Page 20: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


different rule of law principle to avoid repeating responses. Continue this conversation until every team has had an opportunity to identify a different principle they used, and different reasons they used. other participants who are listening should raise 1 hand if they agree with the placement decision and reasons shared. they should raise two hands if they disagree. Disagreements should be explored, uncovering their underlying reasons, and discussion encouraged until it is time to move on to the next team’s next rule of law principle, placement decision, and supporting reasons. the facilitator should summarize the activity, and add principles participants did not mention and apply them appropriately. 10 minutes.

• သငတနးသားမားက ၄ေယာက သ႔မဟတ ၅ေယာက အပစငယမားဖြ႔ေစ၍ “ျမနမာဓေလထးတမးမအေမြဆကချခငး” စာရြကနင တငးရငးသားမးႏြယစဓေလထးတမးမားမ အေမြဆကချခငး ေဝငစာရြကမားကတစအပစလင မးႏြယစ နစစစသ႔မဟတ သးခစ ဖတခငးျပးလင တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရး အေျခခသေဘာတရားမားက အသးျပ၍ ၄ငးက ခြျခမးစပျဖာ သးသပခငးပါ။ (သ႔မဟတ ေအာကတြငျပထားေသာသငတနးနညးျပဆရာမားအတြကမတစမားတြငရငးျပထားသညအနကလႈပရားမႈတစခကသးပါ။)(၅မနစ)

• ဝႈကဘတ၏ အေပၚပငးတြင တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရး အေျခခသေဘာတရားမားက ေဒါငလက တစခစေရးပါ။ဤအေမြဆကချခငးဥပေဒတြငပါဝငသကေရာကမႈမရေသာတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသေဘာတရားမားကသငတနးသားမားအားစဥးစားခငးပါ။

• သငတနးသား အဖြ႕တစဖြ႕ခငးစက ဤအေမြဆကချခငးဥပေဒတြင ပါဝငသကေရာကမႈမရေသာ တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရး အေျခခသေဘာတရားတစခအား sticky note ေပၚတြင ေရးခငးပါ။ ျပးလငထ sticky note မားက၄ငးတ႔ႏင ကကညလကဖကမႈရေသာ ဝႈကဘတေပၚတြင ေရးထားသည တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရး အေျခခသေဘာတရားမားေအာကတြငကပခငးပါ။(၅မနစ)

• သငတနးဆရာမအဖြ႔တစဖြ႔ခငးအားအဘယေၾကာင၄ငးတ႔၏stickynoteမားကထေနရာတြငကပထားေၾကာငးေမးပါ။ ထငျမငခကမားက မထပေစရန မတညေသာ တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရး အေျခခသေဘာတရားမားနငသကဆငေသာတစျခားအဖြ႔၏မတစကအျခားေနာကတစဖြ႔အားေဆြးေႏြးေပးရနသငတနးနညးျပမတကတြနးသငသည။ ထအဖြ႔ အသးျပသည မတညေသာ အေျခခသေဘာတရား၊ အေၾကာငးျပခကမားက အဖြ႔တငးေဖာထတသရနားလညသညတငေအာငေဆြးေႏြးမႈကျပလပပါ။နားေထာငေနေသာအျခားသငတနးသားမားကဘာေၾကာငမတစက ဘယေနရာတြငကပရသညက ထအဖြ႔ကရငးျပေသာအခါ သေဘာတပါက လကတစဖကေထာငပါ။ သေဘာမတပါက လကနစဖကေထာငပါ။ အေျခခအေၾကာငးအခကအလကမားက ေဖာထတ၍သေဘာမတညမႈမားကထထဝငဝင ေဆြးေႏြးပါ။ ေနာကတစျခားတစဖြ႔ကအျခားတစဖြ႔၏တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသေဘာတရား၊ မတစကပရေသာေနရာရ႕ အေၾကာငးျပခကက ေဆြးေႏြးဖ႔ အခန ကသညတငေအာငယခေဆြးေႏြးမႈကဆကလကျပလပပါေစ။အားလးျပးဆးပါကသငတနးနညးျပမဒလႈပရားမႈကျခငသးသပျပပါ၊သငတနးသားမားမေျပာခေသာအေျခခသေဘာတရားမားကျဖညေပး၍၎သေဘာတရားမားကသငေတာစြာအသးချပပါ။

Closing activity: 5 Minutes

ask participants to remain in their pairs and call on pairs to response to one of the following questions. teams that had nothing new to say because they were called on near the end of the preceding activity should be engaged first here. proceed through these questions in the order they appear here.

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.2: Civil law: inheritance law and equality for womenတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမားသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ

Page 21: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


• what current impacts does inheritance law in myanmar have?• how can negative impacts be reduced?• Should everyone in myanmar be subject to the same family law including inheritance?

why or why not?

အပတလႈပရားမႈသငတနးသားမားက အတြအတငးရေစ၍ေအာကပါေမးခြနးမားကေျဖၾကားေစပါ။ အရငလႈပရားမႈျပးခါနးမ ေျဖၾကားရနေတာငးဆခရေသာအဖြ႔အား ယခလႈပရားမႈတြင ပထမဆးေျဖၾကားခြငရသငသည။ ေအာကပါေမးခြနးမားက အစဥလကေမးပါ။

• ျမနမာနငငအေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒတြငလကရအကးသကေရာကမႈေတြကဘာေတြလ။• အျပစေတြကဘယလေလာခနငမလ။• အေမြဆကခမႈအပါအဝင မသားစဥပေဒတစခတညးကပ ျမနမာနငငသားအားလး လကခသငသလား။ ဘာလ႔


NoTeS FoR FaCiliTaToRS

an alternative activity would be to divide the workshop into smaller groups and for participants to consider different inheritance laws applicable to Buddhists under Customary law (handout 9.2.1) and to other ethnic groups under the relevant customs (handout 9.2.2). give one group the Buddhist Customary law (handout 9.2.1) and the rest of the groups the relevant ethnic customs (handout 9.2.2). handout 9.2.2 summarizes 17 different ethnic customs; divide these 17 customs among the groups assigned to handout 9.2.2. all of the groups read their respective handouts for 10 minutes, and then create a chart of all of them on a white board or flipchart for 10 minutes.


တစျခား လပလ႔ရေသာလႈပရားမႈက သငတနးသားေတြက အပစ ငယေလးေတြ အျဖစခြလကပါ၊ သငတနးသားမားကမတညေသာ အေမြဆကချခငးဥပေဒမား ( ေဝငစာရြက ၉.၂.၁) ႏင (ေဝငစာရြက ၉.၂.၂) တြင ပါရေသာ အျခားတငးရငးသားမားႏင သကဆငသည အေမြဆကချခငးဆငရာ ဥပေဒမားက စဥးစားေလလာရန ၁ဝ မနစအခနေပးပါ။သငတနးသားမား၏ ေလလာမႈမားက ဝႈကဘတ (သ႔) စာရြကအၾကးေပၚတြင ဇယားတညေဆာကေစရန ၁ဝ မနစအခနေပးပါ။

aCTiviTY 3: iNHeRiTaNCe law – TaKe a STaNd/deBaTe (30 mins)

လႈပရားမႈ၃။အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒ-တစဘကဘကတြငရပတည၍စကားရညလျခငး။ ၃ဝမနစ

Purpose of activity: To encourage participants to think critically about the rules of inheritance lawလႈပရားမႈ၏ရညရြယခက-အေမြဆကချခငးဥပေဒ၏စညးမဥးမားကေဝဖနပငးျခားစြာစဥးစားနငရနသငတနးသားမားအားတကတြနးရနျဖစသည။

Methodology: Take a stand/debateသငၾကားနညးနညးပညာ-တစဘကဘကတြငရပတည၍စကားရညလျခငး

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.2: Civil law: inheritance law and equality for womenတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမားသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ

Page 22: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


Purpose of activity: To encourage participants to think critically about the rules of inheritance lawလႈပရားမႈ၏ရညရြယခက-အေမြဆကချခငးဥပေဒ၏စညးမဥးမားကေဝဖနပငးျခားစြာစဥးစားနငရနသငတနးသားမားအားတကတြနးရနျဖစသည။

Methodology: Take a stand/debateသငၾကားနညးနညးပညာ-တစဘကဘကတြငရပတည၍စကားရညလျခငး

Handout(s): No handouts ေဝငစာရြကမား-ေဝငစာရြကမရပါ။

Materials: agree and disagree Signsသငေထာကကပစၥညးမား-သေဘာတမႈ၊သေဘာမတမႈသေကၤတ

all children should have the same equal rights of inheritance


• facilitator writes above statement on a white board or flipchart paper that is then posted. installs an agree sign in one end of the room and a Disagree sign in the opposite end of room.

• ask participants whether they agree, disagree or do not have a definite opinion but are in the middle and agree a little and disagree a little. ask participants to move to the position in the room that meets with their opinion. participants who agree move to the side of the room next to the agree sign. participants who disagree move to the opposite side of the room next to the disagree sign. participants who do not have a clear opinion, perhaps because they agree with parts and disagree with parts, should move to the middle of the room. 5 minutes.

• Convert each gathering of people at opposite ends of the room and in the middle to a “small ‘group. each small group then has 5 minutes to discuss their reasons for their position. if everyone in the group agrees on the same reasons, the group then has 5 minutes to formulate an argument using the pReS method. if some people disagree with the reasons, they form a new group and formulate their own reasons.

• each group then selects one person to present the group’s argument using the pReS method. Because of time limitations, the presenter should cover no more than two of the group’s strongest arguments. 10 minutes.

o Remind participants of the four steps in the pReS method:o p State your point of view

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.2: Civil law: inheritance law and equality for womenတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမားသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ

Page 23: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


o R give one reason for your point of viewo e give an example to clarify your reasono S Summarize your point of view.

• the other groups must listen carefully to each group’s argument. once every group has presented, all groups now have 5 minutes to discuss in the group on how to respond to the other group (using the pReS method).

• each group then selects one person (someone other than the original presenter) to present the group’s response (using the pReS method). this response may include no more than 2 of the group’s strong arguments. 10 minutes.

• facilitator informs participants they can change position after the first round of arguments or after the round of response arguments if they have been persuaded by a reason given by one of the other groups. persons who change positions may not try to take over their new group’s discussions and decisions so no side-switching as an undercutting tactic is permitted,


• သငတနးနညးျပသည အထကပါအဆက ဝႈကဘတ (သ႔) စာရြကအၾကးေပၚတြငေရး၍ နရမာကပပါ။“သေဘာတပါသည” ႏင “သေဘာမတပါ”ဟေသာ စာရြကႏစခကသငတနးခနးမ၏တစဘကတစခကစတြငလညးကပပါ။

• သငတနးသားမားကသေဘာတ/မတ (သ႔မဟတ)တကေသာသေဘာထားမရဘအနညးငယစသေဘာတ/မတ ၄ငးတ႔၏ အျမငမားကေမးၿပး ၄ငးတ႔ဆႏၵႏငကကညေသာ သကဆငရာ ေနရာမားတြင ရပခငးပါ။သေဘာတေသာသငတနးသားမားသည“သေဘာတပါသည”ဟေသာသေကၤတရေသာဘကတြငေနရာယ၍သေဘာမတေသာ သငတနးသားမားသည “သေဘာမတပါ” ဟေသာ သေကၤတရေသာအခနး၏ တဘကသ႔ေနရာယရမည။တစစတတစပငးသေဘာတတယ၊တစစတတစပငးလညးသေဘာမတေသာေၾကာငတတကကအျမငမေပးနငေသာသငတနးသားမားသညအခနး၏အလယတြငေနရာယသငသည။(၅-မနစ)

• အခနး၏ တစဖကတစခက၌ ရေသာလမားနင အလယတြငရပေနေသာလမားက အဖြ႔ငယေလးမားအျဖစခြလကပါ။အဖြ႔တငးသညအဖြ႔ထတြငမမတ႔၏ေစာေစာကအခနးထတြငေရြးျခယခေသာရပတညမႈအေနအထားက ေဆြးေႏြးရနအခန ၅ မနစရပါသည။အကယ၍အဖြ႔အတြငးမလတငးသညရပတညမႈအတြကတညေသာအေၾကာငးျပခကရပါက ထအဖြ႔သည PRES နညးလမးကအသးျပျပး မမရပတညခကက အကးသငအေၾကာငးသင ေဆြးေႏြးရန အခန ၅ မနစအတြငး ျပငဆငပါ။ အေၾကာငးျပခကမားက အခ႕သမားကသေဘာမတလငထသမားသညအဖြ႔သပသပဖြ႔ျပးမမတ႔အဖြ႔အတြကအေၾကာငးျပခကမားကျပငဆငရမည။

• အဖြ႔တငးသည pReS နညးလမးက အသးျပ၍ အဖြ႔၏အေၾကာငးျပခကက တငျပရန အဖြ႔ဝငတစေယာကကေရြးခယရမည။ အခနအကန႔အသတ ရေသာေၾကာင တငျပသသည အဖြ႔၏ အခငမာဆး အေၾကာငးျပခက ၂ခကထကပ၍မေျပာသငပါ။(၁ဝမနစ)

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.2: Civil law: inheritance law and equality for womenတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမားသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ

Page 24: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


o သငတနးသားမားကpReSနညးလမး၏အဆင၄ဆငကသရရနျပနလညေျပာျပပါ။o pသငရပတညခက/ထငျမငခကကေဖာျပပါ။o Rမမ၏ရပတညခက/ထငျမငခကအတြကအေၾကာငးျပခကတစခေပးပါ။o eမမ၏အေၾကာငးျပခကကရငးလငးေစရနဥပမာတစခေပးပါ။o Sမမ၏ရပတညခက/ထငျမငခကကအကဥးခပပါ။

• တစဖြ႔စ၏ တငျပေျပာဆခကမားက အျခားအဖြ႔မားက ေသခာစြာ နားေထာငရမည။ အဖြ႔တငး၏ တငျပခကျပးဆးသြားလင အျခားအဖြ႔မား၏ တငျပခကမားက pReS နညးလမး အသးျပျပး မညကသ႔ တ႔ျပနမညကေဆြးေႏြးတငပငရနအဖြ႔တငးကအခန၅မနစေပးပါ။

• ျပးလငတစဖြ႔ခငးစမယခငကမတငျပဖးေသးသတစေယာကကေရြးခယျပးPRESနညးလမးကအသးျပကာမမတ႔အဖြ႔၏နစခထကမပေသာခငမာသညတ႔ျပနခကမားကတငျပေျပာဆပါ။(၁ဝမနစ)

• အျခားအဖြ႔မား၏ တငျပခကမား (သ႔) တန႔ျပနခကမားက နားေထာငျပး ၄ငးတ႔၏ တငျပေျပာဆခကမားကလကခကာ မမ၏ရပတညမႈ အေနအထားက ေျပာငးလပါက ေျပာငးႏငေၾကာငး သငတနးဆရာမသငတနးသားမားကအသေပးပါ။တစျခားအဖြ႔ကထခကေစေသာနညးလမးျဖစသညဘကေျပာငးျခငးကခြငမျပေသာေၾကာင ရပတညခက ေျပာငးေသာသ သည၎ ေျပာငးသြားေသာအပစ အသစ၏ ေဆြးေႏြးမႈမား၊ဆးျဖတခကမားကမထနးခပသငပါ။

SuMMaRY aNd evaluaTioN (15 mins)

အကဥးခပႏငသးသပျခငး ၁၅မနစ

ask participants to form pairs. assign each pair to prepare responses to the set of two questions assigned to them. also ask each participant to write on a piece of paper three important things that they learned during this session and one thing about which they either are confused or would like to know more. participants should write these brief learning reflections using only one or a few words, not complete sentences, to express each item. encourage pair members to discuss their individual learning reflections with each other. Rotate assigning pairs to develop responses to the following sets of two questions:

• why is inheritance law necessary for our society? anD

• how can we make myanmar inheritance law more consistent with rule of law principles,


• Can we reconcile rule of law principles with a multi-cultural society that honors many religious traditions affecting inheritance within families, anD

• how would we do so in myanmar and what means would we use?

ask participant teams to report one item on their list of response and then move to the next pair working on the same item. move through each pair working with these questions until

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.2: Civil law: inheritance law and equality for womenတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမားသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ

Page 25: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


all responses are listed, and encourage all speakers not to repeat something already said. ask participant teams who are listening to respond to points by raising one hand if they agree and two if they disagree. explore disagreements by learning underlying reasons and exercise judgment regarding whether available time permits further discussion. move to participant pairs assigned to the second question set and repeat this process. Collect the written documents the pairs prepared at the end of this activity and review them after class when you have time to do so.

သငတနးသားမားကအတြတြရနေျပာ၍ကညျပးတြေပးပါ။အတြတစတြစကႏစခတြေမးခြနးတစခစေပး၍ထငျမငခကေပးရန ျပငဆငေစပါ။သငတနးသားတစေယာကခငးစကဤသငခနးစာအတြငး မမတ႔သငယခေသာအေရးၾကးဆးအခက၃ခကနငမမတ႔ရငးရငးလငးလငးမသေသာ(သ႔)ပ၍ထထဝငဝငသခငေသာအခက၁ခကကစာရြကေပၚတြငေရးေစပါ။သငတနးသားမားသညအေၾကာငးအရာတစချခငးစက ရငးလငးစြာေဖာျပနငရနဤသငခနးစာသငယခ မႈအေပၚသးသပခကမားကစာေၾကာငးအျပညအစမသးဘစာလးတစလး(သ႔)စာလးအနညးငယသး၍ေရးျပသငသည။သငတနးသားမားက သငတနးနင ပတသတေသာ ကယပင ထငျမငခကမားက တစဥးနငတစဥး ေဆြးေႏြး ဖလယရနတကတြနးပါ။ေအာကပါေမးခြနးနစစနငပတသက၍ထငျမငခကမားေပးေစရနအတြတငးကတာဝနေပးပါ။

• ကၽြနပတ႔လ႔အဖြ႔အစညးအတြကအေမြဆကချခငးဥပေဒကလအပတယလ႔သငဘာေၾကာငထငတာလ။

• ျမနမာနငင၏ အေမြဆကချခငး ဥပေဒက တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရး အေျခခသေဘာတရားမား နင ကကညေအာငမညသ႔ေဆာငရြကနငမညနညး။


• မသားစမားအတြငးအေမြဆကခမႈကအကးသကေရာကေသာဘာသာေရးထးတမးဓေလမားကအသအမတျပသည ယဥေကးမႈေပါငးစေသာ လ႔အဖြ႔အစညးနင တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရး အေျခခသေဘာတရားမားကကကညမႈရေစရနဘယလညနႈငးအေျဖရာနငမညလ။

• ဒါဆရငျမနမာနငငမာကၽြနေတာတ႔ဘယလေဆာငရြကၾကမလ၊ဘယနညးလမးေတြကအသးျပၾကမလ။

၎တ႔ေရြးျခယေသာေမးခြနးအေပၚ၎တ႔၏ထငျမငခကမားထမထငျမငခကတစခကသငတနးသားအတြမားအားတငျပခငးပါ။ ထထငျမငခကကပ ေနာကတစဖြ႔အားတငျပခငးပါ။ သငတနးသားမား၏ ထငျမငခကအားလးရသညတငေအာင ေမးခြနးမားကအဖြ႔မားအားေျဖဆေစပါ။ ေျပာျပးသားထငျမငခကမားက မထပေစရန ဂရစကပါ။သေဘာတလင လကတစဖက၊ သေဘာမတလင လကနစဖက ေထာငျခငးအားျဖင နားေထာငေနေသာသငတနးသားမားက၎တ႔၏ကယပငထငျမငခကမားေျပာဆေစရနတကတြနးပါ။အဓကအေၾကာငးျပခကမားကေဆြးေႏြးျခငးအားျဖငသေဘာမတညမႈမားကထထဝငဝင ေလလာေစပါ၊ထပေဆြးေႏြးရနအခန ရမရဆးျဖတပါ။ဒတယေမးခြနးတစစကေရြးျခယထားေသာအဖြ႔မားကအထကပါလပငနးစဥအတငးလပေဆာငေစပါ။ဤလႈပရားမႈအျပးတြငသငတနးသားအဖြ႔မားျပငဆငခေသာစာရြကစာတမးမားကသမးယပါ၊ထစာရြကမားကျပနလညသးသပဖ႔အခနရပါကျပနလညသးသပပါ။

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.2: Civil law: inheritance law and equality for womenတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၂:တရားမဥပေဒ-အေမြဆကခမႈဥပေဒနငအမားသမးမားအတြကတနးတညမမႈ

Page 26: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.2.1: myanmar Buddhist Customary inheritance lawတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၂.၁ျမနမာဗဒၶဘာသာဓေလထးတမးဥပေဒအရအေမြဆကချခငးဥပေဒ





မဘႏစပါးအနက တစဥးေသဆး၍ ၾသရသတစဥးတညးသာလင ကနရစသ မဘထမ အေမြေတာငးဆပငခြင ရသည။ကန႒သားသမးမားကအေမြေတာငးဆပငခြငမရ။

မဘႏစပါးအနက တစဥးေသဆး၍ ကနရစသ မဘက ေနာကအမေထာငျပေသာအခါ သားသမးမားသည မဘႏစပါး၏ပစၥညးမားနကတစဝကကေတာငးခြငရသည။ကနတစဝကကကနရစသမဘရသည။သားသမးမား၏ေဝစမာၾသရသႏငအႀကးဆး သားသမးအတြက ေလးပတစပ ကနသားသမးအတြကကနရေသာ ေလးပတစပက ညတညမ ေဝယပငခြငရသည။

မဘၾသဇာမနာခ၊ေတာလနၿပးရနသသဖြယကငသညသားသမးကသြာႏတ(ေခြးႏငတေသာသားသမး)ဟေခၚသည။၄ငးတ႔သညသားသမး၏ကငဝတပကျပားသညျဖစရာမဘအေမြမဆကခႏငေပ။သားသမးကသြာႏတဟ၍မဘတ႔ကအေမြျဖတပငခြင မရ။သြာႏတျဖစမျဖစမာသားသမးတ႔၏အျပအမေပၚတြငသာမတည၍တရား႐းကဆးျဖတရသည။သြာႏတျဖစေသာသားသမးတ႔ကမဘတ႔ခြငလႊတပါကအေမြခခြငရသည။

Myanmar Buddhist Customary inheritance law

myanmar Buddhist Children have no interest in the property of their parents while both father and mother are alive.

under myanmar Customary law, orasa (oldest son or daughter) has a right to a fourth share of the estate. the rest of the children have a right to a fourth share after orasa.

manugye Dhammathat lays down that “children who disobey their parents, who are accustomed to abuse and strike them, shall have no share in their inheritance.” these children are called as Swanuttta (dog sons or daughters).

when a son enters the Buddhist priesthood with intention to dedicate his life to the order, he leaves the lay life behind, and loses the right to inherit.

Page 27: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.2.2: ethnic group inheritance Customs တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၂.၂လမးစမား၏အေမြဆကချခငးဓေလထးစ


ethnic Group inheritance Customsစေကာကရင

ဖာပြနနယစေဝာ(စေကာ)ကရငအမးသားမားသညအေမြခြေဝရာတြငသားမားအားေရႊ႕ေျပာငးႏငေသာပစၥညးမားကေပး၍သမးမားအားမေရႊ႕ေျပာငးႏငေသာပစၥညးမားကေပးေလရသည။ပစအားျဖငဆငရလငသားေယာကားမားအားေပး၍လယယာ၊ ကြမးသးၿခ၊ အနးၿခမားက သမးတ႔အား ေပးေလရသည။ ေၾကးေငြတ႔က ညတညမ ခြေဝေပးေလ ရသည။အထးသျဖငသားေထြး၊သမးေထြးမားအားပ၍ေပးတတသည။

Sakaw Kayin

when Sakaw kayin from pharpon township divide an inheritance, there is a tradition that sons are given movable properties and daughters are given immovable properties. this means that sons are given elephants while daughter are given fields, betel orchards and coconut orchards. money is shared equally. however, the youngest sons and daughters are given more money.


ေသသ၏ ပစၥညးမားက အေမြခြေဝေပးရာတြင ေသသသည ေသတမးစာသေဘာ မမမေသမ ကြငးကနရစသညမမပင ပစၥညးမားႏင ပတသက၍ ဆႏၵေပးသြားႏငသည။ ေသသ၏ သေဘာဆႏၵက သရပါက ရပရြာလႀကးမားသညလကလေဆာငရြကေပးတတသည။ေသဆးသ၏ေကးဇးခမားကလညးခြေဝေပးေလရၾကသည။

Poe Kayin

any person can prepare a will before he dies. in the will, he can indicate to whom he wants to give his property. if the deceased person’s wishes are known in advance, the head of the village will carry it out.


႐းရာအရသားအႀကးဆးသညအဖအ႐ကအရာခရသည။သ႔ေသာသားမရကသမးအႀကးကအ႐ကအရာခႏငသည။အေမြခြေဝရာတြင ပေသမရ၊ မဘမား သေဘာအတငး ျဖစသည။ သမးေထြးက ပခစတတသျဖင အေမြ ပေပးေလရတတသည။


according to tradition, the eldest son takes on the role of father. however, if there is no son, the eldest daughter takes on that role. there is no exact method to share the inheritance. it can be shared by the parents’ wish. as the parents often love the youngest daughter, they may give her a larger inheritance.

Page 28: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို



ထးစအရသားအႀကးဆးသညအဖအ႐ကအရာခရေသာလညးသားမရလငသမးအႀကးဆးလညးအလားတအခြငအေရးရသည။ အေမြ ဆကခရာတြင မဘတ႔၏ သေဘာအတငး ျဖစသည။ သားေထြး၊ သမးေထြးက အခစဆးအေနႏငပေပးေလရသည။

Gon (Khon)

according to tradition, even though the eldest son takes the role of father, if there is no son, the eldest daughter is given the same opportunity. the distribution of the inheritance is done in accordance with the wishes of the parents. the youngest son and daughter may receive the greatest share.


သားႀကး သမးႀကးတ႔က မဘ အ႐ကအရာက ခယၾကသည။ အေမြခြေဝရာတြင မဘသေဘာတခ ျဖစသည။ သားႀကးသမးႀကးတ႔ အမေထာငျပသြားလင အမေထာငခြေနသညႏင အေမြခြေပးလကသည။ သ႔ေသာ မဘေသဆးသြားပါကအတေနသ၊ျပစသတ႔ကအေမြပရသည။တကစြာလကနာရမညအေမြခြမႈစညးကမးဟ၍မရေခ။


the eldest son and daughter take the role of parents. the division of the inheritance is in accordance with the wishes of the parents. if the eldest son and daughter are married and live separate from their parents, they still receive their share. however, if the parents die, those who live with and take of the parents receive a larger share. there are no exact rules to follow for sharing inheritance.


မဘအ႐ကအရာကသားႀကးသမးႀကးတ႔ကဆကခႏငသည။ကား၊မခြျခားမႈမရေခ။သားသမးမားမရပါကအမေထာငစရဥးေလး၊ဥးႀကး၊တသားမားကဆကခႏငသည။အေမြမားကမဘသေဘာအတငးခြေဝေပးႏငသည။အမေထာငခြမားမာလကထပစဥကမဘေပးလကသညပစၥညးမားသာရၾကသည။အမေထာငခြထြကသြားၿပးေနာကလးဝမသကဆငေတာေပ။မဘႏငအတေနၿပး ေကာငးတဆးဖက ျပစသ၌သာ အေမြပစၥညးအမားစကေသာလညးေကာငး၊ အားလးကေသာလညးေကာငးရပငခြငရသည။

Yin Nat and Yin Kyar

the eldest son and daughter take on the role of parents. there is no gender discrimination. if there are no children, the married younger uncle, elder under and nephew take on this role. parents can divide their inheritance as they wish. married children who live separately from their parents receive only the share that they received when they got married. after living separately from their parents, the inheritance is no longer their concern. only the children who remain with their parents through good or bad times and take care of their parents have the opportunity to share the inheritance.

foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.2.2: ethnic group inheritance Customs တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၂.၂လမးစမား၏အေမြဆကချခငးဓေလထးစ

Page 29: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို



အ႐ကအရာခယရာတြင သားႀကး၌ တာဝနရသည။ သားႀကးမရက သမးႀကး သ႔မဟတ တ တမမားက ခယႏငသည။ကား၊မခြျခားမႈမရ။အေမြဆကခရာတြငလညးျမနမာနညးကလကသည။ဗဒၶဘာသာဓမၼသတထးကအသးျပသည။


the eldest son has the responsibility for taking the role of his parents. if there is no eldest son, the eldest daughter, niece or nephew takes on that role. there is no gender discrimination. they follow myanmar tradition for sharing inheritance, specifically the Buddhist Dhamasatt.




the eldest son takes on the role/responsibility of the parents. if there is no eldest son, nephews, uncles and brothers take that role/responsibility. the inheritance can be given in accordance with the wishes of the parents.


သားႀကး သမးႀကးမားက အ႐ကအရာ ဆကခသည။ ကား၊ မ ခြျခားမႈ မရ။ အေမြ ခြေဝရာတြင အမ၌ အတေနသႏငအမခြေနသတ႔အေမြရျခငးမတၾက။အတေနသမားကအေမြပရထကသညဟယဆသည။


the eldest son takes on the role/responsibility of the parents. there is no gender discrimination. the children who live with their parents and those do not live with their parents do not receive an equal share of the inheritance. those who live with their parents receive a larger inheritance.


အဖအ႐ကအရာကသားႀကးကဆကခရသည။အေမြကလညးသားေယာကားမားကသာဆကခခြငရသည။မနးမမားမာလးဝ အ႐ကအရာ ခယခြင၊ အေမြခစားခြင မရၾက။ မနးမမားသည အမေထာငျပလင ခငပြနးေနာကသ႔ လကရသျဖငတစမးဟသေဘာထားသည။


the eldest son takes the role/responsibility of parents. only the sons have an opportunity to receive an inheritance. there is no opportunity for women to take the role/responsibility of parents

foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.2.2: ethnic group inheritance Customs တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၂.၂လမးစမား၏အေမြဆကချခငးဓေလထးစ

Page 30: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို



မဘအ႐ကအရာက သားႀကးက ဆကခရသည။ သားႀကးမရက တ၊ ည၊ ဥးေလး၊ ဥးႀကး စေသာ အမေထာငစရေသာေယာကားမားကသာ အ႐ကအရာ ခယခြင ရသည။ မနးမမားက အ႐ကအရာ ခယခြင လးဝမရ။ မး႐းအႏြယဆကမာေယာကားဖကမသာဆငးသကသည။မနးမမာလငေယာကားဖကသ႔လကရသည။သားေယာကားမရဘသမးမနးမသာေမြးေသာအမေထာငစတြငတမား၊ညမားကအေမြခယရသည။


the eldest son takes the role/responsibility of parents. if there is no eldest son, men from the household such as: nephew, younger brother, younger uncle, elder uncle have to take the role/responsibility of the parents. women are not allowed to take that role/responsibility. the Surname is descendent only from the husband’s side. the wife have to take the surname of the husband side. in the family which has no sons, but only the daughters, the nephews, younger brothers have to take the inheritance.


အ႐ကအရာကသားအႀကးမားကခယရသည။ မရလငတ၊ည၊ ဥးေလးစေသာေဆြးမးထမ ေယာကားကသာခယခြငရသည။အေမြခြရာတြင မဘသေဘာအတငး ခြေဝႏငသည။မဘႏငအသကထကဆးေနေသာသားသမးမားသ႔မဟတေသဆးစဥကအတရသမားကအေမြအမားဆးေပးေလရသည။


only the eldest sons have to take the role/responsibility of the parents. if there are no sons, only the men from the family, such as nephews, younger brothers, and uncles, have the right to take on the role/responsibility of the parents. they usually give most part of the properties (inheritance) to those sons and daughters who stayed with the parents for their whole lifetime, or to those sons and daughters who stay beside parents during their death.




the eldest son takes the role of the parents. if there is no eldest son in the family, nephews, brothers and uncles take on this role. as the wives come from other families, they are not allowed to take on a significant role in the family. parents can give their inheritance as they like.

foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.2.2: ethnic group inheritance Customs တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၂.၂လမးစမား၏အေမြဆကချခငးဓေလထးစ

Page 31: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.2.2: ethnic group inheritance Customs တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၂.၂လမးစမား၏အေမြဆကချခငးဓေလထးစ



lwel la

the eldest son takes the role of the parents. if there is no eldest son in the family, nephews, brothers and uncles take on this role. parents can give their inheritance as they like.


ဆးယငးခငးလမးမားသညမယားႀကး၏သားအငယဆးေယာကားေလးကသာသခင၏အေမြကခရေလစၿမရေလသည။မဘအေမြခထကေသာ သားအေထြးဆးသည မမသေဘာျဖင မဘအမမ ခြထြက၍ အမသစ အးသစျဖငေနလငမဘအေမြပငဆငမႈကထးစဓေလအရရပစျခငးခရၿပးဒတယသားေထြးကလကခေလရသည။

Seeyinn Chin

only the youngest son of the first wife can receive an inheritance from the master/father. if the youngest son who has the right to get the inheritance lives separately from the parents, the tradition of giving inheritance to the youngest son is ceased and the second youngest son accepts the inheritance.


မဘႏစပါးစလး ကြယလြနသြားလင သားသမးမားထမ အႀကးဆး ကနရစသက အမေထာငတခက အပထနးမညျဖစသည။မသားစတခ၌ဇနးကြယလြနသြားလငသမ၏ပါရငးပစၥညးမားကသမ၏မဘေတြကပငသမးယမညျဖစသည။လကထကပြားပစၥညးတ႔ကမကား သားသမးတ႔က ေပးေဝရမည ျဖစသည။ အမကမကား သားေယာကားအႀကးဆးကပငဆငသည။ သားေယာကားမရဘ မဘတ႔ ကြယလြနခလင ထအမက ဖခင၏ ေဆြမးမားကသာသမးပကလကမညျဖစေပသည။

Nauntor Naga

when the parents die, the eldest son takes the role/responsibility for the whole household. in a family, if the wife passes away, the property that she brought when she married is given to by her parents. for the property that is developed during the marriage, the inheritance will be shared with the children. the home will be given to the eldest son. if the parents die, but don’t have a son, the home will be given to the relatives from the father side.


ကယားအမးသားတ႔သည အေမြဆကခေရးႏင ပတသက၍ ေသတမးစာ ေရးထားေလ မရေခ။ သ႔ရာတြင ယငးတ႔၏ဓေလထးစအရအေမြခြေဝရာတြငသားသမးအေထြးဆးကအေမြကပရၿပးကနသားသမးတ႔ကညတညမခြေဝယၾကရသည။

Page 32: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို



kaya does not have the tradition of writing wills. however, according to their tradition of sharing inheritance, the youngest daughter receives a larger share and the rest of the sons and daughters share equally.


ယငးတလ အမးသားတ႔၏ ႐းရာဓေလအရ အေမြ ခြေဝရာတြင မဘမား ကြယလြန၍ ကနရစခေသာ ပစၥညးမားကအႀကးဆးႏငအငယဆးကပ၍ရရၾကသည။

Yintaleaccording to the yintale’s tradition, when the parents die, the eldest and the youngest receive a larger share.

foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.2.2: ethnic group inheritance Customs တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၂.၂လမးစမား၏အေမြဆကချခငးဓေလထးစ

Page 33: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

SeSSioN 9.3: Civil law: TaKiNG a loaN CaSe To CouRTအစအစဥ၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

Purpose of Session: to introduce participants to the procedures and skills involved in analyzing civil law cases.အစအစဥ၏ရညရြယခက-သငတနးသားမားအားတရားမဥပေဒတြငပါဝငသညလပထးလပနညးမားနငအတတပညာမားကမတဆကေပးျခငး။

outcomes, Skills and Methodologiesေမာမနးရလဒ၊ကၽြမးကငမႈမားနငသငၾကားနညးနညးပညာမား

outcomes: ေမာမနးရလဒas a result of this session participants will be able to:

• understand the stages of a civil law trial

• explain the procedural rules for civil law cases

• understand what is involved in analyzing and questioning factual evidence

• understand the rules concerning admissibility of evidence


• တရားမဥပေဒ စစေဆးစရငျခငး၏ အဆငမားကနားလညလာပါလမမည။

• တရားမ အမႈမားအတြက လပထး၊ လပနညးစညးကမးမားကရငးျပႏငပါလမမည။

• အေၾကာငးျခငးရာဆငရာ သကေသခခက ႏငပတသကေသာ ခြျခမးစတျဖာျခငးႏင ေမးျမနးျခငးတ႔တြင ပါဝငေသာ အရာမားက နားလညလာပါလမမည။

• လကခခြငျပေသာ သကေသႏင ပတသက၍စညးမဥးမားကနားလညလာပါလမမည။

Skills: အရညအခငးမားin this session participants will practice the following skills:

• listening• persuasion• Strategizing• analysis• advocacy


• နားေထာငစြမးရည• ကယဘကပါေအာငစညး႐းေရးစြမးရည• နညးဗဟာ• ခြျခမးစတျဖာမႈစြမးရည• ေရ႕ေနပညာ

Methodologies: နညးနာမားin this session you will practice the following training methodologies:

• Ranking• Case study• Document analysis• think-pair-share


• အဆငသတမတျခငး• အမႈကေလလာျခငး• စာရြကစာတမးမားဆနးစစျခငး• စဥးစား၊နစေယာကတစတြေဆြးေႏြး၊ေဝမပါ

Page 34: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


Rule of law Principlesတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးမမား

the following rule of law principles are relevant to this session:

• access to Justice• legal certainty


• တရားမတမႈရပငခြင• ဥပေဒအရတာဝနခႏငမႈ


Materials: လအပေသာျပငဆငမႈႏငပစၥညးမား

for this session you will need:

• whiteboard / flip Chart• Chalk/marker pens• pencils/paper for groups

• ဝႈကဘတ/စာရြကႀကး• ေျမျဖ/မာကာ• အပစမားအတြကခတ/စာရြကမား

Handouts: ေဝေပးမညစာရြကမားin this session participants will use:

• 9.3.1 – Civil law Ranking exercise • 9.3.2 – Case Scenario• 9.3.3 – win aung’s Statement• 9.3.4 – Saint Zarni’s Statement


• ၉.၃.၁-တရားမမႈအဆငသတမတခက ေလကငခနးစာရြကမား

• ၉.၃.၂အမႈကေလလာျခငး• ၉.၃.၃ဝငးေအာင၏ထြကဆခက• ၉.၃.၄စနဇာနည၏ထြကဆခက

oPeN SeSSioN (5 mins)အဖြငအစအစဥ (၅မနစ)

introduce the session’s background and purpose.Review lesson outcomes with the participants. write outcomes on flipchart paper or whiteboard and explain them. Discuss other announcements and concerns.


foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

Page 35: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


Review (5 mins)

ျပနလညသးသပျခငး (၅မနစ)

ask participants to quickly pair and agree upon one thing they learned in module 6.2, evidence. Randomly pick a few pairs to report on what they remember. link the session outcomes to previous sessions and activities and relevant rule of law principles including independent and impartial adjudication.

သငတနးသားမားကျမနျမနဆနဆနတြခငး၍ေမာကး၆.၂(သကေသ)တြငသငယခၿပးျဖစေသာအေၾကာငးအရာတစခကသေဘာတညမႈျပလပခငးပါ။ အဖြ႔အနညးငယက အလငးသငသလေရြးၿပး ယငးတ႔ မတမေသာအရာမားကအစရငခတငျပခငးပါ။လြတလပ၍တရားမတေသာစရငဆးျဖတျခငးမားပါဝငေသာကကညမႈရသညတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးမဝါဒမား၊လႈပရားမႈမားနငယခငအစအစဥမားကလကရအစအစဥမေမာမနးရလဒမားနငခတဆကပါ။

NoTeS FoR FaCiliTaToRS:

this session is linked to the activities in session 6.1, Differences in law, and session 6.2, evidence. in session 6.1, participants were introduced to key private law concepts which they apply in the case study in this session (activity 2). in session 6.2, participants learned key rules of evidence, which they will apply when they analyze this same case study.

as in session 6.2 (on evidence), module 8 (on administrative law) and the earlier sessions in the current module, the skills learned in this session are also closely related to the rule of law principle of independent and impartial adjudication. in this session, participants learn and practice how to identify relevant and persuasive evidence and present an argument in support of their client’s case. these skills are useful only if an independent and impartial judiciary will assess the lawyer’s claims on the merits.


ဤအစအစဥသညအစအစဥ၆.၁(ကြျပားျခားနားေသာဥပေဒမား)နင၆.၂(သကေသ)အတြငးရလႈပရားမႈမားနင ခတဆကရမညျဖစသည။ အစအစဥ ၆.၁ အတြငးသငတနးသားမားသည အဓကပဂၢလကဥပေဒအယအဆမားနင မတဆကၿပးျဖစသည။၄ငးတ႔အားဤအစအစဥရလႈပရားမႈ(၂)အမႈေလလာရာတြငအသးခရသည။အစအစဥ၆.၂တြငသငတနးသားမားသညထအမႈေလလာခနတြငအသးခရမညအဓကသကေသအေထာကအထားစညးမဥးမားကေလလာရသည။ အစအစဥ၆.၂(သကေသအေထာကအထား)နငေမာကး၈(အပခပေရးဆငရာဥပေဒ)နငလကရေမာကးအတြငးရအေစာပငးအစအစဥမားကသပငဤအစအစဥတြငသငယရမညကၽြမးကငမႈမားသညလြတလပ၍တရားမတေသာတရားစရငမႈ၏တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးမဝါဒမားနငသကဆငသည။ဤအစအစဥတြငသငတနးသားမားသညဆကစပ၍လကခႏငေလာကေအာငဆြေဆာငႏငေသာသကေသအေထာကအထားကေလလာရမညျဖစၿပး၄ငးတ႔၏အမႈသညကအေထာကအကျပႏငသည ေလာကလခကမားကအစရငခရမည။ထကၽြမးကငမႈမားသညလြတလပ၍တရားမတေသာတရားစရငေရးမေရ႕ေနမား၏မႈခငးအကးအျပစတ႔နငပတသကေသာအခငအမာေျပာဆမႈတ႔ကအကျဖတႏငမသာအသးဝငသည။

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

Page 36: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


aCTiviTY 1: STaGeS oF a Civil CaSe (10 mins)

လႈပရားမႈ၁-တရားမမႈအတြကအဆငမား ၁ဝမနစ

Purpose of activity: To help participants learn the stages of a civil case and the order in which they typically occur.လႈပရားမႈ၏ရညရြယခက - သငတနးသားမားက တရားမမႈအတြငးလပေဆာငမႈအဆငဆငနင အမႈအတြငးထလပေဆာငမႈအစအစဥေလလာရာတြငကညေပးရန

Methodology: Ranking သငၾကားေရးနညးပညာ:အဆငမားသတမတျခငး

Handout(s): 9.3.1 – Civil law Ranking exerciseေဝငစာရြကမား၉.၃.၁တရားမမႈလပေဆာငမႈအဆငဆငကေဖာျပေသာစာရြကမား

Materials: Noneသငေထာကကပစၥညးမား


• ask participants to form four groups. give each group eight pieces of paper from handout 9.3.1. each of these pieces of paper has one of the stages of a civil case in myanmar written on it.

• ask the groups to arrange these pieces of paper in the correct order describing the different stages of a civil case. the following chart lists the proper order.

• find the proper court• file the complaint • Defendant responds with a written statement

• Court pronounces on issues of law and facts

• Court hears plaintiff and witnesses• Court hears defendant and witnesses• Court hears arguments

• Judgment and decree


• သငေလာေသာတရား႐းရာသည။

• အဆလႊာတငသြငးစြဆသည။• တရားျပငကထေခလႊာတငသြငးသည။

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

Page 37: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


• တရားရးမဥပေဒေရးရာႏငအေၾကာငးျခငးရာျငငးခကမားထတသည။

• တရားလႏငသကေသမားကစစေဆးသည။• တရားျပငႏငသကေသမားကစစေဆးသည။

• တရား႐းမႏစဖကေလာကလႊခကမားၾကားနာသည။• စရငခကႏငဒဂရခမတသည။

aCTiviTY 2: Civil CaSe aNalYSiS (60 mins)

လႈပရားမႈ၂-အမႈကေလလာျခငး-တရားမမႈၾကားနာျခငး ၆ဝမနစ

Purpose: To help participants learn to identify relevant facts and to formulate arguments in a civil case.ရညရြယခက - သငတနးသားမားအားကကညေသာအခကအလကမားကရာေဖြေဖာထတရနနင တရားမမႈအတြငးေလာကလႊခကမားကျပလပရနေျပာၾကားျခငး

Methodology: Case study and document analysisနညးနာမား-အမႈကေလလာျခငးနငစာရြကစာတမးစစစမႈ

Handouts: 9.3.2 – Case Scenario 9.3.3 – win aung’s Statement 9.3.4 – Saint Zarni’s Statement


Materials: Noneသငေထာကကပစၥညးမား

Handout 9.3.2 Case Scenario:ေဝငစာရြက၉.၃.၂အမႈဇာတညႊနး

By a written contract in 2012, win aung sold a plot of land to B for 10m kyats. in a separate agreement, Saint Zarni agreed to permit win aung to continue living on the plot of land. in august 2014, Saint Zarni served a notice on win aung requiring win aung to vacate the land.

after win aung refused to leave the land, Saint Zarni started a legal action against win aung for possession of the plot of land and ejection of win aung.

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

Page 38: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


in defence of Saint Zarni’s action, win aung filed a written statement alleging that the 2012 ‘contract of sale’ was actually a loan agreement under which Saint Zarni lent 10 million kyats to win aung. the contract of sale of the land was only a device to provide Saint Zarni with security for the loan. win aung claims that the land is actually worth 50 million kyats and that he never had any intention of selling the land to Saint Zarni at such a low price.

the court must answer the following questions:

(i) whether the contract between win aung and Saint Zarni in 2012 was a contract of sale of land;

(ii) whether Saint Zarni is entitled to possession of the land.


၂ဝ၁၂ခနစတြငဝငးေအာငမစန႔ဇာနထေျမတကြကက၁ဝသနးျဖငစာခပခပဆကာေရာငးခခသည။သးျခားသေဘာတညမႈအေနျဖင စန႔ဇာနသည ဝငးေအာင က ထေျမကြကေပၚတြင ဆကလကေနထငရန သေဘာတညခသည။၂ဝ၁၄ၾသဂတလေရာကေသာအခါစန႔ဇာနသညဝငးေအာငကေျမေပၚမထြကခြာေပးရနႏ႔တစစာေပးခသည။

ဝငးေအာငသည ေျမေပၚမထြကခြာရန ျငငးဆနေသာအခါ စန႔ဇာနသည ဝငးေအာငအေပၚ ေျမလကေရာကရလမႈႏငေျမေပၚမႏငထတလမႈျဖငတရားစြဆသည။

ဝငးေအာင ကထေခလႊာတငသြငးရာ၌ ၂ဝ၁၂ ခနစက အေရာငးဝယစာခပသည အမနတကယအားျဖင စန႔ဇာနကဝငးေအာင ကေခးငား ေသာေငြ ၁ဝသနးအတြက ခပဆေသာ ေငြေခးငားေသာ စာခပ သာျဖစေၾကာငး စန႔ဇာနကထေခသည။ ေျမအေရာငးအဝယစာခပသည စန႔ဇာန၏ ေခးေငြအတြက အာမခတခသာ ျဖစေၾကာငးတငျပသည။ဝငးေအာငကထပမတငျပသညမာ ေျမသညထစဥကသနး ၅ဝတနေၾကာငး၊ထေျမက စန႔ဇာနအားထမနညးေသာေစးႏႈနးျဖငေရာငးခရနရညရြယခကမရခေၾကာငးတငျပသည။


Case analysis (35 minutes):

• ask participants to form 2 groups. each group will play a role as either:

o plaintiff’s lawyers, or

o Defendant’s lawyers

• all participants in each group receive the case scenario, handout 9.3.2 and a handout with the witness statement of their party, either handout 9.3.3 for group 1 playing plaintiff’s lawyers or handout 9.3.4 for group 2 playing defendant’s lawyers. participants do not receive anything regarding their opponent’s case.

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

Page 39: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို



• အတနးသားမားကအဖြ႔ႏစဖြ႔ခြပါ။ထသတ႔သညေအာကပါေနရာမားတြငသရပေဖာမည။

o တရားလ၏ေရ႔ေနမားo တရားျပင၏ေရ႔ေနမား

• အဖြ႔တဖြ႔စကအမႈဇာတလမးေဝငစာရြက၉.၃.၂နငမမတအမႈသည၏မကျမငသကေသထြကဆခကနငတကြေဝငစာရြကကေပးၿပး တရားလ ေရ ေနအျဖစသရပေဆာငေသာအဖြ႔က ေဝငစာရြက ၉.၃.၃ သ႔မဟတတရားၿပငေရ႔ေနအျဖစသရပေဆာငေသာအဖြ႔က ေဝငစာရြက ၉.၃.၄ကေပးပါ။သငတနးသားမားအားမမတ႔၏ၿပငဘကအဖြ႕နငပတသကေသာမညသညအရာကမမေပးရပါ။

group 1 participants receive Handout 9.3.3. a copy of it follows:

win aung’s statement to the court:

i borrowed the money from Saint Zarni to pay for my daughter’s wedding. She was marrying a very important man, so she wanted to have a big ceremony – her dress alone cost 2m kyats!

Saint Zarni is not a friend of mine, in fact, i don’t like her at all. my wife tried to talk me out of borrowing money from her. my wife always told me that Saint Zarni was bad. my wife heard that Saint Zarni has tried to do this to another neighbour a few years ago – and now she is doing it to us!

i had no reason or intention to sell Saint Zarni that land for a fraction of its value – it is easily worth 50 million kyats, much more than the value of the loan. the loan is also repayable at a high rate of interest. i have said to her many times that she is crippling me with the repayments, but she just laughs. what a mean woman!


ဝငးေအာင၏တရားရးသ႔တငျပခကကၽြနေတာသညကၽြနေတာသမးမဂၤလာေဆာငအတြကစန႔ဇာနထမပကဆေခးခပါသည။သမးသညအလြနအေရးပါေသာပဂၢလတစေယာကႏငလကထပမညျဖစေသာေၾကာငအလြနႀကးကယခမးနားေသာမဂၤလာပြတစခကကငးပခငပါသည။မဂၤလာဝတစတစတညးပင၂သနးေပးရသည။စန႔ဇာနသည ကၽြနေတာမတေဆြ မဟတပါ။ ကၽြနေတာ သ႕က မၾကကပါ။ ကၽြနေတာဇနးက သ႕ထမ ပကဆေခးရနကၽြနေတာက ေျပာသည။ စန႔ဇာန သည အလြနဆးေသာသ တေယာကဟလညး ဇနးက အၿမတမး ေျပာခဖးပါသည။လြနခေသာ ႏစအနညးငယက စန႔ဇာနသည ကၽြနေတာတ႔ အမနးခငးတစဥးကလ ခလလပဖ႔ ႀကးစားခသညဟကၽြနေတာဇနးကၾကားသခရသည။ယခလညးကၽြနေတာတ႔ကထကသ႔ျပမလပေဆာငေနသည။

ကၽြနေတာသည ထေျမကြကက ၄ငး၏တနးဖးထက ေလာၿပး စန႔ဇာနက ေရာငးရန ရညရြယခက မရပါ။ ထေျမကြကတနးဖးသညကပသနး၅ဝေတာအသာေလးရသည။စန႔ဇာနထမ ေခးထားေသာေငြထကပမားသည။ေခးေငြကလညး

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

Page 40: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


အတးႏႈနးျမႇငျမႇငႏင ဆပႏငပါသည။ သသည ျပနဆပရမညေငြေၾကးႏင ပတသကၿပး နစနာေအာင လပေနသညဟကၽြနေတာအႀကမမားစြာသ႕ကေျပာခပါသည။ဒါေပမယသသညရယလကပေနပါသည။ဘယေလာကကပလကတလလ။

group 2 participants receive Handout 9.3.4, which is reproduced below.

Saint Zarni’s statement to the court:

i really didn’t want to lend money to win aung, but he told me that he needed money to pay off his gambling debts. this is not the first time i have had to lend him money – he is an alcoholic, and when he drinks, he gambles. my husband also told me that he beats his wife. he told me later that he would be killed if he did not pay these gambling debts.

i took pity on him and bought the land, which is in a very poor state. the agreed price was 10m kyats, because he wished to live on the land for another two years until his children finished school.

i saw win aung the other day meeting with a man who looked like he was in a gang. he looked really scared. i think that he’s in trouble again, and is just using this case to try to get more money from me.



ကၽြနမတကယက ဝငးေအာငက ပကဆ မေခးခငခပါ။သ႔ေသာ ဝငးေအာငသညသ႕ေလာငးကစားအေကြးမားေၾကာငပကဆလေနသညဟ ကၽြနမက ေျပာပါသည။ ဤတႀကမသည ပထမဆးအႀကမ သ႕က ပကဆ ေခးချခငး မဟတပါ။သသည အရကသမား ျဖစသည။ သမးေသာအခါ ေလာငးကစား လပပါသည။ သသည သ႕ဇနးကလ ႐ကသညဟကၽြနမေယာကားကေျပာပါသည။ဝငးေအာငကသအေကြးမေပးႏငလငအသတခရမညဟေနာကပငးတြငေျပာပါသည။ကၽြနမ သ႕က သနားသြားၿပး ေျမကြကက ဝယခပါသည။ ထေျမကြကကလညး အလြနစတျပတေနတ အေန အထားမာရပါသည။ေျမကြကအတြကသေဘာတထားတေစးႏႈနးကေတာ၁ဝသနးျဖစပါသည။အဘယေၾကာငဆေသာဝငးေအာငကသ႔ကေလးေတြေကာငးၿပးသညအထေနာကႏစႏစဆကေနခငေသာေၾကာငျဖစပါသည။


foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

Page 41: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


• ask each team must discuss their case scenario handouts and answer the following questions by making lists:

o who was involved?o what happened? o when did it happen?o where did it happen?o why did it happen?

• are there any weaknesses in their case, and if so, list them? 15 minutes. Based on the answers developed to these questions, each group must then develop a case theory that describes their case, and the arguments that they will present before the judge in support of their positions. using information provided in the following notes to facilitators, you should explain what a case theory is before announcing this part of the assignment. 5 minutes.

• when Doing thiS, paRtiCipantS muSt only uSe faCtS that they have Been given in the SCenaRio anD theiR Statement to the CouRt!!!! 5 minutes.

အသငးတသငးစသညအမႈဇာတလမးကေဆြးေႏြးတငပငျပးေအာကေဖာျပပါေမးခြနးမားက(စာရငးျပ၍)စဥးစားၾကရမည။• မညသပါဝငခသနညး။

• ဘာျဖစခသနညး။

• ထအရာသညမညသညအခနတြငျဖစခသနညး။

• ထအရာသညမညသညေနရာတြငျဖစခသနညး။

• ထအရာသညအဘယေၾကာငျဖစခသနညး။

• ၄ငးတ႔၏အမႈတြငအားနညးခကမားရပါသလား။ရသညဆပါက၄ငးတ႔ကစာရငးျပစပါ။(၁၅မနစ)ထအေျဖမားအေပၚမတည၍ အဖြ႕မားသည အမႈ၏သအရသေဘာတရား/အယအဆက တငျပရမည။ ထအမႈ၏ သအရသေဘာတရားတြင အမႈအေၾကာငးေဖာျပခကႏင တရားသၾကး ေရ႕ေမာကတြငတငသြငးမည ေလာကလခကမားပါဝငရမည။ သငတနးနညးျပမားက အတြကျဖစေသာေအာကေဖာျပပါမတစတြင ပါဝငသညသတငးအခကအလကမားက အသးျပၿပးဤအပငးရလပေဆာငရမညတာဝနက မေၾကညာမအမႈသအရက ျပလပသငသည။(၅မနစ)

• အတနးသားမားသည ၄ငးတ႔အား ေပးထားေသာ ဇာတလမးႏငတရားရး၌ထြကဆခကမားတြငသာ ပါဝငေသာအခကအလကမားကအသးျပရမည။(၅မနစ)

• Bring the participants back together.

• Select a participant from each team to come before the entire group and first ask the plaintiff group representative to answer the first question, who was involved, by presenting their list of all their answers to this question. then ask the defendant group

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

Page 42: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


representative whether they agree on each answer to this question on that list. if they agree on an answer, these participants shake hands. if they disagree, these participants hold their hands in front of them and gently push against their opponent’s similarly positioned hands.

• then repeat this process first with a different participant representing the plaintiff group who gives all answers on the group’s list to the second question, followed by a different participant from the defendant group [who responds by shaking hands if they agree with each answer or pushing back gently if they disagree with any item on this second answer list.

• Repeat this process using different plaintiff and defendant group representatives to respond to the remaining four questions, with responsive hand shaking to each answer agreed on and gently pushing hands for each list item about which they disagree. the participant representing the defendant also presents a list of its weaknesses and the representative of the plaintiff agrees or disagrees on behalf of his or her group.

• after group representatives agree/disagree on all of the list items in answer to these questions, select a different participant from each group to present the case theory that incorporates all agreed upon answers and their positions of answers that produce disagreement. the plaintiff group representative goes first, followed by the different defendant group representatives. 20 minutes.


အပစတစစစမသငတနးသားတစဥးက (အပစတစခလးစကမေရြးခယမ)ေရြးခယၿပးဥးစြာပထမအေနျဖငတရားစြဆေသာအပစမကယစားျပသကမမတ၏ပထမဆးေမးခြနးအတြကအေျဖအားလးပါေသာစာရငးကတငျပခငးျခငးျဖငယငးပထမေမးခြနး၏အေျဖက ေျဖဆခငးပါ။ ထေနာကတရားၿပငဘကအပစမ ကယစားျပက ယငးအေျဖတစခခငးစကသေဘာတမတေမးျမနးပါ။ သေဘာတပါက အဖြ႕နစခလးအား လကဆြႏႈတဆကခငးၿပး သေဘာမတပါက တရားၿပငအပစကသတ႔၏ေရ႕တြငထားခငးၿပး တရားလအပစ(ထတရားလအပစကလညး သတ႔၏လကက အလားတပစထားေစကာ)၏လကမားကျငငသာစြာတြနးရနေျပာဆပါ။

ထ႔ေနာကတရားလအပစမ အျခားကယစားျပသငတနးသားတစဥးက ဒတယေမးခြနး၏ အေျဖအားလးအားတငျပခငးၿပးအလားသ႑နတျပလပခငးပါ။ ဤတစႀကမတြင တရားၿပငဘကမ အျခားကယစားျပသက သေဘာတလင လကဆြႏႈတဆကၿပးသေဘာမတပါကလကကတြနးဖယျခငးကျပလပရမည။

ထသ႔ကနရေနေသးေသာေမးခြနးမားက ကယစားျပအပစမားမ တစေယာကၿပးတစေယာကေရြးခယကာအလားတျပမရမညျဖစသည။တရားၿပငဘကမကယစားျပသသည(သေဘာမတသည)အေျဖမား၏အားနညးခကကမတသားတငျပၿပးတရားလဘကမကယစားျပကမမ၏အဖြ႔ကယစားသေဘာတမတတငျပရသည။

အဓကကေသာ အေၾကာငးအရာေပၚတြင ၄ငးတ႔ သေဘာတညမႈ/ သေဘာမတညမႈမား ျပလပၿပးလင တဖကစမသငတနးသား တေယာကစက ေရြးထတ၍ သေဘာမတညေသာအေျဖမား၊သေဘာတညေသာအေျဖမားကစစညးေပးေသာအမႈသအရကတငျပရနေျပာပါ။တရားလဘကမကယစားျပမႈစတင၍တရားၿပငဘကမအျခားကယစားျပသကေနာကတစဆကတညးလပေဆာငရမညျဖစသည။(၂ဝမနစ)

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

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NoTeS FoR FaCiliTaToRS:

a ‘case theory’ is the version of events that the lawyer will present to the court on the basis of the client’s instructions, available evidence and the relevant law. a case theory presents the facts in a way that satisfy the legal ingredient that the lawyer needs to prove.in myanmar a case theory is often called “structure or construction of the case” by plaintiff lawyers, and “defence line” by defence lawyers. a good case theory guides the lawyer’s strategy throughout the case. it helps to identify the most important evidence and what questions to ask the witnesses. it also reveals the weaknesses in your and your opponent’s case.


ဤျဖစရပ၏တငျပခကရေထာငသညေရ႕ေနမမမအမႈသည၏ညြနၾကားခက၊ရရနငသညသကေသအေထာကအထားႏငဆေလာသညဥပေဒမားအေပၚအေျခခသညတရားရးတြငတငျပမညအျဖစအပက၊အဆမားျဖစရမည။အမႈသရပမနသညေရေနတစဥးမသကေသျပနငရနလအပသညဥပေဒဆငရာအေၾကာငးအရာမားေကနပေစသညအေၾကာငးအရာျဖစသည။ျမနမာႏငငတြငအမႈသအရကတရားလေရ႕ေနမားမအမႈတညေဆာကျခငးဟေခၚၿပးတရားၿပငေရ႕ေနမားကခခေရးလမးေၾကာငးဟေခၚသည။ေကာငးမြနသည အမႈသရပမနတစခသည ေရ႕ေန၏ နညးလမးအားလမးျပေပးသည။ အေရးၾကးသည သကေသမားကေဖာထတနငရနအကအညေပးသည။သကေသအားမညသညေမးခြနးမားေမးမညကကညေပးသည။မမႏငတရားျပင၏အားနညးခကမားကေဖာထတနငမည။

Rules of evidence (25 minutes)

• write on the board the rules of evidence, one by one. these rules are relevance, admissibility, weight or tendency, opinion, hearsay, and character. after each one, ask participants for volunteers who can explain what this rule means. after one has explained, ask others if they have anything to add to it. you may need to supplement these definitions by using information from the following notes to facilitators in case they were not fully defined in Session 6.2 where the definitions also were provided only for relevance, admissibility, and weight, and only there in notes to facilitators. tendency, opinion, hearsay, and character have never been presented before and need to be defined because many participants probably have never heard of them. after these explanations, ask participants to provide examples of each, recognizing that performing this task may be very difficult for the new evidence concepts just presented. 10 minutes

• then ask one participant from each group to read their witness statement to other participants. as they read, participants from the opposing group must stand up and say “i object” if they hear a part of the statement that breaks a rule of evidence. after they say i object, they must state the rule that this evidence breaks. first a plaintiff group participant reads their witness statement and the defence group participants can object if they think something read breaks an evidence rule. then a defence group participant reads their witness statement and plaintiff group participants can object when they think something read breaks an evidence rule. 15 minutes.

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

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သငပနးေပၚတြငသကေသခခကဆငရာဥပေဒမားကတစခခငးစခေရးပါ။ထစညးမဥးမားမာဆကဆငမႈ၊လကခနငစြမး၊ဝန(သ႔)တနဖး၊ထငျမငယဆခက၊တစဆငစကားနငအကငစာရတတ႔ျဖစသည။တစခေရးၿပးတငးထဥပေဒသညမညသညကဆလသညကရငးျပေပးႏငေသာသငတနးသားမားအားေမးေပးပါ။တစေယာကရငးျပေပးၿပးတငးတျခားသမားအားထပမ ျဖညစြကလေသာ အရာမားရ၊ မရက ေမးပါ။ ထဥပေဒမားမာ ဆကဆငမႈ၊ လကခႏငစြမး၊ ဝနအစရသညတ႔ကေဖာျပမထားသညအစအစဥ၆.၂တြငျပညစစြာအဓပါယဖြငဆထားျခငးမရသျဖငေအာကေဖာျပပါသနတနးနညးျပမတစမအခကအလကကအသးျပၿပး ေပါငးထညဖ႔ရနလအပေပမည။ ယမးယငျခငး၊ ထငျမငယဆခက၊ ေကာလဟာလနငအကငစာရတတ႔သည ယခငအစအစဥမားမာတငျပထား ျခငးမရသျဖငသငတနးသားမားနားလညႏငရနအခကအခရေပသည။ ရငးလငးေျပာျပၿပးေနာက တငျပထားေသာ သကေသအသစအယအဆအတြက ဤတာဝနကလပေဆာငျခငးသည။အခကအခရႏငသညကအသအမတျပသညအေနျဖငဥပေဒသမား၏ဥပမာမားကေပးရနသငတနးသားမားအားေျပာပါ။(၁ဝမနစ)

အဖြ႔တဖြ႔စမတေယာကစအား ၄ငးတ႔၏ မကျမငသကေသ၏ ထြကဆခကက ကနေသာသငတနးသားမားအား ဖတျပေပးခငးပါ။ ၄ငးတ႔ ဖတျပေနခနတြင အကယ၍သငတနးသားမားသည သကေသခခကဆငရာ ဥပေဒႏင မကကညပခးေဖာကေနသညက ၾကားလင မတတပရပ၍ ‘ကၽြႏပကန႔ကြကသည’ ဟေျပာခငး၍ ထအရာသည မညသညျဖစသညကလညး ေျပာျပခငးပါ။ ကန႔ကြကေၾကာငးေျပာျပၿပးလင ထသကေသအေထာကအထားမ ေဖာကဖကသညဥပေဒကေဖာျပရမည။ဥးစြာပထမတရားလအပစဘကမ၄ငး၏သကေသထြကဆခကကထြကျပရၿပးတရားၿပငဘကမသကေသအေထာကအထားဥပေဒေဖာကဖကေသာအေၾကာငးအရာတစခကၾကားရပါကကန႔ကြကႏငသည။ ၿပးေနာကတရားၿပငဘကမ သကေသထြကဆခကကဖတျပရၿပး တရားလဘကမ သကေသအေထာကအထား ဥပေဒေဖာကဖကသညအေၾကာငးအရာတစခၾကားရပါကကန႔ကြကႏငသည။(၁၅မနစ)

NoTeS FoR FaCiliTaToRS:

the terms relevance, admissibility and weight were defined in session 6.2, concerning the rules of evidence. those definitions are replicated here for ease of use.

evidence is relevant if it relates to an issue in the case. Does the evidence support a claim that one of the parties is making and which helps them prove their case? Does the evidence make it more likely that the position advanced by one of the parties is legally justified? if yes, the evidence is relevant. if the evidence has no impact on the parties’ ability to prove their legal arguments, it is not relevant.

when evidence is admissible, it means that the court is entitled to consider it in making its final decision. in order for evidence to be admissible, it must satisfy several conditions. one condition is that the evidence must be relevant (see above). another condition is that it must be authentic (that the evidence is what the party seeking its admission claims it to be and is not a forgery). other conditions for admission exist. if evidence does not satisfy these conditions it is inadmissible and may not be considered or relied on by the judge in making his or her decision.

the weight of the evidence is how important any one piece of evidence is. if a judge decides that a piece of evidence is admissible, he or she is entitled to rely on it. he or she must then decide how

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

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much to rely on it. Different pieces of evidence may contradict each other and must therefore be assessed by the judge. if two witnesses claim to have witnessed a crime but disagree about whether the perpetrator they saw was the defendant, the judge might give more weight to the witness who was closer to the perpetrator or who had a better view.

opinion evidence is testimony which constitutes the opinion of the witness instead of a mere description of things he personally saw, heard or experienced. opinion evidence is often, but not always inadmissible.

hearsay evidence is testimony from a witness about something she was told by someone else rather than something she personally witnessed. hearsay evidence might be admissible or inadmissible, and if it is admissible, it might be entitled to less weight.

Character evidence is evidence about the character of one of the parties – whether he or she is a good person – which is not directly relevant to the facts of the case. it is often, but not always inadmissible.


ကကညမႈ၊ လကခႏငစြမး နင ဝန တ႔၏ အဓပၸါယက အစအစဥ ၆.၂ တြငေဖာျပထားၿပး သကေသခခကဥပေဒမားနငသကဆငသည။ယငးတ႔၏အဓပၸါယမားအားတစခခငးအသးျပမႈအတြကထပမေဖာျပသည။သကေသအေထာကအထားသညအမႈထမအေၾကာငးအရာတစခနငဆကစပလငကကညသည။သကေသသညအမႈသညတ႔၏အမႈကသကေသျပရာ၌အသးဝငေသာအမႈသညတစဥးကလပေဆာငသညအဆကအေထာကအကျပပါလား။သကေသသညအမႈသညတစဥးမတငျပသညအေျခအေနကဥပေဒေၾကာငးအရမနကနသညဟေဆာငရြကရာေရာကေသာအဆကပမပျပငစြာလပေဆာငပါသလား။အကယ၍ထအတငးဟတပါကသကေသအေထာကအထားကကညသည။အကယ၍သကေသသညအမႈသည၏ဥပေဒအေၾကာငးအရအျငငးပြားမႈအေပၚတြငသကေရာကမႈမရပါကကကညမႈမရပါ။သကေသအေထာကအထားသညခငလသညဟအတညျပခနသညတရားရးမအၿပးသတအဆးျဖတေပးရာတြင၄ငးကထညသြငးစဥးစားဆးျဖတႏငျခငးကဆလသည။ သကေသအေထာကအထား ခငလသညဟ သတမတႏငရန အေျခအေနေတာေတာမားမားမ လကခႏငရမည။သေဘာတညရမညအေၾကာငးအရာတစခမသကေသအေထာကအထားသညဆကစပရမည။တစျခားသတမတခကမာ ၄ငးသညစစမနရမည (သကေသအေထာကအထားသည ၄ငး၏ထြကဆခကက ရာေဖြေနေသာအမႈသည၏အခငအမာ ေျပာဆရမညအရာျဖစၿပး အတအပမျဖစရပါ။) ထြကဆခကအတြက အျခားအေျခအေနမားလညး ရရမည။အကယ၍သကေသအေထာကအထားသညအေျခအေနမားမလကခႏငပါကမခငလေပ။တရားသႀကးမဆးျဖတခကခရာတြငထညသြငးစဥးစားစရာမလေပ။ သကေသ အေထာကအထား၏ ဝနသညယငးသကေသ၏အပငးတစပငးျခငးစကမညမအေရးႀကးျခငးကဆလသည။အကယ၍တရားသႀကးကသကေသအေထာကအထားတစခခငလေၾကာငးဆးျဖတခလငမညသမဆအသးျပပငခြငရသည။အကယ၍သကေသတစခနငတစခေရ႕ေနာကဆန႔ကငေနပါကတရားသႀကးမအကျဖတသည။အကယ၍သကေသနစေယာကမအခငးျဖစစဥက ျမငေတြ႕ခသညဟအခငအမာေျပာဆၿပးသတျမငခသည ေဖာကဖကကးလြနသကတရားလဟတမဟတအျငငးပြားပါကတရားသႀကးမ ေဖာကဖကကးလြနခသညသနငပ၍နးကပစြာရေနခသ (သ႔မဟတ) ပမရငးလငးစြာျမငေတြ႕ခသက ေပးရမည။ထငျမငယဆခကသကေသအေထာကအထားသည သကေသက သကယတငျမငေတြ႔ခ (သ႔မဟတ) ၾကားခ(သ႔မဟတ) ႀကေတြ႕ခရသညအေၾကာငးအရာကရငးလငးေဖာျပျခငးမဟတဘသ၏ထငျမငယဆမႈထြကဆခကျဖစသည။ထငျမငယဆခကသကေသအေထာကအထားကတစခါတစရလကခႏငသည။တစဆငစကားသကေသအေထာကအထားသညသကေသမကယတငၾကားခရျခငးမဟတဘ တစျခားလတစေယာကမ သၾကားခရသည ထြကဆခကျဖစသည။ တစဆငစကားသကေသအေထာကအထားသညခြငျပႏငသလ ခြငမျပႏငေပ။ အကယ၍ခြငျပခပါက ၄ငးအေပၚတြငအေလးမထားသငေပ။ အကငစာရတသကေသအေထာကအထားသညအမႈသညတစဥးဥး၏အကငစာရတသကေသအေထာကအထားျဖစသည။ထသသညလေကာငးဟတမဟတကဆလျခငးျဖစသည။၄ငးကတစခါတစရလကခႏငသည။

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

Page 46: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


SuMMaRY aNd evaluaTioN (10 mins)

အကဥးခပႏငသးသပျခငး (၁ဝ-မနစ)

in closing ask and help participants quickly form pairs. assign each pair to prepare responses to the set of two questions assigned to them. also ask each participant to write on a piece of paper three important things that they learned during this session and one thing about which they either are confused or would like to know more. participants should write these brief learning reflections using only one or a few words, not complete sentences, to express each item. encourage pair members to discuss their individual learning reflections with each other. Rotate assigning pairs to develop responses to the following sets of two questions: 6 minutes

• what is a case theory? anD• why is it important?

oR• what are rules of evidence? anD• why are they important?

Rotate among the pairs asking members to present their list of responses to the two questions they were assigned. Speak with all pairs assigned the first two questions set before moving to pairs responding to the second set of two questions. ask all presenting participants not to repeat something someone else already said. ask pairs that are listening to raise one hand if they agree with the item on the list, and two hands if they disagree. use your judgment regarding time available to guide a decision whether to explore disagreements by surfacing their reasons and then inviting other views. Collect all written documents the participant teams prepare and review them after class when you have time. the important items learned that participants report provide positive feedback about what went well during the session. the items about which participants report being confused or wanting to learn offer insights into what future facilitators using these materials may want to do differently.

သငခနးစာအပတတြငသငတနးသားမားကျမနျမနဆနဆနအတြတြရနေျပာပါ။အတြတစတြျခငးစက၄ငးတ႔အားေပးေသာေမးခြနးမားအားအေျဖေပးရနေျပာပါ။ သငတနးသား တစဥးခငးစက လညးဤအစအစဥအတြငးသငယခရေသာ အေရးအႀကးဆးအေၾကာငးအရာသးခနငမမတ နားမလညေသာအေၾကာငးအရာတစခသ႔ဒထကမကသခငေသာအေၾကာငးအရာတစခတ႔ကစာရြကတစရြကေပၚတြငေရးသားဖ႔ရနေျပာဆပါ။ သငတနးသားမားသညမမတ ၏ေလလာသငၾကားမႈကျပနလညသးသပရာတြငအေၾကာငးအရာတစခခငးစကစာလးတစလးသ႔အနညးငယမျဖင (ရႈပေထြးေသာစာေၾကာငးမားမဟတဘ) ေဖာျပသငေပသည။ သငတနးသားမားကမမ၏တြဘကသငတနးသားမားျဖင တစဥးခငးတစေယာကခငးေလလာသငယမႈသးသပခကမားကေဆြးေႏြးဖ႔ရနတကတြနးပါ။သငတနးသားအတြမားကေအာကေဖာျပပါေမးခြနးသးစအတြကထငျမငယဆခကေပးရနလညလညတာဝနေပးပါ။(၆မနစ)

• အမႈ၏သအရသေဘာတရားသညအဘယနညး။

• ထအရာသညအဘယေၾကာငအေရးၾကးသနညး။


• သကေသခခကဆငရာဥပေဒမားသညအဘယနညး။

• ဤအရာမားကလကနာရနအဘယေၾကာငအေရးၾကးသနညး။

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

Page 47: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.3: Civil law-taking a loan Case to Courtတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၃တရားမဥပေဒ-ေၾကြးၿမကစၥကတရားရးသ႔ယေဆာငလာျခငး

အတြမားၾကားလညသြား၍အဖြ႔ဝငမားကသတ႔အားေပးထားေသာေမးခြနးနစခ၏အေျဖစာရငးကတငျပဖ႔ရန ေျပာဆပါ။ပထမေမးခြနးနစခအတြက တာဝနယထားေသာ သငတနးသားအတြမားနင ဒတယေမးခြနးနစခက ေျဖဖ႔ရန တာဝနယထားေသာအတြမားသ႔ မသြားမေဆြးေႏြးပါ။ လအားလးအားတစျခားသေျပာၿပးသား အေၾကာငးအရာက မေျပာဆရနသတေပးပါ။ နားေထာငေနေသာ သငတနးသားအတြမားအား စာရငးထရ ထငျမငခကမားကသေဘာတလငလကတစဖကေျမာကခငးၿပး သေဘာမတပါက လကနစဘကေျမာကခငးပါ။ ရရႏငေသာအခနပမာဏအေပၚမတည၍သငတနးသားမား၏သေဘာမတရသညအေၾကာငးျပခကမား၊တစျခားအျမငမားကလကခေဆြးေႏြးထထဝငဝငေလလာဖ႔သငမသင ဆးျဖတခကခပါ။ သငတနးသားမား ျပငဆငထားေသာ စာရြကစာတမးမားက စစညးၿပးအတနးၿပးခနတြင၄ငးတ႔အားဆနးစစပါ။ သငတနးသားမားမ အစရငခတငျပေသာ အေရးႀကးအေၾကာငးအရာမားသည အစအစဥအတြငးမညသညအရာက ေကာငးစြာ နားလညသညဆသည တ႔ျပနမႈကေပးသည။ သငတနးသားမားမ ရႈပေထြးသည (သ႔)ပမသရဖရနဆႏၵရသညဟ အစရငခေသာ အေၾကာငးအရာမားသည ေနာငအလားတသငရးက အသးျပေသာသငတနးနညးျပမားမညသ႔ေျပာငးလလပေဆာငသငသညကျပဆသည။

Page 48: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.3.1: Civil law Ranking exerciseတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၃.၁တရားမမႈဥပေဒဆငရာအဆငသတမတျခငးေလကငခနး


Ranking exercise Sheets


Find the proper court


File the complaint


defendant responds with a written statement


Court pronounces on issues of law and facts

Page 49: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.3.1: Civil law Ranking exerciseတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၃.၁တရားမမႈဥပေဒဆငရာအဆငသတမတျခငးေလကငခနး


Court hears plaintiff and witnesses


Court hears defendant and witnesses


Court hears arguments


Judgment and decree

Page 50: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.3.2: Case Scenarioတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၃.၂အမႈဇာတညႊနး


၂ဝ၁၂ခနစတြငဝငးေအာငမစန႔ဇာနထေျမတကြကက၁ဝသနးျဖငစာခပခပဆကာေရာငးခခသည။သးျခားသေဘာတညမႈအေနျဖင စန႔ဇာနသည ဝငးေအာင က ထေျမကြကေပၚတြင ဆကလကေနထငရန သေဘာတညခသည။၂ဝ၁၄ၾသဂတလေရာကေသာအခါစန႔ဇာနသညဝငးေအာငကေျမေပၚမထြကခြာေပးရနႏ႔တစစာေပးခသည။

ဝငးေအာငသည ေျမေပၚမထြကခြာရန ျငငးဆနေသာအခါ စန႔ဇာနသည ဝငးေအာငအေပၚ ေျမလကေရာကရလမႈႏငေျမေပၚမႏငထတလမႈျဖငတရားစြဆသည။

ဝငးေအာင ကထေခလႊာတငသြငးရာ၌ ၂ဝ၁၂ ခနစက အေရာငးဝယစာခပသည အမနတကယအားျဖင စန႔ဇာနကဝငးေအာင ကေခးငား ေသာေငြ ၁ဝသနးအတြက ခပဆေသာ ေငြေခးငားေသာ စာခပ သာျဖစေၾကာငး စန႔ဇာနကထေခသည။ ေျမ အေရာငး အဝယစာခပသည စန႔ဇာန၏ ေခးေငြအတြက အာမခတခသာ ျဖစေၾကာငးတငျပသည။ဝငးေအာငကထပမတငျပသညမာ ေျမသညထစဥကသနး ၅ဝတနေၾကာငး၊ထေျမက စန႔ဇာနအားထမနညးေသာေစးႏႈနးျဖငေရာငးခရနရညရြယခကမရခေၾကာငးတငျပသည။တရားရးမေအာကေဖာျပပါေမးခြနးမားကေျဖေပးရမည။(၁)ဝငးေအာငႏငစန႔ဇာနၾကားတြင၂ဝ၁၂ကခပဆေသာစာခပသညေျမအေရာငးအဝယစာခပဟတမဟတ။(၂)စန႔ဇာနသညေျမကလကေရာကရပငခြငရမရ။

9.3.2 – Case Scenario

By a written contract in 2012, win aung sold a plot of land to B for 10m kyats. in a separate agreement, Saint Zarni agreed to permit win aung to continue living on the plot of land. in august 2014, Saint Zarni served a notice on win aung requiring win aung to vacate the land.

after win aung refused to leave the land, Saint Zarni started a legal action against win aung for possession of the plot of land and ejection of win aung.

in defense of Saint Zarni’s action, win aung filed a written statement alleging that the 2012 ‘contract of sale’ was actually a loan agreement under which Saint Zarni lent 10m kyats to win aung. the contract of sale of the land was only a device to provide Saint Zarni with security for the loan. win aung claims that the land is actually worth 50m kyats and that he never had any intention of selling the land to Saint Zarni at such an low price

the court must answer the following questions:

(i) whether the contract between win aung and Saint Zarni in 2012 was a contract of sale of land;

(ii) whether Saint Zarni is entitled to possession of the land

Page 51: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.3.3: win aung’s Statementတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငာစာရြက၉.၃.၃ဝငးေအာင၏ထြကဆခက




စန႔ဇာနသည ကၽြနေတာမတေဆြ မဟတပါ။ ကၽြနေတာ သ႕က မၾကကပါ။ ကၽြနေတာဇနးက သ႕ထမ ပကဆေခးရနကၽြနေတာက ေျပာသည။ စန႔ဇာန သည အလြနဆးေသာသ တေယာကဟလညး ဇနးက အၿမတမး ေျပာခဖးပါသည။လြနခေသာ ႏစအနညးငယက စန႔ဇာနသည ကၽြနေတာတ႔ အမနးခငးတစဥးကလ ခလလပဖ႔ ႀကးစားခသညဟကၽြနေတာဇနးကၾကားသခရသည။ယခလညးကၽြနေတာတ႔ကထကသ႔ျပမလပေဆာငေနသည။

ကၽြနေတာသည ထေျမကြကက ၄ငး၏တနးဖးထက ေလာၿပး စန႔ဇာနက ေရာငးရန ရညရြယခက မရပါ။ ထေျမကြကတနးဖးသညကပသနး၅ဝေတာအသာေလးရသည။စန႔ဇာနထမ ေခးထားေသာေငြထကပမားသည။ေခးေငြကလညးအတးႏႈနးျမႇငျမႇငႏင ဆပႏငပါသည။ သသည ျပနဆပရမညေငြေၾကးႏင ပတသကၿပး နစနာေအာင လပေနသညဟကၽြနေတာအႀကမမားစြာသ႕ကေျပာခပါသည။ဒါေပမယသသညရယလကပေနပါသည။ဘယေလာကကပလကတလလ။

win aung’s Statement

win aung’s statement to the court:

i borrowed the money from Saint Zarni to pay for my daughter’s wedding. She was marrying a very important man, so she wanted to have a big ceremony – her dress alone cost 2m kyats!

Saint Zarni is not a friend of mine, in fact, i don’t like her at all. my wife tried to talk me out of borrowing money from her – she had always told me that she was a bad woman. She has heard that she has tried to do this to another neighbour of ours a few years ago – and now she is doing it to us!

i had no reason or intention to sell Saint Zarni that land for a fraction of its value – it is easily worth 50 million kyats, much more than the value of the loan. the loan is also repayable at a high rate of interest. i have said to her many times that she is crippling me with the repayments, but she just laughs. what a mean woman!

Page 52: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.3.4: Saint Zarni’s Statementတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၃.၄စန႔ဇာန၏ထြကဆခက



ကၽြနေတာတကယကဝငးေအာငကပကဆမေခးခငခပါ။သ႔ေသာဝငးေအာငသညသ႕ေလာငးကစားအေကြးမားေၾကာငပကဆလေနသညဟကၽြနေတာကေျပာပါသည။ဤတႀကမသညပထမဆးအႀကမသ႕ကပကဆေခးချခငးမဟတပါ။သသည အရကသမား ျဖစသည။ သမးေသာအခါ ေလာငးကစား လပပါသည။ သသည သ႕ဇနးကလ ႐ကသညဟကၽြနေတာဇနးကေျပာပါသည။ဝငးေအာငကသအေကြးမေပးႏငလငအသတခရမညဟေနာကပငးတြငေျပာပါသည။

ကၽြနေတာသ႕ကသနားသြားၿပးေျမကြကကဝယခပါသည။ထေျမကြကကလညးအလြနစတျပတေနတအေနအထားမာရပါသည။ ေျမကြကအတြက သေဘာတထားတေစးႏႈနးကေတာ ၁ဝသနး ျဖစပါသည။ အဘယေၾကာင ဆေသာဝငးေအာငကသ႕ကေလးေတြေကာငးၿပးသညအထေနာကႏစႏစဆကေနခငေသာေၾကာငျဖစပါသည။

ေနာကေန႔တြငဝငးေအာငကလမကအဖြ႕ကလ႔ထငရေသာလတေယာကႏငေတြ႕ဆေနတာကကၽြနေတာေတြ႕ခပါသည။ဝငးေအာငသည အလြန ေၾကာကလန႔ေနပ ေပၚပါသည။ ေနာကတခါ သဒကၡေရာကျပနၿပဟ ကၽြနေတာ ထငပါသည။ထ႔ေၾကာငကၽြနေတာဆမေငြထပရရနဤေျမကြကကစၥကျပနအသးခတာျဖစပါသည။

Saint Zarni’s Statement

Saint Zarni’s statement to the court:

i really didn’t want to lend money to win aung, but he told me that he needed money to pay off his gambling debts. this is not the first time i have had to lend him money – he is an alcoholic, and when he drinks, he gambles. my husband also told me that he beats his wife. he told me later that he would be killed if he did not pay.

i took pity on him and bought the land, which is in a very poor state. the agreed price was 10m kyats, because he wished to live on the land for another two years until his children finished school.

i saw win aung the other day meeting with a man who looked like he was in a gang. he looked really scared. i think that he’s in trouble again, and is just using this case to try to get more money from me.

Page 53: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

SeSSioN 9.4: advaNCed CoNTRaCTS FoR lawYeRSအစအစဥ၉.၁-ေရ႕ေနမားအတြကပဋညာဥမား

Purpose of Session: learn or review basic contract law doctrines which reinforce rule of law principles regarding fair, broadly understood and stable laws leading to fair, robust, and accessible legal processes in which rights and responsibilities based in law are evenly enforced.

အစအစဥ၏ ရညရြယခက- အေျခခကေသာ ပဋညာဥအကဥပေဒ၏ သေဘာတရားမား (တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးစညးမဥးမားျဖစၾကေသာမတျခငး၊ကယျပန႔စြာနားလညျခငးႏငတညျငမေသာဥပေဒမားရရကာထအရာမတဆငမတမႈ၊ခငမာမႈႏငနားလညရနလြယကေသာတရားေရးရာလပငနးစဥမားကရရေစရနျဖစသည။ထ႔ျပငထအရာမားမတဆငဥပေဒအရရပငခြငအခြငအေရးမားကလညးတနးတရရႏငရနေလလာသးသပျခငးသညဤသငခနးစာ၏ရညရြယခကျဖစပါသည။

outcomes, Skills and Methodologiesေမာမနးရလဒမား၊ကၽြမးကငမႈမားႏငသငၾကားနညးနညးပညာမား

outcomes: ေမာမနးရလဒမား

as a result of this session you will be able to:

• identify common issues regarding applying required elements of valid contracts

• identify opportunities for negotiating fairer contracts that promote rule of law goals


• အမားႏငဆငေသာ အမႈမား - ဥပမာအားျဖငအတည/တရားဝ ငျ ဖ စေသာပဋညာဥမား က ေလာကထားရာတြငလအပမညအခကမားကေဖာထတရနျဖစသည။

• တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရး ရညမနးခကပနးတငမားရရေစေရးအတြက အေထာကအကျပသညပမ၍ မတေသာ ပဋညာဥမား ရရေစရနေဆြးေႏြးညႏႈငးရာတြင ရရမညအခြငအေရးမားကေဖာထတျခငး။

Skills: ေလကငရမညကြမးကငမႈမားin this session you will practice the following skills:

• analysis

• listening

• Cooperation

• Client-centered counseling

• interest-based negotiating


• စတျဖာေလလာခက• နားေထာငစြမးရည• ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကျခငး• အမႈသညဥးစားေပးအႀကျပေဆြးေႏြးျခငးမား• အငတာနကကအေျခခ၍


Page 54: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Methodologies: သငၾကားနညးနညးပညာမား

in this session you will practice the following training methodologies:

• Simulation

• Small group discussion

• large group discussion


• သရပေဖာတငဆကျခငး• အပစငယမားဖြ႔ၿပးေဆြးေႏြးျခငး• အပစလကေဆြးေႏြးျခငး

laws and Rule of law Principlesဥပေဒမားႏငတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးစညးမဥးမား

laws: ဥပေဒမား

the following laws and appellate decisions are relevant to this session:

• Sections 2(a), 2(b), 3, 7(2), 14, 16(1), 16(2), 16(3) and 30 of the myanmar Contracts act

• Daw kyin hlaing v. u win maung and three others, hC, 1958 Burma law Reports 87 (recognizing a cause of action in a dispute regarding a winning lottery ticket)


• ျမနမာပဋညာဥအကဥပေဒရပဒမ၂(က)၊၂(ခ)၊၃၊၇(၂)၊၁၄၊၁၆(၁)၊၁၆(၂)၊၁၆(၃)ႏင၃ဝ

• ၁၉၅၈ျမနမာႏငငတရားစရငထးတရားလႊတေတာစာမကႏာ၈၇ရေဒၚၾကငလႈင၊ဥးဝငးေမာငႏငကနသးေယာက(ထေပါကျခငးအေၾကာငးရာႏငပတသက၍တရားစြဆျခငး)

Rule of law Principles: တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးစညးမဥးမား

the following rule of law principles are relevant to this session:

• legal certainty• fair, broadly understood and stable

laws • fair, robust, and accessible legal

processes in which rights and responsibilities based in law are evenly enforced


• ဥပေဒအရတာဝနခႏငမႈ• မတမႈရျခငး၊ကယျပန႔စြာနားလညျခငးႏင

တညျငမေသာဥပေဒမား• မတမႈ၊ခငမာမႈႏငနားလညရနလြယကေသာ


Page 55: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Preparation ျပငဆငျခငး

Materials: သငေထာကကပစၥညးမား၊for this session you will need:

• flipcharts and pens• flipchart # 1 thet thet

ဤအစအစဥတြင သငသညေအာကပါအရာမားက လအပမည။

• စာရြကျဖႀကးမားႏငေဗာပငမား• စာရြကျဖႀကး#၁သကသက

Handouts: ေဝငစာရြကမား

in this session you will use:• 9.4.1 – thet thet’s interviewing

summary• 9.4.2 – myanmar Contract act

provisions• 9.4.3 – it’s Complicated information for

Clients• 9.4.4 – it’s Complicated information for

lawyers• 9.4.5 – Standard practice or



• ၉.၄.၁-သကသက၏အငတာဗးအကဥးခပ• ၉.၄.၂-ျမနမာပဋညာဥအကဥပေဒရျပ႒ာနးခက

မားအကဥးခပ• ၉.၄.၃- အမႈသည၏ရႈပေထြးေသာ သတငး

အခကအလကမား• ၉.၄.၄- ေရ႕ေန၏ရႈပေထြးေသာသတငးအခက

အလကမား• ၉.၄.၅- စထားရမည ဓေလထးစႏင အလြန


1. oPeN SeSSioN aNd Review (5 mins)

၁။အဖြငအစအစဥႏငျပနလညဆနးစစျခငး (၅မနစ)

introduce the session’s background and purpose to add more advanced content for lawyers and others who might find the existing contract session too basic.

link the outcomes and activities in this lesson to what has been done in previous session. if accurate, emphasize how this session builds on earlier sessions concerning client-centered values, listening, questioning, and legal counseling. participants may want to consider the difference between “positions” and “interests” as discussed in Session 13.3: negotiation. also recall how lawyers must consider all options when advising clients, as discussed in 6.1 “Choice of law.”


ၿပးခသည အစအစဥတြင ျပလပခေသာ ေမာမနးရလဒမားႏင လပေဆာငခကမားက ဤသငခနးစာႏင

Page 56: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


မတဆကေပးပါ။တတကကေျပာရလငဤအစအစဥသညၿပးခသညအစအစဥမားတြငပါဝငေသာအမႈသညဥးစားေပးတနဖးထားမႈမား၊နားေထာငေပးျခငးမား၊ေမးခြနးေမးျခငးမား၊တရားေရးရာေဆြးေႏြးအႀကျပျခငးမားႏငမညသ႔ မညပခတဆကထားေၾကာငးကလညး အသားေပး ေျပာျပေပးပါ။ ေလကငရမည ကၽြမးကငမႈ နပါတ ၃ ျဖစသည ေဆြးေႏြးညႏႈငးျခငးတြငေဆြးေႏြးခေသာ “ရပတညမႈ”ႏင “အကးစးပြား”တ႔၏ ျခားနားခကကသငတနးသ၊သားမားသခငလမမည။ ထ႔ေနာက အစအစဥ ၆.၁ တြင ေဆြးေႏြးခသည “ဥပေဒ၏ေရြးခယမႈ” ကသ႔ အမႈသညမားက အႀကေပးရာတြငေရ႕ေနမားထညသြငးစဥးစားရမညအလးစေသာေရြးပငခြငမားကလညးသတရလာေအာငျပနလညေႏြးေပးပါ။

aCTiviTY 1: SwiTCHiNG (10 minutes)

လႈပရားမႈ၁-လညေျပာငးျခငး (၁ဝမနစ)

Purpose of activity: to invite participants to look at problems and solutions in new ways.သငတနးသ၊သငတနးသားမားကျပနာရပမားႏငေျဖရငးနညးမားကရႈျမငနညးအသစမားျဖငခဥးကပႏငေစရန။လႈပရားမႈ၏ရညရြယခက-ကစၥမားကေျဖရငးရာတြငေဘာငသတမတခကမား(သ႔)အမးအစားမားလညေျပာငးစဥးစားျခငးမရရမညတနဖးမား၏အေတြ႔အႀကကရရေစရနျဖစသည။

Methodology: individual activity followed by large group discussionသငၾကားနညးနညးပညာ-တဥးခငးျပလပရေသာလႈပရားမႈျပလပၿပးေနာကအပစႀကးျဖငေဆြးေႏြးၾကမည။

Handout(s): Noneေဝငစာရြက(မား)-မရ။

Materials: advance prepared flipchart or power point slide which contains the exerciseသငေထာကကပစၥညးမား-ေလကငခနးပါဝငေသာႀကတငျပငဆငထားေသာစာရြကထႀကး(သ႔)ပါဝါပြငစလကမား


• prepare a flip chart or project a power point slide containing the following which describes the exercise

• ask participants to raise their hand when they identify a solution to this task. 3 minutes

• what is your solution? (Correct: add curved “s” makes it “SiX”)

• what was the challenge? was it the word “number”? was this a “category” that limited the possible solutions?

Closing activity• how does this connect to contracts?

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Page 57: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


• why should lawyers consider more than just law and legal rights and defenses when they negotiate contracts?

• are there any legal limits in myanmar on what can be considered in creating a contract?

• how can you enforce the contract if it is breached?



အေျဖသရသြားေသာသငတနးသ၊သားမားအား၄ငးတ႔၏လကမားကေထာငခငးပါ။(၃မနစ)• သငအေျဖသည အဘယနညး။ (အေျဖမန - မဥးေကြး “S” က ေပါငးထညျခငးျဖင “SIX” ဟေသာ နပါတ

ရရပါသည။• ထသ႔ ျပလပရနစနေခၚမႈသညအဘယျဖစသနညး။ထအရာသည“နပါတတခ” ျဖစခပါသလား။ထအရာသည



• ဤအရာသညပဋညာဥမားႏငမညသ႔ဆကစပေနသနညး။• ေရ႕ေနမားသည ပဋညာဥမား ညႏႈငးေဆြးေႏြးရာတြင ေရ႕ေနမားသည အဘယေၾကာင ဥပေဒ၊ တရားေရးရာ

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Page 58: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


ရပငခြငမား၊ႏငကာကြယခချခငးမားအျပငတျခားေသာအရာမားကပါထညသြငးစဥးစားသငသနညး။• ပဋညာဥတခ ဖနတးျပလပရာတြင ထညသြငးစဥးစားရမည တရားေရးရာ ကန႔သတခကမား ျမနမာႏငငတြင

ရပါသလား။• အကယ၍ပဋညာဥအားခးေဖာကခလင၎ကအတညျဖစေအာငသငမညသ႔ျပလပႏငမညနညး။

NoTeS FoR FaCiliTaToRS:

this exercise relies on participants being familiar with “roman numbers”. iX is the Roman number 9 which may lead participants to only consider numerical categories and not word answers. the lesson is the value of switching frames or categories when solving tasks. this type of frame or category switching is what negotiators and mediators do when they switch from positions to interests, as discussed in the negotiation Session. interest-based agreements are contracts that meet everyone’s needs better than adjudicatory outcomes which are limited by the remedies laws create. participants are free to negotiate solutions to problems based on client interests that are broader than legal rights and remedies.

Contract act Section 14: Contracts: must involve legally required contract elements, proposal/offer, acceptance, and consideration; cannot contract to do illegal things; cannot base contract on coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation, or mistake.

Contracts can include a dispute resolution clause that requires negotiating and mediating before turning to arbitration or litigation to resolve disputes. But consider the final activity about whether or not such clauses favor the powerful.


ဤသငခနးစာသည သငတနးသ၊သားမား “ေရာမကနးဂဏနးမား” ႏင ရငးႏးကၽြမးဝငျဖစမႈအေပၚတြင မခထားသည။IX ဆသညမာ ေရာမနပါတ ၉ ျဖစၿပး သငတနးသ၊သားမားအား စာလးျဖငေရးသားထားေသာ အေျဖမားထက ကနးဂဏနးႏငဆငေသာ အမးအစားမားကသာ စဥးစားေစမည ျဖစသည။ ဤသငခနးစာသည ကစၥမားက ေျဖရငးရာတြငေဘာငကန႔သတခကမား (သ႔) အမးအစားမားက လညေျပာငးျခငးမ ရရမည တနဖးမားက ေဖာျပထားသည။ဤသ႔ေဘာငကန႔သတခကမား (သ႔)အမးအစားမားကလညေျပာငးျခငးသည ညႏႈငးေဆြးေႏြးျခငးအစအစဥတြင ေဆြးေႏြးခသညအတငး ညႏႈငးေဆြးေႏြးသမား ႏင ၾကားဝင ဖနေျဖေပးသမားက ရပတညမႈမ အကးစးပြားသ႔ လညေျပာငးရာတြငလပေဆာငေသာအရာမား ျဖစသည။အကးစးပြားကအေျခခထားေသာသေဘာတညခကမားသညပဋညာဥမားပငျဖစရာထအရာမားသညသကသာခြငဥပေဒမစစေဆးဆးျဖတ၍ရရေသာရလဒမားထကပမေကာငးမြနၿပးလတငး၏လအပခကႏင ကကညေသာအရာမားပင ျဖစၾကသည။ သငတနးသ၊သားမားသည ျပနာမား၏ အေျဖမားကအမႈသညတ႔အကးကေရးရႈၿပး(တရားေရးရာရပငခြငႏငသကသာခြငမားသာမက)လြတလပစြာညႏႈငးေဆြးေႏြးႏငသည။

ပဋညာဥအကဥပေဒပဒမ၁၄ပဋညာဥမား - ပဋညာဥမားတြင ပဋညာဥအရ လအပသညအခကအလကမား၊ အဆျပခက/ကမးလမးခက၊လကချခငးႏငပဋညာဥ ျပလပရာတြငအျပနအလနျပရနအခကမားပါဝငေနရမည ျဖစၿပးတရားမဝငေသာကစၥရပမားအတြက ပဋညာဥမား ျပလပခြင မရပါ။ ထ႔ျပင ပဋညာဥျပလပရာတြင အႏငအထကျပျခငး၊ မေလာၾသဇာသးျခငး၊လမလညလညျဖားျခငး၊အလြေျပာဆျခငး၊သ႔မဟတမားယြငးျခငးမားလညးမရေစရပါ။

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Page 59: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


ပဋညာဥမားတြငအျငငးပြားမႈမားက ေျဖရငးရန ခသမာဓရး (သ႔)တရားစြဆျခငးမား မျပလပမ ေစစပ ေဆြးေႏြးျခငးႏငၾကားဝငဖနေျဖေပးျခငးဆငရာ အျငငးပြားမႈမားက ေျဖရငးသည ပဒမခြငယမား ပါဝငႏငသည။ သ႔ေသာ ထသ႔ေသာပဒမခြငယမားသညထအျငငးပြားမႈ၏ေနာကဆးလႈပရားမႈအေပၚၾသဇာမလႊမးမးေစရနထညသြငးစဥးစားရေပမည။

aCTiviTY 2: eaSY CoMe, eaSY Go 30 minutes

လႈပရားမႈ၂-လြယလြယရ၊လြယလြယကန ၃ဝမနစ

Purpose of activity: analyze and apply Myanmar Contract act to a client’s situation activityလႈပရားမႈ၏ရညရြယခက-အမႈသညတဥး၏အေျခအေနကျမနမာပဋညာဥအကဥပေဒအရခြျခမးစတျဖာေလလာျခငးႏငလကနာကငသးျခငး။

Methodology: Small group discussion and reporting to large groupသငၾကားနညးနညးပညာမား-အပစငယမားဖြ႔၍ေဆြးေႏြးျခငးႏငအပစႀကးသ႔တငျပျခငး

Handout(s): 9.4.1 – Thet Thet’s interview Summary; 9.4.2 – Myanmar Contract act Provisionsေဝငစာရြက(မား)–ေဝငစာရြက၉.၄.၁-သကသက၏အငတာဗးအကဥးခပေဝငစာရြက၉.၄.၂-ျမနမာပဋညာဥအကဥပေဒ၏ျပ႒ာနးခကအကဥးခပ

Materials: • advance prepared flip chart page or projected power point slide containing two

columns, and under each space to summarize arguments and outcome predictions• The column headings [or titles] are

o Thet Thet’s 20% statement?Proposal/offer?acceptance?

o uncle’s 50% statement?Proposal/offeracceptance?• Flipchart and pens for summarizing responses

သငေထာကကျပပစၥညးမား• ေသခာစြာစစဥထားေသာကပထစကႀကး(သ႔)ပါဝါပြငစလက။ထတြငလငးႏစလငးဆြၿပးထလငး

တလငးခငးစ၏ေအာကတြငေလာကလခကမားႏငခန႔မနးရလဒမားေရးႏငရနေနရာမားခနထားေပးပါ။• ထလငးမား၏ေခါငးစးမား(ေခါငးစဥမား)မာ-

• သကသက၏၂ဝ%အဆျပခက အဆျပခက/ကမးလမးခက လကခခက• ဥးေလး၏၅ဝ%အဆျပခက- အဆျပခက/ကမးလမးခက လကခခက

• ကပထစကနငသငတနးသ၊သားမား၏တ႔ျပနခကအေျဖမားကေရးမတရနေဘာပငမား

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Page 60: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို



Small Group discussion (10 minutes)

• Divide participants into 3 person groups. tell them to read handout # 1 which summarizes an interview conducted with the client, thet thet. using handout # 2 as a reference, the participants should list 3 important questions regarding how myanmar contracts law applies to thet thet’s situation. then, using single words and phrases only, the participants should explain:

o how they will argue for thet thet regarding this question?

o how they predict a judge will rule regarding their argument on this question?

large Group discussion (20 minutes)

• use the prepared flipchart page (or project the power point slide) #1. ask participants to raise their hands if they discussed all of these issues:

• thet thet’s 20% statemento was it a proposal/offer by thet?o was it accepted by her uncle?

• the uncle’s statement that he wanted 50%o was it a proposal?o was it accepted?

• ask: Did you discuss other issues? if so, what? and what were your arguments for thet thet? what did you predict would be the outcome?

• then discuss each of the issues on the chart

• Regarding thet thet’s 20% statemento was this a valid proposal?

how will argue this for thet thet?was it a joke?is claiming a statement was just a joke a valid defense in myanmar?

o Did her uncle accept?Did he signify his assent as required by Contract law 2 (b)? [he didn’t]what was the legal impact of uncle making counter offer of 50% split?

• maybe - rejection of 20% proposal?• or maybe – acceptance with further negotiation of percentage of


foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Page 61: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


where would you look to get an answer to this question?• answer: Contract law and Specific Relief act. also possible Case

citations.any relevant law that you know about?what other arguments were discussed?how will judge will rule on this? and why?

• Regarding the uncle’s 50% statemento what arguments can be made for thet thet?

what is the legal significance of her laughing?how could it be an acceptance if she didn’t say anything?

• is failure to respond the same as acceptance?• any case citations on this?• any policy reasons this should be discouraged?

o how will a judge will rule on this point? o anything else discussed?


သငတနးသ၊သားမားအား ၃ ေယာကတစအပစ ခြပါ။သငတနးသ၊သားမားအား ၄ငးတ႔၏အမႈသညသကသကႏငအငတာဗးထားေသာအငတာဗးအကဥးခပျဖစသညေဝငစာရြက၁ကဖတခငးပါ။ေဝငစာရြက၂ကကးကားစာရြကအေနျဖင အသးျပခငးပါ။ ထ႔ေနာက ျမနမာပဋညာဥအကဥပေဒအရ သကသက၏ အေျခအေနတြင ကငသးႏငမညအေရးႀကးဆးေသာ ေမးခြနး ၃ ခက ခေရးခငးပါ။ ၿပးေနာက စာလးတလးခငးစ ႏင စကားဆကတခစက သာသးၿပးညႊနျပေပးပါ။

• ဤေမးခြနးႏငပတသက၍သငသညသကသကအတြကမညသ႔ေလာကလေျပာဆေပးမညနညး။• ဤေမးခြနးအေပၚတြင သင၏ ေလာကလခကႏင ပတသက၍ တရားသႀကးမ မညသ႔ စရငခကခမညဟ



အသငျပငဆငထားေသာ ကပထစကစာရြက (သ႔ ပါဝါပြင စလက) ၁ က သးပါ။ ေအာကပါ ကစၥရပမားအားလးေဆြးေႏြးၿပးေသာသငတနးသ၊သားမားကလကေထာငခငးပါ။

• သကသက၏၂ဝ%အဆျပခကo ထအရာသညသကသက၏အဆျပခက/ကမးလမးခကျဖစပါသလား။o ထအရာကသမ၏ဥးေလးမလကခခပါသလား။o

• သမဥးေလး၏အဆျပခကအရသသည၅ဝ%ကလခငသည။o ထအရာသညအဆျပခကတရပေလာ။o ထအရာကလကခခပါသလား။

တျခားေသာ အေၾကာငးကစၥမားက သငေဆြးေႏြးခပါေသးသလား။ အကယ၍ ေဆြးေႏြးခလင ထအရာမားသညအဘယ နညး။ သကသကအတြကသင၏ ေလာကလခကမားသည မညသညမား ျဖစသနညး။ ေမာမနးရလဒမားမာမညသညမားျဖစမညဟသငခန႔မနးထားပါသနညး။ထ႔ေနာကဇယားေပၚရေအာကပါကစၥအသးသးကေဆြးေႏြးခငးပါ။

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Page 62: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


• သကသက၏၂ဝ%အဆျပခကႏငပတသက၍o ထအရာသညတရားဝငျဖစေသာအဆျပခကတရပျဖစပါသလား။o ထအရာႏငပတသက၍သကသကအတြကမညသ႔ေလာလခကေပးမညနညး။o (အေျဖမားေပးၿပးေနာက)ထအရာသညဟာသတခမားလား။o ထအရာသညျမနမာႏငငရေခပခကတခမားျဖစပါသလား။

• သမ၏ဥးေလးသညလကခပါသလား။o သ႕၏သေဘာတညခကသညပဋညာဥအကဥပေဒပဒမ၂(ခ)၏လအပခကအရသေဘာတထား

ေသာအရာျဖစပါသလား။o ဥးေလး၏၅ဝ%အခးရရရနဆန႔ကငေျပာဆျခငးသညတရားဥပေဒအရမညသ႔ေသာအကး

သကေရာကမႈမားရႏငသနညး။ ၂ဝ%အဆျပခကကျငငးပယျခငးလညးျဖစေကာငးျဖစႏငမညေလာ။ သ႔တညးမဟတ…ရရမညရာခငႏႈနးေဝစကထကတးေဆြးေႏြးညႏႈငးလကခေပးႏငမညေလာ။

o သငသညဤေမးခြနး၏အေျဖကမညသညေနရာတြငသြားရာမညနညး။(အမႈ၏စရငထးမားကကးကားျခငး)

သငသေသာစပဆငသညဥပေဒရပါသလား။o တျခားမညသညေလာကလခကမားကေဆြးေႏြးခသနညး။o တရားသႀကးသညဤအေပၚတြငမညသ႔စရငခကခမညနညး။ဘာေၾကာငနညး။

• ဥးေလး၏၅ဝ%အဆျပခကႏငပတသက၍…o သကသကအတြကမညသညအဆျပခကမားျပလပေပးႏငမညနညး။

သမ၏ရယေမာေနျခငးသညဥပေဒအရမညသညအဓပၸာယကေဆာငသနညး။ အကယ၍သမသညစကားတခြနးမမေျပာခလငတဖကမေျပာေသာအဆျပခကက

လကခသလျဖစေနမညေလာ။• တဖကမ ေျပာဆေသာ အဆျပခကက ျပနလညေျဖဆရန ပကကြကခ

ျခငးသညထအဆျပခကကလကခလကသလျဖစေနပါသလား။• ဤအမႈႏငပတသက၍ကးကားစရာအမႈမားရပါသလား။• ဤအမႈက အဟန႔အတားျဖစေစမည မဝါဒေရးရာအေၾကာငးျပခကမား

ရပါသလား။o ဤအခကႏငပတသက၍တရားသႀကးသညမညသ႔စရငခကခလမမညနညး။o တျခားမညသညအရာမားကလညးေဆြးေႏြးခပါသနညး။

NoTeS FoR FaCiliTaToRS:

no defense that a statement is a joke in myanmar. thus thet thet’s “joke” may have to satisfy 3 [and 2(a)] as an act. Section 3 says acceptance can be communicated by an omission as well as by a statement.



foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Page 63: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


aCTiviTY 3: iT’S CoMPliCaTed (30 minutes)

လႈပရားမႈ၃-(ထအရာသညရႈပေထြးပါသည။) (၃ဝမနစ)

Purpose of activity: Practice client-centered counseling explaining complicated standard form contract to a client.


Methodology: • Simulation• Small group discussion with individualized feedback• large group discussion

သငၾကားနညးနညးပညာ-• သရပေဖာတငျပျခငး။• အပစငယမားဖြ႔၍ေဆြးေႏြးၿပးတဥးတေယာကခငးစကFeedbackတ႔ျပနခကမားျပနေပးျခငး။• အပစႀကးျဖငေဆြးေႏြးျခငး။

Handout(s): 9.4.3 – Complicated information for Clients (on blue paper if possible), 9.4.4 – its Complicated information for lawyer (on green paper if possible)

ေဝငစာရြက(မား)–• ေဝငစာရြက၉.၄.၃-အမႈသညမားအတြကရႈပေထြးေသာသတငးအခကအလကမား(ျဖစႏငလင

စာရြကအျပာကသးေပးပါ။)• ေဝငစာရြက၉.၄.၄-ေရ႕ေနအတြကရႈပေထြးေသာသတငးအခကအလကမား(ျဖစႏငလင


Materials: Flipcharts and pens

သငေထာကကျပပစၥညးမား-ကပထစကမားႏငေဗာပငမား iNSTRuCTioNS

Simulation and Pair debrief: • form participants into pairs – one “client” and one “lawyer.” each get their respective

handouts. Read them. 5 minutes.

• ask them to simulate counseling session. 15 minutes.

• Stop them. ask pairs to discuss together. Clients should tell lawyers two things they did or said that had a positive impact on them, as well as two things that had a negative impact. 5 minutes

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Page 64: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


large Group discussion:• what did the lawyers find hard? what was easy? why?.

• how successful do people think negotiating the automatic forfeiture provision would be? why?

• how was this simulation consistent or not with myanmar law and practice? 10 minutes



ႏစဥးခငးစျပနလညေဆြးေႏြးျခငး ၄ငးတ႔က ရပခငးလကပါ။ ႏစေယာကတတြအပစမားက အခငးခငး ေဆြးေႏြးခငးပါ။ အမႈသညမားမ ေရ႕ေနမားအား၄ငးတ႔ ျပလပခသည (သ႔) ေျပာခသည အရာမားထမ ၄ငးတ႔အား ေကာငးကးျဖစေစသည အရာနစခအေၾကာငးႏငဆးကးျဖစေစသညအရာႏစခအေၾကာငးကေျပာျပခငးပါ။(၅မနစ)

အပစႀကးျဖငေဆြးေႏြးျခငး- ေရ႕ေနမားအတြက ခကခေသာအရာသည အဘယနညး။ မညသည အရာသည လြယကေစသနညး။

ဘာေၾကာငနညး။- အခြနဘ႑ာအျဖငအလအေလာကသမးဆညးျခငးဆငရာျပ႒ာနးခကကေဆြးေႏြးတငပငျခငးသညမညမအထ

ေအာငျမငႏငမညဟထငပါသနညး။အဘယေၾကာငနညး။- ဤသ႔သရပေဖာတငျပျခငးသညျမနမာဥပေဒလကေတြ႔ကငစဥမားႏငကကညမႈရပါသလား။(၁ဝမနစ)

aCTiviTY 4: iS THiS STaNdaRd PRaCTiCe oR uNCoNSCioNaBle? (10 minutes)



Purpose of activity: Highlight how power inequalities can be expressed in contracts contrary to rule of law principles


Methodology: analysis and large group discussionသငၾကားနညးနညးပညာမား-ခြျခမးစတျဖာသးသပျခငးနငအပစႀကးဖြ႔၍ေဆြးေႏြးျခငး။

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Page 65: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


Handout(s): 9.4.5 – Standard Practice or unconscionableေဝငစာရြက(မား)-ေဝငစာရြက၅-စထား၍လကနာကငသးျခငးႏငယတမရျဖစေနျခငး။

Materials: Flipchart and pensသငေထာကကျပပစၥညးမား-ကပထစကႏငေဗာပငမား။


• all participants read handout 9.45. then ask the questions contained on handout 9.4.5:

• is the automatic forfeiture provision fair and just?

• Should we challenge it?

• how would we challenge it?

• would we be successful?

• how should people trying to promote rule of law principles deal with private contract provisions that routinely exploit low income, vulnerable, and marginalized citizens?

• Do the summarized myanmar Contract act provisions help?o are the examples in 16(2) illustrative or limiting?o Does the burden of proof provision in 16(3) help or hurt, and how?

• what effect does our client having us as a lawyer have?o Does it equalize bargaining power?o But still probably does not change things because

our client has no realistic alternativeand golden Domes can find another purchaser who does not have a lawyer


• အလအေလာကအခြနဘ႑အျဖစသမးယျခငးဆငရာျပ႒ာနးခကသညတရားမတမႈရပါသလား။• ထအရာႏငပတသက၍ကၽြႏပတ႔သညေစာဒကတကသငပါသလား။• မညသ႔မညပေစာဒကတကသငပါသနညး။• ကၽြႏပတ႔၏ေစာဒကတကမႈသညေအာငျမငႏငမညေလာ။• လပခလစာနညးပါးသမား၊ အကးခစားခြငေကာငးစြာမရရသမား ႏင ဥးစားေပးမခရဘ ပထတထား

ခရေသာသမား အေပၚတြင ပမန ေခါငးပျဖတ အျမတထတျခငးမားႏင စပဆငေနသည (ပဂၢလကဆငရာပဋညာဥျပ႒ာနးခကမားႏင ဆကစပေနေသာ) ကစၥမားတြင တရားဥပေဒ စးမးေရး စညးမဥးမားပမရရေစေရးအတြကမညသ႔ေသာအရာမားကလပေဆာငသငသနညး။

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Page 66: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


• အကဥးခပေဖာျပထားေသာ ျမနမာပဋညာဥအကဥပေဒဆငရာ ျပ႒ာနးခကမားသည သငအတြကအေထာကအကျဖစပါသလား။

o ပဒမ၁၆(၂)တြငေဖာျပထားေသာဥပမာမားသညရငးလငးသေလာ(သ႔)မျပညမစျဖစေနသေလာ။o ပဒမ ၁၆ (၃)တြင ေဖာျပထားသညသကေသျပရနတာဝနႏငဆငေသာ ျပ႒ာနးခကသညသငအား

အကအညျဖစသေလာ(သ႔)သငအားအေႏာငအယကေပးသေလာ။အဘယေၾကာငနညး။• ကၽြႏပတ႔၏အမႈသညသည(ေရ႕ေနတေယာကကသ႔)မညသ႔ေသာအကးဆကမားကရရေနသနညး။

o ထအရာသညေရာငးလအားဝယလအားကအညအမျဖစေစပါသလား။o သ႔ေသာ…အရာမားသညမေျပာငးလေသးပါ။အဘယေၾကာငဆေသာ-

ကၽြႏပတ႔၏အမႈသညတြငတျခားလကေတြ႔ေရြးခယစရာလမးမရေသာေၾကာင Golden Domes (ဂးဒငးဒနး) သည ေရ႕ေနမရေသာ တျခားေသာ ဝယယသတဥးဥးက


NoTeS FoR FaCiliTaToRS:

this activity highlights the social justice implications of wealthier, more powerful persons and companies writing unfair, standard form contract provisions which leave poor, marginalized, and vulnerable citizens with no realistic ability to negotiate fairer approaches. while unfair clauses like fee shifting not yet common in myanmar, they are common in united States and elsewhere. lawyers and corporations may import them into myanmar, disadvantaging the less powerful.


ဤလႈပရားမႈသညပ၍ခမးသာၿပးအာဏာရေသာပဂၢလမား၊ကမၸဏမားႏငဆငးရသားမား၊ပထတထားခရေသာသမား၊အကးခစားခြငျပညဝစြာမရရေသာသမားတ႔ စာခပခပဆၾကရာတြင ပဋညာဥ၏ စခနစညႊနးမားနင မကကည ေသာ၊တရားမတမႈမရေသာစာခပမား(ပမၿပးတရားမတေသာနညးလမးမားျဖငေဆြးေႏြးညႏႈငးခြငပငမရေသာ)မျပလပႏငရနလမႈေရးအရတရားမတမႈရရရန လပေဆာငမႈမားက အသားေပး ေဖာျပထားသည။ အခေၾကးေငြ လႊေျပာငးေပးျခငးကသ႔ေသာ တရားမမတေသာ ပဒမငယမားသည ျမနမာႏငငတြင ေတြ႔ေနကကစၥ မဟတေသာလညး အေမရကနႏငတျခားေသာေနရာမားတြငမ မထးဆနးေတာပါ။ ေရ႕ေနမားႏင ေကာပေရးရငးမားသည ထအရာမားက ျမနမာႏငငသ႔ယေဆာငလာပါကအာဏာအငအားသးၿပးလပေဆာငေနသမားကေလာနညးသြားေစမည။

SuMMaRY aNd evaluaTioN (10 mins)အကဥးခပႏငသးသပျခငး (၁ဝမနစ)

ask participants to write briefly, using words and phrases rather than sentences

• how they assess the content level analysing whether it too basic, too advanced, or an appropriate level for them

foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Page 67: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


• three things they learned in this session that were valuable or useful, explaining why or how

• two things in this session that were not helpful to them, or not consistent with myanmar culture and law practice, explaining why

Collect these papers, translate them, and save them.


• အရာတခတြင ပါဝငသည အေၾကာငးအရာမားသည အေျခခကလြနးသည၊ အဆငျမငလြနးသည (သ႔)သငတငေသာ အဆငတြင ရသည စသညျဖင ထထအဆငမားက သရေစရန ၄ငးတ႔သည မညသ႔အကျဖတသနညး။

• ဤအစအစဥမ ေလလာသငယခသည အေၾကာငးအရာမားထမ ၄ငးတ႔အတြက တနဖးရၿပး အသးဝငေသာအရာသးခအေၾကာငးက ေဖာျပခငးပါ။ ထ႔ေနာက ဘာေၾကာငအသးဝငသညႏင ဘယလအသးဝငပကလညးေဖာျပခငးပါ။

• ဤအစအစဥမေလလာသငယခသညအေၾကာငးအရာမားထမ၄ငးတ႔အတြကအကအညမျဖစေသာအရာႏစခအေၾကာငး(သ႔)ျမနမာယဥေကးမႈႏငဥပေဒ၏လပရးလပစဥမားႏငကကညမႈမရေသာအရာႏစခကေရးခငးပါ။ထ႔ေနာကအဘယေၾကာငထသ႔ထငသညကလညးေရးခငးပါ။


foundations in Rule of law Course: module 9.4 advanced Contractsတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေမာကး၉.၄ပဋညာဥမား

Page 68: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course- handout 9.4.1 thet thet’s interview Summaryတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၄.၁-သကသက၏အငတာဗးအကဥးခပ

9.4.1 – Thet Thet’s interview Summary

yesterday thet thet came to your office and said she is having a dispute with her uncle. last week this uncle called her and said “i am bringing over money as your birthday gift and you will spend it on 30 tickets in the aung-bar-lay myanmar government lottery. i’ve developed a system for picking winners that was bound to pay off soon.”thet thet said she was too embarrassed to buy lottery tickets, and gave the money back to her uncle. then, laughing, she said “if you buy the tickets for me, i will give you 20% of my winnings.” her uncle then also started laughing and said, “if i pick the numbers for the tickets, i get half.” thet thet laughed louder and said nothing further so her uncle took the money back and left.adding 10 more tickets for himself, the uncle bought forty tickets and picked the numbers for each ticket. he then brought all 40 tickets back to thet thet. he was supposed to return the next day to choose his 10 tickets before the drawing, but he got into a car accident. thet thet divided the tickets before the drawing. one of her tickets won. it was worth 1,500 lakh. her uncle now demands half of the winnings.thet thet wants to know her legal rights. She does not think she owes her uncle anything since the winning ticket was a gift. She also does not think she seriously offered to give him 20%. thet thet’s uncle is wealthy and she is poor.


သကသကသညမေန႔ကသငရးခနးသ႔ေရာကလာခၿပးသမသညသမ၏ဥးေလးႏငပဋပကၡတခ ျဖစေနေၾကာငးေျပာျပခသည။ ၿပးခသညအပတကသမ၏ ဥးေလးသညသမက ေခၚၿပး “ငါ နငက ေမြးေန႔လကေဆာငေပးဖ႔အတြကပကဆယလာခတယ။နငအဒါကျမနမာအစးရထျဖစတေအာငဘာေလထအေဆာင၃ဝဝယထးလက”ဟေျပာခသည။ထ႔ေနာကထရ႕ကထးရငကလညးမၾကာခငေရြးခယေတာမာျဖစတယအေၾကာငးကလညးေျပာသြားခသည။

သကသကသည ထလကမတမား သြားဝယရန အလြန ရကေၾကာငး ေျပာခသည။ ထ႔ေနာက ထပကဆကဥးေလးအားျပနေပးကာရယေမာၿပး“တကယလ႔ဥးသမးအတြကလကမတေတြသြားဝယမယဆရငထေပါကရငဥးက၂ဝရာခငႏႈနးေပးမယ”ဟေျပာခသည။သမ၏ဥးေလးကလညးရယေမာၿပး“ေအး၊တကယလ႔ငါေရြးေပးလကတထေပါကရငငါတဝကဆငတယေနာ”ဟေျပာခသည။သကသကသညဘာမမေျပာဘ ပမကယေလာငေသာအသျဖင ရယေမာကာပကဆကဥးေလးလကသ႔ေပးၿပးထြကသြားခသည။ ဥးေလးျဖစသကလညးထလကမတဝယရာတြငသ႔အတြကပါ၁ဝေစာငပဝယၿပးထထလကမတအေစာင၄ဝရ ထလကမတတေစာငစအတြက နပါတမားကလညး တခခငးစ ေရြးခယခသည။ ထ႔ေနာက ထထလကမတ ၄ဝ ကသကသကစယသြားေပးခသည။ဥးေလးလပသကလညးေနာကရကထမဖြငမအခနတြငသ၏ထလကမတ၁ဝေစာငကသြားယမညဟ စဥးစားထားသည။ သ႔ေသာ သသည ကားတကမႈတခႏင ႀကခရသည။ သကသကကလညး ထမဖြငမထလကမတမားက ခြခသည။ ထလကမတမားထမသမ၏လကမတတေစာငထေပါကသြားခသည။ထထသညသနး၁၅ဝဝတနပါသည။သမ၏ဥးေလးသညထထေပါကေသာပကဆမားထမတဝကကရလသည။

သကသကသည သမ၏ ဥပေဒဆငရာ ရပငခြငမားက သရလသည။ ထထလကမတသည လကေဆာငရရထားေသာထလကမတျဖစသျဖငသမသညသမ၏ဥးေလးအားဘာမေပးစရာမလဟသမထငသည။ၿပးလငသမသညသမဥးေလးအား ၂ဝ ရာခငႏႈနးေပးရမညဟလညး မထငပါ။ သကသက၏ ဥးေလးသည ခမးသာၿပး သကသကမာမဆငးရေသာေၾကာငျဖစသည။

Page 69: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Course: handout 9.4.2 Summarized myanmar Contract act provisions တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၄.၂-ျမနမာပဋညာဥအကဥပေဒပါျပဌာနးခကမားကအတခပတငျပျခငး

9.4.2 –Myanmar Contract act Provisions

the following summarizes portions of possibly relevant provisions of the myanmar Contract act (india act iX 1872)• a proposal is “one person [signifying] to another his willingness to do or to abstain from

doing anything, with a view to obtaining the assent of that other to such act or abstinence” Section 2 (a)

• an acceptance, constituting a promise, occurs “when the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto” Section 2 (b)

• Communicating proposals and acceptances “are deemed to be made by any act or omission of the party proposing, [or] accepting” Section 3

• to convert a proposal into a promise, the acceptance must “be expressed in some usual and reasonable manner” Section 7 (2)


ျမနမာ ပဋညာဥအကဥပေဒႏင စပဆငမႈရေသာ အပငးမားက ေအာကတြင အကဥးခပေဖာျပထားသည။(အႏၵရအကဥပေဒ၉၁၈၇၂)

• အရာတစခခက ျပျခငး၊ သ႔မဟတ မျပဘေနျခငး က အျခားသက သေဘာတေစလေသာ ဆႏၵျဖငတစဥးတစေယာကေသာသကထအရာက ျပလေၾကာငးသ႔မဟတမျပဘေနလေၾကာငးထအျခားသအားေဖာျပျခငးသညအဆျပသညမည၏။ပဒမ၂(က)

• အဆျပျခငးခရသသညအဆျပခကကသေဘာတေၾကာငးေဖာျပလင၊အဆျပခကကလကခသညမည၏။လကခေသာအဆျပခကသညကတမည၏။ပဒမ၂(ခ)

• အဆျပခကမားက အေၾကာငးၾကားျခငးႏင လကချခငးမားသည ထအဆျပျခငး၊ လကချခငးအားအေၾကာငးၾကားရန ႀကရြယေသာ သ႔မဟတ ထသ႔ အေၾကာငးၾကားရာ ေရာကေစေသာ အဆျပသ၏၊လကခသ၏သ႔မဟတရပသမးသ၏ျပလပမႈျဖငျဖစေစ၊ပကကြကမႈျဖငျဖစေစျပလပသညဟမတယသည။ပဒမ၃

• အဆျပခကက ကတအျဖစေရာကေစရန လကခေၾကာငးအဆျပသသည လကခရနနညးလမး ကအဆျပခကတြငသတမတထားျခငးမရလင၊သငေတာ၍ျပနၾကားၿမနညးလမးအတငးေဖာျပလကခရမည။ပဒမ၇(ခ)

Page 70: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Courses: handout 9.4.3 Complicated information for Clients တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၄.၃အမႈသညမားအတြကရႈပေထြးေသာသတငးအခကအလကမား


သငသညgolden Domes(ဂးဒငးဒနး)ဟေခၚေသာေျမယာကမၸဏမေျမ၃ဧကကဝယလသည။သငအားစာရြကစာတမးရညႀကးတခကေပးခေသာထကမၸဏမအရာရတဥးႏငအၾကမးဖငးစကားေျပာခသည။သမေျပာၾကားခသညမာထစာရြကစာတမးသည ေျမဝယယျခငးဆငရာ ပဋညာဥစာခပတခ ျဖစေၾကာငး၊ ၄ငးတ႔ကမၸဏႏင စးပြားေရးလပငနးလပကငသမနသမတ႔႔သည ထတြင လကမတထးရနလအပေၾကာငး ေျပာခသည။ သငသည ထအရာမားက စးစငမနားမလညပါ။ထ႔ေၾကာငေရ႕ေနတဥးအားေခၚခသည။

သငသည ေျမဝယယရာတြင အေျခခကေသာ အခကတခကျဖစသည ဝယယမည ေငြပမာ၏ တဝကကဝယယသညေန႔တြငလကငငးေပးေခရမညဆသညကလညးသရထားပါသည။ဤေငြပမာဏမကနေငြမားမာမေခးေငြအျဖစရရမည ျဖစပါသည။သငသညေပးရနကနေသာေငြမားကႏစစဥႏစတငးတညေသာေငြပမာဏျဖင ငါးႏစေကာအတြငးေပးေခသြားရမညျဖစပါသည။



သငေမးခြနးမားကေျဖေပးမညသငေရ႕ေန၏အေျဖမားကေသခာစြာနားေထာငပါ။သငသညေခတေရ႕မေျပးေသာ၊ဆငးရၿပး အထကတနးပညာ အနညးငယသာ သငၾကားခရေသာ သတဥးအေနျဖင သငနားမလညေသာ ကစၥမားကသငေရ႕ေနအားရငးျပခငးပါ။အကယ၍ထအေျခအေနသညဆေလာမႈရေနခလငသငေဒါသထြကခရႏငပါသည။

9.4.3 – it’s Complicated - information for Clients

you want to buy 3 acres of land from a company named golden Domes land, ltd. you talked briefly with one of this company’s officers who gave you a long document. She said it was a land purchase contract that they require everyone who does business with them to sign. you don’t understand it all. So you call a lawyer. you understand the basic structure that you have to pay half of the purchase price now as a down payment. you will have to get a loan to for the rest of this amount. you have to pay the balance over five years in equal, annual payments.you want to know more about these payments and what happens if you can’t pay them.you are very concerned about losing the money you used for the down payment. you are concerned about fairness. listen carefully to your lawyer’s answers to your questions. make him or her explain anything you do not understand in this role as an unsophisticated, poor person with little formal education. you can get angry if that seems appropriate for the situation.

Page 71: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Courses: handout 9.4.4 Complicated information for lawyerတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၄.၄ေရ႕ေနမားအတြကရႈပေထြးေသာသတငးအခကအလကမား

ေဝငစာရြက၄-ေရ႕ေနမားအတြကရႈပေထြးေသာသတငးအခကအလကမားသငသညဤအမႈသည၏pro bonoေရ႕ေနတဥး(အခေၾကးေငြမယဘလပေဆာငေပးေသာေရ႕ေန)ျဖစသည။

ဤအမႈသညသညgolden Domes land, ltd(ဂးဒငးဒနးေျမယာကမၸဏမ)ေျမ၃ဧကကဝယယလသည။ဂးဒငးဒနးေျမယာကမၸဏဆသညမာ ျပညတြငးရ ေကာပေရးရငးတချဖစၿပး အစးရမ သမးယထားေသာ ေျမမားက လယယာစကပးလသအမားျပညသတ႔အား ျပနလညစမေရာငးခေပးေသာကမၸဏတခ ျဖစသည။ဤအမႈသညသညသငအားသဂးဒငးဒနးမရရခသညစာမကႏာ၇မကႏာပါေသာေျမဝယယျခငးဆငရာပဋညာဥစာခပကေပးခၿပးထအရာမားကဖတၾကညၿပးသ႔အားရငးျပေပးရနေတာငးဆခသည။ဤလႈပရားမႈတြငထစာရြကစာတမးရအေရးအႀကးဆးေသာအခကမားကသငမသငအမႈသညအားရငးျပေပးရမည။ဤစာရြကစာတမးမပါဝငေသာအရာမားကအမႈသညအားနားလညေအာငရငးျပေပးပါ။

• ဝယယမညေစးႏႈနး၏တဝကကလကငငးေငြေပးေခရမည။• ငါးႏစ-ထလကကနေငြကငါးႏစအတြငးဆပရနတႏစတႏစတြငတညေသာေငြပမာဏကေပးေခသြားရမည။• ငါးႏစတခါတြငသတမတထားေသာစကပးေရးထြကကန၏ပစမတ/ရညမနးခကကေရာကရရမည။• အကယ၍ ထငါးႏစအတြငး စကပးေရးထြကကန၏ ပစမတ/ရညမနးခကက မရရခလင ထေျမပငဆငမႈႏင

ေငြေပးေခထားမႈ အားလးတ႔က လကလႊတဆးရႈးရမည။ ထသတမတထားေသာ ပစမတမားသည ေတာေတာေလးျမငပါသည။

သငပပနသညမာ-ဝယယသဘကမ မညမပင အမားျပလပေနေစကာမ ၄ငးတ႔ဝယယထားေသာအရာမားက အလအေလာက

သမးဆညးျခငးမား ျပလပျခငးသညတရားမမတဟသငထငသည။ထအရာမားႏငပတသကၿပးအလြသးစားလပေနမႈ(မားေသာအားျဖငပဋညာဥမား၏၃ႏစေျမာကသ႔မဟတ၄ႏစေျမာကအခနမားတြင)အမားအျပားရသညကလညးသငၾကားသခၿပးျဖစပါသည။ထသ႔ေသာအလြသးစားလပေနျခငးမားမဤအမႈသညကသ႔ေသာဝငေငြနညးပါးသညအၾကားမဝယယရေသာသတ႔အတြကေနာကဆးတြငေျမလညးမကန၊ေပးၿပးေငြမားလညးရႈး၊တခါတရေငြလကငငးခဝယရာတြငေပးရနကနေနေသာေခးေငြမားပါေပးဆပရနတာဝနမားဆကရေနတတေသးသည။

ျဖစႏငသညအေျဖ-golden Domesသညထသ႔သမးဆညးေျမမားကအစးရထမရယၿပးသငတငေသာအကးအျမတရာႏငရနအတြက

အစးရသ႔ လပေပးရနရေသာ ပစမတ/ရညမနးခကက ညႏႈငးေဆြးေႏြး၍ ရႏငသညဟ သငမထငပါ။ အလအေလာကျပစဒဏအျဖစသမးယျခငးဆငရာ ျပ႒ာနးခကႏင ပတသက၍ ေဆြးေႏြးႏငမည နညးလမးတခ သငထတြင ရသည။ထအရာမာႏစစဥရရရမညထြကကနပစမတ/ရညမနးခကကမရရခပါကထသ႔ပကကြကသညရကေပါငး၆ဝအတြငးအေၾကာငးၾကားစာမားေပးပ႔ကာ ဝယယသမားအား ျမနဆနၿပးရးရငးေသာ ခသမာဓနညးျဖင စရငဆးျဖတခကမားျပလပၿပး ညႏႈငးေဆြးေႏြးျခငးမား ပါဝငပါသည။ ခသမာဓအဖြ႔မ ထသ႔ ထြကကန ပစမတသ႔ မေရာကရချခငးသညဝယယသတ႔ဘကမ ထနးခပမရႏငေသာ အေျခအေနမား (ဥပမာအားျဖင - မးေခါငျခငး၊ ေရႀကးျခငး၊ ဖကပးမားကးေကာဝငေရာကျခငး၊ ေတာမးေလာငျခငး၊ ႏင စကပးရန မးေစမား မရရႏငျခငး) ႏင ၾကေတြ႔ခရသျဖင ထသ႔ထြကကနပစမတသ႔ မေရာကချခငး ျဖစသလားဆသညက စစေဆး ဆးျဖတပါမည။ အကယ၍ ခသမာဓအဖြ႔သညဝယယသတ႔ဘကမ မမားေၾကာငး ဆးျဖတခကခေပးခလင သ (သ႔) သမ သည ထျပငပအေျခေနမားေၾကာငျဖစေပၚလာေသာ ျပနာမား ေျဖရငးၿပးသညအေပၚတြင ေနာကတႀကမ ထြကကန ပစၥညးမား ေပးအပရန ေန႔စြ/ရကက ေတာငးပငခြငရသည။ ထ႔အျပင ေနာငတြင ထသ႔ စကပးထြကကနမား ေပးအပရမည ရကမားက လညးေျပာငးလစစဥေပးရနႏင သတမတရကထကေနာကကၿပးမ ေကာကခေပးရန စေသာ သတမတခကမားကလညးတရားမတမႈအရလအပခကအတငးေတာငးဆခြငရေစရမည။ အဆးဘကမျဖစႏငေျခ-

golden Domes သည ထသ႔ သမးယထားေသာေျမမားမ အကးအျမတထတခြငရရနအတြက အစးရအဖြ႔အားလ႕ဝကစြာအခေၾကးေငြမားေပးထားျခငးႏငပတသကေသာေကာလာဟလသတငးမားထြကရေနျခငးအေပၚခငမာေသာကးကားခကမားကရယၿပးထကးကားခကမားမတဆငညႏႈငးမႈမားကသငျပလပလသည။ဤအမႈသညသညထသ႔ညႏႈငးေဆြးေႏြးမႈမား ျပလပခလင Golden Domes က ေဒါသထြကေကာငးထြကေစမည။ ထ႔အျပင ထသတ႔သညအမႈသညအားေျမမေရာငးခရနဆးျဖတခကမားလညးခႏငေျခလညးရေၾကာငးကသငအမႈသညအားနားလညေအာငရငးျပထားရမည။

Page 72: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Courses: handout 9.4.4 Complicated information for lawyerတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၄.၄ေရ႕ေနမားအတြကရႈပေထြးေသာသတငးအခကအလကမား

9.4.4 - it’s Complicated - information for lawyers

you represent this client pro bono [charging no fee for your services]. this client wants to buy 3 acres of land from golden Domes land, ltd, a local corporation which has an arrangement to sell government confiscated property to local citizens for agricultural production. this client left you a seven page land purchase contract that she or he received from golden Domes, and asked you to review and explain it. this activity involves the meeting where you explain the important aspects of this standard form document.

Make sure this client understands that this document includes:• a down payment of half of the purchase price, • five annual, equal sized, payments satisfying the balance. • specific agricultural production targets for each of the five years. • forfeiture of all rights to this land and all money paid so far if one of these annual

agricultural production targets is not satisfied. these targets seem high..

Your concerns:you think making forfeitures automatic regardless of any fault by purchasers seems very unfair. you have heard of substantial abuses occurring with these clauses, usually in the 3rd or 4th year of these contracts. these abuses leave low income purchasers, like this client, with no land, loss of what they have already paid, and often continued obligations to pay loans needed for their down payment.

Possible solution:you do not think golden Domes can negotiate to remove these targets given the obligations they have to the government which gave them the right to make a reasonable profit selling confiscated land. you have an idea for a way to negotiate around the automatic forfeiture provision. it involves negotiating for a clause that allows purchasers to a quick and simple arbitration occurring within 60 days of notice given regarding a failure to meet an annual failure. this arbitration will determine whether the failure resulted from circumstances beyond the purchasers’ control, such as draught, flood, pest invasion, wild fires, and unavailability of seeds. if an arbitrator decides in favor of the purchaser, he or she has the ability to order a new reasonable target date based upon resolution of the problems caused by outside conditions, and to rearrange and reduce future target dates and specifications as justice requires.

downside:as leverage, you intend to make implicit references to rumors regarding hidden “fees” that golden Domes paid the government to get this opportunity to profit from confiscated lands. you also must make sure that this client understands that negotiating this way could anger golden Domes and cause them to decide not to sell to the client.

Page 73: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Courses: handout 9.4.5 Standard practice or unconscionable တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၄.၅စထားရမညဓေလထးစသ႔မဟတအလြနအမငးျဖစေနေသာဓေလထးစမား

9.4.5 – Standard Practice or unconscionable

assume another troublesome provision exists in the contract golden Domes, ltd., provided to your client in the preceding simulation. the provision states “in the event of any litigation regarding any aspect of this agreement, purchaser [our client] agrees to pay all attorney’s and court fees that seller [golden Domes, ltd.] incurs in prosecuting or defending it.”

(1) is this fair and just? (while this may be relatively new in myanmar, it is very common in contracts many american companies use with their customers regardless of their economic status, bargaining power, and affordable access to lawyers)

(2) is the automatic forfeiture provision fair and just?

(3) how should rule of law advocates deal with private contract provisions that routinely exploit low income, vulnerable, and marginalized citizens in the above and many other ways?

(4) Do the following summarized provisions of the myanmar Contract act? Should more be done? how can it be done?

Relevant law:

• “Consent is said to be free, when it is not caused by undue influence, as defined in section 16,” section 14(2)

• “a contract is said to be induced by ‘undue influence’ where the relations subsisting between the parties are such that one of the parties is in a position to dominate the will of the other and uses that position to gain an unfair advantage over the other,” section 16(1)

• “a person is deemed to be in a position to dominate the other,” section 16(2) o “where he holds a real or apparent authority over the other,” section 16(2)(a)o “where he makes a contract with a person whose mental capacity is temporarily

or permanently affected by reason of age, illness or mental or bodily distress,” section 16(2)(b)

• “where a person, who is in a position to dominate the will of another, enters into a contract with him, and the transaction appears, on the face of it or on the evidence adduced, to be unconscionable, the burden of proving that such contract was not induced by undue influence shall lie upon the person in a position to dominate the will of the other,” section 16(3)

Page 74: ေမာ္ဂ်ဴး ၉: တရားမဥပေဒ Module 9: Civil law · PDF file513 အစီအစဥ္ ၉.၁: တရားမဥပေဒ-စာခ်ဳပ္စာတမ္းအျငင္းပြားမႈမ်ားကို


foundations in Rule of law Courses: handout 9.4.5 Standard practice or unconscionable တရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးအေျခခသငတနးမား-ေဝငစာရြက၉.၄.၅စထားရမညဓေလထးစသ႔မဟတအလြနအမငးျဖစေနေသာဓေလထးစမား


golden Domesကမၸဏမသငအမႈသညအားေပးလကေသာပဋညာဥစာခပတြင ဒကၡျဖစေစမညတျခားေသာျပ႒ာနးခကတခ ဆကလကရေနသညဟ ယဆပါ။ ထျပ႒ာနးခကတြင ေဖာျပထားသညမာ ဤသေဘာတညခကႏငပတသကၿပးတရားစြဆျခငးတခခရခလငေရာငးသဘက(GoldenDomes)ဘကမကနကမညတရားစြျခငးစရတမား(သ႔) ျပနလညေခပစရတမားအားလးက ဝယယသဘကမ (ကၽြႏပတ႔အမႈသညဘကမ) အလးစေသာ စရတမား …ေရ႕ေနခမားႏငတရားရးစရတမားကကနကခပါမညဟသေဘာတပါသညဟေသာအခကပငျဖစပါသည။

(၁) ထအရာသည တရားမတမႈရပါသလား။ (ဤအရာသည ျမနမာႏငငတြင ဆနးသစေနေသာ အရာတချဖစေနေသာလညး အေမရကနကမၸဏမားသည ၄ငးတ႔၏ ဝယယသ/ေဖာကသညမား (၄ငးတ႔၏စးပြားေရးအေျခအေန၊ ဝယလအားႏင ေရ႕ေနငားရမးႏငမႈရျခငး၊မရျခငးအေပၚထညသြငးမစဥးစားဘ) ႏငအၿမခပဆေသာပဋညာဥမားအရာမားျဖစၾကသည။

(၂)အလအေလာကျပစဒဏအျဖစသမးယျခငးဆငရာျပ႒ာနးခကသညတရားမတမႈရပါသလား။(၃) အထကပါနညးလမး (သ႔) တျခားေသာနညးလမးမားျဖင လပခလစာနညးပါးသမား၊ အကးခစားခြငေကာငးစြာ မရရသမား ႏင ဥးစားေပးမခရဘ ပထတထား ခရေသာသမား အေပၚတြင ပမန ေခါငးပျဖတအျမတထတျခငးမားႏင စပဆငေနသည (ပဂၢလကဆငရာ ပဋညာဥျပ႒ာနးခကမားႏင ဆကစပေနေသာ)ကစၥမားတြငတရားဥပေဒစးမးေရးေရ႕ေနမားသညမညသ႔လပေဆာငသငသနညး။(၄) ေအာကေဖာျပပါတ႔သည ျမနမာပဋညာဥအကဥပေဒ၏ ျပ႒ာနးခကမားက အကဥးခပ ေဖာျပေပးႏငပါသလား။ထ႔ထကပၿပးလပေဆာငသငေသာအရာမားရပါသလား။မညသ႔လပေဆာငသငသနညး။


• မေလာၾသဇာသးျခငးေၾကာငမဟတလငသေဘာတခကသညလြတလပသညမည၏။ပဒမ၁၆၊ပဒမ၁၄(ခ)

• ပဋညာဥခပဆရာတြင ပါဝငသည ႏစဖကအခငးခငး၏ ဆကဆမႈမာ တဖကက အျခားတဖက၏စတကလႊမးမးႏငေသာအေျခအေနတြငရၿပး၊အျခားတဖကထမမေလာေသာအခြငအေရးကရရရနထအေျခအေနကအသးျပခလင၊ပဋညာဥက“မေလာၾသဇာ”သး၍ခပဆေစသညသညမည၏။ပဒမ၁၆(က)

• “တစဥးတစေယာကေသာသသည အျခားသ၏ စတက လႊမးမးႏငေသာ အေျခအေနတြင ရသညဟမတယသည”ပဒမ၁၆(ခ)

o “ထသသည အျခားသအေပၚ အမနတကယ ၾသဇာအာဏာရျခငး၊ သ႔မဟတ ၾသဇာအာဏာရဟနရျခငး”ပဒမ၁၆(၂)(က)

o “ထသသည အသကအရြယေၾကာငျဖစေစ၊ ဖားနာျခငးေၾကာငျဖစေစ၊ ကယစတဆငးရျခငးေၾကာင ျဖစေစ ယာယ သ႔မဟတ အၿမတနး ဥာဏရည ေလာပါးသႏငပဋညာဥျပလပျခငး”ပဒမ၁၆(၂)(ခ)

• “အျခားသတစဥး၏ စတက လႊမးမးႏငသည အေျခအေနတြင ရေသာသသည ထသႏင ပဋညာဥျပလပရာတြင အမႈကစၥမာ အျမငအရေသာလညးေကာငး၊ တငျပေသာ သကေသခခကအရေသာလညးေကာငး၊ ကးေၾကာငး မဆေလာလင၊ ထပဋညာဥက မေလာၾသဇာသး၍ ျပလပချခငးမဟတေၾကာငး သကေသျပရန တာဝနသည အျခားသ၏ စတက လႊမးမးႏငသည အေျခအေနတြငရေသာသအေပၚကေရာကေစရမည။”ပဒမ၁၆(၃)