324.иностранный язык (английский) особенности языка...


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Кафедра «Общеобразовательная языковая подготовка»

Учебно-методическое пособие

для самостоятельной работы студентов



Рекомендовано учебно-методическим советом УГУЭС



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УДК 811 111 (073) ББК 81.2 Англ-9

Я 47

Рецензенты: Ганеев Б.Т., доктор филологических наук, профессор

Башкирского государственного педагогического университета им. М. Акмуллы;

Валиахметова Э.К., кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры «Общеобразовательная языковая подготовка»

Уфимского государственного университета экономики и сервиса

Я 47 Яковлева А.Р. Иностранный язык (английский): особенности языка

современной англоязычной прессы: Учебно-методическое пособие / А.Р. Яковлева. – Уфа: Уфимский государственный университет экономики и

сервиса, 2013. – 88 с. ISBN 978-5-88469-575-7

Учебно-методическое пособие направлено на формирование навыков

чтения и перевода современных англоязычных газет. Теоретико-практический курс построен на основе аутентичных газетных текстов. Учебно-методическое

пособие подготовлено в соответствии с Федеральным государственным стандартом высшего профессионального образования для студентов

направления подготовки 080100 Экономика всех форм обучения.

ISBN 978-5-88469-575-7 © Яковлева А.Р., 2013 © Уфимский государственный университет

экономики и сервиса, 2013

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Предисловие 4 1. Методические рекомендации по использованию газетно-

информационных материалов при обучении иностранному языку студентов неязыковых вузов 6

1.1. Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов с современными англоязычными газетными текстами 6

1.2. Методические рекомендации по использованию аутентичных газетных текстов на практических занятиях по иностранному языку 6

2. Языковые особенности современных англоязычных газетных

текстов 8 2.1. Грамматические особенности англоязычных газетных текстов 8

2.2. Лексические особенности англоязычных газетных текстов 12 2.3. Стилистические особенности англоязычных газетных текстов 15

3. Практические рекомендации по работе с современными англоязычными газетными текстами 18

4. Упражнения на развитие навыков работы с современной

англоязычной прессой 19

5. Примеры реферативного перевода англоязычных газетных статей 25

6. Тематические тексты для отработки навыков перевода с английского языка на русский 48

6.1. Economics and business 48 6.2. Politics 53

6.3. Mass culture 59 6.4. Science and technology 64 6.5. Ecology 70

6.6. Fashion and design 77

Приложение 1 84

Приложение 2 86

Список литературы 87

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Современная пресса в полной мере раскрывает особенности как культуры страны, так и самого языка. Поэтому газетный текст широко используется при изучении языка и культуры англоговорящих стран.

В соответствии с программой курса по иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе, чтение аутентичных статей на английском языке выступает

как самостоятельный вид деятельности студента, способствующий подготовке профессионально-грамотного специалиста, владеющего умением техники

перевода в различных областях знаний. Кроме того, фрагменты газетных статей могут использоваться преподавателем на практических занятиях с

целью обучения профессионально-ориентированному чтению и говорению. Настоящее пособие составлено в соответствии с программными

требованиями по курсу «иностранный язык» в неязыковых вузах и может быть использовано для приобретения навыков работы с неадаптированными

газетными текстами. Пособие содержит фрагменты статей разного объёма и тематики, взятых

из номеров популярных англоязычных газет за последние пять лет. Пособие состоит из шести частей. В первой части представлены

методические рекомендации по использованию газетно-информационных

материалов при обучении иностранному языку студентов неязыковых вузов . Методические рекомендации предлагаются как для организации

самостоятельной работы студентов, так и для использования газетных текстов на практических занятиях.

Во второй части описаны грамматические, лексические и стилистические особенности англоязычных газетных текстов. Теоретический

материал подкреплен примерами, дающими представление о сущности языка современной прессы.

В третьей части предложены некоторые практические рекомендации, облегчающие работу с современными англоязычными газетными текстами.

Четвертая часть состоит из упражнений, направленных на развитие навыков работы с современной англоязычной прессой. Упражнения предназначены прежде всего для закрепления представлений о

грамматических, лексических и стилистических особенностях англоязычных газетных текстов, которые были изложены во второй части настоящего

пособия. Упражнения построены на основе аутентичного материала газетных статей, их выполнение требует анализа ряда языковых явлений, что

способствует их правильному восприятию в дальнейшем. В пятой части приводятся примеры реферативного перевода

англоязычных газетных статей различной тематики и направленности. Сравнивая оригинальный текст статьи с его профессиональным реферативным

переводом на русский язык, студенты учатся правильно извлекать основную информацию из текста статьи.

В шестой части предложены тексты для отработки навыков перевода с

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английского языка на русский, которые могут быть использованы во время аудиторных занятий по иностранному языку. В данном разделе предлагаются

шесть тем (экономика и бизнес, политика, массовая культура, наука и техника, экология, мода и дизайн), преподаватель по своему усмотрению может выбрать те, которые соответствуют специальности студента. Таким образом,

чтение газетных статей также будет способствовать развитию профессиональной компетенции студентов.

В приложениях представлен список часто используемых газетных штампов и аббревиатур, что способствует снятию лексических трудностей и

расширению словарного запаса учащихся. Студентам рекомендуется использовать различные словари и

справочники при работе над переводом англоязычных газетных текстов. Для закрепления навыков, полученных в ходе работе по данному

пособию, рекомендуется регулярно читать последние номера популярных англоязычных изданий, сайты которых указаны в тексте пособия.

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1.1. Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы

студентов с современными англоязычными газетными текстами

Важнейшей задачей для студента неязыкового вуза является приобретение навыков адекватного перевода англоязычных газетных текстов

на русский язык с целью извлечения из них необходимой информации. В процессе осуществления перевода студентам рекомендуется

составление словаря, что развивает словарный запас учащихся, а также формирует навык установления контекстуального значения лексических

единиц. Следует обратить внимание студента на то, что необходимо выписывать именно то значение слова, которое проявилось в данном тексте.

Текст рекомендуется переводить устно, по предложениям, с опорой на самостоятельно составленный словарик к данному тексту.

Во время предъявления текстов на контроль преподавателю студент должен уметь прочитать вслух и устно (пользуясь своей тетрадью-словарем) перевести любые предложения по выбору преподавателя, ответить на 2-3

вопроса преподавателя по каждой странице прочитанного текста, а также самостоятельно сформулировать 1-2 собственных вопроса к данному тексту.

Учебный материал по чтению предъявляется на контроль преподавателю последовательно по частям в ходе консультаций, которые проводятся в

течение учебного года, а также на практических занятиях во время сессии.

1.2. Методические рекомендации по использованию аутентичных газетных текстов на практических занятиях по иностранному языку

В процессе организации учебного процесса по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык» в неязыковом вузе особое внимание следует уделить выработке умений и навыков чтения специальной литературы с одновременным развитием навыков профессионального общения .

Ценность газетно-информационных материалов для обучения заключается и в том, что в них представлены лексические единицы актуальные

на сегодняшний день; обсуждаются последние события, новости, глобальные проблемы, которые представляют интерес для читателя. Текстовой материал

содержит в равной степени ценную информацию о деятельности международных финансовых организаций, отражает реальный мир бизнеса и

предлагают широкую палитру взглядов и мнений, лингвистического, страноведческого, профессионального характера, что готовит студентов к

ситуациям реальной жизни. Учебные тексты следует выбирать с учетом реальных потребностей

студентов и их специальностей. Помимо тематики текстов необходимо

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учитывать адекватный отбор языкового, речевого и социокультурного материала.

На практических занятиях по языку необходимо так организовать работу над переводом газетно-информационного материала, чтобы выполнить его быстро, сжато, лаконично, сообщить основные мысли, идеи статьи.

Читая английскую или американскую газету в оригинале, мы имеем дело с живым языком, и, следует иметь в виду, что этот язык значительно

отличается от того языка, который студенты привыкли видеть в обычных упражнениях и адаптированных учебных текстах. Начать работу с

аутентичным текстом следует со снятия лексическо-грамматических трудностей. Особое внимание следует обратить на использование в газетных

статьях клишированных выражений, аббревиатур, псевдоинтернациональной лексики («ложных друзей переводчика»), а также на особое употребление

временных форм глагола. Газетный текст также служит отправной точкой для отработки навыков

говорения. Работа с прессой формирует умения дискутировать, высказывать свою точку зрения и слушать противоположную, убеждать собеседника.

Вполне эффективно использование на практических занятиях фрагментов аутентичных газетных текстов для отработки навыков письма, поскольку важнейшим аспектом работы с прессой является письменный

перевод на русский язык. При этом необходимо учитывать проблему межъязыковой асимметрии (несовпадения грамматических и лексико-

семантических структур в английском и русском языках). В качестве творческой работы студентам может быть предложен

реферативный перевод объемных статей. Данный вид работы способствует формированию навыков получения необходимой информации из

англоязычных источников, а также логического построения текстов. Полученный в ходе данной работы материал может в дальнейшем

использоваться студентами для написания курсовых и квалификационных работ.

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2.1. Грамматические особенности англоязычных газетных текстов

С целью придания речи стилистической выразительности в англоязычных газетных текстах допускаются сознательные отклонения от

общих грамматических норм. Так, в английском языке, где в нейтральном стиле принят

фиксированный порядок слов «подлежащие, сказуемое, второстепенные члены предложения», инверсия выступает в качестве синтаксически выразительного

средства. Нарушение порядка слов часто употребляется в художественном, а также иногда в публицистическом стиле.

Как правило, в газетных текстах части высказывания располагаются таким образом, что на первое место выносятся элементы, содержащие

наиболее важную информацию. Инверсия обычно имеет место в длинных предложениях, которые сообщают несколько значимых фактов. Например: In

the speech, which was cleared by David Cameron, Mr Clegg also made a bid for the traditional Tory heartlands by laying a claim to "own the freehold of the centre ground of British politics" (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics).

В англоязычных публицистических текстах широко применяются эллиптические конструкции. Под эллипсисом понимается умышленное

опущение какого-либо члена предложения в литературно-письменной речи. В газетных заголовках опускаются семантически второстепенные

элементы (глагол to be, артикли, предлоги). Например: “Apocalypse Japan Thousands feared dead in tsunami” (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news).

С одной стороны эллипсис используется для достижения сжатости высказывания, а с другой – для акцентирования внимания на более важных

деталях. Также опущение глагола-связки может быть вызвано ритмико-мелодическими соображениями.

Примером эллипсиса в англо-американских газетных текстах может также послужить опущение слова “people” при описании события, в котором участвовало определенное число людей: “At least 40 die in Great Rift

earthquake” (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news). Иногда в заголовке журналисты называют лишь возраст, чтобы заострить внимание именно на нём, не называя

самого человека. Например: “13-year-old climbs Everest but psychologists worry about impact” (http://news.scotsman.com/world).

Достаточно часто в газетных текстах автор передает чужую речь. В газетных заголовках в основном используется прямая речь, которая

фактически является цитированием, авторские ремарки обычно отсутствуют: 'Keeping Up With The GOP Governors' (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/politics/).

При этом цитатой может являться какое-либо отдельное словосочетание: Japan crisis 'worst since WWII' (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/).

При передаче прямой речи в тексте самой статьи цитаты не всегда

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обозначаются кавычками. Авторские ремарки при этом выделяются запятой и могут разрывать длинную цитату.

Japan is experiencing its greatest hardships since World War II, Prime Minister Naoto Kan says, in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami and a growing crisis at a nuclear plant (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/)

Косвенная речь также может быть использована в самом тексте статьи, и по сути является краткой передачей прямой речи: Police warn that the death toll

in one of the worst-hit areas is likely to exceed 10,000 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/).

В газетных заголовках широко используются двоеточия, для того, чтобы сделать ссылку на автора или указать источник информации. Например : Prime

Minister: Worst crisis since World War II (http://www.washingtonpost.com/). 2010 weather outlook: Chaos (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/ ). Также двоеточия в

заголовках могут быть использованы, для того чтобы указать вначале общую тему статьи, а уже потом конкретную обсуждаемую проблему: “Libya crisis:

Brega falls to Gaddafi's forces” (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/). Очень часто двоеточия используются в заголовке для сообщения сенсационных фактов, в

сочетании с глаголами watch или look, наречием soon создается призыв прочесть статью. Например: “WATCH: Kimmel's 'Jim-Miracle' Diet Helps Hollywood Stay Fit” (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/15/obama); “Too

Soon: Gilbert Gottfried Tweets Tsunami 'Jokes'” (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/15/obama). Применение двоеточия

подобным образом позволяет заострить внимание читателя на определенных фактах и проблемах.

Как и в российских, в англоязычных газетных текстах часто используются причастные обороты и пассивные конструкции: “More middle-

class workers face being dragged into the 40 per cent tax band to fund further tax cuts for what Nick Clegg calls "Alarm Clock Britain"… Raising the basic-rate

threshold to £10,000 will push another 850,000 into the net, meaning that almost a quarter of taxpayers are in the higher-rate band”

(http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics). Также частотными являются обороты с инфинитивом: “Liberal Democrat ministers want it to rise to more than £8,000 next year” (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics).

Использование таких конструкций позволяет сообщить большое количество фактов в одном предложении.

И. Р. Гальперин отмечает, что «наиболее характерной особенностью кратких газетных сообщений является их синтаксическая структура; они

состоят большей частью из 1-2, максимум 3 предложений, очень длинных, представляющих собой цепь придаточных предложений с разветвленной

системой союзной связи. В таких кратких сообщениях излагается не одна мысль, а несколько, причем, некоторые из сообщаемых фактов не имеют

отношения к основной мысли» [Гальперин 1958, 395]. Например: Taxpayer-backed Royal Bank of Scotland will stoke up

controversy about bankers' pay this week when it announces that 300 of its top staff

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received packages averaging £1 million each last year (http://news.scotsman.com/sectionhome.aspx).

В связи с необходимостью сообщить ряд фактов, имеющих косвенное отношение к основной мысли газетной статьи, корреспонденты используют вводные предложения. Вводные предложения часто вводятся союзом and что

придает модальный оттенок всему высказыванию. Например: “Merkel says Germany needs to keep using nuclear power for now to keep

energy affordable as it switches over to renewable power sources, and to ensure it isn't dependent on importing nuclear energy from other countries where safety

standards might be lower than those in Germany…Nuclear power currently accounts for 16 percent of Russia's electricity generation, and the Kremlin has set a

target to raise its share to one-quarter by 2030” (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/14).

Для выражения общественного мнения используются безличные обороты типа «It is known that...» (известно, что) и «It is thought

that...»(предполагается, что) или «It is believed that...»(считается, что). Например: “It is thought that parents, tired of the anti-social behaviour that has

plagued the area, may be encouraging their children to find accommodation elsewhere” (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk).

“Using a government definition of child poverty, it is believed that 2.8 million

children in the UK are living in poverty” (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk). Высокой эмоциональной окраской обладают вопросительные

предложения: Leader: Have we really moved on from the Stone Age? (http://news.scotsman.com/leaders) Why is there no looting in Japan?

(http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/edwest). Значительная часть вопросительных предложений в публицистике

представляют собой риторические вопросы, в которых происходит переосмысление значения грамматической формы, таким образом, что

предложение в вопросительной форме способно выразить определенное суждение: Will Voters Vote for Another Bad Black President?

(http://www.huffingtonpost.com/politics/). Иногда в английском языке риторический вопрос имеет форму сложного

предложения, где суждение заключено в главном предложении: Congress is

voting less this year, but is it actually working less? (http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics). Wisconsin Governor Wins, But Is He

Still Dead Man Walker? (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/politics/). В газетных текстах обычными являются нарушения в построении

вопросительных предложений, так, вспомогательный глагол не используется, а вместо него выносится вперед смысловой глагол: Mour Jose: Want the Special

One back in the EPL? (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol /). The lost Ark: Sad to see ship decommissioned? (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol).

В альтернативных вопросах возможно простое перечисление объектов (без вспомогательного глагола и подлежащего): Rescue Choppers or Corporate

Jets? (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/politics/). Вспомогательный глагол и

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подлежащие могут отсутствовать и в общих вопросах: Bargain with the devil? (http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions).

Таким образом, вопросительные предложения в газетных заголовках часто представляют собой структуры, используемые в разговорной речи: My local Tory party has just died. What the hell is going on?

(http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news). Иногда заголовок выглядит как короткий диалог в виде двух реплик

(вопрос-ответ): Missing my mojo? Of course not (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/).

Sharon O'Connell: Barack Obama, Where Have You Gone? Oh, There. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/politics/).

Использование повелительных конструкций звучит как призыв и придает публицистическим высказываниям особую эмоциональность: Go

green to boost your biz (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/ Meet Britain’s greenest town (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/ ).

Следует отметить, что эмоциональные синтаксические элементы (инверсия, риторические вопросы, восклицательные предложения) в основном

свойственны газетным статьям, а не кратким газетным сообщениям, которые носят сухой и сжатый характер.

Характерными грамматическими особенностями обладают газетные

заголовки. В англоязычной прессе преобладают глагольные заголовки типа: “Supermarkets agree to health deal”, “Bus carrying children hits bridge”, “Doctors

discuss 'risky' NHS plans” (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/). В некоторых заголовках подлежащие опускается: “Over 50 and still

haven't achieved your goals? It's not too late” (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/living/).

Для англоязычных газетных заголовков свойственно особое употребление временных глагольных форм. Так, обычно заголовки делят на

три группы: 1) заголовки в Present simple сообщают о том, что действие только что

совершилось: Shortage of power drives up gas price (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol) (=Shortage of power has driven up gas price);

2) заголовки с использованием причастия прошедшего времени говорят

о том, что действие было совершено кем-то (пассивный залог): Bank of America accused of loan scam by employee (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/) (=Bank of America

has been accused of loan scam by employee); 3) заголовки с инфинитивом используются для обозначения действия,

которое произойдет в будущем: Obama to Visit Latin America in March (http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/18) (=Obama to Visit Latin America in

March). Принято говорить о существовании двух падежей в английском языке

общем и притяжательном. Отношения между существительными и другими словами в предложении выражаются с помощью предлогов и порядка слов в

предложении. Поскольку язык английской публицистике стремится к

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краткости, практически всегда конструкция с предлогом of, выражающая принадлежность всегда заменяется притяжательным падежом, даже если речь

идет о неодушевленных предметах: The country's security level is unchanged at medium, where it has remained since 2003 (http://news.bbc.co.uk/).

Как и в русском в английском языке единственное число может

употребляться в значении множественного, указывая на обобщенный характер существительного: “David Brooks explains why emotion is intrinsic to reason”

(http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/14). Итак, газетный текст стремится к сжатости и лаконичности. Очень

распространены эллиптические конструкции, в особенности это касается газетных заголовков, грамматические отклонения которых носят в основном

узуальный характер. Газетный текст обладает эмоциональной насыщенностью, что

предполагает широкое применение конструкций, характерных для разговорной речи, а, следовательно, частое отступление от общелитературной

нормы. Наличие длинных предложений обусловлено стремлением заключить

максимальное количество информации в одно предложение, что ведет к объединению нескольких предложений. В таких длинных предложениях допускается нарушение строгого порядка слов из-за необходимости делать

акценты на различные части высказывания.

2.2. Лексические особенности англоязычных газетных текстов

Важной особенностью английской общественно-политической лексики является универсальность её семантики. Так, в газетных заголовках часто

употребляются слова, представляющие собой так называемый «заголовочный жаргон»: ban, bid, claim, crack, crash, cut, dash, hit, move, pact, plea, probe, quit,

quiz, rap, rush, slash, boost и др., которые употребляются в различных значениях.

Значительную часть лексического состава англоязычных печатных СМИ представляют неологизмы, которые легко образуются в английском языке при помощи конверсии, сокращений и аффиксации.

При образовании неологизмов, свойственных газетному стилю, аффиксы могут развивать значения, ранее им не свойственные. Так, например,

англосаксонский суффикс -ship ранее употреблялся для образования отвлеченных имен существительных со значением состояния, положения,

например: friendship, leadership, lordship. В газетной лексике суффикс -ship с морфемой -man образует отвлеченные имена существительные се значением

качества, признака: brinkmanship, craffmanship, oneumanship, showmanship. Непродуктивный в настоящее время суффикс -dom обрел

продуктивность в газетном стиле (Например: bangdom, bogdom, suckerdom). Глагольный суффикс -ise(ize) также широко используется для

образования газетных неологизмов (factionalize – выдумывать; itemize –

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рассматривать и т.д.). Cреди общеупотребительных префиксов более частотными являются

anti, -pre-; anti-apartheid, anti-fascist, pre-capitalist, pre- election [Комиссаров 1990]. Подобными способами могут образовываться и авторские контекстуальные неологизмы (окказионализмы): “They will be honored at a

ceremony at Book Expo America and in Publishers Weekly’s pre-BEA issue on April 25” (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/15/ ).

Одной из специфических черт газетного вокабуляра является широкое употребление усеченных слов. Например: In their Coalition agreement, the

Conservatives and the Lib Dems promised that by the next election in 2015, no one would pay income tax on earnings below £10,000. (Lib Dems – Liberal Democrats)

(http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics). Популярны в прессе и аббревиатуры: GP (general practioner), PC (police

constable), MP (military police), PM (prime minister) и др., причем значения некоторых аббревиатур становится понятными только после прочтения статьи.

В газетных текстах принято использовать одни и те же выражения из номера в номер. Это так называемые газетные штампы; их разделяют на две

группы: словосочетания, употребляющиеся всегда в одном составе и словосочетания, допускающие вариативность состава. Первая группа представлена большим разнообразием структур, как например

«прилагательное +существительное» (joint research); «глагол +существительное» (to have priority); «существительное + существительное +

существительное» (space exploration program); «прилагательное + существительное + существительное» (manned space flight); «глагол +

предлог + существительное» (to be in effect). Вторая группа представляет собой лексему, обладающую высокой

частотностью в газетных текстах и варьирующееся лексическое окружение. Например слово сommunity употребляется в различных словосочетаниях:

national community; world community [Комиссаров 1990]. Употребление в газетных сообщениях постоянно одних и тех же

выражений образует публицистические фразеологизмы, обладающие терминологическими чертами и употребляющиеся в основном только в газетном стиле. Например: to give front-page prominence, a far-reaching effect; to

relax tension; to be under consideration и др. Характеризуя лексические особенности ой публицистики,

И. Р. Гальперин разделяет понятия газетного сообщения и газетной статьи. Газетным сообщениям присущи краткость, отсутствие субъективно-

оценочных элементов языка, претенциозностью, которая рассчитана на привлечение внимания читателя. «Как следствие, такой как бы сухой,

несколько протокольной манеры изложения мысли, в газетных сообщениях нет образности, здесь не встречаются ни метафоры, ни метонимии, ни другие

приемы образности» [Гальперин 1958, 397]. В отличие от газетных сообщений в газетных статьях широко

употребляются образные элементы языка, так как цель статьи – воспроизвести

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яркий образ происходящих событий. При этом частое употребление в статьях метафоричных выражений приводит к тому, что они постепенно теряют свою

эстетическую функцию и превращаются в газетные штампы. Например: all-important fact; balanced judgment; course of action; a bitter quarrel; to have clean hands, to wrap in fog и др.

Оченочный характер газетной лексики выражается использованием сложных прилагательных: “With comedy that ranged from the laugh-out-loud-

obvious to the slow-burning subtlety that you only 'got' the morning after, this is decidedly good and appropriate theatre to watch in snowy Suffolk!”

(http://news.bbc.co.uk/local/ ). Лексика англоязычных печатных СМИ, также как и русскоязычных,

носит разноплановый характер. Так, в газетных статьях можно и профессиональные термины (в основном общественно-политического и

экономического характера), и литературно-книжную, и разговорную лексику. В современной англо-американской таблоидной прессе используются

как традиционные, так и авторские паремии и фразеологизмы. Окказиональные трансформации общеизвестных паремий позволяют автору

оригинальным образом выразить определенную точку зрения. Например: "When in Rome do as the Romans, when in The Netherlands do as The Netherlands does" (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/5162044.stm).

Англоязычные таблоиды также изобилуют разговорной лексикой и сленгом: MP Chuka tells Government: "Get a grip"

(http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/); 48 hours to stop a nuke disaster (http://www.mirror.co.uk/) (nuke – разг. от nuclear).

Традиционно используются в общественно-политических текстах эвфемизмы, которые способны в разной мере манипулировать сознанием

реципиента. При употреблении политических эвфемизмов происходит замена одного понятия другим. Так, например, слова slump и depression могут

заменяться следующими синонимами: recession, a rolling readjustment, a correction, a slippage, an easing, a downswing, a mild dip, a normal adjustment, a

levelling off, a lull, a return to normalcy, an industrial trouble. Формирование эвфемизмов представляет собой сложный

лингвокультурологический процесс, отражающие изменения, происходящие в

обществе. Использование эвфемизмов способствует образованию новых фразеологических единиц, политических клише, развитию семантики

определенных лексем. Так, например, выражение “defence umbrella”, используемое как эвфемизм, когда речь идет о вооружении, приобрело

значение «защитное прикрытие»: There has been unease in Israel over Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's comments about a regional "defence umbrella", should

Iran acquire a nuclear weapon (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/ ). Итак, лексический состав современных англоязычных печатных СМИ

отличается высокой степенью стандартизации (большой процент клишированных выражений, речевых штампов). Согласно происходящим

событиям в конкретный период времени отмечается высокая частотность

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употребления определенных лексем. Иногда мы сталкиваемся с лексическими единицами, определяющими новые явления общественной действительности,

что в некоторой степени может затруднить понимание текста. Для английского языка характерно частое образование неологизмов,

усечение длинных лексем, особенно активно это проявляется в прессе.

Таким образом, в газетных текстах наблюдается постоянное взаимодействие устойчивых и подвижных лексических элементов.

Авторы газетных материалов стремятся создать впечатление объективного и нейтрального отношения к происходящим событиям, при этом

яркость подачи материала достигается использованием экспрессивной лексики наряду с нейтральной, что, безусловно, позволяет воспроизвести наиболее

полную картину описываемых событий и фактов.

2.3. Стилистические особенности англоязычных газетных текстов

В англоязычных общественно-политических газетных текстах в качестве стилистических приемов используются различные выразительные средства

(лексические, морфологические, синтаксические, фонетические), основанные на авторском эмоциональном восприятии определенных явлений и являющиеся механизмами коммуникативного воздействия на общество.

Несмотря на то, что англоязычным общественно-политическим текстам свойственен более нейтральный тон сообщений о текущих событиях, чем

российским, в газетных текстах все же активно используются стилистически экспрессивные средства. Журналист не может оставаться абсолютно

равнодушным к происходящему. Эмоционально-экспрессивный компонент в речи достигается благодаря использованию тропов. Сухое перечисление

фактов может оказаться недостаточным для восприятия информации, несмотря на четкую логику высказываний. Задача автора создать образ, как

можно более яркий и выразительный. Присутствие стилистически маркированных элементов в прессе всегда предполагает некоторый

субъективизм в оценках. Посредством использования эпитетов, метафор, сравнений и других тропов автор способен выразить свою позицию, как открыто, так и завуалировано.

Например: “The sobering element of today's development is the reminder to all Australians that the threat of terrorism is alive and well, and this requires

continued vigilance on the part of our security authorities," said Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd”(http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/). В данном примере автор дает

определенную оценку событиям путем использования метафоричных фраз “sobering element ” и “ the threat of terrorism is alive and well ”. Определенную

экспрессию общественно-политическому тексту придает использование эпитетов. Например: Japanese emperor 'deeply worried'

(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world). Использование гиперболы также носит эмфатический характер:

"Every dollar we save from these measures helps to save jobs, and in the

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long-term, maintain service for Chicagoans," he said (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/). Стилистические особенности современной публицистики неразрывно

связаны с культурой определенной страны, с менталитетом её граждан. В основе таких тропов как ирония, сарказм, парадокс, оксюморон лежит юмор, который является отражением общественно-политических и культурных

реалий определенной страны. Ирония в англо-американской прессе может носить мягкий, зачастую

юмористический характер. Эффект иронии иногда достигается путем использования таких оксюморонов как divine failure, happily divorced, open

secret и др. Так, весьма иронично звучит заголовок Fran Drescher's 'Happily Divorced' (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/15/ ).

Юмористический эффект достигается использованием различного рода каламбуров, в основе которых лежат лингвокультурологические особенности.

Так, например, в следующих предложениях представлены случаи парономазии (фигуры речи, состоящей в комическом или образном сближении слов,

которые вследствие сходства в звучании и частичного совпадения морфемного состава могут ошибочно, но чаще каламбурно использоваться в речи): "Co-

operation, not confrontation" was the way forward, he said, with climate change, security and the economy all areas where common ground existed (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi); How Old Is Old Age?

(http://query.nytimes.com/search). Wish you were heir? (http://www.mirror.co.uk/). Зачастую в англо-американские печатные СМИ вкрапляются изречения

известных личностей, ставшие афоризмами, а также известные цитаты из литературных произведений, фильмов, песен и прочих произведений

искусства, составляющих часть массовой культуры. Например: “The Business of America Is Business” (“Business is business”)

(http://www.humanevents.com/article.php). “During the civil war, Khartoum operated a divide and rule policy, trying to foster ethnic splits within the southern

rebels, and then arming breakaway militias to fight against them” (“Divide and rule”) (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/).

Особенностью англо-американской публицистики является частое использование в качестве перифразов цитат или окказиональных авторских изречений, как, например, в следующем заголовке: “Prince Andrew in new 'cash

for favours' row” (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/). В англоязычных газетных заголовках часто используются

стилистические фигуры, придающие фразе фонетическую привлекательность ( в т.ч. эпифора, анафора, хиазм). Например: 10 women, 10 awful outfits, 10

reasons to feel a bit smug (oh and Florence Welch wearing granny's knitting bag) (http://www.mirror.co.uk). Now you sea it, now you don’t

(http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/ ). Иногда стилистические фигуры не несут никакой дополнительной

информации во фразе, но придают ей эмоциональную окраску. В современной прессе часто можно встретить графические

окказионализмы, выполняющие аттрактивную функцию. Например: You need

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thairapy! (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol). Графический окказионализм построен при помощи слияния лексем “hair” и “therapy”.

Так, экспрессивное использование языковых средств нередко связано с отклонением от общеупотребительных норм, но именно благодаря таким отклонения автор способен более четко раскрыть суть существующих

проблем, воспроизвести наглядный образ действительности.

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Работу с газетными текстами облегчит выполнение следующих


– при переводе газетной статьи учитывайте перечисленные выше грамматические, лексические и стилистические особенности;

– переведите сначала всю статью, а затем уже заголовок, так как часто полный смысл заголовка раскрывается после прочтения статьи целиком;

– используйте список популярных газетных штампов и аббревиатур; – названия англоязычных печатных изданий, иностранных фирм,

компаний акционерных обществ, монополий, концернов, фирменные марки машин, приборов, изделий, иностранные фамилии и собственные имена не

переводятся; – географические названия и научно-технические термины следует

заменять русскими эквивалентами; – сохраняется национальное своеобразие специфических слов и

выражений, связанных с особенностями быта и общественной жизни, историей, географическими и климатическими условиями;

– записывайте в тетрадь не только незнакомые слова, но и речевые

обороты, пословицы, афоризмы, которые в газетных текстах могут получить авторскую трансформацию;

– большинство слов многозначны. Подумайте над выбором правильного значения лексической единицы.

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Task 1: Explain the usage of the following verb forms; compare them with

the meaning of tense forms used in the common language (объясните

использование следующих глагольных форм; сравните их со значениями временных форм, употребляемых в обычном языке).

1. Today you get your driving licence, tomorrow we start on the rules of the road (http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/).

2. Somali Pirates release Belgian ship crew (http://edition.cnn.com). 3. Taliban steps up election terror campaign (http://www.independent.co.uk).

4. Former South Korean leader dies (http://europe.wsj.com). 5. Russia sacks minister after suicide bomb kills 20

(http://www.independent.co.uk). 6. This mistake is not going to happen again. We're not going home

(http://thestar.com.my/news). 7. “Russell Brand gets a gorillagram and 10 boxes of bananas for his

birthday” (http://www.mirror.co.uk) 8. “Clinton To Visit Egypt, Tunisia Next Week”


9. Israel seizes French yacht as it heads to Gaza Strip (http://news.scotsman.com).

10. Russia sacks minister after suicide bomb kills 20 (http://www.independent.co.uk).

Task 2: Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the different

meanings of the underlined words (переведите следующие предложения, обратите внимание на разные значения выделенных слов).

1. They will argue that the system breaches international law (http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/jun/05/).

2. It was a close fight, but I can't argue with the decision (http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2011/jun/05/).

3. There are very few hard and fast rules in life

(http://www.huffingtonpost.com/76658837679124); 4. The rest of the industry is growing faster and outpacing consoles

(http://www.latimes.com/business/). 5. His column on Gessler the other day was absolutely priceless. Is it any

wonder nobody wants to buy ad space?... (www.huffingtonpost.com/susan-greene). 6. Inter lost their opening game 1-0...

(www.football.thestar.com.my/story.asp?file=/2011/9/21); 7. Mr Humphreys eventually lost his patience, took the boy by the collar and

marched him to his gate (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland). 8. Pending Sales Of Existing Homes Hit Drop By 11.6 Percent In April


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9. Tracking Economy, CO2 Emissions Hit New High (http://dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/05/30/).

Task 3: Translate the sentences, paying attention to the meanings of the

journalese (переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения

газетных штампов).

1. United States would consider extending a “defense umbrella” over the

Middle East… (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/23/). 2. Clinton lands in Pakistan to ‘reset’ relations

(http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/128). 3. Suzuki has denied that the deal broke the agreement

(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-14877009). 4. Some we are getting already – from our friends in the free world

(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/mobile/world-africa-13345413). 5. John Boehner Leaves Debt Ceiling Talks With Obama

(http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/22). 6. Hailing a "peaceful revolution" in Russian politics for the first time since

the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kremlin officials and Putin supporters relished a relatively harmonious relationship between the legislature and the executive (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world).

7. Clinton is visiting Athens on the second leg of a 12-day around-the-world diplomatic tour (http://biz.thestar.com).

8. …it lost two of six contested seats, leaving it with just a bare 17-16 majority (http://www.nypost.com).

9. John Boehner Leaves Debt Ceiling Talks With Obama (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/22).

10. With Help From NATO, Libyan Rebels Gain Ground (www.nytimes.com/2011/05/10).

Task 4: Analyze the underlined linguistic means (проанализируйте

выделенные языковые средства).

1. Lady Gaga is like a car accident; you don’t want to look but just can't help yourself (www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/01/).

2. Will Scotland Go Its Own Way? (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/ 27opinion).

3. Mr Drake's fiancée, Sophie Lindop, commented: "I am relieved that our battle for justice is now over, but it doesn't take away the anger I feel that Malcolm

should still be alive today (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-stoke-staffordshire-14747805).

4. Youngsters yet to get any experience of work are at the bottom of the pile and youth – unemployment has hit 34 per cent (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-

stories/2011/05/29/). 5. Does writing for other artists afford you the luxury of spreading your wings

when you make solo records? (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/).

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6. He was a quiet and friendly man but was beaten and left for dead in his own home in what I would describe as a cruel and heartless attack.

(http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/west_midlands/8624818.stm). 7. Divine failure stamped upon your life (www.cnbc.com/). 8. In politics, life can change in an instant

(http://www.guardian.co.uk/theobserver/2010/dec/19/). 9. Tom Daley devasted after his father Rob loses his battle with cancer aged

just 40 (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news). 10. France has to take the bitter pill of economic reform

(http://www.huffington post.com/healthy-living/).

11. Bad Trips: Wonderful Essays About Awful Travel Experiences (http://www.huffingtonpost.com).

12. New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, who invited the Justice Department last year to conduct a thorough review of the police department, said the verdicts

"provide significant closure to a dark chapter in our city's history" (http://www.usatoday.com/news).

13. Rescuers struggled to reach survivors on Saturday morning as Japan reeled after an earthquake and a tsunami struck in deadly tandem (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/12).

14. Egypt's military junta is facing its biggest crisis of legitimacy (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world).

15. Their final moments alive were hell on earth (http://www.nypost.com). 16. Röthig said IKB’s management took to the idea “as a baby takes to

candy” until 2005 when he said the bank was taking too much risk… (http://www.efinancialnews.com/story/2011-08-12/).

17. Nothing better personified the arrogance and the anarchy; the mindless, violent consumerism (http://news.scotsman.com/opinion).

18. Did Germany sow the seeds of the eurozone debt crisis? (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world).

19. It says people have become "screen slaves" and are often working while commuting or after they get home (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-18490433).

20. This oasis of learning is in blighted Englewood, one of Chicago's toughest

and poorest areas (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-15224200). Task 5: Explain the origin of the underlined expressions (объясните

происхождение выделенных выражений).

1. Ultimate Fighting's Cold War Gets Hotter (http://www.time.com/time). 2. Unreal Estate: News You Won't Believe (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/

2011/06/28). 3. iPhone overview: Apple of discord (http://www.gsmarena.com/apple).

4. Problem? All you need is love (http://www.timesplus.co.uk/tto/news/). 5. After the Split, Madonna's Show Must Go On


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6. Mourinho described progress to the final as "mission impossible" (http://football.thestar.com).

7. "Do you, comrade, remember Afghanistan? Glows of fires, Muslim cries?" I am sure British soldiers have their own songs, it's just I don't know them. God bless them anyhow (http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree).

8. Scottish fishermen need 'no stone to be left unturned'(http://www.bbc.co.uk/

news/uk-scotland). 9. You have to love Lanni’s cold dish of revenge served up for the chamber

folks (http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2008/jun/18/irony-lannis-proposal/). 10. Lanni has taken us back to the future with a proposal, first reported by the

Sun (http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2008/jun/18/irony-lannis-proposal/). Task 6: Mark the famous expressions, used in the following sentences

(отметьте известные выражения, используемые в следующих


1. Barack Obama: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

(http://www.humanevents.com/article). 2. The former head of England’s failed bid to host the 2018 World Cup finals

spilled the beans today on alleged corruption in world football, naming four top

Fifa officials who personally solicited cash or favours from him (http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/).

3. A Mentor to a Nation of Prodigious Runners Shows That Charity Begins at Home (http://www.people.com/).

4. To Be or Not to Be: American Freedom, Exceptionalism and Identity (http://www.huffingtonpost.com).

5. As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm. Zambia has shown that the only obstacle in going to Germany for the World Cup is the actual competition

not taking place! (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2). 6. Syria 'a hair's breadth' from civil war

(http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today). 7. Britney Cries: Life Is Like Jail, Groundhog Day


8. Price rise 'a storm in a teacup' (http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid).

9. No news was bad news: the little space-chic craft, carrying a painting by Damian Hirst and an audio test signal by Blur, vanished without trace

(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science). 10. Congress is going to be a hard nut to crack, though

(http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/2252234.stm). Task 7: Find the pun in the underlined words (найдите каламбур в

подчеркнутых словах)

1. Wish you were heir? (http://www.mirror.co.uk/).

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2. Raise a Glass – and Some Money – for Lydia Tillman, Casa Mono's Beloved Former Sommelier (http://blogs.villagevoice.com/).

3. Сivil servants splash your cash (http://www.mirror.co.uk/). 4. Peter Jones: After the party is over the party politics really begin


5. Disunited Kingdom? (http://www.guardian.co.uk/). 6. Donald Trump trumped as senior Republicans acknowledge the obvious

(http://news.scotsman.com). 7. Sir Paul McCartney turns 70 years young today

(http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/18/happy). 8. iPhone, You Phone, We All Wanna iPhone

(http://www.bbc.com/news/technology). 9. Makeup artists’ lawsuit doesn’t powder over dispute with Cosmetology

Board (http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2012/jun/20). 10. Parenting – Children Need Presence More Than Your Presents

(http://ezinearticles.com/?Parenting). Task 8: Match the headlines with the fragments of the articles

(сопоставьте заголовки с фрагментами статей).

1. How Old Is Old Age?

2. Obama: Indefinitely Holding Detainees 'Gives Me Huge Pause' 3. 'New' GM on the road

4. Will New Ad Restart the Engines? 5. Clinton moves to calm Moscow over remarks by Biden

6. In Moldovan Vote, It's East vs. West 7. Georgia's Unmet Promise

8. Kirill's Visit Exposes Dangers in Moscow-Kiev Ties

1. Imagine you're a huge American company that has built its reputation on durability, reliability and being the biggest damn dog on the street. Then let's say

you get into horrible, disastrous debt and have to go begging to the government, like a sad little stray. And then you still end up in Chapter 11. Your customers are peeved because they have to bail you out. Your frailty makes them wary of buying

anything from you. And every wrong thing you've ever done (like, say, making the Pontiac Aztek,) nags at them like a stain you put on their best rug. How do you

make a commercial for that? 2. After a six-week trip through bankruptcy, the "new" General Motors was

born Friday – owned by the government, free of tens of billions in debt, and shed of unaffordable brands, dealerships and plants. CNNMoney.com reports the sale of the

valuable assets of the old company to the new GM was completed Friday morning. full story.

3. The public’s views on age and aging are explored in a new national survey on aging from the Pew Research Center, explained in a story by my colleague Sarah


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Most adults over age 50 feel at least 10 years younger than their actual age, the survey found. One-third of those between 65 and 74 said they felt 10 to 19 years

younger, and one-sixth of people 75 and older said they felt 20 years younger. And at what age does old age begin? Most people in the survey said old age

starts at age 68. Are they kidding? That seems way too young to me. Not

surprisingly, most people over 65 have a different idea about old age. Among those getting the senior citizen discount, most say old age begins at 75.

4. President Obama still has reservations about the prospect of indefinitely holding those detained at the Guantanamo Bay military prison, and he may not

follow through on his administration's intention to develop such a policy, he told the Associated Press today.

"It gives me huge pause," he told the news organization in an interview. Obama's intention to close the detention facility in Cuba – announced on his

first full day in office – has forced difficult decisions about what to do with the detainees still there. The administration is trying to send some to other countries and

hopes to try others in courts or military tribunals. 5. A year ago, Russia and Georgia went to war. The anniversary has renewed

debate about the causes of the conflict and the future of the Caucasus region. Our country's main focus now should be on helping Georgia cultivate the institutions that will promote democratic development and stability. Georgia has made considerable

progress in physical recovery over the past year, but its political environment remains fragile and polarized, with a muzzled media, weak civil society and

demonstrations in the streets. 6. It was Kirill’s first trip to Ukraine since he was elected patriarch in January.

The visit opened on July 27 with an affirmation of Russian-Ukrainian brotherhood in Kiev, regarded as the cradle of Russian Orthodoxy. Prince Vladimir adopted

Orthodoxy from Byzantium for himself and his subjects, who were baptized en masse in the Dnieper River in 988.

7. Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, yesterday sought to head off a spat with Russia after it was angered by comments by Joe Biden, US vicepresident,

The Kremlin had demanded clarification of remarks in which Mr Biden suggested Russia would be forced to improve relations with the US because its economy was "withering".

8. Moldovans repeating national elections on Wednesday face a stark choice: vote for the ruling Communist Party and receive loans from their Chinese and

Russian backers worth well over a third of national income, or put their faith in the West.

The outcome of the vote is too close to call, according to opinion polls and political analysts, though few expect a repeat of the riots and brutal police

crackdown that followed April's turbulent elections that were tainted by fraud allegations.

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В данном разделе представлены фрагменты аутентичных газетных

статей и их реферативный (краткий) перевод, представленный на сайте

www.inopressa.ru. Реферативный перевод представляет собой выборочный перевод,

исключающий несущественную информацию, без которой можно обойтись. Реферативный перевод позволяет облегчить восприятие текстов большого

объема, представляя их в сжатом виде. Далее представлены примеры профессионально выполненного

реферативного перевода. Сравните данный перевод с оригинальным текстом статьи.

Russia Shuts Down Thousands of Casinos

By Philip P. Pan Washington Post Foreign Service

Thursday, July 2, 2009 MOSCOW, July 1 – Thousands of casinos and slot-machine parlors across

Russia were outlawed Wednesday as new restrictions on gambling took effect,

shutting down an industry that had come to embody the seedier side of capitalism in the post-Soviet era.

The law, approved three years ago at the request of then-President Vladimir Putin, banishes casinos to four special zones in far-flung corners of the country. But

none of the planned resorts have been developed, and the prohibition could put hundreds of thousands out of work during an economic crisis that has caused a sharp

rise in unemployment. When Putin first proposed the sweeping ban, burnishing his populist image as

a tough leader battling corruption and vice, many wondered whether he could follow through on his campaign against a business he portrayed as a breeding ground for

money laundering, organized crime and destructive addiction. The industry resisted, offering to accept tighter regulations and highlighting

the $1 billion it paid in annual taxes. When the economy soured, the industry pushed

for a delay, saying the ban would eliminate as many as 400,000 jobs, far more than the official estimate of 60,000.

But Putin's successor, Dmitry Medvedev, declared in early May that there would be no reprieve. "The rules will not be revised, and there will be no

backsliding, despite the lobbying efforts of various businesses," he said. And as Wednesday's deadline approached, the blinking neon lights of

Moscow's most famous – and infamous – gambling halls began going dark. Police were conducting surprise inspections to make sure that the few establishments that

were staying open to the end closed their doors on time. The Soviet Union prohibited all gambling, but casinos took off after its

collapse, especially in the past decade as licensing rules were relaxed and the

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economy boomed. Moscow became home to more casinos than any other city outside Las Vegas and Miami, and slot machines appeared across the capital – in

stores, subway stations, even near schools and churches. Now they are all supposed to move to remote, impoverished zones in the

mountainous Altai region of Siberia, the Primorsky region on the Pacific coast, the

Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad or a southern stretch of land on the Azov Sea. But officials acknowledge that the plan has been a bust, with construction underway at

only one of the sites. "Are we going to move? Of course not," Konstantin Kopylov, owner of the

Kristall casino, told the state news agency RIA-Novosti. "You cannot run a business on someone's wish. Business is run in the areas where a profit can be made."

Some casinos have shifted their operations to post-Soviet countries where gambling has thrived. Other industry executives say the ban will only force Russian

gambling underground, strengthening the influence of organized crime and fueling police corruption.

A few casinos have announced plans to retool their businesses as "sports clubs" where poker is permitted, or parlors for gambling on the Internet. The law

also permits lotteries and bookmakers to operate. The public, however, seems in favor of the ban, with 60 to 70 percent

expressing support in various opinion polls. "The fact that taxes from this business

will not be in the budget is nothing compared to ... the damage from gambling," Valery Draganov, a member of the parliament, told state television. "Much greater

damage has been inflicted on the families and players who have not just lost their jobs but, in fact, become seriously ill."



03 июля 2009 г. Филипп П.Пэн | The Washington Post

В России закрываются тысячи казино

Новым законом вводится запрет на игорные заведения по всей территории России, кроме четырех специальных зон, однако развитие

инфраструктуры в указанных регионах не ведется, пишет The Washington Post. «Собираемся ли мы переезжать? Конечно, нет», – заявил

информационному агентству РИА «Новости» управляющий партнер холдинга Golden Palace Group, владеющей казино "Кристалл", Константин Копылов.

«Нельзя строить бизнес по желанию кого-то. Бизнес строится там, где ему выгодно», – пояснил он.

Некоторые казино перебрались в бывшие советские республики, где расцвел игорный бизнес. Другие представители отрасли утверждают, что

запрет может только загнать российский игорный бизнес в подполье, усилив влияние организованной преступности и коррупцию в правоохранительных

органах. В результате запрета сотни тысяч человек могут оказаться без работы во

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время экономического кризиса, и так вызвавшего резкий рост безработицы, отмечает автор статьи Филипп П. Пэн.

Несколько казино заявили о планах преобразовать свой бизнес в спортивные клубы (игра в спортивный покер разрешена) или в салоны игр по Сети.

При этом, по данным различных опросов общественного мнения, от 60 до 70 % граждан поддерживают запрет на игорные заведения, которые

правительство во главе с Владимиром Путиным считает рассадниками организованной преступности, отмывания денежных средств и пагубной

зависимости. Источник: The Washington Post http://www.inopressa.ru/article/02Jul2009/wp/casi1.html

Preparing for Trip to Russia, Obama Praises Putin’s Protégé, at Putin’s Expense

By PETER BAKER NY Times Published: July 2, 2009

MOSCOW – President Obama said Thursday that Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin of Russia still had “one foot” in the cold war and needed to move on, a provocative assessment for an American leader just days before traveling here for

the first time since taking office. Related

Russia’s Neighbors Resist Wooing and Bullying (July 3, 2009) Mr. Obama distinguished Mr. Putin from President Dmitri A. Medvedev, his

hand-picked successor, who was elected last year and is the object of much speculation, given the unusual power-sharing arrangement here. Unlike Mr. Putin,

Mr. Obama said, Mr. Medvedev recognizes that it is time for the two cold war antagonists to put the past behind them.

“It’s important that even as we move forward with President Medvedev that Putin understand that the old cold war approaches to U.S.-Russian relations is

outdated — that it’s time to move forward in a different direction,” Mr. Obama said in an interview with The Associated Press.

“I think Medvedev understands that,” he said. “I think Putin has one foot in

the old ways of doing business and one foot in the new.” Mr. Obama will leave Washington on Sunday for a weeklong trip to Russia,

Italy and Ghana. He plans about eight or nine hours of meetings with Mr. Medvedev, but also plans to sit down with Mr. Putin for about 90 minutes,

according to American officials. In the interview, Mr. Obama said he wanted to talk with Mr. Putin because he “still has a lot of sway.”

Mr. Obama’s distinction between the two Russian leaders reflects an American strategy to build up Mr. Medvedev as a possible counterweight to Mr.

Putin, who is generally believed to still be the pre-eminent power in Russia. Mr. Medvedev struck a more diplomatic note on Thursday in a video posted

on the Kremlin Web site, saying he hoped that Mr. Obama “will sense here our real

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interest in improving relations” after a period of tension. “The new administration headed by President Obama is showing its

willingness to change the situation and build more effective, reliable and ultimately more modern relations,” Mr. Medvedev said.

“We are ready to play our part.” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/03/world/europe/03moscow.html?_r=1&re


03 июля 2009 г.

Питер Бейкер | The New York Times Накануне поездки в Россию Обама похвалил протеже Путина

в пику самому Путину В четверг Обама похвалил Медведева в пику Путину, сообщает The New

York Times. Американский президент сказал в интервью Associated Press, что Путин все еще стоит одной ногой в холодной войне и ему следовало бы

двинуться вперед. «Это провокационное заявление для американского лидера, который всего через несколько дней собирается впервые после вступления в

должность посетить Россию», – пишет корреспондент Питер Бейкер. О Медведеве Обама сказал, что тот, в отличие от Путина, сознает: двум противникам по холодной войне пора отделаться от устаревшего подхода.

Как сообщили источники в администрации США, Обама планирует общаться с Медведевым 8-9 часов, но также намечает примерно

полуторачасовую встречу с Путиным. «Разграничения, проводимые Обамой между российскими лидерами, отражают стратегию США по укреплению

позиций Медведева в качестве потенциального противовеса Путину; последний, по общему мнению, остается в России доминирующей силой», –

отмечает издание. Источник: The New York Times http://www.inopressa.ru/article/03Jul2009/nytimes/obama.html

Barack Obama: Putin has one foot in the past Chris McGreal in Washington and Luke Harding in Moscow guardian.co.uk, Thursday 2 July 2009 23.28

Barack Obama has chided Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, for "cold war approaches" to relations with the US, saying Putin had "one foot in the old

ways of doing business and one foot in the new", just days before the two men meet in Moscow.

In an interview with the Associated Press, Obama said the US was developing a "very good relationship" with Putin's successor as president, Dmitry Medvedev,

over issues such as nuclear arms reduction. But the American president acknowledged the balance of power in Russia by saying that he would also meet

Putin, because he "still has sway". "I think that it's important that, even as we move forward with President

Medvedev, that Putin understand that the old cold war approaches to US-Russian

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relations is outdated – that it's time to move forward in a different direction", said Obama. "I think Medvedev understands that.

"I think Putin has one foot in the old ways of doing business and one foot in the new. To the extent that we can provide him and the Russian people a clear sense that the US is not seeking an antagonistic relationship, but wants co-operation on

nuclear non-proliferation, fighting terrorism, energy issues, we'll end up having a stronger partner overall in this process."

In April, Obama met Medvedev and spoke of "the beginning of new progress" in relations, praising the Russian president as "critical" to that movement. After that

meeting, the two men issued a statement saying they were ready "to move beyond cold war mentalities".

Obama's latest remarks clarify that he sees Putin standing in the way of progress, particularly on issues such as weapons reduction. His comments may in

part be driven by a belief that Putin is behind Russian objections to US plans to place a missile system in eastern Europe.

However his remarks, likely to infuriate the Kremlin, come amid growing pessimism that next week's Moscow trip will lead to a genuine "reset" in relations.

Putin will discuss "tactical and strategic issues" with Obama, the prime minister's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said last night. He added: "Putin will want to share his vision of current Russian-US relations on the basis of his experience of

intensive contacts at the highest level when he was president. He has tremendous experience of contact with US presidents and a brilliant knowledge of the agenda."

Peskov told Ekho Moskvy radio: "Of course, he will be interested to understand the new US head of state, in order to make his modest contribution to the

vision of possible prospects of development." Medvedev became president last year, when Putin took the job of prime

minister. While Medvedev has adopted a more liberal-seeming rhetoric, differences with his predecessor are stylistic, rather than substantive. Few in Russia doubt that

Putin is the supreme arbiter of foreign policy. During his Moscow trip, Obama is likely to discuss Iran, Russian co-operation

over transit supplies to Afghanistan and a new nuclear arms reduction agreement. Both sides have agreed in principle to reduce their nuclear arsenals to 1,500 warheads each, after Obama and Medvedev's meeting in April at the G8 summit in

London. In reality, there is little prospect of a swift arms reduction deal. The Kremlin

wants the US to cancel its missile defence shield in eastern Europe in return for concessions in arms reduction – a demand Obama is unlikely to meet.


03 июля 2009 г.

Крис Макгрил и Люк Гардинг The Guardian По словам Обамы, Путин стоит одной ногой в прошлом

Всего за несколько дней до своего визита в Москву Обама отчитал

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Путина за подход в духе холодной войны к российско-американским отношениям, сообщает The Guardian. Путин «стоит одной ногой в старых

методах ведения дел, а другой – в новых», – заявил американский президент в интервью Associated Press, отмечают корреспонденты Крис Макгрил и Люк Гардинг. В том же интервью Обама отметил, что по вопросам вроде

сокращения ядерных вооружений у США складываются очень хорошие отношения с президентом Медведевым.

«Свежие высказывания Обамы проясняют тот факт, что он считает Путина помехой для прогресса, особенно по таким вопросам, как сокращение

вооружений. Возможно, отчасти его слова продиктованы убеждением, что Путин стоит за российскими протестами против размещения ПРО США в

Восточной Европе», – пишет издание. Однако визит Обамы в Москву вряд ли повлечет за собой настоящую

перезагрузку отношений, предрекает газета. Медведев отличается от предшественника скорее по стилистике, в России мало кто сомневается, что

высшим куратором внешней политики является Путин, утверждают авторы. По мнению газеты, надежд на быструю договоренность о сокращении

вооружений мало, так как Кремль хочет, чтобы взамен США отказались от противоракетного щита в Восточной Европе. Обама вряд ли согласится на это требование, прогнозируют авторы.

Источник: The Guardian http://www.inopressa.ru/article/03Jul2009/guardian/putin.html

US and Russia square up over missile shield

By Stefan Wagstyl in Moscow and Edward Luce in Washington Published: July 2 2009 22:29 The Financial Times

Last updated: July 3 2009 00:11 The US and Russia are digging in for a fight over American plans for missile

defence bases in eastern Europe in spite of efforts by both sides to create a positive atmosphere before next week’s summit between Barack Obama and Dmitry

Medvedev. A senior Russian official told the Financial Times on Thursday it was not

enough for the US to say it was reviewing the missile defence project as the US

president had already done. Washington had to go further and “show that it really can work together with Russia in the new geopolitical situation and the new threats

we face”. Mikhail Margelov, chairman of the international affairs committee of the

Russian parliament’s upper house, said the US missile defence shield, with its planned bases in the Czech Republic and Poland, had never been a military threat to

Russia. However, it was a political threat. “We are not scared of a radar or a few

missiles ... It is a political threat because it means decision-makers in Washington still see Russia as a potential enemy. That sends a very bad signal to the Russian

political class.”

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A senior White House official said Mr Obama would not be making concessions, or even giving assurances, to Russia over missile defence or the

possible eastward expansion of Nato, another key point of conflict with Moscow. Michael McFaul, senior White House director for Russian and Eurasian

affairs, said: “We’re not going to reassure or give or trade anything with the

Russians regarding Nato expansion or missile defence.” Mr McFaul said the US would talk to Moscow about a Russian role in missile

defence but there would be no question of abandoning the Czech Republic and Poland “to do a deal with Russia”.

The tensions over missile defence and Nato come amid positive signals on a host of other issues to be raised at the summit in Moscow. In a video blog, Mr

Medvedev, the Russian president, said: “Now is not the time to discover who is in the more difficult position or who is tougher. It is time to join efforts.”

The US and Russia both expect progress on the central issue of strategic arms reduction and are working towards a replacement for the 1991 Strategic Arms

Reduction Treaty, which expires in December. While technical matters, such as verification, need to be resolved, negotiators

are aiming to limit both arsenals, perhaps to about 1,500 warheads each, down from the current ceiling of 2,200. However, even here there could be disagreements as Russia links strategic arms cuts to missile defence in ways the US dislikes.

The two leaders are expected to set up a permanent bilateral relations commission headed by Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, and Sergei Lavrov,

the Russian foreign minister. Mr Margelov said its agenda would include economic links that could strengthen political ties by creating a pro-Russia lobby in America

and a pro-America lobby in Russia. The summit agenda will also include Iran, Afghanistan, the Middle East and

North Korea, as as well as the global economic crisis and climate change. Mr Obama is due to arrive in Moscow on Monday and hold four hours of

meetings with Mr Medvedev before a dinner. On Tuesday, he is due to have breakfast with Vladimir Putin, the Russian

prime minister, followed by a speech at a Moscow university, and meetings with business leaders, social activists and the Kremlin’s political critics. He will leave Russia on Wednesday morning for the Group of Eight summit in Italy.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009 http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/23cf9eee-674c-11de-925f-


03 июля 2009 г. Стивен Уэгстил, Эдвард Льюс Financial Times

США и Россия готовы столкнуться по вопросу о ПРО Как пишет The Financial Times, несмотря на общие попытки создать

позитивную атмосферу накануне саммита российского и американского лидеров на следующей неделе, обе стороны готовятся вступить в схватку по

вопросу о противоракетной обороне в Восточной Европе.

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Председатель комитета по международным делам в Совете Федерации Михаил Маргелов заявил изданию, что Вашингтону недостаточно будет, как

раньше, просто заявить, что планы о развертывании ПРО «пересматриваются». Белый дом должен пойти дальше, уверен сенатор, и «показать, что он действительно может работать вместе с Россией».

Маргелов пояснил, что развертывание ПРО - скорее политическая, нежели военная угроза: «Нас не пугают радар или несколько ракет... это

политическая угроза, поскольку это значит, что лица, принимающие решения в Вашингтоне, по-прежнему видят в России потенциального противника. И это

посылает очень плохой сигнал российскому политическому классу». В свою очередь высокопоставленный советник Обамы Майкл Макфол

заявил, что Обама не пойдет на уступки или какие-либо заверения в отношении таких вопросов, как ПРО или расширение НАТО. Он пояснил, что,

безусловно, эти вопросы, равно как и роль России в них, будут обсуждаться, однако о "сделке" с отказом от ПРО речи быть не может.

В то же время, отмечают авторы статьи, ожидается, что успешно завершится первый этап переговоров по новому договору СНВ. Также на

повестке дня будут Иран, Афганистан, Ближний Восток, КНДР, а также мировой кризис и экология.

Источник: Financial Times http://www.inopressa.ru/article/03Jul2009/ft/pro.html

What A 'Reset' Can't Fix Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin at a meeting in Russia's Krasnodar

region Friday. (By Alexei Druzhinin – Associated Press) By David Ignatius Washington Post

Sunday, July 5, 2009 MOSCOW – The Obama administration has talked about a "reset" in Russian-

American relations. But a Russian analyst shrugs when he's asked about the term. "What happens when you press the reset button on a computer?" he muses. "It goes

dark, and then after a while the same screen comes back again." That skeptical comment offers the right perspective on President Obama's

visit here, which starts tomorrow. Both Russians and Americans want to avoid a

public failure, and the summit is likely to yield a joint "presidential commission" and other modest agreements. But neither side is ready to address the other's

fundamental security concerns. And until that changes, this week's reset will mean more of the same – and perhaps even a new jolt of static.

Russian leaders have been simmering with anger since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. A top Kremlin adviser voiced a litany of complaints to a

group of Western visitors: Russia needed American help during the chaos of the 1990s, but it never came; Russia tried to aid America after Sept. 11, 2001, but, he

claims, an ungrateful United States helped Muslim terrorists in Chechnya by giving them passports and money; Russia wanted to cooperate on security, but the Bush

administration pushed NATO expansion to Russia's borders and plotted to build

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missile defense sites in nearby Poland and the Czech Republic. "America owes Russia, and it owes a lot, and it has to pay its debt," grumbled

this key adviser to President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. His message was that America's past actions had threatened Russia's security and the Kremlin wasn't about to forget it.

Given what they see as American disdain for their interests, the Russians drag their feet on U.S. security worries such as the Iranian nuclear program. "Iran is an

American mania," says another Putin adviser dismissively. "Maybe it goes back to your fear of the Indians in the Wild West. We don't know. Iran is a problem of

yours, not of ours." What's missing is a real strategic dialogue that would identify each side's key

interests and allow some creative bargaining. "The Russian agenda is largely a set of negatives – things they don't want us to do," says Tom Graham, a Russia expert

formerly at the State Department and now with Kissinger Associates. America's goals are a similar list of "don'ts," Graham says. "You can't build a long-term

relationship on negatives". This week's visit was supposed to break the ice, but some pre-summit moves

have added to the chill. The normally sure-footed Obama stumbled last week when he contrasted his "very good relationship" with Medvedev against Putin's "outdated" Cold War attitudes. This will look to Russians like an effort to play internal politics,

and it will complicate both meetings. Another peculiar pre-summit move was the administration's public statement

that it wouldn't bargain on the issues that concern Russia most. "We're not going to reassure or give or trade ... anything with the Russians regarding NATO expansion

or missile defense," White House aide Michael McFaul told the Wall Street Journal. That lowered expectations, but at the cost of narrowing discussion.

The resentful Russians have been even more undiplomatic. Last month, Putin abruptly withdrew Russia's application to join the World Trade Organization, in part

because Russia fears that membership would block special trade deals with former Soviet republics. That was the latest warning that Russia wants a privileged sphere

of influence on its borders. Russia's efforts to muscle its neighbors, Georgia and Ukraine, aren't just a

Putin problem. They reflect a general nostalgia here for the bygone days of empire.

Russian journalist Valery Fadeev underscores the existential nature of Russia's angst by quoting a warning from Putin last year that "Russia would either return to the

group of leading world nations or disappear". The emotional core of Ukraine policy was expressed by a top Kremlin adviser

when he described pleas from ethnic Russians there who demand, "When are you going to stop our humiliation?" Those are the kind of sentiments that can draw

countries into conflict. "We are entering a period in Russian-American relations that's more

dangerous than what preceded it, "warns Ivan Krastev, a Bulgarian who heads the Centre for Liberal Strategies, which organized a conference here last week on these


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The Obama magic, so evident in his other trips abroad, isn't likely to work in Moscow this week. A real reset of Russian-American relations will require intense

discussion and some serious give-and-take – something that neither side is ready to offer.

[email protected] http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-


Дэвид Игнатиус The Washington Post

Чего нельзя добиться перезагрузкой? Если нажать кнопку перезагрузки на компьютере, то экран на какое-то

время погаснет, а затем на нем вновь появится то же, что было и раньше – подобными скептическими комментариями встречают Барака Обаму

российские аналитики. Впрочем, пишет The Washington Post, отчасти такая оценка справедливо показывает, в какой атмосфере будут проходить

переговоры. Обеим сторонам не нужен провал, при этом ни та, ни другая не готовы решать фундаментальные проблемы.

Раздражение российской политической элиты постепенно копилось с 1991 года. Как сказал один из советников российского президента, Россия не дождалась американской помощи во время хаоса девяностых; в ответ на

предложенную после 11 сентября помощь Америка «помогала мусульманским террористам в Чечне, выдавая им паспорта и деньг»; ответом же на

предложения сотрудничества в сфере безопасности стали расширение НАТО на восток и намерение развернуть ПРО в Польше и Чехии.

В российском руководстве уверены, что Вашингтон пренебрегает интересами России, продолжает издание, поэтому там с легкостью

игнорируют, к примеру, озабоченность США иранской ядерной программой. Как сказал другой советник премьера Путина: «Иран – это американская

мания. Иран – это ваша проблема, не наша». Американские аналитики в свою очередь указывают на то, что

требования обеих сторон негативны – то есть это список того, что Москва и Вашингтон не должны делать, по мнению противоположной стороны. «Нельзя построить долгосрочные отношения на негативе», – отмечает бывший

сотрудник Госдепа и специалист по России Том Грэм. Издание заключает, что, скорее всего, на этот раз магия Обамы, ранее

непременно добивавшегося успеха в зарубежных поездках, даст сбой. Для успеха этих переговоров нужно не только уметь получать, нужно еще и давать

что-то взамен. К этому не готовы ни Россия, ни США. Источник: The Washington Post http://www.inopressa.ru/article/06Jul2009/wp/perezagruzka.html

Common purpose By James Blitz Financial Times

Published: July 6 2009 03:00

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Last updated: July 6 2009 03:00 When Barack Obama arrives in Moscow today for his first full-blown summit

with Dmitry Medvedev, many will be tempted to cast their minds back to the grand old days of US-Soviet summitry.

In the two decades before the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the leaders of the

two countries got together for several set-piece occasions, signing agreements bound in heavy leather tomes that paved the way for reductions in their nations' nuclear

weapons. Taking a step back to those times, the two presidents will point the way to the first arms control agreement by Washington and Moscow in seven years.

The two-day summit is not just about nuclear weapons. Mr Obama wants to take a new step in his attempt to "press the reset button" on the US-Russia

relationship, putting behind him the tensions between the White House and the Kremlin that dominated the final years of George W. Bush's presidency.

Just as he reached out to the Muslim world on his recent visit to Cairo, Mr Obama wants to make a speech tomorrow that makes clear there is more that unites

Americans and Russians than divides them. He will also want to gauge what is still the most perplexing feature of the current Kremlin – that although Mr Medvedev is

head of state, Vladimir Putin – whom he meets for a short breakfast tomorrow – appears still to be the fount of power.

The drive to reduce nuclear stockpiles is, however, the pre-eminent theme of

this summit, the subject where the US and Russian leaderships have a chance to demonstrate a spirit of common purpose. Arms control is one of the few issues in

global politics where they know they dominate the agenda. The two hold 95 per cent of the world's nuclear arsenals between them and - in the 1970s and early 1990s –

they went a long way to reducing their stockpiles. Yet this agenda had fallen into abeyance. Rather than cutting nuclear

weapons, the emphasis of Mr Bush was on creating a missile defence shield in Europe that could one day protect America. As one western diplomat puts it: "Arms

control negotiators have forgotten how to negotiate". Today, however, marks a sea-change. The US and Russia will reach a joint

understanding on plans to sign a replacement for the 1991 Start pact, which allows each side to verify the other's nuclear arsenals. They will want to finalise agreement on this before the end of the year, when the pact will have expired. Moreover, they

will move towards putting new limits on the number of nuclear warheads they possess, bringing them down from a maximum of 1,700-2,200 agreed in 2002 to

around 1,500. In one sense, this will be no more than symbolic. "The likely warhead

reductions are pretty minimalist," says Mark Fitzpatrick from the International Institute for Strategic Studies. "It's very ambitious to come up with an arms treaty

within a matter of months. Past ones took years to complete. The negotiators have until December to finalise the agreement".

But Mr Obama is also putting so strong a focus on the issue because it is the easiest platform from which to restart the US-Russia relationship, as he desires.

With the cold war and the Soviet Union gone, Russia is desperate to recover some of

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its past prestige. By entering into bilateral arms negotiations, Moscow feels its rank is recognised. As one Russian diplomat says, the summit is about "status, status,

status". Nonetheless, Mr Obama's aims go well beyond this. In recent months - most

notably in his landmark April speech in Prague - he set out the goal of moving to a

world that is free of nuclear weapons. Most world leaders will see that as a rhetorical gesture that will never be realised in practice. But underlying that overarching goal

is a belief that something must be done under his own presidency to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons around the world.

The fundamental concern Mr Obama has is with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the international agreement that governs what nations can and

cannot do with atomic energy. It has been in force since 1970 but is rapidly failing into abeyance. At a review conference next year, the five official nuclear powers –

the US, UK, France, China and Russia – want to persuade the rest of the world to tighten up the rules of the NPT regime.

As more and more governments around the world look to harness civilian nuclear power as a source of clean electricity, tighter controls are needed to stop

cheats or terrorists from exploiting or stealing some of the proliferation-prone technologies for bomb-building.

The cheats include North Korea, which left the NPT and has exploded a bomb

of its own; and Iran, which is in the NPT but is defying United Nations calls to halt its suspect nuclear work. But even some nonnuclear NPT members, who have better

records on this issue than Iran, are resisting a tightening of the rules. T o overcome that resistance, the official nuclear powers will need to uphold

their side of the NPT bargain. Under the terms of the NPT, they are obliged to work towards abolishing their nuclear weapons in exchange for keeping others from

seeking the bomb. "That is why [today's] agreement is so important", says a European

government official. "If we want parties to NPT to agree steps to control proliferation, it's important that the US and Russia show a commitment to reduce

their arsenals; and there is a lot of appreciation in the non-aligned world for what the US and Russia are doing."

Joseph Cirincione of the Ploughshares Fund, a nuclear weapons policy

foundation, agrees, saying: "Both sides recognise that they don't need these huge cold war arsenals. They also need to demonstrate a commitment to stop new nations

or groups acquiring these weapons. That's the fundamental change". Mr Obama also wants to use today's summit as a springboard to get the US

Senate to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. This is the step most urgently sought by other nations, because restrictions on nuclear testing will limit any

country's ability to produce new types of weapons. "There was a great sense of achievement when CTBT was signed and great

dismay when the US refused to ratify it in 1999", says Mr Fitzpatrick of the International Institute for Strategic Studies. "But Obama has said he will submit it to

the Senate for ratification again – and the agreement with Russia creates momentum

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for that". Even so, the implications of today's deal can easily be overstated. For one

thing, there are limits to how much further Russia will go down the road of reductions in the number of offensive warheads. In Russia as well as the US, there is a consensus among experts that both countries could set a limit of 1,000 each in

future negotiations and possibly 500. But the main difficulty is in Russia, whose conventional military capabilities are nowhere near equal to those of the US.

Nuclear weapons are therefore deemed to be a kind of strategic equaliser. Second, Moscow is threatening to tie any agreement on warhead reductions to

a commitment by Washington to abandon its plans to install a missile defence shield in Europe. Mr Obama has genuine doubts about the missile defence plan he

inherited from the Bush administration, both in terms of its cost and whether it could ever effectively work. But Russia wants him to go much further towards

renunciation. Mikhail Margelov, chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the Russian

parliament's upper house, says: "We must start moving in all directions simultaneously." The implication is that if Mr Obama fails to give any ground on

this issue, Russia could retaliate later this year by refusing to sign the Start I replacement treaty once negotiations are over.

Finally, whatever Russia and the US achieve on nuclear disarmament, they

cannot easily rein in the rest of the world. Many countries have already signed the CTBT. But Pakistan will not sign it unless India does the same; and without their

approval and that of North Korea the treaty cannot take full effect. Above all, Iran's nuclear programme threatens to drive Russia and the US

apart in the next year. The Iranian regime shows no signs of wanting to cease uranium enrichment, which many states believe is aimed at building a nuclear bomb.

The US is therefore looking to Russia to help apply pressure on Tehran, seeking Moscow's support for another round of UN sanctions towards the end of this year.

But Russia remains cautious. Moscow does not want to see Iran developing a nuclear weapon but many experts believe it will also weigh its own interests in the

matter, such as gaining access to Iranian oil and gas, dividing up Caspian sea resources and selling arms.

In Moscow today, both leaders will be focused not only on those issues but on

the relationship they are seeking to build. There is little doubt they will hail the summit as a success. Yet reality will soon set in. The US and Russia will want the

world today to take heed of what they are trying to achieve on the road to nuclear disarmament. But it is a world far more complex than it was in the more comfortable

bipolar era. A tricky moment to renew Trident

If the US and Russia begin to make significant progress in nuclear warhead reductions, how much will this force other powers to disarm? The question is an

increasingly live one in the UK, writes James Blitz. The government agreed in 2007 to build a submarine platform from which it

can launch its Trident nuclear missiles. But as Paul Cornish, head of the

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international security programme at Chatham House, puts it: "If there is a new climate in arms control and non-proliferation emanating from Washington, then this

will have implications for the UK's nuclear weapons position". The foreign office takes the view that Britain is "the most forward- leaning of

the existing nuclear weapons states" on disarmament. It notes that the UK cut its

operationally available warheads from 300 to below 200 in 1998 and to "fewer than 160" in 2006. Gordon Brown, prime minister, announced this year that the

government would cut the number of missiles carried by the submarine fleet. Officials even like to argue that Britain was ahead of President Barack Obama in

spelling out a commitment to a world without nukes. The UK has a presentational difficulty in this debate, however. It is making

the strategic decision to replace the four submarines that carry Trident just as the US and Russia are driving forward on nuclear weapons reductions. Britain argues that it

is merely renewing an existing capability. But some defence experts believe it should delay building the submarines to see how negotiations develop.

Last month, a committee of MPs acknowledged the problem. "The decision to renew the UK's Trident system is perceived by some foreign states and some among

the British public as appearing to contradict the government's declared commitment to strengthening the international nuclear non-proliferation regime," said the foreign affairs select committee. It argued that Britain should explain better the reasons for

the Trident renewal decision both nationally and globally. Better explanation is as far as any UK government will go, however. There would have to be a big

breakthrough by Washington and Moscow for the UK to disarm altogether. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/2602aab6-69c3-11de-bc9f-00144feabdc0.html

Джеймс Блитц, Стефан Уэгстил Financial Times

Общая цель «Общей целью» для России и США, с точки зрения The Financial Times,

является сокращение имеющихся у них ядерных вооружений. Этот вопрос станет главным в повестке дня двустороннего саммита, который стартует

сегодня. Стороны заинтересованы в том, чтобы заключить новое соглашение до

декабря текущего года, когда истекает договор об ограничении СНВ

семилетней давности. По мнению эксперта Международного института стратегических исследований Марка Фитцпатрика, сокращения ядерных

потенциалов будут носить «минималистский» характер, поскольку времени на подготовку нового договора осталось не так много.

Тем не менее, даже символическое ограничение запасов ядерного оружия будет иметь важное значение не только для подписавших его сторон и

остальных членов ядерного клуба, но и для всего мира, заинтересованного в сохранении режима нераспространения. Этот шаг будет воспринят как знак

приверженности двух крупнейших ядерных держав договору о нераспространении ядерного оружия. Как пишет FT, «поскольку все больше

стран по всему миру стремится использовать ядерную энергетику в качестве

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источника чистой электроэнергии, необходим жесткий контроль, чтобы не дать мошенникам и террористам использовать... уязвимые с точки зрения

нераспространения технологии для создания бомбы». Обама также намерен использовать предполагаемое соглашение в

качестве «трамплина» для ратификации договора «О всеобъемлющем

запрещении ядерных испытаний», который в 1999 году не был одобрен американским Сенатом. Переговоры по СНВ для Обамы – это еще и средство

налаживания диалога с Россией: «приняв участие в двусторонних переговорах о вооружениях, Москва ощутит признание своего статуса», поясняет FT.

Издание прогнозирует, что саммит будет признан успешным при любом исходе, и потому предостерегает от излишнего оптимизма. Из-за сильного

отставания по уровню развития обычных вооружений Москва едва ли легко пойдет на сокращение своего ядерного потенциала. К тому же Кремль

стремится поставить любой договор о сокращении СНВ в зависимость от свертывания программы размещения американской ПРО в Европе. Также

нельзя забывать, что, о чем бы ни договорились между собой Россия и США, им будет непросто «обуздать» другие страны мира, такие как Пакистан, Индия

и Северная Корея. Может обостриться и иранский вопрос, продолжает FT. Москва, как и

Вашингтон, не заинтересована в том, чтобы Тегеран освоил технологию

производства ядерного оружия, однако проявляет осторожность по данному вопросу, поскольку учитывает свои сепаратные интересы, такие как доступ к

иранским энергоресурсам. Конечно, проблемами сокращения и нераспространения ядерных

вооружений круг предполагаемых для рассмотрения на саммите тем не исчерпывается, отмечает газета. Обама вновь попытается «нажать кнопку

перезагрузки» в отношениях с Россией. Рефреном намеченного на вторник выступления Обамы станет посыл, аналогичный тому, который ранее, во

время визита в Каир, был им адресован мусульманскому миру: у американцев с россиянами больше точек соприкосновения, чем расхождений.

Источник: Financial Times http://www.inopressa.ru/article/06Jul2009/ft/common.html

Moscow's Fantasies Washington Post (editorial) Tuesday, July 7, 2009; 8:40 PM

ONE REASON President Obama's attempt to "reset" relations with Russia may not go far was encapsulated in the opening words spoken by Russian President

Dmitry Medvedev at a post-summit news conference Monday. "The United States and the Russian Federation," he grandly declared, "have special responsibility for

everything that is happening on our planet." Well, no, they don't. The era when two roughly equal superpowers brokered the fate of other nations ended two decades

ago – and Russia, in particular, has nowhere near the clout of the former Soviet Union.

Mr. Medvedev and his mentor, Vladimir Putin, nevertheless cling to the

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illusion that Moscow's imperial power can somehow be recaptured. They demand that American presidents treat them as equals; they want to be granted de facto

political dominion over former Soviet republics that are now independent states. They aspire to host a Middle East peace conference. These goals range from unjustified – Russia has scant influence in the contemporary Middle East – to wrong

and unacceptable, in the case of the ongoing attempt to undermine the democratic governments of Ukraine and Georgia.

President Obama's two-day visit to Moscow looked to us like a good-faith attempt to work pragmatically with this reality. By focusing first on nuclear arms

control, the president allowed the Putin-Medvedev regime a forum reminiscent of the dual-superpower era. The reduction of warheads, and especially of launchers,

now under discussion is of more urgent interest to Russia because of its rapidly deteriorating strategic forces. But Mr. Obama believes that by initiating cuts in the

arsenals of the two superpowers he can build momentum for controlling the proliferation of nuclear weapons to North Korea, Iran and beyond. Provided he

resists Moscow's pressure for a drastic downsizing of the U.S. missile, bomber and submarine force, the "START Follow-on Treaty" that he and Mr. Medvedev aim to

complete this year would be valuable. While declaring that Russia has a "rightful place as a great power," Mr.

Obama made an effort to coax Russians away from their leaders' misguided

ideology. He met with opposition leaders and human rights activists and granted an interview to one of the last independent newspapers. In a fine speech yesterday, he

lauded democracy and denounced what he called "the 20th-century view that ... a strong Russia or a strong America can only assert themselves in opposition to one

another" and "a 19th-century view that we are destined to vie for spheres of influence". Perhaps he did not need to remind Russians that these are Mr. Putin's

views. The next few months will show whether the mix of warhead talks and public

diplomacy yields benefits for more vital U.S. interests; the early indications are not good. Mr. Obama's problem will be avoiding concessions that serve to reinforce the

Russian fantasies he denounced. The biggest danger may be in missile defense, where, as Mr. Medvedev rather candidly acknowledged, Russia's aim is not to stop a system it feels threatened by but to prevent its deployment in former Soviet bloc

countries such as Poland and the Czech Republic. Mr. Obama has distanced himself from the Bush administration's plans while a review is conducted; he predicted that

"the U.S.-Russian positions ... can be reconciled." We hope that's the case; we, too, have been skeptical of European missile defense. But any deal must leave relations

between the United States and its Central European NATO allies intact – and give no cause for Mr. Medvedev to believe his own rhetoric.


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Редакция The Washington Post Фантазии Москвы

Обама пытается сотрудничать с российским режимом, не потакая его мечтам об империи, утверждает The Washington Post. Как говорится в редакционной статье, одни цели российского руководства – например, план

конференции по ближневосточному урегулированию – просто необоснованны, а другие – продолжающиеся попытки сместить правительства Украины и

Грузии – неприемлемы. «Визит Обамы в Москву показался нам искренней попыткой

прагматично работать в существующих условиях», – пишет газета. Сконцентрировавшись на контроле над ядерными вооружениями, президент

США позволил российскому руководству пообщаться с ним на площадке, напоминающей о временах двух сверхдержав. В то же самое время Обама

встретился с российскими оппозиционерами и правозащитниками, а в публичной речи осудил мнение, что сильная Россия или сильная Америка

могут самоутверждаться лишь в пику друг другу. Главная проблема, стоящая перед Обамой, – избежать уступок, которые

подкрепляли бы фантазии России. Решение Вашингтона о судьбе противоракетного щита в Центральной Европе не должно сказаться на отношениях Америки с союзниками по НАТО и не должно дать Медведеву

повода уверовать в его риторику, подчеркивает газета. Источник: The Washington Post http://www.inopressa.ru/article/08Jul2009/wp/mos1.html

In Mother Russia, She's 1st Lady of Gardening By Robin Givhan

Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, July 7, 2009

MOSCOW, July 6 – First lady Michelle Obama arrived here Monday afternoon to an audience more intrigued by and enamored of her gardening skills

than of anything else on her résumé. If she effected any kind of charm offensive leading up to this official visit – at least one with a message that seems to have resonated down to the streets of this city filled with grand czarist architecture – it

has been one based on lettuce and compost. This Story

U.S.-Russia Summit Brings Series of Advances Obama Greeted With Skepticism Rather Than Cheers in Russia

Obama Addresses Russian Graduate Students View All Items in This Story

On her second international trip as first lady, the welcoming cover stories and street chatter here have focused on her White House kitchen garden rather than her

clothes, her Ivy League pedigree or her interest in promoting public service. The current cover of Ogonyok, for example, a weekly magazine focusing on politics and

culture, carries a candid photograph of the first lady dressed in a burgundy

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windbreaker with her hair pulled back, working in the garden with students from Bancroft Elementary School in the District. The cover line reads: "The Queen of the

Fields: Michelle Obama and her husband can overturn our understanding of America". It's accompanied by an extensive story about gardening culture in the United States. Tomatoes, apparently, now serve as tools for diplomacy.

Gardening has special significance here. During the Soviet era, in particular, people were enthusiastic gardeners, raising vegetables for their family for the winter

on small patches of land in the country. So many people here still have dachas and spend part of their time at those country homes raising vegetables as well as flowers.

But it's not merely that the White House has a garden, it's that the first lady herself tends it – at least occasionally.

Women here have long stood equal to men on a variety of fronts – one of the lasting aspects of the Soviet era – but they are also expected to tend the hearth, raise

the children and maintain the family. Obama, a lawyer and former hospital executive, has described her White House role as mom in chief. That title, as well as

her very public sowing and planting, speaks volumes in a culture where men and women relate in very traditional ways and women struggle to balance independence

with homemaking. "The dacha is something important in our life and something present in our

life all the time," says Alla Lapidus, 52, a teacher at a music school. Obama is

appealing not only because she has a career but also because "she can work with her hands", Lapidus says.

Gardening skills notwithstanding, Obama's early reception here has been tepid when compared with the hoopla she generated in London and France. On that trip,

her first time overseas as first lady, she was hailed for her sense of style and her ability to stand designer-clad shoulder to shoulder with France's first lady and

former supermodel Carla Bruni Sarkozy. Obama caused a minor international kerfuffle when she put her arm around the waist of Queen Elizabeth II, went rogue

and hugged the royal torso. And she made a memorable visit to a girls' school in London, where she gave the students an emotional pep talk about self-esteem and

personal achievement. The conversation in Western Europe was all about soft-focus glamour and spunky independence. Here, it is precisely the opposite.

There is little breathless anticipation about Obama's visit. "Is she coming?"

asked Elena Ignatieva, a 24-year-old secretary puffing on a cigarette in central Moscow, less than a mile from where presidential motorcade had just caused this

city's already snarled traffic to grind to a halt. Where curiosity exists, it's focused on how Obama runs her home. "I'd like to know how she raises her children," said

Alyona Memkova, 26, who was belted into a bright green trench coat – another secretary on a cigarette break.

The shoulder-shrugging reception speaks, in part, to this country's ambivalence about a first lady stepping too far into the spotlight and deflecting it

from her husband. (The president, most definitely, is not the-man-who-accompanied-Michelle-Obama-to-Moscow.) There also is little patience here for a

first lady as fashion plate. (Raisa Gorbachev did not endear herself to constituents

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with her designer wardrobe and plentiful furs.) There was virtually no interest here – in Russian headlines or interviews since the first lady's arrival – in the coral-hued

coat and Narciso Rodriguez dress that Obama had on as she stepped off Air Force One into an unseasonably cold July afternoon, and which she later wore, with flats, to the Kremlin, where her husband laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown

Soldier. Afterward, she and daughters Malia and Sasha toured the historic site, which sits alongside Red Square and St. Basil's Cathedral. There were curious

onlookers as the family's motorcade snaked through the streets, but no cheering or waving throngs.

Obama will spend her time here underscoring her appreciation for the arts and her interest in public health issues. She has no planned public addresses . But in a

city where folks seem more inclined to judge the first lady on her mothering skills – and the state-fair splendor of her peppers – oratory might be superfluous.


Робин Гивхэн The Washington Post

В матушке-России она предстала первой леди огородничества Российская публика проявляет больше интереса к садоводческим и

огородническим навыкам Мишель Обамы, чем к чему-либо еще в резюме

первой леди, пишет The Washington Post. Журнальные статьи и уличные разговоры здесь сфокусированы в

большей степени на ее огороде в Белом доме, чем на ее нарядах, ее образовании или общественной деятельности. Так, на обложке журнала

«Огонек» она запечатлена в ветровке, с волосами, забранными назад для работы в саду. Статья о «королеве полей» сопровождается историей

садоводства и огородничества в Соединенных Штатах. Судя по всему, помидоры стали служить средством дипломатии, пишет Робин Гивхэн.

Автор напоминает, что огород в России имеет особое значение: у многих есть дачи, где люди выращивают овощи, фрукты и цветы. Женщины в России

во многих отношениях приравниваются к мужчинам – таково наследие советской эпохи – но они должны также поддерживать домашний очаг и растить детей.

«Дача – это нечто важное в нашей культуре, постоянно присутствующее в нашей жизни», – утверждает 52-летняя учительница музыки Алла Лапидус.

Мишель Обама вызывает симпатию не только потому, что она сделала карьеру, на и потому, что «она умеет работать своими руками», утверждает

Лапидус. Но огородничество огородничеством, а в целом Мишель Обаму в России

приняли прохладно по сравнению с шумихой, поднятой вокруг нее в Лондоне и во Франции. Это отчасти связано с распространенным здесь

противоречивым отношением к попыткам первых леди быть в центре внимания. Мишель Обама не запланировала здесь общественного

выступления. В городе, люди которого склонны в большей степени ценить

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первую леди за ее материнство (Обама как-то назвал ее «главной мамой») и умение выращивать овощи, ораторство было бы излишне.

Источник: The Washington Post http://www.inopressa.ru/article/07Jul2009/wp/mishel.html

What's Russian for 'Empathy'? By Mark Medish The Washington Post

Monday, July 6, 2009; 10:36 AM The flap over the mistranslation of "reset button" into Russian was a harbinger

of bigger translation challenges to come. The whole Obama phenomenon does not translate well into Russian. Obama is a visionary pragmatist, while the Russian

political elite is full of cynical realists. Empathy – the centerpiece of Obama's philosophy – does not have an exact

Russian counterpart. The words "sochuvstvie" and "soboleznovanie" are closer to sympathy. The word "sostrandanie" means compassion. But empathy, the idea of

putting yourself into somebody else's shoes as a way to think about the world, is a distinct concept. And it is not one that can be elegantly rendered into Russian.

There is a common view in Russia today that Obama is the representative of an America in decline. Just as the Soviet strategists thought that America was finished after Vietnam and Watergate, the cynical realists in the Kremlin today have

a hard time understanding America's core dynamism. They look at the debacle in Iraq and the global financial meltdown, which started on Wall Street, and assume

that American prospects must be going down. They look at Obama's use of the word "empathy" and think it means America is vulnerable.

Russians must be careful not to misunderstand the American president's intellectual solicitude as weakness because they would again be underestimating the

nation's deep capacity for change and reinvention. Anybody who listens closely to Obama can hear that his empathy, an enormous intellectual and diplomatic asset, is

matched by inner confidence and clarity of purpose, which are true gifts of leadership.

Following in the steps of Ronald Reagan who spoke brilliantly of freedom and trust before Russian students in 1988, Obama is expected to give a speech at a Moscow university. For his message to reach its student audience and beyond,

Obama may require an extra dose of empathy for the lack of "empathy" in the Russian language.

What should be Obama's message in Moscow? He needs to translate his visionary pragmatism into a language that will resonate with Russians.

He should remind his listeners that Russia and America together defeated the two greatest evils of the 20th century: fascism and communism. The enormous

sacrifices of our societies must not be forgotten. He should pledge to work closely with Russia on all matters of security in

Eurasia, with the expectation that Russia will reciprocate. Failure of this mutual commitment to peace in the region would be a betrayal of our shared victory over

the divisions of the last century. The "reset button" is a metaphor for agreeing to

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avoid unnecessary and untenable confrontation, but we should be able to do much better than that.

Obama should restate his vision of a world without nuclear weapons. It is a distant goal, but it is one to which Russia and the United States together are uniquely positioned to lead the way. He should call on our scientific communities to work

together on alternative energies for peace. He should urge Russians to put away Cold War thinking, and he should also

show that Americans are doing the same. One way is to commit himself to immediate repeal of the Cold War-era Jackson-Vanik Amendment, which denies

most favored nation to countries with non-market economies that restrict emigration rights.

Finally, he should commit to tearing down the walls of visa restrictions that have made it more difficult for Russians and Americans to visit each other freely.

It is interesting to remember that Russia's greatest poet, Aleksander Pushkin, was of African descent, the great grandson of a man from Cameroon. Two centuries

later, it is just possible that a young American president with Kenyan roots will also find the right language to move the Russian soul.

Mark Medish is a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He served on the National Security Council as senior director for Russian, Ukrainian and Eurasian Affairs, 2000-2001.


Марк Медиш | The Washington Post

"Empathy" – как это будет по-русски? Ляп с переводом слова "reset" (на символической «нопке», которую

Хиллари Клинтон преподнесла Сергею Лаврову, значилось по-русски «перегрузка») был лишь предвестником более масштабных трудностей

перевода, утверждает на страницах The Washington Post эксперт Марк Медиш. «На русский язык трудно перевести сам феномен Обамы: новый американский

президент - визионер-прагматик, а российская политическая элита изобилует циничными реалистами», – пишет автор.

Слово empathy – краеугольный камень политической философии

Обамы – не имеет точного эквивалента в русском языке, утверждает автор. «Сочувствие», «соболезнование», «сострадание» – все это не совсем подходит.

Empathy – это способность взглянуть на мир чужими глазами, и лаконичного обозначения для нее в русском нет, пишет Медиш. «В сегодняшней России

распространено представление, будто Обама – типичный представитель Америки в упадке», – отмечает автор, поясняя, что кремлевские циничные

реалисты не в состоянии понять, как динамична в основе своей Америка. Слыша от Обамы слово "empathy", они делают вывод, что Америка уязвима.

Между тем эмпатия сочетается у американского президента с уверенностью в себе и ясным видением целей, пишет Медиш.

В Москве Обаме нужно сделать упор на важности российско-

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американского сотрудничества, а также способствовать отказу от стереотипов холодной войны, в том числе поправки Джексона-Вэника, и смягчению

визового режима, рекомендует автор. Источник: The Washington Post http://www.inopressa.ru/article/07Jul2009/wp/empathy.html

Just 96 months to save world, says Prince Charles

The price of capitalism and consumerism is just too high, he tells industrialists By Robert Verkaik Independent

Thursday, 9 July 2009 Capitalism and consumerism have brought the world to the brink of economic

and environmental collapse, the Prince of Wales has warned in a grandstand speech which set out his concerns for the future of the planet.

The heir to the throne told an audience of industrialists and environmentalists at St James's Palace last night that he had calculated that we have just 96 months left

to save the world. And in a searing indictment on capitalist society, Charles said we can no

longer afford consumerism and that the "age of convenience" was over. Related articles Mark Lynas: It's never very comfortable to be ahead of your time

Leading article: Royal green The Prince, who has spoken passionately about the environment before, said

that if the world failed to heed his warnings then we all faced the "nightmare that for so many of us now looms on the horizon".

Charles's speech was described as his first attempt to present a coherent philosophy in which he placed the threat to the environment in the context of a

failing economic system. The Prince, who is advised by the leading environmentalists Jonathon Porritt

and Tony Juniper, said that even the economist Adam Smith, father of modern capitalism, had been aware of the short-comings of unfettered materialism.

Delivering the annual Richard Dimbleby lecture, Charles said that without "coherent financial incentives and disincentives" we have just 96 months to avert "irretrievable climate and ecosystem collapse, and all that goes with it".

Charles has recently courted controversy by intervening in planning disputes, most notably the battle over the Chelsea Barracks design in London. It is also known

that he writes privately to ministers when he wishes to put his concerns on record. Now, he seems more willing to embrace much wider political issues in a

much more public forum. He confided last night: "We face the dual challenges of a world view and an

economic system that seem to have enormous shortcomings, together with an environmental crisis – including that of climate change – which threatens to engulf

us all". Despite his attack on the materialism of the modern age, the Prince has been

criticised for his own indulgences, including dozens of staff to run his homes and

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hundreds of thousands of pounds spent travelling around the world. While his private estates on the Duchy of Cornwall generate record profits his tax bill was

lower than the year before. Last night the Prince said: "But for all its achievements, our consumerist

society comes at an enormous cost to the Earth and we must face up to the fact that

the Earth cannot afford to support it. Just as our banking sector is struggling with its debts – and paradoxically also facing calls for a return to so-called 'old-fashioned',

traditional banking – so Nature's life-support systems are failing to cope with the debts we have built up there too.

"If we don't face up to this, then Nature, the biggest bank of all, could go bust. And no amount of quantitative easing will revive it".


Роберт Веркэйк | Independent

Принц Чарльз: На спасение мира осталось всего 8 лет Капитализм и консюмеризм попросту слишком дорого обходятся, сказал

он промышленникам. Вчера принц Чарльз впервые представил широкой публике свою

философию, в которой экологические угрозы связываются с упадком

существующей экономической системы, пишет The Independent. По вине капитализма и общества потребления мир оказался на грани

экономической и экологической катастрофы, заявил наследник британского престола в ходе выступления перед экологами и промышленниками в St

James's Palace. Проводя параллель между экономикой и экологией, он назвал природу «крупнейшим на свете банком» и отметил, что на спасение планеты

от «необратимого коллапса экосистемы», по его подсчетам, осталось не более 8 лет.

Среди советников принца Чарльза по вопросам экологии – виднейшие защитники окружающей среды, в том числе Джонатон Поритт и Тони

Джунипер. Когда королевский отпрыск считает нужным обратить внимание общественности на какой-нибудь вопрос, он не стесняется лично писать министрам, отмечает The Independent.

Источник: Independent http://www.inopressa.ru/article/09Jul2009/independent/ecology.html

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6.1. Economics and business

This Investment Has a Guaranteed 10% Return By Chuck Saletta, The Motley Fool (http://www.dailyfinance.com/)

The stock market has bounced back from its crisis lows – but you never can tell which way it'll go. Bonds look steady - but they're actually a guaranteed way to

make your money shrink slowly. There is, however, a place most of us can put more cash that is sure to outpace the market.

The stock market may be doing incredibly well at the moment, but it wasn't that long ago that the Dow Jones Industrial Average – now around 13,250 – had

plummeted to as low as 6,440. That sort of roller coaster might be a necessary part of generating investment wealth in the long run, but it is anything but guaranteed.

On the flip side, U.S. government bonds provide an ironclad assurance that you'll get face value back at maturity and interest along the way. The big problem is

that even the 30-year Treasuries only carry a 3.4% yield, right around the long-run inflation rate. Take taxes out of that yield, and the only guarantee you're really getting is that your money will lose its purchasing power less quickly than if you

stuffed it under your mattress. Vocabulary:

stock market – фондовая биржа, фондовый рынок; bonds – облигации, долговые обязательства;

to bounce – подпрыгивать, подскочить; to plummet – резко падать;

maturity – срок платежа по векселю, срок (погашения ценной бумаги); еreasury – государственная казна;

purchasing power – покупательская способность.

Can't Get a Mortgage? Blame Your Student Loans By Dan Caplinger (http://www.dailyfinance.com/) With the cost of a college education high and rising, more students are putting

themselves deeper into debt than ever. But those huge debt loads don't just pressure students to find high-paying jobs after they graduate: They're also making it nearly

impossible for some to get the financing they need to buy a home. Ever since the financial crisis, banks have been a lot more careful about

giving out mortgage loans. Having been burned by their low standards during the housing boom, banks are now doing everything possible to avoid a repeat of those

massive losses. Moreover, having just entered into a $25 billion settlement with state and federal government officials over their foreclosure practices, banks are eager to

steer clear of situations in which they might need to repossess a home. For young borrowers seeking to buy a house for the first time, the tighter

credit standards that banks are now using have made it extremely difficult to get a

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mortgage. When you add in existing student loan debt that can range well into six figures, the prospects get even worse.

Vocabulary: mortgage – залог, ипотека, ипотечный кредит; student Loan – кредит на образование, студенческая ссуда;

official – чиновник; foreclosure – обращение взыскания, перевод прав на залогодержателя;

settlement – уплата, оплата, сделка; debt – долг;

prospect – перспектива.

Financial Anxiety Index Declines, Boosting Obama's Odds By Eamon Murphy (http://www.dailyfinance.com/)

A gauge of consumers' financial insecurity that correlates with the outcome of presidential reelection races declined in March for the third straight month, signaling

better odds for Barack Obama in November. The Money Anxiety Index measures several economic factors associated with

Americans' level of financial stress. "We use GDP, unemployment, spending, savings, a whole array of economic

indicators," Dr. Dan Geller, chief research officer for the MAI, told DailyFinance.

"And we developed a model that is very reliable and predictable". In the last 50 years, only those incumbent presidents who saw the MAI

decline during the year of their reelection campaigns – from January to November – won a second term. "Conversely," MAI researchers explained in a press release,

"presidents running for reelection lost when the Money Anxiety Index increased between January and November".

For March, the index stands at 90.5, which reflects a reduction of 1.3 from the previous month, and 3.4 points worth of lower financial anxiety from the same

month last year. The March reading also represents the third consecutive month of declining anxiety, which bodes well for President Obama's chances in the fall. In

January, the index stood at 92.2. "The MAI is in a downward trend," Geller said, "which basically increases the

probability of reelection for President Obama. However, we have to see how we end

up closer to the reelection. The biggest threat is the uncertainty over gas prices, because this can derail the economy".

Vocabulary: gauge – мера, размер, критерий, уровень, стандарт;

financial insecurity – финансовая неустойчивость; research officer – научный сотрудник;

reelection campaign – переизбрание; reduction – уменьшение, сокращение;

downward trend – тенденция к понижению; to derail – вызывать крах.

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The Tax Move You Should Make Now for Next April 15 By LearnVest.com

Posted 5:30PM 03/16/12 (http://www.dailyfinance.com/) Your taxes are filed and done. Victory dance? Actually, hold on. There's one more step you should take.

Before you X out of this window and head off to get a frustration cupcake, let us just tell you that this step that will save you either money, stress or both.

It's taking another look at your withholding. Your withholding is the amount of money that comes out of your paycheck

every month to cover your taxes. By taking taxes a little bit at a time, the government makes your tax bill much more palatable. Imagine if you had to save up

and pay your whole tax bill all at once? Not fun. But really, your withholding is based on an estimation of what you'll owe in

taxes. If you're familiar with the way credits, deductions and exemptions work, you know that many factors affect your total tax bill. When you do finally sit down to

calculate your taxes, the reality could be far off that estimate. The big goal is to get your withholding as close to your actual tax bill as

possible. We'll tell you how to get there. (By the way, if you are self-employed, there is an equivalent to withholding

you should know about.)

Vocabulary: tax – налог;

frustration – расстройство планов; to withhold – удерживать;

tax bill – общая сумма налогов, законопроект о налогах, налоговая декларация;

palatable – приятный, привлекательный; deduction – вычет, удержание;

exemption – изъятие, освобождение (от пошлин, налогов); estimation – суждение, мнение, оценка, расчёт, смета.

Apple to pay dividend for first time since 1995 By Richard Blackden (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

The Californian will pay a quarterly dividend of $2.65 a share sometime in the fourth quarter of this year. Alongside the dividend, Apple also plans a $10bn share

buyback programme beginning later this year. "We can maintain a war chest for strategic opportunities and have plenty of

cash to run our business", said Tim Cook, Apple's chief executive. "So we are going to initiate a dividend and share repurchase programme".

The decision is the latest evidence of Tim Cook stamping his mark on a company that co-founder Steve Jobs rescued from near bankruptcy in 1997. The

success Mr Jobs had in fashioning the iPhone and iPad has left Apple under increasing pressure from shareholders to begin to use the cash pile it has


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Returning cash to investors, who have already seen Apple's shares surge almost 50pc this year, is a departure from the strategy of Mr Jobs, who was resistant

to the idea. The last time Apple paid a dividend was in 1995, when it finished the year with just under $500m in cash. Mr Cook said that Apple's board had been discussing how to use the cash in recent weeks.

More than half of Apple's cash is held outside the US and is unlikely to be deployed because the company would have to pay tax on it. Apple said the dividend

and share buyback plan will use about $45bn of the company's cash pile. Vocabulary:

to initiate – начинать; share – акция, доля;

shareholder – акционер; repurchase – покупка ранее проданного товара;

buyback – выкуп; bankruptcy – банкротство;

cash – наличный расчет; deploy – разблокировать, дислоцировать, перемещать, рассредоточивать.

House prices to rise for years, says BoE's David Miles By Philip Aldrick, Economics Editor (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

David Miles, one of the Bank’s nine rate-setters, said in an official paper that the desire for space caused by the UK’s rising population would reinforce planning

restrictions and make it more difficult for housebuilders to keep up with demand. As a result, he said: “We should anticipate a rising trajectory for real house prices over

the longer term. “This is particularly likely in a country like the UK where population density

looks set to rise relatively fast. The model also suggests that the upwards trajectory in house values may ultimately become steeper than the rise in real incomes”.

However, a housing boom would be out of reach for first time buyers, he added, because credit will remain in short supply. Before the financial crisis, buyers

did not need a deposit to secure a mortgage. Since the recession, though, large deposits have become essential.

“It should not be seen as a sign of a damaged market”, Mr Miles said. “It

probably never made sense for there to be 100pc mortgages. There may be no price at which it makes commercial sense for such a loan to be available”.

He added: “New homeowners in the future may need to have more equity than was normal in the years leading up to the financial crisis. This will have an impact,

probably permanently, on the pattern of home ownership. Vocabulary:

rate-setters – нормировщик; reinforce – усиливать, подкреплять;

restriction – ограничение, запрет; demand – спрос;

supply – снабжение, поставка;

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recession – снижение, спад; deposit – вклад, взнос, залог;

damaged – поврежденный; mortgage – залог, ипотека, ипотечный кредит.

Amazon.com Will Offer Half-Price Gift Cards Tuesday To Boost Awareness Of AmazonLocal (http://www.huffingtonpost.com)

Amazon.com will offer $10 gift cards to its site for $5 on Tuesday through its daily deal website AmazonLocal in a bid to draw consumers to the 9-month-old

subsidiary, CNN Money reports. AmazonLocal, which uses a local deal-of-the-day business model pioneered

by sites like Groupon and LivingSocial, has expanded to 90 cities in 26 states and Washington, D.C. since it was quietly launched last June in Boise, Idaho.

But the company has quickly become one of many new Groupon clones looking to cash in on the rapidly expanding daily-deals business, the Wall Street

Journal reports. "Some folks, even if they're Amazon customers, don't know about us yet,"

AmazonLocal vice president Mike George told CNN Money. "This is going to draw a whole bunch of people to check us out".

Though Amazon.com stands to lose money Tuesday by offering the half-price

gift cards, the risk may be worth in the long run if the deal proves as popular as its first daily deal experiment.

In January 2011, one month after investing $175 million to build the site that would become AmazonLocal, Amazon.com ran a $10-for-$20 gift card deal on

LivingSocial and ended up selling around 1.4 million of the cards, Mashable reports. That success stands in stark contrast to the failed ventures of a number of

high-profile companies that have tried their hand at daily deals. Most notably, Facebook dropped it's "Facebook Deals" service in August 2011 after a four-month

trial run. Around the same time, Yelp scaled back its Deals department about a year after its launch.

Vocabulary: consumer – потребитель; to pioneer – положить начало, направлять;

venture – рискованное предприятие, рискованная попытка; high-profile – резонансный, высокопоставленный, широко известный;

scale back – снижать, уменьшать, сворачивать производство; launch – запускать (линию продукции).

MotorWeek $16,000 Subcompact Shootout

By James R. Healey, USA TODAY (http://www.usatoday.com) As rising fuel prices spotlight the value of good gas mileage, low-price

subcompact cars are leaving showrooms at a rate of three for every two that dealers were selling a year ago.

Many recession-battered buyers who can't afford $30,000 for 50-mpg hybrids,

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are looking to small cars priced half that for relief from $4 gasoline. It's still a niche of the new car market: Despite 49% higher sales through

February this year vs. a year ago, cars classed "lower small" by tracker Autodata – essentially all subcompacts – still account for just three of every 100 new vehicles sold.

Subcompacts are the cheapest new car alternative, though the average transaction price of $16,287 this year is up 14% from two years ago, J.D. Power and

Associates data show. For perspective, the average out-the-door price for the next size up, compacts, is $19,462, Power says, and for all vehicles it's $28,080.

Vocabulary: spotlight – ставить в центр внимания, освещать;

gas mileage – расход бензина; subcompact – малогабаритный автомобиль;

vehicle – транспортное средство; transaction price – фактическая цена продажи (сделки) .

6.2. Politics

NHS reforms: Speaker to decide whether to grant debate on risk register Patrick Wintour (http://www.guardian.co.uk)

The Speaker, John Bercow, is deciding whether to stage an emergency Commons debate on the publication of the NHS risk register instead of the

scheduled final day of the health bill before it is sent for royal assent. The Speaker is due to respond to a request from the shadow health secretary,

Andy Burnham. If he allows the debate to go ahead, it will probably ensure the bill will not receive royal assent before the information rights tribunal has detailed its

reasons why the risk register should be published. With the budget being announced on Wednesday there is a packed parliamentary timetable and little opportunity for

government business planners to squeeze in another Commons debate on the NHS. The same issue is set to be debated in the Lords on Monday afternoon where

Lord Owen, the former SDP leader, will call for the bill not to receive royal assent until the NHS risk register is published.

An information rights tribunal ruled last week that the NHS risk register

should be published, but the government has said it cannot decide whether to comply with the ruling until it has seen the reasons behind it. The decision was made

by Prof John Angel, principal judge at the tribunal. He is racing to publish his reasoning. The government can appeal on a point of law, but not on fact.

Vocabulary: emergency – чрезвычайное положение;

NHS = National Health System; SPD = Social Democratic Party;

scheduled – назначенный по расписанию, ожидаемый; health bill – карантинное свидетельство, санитарный патент;

tribunal – суд, судебное учреждение.

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Selling the roads to private companies: will it work? Polly Curtis (http://www.guardian.co.uk)

David Cameron has today announced plans to investigate ways to "semi-privatise" part of the road network to encourage private investment and improve the infrastructure. Is it based on the water companies, the railway privatisation or is it

just PFI 2.0. The headlines read: "PM unveils plan to sell off the roads", "Toll fears over

plan for private motorways" (£) and "Cameron to fill hole in nation's finances by privatisating roads". In fact, what is being announced today is a feasibility study to

work out ways in which private companies could be brought in to run motorways and major trunk roads on long-term leases. According to the briefing, in exchange

they might receive a proportion of the vehicle excise duty. On top of that if they substantially increased capacity, for example by adding new lanes or building new

motorways, they could charge tolls. Number 10 is emphasising the following points:

• This is not privatisation because the state remains the ultimate owner of the road.

• No existing roads in their current form would be tolled. • It would be modelled on the privatisation of the water and sewage system. Vocabulary:

railway – железнодорожные пути; headline – газетный заголовок;

PHI = Private Finance Initiative (программа частного финансирования, частная финансовая инициатива);

PM = Prime Minister; feasibility – возможность, выполнимость, обоснованность;

long-term lease – долгосрочные лизинговые обязательства; excise duty – акцизная пошлина;

capacity – производительность, возможность; to charge a toll – назначить пошлину.

Study: Nevada 9th most corruptible state By Anjeanette Damon (http://www.lasvegassun.com)

Evil doers looking for public officials to corrupt should put Nevada on their list of hunting grounds.

The Silver State emerged as the ninth most corruptible state in the nation, according to an exhaustive $1.5 million yearlong investigation by a partnership of

public integrity organizations. Investigators rated states on 15 indicators of public accountability and

transparency in an effort to gauge the risk of corruption in the three branches of state government.

Nevada failed on nearly every indicator, including ethics enforcement, lobbying transparency, internal auditing and pension fund management.

Nevada’s overall grade: a dismal D-minus.

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“The state’s legislative framework factors heavily in that poor grade,” wrote Joan Whitely, who investigated Nevada for the study. “Since part-time lawmakers

must earn a living through other jobs, all face potential conflicts when proposed laws touch their sources of income.

“Other gaps in ethics protection – from flimsy lobbying reporting

requirements to a huge loophole in the state’s open meeting law to unlimited gifts allowed for public officials — further erode accountability.”

Perhaps Nevada can take heart in the fact that very few states scored well. The “least corruptible” state – perhaps shockingly – was New Jersey, which scored a B-

plus. “No state earned an A,” said Nathaniel Heller, managing director of Global

Integrity. “To be at the top of this list is like winning a beauty pageant where not everybody is particularly pretty.”

Heller and other investigators noted that many states, including Nevada, had strong laws that would prevent corruption if they were properly enforced. Instead,

they found enforcement was either poorly funded or susceptible to political interference.

“These laws are on the books, but there’s a real lack of being able to enforce them effectively,” said Kate Wilson of the Center for Public Integrity. “There is an incredible implementation gap across the board”.

Vocabulary: Exhaustive – исчерпывающий, всесторонний;

to gauge a risk – оценить риск; public accountability – ответственность государственного сектора;

transparency – открытость деятельности государственных органов для общественности;

susceptible – подверженный; political interference – политическое вмешательство;

loophole – «лазейка» в законодательстве; implementation – реализация, воплощение;

enforcement – принуждение, взыскание; board – совет, правление.

Could 2012 be a foreign policy election? By Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake (http://www.washingtonpost.com)

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, the favorite to be the Republican presidential nominee in November, blasted President Obama for “a lack

of leadership” in the current situation in Afghanistan during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday”.

Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum followed suit, hitting Obama for setting a 2014 timetable for American troops to leave the country; “If the game plan

is, we’re leaving, irrespective of whether we’re going to succeed or not, then why are we still there?” Santorum said in an appearance on ABC’s “This Week”. “Let’s

either commit to winning, or let’s get out”.

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Those comments come amid polling numbers that suggest the American public has grown sick of the war in Afghanistan; a majority of those polled in a

recent Washington Post-ABC News survey said that American troops should be pulled out regardless of whether the Afghan military can defend itself.

The erosion in Afghanistan, coupled with the prospect of a nuclear Iran, create

the possibility that the November election could swing on something no one expected: foreign policy.

Vocabulary: governor – правитель, губернатор;

presidential nominee – кандидат в президенты; suit – процесс, ходатайство;

irrespective of – независимый от…; prospect – перспектива;

to poll – проводить голосование, вести подсчет голосов; troops – войска;

nuclear – ядерный; to swing – колебаться.

Sen. Scott Brown pokes fun at Santorum, Romney at South Boston roast By Felicia Sonmez (http://www.washingtonpost.com)

Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) had a little fun at Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum’s expense Sunday morning at the annual South Boston St. Patrick’s Day

political roast, a ritual of Massachusetts politics. Reports the Boston Globe’s Glen Johnson:

In one of his jokes, which (Brown’s wife, Gail) Huff said the senator tried out on his family Saturday night, Brown noted that Republican presidential candidates

Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum now are under watch by the Secret Service. Knocking the father of seven, Brown added: “In Santorum’s case, I think it’s

the first time he’s actually ever used protection”. The senator even tweaked Romney, now a Republican presidential candidate

served by some of the same political advisers, saying his trademark pickup truck now has 230,000 miles on it but “Governor Romney was nice enough to give me one of his Cadillacs, so we’re all set”.

Vocabulary: expense – траты, расходы;

roast – жестокая критика; tweak – поправлять;

political advisers – советник по политическим вопросам; trademark – торговая марка, отличительный знак.

Roads may go private

Radical plan to allow firms to build roads By TOM NEWTON DUNN, Political Editor (http://www.thesun.co.uk)

Under radical plans, badly-needed new routes could be built and maintained

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by firms, who would get back the cash from tolls. Funding could also come from tax disc fees.

David Cameron will unveil the major new transport policy in a speech today ahead of Wednesday's Budget.

Calling for "the confidence and ambition" of the Victorians, he will insist the

UK's crumbling arteries mean "we are falling behind competitors". He will say: "There's nothing green about a traffic jam — and gridlock holds

the economy back. We need to look urgently at the options for getting private investment into the roads network."

He will draw a parallel with the private funding of water. The plan will spark fears that drivers, already paying sky-high fuel tax, will

bear the brunt of the costs. But No10 last night said an independent road regulator would be set up to

ensure they get a fair deal. And tolls would be only on new roads.

The PM will reveal that he has set up a joint study between the Department for Transport and the Treasury to work out how to unlock private cash. It will report

to him in the Autumn. Vocabulary: tax disc – наклейка об уплате транспортного налога;

to unveil – раскрывать; competitor – конкурент, соперник;

traffic jam – дорожный затор, пробка; gridlock – затор; безвыходное положение; цепочка неплатежей;

sky-high – очень высокий; fuel tax – налог на горюче смазочные материалы;

fair deal – справедливая сделка; joint – совместный.

Cameron: I will slash ‘whiplash cash’ claims

By TOM NEWTON DUNN, Political Editor (http://www.thesun.co.uk) DAVID Cameron will today demand insurance firms slash motor premiums

by up to £90 in exchange for a Government clampdown on whiplash claims.

No 10 and transport ministers are devising an action plan to end Britain's compensation culture. There are 1,500 alleged whiplash injuries every day in the

UK – costing firms an eye-watering £2billion a year. It has sent average premiums up by 17 per cent in the past year to £410.

Among measures being considered to reduce road crash claims are a "black box" recorders in young drivers' cars, raising the medical bar, and a minimum speed

limit for claims of 10mph. The PM will also meet insurance chiefs from Admiral, AXA, Aviva, CFS,

RBSI and Zurich today to tackle premiums. Mr Cameron will say: "I want to stop trivial claims, free up businesses from

health and safety red tape and look at ways we can bring costs down.

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"We need to help families with the cost of living." The Association of British Insurers "welcomed the Government's willingness

to tackle the compensation culture". Labour backed the move but urged the Coalition to do more. Shadow

transport boss John Woodcock said: "Motorists want action from this out-of-touch

Government". Vocabulary:

insurance – страховой, страховка; clampdown – строгий запрет;

whiplash – травма от внезапного движения, приступ; black box – засекреченное изобретение, секретное явление;

trivial – обычный, мелкий, пустой; cost of living – прожиточный минимум.

US election 2012: Brokered convention would not be disaster, Rick

Santorum claims By Peter Foster (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/)

A "brokered convention" would not harm the Republican party's chances of beating Barack Obama in November, the presidential hopeful Rick Santorum said, as the battle to find a candidate grew increasingly vicious.

"I don't think it dooms anybody's chances," said the ultraconservative Mr Santorum as Republican party strategists prepared for the possibility that no

candidate will win the nomination outright by the time the party meets for its Convention in August.

Mitt Romney, the relatively moderate front-runner in the contest, is comfortably ahead in the race to win the necessary 1,144 delegates but he faces

another critical test of his electability in middle-America tomorrow [Tuesday] in the Illinois primary.

Polls have put Mr Romney narrowly ahead of Mr Santorum in Illinois, but both candidates have said that victory will be crucial in establishing the momentum

that could eventually propel them to the nomination. "If we're able to come out of Illinois with a huge or surprise win, I guarantee

you, I guarantee you that we will win this nomination," Mr Santorum told a weekend

campaign event, an assertion that experts on so-called 'delegate math' say is a wild exaggeration.

Victory in Illinois for Mr Santorum would prolong a bitter and divisive campaign and once again raise questions about the ability of Mr Romney, a multi-

millionaire management consultant, to connect with ordinary voters. Vocabulary:

to doom – обрекать outright – прямой, немедленный, явный

front-runner – лидер, кандидат на пост, имеющий больше всего шансов crucial – решающий, критический

exaggeration – преувеличение

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to prolong a campaign – продлить кампанию divisive – разъединительный

voter – избиратель

6.3. Mass culture

Engelbert Humperdinck's Eurovision genius

By Bernadette McNulty, Music Editor (http://www.telegraph.co.uk) Just as the shock news that Engelbert Humperdinck is not only alive and well

but representing Britain in this year’s Eurovision song contest is just about sinking in, today the 75-year-old crooner has unleashed his competition entry, a song

entitled ‘Love Will Set you Free.’ And it confirms my suspicions that there are some seriously shrewd,

musically Machiavellian minds behind this piece of left-field casting. On the one hand, thematically Humperdinck is ‘doing an Adele.’ In the vein

of Someone Like You, Love Will Set you Free, written by Martin Terefe, belongs to the noble (and popular) category of magnanimous break-up songs. From Leonard

Cohen’s Hey, That’s No Way to Say Goodbye to Dolly Parton’s I Will Always Love You the magnanimous break-up song is the Liberal Democrat of the pop world, allowing the listener to sit on the emotional fence and be both sad and happy at the

same time. ‘It is so sad that you’re jumping into bed with someone new, but I am such a kind, philosophical person that I let you go with my blessing, not by cutting

your clothes up into tiny shreds and microwaving your mobile phone’. Given that Adele might have declined an offer to turn around the UK’s

fortunes in the Eurovision, it is a shrewd move to evoke a song that went top five in nearly every European country last year.

On the other hand, this is a song so radically retro, it could have been dreamed-up by Peter Kay as part of a Eurovision satirical comedy. This doesn’t just

nod to the early Seventies, it lovingly recreates the feel of 1972 Saturday night light-entertainment in all its orange-tinted, be suited blandness. Rather than Adele’s

glottal stops and minor chord elisions, this is a waltz in the old-fashioned, oomph style, complete with twiddly Spanish guitars, polite strings and a hysterical key change and overblown orchestral sweep in the chorus’s final refrain.

Vocabulary: crooner – эстрадный певец;

unleash – реализовывать, высвобождать; left-field – странный, необычный;

magnanimous – щедрый, великодушный; be suited – годиться, подходить;

to evoke – вызывать, пробуждать; glottal stop – гортанная смычка, кнаклаут;

oomph – физическая привлекательность, пикантность; twiddly – извилистый, извивающийся;

refrain – припев.

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George Clooney unabashed about using celebrity to highlight Sudan By Peter Foster (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

the Oscar-winning actor called on Washington and Beijing to jointly pressure Khartoum to stop what he described as a renewed round of ethnic cleansing in the trouble African region of Darfur, an issue that he has campaigned on since 2006.

"We can meet with China ... and say, let's work on this together, because we both, economically, would benefit by a resolution," Clooney told CNN's Fareed

Zakaria, referring to China's reliance on Sudanese oil exports. Clooney was arrested at the Sudanese embassy in Washington on Friday with

his father Nick, and a congressman, Jim Moran, and the civil rights leader Ben Jealous after ignoring warnings from Secret Service agents not to cross a police line.

He was handcuffed, but later released. Asked if he had considered entering politics, Clooney said his celebrity was a

far more powerful weapon than getting elected where his hands would be tied by big money interests and electoral calculations.

"I think I actually have a lot more influence on it here [on TV]," he told NBC's Meet the Press, "There is no outside influence for me. I can actually have an

opinion and it may not fit what the UN wants and it may not fit what other people want, and I can say this I think is right, and stand by it.

"I don't have to check in to make sure and I don't have to compromise,"

Clooney added, "I think it's a lot easier than running for office. I don't have any interest in that".

Clooney last week also testified about Sudan to a US Senate foreign relations committee hearing and raised the issue with President Barack Obama who invited

him to the State Dinner given in David Cameron's honour. Vocabulary:

jointly – совместно, солидарно, сообща; campaign – проводить кампанию;

benefit – помогать, приносить пользу, выгоду; resolution – решение, резолюция;

reliance – доверие, надежность, зависимость; weapon – оружие; issue – вопрос, проблема;

in honour – в честь.

Adele overtakes Pink Floyd in the all-time biggest selling albums chart (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

Adele's chart-topping release 21 has overtaken Pink Floyd's landmark 1973 release, The Dark Side Of The Moon, in the list of best-selling UK albums.

The album, including hits Rolling In The Deep and Someone Like You, has now sold more than 4,142,000 copies, making it the seventh biggest-selling album

of all-time and the biggest selling album of the 21st century. Sales figures from the Official Charts Company show it is also just 12,000

copies away from the sixth best-selling album, Dire Straits' long player Brothers In

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Arms, and is likely to move further up the chart soon. The company's managing director Martin Talbot said: "As every week goes

by, another record seems to tumble in front of Adele. "Now, her 21 album has overtaken The Dark Side Of The Moon in the all-

time biggest sellers list – and by the end of the week, it may well have overtaken

Brothers In Arms, too. Vocabulary:

release – выпуск (пластинки, фильма); landmark – веха, этап развития;

to tumble – резко подать, рушиться; to overtake – догнать, наверстать.

One Direction Is Heading to TV (http://www.people.com)

Boy band import One Direction is taking over the music world, and now they're headed for American TV.

The group, which came in third on the U.K. edition of The X Factor in 2010 has inked a deal with Nickelodeon.

"The rumors are true, our live-action slate does include a development project for one direction. Welcome to the family!" the network tweeted last week.

The group, made up of Louis Tomlinson, 20; Zayn Malik, 19; Harry Styles,

18; Niall Horan, 18; and Liam Payne, 18, recently toured with Nickelodeon's boy band/TV stars, Big Time Rush, and will be performing at the Kids' Choice Awards

on March 31. "A year ago we would never have expected any of this stuff that's happening

now," Styles tells PEOPLE. As for the future, he says, "We just want to keep working hard and making sure we keep on delivering the best we can and having fun

and we'll see what happens". We'll also be watching their album "Up All Night," which was released last

week and could hit the No. 1 spot this week. Vocabulary:

edition – издание, выпуск; to ink a deal – подписать контракт; rumor – слух, молва;

development project – проект разработки; to deliver – снабжать, доставлять, производить;

to release – выпустить (пластинку, диск).

Somalia's national theatre reopens in Mogadishu (http://www.bbc.co.uk) Somalia's national theatre has reopened in Mogadishu, more than 20 years

after it last shut its doors. The event was marked with the showing of a local play, traditional music and

comedy performances for an audience of around 1,000 people. The theatre closed in the early 1990s as Somalia descended into civil war and

the capital became a no-go area.

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The UN-backed government is trying to re-establish control of the city after al-Shabab's Islamists were forced out.

The al-Qaeda-linked group banned all forms of public entertainment, such as the theatre.

"Beauty of Somalia"

Jabril Ibrahim Abdulle, director of a Somali think tank, said the theatre's history reflected that of Somalis.

Mr Abdulle, who was one of the driving forces behind the opening of the theatre, told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme: "The theatre was absolutely

devastated daily and that really mirrored the life of Somalis. "We all killed each other enough – life has to move on, 21 years [of war] is

enough," he said. "People are saying if we can rebuild the theatre, we can rebuild our lives".

The opening shows at the Somali National Theatre will address issues of peace and reconciliation and look at what happened to the country over the last two

decades. Vocabulary:

audience – публика, зрители; descend – происходить от; no-go area – закрытый район, запретная область;

UN government – правительство ООН; to re-establish – восстанавливать;

to ban – запрещать; to reflect – отражать;

driving force – движущая сила; devastated – разрушенный, опустошенный;

reconciliation – примирение, урегулирование.

Jerry Lewis celebrates 86th birthday in NYC (http://thestar.com.my/) NEW YORK (AP): Jerry Lewis did not turn 86 quietly. The comedian and

filmmaker flew in to New York from Las Vegas for an hours-long celebration Friday night.

It started with an onstage interview at Manhattan's 92nd Street Y, then

continued in midtown at the Friars Club, where hundreds gathered to sing happy birthday to Lewis, who added his trademark goofy voice.

Wearing a dark blazer and bright red shirt, Lewis sat at a corner table in the club's Frank Sinatra room, with Richard Belzer and Robert Klein among those at his

table. His meal included a slice of birthday cake, a three-tiered production decorated with movie stills, a microphone and miniatures of the performer.

Lewis is known for such movies as "The Nutty Professor," and for hosting the Muscular Dystrophy Association's telethon.


filmmaker – съемочная группа, кинопроизводитель;

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onstage – театральный, сценический, на сцене; midtown – окраина центра, провинциальный;

goofy – глупый, бесхитростный, влюбленный до безумия; trademark – фирменный знак, марка.

"21 Jump Street" leaps to No. 1 with $35M debut (http://thestar.com.my/) LOS ANGELES (AP) – Audiences headed back to school for the TV update

"21 Jump Street," which opened as the No. 1 weekend movie with $35 million. Sony's action comedy starring Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum as cops going

undercover as high school students took down the animated hit "Dr. Seuss' the Lorax," which had been the top film the previous two weekends.

Studio estimates Sunday put Universal's "The Lorax" in second-place with $22.8 million, raising its domestic total to $158.4 million.

At No. 3, Disney's costly science-fiction dud "John Carter" dropped sharply in its second weekend. The Edgar Rice Burroughs adaptation took in $13.5 million,

down 55 percent from its anemic opening weekend and lifting its domestic total to a measly $53.2 million. "John Carter" reportedly cost $250 million to make.

While tanking in the United States, "John Carter" has done decent business overseas. It took in $40.7 million this weekend to push its international haul to $126.1 million and its worldwide total to $179.3 million.

In narrow release, Will Ferrell's Spanish-language B-movie spoof "Casa de mi Padre" opened solidly at No. 9 with $2.2 million. The Lionsgate release played in

just 382 theaters, compared to 3,121 for "21 Jump Street." Based on the 1980s TV show that made Johnny Depp a star, "21 Jump Street"

casts Hill and Tatum as rookie cops posing as teens to root out crooks peddling a psychedelic new drug at a Los Angeles school.

Rather than doing a straight update of the TV show, Sony turned "21 Jump Street" on its head for the big-screen, retooling it as a comedy that helped pack in

the under-25 crowd, which made up half of the audience. "I just think you had to make it relevant, and action comedy was the way to

go. And they did make it very relevant to a young audience," said Rory Bruer, head of distribution for Sony. "The guys, Jonah and Channing, were just killer together. They had incredible chemistry and certainly were the attraction for younger

crowds". Hollywood's box-office hot streak finally cooled off a bit, with overall

business down for the first weekend this year. Domestic revenues totaled $108 million, off 6 percent from the same weekend last year, according to box-office

tracker Hollywood.com. Vocabulary:

undercover – тайный, работающий под прикрытием; estimate – оценивать;

science-fiction – научная фантастика; dud – подделка, неудача, провал, бесполезная вещь;

international haul – международное состязание;

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rookie cops – неопытный сотрудник, новичок; to retool – переоборудовать;

relevant – уместный, значимый, относящийся. Iran Oscar winner repeats success (http://www.bbc.co.uk)

Iran's best foreign language Oscar-winner A Separation has netted four prizes at the Asian Film Awards.

It was named best film and won best director for Asghar Farhadi, plus screenwriting and editing trophies.

"This is an absolute honour", said lead actress Leila Hatami, who collected the best movie award at the gala in Hong Kong on behalf of the absent Farhadi.

The film has won other accolades, including a Golden Globe and Golden Bear prize at the Berlin Film Festival.

A Separation explores the themes of family and honour with the backdrop of tragedy and a legal dispute.

Other honorees at the Asian Film Awards - which have been held since 2007 – were Hong Kong director Ann Hui, who received an accolade for her life's

work – the first woman to do so. Hong Kong star Chen Kun was named best actor for his performance in The

Flying Swords of Dragon Gate, while India's Vidya Balan won best actress for The

Dirty Picture. This category was the only of its five nominations that A Separation failed to

convert, with Hatami losing out to the Indian star. Vocabulary:

screenwriting – написание сценария; trophy – трофей;

gala – праздничный вечер, раут; accolade – похвала, одобрение, положительный отзыв;

backdrop – фон, художественное оформление, декорации; legal dispute – спор юридического характера;

to convert – превращать; to lose out – потерпеть неудачу, не иметь успеха, понести убыток.

6.4. Science and technology

Swimming robots break world distance record in Pacific (http://www.bbc.co.uk/)

Four robots have set a new distance world record, swimming more than 3,200 nautical miles (5,926km) across the Pacific Ocean.

The drones are taking part in a project to gather data about the composition and quality of sea water.

Built by US-firm Liquid Robotics, the PacX Wave Gliders are expected to cover 9,000 nautical miles (16,668km) by their journey's end.

The first leg of their voyage from San Francisco to Hawaii took four months.

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The robots are designed to reach previously inaccessible areas of the ocean and gather data on how acidic the water has become and the shrinking size of fish

stocks. The previous Guinness World Record for the longest distance covered at sea

by an unmanned device was 2,500 nautical miles (4,630km).

"I have no doubt new ocean discoveries, insights, and applications will emerge from the PacX data set", said Edward Lu, chief of innovative applications at

Liquid Robotics. No fuel

The gliders were launched from the St Francis Yacht Club at San Francisco harbour on 17 November 2011.

Each robot is composed of two halves: the upper part, shaped like a stunted surfboard, is attached by a cable to a lower part that sports a series of fins and a keel.

To move they do not use fuel but instead convert energy from the ocean's waves, turning it into forward thrust.

Solar panels installed on the upper surface of the gliders power numerous sensors that take readings every 10 minutes to sample salinity, water temperature,

weather, fluorescence, and dissolved oxygen. After a short stopover in Hawaii, the quartet will split. Two drones will continue to Japan, crossing the Mariana Trench en-route –

the deepest place on Earth. The second pair will swim to Australia, passing the equator.

Researchers expect both "teams" to reach their destinations by late 2012 or early 2013.

Vocabulary: nautical mile – морская миля;

drone – телеуправляемый аппарат; inaccessible – недосягаемый, недоступный;

acidic – кислотный; device – аппарат, приспособление;

application – устройство, прибор; solar panels – панель солнечных элементов; to install – устанавливать.

"Metal moles" begin work below London (http://www.bbc.co.uk/)

Tunnelling work is about to begin on a grand scale in London as the £16bn Crossrail project gets set to build 26 miles (42km) of tunnels beneath the capital.

The first of eight highly specialised Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM), which each weigh nearly 1,000 tonnes, is being positioned at Royal Oak in west London.

From here it will begin its slow journey east, as it carves out a new east-west underground link. The scheme is currently the largest civil engineering project in

Europe. Described by Boris Johnson as "voracious worms nibbling their way under

London", the 150-metre long machines will take three years to build a network of

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tunnels beneath the city's streets. While tunnelling the TBMs will operate 24 hours a day and move through the

earth at a rate of about 100m per week. Each one is staffed by a 20-strong "tunnel gang" and comes with its own

kitchen and toilet.

The machines are monitored from a surface control room which tracks their positions using GPS.

Hydraulic rams at the front keep the 980-tonne machines within millimetres of their designated routes.

A TBM will set you back about £10m. Once their work is finished, the machines will be sold back to their German

manufacturer Herrenknecht and refurbished for further use. Vocabulary

tunnel Boring Machines – бурильная машина для работы при проходке туннелей;

voracious – прожорливый, жадный, ненасытный; manufacturer – производитель;

refurbish – восстанавливать, ремонтировать, отделывать; control room – пункт управления; underground link – подземная подводящая.

Android: Can an app improve social skills?

By Ian Hamilton (http://www.csmonitor.com) Android app is designed for socially awkward people. The AwkTalk app,

winner of a competition, lets students with Android-based machines meet and rate each other's social skills.

Undergraduate students at the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science at University of California, Irvine, have built an Android app to

help students through social awkwardness. The app is called AwkTalk developed by students for AppJam, a competition

to build the best mobile app in one week. The theme for the competition was self improvement and the team "Socially Awkward Anteaters" won the $1,000 first prize in the competition with the app.

"We were all aware that many of our colleagues in the fields of computer science and engineering (ourselves included) lack excellent socials skills," the

overview of the project says. The app helps students find a place to meet face to face where they'll

participate in a timed discussion and then rate the other person's social skills. Find more information about the app on the team's website:

http://appjam.roboteater.com/team10.php. Vocabulary:

social skill – навык общения; to rate – оценивать;

awkwardness – затруднительность, неудобство;

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face to face – с глазу на глаз; aware – осознавать.

NASA to launch one rocket per minute tonight (for five minutes) By Mike Wall (http://www.csmonitor.com)

The five-rocket salvo, which is scheduled to launch Sunday night from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, forms the core of the agency's

Anomalous Transport Rocket Experiment, or ATREX. After a four-day delay, NASA is planning to fire off five rockets in just over

five minutes late Monday (March 19) for a mission that, if all goes well, will create glowing clouds to probe mysterious, fast-moving winds at the edge of space.

The five-rocket salvo, which is scheduled to launch Monday night from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, forms the core of the agency's

Anomalous Transport Rocket Experiment, or ATREX. The unmanned rockets will release chemical tracers at about 60 miles (97 kilometers) up, allowing scientists to

track high-altitude winds that can top 300 mph (483 kph). These tracers will generate luminous milky-white clouds that should be

visible to folks on the ground from parts of South Carolina up through southern New England, researchers have said.

ATREX was originally scheduled to lift off Wednesday (March 14), but a

radio system glitch on one of the rockets and anticipated bad weather delayed the launch until Saturday night (March 17). On Friday afternoon, NASA officials

announced that the launch had been pushed back to Sunday, again due to weather concerns. The same concerns pushed the launch to Monday night, they added.

Vocabulary: NASA – Национальное управление по аэронавтике и исследованию

космического пространства; to launch – запускать;

salvo – залп, салют; to be scheduled – быть запланированным;

chemical tracer – химический индикатор; high-altitude wind – высотный ветер.

A Man of Many Screens By Katherine Rosman (http://online.wsj.com/)

For Hollywood agent Jay Sures, work often means three things: He talks on the phone, all the time. He sends and receives email, about 500 a day. And he

watches TV, a lot of it. Mr. Sures, 45, is a managing director and head of the television group for the United Talent Agency in Beverly Hills, Calif., where his

clients include "Modern Family" co-creator Steven Levitan and Darren Star. A tech expert assessed his digital life and offered some solutions.

Mr. Sures has three phones: an iPhone 4s, a BlackBerry Bold and a satellite phone kept in case of emergency – like the time he was at the Great Wall of China

and couldn't get cellular service. But neither the BlackBerry nor the iPhone alone fits

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his needs. He hates the iPhone's touch-screen keyboard. And he says his BlackBerry's Internet browser is slow and that it is difficult to open documents sent

as email attachments. He often ends up reading email on one device and sending replies from another. He also laments that his iPhone, powered by Verizon, doesn't yet allow users to simultaneously use the telephone while performing email and

Internet functions. These are common complaints among heavy talker-texter types, says Ross

Rubin, an executive director at NPD Group who advises clients on marketing to digitally connected consumers. He says Mr. Sures could hook up his Bluetooth

wireless headset and talk to clients and contacts via a Skype app, since using an app doesn't disable an iPhone's email and Internet functions.

He also suggested that Mr. Sures buy a Jorno: a pocket-size keyboard that iPhones and iPads plug into and is expected on the market by the end of March for

$99. "Those both are really good ideas, especially for when you travel", says Mr. Sures. He says he probably will buy a Jorno and give it a try.

Vocabulary: cellular – сотовая связь;

satellite – спутник, спутниковый; attachment – соединение, связь, приложение; simultaneously – одновременно;

wireless headset – беспроводная гарнитура.

Education, not infrastructure, is the key to Britain’s technological success By Emma Barnett, Digital Media Editor (http://www.telegraph.co.uk)

Mr Osborne claims that modern ultrafast broadband services are key to Britain’s “modern industrial policy”.

And while I don’t doubt that, nor do I scoff at the need for brilliant broadband infrastructure in the UK (including most pressingly rural areas), I simply cannot

agree with the Chancellor when he says: “To be Europe’s technology centre we… need to have the best infrastructure”.

Silicon Valley grew up organically without any major government intervention or help. In fact it grew up in spite of the establishment. A network was formed in and around the grounds of Stanford University and so began some of the

greatest technology companies in the world. What really needs to be in place is the educational infrastructure to allow UK

students become the Mark Zuckerbergs (Facebook’s founder) and the Sergey Brins (Google’s co-creator) of the future. Michael Gove, the education secretary,

announced in January the start of a consultation to replace the UK’s ‘harmful and dull’ school technology curriculum with a new computer science course created by

universities and technology industry. This type of support, if actually successful in turning more young people onto

a career in creative coding, will be more important in putting the UK at the heart of the technology industry in Europe.


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broadband – с широкой рабочей зоной; to scoff – осмеивать;

intervention – вмешательство; curriculum – учебный курс, учебная программа; educational infrastructure – образовательная база; образовательная

инфраструктура; education secretary – министр образования;

to announce – объявлять.

Photos of asteroid Vesta reveal bright, ancient rock and dark, melted stone

By Tariq Malik (http://www.csmonitor.com) A NASA spacecraft orbiting the huge asteroid Vesta has snapped amazing

new photos of the colossal space rock, images that reveal strange features never-before-seen on an asteroid, scientists say.

The new photos of Vesta from NASA's Dawn spacecraft highlight odd, shiny spots that are nearly twice as bright as other parts of the asteroid – suggesting it is

original material left over from the space rock's birth 4 billion years ago, NASA officials said today (March 21).

With a width of about 330 miles (530 km), asteroid Vesta is one of the largest

and brightest objects in the main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. NASA's Dawn probe has been orbiting Vesta since 2011 to study the space

rock in unprecedented detail. Li and his colleagues unveiled Dawn's new views of Vesta today at the 43rd

Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas. The photos show surprisingly bright spots all over Vesta, with the most

predominant ones located inside or around the asteroid's many craters. The bright areas range from large spots (around several hundred feet across) to simply huge,

with some stretching across 10 miles (16 kilometers) of terrain. "Dawn's ambitious exploration of Vesta has been going beautifully," said Marc Rayman, Dawn chief

engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., which oversees the mission. "As we continue to gather a bounty of data, it is thrilling to reveal fascinating alien landscapes".

Vocabulary: to reveal – обнаружить;

to unveil – представить, огласить; highlight – блик, световое пятно;

spot – пятно; alien – инопланетный;

jet Propulsion Laboratory – лаборатория реактивных двигателей; planetary Science – планетоведение.

Windows 8 set for October launch: report

By Matthew Shaer (http://www.csmonitor.com)

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Earlier this year, Microsoft launched a consumer preview of Windows 8, the latest iteration of its popular operating system, and the first to be designed for cross-

platform use. Now, according to Bloomberg News – which cites "people with knowledge of the schedule" – we have a (possible) release date: October of 2012. Is the timing propitious? It is.

"The timing," notes Dina Bass of Bloomberg, "would let Microsoft target Christmas shoppers with the new software, which works with touch-screen devices

as well as laptops and desktop PCs". Unlike past versions of Windows, Windows 8 has a tiled interface called

Metro, which allows users to access and control the OS via a flick of the finger. (Old-schoolers shouldn't fret: Windows 8 will still work just fine with a mouse.)

And early reviews of the OS have been largely positive. "It looks like Windows 8 is certainly going to take some getting used to,"

writes the team at PC Advisor. "But underneath that daunting new interface are a wealth of smart decisions that go a long way towards dragging the behemoth that is

Windows into the future". In related news, Microsoft has doled out a kind of beta version of Office 15, a

new software suite that should launch in conjunction with Windows 8. Paul Thurrott, who runs Supersite For Windows, a popular tech site, got his hands on Office 15, and he reports that the suite sits "visually, between the new Metro style

and the traditional desktop." More on that here. Vocabulary:

iteration – повтор, итерация, цикл; propitious – благоприятный;

schedule – расписание, план; software – программное обеспечение;

access – доступ; laptop – портативный компьютер, ноутбук;

desktop – панель экрана, рабочий стол компьютера, настольный прибор; in conjunction with – параллельно, одновременно, при взаимодействии.

6.5. Ecology

Coal-fuelled power station plans for Grangemouth (http://www.bbc.co.uk/) A US power company is planning to build a coal-fuelled power station at

Grangemouth, BBC Scotland has learned. The plant would use carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology in a bid to

reduce emissions by more than 90%. Seattle-based Summit Power Group has joined forces with National Grid PLC

and the oil services company Petrofac for the project. The scheme's backers hope to win funding for the Caledonia Clean Energy

Project from the UK government. The proposed plant would be built at the Port of Grangemouth, on the Firth of

Forth, west of Edinburgh.

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C02 emissions would be captured and piped to St Fergus in Aberdeenshire, before being stored deep under the North Sea.

Summit Power Group said the Grangemouth site had been chosen because of its proximity to the North Sea and the other gas supply facilities nearby.

Testing ground

The company added that it was currently building a similar plant in Texas, which was awarded $450m (£284m) of funds by the US government in 2010.

The announcement follows the cancellation of a carbon capture project at Longannet power station in Fife in October 2011, which was shelved over concerns

about the cost. Scottish Power said the bill would have been about £1.5bn - but the UK

government decided it did not want to spend more than £1bn supporting the trial. Vocabulary:

coal-fuelled power station – угольная электростанция; carbon capture and storage – технология улавливания и хранения

углерода; to reduce emissions – сократить выбросы;

to pipe – перекачивать по трубам; proximity – близость; cancellation – отмена;

carbon capture project – проект улавливания и утилизации диоксида углерода.

Update for world temperature data

By Mark Kinver Environment reporter, BBC News (http://www.bbc.co.uk/)

Researchers have updated HadCRUT – one of the main global temperate records, which dates back to 1850.

One of the main changes is the inclusion of more data from the Arctic region, which has experienced one of the greatest levels of warming.

The amendments do not change the long-term trend, but the data now lists 2010, rather than 1998, as the warmest year on record.

The update is reported in the published in the Journal of Geophysical

Research. HadCRUT is compiled by the UK Met Office's Hadley Centre and the

Climatic Research Unit (Cru) at the University of East Anglia, and is one of three global records used extensively by climatologists.

The other two are produced by US-based researchers at Nasa and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa).

Cru's director, Phil Jones, explained why it was necessary to revise the UK record.

"HadCRUT is underpinned by observations and we've previously been clear it may not be fully capturing changes in the Arctic because we have had so little data

from the area", he said.

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"For the latest version, we have included observations from more than 400 (observation) stations across the Arctic, Russia and Canada".

Prof Jones added: "This has led to better representation of what's going on in the large geographical region".

Despite the revisions, the overall warming signal has not changed. The

scientists say it has remained at about 0.75C (1.4F) since 1900. Vocabulary:

to update – доводить до современного уровня; amendment – поправка;

to underpin – подкреплять, усиливать, поддерживать; observation – наблюдение;

overall – всеобъемлющий.

Sea level studies: US coasts even more vulnerable than previously thought

By Pete Spotts (http://www.csmonitor.com) Cities and hamlets along America's popular coastlines are more vulnerable to

rising sea levels than previously estimated, according to a pair of new studies. The studies find up to 32 percent more coastal real estate vulnerable to a 1

meter rise in sea level, while the population exposed to rising water goes up by 87

percent. The numbers vary markedly by region, with south Florida, southern

Louisiana, and the Carolinas topping the list of states with the most land to lose. Populations would be most heavily affected in Florida, Louisiana, California, New

York, and New Jersey, the studies find. Since the 1880s, sea levels have risen an average of 8 inches as global

warming has taken hold. During this century, levels are expected to rise by as much as 1 to 2 meters, depending on how much additional carbon dioxide humans pump

into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels and from land-use changes. The figure could be higher still, some researchers argue, if ice sheets atop Greenland and West

Antarctica lose ice faster than currently anticipated. Overall, 3.7 million people live at or below the 1-meter level, the studies find.

Florida alone hosts an estimated $30 billion worth of taxable property along its

vulnerable southeast coast, hinting at the enormous cost if global warming drives sea levels to conditions projected by the end of the century.

Between now and the end of the century, sea-level increases that fall considerably below 1 to 2 meters still pose interim threats, the studies hold. Between

now and 2030, the likelihood of experiencing a once-in-a-century coastal flood will have more than doubled for at least two-thirds of the locations the studies cover.

More than half of the locations could expect to see the likelihood of a once-per-century coastal flood triple.

“The risks are imminent and serious,” said Ben Strauss, a scientist with Climate Central and the lead author of one of two related papers appearing in the

journal Environmental Research Letters, in a prepared statement.

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Vocabulary: vulnerable – уязвимый;

average – средний, в среднем; fossil fuel – органическое топливо; pump into – вливать, перекачивать;

flood – наводнение; imminent – неизбежный, надвигающийся;

interim – временный, промежуточный.

California ready to cut greenhouse gases. Next, doing it. By Daniel B. Wood (http://www.csmonitor.com)

California's historic effort to remake global-warming regulations in the United States is at last starting to take off its training wheels.

When then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the Global Warming Solutions Act in 2006, his purpose was not only to establish the most rigorous

regime of greenhouse-gas emissions reductions in the US, but also to prove to a reluctant nation that the "cap and trade" policies rejected by Washington are not an

economic catastrophe waiting to happen. The success or failure of that law will have national – and even international –

ramifications, as other states and Washington itself look to see if California can

avoid the doomsday scenarios laid out by critics: lost jobs, higher energy costs, and dubious environmental gains.

Slowly, the first answers are starting to emerge. The five-year slog has revealed both the surprising willingness of some

industries to take part in the process and the dogged determination of others to impede it at virtually every step. The report card is mixed. While all the rules are

now in place and there are signs that the law has kindled greater action against global warming statewide, full implementation has been pushed back a year, to

2013, because of the lingering effects of the recession. Lawsuits could also undermine its effectiveness.

"The state has done the lion's share of the work in spelling out what needs to be done to reach the goals, and it's a pretty amazing story to see how far the auto companies have come in doing their part", says Simon Mui of the Natural Resources

Defense Council, an environmental group. "But the oil companies are still dragging their feet and fighting tooth and nail".

Specifically, the global warming law, known as AB 32 (Assembly Bill 32), mandates that California reach 1990 levels of greenhouse-gas emissions by 2020 – a

25 percent cut from current levels. To reach that goal, AB 32 essentially provides a stool with four legs:

instituting a cap-and-trade program, lowering carbon content in fuel, increasing fuel efficiency in vehicles, and pushing communities to become more energy efficient.

The effort to roll out each of the four main components of AB 32 has met with varying degrees of success and resistance. Texas oil companies even tried to repeal

AB 32 in its entirety by funding a ballot initiative, which failed. Taken together, the

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developments of the past five years show the complexity of attempting such sweeping greenhouse-gas regulations all at once.

Vocabulary: greenhouse gas – газы, вызывающие парниковый эффект; rigorous – строгий, жесткий;

emission – выброс; reduction – сокращение;

resistance – сопротивление; fuel – топливо;

carbon – углерод; to repeal – аннулировать, отменять.

Yellowstone grizzly bears: New cause célèbre for effects of global

warming? By Todd Wilkinson (http://www.csmonitor.com)

Even more than their high-profile polar cousins, Yellowstone grizzly bears could become the newest cause célèbre for how global warming is threatening

ecosystems worldwide. On Nov. 22, a US appellate court ruled for the first time that the federal

government must continue to protect an animal – in this case, Yellowstone grizzlies

– in part because of the emerging effects of rising temperatures. For environmentalists arguing that urgent congressional action to combat

global warming is needed, the ruling is seen as a benchmark that establishes a legal foothold. It could lower the bar on when the government should take action to try to

preserve species threatened by climate changes. Moreover, the ruling opens the door to charges that federal programs designed

to conserve species one at a time – such as the Endangered Species Act (ESA) – could be overwhelmed by a mega-event like climate change, which could affect

whole suites of flora and fauna. "It raises the question of what happens when one species gets in trouble, and

its decline pulls the rug out from another species", says attorney Doug Honnold, who helped conservation groups halt the removal of grizzlies from federal protection.

Decline of a key food source In its ruling, the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said the country's famous

Yellowstone bruin population should remain classified as "threatened" under the ESA. The reason: One of its primary food sources is being wiped out, with help

from global warming, many scientists say. Grizzlies gorge on highly nutritious seeds in the cones of whitebark pines.

Studies show the nutlike edibles are important in producing healthier, fatter bears and larger numbers of cubs. In addition, because whitebark grow on remote

mountain ridgelines, their location draws foraging bears away from places where people live.


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high-profile – резонансный, громкий; appellate court – аппеляционный суд;

urgent – срочный, неотложный; attorney – адвокат, юрист; species – порода, разновидность;

foothold – точка опоры, устойчивое положение, исходная позиция.

Osborne's claim wildlife rules too costly for business challenged by own review

Damian Carringto (http://www.guardian.co.uk) An attack by George Osborne suggesting wildlife protection rules were

"placing ridiculous costs on British businesses" has been revealed as false in more than 99.5% of cases, by a review he ordered from his cabinet colleague, Caroline

Spelman. The environment secretary concluded on Thursday that just a "handful" of the

26,500 land use consultations received from business each year ended in rejections, with the review citing just one example of a project – a windfarm – being

abandoned. Martin Harper, conservation director at the RSPB, said: "The government's

own review has shown that the chancellor's comments were misleading rhetoric,

with no factual basis. "We remain determined to persuade the government that there is no

contradiction between environmental protection and economic growth". Changes to protections for the countryside and wildlife to ease business

development has become a highly controversial issue, with Osborne promising in Wednesday's budget "the biggest reduction in business red tape ever undertaken" as

planning law guidance is reduced from 1,000 to 52 pages. Vocabulary:

ridiculous – смешной, нелепый; rejection – отказ;

windfarm – ветроэлектростанция; chancellor – канцлер, председатель, глава; abandoned – покинутый, заброшенный;

controversial – спорный, дискуссионный, противоречивый; guidance – руководство.

California struggling to prepare quake early warning system

By Hector Becerra and Sam Allen (http://www.latimes.com) The state spends a fraction of what countries like Mexico and Japan spend on

their systems. One reason for the lack of interest, experts say, is that California has not experienced a catastrophic quake in more than a century.

Japan has one. So do Mexico, Taiwan, Turkey and Romania. But California has struggled to develop and deploy an earthquake warning

system that would give cities seconds of crucial time to prepare for the impact of a

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massive earthquake. California is spending only a fraction of what Japan and Mexico have

devoted, and scientists said the progress is so slow that they cannot say when the state might complete its own system.

Until recently, researchers were spending only about $400,000 a year

developing the technology. Last year, they received a $6-million grant for work on a new prototype. But experts said it would cost about $150 million to build and $5

million a year to operate a system covering California and other quake-prone states along the Pacific.

Japan's system cost $1 billion to build and includes 1,000 GPS sensors to detect and monitor seismic waves.

One reason for the lack of interest, some experts say, is that unlike Mexico, Japan and the other countries with early warning systems, California has not

experienced a truly catastrophic earthquake in more than a century. "I think it'll happen. The question is whether we get it sooner than before we

have a tragic earthquake or whether we have it after a tragic earthquake," said Thomas Heaton, a professor of engineering seismology at Caltech. "Unfortunately in

the earthquake business, often things don't happen until we have a tragedy." Officials in California have been working on a system for about five years.

And as personal technology continues to evolve, their current warning plan is geared

heavily toward social media and mobile communications. Vocabulary:

fraction – частица, доля; quake – землетрясение;

crucial – решающий момент; to evolve – эволюционировать;

to gear – приводить в действие, запускать; warning – предупреждение, предостережение.

Upmanu Lall: The Water-Energy-Food Security Challenge: America As

The Global Savior? (http://www.huffingtonpost.com) Can the world support the aspirations for food and energy of the 7 billion

people that now inhabit it? Will we meet the needs of the additional 2 billion people

that we expect will be here by 2050? More than ever, the answers to these questions depend on how wisely we use the world's fresh water resources - to both meet our

own needs and to sustain the basic water requirements of all life that inhabits our blue planet.

In the late 20th century, as a result of the Green Revolution, global grain yields surged dramatically. However, the higher energy intensity required (largely

for fertilizers production and pumping ground water) along with associated water resource degradation has emerged as a serious challenge to the movement. Water

tables in many countries, including the USA, India and China have dropped significantly in the last 20 years, indicating that we have exceeded our renewable

water budget and are unsustainably mining the resource.

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Water is a renewable resource, whose availability varies from place to place, and by month and year. Droughts and floods are omnipresent hazards for most

societies, leading to loss of crops, property and lives; as the earth's climate changes, experts believe the frequency of both may increase. Places that are arid may become more so, while the frequency of intense precipitation may increase almost

everywhere. Thus, understanding, predicting and adapting to climate is critical for water and food security. Adaptation requires water and food storage, and also

judicious choices as to what to grow where, from a global and from a regional perspective.

In the last few years droughts and floods led to low grain production in key producing nations, causing a dramatic jump in global food prices and revealing how

thinly traded the global food market is. Only about 10 percent of wheat and rice production is actually traded globally, which means that small deficits in production

have significant impacts as nations restrict exports in the interest of domestic food security. Given their water and productivity constraints, the Chinese have been

securing land and promoting cultivation of crops that they need in Africa and South America, thus creating a secure import supply chain in the face of the volatility in

global markets. Vocabulary: aspiration – стремление;

to inhabit – населять, обитать; to exceed – превышать;

unsustainable – неустойчивый; renewable resource – возобновляемые ресурсы;

to reveal – открывать, обнаруживать; flood – наводнение;

drought – засуха; volatility – непостоянство;

productivity – производительность.

6.6. Fashion and design

Pantone's Palette Predictions: These Colors Will Dress Your Home in

2013 By Barbara Thau (http://www.dailyfinance.com/)

If you plan to redecorate your home next year, your shopping expeditions might turn up a preponderance of toasters, rugs and sofas in shades such as antique-

white, coral and sea green – just a few of the hot colors we'll be seeing on home products in 2013, according to the View Home + Interior's 2013 forecast from

Pantone, the color authority. Every year, retailers, manufacturers and designers consult Pantone's forecast

for trends that are later reflected in the colors you find on the bedding, pillows, curtains, furniture, kitchen appliances, stemware and other home products in stores.

The color forecast culls its picks from trends bubbling up in the culture,

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including fashion shows, art shows, and pop culture in the U.S. and around the world, Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, tells

DailyFinance. Neutrals, such as greys, taupes and soft greens, make a strong showing on this

year's list.

"Historically, when the economy is dicey, and people are concerned about how they're spending their money on big ticket items [such as furniture and

carpeting] in particular, they are more inclined to buy neutral colors", which are more practical and timeless, she says.

At the same time, expect to see pops of bold colors on lower-priced home accessories such as placemats and pillows, as home furnishings suppliers and

retailers look to meet consumers' desire to "have fun with color" on purchases that won't break the bank, she says.

Greens and blues also featured prominently. Those tend to be perennial favorites, because shoppers, particularly in coastal markets, are drawn to shades

found in nature, which also connote "zen, and something we can rely on", Eiseman says.

But perhaps what's most notable about the list is how much it echoes last year's forecast. In uncertain economic times, people tend to stick close to the status quo, Eiseman says. There are colors that have "staying power and can be relied upon

as a steadying influence in unsteady times," she said, during a presentation at International Home & Housewares Show this month.

Vocabulary: to redecorate – отделывать, ремонтировать;

preponderance – перевес, превосходство; retailer – розничный торговец;

forecast – прогноз; to furnish – снабжать;

prominently – заметно; perennial – постоянный, вечный;

to connote – иметь дополнительное значение. Victoria Klein On The Deliciously Personal World Of Interior Design

(http://www.huffingtonpost.com) In the early 60s, French philosopher Gaston Bachelard wrote "The Poetics of

Space," a dreamy exploration of how we experience intimate spaces in our homes. "Our house is our corner of the world," he wrote. "It is our first universe, a real

cosmos in every sense of the world." To speak with designer Victoria Klein is to be reminded of Bachelard's reverie.

Klein became an interior designer in her 50s, merging a lifelong fascination with color, textiles, and the "dressmaker details" of the trade with a passion for

historic preservation. Klein believes that "rooms in our homes reflect the rooms inside our minds" and that interior design "is not about just moving pretty objects

about – but having a real intelligence and context behind it".

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Inspired by the sensual disarray and personal exuberance of European design – notably as it is expressed in English country homes – Klein works much

like a painter. In describing an exhibit of Charles James couture on her blog, she describes James as having an "astonishingly unusual, slightly off, yet perfectly pitched sense of color." She could very well have been describing her own

sensibility. Vocabulary:

dreamy – мечтательный; reverie – мечтательность, задумчивость;

universe – мир, вселенная; interior – внутреннее пространство, интерьер;

dressmaker – портниха, ателье женской одежды; exuberance – изобилие, избыток, богатство.

I Am Proud to Be an American (http://www.huffingtonpost.com)

I am proud to be an American designer and a member of the Council of Fashion Designers of America. This is the honor I cherish with respect and humility.

The general public is largely aware of many important initiatives and causes that the CFDA supports and organizes, such as high-profile events like Fashion Targets Breast Cancer, Fashion's Night Out, Fashion of Haiti and the CFDA Awards and

others. I applaud the work of Steven Kolb, CEO of the CFDA, and Lisa Smilor, Deputy Director, for all of the support and services they provide to designers like

myself and to our members. They have installed important programs like the Business Services Network and Professional Development.

Often the audience out there has a stereotypical notion of a designer as a dramatic diva (especially like those characters portrayed on reality TV shows), and

people think that we are all narcissistic egomaniacs. The reality is that most designers are extremely hard-working and courageous individuals. They fight every

day to have their collections made by coordinating numerous aspects of the production process, and fight even harder to bring those products to market and

reach their customers. In reality, the majority of the CFDA members are small business owners who provide livelihood for many families and struggle to keep moving forward every season. This might sound like a cliché, but it is that

undeniable American spirit that embodies all of them. I am also proud to create my handbags and fine jewelry here in New York

City and to employ skilled U.S. workers in the process. I urge all of my fellow CFDA members and any entrepreneurs reading this blog to support companies and

services that keep and create jobs in the USA. So in celebration of the CFDA – its 50th anniversary and its wonderful

exhibition entitled "IMPACT 50 Years of American Fashion" at the museum at FIT – I interviewed the CFDA's Steven Kolb.

Vocabulary: to cherish – заботливо выращивать, лелеять;

humility – покорность, смирение;

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egomaniac – самовлюбленный человек; customer – клиент, заказчик;

livelihood – средства к существованию; to struggle – бороться; undeniable – неоспоримый;

anniversary – годовщина, юбилей.

First Look: Alberta Ferretti for Macy’s (http://www.people.com) The wait is almost over! Alberta Ferretti’s capsule collection for Macy’s bows

on April 17 – but you can catch a glimpse of the styles here before you go shopping. Today, Macy’s released images of the collection, which includes lacy tops,

bright, summer dresses, delicate floral patterns, a few white staples and some dramatic longer dresses.

“The collection I created is fresh and bright, featuring light summer clothing that evokes the spirit of my beautiful country [Italy] and is at the same time true to

my style”, Ferretti said in a statement back in February. Two of our favorite pieces include the perfect pink wrap dress (left, $69) and

a tiered blue maxi (below, $109). A one-shouldered orange maxi dress ($99) is another standout, as is a sweet aqua cocktail frock with pleated skirt (also $99).

Ferretti is a favorite of stars like Amanda Seyfried and Eva Longoria, and

recently cast Solange Knowles in her runway show. She also collaborated with Emma Watson last year; the pair created an eco-friendly capsule collection together.

Tell us: Will you shop Alberta Ferretti for Macy’s? Vocabulary:

glimpse – быстрый взгляд, представление; to release – издавать, выпускать;

to evoke – вызывать, пробуждать; spirit – дух, атмосфера, тенденция;

tiered – расположенный ярусами, слоями; standout – выдающаяся вещь;

frock – дамское платье. Only the Half of It

By Ruth La Ferla (http://www.nytimes.com) MIRANDA BERMAN thinks of herself as treading fairly close to fashion’s

cutting edge. “When everyone is wearing leggings, you’re automatically different if you wear a skirt,” she said. Her own outfit on any given day might incorporate a

schoolgirl mini, which she wears with tights; a long jersey column; or a leather skirt, its hemline dipping just below the knee.

Lately Ms. Berman, 23, a writer’s assistant at MTV, has noticed her peers playing catch-up, rediscovering a wardrobe staple that has languished in recent

years, in short supply at retail and all but supplanted on city streets by dresses and skinny skinny jeans.

“Fashion-y people had a craving for skirts,” she said, “even if they didn’t

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know it.” The sway of those early adopters has thrust skirts from fashion’s wings back

to center stage, the flared minis, knife-pleated midis, below-the-knee pencil shapes and A-line each representing, their partisans say, a lively way to recharge a wardrobe and give a vigorous kick-start to spring.

Skirts’ very multiplicity, emblematic of a fashion landscape in which no single style or trend prevails, is acting as catnip to consumers, who are combining

skirts, long and short, slim and wide, plain and patterned, with pieces varying from tank tops to mannish shirts, from turtlenecks to blazers.

“The skirt has become the new hot toy for women to play with in fashion,” said Marshal Cohen, the chief analyst with the research firm NPD Group. For the

first time in six years, he said, “consumers are thinking, If I’m going to update my wardrobe, I’ll put my money on a skirt”.

Though it is still early in the season to tally sales, reports from stores indicate that the prospects for skirts are strong.

Vocabulary: to tread – шагать, двигаться;

cutting edge – самый современный, новейший; to languish – ослабевать; skinny jeans – обтягивающие джинсы;

vigorous – энергичный; mannish – мужской;

turtleneck – свитер с воротником; patterned – украшенный узором.

Fashion pioneer Lulu Kennedy collects MBE at Buckingham Palace

By Olivia Bergin (http://fashion.telegraph.co.uk/) Fashion East founder Lulu Kennedy was honoured with an MBE at

Buckingham Palace today. Kennedy has been pioneering emerging British fashion design talent with her

sponsorship initiative Fashion East since 2000, launching the careers of Roksanda Ilincic and Jonathan Saunders, who are now the stars of London Fashion Week, and dressing the Prime Minister's wife, Samantha Cameron.

Kennedy pulled together an eclectic mix of high-end brands and London designers to meet Queen Elizabeth II this morning. She loyally teamed a skirt and

top by one of her Fashion East designers, Michael van der Ham, with a jacket by the aforementioned Ilincic, plus a pasta-embellished headband by Dolce & Gabbana, a

Chanel handbag and Christian Louboutin heels. "Today was such an honour for me and something I will never forget" she told

us. "I only wish I had been able to take each and every one of my designer's with me. I can't wait to celebrate with them this evening".

She was named in the Queen's New Year's Honours list, alongside John Ayton and Annoushka Ducas, the couple who founded the hugely successful Links of

London brand, and Biba founder Barbara Hulanicki, who was made OBE for

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services to fashion. Kennedy recently added another string to her bow with the retail venture Lulu

& Co, which features a seasonal edit of greatest hits from her prestigious Fashion East alumni, and is stocked at Harvey Nichols, Liberty and Selfridges.


eclectic – эклектичный; loyally – верно, преданно, лояльно;

to team – работать совместно; embellished – разукрашенный;

venture – предприятие; alumnus (alumni) – выпускник;

to stock – снабжать, иметь в наличии.

A week in men's fashion (http://www.guardian.co.uk) In political fashion news, this week's budget has once again brought to

attention the fact that Ed Balls has really good hair. When it's freshly cut, like it was this morning on the BBC Breakfast sofa, and it's shorn at the sides and neat on top, it

is a barnet surely unrivalled in politics. Its greatest success? It's a style without being too much of one.

Week taking his rubbish out in a pair. The most notable thing about this look

was the fact that the former mayor appeared to have forgotten his shirt. Quite why anyone would wear a pair of braces and jeans but no shirt is anyone's guess.

The sight of braces also confronts crowds as they cross the turnstiles at Green Park tube station in London, and on arrival at the Royal Academy. This is because

the publicity shot on the cover of the brochure for the David Hockney A Bigger Picture exhibition features a back shot of the artist painting in a set of braces worn

over a breton top. These, though, at least appear to be doing a practical job in keeping his trousers up.

It has also come to my attention that the bartenders at the Gilbert Scott bar at the St Pancras hotel look particularly dashing in their braces, though this is perhaps

largely because it seems in keeping with the period and look of the bar. Vocabulary: barnet – прическа;

shorn – обрезанный; unrivalled – не имеющий себе равных;

turnstile – турникет; brace – корсет;

bartender – бармен, буфетчик; to dash – бросить.

The Vintage Years: from workwear to party outfit – my top tips

(http://www.guardian.co.uk) The ideal would be to take the afternoon off, says the Invisible Woman, but

that's often impossible. So here are five top tips if you're going to a posh do straight

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from the office. Oh, how to negotiate the pleasure and pain of going to a black-tie awards

thingy straight from the office. The obvious answer would be to take the afternoon off for a lovely long soak in the bath, to get my nails and hair done, and enjoy the preparation, but I've never managed it. Instead it's a 20-minute scramble at Guardian

Towers, banging my elbows in a tiny loo cubicle and trying to freshen make-up in lighting better suited to a pathology lab.

Of course, I'm not the only one affected – it's a perennial problem and as I get older it's one I find I have less enthusiasm for solving. I don't like feeling

inconvenienced and rushed, and I'd love to be able to do it the other way for once. Oh, for a team of stylists, dressers and make-up artists to buff me up… Still, it is

what it is, so here are my top five tips. on public transport. Your outfit is going to spend at least a couple of hours

folded into a carrier bag so it needs to be something that won't look like a dish rag when it's time for your metamorphosis.

Keep it comfortable. After a hard day in the office your feet will have swollen and so, possibly, will you. The last thing you'll want to do is squeeze yourself into a

dress or shoes that require yet more effort. Keep it smooth. If your outfit requires special underpinnings, it avoids all

manner of embarrassment if you put them on when you dress in the morning.

There's nothing worse than a sweaty struggle to change into tights in the loo, or a pair of Spanx falling out of a handbag at an inopportune moment.

Keep it practical. You'll have neither the time nor the steady hand for complicated make-up. Do your normal thing in the morning and take essentials only

to give it some oomph for the evening. Vocabulary:

to negotiate – вести переговоры, ухаживать; to buff – полировать;

inopportune – несвоевременный, неподходящий; to feel inconvenienced – чувствовать неудобство;

to squeeze – втиснуть; underpinning – крепления, корсет; oomph – энергия, пикантность, обаяние.

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Приложение 1

Список часто используемых газетных штампов To be currently on a state visit – находиться в настоящее время с

государственным визитом To be extremely gratified – выражать огромную благодарность

To lose a support – лишиться поддержки To resort to military force – применить военную силу

To expect a favourable decision To suspend an application – приостановит рассмотрение заявки

To prolong mandate – продлить мандат To restore sovereignty – восстановить суверенитет

To cancel talks (negotiations) – отменить переговоры To appoint talks (negotiations) – назначить переговоры

To hold talks (negotiations) – провести переговоры To conclude talks (negotiations) – завершить переговоры

To resume talks – возобновить переговоры To resolve all problems and differences – разрешить все вопросы и разногласия To achieve a considerable progress – достигнуть значительного прогресса

To score new strategic successes – добиться новых стратегических успехов To improve mutual relations – улучшить взаимоотношения

A regular round of talks – очередной раунд переговоров To yield on the question of… – уступить в вопросе о …

To come under control of… – перейти под контроль To inflict a great damage –нанести значительный ущерб

To express a preference – отдать предпочтение To share profit – разделить выгоду

To attach a great importance – придавать важное значение To launch a project – запустить проект

To build a launch site – построить стартовую площадку To carry the threat of…– влекут за собой определенную угрозу To take measures – принять меры

Current election campaign – текущая предвыборная кампания To experience a commercial pressure – испытывать коммерческое давление

To find a niche in the market – найти свою нишу на рынке Giant of heavy engineering works – гигант тяжелого машиностроения

To experience hardships – переживать трудности To adapt to new market conditions – адаптироваться к новым условиям рынка

To attract investments – привлечь инвестиции The lack of skilled personnel – нехватка квалифицированных кадров

Privatization is in full swing – приватизация идёт полным ходом A revival in the construction industry – оживление в сфере строительства

To manifest an interest in… – проявить интерес к…

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Best-selling products – продукция, пользующаяся наибольшей популярностью To keep one’s cost a secret – держать стоимость в секрете

To cut tariffs considerably – значительно снизить тарифы Environmental friendly – экологически безопасный For services to environmental conservation – за заслуги в области охраны

окружающей среды Among the dramatic events – среди грозных событий

To take one’s stand for – занять исходную позицию для… To incorporate in basis – положить в основу

To veil of secrecy covered – покрытый завесою тайны To remove a ban on… – снять запрет на …

Within a relatively brief period – за сравнительно небольшой срок An agreement on mutually beneficial cooperation – договор о взаимовыгодном

сотрудничество To describe most accurately – наиболее точно характеризовать

Within the overall process of national development – в общем процессе национального развития

To approach the essence – подойти к существу дела To be rewarded to one’s merit – быть вознагражденным по заслугам Problems of great practical importance – задачи, представляющие большой

практический интерес Labour productivity raise – увеличение производительности труда

The worst-hit regions – наиболее пострадавшие районы To face trial – предстать перед судом

Under the guise of – под видом May play into the hands of… – может сыграть на руку

The scene of the crime – место преступления To find one’s guilty beyond doubt – установить чью-либо бесспорную вину

Tarnished reputation – запятнанная репутация While carrying out professional duties – при исполнении профессионального

долга Residence permit – вид на постоянное жительство To request the government – обратиться к правительству

Allotting financial help – выделение финансовой помощи To allocate funds – выделить средства

To effect – воплотить в жизнь The permissible error – допустимая погрешность

This plays a key / vital / prominent / Это играет ключевую / жизненную / important / major role in ... видную / важную / главную роль в ...

This aspect is of fundamental / great / Этот аспект имеет фундаментальную/ vital importance for ... большую/жизненную важность для ...

It's common knowledge that... Общеизвестно, что ... To be of no importance – не иметь никакого значения

To fail to understand – недоумевать

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Приложение 2

Список аббревиатур, встречающихся в текстах газет CEO (Chief executive officer) – председатель правления

CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America) – совет модных дизайнеров Америки

CTBT (Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty) – договор о всеобъемлющим запрещении ядерных испытаний

ESA (Endangered species act) – закон о сохранении исчезающих видов животных и птиц

GDP (gross domestic product) – Валовой внутренний продукт GNP (gross national product) – Валовой национальный продукт

GOP – Республиканская партия США GPS – глобальная система местоопределения

MAI (member appraisers institute) – член организации оценщиков NASA (National Aeronautic and Space Administration) – Национальное

управление по исследованию космического пространства NHS (National Health System) – государственная система здравоохранения NPD (New product development) – разработка новых видов продукции

NPT (non-proliferation treaty) – договор о нераспространении ядерного оружия PFI (Private Finance Initiative) – программа частного финансирования

PM (Prime Minister) – премьер министр SDP (Socialist Democratic Party) – социалдемократическая партия

TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) – туннелепроходческая машина UN (United Nations) – Организация объединенных наций

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Список литературы

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