220kv azad duphere11.docx

 SUMMER TRAINING REPORT Undertaken at 220KV SUBSTATION DEVIGARH on STUDY OF VARIOUS COMP ONENTS USED IN 220 KV DEVIGARH GRID AND PROTECTI ON, MAI TENANCE OF POWER TRANSFORMER Submitted by  AZAD SINGH 101484004 Under the Guidane o!  "USH#INDER SINGH  SSE$SD%  "S&'( 2015 Elect!c"l "#$ I#%t&'e#t"t!(# E#)!#ee!#) De*"t'e#t T+"*" U#!e%!t-, P"t!"l" (Declared as Deemed-to-be-University u/s 3 of the UGC Act., 1!"# P(%t B") N(. /2, P"t!"l" 100 P&#3"4 I#$!"6 1

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Undertaken at






Submitted by



Under the Guidane o! 





Elect!c"l "#$ I#%t&'e#t"t!(# E#)!#ee!#) De*"t'e#t

T+"*" U#!e%!t-, P"t!"l"(Declared as Deemed-to-be-University u/s 3 of the UGC Act., 1!"#

P(%t B") N(. /2, P"t!"l" 100

P&#3"4 I#$!"6


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I o)e *+eia, thank* to -r. "u*h+inder Sin/h SD% 0 2V GRID De3i/arh indu*tria,

trainin/ oordinator !or a,,o)in/ me to undertake the a!ore*aid trainin/ at their +remi*e*.

I am etreme,y /rate!u, to -r. Santo*h Sonar (eturar &ha+ar Uni3er*ity "atia,a )ho

o!!ered the 3a,uab,e /uidane oo+eration and *u//e*tion in +ur*uin/ my trainin/.


At the ,a*t but not the ,ea*t I e+re** my thank* to -r. Ra3inder Goya, 5Head E,etria,

and In*trumentation En/ineerin/ De+artment &ha+ar Uni3er*ity "atia,a6 !or hi* e!!ort in

aom+,i*hment o! thi* ta*k.


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A *ub*tation i* an a**emb,y o! a++aratu* )hih tran*!orm the harateri*ti* o! e,etria,

ener/y !rom one !orm to another *ay !rom one 3o,ta/e ,e3e, to another ,e3e,. Hene a

*ub*tation i* an intermediate ,ink bet)een the /eneratin/ *tation and the ,oad unit*.

&here are t)o bu* bar* in 02V yard and t)o bu*7bar* in 2V yard. &he inomin/ !eeder*

are onneted to bu*7bar throu/h ,i/htin/ arre*tor* a+aiti3e 3o,ta/e tran*!ormer ,ine

i*o,ator iruit breaker* urrent7tran*!ormer* ,ine i*o,ator et. &he bu*7bar* are to ha3e an

arran/ement o! aui,iary bu*.

In the 02V Grid De3i/arh the inomin/ 02V *u++,y i* *te++ed do)n to 23 )ith the

he,+ o! tran*!ormer* )hih i* !urther* *u++,ied to di!!erent *ub7*tation aordin/ to the

,oad.02V Grid De3i/arh ha* a ,ar/e ,ayout on*i*tin/ o! No*. o! tran*!ormer* ratin/

100-VA and 10-VA )ith their 3o,ta/e ratio re*+eti3e,y 0$2V in addition to the*e

tran*!ormer* t)o other tran*!ormer o! ratin/* 1-VA and 1$0-VA )ith their 3o,ta/e ratio

$112V. &here i* one *ub*tation tran*!ormer. &here are many other e9ui+ment:* are a,*o

in*ta,,ed in 0 2V yard*.

At ;0 2V Grid De3i/arh; the *e+arate ontro, room *)ithe* and !u*e*. &here are meter*

!or readin/ +ur+o*e. <u* bar ha* their o)n ontro, +,ant in their ontro, room*. &he

ontro, +ane, arrier the a++ro+riate re,ay*. Nee**ary meter* indiatin/ ,am+ ontro,.

&he trainin/ at /rid *ub*tation )a* 3ery he,+!u,. It ha* im+ro3ed my theoretia, one+t* o! 

e,etria, +o)er tran*mi**ion and di*tribution. "rotetion o! 3ariou* a++aratu* )a* a /reat

thin/. -aintenane o! tran*!ormer iruit breaker i*o,ator in*u,ator bu* bar et. )a*

ob*er3ab,e. I had a hane to *ee the remote ontro, o! the e9ui+ment:* !rom ontro, room

it*e,! )hih )a* 3ery intere*tin/.


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1. IN&R%DU'&I%N >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

. SU<S&A&I%N


4. #AVE &RA"

?. IS%(A&%R

. "%&EN&IA( &RANS@%R-ER


8. "%#ER &RANS@%R-ER 


10. 'IR'UI& <REA2ER

11. EAR&HING1. "R%&E'&I%N RE(AC

1=. '%N&R%( R%%-

14. <A&&ERC R%%-

1?. 'A"I'A&%R <AN2





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0 2V GRID i* ,oated in De3i/arh "atia,a .&he /rid reei3e* 0 2V ,ine* and *te+* do)n

!urther into 2V and 11 2V ,ine* .&he 2V Grid )a* *etu+ in the year 1B4 and it i*

modi!ied to 02V u+ to @eb 014&he 3ariou* om+onent* u*ed !or *te++in/ do)n the3o,ta/e and +rotetion are in*ta,,ed in the /rid ,ike tran*!ormer* iruit breaker* re,ay*

urrent tran*!ormer* +otentia, tran*!ormer* battery bank bu*bar ,i/htnin/ arre*tor

in*u,ator* a+aitor bank* and 3ariou* other *en*or* and de3ie*.




• 2V

1. <hunerheri

. -a/ar Sahib

=. Rohar a/ir 

• 11 2.V.

1 ha)a,a+ur 10. a)a,a+ur 

. -ehon 11. Dudhan

=. <an/ra 1. U"S701

4. 2i*an+ur 1=. U"S70

?. "arta+/arh 14. U"S70=

. Ha*an+ur 1?. <inFa,

. -a*in/an 1. u,khan

8. Shekhu+ur 1. Ga/ro,a

B. <hunerheri 18. #a,iyan



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&he +roFet entit,ed S&UDC %@ VARI%US '%-"%NEN&S USED IN 0 2V


)a* arried out to ha3e dee+ and *ound kno),ed/e o! )hat are the 3ariou* om+onent* u*ed

in the /rid ho) are the 3ariou* om+onent* in*ta,,ed )hat i* the u*e o! the 3ariou*

om+onent* ho) do the*e om+onent* )ork et . It a,*o /a3e a kno),ed/e o! ho) the

 +o)er tran*!ormer o+erate it* +rotetion maintenane and ,ot o! other thin/* re,ated to

tran*!ormer. &hi* +roFet made me a)are o! a,, the*e thin/*.

%ur main +ur+o*e !or thi* 3i*it i* to be !ami,iar )ith indu*tria, en3ironment and to /et

 +ratia, kno),ed/e o! e,etria, +o)er tran*mi**ion and di*tribution Student* o! =rd

*eme*ter )i,, /et the idea o! e,etria, +o)er tran*mi**ion and di*tribution.



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An e,etria, *ub7*tation i* an a**emb,a/e o! e,etria, om+onent* in,udin/ bu*bar*

*)ith/ear +o)er tran*!ormer* aui,iarie* et.

&he*e om+onent* are onneted in a de!inite *e9uene *uh that a iruit an be *)ithed o!! durin/ norma, o+eration by manua, ommand and a,*o automatia,,y durin/ abnorma,

ondition* *uh a* *hort7iruit. <a*ia,,y an e,etria, *ub*tation on*i*t* o! No. o! inomin/

iruit* and out/oin/ iruit* onneted to a ommon <u*7bar *y*tem*. A *ub*tation reei3e*

e,etria, +o)er !rom /eneratin/ *tation 3ia inomin/ tran*mi**ion ,ine* and de,i3er* e,et.

 +o)er 3ia the out/oin/ tran*mi**ion ,ine*.

Sub7*tation are inte/ra, +art* o! a +o)er *y*tem and !orm im+ortant ,ink* bet)een the

/eneratin/ *tation tran*mi**ion *y*tem* di*tribution *y*tem* and the ,oad +oint*.

@i/ .1 Gra+hia, 3ie) o! 0 2V Grid


A**oiated )ith maFor *ub7*tation* in the tran*mi**ion and di*tribution *y*tem in,ude the


1. "rotetion o! tran*mi**ion *y*tem.

. 'ontro,,in/ the Ehan/e o! Ener/y.=. En*ure *teady State &ran*ient *tabi,ity.

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4. (oad *heddin/ and +re3ention o! ,o** o! *ynhroni*m. -aintainin/ the *y*tem

!re9ueny )ithin tar/eted ,imit*.

?. Vo,ta/e 'ontro,J reduin/ the reati3e +o)er !,o) by om+en*ation o! reati3e +o)er


. Seurin/ the *u++,y by +ro3in/ ade9uate ,ine a+aity.

. Data tran*mi**ion 3ia +o)er ,ine arrier !or the +ur+o*e o! net)ork monitorin/J

ontro, and +rotetion.

8. @au,t ana,y*i* and +in7+ointin/ the au*e and *ub*e9uent im+ro3ement in that area o! 


B. Determinin/ the ener/y tran*!er throu/h tran*mi**ion ,ine*.

10. Re,iab,e *u++,y by !eedin/ the net)ork at 3ariou* +oint*.

11. E*tab,i*hment o! eonomi ,oad di*tribution and *e3era, a**oiated !untion*.

&C"ES %@ SU<S&A&I%N

&he *ub*tation* an be ,a**i!ied in *e3era, )ay* in,udin/ the !o,,o)in/

1. Cl"%%!9!c"t!(# 4"%e$ (# (lt")e leel% e./. A.'. Sub*tation EHV HV -V (VJ

HVD' Sub*tation.. Cl"%%!9!c"t!(# 4"%e$ (# O&t$(( ( I#$((  %utdor *ub*tation i* under o+en *k3.

Indoor *ub*tation i* in*ide a bui,din/.

=. Cl"%%!9!c"t!(# 4"%e$ (# c(#9!)&"t!(# e./.

'on3entiona, air in*u,ated outdoor *ub*tation or 

S@ Ga* In*u,ated Sub*tation 5GIS6

'om+o*ite *ub*tation* ha3in/ ombination o! the abo3e t)o

4. Cl"%%!9!c"t!(# 4"%e$ (# "**l!c"t!(# Ste+ U+ Sub*tation A**oiated )ith /eneratin/ *tation a* the /eneratin/

3o,ta/e i* ,o).

"rimary Grid Sub*tation 'reated at *uitab,e ,oad entre a,on/ "rimary

tran*mi**ion ,ine*.

Seondary Sub*tation A,on/ Seondary &ran*mi**ion (ine.

Di*tribution Sub*tation 'reated )here the tran*mi**ion ,ine 3o,ta/e i* Ste+

Do)n to *u++,y 3o,ta/e.


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<u,k *u++,y and indu*tria, *ub*tation Simi,ar to di*tribution *ub7*tation but

reated *e+arate,y !or eah on*umer.

-inin/ Sub*tation Need* *+eia, de*i/n on*ideration beau*e o! etra

 +reaution !or *a!ety needed in the o+eration o! e,etri *u++,y.  -obi,e Sub*tation &em+orary re9uirement.


"rimary Sub*tation* reei3e +o)er !rom EHV ,ine* at 4002V 02V 1=2V

and tran*!orm the 3o,ta/e to 2V ==2V or 2V 52V i* unommon6 to *uit

the ,oa, re9uirement* in re*+et o! both ,oad and di*tane o! u,timate on*umer*.

&he*e are a,*o re!erred to KEHV: Sub*tation*.

Seondary Sub*tation* reei3e +o)er at $==2V )hih i* *te++ed do)n

u*ua,,y to 112V.

Di*tribution Sub*tation* reei3e +o)er at 112V . 2V and *te+ do)n to a

3o,t *uitab,e !or (V di*tribution +ur+o*e* norma,,y at 41? 3o,t*



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(i/htin/ arre*tor i* a de3ie )hih +rotet* the o3erhead ,ine* and other e,etria, a++aratu*

3iL tran*!ormer !rom o3erhead 3o,ta/e* and ,i/htin/ #hen the +o*iti3e,y har/ed ,oud

 +rodue ne/ati3e har/e on the o3erhead ,ine by e,etro*tati indution then the ne/ati3e

har/e i* ho)e3er +re*ented ri/ht under the ,oud and +ortion o! the ,ine a)ay !rom the ,oud

 beome* +o*iti3e,y har/ed &hi* har/e on the ,ine doe* not !,o)

E3ery in*trument mu*t be +roteted !rom the dama/e o! ,i/htin/ *troke. &he three +rotetion

*in a *ub*tation i* e**entia,7

• "rotetion !or tran*mi**ion ,ine !rom diret *troke*

• "rotetion* o! +o)er *tation or *ub*tation !rom diret *troke*

• "rotetion o! e,etria, a++aratu* a/ain*t tra3e,in/ )a3e*

E!!eti3e +rotetion o! e9ui+ment a/ain*t diret *troke* re9uire* a *hie,d to +re3ent ,i/htin/

!rom *trikin/ the e,etria, ondutor to/ether )ith ade9uate draina/e !ai,itie* o3er in*u,ated


I#%t"ll"t!(# 7(c"t!(# :;

In*ta,, arre*ter e,etria,,y a* ,o*e a* +o**ib,e to the a++earatu* bein/ +roteted (ine and

/round onnetion* *hou,d be *hort and diret


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@i/ =.1 (i/htnin/ Arre*ter*


&he arre*ter /round *hou,d be onneted to the a++aratu* /round* and the main *tation

/round uti,iLin/ a re,iab,e ommon /round net)ork o! ,o) re*i*tane. &he e!!iient o+eration

o! the ,i/htnin/ arre*ter re9uire* +ermanent ,o) re*i*tane /round* Station ,a** arre*ter*

*hou,d be +ro3ided )ith a /round o! a 3a,ue not eeedin/ !i3e ohm*.

',earane*7 &he*e are /i3en on the dra)in/*. &he*e are the maimum reommended. &he

term K,earane: mean* the atua, di*tane bet)een any +art o! the arre*ter or di*onnetin/

de3ie at ,ine +otentia, and any obFet at /round +otentia, or other +ha*e +otentia,.

It on*i*t o! a i*o,ator in *erie* and onneted in *uh a )ay that ,on/ i*o,ator i* in u+)ard

and *hort i*o,ator i* in do)n)ard *o that initia,,y ,ar/e +otentia, u+ to earth i* derea*ed to


An idea, arre*tor mu*t there!ore ha3e the !o,,o)in/ +ro+ertie*

1. It *hou,d be ab,e to drain the *ur/e ener/y !rom the ,ine in a minimum time

. Shou,d o!!er hi/h re*i*tane to the !,o) o! +o)er urrent

=. "er!ormane o! the arre*ter* *hou,d be *uh that no *y*tem di*turbane* are

introdued by it* o+eration

4. Shou,d be a,)ay* in +er!et !rom to +er!orm the !untion a**i/ned to it


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?. A!ter a,,o)in/ the *ur/e to +a** it *hou,d ,o*e u+ *o a* not to +ermit +o)er urrent

to !,o) to /round

@i/ =. (i/htnin/ Arre*ter*


(i/htnin/ i* a !orm o! 3i*ib,e di*har/e o! e,etriity bet)een rain ,oud* or bet)een a rain

,oud and the earth &he e,etri di*har/e i* *een in the !orm o! a bri,,iant ar *ometime*

*e3era, ki,ometre* ,on/ *trethin/ bet)een the di*har/e +oint* Ho) thunder,oud* beome

har/ed i* not !u,,y under*tood but mo*t thunder,oud* are ne/ati3e,y har/ed at the ba*e

and +o*iti3e,y har/ed at the to+ Ho)e3er !ormed the ne/ati3e har/e at the ba*e o! the

,oud indue* a +o*iti3e har/e on the earth beneath it )hih at* a* the *eond +,ate o! a

hu/e a+aitor

#hen the e,etria, +otentia, bet)een t)o ,oud* or bet)een a ,oud and the earth reahe* a

*u!!iient,y hi/h 3a,ue 5about 10000 V +er m or about ?000 V +er in6 the air beome*


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ioniLed a,on/ a narro) +ath and a ,i/htnin/ !,a*h re*u,t*.


It i* u*ed to tra+ the ommuniation *i/na,* *end "('' room throu/h 'V&. ReFetion

!i,ter* are kno)n a* the ,ine tra+* on*i*tin/ o! a +ara,,e, re*onant iruit 5 ( and ' in

 +ara,,e,6 tuned to the arrier !re9ueny are onneted in *erie* at eah and o! the +roteted

,ine *uh a iruit o!!er hi/h im+edane to the !,o) o! arrier !re9ueny urrent thu*

 +re3entin/ the di**i+ation. &he arrier urrent u*ed !or "(' 'ommuniation ha3e to be

 +re3ented !rom enterin/ the +o)er e9ui+ment* *uh a* attenuation or e3en om+,ete ,o** o! 

ommuniation *i/na,*. @or thi* +ur+o*e )a3e tra+ or ,ine tra+ are u*ed bet)een tran*mi**ion

,ine and +o)er *tation e9ui+ment to a3oid arrier +o)er di**i+ation in the +o)er +,ant redue

ro** ta,k* )ith other "(' 'iruit* onneted to the *ame +o)er *tation.   En*ure +ro+er 

o+eratin/ ondition* and *i/na, ,e3e,* at the "(' tran*mit reei3e e9ui+ment irre*+eti3e o! 

*)ithin/ ondition* o! the +o)er iruit and e9ui+ment* in the *tation*.

7!#e '"tc+!#) 9!lte "#$ *(tect!e e=&!*'e#t:;

@or mathin/ the tran*mitter and reei3er unit to ou+,in/ a+aitor and +o)er ,ine mathin/

!i,ter* are +ro3ided. &he*e !,itter* norma,,y ha3e air orra, tran*!ormer* )ith a+aitor 


&he mathin/ tran*!ormer i* in*u,ated !or 710 2V bet)een the t)o )indin/* and +er!orm

t)o !untion*. @ir*t,y it i*o,ate* the ommuniation e9ui+ment !rom the +o)er ,ine.

Seond,y it *er3e* to math .


&he tran*mitter on*i*t* o! an o*i,,ator and a am+,i!ier. &he o*i,,ator /enerate* a !re9ueny

*i/na, )ith in ?0 to ?00 HZ !re9ueny band* the tran*mitter i* +ro3ided *o that it modu,ate*


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the arrier )ith +roteti3e *i/na,. &he modu,ation +roe** u*ua,,y in3o,3e* takin/ one ha,! 

y,e o! ?0 HZ *i/na, and u*in/ thi* to reate b,ok to arrier.

@i/ 4.1 #a3e &ra+


&he reei3er* u*ua,,y on*i*t o! and a,ternate mathin/ tran*!ormer band +a** !i,ter and

am+,i!ier detetor.

&he am+,i!ier detetor on3ert* a *ma,, inomin/ *i/na, in to a *i/na, a+ab,e o! o+eratin/ a

re,ati3e,y inten*i3e arrier reei3er re,ay. &he tran*mitter and reei3er at the t)o end* o! 

 +roteted eah orre*+ond* to ,oa, a* !ar a* tran*mittin/.


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#hen arryin/ out in*+etion or maintain* )ork in *ub*tation it i* e**entia, to di*onnet

re,iabi,ity the unit o! other *tation on )hih the )ork i* done !rom a,, other +art* on

in*ta,,ation in order to en*ure !u,, *a!ety o! )orkin/ *ta!! .So /uard a/ain*t mi*take it i*

de*irab,e that *hou,d be done by an a++aratu* i* a,,ed IS%(A&%R. In other )ord* a de3ie

)hih i* u*ed to o+en or ,o*e the iruit either )hen ne/,i/ib,e urrent i* interru+ted or 

)hen no *i/ni!iant han/e in 3o,ta/e aro** the termina, o! eah +o,e o! the i*o,ator )i,,

re*u,t !rom o+eration .they mu*t on,y be o+ened or ,o*ed )hen urrent i* Lero. &here i*

*in/,e ear thin/ I*o,ator u*ed .

I*o,ator i* *)ithin/ de3ie u*ed to o+en 5or ,o*e6 a iruit either )hen a ne/,i/ib,e urrent

ei*t* or )hen no *i/ni!iant han/e in 3o,ta/e aro** the termina, o! eah +o,e o! the

i*o,ator )i,, re*u,t !rom the o+eration.

<road,y *+eakin/ i*o,ator are the *)ithe* )hih:* o+erate under ;No urrent ondition.&hu* i*o,ator i* an a++aratu* )hih make* a 3i*ib,e and re,iab,e di*onnetion o! the unit or 

the *etion a!ter o+enin/ the iruit breaker.


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I*o,ator* are !i,e )ith earthin/ b,ade* a* an inte/ra, +art o! it. &hey may be i*o,ator* )ith

*in/,e ear thin/ b,ade* or t)o earth,in/ b,ade* on either *ide o! it.&hey mu*t on,y be o+ened

or ,o*ed )hen urrent i* Lero. I*o,ator* are ,a**i!ied into !o,,o)in/ ate/orie*.

1. <u* i*o,ator

. (ine i*o,ator

=. &ran*!ormer i*o,atin/ *)ith


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@rom on*trutiona, +oint o! 3ie) the i*o,ator may be ,a**i!ied a*7

1.&he +o*t7 entre +o*t rotatin/ +art doub,e +o*t break ty+e.

.&)o +o*t *in/,e ty+e.

=.<a*e 7 Eah +i+e +ha*e i*o,ator i* mounted on a robu*t ba*e o! *tea, on*trution


&here are t)o ty+e* o! in*trument tran*!ormer7

1. "otentia, &ran*!ormer 

. 'urrent &ran*!ormer

P(te#t!"l T"#%9('e:;


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Simi,ar to '& it i* another ty+e o! in*trument ty+e o! in*trument tran*!ormer .&ran*!ormer 

u*ed !or 3o,ta/e mea*urement* are a,,ed 3o,ta/e tran*!ormer or "otentia, tran*!ormer. it may

 be o! 1 +ha*e or = +ha*e

&he*e tran*!ormer* make the in*trument* *uitab,e !or mea*urement o! hi/h 3o,ta/e and

i*o,atin/ then !rom hi/h 3o,ta/e. the*e &M. Are onneted in +ara,,e, and *eondary )indin/

i* a,)ay* o+en kt.

&he +rimary ha* ,ar/e no o! turn in *eondary)hih +ro3ided *te+ do)n o! 3o,ta/e and

then the 3o,tmeter i* onneted aro** *eondary termina, the hi/h 3o,ta/e ,ine.Some term*

re,ated to "& 7

1. Rated 3o,ta/e 7 the a+aity 3o,ta/e o! the "& )hih it an *tand

. Rated tran*!ormer ratio7 &he ratio o! the rated +rimary 3o,ta/e to the rated *eond 3o,ta/e.

=. Rated *eondary 3o,ta/e7 1=0 $ root 5=6 =.= VAR.

Vo,ta/e tran*!ormer )hih *te+ do)n *y*tem 3o,ta/e to *u!!iient !orm hi/h 3a,ue to ,o)

3a,ue are nee**ary in e3ery *y*tem !or

Indution o! d. *u++,y 3o,ta/e ondution.

-eterin/ o! the *u++,y o! ener/y.



De*i/n and ran/e* are *e,eted aordin/ to the *eondary *iLe o! +otentia, tran*!ormer !or 

indiatin/ in*trument* meter and re,ay*. <ut a,ibration o! the*e in*trument* i* done

aordin/ to the +rimary 3o,ta/e



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  @i/ .1 "otentia, &ran*!ormer 


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&he urrent tran*!ormer* are ke+t in the ate/ory o! the in*trument tran*!ormer. &he '.&. are

u*ed to redue$ *te++in/ do)n A.' !orm hi/h 3a,ue to ,o)er 3a,ue !or mea*urement $

 +rotetion $ ontro,.

&hey are u*ua,,y in*ta,,ed in the outdoor *)ith. &he +rimary ondutor at hi/h 3o,ta/e )ith

re*+et to earth. &he *eondary o! '.&. i* Fu*t ,ike the rin/ ty+e '.&. the +rimary )indin/

on*i*t* o! a 3ery !e) turn* and there!ore there i* no. a++reiation 3o,t dro+ aro** inFetion

'urrent i* tran*!ormed by '.&. the urrent tran*!ormer i* u*ed )ith +rimary )indin/

onneted in *erie* )ith the ,ine arryin/ the urrent to be mea*ured and there!ore +rimary

urrent i* de+endent u+on ,oad onneted in the *y*tem.

@i/ .1 'urrent &ran*!ormer 


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-ea*urement o! a,ternatin/ urrent i* one o! the mo*t !re9uent o+eration not on,y beau*e o! 

it:* inheriant but a a,*o beau*e it i* nee**ary in determinin/ other +arameter* o! e,etria,

iruit. A urrent tran*!ormer 3a,ue o! urrent i* u*ed !or

1. Indiation o! urrent

. k)h and k) meter*

=. &e,ementry

4. "roteti3e re,ay et

A urrent tran*!ormer i* intended to o+erate norma,,y )ith rated urrent o! the *y*tem

!,o)in/ throu/h the +rimary )indin/ )hih i* inrea*ed in the *erie* )ith the net)ork 

Seondary )indin/ o! urrent tran*!ormer onneted to mea*urin/ in*trument* and re,ay

*u++,ie* urrent* iru,atin/ in the de*i/n o! urrent tran*!ormer.


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&here are t)o +o)er tran*!ormer* o! 10 -VA and 100 -VA . &hey are u*ed on3ert 02V$2V.And t)o +o)er tran*!ormer* are u*ed o! 0 -VA and 1$0 -VA )hih on3ert

2V$112V. #hih tran*!orm* e$e ener/y !rom one 3o,ta/e ,e3e, to another de*ired ,e3e,

)ith orre*+ondin/ han/e in urrent 3a,ue and )ithout any han/e in !re9ueny 3a,ue.

&he +hy*ia, ba*i* o! a tran*!ormer i* mutua, indution bet)een the iruit* ,inked by a

ommon ma/nitude +u,*e 3o,ta/e *u++,ied to one *et o! )indin/ a,,ed +rimary *)ith bui,d*

u+ a ma/nitude !,u throu/h the iron.

A tran*!ormer in *im+,e*t !orm on*i*t o! t)o ma/neti oi, )hih are e,etria,,y *e+arated

!rom eah other but ma/netia,,y ,inked throu/h +ath o! re,utane .

@i/ 8.1 "o)er &ran*!ormer 

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&ran*!ormer +art* are7

1. <U'HH%(Z RE(AC It i* a 3ery *en*iti3e /a* and oi, o+erated in*trument )hih *a!e,y

detet the !ormation o! /a* or *udden +re**ure in*ide the oi, tran*!ormer.

. '%NSERVA&%R It i* u*ed to +ro3ide ade9uate *+ae !or the e+an*ion o! oi, )hen

tran*!ormer i* ,oaded or )hen ambient tem+rature han/e*.

=. SI(I'A GE( <REA&HER It *uk* the moi*ture !rom the air )hih i* taken by

tran*!ormer *o that dry air i* taken by tran*!ormer.

4. D%U<(E DIA"HRAG- EM"(%SI%N VEN& It i* u*ed to di*har/e ee** +re**ure in

the atmo*+here )hen ee** +re**ure i* de3e,o+ed in*ide the tran*!ormer durin/ ,oadin/.

?. %I( (EVE( INDI'A&%R It i* u*ed to *ho) the oi, ,e3e, in the tran*!ormer.

. #indin/ tem+erature indiator u*ed to *ho) the tem+erature o! tran*!ormer )indin/.

. RADIA&%RS &he*e are u*ed !or oo,in/ o! the tran*!ormer oi,.


@i/ 8. Variou* "art* o! &ran*!ormer 



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&ran*mi**ion ,ine in*u,ator* are de3ie* u*ed to ontain *e+arate or *u++ort e,etria,

ondutor* on hi/h 3o,ta/e e,etriity *u++,y net)ork*. &ran*mi**ion in*u,ator* ome in

3ariou* *ha+e* and ty+e* in,udin/ indi3idua, or *trin/* o! di*k* ,ine +o*t* or ,on/ rod*.

&hey are made o! +o,ymer* /,a** and +ore,ain77eah )ith di!!erent den*itie* ten*i,e

*tren/th* and +er!ormin/ +ro+ertie* in ad3er*e ondition*.

P!# T-*e I#%&l"t(%

"in ty+e in*u,ator* are u*ed !or the tran*mi**ion o! ,o)er 3o,ta/e*. A *in/,e +in ty+e in*u,ator 

i* u*ed to tran*mit 3o,ta/e* u+ to 11 kV 5ki,o3o,t*6 and hi/her 3o,ta/e* re9uire t)o7 three7 or 

!our7+iee +in in*u,ator*. &hey are not eonomia,,y !ea*ib,e !or == kV and hi/her

tran*mi**ion ,ine*. "in ty+e in*u,ator* are *eured )ith *tee, or ,ead bo,t* onto tran*mi**ion

 +o,e*. &he*e are ty+ia,,y u*ed !or *trai/ht7runnin/ tran*mi**ion ,ine*.

@i/ B.1 "in ty+e in*u,ator 

S&%*e#%!(# T-*e I#%&l"t(%:;

Su*+en*ion ty+e tran*mi**ion ,ine in*u,ator* *u*+end and *u++ort hi/h 3o,ta/e tran*mi**ion

,ine*. &hey are o*t e!!eti3e !or hi/her 3o,ta/e tran*mi**ion ty+ia,,y re+,ain/ mu,ti+,e +in

ty+e in*u,ator*. Su*+en*ion ty+e in*u,ator* ha3e a number o! interonneted +ore,ain di**

)ith eah indi3idua, unit de*i/ned to *u++ort a +artiu,ar 3o,ta/e. &o/ether a *y*tem o! the*e


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di** i* a+ab,e o! e!!eti3e,y *u++ortin/ hi/h 3o,ta/e*. &here are three ty+e* o! *u*+en*ion

in*u,ator* emented a+ *u*+en*ion in*u,ator*J inter,inkin/ or He),ett *u*+en*ion in*u,ator*J

and ,ink or ore *u*+en*ion in*u,ator*.


@i/ B. Su*+en*ion ty+e in*u,ator 

St"!# T-*e I#%&l"t(%

Strain ty+e in*u,ator* are horiLonta,,y *u*+ended *u*+en*ion in*u,ator*. &hey are u*ed to

hand,e mehania, *tre**e* and take the +re**ure o!! a ondutor at the end o! a tran*mi**ion

,ine at a *har+ orner or ur3e or o3er ,on/ ri3er ro**in/*. Strain in*u,ator* are ty+ia,,y

u*ed !or hi/her 3o,ta/e tran*mi**ion*.


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@i/ B.= Strain ty+e in*u,ator 

S+"c<le T-*e I#%&l"t(%:;

Shak,e ty+e in*u,ator* *imi,ar to *train ty+e in*u,ator* are u*ed on *har+ ur3e* end +o,e*

and in *etion +o,e*. Ho)e3er un,ike *train in*u,ator* *hak,e in*u,ator* are de*i/ned to

*u++ort ,o)er 3o,ta/e*. &he*e in*u,ator* are *in/,e round +ore,ain +art* that are mounted

horiLonta,,y or 3ertia,,y.


@i/ B.4 Shak,e ty+e in*u,ator 



A iruit breaker i* an automatia,,y o+erated e,etria, *)ith de*i/ned to +rotet an

e,etria, iruit !rom dama/e au*ed by o3er,oad or *hort iruit It* ba*i !untion i* to

detet a !au,t ondition and by interru+tin/ ontinuity to immediate,y di*ontinue e,etria,

!,o) Un,ike a !u*e )hih o+erate* one and then ha* to be re+,aed a iruit breaker an be

re*et 5either manua,,y or automatia,,y6 to re*ume norma, o+eration 'iruit breaker* are

made in 3aryin/ *iLe* !rom *ma,, de3ie* that +rotet an indi3idua, hou*eho,d a++,iane u+

to ,ar/e *)ith/ear de*i/ned to +rotet hi/h 3o,ta/e iruit* !eedin/ an entire ity.

In any iruit arryin/ a ,ar/e amount o! urrent i! a ontat i* o+ened then norma,,y a *+ark 

i* +rodued due to !at that urrent tra3er*e* it* +ath throu/h air /a+ Arin/ i* harm!u, a* it

an dama/e +reiou* e9ui+ment media are +ro3ided bet)een ontat*.

&hi* i* one o! the im+ortant e9ui+ment in +o)er *y*tem It +rotet* the *y*tem by i*o,atin/

the !au,ty *etion )hi,e the hea,thy one i* kee+ on )orkin/ E3ery *y*tem i* *u*e+tib,e to

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!au,t or dama/e* )hi,e an be au*ed due to o3er,oadin/ *hort7iruitin/ earth !au,t et thu*

to +rotet the *y*tem and i*o,ate the !au,ty *etion ' < are re9uired A+art !rom breakin/ and

makin/ ontat* a ' < *hou,d be a+ab,e o! doin/

1. 'ontinuou*,y arry the maimum urrent at +oint o! in*ta,,ation. -ake and break the iruit under abnorma, and norma, ondition

',o*e or o+en the !au,ty *etion on,y )here !au,t ei*t*

&here are di!!erent ar 9uenhin/ media7

16 Air b,a*t

6 %i,

=6 S@ /a*

46 Vauum

In 0 kV Grid De3i/arh S@ /a* iruit breaker are u*ed a* !or /reater a+aity S@ ty+e

 breaker* are 3ery e!!iient .


&he out*tandin/ +hy*ia, and hemia, +ro+ertie* o! S@ /a* make* it an idea, die,etri

media !or u*e in +o)er *)ith/ear.&he*e +ro+ertie* o! S@ /a* make* it an idea, die,etri

media !or u*e in +o)er *)ith/earthe*e +ro+ertie* are in,uded

16 Hi/h die,etri *tren/th

6 uni9ue ar 9uenhin/ abi,ity

=6 Ee,,ent therma, *tabi,ity

46 Good therma, onduti3ity

In addition at norma, tem+erature S@ i* hemia,,y inertin!,ammab,enonorro*i3e and

non7onden*ab,e at ,o) tem+erature*.

S@ 3er*u* oi, 7

S@ i* not !,ammab,e and toi ,ike oi,.It i* ea*ier to hand,emaintain and re+air e9ui+ment

!i,,ed )ith S@.

In a*e o! breakdo)n o! oi, *tron/ *ur/e* o! +re**ure may our due to *udden de3e,o+ment

o! /a*eou* +rodut*.In a*e o! breakdo)n o! S@the on,y +re**ure ri*e )i,, re*u,t !rom the

therma, e+an*ion o! /a*.


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@i/ 10.1 S@ 'iruit <reaker 


 Earthin/ i* the +ro3i*ion o! a *ur!ae under the *ub*tation )hih ha* a uni!orm +otentia, a*

near,y a* Lero or e9ua, to Ab*o,ute Earth +otentia,. &he +ro3i*ion o! an earthin/ *y*tem !or an

e,etri *y*tem i* nee**ary by the !o,,o)in/ rea*on.

1. In the e3ent o! o3er 3o,ta/e on the *y*tem due to ,i/htin/ di*har/e or other *y*tem !au,t.&he*e +art* o! e9ui+ment )hih are norma,,y dead a* !or a* 3o,ta/e are onerned do not

attain dan/erou*,y hi/h +otentia,.

. In a three +ha*e iruit the neutra, o! the *y*tem i* earthed in order to *tabi,iLe the

 +otentia, o! iruit )ith re*+et to earth.

&he re*i*tane o! earthin/ *y*tem i* de+endin/ on *ha+e and materia, o! earth e,etrode


the earthin/ i* o! t)o +rini+a, ty+e* 7


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1. Neutra, Earthin/

. E9ui+ment <ody Earthin/

Ne&t"l E"t+!#)7

 Neutra, Earthin/ a,*o kno)n a* Sy*tem Neutra, Earthin/ 5or Groundin/6 mean* onnetin/

the neutra, +oint i.e. the *tar +oint o! /eneratortran*!ormer et. to earth. In rotatin/ mahine*

/enerator tran*!ormer iruit et. the neutra, +oint i* a,)ay* onneted to earth either

diret,y or throu/h a reatane. &he neutra, +oint i* u*ua,,y a3ai,ab,e at e3ery 3o,ta/e ,e3e,

!rom /enerator or tran*!ormer neutra,. I! neutra, +oint i* not a3ai,ab,e then the mo*t ommon

method u*ed i* u*in/ a Zi/La/ tran*!ormer. Suh a tran*!ormer ha* no *eondary. Eah +ha*e

o! +rimary ha* t)o e9ua, +art*. &here are = ,imb* and eah ,imb ha* t)o )indin/ +ro3idin/!,u den*ity under norma, ondition. Sine the !,ue* are o++o*ite the tran*!ormer take* 3ery

*ma,, ma/netiLin/ urrent under norma, ondition*. Durin/ !au,t the iruit i* +rimary *ide

)hih +ro3ide* 3ery ,e** im+edane to the urrent. &he /roundin/ tran*!ormer* are *hort time

ratin/. &heir *iLe i* a,mo*t one tenth a* om+ared to +o)er tran*!ormer.

Elect!c"l E"t+!#):;

e,etria, Earthin/ i* di!!erent !rom neutra, earthin/. Durin/ !au,t ondition the meta,,i +art*

o! an e,etria, in*ta,,ation )hih do not arry urrent under norma, ondition* may attain

hi/h +otentia, )ith re*+et to /round. A* human body an to,erate on,y I0.1?A$& urrent

!or a /i3en time t *o to en*ure *a!ety )e onnet *uh meta,,i +art* to earth by mean* o!

Earthin/ *y*tem )hih om+ri*e* o! e,etria, ondutor to *end !au,t urrent to earth. &he

ondutor u*ed i* /enera,,y in the !orm o! rod* +,ate* +i+e* et.

Earthin/ *y*tem en*ure* *a!ety in !o,,o)in/ )ay* 7

1. &he +otentia, o! earthen body doe* not reah dan/erou*,y hi/h 3a,ue about earth

*ine it i* onneted to earth.

. Earth !au,t urrent !,o)* throu/h earthin/ and readi,y au*e* the o+eration o! !u*e or

an earth re,ay.

'onnetion o! E,etria, E9ui+ment to Sub*tation7

S.no A++aratu* "ath to be onneted

1.Su++ortin/ o! bu*

in*u,ator <a*e +,ate


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.Hi/h 3o,ta/e iruit

 breaker %+eratin/ mehani*m !rame

=. I*o,ator %+eratin/ mehani*m !rame bed

4. "otentia, tran*!ormer &ran*!ormer tank (V

?. "o)er tran*!ormer 'ore tank  

Me!t% (9 #e&t"l E"t+!#):;

1. Arin/ /roundin/ i* redued.

. Vo,ta/e o! heatin/ )ith re*+et to earth remain* at harm,e** 3a,ue they donOt inrea*e to

root = time* o! norma, 3a,ue.

=. Suitab,e neutra, +oint.

4. &he earth !au,t re,ayin/ i* re,ati3e,y *im+,e u*e!u, amount o! earth !au,t urrent i* a3ai,ab,e

to o+erate earth !au,t re,ay.

?. &he o3er 3o,ta/e due to ,i/htenin/ are di*har/ed to earth.

. Im+ro3ed *er3ie re,iabi,ity due to ,imitation o! arin/ /round and im+ro3ed o!

unnee**ary !rin/in/ o! '<.

At De3i/arh the neutra, +oint o! +o)er tran*!ormer i* onneted *o,id,y to earth /enera,,y the

earth onnetion are +ro3ided )hih ,ead* re,iabi,ity.


A re,ay i* an e,etria,,y o+erated *)ith 'urrent !,o)in/ throu/h the oi, o! the re,ay reate*

a ma/neti !ie,d )hih attrat* a ,e3er and han/e* the *)ith ontat* &he oi, urrent an

 be on or o!! *o re,ay* ha3e t)o *)ith +o*ition* and they are doub,e thro) 5han/eo3er6


Re,ay* a,,o) one iruit to *)ith a *eond iruit )hih an be om+,ete,y *e+arate !rom the

!ir*t @or eam+,e a ,o) 3o,ta/e battery iruit an u*e a re,ay to *)ith a =0V A' main*

iruit &here i* no e,etria, onnetion in*ide the re,ay bet)een the t)o iruit* the ,ink i*

ma/neti and mehania,.

&he oi, o! a re,ay +a**e* a re,ati3e,y ,ar/e urrent ty+ia,,y =0mA !or a 1V re,ay but it an

 be a* muh a* 100mA !or re,ay* de*i/ned to o+erate !rom ,o)er 3o,ta/e*. -o*t I'* 5hi+*6

annot +ro3ide thi* urrent and a tran*i*tor i* u*ua,,y u*ed to am+,i!y the *ma,, I' urrent to


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the ,ar/er 3a,ue re9uired !or the re,ay oi, &he maimum out+ut urrent !or the +o+u,ar ???

timer I' i* 00mA *o the*e de3ie* an *u++,y re,ay oi,* diret,y )ithout am+,i!iation

Re,ay* are u*ua,,y S"D& or D"D& but they an ha3e many more *et* o! *)ith ontat* !or 

eam+,e re,ay* )ith 4 *et* o! han/eo3er ontat* are readi,y a3ai,ab,e @or !urther 

in!ormation about *)ith ontat* and the term* u*ed to de*ribe them +,ea*e *ee the +a/e on


T-*e% (9 Rel"-%

&he*e are a,,ed norma,,y o+ened norma,,y ,o*ed in GSS ontro, room there i* +ane, in

)hih the re,ay* are *et and there are many ty+e* o! re,ay*

1. %3er 3o,ta/e re,ay*

. %3er urrent re,ay*

=. I D - & !au,t re,ay

4. Earth !au,t re,ay

?. <uhe,oL:* re,ay

. Di!!erentia, re,ay

%VER V%(&AGE RE(AC 7 &hi* +rotetion i* re9uired to a3oid dama/e o! *y*tem in a*e

,ine beome* o+en iruited at one end &he*e !au,t )ou,d tri+ the ,oa, iruit breaker thu*

 b,ok the ,oa, and remote end* &hi* re,ay i* o+erated i e ener/iLed by 'V& onneted to


%VER 'URREN& RE(AC: 7&hi* re,ay ha* the u++er e,etroma/net o! non7diretiona, re,ay

onneted in *erie* )ith ,o)er non7diretiona, e,etroma/net #hen the !au,t urrent !,o)

throu/h re,ay urrent oi, )hih +rodue* !,u in ,o)er ma/net o! diretiona, e,ement &hu*

the diretiona, re,ay ha* the )indin/ o3er the e,etroma/net* o! non7diretiona, e,ement and

 +rodue* a !,u in ,o)er ma/net and thu* o3er urrent o+erate*.


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EAR&H @AU(& RE(AC 7)hen a ondutor break* due to *ome rea*on and it i* earthen then

earth !au,t our* &he !au,t urrent i* 3ery hi/h thu* there i* need to o! o3er urrent re,ay

&hi* re,ay ha* minimum o+eratin/ time

DIRE'&I%NA( RE(AC 7 It a,,o)* !,o)in/ the urrent on,y in one diretion then on,y thi*

re,ay o+erate* It ha* a )indin/ onneted throu/h the 3o,ta/e oi, o! re,ay to ,o)er ma/net

)indin/ a,,ed urrent oi, #hih i* ener/iLed by ' & i! !au,t our* &hi* re,ay o+erate*

)hen 3$I i* ,e** than theoretia, 3a,ue &he 3$I i* norma,,y on*tant .

@i/ 1.1 %3er 'urrent and Vo,ta/e Re,ay*

DI@@EREN&IA( RE(AC:  7 &hi* re,ay o+erate* )hen +ha*e di!!erene o! t)o e,etria,

9uantitie* eeed* the +redetermined 3a,ue It ha* a,)ay* t)o e,etria, 9uantitie*J hene in

400k3 GSS !or tran*!ormer di!!erentia, re,ay i* u*ed


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INVERSE &I-E 'HARA'&ERIS&I'S RE(AC 7 &he re,ay u*in/ here ha3in/ the in3er*e

time harateri*ti* ha3in/ the time de,ay* de+endent u+on urrent 3a,ue &hi* harateri*ti

i* bein/ a3ai,ab,e in re,ay o! *+eia, de*i/n &here are7

  i. E,etroma/neti Indution ty+e

  ii. "ermanent ma/neti mo3in/ oi, ty+e

iii. Stati ty+e

<U'HH%(Z:S RE(AC 7 It i* the +roteti3e de3ie o! the tran*!ormer #hen any !au,t

our* in the tran*!ormer then it indiate* about !au,t and )e di*onnet the tran*!ormer !rom

the iruit It i* u*ed in the +o)er tran*!ormer It i* onneted bet)een the tank and

on*er3ator It ha* t)o !,oat* on )hih t)o merury *)ith are attahed %ne !,oat i* u*ed !or 

the be,, indiation and other !,oat i* u*ed !or the tri++in/ In the norma, +o*ition the re,ay i*

!i,,ed )ith the oi, and ontat* o! the merury *)ith are o+ened #hen the earth !au,t our*

in the tran*!ormer then it inrea*e* the tem+erature o! oi, and oi, !,o)* into the on*er3ator 

throu/h re,ay %n the )ay it make* the ontat* o! the tri++in/ iruit *hort So in the )e an

*ay that thi* re,ay )ork* a* iruit breaker.


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&o remote ontro, o! +o)er *)ith /ear re9uire* the +ro3i*ion o! *uitab,e ontro, +,ate*

,oated at a *uitab,e +oint remote !rom immediate 3iinity o! '< O* and other e9ui+ment*.

 At ;02V DEVIGARH; the *e+arate ontro, room +ro3ided !or remote +rotetion o! 

02V *)ith yard* tran*!ormer inomin/ !eeder outin/ !eeder*. <u* bar ha* their o)n

ontro, +,ant in their ontro, room*. &he ontro, +ane, arrier the a++ro+riate re,ay*.

 Nee**ary meter* indiatin/ ,am+ ontro, *)ithe* and !u*e*. &here are meter* !or readin/

 +ur+o*e. A iruit onernin/ the +ane, i* *ho)n on the +ane, )ith *tandard o ,our.

%n eah +ane, a ontro, *)ith i* +ro3ided !or remote o+eration o! iruit breaker. &here are

t)o indiator* )hih *ho) that )eather iruit breaker i* ,o*ed or o+en. A ontro, *)ith !or 


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eah in*u,ator i* a,*o +ro3ided. &he +o*ition indiator o! i*o,ator i* a,*o done )ith the he,+ o! 

*in/,e ,am+ and indiator. &he o ,our o! *i/na, ,am+* are a* !o,,o)* 7

RED :; @or iruit breaker or i*o,ator i* ,o*e o+tion

GREEN :;  @or '< or i*o,ator in o+en +o*ition.

In addition to u*ed indiation an a,arm i* a,*o +ro3idin/ !or indiatin/ abnorma, ondition

)hen any +roteti3e re,ay or tri++in/ re,ay ha* o+erated. It* on*tant* ener/ie* on aui,iary

a,arm. Re,ay )hih on o+eration om+,ete* the a,arm be,t iruit.

E#e)- Mete:;

&he*e are !itted on di!!erent +ane, to reord tran*mitted ener/y and reorded in ener/y hour*.

@or thi* +ur+o*e -#H meter ha3e been +ro3ided.

W"tt Mete:;

&hi* i* mounted on eah !eeder +ane, to reord im+ort or e+ort +o)er.

Fe=&e#c- P(?e:;

"ro3ided to eah !eeder to mea*ure !re9ueny )hih ana,o/ or di/ita,.

V(lt Mete :;

"ro3ided on eah +ane, or the +ur+o*e o! indiation o! 3o,ta/e.


&he*e are u*ed to indiation the ,ine urrent.

MVAR Mete:;

"ro3ided !or indiatin/ +o)er !ator o! im+ort and e+ort.

M"@!'&' I#$!c"t( De'"#$ :;


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'hie! re9uirement o! the*e indiator* to reord the minimum +o)er !ator taken by !eeder 

durin/ a +artiu,ar +eriod. &hi* reord the a3era/e +o)er *ue**i3e +redetermined +eriod.

@i/ 1=.1 'ontro, Room


&here i* a battery room )hih ha* ?? batterie* o! 3o,t eah !or 1=2V *etion and 110 batterie* !or 02V *etion. &here!ore D.'. +o)er a3ai,ab,e i* !or !untionin/ o! the ontro,

 +ane,*. A battery har/er to har/e the battery.

1. Variou* +art* o! ,ead aid batterie*7

1. ",ate*

. Se+arator*

=. E,etro,yte

4. 'ontainer


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?. &ermina, +ort

. Vent +,u/*

@i/ 14.1 Vie) o! <attery Room


I#!t!"l c+")!#)

It i* the !ir*t har/in/ /i3en to batterie* by )hih the +o*iti3e +,ate* are on3erted to ,ead

 +eroide )herea* the P3e +,ate* )i,, on3erted to *+on/y ,ead. A,*o in a !u,,y har/ed

 battery the e,etro,yte *+ei!i /ra3ity )i,, be at it* hi/he*t 3enue or 1. and it* termina,

3o,ta/e )i,, be 4 3o,t*


#hen a !u,,y har/ed battery de,i3er* it* ener/y out by meetin/ a ,oad the ,ead +eroide o!

the Q3e +,ate* *,o),y /et* on3erted to ,ead *u,+hate and the *+on/y ,ead o! the P3e +,ate*

a,*o /et* on3erted into ,ead *u,+hate durin/ thi* time the *+ei!i /ra3ity o! the e,etro,yte


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a,*o derea*e* the 3a,ue around 1.00 and the termina, 3o,ta/e a,*o derea*e* !rom it* initia, to

a ,o)er 3a,ue )hih may be around 1.8? or 1.8.


 A a+aitor bank i* a /rou+in/ o! *e3era, identia, a+aitor* interonneted in +ara,,e, or in

*erie* )ith one another. &he*e /rou+* o! a+aitor* are ty+ia,,y u*ed to orret or ounterat

unde*irab,e harateri*ti* *uh a* +o)er !ator ,a/ or +ha*e *hi!t* inherent in a,ternatin/

urrent 5A'6 e,etria, +o)er *u++,ie*. 'a+aitor bank* may a,*o be u*ed in diret urrent

5D'6 +o)er *u++,ie* to inrea*e *tored ener/y and im+ro3e the ri++,e urrent a+aity o! the

 +o)er *u++,y. Sin/,e a+aitor* are e,etria, or e,etroni om+onent* )hih *tore e,etria,

ener/y. 'a+aitor* on*i*t o! t)o ondutor* that are *e+arated by an in*u,atin/ materia, or

die,etri. #hen an e,etria, urrent i* +a**ed throu/h the ondutor +air a *tati e,etri!ie,d de3e,o+* in the die,etri )hih re+re*ent* the *tored ener/y. Un,ike batterie* thi*


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*tored ener/y i* not maintained inde!inite,y a* the die,etri a,,o)* !or a ertain amount o!

urrent ,eaka/e )hih re*u,t* in the /radua, di**i+ation o! the *tored ener/y. &he ener/y

*torin/ harateri*ti o! a+aitor* i* kno)n a* a+aitane and i* e+re**ed or mea*ured by

the unit !arad*. &hi* i* u*ua,,y a kno)n !ied 3a,ue !or eah indi3idua, a+aitor )hih

a,,o)* !or on*iderab,e !,eibi,ity in a )ide ran/e o! u*e* *uh a* re*tritin/ D' urrent

)hi,e a,,o)in/ A' urrent to +a** out+ut *moothin/ in D' +o)er *u++,ie* and in the

on*trution o! re*onant iruit* u*ed in radio tunin/. &he*e harateri*ti* a,*o a,,o)

a+aitor* to be u*ed in a /rou+ or a+aitor bank to ab*orb and orret A' +o)er *u++,y



@i/ 1?.1 'a+iator <ank 

 &he u*e o! a a+aitor bank to orret A' +o)er *u++,y anoma,ie* i* ty+ia,,y !ound in

hea3y indu*tria, en3ironment* that !eature )orkin/ ,oad* made u+ o! e,etri motor* and

tran*!ormer*. &hi* ty+e o! )orkin/ ,oad i* +rob,emati !rom a +o)er *u++,y +er*+eti3e a*


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e,etri motor* and tran*!ormer* re+re*ent induti3e ,oad* )hih au*e a +henomenon

kno)n a* +ha*e *hi!t or +o)er !ator ,a/ in the +o)er *u++,y. &he +re*ene o! thi*

unde*irab,e +henomenon an au*e *eriou* ,o**e* in term* o! o3era,, *y*tem e!!iieny )ith

an a**oiated inrea*e in the o*t o! *u++,yin/ the +o)er. &he u*e o! a a+aitor bank in the

 +o)er *u++,y *y*tem e!!eti3e,y ane,* out or ounterat* the*e +ha*e *hi!t i**ue* makin/

the +o)er *u++,y !ar more e!!iient and o*t e!!eti3e. &he in*ta,,ation o! a a+aitor bank i*

a,*o one o! the hea+e*t method* o! orretin/ +o)er ,a/ +rob,em* and maintainin/ a +o)er

!ator a+aitor bank i* *im+,e and o*t e!!eti3e. %ne thin/ that *hou,d a,)ay* be ke+t in

mind )hen )orkin/ )ith any a+aitor or a+aitor bank i* the !at that the *tored ener/y i!

inorret,y di*har/ed an au*e *eriou* burn* or e,etri *hok*. &he inorret hand,in/ or

di*+o*a, o! a+aitor* may a,*o ,ead to e+,o*ion* *o are *hou,d a,)ay* be eeri*ed )hen

dea,in/ )ith a+aitor* o! any *ort.



&he trainin/ at /rid *ub*tation )a* 3ery he,+!u,. It ha* im+ro3ed my theoretia, one+t* o! 

e,etria, +o)er tran*mi**ion and di*tribution. "rotetion o! 3ariou* a++aratu* )a* a /reat

thin/. -aintenane o! tran*!ormer iruit breaker i*o,ator in*u,ator bu* bar et )a*


  I had a hane to *ee the remote ontro, o! the e9ui+ment* !rom ontro, room it*e,!

)hih )a* 3ery intere*tin/.

  So the trainin/ )a* more than ho+e to me and he,+ed me to under*tand about +o)er 

*y*tem more.

 No) I ha3e *tudied a ,ot about the e,etria, tran*mi**ion *y*tem. %ne mu*t ha3e ne3er

thou/ht that *o many thin/* are re9uired !or Fu*t *)ithin/ on a te,e3i*ion or a re!ri/erator or

*ay an e,etri trimmer. &he three )in/ o! e,etria, *y*tem 3iL. Generation tran*mi**ion and

di*tribution are onneted to eah other and that too 3ery +er!et,y. Here man and e,etriity

)ork a* i! they are a !ami,y. (ot* o! ,abour a+ita, and in!ra*truture i* in3o,3ed in the

*y*tem Fu*t to ha3e a *in/,e +ha*e0V?0HL +o)er *u++,y at our hou*e*. At ,a*t I )ou,d



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E#e)- S"e$ I% E#e)- P($&ce$


1. ))).e,etria,4u.om

. ))).)iki+edia.om

=. ))).youtube.om

4. ))).*,ide*hare.om

?. "o)er Sy*tem by '.(.#adh)a

. "o)er Sy*tem by V.2. -ehta

. E,etria, -ahine by ".S. <imbra

8. &ha+ar (ibrary


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