150222 eng the god of wealth vs almighty god by joseph gan

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神 财神 财 wealth godwealth god 真神 真神 Almighty GodAlmighty God


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人基督徒可以 祝 新年 ?华 庆 农历 吗人基督徒可以 祝 新年 ?华 庆 农历 吗Can Chinese Christian celebrate Can Chinese Christian celebrate

Chinese New Year? Chinese New Year?



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中国 新年农历 { 年过 } 和逾越 之节 间有 人的相似之 惊 处

Amazing similarities between Chinese New Year and Passover

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依旧 圣 出埃及约 经 记 12 章 7-13 的 ,节 记载7 他 要取点血,涂在吃羊羔的房屋 的 柱和 楣上。们 两边 门 门8 当那一夜,你 要吃羊羔的肉,肉要用火 了,和无酵们 烤

与苦菜一同吃, 饼 9 不可吃生的,也不可用水煮;只可吃用火 的。 、腿和内 都一起吃。烤 头 脏

According to Exodus 12:7~13 7And they shall take of the blood and strike on the two side posts and upon the upper door post of the houses in which they shall eat it. 8And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roasted with fire, and unleavened bread. They shall eat it with bitter herbs. 9Do not eat of it raw, nor boiled at all with water, but roasted with fire, its head with its legs, and with its inward parts.   

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10 你们一点也不可留到早晨;如果有一点留到早晨,就要用火烧掉。   11 你们要这样吃羊羔:腰间束上带,脚上穿着鞋,手中拿着杖,快速地吃;这是耶和华的逾越节。    10And you shall not let any of it remain until the morning. And that which remains of it until the morning you shall burn with fire.  11And you shall eat of it this way, with your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. And you shall eat it in a hurry. It is the LORD's passover. 

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1212 因 在那一夜我要走遍埃及地,把埃及地所有 生的为 头,无 是人或是牲畜,都要 掉;我也要 判埃及的一论 杀 审切神祇,我是耶和 。华 13 血要在你 居住的房屋上这 们作你 的 号;我 打埃及地的 候,一看 血,就们 记 击 时 见这越 你 去,灾 必不 到你 身上 你 。过 们 祸 临 们 毁灭 们

12For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the first-born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast. And I will execute judgments against all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD.  13And the blood shall be a sign to you upon the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you. And the plague shall not be upon you for a destruction when I smite in the land of Egypt.

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过年的习俗 与逾越节 过年的习俗 与逾越节 Chinese New Year tradition and “Passover”Chinese New Year tradition and “Passover”

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blood smeared on door posts and lintel 血涂在门框和门楣上

red paper pasted on door posts and lintel 在门框和门楣上贴着红纸 (对联)

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神 财神 财 wealth godwealth god 真神 真神 Almighty GodAlmighty God


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谁是财神 谁是财神 Who is this wealth godWho is this wealth god ??1 )民间传说人物 Just a legendary figure

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谁是财神 谁是财神 Who is this wealth godWho is this wealth god ??1 )民间传说人物 Just a legendary figure

2 )很多华人都在大年初一接财神,祈愿在新的一年里大吉大利,大有福气。 According to Chinese tradition, during the first day of Chinese new year, needs to usher in the wealth god to the family so that the new year will fill with peace, wealth and blessing/fortune

“ 吉” (ji) ,象征平安 peace ;“ 利” (li) ,象征富足 wealth ;

“ 福” (fu) ,象征福气 blessing/fortune

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谁是财神 谁是财神 Who is this wealth godWho is this wealth god ??1 )民间传说人物 Just a legendary figure

2 )很多华人都在大年初一接财神,祈愿在新的一年里大吉大利,大有福气。 According to Chinese tradition, during the first day of Chinese new year, needs to usher in the wealth god to the family so that the new year will fill with peace, wealth and blessing/fortune

“ 吉” (ji) ,象征平安 peace ;“ 利” (li) ,象征富足 wealth ;

“ 福” (fu) ,象征福气 blessing/fortune

3 )财神人人要接,可是却是接,未必到,到了,未必留 Everyone chasing for god of wealth, but the truth is not everyone has it and don’t know how long it last

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耶稣基督赐给我们 耶稣基督赐给我们 Jesus Christ gives us Jesus Christ gives us ::11 )平安 )平安 Peace Peace “ 吉” (ji)• 约翰约翰 14:27 - 14:27 - 我留下平安给你们。。你们心里不

要忧愁,也不要胆怯。 • John 14:27 John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to

you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

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耶稣基督赐给我们 耶稣基督赐给我们 Jesus Christ gives us Jesus Christ gives us ::11 )平安 )平安 Peace Peace “ 吉” (ji)• 约翰约翰 14:27 - 14:27 - 我留下平安给你们。。你们心里不

要忧愁,也不要胆怯。 • John 14:27 John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to

you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

• 帖后帖后 3:16 - 3:16 - 愿赐平安的主随时随事亲自给你们平安。愿主常与你们众人同在。

• 2 The 3:16 2 The 3:16 - And may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

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耶稣基督赐给我们 耶稣基督赐给我们 Jesus Christ gives us Jesus Christ gives us ::11 )平安 )平安 Peace Peace “ 吉” (ji)• 腓腓 4:4: 6-7 - 6-7 - 应当一无挂虑,只要凡事借着祷告,祈


• Phi4:6-7 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

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耶稣基督赐给我们 耶稣基督赐给我们 Jesus Christ gives us Jesus Christ gives us ::11 )平安 )平安 Peace Peace “ 吉” (ji)• 耶耶 29:11 - 29:11 - 耶和华说:我知道我向你们所怀的意


• Jer 29 :11 - For I know the purposes which I am purposing for you, says the LORD; purposes of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

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耶稣基督赐给我们 耶稣基督赐给我们 Jesus Christ gives us Jesus Christ gives us ::22 )富足 )富足 Wealth Wealth “ 利” (li)• 箴言箴言 10:2210:22 - - 耶和华所赐的福,使人富足,并不

加上忧虑。• Pro 10:22 - Pro 10:22 - The blessing of the LORD itself makes rich,

and He adds no sorrow with it.

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耶稣基督赐给我们 耶稣基督赐给我们 Jesus Christ gives us Jesus Christ gives us ::22 )富足 )富足 Wealth Wealth “ 利” (li)• 箴言箴言 10:2210:22 - - 耶和华所赐的福,使人富足,并不

加上忧虑。• Pro 10:22 - Pro 10:22 - The blessing of the LORD itself makes rich,

and He adds no sorrow with it.

• 申命记申命记 2:7 2:7 - 耶和华你的上帝,常与你同在,故此你一无所缺。

• Deu 2:7 - Deu 2:7 - For the LORD your God has blessed you in all the works of your hand. He knows your walking through this great wilderness. The LORD your God has been with you these forty years. You have lacked nothing.

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耶稣基督赐给我们 耶稣基督赐给我们 Jesus Christ gives us Jesus Christ gives us ::22 )富足 )富足 Wealth Wealth “ 利” (li)• 诗篇诗篇 23:123:1 - 耶和华是我牧者,我必不至缺乏。• Psalm 23:1 - The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not


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耶稣基督赐给我们 耶稣基督赐给我们 Jesus Christ gives us Jesus Christ gives us ::22 )富足 )富足 Wealth Wealth “ 利” (li)• 诗篇诗篇 23:123:1 - 耶和华是我牧者,我必不至缺乏。• Psalm 23:1 - The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not


• 腓腓 44 :: 19 - 19 - 我的神必照祂荣耀的丰富,在基督耶稣里使你们一切所需用的都充足。

• Phi4:19 - But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

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耶稣基督赐给我们 耶稣基督赐给我们 Jesus Christ gives us Jesus Christ gives us ::33 )福气 )福气 Blessing/fortune Blessing/fortune “ 福” (fu)• 申申 7:13 - 7:13 - 祂必爱你,赐福於你。• Deu 7:13 Deu 7:13 And He will love you and bless you and

multiply you.

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耶稣基督赐给我们 耶稣基督赐给我们 Jesus Christ gives us Jesus Christ gives us ::33 )福气 )福气 Blessing/fortune Blessing/fortune “ 福” (fu)• 申申 7:13 - 7:13 - 祂必爱你,赐福於你。• Deu 7:13 Deu 7:13 And He will love you and bless you and

multiply you.

• 创创 4949 :: 25 - 25 - 那全能者必将天上所有的福,地上所藏的福,都赐给你。

• Gen 49:25 - Gen 49:25 - by the God of your father, who shall help you. And may the Almighty bless you with blessings of Heaven above, blessings of the deep that lies beneath, blessings of the breasts and of the womb.

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愿神赐你“大吉”愿神赐你“大吉” ,“,“ 大利”大利” &“&“ 大福气”大福气”May God grants you with peace (ji), May God grants you with peace (ji),

wealth (li) and blessing (fu)wealth (li) and blessing (fu)

