15 dec. 3 · kristian k. – 1st grade nd tsveta t. – 2 grade rd ethan s. - 3 grade th sonya j. -...


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Page 1: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––
Page 2: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––

JJJJaaaagggguuuuaaaarrrr JJJJoooouuuurrrrnnnnaaaal l l l

DuJardin Elementary School

From the Principal,From the Principal,From the Principal,From the Principal, Thanks to all the parents that attended the recent Parent-Teacher conferences last week, your support is greatly appreciated. The winter session of MAP testing began this week. Please refer to the attached schedule for testing times at each grade level.

Teacher Grade Math: Date/Time Read: Date/Time Location

Nelson 1 12/9 @ 10:50 12/7 @9:20 Computer Lab

Becker 1

Computer Lab

Koszuta 1 12/8 10:50-11:20 and 12/9 9:20-10:20 12/9 and 12/10 9:20-10:20 Computer Lab

Kenny 2 12/9 and 12/10 9:00-10:25 12/14 and 12/15 9:00-10:25 Classroom

Frattinger 2 12/9 and 12/10 9:00-10:25 12/14 and 12/15 9:00-10:25 Classroom

Terpstra 2 12/9 and 12/10 9:00-10:25 12/14 and 12/15 9:00-10:25 Classroom

Burritt 3 Tuesday, 12/8 9-11am Wednesday, 12/9 10:10-11:55 Classroom

Hillner 3 Tuesday, 12/8 9-11am Wednesday, 12/9 10:10-11:55 Classroom

Fenn 3 Tuesday, 12/8 9-11am Wednesday, 12/9 10:10-11:55 Classroom

Lents 4 Tuesday, 12/8 8:50-10:20 am Thursday, 12/10 1:00- 2:30 Classroom

Sullivan 4 Tuesday, 12/8 8:50-10:20 am Thursday, 12/10 1:00- 2:30 Classroom

Dahm 4 Tuesday, 12/8 8:50-10:20 am Thursday, 12/10 1:00- 2:30 Classroom

Johnson 4 Tuesday, 12/8 8:50-10:20 am Thursday, 12/10 1:00- 2:30 Classroom

McGrane 5 12/11 @ 1:00 12/9 @ 10:30 Classroom

Guido 5 12/11 @ 1:00 12/9 @ 10:00 Classroom

Kolzow 5 12/11 @ 1:00 12/10 @ 10:15 Classroom

Bloomingdale School District 13 Bloomingdale School District 13 is committed to:is committed to:

••Ensuring every child will learn;Ensuring every child will learn;

••Treating everyone with honor Treating everyone with honor and respect;and respect;

••Working together to achieve.Working together to achieve.


Principal [email protected]


Assistant Principal

[email protected]

Page 3: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––

Parents, please remember to fill out your ECRA online survey that was sent to you earlier

via email. Thank you.

Also, our annual Student Council sponsored “Toys for Tots” collection begins Friday, December 4th and will continue until December 16th. The past support and generosity shown for both of these programs by our school community has been greatly appreciated. Now that the cold weather and winter is upon us and more parents are dropping off and picking up their children at school here are a few reminders:

• In order to keep the traffic flow moving in the morning we ask that no one leave their car unattended in the drop off lane and that any drop offs be made quickly.

• If you need to accompany your child to line in the morning find a parking space in the lot and walk them across traffic to their line.

• In the afternoon do not park your car in the drive thru lane and walk across the parking lot to pick up your child(ren) near the front doors or along the curb. Not only is this a dangerous practice but this backs up the traffic flow and is inconsiderate to those parents waiting patiently.

• At the end of the day the entire student pick up process takes about 8 minutes even on the busiest afternoons so your patience with this matter is greatly appreciated. If you want to avoid all the traffic, plan on picking your child up at 3:35.

• There are a few places you can park and wait for your child, such as Euclid Ct., Tee Ln., S. Prairie Ave. (near Marklund Center behind the school), or Freeport Dr. Make arrangements with your child to use one of these alternative pick up sites and meet there after school.

Students will begin their winter vacation Monday, December 21st through Friday, January

1st. School will resume on Monday, January 4th. Please remind your son/daughter to bring home clothing items, needed class books, materials, and their winter gear. Please remind your child not to leave any food items in school and to clean out their locker.

Our annual Giving Twee (yes, twee as Tweety Bird has come to sponsor our “Giving Tree” again this year) is up in the lobby and looking to be decorated with new mittens, gloves and hats that will be donated to the Bloomingdale Township office to help the less fortunate this winter season. Donations can be made up until December 18th.

Page 4: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––

When students display CHARACTER COUNTS! behavior at school they may be given a coupon from their teacher. These coupons are then brought to the office and placed in our CC! Raffle Box. At the end of each month one coupon from each class is chosen from the raffle box and these students are recognized. A kindergarten student will receive a special CC! item and each student grades 1st through 5th will have lunch with the principal. The students that are recognized for their CC! behavior in the month of November are:

Nina H. – AM Kindergarten Kristian K. – 1st Grade

Tsveta T. – 2nd Grade Ethan S. - 3rd Grade Sonya J. - 4th Grade

Theodora P. – 5th Grade

Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day –––– TomTomTomTomorrow,orrow,orrow,orrow,

DecDecDecDecember 4ember 4ember 4ember 4

Special holiday activities for DuJardin students will be held on Friday, December 18th. Holiday parties for AM Kindergarten will be from 10:15 -11:15 a.m. Parties for PM Kindergarten - Grade 5 will be from 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Fruit with FamilyFruit with FamilyFruit with FamilyFruit with Family Wednesday, December 9

7:45-8:20 a.m. Student Council will provide fruit,

muffins and activities for you and your children.

Please see the attached flyer!





Page 5: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––

A “Toys for Tots” charity drive will take 6place from December 4th-16th. We hope all families will participate by bringing in

new toys. Thank you for your support and Thank you for your support and Thank you for your support and Thank you for your support and

enjoy the holiday season.enjoy the holiday season.enjoy the holiday season.enjoy the holiday season.

Clubs at DuJardinClubs at DuJardinClubs at DuJardinClubs at DuJardin

Be sure to check out the attached

flyers for:

“Let’s Build It!” – Starts 1/6

Chess Club – Starts 1/7

Afterschool Stage Stars – Starts 1/11

Spanish Club – 1/27


November 20November 20November 20November 20, 2015, 2015, 2015, 2015

Page 6: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––

DuJardin DuJardin DuJardin DuJardin School School School School

Kids for Character ClubKids for Character ClubKids for Character ClubKids for Character Club

Tree Tree Tree Tree DecoratingDecoratingDecoratingDecorating at the at the at the at the

Bloomingdale Public LibraryBloomingdale Public LibraryBloomingdale Public LibraryBloomingdale Public Library


"Let's "Piece" Together Our "Let's "Piece" Together Our "Let's "Piece" Together Our "Let's "Piece" Together Our

Character and Bring "Peace" Character and Bring "Peace" Character and Bring "Peace" Character and Bring "Peace"

ThThThThis Holiday Season"is Holiday Season"is Holiday Season"is Holiday Season"

Page 7: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––

RollerRollerRollerRoller----Skating PaSkating PaSkating PaSkating Partyrtyrtyrty

Our first roller skating party of the year is scheduled for Thursday, December 4th from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

There will also be our annual “Gobble, Gobble” Raffle. It’s simple to enter – just bring in a canned or boxed food item for the Bloomingdale food Pantry and turn your slip in at the door. Please see the attached flyer for additional information.

Gift AvenueGift AvenueGift AvenueGift Avenue Is Is Is Is TodayTodayTodayToday!!!! Today, December 4th is our annual “Gift Avenue” gift store! It will be from 9:00 am to 4:00 p.m. during the school day. Gift Avenue is where the children can do their own holiday shopping for family and friends. Items range from $.50 to $5.00. Each child will receive an envelope to write their gift list on as well as to put their money in. It’s tons of fun for the kids and a great tradition here at DuJardin!

Holiday PartyHoliday PartyHoliday PartyHoliday Party receipts may be turned into the PTO to

the attention of Mrs. Tina Piemonte for reimbursement.

PTO meeting... PTO meeting... PTO meeting... PTO meeting... Parents – start the 2015 PTO year with a bang!

Don’t miss the next meeting – it’s Tuesday, January 13th at 7 pm. Everyone is invited! We need you!

First GradeFirst GradeFirst GradeFirst Grade


Today, Dec. 3

Gift Avenue Shopping

Roller Skating Party

Friday, Dec. 4

Spirit Day

Friday, Dec. 18

Holiday Parties

(Please see attached flyer

for details.)

Presidents Vice President Treasurer Secretary Cynthia Hunn Elizabeth Threadgill Tina Piemonte Jennifer Okun

Gift AvenueGift AvenueGift AvenueGift Avenue Is Is Is Is TodayTodayTodayToday!!!!

Today, December 3rd is our annual “Gift Avenue” gift store! It will be from 9:00 am to 4:00 p.m. during the school day. Gift Avenue is where the children can do their own holiday shopping for family and friends. Items range from $.50 to $5.00. Each child will receive an envelope to write their gift list on as well as to put their money in. It’s tons of fun for the kids and a great tradition here at DuJardin!

Holiday PartyHoliday PartyHoliday PartyHoliday Party receipts may be turned into the PTO to the

attention of Mrs. Tina Piemonte for reimbursement. Please see the attached flyer for party information on Friday, December 18.

PTO meeting... PTO meeting... PTO meeting... PTO meeting... Parents – start the 2016 PTO year with a

bang! Don’t miss the next meeting – it’s Tuesday, January 12th at 7 pm. Everyone is invited! We need you!

Thank you to Thank you to Thank you to Thank you to Mrs. Benza, Mrs. Piemonte, and our

school nurse, Mrs. Johnson, for helping our students with their vision and hearing screening this week. This is so very much appreciated.

Page 8: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––



Thursday, December 3

11:55-12:45 p.m. 3:30-4:15 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m.

5th Grade Band Day Holiday Magic

Hot Lunch – Rosati TenMarks – Computer Lab Chess Club – Art Room Yearbook Club – Room 104

December 4-16

Toys for Tots Drive

Friday, December 4

3:30-4:30 p.m.

Spirit Day Fruit w/Family Forms Due Today Mad Science – Art Room

Monday, December 7

11:55-12:45 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Lorado Taft Permission Slip Due Hot Lunch – Jersey Mike’s Afterschool Stage Stars – Band Room Young Rembrandts – Art Room

Tuesday, December 8

11:55-12:45 p.m. 3:30-4:15 p.m. 3:30-4:15 p.m. 3:30-5:00 p.m.

Spelling Bee Forms Due Hot Lunch – Rosati After School Tutoring – IMC TenMarks – Computer Lab Crossroads Kids Club – Band Room

Wednesday, December 9

7:45-8:35 a.m. 11:55-12:45 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Fruit with Family – Gym Hot Lunch – Buona Beef Let’s Build It Spanish Club - Lounge

Thursday, December 10

11:55-12:45 p.m. 3:30-4:15 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m.

CC! Responsibility Day – Wear Green

5th Grade Band Day Hot Lunch – Rosati TenMarks – Computer Lab Chess Club – Art Room Yearbook Club – Room 104

Friday, December 11

11:55-1:25 p.m. 12:05-12:45 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Limo Ride & Lunch for Fundraiser Winners – Red Robin 5th Gr. Tech Club – Group A – IMC Mad Science – Art Room

Monday, December 14

11:55-12:45 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Hot Lunch – Jersey Mike’s Young Rembrandts – Art Room

Tuesday, December 15

11:55-12:45 p.m. 3:30-4:15 p.m. 3:30-4:15 p.m. 3:30-5:00 p.m.

Hot Lunch – Rosati After School Tutoring – IMC TenMarks – Computer Lab Crossroads Kids Club – Band Room

Wednesday, December 16

8:50-10:00 a.m. 11:55-12:45 p.m. 1:40 Dismissal

Vision and Hearing Rescreening Hot Lunch – Buona Beef School Improvement Day

Page 9: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––
Page 10: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––


Thursday, December 3, 2015Thursday, December 3, 2015Thursday, December 3, 2015Thursday, December 3, 2015

Holiday Magic will take place in the GYMHoliday Magic will take place in the GYMHoliday Magic will take place in the GYMHoliday Magic will take place in the GYM

*Students with no shopping to do should remain in the classroom with the teacher.

The paraprofessionals should take shoppers to Holiday Magic.

*Entire 5th grade class attends Holiday Magic. Fifth grade students with no shopping

To do should help the kindergarten students with their shopping.

TIME CLASS 1 CLASS 2 8:55-9:25 Nelson 103 Becker 107

9:25-9:55 Koszuta 105 Passarelli 108

Bogue 106

9:55-10:25 3rd Grade

10:25-10:55 McGrane 120 Shah A100

10:55-11:25 Kolzow 119 Fonk A99

11:25-11:55 2nd Grade

Lunch in Classrooms

12:55-1:25 Guido 123 Fonk P99

1:25-1:55 Dahm 114 Brener 116

1:55-2:25 Sullivan 118 Lents 112

Page 11: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––


A reminder to parents that classrooms will have a limit of six

parents per party. Head room parents will turn in a list prior

to the party with all of the volunteer parent names on the

sheet. Only the names that appear on each classroom list will

be allowed access to the classroom parties that day. If you

have any questions about this classroom policy, please call Mr.

Dwyer for further clarification.






10:15-11:15 a.m.



thru Grade 5

2:00-3:00 p.m.



166 S. Euclid Ave. Bloomingdale, IL


Mr. Mark Dwyer Principal

Mrs. Stacy Johnston, Assistant Principal

Page 12: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––

Hey Families! Please join us for DuJardin’s “Fruit with Family!” Mark your calendar now for Wednesday, December 9th from 7:45a.m.-8:20a.m. Feel free to stay the whole time or as long as you can before you head out for the day. DuJardin Student Council will provide fruit, muffins, and other refreshments, as well as activities for you and your children to share. Due to space in the gym, we are asking that each student only bring one family member for this event.

We look forward to seeing you!

If you have any questions, please contact Teri Burritt ([email protected]) or Kat Lents ([email protected]). Note: Parking will be allowed on the street and in the bus parking lot. Any cars in the bus parking lot will need to be moved by 8:20am! ————————————–—cut here——————————————–—

Please fill out this section and return it to school by Friday, December 4th.

(Note, only one form needs to be sent in per family.)

Family Last Name: ___________________________________________ Who will be attending? ________________________________________ Please indicate how many of each beverage will be needed for your family.

Coffee ____ Juice ____ Milk ____

** An adult MUST accompany all students attending the breakfast **

Page 13: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––

DuJardin School and

Afterschool Enrichment Solutions present

“Let’s Build It!” Engineering with Professional Instruction

This class takes a hands-on approach to engineering, allowing students to directly engage with

basic engineering concepts through a variety of fun and educational activities. Students will

improve their problem solving, math, and physics skills – all while engaging in exciting building

projects. Open to grades 1-6.

Winter Session: 8 classes on Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30pm.

January 6 – March 9, 2016. No class on 1/20 and 2/17.

Let’s Build It – Crazy Circuits! is an exhilarating, cutting-edge area of engineering. In this unit,

students will design, build, and test various circuits and electronic projects. Instructors will guide students

through core concepts of electrical engineering, introducing them to circuits and electrical components.

Students will use hands-on projects and experiments to explore how electricity is part of our daily

lives. No previous experience is necessary, just a desire to learn and build. Projects will include: a disc

launcher, electronic games, musical instruments, alarms, and more, along with fun-filled class

activities! Each student will receive an award on the last day of the session, as well as the opportunity to

earn engineering belts to demonstrate their learned skills!

For further information, please contact Afterschool Enrichment Solutions at 847-482-9999 or at

[email protected].

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

To sign up for Let’s Build It, please visit http://payment.learningmeansfun.com/signup.

You will need to enter the class code DUJ1.6.16 in order to register. Please register by

December 23, 2015 for the early bird price of $110.00.

If you have difficulty registering, please contact Afterschool Enrichment Solutions at 847-482-

9999 or [email protected].

DuJardin School Winter 2016 “Let’s Build It!” Registration Form

Page 14: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––

DuJardin School and

Chess Scholars present

an Afterschool Chess Club with Professional Instruction

Develop your child’s intellect through the royal game of chess! Current research has shown a

strong link between chess and academic performance in a variety of areas, including

mathematics and language arts. Also, chess has been proven to enhance children's motivation,

concentration, focus, social skills, and creativity. Open to grades 1-5.

Winter Session: 10 classes on Thursdays, 3:35-4:35pm.

January 7 – March 10, 2016.

Please like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/ChessScholars

No previous knowledge of chess is necessary. Each class will consist of a fun interactive teaching

period and guided practice time. Both new and returning participants are welcome and will get

to the next level under the guidance of an experienced Chess Scholars coach. There will also be a

chess competition with prizes and a pizza party towards the end of the session! Each child will

receive a participation medal and a chess keychain. For further information, please contact Chess Scholars at 847-482-9999 or at [email protected].

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

To sign up for the chess club, please visit http://payment.chessscholars.com/signup . You will

need to enter the class code DUJ1.7.16 in order to register. Please register by December 24,

2015 for the price of $115.

If you have difficulty registering, please contact Chess Scholars at 847-482-9999 or

[email protected].

DuJardin School Winter 2016 Chess Scholars Registration Form

Page 15: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––

DuJardin Elementary School and Afterschool Enrichment Solutions present

Afterschool Stage Stars program with Professional Instruction

Have fun after school learning acting! Current research has shown a strong link between drama

performance and academic performance in a variety of areas, including the language arts and

mathematics. Also, drama experience has been proven to enhance children's communication skills,

motivation, concentration, focus, social skills, and creativity. Open to grades 2-5.

Winter Session: 8 classes on Mondays, 3:30-4:30pm.

January 11 – March 21, 2016. No class on 1/18, 2/15, and 3/7.

Afterschool Stage Stars

No previous acting experience is necessary. New and returning students are welcome to join and participate in new skits and theater games. The theater

games help the students use their creativity to communicate and improvise. Every student will play at least one lead role per session. The students will learn theater

terms, the parts of a skit, and goals of the characters. Each child will receive a participation award and the skits will also be performed on the last day and parents are

invited to attend!

For further information, please contact Afterschool Enrichment Solutions at 847-482-9999 or

[email protected]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

To sign up for Stage Stars, please visit http://payment.learningmeansfun.com/signup. You will

need to enter the class code DUJ1.11.16 in order to register. Please register by December 28,

2015 for the early bird price of $104.00.

If you have difficulty registering, please contact Afterschool Enrichment Solutions at 847-482-

9999 or [email protected].

DuJardin School Stage Stars Winter 2016 Registration Form

Page 16: 15 Dec. 3 · Kristian K. – 1st Grade nd Tsveta T. – 2 Grade rd Ethan S. - 3 Grade th Sonya J. - 4 Grade th Theodora P. – 5 Grade Spirit Day Spirit Day Spirit Day – –––



Our goal is to introduce the Spanish Language in a recreational and simple format. Students will be given an “ear” for pronunciation and build confidence in speaking and learning about another language. Students will learn “everyday” language via repetition, games, songs and hands-on activities. Each class is progressive and adaptable according to the ability of the student. Students receive workbooks and Cd’s for them to keep. Teachers stay in touch via e-mail and send out two progress reports throughout the duration of the program. Parents are invited to an “Open House” at the end of the session. WHO: Grades K-5 LEVELS: BEGINNING and CONTINUING WHEN: Wednesday-3:35-4:20 p.m. WHERE: Du Jardin School REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, January 15, 2016 STARTING DATE: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 DURATION: 8 classes (last class will be 3/23/16) HOW TO ENROLL: Complete the enrollment data below and return with payment made to “DISCOVERY” and return by mail to:

Discovery Language Programs Inc., 921 Apple Dr.

Schaumburg, IL 60194 • If paying by credit card, you can fax your enrollment form and the credit card information to (847)-843-2732 or

call (847)-843-2457 to register by phone. • Visit www.discovery-language.com to register on line. Go to “contact us” and “apply now”. We will contact

you shortly. ______________________________________________________________________________________________


Student’s Name __________________________________________________________________________ Grade_______ Street ______________________________________________ City ____________________________Zip _____________ Parent/Guardian _______________________________________________Home Phone ___________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________Emergency Phone___________________________________ LEVEL: ____Beginning ______Continuing

PAYMENT OPTIONS: ___Check ___Visa ____MC____Discover ____Amex ___ FULL TUITION: $110.00 ___ First (out of two) Installment Payment, $70.00 (you will be invoiced for the second installment of $45.00 mid- way through the program) ___Three payment plan: $50.00 at registration and two more payments of $35.00 each during the program-credit cards only please. ___Sibling discount: Take $5.00 off your second child tuition (first child pays in full)-valid for full tuitions only

CREDIT CARD INFORMATION: Name of card holder____________________________________________________________________________________ Card number___________________________________________________________________Expiration______________ Signature ___________________________________Code _______________