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เอกสารประกอบการเรียนภาษาอังกฤษ เลม 2 ศูนยภาษา กรมยุทธศึกษาทหารอากาศ

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เอกสารประกอบการเรียนภาษาอังกฤษ เลม 2



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บทที่ ๑ คําสรรพนาม (Pronouns) ๑

บทที่ ๒ กริยาชวย (Modal, Helping Verbs, Auxiliary Verbs) ๔

บทที่ ๓ คําคุณศัพท (Adjectives) ๙

บทที่ ๔ คํากริยาวิเศษณ (Adverbs) ๑๒

บทที่ ๕ การเปรียบเทียบ (Comparison) ๑๗

บทที่ ๖ คําบุพบท (Prepositions) ๒๖

บทที่ ๗ กริยาวลี (Phrasal Verbs) ๓๒

บทที่ ๘ คําศัพท (Vocabulary) ๓๗

บทที่ ๙ คําศัพทเพิ่มเติม (More Vocabulary) ๔๘

บทที่ ๑๐ อื่นๆ (Miscellaneous) ๕๔

เฉลยคําตอบ (Answer Key) ๖๓

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1 บทท่ี ๑ คําสรรพนาม (Pronouns)

คําสรรพนามคือคําท่ีใชแทนคํานาม คําสรรพนามมีหลายประเภท ในท่ีนี้จะอธิบายเฉพาะท่ีพบบอย ๆ ในแบบทดสอบ

ECL รวมทั้งคําคุณศัพทท่ีแสดงความเปนเจาของท่ีมีรูปคลายกันกับคําสรรพนามที่แสดงความเปนเจาของ และคําสรรพนามที่ใชเนน


เอกพจน (Singular) พหูพจน (Plural)









บุรุษท่ี ๑ I me We us

บุรุษท่ี ๒ You you You you

บุรุษท่ี ๓ He, She, It him, her, it They them

ผูพูด เรียกวา สรรพนามบุรุษท่ี ๑ เอกพจน คือ I พหูพจนคือ We

ผูที่พูดดวย เรียกวา สรรพนามบุรุษที่ ๒ เอกพจน พหูพจน คือ You

ผูที่ถูกกลาวถึง เรียกวา สรรพนามบุรุษท่ี ๓ เอกพจนคือ He, She, It พหูพจน คือ They


๑. สรรพนามท่ีทําหนาที่ประธานของประโยค (subject) ไดแก I, You, We, They, He, She, It

๒. สรรพนามท่ีทําหนาที่กรรมของประโยค (object) ไดแก me, you, us, them, him, her, it

๓. คําคุณศัพทท่ีอยูหนาคํานามและแสดงความเปนเจาของ (possessive adjective) ไดแก my, your, our, their, his,

her, its

๔. คําสรรพนามท่ีแสดงความเปนเจาของ (possessive pronoun) ไดแก mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers, its

๕. คําสรรพนามท่ีใชเนนวาประธานเปนผูกระทํากริยาเองหรือทําใหตัวเอง (reflexive pronoun) ไดแก myself, yourself,

yourselves, ourselves, themselves, himself, herself, itself

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2 Personal


Subject Object Possessive






บุรษท่ี ๑


I know Tom Tom knows


It’s my car. It’s mine. I enjoyed myself.

บุรุษท่ี ๑


We know Tom. Tom knows


It’s our car. It’s ours. We enjoyed


บุรุษท่ี ๒


You know


Tom knows


It’s your car. It’s yours. You enjoyed


บุรุษท่ี ๒


You know


Tom knows


It’s your car. It’s yours. You enjoyed


บุรุษท่ี ๓


He knows Tom. Tom knows


It’s his car. It’s his. He enjoyed


บุรุษท่ี ๓


She knows


Tom knows


It’s her car. It’s hers. She enjoyed


บุรุษท่ี ๓


It knows Tom. Tom knows it. It’s its car. It’s its. It enjoyed itself.

บุรุษท่ี ๓


They know


Tom knows


It’s their car. It’s theirs. They enjoyed


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3 Exercise

1. This home is ________.

a. them b. our c. ours d. their

2. She prepares breakfast for ______ and her husband.

a. himself b. hers c. she d. herself

3. _____ was very cold last night.

a. There b. It c. Their d. Where

4. He just finished an experiment. It was one of ____ most successful experiments.

a. her b. it c. him d. his

5. Those flowers smell good. Where did you get ____?

a. it b. them c. they d. him

6. The book on the table is _______.

a. us b. them c. ours d. us

7. She prepares breakfast for ____ and her husband.

a. himself b. hers c. she d. herself

8. Did you buy ___ some notebooks at the bookstore?

a. he b. his c. him d. himself

9. Is this your room? Yes, this room is ____.

a. yours b. my c. your d. mine

10. Those hats are _____.

a. There’s b. their c. them d. theirs

11. I bought a present for _____.

a. her b. hers c. your d, mine

12. It is a secret between you and ______.

a. me b. I c. he d. they

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บทที่ ๒ กริยาชวย (Modal, Helping Verbs, Auxiliary Verbs)

กริยาชวย ภาษาอังกฤษใชวา modal Verbs, auxiliary Verbs หรือ helping verbs เชน can, may, might, should,

must เปนตน มีโครงสรางดังนี้

ประธาน (subject) +กริยาชวย + กริยาท่ีไมเปล่ียนรูป (infinitive) เชน

Tom can ski. ทอมเลนสกีได

Jan should work harder. แจนควรทํางานหนักข้ึน

ประโยคบอกเลา ประโยคคําถาม



กริยาชวย กริยาไมเปลี่ยนรูป กริยาชวย ประธาน














ought to




work (harder).
















work (harder)?

Modal Verbs หรือ

Auxiliary Verbs

uses (การใช) ตัวอยางประโยค

may / might


1. แสดงถึงส่ิงท่ีมีความเปนไปไดวาจะเกิดข้ึน (used to

say that something is possible)

2. แสดงการขอรองอยางสุภาพ

(polite request)

He may/ might come to the party tonight.

เขาอาจจะมางานสังสรรคคืนนี ้

May / Might I borrow your pen?


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3. การใหอนุญาต (formal permission)

You may leave the room.


can /

is, am, are + able to


1. แสดงความสามารถ (ability)

2. แสดงการใหอนุญาต (informal permission)

3. แสดงการขออนุญาต (informal polite request)

4. แสดงความเปนไปไมได ใชเฉพาะประโยค

ปฏิเสธเทานั้น ( impossibility)

I can swim. / I am able to swim.


You can use my car today. /

You are able to use my car today.


Can I borrow you pen?


That can’t be true!


should, had better,

ought to


1. ใหคําแนะนํา (advisability)

2. แสดงความม่ันใจท่ีนาจะเปนไปได 90%

( 90% certainty : expectation)

He should study tonight. /

He ought to study tonight. /

He had better study tonight.

เขาควรจะทบทวนบทเรียนคืนนี ้

He should do well on the test.


must / have to, has

to, had to


1. แสดงถึงความจําเปน (strong necessity)

2. แสดงการหามไมใหทํา ในรูปประโยคปฏิเสธ

(prohibition : negative)

3. แสดงความมั่นใจที่นาจะเปนไปได 95%

( 95% certainty)

I must go to class today.

ผมตองไปเขาชั้นเรียนวันนี ้

You must not open that door.


Mary isn’t in class. She must be sick.

แมร่ีไมอยูในช้ันเรียน เธอตองไมสบายแน ๆ

Will / be going to 1. แสดงถึงเหตุการณท่ีจะเกิดขึ้นในอนาคต

I will go to the movie tonight. /

I am going to the movie tonight.

ผมจะไปดูหนังคืนนี ้

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2. แสดงการใหคําม่ันสัญญา He will take care of everything for you.


He is going to take care of everything for


have to แปลวา ตอง ใชเพ่ือบอกถึงสิ่งที่ประธานตองทํา ประโยคท่ีแสดงถึงปจจุบัน มีความหมายเดียวกับ must

มีการใชดังนี้ ประธาน +have / has to + กริยาท่ีไมเปล่ียนรูป

I/ We/ You/ They have to do

work He/ She/ It has to

must มีการใชดังนี้ ประธาน + must + กริยาท่ีไมเปล่ียนรูป

I / You / We / They

He / She / It






Jim must hand his paper in by this Friday. จิมตองสงรายงานภายในวันศุกรนี ้

She has to go now. เธอตองไปเด๋ียวนี ้

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7 โครงสรางของกริยาชวยท่ีควรทราบในการเตรียมตัวสอบ ECL อีกโครงสรางหนึ่ง คือ



กริยาชอง 3 (past participle)




ought to










1. We have to meet with our teacher at 09:00.

a. must b. can

c. should d. may

2. The flight surgeon will see you as soon as he _____.

a. could b. possible

c. will be able to d. can

3. The class may go on a picnic tomorrow. It ____ on the weather.

a. determines b. waits

c. depends d. relies

4. I have to finish this job before I can go home.

a. I want to finish the job. b. I should finish the job.

c. I might finish the job. d. I must finish the job.

5. The students who are waiting outside ____ come in now.

a. can b. would

c. may have d. had

6. I don’t remember that song, but I ____ have heard it before.

a. can b. will

c. would d. might

7. I ____ write him if I knew his address.

a. will b. would

c. can d. like

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8 8. ____ you mind opening the door?

a. Could b. Should

c. Would d. Might

9. I have to see the dentist.

a. I should see him. b. I won’t see him.

c. I have seen him. D. I must see him.

10. If Rob needs your help, I ____ you right away.

a. going to tell b. am telling

c. will tell d. had told

11. She must have ____ out. I can’t see her.

a. be b. has

c. been d. had

12. He looks tired. He might have _____ awake all night.

a. could b. been

c. has d. had

13. I think Tom must have ____ all the milk. There’s none left.

a. drunk b. drank

c. drinking d. drink

14. Look at her outfit. Mary must have ____ somewhere hot on her vacation.

a. go b. going

c. goes d. gone

15. It’s late. She may have ____ the wrong road.

a. take b. took

c. taken d. taking

16. Since it is so cold, _____ we move around a little?

a. mustn’t b. haven’t

b. shouldn’t d. wouldn’t

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บทท่ี ๓ คําคุณศัพท (Adjectives)

คําคุณศัพท (adjectives) คือคําท่ีใชขยายคํานาม เพื่อบอกรายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับคํานามนั้น เชน

บอกลักษณะ : good ดี, bad เลว, fat อวน, thin ผอม, ugly นาเกลียด, beautiful สวย

บอกขนาด : small เล็ก, big ใหญ, large ใหญ, short สั้น, long ยาว

บอกสี : purple สีมวง, white สีขาว, red สีแดง, blue สีน้ําเงิน, yellow สีเหลือง, black สีดํา

บอกจํานวน : one หนึ่ง, two สอง, three สาม, four สี่, five หา

บอกความเปนเจาของ (Possessive Adjectives) : my ของฉัน, your ของคุณ, our ของเรา, his ของเขาผูชาย, her


ตําแหนงของ Adjectives มีอยู ๒ แหง คือ

๑. อยูหนาคํานาม (noun) ท่ีขยาย


Win is a good student. วินเปนนักเรียนท่ีดี

I bought a purple bag yesterday. ฉันซื้อกระเปาสีมวงหนึ่งใบเม่ือวานนี ้

She has three dogs and two cats. เธอมีสุนัขสามตัวและแมวสองตัว

Suda is my sister. สุดาเปนนองสาวของฉัน

๒. อยูหลัง verb to be หรือ linking verbs คํากริยาท่ีสามารถตามดวยคําคุณศัพทเหมือน( verb to be เชน look, smell,

sound, feel, taste, seem, appear, become, turn)

คําคุณศัพท (adjective) + noun

ประธาน (subject) + verb to be + คําคุณศัพท (adjectives)

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10 ตัวอยางประโยค

Alana is beautiful. อลานาเปนคนสวย

Her eyes are blue. ดวงตาของเธอเปนสีน้ําเงิน

The trees are old and big. ตนไมมีอายุมากและมีขนาดใหญ


She looks very sad. เธอดูเศรามาก

The soup tastes good. ซุปมีรสชาติดี

Put the milk in the fridge before it turns bad. เอานมไปใสตูเย็นกอนท่ีมันจะเสีย


1. He becomes very angry when his roommate disturbs him.

a. obtains b. receives

c. gets d. increases

2. Does the food taste _____?

a. bad b. worse

c. badly d. lively

3. Jack gave a definite answer to the question. His answer was _____.

a. happy b. firm

c. not clear d. long

ประธาน (subject) + linking verb + คําคุณศัพท (adjectives)

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11 4. That steel pipe cannot be bent. It is _____.

a. rigid b. artificial

c. soft d. dirty

5. The child was frightened.

a. delighted b. enlighted

c. afraid d. pleased

6. Mr. Smith was in a hurry. Mr. Smith was _____.

a. rushed b. weak

c. tired d. comfortable

7. My shoes are comfortable.

a. They are too small. b. They are very tight.

c. They are too big. D, They feel good.

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บทที่ ๔ คํากริยาวิเศษณ (Adverbs)

คํากริยาวิเศษณ (Adverbs) คือคําใชขยายหรือเปนคําที่ประกอบคําชนิดตางๆ เพื่อท่ีจะทําใหไดความหมายชัดเจนและ

สมบูรณย่ิงข้ึน ไดแก

1. คํากริยาวิเศษณ (Adverbs) ใชขยายคํากริยา (Verb) ตัวอยางเชน

She completely forgets to bring me money. (completely เปน adverb ขยายคํากริยา forget )

2. คํากริยาวิเศษณ (Adverbs) ใชขยายคําคุณศัพท (Adjective) ตัวอยางเชน

Today, the weather is extremely hot. (extremely เปน adverb ขยายคําคุณศัพท hot )

3. คํากริยาวิเศษณ (Adverbs) ใชขยายคํากริยาวิเศษณ (Adverb) ตัวอยางเชน

The boat travels very slowly. ( very เปน adverb ขยายคําวา slowly ซึ่งเปน adverbs )

คํากริยาวิเศษณ สวนใหญมาจากคําคุณศัพทโดยการเติม ly ทายคําโดยมีหลักการทําดังนี้

1. เอาคําคุณศัพทมาเติม ly ไดเลย เชน

beautiful beautifully อยางสวยงาม

quiet quietly อยางเงียบๆ

wonderful wonderfully อยางยอดเยี่ยม

2. คําคุณศัพทที่ลงทายดวย e ใหตัด e ออก แลวเติม ly

true truly อยางแทจริง

3. คําคุณศัพทท่ีลงทายดวย y ใหเปล่ียน y เปน i แลวเติม ly เชน

happy happily อยางมีความสุข

angry angrily อยางฉุนเฉียว

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4. คําคุณศัพทท่ีลงทายดวย le ใหตัด e ออก แลวเติม y

simple simply งายๆ ชัดเจน

possible possibly เปนไปได

Note: คําท่ีลงทายดวย ly อยูแลวแตเปนคําคุณศัพท (adjective) ไดแกคําวา

friendly เปนมิตร lovely นารัก lonely โดดเด่ียว

ugly นาเกลียด silly ง่ีเงา

คําท่ีมีรูปเหมือนกันเปนไดท้ังคําคุณศัพทและคํากริยาวิเศษณ ไดแกคําวา

fast เร็ว

hard ยาก แข็ง

far ไกล

pretty มาก ทีเดียว

early เชา เร็ว แตเชา

เชน He runs fast. เขาวิ่งเร็วมาก

run เปนคํากริยา (verb) fast เปนกริยาวิเศษณ (adverb) ขยายคํากริยา (verb) run

He is a fast runner. เขาเปนนักวิ่งที่วิ่งเร็วมากคนหนึ่ง

runner เปนคํานาม (noun) fast เปนคําคุณศัพท (adjective) ขยายคํานาม (noun) runner

He works hard. เขาทํางานหนัก

work เปนคํากริยา (verb) hard เปนกริยาวิเศษณ (adverb) ขยายคํากริยา (verb) work

He is a hard worker.

worker เปนคํานาม (noun) hard เปนคําคุณศัพท (adjective) ขยายคํานาม (noun) worker

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Adverbs มี 4 ประเภท คือ

1. Adverbs of Manner เปนคํากริยาวิเศษณท่ีใชขยายกริยาบอกลักษณะของการกระทํา กลุมคํานี้มักมาจากคําคุณศัพท

(adjective) แลวเติม ly เชน slow - slowly careful –carefull brave - bravely


He sits quietly in that room. เขานั่งอยูในหองนั้นอยางเงียบๆ




He speaks slowly. เขาพูดชา

He speaks English slowly. เขาพูดภาษาอังกฤษอยางชา

2. Adverbs of Place เปนกริยาคําวิเศษณท่ีใชขยายกริยา เพื่อบอกถึงสถานท่ีที่การกระทํานั้นเกิดขึ้น เชน here, there, inside,

near, upstairs


He is sleeping there. เขากําลังนอนหลับอยูท่ีนั่น

วิธีใช วางไวหลังกริยาหรือทายประโยค


- They like to play outdoors.


3. Adverbs of Time เปนคําวิเศษณที่ขยายกริยาเพ่ือบอก

เวลาท่ีมีการกระทํานั้นๆเกิดข้ึน เชน today, now, early, soon, tomorrow, again


I will come back soon. ฉันจะกลับมาเร็วๆนี้

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วิธีใช วางไวหลังกริยาหรือทายประโยค ยกเวนเมื่อตองการเนนเวลาจึงวางไวหนาประโยค


He will arrive soon. เขาจะมาถึงเร็วๆนี้

Yesterday he came here. เขามาท่ีนี่เม่ือวานนี ้

4. Adverbs of Frequency เปนคํากริยาวิเศษณท่ีใชขยายคํากริยาเพ่ือบอกใหรูวาการกระทํานั้นเกิดขึ้นบอยแคไหน เชน often,

never, always, sometimes, usually, hardly (ever), rarely, scarcely, seldom, etc.


I always miss him. ฉันคิดถึงเขาเสมอ

He never comes here. เขาไมเคยมาที่นี่


1. วางไวหนาคํากริยาตัวอยาง เชน

He often comes late. เขามาสายบอยๆ

2. วางไวหลัง verb to be เชน

He is never late. เขาไมเคยสาย


1. A pilot must hold the stick ______.

a firmly b. firming c. firmed d. firm

2. That soldier fights ____ of all.

a. courageously c. more courageously

b. the most courageously d. as courageously

3. This plane does not travel ____ that one.

a. more faster than c. faster

b. fast d. as fast as

4. _____ do you speak and write English?

a. How long c. How many

b. How good d. How well

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5. George drives at a low rate of speed. He drives _____.

a. fast c. slow

b. fastly d. slowly

6. Fish spoils _____ if it is not kept on ice.

a. easy c. easily

b. ease d. easing

7. He used caution while driving in the rain. He drove ____.

a. as usual c. happily

b. dangerously d. carefully

8. This is how it actually happened.

a. supposedly c. probably

b. really d. mistakenly

9. They work ____ in the classroom.

a. good c. well

b. slow d. careful

10. The car approached at an extremely high speed.

a. a legally c. a very

b. a normally d. a fast

11. We must ____ drive a car without a driver’s license.

a. always c. never

b. usually d. perhaps

12. He walks _____.

a. fast c. slow

b. careful d, careless

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บทท่ี ๕ การเปรียบเทียบ (Comparison)

การเปรียบเทียบคําคุณศัพทและคํากริยาวิเศษณ ซึ่งมีข้ันของการเปรียบเทียบอยู 3 ชั้น ไดแก

1. ข้ันปกติ (Positive degree) ใชเปรียบเทียบบุคคลหรือสิ่งตางๆ ต้ังแต 2 สิ่งขึ้นไป มีวิธีการเปรียบเทียบโดยใชโครงสราง

ดังนี ้

แสดงโดยใช "as + คําคุณศัพท ( adjective) หรือ คํากริยาวิเศษณ (adverb) + as"

(not) as

(not) so

คําคุณศัพท ( adjective) หรือ

คํากริยาวิเศษณ (adverb)


This pencil is as long as that one. (ดินสอแทงนี้ยาวเทากับแทงนั้น

สําหรับในประโยคปฏิเสธ ในขอสอบ ECL ใชไดทั้ง 2 แบบ คือ

"not so + รูป positive + as" เชน This pencil is not so long as that one.

"not as + รูป positive + as" เชน This pencil is not as long as that one.

ใช "as + many หรือ much + คํานาม (noun) + as"

as many + คํานามนับได (countable noun)

much + คํานามนับไมได (uncountable noun)


เชน He has as much money as his friends. เขามีเงินมากเทากับเพื่อนของเขา

In Bangkok, I have as many friends as you. ท่ีกรุงเทพฯ ผมมีเพ่ือนมากเทากับท่ีคุณมี

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ใช the same as / similar to / like + คํานาม (noun) หรือ คําสรรพนาม (pronoun) มีความหมายวา

เหมือนกับ คลายกับ

คํานาม (Noun)

คําสรรพนาม (pronoun)

Verb be

is, am, are,

was, were

the same (noun) as

similar to


คํานาม (Noun)

คําสรรพนาม (pronoun)

different from


เชน Jim is the same age as John. จิมอายุเทากับจอหน

My shirt is the same color as that boy’s. เสื้อของผมสีเหมือนกับเสื้อของเด็กผูชายคนนั้น

My pencil is similar to yours. ดินสอของผมเหมือนกับดินสอของคุณ

Joy is like her mother. จอยเหมือนแมของเธอ

My idea is different from yours. ความคิดเห็นของผมแตกตางจากความคิดของคุณ

ใช the same / similar / alike วางไวทายประโยค มีความหมายวา เหมือนกัน คลายกัน

คํานาม (Noun)

คําสรรพนาม (pronoun)


คํานาม (Noun)

คําสรรพนาม (pronoun)

Verb be

is, am, are,

was, were

the same




เชน My house and yours are the same.

Our shoes are similar.

My sister and I are alike.

My dogs and his are different.

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2. การเปรียบเทียบข้ันกวา (Comparative Degree) หมายถึง การเปรียบเทียบระหวางบุคคลสองคน หรือของสองสิ่ง


1. เติม er หลังคํา adjective หรือ adverb และเชื่อมดวย than เชน

Charles is bigger than George. ชารลสตัวใหญกวาจอรจ

Jim works harder than his friend. จิมทํางานหนักกวาเพ่ือนของเขา

2. เติม more หรือ less ไวขางหนา adjective หรือ adverb และเช่ือมดวย than เชน

His car is more expensive than mine. รถของเขาแพงกวารถของฉัน

He writes less beautifully than his friend. .เขาเขียนสวยนอยกวาเพื่อนของเขา

3. ข้ันสูงสุด (Superlative degree) โดยการเติม est ขางทายคําคุณศัพท หรือเติม most หรือ leastขางหนา เชน

That was the longest pencil. นั่นเปนดินสอแทงท่ียาวที่สุด

He is the oldest boy of the class. เขาเปนเด็กท่ีอายุมากท่ีสุดในช้ัน

Positive Comparative Superlative

small (เล็ก) smaller than the smallest

fair (ยุติธรรม) fairer than the fairest

sweet (หวาน) sweeter than the sweetest

clear (แจมใส) clearer than the clearest

few (เล็กนอย) fewer than the fewest

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20 เชน John’s house is as small as Tom’s house. Sue is as beautiful as Mary.

Jim’s house is smaller than Alice’s house. Jane is more beautiful than Sarah.

Jim’s house is the smallest. Sam’s house is the biggest.

Nan is the most beautiful. This ring is the least expensive.

กฎในการเปลี่ยนคําคุณศัพท (adjective) หรือ คํากริยาวิเศษณ (adverb) ใหอยูในขั้นกวา (Comparative degree) และ

ข้ันสูงสุด (Superlative degree) มีวิธีดังนี้

1. คําคุณศัพท (adjective) หรือ คํากริยาวิเศษณ (adverb) ของคําที่มีพยางคเดียว เปล่ียนเปน ขั้นกวา (Comparative

degree) ดวยการเติม –er ข้ันสูงสุด (superlative degree) เติม –est เชน

Positive degree


Comparative degree


Superlative degree


cheap ถูก

clean สะอาด

cold เย็น

new ใหม

long ยาว

small เล็ก

rich รวย

strong แข็งแรง

tall สูง

poor จน

cheaper ถูกกวา

cleaner สะอาดกวา

colder เย็นกวา

newer ใหมกวา

longer ยาวกวา

smaller เล็กกวา

richer รวยกวา

stronger แข็งแรงกวา

taller สูงกวา

poorer จนกวา

cheapest ถูกท่ีสุด

cleanest สะอาดที่สุด

coldest เย็นท่ีสุด

newest ใหมท่ีสุดlongest


smallest เล็กท่ีสุด

richest รวยท่ีสุด

strongest แข็งแรงท่ีสุด

tallest สูงทีสุด

poorest จนท่ีสุด

2. คําคุณศัพท (adjective) หรือ คํากริยาวิเศษณ (adverb) พยางคเดียวที่มีตัวสระตัวเดียว ตัวสะกดตัวเดียว และออกเสียง

ส้ันๆ กอนเติม-er หรือ -estตองเติมตัวสะกดอีกตัวหนึ่ง เชน

Positive degree


Comparative degree


Superlative degree


big ใหญ

fat อวน

hot รอน

sad เศรา

thin ผอม

wet เปยก

bigger ใหญกวา

fatter อวนกวา

hotter รอนกวา

sadder เศรากวา

thinner ผอมกวา

wetter เปยกกวา

biggest ใหญท่ีสุด

fattest อวนท่ีสุด

hottest รอนทีสุด

sadder เศราท่ีสุด

thinnest ผอมที่สุด

wettest เปยกท่ีสุด

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3. คําคุณศัพท (adjective) หรือ คํากริยาวิเศษณ (adverb) ที่ลงทายดวย y และหนา y เปนพยัญชนะ ใหเปลี่ยน y เปน i

แลวเติม –er หรือ –est เชน

Positive degree


Comparative degree


Superlative degree


angry โกรธ

dirty สกปรก

early เร็ว

funny ตลก

happy มีความสุข

heavy หนัก

easy งาย

pretty นารัก

sunny สวาง

angrier โกรธกวา

dirtier สกปรกกวา

earlier เร็วกวา

funnier ตลกกวา

happier มีความสุขกวา

heavier หนักกวา

easier งายกวา

prettier นารักกวา

sunnier สวางกวา

angriest โกรธท่ีสุด

dirtiest สกปรกท่ีสุด

earliest เร็วที่สุด

funniest ตลกท่ีสุด

happiest มีความสุขท่ีสุด

heaviest หนักท่ีสุด

easiest งายท่ีสุด

prettiest นารักที่สุด

sunniest สวางท่ีสุด

4. คําคุณศัพท (adjective) หรือ คํากริยาวิเศษณ (adverb) ที่เปนคําสามพยางคและ adjectiveท่ีลงทายดวย –ed และ –ing

ใหเติม more หรือ the most หนาคําเหลานั้น เชน

Positive degree


Comparative degree


Superlative degree


beautiful สวย

comfortable สบาย

interesting นาสนใจ

exciting นาต่ืนเตน

important สําคัญ

worried รูสึกกังวล

tired รูสึกเหนื่อย

more beautiful. สวยกวา

more comfortable. สบายกวา

more interesting นาสนใจกวา

more exciting. นาตื่นเตนกวาmore

important. สําคัญกวา

more worried รูสึกกังวลกวา

more tired รูสึกเหนื่อยกวา

most beautiful สวยที่สุด

most comfortable สบายท่ีสุด

most interesting นาสนใจท่ีสุด

most exciting นาต่ืนเตนท่ีสุด

most important สําคัญท่ีสุด

most worried รูสึกกังวลท่ีสุด

most tired เหนื่อยที่สุด

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คําคุณศัพท (adjective) หรือ คํากริยาวิเศษณ A( adverb) บางคําท่ีมีรูปอยูในขั้นกวาและข้ันสูงสุดไมเปนไปตามกฎ เชน

Positive degree


Comparative degree


Superlative degree


good/ well ดี

bad เลว

much/many มาก

little นอย

few นอย

far ไกล

better than ดีกวา

worse than เลวกวา

more than มากกวา

less than นอยกวา

fewer than นอยกวา

farther /further than ไกลกวา

the best ดีที่สุด

the worst เลวท่ีสุด

the most มากท่ีสุด

the least นอยท่ีสุด

the fewest นอยที่สุด

the farthest/furthest than ไกลท่ีสุด

เชน Mary is as good as Tom. Tom is better than Jim. Bob is the best.

Ann is as bad as her sister. Jim is worse than Sue. Jane is the worst.



1. Bobby is 13 years old. His brother is 17. Bobby is _____ than his brother.

a. too young b. younger

c. youngest d. young

2. My house is _____ from the bank than the post office.

a. far b. as far

c. too far d. farther

3. The weather is ____ today than it was last night.

a. good b. better

c. nice d. best

4. American food tastes _____ when one gets used to it.

a. better b. very best

c. more good d. more better

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23 5. John isn’t as fat now ____ he was.

a. than b. that

c. when d. as

6. Joe has two pencils. One is _____ than the other.

a. more long b. longer

c. longest d. long

7. My car does not travel _____ as yours.

a. as fast b. more fast

c. fast d. faster than

8. There are many more students in the school now _____ there used to be.

a. than b. as

c. that d. from

9. Arnold is _____ boy in the family.

a. most tallest b. the tallest

c. tallest d. taller

10. Ann is ____ her sister.

a. prettiest than b. prettier than

c. more prettier than d. as pretty than

11. Glady isn’t quite as pretty, now ____ she used to be.

a. that b. as

c. from d. when

12. Jack is taller than John, but Bill is taller than either of them. Bill is ____.

a. the taller of the three b. more taller

c. the tallest of the three d. most taller

13. The Grand Canyon in Arizona is one of the most _____ sights in America.

a. beautiful b. beauty

c. beautifully d. very beautifully

14. This is ____ building in our country.

a. the most famous b. most famous

c. more famous d. the more famous

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24 15. May I ask if it’s ___ to make it than to buy one?

a. cheapest b. cheap

c. cheaper d. most cheap

16. This camera takes a ____ picture than mine.

a. good b. best

c. better d. nice

17. That blonde is ____ the brunette.

a. prettier than b. prettiest

c. more pretty d. pretty as

18. The higher we climb, the ____ the air becomes.

a. lightest b. lighter

c. denser d. heavier

19. The sooner you come, _______.

a. the later you will arrive, b. it will be early enough.

c. we will have less time. D. the more time we will have.

20. Traveling by car is often the easiest and cheapest way to travel.

a. most expensive b. least expensive

c. most comfortable d. least popular

21. Is this city bigger than your hometown?

a. Yes, this city is bigger. b. Yes, my hometown is a big city.

c. Yes, it is my hometown. d. Yes. I like big city.

22. The classroom is _____ the film room.

a. as wide as b. as wide from

c. as wide than d. so wide as

23. I can’t tell them apart because they are so much _____.

a. slower b. less

c. trouble d. alike

24. Jack is better than the other players on his ream. In fact he is _____.

a. the tallest player b. the oldest player

c. heaviest player d. the best player.

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25 25. My car can go ____ than your car.

a. more faster b. more fastest

c. faster d. fast

26. Nancy is not as beautiful as Elaine.

a. much beautiful b. more beautiful than

c. most beautiful d. less beautiful than

27. This chair is similar ____ mine.

a. as b. from

c. than d. to

28. Ed is six feet tall. His brother is five feet tall. Ed is ____ his brother.

a. tallest of b. taller than

c. as tall as d. more tall

29. The Nile River is the ____ river in the world.

a. longer b. more long

c. longest d. long

30. There are many small towns similar ____ this one.

a. of b. as

c. than d. to

31. This contract is _____ than the previous one.

a. satisfactory c. in a satisfactory manner

b. more satisfactory d. the most satisfactory

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บทที่ ๖ คําบุพบท (Prepositions)

บุพบทคือคําที่ใชเชื่อมคํานาม (noun) คําสรรพนาม (pronoun) หรือวลี (phrase) เขาดวยกัน โดยคําหรือวลีที่อยูหลัง

บุพบทเรียกวา "กรรมตามหลังบุพบท (object after preposition) หรือ บุพบทวลี (prepositional phrase)” คําบุพบทจะใช


ในขอสอบ ECL มีคําบุพบทที่พบบอยๆ ไดแก

1. Preposition of Place คือคําบุพบทบอกตําแหนง สถานที่ ทิศทางของคํานามและคําสรรพนาม เชน



ความหมาย (meaning) ตัวอยาง (example)

beside next to ติดกับ อยูขาง ๆ Our house is beside the convenient store.

บานของเราอยูขาง ๆ รานสะดวกซ้ือ

across from opposite ตรงขาม Our house is across from the convenient store.


under below something ขางใต ขางลาง The cat is under the table.


above higher than something เหนือขึ้นไป


The picture hangs above my bed.


towards in the direction of something


We ran towards the castle.


through going from one point to the

other point ผานทะลุเขาไป

You shouldn't walk through the forest.


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between something./somebody is on

each side


Our house is between the convenient store and

the school.


among in a group


I like being among people.


close to / by /


near ใกลกับ Our house is close to / by / near the convenient



along in a line; from one point to

another ไปตามทาง

They're walking along the beach.


behind / in back


at the back of


Our house is behind the convenient store.


in front of the part that is in the direction it



Our house is in front of the convenient store.


2. Preposition of Time คือบุพบทบอกเวลา ไดแก

In ใชกับ

ชื่อเดือน เชน in July; in September

ปค.ศ. เชน in 1985; in 1999

ชื่อฤดูกาล เชน in summer; in the summer of 69

ชวงเวลาของวัน เชน ตอนเชา ตอนบาย ตอนกลางคืน เชน in the morning; in the afternoon; in the evening

ระยะเวลา (ในอนาคต) เชน in a minute; in two weeks

at ใชกับ

ชวงของวัน เชน ตอนกลางคืน เชน at night (เปนสํานวน)

จุดเวลา เชน at 6 o'clock; at midnight

เทศกาล เชน at Christmas; at Easter

สํานวนเฉพาะ เชน at the same time

on ใชกับ

ชื่อวันในสัปดาห เชน on Sunday; on Friday

วันที่ เชน on the 25th of December

วันพิเศษ เชน on Good Friday; (วันศุกรของสัปดาหอีสเตอร)

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on Easter Sunday (วันอาทิตยซ่ึงเปนวันอีสเตอร)

on my birthday (วันเกิดของฉัน)


หลังจากกิจกรรมบางอยาง เชน after school (หลังเลิกเรียน)


กอนบางอยางจะเกิดขึ้น เชน before Christmas (กอนเทศกาลคริสตมาส)

by (มีความหมายเหมือน before)

กอนถึงเวลาหน่ึงๆ เชน by Thursday (กอนถึงวันพฤหัสบดี)


ระหวาง (+คํานาม) เชน during the holidays (ระหวางวันหยุด)


ระหวางสองจุดเวลา เชน between Monday and Friday (ระหวางวันจันทรถึงวันศุกร)

from ... to

ตั้งแต...จนถึง... เชน from Monday to Wednesday

from Monday till Wednesday

from... till/until

ตั้งแต...จนถึง... เชน from Monday until Wednesday (ตั้งแตวันจันทรถึงวันพุธ)

past เชน 23 minutes past 6 (6:23) (ถาแปลตรงตัวจะแปลวา ยี่สิบสามนาทีผานหก หมายความวา

ผานหกนาฬิกามาไดยี่สิบสามนาทีแลว = 6:23 น.)

to เชน 23 minutes to 6 (5:37) (ถาแปลตรงตัวจะแปลวา ยี่สิบสามนาที จะถึง หก ซ่ึงหมายความ

วา อีกยี่สิบสามนาทีจะหกนาฬิกา = 5:37 น.)

for เปนเวลา เชน for three weeks (เปนเวลาสามสัปดาห)


since ตั้งแต เชน since Monday (ตั้งแตวันจันทร)


till/until จนถึง เชน till tomorrow, until tomorrow (จนถึงวันพรุงน้ี)

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up to

ใชกับการบอกปริมาณเวลาวา เชน up to 6 hours a day (มากถึงหกชั่วโมงตอวัน)


within เชน within a day (ภายในหน่ึงวัน)




Choose the one correct answer a, b, c, or d.

1. The plane is flying………the air base.

a. between b. among c. over d. under

2. Duncan works across town. He works ………

a. on the other side of town b. on this side of town

c. in town d. outside of town

3. Headquarters is opposite to the lab. Headquarters is……..

a. on the other side of the lab b. next to the lab

c. across the street from the lab d. behind the lab

4. Don’t oppose his plans.

a. be for b. work against

c. caught d. complain about

5. The drugstore is opposite the barbershop.

a. It is next door to the barbershop.

b. It is different from the barbershop.

c. It is across the street from the barbershop.

d. It is behind the barbershop.

6. There is no one ……... us who could tell the difference.

a. upward b. among c. for d. from

7. The teacher was sitting behind his desk.

a. in back of b. under c. in front of d. next to

8. They have been waiting for me …….. 5 o’clock.

a. during b. since c. between d. for

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9. It rained a good deal ……… the summer season.

a. by b. on c. while d. during

10. The courthouse is located in the middle of the town square.

a. in the corner b. on the side

c. in the center d. at the back

11. Sandra is standing next to Joan. Sandra’s standing ………

a. beside her b. in front of her

c. behind her d. across from her

12. That experienced pilot won a victory ……… the younger enemy.

a. on b. of c. over d. to

13. He was in contact with the base ……… the entire flight.

a. since b. during c. across d. while

14. The teacher is sitting ……… her desk.

a. in b. to c. with d. at

15. We welcome the New Year ……… a lot of noise.

a. for b. with c. on d. by

16. I am studying English ……… the language school.

a. to b. at c. on d. from

17. Do you want me ……… the letter?

a. do mail b. for mail c. mailing d. to mail

18. You should use a pen ………

a. to writing b. of writing c. for writing d. for write

19. Students in many countries are interested ………

a. of the American Indian b. in the American Indian

c. at the American Indian d. on the American Indian

20. There are many small towns similar ……… this one.

a. of b. as c. than d. to

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21. Are you ready ……… the history examination?

a. in b. until c. from d. for

22. They will have a holiday ……… work next Monday.

a. at b. from c. about d. in

23. I took my clothes off and put ……… my pajamas.

a. on b. near c. with d. in

24. We don’t want to interfere with our visitors’ plans ……… any way.

a. in b. on c. from d. during

25. There is very little possibility ……… finding his lost pen.

a. by b. from c. of d. to

26. It rained a great deal ……… the spring season.

a. on b. for c. during d. up

27. I like to visit places such ……… museums and theaters.

a. than b. as c. like d. to

28. Was he absent ……… class yesterday?

a. from b. for c. to d. at

29. The bus will leave ……… half an hour.

a. by b. in c. to d. at

30. Your book is ……… the top of the table.

a. in b. on c. to d. about

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บทที่ ๗ กริยาวลี (Phrasal Verbs)

Phrasal Verbs หรือ Two word verbs คือ verb + preposition อาจจะมีความหมายเดิมหรือเปล่ียนไปจากเดิม เชน

look up ความหมายเดิม มองขึ้นไปขางบน

The children look up at the airplane. = เด็กๆเงยหนามองดูเครื่องบิน

look up เปนสํานวน มีความหมายใหมวา คนหา

The children look up the meaning of the word in the dictionary. = เด็กๆ คนหาความหมายของคําจาก


Phrasal Verbs ที่พบบอยๆ ในขอสอบ ECL ไดแก

1. account for = to be the reason or the explanation for

(อธิบายไดวา ใหเหตุผลสําหรับ)

2. ask for = to request (ขอรอง)

3. bring up (a new subject) = to introduce (พูดถึง แนะนํา)

4. call for (something) = to demand, to require (เรียกรอง)

5. carry out = to accomplish, to obey (ปฏิบัติตาม, ปฏิบัติงานสําเร็จ)

6. come across = to occur, to take place, to happen (เกิดขึ้น)

7. come in = to get in (เขามา)

8. come up = to have an idea (เกิดขึ้นในใจ)

9. count on = to depend on (พึ่งพา)

10. cut off = to interrupt (ขัดจังหวะ)

11. drink up = to drink to the last drop (ดื่มใหหมด)

12. fight off = to repel (ตอสูเพื่อขับไล)

13. figure out = to solve (แกปญหา)

14. fill up = to stuff (เติมใหเต็ม)

15. find out = to see, to discover (หาความจริง)

16. get ahead = to advance (นําหนา)

17. get in = to go in, to come in (มา เขามา)

18. get in touch with = to contact, to communicate (ติดตอ)

19. get off = to get out of a car (ลงจากรถ)

20. get on = to get in a car (ขึ้นรถ)

21. get out of = to leave (ออกจาก)

22. get over = to be over, to get through (ผานพน ยุติ ส้ินสุด)

23. get ready for = to prepare for (เตรียมพรอม)

24. get up = to wake up (ตื่น)

25. give up = to stop (ละทิ้ง เลิก ยอมแพ)

26. jot down = to write down (จด เขียน)

27. look after = to take care of (ดูแล)

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28. look at = to examine (ตรวจดู)

29. look for = to search for (คนหา)

30. look up = to look for information (คนหาขอมูล ความหมายของคํา)

31. pay attention = to care for (เอาใจใส)

32. pick out = to choose, to select (เลือก)

33. pick up = to get, to obtain (ไดรับ)

34. pile up = to accumulate (กอง สุม)

35. put on = to get on (วางบน สวมใส)

36. run into = to meet unexpectedly (พบเจอโดยบังเอิญ)

37. run out = to be used up (หมด)

38. set up = to establish, to put up (สราง ตั้ง กอ)

39. spin around = to go around, to rotate, to turn (หมุน)

40. stock up = to collect, to save up (เก็บสะสม สํารองไว)

41. take off = to depart (เครื่องบินขึ้น), ถอดเส้ือออก

42. take up = to continue something that has not been finished

yet (ดําเนินการตอในส่ิงที่ยังไมจบ)

43. turn down = to deny or refuse (ปฏิเสธ), to reduce the volume


44. turn in = to go to bed (เขานอน), to submit (สงงาน)

45. turn off = to stop the flow (ปด)

46. turn out = to become (กลับกลายเปน)

47. watch out = to be careful (ระวัง)

48. work out = to solve (แกไขปญหา)



Choose the one correct answer a, b, c, or d.

1. Hard work accounted for Edison’s success.

a. is not the reason for b. objected to

c. did not amount to d. was the reason for

2. Let’s……..the subject in class tomorrow.

a. bring about b. bring up c. bring down d. bring of

3. You can call for your new name tag in a couple of days.

a. write b. see c. order d. go

4. The man wouldn’t carry…….the command that he was given.

a. over b. up c. by d. out

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5. “Are you the kind of person I can count on?”

“Of course, I………..”

a. can add b. know my numbers

c. can learn everybody’s name d. am dependable

6. The conversation was cut off twice.

a. It began twice. b. It was interrupted twice.

c. It was changed twice. d. It decreased twice.

7. It’s getting late. Drink up.

a. Finish your drink. b. Don’t drink too much

c. Order a drink. d. Fill your glass.

8. Use the calendar and figure out the best time for our vacation.

a. examine b. determine c. pick d. assemble

9. Please………the glass.

a. have filled up b. filling up

c. will fill d. fill up

10. I would like to find out more about the customs in your country.

a. learn b. see c. talk d. write

11. Wanting to find out what makes things work is known as……..

a. conscience b. curiosity

c. motion d. happiness

12. They fought off a surprise air raid

a. They thought about it. b. They bought it.

c. They repelled it. d. They reserved it.

13. Frank gave up smoking.

a. favored b. stopped c. enjoyed d. began

14. The students are trying to get ahead.

a. They are lazy. b. They don’t care about anything.

c. They are not ambition d. They are trying to advance

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15. Harold keeps……..his old friends.

a. in touch of b. in touch with

c. on touch with d. off touch with

16. She finally got in touch with him by wire.

a. She communicated with him. b. She touched him with wire.

c. She respected him highly. d. She gave him a wire.

17. He usually gets up before noon.

a. leaves his bed b. has lunch

c. leaves the table d. goes to work

18. The nurse looked at the wound very carefully.

a. She examined it. b. She out something over it.

c. She admired it. d. She washed it carefully.

19. I don’t know Wilson’s number. Let’s look it…..in the telephone book.

a. in b. out c. up d. over

20. I don’t know the captain’s number. Let’s……in the telephone book.

a. look it down b. see it out

c. look it up d. see it around

21. You will learn more if you………attention.

a. make b. have c. pay d. do

22. Pay attention to the lesson.

a. Listen to b. Avoid c. Study d. Pay for

23. She made a request that he helped her but he paid no attention to her.

a. He paid no attention to her help. b. He paid no attention to her request.

c. She helped him at his request. d. She paid no attention to his help.

24. Jim: “Why did you go to the post office?”

Tom: “I went……..a package.”

a. picking up b. picked up c. to pick up d. to picked up

25. When he wants to buy a car, he…….a blue one.

a. picked out b. will pick out c. have picked d. picks out

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26. The general said, “I will set up headquarters here.”

a. dismiss b. establish c. attack d. abandon

27. Crawford is setting up the tent.

a. cleaning up b. putting up

c. folding up d. messing up

28. I took my clothes off and put……my pajamas.

a. on b. near c. with d. in

29. Carla took off her coat because ……….

a. she wanted to find it b. she was too cold

c. she wanted to wear it d. she was too warm

30. Claude worked out the problem.

a. discovered b. avoided c. caused d. solved

31. Mr. Smith was turned down for pilot training.

a. not considered b. returned c. washed out d. not accepted

32. The whole family turned in at nine p.m.

a. got up b. went to bed c. ate dinner d. watched TV

33. It turned out better than I thought it would.

a. The result was good. b. There was a large group.

c. Many people were refused. d. It was our turn.

34. They took up the problem.

a. looked up b. discussed

c. forgot d. discovered

35. “Will you be able to solve your problems?”

“Yes, we’ll…………”

a. work them out b. work out them

c. out work them d. them work out

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บทที่ ๘ คําศัพท (Vocabulary)

คําศัพทที่พบบอยๆในขอสอบ ECL ไดแก

คํานาม (Nouns)

1. assistance = aid (การชวยเหลือ)

2. atmosphere = layer of air (ชั้นบรรยากาศ)

3. cafeteria = a restaurant where you serve yourself and pay a

cashier (รานอาหารบริการตนเอง)

4. coach = sport instructor (ครูฝกกีฬา)

5. command = order (คําส่ัง)

6. company = friends (เพื่อน มิตรสหาย)

7. freight = cargo (สินคาที่ขนสง)

8. grocery = supermarket (รานขายของชํา)

9. heartbeat = pulse (จังหวะการเตนของหัวใจ)

10. humidity = dampness, moisture (ความชื้น)

11. insecticide = pesticide (ยาฆาแมลง)

12. laundry = a workplace where clothes are washed and

ironed (รานซักรีด)

13. leisure = free time (เวลาวาง)

14. lubrication = the act of making slippery (การหลอล่ืน)

15. medicine = drug, pill (ยา)

16. odor = smell, fragrance (กล่ิน)

17. opportunity = chance (โอกาส)

18. pharmacist = druggist (เภสัชกร)

19. prescription = a written order from a physician for a medication


20. propeller = turbine blades (ใบพัด)

21. recreation = leisure, entertainment (สันทนาการ)

22. steam = water vapor (ไอนํ้า)

23. technique = method (กลวิธี)

24. thermometer = an instrument for measuring temperature


25. thermostat = a device which automatically regulates

temperature (เครื่องตัดกระแสไฟฟา)

26. vacuum = blankness, emptiness (สุญญากาศ)

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Choose the one correct answer a, b, c, or d.

คํานาม (Nouns)

1. Where do you take your dirty clothes?

a. to the kitchen b. to the laundry

c. to the bookstore d. to the skating rink

2. Oil is used for ……………..

a. prescription b. lubrication

c. recreation d. evacuation

3. The patients have to take …………….. when they are sick.

a. prescription b. heartbeat

c. medicine d. pharmacist

4. An object has a high value when its……..

a. length is great b. weight is high

c. color is correct d. quality is good

5. What technique do you prefer when you study English?

a. technician b. instructor

c. dictionary d. method

6. The doctor used a……..to take my temperature.

a. stethoscope b. barometer

c. microscope d. thermometer

7. A ………….. maintains and regulates the room temperature.

a. thermostat b. barometer

c. stethoscope d. thermometer

8. Jim’s conduct was good.

a. hearing b. behavior

c. health d. speech

9. Don performed his mission satisfactorily.

a. assignment b. pleasure

c. situation d. message

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10. I want an opportunity to talk to you.

a. a chance b. the right

c. a permission d. the time


คํากริยา (Verbs)

1. accelerate = to speed up (เรงความเร็ว)

2. accumulate = to collect (สะสม รวบรวม)

3. affect = to influence (มีผลตอ, สงผลตอ)

4. become = to get, to turn เปน linking verb (กลายเปน)

5. bore = to make a hole (เจาะรู), to make somebody

feel bored (ทําใหรูสึกเบื่อ)

6. collect = to gather (รวบรวม, สะสม)

7. condense = to shorten, to make it short (ทําใหส้ัน, ยอ)

8. conduct = to carry (นํา, พา)

9. defend = to protect somebody or something from

attack (ปกปองคนหรือส่ิงของจากการถูกทําราย)

10. emit = to send out (ปลอยออกมา)

11. fail to = to be unable to (ไมสามารถ, ลมเหลวที่จะ)

12. get used to = to become accustomed to (คุนเคย, เคยชิน)

13. give you a ring = to call, to call up, telephone (โทรศัพทไปหา)

14. insulate = to protect with a material that prevents

heat, sound, electricity, ect. (หุมเพื่อปองกัน)

15. jot down = to take note, to write only the main points


16. manufacture = to make, to produce (ผลิตดวยเครื่องจักร)

17. mind = to care (ใสใจ), to object (คัดคาน)

18. perform = to do (ทํา)

19. prefer = would rather (ชอบมากกวา)

20. provide = to give, to supply (จัดหาให)

21. radiate = to give off, to send (สง, แผ)

22. regulate = to control, to manage (ควบคุม วางระเบียบ)

23. represent = to stand for (เปนตัวแทน)

24. resemble = to look alike (คลายคลึง ดูเหมือน)

25. rotate = to turn (หมุนรอบ)

26. select = choose, pick out (เลือก)

27. stall = to stop (หยุด)

28. supervise = to oversee, to control, to manage

(ตรวจตรา ควบคุม จัดการ)

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29. switch = to change (เปล่ียน สับเปล่ียน)

30. take charge = to take control (ควบคุมดูแล)


คํากริยา (Verbs)

1. The train has been accelerated. It has been…………

a. speeded b. stopped

c. lengthened d. eliminated

2. She accumulated a lot of leave time.

a. lost b. got paid for

c. used up d. saved up

3. He bored a hole in the wood.

a. filled b. covered

c. drilled d. measured

4. He’ll get used to it.

a. use it b. become accustomed to it

c. buy it d. start working on it

5. Mary asked Paul if he was getting used to driving his car. She asked if Paul ______.

a. liked to drive his car b. was buying a used car

c. was becoming accustomed to driving d. was tired of driving

6. The instructor collected the examination papers.

a. gathered b. erased

c. distributed d. graded

7. The story should be condensed before publication.

a. corrected b. checked

c. shortened d. retyped

8. The mechanic failed to fix the engine.

a. wanted to b. tried not to

c. wasn’t able to d. worked to

9. Electricity is conducted through wires.

a. carried b. bought

c. tested d. wired

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10. Mary defends herself quite well by ________.

a. fighting back b. listening closely

c. eating a good meal d. taking a rest

11. Tom doesn’t mind doing the dishes. He doesn’t _______.

a. want to b. like to

c. object to it d. pay attention to it

12. The volcano emits smoke.

a. mixed b. draws

c. takes in d. sends out

13. I will give you a ring tonight after seven o’clock.

a. telephone you b. give you a jewelry

c. call on you d. make a mark

14. He becomes very angry when his roommate disturbs him.

a. obtains b. receives

c. gets d. increases

15. Sue’s decision was affected by her friend. Sue’s friend ______.

a. didn’t like the decision b. made a decision

c. delayed her decision d. influenced her decision

16. Tom was bored with the movie. He was _______.

a. glad to be there b. happy to see it

c. not interested in it d. confused with it

17. Max insulated the wire to make it _______.

a. longer b. safer

c. shorter d. brighter

18. When you are talking on the telephone, the operator sometimes interrupts you.

a. connects b. cuts in on

c. listens d. overcharges

19. Virginia jotted down the word.

a. used b. repeated c. wrote d. saw

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20. A lot of good American furniture is manufactured in North Carolina.

a. A lot is shipped to North Carolina.

b. A lot is named after North Carolina.

c. A lot is damaged in North Carolina.

d. A lot is made in North Carolina.

21. The electrician performed his job well.

a. liked b. got

c. did d. ignored

22. He said, “Turn off the faucet.” He wanted us to ______.

a. stop the flow of the water b. let the water run

c. make the water run more slowly d. change the faucet

23. I would rather have tea.

a. I prefer tea. b. I refer to tea

c. I dislike tea. d. My tea is rather hot.

24. We will provide you with pencils and paper.

a. We will give you pencils and paper

b. We will take up your pencils and paper.

c. You must bring pencils and paper.

d. We’ll buy pencils and paper from you.

25. The sun radiates heat and light.

a. gives off b. absorbs

c. stores up d. contains

26. The propeller rotates at a very fast rate.

a. turns b. closes

c. stops d. starts

27. Which house plan will you select?

a. develop b. suggest

c. reject d. choose

28. Captain Miller’s car stalled on a hill.

a. His car stopped. b. His car went very fast.

c. His car went over the hill. d. His car couldn’t circle the hill fast.

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29. “Would you please switch the plates?” “Certainly, I’ll………”

a. change them b. turn them over

c. break them d. clean them

30. Would you mind if I turn on the TV?

a. leave b. know c. believe d. care


คําคุณศัพท (Adjectives)

1. abundant = plentiful (มากมาย)

2. adequate = sufficient (พอเพียง)

3. afraid = frightened, fear (กลัว)

4. alert = watchful, wide-awake (ตื่นตัว)

5. alike = look the same, similar (เหมือนกัน คลายคลึงกัน)

6. bored = not interested in (เบื่อ ไมนาสนใจ)

7. broke = have no money (ไมมีเงิน ลมละลาย)

8. certain = confident, sure (ม่ันใจ)

9. cheap = inexpensive (ราคาถูก)

10. complex = complicated (ซับซอน)

11. cloudy = overcast (มีเมฆมาก)

12. definite = firm (แนนอน เด็ดขาด)

13. difficult = hard (ยาก)

14. erratic = irregular (ผิดปกติ)

15. fond of = like (ชอบ)

16. hazard = dangerous (อันตราย)

17. humid = damp (ชื้น)

18. major = great (สวนใหญ สวนมาก)

19. maximum = greatest number (จํานวนสูงสุด)

20. minimum = least (จํานวนนอยสุด)

21. permanent = lasting (ถาวร)

22. primary = most important (ที่สําคัญที่สุด)

23. principal = main (หลัก สําคัญ)

24. relaxed = at ease (ผอนคลาย) 25. silent = no sound (เงียบ)

26. specific = particular (โดยเฉพาะ)

27. steady = stable (ม่ันคง)

28. strange = unusual (แปลก ผิดปกติ)

29. suitable = proper (เหมาะสม)

30. tough = solid, hard (ยาก แข็งแรง ทนทาน)

31. typical = normal, usual (ปกติ)

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32. unconscious = don’t sense anything (ซ่ึงไมไดสต)ิ

33. unsatisfactory (work) = disappointing, undesirable (ซ่ึงไมเปนที่นาพอใจ)


คําคุณศัพท (Adjectives)

1. Some people are…….to fly when they travel.

a. afraid b. fear

c. fearfully d. fearfulness

2. You have to be sharp if you are going to complete pilot training successfully.

a. Pilot training is very easy

b. Pilots must be alert and intelligent.

c. Pilots don’t study hard.

d. Learning to fly requires little coordination.

3. Your tent is…….to ours.

a. alike b. different

c. like d. similar

4. Ray has an expensive item.

a. a broken b. a bad

c. a costly d. a cheap

5. Walking past this sign is dangerous.

a. allowed b. prohibited

c. hazardous d. marvelous

6. The weather in Houston is humid. It is………

a. damp b. cold

c. dry d. windy

7. Peter said, “This is a difficult course, but I believe I can make it.”

a. He thinks he will succeed. b. He doesn’t think he will succeed.

c. She has to borrow the money. d. He’ll finish without difficulty.

8. Ben’s pulse beat was very erratic.

a. good b. slow

c. irregular d. strong

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9. The maximum number of students in a class is fifteen

a. usual b. least

c. greatest d. expected

10. What is the minimum amount?

a. best b. complete

c. highest d. least

11. This road is narrow.

a. smooth b. straight

c. not wide d. used very much

12. This kind of weather is typical for this part of the country.

a. dependable b. unusual

c. reasonable d. normal

13. He said he was all set to go.

a. required b. ready

c. unable d. eager

14. The top of the table is not rough. What kind of surface does the table have?

a. tough b. round

c. hairy d. smooth

15. This contract is…….than the previous one.

a. satisfactory b. in a satisfactory manner

c. more satisfactory d. the most satisfactory


คํากริยาวิเศษณ (Adverbs)

1. actually = really (ตามจริง)

2. always = normally, usually (โดยปกต)ิ

3. at last = eventually, finally, (ในที่สุด)

4. extremely = very (อยางมาก อยางที่สุด)

5. forever = everlasting, eternally (ตลอดไป)

6. frequently = often, regularly (บอย ๆ)

7. instantly = abruptly, immediately, promptly, right away, at once


8. manually = by hand (ดวยมือ)

9. now and then = occasionally, sometimes (บางครั้งบางคราว)

10. probably = likely (อยางนาเปนไปได)

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11. so far = until now (จนถึงทุกวันน้ี)

12. sooner or later = at some certain time in the future (ไมชาก็เร็ว)

13. temporarily = momentarily (เพียงชั่วคราว)

14. thoroughly = completely, totally (อยางละเอียดถี่ถวน

15. twice = two times (สองครั้ง)


คํากริยาวิเศษณ (Adverbs)

1. Edward is going to New York at last.

a. He went to New York last month

b. He will go to New York in the last part of the year.

c. He is finally going to New York.

d. He has been in New York since last week

2. If a man doesn’t eat, he will die eventually.

a. right away b. finally

c. instantly d. sooner or later

3. I frequently drink coffee in the afternoon.

a. sometime b. seldom

c. often d. never

4. We go there as frequently as we can.

a. often b. quickly

c. carefully d. late

5. Boris answered the question instantly.

a. later b. correctly

c. right away d. incorrectly

6. When the child ran in front of the moving taxi, the driver stopped the car instantly. He stopped the


a. cautiously b. slightly

c. abruptly d. unevenly

7. Now and then we have school parties.

a. We have them regularly. b. We have them occasionally.

c. We have them often d. We have them frequently.

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8. What is your favorite song in the show so far?

a. at this distance b. to the very last

c. until now d. until then

9. I frequently drink coffee in the afternoon.

a. sometimes b. seldom c. often d. never

10. You should visit your doctor regularly.

a. for shots b. at once

c. at fixed intervals of time d. when you are sick

11. If you cannot visit often, perhaps you can come ________.

a. actually b. occasionally

c. frequently d. usually

12. I sometimes go shopping.

a. usually b. seldom

c. occasionally d. often

13. The car approached at an extremely high speed.

a. a legally b. a very

c. a normally d. a fast

14. I get paid twice a month. I receive my pay _____.

a. one time a month b. two times a month

c. once every ten days d. every weekend


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บทที่ ๙ คําศัพทเพิ่มเติม (More Vocabulary)


Choose the one correct answer a, b, c, or d.

1. The students are all set for the examination.

a. studying b. not there

c. ready d. getting ready

2. I asked her to give me a hand.

a. hold me b. shake hands

c. help me d. take charge

3. Please give me a ring when you get back into town.

a. give me a piece of jewelry b. visit me

c. telephone me d. look me up

4. Tom wanted to know in advance when they were coming.

a. by telephone b. immediately

c. later d. ahead of time

5. I wish you’d keep that in mind .

a. watch it b. complete it

c. remember it d. obtain it

6. He left the country for good.

a. He was coming back. b. He would visit a good country.

c. He was not happy with his trip. d. He was not going to return.

7. If a shirt is on sale, the price is ……….

a. lower b. higher c. too much d. enough

8. Being short of money means ………..

a. being hungry b. having lots of money

c. having some money d. not having enough money

9. The mechanic failed to fix the engine.

a. wanted to b. worked to c. hurried to d. did not

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10. There are several good musical directors on the East coast. Kraft, for instance, is an excellent


a. for example b. for a moment

c. instantly d. for necessity

11. You should use your head when driving a car.

a. think intelligently b. turn your head often

c. look straight d. keep your head up

12. A person should use his head when flying a plane.

a. nod his head b. turn his head often

c. think intelligently d. look straight ahead

13. A sergeant is a ………..

a. private b. non-commissioned officer

c. major d. commissioned officer

14. Ray has an expensive item.

a. a broken b. a bad

c. a costly d. a cheap

15. This material can be used for camouflage.

a. to hide things b. for firewood

c. to mark positions d. for lumber

16. What kind of weather is typical for this part of the country.

a. abnormal b. reasonable

c. usual d. dependable

17. Clark has a lot of friends.

a. no b. a few

c. many d. five

18. This device is used for drilling metal.

a. polishing b. making holes in

c. ordering d. fastening parts to

19. Don performed his mission satisfactorily.

a. assignment b. pleasure

c. situation d. message

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20. In this book the author narrates most of the important historical events.

a. avoids b. inquires about

c. accepts d. tells about

21. This plane differs from that one in two ways.

a. be the same as b. out-speeds

c. is unlike d. contacts

22. Houston is an important port city in Texas.

a. city with a harbor b. university

c. city near a creek d. tourist attraction

23. A climate which is dry is ………..

a. not damp b. not hot

c. not cold d. not windy

24. Joe took a prescription to the drugstore for ………..

a. a uniform b. a small loaf of bread

c. a blue suit d. medicine

25. The post office is straight ahead. The post office is ………..

a. to your left b. behind you

c. very close d. in front of you

26. When you inflate an automobile tire, you ………..

a. remove the tire b. put air in it

c. stop the leak d. change the tire

27. The mechanic fixed Joe’s car in one hour.

a. He repaired the car. b. He looked over the car.

c. He painted the car. d. He registered the car.

28. The class may go for a picnic tomorrow. It ……….. on the weather.

a. determines b. waits

c. depends d. relies

29. The train has been accelerated. It has been ………..

a. speeded up b. stopped

c. lengthened d. eliminated

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30. I would rather stay at home.

a. I refuse to stay at home. b. I prefer to stay at home.

c. I seldom stay at home. d. I dislike staying at home.

31. The phrase “I doubt it” means “……….. .”

a. I’m not sure about it b. I’m sure about it

c. I believe it d. I don’t like it

32. If you persist in speaking English, you will learn more quickly.

a. If you stop speaking English b. If you speak English steadily

c. If you listen instead of talking d. If you speak your own language

33. Lay off, or I will hit you.

a. Stop it b. Continue

c. Fall off d. Make off

34. The meeting terminated at four o’clock.

a. was postponed b. was half-way over

c. got started d. came to an end

35. The commander invited the officers to the party.

a. He enjoyed talking to the officers. b. He didn’t tell them about the party.

c. He asked them to come to the party. d. He sent them a bill for the party.

36. The local temperature varies 20 degrees daily.

a. changes 20 degrees b. rises 20 degrees

c. goes down 20 degrees d. remains at 20 degrees

37. When a sponge ……….. water, it becomes heavy.

a. eliminates b. takes out

c. lets out d. absorbs

38. What technique do you prefer when you study English?

a. technician b. instructor

c. dictionary d. method

39. When we amend the orders, we ……….. them.

a. receive b. reject

c. change d. replace

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40. He tried to put out the fire, but it got out of hand.

a. became uncontrollable b. was put out

c. left his hand d. became smaller

41. It’s quite a hot day.

a. not a b. a pretty

c. two a d. better

42. The stores are convenient.

a. easy to get to b. too expensive

c. too far off d. always full of people

43. Can the control officer maintain the missile in operating condition?

a. keep b. increase

c. restore d. develop

44. Newspapers are published in many cities.

a. sold b. read

c. printed d. bought

45. Arthur is doing average work.

a. below normal b. very poor

c. normal d. excellent

46. The rains have done considerable damage.

a. a lot of b. some

c. more than d. little

47. We have to acknowledge the message.

a. do away with b. forget

c. answer d. set up

48. The man couldn’t fly because he was too nervous.

a. tense b. relaxed

c. calm d. uneducated

49. Horace should review this lesson again.

a. can b. ought to

c. could d. may

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50. Ice and water are the same substance in different forms.

a. matter b. time

c. metal d. marker


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บทท่ี ๑๐ อ่ืนๆ (Miscellaneous)

Select the correct sentence.

1. a. Man had to learn of ocean currents the effects.

b. Of currents ocean man had t learn the effects.

c. Man had to learn the effects of ocean currents.

d. The effects man had to learn of ocean currents.

2. a. An electric current is by wire conducted.

b. Conducted by wire an electric current is.

c. An electric current is conducted by wire.

d. Current is an electric conducted by wire.

3. a. I will later have coffee, please.

b. I will have later coffee, please.

c. I will have coffee later, please.

d. Please, coffee later I will have.

4. a. Accidents are for the commander a constant worry.

b. A constant worry are accidents for the commander.

c. For the commander a constant worry are accidents.

d. Accidents are a constant worry for the commander.

5. a. To get me work it to takes 45 minutes.

b. It takes me 45 minutes to get to work.

c. To get work it takes to me 45 minutes.

d. 45 minutes it takes me to get to work.

6. a. Can you tell me where the post office is?

b. Can you tell me where is the post office?

c. Can you tell me the post office is where?

d. Where the post office is can you tell me?

7. a. I should take to town which bus?

b. Should I take which bus to town?

c. Which bus should I take to town?

d. Which should I take bus to town?

8. a. My car is as old as yours.

b. My car is yours old as.

c. My car old is as yours.

d. My car old as is yours.

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9. a. Does in the family everyone know how to drive?

b. Does everyone know in the family how to drive?

c. Does everyone know how in the family to dirve?

d. Does everyone in the family know how to drive?

10. a. Do you know when we will go to the next base?

b. Do you know when will we to the next base go?

c. Do you know when will we go to the next base?

d. Do you know when will go we to the next base?

11. a. Weren’t you by Mr. Smith last year taught?

b. Weren’t you last year try Mr. Smith taught?

c. Weren’t Mr. Smith taught by you last year?

d. Weren’t you taught by Mr. Smith last year?

12. a. Can you the lab tell me how to find?

b. Can you tell me the lab how to find?

c. Can you how to find the lab tell me?

d. Can you tell me how to find the lab?

13. a. This is the best way to learn a language.

b. This the best way to learn a language is.

c. This the best way to learn a language is.

d. This to learn a language is the best way.

14. a. Countries different have different customs.

b. Customs different have countries different.

c. Different countries have different customs.

d. Different countries different customs have.

15. a. A few days ago I met downtown John.

b. I met John downtown a few days ago.

c. Downtown a few days ago I met John.

d. I met a few days ago John downtown.

16. a. Very much we enjoyed our visit to Austin.

b. We enjoyed to Austin very much our visit.

c. We enjoyed our visit to Austin very much.

d. Our visit to Austin very much we enjoyed.

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17. Man has developed an electronic machine called the computer. It is able to solve complex

problems very rapidly. The computer is sometimes used to predict the position of the moon several

months in advance, to prepare for a landing by astronauts.

According to this paragraph, a computer is used to solve problems _______.

a. too easy for astronauts

b. just as humans do

c. too hard for electronic machines

d. such as calculating the position of the moon at a future date

18. He keeps busy from morning sick call until it’s time to hit the sack. And then he’s likely to be

roused to soothe a midnight headache or minister to a man with an upset stomach.

a. He’s probably a gunnery sergeant.

b. He’s probably in communications.

c. He’s probably a combat casualty.

d. He’s probably a medical aidman.

19. The salesclerk said, “Would you like to buy something else?” If the student doesn’t want to buy

anything else, what should he say?

a. Yes, nothing, thank you.

b. No, nothing else, thank you.

c. Yes, something else, please.

d. No, anything else, please.

20. The atmosphere is actually part of the earth. It rotates with the earth in space and can be

considered a gaseous outer cover of the earth.

According to this paragraph, ____.

a. the earth and atmosphere rotate together.

b. the earth rotates without the atmosphere.

c. the atmosphere rotates around the earth.

d. the ground is part of the atmosphere.

21. The eagle has been admired by man throughout the ages. Its likeness has been emblem of many

governments. In real life, the eagle is actually a bird of prey that lives off of small animals.

According to this paragraph, the eagle ______.

a. eats other animals

b. is just an emblem

c. has a very long life

d. is protected by governments

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22. Ancient people cooled water in pottery jars. The porous pottery allowed some of the water to leak

through the sides and evaporate. This caused the water inside to lose some of its heat. Today campers

often store their water in cloth bags that allow some of the water to leak through and evaporate.

According to this paragraph, _______ .

a) pottery jars were kept from leaking by cooling them

b) pottery jars that leaked were not used

c) some modern campers use an ancient method to cool their water

d) ancient people cooled themselves by using pottery jars

23. Aerospace history is the story of man’s effort to improve his transportation and knowledge. Orville

and Wilbur Wright were the first to prove man could make controlled, mechanically powered flights.

Charles Lindbergh proved the proved the practicality of private flying by flying across the Atlantic

alone in a single-engine plane. Today, plans are being made to send astronauts to Mars.

According to this paragraph, these accomplishments have _____.

a. been done entirely by the Wright brothers.

b. had little significance in aerospace history.

c. caused people to lose interest in space travel.

d. Increased man’s ability to travel farther and faster.

24. The National Honor Society is an American organization for high school boys and girls. Members are

selected on the basis of scholarship, leadership, citizenship, service, and character.

According to this paragraph, ______.

a. All high school students are members of this society

b. Membership in this society is determined mainly by educational achievement.

c. High school students can become members automatically

d. Several factors are considered in selecting students for this society

25. The secretary said, “Mr. Penrod is quite busy this morning. Would an appointment for this afternoon

be convenient?” The student said, “Yes.”

According to this paragraph, _____.

a. the student cannot see Mr. Penrod this afternoon

b. the student will be able to see Mr. Penrod this afternoon

c. an appointment with Mr. Penrod is not possible

d. Mr. Penrod has lots of time to spare this morning

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26. Mr. West is talking to the hotel clerk about a room for the weekend. He asks the clerk. “When is

check out time?” What does the clerk answer?

a. You pay when you check out.

b. Three o’clock.

c. Here’s your key.

d. Write your name and address.

27. Joe rides the bus rather than the train. He says the bus is faster and is as comfortable as the train.

a. He believes the train is more comfortable.

b. He thinks the bus travels faster.

c. The bus is more comfortable.

d. He prefers the train to the bus.

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1 C 1 A 1 C 1 A 1 B 28 B 1 C 28 A

2 D 2 D 2 A 2 B 2 D 29 C 2 A 29 B

3 B 3 C 3 B 3 D 3 B 30 D 3 C 30 B

4 D 4 D 4 A 4 D 4 A 31 B 4 B

5 B 5 A 5 C 5 D 5 D 5 C

6 C 6 D 6 A 6 C 6 B 6 B

7 D 7 B 7 D 7 D 7 A 7 A

8 C 8 C 8 B 8 A 8 B

9 D 9 D 9 C 9 B 9 D

10 D 10 C 10 C 10 B 10 C

11 A 11 C 11 C 11 B 11 A

12 A 12 B 12 A 12 C 12 C

13 A 13 A 13 B

14 D 14 A 14 D

15 C 15 C 15 B

16 B 16 C 16 B

17 A 17 D

18 B 18 C

19 D 19 B

20 B 20 D

21 A 21 D

22 A 22 B

23 D 23 A

24 D 24 A

25 C 25 C

26 D 26 C

27 D 27 B

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Phrasal Verbs

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More Vocab

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1 D 28 A คํานาม 16 C 10 D 1 C 28 C 1 C

2 B 29 D 1 B 17 B 11 C 2 C 29 A 2 C

3 C 30 D 2 B 18 B 12 D 3 C 30 B 3 C

4 D 31 D 3 C 19 C 13 B 4 D 31 A 4 D

5 D 32 B 4 D 20 D 14 D 5 C 32 B 5 B

6 B 33 A 5 D 21 C 15 C 6 D 33 A 6 A

7 A 34 B 6 D 22 A 7 A 34 D 7 C

8 B 35 A 7 A 23 A คํากริยาวิเศษณ 8 D 35 C 8 A

9 D 8 B 24 A 1 C 9 D 36 A 9 D

10 B 9 A 25 A 2 B 10 A 37 D 10 A

11 B 10 A 26 A 3 C 11 A 38 D 11 D

12 C คํากริยา 27 D 4 A A C 39 C 12 D

13 B 1 A 28 A 5 C 13 B 40 A 13 A

14 D 2 D 29 A 6 C 14 C 41 B 14 C

15 B 3 C 30 D 7 B 15 A 42 A 15 B

16 A 4 B 8 C 16 C 43 A 16 C

17 A 5 C 9 C 17 C 44 C 17 D

18 A 6 A คําคุณศัพท 10 C C B 45 C 18 D

19 C 7 C 1 A 11 B 19 A 46 A 19 B

20 C 8 C 2 B 12 C 20 D 47 C 20 A

21 C 9 A 3 D 13 B 21 C 48 A 21 A

22 A 10 D 4 C 14 B 22 A 49 B 22 C

23 B 11 C 5 C 23 D 50 A 23 D

24 C 12 D 6 A 24 D 24 D

25 B 13 A 7 A 25 D 25 B

26 B 14 C 8 C 26 B 26 B

27 B 15 D 9 C 27 A 27 B