文秘专业英语 interpreting in speeches unit 12 study objectives...

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Interpreting in Speeches

Unit 12

Study Objectives





Tips for the Skills of Interpretation

There are two types of interpreting, consecutive and simultaneous. In the

most popular form of simultaneous interpreting the interpreter sits in a

booth wearing a pair of headphones and speaking into a microphone.

Strictly speaking, “simultaneous” is a misnomer, the interpreter can’t start

interpreting until she or he understands the general meaning of the

sentence. During consecutive interpreting the speaker stops every 1-5

minutes (usually at the end of every “paragraph” or a complete thought)

and the interpreter then steps in to render what was said into the target


Tips for the Skills of Interpretation

Interpreting to the level of communication of the people so that all can


Be loyal to the speaker, conveying the intent, ideas, mood, and spirit of the


Knowledge of the general subject of the speeches that are to be interpreted.

General familiarity with both cultures.


Part One Interpretation of SpeechesPart One Interpretation of Speeches

Part Two Useful ExpressionsPart Two Useful Expressions

Part Three Simple WritingPart Three Simple Writing

Part Four ExercisesPart Four Exercises

Part Five Social EtiquettePart Five Social Etiquette

Interpretation of Speeches

Mr. Henry Stevenson, Chief Executive of Los Angeles Collingwood Car

Manufacture Co. will make a welcoming speech at the opening ceremony

of SHCC Los Angeles Representative Office, Susan has to interpret it for

him then, so she is preparing for the speech before that.

Speech One

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Interpretation of Speeches

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Ladies and Gentlemen

Let me begin by extending a warm welcome to all of you. We celebrate

today the opening of

, and I am delighted to see so many friends of

Los Angeles, old and new, joining us in this celebration. And let me brief you on

the functions of this new Representative Office. The first is why the LACC needs

a Representative Office in Shanghai and the second is why we have chosen to

open it now.

the Los Angeles Collingwood Car Manufacture Co.

Shanghai Representative Office1

1. 洛杉矶柯林伍德汽车制造公司上海办事处

Speech One

Interpretation of Speeches

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The main consideration behind our decision is the great phenomenon of our

times, globalization, which affects all aspects of our lives, but perhaps none

more so than our car markets. With , it is extremely

necessary for a big city like Shanghai

The choice of Shanghai for our Representative Office is easy to explain.

The City is one of the largest Asia’s car manufacture bases. Our business

communities have long-standing, extensive, and deep relations with their

counterparts in Los Angeles.

to maintain a round-the-clock presence

to cover different areas3.

3. 维持全天候 , 能覆盖各个区域的服务

the globalization of markets2

2. 市场的全球化

Speech One

Interpretation of Speeches

I am confident that our new Representative Office here will play an

important role in maintaining the many ties that exist between the car

manufacture communities in Los Angeles and Shanghai, and in fostering an

even closer relationship.

My colleagues from the LACC who have the responsibility of managing

these various functions may already be familiar to many of you. But let me take

this opportunity to introduce them formally. The Office is headed by our Chief

Representative in Los Angeles, John Lin. John is assisted by Fanny Zhang.

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Speech One

Interpretation of Speeches

If there is anything in which the LACC can be of service to you, Josie and her

team will be happy to assist.

Your presence here today is a strong show of encouragement for our new

Representative Office and for the work of the LACC generally. I should

therefore like to conclude by thanking you all for your support and by proposing

a toast

Thank you.

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“To the LACC’s Shanghai Office.4”

4. 上海办事处的成立干杯。

Speech One

Interpretation of Speeches

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Henry Andrews, head of Lewis Tableware Articles Trading Co. will make a

farewell speech at the party held by their Chinese cooperator. Susan is his


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Speech Two

Dear Mr. Zhao Ming, all the friends and my colleagues,

First of all, allow me, on behalf of my company and my team to thank you

for your kind invitation to attend the farewell party. We are greatly honored

once again to have an opportunity to visit your great country and your


Interpretation of Speeches

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And we feel specially honored to be given this opportunity to meet such

. This visit has been full of

interesting things and everything here left me and my group deep impression.

Doing business with you Pearl Trade Company is one of the most enjoyable

experiences in my life. I’d like to say that your hospitality,

and your trustworthy character are the assurance of the long-

established cooperation between us. And I really appreciate your

, and surely that

can account for the contract which we have just signed with each other.

Speech Two

a nice group of distinguished people like you1

1. 像你们这样优秀的团队

your professional


2. 敬业精神

willingness to explore every possibility for a new business3

3. 试图寻找任何一笔新业务的劲头

Interpretation of Speeches

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Thanks to your considerate arrangement, we visited so many plants and

had many face to face talks with large insiders and customers, knowing what

they are thinking about and what they expect us to do. And after that, we were

also so lucky to take a city tour in Hangzhou, from which we enjoyed all the

highlights of your , we were so amazed at the

marvelous Chinese traditional gardens and the beauty of West Lake, but what

is more beautiful than the west lake is your local ladies. (All laugh.) We bought

so many as gifts to our family members and friends, and

Longjing tea is so clean, fragrant, and mellow tasty.

Speech Two

local tourism treasures4

4. 当地的旅游精粹

splendid silk articles5

5. 精美的丝织品

Interpretation of Speeches

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All in all, my team and I have learnt a lot during our short stay here. It has

given us much better understanding of your country and people.

I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to your

reception again, on behalf of our delegation.

Here is to the success of our negotiation

Speech Two

May the friendship ties between our two parties be further developed and


6. 愿双方的友谊得到进一步的提升和巩固。

Interpretation of Speeches

New Words

consolidate [] v. 巩固 , 加强

counterpart [] n. 对手

dedication [] n. 奉献

delegation [] n. 代表团

fragrant [] a. 芳香的

globalization [] n. 全球化

marvelous [] a. 绝妙的 , 神奇的

mellow [] a. 醇香的

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Interpretation of Speeches

New Words

phenomenon [] n. 现象

representative [] n. 代表

trustworthy [] a. 值得信赖的

a round-the-clock presence 全天候到位

account for 说明 ( 原因 )

be headed by 由……领头

brief on 简述

farewell party 告别晚会

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Interpretation of Speeches

New Words

long-standing 长期建立的

none more so than 没人比得上的

on behalf of 代表……方

propose a toast 提议干杯

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Interpretation of Speeches

Word Bank

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a new millennium 新千年a send-off party 欢送会 a welcoming party 欢迎会 an anniversary celebration 周年庆典 closing speech 闭幕辞 gracious hospitality 热情好客 gracious invitation 盛情邀请 honored/distinguished guests 尊敬的来宾 I’d like to end my speech with... 以……结束我的讲话I’d like to propose a toast to something 我提议为……干杯

Interpretation of Speeches

Word Bank

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I’m honored and privileged to... 能够……我深感荣幸I’m looking forward to something/doing something 我期待着……

in the name of 以……的名义opening speech 开幕辞 take delight and pride in 为……感到高兴和骄傲take some time out of one’s tight schedule 百忙中抽空 to address the meeting/conference on the topic of... 向大会就……问题进行讲话to appreciate somebody for doing something 向……表示感谢to bring to A the congratulations from B 向……转达来自……的祝贺

Interpretation of Speeches

Word Bank

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to congratulate somebody on something 向……表示祝贺to express one’s sincere congratulations and best wishes

致以衷心的祝贺和最美好的祝愿to extend my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to somebody

向……表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢to give/host a dinner for the arrival of something

接风洗尘to have... with us 欢聚一堂 toast 祝酒辞 Wish... complete success 祝……圆满成功 !

Useful Expressions


1. I wish to extend my warm welcome to you.

首先 , 请允许我向受邀来我国访问的中国代表团表示热烈的欢迎。

2. Allow me, first of all, to extend my warm welcome to the Chinese Delegation

who have been invited to this country.

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Extending Warm Welcome or Expressing Thanks

我谨代表纺织公司集团 , 向史密斯先生和所有加拿大贸易代表团的全体成员表


3. On behalf of the Textiles Corporation, I wish to warmly welcome you, Mr.

Smith, and all the members of the Canadian Trade Mission.

Useful Expressions

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中国有句老话说 ,有朋自远方来不亦乐乎 ?

4. There is an old saying in China, that is, isn’t it a great joy to have friends

from afar?

在这个月光明媚的夜晚 , 我很荣幸地主持这个由我们贸易代表团特地为欢迎中国海外贸易官员设置的晚宴。

5. On this beautiful moon-lit evening, it is a great pleasure for me to preside at

this dinner given by our trade mission in honor of the Chinese foreign trade


Extending Warm Welcome or Expressing Thanks

Useful Expressions

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我谨代表我们代表团全体成员和我本人 , 向您表示衷心的感谢。

6. On behalf of all the members of my delegation and in my own name, I

express my heartfelt thanks to you.

向您并通过您转达我们对史密斯先生的诚挚谢意。7. I’d like to express my warm gratitude to you and through you to Mr. Smith.

Extending Warm Welcome or Expressing Thanks

谢谢你们邀请我们参加今晚如此精美的晚宴。8. Thank you for inviting us to such a marvelous dinner tonight.

Useful Expressions

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9. It’s my pleasure and honor to welcome back Mr. Wilson who has been in

Canada for the past three months.

Extending Warm Welcome or Expressing Thanks

借此晚宴 , 我要感谢他们 ( 和他们的伴侣 ), 感谢所有到会并支持我们的人。

10. So at this banquet, I want to extend a very big thank you to them (and their

partners), and my thanks to all of you here, who have supported us.

Useful Expressions

Hosting a Ceremony

光阴似箭 ,日月如梭。两个星期前我们在这里热烈欢迎威廉汤普森教授。现在


1. How time flies, It was here that we gave Prof. William Thompson a hearty

welcome two weeks ago. We are now here again to bid him farewell.

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今天 , 我们感到很荣幸能和马丁 ·威尔逊教授欢聚一堂 现在请威尔逊教授做报告。

2. Today, we feel very much honored to have Prof. Martin Wilson with us. Now

let us invite Prof. Wilson to give us a lecture.

Useful Expressions

Hosting a Ceremony

承蒙接待、十分感激。我们一直想来中国访问 ,今天 , 我们很荣幸能如愿以偿。

3. Thank you for your nice welcome and reception. It has been a long

cherished hope of ours to visit China some day. We are fortunate to enjoy

this rare chance today.

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在我们公司开业二十周年庆典之际 , 我们要表扬并嘉奖所有奉献了才智和辛勤劳动的全体员工。

4. In celebration of our company’s twentieth anniversary, we will recognize and

honor all the staffs and faculty members who have devoted your wisdom

and hard-working.

Useful Expressions

Hosting a Ceremony

在过去的一年里 ,由于全体同仁的良好合作和出色的团队精神 , 我们的市场份


5. In the past year, thanks to the all the staff’s good cooperation and high

spirit of team work, our share of market has increased dramatically.

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为了让公众更好地了解我们的新产品优质性能和质量 , 我们召开本次记者招待会 , 作为产品推出的开序。

6. To make the public know much better about the superior quality and function

of our latest product, we held this press conference as a start of the product


Useful Expressions

Hosting a Ceremony

在门塞尔公司北京分公司成立五周年纪念日 , 我谨向公司表示衷心的祝贺。

7. On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Beijing branch of Mansell Co.,

I wish to extend my warmest congratulations to the company.

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在这欢乐的时刻 , 请大家举起酒杯 , 为我们两家公司建立的非常牢固的互利关

系干杯 !

8. At this joyous occasion, let me propose a toast to solid and mutually

beneficial relationship between our two companies!

Useful Expressions

Hosting a Ceremony

我们非常幸运有这么优秀的员工 ,他们非常勤奋 , 周而复始地努力工作 ,才能确


9. We have been lucky to have had a fantastic staff. And a very hard working

one. The people who week in, week out do the work,that may account for

our remarkable achievements in the severe competition in the field.

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( 我的讲话完了 ,) 谢谢 !

10. Thank you for your attention!

Sample Writing

Section 1: A Letter of Compliments

A heartfelt compliment letter can be the best way to express admiration and

praise. Compliment letters can be written for the following reasons, for sympathy

letters, flowers, or cards

For praising a service supplier or a product. But make sure that you mention

the reasons why you like the service or product.

For complimenting a planner, or a program chairperson.

For praising sales staff or a sales person because of their good performance

Personal compliments are always important to keep the tone sincere and


Other cases like announcing a contest winner, encouraging an employee after

a company setback or disappointment, etc.

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Sample Writing

一封发自内心的赞扬信是表达敬意和赞美的最好方式。祝贺信适用于以下情形 :

赞美服务者或产品。别忘了说明你喜欢他们的原因。 赞美一个活动或项目的负责人或策划者。 表扬一个销售团队或个人的突出业绩。 以个人名义发出的祝贺信语调通常更具有亲和力。 其他诸如宣布竞赛获胜者 ,或鼓励员工在公司遭受挫折和失望之后振作精神等等。

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Section 1: A Letter of Compliments

Sample Writing


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Dear colleagues at the Sales Section,

Congratulations on exceeding the projected sales for March, You have set a

record by surpassing the monthly sales goal four months in a row. Without your

help, Doe Corporation would not be what it is today.

Each of you will receive a 15% commission for last month’s sales. In addition, if

you break next month’s new sales goal, each of you will receive a 20%


Sample Writing


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

You have already proven that you are the best sales force in the market and I

am confident you can exceed next month’s sales expectations. I am proud and

grateful to have such diligent workers on my team. Keep up the great work.

Yours sincerely

Henry Stevenson

Henry Stevenson

General Manager

Doe Corporation

Sample Writing

A letter of congratulations is a practical writing style to deliver a congratulatory

message to friends and business partners commemorating accomplishments and

achievements. While writing a congratulations letter to your business associates or

clients, you may take on a more formal tone.

Send a congratulatory message immediately after learning of someone’s good fortune.

Write an introduction to the letter that explains the purpose of the correspondence.

State the exact achievement.

Use the body of the letter to further communicate your praise, express your approval

and discuss the significance of the achievement.

End the body of the letter by including a paragraph that restates your congratulatory

message. Offer a wish of continued success and good luck.

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Section 2: A Letter of Congratulations

Sample Writing

祝贺信是用于当你的朋友或者生意上的伙伴取得成就时表达祝贺之意的应用文体。给生意上的伙伴或者客户写此类信件时 , 语气要正式。 一旦得知别人有好消息时 ,应立即致信表达心意。 解释和说明你致信的原因 , 表述你所了解到的具体成就。 用正文继续表达你的赞扬、肯定及此项成就的实际意义。 在信尾结束段另起一行重复你的祝贺之意 , 祝愿收信人继续成功和交好运。

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Section 2: A Letter of Congratulations

Sample Writing


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Dear Mr. Tony More,

Congratulations on your promotion, I was so happy to hear your good news.

I can remember when you first joined the company you were a great asset to us all

and now all your hard work and effort has paid off. I think the thing I like the best in

yours is your attitude. No matter what challenge we faced, you always helped to

find a solution. Your energy and attitude reminded me of the inspirational poem

“Don’t Quit”. You always kept going. You didn’t let problems get in your way, your

determination and your enthusiasm always found a way to make things work.

Sample Writing


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And now in your new position I know you will bring these qualities with you. I look

forward to working with you in your new role. If there is anything I can do to assist you,

don’t hesitate to let me know.

Again, congratulations!

Yours sincerely

Henry Stevenson

Henry Stevenson

General Manager


Listen to the following passage carefully and fill in the blanks according

to what you hear.

1. Listening.

1 Mr. John Williams, 2 leaders, guests,

ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning to everyone! 3 Giant KONE Elevator Co.,

Ltd., I warmly welcome 4 at this occasion, 5

of Giant KONE.

Today we are drawing great attention not only from China elevator industry

but also from world elevator industry. It is 6 to open the brand-new

chapter of Giant KONE at this 7 together with all of you.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

the opening ceremony ____________________

Honorable ____________

historical momenthistorical moment __________________

distinguished _____________

my honor __________

your presence _______________

On behalf of _____________


1. Listening.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

The establishment of Giant KONE not only will accelerate 8

of Giant KONE Elevator but also will 9

of KONE Corporation in China.

Giant KONE has got great supports from government leaders, friends and

customers 10 . I’d like to 11 to

express my sincerest gratitude to all of you!

during establishment ____________________

expand the market share _______________________

take this opportunity ___________________

the internati-




Listen to the following passage carefully and fill in the blanks according

to what you hear.


1. Listening.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Listen to the following passage carefully and fill in the blanks according

to what you hear.

Last of all, I believe through 12 with the supports from

all our friends and 13 . Giant KONE will bring us the

ultimate 14 .

Thank you!

our mutual efforts __________________

glorious success ____________________

related authorities ____________________


2. Role play.

Suppose your boss, Mr. Zhang Yao is saying goodbye at the farewell

banquet to Mr. Dell, who has worked in your company for three years and now is

leaving the company. Mr. Dell is a kind, responsible and careful person who has

contributed a lot at his position. As a secretary, you are asked to interpret Mr.

Zhang Yao’s farewell speech.

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3. Interpret the following Chinese Speech into English.

尊敬的贵宾、代理商、新闻媒体 ,女士们、先生们 :

你们好 !

首先 , 我谨代表北京林和公司全体员工 ,在公司创立 4 周年之际参加公司新产品发布会的各位朋友们 表示最热烈的欢迎和最衷心的感谢 。特别是在过去的 4 年里 , 为使北京林和公司每年都以 50% 以上的速度增长而给予北京林和精神上、物资上很大支持的诸位 ,

借此机会再一次表示感谢。 今天是我们北京林和创立 4 周年的日子 ,也是去年年末跟大家约好的新产品发布的日子。今天给大家展示的新产品是应大家强烈要求开发的经济型 3吨叉车 ,通过一系列专业测试 ,被判定为优秀的装备 。 通过今天的活动 ,希望在大家的支持和努力下 ,使北京林和继续发展 , 成为世界一流的公司。祝大家好运。 谢谢 !

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4. Practical Writing.

Task 1: Write a letter of compliments to one of your suppliers because of his

excellent service (For example, good package, prompt delivery or

efficient after-sale services, etc.) while cooperating with you.

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Task 2: Write a letter of congratulations to one of your employees in the

marketing section who has an accomplishment in expanding a new

market for the products of your company.


5. Reading Activity.

To become a good interpreter is the aspiration cherished by every student

of English. Then, what are the necessary qualities that make a good interpreter?

In order to get the answer, we have to understand the nature of work of an


The work of an interpreter is to reproduce orally in another language what

has just been said. To put in another way, it is oral translation on the spot.

Interpretation can be consecutive, that is, reproduction after the speaker has

stopped, or simultaneous, that is, at the same time as the speaker is speaking.

Therefore, special requirements arise from the special nature of interpretation.

Some veteran interpreters have summarized the requirements of interpretation

as “accurate, quick and smooth”.

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5. Reading Activity.

Obviously, a correct understanding and reproduction of the speaker’s

meaning comes first, because an interpreter is merely a medium among

speakers of different languages in their communication. At the same time, an

interpreter must be quick in his/her work. They must not delay. Their

interpretation should be smooth so that it can be readily understood. To achieve

accuracy in interpretation, an interpreter must comprehend correctly in the first

place. Together with smooth reproduction, it is not difficult to see that a good

command of English (or other languages) and Chinese is the prerequisite

condition. A clear pronunciation and intonation are crucial for an interpreter.

However, the achievement of speed needs special training.

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5. Reading Activity.

One of the difficulties lies in memory. Many students complain that they

cannot remember what has just been said. Here, note-taking may help. Note-

taking serves as an aid to memory on the spot, so you do not have to take down

every word being spoken, which is both impossible and unnecessary. You only

need to take down the key words which represent the main ideas and of course,

numbers and figures. Your note must have a clear presentation or pattern which

indicates the logical development of the speaker’s ideas. This is important

because it will help your interpretation sensible and coherent. Besides symbols,

abbreviations and diagrams may also be used to make your note-taking faster.

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5. Reading Activity.

To integrate correct comprehension, proper memory and quick

reproduction demands high concentration and quick reaction. This is a process

which requires the simultaneous working of one’s heart, mind and hand. This is

where intensive training comes in. A former trainee of the UN Interpreter is made

by the tape hours she has had which means that the more hours you have had

been practicing by listening to tapes and interpreting, the more competent you


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5. Reading Activity.

Wide-ranging knowledge is as important as the command of languages.

“To know something about everything under the sun” is another motto

interpreters observe. You have to concern yourself with what is happening at

home and abroad all the time. You should constantly broaden your horizon and

improve your comprehension and interpretation.

Lastly, good manners and a strong sense of responsibility are also

necessary qualities of an interpreter.

Based on the above discussion, we may conclude that a good interpreter’s

competence is many-faceted. To him/her, challenges are constant and hence,

self-improvement must be consistent.

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5. Reading Activity.

1. The work of interpretation is

2. means interpretation after the speaker has

stopped while means interpretation at the

same time as the speaker.

3. , an interpreter must comprehend


the right way. What’s more, good command of and

, a clear are important


an interpreter.

Please fill in the blanks according to what you have learnt from the passages.

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oral translation on the spot _________________________.

Consecutive interpretation _________________________

simultaneous interpretation __________________________

foreign languages _________________

To achieve accuracy in interpretation _________________________________

native language _______________ pronunciation and intonation __________________________


5. Reading Activity.

4. As an interpreter, you may

domestically and abroad all the time.

5. may be helpful for you to memorize the key words.

Moreover, , and enable you

to make notes faster.

Please fill in the blanks according to what you have learnt from the passages.

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diagrams ____________

Note-making ______________

concern yourself with what’s happening ____________________________________

symbols ___________ abbreviations ______________

Social Etiquette

While delivery a speech, you may follow the 8 steps as below:

(1) Approach the podium confidently and put your notes in a place where you can

see them easily.

(2) Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Look at the audience

pause and begin speaking. If there is no microphone, project from your

diaphragm, not your throat.

(3) Set the tone in your introduction with appropriate facial expressions and

diction, and a specific mood (such as folksy or hard-hitting).

(4) Make eye contact with people in different parts of the audience, including

the back row.

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Etiquette of Delivery a Speech

Social Etiquette

(5) Pause briefly after you state key points to allow the audience time to absorb

the information. Also, use natural and relaxed hand gestures and facial

expressions to emphasize certain points.

(6) Pronounce your words clearly and vary your rate, pitch and volume to keep

the delivery lively.

(7) Refresh your memory by periodically glancing at your notes, but avoid

reading from your notes directly unless you are reading a long quotation.

(8) Close your speech by thanking the audience and then confidently exiting the


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Etiquette of Delivery a Speech

Social Etiquette

Four keys to a successful speech, they are:

(1) Keep it short, keep it clean, learn it by heart. Remember to bring your notes

and don’t be afraid to use them

(2) Use numbered postcard size notes with one sentence or short paragraph

printed in bold clear writing on each. They don’t get lost, they don’t rustle and

they fit comfortably into a suit pocket.

(3) Rehearsal is a must, Persuade a friend to listen and watch, or use a tape

recorder and talk to the bath room mirror.

(4) Light humor and gentle jokes are warmly received in any speech.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Etiquette of Delivery a Speech

Social Etiquette

Group Disccussion

It’s said there are 15 simple public speaking delivery tips which might

enhance your effectiveness while on stage. Talk about them with your group

members and illustrate them.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

1. Tone of voice

2. Eliminate Umms and Aaahs

3. Pace

4. Volume

5. Getting to the point quickly

6. Paying attention to your arms

7. Correcting your mistakes gracefully

8. Preparation

9. Calmness

10. Technique to make yourself be heard by

everyone in the room

11. Conviction

12. Pauses

13. Attention grabbing

14. Slowing down at important junctures

15. Having fun


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