cover 3 v6 活性良菌植物胶原蛋白

Post on 19-Jan-2017



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三合一胶原蛋白:* 覆盆子* 燕麦* 3 亿活性孢子良菌

胶原蛋白权威3 亿活性孢子良菌植物胶原蛋白

3 Billion Lactospore & Plant Collagen抗氧化自由基活化细胞

Beauty & Health Nutrizest Drink for Everyone可活丽是您健康美丽幸福的加油站

葡萄子干细胞 Grape Stem Cell

可活丽 覆盆子 COVER 3 V6

603-3324 0003603-3324 0005

603-3323 3666603-3325 4666

30 Sachets: RM31715 Sachets: RM159* (15gm per sachet)

Call for More Information欲知详情,请与我们联络征求各界批发代理商

10 Benefit of Raspberry 十大覆盆子的好处9.

Rich in Vitamin C and antioxidant(it is 50% higher than strawberry)含有很高的维他命 C ,抗氧化( 50% 高于草莓)

7.Rich in Fibers which can

control blood sugar含有很高的纤维,帮助控制血糖4.

Prevent damage of cell membranes by neutralizing free-radicals阻止细胞受到破坏,不受自由基攻击

2.Rich in anthocyanins which keep

our eyes bright 富含花青素,让眼睛更明亮3.

Inhibit cancer cells proliferation and tumor formation in our colon 阻止癌细胞和肿瘤

- 尤其在大肠 5.Detoxification 帮助排毒

8.Improve our body into

alkaline 使身体碱性化

10.Anti-aging 抗老化

6.Helps in the elasticity of our arteries

and reduce the risk of heart diseases 减少心脏问题,血管硬化

1.Regulate menstrual period 调理荷尔蒙

Skin 皮肤 Joints 关节

Bones,Teeth,Hair,Nails 骨骼,牙齿,头发,指甲

Digestive System 肠胃 , 消化系统 Blood Vessel and Heart 血管与心脏

Immune System 免疫能力 Eyesight 明目

How Can Cover 3 V6 Improve Our Health ?可活丽如何帮助我的健康?

You will fell breast firming up in 15 days for taking 2 sachet per day. Take 1 sachet in the morning and 1 sachet before sleep  顾客以一天两包的分量,在 15 天里会感到皮肤保湿和嫩滑

~~~~~~~~~~Effective Dosage & Result 效果和回应~~~~~~~~~~~

You will feel skin whitening , smooth , fine line reduced for continuously taking for 1 month time. 30 天里会感觉到皮肤美白,结实有光彩After taking for 2 to 3 months time,stretch mark will reduced and strengthen vaginal. 在 2-3 个月里感觉到子宫收缩和纹减少。肠胃问题如便秘,腹泻也会有很大的改善。

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