digital eyes media - facebook ads masterclass

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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Reach the exact audience you want with relevant targeted ads

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

General housekeeping rules

Round the table


Facebook Advertising Masterclass

• Understand FB advertising part of your over all SM strategy

• Potential FB adverts can have on your business

• 4 main ways to advertise on Facebook

• Why the more targeted your adverts are, more cost effective & successful they will be

• Reasons for using FB ads – more fans, more leads, new customers

• How to set up and run a Facebook advert

• Importance of testing and analysing campaigns

By the end of this morning you will be able to ……

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Pillars of marketing

Facebook advertising should only be one of the pillars of your overall digital marketing strategy.

Another aid to get customers through the marketing funnel. Facebook will aid qualifying those potential customers.

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Businesses pay Facebook to show adverts to people who might be interested In their message…

• 97% of marketers stated they reply on SM marketing more than ever for their business. They also agreed that their businesses are really starting to invest in Facebook paid ads.*

• Facebook generated over $5 billion during 2013 in Facebook advertising alone.

• 64% of advertisers expected to increase SM spending during 2014.

*Social Media Examiner

Facebook Advertising …what is it and why?

Facebook Advertising Masterclass


Paid Ad’s

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Facebook path to the £££’s

The basics first…

1. Get more Fans – Ave no. of friends per person is 229

2. Get Lots of leads – To convert them into contact information

3. Get new customers – Only % of Facebook pool will become paying customers. Are you attracting the right kind of visitors?

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

4 Ways to Advertise on Facebook

1. Page promotion

2. Boosted posts

3. Offers/ Events

4. Facebook advertising

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

1. Page Promotion Ad (*Under Build Audience)

An ad which is used to build your audience by encouraging people to like your Page.

When people like your Page, it shows in their list of likes and their friends may also see that they’ve liked you through a story in News Feed.

The people who like your Page will also see your most engaging Page content in their news feeds.

Best used for Getting Page ‘Likes’ & Brand awareness

• Specifically meant for new businesses (to Facebook) without sophisticated targeting needs & looking to get more ‘Likes’ according to the company

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

2. Promoted PostsPromoting Page posts helps your post reach more people.

When you promote a post, you can choose to reach more of the people who like your Page or expand your audience to everyone on Facebook.

Whether a post is promoted or not, the more engaging and interesting it is to your audience, the more organic reach it will have.

Click on “Boost Post” while you’re creating a post, or once it’s already posted, to promote it.

Best used for getting more people to see your posts (Promoting special events, offers and news.

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

3. Offers & EventsFacebook Offers are posts about a special discount or promotion that can be created right from the sharing tool on your Page.

An offer post is special because when it shows to people in News Feed, it has a Get Offer button that encourages people to claim it. People have the option to share offers they claim with their friends, which means you’ll reach more people.

You can track the success of your offers not just through the number of claims, but also by counting how many customers walk into your store and spend money. You can even create a barcode for your offer so that it's easy to scan them and keep track of sales.

When you set up an offer, you need to add a budget to promote it. You'll be able to choose from different budgets, depending on how many people you want to reach.

Best for Increasing sales in your store by encouraging foot traffic,Engagement and virality.

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Who is your target market?

Take 5 mins to define your ‘perfect’ customer for your product/service

• Location• Age• Gender• Relationship status• Education• Size of business (B2B)• Interests

o Gardeningo Video gameso Movieso Fashiono Bookso Theatreo Home Improvement

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Time for a 15min break!

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

4. Facebook AdvertisingThe ad create tool is designed to help you meet your most important business goals & includes a powerful set of targeting options so you reach just the right people for your business.

If you’re advertising a Page, app, or event, you’ll be asked to choose a goal:- Get more Page likes- Promote Page posts- Get more app users- Increase app engagement- Increase event attendance

If you’re advertising a website off of Facebook, you won’t be asked to select a goal, but you can link your ad to a Page on Facebook so that it can show in the News Feedin addition to the right column.

Best used for achieving specific goals & Targeting the right Audience

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Creating your Ad

1. Who is your target market?

2. Objective of your campaign

3. How to create your ad

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Facebook Ad…

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Where to send leads?

1. On-site – to a Fan page/ Business Page/ App2. Off-site – to a website3. Squeeze pages – On of Off Facebook4. Facebook Events5. Facebook Store ( etc.)

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

How to Create your Ad

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Define your objective

How to Create your Ad

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Step 1 - Find a suitable image

For all ads, the best size image to upload is 1200x627 pixels.

A minimum width of 600 pixels for images appearing in News Feed.

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Step 2 – Create your ad content

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Step 3 – Find an audience

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Step 4 – Bidding

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Common reasons ads are not approved

1. Improper grammar and capitalisation

2. Images that are not appropriate or contain more than 20% of


3. Deceptive or unclear offers

4. Inaccurate ad text

5. Poor ad targeting

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Measuring your Results

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Measuring your Results

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Measuring your Results

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Facebook Ads – Useful Tips

Change images frequently

Check Facebook Ad GuidelinesSharpen your focus

Set a budget

Pick your focus

Inject personality

Ask for what you wantStand out from the crowd

Split test your Ads

Ugly designs work!

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Glossary of Facebook Ad Terms

Facebook for Business:

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

Facebook Advertising Masterclass

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Facebook Advertising Masterclass

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