презентация английская

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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to encourage the students’ process of learning

it's additional tool for students' memorization

to interest children in the subject of English

to involve them in the independent, creative and research work

to conduct informative, exciting and up-to-date lessons

promotes the development of imagination, logical thinking, visual and emotional memory

facilitates the presentation, control of the material and its perception

allows you to illustrate any situation, stimulating communication

forms an integral part of modern teaching methods

can be used in teaching all types of speech activity

Printing learning tools (textbooks, books for reading, workbooks, various handouts taken from the Internet or created by myself, etc.)

Computer educational resources (universal encyclopedias, textbooks, etc.)

Audio-visual training aids (slides, videos, my own presentations and information on digital media), shown on the multimedia whiteboard, projector or computer

Visual plane teaching tools (posters, maps, grammar tables, etc.) and demonstrative objective teaching tools ( toys, models,etc.)

In my practice I can create Power Point presentations, English trainers and musical videos, using the computer programme Windows Movie Maker. It helps me increase the quality level of visibility applying and provide productive classes with project activity of students (making reports, creation of WebPages and presentations, writing research works, such as Small Academy of Sciences.)

Multimedia tasks are different: click on the correct answer, fill in the blanks, tables, solve puzzles, find the correct word or answer, place the items into the figure, find the words that match the pictures, read the word and point to the object, etc.

While teaching grammar, visibility principle can be used both in presentation of any new material and in its check (oral, written or electronic form). Thus, during the introduction of new grammatical structures I use my own poetic rules and convenient schemes of questions, and during their revision I use didactic and computer games.

Past Simple переконає Вас,Що вже не повернути час.Минулу дію виражає,Як тільки дієслово другу форму має.А коли “did” потрапить в речення,Отримаємо заперечення.Мабуть і в запитаннях ти його зустрів,Але з ним поруч йде інфінітив.

Yesterday he got a bad mark in Maths.

The teacher didn’t like his answer.

The first element of this scheme is the question word, then the auxiliary verb goes, which acts as a part of the predicate, after that we put the subject and finally, the main verb, the second part of the predicate. If you underline all the elements and get a smiling face, your question is formed correctly.

W am, is, are

The most common is the use of visibility principle during the introduction of new lexical material, when watching the images children try to guess the meaning of the words. Besides, forming lexical competence, various handout can be used: crosswords, puzzles, cards for matching information or inserting missing letters and phrases, anagrams.

Didactic Games

Travel Games

Order Games

Supposition Games

Puzzle Games

Conversation Games

To my mind, role and didactic games diversify the educational process and interest students to study the foreign language. Unlike games in general, didactic game has the essential features - learning goals and corresponding educational outcome.

Visual aids can be used in teaching English to illustrate any country material and create support for any communicative situation. Nowadays, interactive learning tools become a part of up-to-date lessons. It is not only modern technology but also new forms and methods of teaching. The use of computers influences the content, methods and organization of the educational process.

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