進入平埔族的原鄉 : 蘭陽平原 &戀戀遠方龜山島 touring kavalan’s homeland &...

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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進入平埔族的原鄉 : 蘭陽平原&戀戀遠方龜山島

Touring Kavalan’s Homeland &

Miss Turtle IslandFor senior high school students

Course Designer: Wendy

雲端學校本位課程 宜蘭校區雲端學校本位課程 宜蘭校區

私立及人中學 英文科

A brief history of Yilan(a) Ethnic groups(b) Geography(c) Cultures

The Map of Yilan (a) Draw the outline of Yilan (b) Locate the towns on Yilan map

Outlining Yilan

Locating the Places

蘭陽博物館 (Lanyang Museum)

龜山島 (Turtle Island) 3 hotels 台灣戲劇館 Taiwan

Theater/ Drama Museum)

宜蘭老街 傳藝中心 無尾港 豆腐岬 白米木屐村

•美麗的龜山島…宛如披著神秘面紗的女郎 •總讓人充滿遐思… ..

A Website to recommend: 宜蘭博物館家族 Places to visit:

(a) National Center for Traditional Arts(b) Lanyang Museum(c) Taiwan Theater/Drama Museum(d) Wu-Wei Harbor

無尾港水鳥保護區 ,(e) Communities:

白米社區 ( 白米木屐村 ); 無尾港文教促進會(f) Cape town

外澳 ( 牽罟 ) Trawling南方澳 ( 豆腐岬 ) Doufu Cape

Visiting Yilan

Vocabulary to know Verbs

tilt( 傾斜 ), blend into( 融合為一體 ), coexist with, symbolize, sustain( 支撐 ;忍受 ), display, introduce, suggest, include, enter, inhabit, influence, be situated in.

Nouns environment, port, harbor, plains, tectonic plate, Kavalan, museum,

cuesta, puppet, puppeteer, theater, traditional arts, community.

Adjectives natural, interactive, local, Eurasian( 歐亞的 ), aboriginal, seasonal,

diverse, misty, scheduled.

Learning Words about Yilang

Find Mistakes and Errors on Pamphlets. learning sheet

Write a Letter to the Museums.Objective: Students are able to use appropriate letter writing style to convey their thoughts for improvement on the museums. (a) Opening: Compliment on the achievement done by the

museums and show appreciation to them. (b) Main idea: Indicate the mistakes on the pamphlet( 小冊子 ). (c) Supporting ideas: Offer some suggestions to the museums.(d) Concluding idea: reiteration of compliment and give suggestions

Challenging on Yilan

To whom it may concern, I am a student living in Xindian. Last week, my school

held a trip to your museum and I was so excited. You have done great efforts to keep the culture and tradition in Yilan and I really enjoy it. However, there are a few things that I would like to recommend.

I know it is difficult to keep the tradition and I want to say thank you again for your efforts. I want to give my sincere wish and hope your museum can run well. Hope you don’t mind of my daring suggest.

Sincerely yours, Jonathan


Guishan Island ( Turtle Island )

Put the appropriate word in each blank for the first two paragraphs.

Draw a picture for last two paragraphs.

Read the Tour Highlight( 最精彩部分 )

Share your work. It can be hard to critique your own work, so after you've done an initial edit, try to get some friends or a poetry group (there are plenty online) to look at your poem for you. You may not like all their suggestions, and you don't have to take any of them, but you might find some insight that will make your poem better.

A piece of poem for Turtle Island

Organize Individual Tour Plans(a) Transportation: __________________(b) Route & Touring sites: ____________(c) Accommodation( Hotel): _________________________

Count Traveling Budget (a) Meals, Snacks & Drinks____________(b) Transportation ___________________(c) Admission Fee ___________________(d) Gifts ___________________________

Customizing ( 按指定規格製造 )a Yilan Trip

My Tourist Attraction

Choose your place and find your partners. Run a Campaign

(a) Form a team by the same place.

(b) Discuss the qualities the place has. (c) Promote for the place.

Choose the No. 1 Tourist Attraction Being a tour guide!

Voting Yilan

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