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Post on 12-Jan-2017






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Difference Between Edible and Poisionous Mushroom

Differentiating toxic and nontoxic species in the wild is difficult, even for highly knowledgeable people. Folklore rules are unreliable, and the same species may have varying degrees of toxicity depending on where and when they are harvested

Difference Between Edible and Poisionous Mushroom

If patients have eaten an unidentified mushroom, identifying the species can help determine specific treatment. However, because an experienced mycologist is seldom available for immediate consultation, treatment of patients who become ill after mushroom ingestion is usually guided by symptoms.

Difference Between Edible and Poisionous Mushroom

If a sample of the mushroom, uningested or from the patient’s emesis, is available, it can be sent to a mycologist for analysis.

Early neurologic symptoms

Mushrooms that cause early neurologic symptoms include hallucinogenic mushrooms, which are usually ingested recreationally because they contain psilocybin, a hallucinogen. The most common are members of the Psilocybe genus, but some other genera contain psilocybin.

Early neurologic symptoms

Symptoms begin within 15 to 30 min and include euphoria, enhanced imagination, and hallucinations. Tachycardia and hypertension are common, and hyperpyrexia occurs in some children; however, serious consequences are rare.

Early neurologic symptoms

Treatment occasionally involves sedation (eg, with benzodiazepines).

Early muscarinic symptoms

Mushrooms that cause early muscarinic symptoms include members of the Inocybe and Clitocybe genera.

Early muscarinic symptoms

Symptoms may include the SLUDGE syndrome (see Table: Common Toxic Syndromes (Toxidromes)), including miosis, bronchorrhea, bradycardia, diaphoresis, wheezing, and fasciculations. Symptoms are usually mild, begin within 30 min, and resolve within 12 h.

Atropine may be given to treat severe muscarinic symptoms (eg, wheezing, bradycardia).

Is it possible to tell if a wild mushroom is poisonous?

You can't tell for sure if a mushroom is poisonous by looking at it, unless you are an expert at identifying mushrooms.

Is it possible to tell if a wild mushroom is poisonous?

There are no tests to help you tell a poisonous mushroom from a nonpoisonous mushroom.

Does it help to see how the wild mushroom is growing?

Yes, a little. Mushrooms growing in the ground are more dangerous than mushrooms growing on living trees.

Does it help to see how the wild mushroom is growing?

Mushrooms on the ground in forests are usually more dangerous to people than mushrooms on lawns

What are the symptoms of mushroom poisoning?

Early symptoms of mushroom poisoning include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhea (which is sometimes bloody).

What are the symptoms of mushroom poisoning?

Symptoms may show up right after the mushroom was eaten or may appear several hours later.

What are the symptoms of mushroom poisoning?

Typically, mushrooms that produce symptoms within 2 hours are less dangerous than mushrooms that produce symptoms later (after 6 hours).

What will happen in my doctor's office or the emergency room?

If the person has thrown up, the worst is probably over. Activated charcoal may be given to induce vomiting if vomiting has not already occurred.

What will happen in my doctor's office or the emergency room?

The person's temperature, heart rate and blood pressure will be checked. He or she will be watched closely for severe symptoms and complications due to mushroom poisoning.

What will happen in my doctor's office or the emergency room?

In severe cases that are caused by highly poisonous mushrooms, complications can include seizures, kidney and/or liver failure, and even death.

What will happen in my doctor's office or the emergency room?

The person will probably be sent home if he or she has no symptoms of severe poisoning, and if the mushroom is identified as harmless. Your doctor will ask you to watch the person for any symptoms of mushroom poisoning for the next 24 hours.

The most toxic Amanita mushroom is Amanita phalloides, which causes 95% of mushroom poisoning deaths. Initial gastroenteritis, which may occur 6 to 12 h after ingestion, can be severe; hypoglycemia can occur. Initial symptoms abate for a few days; then liver failure and sometimes renal failure develop.


Initial care involves close monitoring for hypoglycemia and possibly repeated doses of activated charcoal. Treatment of liver failure may require liver transplantation; other specific treatments (eg, N -acetylcysteine, high-dose penicillin, silibinin, IV fat emulsion) are unproved.

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