第七週 指導老師:鄭惠芳 教授

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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教育部 現代公民核心能力課程計畫: 西洋經典選讀 Introduction to Western Classics. 第七週 指導老師:鄭惠芳 教授. 第 7 週的課程內容規劃. 簡介: (1) 莎士比亞作為英國國家詩人的地位; (2) 英國文藝復興時期的歷史文化背景; (3) 莎士比亞作品流傳到中國的簡史。 導讀 《 哈姆雷特 》 ,引導學生透過文字的美學感受莎士比亞作品的魅力,以及思考莎士比亞作為英國文化力量的意涵。 討論主題 : 1. 文字及戲劇的美學 2. 生命的倫理學:死亡、正統傳承、篡位、 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Introduction to Western Classics

: Introduction to Western Classics


(1) (2)(3)

:1. 2.

* The Complete Works of William Shakespeare The text is available at: http://shakespeare.mit.edu/

(You can find this URL on our course website)

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Welcome to the Web's first edition of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. This site has offered Shakespeare's plays and poetry to the Internet community since 1993.

1. : William ShakespeareTranslator: : , 2001(213 )

2. Smith, Emma. The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. [electronic resource in Chang Gung University Library]

Lamb, Charles and Mary Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare. London: Penguin, 1995. In print and on the internet at: http://shakespeare.palomar.edu/lambtales/lambtale.htm

Introduction to the Bard

Who are they?
Picture from http://www.marysidney.com/

Who are they?
(National Portrait Gallery, London).

From Wikipedia

Answers: They are 1. William Shakespeare2. Mary Sidney
Picture from http://www.marysidney.com/

3. Queen Elizabeth I4. William Shakespeare
(National Portrait Gallery, London).
Elizabeth I , "Darnley Portrait", c. 1575From Wikipedia
The Chandos portrait, artist and authenticity unconfirmed

Chandos portrait
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The "Chandos" portrait is one of the most famous of the portraits that may depict William Shakespeare (15641616).It is named after James Brydges, 3rd Duke of Chandos, an early owner. The portrait was given to the National Portrait Gallery, London on its foundation in 1856 and it is listed as number one in its collection, being its first acquisition.It has not been possible to determine with certainty who painted the portrait, nor whether it really depicts Shakespeare. However the National Portrait Gallery believes that it probably does depict the poet.

The Authorship

For several hundred years the authorship of the work attributed to William Shakespeare has been a question that interested many people.

William Shakespeare
Date of birth date and date of deathte

Baptised April 26, 1564 Died April 23, 1616

There are no specific records about William Shakespeare's education Tthe general belief is that he attended a local grammar school.King Edward IV Grammar School.

Shakespeares contemporary
Christopher MarloweEnglish poet and playwright whose fame is next to Shakespeare (Baptised 26 February 1564; died 30 May 1593)

Marlowe graduated from Corpus Christi College, the University of Cambridge in 1584. * This is an anonymous portrait in the University of Cambridge believed to show Marlowe (from Wikipedia)

Robert Greene
(11 July 1558 3 September 1592) * English author and playwright* attended Cambridge University and acquired a B.A. in 1580, and an M.A. in 1583

Shakespeares Education
Compared to Marlowe and GreeneUniversity Vs Grammar school

Nom de Plume

Criticism of Shakespeare at His Own Time
Robert Greene is best known for a posthumous pamphlet attributed to him, Greene's Groats-Worth of Wit, which contains what is generally read as an attack on Shakespeare.

Robert Greens attack on Shakespeare
there is an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his tigers heart wrapped in a players hide, supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blank verse as the best of you: and being an absolute Johannes fac totum, is in his own conceit the only Shake-scene in a country

Significance of these terms
CrowFeatherTigers heart

Johannes fac totum

Shakespeares Achievements and Fame
The national poet of EnglandThe BardThe Bard of AvonThe greatest writer in EnglishA western literature scholar, Juliet Dusinberre, compares Shakespeares works to the Bible

Elizabeth I , "Darnley Portrait", c. 1575From Wikipedia

Introduction to Elizabeth I
7 September 1533 24 March 1603Monarch from 17 November 1558 until her death Elizabeth I is considered by many to be the greatest monarch in English historyElizabethan era is famous above all for the flourishing of English drama. Patron of theatre

The Globe Theatre: Original one--1599--29 June 1613.A reconstruction of the Globe opened in 1997 not far from the site of the original theatre.

Globe Theatre, English culture and Tourism
The reconstructed globe is a reproduction of the original Globe.It has 1,500 seats. In its opening 1997 season, the theater attracted about 210,000 patrons.It draws crowds as well as many tourists.

Stratford upon AvonShakespeares Home


Lamb, Charles and Mary Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare. London: Penguin, 1995.

The Merchant the Venice

A Chinese critic (Zhang) comments that "Shakespeare has become a Chinese institution"

The revenge of the princeSet in DenmarkMurderIncestLoveViolence

1. Elizabeth I is considered by many to be the greatest monarch in English history. Shakespeare is recognized as the greatest writer in English history. Is there any connection (cultural, political interconnection) between them?

Education and Talent
2. Shakespeares education makes many critics believe that Shakespeare is just a nom de plume. What do you think? Do you think education is more important than talent to a writer?

Relating Shakespeare to your own culture
3. Who do you think is the counterpart of Shakespeare in your culture? Why?

For Week 8These are the two parts you have to read
Part 1 From: SCENE I. Elsinore. A platform before the castle. FRANCISCO at his post. Enter to him BERNARDO BERNARDO Who's there? To: FRANCISCO Bernardo has my place. Give you good night. Exit

Part 2
From: HAMLET To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,To: - Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

Questions to ponder before our next class
1. What is the significance of the first scene in the play? What does it tell you about the castle or the country?2. What does the line To be or not to be mean? How would you relate the line to Hamlets trouble and mindset?

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