【黃志揚博士簡介】cmcmg/doc/teacher/dr huang new.pdf · 第31 屆(2016...

Post on 06-Aug-2020






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黃志揚博士於 1987 畢業於輔仁大學食營系完成學士學位同年進入陽明大學生理所攻讀心臟學內

分泌碩士學位1989 年獲陽明大學碩士畢業生最高榮譽伊旬諾論文獎並於 1989 年任職 39 期預官

訓實習連長後轉任營站主任於 1991 年完成義務役少尉軍階義務1992 年申請獲五所美國大學


癌症協會副主席(現任美國內分泌主席)Benita S Katazenbogen 教授實驗室完成乳癌分子生物學碩

士學位1995 年至 Dennis E Buetow 教授實驗室轉攻心臟分子訊息生物學於 1998 年獲得伊利諾

大學博士學位並於原實驗室繼續擔任博士後研究員一年於 1999 年八月回台首任職於台中中

山醫學大學擔任助理教授一職於 2002 年 8 月升任部定副教授並於 2004 年 8 月兼任創新育成中

心主任2005 年 10 月正式榮升部定教授一職並於 2000-2005 間同時擔任國立中正大學分生所兼

任教授2006 年 8 月獲中國醫藥大學聘任教授兼任基礎醫學研究所所長另於 2009 年 8 月同時兼

任副研發長一職2005 年迄今同時擔任亞洲大學暨宏光科大兼任教授2013 年迄借調亞洲大學生

科系特聘教授兼研發處研發長2015-2016 年並兼任國際及兩岸教育學院院長目前研究主題包含

探討類胰島素生長因子接受體(IGF-IR)調控心肌細胞存活及 IGF-IIR 誘發心肌細胞凋亡機轉探討


目前主持(含共同)9 件國科會計畫5 件校內10 件校外合作計劃同時擔任國科會計畫初審及

覆審委員考選部高考出題及審題委員衛生福利部食品藥物管理署[健康食品審議小組] 審議委

員中醫大亞洲醫學雜誌及 BioMedicine 副主編中國生理學雜誌(SCI)調適醫學雜誌World Journal

of Oncology World Journal of Moleucular Biology 等編輯委員中國生理學會第 23屆理事及調適醫學

會第 1amp2屆理事至 2015 年共發表 SCI ndashpapers (gt300 篇)

姓名黃志揚教授 Chih-Yang Huang



學校(04-22053366)分機(O)3313 (L)3315 3316

醫院(04-22052121)分機(O)7716 7701 (L)7707

亞洲大學 04-23323456 分機(O)6140

E-mailcyhuangmailcmuedutw or cyhuangasiaedutw

現職 | 學歷 | 經歷 | 專長 | 榮譽 | 研究 方向 | 合作實驗室 | 研究室成員 |

| 學術論文及著作 |


亞洲大學生科系 特聘教授兼研發處研發長暨國際及兩岸教育學院院長

中國醫藥大學暨附設醫院 桂冠研究人才計畫主持人

中國附醫醫學研究部 (顧問)

中國醫藥大學醫學院中醫學院 共同實驗室負責人


中醫大 BioMedicine 醫學雜誌副總編輯中國生理學雜誌(CJP SCI)及調適醫學雜誌編輯


衛生福利部食品藥物管理署[健康食品審議小組] 審議委員

中國生理學會第 23 屆理事調適醫學會第 1amp2 屆理事台灣內分泌代謝學會監事


台灣 陽明大學生理所 心臟內分泌學碩士(1987-1989)

美國 伊利諾大學香檳校區分子生理所 乳癌分子醫學碩士(1992-1995)

美國 伊利諾大學香檳校區分子生理所 心臟分子醫學博士(1995-1998)

美國 伊利諾大學香檳校區分子生理所 心臟分子醫學博士後研究(1998-1999)


台灣 陽明大學 生理學兼任助教(1987-1989)

台灣 39 期義務役預官(醫勤官兼營站主任)(1989-1991)

美國 伊利諾大學香檳校區 分子生理所助理及助教(1992-1996amp1996-1998)

台灣中正大學 分子生物研究所 兼任教授(2000-2008)

中山醫學大學 生化暨生物科技研究所 助教授(19998-20027)

中山醫學大學 生化暨生物科技研究所 副教授(20028-200510)

中山醫學大學 生化暨生物科技研究所 教授(200510-20067)

中山醫學大學 創新育成中心 主任(20058-20067)

中國醫藥大學 基礎醫學研究所所長(200611-20131)兼副研發長(20098-20131)

弘光科技大學營養醫學研究所 兼任教授

中國生理學雜誌(CJP SCI)暨中醫大中台灣醫學雜誌副總編輯(20098-20131)


中國醫藥大學 2006-2009-2012 傑出教授研究獎

中國醫藥大學醫學院 96-101 學年度(RPICJA 及論文篇數)研究績優獎

輔仁大學營養科學系傑出系友獎 (2008 第三屆 Outstanding Alumni Award of Nutritional Science

Department Fu-Jen University Taiwan)




Adaptive Medicine 特約作者(2006-2009) 編輯委員(2009-2013)



台中縣一品堂中醫體系科技顧問(2008 迄今)

台北市大冠生物科技公司顧問(2014 迄今)

2009 生醫年會 March 21-22 24 th生理學 Cardiovascular Biology Section Program Organizer and invited


2009 International Conference of Adaptive Medicine Society Aug 2-5 Taipei Organizing board member

and invited speaker

中國西安交通大學暨附屬醫院參訪學者2009 年 7 月

BITs 1st Annual International Congress of Cardiology-2009 Shanghai 上海 China Dec 5-7

Co-Chair and invited speaker

受邀擔任第七屆亞太生理學聯盟學術大會中醫藥替代醫學 Satellite Symposium 籌 備主席

2012 年 1 月受邀埃及 Mansoura 大學訪問學者 invited speaker 並擔任國際博士生 Ehab Abdelfadil


2013 專門職業及技術人員高等考試營養師考試常設題庫小組命題技術研習會暨命題審查

第 29 屆(2014)-生物醫學聯合學術年會海報複賽評審

2014 年 11 月受邀印度 Bharathiar 大學Coimbatore 訪問學者擔任博士生 S Kalaiselvi 論文委員

2015 International Conference of Adaptive Medicine Society (ISAM) May 27-30 JapanYonago

invited speaker


19th (劉忠榮)amp 21 th (朱俊憲)生醫年會生化分生優秀壁報獎

23 th (郭昱均)生醫年會生理學優秀壁報獎

3rd中正大學分生所論文獎 1st 名(王惠勵)

1rd中山醫學大學生化所論文獎 1st 名(顏均宇)

1rd中國醫藥大學國際生醫研討暨研究生發表會壁報獎 1st 名(顏均宇)

1rd中國醫藥大學生科所研究生發表會壁報獎 1st 名(李振宇)

2009 International Conference of Adaptive Medicine Society 發表壁報獎1st名(陳德勇越南籍生)






第 30 屆(2015 年)生醫聯合學術年會看板論文競賽生化分生組佳作獎(黃智洋)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會海報論文競賽榮獲第三名(廖柏翔)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會口頭論文競賽榮獲傑出論文獎(廖柏翔)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會口頭論文競賽榮獲佳作獎(Sarnai)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中華民國毒物學學會海報論文競賽榮獲佳作(丁韋仁楊珮禎)



優等獎(陳翊瑋) 口頭報告競賽獲得佳作獎(曾仁佑)

第 31 屆(2016 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會海報論文競賽佳作獎(黃琪雯)

第 31 屆(2016 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會台灣生物學會優秀壁報論文獎 (廖柏翔)



助理研究員 陳冬生博士(中國附醫) 黃智洋博士(中國附醫)丁韋仁博士轉化醫學中心主任(清遠醫


博士後研究 MARTHANDAM ASOKAN SHIBU 博士 Rathina Baski 博士Tamilselvi Shanmugam 博士

廖柏翔博士 陳佳宜

外籍生 Dr Ehab Abd( Assistant Professor Mansoura University Egypt) Stanley DUMEUS(海 地) Denny

Satria(印尼) Sudhir Pandey(印度) KannathasanT (印度) Tran Thanh Viet (越南) Le Thi Ly (越南) Nguyen

Hoang Anh Kha (越南) 錢婧元(馬來西亞) 黃襄川(馬來西亞)



基礎研究生楊堯智(博五) 戴墨司(博三) 蘇易辰(博二) 邱致豪(博一)Sudhir Pandey (博一)

KannathasanT (博一)李法倫(研二) 陳佳宜(研二) 官家圳 (研二) 王添德(研二) 何文昆(研一)

張三豐(研一) 林立勳(研一)黃祥晏(研一)錢婧沅(研一)黃襄川(研一)Anh Kha (研一)許淵聖

(醫預生) 李碩宸(醫預生)

臨床研究生張家築(博五) 馮志中(博三) 林源泉(博三) 陳雅芳(博三) 傅建堯(博二) 劉益昇(博

二) 陳仲豪(博一) 江瑞庭 (博一) 林親怡(博一) 陳冠良(博一)

大學部專題生黃瀚澤 張軒輔 游 芃曾健鈞

【擔任 reviewer】

Journal reviewer International J of Cardiology Chinese J of Physiol Molecular Cellular

Biochemistry Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology Clinica Chima Acta Pharmacology research

Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology Clinical Biochemistry Apoptosis Acta Pharmacologica Sinica

eCAM J of Endocrinology J of Molecular Medicine Endocrinology

Project reviewer Philip Morris external Research Program Tzu Chi human clinical trail project

Taichung Veterans General Hospital project NSC group projects


1 雌性素(Estrogen)及其受體基因轉殖在心血管疾病阻斷及肝癌直腸癌口腔癌前列腺癌防治機轉


2 心肌細胞中鈣離子調控之激脢去磷酸根脢及細胞激素之角色

3 心肌細胞肥厚及猝死之起始因子(含生長因子發炎等)及臨床診斷指標(Clinicalbiochemical markers)


4 IGF-I 及 IGF-II 在心肌細胞之交互調控角色探討

5 醣尿病患及動物併發心血管疾病過程中其機轉及臨床診斷指標探討

6 DNA 基因晶片在各種心肌疾病及肝癌直腸癌的應用

7 心肌細胞肥厚過程中Cytochrome-c-oxidase 活性及基因表現的差異

8 針灸的降血壓及抑心肌肥大分子機轉探討

9 強心促肝及神經細胞再生中藥材複方篩選及其單一成分調控之分子迅息探討並分析其與西藥


10 運動介入對血酯肪所誘導之心肌細胞肥厚拮抗作用及先天基因性肥胖鼠(Zucker)心肌病變分


11 低氧低壓的心肌傷害及心肌細胞適應之分子機轉及鐵離子之氧化傷害評估

12 臨床心室中隔缺損病患及手術前後心肌組織之基因表現差異及梗塞組織之基因 SNP 掃瞄

13 Translational Study of 負電性低密度脂蛋(L5)-Mediated Diabetic Cardiomyopathy

14 SDF-1CXCR4 調控 MMP29 訊息在血管內皮幹細胞(hUCB34-EPCs)引導中風血管新生過程之機


15 Rejuvenating the aging brain by modulating NMDA-glycine receptor activity genetic manipulation

【學術論文及著作】國際 SCI 期刊已接受發表gt300 篇

2003-2016 文章

1 Po-Hsiang Liao Hsi-Hsien Hsu Tung-Sheng Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Cecilia-Hsuan Day

Chuan-Chou Tu Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Phosphorylation of

cofilin-1 by ERK confers HDAC inhibitor resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma cells via decreased

ROS-mediated mitochondria injury ONCOGENE 2016 Oct 17 doi 101038 (correspondence


2 Chih-Yang HuangWei-Wen Kuo Jeng-Fan LoTsung-Jung Ho Pei-ying Pai Shu-Fen Chiang Pei-Yu

Chen Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai TsaiChih-Yang Huang Doxorubicin attenuates CHIP-guarded HSF1

nuclear translocation and protein stability to trigger IGF-IIR-dependent cardiomyocyte death Cell

Death amp Disease 2016 (correspondence Author)

3 Feng CC Lin CC Lai YP Chen TS Marthandam Asokan S Lin JY Lin KH Viswanadha VP Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Hypoxia suppresses myocardial survival pathway through

HIF-1α-IGFBP-3-dependent signaling and enhances cardiomyocyte autophagic and apoptotic

GROWTH FACTORS 2016 Aug34(3-4)73-86 (correspondence Author)

4 Chiang WD Chih-Yang Huang Paul CR Lee ZY Lin WT Lipolysis stimulating peptides of potato

protein hydrolysate effectively suppresses high-fat-diet-induced hepatocyte apoptosis and fibrosis in

aging rats Food amp Nutrition Research 2016 Jul 126031417 (First Author)

5 You-LiangHsieh MarthandamAsokanShibu Chong-KueiLii VijayaPadmaViswanadha Yi-LinLin

Chao-HungLai Yu-FengChen Kuan-HoLin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Andrographispaniculata extractattenuatespathologicalcardiac

hypertrophyandapoptosisinhigh-fatdietfedmice Journal of Ethnopharmacology 192(2016)170ndash177

(correspondence Author)

6 Ting WJ Yang JJ Kuo CH Xiao ZJ Lu XZ Yeh YL Day CH Wen SY Viswanadha VP Jiang CH

Kuo WW Chih-Yang Huang Environmental tobacco smoke increases autophagic effects but

decreases longevity associated with Sirt-1 protein expression in young C57BL mice hearts

Oncotarget 2016 May 4 (correspondence Author)

7 Liao PH Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chang SH Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat-killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Prevents Epididymal Fat

Accumulation and Cardiac Injury in High-Calorie Diet-Fed Rats International Journal of Medical

Sciences 2016 Jul 513(8)569-77 (correspondence Author)

8 Baskaran R Poornima P Priya LB Chih-Yang Huang Padma VV Neferine prevents autophagy

induced by hypoxia through activation of AktmTOR pathway and Nrf2 in muscle cells

BIOMEDICINE amp PHARMACOTHERAPY 2016 Aug 29831407-1413

9 Lee CJ Hsu LS Yue CH Lin H Chiu YW Lin YY Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Liu JY

MZF-1Elk-1 interaction domain as therapeutic target for protein kinase Cα-based triple-negative

breast cancer cells Oncotarget 2016 Aug 17 (correspondence Author)

10 Yeh YL Ting WJ Kuo WW Hsu HH Lin YM Shen CY Chang CH Padma VV Tsai Y Chih-Yang

Huang San Huang Shel Shin Tang beta-cyclodextrin complex augmented the hepatoprotective

effects against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats BMC Complement Altern

Med 2016 May 2716150 (correspondence Author)

11 Chang RL Lin JW Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuated long-term hypoxia-stimulated cardiomyocyte

apoptosis by inhibiting HIF-1α nuclear translocation via Mas receptor regulation GROWTH

FACTORS 2016 Feb34(1-2)11-8 (correspondence Author)

12 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Chen RJ Lin YM Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Inhibition of NF-jB and Metastasis in Irinotecan (CPT-11)-Resistant LoVo Colon

Cancer Cells by Thymoquinone via JNK and p38 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2016 Apr 5

doi 10 (correspondence Author)

13 Chih-Yang Huang Ting WJ Huang CY Yang JY Lin WT Resveratrol attenuated hydrogen

peroxide-induced myocardial apoptosis by autophagic flux Food amp Nutrition Research 2016 May

206030511 (First Author)

14 Chen WK Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Chang HN Pai PY Lin KH Pan LF Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang CREB Negatively Regulates IGF2R Gene Expression and Downstream Pathways

to Inhibit Hypoxia-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Death INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF

MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2016 2416(11)27921-30 (correspondence Author)

15 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis LUMINESCENCE 2016 30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

16 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different aetiologies JOURNAL OF CLINICAL

PATHOLOGY 2016 68(11)917-22 (First Author)

17 Huang CW Horng CT Chih-Yang Huang Cho TH Tsai YC Chen LJ Hsu TC Tzang BS

Secondhand smoke induces hepatic apoptosis and fibrosis in hamster fetus HUMAN amp


18 Chang YM Chang HH Kuo WW Lin HJ Yeh YL Padma Viswanadha V Tsai CC Chen RJ Chang

HN Chih-Yang Huang Anti-Apoptotic and Pro-Survival Effect of Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus


SCIENCES 2016 Mar 2917(4)466 (correspondence Author)

19 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple Rice Anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ -Induced

Diabetes Rat Hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL

BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May3198-105 (correspondence Author)

20 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective Effect of Co-Enzyme Q10 On Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy of Rat

Hearts ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2016 Apr 18 doi 101002tox22270

(correspondence Author)

21 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKC zeta-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts

JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May31137-49 (correspondence Author)

22 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKCltzetagt-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts J

Nutr Biochem 2016 Mar 331137-149 (correspondence Author)

23 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple rice anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ-induced diabetes

rat hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis J Nutr Biochem 2016 Feb 263198-105

(correspondence Author)

24 Lai CH Tsai CC Kuo WW Ho TJ Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Huang CC Wang HF Liao PH

Chih-Yang Huang Multi-Strain Probiotics Inhibit Cardiac Myopathies and Autophagy to Prevent

Heart Injury in High-Fat Diet-Fed Rats Int J Med Sci 2016 Mar 3013(4)277-85 (Correspondence


25 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective effect of Co-enzyme Q10 On doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy of rat hearts

Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 18 (Correspondence Author)

26 Chang RL Lin JW Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuated long-term hypoxia-stimulated cardiomyocyte

apoptosis by inhibiting HIF-1α nuclear translocation via Mas receptor regulation Growth Factors

2016 Apr 81-8 (Correspondence Author)

27 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Chen RJ Lin YM Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Inhibition of NF-κB and metastasis in irinotecan (CPT-11)-resistant LoVo colon

cancer cells by thymoquinone via JNK and p38 Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 5 doi 101002

(correspondence Author)

28 Chih-Yang Huang Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Chang YL Chen TS Chemiluminescence analysis of

antioxidant capacity for serum albumin isolated from healthy or uremic volunteers Luminescence

2016 Apr 7 doi 101002 (First Author)

29 Bor-Tsang Wu Yijuang Chern Ming-Chang Chiang Ching-Yi TasiChia-Hua Kuo Woei-Cherng

Shyu Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Fas-dependent and mitochondria-dependent

apoptosis in a transgenic mouse model of Huntingtons disease Cardiovasc Toxicol 2016

Apr16(2)111-21 (co-correspondence Author)

30 Chen YF Velmurugan BK Wang HL Tu CC Che RJ Chen MC Jen LB Vishwanadha VP Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang Estrogen and ERα enhanced β-catenin degradation and suppressed its

downstream target genes to block the metastatic function of HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells

via modulating GSK-3β and β-TrCP expression Environ Toxicol 2016 Mar 18 (Correspondence


31 Tsai CT Chang YM Lin SL Chen YS Yeh YL Padma VV Tsai CC Chen RJ Ho TJ Chih-Yang

Huang Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus Inhibits IGFII-Related Signaling Pathway to Attenuate Ang

II-Induced Pathological Hypertrophy in H9c2 Cardiomyoblasts Journal of Medicinal Food

201619(3)300-9 (Correspondence Author)

32 Yeh YL Tsai HI Cheng SM Pai P Ho TJ Chen RJ Lai CH Huang PJ Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang Mechanism of Taiwan Mingjian Oolong Tea to Inhibit Isoproterenol-Induced Hypertrophy

and Apoptosis in Cardiomyoblasts The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 201644(1)77-86

(Correspondence Author)

33 Peiying Pai Ching Jung Lai Ching-Yuang Lin Yi-Fan Liou Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Effect

of Superoxide Anion Scavenger on Rat Hearts with Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Journal of Applied

Physiology Published 2016 14jap011092014

34 Chong G Tsai S Wang LH Chih-Yang Huang Lin C Cryopreservation of the gorgonian

endosymbiont Symbiodinium Scientific Reports 2016 12618816

35 Po-Hsiang Liao Wei-Wen Kuo Chia-Hua KuoYu-LanYeh Chia-Yao Shen Ya-Hui Chen Ray-Jade

Chen V Vijaya Padma Yi-Hsing Chen Chih-Yang HuangLactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 reduces

hyperlipidaemia and the heart failure process in high-calorie diet-fed induced heart dysfunction in rats

Journal of Functional Foods 2016226-235 (correspondence Author)

36 Wei-Jen Ting Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chen RJ Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat Killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Reduces Fibrosis Effects on the

Liver and Heart in High Fat Diet-Hamsters via TGF-β Suppression INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2015 2816(10)25881-96 (correspondence Author)

37 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YLJu DTLin CCKuo CHLiou YFHo TJ Tsai CHTsai FJJing-Ying Lin

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl2-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line

CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

38 Jia-Ping Wu Tsung-Jung Ho Chin-Chuan Tsai Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung LinKuan-Ho Lin Dennis

Jine-Yuan Hsieh Li-Mien Chen Lung-Fa Pan Chih-Yang HuangHepatoprotective Effects of

Traditional Chinese Medicine on Liver Fibrosis from Ethanol Administration following Partial

Hepatectomy CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2015 58(6) (Correspondence Author)

39 Da-Tong Ju Hung-En Liao Marthandam Asokan Shibu Tsung-Jung HoViswanadha Vijaya Padma

Fuu-Jen Tsai Li-Chin Chung Cecilia Hsuan DayChien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang Huang Nerve

Regeneration Potential of Protocatechuic Acid in RSC96 Schwann Cells by Induction of Cellular

Proliferation and Migration through IGFR-PI3K-Akt CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY

2015 58(6) (correspondence Author)

40 Shu-Nu Chang Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Marthandam Asokan ShibuCecilia Hsuan DayVijaya Padma

ViswanadhaChao-Hung LaiYi-Li ChenFuu-Jen TsaiYueh-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Protective effects of electroacupuncture at LR3 on cardiac hypertrophy and apoptosis in hypertensive

rats Acupuncture in Medicine 201501ndash8 (Correspondence Author)

41 Kuan-Ho Lin Shibu MA Kuo YH Chen YC Hsu HH Bau DT Chen MC Tu CC Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang HuangTaiwanin C Selectively Inhibits Arecoline and 4-NQO-Induced Oral Cancer Cell

Proliferation Via ERK12 Inactivation ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 Nov 5 doi

101002 (Correspondence Author)

42 Yueh-Shan WengT Hsueh-Fang WangPei-Ying PaiGwo-Ping JongChao-Hung LaiLi-Chin

ChungDennis Jine-Yuan HsiehCecilia HsuanDayWei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tanshinone IIA

Prevents Leu27IGF-II-induced Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy Mediated by Estrogen Receptor and

Subsequent Akt Activation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 2015 Vol 43 No 8

1ndash25 (correspondence Author)

43 Yeh-Peng Chen Chia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung-Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) switches energy signaling

from the PKCζ-GLUT4-glucose pathway back to the SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway similar to

resveratrol to ameliorate cardiac myocyte lipotoxicity Journal of Functional Foods2015

(correspondence Author)

44 Hsun-Nan Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Yueh-Min Lin Li-Chin Chung Ray-Jade ChenAdaptation to

Oxidative Stress in Uremic Patients with HemodialysisRole of Functional Foods Adaptive Medicine

2015 7(3) 111-116 (CO-First Author)

45 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

46 Chang RL Lin JW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Long-term hypoxia exposure enhanced IGFBP-3 protein synthesis and secretion

resulting in cell apoptosis in H9c2 myocardial cells Growth Factors 2015 Aug33(4)275-81

(Correspondence Author)

47 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different J Clin Pathol 2015 Nov68(11)917-22

(First Author)

48 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YL Ju DT Lin CC Kuo CH Liou YF Ho TJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ Lin JY

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl₂-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line Chin J

Physiol 2015 Aug 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

49 Ju DT Kuo WW Ho TJ Paul CR Kuo CH Viswanadha VP Lin CC Chen YS Chang YM

Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via

ERK12 JNK and p38 Activation Am J Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

50 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD

Effects of rhodiola crenulata on mice hearts under severe sleep apnea BMC Complement Altern Med

2015 Jun 2515198

51 Palanisamy K Krishnaswamy R Paramasivan P Chih-Yang Huang Vishwanadha VP

Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents TCDD-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory response by

modulating MAP kinases and redox-sensitive transcription factors Br J Pharmacol 2015

Oct172(19)4726-40 (co-correspondence Author)

52 Shen CH Lin TH Hsieh YL Shen CY Kuo SC Wu HC Chien WS Hsieh DJ Wen SY Ting WJ

Yao CH Chih-Yang Huang Mitotic arrest induced in human DU145 prostate cancer cells in

response to KHC-4 treatment Environ Toxicol 2015 Aug 25 (Correspondence Author)

53 Jin G Lee SW Zhang X Cai Z Gao Y Chou PC Rezaeian AH Han F Wang CY Yao JC Gong Z

Chan CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tu SH Wu CH Sarbassov dos D2 Ho YS8 Lin

HK9 Skp2-Mediated RagA Ubiquitination Elicits a Negative Feedback to Prevent

Amino-Acid-Dependent mTORC1 Hyperactivation by Recruiting GATOR1 Mol Cell 2015 Jun


54 Hsu TC Chiu CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol 2015

Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

55 Liu YL Huang CC Chang CC Chou CY Lin SY Wang IK Hsieh DJ Jong GP Chih-Yang Huang

Wang CM Hyperphosphate-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy through the GATA-4NFAT-3

Signaling Pathway Is Attenuated by ERK Inhibitor Treatment CardioRenal Medicine 2015


56 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY complex binds to protein

kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015 May


57 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 Complex

Binds to Protein Kinase Cα Promoter and Is Involved in Hepatocellular Carcinoma PLoS One 2015

Jun 1510(6)e0131036

58 Po-Hsiang Liao Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Hua Kuo Cecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen

Chao-Hung Lai Ray-Jade Chen V Vijaya Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Moderate

exercise training attenuates aging-induced cardiac inflammation hypertrophy and fibrosis injuries of

rat hearts Oncotarget 2015 Nov 36(34)35383-94 (correspondence Author)

59 Yeh-Peng ChenChia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung- Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced

Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate

PI3KAkt Cell Physiol Biochem 201536(1)334-44 (correspondence Author)

60 Wu JP Hsieh DJ Kuo WW Han CK Pai P Yeh YL Lin CC Padma VV Day CH Chih-Yang

Huang Secondhand Smoke Exposure Reduced the Compen satory Effects of IGF-I Growth Signaling

in the Aging Rat Hearts International Journal of Medical Sciences 2015 12(9) 708-718

(Correspondence Author)

61 Lin YM Kuo WW Velmurugan BK Hsien HH Hsieh YL Hsu HH Tu CC Bau DT Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Helioxanthin suppresses the cross talk of COX-2PGE2 and EGFRERK pathway

to inhibit Arecoline-induced Oral Cancer Cell (T28) proliferation and blocks tumor growth in

xenografted nude mice Environ Toxicol 2015 Oct 14 doi 10 (Correspondence Author)

62 Wu JP Tsai CC Yeh YL Lin YM Lin CC Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Pan LF Chih-Yang

Huang Silymarin Accelerates Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy Evidence-based

Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015 doi 1011552015603529 (Correspondence


63 Ting WJ Kuo WW Kuo CH Yeh YL Shen CY Chen YH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Supplementary heat-killed Lactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 ameliorates

hyperlipidaemic and cardiac apoptosis in high-fat diet-fed hamsters to maintain cardiovascular

function BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2015 114 706ndash712 (Correspondence Author)

64 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS

One2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

65 Liao HE Lai CH Ho TJ Yeh YL Jong GP Kuo WH Chung LC Pai PY Wen SY Chih-Yang

Huang Cardio Protective Effects of Lumbrokinase and Dilong on Second-Hand Smoke-Induced

Apoptotic Signaling in the Heart of a Rat Model CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015

Jun 3058(3) (Correspondence Author)

66 Liu YS Tsai YL Yeh YL Chung LC Wen SY Kuo CH Lin YM Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Cell Cycle Regulation in the Estrogen Receptor Beta (ESR2)-Overexpressing Hep3B Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Cell Line CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 Apr 3058(2)134-40

(Correspondence Author)

67 Chang WH Tsai YL Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Chaunchaiyakul R Fang Y Lee SD Kuo CH

Null effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on improving glycemic status in men during a resistance training

recovery J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2015 Aug 201234

68 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Hsieh DJ Lin YM Chen LM Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Thymoquinone Induces Caspase-Independent Autophagic Cell Death in CPT-11-Resistant

LoVo Colon Cancer via Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of JNK and p38 JOURNAL OF

AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2015 1163(5)1540-6 (Correspondence Author)

69 Lin KH Kuo WW Jiang AZ Pai P Lin JY Chen WK Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang

HuangTetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via

HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate PI3KAkt CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536(1)334-44 (Correspondence Author)

70 Tsai CY Wen SY Shibu MA Yang YC Peng H Wang B Wei YM Chang HY Lee CY Chih-Yang

Huang Kuo WW Diallyl trisulfide protects against high glucosendashinduced cardiac apoptosis by

stimulating the production of Cystathionine gamma-lyase-derived hydrogen sulfide


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71 Da-Tong JuWei-Wen KuoTsung-Jung HoCatherine Reena PaulChia-Hua KuoFuu-Jen

TsaiChien-Chung LinYueh-Sheng ChenYung-Ming Chang Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid

from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via ERK12JNK and p38 Activation Am J

Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

72 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS One

2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

73 Hsieh YL Tsai YL Shibu MA Su CC Chung LC Pai P Kuo CH Yeh YL Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang ZAK induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and brain natriuretic peptide

expression via p38JNK signaling and GATA4c-Jun transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR

AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 2015 Jul405(1-2)1-9 (Correspondence Author)

74 Hu WS Ting WJ Chiang WD Pai P Yeh YL Chang CH Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangThe Heart

Protection Effect of Alcalase Potato Protein Hydrolysate Is through IGF1R-PI3K-Akt Compensatory

Reactivation in Aging Rats on High Fat Diets INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR

SCIENCES 2015 May 516(5)10158-72 (correspondence Author)

75 Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieha Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Ping Lai Marthandam Asokan Shibu Chia-Yao Shen

Peiying Pai Yu-LanYeh Jing-Ying Lin Vijaya PadmaViswanadha Chih-Yang Huang 17β-Estradiol

andor Estrogen Receptor β Attenuate the Autophagic and Apoptotic Effects Induced by Prolonged

Hypoxia Through HIF-1α-Mediated BNIP3 and IGFBP-3 Signaling Blockage CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536274-284 (Correspondence Author)

76 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 complex

binds to protein kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015


77 Hsieh DJ Huang CY Pai P Wang SG Tsai YL Li CN Kuo WW Chih-Yang HuangProlactin

protects cardiomyocytes against intermittent hypoxia-induced cell damage by the modulation of

signaling pathways related to cardiac hypertrophy and proliferation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF CARDIOLOGY 2015 Feb 15181255-66 (Correspondence Author)

78 Chih-Yang Huang Chen SY Fu RH Huang YC Chen SY Shyu WC Lin SZ Liu SP

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Into Cardiomyocytes Used to Investigate the

Cardioprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B Through BNIP3 Involved Pathway CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 201524(3)561-71 (First Author)

79 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

80 Sheng-Huang C Chieh-Hsin C Mu-Chun Y Wen-Tung H Chia-Ying H Ya-Ting H Wan-Ling SU

Jiuan-Jen S Chih-Yang Huang Jer-Yuh Effects of estrogen on glutathione and catalase levels in

human erythrocyte during menstrual cycle Biomed Rep 2015 Mar3(2)266-268



SHSST‑cyclodextrin complex inhibits TGF βSmad3CTGF to a greater extent than silymarin in a rat

model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury Molecular Medicine Reports 2015

Oct12(4)6053-9 2015(Correspondence Author)

82 Hsu TC Chiou CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol

2015 Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

83 Chung-Ben Kan Yu-LanYehCecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang

Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jer-Yuh Liu Chien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang HuangAttenuation of Crude

Water Extract of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum on the Cardiac Mitochondria-Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway Effects in Hypercholesterol Fed Hamsters Adaptive Medicine2015

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84 Chao-Hung Lai Chien-Kuo Han Marthandam Asokan Shibu Pei Ying Pai Tsung- Jung Ho Cecilia

Hsuan Day Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang HuangLumbrokinase from

earthworm extract ameliorates second-hand smoke induced cardiac fibrosis Environ Toxicol 2015

Sep30(10)1216-25 (correspondence Author)

85 Wang HF Lin PP Chen CH Yeh YL Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Effects of lactic acid

bacteria on cardiac apoptosis are mediated by activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinaseAKT

survival-signalling pathway in rats fed a high-fat diet Int J Mol Med 2015 Feb35(2)460-70

(co-correspondence Author)

86 Lin KH Kuo CH Kuo WW Ho TJ Pai P Chen WK Pan LF Wang CC Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang NFIL3 Suppresses Hypoxia-induced Apoptotic Cell Death by Targeting the Insulin-like

Growth Factor 2 Receptor J Cell Biochem 2015 Jun116(6)1113-20 (Correspondence Author)

87 Liao HE Shibu MA Kuo WW Pai PY Ho TJ Kuo CH Lin JY Pai PY Viswanadha VP Chih-Yang

Huang Deep Sea Minerals Prolong Life Span of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats by

Compensatory Augmentation of the IGF-I-Survival Signaling and Inhibition of Apoptosis

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 doi 101002(Correspondence Author)

88 Wang ZH Hsu HW Chou JC Yu CH Bau DT Wang GJ Chih Yang Huang Wang PS Wang SW

Cytotoxic Effect of S-Petasin and Iso-S-Petasin on the Proliferation of Human Prostate Cancer Cells


89 Chih Yang Huang Catherine Reena Paul Peiying Pai Wen-Dee Chiang Tsung-Jung HoWan-Teng

Lin Potato Protein Hydrolysate- APPH Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis and

Enhances Survival Through SIRT1 PGC-1ltalphagtAkt Signaling Journal of Functional Foods2015

(First Author)

90 Chang HC Chiu YW Lin YM Chen RJ Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Herbal Supplement Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rats with CCl4-Induced Liver

Cirrhosis CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 Feb 2857(1)41-7 (correspondence


91 Deng JS Lee SD Kuo WW Fan MJ Lin YM Hu WS Huang YC Velmurugan BK Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of protocatechuic acid on hypertensive

hearts CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 2014 Feb 2520977-84 (Correspondence


92 Hsu HH Kuo WW Ju DT Yeh YL Tu CC Tsai YL Shen CY Chang SH Chung LC Chih-Yang

Huang Estradiol agonists inhibit human LoVo colorectal-cancer cell proliferation and migration

through p53 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2014 Nov 2820(44)16665-73

(Correspondence Author)

93 Ming-Chieh WuYing-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training with hypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2014 DOI10108017461391

94 Chang CW Chen YS Chou SH Han CL Chen YJ Yang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lo JF Distinct

subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen

species exhibit diverse stemness proliferation and chemosensitivity CANCER RESEARCH 2014

Nov 174(21)6291-305 (co-correspondence Author)

95 Lin CC Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel Target Genes

Responsive to Apoptotic Activity by Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in Human Osteosarcoma cells

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence


96 Hsieh YL Pai P Ho TJ Chung LC Cheng YC Wu CH Fan MJ Day CH Shen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of Garlic Oil on Interleukin-6 Mediated Cardiac Hypertrophy in

Hypercholesterol-Fed Hamsters CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(6)320-8

97 Wu JP Hsieh CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Yeh YL Lin CC Kuo CH Chih-Yang Huang Secondhand

smoke exposure toxicity accelerates age-related cardiac disease in old hamsters BMC Cardiovasc

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

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99 Chih-Yang Huang Cooper EL Fang-Yeu Poh C Kuo WW Chen TS Sherman R Special

invertebrate models and integrative medical applications regulations mechanisms and therapies

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20142014843961 (First Author)

100 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) activates fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling to induce


201442(2)443-52 (Correspondence Author)

101 Lin E Chen MC Huang CY Hsu SL Huang WJ Lin MS Wu JC Lin H All-trans retinoic acid

induces DU145 cell cycle arrest through Cdk5 activation CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 33(6)1620-30

102 Chou SH Lin SZ Kuo WW Pai P Lin JY Lai CH Kuo CH Lin KH Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Cardiovascular Therapy Cell Transplant

201423(4-5)513-29 (Correspondence Author)

103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

expression and cardiomyocyte apoptosis by inhibiting HSF1 via JNK activation and SIRT1

degradation CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION (IF=83)2014 21(8)1262-74

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104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

Exercise training enhanced SIRT1 longevity signaling replaces the IGF1 survival pathway to attenuate

aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

Fuu-Jen TsaiHsi-Hsien Hsu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Resistance to Irinotecan (CPT-11)

activates Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorNuclear Factor Kappa B and Increases Cellular

Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

(Correspondence Author)

106 Lin CC1 Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel target genes

responsive to apoptotic activity by Ocimum gratissimum in human osteosarcoma cells Am J Chin

Med 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence Author)

107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

Hsueh-Fang Wang GABA Tea Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis by Attenuating TNF-alpha and

FasFasL-mediated apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats FOOD AND CHEMICAL

TOXICOLOGY2014 6590 -96 (First Author)

108 Wu MH Chih-Yang Huang Lin JA Wang SW Peng CY Cheng HC Tang CH Endothelin-1

promotes vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent angiogenesis in human chondrosarcoma cells

ONCOGENE 2014 33(13)1725-35

109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

Association of Genetic Variants in Senataxin and Alzheimers Disease in a Chinese Han Population in

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 Treatment CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2014

3057(2) (correspondence Author)

111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

Huang Apicidin-resistant HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells massively promote pro-survival

capability via IGF-IRPI3KAkt signaling pathway activation Tumour Biol 2014 35(1)303-13

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112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

stability and protein expressions through inhibiting cytoplasmic translocation of HuR transcription

factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY2014 2857(1) 8-18(Correspondence Author)

113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

Chih-Yang HuangGelsolin (GSN) induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and BNP expression via p38

signaling and GATA-4 transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

HuangSHSST cyclodextrin complex prevents the fibrosis effect on CCl₄-induced cirrhotic

cardiomyopathy in rats through TGF-β pathway inhibition effects Int J Mol Sci 2014 May

815(5)8037-48 (correspondence Author)

115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 TreatmentChin J

Physiol 2014 Apr 3057(2)99-104 (correspondence Author)

116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

Jun 3057(3)111-20 (co-correspondence Author)

117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

Jun 1537(5)402-13 (Correspondence Author)

118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

Induce Migration of RSC96 Schwann Cells The American journal of Chinese medicine

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120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

Toxicol 2014 Sep 24 (Correspondence Author)

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Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

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125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

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126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

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129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

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130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

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133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

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135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

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Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

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141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

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144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

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145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

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CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

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148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

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150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

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Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

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Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

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Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

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SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

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165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

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arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

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167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

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Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

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TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

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173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

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in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

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hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

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177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

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180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

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Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

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189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

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Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

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PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

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194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

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195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

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Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

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197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

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198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

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209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

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213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

(co-correspondence Author)

221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

姓名黃志揚教授 Chih-Yang Huang



學校(04-22053366)分機(O)3313 (L)3315 3316

醫院(04-22052121)分機(O)7716 7701 (L)7707

亞洲大學 04-23323456 分機(O)6140

E-mailcyhuangmailcmuedutw or cyhuangasiaedutw

現職 | 學歷 | 經歷 | 專長 | 榮譽 | 研究 方向 | 合作實驗室 | 研究室成員 |

| 學術論文及著作 |


亞洲大學生科系 特聘教授兼研發處研發長暨國際及兩岸教育學院院長

中國醫藥大學暨附設醫院 桂冠研究人才計畫主持人

中國附醫醫學研究部 (顧問)

中國醫藥大學醫學院中醫學院 共同實驗室負責人


中醫大 BioMedicine 醫學雜誌副總編輯中國生理學雜誌(CJP SCI)及調適醫學雜誌編輯


衛生福利部食品藥物管理署[健康食品審議小組] 審議委員

中國生理學會第 23 屆理事調適醫學會第 1amp2 屆理事台灣內分泌代謝學會監事


台灣 陽明大學生理所 心臟內分泌學碩士(1987-1989)

美國 伊利諾大學香檳校區分子生理所 乳癌分子醫學碩士(1992-1995)

美國 伊利諾大學香檳校區分子生理所 心臟分子醫學博士(1995-1998)

美國 伊利諾大學香檳校區分子生理所 心臟分子醫學博士後研究(1998-1999)


台灣 陽明大學 生理學兼任助教(1987-1989)

台灣 39 期義務役預官(醫勤官兼營站主任)(1989-1991)

美國 伊利諾大學香檳校區 分子生理所助理及助教(1992-1996amp1996-1998)

台灣中正大學 分子生物研究所 兼任教授(2000-2008)

中山醫學大學 生化暨生物科技研究所 助教授(19998-20027)

中山醫學大學 生化暨生物科技研究所 副教授(20028-200510)

中山醫學大學 生化暨生物科技研究所 教授(200510-20067)

中山醫學大學 創新育成中心 主任(20058-20067)

中國醫藥大學 基礎醫學研究所所長(200611-20131)兼副研發長(20098-20131)

弘光科技大學營養醫學研究所 兼任教授

中國生理學雜誌(CJP SCI)暨中醫大中台灣醫學雜誌副總編輯(20098-20131)


中國醫藥大學 2006-2009-2012 傑出教授研究獎

中國醫藥大學醫學院 96-101 學年度(RPICJA 及論文篇數)研究績優獎

輔仁大學營養科學系傑出系友獎 (2008 第三屆 Outstanding Alumni Award of Nutritional Science

Department Fu-Jen University Taiwan)




Adaptive Medicine 特約作者(2006-2009) 編輯委員(2009-2013)



台中縣一品堂中醫體系科技顧問(2008 迄今)

台北市大冠生物科技公司顧問(2014 迄今)

2009 生醫年會 March 21-22 24 th生理學 Cardiovascular Biology Section Program Organizer and invited


2009 International Conference of Adaptive Medicine Society Aug 2-5 Taipei Organizing board member

and invited speaker

中國西安交通大學暨附屬醫院參訪學者2009 年 7 月

BITs 1st Annual International Congress of Cardiology-2009 Shanghai 上海 China Dec 5-7

Co-Chair and invited speaker

受邀擔任第七屆亞太生理學聯盟學術大會中醫藥替代醫學 Satellite Symposium 籌 備主席

2012 年 1 月受邀埃及 Mansoura 大學訪問學者 invited speaker 並擔任國際博士生 Ehab Abdelfadil


2013 專門職業及技術人員高等考試營養師考試常設題庫小組命題技術研習會暨命題審查

第 29 屆(2014)-生物醫學聯合學術年會海報複賽評審

2014 年 11 月受邀印度 Bharathiar 大學Coimbatore 訪問學者擔任博士生 S Kalaiselvi 論文委員

2015 International Conference of Adaptive Medicine Society (ISAM) May 27-30 JapanYonago

invited speaker


19th (劉忠榮)amp 21 th (朱俊憲)生醫年會生化分生優秀壁報獎

23 th (郭昱均)生醫年會生理學優秀壁報獎

3rd中正大學分生所論文獎 1st 名(王惠勵)

1rd中山醫學大學生化所論文獎 1st 名(顏均宇)

1rd中國醫藥大學國際生醫研討暨研究生發表會壁報獎 1st 名(顏均宇)

1rd中國醫藥大學生科所研究生發表會壁報獎 1st 名(李振宇)

2009 International Conference of Adaptive Medicine Society 發表壁報獎1st名(陳德勇越南籍生)






第 30 屆(2015 年)生醫聯合學術年會看板論文競賽生化分生組佳作獎(黃智洋)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會海報論文競賽榮獲第三名(廖柏翔)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會口頭論文競賽榮獲傑出論文獎(廖柏翔)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會口頭論文競賽榮獲佳作獎(Sarnai)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中華民國毒物學學會海報論文競賽榮獲佳作(丁韋仁楊珮禎)



優等獎(陳翊瑋) 口頭報告競賽獲得佳作獎(曾仁佑)

第 31 屆(2016 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會海報論文競賽佳作獎(黃琪雯)

第 31 屆(2016 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會台灣生物學會優秀壁報論文獎 (廖柏翔)



助理研究員 陳冬生博士(中國附醫) 黃智洋博士(中國附醫)丁韋仁博士轉化醫學中心主任(清遠醫


博士後研究 MARTHANDAM ASOKAN SHIBU 博士 Rathina Baski 博士Tamilselvi Shanmugam 博士

廖柏翔博士 陳佳宜

外籍生 Dr Ehab Abd( Assistant Professor Mansoura University Egypt) Stanley DUMEUS(海 地) Denny

Satria(印尼) Sudhir Pandey(印度) KannathasanT (印度) Tran Thanh Viet (越南) Le Thi Ly (越南) Nguyen

Hoang Anh Kha (越南) 錢婧元(馬來西亞) 黃襄川(馬來西亞)



基礎研究生楊堯智(博五) 戴墨司(博三) 蘇易辰(博二) 邱致豪(博一)Sudhir Pandey (博一)

KannathasanT (博一)李法倫(研二) 陳佳宜(研二) 官家圳 (研二) 王添德(研二) 何文昆(研一)

張三豐(研一) 林立勳(研一)黃祥晏(研一)錢婧沅(研一)黃襄川(研一)Anh Kha (研一)許淵聖

(醫預生) 李碩宸(醫預生)

臨床研究生張家築(博五) 馮志中(博三) 林源泉(博三) 陳雅芳(博三) 傅建堯(博二) 劉益昇(博

二) 陳仲豪(博一) 江瑞庭 (博一) 林親怡(博一) 陳冠良(博一)

大學部專題生黃瀚澤 張軒輔 游 芃曾健鈞

【擔任 reviewer】

Journal reviewer International J of Cardiology Chinese J of Physiol Molecular Cellular

Biochemistry Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology Clinica Chima Acta Pharmacology research

Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology Clinical Biochemistry Apoptosis Acta Pharmacologica Sinica

eCAM J of Endocrinology J of Molecular Medicine Endocrinology

Project reviewer Philip Morris external Research Program Tzu Chi human clinical trail project

Taichung Veterans General Hospital project NSC group projects


1 雌性素(Estrogen)及其受體基因轉殖在心血管疾病阻斷及肝癌直腸癌口腔癌前列腺癌防治機轉


2 心肌細胞中鈣離子調控之激脢去磷酸根脢及細胞激素之角色

3 心肌細胞肥厚及猝死之起始因子(含生長因子發炎等)及臨床診斷指標(Clinicalbiochemical markers)


4 IGF-I 及 IGF-II 在心肌細胞之交互調控角色探討

5 醣尿病患及動物併發心血管疾病過程中其機轉及臨床診斷指標探討

6 DNA 基因晶片在各種心肌疾病及肝癌直腸癌的應用

7 心肌細胞肥厚過程中Cytochrome-c-oxidase 活性及基因表現的差異

8 針灸的降血壓及抑心肌肥大分子機轉探討

9 強心促肝及神經細胞再生中藥材複方篩選及其單一成分調控之分子迅息探討並分析其與西藥


10 運動介入對血酯肪所誘導之心肌細胞肥厚拮抗作用及先天基因性肥胖鼠(Zucker)心肌病變分


11 低氧低壓的心肌傷害及心肌細胞適應之分子機轉及鐵離子之氧化傷害評估

12 臨床心室中隔缺損病患及手術前後心肌組織之基因表現差異及梗塞組織之基因 SNP 掃瞄

13 Translational Study of 負電性低密度脂蛋(L5)-Mediated Diabetic Cardiomyopathy

14 SDF-1CXCR4 調控 MMP29 訊息在血管內皮幹細胞(hUCB34-EPCs)引導中風血管新生過程之機


15 Rejuvenating the aging brain by modulating NMDA-glycine receptor activity genetic manipulation

【學術論文及著作】國際 SCI 期刊已接受發表gt300 篇

2003-2016 文章

1 Po-Hsiang Liao Hsi-Hsien Hsu Tung-Sheng Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Cecilia-Hsuan Day

Chuan-Chou Tu Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Phosphorylation of

cofilin-1 by ERK confers HDAC inhibitor resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma cells via decreased

ROS-mediated mitochondria injury ONCOGENE 2016 Oct 17 doi 101038 (correspondence


2 Chih-Yang HuangWei-Wen Kuo Jeng-Fan LoTsung-Jung Ho Pei-ying Pai Shu-Fen Chiang Pei-Yu

Chen Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai TsaiChih-Yang Huang Doxorubicin attenuates CHIP-guarded HSF1

nuclear translocation and protein stability to trigger IGF-IIR-dependent cardiomyocyte death Cell

Death amp Disease 2016 (correspondence Author)

3 Feng CC Lin CC Lai YP Chen TS Marthandam Asokan S Lin JY Lin KH Viswanadha VP Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Hypoxia suppresses myocardial survival pathway through

HIF-1α-IGFBP-3-dependent signaling and enhances cardiomyocyte autophagic and apoptotic

GROWTH FACTORS 2016 Aug34(3-4)73-86 (correspondence Author)

4 Chiang WD Chih-Yang Huang Paul CR Lee ZY Lin WT Lipolysis stimulating peptides of potato

protein hydrolysate effectively suppresses high-fat-diet-induced hepatocyte apoptosis and fibrosis in

aging rats Food amp Nutrition Research 2016 Jul 126031417 (First Author)

5 You-LiangHsieh MarthandamAsokanShibu Chong-KueiLii VijayaPadmaViswanadha Yi-LinLin

Chao-HungLai Yu-FengChen Kuan-HoLin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Andrographispaniculata extractattenuatespathologicalcardiac

hypertrophyandapoptosisinhigh-fatdietfedmice Journal of Ethnopharmacology 192(2016)170ndash177

(correspondence Author)

6 Ting WJ Yang JJ Kuo CH Xiao ZJ Lu XZ Yeh YL Day CH Wen SY Viswanadha VP Jiang CH

Kuo WW Chih-Yang Huang Environmental tobacco smoke increases autophagic effects but

decreases longevity associated with Sirt-1 protein expression in young C57BL mice hearts

Oncotarget 2016 May 4 (correspondence Author)

7 Liao PH Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chang SH Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat-killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Prevents Epididymal Fat

Accumulation and Cardiac Injury in High-Calorie Diet-Fed Rats International Journal of Medical

Sciences 2016 Jul 513(8)569-77 (correspondence Author)

8 Baskaran R Poornima P Priya LB Chih-Yang Huang Padma VV Neferine prevents autophagy

induced by hypoxia through activation of AktmTOR pathway and Nrf2 in muscle cells

BIOMEDICINE amp PHARMACOTHERAPY 2016 Aug 29831407-1413

9 Lee CJ Hsu LS Yue CH Lin H Chiu YW Lin YY Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Liu JY

MZF-1Elk-1 interaction domain as therapeutic target for protein kinase Cα-based triple-negative

breast cancer cells Oncotarget 2016 Aug 17 (correspondence Author)

10 Yeh YL Ting WJ Kuo WW Hsu HH Lin YM Shen CY Chang CH Padma VV Tsai Y Chih-Yang

Huang San Huang Shel Shin Tang beta-cyclodextrin complex augmented the hepatoprotective

effects against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats BMC Complement Altern

Med 2016 May 2716150 (correspondence Author)

11 Chang RL Lin JW Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuated long-term hypoxia-stimulated cardiomyocyte

apoptosis by inhibiting HIF-1α nuclear translocation via Mas receptor regulation GROWTH

FACTORS 2016 Feb34(1-2)11-8 (correspondence Author)

12 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Chen RJ Lin YM Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Inhibition of NF-jB and Metastasis in Irinotecan (CPT-11)-Resistant LoVo Colon

Cancer Cells by Thymoquinone via JNK and p38 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2016 Apr 5

doi 10 (correspondence Author)

13 Chih-Yang Huang Ting WJ Huang CY Yang JY Lin WT Resveratrol attenuated hydrogen

peroxide-induced myocardial apoptosis by autophagic flux Food amp Nutrition Research 2016 May

206030511 (First Author)

14 Chen WK Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Chang HN Pai PY Lin KH Pan LF Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang CREB Negatively Regulates IGF2R Gene Expression and Downstream Pathways

to Inhibit Hypoxia-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Death INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF

MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2016 2416(11)27921-30 (correspondence Author)

15 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis LUMINESCENCE 2016 30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

16 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different aetiologies JOURNAL OF CLINICAL

PATHOLOGY 2016 68(11)917-22 (First Author)

17 Huang CW Horng CT Chih-Yang Huang Cho TH Tsai YC Chen LJ Hsu TC Tzang BS

Secondhand smoke induces hepatic apoptosis and fibrosis in hamster fetus HUMAN amp


18 Chang YM Chang HH Kuo WW Lin HJ Yeh YL Padma Viswanadha V Tsai CC Chen RJ Chang

HN Chih-Yang Huang Anti-Apoptotic and Pro-Survival Effect of Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus


SCIENCES 2016 Mar 2917(4)466 (correspondence Author)

19 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple Rice Anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ -Induced

Diabetes Rat Hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL

BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May3198-105 (correspondence Author)

20 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective Effect of Co-Enzyme Q10 On Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy of Rat

Hearts ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2016 Apr 18 doi 101002tox22270

(correspondence Author)

21 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKC zeta-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts

JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May31137-49 (correspondence Author)

22 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKCltzetagt-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts J

Nutr Biochem 2016 Mar 331137-149 (correspondence Author)

23 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple rice anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ-induced diabetes

rat hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis J Nutr Biochem 2016 Feb 263198-105

(correspondence Author)

24 Lai CH Tsai CC Kuo WW Ho TJ Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Huang CC Wang HF Liao PH

Chih-Yang Huang Multi-Strain Probiotics Inhibit Cardiac Myopathies and Autophagy to Prevent

Heart Injury in High-Fat Diet-Fed Rats Int J Med Sci 2016 Mar 3013(4)277-85 (Correspondence


25 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective effect of Co-enzyme Q10 On doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy of rat hearts

Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 18 (Correspondence Author)

26 Chang RL Lin JW Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuated long-term hypoxia-stimulated cardiomyocyte

apoptosis by inhibiting HIF-1α nuclear translocation via Mas receptor regulation Growth Factors

2016 Apr 81-8 (Correspondence Author)

27 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Chen RJ Lin YM Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Inhibition of NF-κB and metastasis in irinotecan (CPT-11)-resistant LoVo colon

cancer cells by thymoquinone via JNK and p38 Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 5 doi 101002

(correspondence Author)

28 Chih-Yang Huang Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Chang YL Chen TS Chemiluminescence analysis of

antioxidant capacity for serum albumin isolated from healthy or uremic volunteers Luminescence

2016 Apr 7 doi 101002 (First Author)

29 Bor-Tsang Wu Yijuang Chern Ming-Chang Chiang Ching-Yi TasiChia-Hua Kuo Woei-Cherng

Shyu Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Fas-dependent and mitochondria-dependent

apoptosis in a transgenic mouse model of Huntingtons disease Cardiovasc Toxicol 2016

Apr16(2)111-21 (co-correspondence Author)

30 Chen YF Velmurugan BK Wang HL Tu CC Che RJ Chen MC Jen LB Vishwanadha VP Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang Estrogen and ERα enhanced β-catenin degradation and suppressed its

downstream target genes to block the metastatic function of HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells

via modulating GSK-3β and β-TrCP expression Environ Toxicol 2016 Mar 18 (Correspondence


31 Tsai CT Chang YM Lin SL Chen YS Yeh YL Padma VV Tsai CC Chen RJ Ho TJ Chih-Yang

Huang Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus Inhibits IGFII-Related Signaling Pathway to Attenuate Ang

II-Induced Pathological Hypertrophy in H9c2 Cardiomyoblasts Journal of Medicinal Food

201619(3)300-9 (Correspondence Author)

32 Yeh YL Tsai HI Cheng SM Pai P Ho TJ Chen RJ Lai CH Huang PJ Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang Mechanism of Taiwan Mingjian Oolong Tea to Inhibit Isoproterenol-Induced Hypertrophy

and Apoptosis in Cardiomyoblasts The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 201644(1)77-86

(Correspondence Author)

33 Peiying Pai Ching Jung Lai Ching-Yuang Lin Yi-Fan Liou Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Effect

of Superoxide Anion Scavenger on Rat Hearts with Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Journal of Applied

Physiology Published 2016 14jap011092014

34 Chong G Tsai S Wang LH Chih-Yang Huang Lin C Cryopreservation of the gorgonian

endosymbiont Symbiodinium Scientific Reports 2016 12618816

35 Po-Hsiang Liao Wei-Wen Kuo Chia-Hua KuoYu-LanYeh Chia-Yao Shen Ya-Hui Chen Ray-Jade

Chen V Vijaya Padma Yi-Hsing Chen Chih-Yang HuangLactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 reduces

hyperlipidaemia and the heart failure process in high-calorie diet-fed induced heart dysfunction in rats

Journal of Functional Foods 2016226-235 (correspondence Author)

36 Wei-Jen Ting Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chen RJ Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat Killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Reduces Fibrosis Effects on the

Liver and Heart in High Fat Diet-Hamsters via TGF-β Suppression INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2015 2816(10)25881-96 (correspondence Author)

37 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YLJu DTLin CCKuo CHLiou YFHo TJ Tsai CHTsai FJJing-Ying Lin

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl2-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line

CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

38 Jia-Ping Wu Tsung-Jung Ho Chin-Chuan Tsai Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung LinKuan-Ho Lin Dennis

Jine-Yuan Hsieh Li-Mien Chen Lung-Fa Pan Chih-Yang HuangHepatoprotective Effects of

Traditional Chinese Medicine on Liver Fibrosis from Ethanol Administration following Partial

Hepatectomy CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2015 58(6) (Correspondence Author)

39 Da-Tong Ju Hung-En Liao Marthandam Asokan Shibu Tsung-Jung HoViswanadha Vijaya Padma

Fuu-Jen Tsai Li-Chin Chung Cecilia Hsuan DayChien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang Huang Nerve

Regeneration Potential of Protocatechuic Acid in RSC96 Schwann Cells by Induction of Cellular

Proliferation and Migration through IGFR-PI3K-Akt CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY

2015 58(6) (correspondence Author)

40 Shu-Nu Chang Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Marthandam Asokan ShibuCecilia Hsuan DayVijaya Padma

ViswanadhaChao-Hung LaiYi-Li ChenFuu-Jen TsaiYueh-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Protective effects of electroacupuncture at LR3 on cardiac hypertrophy and apoptosis in hypertensive

rats Acupuncture in Medicine 201501ndash8 (Correspondence Author)

41 Kuan-Ho Lin Shibu MA Kuo YH Chen YC Hsu HH Bau DT Chen MC Tu CC Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang HuangTaiwanin C Selectively Inhibits Arecoline and 4-NQO-Induced Oral Cancer Cell

Proliferation Via ERK12 Inactivation ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 Nov 5 doi

101002 (Correspondence Author)

42 Yueh-Shan WengT Hsueh-Fang WangPei-Ying PaiGwo-Ping JongChao-Hung LaiLi-Chin

ChungDennis Jine-Yuan HsiehCecilia HsuanDayWei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tanshinone IIA

Prevents Leu27IGF-II-induced Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy Mediated by Estrogen Receptor and

Subsequent Akt Activation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 2015 Vol 43 No 8

1ndash25 (correspondence Author)

43 Yeh-Peng Chen Chia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung-Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) switches energy signaling

from the PKCζ-GLUT4-glucose pathway back to the SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway similar to

resveratrol to ameliorate cardiac myocyte lipotoxicity Journal of Functional Foods2015

(correspondence Author)

44 Hsun-Nan Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Yueh-Min Lin Li-Chin Chung Ray-Jade ChenAdaptation to

Oxidative Stress in Uremic Patients with HemodialysisRole of Functional Foods Adaptive Medicine

2015 7(3) 111-116 (CO-First Author)

45 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

46 Chang RL Lin JW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Long-term hypoxia exposure enhanced IGFBP-3 protein synthesis and secretion

resulting in cell apoptosis in H9c2 myocardial cells Growth Factors 2015 Aug33(4)275-81

(Correspondence Author)

47 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different J Clin Pathol 2015 Nov68(11)917-22

(First Author)

48 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YL Ju DT Lin CC Kuo CH Liou YF Ho TJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ Lin JY

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl₂-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line Chin J

Physiol 2015 Aug 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

49 Ju DT Kuo WW Ho TJ Paul CR Kuo CH Viswanadha VP Lin CC Chen YS Chang YM

Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via

ERK12 JNK and p38 Activation Am J Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

50 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD

Effects of rhodiola crenulata on mice hearts under severe sleep apnea BMC Complement Altern Med

2015 Jun 2515198

51 Palanisamy K Krishnaswamy R Paramasivan P Chih-Yang Huang Vishwanadha VP

Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents TCDD-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory response by

modulating MAP kinases and redox-sensitive transcription factors Br J Pharmacol 2015

Oct172(19)4726-40 (co-correspondence Author)

52 Shen CH Lin TH Hsieh YL Shen CY Kuo SC Wu HC Chien WS Hsieh DJ Wen SY Ting WJ

Yao CH Chih-Yang Huang Mitotic arrest induced in human DU145 prostate cancer cells in

response to KHC-4 treatment Environ Toxicol 2015 Aug 25 (Correspondence Author)

53 Jin G Lee SW Zhang X Cai Z Gao Y Chou PC Rezaeian AH Han F Wang CY Yao JC Gong Z

Chan CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tu SH Wu CH Sarbassov dos D2 Ho YS8 Lin

HK9 Skp2-Mediated RagA Ubiquitination Elicits a Negative Feedback to Prevent

Amino-Acid-Dependent mTORC1 Hyperactivation by Recruiting GATOR1 Mol Cell 2015 Jun


54 Hsu TC Chiu CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol 2015

Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

55 Liu YL Huang CC Chang CC Chou CY Lin SY Wang IK Hsieh DJ Jong GP Chih-Yang Huang

Wang CM Hyperphosphate-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy through the GATA-4NFAT-3

Signaling Pathway Is Attenuated by ERK Inhibitor Treatment CardioRenal Medicine 2015


56 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY complex binds to protein

kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015 May


57 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 Complex

Binds to Protein Kinase Cα Promoter and Is Involved in Hepatocellular Carcinoma PLoS One 2015

Jun 1510(6)e0131036

58 Po-Hsiang Liao Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Hua Kuo Cecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen

Chao-Hung Lai Ray-Jade Chen V Vijaya Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Moderate

exercise training attenuates aging-induced cardiac inflammation hypertrophy and fibrosis injuries of

rat hearts Oncotarget 2015 Nov 36(34)35383-94 (correspondence Author)

59 Yeh-Peng ChenChia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung- Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced

Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate

PI3KAkt Cell Physiol Biochem 201536(1)334-44 (correspondence Author)

60 Wu JP Hsieh DJ Kuo WW Han CK Pai P Yeh YL Lin CC Padma VV Day CH Chih-Yang

Huang Secondhand Smoke Exposure Reduced the Compen satory Effects of IGF-I Growth Signaling

in the Aging Rat Hearts International Journal of Medical Sciences 2015 12(9) 708-718

(Correspondence Author)

61 Lin YM Kuo WW Velmurugan BK Hsien HH Hsieh YL Hsu HH Tu CC Bau DT Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Helioxanthin suppresses the cross talk of COX-2PGE2 and EGFRERK pathway

to inhibit Arecoline-induced Oral Cancer Cell (T28) proliferation and blocks tumor growth in

xenografted nude mice Environ Toxicol 2015 Oct 14 doi 10 (Correspondence Author)

62 Wu JP Tsai CC Yeh YL Lin YM Lin CC Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Pan LF Chih-Yang

Huang Silymarin Accelerates Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy Evidence-based

Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015 doi 1011552015603529 (Correspondence


63 Ting WJ Kuo WW Kuo CH Yeh YL Shen CY Chen YH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Supplementary heat-killed Lactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 ameliorates

hyperlipidaemic and cardiac apoptosis in high-fat diet-fed hamsters to maintain cardiovascular

function BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2015 114 706ndash712 (Correspondence Author)

64 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS

One2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

65 Liao HE Lai CH Ho TJ Yeh YL Jong GP Kuo WH Chung LC Pai PY Wen SY Chih-Yang

Huang Cardio Protective Effects of Lumbrokinase and Dilong on Second-Hand Smoke-Induced

Apoptotic Signaling in the Heart of a Rat Model CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015

Jun 3058(3) (Correspondence Author)

66 Liu YS Tsai YL Yeh YL Chung LC Wen SY Kuo CH Lin YM Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Cell Cycle Regulation in the Estrogen Receptor Beta (ESR2)-Overexpressing Hep3B Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Cell Line CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 Apr 3058(2)134-40

(Correspondence Author)

67 Chang WH Tsai YL Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Chaunchaiyakul R Fang Y Lee SD Kuo CH

Null effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on improving glycemic status in men during a resistance training

recovery J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2015 Aug 201234

68 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Hsieh DJ Lin YM Chen LM Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Thymoquinone Induces Caspase-Independent Autophagic Cell Death in CPT-11-Resistant

LoVo Colon Cancer via Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of JNK and p38 JOURNAL OF

AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2015 1163(5)1540-6 (Correspondence Author)

69 Lin KH Kuo WW Jiang AZ Pai P Lin JY Chen WK Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang

HuangTetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via

HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate PI3KAkt CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536(1)334-44 (Correspondence Author)

70 Tsai CY Wen SY Shibu MA Yang YC Peng H Wang B Wei YM Chang HY Lee CY Chih-Yang

Huang Kuo WW Diallyl trisulfide protects against high glucosendashinduced cardiac apoptosis by

stimulating the production of Cystathionine gamma-lyase-derived hydrogen sulfide


(co-correspondence Author)

71 Da-Tong JuWei-Wen KuoTsung-Jung HoCatherine Reena PaulChia-Hua KuoFuu-Jen

TsaiChien-Chung LinYueh-Sheng ChenYung-Ming Chang Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid

from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via ERK12JNK and p38 Activation Am J

Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

72 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS One

2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

73 Hsieh YL Tsai YL Shibu MA Su CC Chung LC Pai P Kuo CH Yeh YL Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang ZAK induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and brain natriuretic peptide

expression via p38JNK signaling and GATA4c-Jun transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR

AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 2015 Jul405(1-2)1-9 (Correspondence Author)

74 Hu WS Ting WJ Chiang WD Pai P Yeh YL Chang CH Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangThe Heart

Protection Effect of Alcalase Potato Protein Hydrolysate Is through IGF1R-PI3K-Akt Compensatory

Reactivation in Aging Rats on High Fat Diets INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR

SCIENCES 2015 May 516(5)10158-72 (correspondence Author)

75 Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieha Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Ping Lai Marthandam Asokan Shibu Chia-Yao Shen

Peiying Pai Yu-LanYeh Jing-Ying Lin Vijaya PadmaViswanadha Chih-Yang Huang 17β-Estradiol

andor Estrogen Receptor β Attenuate the Autophagic and Apoptotic Effects Induced by Prolonged

Hypoxia Through HIF-1α-Mediated BNIP3 and IGFBP-3 Signaling Blockage CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536274-284 (Correspondence Author)

76 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 complex

binds to protein kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015


77 Hsieh DJ Huang CY Pai P Wang SG Tsai YL Li CN Kuo WW Chih-Yang HuangProlactin

protects cardiomyocytes against intermittent hypoxia-induced cell damage by the modulation of

signaling pathways related to cardiac hypertrophy and proliferation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF CARDIOLOGY 2015 Feb 15181255-66 (Correspondence Author)

78 Chih-Yang Huang Chen SY Fu RH Huang YC Chen SY Shyu WC Lin SZ Liu SP

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Into Cardiomyocytes Used to Investigate the

Cardioprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B Through BNIP3 Involved Pathway CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 201524(3)561-71 (First Author)

79 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

80 Sheng-Huang C Chieh-Hsin C Mu-Chun Y Wen-Tung H Chia-Ying H Ya-Ting H Wan-Ling SU

Jiuan-Jen S Chih-Yang Huang Jer-Yuh Effects of estrogen on glutathione and catalase levels in

human erythrocyte during menstrual cycle Biomed Rep 2015 Mar3(2)266-268



SHSST‑cyclodextrin complex inhibits TGF βSmad3CTGF to a greater extent than silymarin in a rat

model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury Molecular Medicine Reports 2015

Oct12(4)6053-9 2015(Correspondence Author)

82 Hsu TC Chiou CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol

2015 Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

83 Chung-Ben Kan Yu-LanYehCecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang

Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jer-Yuh Liu Chien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang HuangAttenuation of Crude

Water Extract of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum on the Cardiac Mitochondria-Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway Effects in Hypercholesterol Fed Hamsters Adaptive Medicine2015

(Correspondence Author)

84 Chao-Hung Lai Chien-Kuo Han Marthandam Asokan Shibu Pei Ying Pai Tsung- Jung Ho Cecilia

Hsuan Day Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang HuangLumbrokinase from

earthworm extract ameliorates second-hand smoke induced cardiac fibrosis Environ Toxicol 2015

Sep30(10)1216-25 (correspondence Author)

85 Wang HF Lin PP Chen CH Yeh YL Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Effects of lactic acid

bacteria on cardiac apoptosis are mediated by activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinaseAKT

survival-signalling pathway in rats fed a high-fat diet Int J Mol Med 2015 Feb35(2)460-70

(co-correspondence Author)

86 Lin KH Kuo CH Kuo WW Ho TJ Pai P Chen WK Pan LF Wang CC Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang NFIL3 Suppresses Hypoxia-induced Apoptotic Cell Death by Targeting the Insulin-like

Growth Factor 2 Receptor J Cell Biochem 2015 Jun116(6)1113-20 (Correspondence Author)

87 Liao HE Shibu MA Kuo WW Pai PY Ho TJ Kuo CH Lin JY Pai PY Viswanadha VP Chih-Yang

Huang Deep Sea Minerals Prolong Life Span of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats by

Compensatory Augmentation of the IGF-I-Survival Signaling and Inhibition of Apoptosis

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 doi 101002(Correspondence Author)

88 Wang ZH Hsu HW Chou JC Yu CH Bau DT Wang GJ Chih Yang Huang Wang PS Wang SW

Cytotoxic Effect of S-Petasin and Iso-S-Petasin on the Proliferation of Human Prostate Cancer Cells


89 Chih Yang Huang Catherine Reena Paul Peiying Pai Wen-Dee Chiang Tsung-Jung HoWan-Teng

Lin Potato Protein Hydrolysate- APPH Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis and

Enhances Survival Through SIRT1 PGC-1ltalphagtAkt Signaling Journal of Functional Foods2015

(First Author)

90 Chang HC Chiu YW Lin YM Chen RJ Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Herbal Supplement Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rats with CCl4-Induced Liver

Cirrhosis CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 Feb 2857(1)41-7 (correspondence


91 Deng JS Lee SD Kuo WW Fan MJ Lin YM Hu WS Huang YC Velmurugan BK Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of protocatechuic acid on hypertensive

hearts CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 2014 Feb 2520977-84 (Correspondence


92 Hsu HH Kuo WW Ju DT Yeh YL Tu CC Tsai YL Shen CY Chang SH Chung LC Chih-Yang

Huang Estradiol agonists inhibit human LoVo colorectal-cancer cell proliferation and migration

through p53 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2014 Nov 2820(44)16665-73

(Correspondence Author)

93 Ming-Chieh WuYing-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training with hypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2014 DOI10108017461391

94 Chang CW Chen YS Chou SH Han CL Chen YJ Yang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lo JF Distinct

subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen

species exhibit diverse stemness proliferation and chemosensitivity CANCER RESEARCH 2014

Nov 174(21)6291-305 (co-correspondence Author)

95 Lin CC Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel Target Genes

Responsive to Apoptotic Activity by Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in Human Osteosarcoma cells

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence


96 Hsieh YL Pai P Ho TJ Chung LC Cheng YC Wu CH Fan MJ Day CH Shen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of Garlic Oil on Interleukin-6 Mediated Cardiac Hypertrophy in

Hypercholesterol-Fed Hamsters CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(6)320-8

97 Wu JP Hsieh CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Yeh YL Lin CC Kuo CH Chih-Yang Huang Secondhand

smoke exposure toxicity accelerates age-related cardiac disease in old hamsters BMC Cardiovasc

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

(co-correspondence Author)

99 Chih-Yang Huang Cooper EL Fang-Yeu Poh C Kuo WW Chen TS Sherman R Special

invertebrate models and integrative medical applications regulations mechanisms and therapies

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20142014843961 (First Author)

100 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) activates fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling to induce


201442(2)443-52 (Correspondence Author)

101 Lin E Chen MC Huang CY Hsu SL Huang WJ Lin MS Wu JC Lin H All-trans retinoic acid

induces DU145 cell cycle arrest through Cdk5 activation CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 33(6)1620-30

102 Chou SH Lin SZ Kuo WW Pai P Lin JY Lai CH Kuo CH Lin KH Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Cardiovascular Therapy Cell Transplant

201423(4-5)513-29 (Correspondence Author)

103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

expression and cardiomyocyte apoptosis by inhibiting HSF1 via JNK activation and SIRT1

degradation CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION (IF=83)2014 21(8)1262-74

(Correspondence Author)

104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

Exercise training enhanced SIRT1 longevity signaling replaces the IGF1 survival pathway to attenuate

aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

Fuu-Jen TsaiHsi-Hsien Hsu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Resistance to Irinotecan (CPT-11)

activates Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorNuclear Factor Kappa B and Increases Cellular

Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

(Correspondence Author)

106 Lin CC1 Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel target genes

responsive to apoptotic activity by Ocimum gratissimum in human osteosarcoma cells Am J Chin

Med 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence Author)

107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

Hsueh-Fang Wang GABA Tea Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis by Attenuating TNF-alpha and

FasFasL-mediated apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats FOOD AND CHEMICAL

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109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

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TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 Treatment CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2014

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111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

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capability via IGF-IRPI3KAkt signaling pathway activation Tumour Biol 2014 35(1)303-13

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112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

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factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY2014 2857(1) 8-18(Correspondence Author)

113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

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BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

HuangSHSST cyclodextrin complex prevents the fibrosis effect on CCl₄-induced cirrhotic

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115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 TreatmentChin J

Physiol 2014 Apr 3057(2)99-104 (correspondence Author)

116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

Jun 3057(3)111-20 (co-correspondence Author)

117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

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118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

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120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

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121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

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122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

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Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

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Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

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125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

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promotes cardiac function in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus BRITISH JOURNAL

OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

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127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

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128 Huang PH Chih-Yang Huang Chen MC Lee YT Yue CH Wang HY Lin H Emodin and

Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

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129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 201333(2) 139-148 (First Author)

130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

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131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

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132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

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Complement Alternat Med 2013 2013946451 (co-correspondence Author)

133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Activation of estrogen receptors with E2 downregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated

receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

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135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

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136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

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Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

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140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

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141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

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Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

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145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

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CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

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148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

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149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

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150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

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Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

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Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

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164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

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165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

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(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

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169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012736752

170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and

tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

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171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

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in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

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175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

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177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

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185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

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protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

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189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

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Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

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PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

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194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

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195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

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197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

221861 (correspondence Author)

198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

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Jan227(1)259-68 (Correspondence Author)




HIGH-CHOLESTEROL DIETARY MICE Journal of Food Biochemistry 2011 DOI

101111j1745-4514201000498 (co-correspondence Author)

200 Chen TS Liou SY Wu HC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Chang YL Efficacy of

Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amla (Emblica officinalis) Extract for the Treatment of Uremic

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

201 Lai TY Su CC Kuo WW Yeh YL Kuo WH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YJ Chih-Yang Huang Chen

LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

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epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

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221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

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279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

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281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014


中國醫藥大學 2006-2009-2012 傑出教授研究獎

中國醫藥大學醫學院 96-101 學年度(RPICJA 及論文篇數)研究績優獎

輔仁大學營養科學系傑出系友獎 (2008 第三屆 Outstanding Alumni Award of Nutritional Science

Department Fu-Jen University Taiwan)




Adaptive Medicine 特約作者(2006-2009) 編輯委員(2009-2013)



台中縣一品堂中醫體系科技顧問(2008 迄今)

台北市大冠生物科技公司顧問(2014 迄今)

2009 生醫年會 March 21-22 24 th生理學 Cardiovascular Biology Section Program Organizer and invited


2009 International Conference of Adaptive Medicine Society Aug 2-5 Taipei Organizing board member

and invited speaker

中國西安交通大學暨附屬醫院參訪學者2009 年 7 月

BITs 1st Annual International Congress of Cardiology-2009 Shanghai 上海 China Dec 5-7

Co-Chair and invited speaker

受邀擔任第七屆亞太生理學聯盟學術大會中醫藥替代醫學 Satellite Symposium 籌 備主席

2012 年 1 月受邀埃及 Mansoura 大學訪問學者 invited speaker 並擔任國際博士生 Ehab Abdelfadil


2013 專門職業及技術人員高等考試營養師考試常設題庫小組命題技術研習會暨命題審查

第 29 屆(2014)-生物醫學聯合學術年會海報複賽評審

2014 年 11 月受邀印度 Bharathiar 大學Coimbatore 訪問學者擔任博士生 S Kalaiselvi 論文委員

2015 International Conference of Adaptive Medicine Society (ISAM) May 27-30 JapanYonago

invited speaker


19th (劉忠榮)amp 21 th (朱俊憲)生醫年會生化分生優秀壁報獎

23 th (郭昱均)生醫年會生理學優秀壁報獎

3rd中正大學分生所論文獎 1st 名(王惠勵)

1rd中山醫學大學生化所論文獎 1st 名(顏均宇)

1rd中國醫藥大學國際生醫研討暨研究生發表會壁報獎 1st 名(顏均宇)

1rd中國醫藥大學生科所研究生發表會壁報獎 1st 名(李振宇)

2009 International Conference of Adaptive Medicine Society 發表壁報獎1st名(陳德勇越南籍生)






第 30 屆(2015 年)生醫聯合學術年會看板論文競賽生化分生組佳作獎(黃智洋)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會海報論文競賽榮獲第三名(廖柏翔)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會口頭論文競賽榮獲傑出論文獎(廖柏翔)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會口頭論文競賽榮獲佳作獎(Sarnai)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中華民國毒物學學會海報論文競賽榮獲佳作(丁韋仁楊珮禎)



優等獎(陳翊瑋) 口頭報告競賽獲得佳作獎(曾仁佑)

第 31 屆(2016 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會海報論文競賽佳作獎(黃琪雯)

第 31 屆(2016 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會台灣生物學會優秀壁報論文獎 (廖柏翔)



助理研究員 陳冬生博士(中國附醫) 黃智洋博士(中國附醫)丁韋仁博士轉化醫學中心主任(清遠醫


博士後研究 MARTHANDAM ASOKAN SHIBU 博士 Rathina Baski 博士Tamilselvi Shanmugam 博士

廖柏翔博士 陳佳宜

外籍生 Dr Ehab Abd( Assistant Professor Mansoura University Egypt) Stanley DUMEUS(海 地) Denny

Satria(印尼) Sudhir Pandey(印度) KannathasanT (印度) Tran Thanh Viet (越南) Le Thi Ly (越南) Nguyen

Hoang Anh Kha (越南) 錢婧元(馬來西亞) 黃襄川(馬來西亞)



基礎研究生楊堯智(博五) 戴墨司(博三) 蘇易辰(博二) 邱致豪(博一)Sudhir Pandey (博一)

KannathasanT (博一)李法倫(研二) 陳佳宜(研二) 官家圳 (研二) 王添德(研二) 何文昆(研一)

張三豐(研一) 林立勳(研一)黃祥晏(研一)錢婧沅(研一)黃襄川(研一)Anh Kha (研一)許淵聖

(醫預生) 李碩宸(醫預生)

臨床研究生張家築(博五) 馮志中(博三) 林源泉(博三) 陳雅芳(博三) 傅建堯(博二) 劉益昇(博

二) 陳仲豪(博一) 江瑞庭 (博一) 林親怡(博一) 陳冠良(博一)

大學部專題生黃瀚澤 張軒輔 游 芃曾健鈞

【擔任 reviewer】

Journal reviewer International J of Cardiology Chinese J of Physiol Molecular Cellular

Biochemistry Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology Clinica Chima Acta Pharmacology research

Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology Clinical Biochemistry Apoptosis Acta Pharmacologica Sinica

eCAM J of Endocrinology J of Molecular Medicine Endocrinology

Project reviewer Philip Morris external Research Program Tzu Chi human clinical trail project

Taichung Veterans General Hospital project NSC group projects


1 雌性素(Estrogen)及其受體基因轉殖在心血管疾病阻斷及肝癌直腸癌口腔癌前列腺癌防治機轉


2 心肌細胞中鈣離子調控之激脢去磷酸根脢及細胞激素之角色

3 心肌細胞肥厚及猝死之起始因子(含生長因子發炎等)及臨床診斷指標(Clinicalbiochemical markers)


4 IGF-I 及 IGF-II 在心肌細胞之交互調控角色探討

5 醣尿病患及動物併發心血管疾病過程中其機轉及臨床診斷指標探討

6 DNA 基因晶片在各種心肌疾病及肝癌直腸癌的應用

7 心肌細胞肥厚過程中Cytochrome-c-oxidase 活性及基因表現的差異

8 針灸的降血壓及抑心肌肥大分子機轉探討

9 強心促肝及神經細胞再生中藥材複方篩選及其單一成分調控之分子迅息探討並分析其與西藥


10 運動介入對血酯肪所誘導之心肌細胞肥厚拮抗作用及先天基因性肥胖鼠(Zucker)心肌病變分


11 低氧低壓的心肌傷害及心肌細胞適應之分子機轉及鐵離子之氧化傷害評估

12 臨床心室中隔缺損病患及手術前後心肌組織之基因表現差異及梗塞組織之基因 SNP 掃瞄

13 Translational Study of 負電性低密度脂蛋(L5)-Mediated Diabetic Cardiomyopathy

14 SDF-1CXCR4 調控 MMP29 訊息在血管內皮幹細胞(hUCB34-EPCs)引導中風血管新生過程之機


15 Rejuvenating the aging brain by modulating NMDA-glycine receptor activity genetic manipulation

【學術論文及著作】國際 SCI 期刊已接受發表gt300 篇

2003-2016 文章

1 Po-Hsiang Liao Hsi-Hsien Hsu Tung-Sheng Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Cecilia-Hsuan Day

Chuan-Chou Tu Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Phosphorylation of

cofilin-1 by ERK confers HDAC inhibitor resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma cells via decreased

ROS-mediated mitochondria injury ONCOGENE 2016 Oct 17 doi 101038 (correspondence


2 Chih-Yang HuangWei-Wen Kuo Jeng-Fan LoTsung-Jung Ho Pei-ying Pai Shu-Fen Chiang Pei-Yu

Chen Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai TsaiChih-Yang Huang Doxorubicin attenuates CHIP-guarded HSF1

nuclear translocation and protein stability to trigger IGF-IIR-dependent cardiomyocyte death Cell

Death amp Disease 2016 (correspondence Author)

3 Feng CC Lin CC Lai YP Chen TS Marthandam Asokan S Lin JY Lin KH Viswanadha VP Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Hypoxia suppresses myocardial survival pathway through

HIF-1α-IGFBP-3-dependent signaling and enhances cardiomyocyte autophagic and apoptotic

GROWTH FACTORS 2016 Aug34(3-4)73-86 (correspondence Author)

4 Chiang WD Chih-Yang Huang Paul CR Lee ZY Lin WT Lipolysis stimulating peptides of potato

protein hydrolysate effectively suppresses high-fat-diet-induced hepatocyte apoptosis and fibrosis in

aging rats Food amp Nutrition Research 2016 Jul 126031417 (First Author)

5 You-LiangHsieh MarthandamAsokanShibu Chong-KueiLii VijayaPadmaViswanadha Yi-LinLin

Chao-HungLai Yu-FengChen Kuan-HoLin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Andrographispaniculata extractattenuatespathologicalcardiac

hypertrophyandapoptosisinhigh-fatdietfedmice Journal of Ethnopharmacology 192(2016)170ndash177

(correspondence Author)

6 Ting WJ Yang JJ Kuo CH Xiao ZJ Lu XZ Yeh YL Day CH Wen SY Viswanadha VP Jiang CH

Kuo WW Chih-Yang Huang Environmental tobacco smoke increases autophagic effects but

decreases longevity associated with Sirt-1 protein expression in young C57BL mice hearts

Oncotarget 2016 May 4 (correspondence Author)

7 Liao PH Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chang SH Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat-killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Prevents Epididymal Fat

Accumulation and Cardiac Injury in High-Calorie Diet-Fed Rats International Journal of Medical

Sciences 2016 Jul 513(8)569-77 (correspondence Author)

8 Baskaran R Poornima P Priya LB Chih-Yang Huang Padma VV Neferine prevents autophagy

induced by hypoxia through activation of AktmTOR pathway and Nrf2 in muscle cells

BIOMEDICINE amp PHARMACOTHERAPY 2016 Aug 29831407-1413

9 Lee CJ Hsu LS Yue CH Lin H Chiu YW Lin YY Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Liu JY

MZF-1Elk-1 interaction domain as therapeutic target for protein kinase Cα-based triple-negative

breast cancer cells Oncotarget 2016 Aug 17 (correspondence Author)

10 Yeh YL Ting WJ Kuo WW Hsu HH Lin YM Shen CY Chang CH Padma VV Tsai Y Chih-Yang

Huang San Huang Shel Shin Tang beta-cyclodextrin complex augmented the hepatoprotective

effects against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats BMC Complement Altern

Med 2016 May 2716150 (correspondence Author)

11 Chang RL Lin JW Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuated long-term hypoxia-stimulated cardiomyocyte

apoptosis by inhibiting HIF-1α nuclear translocation via Mas receptor regulation GROWTH

FACTORS 2016 Feb34(1-2)11-8 (correspondence Author)

12 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Chen RJ Lin YM Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Inhibition of NF-jB and Metastasis in Irinotecan (CPT-11)-Resistant LoVo Colon

Cancer Cells by Thymoquinone via JNK and p38 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2016 Apr 5

doi 10 (correspondence Author)

13 Chih-Yang Huang Ting WJ Huang CY Yang JY Lin WT Resveratrol attenuated hydrogen

peroxide-induced myocardial apoptosis by autophagic flux Food amp Nutrition Research 2016 May

206030511 (First Author)

14 Chen WK Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Chang HN Pai PY Lin KH Pan LF Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang CREB Negatively Regulates IGF2R Gene Expression and Downstream Pathways

to Inhibit Hypoxia-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Death INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF

MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2016 2416(11)27921-30 (correspondence Author)

15 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis LUMINESCENCE 2016 30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

16 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different aetiologies JOURNAL OF CLINICAL

PATHOLOGY 2016 68(11)917-22 (First Author)

17 Huang CW Horng CT Chih-Yang Huang Cho TH Tsai YC Chen LJ Hsu TC Tzang BS

Secondhand smoke induces hepatic apoptosis and fibrosis in hamster fetus HUMAN amp


18 Chang YM Chang HH Kuo WW Lin HJ Yeh YL Padma Viswanadha V Tsai CC Chen RJ Chang

HN Chih-Yang Huang Anti-Apoptotic and Pro-Survival Effect of Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus


SCIENCES 2016 Mar 2917(4)466 (correspondence Author)

19 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple Rice Anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ -Induced

Diabetes Rat Hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL

BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May3198-105 (correspondence Author)

20 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective Effect of Co-Enzyme Q10 On Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy of Rat

Hearts ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2016 Apr 18 doi 101002tox22270

(correspondence Author)

21 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKC zeta-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts

JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May31137-49 (correspondence Author)

22 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKCltzetagt-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts J

Nutr Biochem 2016 Mar 331137-149 (correspondence Author)

23 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple rice anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ-induced diabetes

rat hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis J Nutr Biochem 2016 Feb 263198-105

(correspondence Author)

24 Lai CH Tsai CC Kuo WW Ho TJ Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Huang CC Wang HF Liao PH

Chih-Yang Huang Multi-Strain Probiotics Inhibit Cardiac Myopathies and Autophagy to Prevent

Heart Injury in High-Fat Diet-Fed Rats Int J Med Sci 2016 Mar 3013(4)277-85 (Correspondence


25 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective effect of Co-enzyme Q10 On doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy of rat hearts

Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 18 (Correspondence Author)

26 Chang RL Lin JW Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuated long-term hypoxia-stimulated cardiomyocyte

apoptosis by inhibiting HIF-1α nuclear translocation via Mas receptor regulation Growth Factors

2016 Apr 81-8 (Correspondence Author)

27 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Chen RJ Lin YM Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Inhibition of NF-κB and metastasis in irinotecan (CPT-11)-resistant LoVo colon

cancer cells by thymoquinone via JNK and p38 Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 5 doi 101002

(correspondence Author)

28 Chih-Yang Huang Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Chang YL Chen TS Chemiluminescence analysis of

antioxidant capacity for serum albumin isolated from healthy or uremic volunteers Luminescence

2016 Apr 7 doi 101002 (First Author)

29 Bor-Tsang Wu Yijuang Chern Ming-Chang Chiang Ching-Yi TasiChia-Hua Kuo Woei-Cherng

Shyu Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Fas-dependent and mitochondria-dependent

apoptosis in a transgenic mouse model of Huntingtons disease Cardiovasc Toxicol 2016

Apr16(2)111-21 (co-correspondence Author)

30 Chen YF Velmurugan BK Wang HL Tu CC Che RJ Chen MC Jen LB Vishwanadha VP Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang Estrogen and ERα enhanced β-catenin degradation and suppressed its

downstream target genes to block the metastatic function of HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells

via modulating GSK-3β and β-TrCP expression Environ Toxicol 2016 Mar 18 (Correspondence


31 Tsai CT Chang YM Lin SL Chen YS Yeh YL Padma VV Tsai CC Chen RJ Ho TJ Chih-Yang

Huang Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus Inhibits IGFII-Related Signaling Pathway to Attenuate Ang

II-Induced Pathological Hypertrophy in H9c2 Cardiomyoblasts Journal of Medicinal Food

201619(3)300-9 (Correspondence Author)

32 Yeh YL Tsai HI Cheng SM Pai P Ho TJ Chen RJ Lai CH Huang PJ Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang Mechanism of Taiwan Mingjian Oolong Tea to Inhibit Isoproterenol-Induced Hypertrophy

and Apoptosis in Cardiomyoblasts The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 201644(1)77-86

(Correspondence Author)

33 Peiying Pai Ching Jung Lai Ching-Yuang Lin Yi-Fan Liou Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Effect

of Superoxide Anion Scavenger on Rat Hearts with Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Journal of Applied

Physiology Published 2016 14jap011092014

34 Chong G Tsai S Wang LH Chih-Yang Huang Lin C Cryopreservation of the gorgonian

endosymbiont Symbiodinium Scientific Reports 2016 12618816

35 Po-Hsiang Liao Wei-Wen Kuo Chia-Hua KuoYu-LanYeh Chia-Yao Shen Ya-Hui Chen Ray-Jade

Chen V Vijaya Padma Yi-Hsing Chen Chih-Yang HuangLactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 reduces

hyperlipidaemia and the heart failure process in high-calorie diet-fed induced heart dysfunction in rats

Journal of Functional Foods 2016226-235 (correspondence Author)

36 Wei-Jen Ting Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chen RJ Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat Killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Reduces Fibrosis Effects on the

Liver and Heart in High Fat Diet-Hamsters via TGF-β Suppression INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2015 2816(10)25881-96 (correspondence Author)

37 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YLJu DTLin CCKuo CHLiou YFHo TJ Tsai CHTsai FJJing-Ying Lin

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl2-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line

CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

38 Jia-Ping Wu Tsung-Jung Ho Chin-Chuan Tsai Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung LinKuan-Ho Lin Dennis

Jine-Yuan Hsieh Li-Mien Chen Lung-Fa Pan Chih-Yang HuangHepatoprotective Effects of

Traditional Chinese Medicine on Liver Fibrosis from Ethanol Administration following Partial

Hepatectomy CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2015 58(6) (Correspondence Author)

39 Da-Tong Ju Hung-En Liao Marthandam Asokan Shibu Tsung-Jung HoViswanadha Vijaya Padma

Fuu-Jen Tsai Li-Chin Chung Cecilia Hsuan DayChien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang Huang Nerve

Regeneration Potential of Protocatechuic Acid in RSC96 Schwann Cells by Induction of Cellular

Proliferation and Migration through IGFR-PI3K-Akt CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY

2015 58(6) (correspondence Author)

40 Shu-Nu Chang Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Marthandam Asokan ShibuCecilia Hsuan DayVijaya Padma

ViswanadhaChao-Hung LaiYi-Li ChenFuu-Jen TsaiYueh-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Protective effects of electroacupuncture at LR3 on cardiac hypertrophy and apoptosis in hypertensive

rats Acupuncture in Medicine 201501ndash8 (Correspondence Author)

41 Kuan-Ho Lin Shibu MA Kuo YH Chen YC Hsu HH Bau DT Chen MC Tu CC Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang HuangTaiwanin C Selectively Inhibits Arecoline and 4-NQO-Induced Oral Cancer Cell

Proliferation Via ERK12 Inactivation ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 Nov 5 doi

101002 (Correspondence Author)

42 Yueh-Shan WengT Hsueh-Fang WangPei-Ying PaiGwo-Ping JongChao-Hung LaiLi-Chin

ChungDennis Jine-Yuan HsiehCecilia HsuanDayWei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tanshinone IIA

Prevents Leu27IGF-II-induced Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy Mediated by Estrogen Receptor and

Subsequent Akt Activation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 2015 Vol 43 No 8

1ndash25 (correspondence Author)

43 Yeh-Peng Chen Chia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung-Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) switches energy signaling

from the PKCζ-GLUT4-glucose pathway back to the SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway similar to

resveratrol to ameliorate cardiac myocyte lipotoxicity Journal of Functional Foods2015

(correspondence Author)

44 Hsun-Nan Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Yueh-Min Lin Li-Chin Chung Ray-Jade ChenAdaptation to

Oxidative Stress in Uremic Patients with HemodialysisRole of Functional Foods Adaptive Medicine

2015 7(3) 111-116 (CO-First Author)

45 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

46 Chang RL Lin JW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Long-term hypoxia exposure enhanced IGFBP-3 protein synthesis and secretion

resulting in cell apoptosis in H9c2 myocardial cells Growth Factors 2015 Aug33(4)275-81

(Correspondence Author)

47 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different J Clin Pathol 2015 Nov68(11)917-22

(First Author)

48 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YL Ju DT Lin CC Kuo CH Liou YF Ho TJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ Lin JY

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl₂-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line Chin J

Physiol 2015 Aug 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

49 Ju DT Kuo WW Ho TJ Paul CR Kuo CH Viswanadha VP Lin CC Chen YS Chang YM

Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via

ERK12 JNK and p38 Activation Am J Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

50 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD

Effects of rhodiola crenulata on mice hearts under severe sleep apnea BMC Complement Altern Med

2015 Jun 2515198

51 Palanisamy K Krishnaswamy R Paramasivan P Chih-Yang Huang Vishwanadha VP

Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents TCDD-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory response by

modulating MAP kinases and redox-sensitive transcription factors Br J Pharmacol 2015

Oct172(19)4726-40 (co-correspondence Author)

52 Shen CH Lin TH Hsieh YL Shen CY Kuo SC Wu HC Chien WS Hsieh DJ Wen SY Ting WJ

Yao CH Chih-Yang Huang Mitotic arrest induced in human DU145 prostate cancer cells in

response to KHC-4 treatment Environ Toxicol 2015 Aug 25 (Correspondence Author)

53 Jin G Lee SW Zhang X Cai Z Gao Y Chou PC Rezaeian AH Han F Wang CY Yao JC Gong Z

Chan CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tu SH Wu CH Sarbassov dos D2 Ho YS8 Lin

HK9 Skp2-Mediated RagA Ubiquitination Elicits a Negative Feedback to Prevent

Amino-Acid-Dependent mTORC1 Hyperactivation by Recruiting GATOR1 Mol Cell 2015 Jun


54 Hsu TC Chiu CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol 2015

Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

55 Liu YL Huang CC Chang CC Chou CY Lin SY Wang IK Hsieh DJ Jong GP Chih-Yang Huang

Wang CM Hyperphosphate-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy through the GATA-4NFAT-3

Signaling Pathway Is Attenuated by ERK Inhibitor Treatment CardioRenal Medicine 2015


56 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY complex binds to protein

kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015 May


57 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 Complex

Binds to Protein Kinase Cα Promoter and Is Involved in Hepatocellular Carcinoma PLoS One 2015

Jun 1510(6)e0131036

58 Po-Hsiang Liao Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Hua Kuo Cecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen

Chao-Hung Lai Ray-Jade Chen V Vijaya Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Moderate

exercise training attenuates aging-induced cardiac inflammation hypertrophy and fibrosis injuries of

rat hearts Oncotarget 2015 Nov 36(34)35383-94 (correspondence Author)

59 Yeh-Peng ChenChia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung- Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced

Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate

PI3KAkt Cell Physiol Biochem 201536(1)334-44 (correspondence Author)

60 Wu JP Hsieh DJ Kuo WW Han CK Pai P Yeh YL Lin CC Padma VV Day CH Chih-Yang

Huang Secondhand Smoke Exposure Reduced the Compen satory Effects of IGF-I Growth Signaling

in the Aging Rat Hearts International Journal of Medical Sciences 2015 12(9) 708-718

(Correspondence Author)

61 Lin YM Kuo WW Velmurugan BK Hsien HH Hsieh YL Hsu HH Tu CC Bau DT Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Helioxanthin suppresses the cross talk of COX-2PGE2 and EGFRERK pathway

to inhibit Arecoline-induced Oral Cancer Cell (T28) proliferation and blocks tumor growth in

xenografted nude mice Environ Toxicol 2015 Oct 14 doi 10 (Correspondence Author)

62 Wu JP Tsai CC Yeh YL Lin YM Lin CC Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Pan LF Chih-Yang

Huang Silymarin Accelerates Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy Evidence-based

Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015 doi 1011552015603529 (Correspondence


63 Ting WJ Kuo WW Kuo CH Yeh YL Shen CY Chen YH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Supplementary heat-killed Lactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 ameliorates

hyperlipidaemic and cardiac apoptosis in high-fat diet-fed hamsters to maintain cardiovascular

function BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2015 114 706ndash712 (Correspondence Author)

64 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS

One2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

65 Liao HE Lai CH Ho TJ Yeh YL Jong GP Kuo WH Chung LC Pai PY Wen SY Chih-Yang

Huang Cardio Protective Effects of Lumbrokinase and Dilong on Second-Hand Smoke-Induced

Apoptotic Signaling in the Heart of a Rat Model CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015

Jun 3058(3) (Correspondence Author)

66 Liu YS Tsai YL Yeh YL Chung LC Wen SY Kuo CH Lin YM Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Cell Cycle Regulation in the Estrogen Receptor Beta (ESR2)-Overexpressing Hep3B Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Cell Line CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 Apr 3058(2)134-40

(Correspondence Author)

67 Chang WH Tsai YL Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Chaunchaiyakul R Fang Y Lee SD Kuo CH

Null effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on improving glycemic status in men during a resistance training

recovery J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2015 Aug 201234

68 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Hsieh DJ Lin YM Chen LM Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Thymoquinone Induces Caspase-Independent Autophagic Cell Death in CPT-11-Resistant

LoVo Colon Cancer via Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of JNK and p38 JOURNAL OF

AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2015 1163(5)1540-6 (Correspondence Author)

69 Lin KH Kuo WW Jiang AZ Pai P Lin JY Chen WK Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang

HuangTetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via

HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate PI3KAkt CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536(1)334-44 (Correspondence Author)

70 Tsai CY Wen SY Shibu MA Yang YC Peng H Wang B Wei YM Chang HY Lee CY Chih-Yang

Huang Kuo WW Diallyl trisulfide protects against high glucosendashinduced cardiac apoptosis by

stimulating the production of Cystathionine gamma-lyase-derived hydrogen sulfide


(co-correspondence Author)

71 Da-Tong JuWei-Wen KuoTsung-Jung HoCatherine Reena PaulChia-Hua KuoFuu-Jen

TsaiChien-Chung LinYueh-Sheng ChenYung-Ming Chang Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid

from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via ERK12JNK and p38 Activation Am J

Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

72 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS One

2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

73 Hsieh YL Tsai YL Shibu MA Su CC Chung LC Pai P Kuo CH Yeh YL Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang ZAK induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and brain natriuretic peptide

expression via p38JNK signaling and GATA4c-Jun transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR

AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 2015 Jul405(1-2)1-9 (Correspondence Author)

74 Hu WS Ting WJ Chiang WD Pai P Yeh YL Chang CH Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangThe Heart

Protection Effect of Alcalase Potato Protein Hydrolysate Is through IGF1R-PI3K-Akt Compensatory

Reactivation in Aging Rats on High Fat Diets INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR

SCIENCES 2015 May 516(5)10158-72 (correspondence Author)

75 Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieha Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Ping Lai Marthandam Asokan Shibu Chia-Yao Shen

Peiying Pai Yu-LanYeh Jing-Ying Lin Vijaya PadmaViswanadha Chih-Yang Huang 17β-Estradiol

andor Estrogen Receptor β Attenuate the Autophagic and Apoptotic Effects Induced by Prolonged

Hypoxia Through HIF-1α-Mediated BNIP3 and IGFBP-3 Signaling Blockage CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536274-284 (Correspondence Author)

76 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 complex

binds to protein kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015


77 Hsieh DJ Huang CY Pai P Wang SG Tsai YL Li CN Kuo WW Chih-Yang HuangProlactin

protects cardiomyocytes against intermittent hypoxia-induced cell damage by the modulation of

signaling pathways related to cardiac hypertrophy and proliferation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF CARDIOLOGY 2015 Feb 15181255-66 (Correspondence Author)

78 Chih-Yang Huang Chen SY Fu RH Huang YC Chen SY Shyu WC Lin SZ Liu SP

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Into Cardiomyocytes Used to Investigate the

Cardioprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B Through BNIP3 Involved Pathway CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 201524(3)561-71 (First Author)

79 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

80 Sheng-Huang C Chieh-Hsin C Mu-Chun Y Wen-Tung H Chia-Ying H Ya-Ting H Wan-Ling SU

Jiuan-Jen S Chih-Yang Huang Jer-Yuh Effects of estrogen on glutathione and catalase levels in

human erythrocyte during menstrual cycle Biomed Rep 2015 Mar3(2)266-268



SHSST‑cyclodextrin complex inhibits TGF βSmad3CTGF to a greater extent than silymarin in a rat

model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury Molecular Medicine Reports 2015

Oct12(4)6053-9 2015(Correspondence Author)

82 Hsu TC Chiou CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol

2015 Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

83 Chung-Ben Kan Yu-LanYehCecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang

Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jer-Yuh Liu Chien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang HuangAttenuation of Crude

Water Extract of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum on the Cardiac Mitochondria-Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway Effects in Hypercholesterol Fed Hamsters Adaptive Medicine2015

(Correspondence Author)

84 Chao-Hung Lai Chien-Kuo Han Marthandam Asokan Shibu Pei Ying Pai Tsung- Jung Ho Cecilia

Hsuan Day Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang HuangLumbrokinase from

earthworm extract ameliorates second-hand smoke induced cardiac fibrosis Environ Toxicol 2015

Sep30(10)1216-25 (correspondence Author)

85 Wang HF Lin PP Chen CH Yeh YL Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Effects of lactic acid

bacteria on cardiac apoptosis are mediated by activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinaseAKT

survival-signalling pathway in rats fed a high-fat diet Int J Mol Med 2015 Feb35(2)460-70

(co-correspondence Author)

86 Lin KH Kuo CH Kuo WW Ho TJ Pai P Chen WK Pan LF Wang CC Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang NFIL3 Suppresses Hypoxia-induced Apoptotic Cell Death by Targeting the Insulin-like

Growth Factor 2 Receptor J Cell Biochem 2015 Jun116(6)1113-20 (Correspondence Author)

87 Liao HE Shibu MA Kuo WW Pai PY Ho TJ Kuo CH Lin JY Pai PY Viswanadha VP Chih-Yang

Huang Deep Sea Minerals Prolong Life Span of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats by

Compensatory Augmentation of the IGF-I-Survival Signaling and Inhibition of Apoptosis

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 doi 101002(Correspondence Author)

88 Wang ZH Hsu HW Chou JC Yu CH Bau DT Wang GJ Chih Yang Huang Wang PS Wang SW

Cytotoxic Effect of S-Petasin and Iso-S-Petasin on the Proliferation of Human Prostate Cancer Cells


89 Chih Yang Huang Catherine Reena Paul Peiying Pai Wen-Dee Chiang Tsung-Jung HoWan-Teng

Lin Potato Protein Hydrolysate- APPH Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis and

Enhances Survival Through SIRT1 PGC-1ltalphagtAkt Signaling Journal of Functional Foods2015

(First Author)

90 Chang HC Chiu YW Lin YM Chen RJ Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Herbal Supplement Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rats with CCl4-Induced Liver

Cirrhosis CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 Feb 2857(1)41-7 (correspondence


91 Deng JS Lee SD Kuo WW Fan MJ Lin YM Hu WS Huang YC Velmurugan BK Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of protocatechuic acid on hypertensive

hearts CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 2014 Feb 2520977-84 (Correspondence


92 Hsu HH Kuo WW Ju DT Yeh YL Tu CC Tsai YL Shen CY Chang SH Chung LC Chih-Yang

Huang Estradiol agonists inhibit human LoVo colorectal-cancer cell proliferation and migration

through p53 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2014 Nov 2820(44)16665-73

(Correspondence Author)

93 Ming-Chieh WuYing-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training with hypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2014 DOI10108017461391

94 Chang CW Chen YS Chou SH Han CL Chen YJ Yang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lo JF Distinct

subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen

species exhibit diverse stemness proliferation and chemosensitivity CANCER RESEARCH 2014

Nov 174(21)6291-305 (co-correspondence Author)

95 Lin CC Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel Target Genes

Responsive to Apoptotic Activity by Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in Human Osteosarcoma cells

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence


96 Hsieh YL Pai P Ho TJ Chung LC Cheng YC Wu CH Fan MJ Day CH Shen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of Garlic Oil on Interleukin-6 Mediated Cardiac Hypertrophy in

Hypercholesterol-Fed Hamsters CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(6)320-8

97 Wu JP Hsieh CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Yeh YL Lin CC Kuo CH Chih-Yang Huang Secondhand

smoke exposure toxicity accelerates age-related cardiac disease in old hamsters BMC Cardiovasc

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

(co-correspondence Author)

99 Chih-Yang Huang Cooper EL Fang-Yeu Poh C Kuo WW Chen TS Sherman R Special

invertebrate models and integrative medical applications regulations mechanisms and therapies

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20142014843961 (First Author)

100 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) activates fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling to induce


201442(2)443-52 (Correspondence Author)

101 Lin E Chen MC Huang CY Hsu SL Huang WJ Lin MS Wu JC Lin H All-trans retinoic acid

induces DU145 cell cycle arrest through Cdk5 activation CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 33(6)1620-30

102 Chou SH Lin SZ Kuo WW Pai P Lin JY Lai CH Kuo CH Lin KH Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Cardiovascular Therapy Cell Transplant

201423(4-5)513-29 (Correspondence Author)

103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

expression and cardiomyocyte apoptosis by inhibiting HSF1 via JNK activation and SIRT1

degradation CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION (IF=83)2014 21(8)1262-74

(Correspondence Author)

104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

Exercise training enhanced SIRT1 longevity signaling replaces the IGF1 survival pathway to attenuate

aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

Fuu-Jen TsaiHsi-Hsien Hsu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Resistance to Irinotecan (CPT-11)

activates Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorNuclear Factor Kappa B and Increases Cellular

Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

(Correspondence Author)

106 Lin CC1 Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel target genes

responsive to apoptotic activity by Ocimum gratissimum in human osteosarcoma cells Am J Chin

Med 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence Author)

107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

Hsueh-Fang Wang GABA Tea Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis by Attenuating TNF-alpha and

FasFasL-mediated apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats FOOD AND CHEMICAL

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108 Wu MH Chih-Yang Huang Lin JA Wang SW Peng CY Cheng HC Tang CH Endothelin-1

promotes vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent angiogenesis in human chondrosarcoma cells

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109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

Association of Genetic Variants in Senataxin and Alzheimers Disease in a Chinese Han Population in

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 Treatment CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2014

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111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

Huang Apicidin-resistant HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells massively promote pro-survival

capability via IGF-IRPI3KAkt signaling pathway activation Tumour Biol 2014 35(1)303-13

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112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

stability and protein expressions through inhibiting cytoplasmic translocation of HuR transcription

factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY2014 2857(1) 8-18(Correspondence Author)

113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

Chih-Yang HuangGelsolin (GSN) induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and BNP expression via p38

signaling and GATA-4 transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

HuangSHSST cyclodextrin complex prevents the fibrosis effect on CCl₄-induced cirrhotic

cardiomyopathy in rats through TGF-β pathway inhibition effects Int J Mol Sci 2014 May

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115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 TreatmentChin J

Physiol 2014 Apr 3057(2)99-104 (correspondence Author)

116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

Jun 3057(3)111-20 (co-correspondence Author)

117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

Jun 1537(5)402-13 (Correspondence Author)

118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

Induce Migration of RSC96 Schwann Cells The American journal of Chinese medicine

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120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

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121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

Activated apoptotic and anti-survival effects on rat hearts with fructose induced metabolic syndrome

Cell Biochem Funct 2014 32(2)133-41 (co-correspondence Author)

122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

Hepatoprotective Effects of Ixora parviflora Extract against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

Signaling via the IKK αβ NF- κ B Pathway in Apicidin-Resistant HA22T Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

Pathways in Obesity CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2013 57(3)111-20

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125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

Huang Oral Lactobacillus reuteri GMN-32 treatment reduces blood glucose concentrations and

promotes cardiac function in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus BRITISH JOURNAL

OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

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127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

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nanocomposites PLoS One 2013 Jun 248(6)e65738

128 Huang PH Chih-Yang Huang Chen MC Lee YT Yue CH Wang HY Lin H Emodin and

Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 20132013376123 (co-correspondence Author)

129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 201333(2) 139-148 (First Author)

130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

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radioimmunotherapy to prostate carcinoma Int J Radiat Biol 2013 May89(5)346-55

131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

isoliquiritigenin on the migration and invasion of human breast cancer cells Expert Opin Ther Targets

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132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

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Complement Alternat Med 2013 2013946451 (co-correspondence Author)

133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Activation of estrogen receptors with E2 downregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated

receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

survival pathways and attenuates cardiac apoptosis in the hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats

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135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

Genistein Suppresses the Isoproterenol-Treated H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Associated with

P-38 Erk12 JNK and NF κ B Signaling Protein Activation The American Journal of Chinese

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136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

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137 Tu CC Kumar VB Day CH Kuo WW Yeh SP Chen RJ Liao CR Chen HY Tsai FJ Wu WJ

Chih-Yang HuangEstrogen recepPtor a overexpression mediated apoptosis in Hep3B cells by

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138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

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139 Tsai KH Lee NH Chen GY Hu WS Tsai CY Chang MH Jong GP Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ

Tsai CH Chih-Yang HuangDung-shen (Codonopsis pilosula) attenuated the cardiac-impaired

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140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Henry J TsaiChih-Yang Huang Rhubarb inhibits hepatocellular

carcinoma cell metastasis via GSK-3-b activation to enhance protein degradation and attenuate

nuclear translocation of b-catenin Food Chemistry 2013 138 278ndash285 (correspondence Author)

141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

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142 Hsia TC Tu CY Chen YJ Wei YL Yu MC Hsu SC Tsai SL Chen WS Yeh MH Yen CJ Yu YL

Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

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Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through P38β inhibition The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013Vol 41 No 3 683ndash696 (Correspondence Author)

145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

146 Wu MH Chen LM Hsu HH Lin JA Lin YM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang CH

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147 Cheng YC Chang MH Tsai CC Chen TS Fan CC Lin CC Lai CH Tsai FJ Lin JA Chih-Yang

Huang Garlic oil attenuates the cardiac apoptotosis in hamster-fed with hypercholesterol diet

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148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

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Leu27IGF-II-induced IGF-II receptor signaling activation in cardiomyoblasts FOOD AND

CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 2013 5628-39 (Correspondence Author)

149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

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Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2013 2013369180 (Correspondence


150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

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152 Chia M Liao CA Chih-Yang Hu ng Lee WC Hou CW Yu SH Harris MB Hsu TS Lee SD

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153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

Activators and the MMP-2-9 Pathway by a Zanthoxylum avicennae Extract to Inhibit the HA22T

Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

-Induced Liver Cirrhosis Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

20122012139045(correspondence Author)

164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

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165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

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(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

Paoletti MG Earthworms Dilong Ancient Inexpensive Noncontroversial ModelsMay Help Clarify

Approaches to IntegratedMedicine Emphasizing Neuroimmune Systems Evid Based Complement

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169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012736752

170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and

tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

Chem Toxicol 2012 May50(5)1802-1810 (Correspondence Author)

171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

Jun29(6)1045-52 (Correspondence Author)

175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

Physiol 2012 Mar112(5)883-91 (First Author)

177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

through FAKPI3KAktmTOR pathways J Cell Physiol 2012 Aug227(8)3016-26

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training withhypoxia recovery

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excessive endurance exercise training-induced cardiac hypertrophyapoptosis and fibrosis in rats Eur

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188 Ding-Yu Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Mechanisms governing the

protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

2012 22(1)711-721 (correspondence Author)

189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

through PI3K-Akt-MDM2 signaling suppression FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 50(5)1802-10

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Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

2011 2011380809 (correspondence Author)

194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

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196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

Metalloproteinase (MMP) Expression by Modulatingthe Protein Kinase C-rExtracellular

Signal-Regulated KinasePeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γNuclear

Factor-KB(PKC-rERKPP 2011 May 1159(9)5100-8

197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

221861 (correspondence Author)

198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells and Pathologically Hypertensive Rat Heart J Cell Physiol 2011

Jan227(1)259-68 (Correspondence Author)




HIGH-CHOLESTEROL DIETARY MICE Journal of Food Biochemistry 2011 DOI

101111j1745-4514201000498 (co-correspondence Author)

200 Chen TS Liou SY Wu HC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Chang YL Efficacy of

Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amla (Emblica officinalis) Extract for the Treatment of Uremic

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

201 Lai TY Su CC Kuo WW Yeh YL Kuo WH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YJ Chih-Yang Huang Chen

LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

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epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

(co-correspondence Author)

221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

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281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會海報論文競賽榮獲第三名(廖柏翔)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會口頭論文競賽榮獲傑出論文獎(廖柏翔)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會口頭論文競賽榮獲佳作獎(Sarnai)

第 30 屆(2015 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中華民國毒物學學會海報論文競賽榮獲佳作(丁韋仁楊珮禎)



優等獎(陳翊瑋) 口頭報告競賽獲得佳作獎(曾仁佑)

第 31 屆(2016 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會中國生理學會海報論文競賽佳作獎(黃琪雯)

第 31 屆(2016 年)生物醫學聯合學術年會台灣生物學會優秀壁報論文獎 (廖柏翔)



助理研究員 陳冬生博士(中國附醫) 黃智洋博士(中國附醫)丁韋仁博士轉化醫學中心主任(清遠醫


博士後研究 MARTHANDAM ASOKAN SHIBU 博士 Rathina Baski 博士Tamilselvi Shanmugam 博士

廖柏翔博士 陳佳宜

外籍生 Dr Ehab Abd( Assistant Professor Mansoura University Egypt) Stanley DUMEUS(海 地) Denny

Satria(印尼) Sudhir Pandey(印度) KannathasanT (印度) Tran Thanh Viet (越南) Le Thi Ly (越南) Nguyen

Hoang Anh Kha (越南) 錢婧元(馬來西亞) 黃襄川(馬來西亞)



基礎研究生楊堯智(博五) 戴墨司(博三) 蘇易辰(博二) 邱致豪(博一)Sudhir Pandey (博一)

KannathasanT (博一)李法倫(研二) 陳佳宜(研二) 官家圳 (研二) 王添德(研二) 何文昆(研一)

張三豐(研一) 林立勳(研一)黃祥晏(研一)錢婧沅(研一)黃襄川(研一)Anh Kha (研一)許淵聖

(醫預生) 李碩宸(醫預生)

臨床研究生張家築(博五) 馮志中(博三) 林源泉(博三) 陳雅芳(博三) 傅建堯(博二) 劉益昇(博

二) 陳仲豪(博一) 江瑞庭 (博一) 林親怡(博一) 陳冠良(博一)

大學部專題生黃瀚澤 張軒輔 游 芃曾健鈞

【擔任 reviewer】

Journal reviewer International J of Cardiology Chinese J of Physiol Molecular Cellular

Biochemistry Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology Clinica Chima Acta Pharmacology research

Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology Clinical Biochemistry Apoptosis Acta Pharmacologica Sinica

eCAM J of Endocrinology J of Molecular Medicine Endocrinology

Project reviewer Philip Morris external Research Program Tzu Chi human clinical trail project

Taichung Veterans General Hospital project NSC group projects


1 雌性素(Estrogen)及其受體基因轉殖在心血管疾病阻斷及肝癌直腸癌口腔癌前列腺癌防治機轉


2 心肌細胞中鈣離子調控之激脢去磷酸根脢及細胞激素之角色

3 心肌細胞肥厚及猝死之起始因子(含生長因子發炎等)及臨床診斷指標(Clinicalbiochemical markers)


4 IGF-I 及 IGF-II 在心肌細胞之交互調控角色探討

5 醣尿病患及動物併發心血管疾病過程中其機轉及臨床診斷指標探討

6 DNA 基因晶片在各種心肌疾病及肝癌直腸癌的應用

7 心肌細胞肥厚過程中Cytochrome-c-oxidase 活性及基因表現的差異

8 針灸的降血壓及抑心肌肥大分子機轉探討

9 強心促肝及神經細胞再生中藥材複方篩選及其單一成分調控之分子迅息探討並分析其與西藥


10 運動介入對血酯肪所誘導之心肌細胞肥厚拮抗作用及先天基因性肥胖鼠(Zucker)心肌病變分


11 低氧低壓的心肌傷害及心肌細胞適應之分子機轉及鐵離子之氧化傷害評估

12 臨床心室中隔缺損病患及手術前後心肌組織之基因表現差異及梗塞組織之基因 SNP 掃瞄

13 Translational Study of 負電性低密度脂蛋(L5)-Mediated Diabetic Cardiomyopathy

14 SDF-1CXCR4 調控 MMP29 訊息在血管內皮幹細胞(hUCB34-EPCs)引導中風血管新生過程之機


15 Rejuvenating the aging brain by modulating NMDA-glycine receptor activity genetic manipulation

【學術論文及著作】國際 SCI 期刊已接受發表gt300 篇

2003-2016 文章

1 Po-Hsiang Liao Hsi-Hsien Hsu Tung-Sheng Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Cecilia-Hsuan Day

Chuan-Chou Tu Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Phosphorylation of

cofilin-1 by ERK confers HDAC inhibitor resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma cells via decreased

ROS-mediated mitochondria injury ONCOGENE 2016 Oct 17 doi 101038 (correspondence


2 Chih-Yang HuangWei-Wen Kuo Jeng-Fan LoTsung-Jung Ho Pei-ying Pai Shu-Fen Chiang Pei-Yu

Chen Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai TsaiChih-Yang Huang Doxorubicin attenuates CHIP-guarded HSF1

nuclear translocation and protein stability to trigger IGF-IIR-dependent cardiomyocyte death Cell

Death amp Disease 2016 (correspondence Author)

3 Feng CC Lin CC Lai YP Chen TS Marthandam Asokan S Lin JY Lin KH Viswanadha VP Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Hypoxia suppresses myocardial survival pathway through

HIF-1α-IGFBP-3-dependent signaling and enhances cardiomyocyte autophagic and apoptotic

GROWTH FACTORS 2016 Aug34(3-4)73-86 (correspondence Author)

4 Chiang WD Chih-Yang Huang Paul CR Lee ZY Lin WT Lipolysis stimulating peptides of potato

protein hydrolysate effectively suppresses high-fat-diet-induced hepatocyte apoptosis and fibrosis in

aging rats Food amp Nutrition Research 2016 Jul 126031417 (First Author)

5 You-LiangHsieh MarthandamAsokanShibu Chong-KueiLii VijayaPadmaViswanadha Yi-LinLin

Chao-HungLai Yu-FengChen Kuan-HoLin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Andrographispaniculata extractattenuatespathologicalcardiac

hypertrophyandapoptosisinhigh-fatdietfedmice Journal of Ethnopharmacology 192(2016)170ndash177

(correspondence Author)

6 Ting WJ Yang JJ Kuo CH Xiao ZJ Lu XZ Yeh YL Day CH Wen SY Viswanadha VP Jiang CH

Kuo WW Chih-Yang Huang Environmental tobacco smoke increases autophagic effects but

decreases longevity associated with Sirt-1 protein expression in young C57BL mice hearts

Oncotarget 2016 May 4 (correspondence Author)

7 Liao PH Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chang SH Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat-killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Prevents Epididymal Fat

Accumulation and Cardiac Injury in High-Calorie Diet-Fed Rats International Journal of Medical

Sciences 2016 Jul 513(8)569-77 (correspondence Author)

8 Baskaran R Poornima P Priya LB Chih-Yang Huang Padma VV Neferine prevents autophagy

induced by hypoxia through activation of AktmTOR pathway and Nrf2 in muscle cells

BIOMEDICINE amp PHARMACOTHERAPY 2016 Aug 29831407-1413

9 Lee CJ Hsu LS Yue CH Lin H Chiu YW Lin YY Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Liu JY

MZF-1Elk-1 interaction domain as therapeutic target for protein kinase Cα-based triple-negative

breast cancer cells Oncotarget 2016 Aug 17 (correspondence Author)

10 Yeh YL Ting WJ Kuo WW Hsu HH Lin YM Shen CY Chang CH Padma VV Tsai Y Chih-Yang

Huang San Huang Shel Shin Tang beta-cyclodextrin complex augmented the hepatoprotective

effects against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats BMC Complement Altern

Med 2016 May 2716150 (correspondence Author)

11 Chang RL Lin JW Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuated long-term hypoxia-stimulated cardiomyocyte

apoptosis by inhibiting HIF-1α nuclear translocation via Mas receptor regulation GROWTH

FACTORS 2016 Feb34(1-2)11-8 (correspondence Author)

12 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Chen RJ Lin YM Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Inhibition of NF-jB and Metastasis in Irinotecan (CPT-11)-Resistant LoVo Colon

Cancer Cells by Thymoquinone via JNK and p38 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2016 Apr 5

doi 10 (correspondence Author)

13 Chih-Yang Huang Ting WJ Huang CY Yang JY Lin WT Resveratrol attenuated hydrogen

peroxide-induced myocardial apoptosis by autophagic flux Food amp Nutrition Research 2016 May

206030511 (First Author)

14 Chen WK Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Chang HN Pai PY Lin KH Pan LF Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang CREB Negatively Regulates IGF2R Gene Expression and Downstream Pathways

to Inhibit Hypoxia-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Death INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF

MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2016 2416(11)27921-30 (correspondence Author)

15 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis LUMINESCENCE 2016 30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

16 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different aetiologies JOURNAL OF CLINICAL

PATHOLOGY 2016 68(11)917-22 (First Author)

17 Huang CW Horng CT Chih-Yang Huang Cho TH Tsai YC Chen LJ Hsu TC Tzang BS

Secondhand smoke induces hepatic apoptosis and fibrosis in hamster fetus HUMAN amp


18 Chang YM Chang HH Kuo WW Lin HJ Yeh YL Padma Viswanadha V Tsai CC Chen RJ Chang

HN Chih-Yang Huang Anti-Apoptotic and Pro-Survival Effect of Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus


SCIENCES 2016 Mar 2917(4)466 (correspondence Author)

19 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple Rice Anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ -Induced

Diabetes Rat Hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL

BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May3198-105 (correspondence Author)

20 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective Effect of Co-Enzyme Q10 On Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy of Rat

Hearts ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2016 Apr 18 doi 101002tox22270

(correspondence Author)

21 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKC zeta-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts

JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May31137-49 (correspondence Author)

22 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKCltzetagt-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts J

Nutr Biochem 2016 Mar 331137-149 (correspondence Author)

23 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple rice anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ-induced diabetes

rat hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis J Nutr Biochem 2016 Feb 263198-105

(correspondence Author)

24 Lai CH Tsai CC Kuo WW Ho TJ Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Huang CC Wang HF Liao PH

Chih-Yang Huang Multi-Strain Probiotics Inhibit Cardiac Myopathies and Autophagy to Prevent

Heart Injury in High-Fat Diet-Fed Rats Int J Med Sci 2016 Mar 3013(4)277-85 (Correspondence


25 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective effect of Co-enzyme Q10 On doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy of rat hearts

Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 18 (Correspondence Author)

26 Chang RL Lin JW Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuated long-term hypoxia-stimulated cardiomyocyte

apoptosis by inhibiting HIF-1α nuclear translocation via Mas receptor regulation Growth Factors

2016 Apr 81-8 (Correspondence Author)

27 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Chen RJ Lin YM Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Inhibition of NF-κB and metastasis in irinotecan (CPT-11)-resistant LoVo colon

cancer cells by thymoquinone via JNK and p38 Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 5 doi 101002

(correspondence Author)

28 Chih-Yang Huang Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Chang YL Chen TS Chemiluminescence analysis of

antioxidant capacity for serum albumin isolated from healthy or uremic volunteers Luminescence

2016 Apr 7 doi 101002 (First Author)

29 Bor-Tsang Wu Yijuang Chern Ming-Chang Chiang Ching-Yi TasiChia-Hua Kuo Woei-Cherng

Shyu Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Fas-dependent and mitochondria-dependent

apoptosis in a transgenic mouse model of Huntingtons disease Cardiovasc Toxicol 2016

Apr16(2)111-21 (co-correspondence Author)

30 Chen YF Velmurugan BK Wang HL Tu CC Che RJ Chen MC Jen LB Vishwanadha VP Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang Estrogen and ERα enhanced β-catenin degradation and suppressed its

downstream target genes to block the metastatic function of HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells

via modulating GSK-3β and β-TrCP expression Environ Toxicol 2016 Mar 18 (Correspondence


31 Tsai CT Chang YM Lin SL Chen YS Yeh YL Padma VV Tsai CC Chen RJ Ho TJ Chih-Yang

Huang Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus Inhibits IGFII-Related Signaling Pathway to Attenuate Ang

II-Induced Pathological Hypertrophy in H9c2 Cardiomyoblasts Journal of Medicinal Food

201619(3)300-9 (Correspondence Author)

32 Yeh YL Tsai HI Cheng SM Pai P Ho TJ Chen RJ Lai CH Huang PJ Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang Mechanism of Taiwan Mingjian Oolong Tea to Inhibit Isoproterenol-Induced Hypertrophy

and Apoptosis in Cardiomyoblasts The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 201644(1)77-86

(Correspondence Author)

33 Peiying Pai Ching Jung Lai Ching-Yuang Lin Yi-Fan Liou Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Effect

of Superoxide Anion Scavenger on Rat Hearts with Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Journal of Applied

Physiology Published 2016 14jap011092014

34 Chong G Tsai S Wang LH Chih-Yang Huang Lin C Cryopreservation of the gorgonian

endosymbiont Symbiodinium Scientific Reports 2016 12618816

35 Po-Hsiang Liao Wei-Wen Kuo Chia-Hua KuoYu-LanYeh Chia-Yao Shen Ya-Hui Chen Ray-Jade

Chen V Vijaya Padma Yi-Hsing Chen Chih-Yang HuangLactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 reduces

hyperlipidaemia and the heart failure process in high-calorie diet-fed induced heart dysfunction in rats

Journal of Functional Foods 2016226-235 (correspondence Author)

36 Wei-Jen Ting Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chen RJ Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat Killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Reduces Fibrosis Effects on the

Liver and Heart in High Fat Diet-Hamsters via TGF-β Suppression INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2015 2816(10)25881-96 (correspondence Author)

37 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YLJu DTLin CCKuo CHLiou YFHo TJ Tsai CHTsai FJJing-Ying Lin

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl2-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line

CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

38 Jia-Ping Wu Tsung-Jung Ho Chin-Chuan Tsai Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung LinKuan-Ho Lin Dennis

Jine-Yuan Hsieh Li-Mien Chen Lung-Fa Pan Chih-Yang HuangHepatoprotective Effects of

Traditional Chinese Medicine on Liver Fibrosis from Ethanol Administration following Partial

Hepatectomy CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2015 58(6) (Correspondence Author)

39 Da-Tong Ju Hung-En Liao Marthandam Asokan Shibu Tsung-Jung HoViswanadha Vijaya Padma

Fuu-Jen Tsai Li-Chin Chung Cecilia Hsuan DayChien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang Huang Nerve

Regeneration Potential of Protocatechuic Acid in RSC96 Schwann Cells by Induction of Cellular

Proliferation and Migration through IGFR-PI3K-Akt CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY

2015 58(6) (correspondence Author)

40 Shu-Nu Chang Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Marthandam Asokan ShibuCecilia Hsuan DayVijaya Padma

ViswanadhaChao-Hung LaiYi-Li ChenFuu-Jen TsaiYueh-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Protective effects of electroacupuncture at LR3 on cardiac hypertrophy and apoptosis in hypertensive

rats Acupuncture in Medicine 201501ndash8 (Correspondence Author)

41 Kuan-Ho Lin Shibu MA Kuo YH Chen YC Hsu HH Bau DT Chen MC Tu CC Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang HuangTaiwanin C Selectively Inhibits Arecoline and 4-NQO-Induced Oral Cancer Cell

Proliferation Via ERK12 Inactivation ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 Nov 5 doi

101002 (Correspondence Author)

42 Yueh-Shan WengT Hsueh-Fang WangPei-Ying PaiGwo-Ping JongChao-Hung LaiLi-Chin

ChungDennis Jine-Yuan HsiehCecilia HsuanDayWei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tanshinone IIA

Prevents Leu27IGF-II-induced Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy Mediated by Estrogen Receptor and

Subsequent Akt Activation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 2015 Vol 43 No 8

1ndash25 (correspondence Author)

43 Yeh-Peng Chen Chia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung-Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) switches energy signaling

from the PKCζ-GLUT4-glucose pathway back to the SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway similar to

resveratrol to ameliorate cardiac myocyte lipotoxicity Journal of Functional Foods2015

(correspondence Author)

44 Hsun-Nan Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Yueh-Min Lin Li-Chin Chung Ray-Jade ChenAdaptation to

Oxidative Stress in Uremic Patients with HemodialysisRole of Functional Foods Adaptive Medicine

2015 7(3) 111-116 (CO-First Author)

45 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

46 Chang RL Lin JW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Long-term hypoxia exposure enhanced IGFBP-3 protein synthesis and secretion

resulting in cell apoptosis in H9c2 myocardial cells Growth Factors 2015 Aug33(4)275-81

(Correspondence Author)

47 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different J Clin Pathol 2015 Nov68(11)917-22

(First Author)

48 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YL Ju DT Lin CC Kuo CH Liou YF Ho TJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ Lin JY

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl₂-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line Chin J

Physiol 2015 Aug 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

49 Ju DT Kuo WW Ho TJ Paul CR Kuo CH Viswanadha VP Lin CC Chen YS Chang YM

Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via

ERK12 JNK and p38 Activation Am J Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

50 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD

Effects of rhodiola crenulata on mice hearts under severe sleep apnea BMC Complement Altern Med

2015 Jun 2515198

51 Palanisamy K Krishnaswamy R Paramasivan P Chih-Yang Huang Vishwanadha VP

Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents TCDD-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory response by

modulating MAP kinases and redox-sensitive transcription factors Br J Pharmacol 2015

Oct172(19)4726-40 (co-correspondence Author)

52 Shen CH Lin TH Hsieh YL Shen CY Kuo SC Wu HC Chien WS Hsieh DJ Wen SY Ting WJ

Yao CH Chih-Yang Huang Mitotic arrest induced in human DU145 prostate cancer cells in

response to KHC-4 treatment Environ Toxicol 2015 Aug 25 (Correspondence Author)

53 Jin G Lee SW Zhang X Cai Z Gao Y Chou PC Rezaeian AH Han F Wang CY Yao JC Gong Z

Chan CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tu SH Wu CH Sarbassov dos D2 Ho YS8 Lin

HK9 Skp2-Mediated RagA Ubiquitination Elicits a Negative Feedback to Prevent

Amino-Acid-Dependent mTORC1 Hyperactivation by Recruiting GATOR1 Mol Cell 2015 Jun


54 Hsu TC Chiu CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol 2015

Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

55 Liu YL Huang CC Chang CC Chou CY Lin SY Wang IK Hsieh DJ Jong GP Chih-Yang Huang

Wang CM Hyperphosphate-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy through the GATA-4NFAT-3

Signaling Pathway Is Attenuated by ERK Inhibitor Treatment CardioRenal Medicine 2015


56 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY complex binds to protein

kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015 May


57 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 Complex

Binds to Protein Kinase Cα Promoter and Is Involved in Hepatocellular Carcinoma PLoS One 2015

Jun 1510(6)e0131036

58 Po-Hsiang Liao Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Hua Kuo Cecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen

Chao-Hung Lai Ray-Jade Chen V Vijaya Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Moderate

exercise training attenuates aging-induced cardiac inflammation hypertrophy and fibrosis injuries of

rat hearts Oncotarget 2015 Nov 36(34)35383-94 (correspondence Author)

59 Yeh-Peng ChenChia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung- Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced

Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate

PI3KAkt Cell Physiol Biochem 201536(1)334-44 (correspondence Author)

60 Wu JP Hsieh DJ Kuo WW Han CK Pai P Yeh YL Lin CC Padma VV Day CH Chih-Yang

Huang Secondhand Smoke Exposure Reduced the Compen satory Effects of IGF-I Growth Signaling

in the Aging Rat Hearts International Journal of Medical Sciences 2015 12(9) 708-718

(Correspondence Author)

61 Lin YM Kuo WW Velmurugan BK Hsien HH Hsieh YL Hsu HH Tu CC Bau DT Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Helioxanthin suppresses the cross talk of COX-2PGE2 and EGFRERK pathway

to inhibit Arecoline-induced Oral Cancer Cell (T28) proliferation and blocks tumor growth in

xenografted nude mice Environ Toxicol 2015 Oct 14 doi 10 (Correspondence Author)

62 Wu JP Tsai CC Yeh YL Lin YM Lin CC Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Pan LF Chih-Yang

Huang Silymarin Accelerates Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy Evidence-based

Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015 doi 1011552015603529 (Correspondence


63 Ting WJ Kuo WW Kuo CH Yeh YL Shen CY Chen YH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Supplementary heat-killed Lactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 ameliorates

hyperlipidaemic and cardiac apoptosis in high-fat diet-fed hamsters to maintain cardiovascular

function BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2015 114 706ndash712 (Correspondence Author)

64 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS

One2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

65 Liao HE Lai CH Ho TJ Yeh YL Jong GP Kuo WH Chung LC Pai PY Wen SY Chih-Yang

Huang Cardio Protective Effects of Lumbrokinase and Dilong on Second-Hand Smoke-Induced

Apoptotic Signaling in the Heart of a Rat Model CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015

Jun 3058(3) (Correspondence Author)

66 Liu YS Tsai YL Yeh YL Chung LC Wen SY Kuo CH Lin YM Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Cell Cycle Regulation in the Estrogen Receptor Beta (ESR2)-Overexpressing Hep3B Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Cell Line CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 Apr 3058(2)134-40

(Correspondence Author)

67 Chang WH Tsai YL Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Chaunchaiyakul R Fang Y Lee SD Kuo CH

Null effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on improving glycemic status in men during a resistance training

recovery J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2015 Aug 201234

68 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Hsieh DJ Lin YM Chen LM Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Thymoquinone Induces Caspase-Independent Autophagic Cell Death in CPT-11-Resistant

LoVo Colon Cancer via Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of JNK and p38 JOURNAL OF

AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2015 1163(5)1540-6 (Correspondence Author)

69 Lin KH Kuo WW Jiang AZ Pai P Lin JY Chen WK Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang

HuangTetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via

HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate PI3KAkt CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536(1)334-44 (Correspondence Author)

70 Tsai CY Wen SY Shibu MA Yang YC Peng H Wang B Wei YM Chang HY Lee CY Chih-Yang

Huang Kuo WW Diallyl trisulfide protects against high glucosendashinduced cardiac apoptosis by

stimulating the production of Cystathionine gamma-lyase-derived hydrogen sulfide


(co-correspondence Author)

71 Da-Tong JuWei-Wen KuoTsung-Jung HoCatherine Reena PaulChia-Hua KuoFuu-Jen

TsaiChien-Chung LinYueh-Sheng ChenYung-Ming Chang Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid

from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via ERK12JNK and p38 Activation Am J

Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

72 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS One

2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

73 Hsieh YL Tsai YL Shibu MA Su CC Chung LC Pai P Kuo CH Yeh YL Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang ZAK induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and brain natriuretic peptide

expression via p38JNK signaling and GATA4c-Jun transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR

AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 2015 Jul405(1-2)1-9 (Correspondence Author)

74 Hu WS Ting WJ Chiang WD Pai P Yeh YL Chang CH Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangThe Heart

Protection Effect of Alcalase Potato Protein Hydrolysate Is through IGF1R-PI3K-Akt Compensatory

Reactivation in Aging Rats on High Fat Diets INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR

SCIENCES 2015 May 516(5)10158-72 (correspondence Author)

75 Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieha Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Ping Lai Marthandam Asokan Shibu Chia-Yao Shen

Peiying Pai Yu-LanYeh Jing-Ying Lin Vijaya PadmaViswanadha Chih-Yang Huang 17β-Estradiol

andor Estrogen Receptor β Attenuate the Autophagic and Apoptotic Effects Induced by Prolonged

Hypoxia Through HIF-1α-Mediated BNIP3 and IGFBP-3 Signaling Blockage CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536274-284 (Correspondence Author)

76 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 complex

binds to protein kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015


77 Hsieh DJ Huang CY Pai P Wang SG Tsai YL Li CN Kuo WW Chih-Yang HuangProlactin

protects cardiomyocytes against intermittent hypoxia-induced cell damage by the modulation of

signaling pathways related to cardiac hypertrophy and proliferation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF CARDIOLOGY 2015 Feb 15181255-66 (Correspondence Author)

78 Chih-Yang Huang Chen SY Fu RH Huang YC Chen SY Shyu WC Lin SZ Liu SP

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Into Cardiomyocytes Used to Investigate the

Cardioprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B Through BNIP3 Involved Pathway CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 201524(3)561-71 (First Author)

79 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

80 Sheng-Huang C Chieh-Hsin C Mu-Chun Y Wen-Tung H Chia-Ying H Ya-Ting H Wan-Ling SU

Jiuan-Jen S Chih-Yang Huang Jer-Yuh Effects of estrogen on glutathione and catalase levels in

human erythrocyte during menstrual cycle Biomed Rep 2015 Mar3(2)266-268



SHSST‑cyclodextrin complex inhibits TGF βSmad3CTGF to a greater extent than silymarin in a rat

model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury Molecular Medicine Reports 2015

Oct12(4)6053-9 2015(Correspondence Author)

82 Hsu TC Chiou CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol

2015 Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

83 Chung-Ben Kan Yu-LanYehCecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang

Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jer-Yuh Liu Chien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang HuangAttenuation of Crude

Water Extract of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum on the Cardiac Mitochondria-Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway Effects in Hypercholesterol Fed Hamsters Adaptive Medicine2015

(Correspondence Author)

84 Chao-Hung Lai Chien-Kuo Han Marthandam Asokan Shibu Pei Ying Pai Tsung- Jung Ho Cecilia

Hsuan Day Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang HuangLumbrokinase from

earthworm extract ameliorates second-hand smoke induced cardiac fibrosis Environ Toxicol 2015

Sep30(10)1216-25 (correspondence Author)

85 Wang HF Lin PP Chen CH Yeh YL Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Effects of lactic acid

bacteria on cardiac apoptosis are mediated by activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinaseAKT

survival-signalling pathway in rats fed a high-fat diet Int J Mol Med 2015 Feb35(2)460-70

(co-correspondence Author)

86 Lin KH Kuo CH Kuo WW Ho TJ Pai P Chen WK Pan LF Wang CC Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang NFIL3 Suppresses Hypoxia-induced Apoptotic Cell Death by Targeting the Insulin-like

Growth Factor 2 Receptor J Cell Biochem 2015 Jun116(6)1113-20 (Correspondence Author)

87 Liao HE Shibu MA Kuo WW Pai PY Ho TJ Kuo CH Lin JY Pai PY Viswanadha VP Chih-Yang

Huang Deep Sea Minerals Prolong Life Span of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats by

Compensatory Augmentation of the IGF-I-Survival Signaling and Inhibition of Apoptosis

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 doi 101002(Correspondence Author)

88 Wang ZH Hsu HW Chou JC Yu CH Bau DT Wang GJ Chih Yang Huang Wang PS Wang SW

Cytotoxic Effect of S-Petasin and Iso-S-Petasin on the Proliferation of Human Prostate Cancer Cells


89 Chih Yang Huang Catherine Reena Paul Peiying Pai Wen-Dee Chiang Tsung-Jung HoWan-Teng

Lin Potato Protein Hydrolysate- APPH Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis and

Enhances Survival Through SIRT1 PGC-1ltalphagtAkt Signaling Journal of Functional Foods2015

(First Author)

90 Chang HC Chiu YW Lin YM Chen RJ Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Herbal Supplement Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rats with CCl4-Induced Liver

Cirrhosis CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 Feb 2857(1)41-7 (correspondence


91 Deng JS Lee SD Kuo WW Fan MJ Lin YM Hu WS Huang YC Velmurugan BK Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of protocatechuic acid on hypertensive

hearts CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 2014 Feb 2520977-84 (Correspondence


92 Hsu HH Kuo WW Ju DT Yeh YL Tu CC Tsai YL Shen CY Chang SH Chung LC Chih-Yang

Huang Estradiol agonists inhibit human LoVo colorectal-cancer cell proliferation and migration

through p53 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2014 Nov 2820(44)16665-73

(Correspondence Author)

93 Ming-Chieh WuYing-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training with hypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2014 DOI10108017461391

94 Chang CW Chen YS Chou SH Han CL Chen YJ Yang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lo JF Distinct

subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen

species exhibit diverse stemness proliferation and chemosensitivity CANCER RESEARCH 2014

Nov 174(21)6291-305 (co-correspondence Author)

95 Lin CC Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel Target Genes

Responsive to Apoptotic Activity by Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in Human Osteosarcoma cells

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence


96 Hsieh YL Pai P Ho TJ Chung LC Cheng YC Wu CH Fan MJ Day CH Shen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of Garlic Oil on Interleukin-6 Mediated Cardiac Hypertrophy in

Hypercholesterol-Fed Hamsters CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(6)320-8

97 Wu JP Hsieh CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Yeh YL Lin CC Kuo CH Chih-Yang Huang Secondhand

smoke exposure toxicity accelerates age-related cardiac disease in old hamsters BMC Cardiovasc

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

(co-correspondence Author)

99 Chih-Yang Huang Cooper EL Fang-Yeu Poh C Kuo WW Chen TS Sherman R Special

invertebrate models and integrative medical applications regulations mechanisms and therapies

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20142014843961 (First Author)

100 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) activates fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling to induce


201442(2)443-52 (Correspondence Author)

101 Lin E Chen MC Huang CY Hsu SL Huang WJ Lin MS Wu JC Lin H All-trans retinoic acid

induces DU145 cell cycle arrest through Cdk5 activation CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 33(6)1620-30

102 Chou SH Lin SZ Kuo WW Pai P Lin JY Lai CH Kuo CH Lin KH Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Cardiovascular Therapy Cell Transplant

201423(4-5)513-29 (Correspondence Author)

103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

expression and cardiomyocyte apoptosis by inhibiting HSF1 via JNK activation and SIRT1

degradation CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION (IF=83)2014 21(8)1262-74

(Correspondence Author)

104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

Exercise training enhanced SIRT1 longevity signaling replaces the IGF1 survival pathway to attenuate

aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

Fuu-Jen TsaiHsi-Hsien Hsu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Resistance to Irinotecan (CPT-11)

activates Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorNuclear Factor Kappa B and Increases Cellular

Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

(Correspondence Author)

106 Lin CC1 Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel target genes

responsive to apoptotic activity by Ocimum gratissimum in human osteosarcoma cells Am J Chin

Med 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence Author)

107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

Hsueh-Fang Wang GABA Tea Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis by Attenuating TNF-alpha and

FasFasL-mediated apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats FOOD AND CHEMICAL

TOXICOLOGY2014 6590 -96 (First Author)

108 Wu MH Chih-Yang Huang Lin JA Wang SW Peng CY Cheng HC Tang CH Endothelin-1

promotes vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent angiogenesis in human chondrosarcoma cells

ONCOGENE 2014 33(13)1725-35

109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

Association of Genetic Variants in Senataxin and Alzheimers Disease in a Chinese Han Population in

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 Treatment CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2014

3057(2) (correspondence Author)

111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

Huang Apicidin-resistant HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells massively promote pro-survival

capability via IGF-IRPI3KAkt signaling pathway activation Tumour Biol 2014 35(1)303-13

(correspondence Author)

112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

stability and protein expressions through inhibiting cytoplasmic translocation of HuR transcription

factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY2014 2857(1) 8-18(Correspondence Author)

113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

Chih-Yang HuangGelsolin (GSN) induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and BNP expression via p38

signaling and GATA-4 transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

HuangSHSST cyclodextrin complex prevents the fibrosis effect on CCl₄-induced cirrhotic

cardiomyopathy in rats through TGF-β pathway inhibition effects Int J Mol Sci 2014 May

815(5)8037-48 (correspondence Author)

115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 TreatmentChin J

Physiol 2014 Apr 3057(2)99-104 (correspondence Author)

116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

Jun 3057(3)111-20 (co-correspondence Author)

117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

Jun 1537(5)402-13 (Correspondence Author)

118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

Induce Migration of RSC96 Schwann Cells The American journal of Chinese medicine

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120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

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121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

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122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

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Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

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Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

Pathways in Obesity CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2013 57(3)111-20

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125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

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promotes cardiac function in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus BRITISH JOURNAL

OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

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127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

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Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 20132013376123 (co-correspondence Author)

129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 201333(2) 139-148 (First Author)

130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

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radioimmunotherapy to prostate carcinoma Int J Radiat Biol 2013 May89(5)346-55

131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

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132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

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Complement Alternat Med 2013 2013946451 (co-correspondence Author)

133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Activation of estrogen receptors with E2 downregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated

receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

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135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

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136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

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137 Tu CC Kumar VB Day CH Kuo WW Yeh SP Chen RJ Liao CR Chen HY Tsai FJ Wu WJ

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138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

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140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

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141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

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142 Hsia TC Tu CY Chen YJ Wei YL Yu MC Hsu SC Tsai SL Chen WS Yeh MH Yen CJ Yu YL

Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

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Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through P38β inhibition The American Journal of Chinese

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145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

146 Wu MH Chen LM Hsu HH Lin JA Lin YM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang CH

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148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

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149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

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150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

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153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

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Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

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164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

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165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

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(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

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169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

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170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

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tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

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171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

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175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

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177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

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protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

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189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

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Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

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PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

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194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

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195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

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Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

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197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

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198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

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208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

(co-correspondence Author)

221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

4 IGF-I 及 IGF-II 在心肌細胞之交互調控角色探討

5 醣尿病患及動物併發心血管疾病過程中其機轉及臨床診斷指標探討

6 DNA 基因晶片在各種心肌疾病及肝癌直腸癌的應用

7 心肌細胞肥厚過程中Cytochrome-c-oxidase 活性及基因表現的差異

8 針灸的降血壓及抑心肌肥大分子機轉探討

9 強心促肝及神經細胞再生中藥材複方篩選及其單一成分調控之分子迅息探討並分析其與西藥


10 運動介入對血酯肪所誘導之心肌細胞肥厚拮抗作用及先天基因性肥胖鼠(Zucker)心肌病變分


11 低氧低壓的心肌傷害及心肌細胞適應之分子機轉及鐵離子之氧化傷害評估

12 臨床心室中隔缺損病患及手術前後心肌組織之基因表現差異及梗塞組織之基因 SNP 掃瞄

13 Translational Study of 負電性低密度脂蛋(L5)-Mediated Diabetic Cardiomyopathy

14 SDF-1CXCR4 調控 MMP29 訊息在血管內皮幹細胞(hUCB34-EPCs)引導中風血管新生過程之機


15 Rejuvenating the aging brain by modulating NMDA-glycine receptor activity genetic manipulation

【學術論文及著作】國際 SCI 期刊已接受發表gt300 篇

2003-2016 文章

1 Po-Hsiang Liao Hsi-Hsien Hsu Tung-Sheng Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Cecilia-Hsuan Day

Chuan-Chou Tu Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Phosphorylation of

cofilin-1 by ERK confers HDAC inhibitor resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma cells via decreased

ROS-mediated mitochondria injury ONCOGENE 2016 Oct 17 doi 101038 (correspondence


2 Chih-Yang HuangWei-Wen Kuo Jeng-Fan LoTsung-Jung Ho Pei-ying Pai Shu-Fen Chiang Pei-Yu

Chen Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai TsaiChih-Yang Huang Doxorubicin attenuates CHIP-guarded HSF1

nuclear translocation and protein stability to trigger IGF-IIR-dependent cardiomyocyte death Cell

Death amp Disease 2016 (correspondence Author)

3 Feng CC Lin CC Lai YP Chen TS Marthandam Asokan S Lin JY Lin KH Viswanadha VP Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Hypoxia suppresses myocardial survival pathway through

HIF-1α-IGFBP-3-dependent signaling and enhances cardiomyocyte autophagic and apoptotic

GROWTH FACTORS 2016 Aug34(3-4)73-86 (correspondence Author)

4 Chiang WD Chih-Yang Huang Paul CR Lee ZY Lin WT Lipolysis stimulating peptides of potato

protein hydrolysate effectively suppresses high-fat-diet-induced hepatocyte apoptosis and fibrosis in

aging rats Food amp Nutrition Research 2016 Jul 126031417 (First Author)

5 You-LiangHsieh MarthandamAsokanShibu Chong-KueiLii VijayaPadmaViswanadha Yi-LinLin

Chao-HungLai Yu-FengChen Kuan-HoLin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Andrographispaniculata extractattenuatespathologicalcardiac

hypertrophyandapoptosisinhigh-fatdietfedmice Journal of Ethnopharmacology 192(2016)170ndash177

(correspondence Author)

6 Ting WJ Yang JJ Kuo CH Xiao ZJ Lu XZ Yeh YL Day CH Wen SY Viswanadha VP Jiang CH

Kuo WW Chih-Yang Huang Environmental tobacco smoke increases autophagic effects but

decreases longevity associated with Sirt-1 protein expression in young C57BL mice hearts

Oncotarget 2016 May 4 (correspondence Author)

7 Liao PH Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chang SH Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat-killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Prevents Epididymal Fat

Accumulation and Cardiac Injury in High-Calorie Diet-Fed Rats International Journal of Medical

Sciences 2016 Jul 513(8)569-77 (correspondence Author)

8 Baskaran R Poornima P Priya LB Chih-Yang Huang Padma VV Neferine prevents autophagy

induced by hypoxia through activation of AktmTOR pathway and Nrf2 in muscle cells

BIOMEDICINE amp PHARMACOTHERAPY 2016 Aug 29831407-1413

9 Lee CJ Hsu LS Yue CH Lin H Chiu YW Lin YY Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Liu JY

MZF-1Elk-1 interaction domain as therapeutic target for protein kinase Cα-based triple-negative

breast cancer cells Oncotarget 2016 Aug 17 (correspondence Author)

10 Yeh YL Ting WJ Kuo WW Hsu HH Lin YM Shen CY Chang CH Padma VV Tsai Y Chih-Yang

Huang San Huang Shel Shin Tang beta-cyclodextrin complex augmented the hepatoprotective

effects against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats BMC Complement Altern

Med 2016 May 2716150 (correspondence Author)

11 Chang RL Lin JW Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuated long-term hypoxia-stimulated cardiomyocyte

apoptosis by inhibiting HIF-1α nuclear translocation via Mas receptor regulation GROWTH

FACTORS 2016 Feb34(1-2)11-8 (correspondence Author)

12 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Chen RJ Lin YM Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Inhibition of NF-jB and Metastasis in Irinotecan (CPT-11)-Resistant LoVo Colon

Cancer Cells by Thymoquinone via JNK and p38 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2016 Apr 5

doi 10 (correspondence Author)

13 Chih-Yang Huang Ting WJ Huang CY Yang JY Lin WT Resveratrol attenuated hydrogen

peroxide-induced myocardial apoptosis by autophagic flux Food amp Nutrition Research 2016 May

206030511 (First Author)

14 Chen WK Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Chang HN Pai PY Lin KH Pan LF Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang CREB Negatively Regulates IGF2R Gene Expression and Downstream Pathways

to Inhibit Hypoxia-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Death INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF

MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2016 2416(11)27921-30 (correspondence Author)

15 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis LUMINESCENCE 2016 30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

16 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different aetiologies JOURNAL OF CLINICAL

PATHOLOGY 2016 68(11)917-22 (First Author)

17 Huang CW Horng CT Chih-Yang Huang Cho TH Tsai YC Chen LJ Hsu TC Tzang BS

Secondhand smoke induces hepatic apoptosis and fibrosis in hamster fetus HUMAN amp


18 Chang YM Chang HH Kuo WW Lin HJ Yeh YL Padma Viswanadha V Tsai CC Chen RJ Chang

HN Chih-Yang Huang Anti-Apoptotic and Pro-Survival Effect of Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus


SCIENCES 2016 Mar 2917(4)466 (correspondence Author)

19 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple Rice Anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ -Induced

Diabetes Rat Hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL

BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May3198-105 (correspondence Author)

20 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective Effect of Co-Enzyme Q10 On Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy of Rat

Hearts ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2016 Apr 18 doi 101002tox22270

(correspondence Author)

21 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKC zeta-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts

JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May31137-49 (correspondence Author)

22 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKCltzetagt-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts J

Nutr Biochem 2016 Mar 331137-149 (correspondence Author)

23 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple rice anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ-induced diabetes

rat hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis J Nutr Biochem 2016 Feb 263198-105

(correspondence Author)

24 Lai CH Tsai CC Kuo WW Ho TJ Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Huang CC Wang HF Liao PH

Chih-Yang Huang Multi-Strain Probiotics Inhibit Cardiac Myopathies and Autophagy to Prevent

Heart Injury in High-Fat Diet-Fed Rats Int J Med Sci 2016 Mar 3013(4)277-85 (Correspondence


25 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective effect of Co-enzyme Q10 On doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy of rat hearts

Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 18 (Correspondence Author)

26 Chang RL Lin JW Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuated long-term hypoxia-stimulated cardiomyocyte

apoptosis by inhibiting HIF-1α nuclear translocation via Mas receptor regulation Growth Factors

2016 Apr 81-8 (Correspondence Author)

27 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Chen RJ Lin YM Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Inhibition of NF-κB and metastasis in irinotecan (CPT-11)-resistant LoVo colon

cancer cells by thymoquinone via JNK and p38 Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 5 doi 101002

(correspondence Author)

28 Chih-Yang Huang Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Chang YL Chen TS Chemiluminescence analysis of

antioxidant capacity for serum albumin isolated from healthy or uremic volunteers Luminescence

2016 Apr 7 doi 101002 (First Author)

29 Bor-Tsang Wu Yijuang Chern Ming-Chang Chiang Ching-Yi TasiChia-Hua Kuo Woei-Cherng

Shyu Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Fas-dependent and mitochondria-dependent

apoptosis in a transgenic mouse model of Huntingtons disease Cardiovasc Toxicol 2016

Apr16(2)111-21 (co-correspondence Author)

30 Chen YF Velmurugan BK Wang HL Tu CC Che RJ Chen MC Jen LB Vishwanadha VP Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang Estrogen and ERα enhanced β-catenin degradation and suppressed its

downstream target genes to block the metastatic function of HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells

via modulating GSK-3β and β-TrCP expression Environ Toxicol 2016 Mar 18 (Correspondence


31 Tsai CT Chang YM Lin SL Chen YS Yeh YL Padma VV Tsai CC Chen RJ Ho TJ Chih-Yang

Huang Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus Inhibits IGFII-Related Signaling Pathway to Attenuate Ang

II-Induced Pathological Hypertrophy in H9c2 Cardiomyoblasts Journal of Medicinal Food

201619(3)300-9 (Correspondence Author)

32 Yeh YL Tsai HI Cheng SM Pai P Ho TJ Chen RJ Lai CH Huang PJ Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang Mechanism of Taiwan Mingjian Oolong Tea to Inhibit Isoproterenol-Induced Hypertrophy

and Apoptosis in Cardiomyoblasts The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 201644(1)77-86

(Correspondence Author)

33 Peiying Pai Ching Jung Lai Ching-Yuang Lin Yi-Fan Liou Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Effect

of Superoxide Anion Scavenger on Rat Hearts with Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Journal of Applied

Physiology Published 2016 14jap011092014

34 Chong G Tsai S Wang LH Chih-Yang Huang Lin C Cryopreservation of the gorgonian

endosymbiont Symbiodinium Scientific Reports 2016 12618816

35 Po-Hsiang Liao Wei-Wen Kuo Chia-Hua KuoYu-LanYeh Chia-Yao Shen Ya-Hui Chen Ray-Jade

Chen V Vijaya Padma Yi-Hsing Chen Chih-Yang HuangLactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 reduces

hyperlipidaemia and the heart failure process in high-calorie diet-fed induced heart dysfunction in rats

Journal of Functional Foods 2016226-235 (correspondence Author)

36 Wei-Jen Ting Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chen RJ Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat Killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Reduces Fibrosis Effects on the

Liver and Heart in High Fat Diet-Hamsters via TGF-β Suppression INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2015 2816(10)25881-96 (correspondence Author)

37 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YLJu DTLin CCKuo CHLiou YFHo TJ Tsai CHTsai FJJing-Ying Lin

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl2-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line

CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

38 Jia-Ping Wu Tsung-Jung Ho Chin-Chuan Tsai Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung LinKuan-Ho Lin Dennis

Jine-Yuan Hsieh Li-Mien Chen Lung-Fa Pan Chih-Yang HuangHepatoprotective Effects of

Traditional Chinese Medicine on Liver Fibrosis from Ethanol Administration following Partial

Hepatectomy CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2015 58(6) (Correspondence Author)

39 Da-Tong Ju Hung-En Liao Marthandam Asokan Shibu Tsung-Jung HoViswanadha Vijaya Padma

Fuu-Jen Tsai Li-Chin Chung Cecilia Hsuan DayChien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang Huang Nerve

Regeneration Potential of Protocatechuic Acid in RSC96 Schwann Cells by Induction of Cellular

Proliferation and Migration through IGFR-PI3K-Akt CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY

2015 58(6) (correspondence Author)

40 Shu-Nu Chang Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Marthandam Asokan ShibuCecilia Hsuan DayVijaya Padma

ViswanadhaChao-Hung LaiYi-Li ChenFuu-Jen TsaiYueh-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Protective effects of electroacupuncture at LR3 on cardiac hypertrophy and apoptosis in hypertensive

rats Acupuncture in Medicine 201501ndash8 (Correspondence Author)

41 Kuan-Ho Lin Shibu MA Kuo YH Chen YC Hsu HH Bau DT Chen MC Tu CC Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang HuangTaiwanin C Selectively Inhibits Arecoline and 4-NQO-Induced Oral Cancer Cell

Proliferation Via ERK12 Inactivation ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 Nov 5 doi

101002 (Correspondence Author)

42 Yueh-Shan WengT Hsueh-Fang WangPei-Ying PaiGwo-Ping JongChao-Hung LaiLi-Chin

ChungDennis Jine-Yuan HsiehCecilia HsuanDayWei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tanshinone IIA

Prevents Leu27IGF-II-induced Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy Mediated by Estrogen Receptor and

Subsequent Akt Activation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 2015 Vol 43 No 8

1ndash25 (correspondence Author)

43 Yeh-Peng Chen Chia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung-Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) switches energy signaling

from the PKCζ-GLUT4-glucose pathway back to the SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway similar to

resveratrol to ameliorate cardiac myocyte lipotoxicity Journal of Functional Foods2015

(correspondence Author)

44 Hsun-Nan Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Yueh-Min Lin Li-Chin Chung Ray-Jade ChenAdaptation to

Oxidative Stress in Uremic Patients with HemodialysisRole of Functional Foods Adaptive Medicine

2015 7(3) 111-116 (CO-First Author)

45 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

46 Chang RL Lin JW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Long-term hypoxia exposure enhanced IGFBP-3 protein synthesis and secretion

resulting in cell apoptosis in H9c2 myocardial cells Growth Factors 2015 Aug33(4)275-81

(Correspondence Author)

47 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different J Clin Pathol 2015 Nov68(11)917-22

(First Author)

48 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YL Ju DT Lin CC Kuo CH Liou YF Ho TJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ Lin JY

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl₂-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line Chin J

Physiol 2015 Aug 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

49 Ju DT Kuo WW Ho TJ Paul CR Kuo CH Viswanadha VP Lin CC Chen YS Chang YM

Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via

ERK12 JNK and p38 Activation Am J Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

50 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD

Effects of rhodiola crenulata on mice hearts under severe sleep apnea BMC Complement Altern Med

2015 Jun 2515198

51 Palanisamy K Krishnaswamy R Paramasivan P Chih-Yang Huang Vishwanadha VP

Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents TCDD-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory response by

modulating MAP kinases and redox-sensitive transcription factors Br J Pharmacol 2015

Oct172(19)4726-40 (co-correspondence Author)

52 Shen CH Lin TH Hsieh YL Shen CY Kuo SC Wu HC Chien WS Hsieh DJ Wen SY Ting WJ

Yao CH Chih-Yang Huang Mitotic arrest induced in human DU145 prostate cancer cells in

response to KHC-4 treatment Environ Toxicol 2015 Aug 25 (Correspondence Author)

53 Jin G Lee SW Zhang X Cai Z Gao Y Chou PC Rezaeian AH Han F Wang CY Yao JC Gong Z

Chan CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tu SH Wu CH Sarbassov dos D2 Ho YS8 Lin

HK9 Skp2-Mediated RagA Ubiquitination Elicits a Negative Feedback to Prevent

Amino-Acid-Dependent mTORC1 Hyperactivation by Recruiting GATOR1 Mol Cell 2015 Jun


54 Hsu TC Chiu CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol 2015

Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

55 Liu YL Huang CC Chang CC Chou CY Lin SY Wang IK Hsieh DJ Jong GP Chih-Yang Huang

Wang CM Hyperphosphate-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy through the GATA-4NFAT-3

Signaling Pathway Is Attenuated by ERK Inhibitor Treatment CardioRenal Medicine 2015


56 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY complex binds to protein

kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015 May


57 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 Complex

Binds to Protein Kinase Cα Promoter and Is Involved in Hepatocellular Carcinoma PLoS One 2015

Jun 1510(6)e0131036

58 Po-Hsiang Liao Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Hua Kuo Cecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen

Chao-Hung Lai Ray-Jade Chen V Vijaya Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Moderate

exercise training attenuates aging-induced cardiac inflammation hypertrophy and fibrosis injuries of

rat hearts Oncotarget 2015 Nov 36(34)35383-94 (correspondence Author)

59 Yeh-Peng ChenChia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung- Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced

Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate

PI3KAkt Cell Physiol Biochem 201536(1)334-44 (correspondence Author)

60 Wu JP Hsieh DJ Kuo WW Han CK Pai P Yeh YL Lin CC Padma VV Day CH Chih-Yang

Huang Secondhand Smoke Exposure Reduced the Compen satory Effects of IGF-I Growth Signaling

in the Aging Rat Hearts International Journal of Medical Sciences 2015 12(9) 708-718

(Correspondence Author)

61 Lin YM Kuo WW Velmurugan BK Hsien HH Hsieh YL Hsu HH Tu CC Bau DT Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Helioxanthin suppresses the cross talk of COX-2PGE2 and EGFRERK pathway

to inhibit Arecoline-induced Oral Cancer Cell (T28) proliferation and blocks tumor growth in

xenografted nude mice Environ Toxicol 2015 Oct 14 doi 10 (Correspondence Author)

62 Wu JP Tsai CC Yeh YL Lin YM Lin CC Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Pan LF Chih-Yang

Huang Silymarin Accelerates Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy Evidence-based

Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015 doi 1011552015603529 (Correspondence


63 Ting WJ Kuo WW Kuo CH Yeh YL Shen CY Chen YH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Supplementary heat-killed Lactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 ameliorates

hyperlipidaemic and cardiac apoptosis in high-fat diet-fed hamsters to maintain cardiovascular

function BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2015 114 706ndash712 (Correspondence Author)

64 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS

One2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

65 Liao HE Lai CH Ho TJ Yeh YL Jong GP Kuo WH Chung LC Pai PY Wen SY Chih-Yang

Huang Cardio Protective Effects of Lumbrokinase and Dilong on Second-Hand Smoke-Induced

Apoptotic Signaling in the Heart of a Rat Model CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015

Jun 3058(3) (Correspondence Author)

66 Liu YS Tsai YL Yeh YL Chung LC Wen SY Kuo CH Lin YM Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Cell Cycle Regulation in the Estrogen Receptor Beta (ESR2)-Overexpressing Hep3B Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Cell Line CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 Apr 3058(2)134-40

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67 Chang WH Tsai YL Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Chaunchaiyakul R Fang Y Lee SD Kuo CH

Null effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on improving glycemic status in men during a resistance training

recovery J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2015 Aug 201234

68 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Hsieh DJ Lin YM Chen LM Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Thymoquinone Induces Caspase-Independent Autophagic Cell Death in CPT-11-Resistant

LoVo Colon Cancer via Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of JNK and p38 JOURNAL OF

AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2015 1163(5)1540-6 (Correspondence Author)

69 Lin KH Kuo WW Jiang AZ Pai P Lin JY Chen WK Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang

HuangTetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via

HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate PI3KAkt CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536(1)334-44 (Correspondence Author)

70 Tsai CY Wen SY Shibu MA Yang YC Peng H Wang B Wei YM Chang HY Lee CY Chih-Yang

Huang Kuo WW Diallyl trisulfide protects against high glucosendashinduced cardiac apoptosis by

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71 Da-Tong JuWei-Wen KuoTsung-Jung HoCatherine Reena PaulChia-Hua KuoFuu-Jen

TsaiChien-Chung LinYueh-Sheng ChenYung-Ming Chang Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid

from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via ERK12JNK and p38 Activation Am J

Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

72 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS One

2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

73 Hsieh YL Tsai YL Shibu MA Su CC Chung LC Pai P Kuo CH Yeh YL Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang ZAK induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and brain natriuretic peptide

expression via p38JNK signaling and GATA4c-Jun transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR

AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 2015 Jul405(1-2)1-9 (Correspondence Author)

74 Hu WS Ting WJ Chiang WD Pai P Yeh YL Chang CH Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangThe Heart

Protection Effect of Alcalase Potato Protein Hydrolysate Is through IGF1R-PI3K-Akt Compensatory

Reactivation in Aging Rats on High Fat Diets INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR

SCIENCES 2015 May 516(5)10158-72 (correspondence Author)

75 Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieha Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Ping Lai Marthandam Asokan Shibu Chia-Yao Shen

Peiying Pai Yu-LanYeh Jing-Ying Lin Vijaya PadmaViswanadha Chih-Yang Huang 17β-Estradiol

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Hypoxia Through HIF-1α-Mediated BNIP3 and IGFBP-3 Signaling Blockage CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536274-284 (Correspondence Author)

76 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 complex

binds to protein kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015


77 Hsieh DJ Huang CY Pai P Wang SG Tsai YL Li CN Kuo WW Chih-Yang HuangProlactin

protects cardiomyocytes against intermittent hypoxia-induced cell damage by the modulation of

signaling pathways related to cardiac hypertrophy and proliferation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF CARDIOLOGY 2015 Feb 15181255-66 (Correspondence Author)

78 Chih-Yang Huang Chen SY Fu RH Huang YC Chen SY Shyu WC Lin SZ Liu SP

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Into Cardiomyocytes Used to Investigate the

Cardioprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B Through BNIP3 Involved Pathway CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 201524(3)561-71 (First Author)

79 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

80 Sheng-Huang C Chieh-Hsin C Mu-Chun Y Wen-Tung H Chia-Ying H Ya-Ting H Wan-Ling SU

Jiuan-Jen S Chih-Yang Huang Jer-Yuh Effects of estrogen on glutathione and catalase levels in

human erythrocyte during menstrual cycle Biomed Rep 2015 Mar3(2)266-268



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model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury Molecular Medicine Reports 2015

Oct12(4)6053-9 2015(Correspondence Author)

82 Hsu TC Chiou CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol

2015 Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

83 Chung-Ben Kan Yu-LanYehCecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang

Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jer-Yuh Liu Chien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang HuangAttenuation of Crude

Water Extract of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum on the Cardiac Mitochondria-Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway Effects in Hypercholesterol Fed Hamsters Adaptive Medicine2015

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84 Chao-Hung Lai Chien-Kuo Han Marthandam Asokan Shibu Pei Ying Pai Tsung- Jung Ho Cecilia

Hsuan Day Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang HuangLumbrokinase from

earthworm extract ameliorates second-hand smoke induced cardiac fibrosis Environ Toxicol 2015

Sep30(10)1216-25 (correspondence Author)

85 Wang HF Lin PP Chen CH Yeh YL Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Effects of lactic acid

bacteria on cardiac apoptosis are mediated by activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinaseAKT

survival-signalling pathway in rats fed a high-fat diet Int J Mol Med 2015 Feb35(2)460-70

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86 Lin KH Kuo CH Kuo WW Ho TJ Pai P Chen WK Pan LF Wang CC Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang NFIL3 Suppresses Hypoxia-induced Apoptotic Cell Death by Targeting the Insulin-like

Growth Factor 2 Receptor J Cell Biochem 2015 Jun116(6)1113-20 (Correspondence Author)

87 Liao HE Shibu MA Kuo WW Pai PY Ho TJ Kuo CH Lin JY Pai PY Viswanadha VP Chih-Yang

Huang Deep Sea Minerals Prolong Life Span of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats by

Compensatory Augmentation of the IGF-I-Survival Signaling and Inhibition of Apoptosis

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 doi 101002(Correspondence Author)

88 Wang ZH Hsu HW Chou JC Yu CH Bau DT Wang GJ Chih Yang Huang Wang PS Wang SW

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89 Chih Yang Huang Catherine Reena Paul Peiying Pai Wen-Dee Chiang Tsung-Jung HoWan-Teng

Lin Potato Protein Hydrolysate- APPH Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis and

Enhances Survival Through SIRT1 PGC-1ltalphagtAkt Signaling Journal of Functional Foods2015

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90 Chang HC Chiu YW Lin YM Chen RJ Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Herbal Supplement Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rats with CCl4-Induced Liver

Cirrhosis CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 Feb 2857(1)41-7 (correspondence


91 Deng JS Lee SD Kuo WW Fan MJ Lin YM Hu WS Huang YC Velmurugan BK Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of protocatechuic acid on hypertensive

hearts CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 2014 Feb 2520977-84 (Correspondence


92 Hsu HH Kuo WW Ju DT Yeh YL Tu CC Tsai YL Shen CY Chang SH Chung LC Chih-Yang

Huang Estradiol agonists inhibit human LoVo colorectal-cancer cell proliferation and migration

through p53 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2014 Nov 2820(44)16665-73

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93 Ming-Chieh WuYing-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training with hypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2014 DOI10108017461391

94 Chang CW Chen YS Chou SH Han CL Chen YJ Yang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lo JF Distinct

subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen

species exhibit diverse stemness proliferation and chemosensitivity CANCER RESEARCH 2014

Nov 174(21)6291-305 (co-correspondence Author)

95 Lin CC Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel Target Genes

Responsive to Apoptotic Activity by Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in Human Osteosarcoma cells

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence


96 Hsieh YL Pai P Ho TJ Chung LC Cheng YC Wu CH Fan MJ Day CH Shen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of Garlic Oil on Interleukin-6 Mediated Cardiac Hypertrophy in

Hypercholesterol-Fed Hamsters CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(6)320-8

97 Wu JP Hsieh CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Yeh YL Lin CC Kuo CH Chih-Yang Huang Secondhand

smoke exposure toxicity accelerates age-related cardiac disease in old hamsters BMC Cardiovasc

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

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99 Chih-Yang Huang Cooper EL Fang-Yeu Poh C Kuo WW Chen TS Sherman R Special

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100 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) activates fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling to induce


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induces DU145 cell cycle arrest through Cdk5 activation CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND

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102 Chou SH Lin SZ Kuo WW Pai P Lin JY Lai CH Kuo CH Lin KH Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Cardiovascular Therapy Cell Transplant

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103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

expression and cardiomyocyte apoptosis by inhibiting HSF1 via JNK activation and SIRT1

degradation CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION (IF=83)2014 21(8)1262-74

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104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

Exercise training enhanced SIRT1 longevity signaling replaces the IGF1 survival pathway to attenuate

aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

Fuu-Jen TsaiHsi-Hsien Hsu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Resistance to Irinotecan (CPT-11)

activates Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorNuclear Factor Kappa B and Increases Cellular

Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

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106 Lin CC1 Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel target genes

responsive to apoptotic activity by Ocimum gratissimum in human osteosarcoma cells Am J Chin

Med 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence Author)

107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

Hsueh-Fang Wang GABA Tea Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis by Attenuating TNF-alpha and

FasFasL-mediated apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats FOOD AND CHEMICAL

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108 Wu MH Chih-Yang Huang Lin JA Wang SW Peng CY Cheng HC Tang CH Endothelin-1

promotes vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent angiogenesis in human chondrosarcoma cells

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109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

Association of Genetic Variants in Senataxin and Alzheimers Disease in a Chinese Han Population in

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 Treatment CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2014

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111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

Huang Apicidin-resistant HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells massively promote pro-survival

capability via IGF-IRPI3KAkt signaling pathway activation Tumour Biol 2014 35(1)303-13

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112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

stability and protein expressions through inhibiting cytoplasmic translocation of HuR transcription

factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY2014 2857(1) 8-18(Correspondence Author)

113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

Chih-Yang HuangGelsolin (GSN) induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and BNP expression via p38

signaling and GATA-4 transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

HuangSHSST cyclodextrin complex prevents the fibrosis effect on CCl₄-induced cirrhotic

cardiomyopathy in rats through TGF-β pathway inhibition effects Int J Mol Sci 2014 May

815(5)8037-48 (correspondence Author)

115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 TreatmentChin J

Physiol 2014 Apr 3057(2)99-104 (correspondence Author)

116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

Jun 3057(3)111-20 (co-correspondence Author)

117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

Jun 1537(5)402-13 (Correspondence Author)

118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

Induce Migration of RSC96 Schwann Cells The American journal of Chinese medicine

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120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

Toxicol 2014 Sep 24 (Correspondence Author)

121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

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Cell Biochem Funct 2014 32(2)133-41 (co-correspondence Author)

122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

Hepatoprotective Effects of Ixora parviflora Extract against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

Signaling via the IKK αβ NF- κ B Pathway in Apicidin-Resistant HA22T Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

Pathways in Obesity CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2013 57(3)111-20

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125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

Huang Oral Lactobacillus reuteri GMN-32 treatment reduces blood glucose concentrations and

promotes cardiac function in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus BRITISH JOURNAL

OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

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127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

Hsu SH Biocompatibility and favorable response of mesenchymal stem cells on fibronectin-gold

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128 Huang PH Chih-Yang Huang Chen MC Lee YT Yue CH Wang HY Lin H Emodin and

Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 20132013376123 (co-correspondence Author)

129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 201333(2) 139-148 (First Author)

130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

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radioimmunotherapy to prostate carcinoma Int J Radiat Biol 2013 May89(5)346-55

131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

isoliquiritigenin on the migration and invasion of human breast cancer cells Expert Opin Ther Targets

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132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

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and Neck Cancer Initiating Cells through Exaggerated Autophagic Cell Death Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2013 2013946451 (co-correspondence Author)

133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Activation of estrogen receptors with E2 downregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated

receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

survival pathways and attenuates cardiac apoptosis in the hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats

Int J Mol Med 201332(6)1319-28 (co-correspondence Author)

135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

Genistein Suppresses the Isoproterenol-Treated H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Associated with

P-38 Erk12 JNK and NF κ B Signaling Protein Activation The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013 41(5)1125-36 (correspondence Author)

136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

Synergistic Apoptotic Effects of Angiotensin II plus Leu 27-IGF II on Cardiomyoblasts Acta

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137 Tu CC Kumar VB Day CH Kuo WW Yeh SP Chen RJ Liao CR Chen HY Tsai FJ Wu WJ

Chih-Yang HuangEstrogen recepPtor a overexpression mediated apoptosis in Hep3B cells by

binding with Sp1 proteins JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 2013 Jul

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138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

activation involved in glycitein protective effects on isoproterenol-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells

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139 Tsai KH Lee NH Chen GY Hu WS Tsai CY Chang MH Jong GP Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ

Tsai CH Chih-Yang HuangDung-shen (Codonopsis pilosula) attenuated the cardiac-impaired

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140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Henry J TsaiChih-Yang Huang Rhubarb inhibits hepatocellular

carcinoma cell metastasis via GSK-3-b activation to enhance protein degradation and attenuate

nuclear translocation of b-catenin Food Chemistry 2013 138 278ndash285 (correspondence Author)

141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

Accelerates Recovery from Physical Fatigue Journal of the International Society of Sports

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142 Hsia TC Tu CY Chen YJ Wei YL Yu MC Hsu SC Tsai SL Chen WS Yeh MH Yen CJ Yu YL

Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

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143 Chung-Hsiang Liu Yi-Wen Lin Nou-Ying Tang Hsu-Jan Liu Chih-Yang Huang Ching-Liang

Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through P38β inhibition The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013Vol 41 No 3 683ndash696 (Correspondence Author)

145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

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Endothelin-1 enhances cell migration through COX-2 up-regulation in human chondrosarcoma


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Huang Garlic oil attenuates the cardiac apoptotosis in hamster-fed with hypercholesterol diet

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148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

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Leu27IGF-II-induced IGF-II receptor signaling activation in cardiomyoblasts FOOD AND

CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 2013 5628-39 (Correspondence Author)

149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

The effect of Elephantopus scaber L on Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy

Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2013 2013369180 (Correspondence


150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY2013 1131783ndash1792 (Correspondence Author)

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Reducing body fat with altitude hypoxia training in swimmers role of blood perfusion to skeletal

muscles CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2013 56(1) 18-25

153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

Activators and the MMP-2-9 Pathway by a Zanthoxylum avicennae Extract to Inhibit the HA22T

Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

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164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

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165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

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(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

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tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

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171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

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TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

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173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

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175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

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hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

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177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

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CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

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188 Ding-Yu Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Mechanisms governing the

protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

2012 22(1)711-721 (correspondence Author)

189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

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Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

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PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

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194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

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196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

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197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

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MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

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198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

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Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

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CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

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206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

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207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

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209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

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211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

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215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

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216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

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218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

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220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

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221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

Oncotarget 2016 May 4 (correspondence Author)

7 Liao PH Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chang SH Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat-killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Prevents Epididymal Fat

Accumulation and Cardiac Injury in High-Calorie Diet-Fed Rats International Journal of Medical

Sciences 2016 Jul 513(8)569-77 (correspondence Author)

8 Baskaran R Poornima P Priya LB Chih-Yang Huang Padma VV Neferine prevents autophagy

induced by hypoxia through activation of AktmTOR pathway and Nrf2 in muscle cells

BIOMEDICINE amp PHARMACOTHERAPY 2016 Aug 29831407-1413

9 Lee CJ Hsu LS Yue CH Lin H Chiu YW Lin YY Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Liu JY

MZF-1Elk-1 interaction domain as therapeutic target for protein kinase Cα-based triple-negative

breast cancer cells Oncotarget 2016 Aug 17 (correspondence Author)

10 Yeh YL Ting WJ Kuo WW Hsu HH Lin YM Shen CY Chang CH Padma VV Tsai Y Chih-Yang

Huang San Huang Shel Shin Tang beta-cyclodextrin complex augmented the hepatoprotective

effects against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats BMC Complement Altern

Med 2016 May 2716150 (correspondence Author)

11 Chang RL Lin JW Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuated long-term hypoxia-stimulated cardiomyocyte

apoptosis by inhibiting HIF-1α nuclear translocation via Mas receptor regulation GROWTH

FACTORS 2016 Feb34(1-2)11-8 (correspondence Author)

12 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Chen RJ Lin YM Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Inhibition of NF-jB and Metastasis in Irinotecan (CPT-11)-Resistant LoVo Colon

Cancer Cells by Thymoquinone via JNK and p38 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2016 Apr 5

doi 10 (correspondence Author)

13 Chih-Yang Huang Ting WJ Huang CY Yang JY Lin WT Resveratrol attenuated hydrogen

peroxide-induced myocardial apoptosis by autophagic flux Food amp Nutrition Research 2016 May

206030511 (First Author)

14 Chen WK Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Chang HN Pai PY Lin KH Pan LF Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang CREB Negatively Regulates IGF2R Gene Expression and Downstream Pathways

to Inhibit Hypoxia-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Death INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF

MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2016 2416(11)27921-30 (correspondence Author)

15 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis LUMINESCENCE 2016 30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

16 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different aetiologies JOURNAL OF CLINICAL

PATHOLOGY 2016 68(11)917-22 (First Author)

17 Huang CW Horng CT Chih-Yang Huang Cho TH Tsai YC Chen LJ Hsu TC Tzang BS

Secondhand smoke induces hepatic apoptosis and fibrosis in hamster fetus HUMAN amp


18 Chang YM Chang HH Kuo WW Lin HJ Yeh YL Padma Viswanadha V Tsai CC Chen RJ Chang

HN Chih-Yang Huang Anti-Apoptotic and Pro-Survival Effect of Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus


SCIENCES 2016 Mar 2917(4)466 (correspondence Author)

19 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple Rice Anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ -Induced

Diabetes Rat Hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL

BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May3198-105 (correspondence Author)

20 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective Effect of Co-Enzyme Q10 On Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy of Rat

Hearts ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2016 Apr 18 doi 101002tox22270

(correspondence Author)

21 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKC zeta-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts

JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May31137-49 (correspondence Author)

22 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKCltzetagt-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts J

Nutr Biochem 2016 Mar 331137-149 (correspondence Author)

23 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple rice anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ-induced diabetes

rat hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis J Nutr Biochem 2016 Feb 263198-105

(correspondence Author)

24 Lai CH Tsai CC Kuo WW Ho TJ Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Huang CC Wang HF Liao PH

Chih-Yang Huang Multi-Strain Probiotics Inhibit Cardiac Myopathies and Autophagy to Prevent

Heart Injury in High-Fat Diet-Fed Rats Int J Med Sci 2016 Mar 3013(4)277-85 (Correspondence


25 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective effect of Co-enzyme Q10 On doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy of rat hearts

Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 18 (Correspondence Author)

26 Chang RL Lin JW Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuated long-term hypoxia-stimulated cardiomyocyte

apoptosis by inhibiting HIF-1α nuclear translocation via Mas receptor regulation Growth Factors

2016 Apr 81-8 (Correspondence Author)

27 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Chen RJ Lin YM Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Inhibition of NF-κB and metastasis in irinotecan (CPT-11)-resistant LoVo colon

cancer cells by thymoquinone via JNK and p38 Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 5 doi 101002

(correspondence Author)

28 Chih-Yang Huang Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Chang YL Chen TS Chemiluminescence analysis of

antioxidant capacity for serum albumin isolated from healthy or uremic volunteers Luminescence

2016 Apr 7 doi 101002 (First Author)

29 Bor-Tsang Wu Yijuang Chern Ming-Chang Chiang Ching-Yi TasiChia-Hua Kuo Woei-Cherng

Shyu Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Fas-dependent and mitochondria-dependent

apoptosis in a transgenic mouse model of Huntingtons disease Cardiovasc Toxicol 2016

Apr16(2)111-21 (co-correspondence Author)

30 Chen YF Velmurugan BK Wang HL Tu CC Che RJ Chen MC Jen LB Vishwanadha VP Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang Estrogen and ERα enhanced β-catenin degradation and suppressed its

downstream target genes to block the metastatic function of HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells

via modulating GSK-3β and β-TrCP expression Environ Toxicol 2016 Mar 18 (Correspondence


31 Tsai CT Chang YM Lin SL Chen YS Yeh YL Padma VV Tsai CC Chen RJ Ho TJ Chih-Yang

Huang Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus Inhibits IGFII-Related Signaling Pathway to Attenuate Ang

II-Induced Pathological Hypertrophy in H9c2 Cardiomyoblasts Journal of Medicinal Food

201619(3)300-9 (Correspondence Author)

32 Yeh YL Tsai HI Cheng SM Pai P Ho TJ Chen RJ Lai CH Huang PJ Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang Mechanism of Taiwan Mingjian Oolong Tea to Inhibit Isoproterenol-Induced Hypertrophy

and Apoptosis in Cardiomyoblasts The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 201644(1)77-86

(Correspondence Author)

33 Peiying Pai Ching Jung Lai Ching-Yuang Lin Yi-Fan Liou Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Effect

of Superoxide Anion Scavenger on Rat Hearts with Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Journal of Applied

Physiology Published 2016 14jap011092014

34 Chong G Tsai S Wang LH Chih-Yang Huang Lin C Cryopreservation of the gorgonian

endosymbiont Symbiodinium Scientific Reports 2016 12618816

35 Po-Hsiang Liao Wei-Wen Kuo Chia-Hua KuoYu-LanYeh Chia-Yao Shen Ya-Hui Chen Ray-Jade

Chen V Vijaya Padma Yi-Hsing Chen Chih-Yang HuangLactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 reduces

hyperlipidaemia and the heart failure process in high-calorie diet-fed induced heart dysfunction in rats

Journal of Functional Foods 2016226-235 (correspondence Author)

36 Wei-Jen Ting Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chen RJ Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat Killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Reduces Fibrosis Effects on the

Liver and Heart in High Fat Diet-Hamsters via TGF-β Suppression INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2015 2816(10)25881-96 (correspondence Author)

37 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YLJu DTLin CCKuo CHLiou YFHo TJ Tsai CHTsai FJJing-Ying Lin

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl2-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line

CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

38 Jia-Ping Wu Tsung-Jung Ho Chin-Chuan Tsai Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung LinKuan-Ho Lin Dennis

Jine-Yuan Hsieh Li-Mien Chen Lung-Fa Pan Chih-Yang HuangHepatoprotective Effects of

Traditional Chinese Medicine on Liver Fibrosis from Ethanol Administration following Partial

Hepatectomy CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2015 58(6) (Correspondence Author)

39 Da-Tong Ju Hung-En Liao Marthandam Asokan Shibu Tsung-Jung HoViswanadha Vijaya Padma

Fuu-Jen Tsai Li-Chin Chung Cecilia Hsuan DayChien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang Huang Nerve

Regeneration Potential of Protocatechuic Acid in RSC96 Schwann Cells by Induction of Cellular

Proliferation and Migration through IGFR-PI3K-Akt CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY

2015 58(6) (correspondence Author)

40 Shu-Nu Chang Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Marthandam Asokan ShibuCecilia Hsuan DayVijaya Padma

ViswanadhaChao-Hung LaiYi-Li ChenFuu-Jen TsaiYueh-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Protective effects of electroacupuncture at LR3 on cardiac hypertrophy and apoptosis in hypertensive

rats Acupuncture in Medicine 201501ndash8 (Correspondence Author)

41 Kuan-Ho Lin Shibu MA Kuo YH Chen YC Hsu HH Bau DT Chen MC Tu CC Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang HuangTaiwanin C Selectively Inhibits Arecoline and 4-NQO-Induced Oral Cancer Cell

Proliferation Via ERK12 Inactivation ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 Nov 5 doi

101002 (Correspondence Author)

42 Yueh-Shan WengT Hsueh-Fang WangPei-Ying PaiGwo-Ping JongChao-Hung LaiLi-Chin

ChungDennis Jine-Yuan HsiehCecilia HsuanDayWei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tanshinone IIA

Prevents Leu27IGF-II-induced Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy Mediated by Estrogen Receptor and

Subsequent Akt Activation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 2015 Vol 43 No 8

1ndash25 (correspondence Author)

43 Yeh-Peng Chen Chia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung-Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) switches energy signaling

from the PKCζ-GLUT4-glucose pathway back to the SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway similar to

resveratrol to ameliorate cardiac myocyte lipotoxicity Journal of Functional Foods2015

(correspondence Author)

44 Hsun-Nan Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Yueh-Min Lin Li-Chin Chung Ray-Jade ChenAdaptation to

Oxidative Stress in Uremic Patients with HemodialysisRole of Functional Foods Adaptive Medicine

2015 7(3) 111-116 (CO-First Author)

45 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

46 Chang RL Lin JW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Long-term hypoxia exposure enhanced IGFBP-3 protein synthesis and secretion

resulting in cell apoptosis in H9c2 myocardial cells Growth Factors 2015 Aug33(4)275-81

(Correspondence Author)

47 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different J Clin Pathol 2015 Nov68(11)917-22

(First Author)

48 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YL Ju DT Lin CC Kuo CH Liou YF Ho TJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ Lin JY

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl₂-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line Chin J

Physiol 2015 Aug 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

49 Ju DT Kuo WW Ho TJ Paul CR Kuo CH Viswanadha VP Lin CC Chen YS Chang YM

Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via

ERK12 JNK and p38 Activation Am J Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

50 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD

Effects of rhodiola crenulata on mice hearts under severe sleep apnea BMC Complement Altern Med

2015 Jun 2515198

51 Palanisamy K Krishnaswamy R Paramasivan P Chih-Yang Huang Vishwanadha VP

Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents TCDD-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory response by

modulating MAP kinases and redox-sensitive transcription factors Br J Pharmacol 2015

Oct172(19)4726-40 (co-correspondence Author)

52 Shen CH Lin TH Hsieh YL Shen CY Kuo SC Wu HC Chien WS Hsieh DJ Wen SY Ting WJ

Yao CH Chih-Yang Huang Mitotic arrest induced in human DU145 prostate cancer cells in

response to KHC-4 treatment Environ Toxicol 2015 Aug 25 (Correspondence Author)

53 Jin G Lee SW Zhang X Cai Z Gao Y Chou PC Rezaeian AH Han F Wang CY Yao JC Gong Z

Chan CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tu SH Wu CH Sarbassov dos D2 Ho YS8 Lin

HK9 Skp2-Mediated RagA Ubiquitination Elicits a Negative Feedback to Prevent

Amino-Acid-Dependent mTORC1 Hyperactivation by Recruiting GATOR1 Mol Cell 2015 Jun


54 Hsu TC Chiu CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol 2015

Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

55 Liu YL Huang CC Chang CC Chou CY Lin SY Wang IK Hsieh DJ Jong GP Chih-Yang Huang

Wang CM Hyperphosphate-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy through the GATA-4NFAT-3

Signaling Pathway Is Attenuated by ERK Inhibitor Treatment CardioRenal Medicine 2015


56 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY complex binds to protein

kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015 May


57 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 Complex

Binds to Protein Kinase Cα Promoter and Is Involved in Hepatocellular Carcinoma PLoS One 2015

Jun 1510(6)e0131036

58 Po-Hsiang Liao Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Hua Kuo Cecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen

Chao-Hung Lai Ray-Jade Chen V Vijaya Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Moderate

exercise training attenuates aging-induced cardiac inflammation hypertrophy and fibrosis injuries of

rat hearts Oncotarget 2015 Nov 36(34)35383-94 (correspondence Author)

59 Yeh-Peng ChenChia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung- Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced

Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate

PI3KAkt Cell Physiol Biochem 201536(1)334-44 (correspondence Author)

60 Wu JP Hsieh DJ Kuo WW Han CK Pai P Yeh YL Lin CC Padma VV Day CH Chih-Yang

Huang Secondhand Smoke Exposure Reduced the Compen satory Effects of IGF-I Growth Signaling

in the Aging Rat Hearts International Journal of Medical Sciences 2015 12(9) 708-718

(Correspondence Author)

61 Lin YM Kuo WW Velmurugan BK Hsien HH Hsieh YL Hsu HH Tu CC Bau DT Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Helioxanthin suppresses the cross talk of COX-2PGE2 and EGFRERK pathway

to inhibit Arecoline-induced Oral Cancer Cell (T28) proliferation and blocks tumor growth in

xenografted nude mice Environ Toxicol 2015 Oct 14 doi 10 (Correspondence Author)

62 Wu JP Tsai CC Yeh YL Lin YM Lin CC Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Pan LF Chih-Yang

Huang Silymarin Accelerates Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy Evidence-based

Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015 doi 1011552015603529 (Correspondence


63 Ting WJ Kuo WW Kuo CH Yeh YL Shen CY Chen YH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Supplementary heat-killed Lactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 ameliorates

hyperlipidaemic and cardiac apoptosis in high-fat diet-fed hamsters to maintain cardiovascular

function BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2015 114 706ndash712 (Correspondence Author)

64 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS

One2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

65 Liao HE Lai CH Ho TJ Yeh YL Jong GP Kuo WH Chung LC Pai PY Wen SY Chih-Yang

Huang Cardio Protective Effects of Lumbrokinase and Dilong on Second-Hand Smoke-Induced

Apoptotic Signaling in the Heart of a Rat Model CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015

Jun 3058(3) (Correspondence Author)

66 Liu YS Tsai YL Yeh YL Chung LC Wen SY Kuo CH Lin YM Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Cell Cycle Regulation in the Estrogen Receptor Beta (ESR2)-Overexpressing Hep3B Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Cell Line CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 Apr 3058(2)134-40

(Correspondence Author)

67 Chang WH Tsai YL Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Chaunchaiyakul R Fang Y Lee SD Kuo CH

Null effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on improving glycemic status in men during a resistance training

recovery J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2015 Aug 201234

68 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Hsieh DJ Lin YM Chen LM Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Thymoquinone Induces Caspase-Independent Autophagic Cell Death in CPT-11-Resistant

LoVo Colon Cancer via Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of JNK and p38 JOURNAL OF

AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2015 1163(5)1540-6 (Correspondence Author)

69 Lin KH Kuo WW Jiang AZ Pai P Lin JY Chen WK Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang

HuangTetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via

HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate PI3KAkt CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536(1)334-44 (Correspondence Author)

70 Tsai CY Wen SY Shibu MA Yang YC Peng H Wang B Wei YM Chang HY Lee CY Chih-Yang

Huang Kuo WW Diallyl trisulfide protects against high glucosendashinduced cardiac apoptosis by

stimulating the production of Cystathionine gamma-lyase-derived hydrogen sulfide


(co-correspondence Author)

71 Da-Tong JuWei-Wen KuoTsung-Jung HoCatherine Reena PaulChia-Hua KuoFuu-Jen

TsaiChien-Chung LinYueh-Sheng ChenYung-Ming Chang Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid

from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via ERK12JNK and p38 Activation Am J

Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

72 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS One

2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

73 Hsieh YL Tsai YL Shibu MA Su CC Chung LC Pai P Kuo CH Yeh YL Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang ZAK induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and brain natriuretic peptide

expression via p38JNK signaling and GATA4c-Jun transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR

AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 2015 Jul405(1-2)1-9 (Correspondence Author)

74 Hu WS Ting WJ Chiang WD Pai P Yeh YL Chang CH Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangThe Heart

Protection Effect of Alcalase Potato Protein Hydrolysate Is through IGF1R-PI3K-Akt Compensatory

Reactivation in Aging Rats on High Fat Diets INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR

SCIENCES 2015 May 516(5)10158-72 (correspondence Author)

75 Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieha Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Ping Lai Marthandam Asokan Shibu Chia-Yao Shen

Peiying Pai Yu-LanYeh Jing-Ying Lin Vijaya PadmaViswanadha Chih-Yang Huang 17β-Estradiol

andor Estrogen Receptor β Attenuate the Autophagic and Apoptotic Effects Induced by Prolonged

Hypoxia Through HIF-1α-Mediated BNIP3 and IGFBP-3 Signaling Blockage CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536274-284 (Correspondence Author)

76 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 complex

binds to protein kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015


77 Hsieh DJ Huang CY Pai P Wang SG Tsai YL Li CN Kuo WW Chih-Yang HuangProlactin

protects cardiomyocytes against intermittent hypoxia-induced cell damage by the modulation of

signaling pathways related to cardiac hypertrophy and proliferation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF CARDIOLOGY 2015 Feb 15181255-66 (Correspondence Author)

78 Chih-Yang Huang Chen SY Fu RH Huang YC Chen SY Shyu WC Lin SZ Liu SP

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Into Cardiomyocytes Used to Investigate the

Cardioprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B Through BNIP3 Involved Pathway CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 201524(3)561-71 (First Author)

79 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

80 Sheng-Huang C Chieh-Hsin C Mu-Chun Y Wen-Tung H Chia-Ying H Ya-Ting H Wan-Ling SU

Jiuan-Jen S Chih-Yang Huang Jer-Yuh Effects of estrogen on glutathione and catalase levels in

human erythrocyte during menstrual cycle Biomed Rep 2015 Mar3(2)266-268



SHSST‑cyclodextrin complex inhibits TGF βSmad3CTGF to a greater extent than silymarin in a rat

model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury Molecular Medicine Reports 2015

Oct12(4)6053-9 2015(Correspondence Author)

82 Hsu TC Chiou CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol

2015 Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

83 Chung-Ben Kan Yu-LanYehCecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang

Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jer-Yuh Liu Chien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang HuangAttenuation of Crude

Water Extract of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum on the Cardiac Mitochondria-Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway Effects in Hypercholesterol Fed Hamsters Adaptive Medicine2015

(Correspondence Author)

84 Chao-Hung Lai Chien-Kuo Han Marthandam Asokan Shibu Pei Ying Pai Tsung- Jung Ho Cecilia

Hsuan Day Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang HuangLumbrokinase from

earthworm extract ameliorates second-hand smoke induced cardiac fibrosis Environ Toxicol 2015

Sep30(10)1216-25 (correspondence Author)

85 Wang HF Lin PP Chen CH Yeh YL Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Effects of lactic acid

bacteria on cardiac apoptosis are mediated by activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinaseAKT

survival-signalling pathway in rats fed a high-fat diet Int J Mol Med 2015 Feb35(2)460-70

(co-correspondence Author)

86 Lin KH Kuo CH Kuo WW Ho TJ Pai P Chen WK Pan LF Wang CC Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang NFIL3 Suppresses Hypoxia-induced Apoptotic Cell Death by Targeting the Insulin-like

Growth Factor 2 Receptor J Cell Biochem 2015 Jun116(6)1113-20 (Correspondence Author)

87 Liao HE Shibu MA Kuo WW Pai PY Ho TJ Kuo CH Lin JY Pai PY Viswanadha VP Chih-Yang

Huang Deep Sea Minerals Prolong Life Span of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats by

Compensatory Augmentation of the IGF-I-Survival Signaling and Inhibition of Apoptosis

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 doi 101002(Correspondence Author)

88 Wang ZH Hsu HW Chou JC Yu CH Bau DT Wang GJ Chih Yang Huang Wang PS Wang SW

Cytotoxic Effect of S-Petasin and Iso-S-Petasin on the Proliferation of Human Prostate Cancer Cells


89 Chih Yang Huang Catherine Reena Paul Peiying Pai Wen-Dee Chiang Tsung-Jung HoWan-Teng

Lin Potato Protein Hydrolysate- APPH Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis and

Enhances Survival Through SIRT1 PGC-1ltalphagtAkt Signaling Journal of Functional Foods2015

(First Author)

90 Chang HC Chiu YW Lin YM Chen RJ Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Herbal Supplement Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rats with CCl4-Induced Liver

Cirrhosis CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 Feb 2857(1)41-7 (correspondence


91 Deng JS Lee SD Kuo WW Fan MJ Lin YM Hu WS Huang YC Velmurugan BK Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of protocatechuic acid on hypertensive

hearts CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 2014 Feb 2520977-84 (Correspondence


92 Hsu HH Kuo WW Ju DT Yeh YL Tu CC Tsai YL Shen CY Chang SH Chung LC Chih-Yang

Huang Estradiol agonists inhibit human LoVo colorectal-cancer cell proliferation and migration

through p53 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2014 Nov 2820(44)16665-73

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93 Ming-Chieh WuYing-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training with hypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2014 DOI10108017461391

94 Chang CW Chen YS Chou SH Han CL Chen YJ Yang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lo JF Distinct

subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen

species exhibit diverse stemness proliferation and chemosensitivity CANCER RESEARCH 2014

Nov 174(21)6291-305 (co-correspondence Author)

95 Lin CC Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel Target Genes

Responsive to Apoptotic Activity by Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in Human Osteosarcoma cells

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence


96 Hsieh YL Pai P Ho TJ Chung LC Cheng YC Wu CH Fan MJ Day CH Shen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of Garlic Oil on Interleukin-6 Mediated Cardiac Hypertrophy in

Hypercholesterol-Fed Hamsters CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(6)320-8

97 Wu JP Hsieh CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Yeh YL Lin CC Kuo CH Chih-Yang Huang Secondhand

smoke exposure toxicity accelerates age-related cardiac disease in old hamsters BMC Cardiovasc

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

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induces DU145 cell cycle arrest through Cdk5 activation CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 33(6)1620-30

102 Chou SH Lin SZ Kuo WW Pai P Lin JY Lai CH Kuo CH Lin KH Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Cardiovascular Therapy Cell Transplant

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103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

expression and cardiomyocyte apoptosis by inhibiting HSF1 via JNK activation and SIRT1

degradation CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION (IF=83)2014 21(8)1262-74

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104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

Exercise training enhanced SIRT1 longevity signaling replaces the IGF1 survival pathway to attenuate

aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

Fuu-Jen TsaiHsi-Hsien Hsu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Resistance to Irinotecan (CPT-11)

activates Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorNuclear Factor Kappa B and Increases Cellular

Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

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106 Lin CC1 Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel target genes

responsive to apoptotic activity by Ocimum gratissimum in human osteosarcoma cells Am J Chin

Med 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence Author)

107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

Hsueh-Fang Wang GABA Tea Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis by Attenuating TNF-alpha and

FasFasL-mediated apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats FOOD AND CHEMICAL

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108 Wu MH Chih-Yang Huang Lin JA Wang SW Peng CY Cheng HC Tang CH Endothelin-1

promotes vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent angiogenesis in human chondrosarcoma cells

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109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

Association of Genetic Variants in Senataxin and Alzheimers Disease in a Chinese Han Population in

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 Treatment CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2014

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111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

Huang Apicidin-resistant HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells massively promote pro-survival

capability via IGF-IRPI3KAkt signaling pathway activation Tumour Biol 2014 35(1)303-13

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112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

stability and protein expressions through inhibiting cytoplasmic translocation of HuR transcription

factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY2014 2857(1) 8-18(Correspondence Author)

113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

Chih-Yang HuangGelsolin (GSN) induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and BNP expression via p38

signaling and GATA-4 transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

HuangSHSST cyclodextrin complex prevents the fibrosis effect on CCl₄-induced cirrhotic

cardiomyopathy in rats through TGF-β pathway inhibition effects Int J Mol Sci 2014 May

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115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 TreatmentChin J

Physiol 2014 Apr 3057(2)99-104 (correspondence Author)

116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

Jun 3057(3)111-20 (co-correspondence Author)

117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

Jun 1537(5)402-13 (Correspondence Author)

118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

Induce Migration of RSC96 Schwann Cells The American journal of Chinese medicine

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120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

Toxicol 2014 Sep 24 (Correspondence Author)

121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

Activated apoptotic and anti-survival effects on rat hearts with fructose induced metabolic syndrome

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122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

Hepatoprotective Effects of Ixora parviflora Extract against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

Signaling via the IKK αβ NF- κ B Pathway in Apicidin-Resistant HA22T Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

Pathways in Obesity CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2013 57(3)111-20

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125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

Huang Oral Lactobacillus reuteri GMN-32 treatment reduces blood glucose concentrations and

promotes cardiac function in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus BRITISH JOURNAL

OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

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127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

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nanocomposites PLoS One 2013 Jun 248(6)e65738

128 Huang PH Chih-Yang Huang Chen MC Lee YT Yue CH Wang HY Lin H Emodin and

Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 20132013376123 (co-correspondence Author)

129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 201333(2) 139-148 (First Author)

130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

Inhibitory eff ects of Rhenium-188-labeled Herceptin on prostate cancer cell growth A possible

radioimmunotherapy to prostate carcinoma Int J Radiat Biol 2013 May89(5)346-55

131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

isoliquiritigenin on the migration and invasion of human breast cancer cells Expert Opin Ther Targets

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132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

TC Chih-Yang Huang Lo J F Active Component of Antrodia cinnamomea Mycelia Targeting Head

and Neck Cancer Initiating Cells through Exaggerated Autophagic Cell Death Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2013 2013946451 (co-correspondence Author)

133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Activation of estrogen receptors with E2 downregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated

receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

survival pathways and attenuates cardiac apoptosis in the hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats

Int J Mol Med 201332(6)1319-28 (co-correspondence Author)

135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

Genistein Suppresses the Isoproterenol-Treated H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Associated with

P-38 Erk12 JNK and NF κ B Signaling Protein Activation The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013 41(5)1125-36 (correspondence Author)

136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

Synergistic Apoptotic Effects of Angiotensin II plus Leu 27-IGF II on Cardiomyoblasts Acta

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137 Tu CC Kumar VB Day CH Kuo WW Yeh SP Chen RJ Liao CR Chen HY Tsai FJ Wu WJ

Chih-Yang HuangEstrogen recepPtor a overexpression mediated apoptosis in Hep3B cells by

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138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

activation involved in glycitein protective effects on isoproterenol-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells

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139 Tsai KH Lee NH Chen GY Hu WS Tsai CY Chang MH Jong GP Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ

Tsai CH Chih-Yang HuangDung-shen (Codonopsis pilosula) attenuated the cardiac-impaired

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140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Henry J TsaiChih-Yang Huang Rhubarb inhibits hepatocellular

carcinoma cell metastasis via GSK-3-b activation to enhance protein degradation and attenuate

nuclear translocation of b-catenin Food Chemistry 2013 138 278ndash285 (correspondence Author)

141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

Accelerates Recovery from Physical Fatigue Journal of the International Society of Sports

Nutrition2013 10(1)7 (co-correspondence Author)

142 Hsia TC Tu CY Chen YJ Wei YL Yu MC Hsu SC Tsai SL Chen WS Yeh MH Yen CJ Yu YL

Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

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143 Chung-Hsiang Liu Yi-Wen Lin Nou-Ying Tang Hsu-Jan Liu Chih-Yang Huang Ching-Liang

Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through P38β inhibition The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013Vol 41 No 3 683ndash696 (Correspondence Author)

145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

146 Wu MH Chen LM Hsu HH Lin JA Lin YM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang CH

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147 Cheng YC Chang MH Tsai CC Chen TS Fan CC Lin CC Lai CH Tsai FJ Lin JA Chih-Yang

Huang Garlic oil attenuates the cardiac apoptotosis in hamster-fed with hypercholesterol diet

FOOD CHEMISTRY 2013 136(3-4)1296-302 (Correspondence Author)

148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

Huang Danshen mediates through estrogen receptors to activate Akt and inhibit apoptosis effect of

Leu27IGF-II-induced IGF-II receptor signaling activation in cardiomyoblasts FOOD AND

CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 2013 5628-39 (Correspondence Author)

149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

The effect of Elephantopus scaber L on Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy

Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2013 2013369180 (Correspondence


150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

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151 Chou SH Lin SZ Day CH Kuo WW Shen CY Hsieh DJ Lin JY Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Hematological Transplantation CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 2013 22(4)711-21 (Correspondence Author)

152 Chia M Liao CA Chih-Yang Hu ng Lee WC Hou CW Yu SH Harris MB Hsu TS Lee SD

Reducing body fat with altitude hypoxia training in swimmers role of blood perfusion to skeletal

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153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

Activators and the MMP-2-9 Pathway by a Zanthoxylum avicennae Extract to Inhibit the HA22T

Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

-Induced Liver Cirrhosis Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

20122012139045(correspondence Author)

164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

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165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

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(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

Paoletti MG Earthworms Dilong Ancient Inexpensive Noncontroversial ModelsMay Help Clarify

Approaches to IntegratedMedicine Emphasizing Neuroimmune Systems Evid Based Complement

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169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012736752

170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and

tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

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171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

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175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

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177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

Ginsenoside-Rg1 Protects the Liver against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2012 2012932165

181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

through FAKPI3KAktmTOR pathways J Cell Physiol 2012 Aug227(8)3016-26

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training withhypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2012 2011 1-10

187 Ho TJ Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lin WT Fasudila Rho-kinase inhibitorprotects against

excessive endurance exercise training-induced cardiac hypertrophyapoptosis and fibrosis in rats Eur

J Appl Physiol 2012 Aug112(8)2943-55 (co-correspondence Author)

188 Ding-Yu Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Mechanisms governing the

protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

2012 22(1)711-721 (correspondence Author)

189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

through PI3K-Akt-MDM2 signaling suppression FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 50(5)1802-10

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hydroxycitrate supplementation enhances glycogen synthesis in exercised human skeletal muscle Br

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Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

2011 2011380809 (correspondence Author)

194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

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Dec28(6)927-36 (Correspondence Author)

196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

Metalloproteinase (MMP) Expression by Modulatingthe Protein Kinase C-rExtracellular

Signal-Regulated KinasePeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γNuclear

Factor-KB(PKC-rERKPP 2011 May 1159(9)5100-8

197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

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198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

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HIGH-CHOLESTEROL DIETARY MICE Journal of Food Biochemistry 2011 DOI

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200 Chen TS Liou SY Wu HC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Chang YL Efficacy of

Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amla (Emblica officinalis) Extract for the Treatment of Uremic

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

201 Lai TY Su CC Kuo WW Yeh YL Kuo WH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YJ Chih-Yang Huang Chen

LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

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epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

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221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

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CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

19 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple Rice Anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ -Induced

Diabetes Rat Hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL

BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May3198-105 (correspondence Author)

20 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective Effect of Co-Enzyme Q10 On Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy of Rat

Hearts ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2016 Apr 18 doi 101002tox22270

(correspondence Author)

21 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKC zeta-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts

JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY 2016 May31137-49 (correspondence Author)

22 Chen YP Tsai CW Shen CY Day CH Yeh YL Chen RJ Ho TJ Padma VV Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Palmitic acid interferes with energy metabolism balance by adversely switching the

SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway to the PKCltzetagt-GLUT4-glucose pathway in cardiomyoblasts J

Nutr Biochem 2016 Mar 331137-149 (correspondence Author)

23 Chen YF Shibu MA Fan MJ Chen MC Viswanadha VP Lin YL Lai CH Lin KH Ho TJ Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Purple rice anthocyanin extract protects cardiac function in STZ-induced diabetes

rat hearts by inhibiting cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis J Nutr Biochem 2016 Feb 263198-105

(correspondence Author)

24 Lai CH Tsai CC Kuo WW Ho TJ Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Huang CC Wang HF Liao PH

Chih-Yang Huang Multi-Strain Probiotics Inhibit Cardiac Myopathies and Autophagy to Prevent

Heart Injury in High-Fat Diet-Fed Rats Int J Med Sci 2016 Mar 3013(4)277-85 (Correspondence


25 Chen PY Hou CW Shibu MA Day CH Pai P Liu ZR Lin TY Viswanadha VP Kuo CH Chih-Yang

Huang Protective effect of Co-enzyme Q10 On doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy of rat hearts

Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 18 (Correspondence Author)

26 Chang RL Lin JW Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuated long-term hypoxia-stimulated cardiomyocyte

apoptosis by inhibiting HIF-1α nuclear translocation via Mas receptor regulation Growth Factors

2016 Apr 81-8 (Correspondence Author)

27 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Chen RJ Lin YM Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Inhibition of NF-κB and metastasis in irinotecan (CPT-11)-resistant LoVo colon

cancer cells by thymoquinone via JNK and p38 Environ Toxicol 2016 Apr 5 doi 101002

(correspondence Author)

28 Chih-Yang Huang Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Chang YL Chen TS Chemiluminescence analysis of

antioxidant capacity for serum albumin isolated from healthy or uremic volunteers Luminescence

2016 Apr 7 doi 101002 (First Author)

29 Bor-Tsang Wu Yijuang Chern Ming-Chang Chiang Ching-Yi TasiChia-Hua Kuo Woei-Cherng

Shyu Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Fas-dependent and mitochondria-dependent

apoptosis in a transgenic mouse model of Huntingtons disease Cardiovasc Toxicol 2016

Apr16(2)111-21 (co-correspondence Author)

30 Chen YF Velmurugan BK Wang HL Tu CC Che RJ Chen MC Jen LB Vishwanadha VP Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang Estrogen and ERα enhanced β-catenin degradation and suppressed its

downstream target genes to block the metastatic function of HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells

via modulating GSK-3β and β-TrCP expression Environ Toxicol 2016 Mar 18 (Correspondence


31 Tsai CT Chang YM Lin SL Chen YS Yeh YL Padma VV Tsai CC Chen RJ Ho TJ Chih-Yang

Huang Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus Inhibits IGFII-Related Signaling Pathway to Attenuate Ang

II-Induced Pathological Hypertrophy in H9c2 Cardiomyoblasts Journal of Medicinal Food

201619(3)300-9 (Correspondence Author)

32 Yeh YL Tsai HI Cheng SM Pai P Ho TJ Chen RJ Lai CH Huang PJ Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang Mechanism of Taiwan Mingjian Oolong Tea to Inhibit Isoproterenol-Induced Hypertrophy

and Apoptosis in Cardiomyoblasts The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 201644(1)77-86

(Correspondence Author)

33 Peiying Pai Ching Jung Lai Ching-Yuang Lin Yi-Fan Liou Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Effect

of Superoxide Anion Scavenger on Rat Hearts with Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Journal of Applied

Physiology Published 2016 14jap011092014

34 Chong G Tsai S Wang LH Chih-Yang Huang Lin C Cryopreservation of the gorgonian

endosymbiont Symbiodinium Scientific Reports 2016 12618816

35 Po-Hsiang Liao Wei-Wen Kuo Chia-Hua KuoYu-LanYeh Chia-Yao Shen Ya-Hui Chen Ray-Jade

Chen V Vijaya Padma Yi-Hsing Chen Chih-Yang HuangLactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 reduces

hyperlipidaemia and the heart failure process in high-calorie diet-fed induced heart dysfunction in rats

Journal of Functional Foods 2016226-235 (correspondence Author)

36 Wei-Jen Ting Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chen RJ Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat Killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Reduces Fibrosis Effects on the

Liver and Heart in High Fat Diet-Hamsters via TGF-β Suppression INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2015 2816(10)25881-96 (correspondence Author)

37 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YLJu DTLin CCKuo CHLiou YFHo TJ Tsai CHTsai FJJing-Ying Lin

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl2-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line

CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

38 Jia-Ping Wu Tsung-Jung Ho Chin-Chuan Tsai Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung LinKuan-Ho Lin Dennis

Jine-Yuan Hsieh Li-Mien Chen Lung-Fa Pan Chih-Yang HuangHepatoprotective Effects of

Traditional Chinese Medicine on Liver Fibrosis from Ethanol Administration following Partial

Hepatectomy CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2015 58(6) (Correspondence Author)

39 Da-Tong Ju Hung-En Liao Marthandam Asokan Shibu Tsung-Jung HoViswanadha Vijaya Padma

Fuu-Jen Tsai Li-Chin Chung Cecilia Hsuan DayChien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang Huang Nerve

Regeneration Potential of Protocatechuic Acid in RSC96 Schwann Cells by Induction of Cellular

Proliferation and Migration through IGFR-PI3K-Akt CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY

2015 58(6) (correspondence Author)

40 Shu-Nu Chang Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Marthandam Asokan ShibuCecilia Hsuan DayVijaya Padma

ViswanadhaChao-Hung LaiYi-Li ChenFuu-Jen TsaiYueh-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Protective effects of electroacupuncture at LR3 on cardiac hypertrophy and apoptosis in hypertensive

rats Acupuncture in Medicine 201501ndash8 (Correspondence Author)

41 Kuan-Ho Lin Shibu MA Kuo YH Chen YC Hsu HH Bau DT Chen MC Tu CC Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang HuangTaiwanin C Selectively Inhibits Arecoline and 4-NQO-Induced Oral Cancer Cell

Proliferation Via ERK12 Inactivation ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 Nov 5 doi

101002 (Correspondence Author)

42 Yueh-Shan WengT Hsueh-Fang WangPei-Ying PaiGwo-Ping JongChao-Hung LaiLi-Chin

ChungDennis Jine-Yuan HsiehCecilia HsuanDayWei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tanshinone IIA

Prevents Leu27IGF-II-induced Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy Mediated by Estrogen Receptor and

Subsequent Akt Activation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 2015 Vol 43 No 8

1ndash25 (correspondence Author)

43 Yeh-Peng Chen Chia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung-Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) switches energy signaling

from the PKCζ-GLUT4-glucose pathway back to the SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway similar to

resveratrol to ameliorate cardiac myocyte lipotoxicity Journal of Functional Foods2015

(correspondence Author)

44 Hsun-Nan Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Yueh-Min Lin Li-Chin Chung Ray-Jade ChenAdaptation to

Oxidative Stress in Uremic Patients with HemodialysisRole of Functional Foods Adaptive Medicine

2015 7(3) 111-116 (CO-First Author)

45 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

46 Chang RL Lin JW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Long-term hypoxia exposure enhanced IGFBP-3 protein synthesis and secretion

resulting in cell apoptosis in H9c2 myocardial cells Growth Factors 2015 Aug33(4)275-81

(Correspondence Author)

47 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different J Clin Pathol 2015 Nov68(11)917-22

(First Author)

48 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YL Ju DT Lin CC Kuo CH Liou YF Ho TJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ Lin JY

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl₂-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line Chin J

Physiol 2015 Aug 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

49 Ju DT Kuo WW Ho TJ Paul CR Kuo CH Viswanadha VP Lin CC Chen YS Chang YM

Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via

ERK12 JNK and p38 Activation Am J Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

50 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD

Effects of rhodiola crenulata on mice hearts under severe sleep apnea BMC Complement Altern Med

2015 Jun 2515198

51 Palanisamy K Krishnaswamy R Paramasivan P Chih-Yang Huang Vishwanadha VP

Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents TCDD-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory response by

modulating MAP kinases and redox-sensitive transcription factors Br J Pharmacol 2015

Oct172(19)4726-40 (co-correspondence Author)

52 Shen CH Lin TH Hsieh YL Shen CY Kuo SC Wu HC Chien WS Hsieh DJ Wen SY Ting WJ

Yao CH Chih-Yang Huang Mitotic arrest induced in human DU145 prostate cancer cells in

response to KHC-4 treatment Environ Toxicol 2015 Aug 25 (Correspondence Author)

53 Jin G Lee SW Zhang X Cai Z Gao Y Chou PC Rezaeian AH Han F Wang CY Yao JC Gong Z

Chan CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tu SH Wu CH Sarbassov dos D2 Ho YS8 Lin

HK9 Skp2-Mediated RagA Ubiquitination Elicits a Negative Feedback to Prevent

Amino-Acid-Dependent mTORC1 Hyperactivation by Recruiting GATOR1 Mol Cell 2015 Jun


54 Hsu TC Chiu CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol 2015

Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

55 Liu YL Huang CC Chang CC Chou CY Lin SY Wang IK Hsieh DJ Jong GP Chih-Yang Huang

Wang CM Hyperphosphate-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy through the GATA-4NFAT-3

Signaling Pathway Is Attenuated by ERK Inhibitor Treatment CardioRenal Medicine 2015


56 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY complex binds to protein

kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015 May


57 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 Complex

Binds to Protein Kinase Cα Promoter and Is Involved in Hepatocellular Carcinoma PLoS One 2015

Jun 1510(6)e0131036

58 Po-Hsiang Liao Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Hua Kuo Cecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen

Chao-Hung Lai Ray-Jade Chen V Vijaya Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Moderate

exercise training attenuates aging-induced cardiac inflammation hypertrophy and fibrosis injuries of

rat hearts Oncotarget 2015 Nov 36(34)35383-94 (correspondence Author)

59 Yeh-Peng ChenChia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung- Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced

Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate

PI3KAkt Cell Physiol Biochem 201536(1)334-44 (correspondence Author)

60 Wu JP Hsieh DJ Kuo WW Han CK Pai P Yeh YL Lin CC Padma VV Day CH Chih-Yang

Huang Secondhand Smoke Exposure Reduced the Compen satory Effects of IGF-I Growth Signaling

in the Aging Rat Hearts International Journal of Medical Sciences 2015 12(9) 708-718

(Correspondence Author)

61 Lin YM Kuo WW Velmurugan BK Hsien HH Hsieh YL Hsu HH Tu CC Bau DT Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Helioxanthin suppresses the cross talk of COX-2PGE2 and EGFRERK pathway

to inhibit Arecoline-induced Oral Cancer Cell (T28) proliferation and blocks tumor growth in

xenografted nude mice Environ Toxicol 2015 Oct 14 doi 10 (Correspondence Author)

62 Wu JP Tsai CC Yeh YL Lin YM Lin CC Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Pan LF Chih-Yang

Huang Silymarin Accelerates Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy Evidence-based

Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015 doi 1011552015603529 (Correspondence


63 Ting WJ Kuo WW Kuo CH Yeh YL Shen CY Chen YH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Supplementary heat-killed Lactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 ameliorates

hyperlipidaemic and cardiac apoptosis in high-fat diet-fed hamsters to maintain cardiovascular

function BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2015 114 706ndash712 (Correspondence Author)

64 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS

One2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

65 Liao HE Lai CH Ho TJ Yeh YL Jong GP Kuo WH Chung LC Pai PY Wen SY Chih-Yang

Huang Cardio Protective Effects of Lumbrokinase and Dilong on Second-Hand Smoke-Induced

Apoptotic Signaling in the Heart of a Rat Model CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015

Jun 3058(3) (Correspondence Author)

66 Liu YS Tsai YL Yeh YL Chung LC Wen SY Kuo CH Lin YM Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Cell Cycle Regulation in the Estrogen Receptor Beta (ESR2)-Overexpressing Hep3B Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Cell Line CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 Apr 3058(2)134-40

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67 Chang WH Tsai YL Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Chaunchaiyakul R Fang Y Lee SD Kuo CH

Null effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on improving glycemic status in men during a resistance training

recovery J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2015 Aug 201234

68 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Hsieh DJ Lin YM Chen LM Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Thymoquinone Induces Caspase-Independent Autophagic Cell Death in CPT-11-Resistant

LoVo Colon Cancer via Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of JNK and p38 JOURNAL OF

AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2015 1163(5)1540-6 (Correspondence Author)

69 Lin KH Kuo WW Jiang AZ Pai P Lin JY Chen WK Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang

HuangTetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via

HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate PI3KAkt CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536(1)334-44 (Correspondence Author)

70 Tsai CY Wen SY Shibu MA Yang YC Peng H Wang B Wei YM Chang HY Lee CY Chih-Yang

Huang Kuo WW Diallyl trisulfide protects against high glucosendashinduced cardiac apoptosis by

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71 Da-Tong JuWei-Wen KuoTsung-Jung HoCatherine Reena PaulChia-Hua KuoFuu-Jen

TsaiChien-Chung LinYueh-Sheng ChenYung-Ming Chang Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid

from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via ERK12JNK and p38 Activation Am J

Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

72 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS One

2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

73 Hsieh YL Tsai YL Shibu MA Su CC Chung LC Pai P Kuo CH Yeh YL Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang ZAK induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and brain natriuretic peptide

expression via p38JNK signaling and GATA4c-Jun transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR

AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 2015 Jul405(1-2)1-9 (Correspondence Author)

74 Hu WS Ting WJ Chiang WD Pai P Yeh YL Chang CH Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangThe Heart

Protection Effect of Alcalase Potato Protein Hydrolysate Is through IGF1R-PI3K-Akt Compensatory

Reactivation in Aging Rats on High Fat Diets INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR

SCIENCES 2015 May 516(5)10158-72 (correspondence Author)

75 Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieha Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Ping Lai Marthandam Asokan Shibu Chia-Yao Shen

Peiying Pai Yu-LanYeh Jing-Ying Lin Vijaya PadmaViswanadha Chih-Yang Huang 17β-Estradiol

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Hypoxia Through HIF-1α-Mediated BNIP3 and IGFBP-3 Signaling Blockage CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536274-284 (Correspondence Author)

76 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 complex

binds to protein kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015


77 Hsieh DJ Huang CY Pai P Wang SG Tsai YL Li CN Kuo WW Chih-Yang HuangProlactin

protects cardiomyocytes against intermittent hypoxia-induced cell damage by the modulation of

signaling pathways related to cardiac hypertrophy and proliferation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF CARDIOLOGY 2015 Feb 15181255-66 (Correspondence Author)

78 Chih-Yang Huang Chen SY Fu RH Huang YC Chen SY Shyu WC Lin SZ Liu SP

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Into Cardiomyocytes Used to Investigate the

Cardioprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B Through BNIP3 Involved Pathway CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 201524(3)561-71 (First Author)

79 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

80 Sheng-Huang C Chieh-Hsin C Mu-Chun Y Wen-Tung H Chia-Ying H Ya-Ting H Wan-Ling SU

Jiuan-Jen S Chih-Yang Huang Jer-Yuh Effects of estrogen on glutathione and catalase levels in

human erythrocyte during menstrual cycle Biomed Rep 2015 Mar3(2)266-268



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model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury Molecular Medicine Reports 2015

Oct12(4)6053-9 2015(Correspondence Author)

82 Hsu TC Chiou CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol

2015 Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

83 Chung-Ben Kan Yu-LanYehCecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang

Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jer-Yuh Liu Chien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang HuangAttenuation of Crude

Water Extract of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum on the Cardiac Mitochondria-Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway Effects in Hypercholesterol Fed Hamsters Adaptive Medicine2015

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84 Chao-Hung Lai Chien-Kuo Han Marthandam Asokan Shibu Pei Ying Pai Tsung- Jung Ho Cecilia

Hsuan Day Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang HuangLumbrokinase from

earthworm extract ameliorates second-hand smoke induced cardiac fibrosis Environ Toxicol 2015

Sep30(10)1216-25 (correspondence Author)

85 Wang HF Lin PP Chen CH Yeh YL Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Effects of lactic acid

bacteria on cardiac apoptosis are mediated by activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinaseAKT

survival-signalling pathway in rats fed a high-fat diet Int J Mol Med 2015 Feb35(2)460-70

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86 Lin KH Kuo CH Kuo WW Ho TJ Pai P Chen WK Pan LF Wang CC Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang NFIL3 Suppresses Hypoxia-induced Apoptotic Cell Death by Targeting the Insulin-like

Growth Factor 2 Receptor J Cell Biochem 2015 Jun116(6)1113-20 (Correspondence Author)

87 Liao HE Shibu MA Kuo WW Pai PY Ho TJ Kuo CH Lin JY Pai PY Viswanadha VP Chih-Yang

Huang Deep Sea Minerals Prolong Life Span of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats by

Compensatory Augmentation of the IGF-I-Survival Signaling and Inhibition of Apoptosis

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 doi 101002(Correspondence Author)

88 Wang ZH Hsu HW Chou JC Yu CH Bau DT Wang GJ Chih Yang Huang Wang PS Wang SW

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89 Chih Yang Huang Catherine Reena Paul Peiying Pai Wen-Dee Chiang Tsung-Jung HoWan-Teng

Lin Potato Protein Hydrolysate- APPH Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis and

Enhances Survival Through SIRT1 PGC-1ltalphagtAkt Signaling Journal of Functional Foods2015

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90 Chang HC Chiu YW Lin YM Chen RJ Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Herbal Supplement Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rats with CCl4-Induced Liver

Cirrhosis CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 Feb 2857(1)41-7 (correspondence


91 Deng JS Lee SD Kuo WW Fan MJ Lin YM Hu WS Huang YC Velmurugan BK Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of protocatechuic acid on hypertensive

hearts CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 2014 Feb 2520977-84 (Correspondence


92 Hsu HH Kuo WW Ju DT Yeh YL Tu CC Tsai YL Shen CY Chang SH Chung LC Chih-Yang

Huang Estradiol agonists inhibit human LoVo colorectal-cancer cell proliferation and migration

through p53 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2014 Nov 2820(44)16665-73

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93 Ming-Chieh WuYing-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training with hypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2014 DOI10108017461391

94 Chang CW Chen YS Chou SH Han CL Chen YJ Yang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lo JF Distinct

subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen

species exhibit diverse stemness proliferation and chemosensitivity CANCER RESEARCH 2014

Nov 174(21)6291-305 (co-correspondence Author)

95 Lin CC Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel Target Genes

Responsive to Apoptotic Activity by Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in Human Osteosarcoma cells

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence


96 Hsieh YL Pai P Ho TJ Chung LC Cheng YC Wu CH Fan MJ Day CH Shen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of Garlic Oil on Interleukin-6 Mediated Cardiac Hypertrophy in

Hypercholesterol-Fed Hamsters CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(6)320-8

97 Wu JP Hsieh CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Yeh YL Lin CC Kuo CH Chih-Yang Huang Secondhand

smoke exposure toxicity accelerates age-related cardiac disease in old hamsters BMC Cardiovasc

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

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99 Chih-Yang Huang Cooper EL Fang-Yeu Poh C Kuo WW Chen TS Sherman R Special

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100 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) activates fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling to induce


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induces DU145 cell cycle arrest through Cdk5 activation CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND

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102 Chou SH Lin SZ Kuo WW Pai P Lin JY Lai CH Kuo CH Lin KH Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Cardiovascular Therapy Cell Transplant

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103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

expression and cardiomyocyte apoptosis by inhibiting HSF1 via JNK activation and SIRT1

degradation CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION (IF=83)2014 21(8)1262-74

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104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

Exercise training enhanced SIRT1 longevity signaling replaces the IGF1 survival pathway to attenuate

aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

Fuu-Jen TsaiHsi-Hsien Hsu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Resistance to Irinotecan (CPT-11)

activates Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorNuclear Factor Kappa B and Increases Cellular

Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

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106 Lin CC1 Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel target genes

responsive to apoptotic activity by Ocimum gratissimum in human osteosarcoma cells Am J Chin

Med 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence Author)

107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

Hsueh-Fang Wang GABA Tea Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis by Attenuating TNF-alpha and

FasFasL-mediated apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats FOOD AND CHEMICAL

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108 Wu MH Chih-Yang Huang Lin JA Wang SW Peng CY Cheng HC Tang CH Endothelin-1

promotes vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent angiogenesis in human chondrosarcoma cells

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109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

Association of Genetic Variants in Senataxin and Alzheimers Disease in a Chinese Han Population in

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 Treatment CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2014

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111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

Huang Apicidin-resistant HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells massively promote pro-survival

capability via IGF-IRPI3KAkt signaling pathway activation Tumour Biol 2014 35(1)303-13

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112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

stability and protein expressions through inhibiting cytoplasmic translocation of HuR transcription

factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY2014 2857(1) 8-18(Correspondence Author)

113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

Chih-Yang HuangGelsolin (GSN) induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and BNP expression via p38

signaling and GATA-4 transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

HuangSHSST cyclodextrin complex prevents the fibrosis effect on CCl₄-induced cirrhotic

cardiomyopathy in rats through TGF-β pathway inhibition effects Int J Mol Sci 2014 May

815(5)8037-48 (correspondence Author)

115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 TreatmentChin J

Physiol 2014 Apr 3057(2)99-104 (correspondence Author)

116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

Jun 3057(3)111-20 (co-correspondence Author)

117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

Jun 1537(5)402-13 (Correspondence Author)

118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

Induce Migration of RSC96 Schwann Cells The American journal of Chinese medicine

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120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

Toxicol 2014 Sep 24 (Correspondence Author)

121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

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Cell Biochem Funct 2014 32(2)133-41 (co-correspondence Author)

122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

Hepatoprotective Effects of Ixora parviflora Extract against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

Signaling via the IKK αβ NF- κ B Pathway in Apicidin-Resistant HA22T Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

Pathways in Obesity CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2013 57(3)111-20

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125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

Huang Oral Lactobacillus reuteri GMN-32 treatment reduces blood glucose concentrations and

promotes cardiac function in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus BRITISH JOURNAL

OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

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127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

Hsu SH Biocompatibility and favorable response of mesenchymal stem cells on fibronectin-gold

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128 Huang PH Chih-Yang Huang Chen MC Lee YT Yue CH Wang HY Lin H Emodin and

Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 20132013376123 (co-correspondence Author)

129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 201333(2) 139-148 (First Author)

130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

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radioimmunotherapy to prostate carcinoma Int J Radiat Biol 2013 May89(5)346-55

131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

isoliquiritigenin on the migration and invasion of human breast cancer cells Expert Opin Ther Targets

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132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

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and Neck Cancer Initiating Cells through Exaggerated Autophagic Cell Death Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2013 2013946451 (co-correspondence Author)

133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Activation of estrogen receptors with E2 downregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated

receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

survival pathways and attenuates cardiac apoptosis in the hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats

Int J Mol Med 201332(6)1319-28 (co-correspondence Author)

135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

Genistein Suppresses the Isoproterenol-Treated H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Associated with

P-38 Erk12 JNK and NF κ B Signaling Protein Activation The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013 41(5)1125-36 (correspondence Author)

136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

Synergistic Apoptotic Effects of Angiotensin II plus Leu 27-IGF II on Cardiomyoblasts Acta

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137 Tu CC Kumar VB Day CH Kuo WW Yeh SP Chen RJ Liao CR Chen HY Tsai FJ Wu WJ

Chih-Yang HuangEstrogen recepPtor a overexpression mediated apoptosis in Hep3B cells by

binding with Sp1 proteins JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 2013 Jul

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138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

activation involved in glycitein protective effects on isoproterenol-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells

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139 Tsai KH Lee NH Chen GY Hu WS Tsai CY Chang MH Jong GP Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ

Tsai CH Chih-Yang HuangDung-shen (Codonopsis pilosula) attenuated the cardiac-impaired

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140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Henry J TsaiChih-Yang Huang Rhubarb inhibits hepatocellular

carcinoma cell metastasis via GSK-3-b activation to enhance protein degradation and attenuate

nuclear translocation of b-catenin Food Chemistry 2013 138 278ndash285 (correspondence Author)

141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

Accelerates Recovery from Physical Fatigue Journal of the International Society of Sports

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142 Hsia TC Tu CY Chen YJ Wei YL Yu MC Hsu SC Tsai SL Chen WS Yeh MH Yen CJ Yu YL

Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

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143 Chung-Hsiang Liu Yi-Wen Lin Nou-Ying Tang Hsu-Jan Liu Chih-Yang Huang Ching-Liang

Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through P38β inhibition The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013Vol 41 No 3 683ndash696 (Correspondence Author)

145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

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Endothelin-1 enhances cell migration through COX-2 up-regulation in human chondrosarcoma


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Huang Garlic oil attenuates the cardiac apoptotosis in hamster-fed with hypercholesterol diet

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148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

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Leu27IGF-II-induced IGF-II receptor signaling activation in cardiomyoblasts FOOD AND

CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 2013 5628-39 (Correspondence Author)

149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

The effect of Elephantopus scaber L on Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy

Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2013 2013369180 (Correspondence


150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY2013 1131783ndash1792 (Correspondence Author)

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Reducing body fat with altitude hypoxia training in swimmers role of blood perfusion to skeletal

muscles CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2013 56(1) 18-25

153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

Activators and the MMP-2-9 Pathway by a Zanthoxylum avicennae Extract to Inhibit the HA22T

Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

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164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

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165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

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(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

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tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

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171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

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TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

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173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

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175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

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hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

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177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

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CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

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188 Ding-Yu Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Mechanisms governing the

protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

2012 22(1)711-721 (correspondence Author)

189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

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Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

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PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

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194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

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196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

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197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

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MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

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198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

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Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

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CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

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206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

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207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

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209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

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211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

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215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

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216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

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218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

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220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

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221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

Chih-Yang Huang Estrogen and ERα enhanced β-catenin degradation and suppressed its

downstream target genes to block the metastatic function of HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells

via modulating GSK-3β and β-TrCP expression Environ Toxicol 2016 Mar 18 (Correspondence


31 Tsai CT Chang YM Lin SL Chen YS Yeh YL Padma VV Tsai CC Chen RJ Ho TJ Chih-Yang

Huang Alpinate Oxyphyllae Fructus Inhibits IGFII-Related Signaling Pathway to Attenuate Ang

II-Induced Pathological Hypertrophy in H9c2 Cardiomyoblasts Journal of Medicinal Food

201619(3)300-9 (Correspondence Author)

32 Yeh YL Tsai HI Cheng SM Pai P Ho TJ Chen RJ Lai CH Huang PJ Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang Mechanism of Taiwan Mingjian Oolong Tea to Inhibit Isoproterenol-Induced Hypertrophy

and Apoptosis in Cardiomyoblasts The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 201644(1)77-86

(Correspondence Author)

33 Peiying Pai Ching Jung Lai Ching-Yuang Lin Yi-Fan Liou Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Effect

of Superoxide Anion Scavenger on Rat Hearts with Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Journal of Applied

Physiology Published 2016 14jap011092014

34 Chong G Tsai S Wang LH Chih-Yang Huang Lin C Cryopreservation of the gorgonian

endosymbiont Symbiodinium Scientific Reports 2016 12618816

35 Po-Hsiang Liao Wei-Wen Kuo Chia-Hua KuoYu-LanYeh Chia-Yao Shen Ya-Hui Chen Ray-Jade

Chen V Vijaya Padma Yi-Hsing Chen Chih-Yang HuangLactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 reduces

hyperlipidaemia and the heart failure process in high-calorie diet-fed induced heart dysfunction in rats

Journal of Functional Foods 2016226-235 (correspondence Author)

36 Wei-Jen Ting Kuo WW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Day CH Chen YH Chen RJ Padma VV Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Heat Killed Lactobacillus Reuteri GMNL-263 Reduces Fibrosis Effects on the

Liver and Heart in High Fat Diet-Hamsters via TGF-β Suppression INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2015 2816(10)25881-96 (correspondence Author)

37 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YLJu DTLin CCKuo CHLiou YFHo TJ Tsai CHTsai FJJing-Ying Lin

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl2-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line

CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

38 Jia-Ping Wu Tsung-Jung Ho Chin-Chuan Tsai Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung LinKuan-Ho Lin Dennis

Jine-Yuan Hsieh Li-Mien Chen Lung-Fa Pan Chih-Yang HuangHepatoprotective Effects of

Traditional Chinese Medicine on Liver Fibrosis from Ethanol Administration following Partial

Hepatectomy CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2015 58(6) (Correspondence Author)

39 Da-Tong Ju Hung-En Liao Marthandam Asokan Shibu Tsung-Jung HoViswanadha Vijaya Padma

Fuu-Jen Tsai Li-Chin Chung Cecilia Hsuan DayChien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang Huang Nerve

Regeneration Potential of Protocatechuic Acid in RSC96 Schwann Cells by Induction of Cellular

Proliferation and Migration through IGFR-PI3K-Akt CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY

2015 58(6) (correspondence Author)

40 Shu-Nu Chang Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Marthandam Asokan ShibuCecilia Hsuan DayVijaya Padma

ViswanadhaChao-Hung LaiYi-Li ChenFuu-Jen TsaiYueh-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Protective effects of electroacupuncture at LR3 on cardiac hypertrophy and apoptosis in hypertensive

rats Acupuncture in Medicine 201501ndash8 (Correspondence Author)

41 Kuan-Ho Lin Shibu MA Kuo YH Chen YC Hsu HH Bau DT Chen MC Tu CC Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang HuangTaiwanin C Selectively Inhibits Arecoline and 4-NQO-Induced Oral Cancer Cell

Proliferation Via ERK12 Inactivation ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 Nov 5 doi

101002 (Correspondence Author)

42 Yueh-Shan WengT Hsueh-Fang WangPei-Ying PaiGwo-Ping JongChao-Hung LaiLi-Chin

ChungDennis Jine-Yuan HsiehCecilia HsuanDayWei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tanshinone IIA

Prevents Leu27IGF-II-induced Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy Mediated by Estrogen Receptor and

Subsequent Akt Activation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 2015 Vol 43 No 8

1ndash25 (correspondence Author)

43 Yeh-Peng Chen Chia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung-Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) switches energy signaling

from the PKCζ-GLUT4-glucose pathway back to the SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway similar to

resveratrol to ameliorate cardiac myocyte lipotoxicity Journal of Functional Foods2015

(correspondence Author)

44 Hsun-Nan Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Yueh-Min Lin Li-Chin Chung Ray-Jade ChenAdaptation to

Oxidative Stress in Uremic Patients with HemodialysisRole of Functional Foods Adaptive Medicine

2015 7(3) 111-116 (CO-First Author)

45 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

46 Chang RL Lin JW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Long-term hypoxia exposure enhanced IGFBP-3 protein synthesis and secretion

resulting in cell apoptosis in H9c2 myocardial cells Growth Factors 2015 Aug33(4)275-81

(Correspondence Author)

47 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different J Clin Pathol 2015 Nov68(11)917-22

(First Author)

48 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YL Ju DT Lin CC Kuo CH Liou YF Ho TJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ Lin JY

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl₂-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line Chin J

Physiol 2015 Aug 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

49 Ju DT Kuo WW Ho TJ Paul CR Kuo CH Viswanadha VP Lin CC Chen YS Chang YM

Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via

ERK12 JNK and p38 Activation Am J Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

50 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD

Effects of rhodiola crenulata on mice hearts under severe sleep apnea BMC Complement Altern Med

2015 Jun 2515198

51 Palanisamy K Krishnaswamy R Paramasivan P Chih-Yang Huang Vishwanadha VP

Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents TCDD-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory response by

modulating MAP kinases and redox-sensitive transcription factors Br J Pharmacol 2015

Oct172(19)4726-40 (co-correspondence Author)

52 Shen CH Lin TH Hsieh YL Shen CY Kuo SC Wu HC Chien WS Hsieh DJ Wen SY Ting WJ

Yao CH Chih-Yang Huang Mitotic arrest induced in human DU145 prostate cancer cells in

response to KHC-4 treatment Environ Toxicol 2015 Aug 25 (Correspondence Author)

53 Jin G Lee SW Zhang X Cai Z Gao Y Chou PC Rezaeian AH Han F Wang CY Yao JC Gong Z

Chan CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tu SH Wu CH Sarbassov dos D2 Ho YS8 Lin

HK9 Skp2-Mediated RagA Ubiquitination Elicits a Negative Feedback to Prevent

Amino-Acid-Dependent mTORC1 Hyperactivation by Recruiting GATOR1 Mol Cell 2015 Jun


54 Hsu TC Chiu CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol 2015

Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

55 Liu YL Huang CC Chang CC Chou CY Lin SY Wang IK Hsieh DJ Jong GP Chih-Yang Huang

Wang CM Hyperphosphate-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy through the GATA-4NFAT-3

Signaling Pathway Is Attenuated by ERK Inhibitor Treatment CardioRenal Medicine 2015


56 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY complex binds to protein

kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015 May


57 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 Complex

Binds to Protein Kinase Cα Promoter and Is Involved in Hepatocellular Carcinoma PLoS One 2015

Jun 1510(6)e0131036

58 Po-Hsiang Liao Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Hua Kuo Cecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen

Chao-Hung Lai Ray-Jade Chen V Vijaya Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Moderate

exercise training attenuates aging-induced cardiac inflammation hypertrophy and fibrosis injuries of

rat hearts Oncotarget 2015 Nov 36(34)35383-94 (correspondence Author)

59 Yeh-Peng ChenChia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung- Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced

Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate

PI3KAkt Cell Physiol Biochem 201536(1)334-44 (correspondence Author)

60 Wu JP Hsieh DJ Kuo WW Han CK Pai P Yeh YL Lin CC Padma VV Day CH Chih-Yang

Huang Secondhand Smoke Exposure Reduced the Compen satory Effects of IGF-I Growth Signaling

in the Aging Rat Hearts International Journal of Medical Sciences 2015 12(9) 708-718

(Correspondence Author)

61 Lin YM Kuo WW Velmurugan BK Hsien HH Hsieh YL Hsu HH Tu CC Bau DT Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Helioxanthin suppresses the cross talk of COX-2PGE2 and EGFRERK pathway

to inhibit Arecoline-induced Oral Cancer Cell (T28) proliferation and blocks tumor growth in

xenografted nude mice Environ Toxicol 2015 Oct 14 doi 10 (Correspondence Author)

62 Wu JP Tsai CC Yeh YL Lin YM Lin CC Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Pan LF Chih-Yang

Huang Silymarin Accelerates Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy Evidence-based

Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015 doi 1011552015603529 (Correspondence


63 Ting WJ Kuo WW Kuo CH Yeh YL Shen CY Chen YH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Supplementary heat-killed Lactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 ameliorates

hyperlipidaemic and cardiac apoptosis in high-fat diet-fed hamsters to maintain cardiovascular

function BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2015 114 706ndash712 (Correspondence Author)

64 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS

One2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

65 Liao HE Lai CH Ho TJ Yeh YL Jong GP Kuo WH Chung LC Pai PY Wen SY Chih-Yang

Huang Cardio Protective Effects of Lumbrokinase and Dilong on Second-Hand Smoke-Induced

Apoptotic Signaling in the Heart of a Rat Model CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015

Jun 3058(3) (Correspondence Author)

66 Liu YS Tsai YL Yeh YL Chung LC Wen SY Kuo CH Lin YM Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Cell Cycle Regulation in the Estrogen Receptor Beta (ESR2)-Overexpressing Hep3B Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Cell Line CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 Apr 3058(2)134-40

(Correspondence Author)

67 Chang WH Tsai YL Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Chaunchaiyakul R Fang Y Lee SD Kuo CH

Null effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on improving glycemic status in men during a resistance training

recovery J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2015 Aug 201234

68 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Hsieh DJ Lin YM Chen LM Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Thymoquinone Induces Caspase-Independent Autophagic Cell Death in CPT-11-Resistant

LoVo Colon Cancer via Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of JNK and p38 JOURNAL OF

AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2015 1163(5)1540-6 (Correspondence Author)

69 Lin KH Kuo WW Jiang AZ Pai P Lin JY Chen WK Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang

HuangTetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via

HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate PI3KAkt CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536(1)334-44 (Correspondence Author)

70 Tsai CY Wen SY Shibu MA Yang YC Peng H Wang B Wei YM Chang HY Lee CY Chih-Yang

Huang Kuo WW Diallyl trisulfide protects against high glucosendashinduced cardiac apoptosis by

stimulating the production of Cystathionine gamma-lyase-derived hydrogen sulfide


(co-correspondence Author)

71 Da-Tong JuWei-Wen KuoTsung-Jung HoCatherine Reena PaulChia-Hua KuoFuu-Jen

TsaiChien-Chung LinYueh-Sheng ChenYung-Ming Chang Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid

from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via ERK12JNK and p38 Activation Am J

Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

72 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS One

2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

73 Hsieh YL Tsai YL Shibu MA Su CC Chung LC Pai P Kuo CH Yeh YL Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang ZAK induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and brain natriuretic peptide

expression via p38JNK signaling and GATA4c-Jun transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR

AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 2015 Jul405(1-2)1-9 (Correspondence Author)

74 Hu WS Ting WJ Chiang WD Pai P Yeh YL Chang CH Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangThe Heart

Protection Effect of Alcalase Potato Protein Hydrolysate Is through IGF1R-PI3K-Akt Compensatory

Reactivation in Aging Rats on High Fat Diets INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR

SCIENCES 2015 May 516(5)10158-72 (correspondence Author)

75 Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieha Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Ping Lai Marthandam Asokan Shibu Chia-Yao Shen

Peiying Pai Yu-LanYeh Jing-Ying Lin Vijaya PadmaViswanadha Chih-Yang Huang 17β-Estradiol

andor Estrogen Receptor β Attenuate the Autophagic and Apoptotic Effects Induced by Prolonged

Hypoxia Through HIF-1α-Mediated BNIP3 and IGFBP-3 Signaling Blockage CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536274-284 (Correspondence Author)

76 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 complex

binds to protein kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015


77 Hsieh DJ Huang CY Pai P Wang SG Tsai YL Li CN Kuo WW Chih-Yang HuangProlactin

protects cardiomyocytes against intermittent hypoxia-induced cell damage by the modulation of

signaling pathways related to cardiac hypertrophy and proliferation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF CARDIOLOGY 2015 Feb 15181255-66 (Correspondence Author)

78 Chih-Yang Huang Chen SY Fu RH Huang YC Chen SY Shyu WC Lin SZ Liu SP

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Into Cardiomyocytes Used to Investigate the

Cardioprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B Through BNIP3 Involved Pathway CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 201524(3)561-71 (First Author)

79 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

80 Sheng-Huang C Chieh-Hsin C Mu-Chun Y Wen-Tung H Chia-Ying H Ya-Ting H Wan-Ling SU

Jiuan-Jen S Chih-Yang Huang Jer-Yuh Effects of estrogen on glutathione and catalase levels in

human erythrocyte during menstrual cycle Biomed Rep 2015 Mar3(2)266-268



SHSST‑cyclodextrin complex inhibits TGF βSmad3CTGF to a greater extent than silymarin in a rat

model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury Molecular Medicine Reports 2015

Oct12(4)6053-9 2015(Correspondence Author)

82 Hsu TC Chiou CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol

2015 Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

83 Chung-Ben Kan Yu-LanYehCecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang

Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jer-Yuh Liu Chien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang HuangAttenuation of Crude

Water Extract of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum on the Cardiac Mitochondria-Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway Effects in Hypercholesterol Fed Hamsters Adaptive Medicine2015

(Correspondence Author)

84 Chao-Hung Lai Chien-Kuo Han Marthandam Asokan Shibu Pei Ying Pai Tsung- Jung Ho Cecilia

Hsuan Day Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang HuangLumbrokinase from

earthworm extract ameliorates second-hand smoke induced cardiac fibrosis Environ Toxicol 2015

Sep30(10)1216-25 (correspondence Author)

85 Wang HF Lin PP Chen CH Yeh YL Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Effects of lactic acid

bacteria on cardiac apoptosis are mediated by activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinaseAKT

survival-signalling pathway in rats fed a high-fat diet Int J Mol Med 2015 Feb35(2)460-70

(co-correspondence Author)

86 Lin KH Kuo CH Kuo WW Ho TJ Pai P Chen WK Pan LF Wang CC Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang NFIL3 Suppresses Hypoxia-induced Apoptotic Cell Death by Targeting the Insulin-like

Growth Factor 2 Receptor J Cell Biochem 2015 Jun116(6)1113-20 (Correspondence Author)

87 Liao HE Shibu MA Kuo WW Pai PY Ho TJ Kuo CH Lin JY Pai PY Viswanadha VP Chih-Yang

Huang Deep Sea Minerals Prolong Life Span of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats by

Compensatory Augmentation of the IGF-I-Survival Signaling and Inhibition of Apoptosis

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 doi 101002(Correspondence Author)

88 Wang ZH Hsu HW Chou JC Yu CH Bau DT Wang GJ Chih Yang Huang Wang PS Wang SW

Cytotoxic Effect of S-Petasin and Iso-S-Petasin on the Proliferation of Human Prostate Cancer Cells


89 Chih Yang Huang Catherine Reena Paul Peiying Pai Wen-Dee Chiang Tsung-Jung HoWan-Teng

Lin Potato Protein Hydrolysate- APPH Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis and

Enhances Survival Through SIRT1 PGC-1ltalphagtAkt Signaling Journal of Functional Foods2015

(First Author)

90 Chang HC Chiu YW Lin YM Chen RJ Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Herbal Supplement Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rats with CCl4-Induced Liver

Cirrhosis CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 Feb 2857(1)41-7 (correspondence


91 Deng JS Lee SD Kuo WW Fan MJ Lin YM Hu WS Huang YC Velmurugan BK Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of protocatechuic acid on hypertensive

hearts CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 2014 Feb 2520977-84 (Correspondence


92 Hsu HH Kuo WW Ju DT Yeh YL Tu CC Tsai YL Shen CY Chang SH Chung LC Chih-Yang

Huang Estradiol agonists inhibit human LoVo colorectal-cancer cell proliferation and migration

through p53 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2014 Nov 2820(44)16665-73

(Correspondence Author)

93 Ming-Chieh WuYing-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training with hypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2014 DOI10108017461391

94 Chang CW Chen YS Chou SH Han CL Chen YJ Yang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lo JF Distinct

subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen

species exhibit diverse stemness proliferation and chemosensitivity CANCER RESEARCH 2014

Nov 174(21)6291-305 (co-correspondence Author)

95 Lin CC Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel Target Genes

Responsive to Apoptotic Activity by Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in Human Osteosarcoma cells

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence


96 Hsieh YL Pai P Ho TJ Chung LC Cheng YC Wu CH Fan MJ Day CH Shen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of Garlic Oil on Interleukin-6 Mediated Cardiac Hypertrophy in

Hypercholesterol-Fed Hamsters CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(6)320-8

97 Wu JP Hsieh CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Yeh YL Lin CC Kuo CH Chih-Yang Huang Secondhand

smoke exposure toxicity accelerates age-related cardiac disease in old hamsters BMC Cardiovasc

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

(co-correspondence Author)

99 Chih-Yang Huang Cooper EL Fang-Yeu Poh C Kuo WW Chen TS Sherman R Special

invertebrate models and integrative medical applications regulations mechanisms and therapies

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20142014843961 (First Author)

100 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) activates fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling to induce


201442(2)443-52 (Correspondence Author)

101 Lin E Chen MC Huang CY Hsu SL Huang WJ Lin MS Wu JC Lin H All-trans retinoic acid

induces DU145 cell cycle arrest through Cdk5 activation CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 33(6)1620-30

102 Chou SH Lin SZ Kuo WW Pai P Lin JY Lai CH Kuo CH Lin KH Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Cardiovascular Therapy Cell Transplant

201423(4-5)513-29 (Correspondence Author)

103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

expression and cardiomyocyte apoptosis by inhibiting HSF1 via JNK activation and SIRT1

degradation CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION (IF=83)2014 21(8)1262-74

(Correspondence Author)

104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

Exercise training enhanced SIRT1 longevity signaling replaces the IGF1 survival pathway to attenuate

aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

Fuu-Jen TsaiHsi-Hsien Hsu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Resistance to Irinotecan (CPT-11)

activates Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorNuclear Factor Kappa B and Increases Cellular

Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

(Correspondence Author)

106 Lin CC1 Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel target genes

responsive to apoptotic activity by Ocimum gratissimum in human osteosarcoma cells Am J Chin

Med 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence Author)

107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

Hsueh-Fang Wang GABA Tea Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis by Attenuating TNF-alpha and

FasFasL-mediated apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats FOOD AND CHEMICAL

TOXICOLOGY2014 6590 -96 (First Author)

108 Wu MH Chih-Yang Huang Lin JA Wang SW Peng CY Cheng HC Tang CH Endothelin-1

promotes vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent angiogenesis in human chondrosarcoma cells

ONCOGENE 2014 33(13)1725-35

109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

Association of Genetic Variants in Senataxin and Alzheimers Disease in a Chinese Han Population in

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 Treatment CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2014

3057(2) (correspondence Author)

111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

Huang Apicidin-resistant HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells massively promote pro-survival

capability via IGF-IRPI3KAkt signaling pathway activation Tumour Biol 2014 35(1)303-13

(correspondence Author)

112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

stability and protein expressions through inhibiting cytoplasmic translocation of HuR transcription

factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY2014 2857(1) 8-18(Correspondence Author)

113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

Chih-Yang HuangGelsolin (GSN) induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and BNP expression via p38

signaling and GATA-4 transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

HuangSHSST cyclodextrin complex prevents the fibrosis effect on CCl₄-induced cirrhotic

cardiomyopathy in rats through TGF-β pathway inhibition effects Int J Mol Sci 2014 May

815(5)8037-48 (correspondence Author)

115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 TreatmentChin J

Physiol 2014 Apr 3057(2)99-104 (correspondence Author)

116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

Jun 3057(3)111-20 (co-correspondence Author)

117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

Jun 1537(5)402-13 (Correspondence Author)

118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

Induce Migration of RSC96 Schwann Cells The American journal of Chinese medicine

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120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

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121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

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122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

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Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

Signaling via the IKK αβ NF- κ B Pathway in Apicidin-Resistant HA22T Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

Pathways in Obesity CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2013 57(3)111-20

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125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

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promotes cardiac function in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus BRITISH JOURNAL

OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

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127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

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Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

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129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 201333(2) 139-148 (First Author)

130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

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radioimmunotherapy to prostate carcinoma Int J Radiat Biol 2013 May89(5)346-55

131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

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132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

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Complement Alternat Med 2013 2013946451 (co-correspondence Author)

133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Activation of estrogen receptors with E2 downregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated

receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

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135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

Genistein Suppresses the Isoproterenol-Treated H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Associated with

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136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

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137 Tu CC Kumar VB Day CH Kuo WW Yeh SP Chen RJ Liao CR Chen HY Tsai FJ Wu WJ

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138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

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140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

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141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

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Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

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Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through P38β inhibition The American Journal of Chinese

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145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

146 Wu MH Chen LM Hsu HH Lin JA Lin YM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang CH

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Huang Garlic oil attenuates the cardiac apoptotosis in hamster-fed with hypercholesterol diet

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148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

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Leu27IGF-II-induced IGF-II receptor signaling activation in cardiomyoblasts FOOD AND

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149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

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150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

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Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

Activators and the MMP-2-9 Pathway by a Zanthoxylum avicennae Extract to Inhibit the HA22T

Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

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20122012139045(correspondence Author)

164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

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165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

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(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

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169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

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170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

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tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

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171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

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175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

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177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

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protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

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189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

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Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

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194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

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195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

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Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

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197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

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MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

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198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

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Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

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molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

(co-correspondence Author)

221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

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279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

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Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

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281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

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283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

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Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

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287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

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288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

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289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

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291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

41 Kuan-Ho Lin Shibu MA Kuo YH Chen YC Hsu HH Bau DT Chen MC Tu CC Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang HuangTaiwanin C Selectively Inhibits Arecoline and 4-NQO-Induced Oral Cancer Cell

Proliferation Via ERK12 Inactivation ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 Nov 5 doi

101002 (Correspondence Author)

42 Yueh-Shan WengT Hsueh-Fang WangPei-Ying PaiGwo-Ping JongChao-Hung LaiLi-Chin

ChungDennis Jine-Yuan HsiehCecilia HsuanDayWei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tanshinone IIA

Prevents Leu27IGF-II-induced Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy Mediated by Estrogen Receptor and

Subsequent Akt Activation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 2015 Vol 43 No 8

1ndash25 (correspondence Author)

43 Yeh-Peng Chen Chia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung-Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) switches energy signaling

from the PKCζ-GLUT4-glucose pathway back to the SIRT1-CD36-fatty acid pathway similar to

resveratrol to ameliorate cardiac myocyte lipotoxicity Journal of Functional Foods2015

(correspondence Author)

44 Hsun-Nan Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Yueh-Min Lin Li-Chin Chung Ray-Jade ChenAdaptation to

Oxidative Stress in Uremic Patients with HemodialysisRole of Functional Foods Adaptive Medicine

2015 7(3) 111-116 (CO-First Author)

45 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

46 Chang RL Lin JW Hsieh DJ Yeh YL Shen CY Day CH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Long-term hypoxia exposure enhanced IGFBP-3 protein synthesis and secretion

resulting in cell apoptosis in H9c2 myocardial cells Growth Factors 2015 Aug33(4)275-81

(Correspondence Author)

47 Chih-Yang Huang Tseng KC Lin MN Tsai JP Su CC Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2

and -9 in male and female patients with cirrhosis of different J Clin Pathol 2015 Nov68(11)917-22

(First Author)

48 Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YL Ju DT Lin CC Kuo CH Liou YF Ho TJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ Lin JY

Attenuation of Magnesium Sulfate on CoCl₂-Induced Cell Death by Activating ERK12MAPK and

Inhibiting HIF-1α via Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Suppression in a Neuronal Cell Line Chin J

Physiol 2015 Aug 3158(4)244-53 (First Author)

49 Ju DT Kuo WW Ho TJ Paul CR Kuo CH Viswanadha VP Lin CC Chen YS Chang YM

Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via

ERK12 JNK and p38 Activation Am J Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

50 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD

Effects of rhodiola crenulata on mice hearts under severe sleep apnea BMC Complement Altern Med

2015 Jun 2515198

51 Palanisamy K Krishnaswamy R Paramasivan P Chih-Yang Huang Vishwanadha VP

Eicosapentaenoic acid prevents TCDD-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory response by

modulating MAP kinases and redox-sensitive transcription factors Br J Pharmacol 2015

Oct172(19)4726-40 (co-correspondence Author)

52 Shen CH Lin TH Hsieh YL Shen CY Kuo SC Wu HC Chien WS Hsieh DJ Wen SY Ting WJ

Yao CH Chih-Yang Huang Mitotic arrest induced in human DU145 prostate cancer cells in

response to KHC-4 treatment Environ Toxicol 2015 Aug 25 (Correspondence Author)

53 Jin G Lee SW Zhang X Cai Z Gao Y Chou PC Rezaeian AH Han F Wang CY Yao JC Gong Z

Chan CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tu SH Wu CH Sarbassov dos D2 Ho YS8 Lin

HK9 Skp2-Mediated RagA Ubiquitination Elicits a Negative Feedback to Prevent

Amino-Acid-Dependent mTORC1 Hyperactivation by Recruiting GATOR1 Mol Cell 2015 Jun


54 Hsu TC Chiu CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol 2015

Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

55 Liu YL Huang CC Chang CC Chou CY Lin SY Wang IK Hsieh DJ Jong GP Chih-Yang Huang

Wang CM Hyperphosphate-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy through the GATA-4NFAT-3

Signaling Pathway Is Attenuated by ERK Inhibitor Treatment CardioRenal Medicine 2015


56 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY complex binds to protein

kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015 May


57 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 Complex

Binds to Protein Kinase Cα Promoter and Is Involved in Hepatocellular Carcinoma PLoS One 2015

Jun 1510(6)e0131036

58 Po-Hsiang Liao Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Hua Kuo Cecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen

Chao-Hung Lai Ray-Jade Chen V Vijaya Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Moderate

exercise training attenuates aging-induced cardiac inflammation hypertrophy and fibrosis injuries of

rat hearts Oncotarget 2015 Nov 36(34)35383-94 (correspondence Author)

59 Yeh-Peng ChenChia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung- Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced

Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate

PI3KAkt Cell Physiol Biochem 201536(1)334-44 (correspondence Author)

60 Wu JP Hsieh DJ Kuo WW Han CK Pai P Yeh YL Lin CC Padma VV Day CH Chih-Yang

Huang Secondhand Smoke Exposure Reduced the Compen satory Effects of IGF-I Growth Signaling

in the Aging Rat Hearts International Journal of Medical Sciences 2015 12(9) 708-718

(Correspondence Author)

61 Lin YM Kuo WW Velmurugan BK Hsien HH Hsieh YL Hsu HH Tu CC Bau DT Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Helioxanthin suppresses the cross talk of COX-2PGE2 and EGFRERK pathway

to inhibit Arecoline-induced Oral Cancer Cell (T28) proliferation and blocks tumor growth in

xenografted nude mice Environ Toxicol 2015 Oct 14 doi 10 (Correspondence Author)

62 Wu JP Tsai CC Yeh YL Lin YM Lin CC Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Pan LF Chih-Yang

Huang Silymarin Accelerates Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy Evidence-based

Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015 doi 1011552015603529 (Correspondence


63 Ting WJ Kuo WW Kuo CH Yeh YL Shen CY Chen YH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Supplementary heat-killed Lactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 ameliorates

hyperlipidaemic and cardiac apoptosis in high-fat diet-fed hamsters to maintain cardiovascular

function BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2015 114 706ndash712 (Correspondence Author)

64 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS

One2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

65 Liao HE Lai CH Ho TJ Yeh YL Jong GP Kuo WH Chung LC Pai PY Wen SY Chih-Yang

Huang Cardio Protective Effects of Lumbrokinase and Dilong on Second-Hand Smoke-Induced

Apoptotic Signaling in the Heart of a Rat Model CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015

Jun 3058(3) (Correspondence Author)

66 Liu YS Tsai YL Yeh YL Chung LC Wen SY Kuo CH Lin YM Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Cell Cycle Regulation in the Estrogen Receptor Beta (ESR2)-Overexpressing Hep3B Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Cell Line CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 Apr 3058(2)134-40

(Correspondence Author)

67 Chang WH Tsai YL Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Chaunchaiyakul R Fang Y Lee SD Kuo CH

Null effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on improving glycemic status in men during a resistance training

recovery J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2015 Aug 201234

68 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Hsieh DJ Lin YM Chen LM Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Thymoquinone Induces Caspase-Independent Autophagic Cell Death in CPT-11-Resistant

LoVo Colon Cancer via Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of JNK and p38 JOURNAL OF

AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2015 1163(5)1540-6 (Correspondence Author)

69 Lin KH Kuo WW Jiang AZ Pai P Lin JY Chen WK Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang

HuangTetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via

HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate PI3KAkt CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536(1)334-44 (Correspondence Author)

70 Tsai CY Wen SY Shibu MA Yang YC Peng H Wang B Wei YM Chang HY Lee CY Chih-Yang

Huang Kuo WW Diallyl trisulfide protects against high glucosendashinduced cardiac apoptosis by

stimulating the production of Cystathionine gamma-lyase-derived hydrogen sulfide


(co-correspondence Author)

71 Da-Tong JuWei-Wen KuoTsung-Jung HoCatherine Reena PaulChia-Hua KuoFuu-Jen

TsaiChien-Chung LinYueh-Sheng ChenYung-Ming Chang Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid

from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via ERK12JNK and p38 Activation Am J

Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

72 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS One

2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

73 Hsieh YL Tsai YL Shibu MA Su CC Chung LC Pai P Kuo CH Yeh YL Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang ZAK induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and brain natriuretic peptide

expression via p38JNK signaling and GATA4c-Jun transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR

AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 2015 Jul405(1-2)1-9 (Correspondence Author)

74 Hu WS Ting WJ Chiang WD Pai P Yeh YL Chang CH Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangThe Heart

Protection Effect of Alcalase Potato Protein Hydrolysate Is through IGF1R-PI3K-Akt Compensatory

Reactivation in Aging Rats on High Fat Diets INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR

SCIENCES 2015 May 516(5)10158-72 (correspondence Author)

75 Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieha Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Ping Lai Marthandam Asokan Shibu Chia-Yao Shen

Peiying Pai Yu-LanYeh Jing-Ying Lin Vijaya PadmaViswanadha Chih-Yang Huang 17β-Estradiol

andor Estrogen Receptor β Attenuate the Autophagic and Apoptotic Effects Induced by Prolonged

Hypoxia Through HIF-1α-Mediated BNIP3 and IGFBP-3 Signaling Blockage CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536274-284 (Correspondence Author)

76 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 complex

binds to protein kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015


77 Hsieh DJ Huang CY Pai P Wang SG Tsai YL Li CN Kuo WW Chih-Yang HuangProlactin

protects cardiomyocytes against intermittent hypoxia-induced cell damage by the modulation of

signaling pathways related to cardiac hypertrophy and proliferation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF CARDIOLOGY 2015 Feb 15181255-66 (Correspondence Author)

78 Chih-Yang Huang Chen SY Fu RH Huang YC Chen SY Shyu WC Lin SZ Liu SP

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Into Cardiomyocytes Used to Investigate the

Cardioprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B Through BNIP3 Involved Pathway CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 201524(3)561-71 (First Author)

79 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

80 Sheng-Huang C Chieh-Hsin C Mu-Chun Y Wen-Tung H Chia-Ying H Ya-Ting H Wan-Ling SU

Jiuan-Jen S Chih-Yang Huang Jer-Yuh Effects of estrogen on glutathione and catalase levels in

human erythrocyte during menstrual cycle Biomed Rep 2015 Mar3(2)266-268



SHSST‑cyclodextrin complex inhibits TGF βSmad3CTGF to a greater extent than silymarin in a rat

model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury Molecular Medicine Reports 2015

Oct12(4)6053-9 2015(Correspondence Author)

82 Hsu TC Chiou CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol

2015 Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

83 Chung-Ben Kan Yu-LanYehCecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang

Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jer-Yuh Liu Chien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang HuangAttenuation of Crude

Water Extract of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum on the Cardiac Mitochondria-Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway Effects in Hypercholesterol Fed Hamsters Adaptive Medicine2015

(Correspondence Author)

84 Chao-Hung Lai Chien-Kuo Han Marthandam Asokan Shibu Pei Ying Pai Tsung- Jung Ho Cecilia

Hsuan Day Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang HuangLumbrokinase from

earthworm extract ameliorates second-hand smoke induced cardiac fibrosis Environ Toxicol 2015

Sep30(10)1216-25 (correspondence Author)

85 Wang HF Lin PP Chen CH Yeh YL Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Effects of lactic acid

bacteria on cardiac apoptosis are mediated by activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinaseAKT

survival-signalling pathway in rats fed a high-fat diet Int J Mol Med 2015 Feb35(2)460-70

(co-correspondence Author)

86 Lin KH Kuo CH Kuo WW Ho TJ Pai P Chen WK Pan LF Wang CC Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang NFIL3 Suppresses Hypoxia-induced Apoptotic Cell Death by Targeting the Insulin-like

Growth Factor 2 Receptor J Cell Biochem 2015 Jun116(6)1113-20 (Correspondence Author)

87 Liao HE Shibu MA Kuo WW Pai PY Ho TJ Kuo CH Lin JY Pai PY Viswanadha VP Chih-Yang

Huang Deep Sea Minerals Prolong Life Span of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats by

Compensatory Augmentation of the IGF-I-Survival Signaling and Inhibition of Apoptosis

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 doi 101002(Correspondence Author)

88 Wang ZH Hsu HW Chou JC Yu CH Bau DT Wang GJ Chih Yang Huang Wang PS Wang SW

Cytotoxic Effect of S-Petasin and Iso-S-Petasin on the Proliferation of Human Prostate Cancer Cells


89 Chih Yang Huang Catherine Reena Paul Peiying Pai Wen-Dee Chiang Tsung-Jung HoWan-Teng

Lin Potato Protein Hydrolysate- APPH Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis and

Enhances Survival Through SIRT1 PGC-1ltalphagtAkt Signaling Journal of Functional Foods2015

(First Author)

90 Chang HC Chiu YW Lin YM Chen RJ Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Herbal Supplement Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rats with CCl4-Induced Liver

Cirrhosis CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 Feb 2857(1)41-7 (correspondence


91 Deng JS Lee SD Kuo WW Fan MJ Lin YM Hu WS Huang YC Velmurugan BK Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of protocatechuic acid on hypertensive

hearts CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 2014 Feb 2520977-84 (Correspondence


92 Hsu HH Kuo WW Ju DT Yeh YL Tu CC Tsai YL Shen CY Chang SH Chung LC Chih-Yang

Huang Estradiol agonists inhibit human LoVo colorectal-cancer cell proliferation and migration

through p53 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2014 Nov 2820(44)16665-73

(Correspondence Author)

93 Ming-Chieh WuYing-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training with hypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2014 DOI10108017461391

94 Chang CW Chen YS Chou SH Han CL Chen YJ Yang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lo JF Distinct

subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen

species exhibit diverse stemness proliferation and chemosensitivity CANCER RESEARCH 2014

Nov 174(21)6291-305 (co-correspondence Author)

95 Lin CC Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel Target Genes

Responsive to Apoptotic Activity by Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in Human Osteosarcoma cells

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence


96 Hsieh YL Pai P Ho TJ Chung LC Cheng YC Wu CH Fan MJ Day CH Shen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of Garlic Oil on Interleukin-6 Mediated Cardiac Hypertrophy in

Hypercholesterol-Fed Hamsters CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(6)320-8

97 Wu JP Hsieh CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Yeh YL Lin CC Kuo CH Chih-Yang Huang Secondhand

smoke exposure toxicity accelerates age-related cardiac disease in old hamsters BMC Cardiovasc

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

(co-correspondence Author)

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103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

expression and cardiomyocyte apoptosis by inhibiting HSF1 via JNK activation and SIRT1

degradation CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION (IF=83)2014 21(8)1262-74

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104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

Exercise training enhanced SIRT1 longevity signaling replaces the IGF1 survival pathway to attenuate

aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

Fuu-Jen TsaiHsi-Hsien Hsu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Resistance to Irinotecan (CPT-11)

activates Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorNuclear Factor Kappa B and Increases Cellular

Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

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106 Lin CC1 Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel target genes

responsive to apoptotic activity by Ocimum gratissimum in human osteosarcoma cells Am J Chin

Med 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence Author)

107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

Hsueh-Fang Wang GABA Tea Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis by Attenuating TNF-alpha and

FasFasL-mediated apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats FOOD AND CHEMICAL

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108 Wu MH Chih-Yang Huang Lin JA Wang SW Peng CY Cheng HC Tang CH Endothelin-1

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109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

Association of Genetic Variants in Senataxin and Alzheimers Disease in a Chinese Han Population in

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 Treatment CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2014

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111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

Huang Apicidin-resistant HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells massively promote pro-survival

capability via IGF-IRPI3KAkt signaling pathway activation Tumour Biol 2014 35(1)303-13

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112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

stability and protein expressions through inhibiting cytoplasmic translocation of HuR transcription

factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY2014 2857(1) 8-18(Correspondence Author)

113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

Chih-Yang HuangGelsolin (GSN) induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and BNP expression via p38

signaling and GATA-4 transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

HuangSHSST cyclodextrin complex prevents the fibrosis effect on CCl₄-induced cirrhotic

cardiomyopathy in rats through TGF-β pathway inhibition effects Int J Mol Sci 2014 May

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115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 TreatmentChin J

Physiol 2014 Apr 3057(2)99-104 (correspondence Author)

116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

Jun 3057(3)111-20 (co-correspondence Author)

117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

Jun 1537(5)402-13 (Correspondence Author)

118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

Induce Migration of RSC96 Schwann Cells The American journal of Chinese medicine

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120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

Toxicol 2014 Sep 24 (Correspondence Author)

121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

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122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

Hepatoprotective Effects of Ixora parviflora Extract against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

Signaling via the IKK αβ NF- κ B Pathway in Apicidin-Resistant HA22T Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

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125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

Huang Oral Lactobacillus reuteri GMN-32 treatment reduces blood glucose concentrations and

promotes cardiac function in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus BRITISH JOURNAL

OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

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127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

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128 Huang PH Chih-Yang Huang Chen MC Lee YT Yue CH Wang HY Lin H Emodin and

Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 20132013376123 (co-correspondence Author)

129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 201333(2) 139-148 (First Author)

130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

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radioimmunotherapy to prostate carcinoma Int J Radiat Biol 2013 May89(5)346-55

131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

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132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

TC Chih-Yang Huang Lo J F Active Component of Antrodia cinnamomea Mycelia Targeting Head

and Neck Cancer Initiating Cells through Exaggerated Autophagic Cell Death Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2013 2013946451 (co-correspondence Author)

133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Activation of estrogen receptors with E2 downregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated

receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

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135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

Genistein Suppresses the Isoproterenol-Treated H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Associated with

P-38 Erk12 JNK and NF κ B Signaling Protein Activation The American Journal of Chinese

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136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

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137 Tu CC Kumar VB Day CH Kuo WW Yeh SP Chen RJ Liao CR Chen HY Tsai FJ Wu WJ

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138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

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140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

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nuclear translocation of b-catenin Food Chemistry 2013 138 278ndash285 (correspondence Author)

141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

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142 Hsia TC Tu CY Chen YJ Wei YL Yu MC Hsu SC Tsai SL Chen WS Yeh MH Yen CJ Yu YL

Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

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143 Chung-Hsiang Liu Yi-Wen Lin Nou-Ying Tang Hsu-Jan Liu Chih-Yang Huang Ching-Liang

Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through P38β inhibition The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013Vol 41 No 3 683ndash696 (Correspondence Author)

145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

146 Wu MH Chen LM Hsu HH Lin JA Lin YM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang CH

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147 Cheng YC Chang MH Tsai CC Chen TS Fan CC Lin CC Lai CH Tsai FJ Lin JA Chih-Yang

Huang Garlic oil attenuates the cardiac apoptotosis in hamster-fed with hypercholesterol diet

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148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

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Leu27IGF-II-induced IGF-II receptor signaling activation in cardiomyoblasts FOOD AND

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149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

The effect of Elephantopus scaber L on Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy

Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2013 2013369180 (Correspondence


150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

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151 Chou SH Lin SZ Day CH Kuo WW Shen CY Hsieh DJ Lin JY Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Hematological Transplantation CELL

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152 Chia M Liao CA Chih-Yang Hu ng Lee WC Hou CW Yu SH Harris MB Hsu TS Lee SD

Reducing body fat with altitude hypoxia training in swimmers role of blood perfusion to skeletal

muscles CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2013 56(1) 18-25

153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

Activators and the MMP-2-9 Pathway by a Zanthoxylum avicennae Extract to Inhibit the HA22T

Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

-Induced Liver Cirrhosis Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

20122012139045(correspondence Author)

164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

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165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

Human Growth Hormone Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I IGF-II and IGF-Binding Protein

(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

Paoletti MG Earthworms Dilong Ancient Inexpensive Noncontroversial ModelsMay Help Clarify

Approaches to IntegratedMedicine Emphasizing Neuroimmune Systems Evid Based Complement

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169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012736752

170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and

tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

Chem Toxicol 2012 May50(5)1802-1810 (Correspondence Author)

171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

Jun29(6)1045-52 (Correspondence Author)

175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

Physiol 2012 Mar112(5)883-91 (First Author)

177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

through FAKPI3KAktmTOR pathways J Cell Physiol 2012 Aug227(8)3016-26

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training withhypoxia recovery

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excessive endurance exercise training-induced cardiac hypertrophyapoptosis and fibrosis in rats Eur

J Appl Physiol 2012 Aug112(8)2943-55 (co-correspondence Author)

188 Ding-Yu Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Mechanisms governing the

protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

2012 22(1)711-721 (correspondence Author)

189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

through PI3K-Akt-MDM2 signaling suppression FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 50(5)1802-10

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hydroxycitrate supplementation enhances glycogen synthesis in exercised human skeletal muscle Br

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191 Chung YS Chih-Yang Huang Ma MC Chu CC Chiang HS Lin LJ Chou SH Cardiac Injury

Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

2011 2011380809 (correspondence Author)

194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

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Dec28(6)927-36 (Correspondence Author)

196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

Metalloproteinase (MMP) Expression by Modulatingthe Protein Kinase C-rExtracellular

Signal-Regulated KinasePeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γNuclear

Factor-KB(PKC-rERKPP 2011 May 1159(9)5100-8

197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

221861 (correspondence Author)

198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells and Pathologically Hypertensive Rat Heart J Cell Physiol 2011

Jan227(1)259-68 (Correspondence Author)




HIGH-CHOLESTEROL DIETARY MICE Journal of Food Biochemistry 2011 DOI

101111j1745-4514201000498 (co-correspondence Author)

200 Chen TS Liou SY Wu HC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Chang YL Efficacy of

Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amla (Emblica officinalis) Extract for the Treatment of Uremic

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

201 Lai TY Su CC Kuo WW Yeh YL Kuo WH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YJ Chih-Yang Huang Chen

LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

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epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

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221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

response to KHC-4 treatment Environ Toxicol 2015 Aug 25 (Correspondence Author)

53 Jin G Lee SW Zhang X Cai Z Gao Y Chou PC Rezaeian AH Han F Wang CY Yao JC Gong Z

Chan CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tu SH Wu CH Sarbassov dos D2 Ho YS8 Lin

HK9 Skp2-Mediated RagA Ubiquitination Elicits a Negative Feedback to Prevent

Amino-Acid-Dependent mTORC1 Hyperactivation by Recruiting GATOR1 Mol Cell 2015 Jun


54 Hsu TC Chiu CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol 2015

Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

55 Liu YL Huang CC Chang CC Chou CY Lin SY Wang IK Hsieh DJ Jong GP Chih-Yang Huang

Wang CM Hyperphosphate-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy through the GATA-4NFAT-3

Signaling Pathway Is Attenuated by ERK Inhibitor Treatment CardioRenal Medicine 2015


56 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY complex binds to protein

kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015 May


57 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 Complex

Binds to Protein Kinase Cα Promoter and Is Involved in Hepatocellular Carcinoma PLoS One 2015

Jun 1510(6)e0131036

58 Po-Hsiang Liao Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Hua Kuo Cecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen

Chao-Hung Lai Ray-Jade Chen V Vijaya Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Moderate

exercise training attenuates aging-induced cardiac inflammation hypertrophy and fibrosis injuries of

rat hearts Oncotarget 2015 Nov 36(34)35383-94 (correspondence Author)

59 Yeh-Peng ChenChia-Wen Tsai Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Chia-Yao Shen Tsung- Jung Ho V Vijaya

Padma Wei- Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Tetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced

Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate

PI3KAkt Cell Physiol Biochem 201536(1)334-44 (correspondence Author)

60 Wu JP Hsieh DJ Kuo WW Han CK Pai P Yeh YL Lin CC Padma VV Day CH Chih-Yang

Huang Secondhand Smoke Exposure Reduced the Compen satory Effects of IGF-I Growth Signaling

in the Aging Rat Hearts International Journal of Medical Sciences 2015 12(9) 708-718

(Correspondence Author)

61 Lin YM Kuo WW Velmurugan BK Hsien HH Hsieh YL Hsu HH Tu CC Bau DT Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang Helioxanthin suppresses the cross talk of COX-2PGE2 and EGFRERK pathway

to inhibit Arecoline-induced Oral Cancer Cell (T28) proliferation and blocks tumor growth in

xenografted nude mice Environ Toxicol 2015 Oct 14 doi 10 (Correspondence Author)

62 Wu JP Tsai CC Yeh YL Lin YM Lin CC Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Pan LF Chih-Yang

Huang Silymarin Accelerates Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy Evidence-based

Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015 doi 1011552015603529 (Correspondence


63 Ting WJ Kuo WW Kuo CH Yeh YL Shen CY Chen YH Ho TJ Viswanadha VP Chen YH

Chih-Yang Huang Supplementary heat-killed Lactobacillus reuteri GMNL-263 ameliorates

hyperlipidaemic and cardiac apoptosis in high-fat diet-fed hamsters to maintain cardiovascular

function BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2015 114 706ndash712 (Correspondence Author)

64 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS

One2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

65 Liao HE Lai CH Ho TJ Yeh YL Jong GP Kuo WH Chung LC Pai PY Wen SY Chih-Yang

Huang Cardio Protective Effects of Lumbrokinase and Dilong on Second-Hand Smoke-Induced

Apoptotic Signaling in the Heart of a Rat Model CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015

Jun 3058(3) (Correspondence Author)

66 Liu YS Tsai YL Yeh YL Chung LC Wen SY Kuo CH Lin YM Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Cell Cycle Regulation in the Estrogen Receptor Beta (ESR2)-Overexpressing Hep3B Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Cell Line CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 Apr 3058(2)134-40

(Correspondence Author)

67 Chang WH Tsai YL Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Chaunchaiyakul R Fang Y Lee SD Kuo CH

Null effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on improving glycemic status in men during a resistance training

recovery J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2015 Aug 201234

68 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Hsieh DJ Lin YM Chen LM Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Thymoquinone Induces Caspase-Independent Autophagic Cell Death in CPT-11-Resistant

LoVo Colon Cancer via Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of JNK and p38 JOURNAL OF

AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2015 1163(5)1540-6 (Correspondence Author)

69 Lin KH Kuo WW Jiang AZ Pai P Lin JY Chen WK Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang

HuangTetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via

HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate PI3KAkt CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536(1)334-44 (Correspondence Author)

70 Tsai CY Wen SY Shibu MA Yang YC Peng H Wang B Wei YM Chang HY Lee CY Chih-Yang

Huang Kuo WW Diallyl trisulfide protects against high glucosendashinduced cardiac apoptosis by

stimulating the production of Cystathionine gamma-lyase-derived hydrogen sulfide


(co-correspondence Author)

71 Da-Tong JuWei-Wen KuoTsung-Jung HoCatherine Reena PaulChia-Hua KuoFuu-Jen

TsaiChien-Chung LinYueh-Sheng ChenYung-Ming Chang Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid

from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via ERK12JNK and p38 Activation Am J

Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

72 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS One

2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

73 Hsieh YL Tsai YL Shibu MA Su CC Chung LC Pai P Kuo CH Yeh YL Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang ZAK induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and brain natriuretic peptide

expression via p38JNK signaling and GATA4c-Jun transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR

AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 2015 Jul405(1-2)1-9 (Correspondence Author)

74 Hu WS Ting WJ Chiang WD Pai P Yeh YL Chang CH Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangThe Heart

Protection Effect of Alcalase Potato Protein Hydrolysate Is through IGF1R-PI3K-Akt Compensatory

Reactivation in Aging Rats on High Fat Diets INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR

SCIENCES 2015 May 516(5)10158-72 (correspondence Author)

75 Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieha Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Ping Lai Marthandam Asokan Shibu Chia-Yao Shen

Peiying Pai Yu-LanYeh Jing-Ying Lin Vijaya PadmaViswanadha Chih-Yang Huang 17β-Estradiol

andor Estrogen Receptor β Attenuate the Autophagic and Apoptotic Effects Induced by Prolonged

Hypoxia Through HIF-1α-Mediated BNIP3 and IGFBP-3 Signaling Blockage CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536274-284 (Correspondence Author)

76 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 complex

binds to protein kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015


77 Hsieh DJ Huang CY Pai P Wang SG Tsai YL Li CN Kuo WW Chih-Yang HuangProlactin

protects cardiomyocytes against intermittent hypoxia-induced cell damage by the modulation of

signaling pathways related to cardiac hypertrophy and proliferation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF CARDIOLOGY 2015 Feb 15181255-66 (Correspondence Author)

78 Chih-Yang Huang Chen SY Fu RH Huang YC Chen SY Shyu WC Lin SZ Liu SP

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Into Cardiomyocytes Used to Investigate the

Cardioprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B Through BNIP3 Involved Pathway CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 201524(3)561-71 (First Author)

79 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

80 Sheng-Huang C Chieh-Hsin C Mu-Chun Y Wen-Tung H Chia-Ying H Ya-Ting H Wan-Ling SU

Jiuan-Jen S Chih-Yang Huang Jer-Yuh Effects of estrogen on glutathione and catalase levels in

human erythrocyte during menstrual cycle Biomed Rep 2015 Mar3(2)266-268



SHSST‑cyclodextrin complex inhibits TGF βSmad3CTGF to a greater extent than silymarin in a rat

model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury Molecular Medicine Reports 2015

Oct12(4)6053-9 2015(Correspondence Author)

82 Hsu TC Chiou CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol

2015 Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

83 Chung-Ben Kan Yu-LanYehCecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang

Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jer-Yuh Liu Chien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang HuangAttenuation of Crude

Water Extract of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum on the Cardiac Mitochondria-Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway Effects in Hypercholesterol Fed Hamsters Adaptive Medicine2015

(Correspondence Author)

84 Chao-Hung Lai Chien-Kuo Han Marthandam Asokan Shibu Pei Ying Pai Tsung- Jung Ho Cecilia

Hsuan Day Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang HuangLumbrokinase from

earthworm extract ameliorates second-hand smoke induced cardiac fibrosis Environ Toxicol 2015

Sep30(10)1216-25 (correspondence Author)

85 Wang HF Lin PP Chen CH Yeh YL Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Effects of lactic acid

bacteria on cardiac apoptosis are mediated by activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinaseAKT

survival-signalling pathway in rats fed a high-fat diet Int J Mol Med 2015 Feb35(2)460-70

(co-correspondence Author)

86 Lin KH Kuo CH Kuo WW Ho TJ Pai P Chen WK Pan LF Wang CC Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang NFIL3 Suppresses Hypoxia-induced Apoptotic Cell Death by Targeting the Insulin-like

Growth Factor 2 Receptor J Cell Biochem 2015 Jun116(6)1113-20 (Correspondence Author)

87 Liao HE Shibu MA Kuo WW Pai PY Ho TJ Kuo CH Lin JY Pai PY Viswanadha VP Chih-Yang

Huang Deep Sea Minerals Prolong Life Span of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats by

Compensatory Augmentation of the IGF-I-Survival Signaling and Inhibition of Apoptosis

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 doi 101002(Correspondence Author)

88 Wang ZH Hsu HW Chou JC Yu CH Bau DT Wang GJ Chih Yang Huang Wang PS Wang SW

Cytotoxic Effect of S-Petasin and Iso-S-Petasin on the Proliferation of Human Prostate Cancer Cells


89 Chih Yang Huang Catherine Reena Paul Peiying Pai Wen-Dee Chiang Tsung-Jung HoWan-Teng

Lin Potato Protein Hydrolysate- APPH Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis and

Enhances Survival Through SIRT1 PGC-1ltalphagtAkt Signaling Journal of Functional Foods2015

(First Author)

90 Chang HC Chiu YW Lin YM Chen RJ Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Herbal Supplement Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rats with CCl4-Induced Liver

Cirrhosis CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 Feb 2857(1)41-7 (correspondence


91 Deng JS Lee SD Kuo WW Fan MJ Lin YM Hu WS Huang YC Velmurugan BK Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of protocatechuic acid on hypertensive

hearts CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 2014 Feb 2520977-84 (Correspondence


92 Hsu HH Kuo WW Ju DT Yeh YL Tu CC Tsai YL Shen CY Chang SH Chung LC Chih-Yang

Huang Estradiol agonists inhibit human LoVo colorectal-cancer cell proliferation and migration

through p53 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2014 Nov 2820(44)16665-73

(Correspondence Author)

93 Ming-Chieh WuYing-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training with hypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2014 DOI10108017461391

94 Chang CW Chen YS Chou SH Han CL Chen YJ Yang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lo JF Distinct

subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen

species exhibit diverse stemness proliferation and chemosensitivity CANCER RESEARCH 2014

Nov 174(21)6291-305 (co-correspondence Author)

95 Lin CC Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel Target Genes

Responsive to Apoptotic Activity by Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in Human Osteosarcoma cells

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence


96 Hsieh YL Pai P Ho TJ Chung LC Cheng YC Wu CH Fan MJ Day CH Shen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of Garlic Oil on Interleukin-6 Mediated Cardiac Hypertrophy in

Hypercholesterol-Fed Hamsters CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(6)320-8

97 Wu JP Hsieh CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Yeh YL Lin CC Kuo CH Chih-Yang Huang Secondhand

smoke exposure toxicity accelerates age-related cardiac disease in old hamsters BMC Cardiovasc

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

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99 Chih-Yang Huang Cooper EL Fang-Yeu Poh C Kuo WW Chen TS Sherman R Special

invertebrate models and integrative medical applications regulations mechanisms and therapies

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20142014843961 (First Author)

100 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) activates fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling to induce


201442(2)443-52 (Correspondence Author)

101 Lin E Chen MC Huang CY Hsu SL Huang WJ Lin MS Wu JC Lin H All-trans retinoic acid

induces DU145 cell cycle arrest through Cdk5 activation CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 33(6)1620-30

102 Chou SH Lin SZ Kuo WW Pai P Lin JY Lai CH Kuo CH Lin KH Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Cardiovascular Therapy Cell Transplant

201423(4-5)513-29 (Correspondence Author)

103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

expression and cardiomyocyte apoptosis by inhibiting HSF1 via JNK activation and SIRT1

degradation CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION (IF=83)2014 21(8)1262-74

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104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

Exercise training enhanced SIRT1 longevity signaling replaces the IGF1 survival pathway to attenuate

aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

Fuu-Jen TsaiHsi-Hsien Hsu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Resistance to Irinotecan (CPT-11)

activates Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorNuclear Factor Kappa B and Increases Cellular

Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

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106 Lin CC1 Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel target genes

responsive to apoptotic activity by Ocimum gratissimum in human osteosarcoma cells Am J Chin

Med 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence Author)

107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

Hsueh-Fang Wang GABA Tea Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis by Attenuating TNF-alpha and

FasFasL-mediated apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats FOOD AND CHEMICAL

TOXICOLOGY2014 6590 -96 (First Author)

108 Wu MH Chih-Yang Huang Lin JA Wang SW Peng CY Cheng HC Tang CH Endothelin-1

promotes vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent angiogenesis in human chondrosarcoma cells

ONCOGENE 2014 33(13)1725-35

109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

Association of Genetic Variants in Senataxin and Alzheimers Disease in a Chinese Han Population in

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 Treatment CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2014

3057(2) (correspondence Author)

111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

Huang Apicidin-resistant HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells massively promote pro-survival

capability via IGF-IRPI3KAkt signaling pathway activation Tumour Biol 2014 35(1)303-13

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112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

stability and protein expressions through inhibiting cytoplasmic translocation of HuR transcription

factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY2014 2857(1) 8-18(Correspondence Author)

113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

Chih-Yang HuangGelsolin (GSN) induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and BNP expression via p38

signaling and GATA-4 transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

HuangSHSST cyclodextrin complex prevents the fibrosis effect on CCl₄-induced cirrhotic

cardiomyopathy in rats through TGF-β pathway inhibition effects Int J Mol Sci 2014 May

815(5)8037-48 (correspondence Author)

115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 TreatmentChin J

Physiol 2014 Apr 3057(2)99-104 (correspondence Author)

116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

Jun 3057(3)111-20 (co-correspondence Author)

117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

Jun 1537(5)402-13 (Correspondence Author)

118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

Induce Migration of RSC96 Schwann Cells The American journal of Chinese medicine

201442(2)443-52 (First Author)

120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

Toxicol 2014 Sep 24 (Correspondence Author)

121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

Activated apoptotic and anti-survival effects on rat hearts with fructose induced metabolic syndrome

Cell Biochem Funct 2014 32(2)133-41 (co-correspondence Author)

122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

Hepatoprotective Effects of Ixora parviflora Extract against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

Signaling via the IKK αβ NF- κ B Pathway in Apicidin-Resistant HA22T Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

Pathways in Obesity CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2013 57(3)111-20

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125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

Huang Oral Lactobacillus reuteri GMN-32 treatment reduces blood glucose concentrations and

promotes cardiac function in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus BRITISH JOURNAL

OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

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127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

Hsu SH Biocompatibility and favorable response of mesenchymal stem cells on fibronectin-gold

nanocomposites PLoS One 2013 Jun 248(6)e65738

128 Huang PH Chih-Yang Huang Chen MC Lee YT Yue CH Wang HY Lin H Emodin and

Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 20132013376123 (co-correspondence Author)

129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 201333(2) 139-148 (First Author)

130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

Inhibitory eff ects of Rhenium-188-labeled Herceptin on prostate cancer cell growth A possible

radioimmunotherapy to prostate carcinoma Int J Radiat Biol 2013 May89(5)346-55

131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

isoliquiritigenin on the migration and invasion of human breast cancer cells Expert Opin Ther Targets

2013 Apr17(4)337-49

132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

TC Chih-Yang Huang Lo J F Active Component of Antrodia cinnamomea Mycelia Targeting Head

and Neck Cancer Initiating Cells through Exaggerated Autophagic Cell Death Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2013 2013946451 (co-correspondence Author)

133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Activation of estrogen receptors with E2 downregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated

receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

survival pathways and attenuates cardiac apoptosis in the hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats

Int J Mol Med 201332(6)1319-28 (co-correspondence Author)

135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

Genistein Suppresses the Isoproterenol-Treated H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Associated with

P-38 Erk12 JNK and NF κ B Signaling Protein Activation The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013 41(5)1125-36 (correspondence Author)

136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

Synergistic Apoptotic Effects of Angiotensin II plus Leu 27-IGF II on Cardiomyoblasts Acta

Cardiologica Sinica2013 201430 (correspondence Author)

137 Tu CC Kumar VB Day CH Kuo WW Yeh SP Chen RJ Liao CR Chen HY Tsai FJ Wu WJ

Chih-Yang HuangEstrogen recepPtor a overexpression mediated apoptosis in Hep3B cells by

binding with Sp1 proteins JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 2013 Jul

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138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

activation involved in glycitein protective effects on isoproterenol-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells

J O U R N A L O F F U N C T I O N A L F O O D 2013 5 460-465(Correspondence Author)

139 Tsai KH Lee NH Chen GY Hu WS Tsai CY Chang MH Jong GP Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ

Tsai CH Chih-Yang HuangDung-shen (Codonopsis pilosula) attenuated the cardiac-impaired

insulin-like growth factor II receptor pathway on myocardial cells FOOD CHEMISTRY 2013

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140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Henry J TsaiChih-Yang Huang Rhubarb inhibits hepatocellular

carcinoma cell metastasis via GSK-3-b activation to enhance protein degradation and attenuate

nuclear translocation of b-catenin Food Chemistry 2013 138 278ndash285 (correspondence Author)

141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

Accelerates Recovery from Physical Fatigue Journal of the International Society of Sports

Nutrition2013 10(1)7 (co-correspondence Author)

142 Hsia TC Tu CY Chen YJ Wei YL Yu MC Hsu SC Tsai SL Chen WS Yeh MH Yen CJ Yu YL

Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

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143 Chung-Hsiang Liu Yi-Wen Lin Nou-Ying Tang Hsu-Jan Liu Chih-Yang Huang Ching-Liang

Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through P38β inhibition The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013Vol 41 No 3 683ndash696 (Correspondence Author)

145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

146 Wu MH Chen LM Hsu HH Lin JA Lin YM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang CH

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147 Cheng YC Chang MH Tsai CC Chen TS Fan CC Lin CC Lai CH Tsai FJ Lin JA Chih-Yang

Huang Garlic oil attenuates the cardiac apoptotosis in hamster-fed with hypercholesterol diet

FOOD CHEMISTRY 2013 136(3-4)1296-302 (Correspondence Author)

148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

Huang Danshen mediates through estrogen receptors to activate Akt and inhibit apoptosis effect of

Leu27IGF-II-induced IGF-II receptor signaling activation in cardiomyoblasts FOOD AND

CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 2013 5628-39 (Correspondence Author)

149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

The effect of Elephantopus scaber L on Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy

Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2013 2013369180 (Correspondence


150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY2013 1131783ndash1792 (Correspondence Author)

151 Chou SH Lin SZ Day CH Kuo WW Shen CY Hsieh DJ Lin JY Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Hematological Transplantation CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 2013 22(4)711-21 (Correspondence Author)

152 Chia M Liao CA Chih-Yang Hu ng Lee WC Hou CW Yu SH Harris MB Hsu TS Lee SD

Reducing body fat with altitude hypoxia training in swimmers role of blood perfusion to skeletal

muscles CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2013 56(1) 18-25

153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

Activators and the MMP-2-9 Pathway by a Zanthoxylum avicennae Extract to Inhibit the HA22T

Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

(Correspondence Author)

155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

-Induced Liver Cirrhosis Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

20122012139045(correspondence Author)

164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

201240(5)1063-71 (correspondence Author)

165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

Human Growth Hormone Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I IGF-II and IGF-Binding Protein

(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

Paoletti MG Earthworms Dilong Ancient Inexpensive Noncontroversial ModelsMay Help Clarify

Approaches to IntegratedMedicine Emphasizing Neuroimmune Systems Evid Based Complement

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169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012736752

170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and

tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

Chem Toxicol 2012 May50(5)1802-1810 (Correspondence Author)

171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

Jun29(6)1045-52 (Correspondence Author)

175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

Physiol 2012 Mar112(5)883-91 (First Author)

177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

through FAKPI3KAktmTOR pathways J Cell Physiol 2012 Aug227(8)3016-26

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training withhypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2012 2011 1-10

187 Ho TJ Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lin WT Fasudila Rho-kinase inhibitorprotects against

excessive endurance exercise training-induced cardiac hypertrophyapoptosis and fibrosis in rats Eur

J Appl Physiol 2012 Aug112(8)2943-55 (co-correspondence Author)

188 Ding-Yu Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Mechanisms governing the

protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

2012 22(1)711-721 (correspondence Author)

189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

through PI3K-Akt-MDM2 signaling suppression FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 50(5)1802-10

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hydroxycitrate supplementation enhances glycogen synthesis in exercised human skeletal muscle Br

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191 Chung YS Chih-Yang Huang Ma MC Chu CC Chiang HS Lin LJ Chou SH Cardiac Injury

Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

2011 2011380809 (correspondence Author)

194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

activation in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and block tumor growth in xenografted


Dec28(6)927-36 (Correspondence Author)

196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

Metalloproteinase (MMP) Expression by Modulatingthe Protein Kinase C-rExtracellular

Signal-Regulated KinasePeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γNuclear

Factor-KB(PKC-rERKPP 2011 May 1159(9)5100-8

197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

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198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

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Jan227(1)259-68 (Correspondence Author)




HIGH-CHOLESTEROL DIETARY MICE Journal of Food Biochemistry 2011 DOI

101111j1745-4514201000498 (co-correspondence Author)

200 Chen TS Liou SY Wu HC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Chang YL Efficacy of

Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amla (Emblica officinalis) Extract for the Treatment of Uremic

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

201 Lai TY Su CC Kuo WW Yeh YL Kuo WH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YJ Chih-Yang Huang Chen

LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

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epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

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221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

64 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS

One2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

65 Liao HE Lai CH Ho TJ Yeh YL Jong GP Kuo WH Chung LC Pai PY Wen SY Chih-Yang

Huang Cardio Protective Effects of Lumbrokinase and Dilong on Second-Hand Smoke-Induced

Apoptotic Signaling in the Heart of a Rat Model CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015

Jun 3058(3) (Correspondence Author)

66 Liu YS Tsai YL Yeh YL Chung LC Wen SY Kuo CH Lin YM Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Cell Cycle Regulation in the Estrogen Receptor Beta (ESR2)-Overexpressing Hep3B Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Cell Line CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2015 Apr 3058(2)134-40

(Correspondence Author)

67 Chang WH Tsai YL Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Chaunchaiyakul R Fang Y Lee SD Kuo CH

Null effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on improving glycemic status in men during a resistance training

recovery J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2015 Aug 201234

68 Chen MC Lee NH Hsu HH Ho TJ Tu CC Hsieh DJ Lin YM Chen LM Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Thymoquinone Induces Caspase-Independent Autophagic Cell Death in CPT-11-Resistant

LoVo Colon Cancer via Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Activation of JNK and p38 JOURNAL OF

AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2015 1163(5)1540-6 (Correspondence Author)

69 Lin KH Kuo WW Jiang AZ Pai P Lin JY Chen WK Day CH Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang

HuangTetramethylpyrazine Ameliorated Hypoxia-induced Myocardial Cell Apoptosis via

HIF-1αJNKp38 and IGFBP3BNIP3 Inhibition to upregulate PI3KAkt CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536(1)334-44 (Correspondence Author)

70 Tsai CY Wen SY Shibu MA Yang YC Peng H Wang B Wei YM Chang HY Lee CY Chih-Yang

Huang Kuo WW Diallyl trisulfide protects against high glucosendashinduced cardiac apoptosis by

stimulating the production of Cystathionine gamma-lyase-derived hydrogen sulfide


(co-correspondence Author)

71 Da-Tong JuWei-Wen KuoTsung-Jung HoCatherine Reena PaulChia-Hua KuoFuu-Jen

TsaiChien-Chung LinYueh-Sheng ChenYung-Ming Chang Chih-Yang Huang Protocatechuic Acid

from Alpinia oxyphylla Induces Schwann Cell Migration via ERK12JNK and p38 Activation Am J

Chin Med 201543(4)653-65 (Correspondence Author)

72 Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Kuo WW Liou YF Lee SD Ju DT Kuo CH Tzang BS The Root

Extract of Gentiana macrophylla Pall Alleviates Cardiac Apoptosis in Lupus Prone Mice PLoS One

2015 1810(5)e0127440 (First Author)

73 Hsieh YL Tsai YL Shibu MA Su CC Chung LC Pai P Kuo CH Yeh YL Viswanadha VP

Chih-Yang Huang ZAK induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and brain natriuretic peptide

expression via p38JNK signaling and GATA4c-Jun transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR

AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 2015 Jul405(1-2)1-9 (Correspondence Author)

74 Hu WS Ting WJ Chiang WD Pai P Yeh YL Chang CH Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangThe Heart

Protection Effect of Alcalase Potato Protein Hydrolysate Is through IGF1R-PI3K-Akt Compensatory

Reactivation in Aging Rats on High Fat Diets INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR

SCIENCES 2015 May 516(5)10158-72 (correspondence Author)

75 Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieha Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Ping Lai Marthandam Asokan Shibu Chia-Yao Shen

Peiying Pai Yu-LanYeh Jing-Ying Lin Vijaya PadmaViswanadha Chih-Yang Huang 17β-Estradiol

andor Estrogen Receptor β Attenuate the Autophagic and Apoptotic Effects Induced by Prolonged

Hypoxia Through HIF-1α-Mediated BNIP3 and IGFBP-3 Signaling Blockage CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536274-284 (Correspondence Author)

76 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 complex

binds to protein kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015


77 Hsieh DJ Huang CY Pai P Wang SG Tsai YL Li CN Kuo WW Chih-Yang HuangProlactin

protects cardiomyocytes against intermittent hypoxia-induced cell damage by the modulation of

signaling pathways related to cardiac hypertrophy and proliferation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF CARDIOLOGY 2015 Feb 15181255-66 (Correspondence Author)

78 Chih-Yang Huang Chen SY Fu RH Huang YC Chen SY Shyu WC Lin SZ Liu SP

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Into Cardiomyocytes Used to Investigate the

Cardioprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B Through BNIP3 Involved Pathway CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 201524(3)561-71 (First Author)

79 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

80 Sheng-Huang C Chieh-Hsin C Mu-Chun Y Wen-Tung H Chia-Ying H Ya-Ting H Wan-Ling SU

Jiuan-Jen S Chih-Yang Huang Jer-Yuh Effects of estrogen on glutathione and catalase levels in

human erythrocyte during menstrual cycle Biomed Rep 2015 Mar3(2)266-268



SHSST‑cyclodextrin complex inhibits TGF βSmad3CTGF to a greater extent than silymarin in a rat

model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury Molecular Medicine Reports 2015

Oct12(4)6053-9 2015(Correspondence Author)

82 Hsu TC Chiou CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol

2015 Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

83 Chung-Ben Kan Yu-LanYehCecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang

Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jer-Yuh Liu Chien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang HuangAttenuation of Crude

Water Extract of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum on the Cardiac Mitochondria-Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway Effects in Hypercholesterol Fed Hamsters Adaptive Medicine2015

(Correspondence Author)

84 Chao-Hung Lai Chien-Kuo Han Marthandam Asokan Shibu Pei Ying Pai Tsung- Jung Ho Cecilia

Hsuan Day Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang HuangLumbrokinase from

earthworm extract ameliorates second-hand smoke induced cardiac fibrosis Environ Toxicol 2015

Sep30(10)1216-25 (correspondence Author)

85 Wang HF Lin PP Chen CH Yeh YL Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Effects of lactic acid

bacteria on cardiac apoptosis are mediated by activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinaseAKT

survival-signalling pathway in rats fed a high-fat diet Int J Mol Med 2015 Feb35(2)460-70

(co-correspondence Author)

86 Lin KH Kuo CH Kuo WW Ho TJ Pai P Chen WK Pan LF Wang CC Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang NFIL3 Suppresses Hypoxia-induced Apoptotic Cell Death by Targeting the Insulin-like

Growth Factor 2 Receptor J Cell Biochem 2015 Jun116(6)1113-20 (Correspondence Author)

87 Liao HE Shibu MA Kuo WW Pai PY Ho TJ Kuo CH Lin JY Pai PY Viswanadha VP Chih-Yang

Huang Deep Sea Minerals Prolong Life Span of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats by

Compensatory Augmentation of the IGF-I-Survival Signaling and Inhibition of Apoptosis

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 doi 101002(Correspondence Author)

88 Wang ZH Hsu HW Chou JC Yu CH Bau DT Wang GJ Chih Yang Huang Wang PS Wang SW

Cytotoxic Effect of S-Petasin and Iso-S-Petasin on the Proliferation of Human Prostate Cancer Cells


89 Chih Yang Huang Catherine Reena Paul Peiying Pai Wen-Dee Chiang Tsung-Jung HoWan-Teng

Lin Potato Protein Hydrolysate- APPH Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis and

Enhances Survival Through SIRT1 PGC-1ltalphagtAkt Signaling Journal of Functional Foods2015

(First Author)

90 Chang HC Chiu YW Lin YM Chen RJ Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Herbal Supplement Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rats with CCl4-Induced Liver

Cirrhosis CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 Feb 2857(1)41-7 (correspondence


91 Deng JS Lee SD Kuo WW Fan MJ Lin YM Hu WS Huang YC Velmurugan BK Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of protocatechuic acid on hypertensive

hearts CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 2014 Feb 2520977-84 (Correspondence


92 Hsu HH Kuo WW Ju DT Yeh YL Tu CC Tsai YL Shen CY Chang SH Chung LC Chih-Yang

Huang Estradiol agonists inhibit human LoVo colorectal-cancer cell proliferation and migration

through p53 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2014 Nov 2820(44)16665-73

(Correspondence Author)

93 Ming-Chieh WuYing-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training with hypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2014 DOI10108017461391

94 Chang CW Chen YS Chou SH Han CL Chen YJ Yang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lo JF Distinct

subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen

species exhibit diverse stemness proliferation and chemosensitivity CANCER RESEARCH 2014

Nov 174(21)6291-305 (co-correspondence Author)

95 Lin CC Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel Target Genes

Responsive to Apoptotic Activity by Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in Human Osteosarcoma cells

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence


96 Hsieh YL Pai P Ho TJ Chung LC Cheng YC Wu CH Fan MJ Day CH Shen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of Garlic Oil on Interleukin-6 Mediated Cardiac Hypertrophy in

Hypercholesterol-Fed Hamsters CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(6)320-8

97 Wu JP Hsieh CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Yeh YL Lin CC Kuo CH Chih-Yang Huang Secondhand

smoke exposure toxicity accelerates age-related cardiac disease in old hamsters BMC Cardiovasc

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

(co-correspondence Author)

99 Chih-Yang Huang Cooper EL Fang-Yeu Poh C Kuo WW Chen TS Sherman R Special

invertebrate models and integrative medical applications regulations mechanisms and therapies

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20142014843961 (First Author)

100 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) activates fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling to induce


201442(2)443-52 (Correspondence Author)

101 Lin E Chen MC Huang CY Hsu SL Huang WJ Lin MS Wu JC Lin H All-trans retinoic acid

induces DU145 cell cycle arrest through Cdk5 activation CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 33(6)1620-30

102 Chou SH Lin SZ Kuo WW Pai P Lin JY Lai CH Kuo CH Lin KH Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Cardiovascular Therapy Cell Transplant

201423(4-5)513-29 (Correspondence Author)

103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

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104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

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aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

Fuu-Jen TsaiHsi-Hsien Hsu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Resistance to Irinotecan (CPT-11)

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Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

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107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

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108 Wu MH Chih-Yang Huang Lin JA Wang SW Peng CY Cheng HC Tang CH Endothelin-1

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109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

Association of Genetic Variants in Senataxin and Alzheimers Disease in a Chinese Han Population in

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

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111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

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112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

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113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

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BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

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115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

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116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

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117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

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118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

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120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

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121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

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122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

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Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

Signaling via the IKK αβ NF- κ B Pathway in Apicidin-Resistant HA22T Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

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125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

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OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

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127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

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Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

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129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

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130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

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131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

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132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

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133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

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receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

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135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

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P-38 Erk12 JNK and NF κ B Signaling Protein Activation The American Journal of Chinese

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136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

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137 Tu CC Kumar VB Day CH Kuo WW Yeh SP Chen RJ Liao CR Chen HY Tsai FJ Wu WJ

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138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

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140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

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141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

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Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

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Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

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145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

146 Wu MH Chen LM Hsu HH Lin JA Lin YM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang CH

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148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

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149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

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150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

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153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

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Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

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164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

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165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

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(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

Paoletti MG Earthworms Dilong Ancient Inexpensive Noncontroversial ModelsMay Help Clarify

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169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012736752

170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and

tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

Chem Toxicol 2012 May50(5)1802-1810 (Correspondence Author)

171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

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175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

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177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

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183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

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185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

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protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

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189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

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191 Chung YS Chih-Yang Huang Ma MC Chu CC Chiang HS Lin LJ Chou SH Cardiac Injury

Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

2011 2011380809 (correspondence Author)

194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

activation in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and block tumor growth in xenografted


Dec28(6)927-36 (Correspondence Author)

196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

Metalloproteinase (MMP) Expression by Modulatingthe Protein Kinase C-rExtracellular

Signal-Regulated KinasePeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γNuclear

Factor-KB(PKC-rERKPP 2011 May 1159(9)5100-8

197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

221861 (correspondence Author)

198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells and Pathologically Hypertensive Rat Heart J Cell Physiol 2011

Jan227(1)259-68 (Correspondence Author)




HIGH-CHOLESTEROL DIETARY MICE Journal of Food Biochemistry 2011 DOI

101111j1745-4514201000498 (co-correspondence Author)

200 Chen TS Liou SY Wu HC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Chang YL Efficacy of

Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amla (Emblica officinalis) Extract for the Treatment of Uremic

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

201 Lai TY Su CC Kuo WW Yeh YL Kuo WH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YJ Chih-Yang Huang Chen

LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

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epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

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221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

Peiying Pai Yu-LanYeh Jing-Ying Lin Vijaya PadmaViswanadha Chih-Yang Huang 17β-Estradiol

andor Estrogen Receptor β Attenuate the Autophagic and Apoptotic Effects Induced by Prolonged

Hypoxia Through HIF-1α-Mediated BNIP3 and IGFBP-3 Signaling Blockage CELLULAR

PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 201536274-284 (Correspondence Author)

76 Yue CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai JH Hsu CW Hsieh YH Lin H Liu JY MZF-1Elk-1 complex

binds to protein kinase Cα promoter and is involved in hepatocellular carcinoma PLoS One 2015


77 Hsieh DJ Huang CY Pai P Wang SG Tsai YL Li CN Kuo WW Chih-Yang HuangProlactin

protects cardiomyocytes against intermittent hypoxia-induced cell damage by the modulation of

signaling pathways related to cardiac hypertrophy and proliferation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL

OF CARDIOLOGY 2015 Feb 15181255-66 (Correspondence Author)

78 Chih-Yang Huang Chen SY Fu RH Huang YC Chen SY Shyu WC Lin SZ Liu SP

Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells Into Cardiomyocytes Used to Investigate the

Cardioprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B Through BNIP3 Involved Pathway CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 201524(3)561-71 (First Author)

79 Chen TS Liou SY Kuo WW Wu HC Jong GP Wang HF Shen CY Padma VV Chih-Yang Huang

Chang YL Rapid method for the quantification of hydroquinone concentration chemiluminescent

analysis Luminescence 2015 Nov30(7)947-9 (co-correspondence Author)

80 Sheng-Huang C Chieh-Hsin C Mu-Chun Y Wen-Tung H Chia-Ying H Ya-Ting H Wan-Ling SU

Jiuan-Jen S Chih-Yang Huang Jer-Yuh Effects of estrogen on glutathione and catalase levels in

human erythrocyte during menstrual cycle Biomed Rep 2015 Mar3(2)266-268



SHSST‑cyclodextrin complex inhibits TGF βSmad3CTGF to a greater extent than silymarin in a rat

model of carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury Molecular Medicine Reports 2015

Oct12(4)6053-9 2015(Correspondence Author)

82 Hsu TC Chiou CC Lin HL Kao TW Chen LJ Wu LY Chih-Yang Huang Tzang BS Attenuated

Effects of Deep-Sea Water on Hepatic Apoptosis in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats Chin J Physiol

2015 Jun 3058(3)197-205 (co-correspondence Author)

83 Chung-Ben Kan Yu-LanYehCecilia-Hsuan Day Chia-Yao Shen Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang

Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jer-Yuh Liu Chien-Chung Lin Chih-Yang HuangAttenuation of Crude

Water Extract of the Leaves of Ocimum gratissimum on the Cardiac Mitochondria-Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway Effects in Hypercholesterol Fed Hamsters Adaptive Medicine2015

(Correspondence Author)

84 Chao-Hung Lai Chien-Kuo Han Marthandam Asokan Shibu Pei Ying Pai Tsung- Jung Ho Cecilia

Hsuan Day Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang HuangLumbrokinase from

earthworm extract ameliorates second-hand smoke induced cardiac fibrosis Environ Toxicol 2015

Sep30(10)1216-25 (correspondence Author)

85 Wang HF Lin PP Chen CH Yeh YL Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Effects of lactic acid

bacteria on cardiac apoptosis are mediated by activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinaseAKT

survival-signalling pathway in rats fed a high-fat diet Int J Mol Med 2015 Feb35(2)460-70

(co-correspondence Author)

86 Lin KH Kuo CH Kuo WW Ho TJ Pai P Chen WK Pan LF Wang CC Padma VV Chih-Yang

Huang NFIL3 Suppresses Hypoxia-induced Apoptotic Cell Death by Targeting the Insulin-like

Growth Factor 2 Receptor J Cell Biochem 2015 Jun116(6)1113-20 (Correspondence Author)

87 Liao HE Shibu MA Kuo WW Pai PY Ho TJ Kuo CH Lin JY Pai PY Viswanadha VP Chih-Yang

Huang Deep Sea Minerals Prolong Life Span of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats by

Compensatory Augmentation of the IGF-I-Survival Signaling and Inhibition of Apoptosis

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 doi 101002(Correspondence Author)

88 Wang ZH Hsu HW Chou JC Yu CH Bau DT Wang GJ Chih Yang Huang Wang PS Wang SW

Cytotoxic Effect of S-Petasin and Iso-S-Petasin on the Proliferation of Human Prostate Cancer Cells


89 Chih Yang Huang Catherine Reena Paul Peiying Pai Wen-Dee Chiang Tsung-Jung HoWan-Teng

Lin Potato Protein Hydrolysate- APPH Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis and

Enhances Survival Through SIRT1 PGC-1ltalphagtAkt Signaling Journal of Functional Foods2015

(First Author)

90 Chang HC Chiu YW Lin YM Chen RJ Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Herbal Supplement Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rats with CCl4-Induced Liver

Cirrhosis CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 Feb 2857(1)41-7 (correspondence


91 Deng JS Lee SD Kuo WW Fan MJ Lin YM Hu WS Huang YC Velmurugan BK Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of protocatechuic acid on hypertensive

hearts CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 2014 Feb 2520977-84 (Correspondence


92 Hsu HH Kuo WW Ju DT Yeh YL Tu CC Tsai YL Shen CY Chang SH Chung LC Chih-Yang

Huang Estradiol agonists inhibit human LoVo colorectal-cancer cell proliferation and migration

through p53 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2014 Nov 2820(44)16665-73

(Correspondence Author)

93 Ming-Chieh WuYing-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training with hypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2014 DOI10108017461391

94 Chang CW Chen YS Chou SH Han CL Chen YJ Yang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lo JF Distinct

subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen

species exhibit diverse stemness proliferation and chemosensitivity CANCER RESEARCH 2014

Nov 174(21)6291-305 (co-correspondence Author)

95 Lin CC Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel Target Genes

Responsive to Apoptotic Activity by Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in Human Osteosarcoma cells

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence


96 Hsieh YL Pai P Ho TJ Chung LC Cheng YC Wu CH Fan MJ Day CH Shen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of Garlic Oil on Interleukin-6 Mediated Cardiac Hypertrophy in

Hypercholesterol-Fed Hamsters CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(6)320-8

97 Wu JP Hsieh CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Yeh YL Lin CC Kuo CH Chih-Yang Huang Secondhand

smoke exposure toxicity accelerates age-related cardiac disease in old hamsters BMC Cardiovasc

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

(co-correspondence Author)

99 Chih-Yang Huang Cooper EL Fang-Yeu Poh C Kuo WW Chen TS Sherman R Special

invertebrate models and integrative medical applications regulations mechanisms and therapies

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20142014843961 (First Author)

100 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) activates fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling to induce


201442(2)443-52 (Correspondence Author)

101 Lin E Chen MC Huang CY Hsu SL Huang WJ Lin MS Wu JC Lin H All-trans retinoic acid

induces DU145 cell cycle arrest through Cdk5 activation CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 33(6)1620-30

102 Chou SH Lin SZ Kuo WW Pai P Lin JY Lai CH Kuo CH Lin KH Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Cardiovascular Therapy Cell Transplant

201423(4-5)513-29 (Correspondence Author)

103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

expression and cardiomyocyte apoptosis by inhibiting HSF1 via JNK activation and SIRT1

degradation CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION (IF=83)2014 21(8)1262-74

(Correspondence Author)

104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

Exercise training enhanced SIRT1 longevity signaling replaces the IGF1 survival pathway to attenuate

aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

Fuu-Jen TsaiHsi-Hsien Hsu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Resistance to Irinotecan (CPT-11)

activates Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorNuclear Factor Kappa B and Increases Cellular

Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

(Correspondence Author)

106 Lin CC1 Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel target genes

responsive to apoptotic activity by Ocimum gratissimum in human osteosarcoma cells Am J Chin

Med 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence Author)

107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

Hsueh-Fang Wang GABA Tea Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis by Attenuating TNF-alpha and

FasFasL-mediated apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats FOOD AND CHEMICAL

TOXICOLOGY2014 6590 -96 (First Author)

108 Wu MH Chih-Yang Huang Lin JA Wang SW Peng CY Cheng HC Tang CH Endothelin-1

promotes vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent angiogenesis in human chondrosarcoma cells

ONCOGENE 2014 33(13)1725-35

109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

Association of Genetic Variants in Senataxin and Alzheimers Disease in a Chinese Han Population in

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 Treatment CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2014

3057(2) (correspondence Author)

111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

Huang Apicidin-resistant HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells massively promote pro-survival

capability via IGF-IRPI3KAkt signaling pathway activation Tumour Biol 2014 35(1)303-13

(correspondence Author)

112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

stability and protein expressions through inhibiting cytoplasmic translocation of HuR transcription

factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY2014 2857(1) 8-18(Correspondence Author)

113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

Chih-Yang HuangGelsolin (GSN) induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and BNP expression via p38

signaling and GATA-4 transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

HuangSHSST cyclodextrin complex prevents the fibrosis effect on CCl₄-induced cirrhotic

cardiomyopathy in rats through TGF-β pathway inhibition effects Int J Mol Sci 2014 May

815(5)8037-48 (correspondence Author)

115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 TreatmentChin J

Physiol 2014 Apr 3057(2)99-104 (correspondence Author)

116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

Jun 3057(3)111-20 (co-correspondence Author)

117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

Jun 1537(5)402-13 (Correspondence Author)

118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

Induce Migration of RSC96 Schwann Cells The American journal of Chinese medicine

201442(2)443-52 (First Author)

120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

Toxicol 2014 Sep 24 (Correspondence Author)

121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

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Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

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Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

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Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

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125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

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promotes cardiac function in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus BRITISH JOURNAL

OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

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127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

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Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

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129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 201333(2) 139-148 (First Author)

130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

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radioimmunotherapy to prostate carcinoma Int J Radiat Biol 2013 May89(5)346-55

131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

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132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

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Complement Alternat Med 2013 2013946451 (co-correspondence Author)

133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

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receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

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135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

Genistein Suppresses the Isoproterenol-Treated H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Associated with

P-38 Erk12 JNK and NF κ B Signaling Protein Activation The American Journal of Chinese

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136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

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137 Tu CC Kumar VB Day CH Kuo WW Yeh SP Chen RJ Liao CR Chen HY Tsai FJ Wu WJ

Chih-Yang HuangEstrogen recepPtor a overexpression mediated apoptosis in Hep3B cells by

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138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

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139 Tsai KH Lee NH Chen GY Hu WS Tsai CY Chang MH Jong GP Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ

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140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Henry J TsaiChih-Yang Huang Rhubarb inhibits hepatocellular

carcinoma cell metastasis via GSK-3-b activation to enhance protein degradation and attenuate

nuclear translocation of b-catenin Food Chemistry 2013 138 278ndash285 (correspondence Author)

141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

Accelerates Recovery from Physical Fatigue Journal of the International Society of Sports

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142 Hsia TC Tu CY Chen YJ Wei YL Yu MC Hsu SC Tsai SL Chen WS Yeh MH Yen CJ Yu YL

Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

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Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through P38β inhibition The American Journal of Chinese

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145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

146 Wu MH Chen LM Hsu HH Lin JA Lin YM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang CH

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148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

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149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

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150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

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Reducing body fat with altitude hypoxia training in swimmers role of blood perfusion to skeletal

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153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

Activators and the MMP-2-9 Pathway by a Zanthoxylum avicennae Extract to Inhibit the HA22T

Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

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Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

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165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

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(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

Paoletti MG Earthworms Dilong Ancient Inexpensive Noncontroversial ModelsMay Help Clarify

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169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

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170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

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tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

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171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

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175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

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177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

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CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

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protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

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189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

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Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

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PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

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194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

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195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

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Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

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197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

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MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

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198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

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Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

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209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

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Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

(co-correspondence Author)

221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

Huang NFIL3 Suppresses Hypoxia-induced Apoptotic Cell Death by Targeting the Insulin-like

Growth Factor 2 Receptor J Cell Biochem 2015 Jun116(6)1113-20 (Correspondence Author)

87 Liao HE Shibu MA Kuo WW Pai PY Ho TJ Kuo CH Lin JY Pai PY Viswanadha VP Chih-Yang

Huang Deep Sea Minerals Prolong Life Span of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats by

Compensatory Augmentation of the IGF-I-Survival Signaling and Inhibition of Apoptosis

ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 2015 doi 101002(Correspondence Author)

88 Wang ZH Hsu HW Chou JC Yu CH Bau DT Wang GJ Chih Yang Huang Wang PS Wang SW

Cytotoxic Effect of S-Petasin and Iso-S-Petasin on the Proliferation of Human Prostate Cancer Cells


89 Chih Yang Huang Catherine Reena Paul Peiying Pai Wen-Dee Chiang Tsung-Jung HoWan-Teng

Lin Potato Protein Hydrolysate- APPH Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiac Apoptosis and

Enhances Survival Through SIRT1 PGC-1ltalphagtAkt Signaling Journal of Functional Foods2015

(First Author)

90 Chang HC Chiu YW Lin YM Chen RJ Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Herbal Supplement Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in Rats with CCl4-Induced Liver

Cirrhosis CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 Feb 2857(1)41-7 (correspondence


91 Deng JS Lee SD Kuo WW Fan MJ Lin YM Hu WS Huang YC Velmurugan BK Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effect of protocatechuic acid on hypertensive

hearts CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS 2014 Feb 2520977-84 (Correspondence


92 Hsu HH Kuo WW Ju DT Yeh YL Tu CC Tsai YL Shen CY Chang SH Chung LC Chih-Yang

Huang Estradiol agonists inhibit human LoVo colorectal-cancer cell proliferation and migration

through p53 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2014 Nov 2820(44)16665-73

(Correspondence Author)

93 Ming-Chieh WuYing-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training with hypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2014 DOI10108017461391

94 Chang CW Chen YS Chou SH Han CL Chen YJ Yang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lo JF Distinct

subpopulations of head and neck cancer cells with different levels of intracellular reactive oxygen

species exhibit diverse stemness proliferation and chemosensitivity CANCER RESEARCH 2014

Nov 174(21)6291-305 (co-correspondence Author)

95 Lin CC Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel Target Genes

Responsive to Apoptotic Activity by Ocimum gratissimum Extracts in Human Osteosarcoma cells

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence


96 Hsieh YL Pai P Ho TJ Chung LC Cheng YC Wu CH Fan MJ Day CH Shen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of Garlic Oil on Interleukin-6 Mediated Cardiac Hypertrophy in

Hypercholesterol-Fed Hamsters CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(6)320-8

97 Wu JP Hsieh CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Yeh YL Lin CC Kuo CH Chih-Yang Huang Secondhand

smoke exposure toxicity accelerates age-related cardiac disease in old hamsters BMC Cardiovasc

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

(co-correspondence Author)

99 Chih-Yang Huang Cooper EL Fang-Yeu Poh C Kuo WW Chen TS Sherman R Special

invertebrate models and integrative medical applications regulations mechanisms and therapies

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20142014843961 (First Author)

100 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) activates fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling to induce


201442(2)443-52 (Correspondence Author)

101 Lin E Chen MC Huang CY Hsu SL Huang WJ Lin MS Wu JC Lin H All-trans retinoic acid

induces DU145 cell cycle arrest through Cdk5 activation CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 33(6)1620-30

102 Chou SH Lin SZ Kuo WW Pai P Lin JY Lai CH Kuo CH Lin KH Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Cardiovascular Therapy Cell Transplant

201423(4-5)513-29 (Correspondence Author)

103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

expression and cardiomyocyte apoptosis by inhibiting HSF1 via JNK activation and SIRT1

degradation CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION (IF=83)2014 21(8)1262-74

(Correspondence Author)

104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

Exercise training enhanced SIRT1 longevity signaling replaces the IGF1 survival pathway to attenuate

aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

Fuu-Jen TsaiHsi-Hsien Hsu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Resistance to Irinotecan (CPT-11)

activates Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorNuclear Factor Kappa B and Increases Cellular

Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

(Correspondence Author)

106 Lin CC1 Chao PY Shen CY Shu JJ Yen SK Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Novel target genes

responsive to apoptotic activity by Ocimum gratissimum in human osteosarcoma cells Am J Chin

Med 201442(3)743-67 (co-correspondence Author)

107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

Hsueh-Fang Wang GABA Tea Prevents Cardiac Fibrosis by Attenuating TNF-alpha and

FasFasL-mediated apoptosis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats FOOD AND CHEMICAL

TOXICOLOGY2014 6590 -96 (First Author)

108 Wu MH Chih-Yang Huang Lin JA Wang SW Peng CY Cheng HC Tang CH Endothelin-1

promotes vascular endothelial growth factor-dependent angiogenesis in human chondrosarcoma cells

ONCOGENE 2014 33(13)1725-35

109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

Association of Genetic Variants in Senataxin and Alzheimers Disease in a Chinese Han Population in

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 Treatment CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2014

3057(2) (correspondence Author)

111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

Huang Apicidin-resistant HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells massively promote pro-survival

capability via IGF-IRPI3KAkt signaling pathway activation Tumour Biol 2014 35(1)303-13

(correspondence Author)

112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

stability and protein expressions through inhibiting cytoplasmic translocation of HuR transcription

factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY2014 2857(1) 8-18(Correspondence Author)

113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

Chih-Yang HuangGelsolin (GSN) induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and BNP expression via p38

signaling and GATA-4 transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

HuangSHSST cyclodextrin complex prevents the fibrosis effect on CCl₄-induced cirrhotic

cardiomyopathy in rats through TGF-β pathway inhibition effects Int J Mol Sci 2014 May

815(5)8037-48 (correspondence Author)

115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 TreatmentChin J

Physiol 2014 Apr 3057(2)99-104 (correspondence Author)

116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

Jun 3057(3)111-20 (co-correspondence Author)

117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

Jun 1537(5)402-13 (Correspondence Author)

118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

Induce Migration of RSC96 Schwann Cells The American journal of Chinese medicine

201442(2)443-52 (First Author)

120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

Toxicol 2014 Sep 24 (Correspondence Author)

121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

Activated apoptotic and anti-survival effects on rat hearts with fructose induced metabolic syndrome

Cell Biochem Funct 2014 32(2)133-41 (co-correspondence Author)

122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

Hepatoprotective Effects of Ixora parviflora Extract against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

Signaling via the IKK αβ NF- κ B Pathway in Apicidin-Resistant HA22T Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

Pathways in Obesity CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2013 57(3)111-20

(co-correspondence Author)

125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

Huang Oral Lactobacillus reuteri GMN-32 treatment reduces blood glucose concentrations and

promotes cardiac function in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus BRITISH JOURNAL

OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

(Correspondence Author)

127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

Hsu SH Biocompatibility and favorable response of mesenchymal stem cells on fibronectin-gold

nanocomposites PLoS One 2013 Jun 248(6)e65738

128 Huang PH Chih-Yang Huang Chen MC Lee YT Yue CH Wang HY Lin H Emodin and

Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 20132013376123 (co-correspondence Author)

129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 201333(2) 139-148 (First Author)

130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

Inhibitory eff ects of Rhenium-188-labeled Herceptin on prostate cancer cell growth A possible

radioimmunotherapy to prostate carcinoma Int J Radiat Biol 2013 May89(5)346-55

131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

isoliquiritigenin on the migration and invasion of human breast cancer cells Expert Opin Ther Targets

2013 Apr17(4)337-49

132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

TC Chih-Yang Huang Lo J F Active Component of Antrodia cinnamomea Mycelia Targeting Head

and Neck Cancer Initiating Cells through Exaggerated Autophagic Cell Death Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2013 2013946451 (co-correspondence Author)

133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Activation of estrogen receptors with E2 downregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated

receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

survival pathways and attenuates cardiac apoptosis in the hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats

Int J Mol Med 201332(6)1319-28 (co-correspondence Author)

135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

Genistein Suppresses the Isoproterenol-Treated H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Associated with

P-38 Erk12 JNK and NF κ B Signaling Protein Activation The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013 41(5)1125-36 (correspondence Author)

136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

Synergistic Apoptotic Effects of Angiotensin II plus Leu 27-IGF II on Cardiomyoblasts Acta

Cardiologica Sinica2013 201430 (correspondence Author)

137 Tu CC Kumar VB Day CH Kuo WW Yeh SP Chen RJ Liao CR Chen HY Tsai FJ Wu WJ

Chih-Yang HuangEstrogen recepPtor a overexpression mediated apoptosis in Hep3B cells by

binding with Sp1 proteins JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 2013 Jul

1251(1)203-12 (Correspondence Author)

138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

activation involved in glycitein protective effects on isoproterenol-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells

J O U R N A L O F F U N C T I O N A L F O O D 2013 5 460-465(Correspondence Author)

139 Tsai KH Lee NH Chen GY Hu WS Tsai CY Chang MH Jong GP Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ

Tsai CH Chih-Yang HuangDung-shen (Codonopsis pilosula) attenuated the cardiac-impaired

insulin-like growth factor II receptor pathway on myocardial cells FOOD CHEMISTRY 2013

138(2-3)1856-67(Correspondence Author)

140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Henry J TsaiChih-Yang Huang Rhubarb inhibits hepatocellular

carcinoma cell metastasis via GSK-3-b activation to enhance protein degradation and attenuate

nuclear translocation of b-catenin Food Chemistry 2013 138 278ndash285 (correspondence Author)

141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

Accelerates Recovery from Physical Fatigue Journal of the International Society of Sports

Nutrition2013 10(1)7 (co-correspondence Author)

142 Hsia TC Tu CY Chen YJ Wei YL Yu MC Hsu SC Tsai SL Chen WS Yeh MH Yen CJ Yu YL

Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

EGFRHuR interaction enhances the aggressiveness of triple-negative breast cancer cells


143 Chung-Hsiang Liu Yi-Wen Lin Nou-Ying Tang Hsu-Jan Liu Chih-Yang Huang Ching-Liang

Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through P38β inhibition The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013Vol 41 No 3 683ndash696 (Correspondence Author)

145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

146 Wu MH Chen LM Hsu HH Lin JA Lin YM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang CH

Endothelin-1 enhances cell migration through COX-2 up-regulation in human chondrosarcoma


(co-correspondence Author)

147 Cheng YC Chang MH Tsai CC Chen TS Fan CC Lin CC Lai CH Tsai FJ Lin JA Chih-Yang

Huang Garlic oil attenuates the cardiac apoptotosis in hamster-fed with hypercholesterol diet

FOOD CHEMISTRY 2013 136(3-4)1296-302 (Correspondence Author)

148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

Huang Danshen mediates through estrogen receptors to activate Akt and inhibit apoptosis effect of

Leu27IGF-II-induced IGF-II receptor signaling activation in cardiomyoblasts FOOD AND

CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 2013 5628-39 (Correspondence Author)

149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

The effect of Elephantopus scaber L on Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy

Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2013 2013369180 (Correspondence


150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY2013 1131783ndash1792 (Correspondence Author)

151 Chou SH Lin SZ Day CH Kuo WW Shen CY Hsieh DJ Lin JY Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Hematological Transplantation CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 2013 22(4)711-21 (Correspondence Author)

152 Chia M Liao CA Chih-Yang Hu ng Lee WC Hou CW Yu SH Harris MB Hsu TS Lee SD

Reducing body fat with altitude hypoxia training in swimmers role of blood perfusion to skeletal

muscles CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2013 56(1) 18-25

153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

Activators and the MMP-2-9 Pathway by a Zanthoxylum avicennae Extract to Inhibit the HA22T

Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

-Induced Liver Cirrhosis Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

20122012139045(correspondence Author)

164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

201240(5)1063-71 (correspondence Author)

165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

Human Growth Hormone Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I IGF-II and IGF-Binding Protein

(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

Paoletti MG Earthworms Dilong Ancient Inexpensive Noncontroversial ModelsMay Help Clarify

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169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012736752

170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and

tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

Chem Toxicol 2012 May50(5)1802-1810 (Correspondence Author)

171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

Jun29(6)1045-52 (Correspondence Author)

175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

Physiol 2012 Mar112(5)883-91 (First Author)

177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

through FAKPI3KAktmTOR pathways J Cell Physiol 2012 Aug227(8)3016-26

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

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187 Ho TJ Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lin WT Fasudila Rho-kinase inhibitorprotects against

excessive endurance exercise training-induced cardiac hypertrophyapoptosis and fibrosis in rats Eur

J Appl Physiol 2012 Aug112(8)2943-55 (co-correspondence Author)

188 Ding-Yu Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Mechanisms governing the

protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

2012 22(1)711-721 (correspondence Author)

189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

through PI3K-Akt-MDM2 signaling suppression FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 50(5)1802-10

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191 Chung YS Chih-Yang Huang Ma MC Chu CC Chiang HS Lin LJ Chou SH Cardiac Injury

Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

2011 2011380809 (correspondence Author)

194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

activation in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and block tumor growth in xenografted


Dec28(6)927-36 (Correspondence Author)

196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

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197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

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198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

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HIGH-CHOLESTEROL DIETARY MICE Journal of Food Biochemistry 2011 DOI

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200 Chen TS Liou SY Wu HC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Chang YL Efficacy of

Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amla (Emblica officinalis) Extract for the Treatment of Uremic

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

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LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

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epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

(co-correspondence Author)

221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

Disord 2014 1914195 (Correspondence Author)

98 Lin CH Lin CC Ting WJ Pai PY Kuo CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Chang CH Chih-Yang Huang Lin

WT Resveratrol enhanced FOXO3 phosphorylation via synergetic activation of SIRT1 and PI3KAkt

signaling to improve the effects of exercise in elderly rat hearts AGE 2014 Oct36(5)9705

(co-correspondence Author)

99 Chih-Yang Huang Cooper EL Fang-Yeu Poh C Kuo WW Chen TS Sherman R Special

invertebrate models and integrative medical applications regulations mechanisms and therapies

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20142014843961 (First Author)

100 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) activates fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling to induce


201442(2)443-52 (Correspondence Author)

101 Lin E Chen MC Huang CY Hsu SL Huang WJ Lin MS Wu JC Lin H All-trans retinoic acid

induces DU145 cell cycle arrest through Cdk5 activation CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 33(6)1620-30

102 Chou SH Lin SZ Kuo WW Pai P Lin JY Lai CH Kuo CH Lin KH Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Cardiovascular Therapy Cell Transplant

201423(4-5)513-29 (Correspondence Author)

103 Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Jing-Ying Lin Ding-Yu Lin

Chun-Hsien Chu Fu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang ANG II promotes IGF-IIR

expression and cardiomyocyte apoptosis by inhibiting HSF1 via JNK activation and SIRT1

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104 Lai CH Ho TJ Kuo WW Day CH Pai PY Chung LC Liao PH Lin FH Wu ET Chih-Yang Huang

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aging-induced rat heart apoptosis Age (Dordr) 2014 Oct36(5)9706(Correspondence Author)

105 Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua Kuo Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin

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Metastasis and Autophagy in LoVo Colon Cancer Cells CANCER LETTERS 2014 349(1)51-60

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107 Shur-Hueih Cherng Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Chien-Yu Tseng Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai

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108 Wu MH Chih-Yang Huang Lin JA Wang SW Peng CY Cheng HC Tang CH Endothelin-1

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109 Shen CP Lin WY Lin TF Wang WF Tsai CH Hsu BD Chih-Yang Huang Liu HP Tsai FJ

Association of Genetic Variants in Senataxin and Alzheimers Disease in a Chinese Han Population in

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

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111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

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112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

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factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

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113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

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BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

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115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

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116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

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117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

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118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

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120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

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121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

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122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

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Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

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Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

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125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

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OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

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pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

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127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

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Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

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129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

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130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

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131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

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132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

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133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

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receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

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135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

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136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

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138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

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141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

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Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

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Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

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145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

146 Wu MH Chen LM Hsu HH Lin JA Lin YM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang CH

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148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

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149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

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150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

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153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

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Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

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164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

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165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

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(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

Paoletti MG Earthworms Dilong Ancient Inexpensive Noncontroversial ModelsMay Help Clarify

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169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012736752

170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and

tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

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171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

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175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

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177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

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185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

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protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

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189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

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Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

2011 2011380809 (correspondence Author)

194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

activation in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and block tumor growth in xenografted


Dec28(6)927-36 (Correspondence Author)

196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

Metalloproteinase (MMP) Expression by Modulatingthe Protein Kinase C-rExtracellular

Signal-Regulated KinasePeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γNuclear

Factor-KB(PKC-rERKPP 2011 May 1159(9)5100-8

197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

221861 (correspondence Author)

198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells and Pathologically Hypertensive Rat Heart J Cell Physiol 2011

Jan227(1)259-68 (Correspondence Author)




HIGH-CHOLESTEROL DIETARY MICE Journal of Food Biochemistry 2011 DOI

101111j1745-4514201000498 (co-correspondence Author)

200 Chen TS Liou SY Wu HC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Chang YL Efficacy of

Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amla (Emblica officinalis) Extract for the Treatment of Uremic

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

201 Lai TY Su CC Kuo WW Yeh YL Kuo WH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YJ Chih-Yang Huang Chen

LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

203 Lo JF Yu CC Chiou SH Chih-Yang Huang Jan CI Lin SC Liu CJ Hu WY Yu YH The

epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

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221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

TaiwanCHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2014 57(2)83-9 (co-correspondence Author)

110 Tien-Huang LinWen-Chi ChenHsi-Chin WuWen-Shin ChienShang-Seu Lec Fu-Jenn Tsai

Chang-Hai TsaiWei-Jen TingSheng-Chu Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human

DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 Treatment CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2014

3057(2) (correspondence Author)

111 Hsu HH Cheng LH Ho TJ Kuo WW Lin YM Chen MC Lee NH Tsai FJ Tsai KH Chih-Yang

Huang Apicidin-resistant HA22T hepatocellular carcinoma cells massively promote pro-survival

capability via IGF-IRPI3KAkt signaling pathway activation Tumour Biol 2014 35(1)303-13

(correspondence Author)

112 Ming-Jen FanRosa Huang-LiuChia-Yao ShenDa-Tong Ju Yueh-Min Lin Peiying Pai Pi-Yu Huang

Tsung-Jung HoFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Reduction of TLR4 mRNA

stability and protein expressions through inhibiting cytoplasmic translocation of HuR transcription

factor by E2 andor ERα in LPS-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY2014 2857(1) 8-18(Correspondence Author)

113 Hu WS Ho TJ Pai P Chung LC Kuo CH Chang SH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Jie YC Liou YM

Chih-Yang HuangGelsolin (GSN) induces cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and BNP expression via p38

signaling and GATA-4 transcriptional factor activation MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR

BIOCHEMISTRY 2014 May390(1-2)263-70 (Correspondence Author)

114 Yang CH Ting WJ Day CH Ju DT Yeh YL Chung LC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Tsai Y Chih-Yang

HuangSHSST cyclodextrin complex prevents the fibrosis effect on CCl₄-induced cirrhotic

cardiomyopathy in rats through TGF-β pathway inhibition effects Int J Mol Sci 2014 May

815(5)8037-48 (correspondence Author)

115 Lin TH Chen WC Wu HC Chien WS Lee SS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Ting WJ Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang Induction of Apoptosis in Human DU145 Prostate Cancer Cells by KHC-4 TreatmentChin J

Physiol 2014 Apr 3057(2)99-104 (correspondence Author)

116 Chen WK Yeh YL Lin YM Lin JY Tzang BS Lin JA Yang AL Wu FL Tsai FJ Cheng SM

Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Cardiac Hypertrophy-related Pathways in Obesity Chin J Physiol2014

Jun 3057(3)111-20 (co-correspondence Author)

117 Chang YM Ye CX Ho TJ Tsai TN Chiu PL Tsai CC Lin YM Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH

Chih-Yang Huang Alpinia oxyphylla Miquel fruit extract activates MAPK-mediated signaling of

PAs and MMP29 to induce Schwann cell migration and nerve regeneration Int J Artif Organs 2014

Jun 1537(5)402-13 (Correspondence Author)

118 Lai MC Lin JG Pai PY Lai MH Lin YM Yeh YL Cheng SM Liu YF Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Protective effect of salidroside on cardiac apoptosis in mice with chronic intermittent

hypoxia Int J Cardiol 2014 Jul 1174(3)565-73 (co-correspondence Author)

119 Chih-Yang Huang Kuo WW Shibu MA Hsueh MF Chen YS Tsai FJ Yao CH Lin CC Pan LF Ju

DT Citrus medica var sarcodactylis (Foshou) Activates Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Signalingto

Induce Migration of RSC96 Schwann Cells The American journal of Chinese medicine

201442(2)443-52 (First Author)

120 Li PC Tien YC Day CH Pai P Kuo WW Chen TS Kuo CH Tsai CH Ju DT Chih-Yang Huang

Impact of LPS-Induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Inhibited by Earthworm Extracts Cardiovasc

Toxicol 2014 Sep 24 (Correspondence Author)

121 Cheng SM Cheng YJ Wu LY Kuo CH Lee YS Wu MC Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SD

Activated apoptotic and anti-survival effects on rat hearts with fructose induced metabolic syndrome

Cell Biochem Funct 2014 32(2)133-41 (co-correspondence Author)

122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

Hepatoprotective Effects of Ixora parviflora Extract against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

Signaling via the IKK αβ NF- κ B Pathway in Apicidin-Resistant HA22T Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

Pathways in Obesity CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2013 57(3)111-20

(co-correspondence Author)

125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

Huang Oral Lactobacillus reuteri GMN-32 treatment reduces blood glucose concentrations and

promotes cardiac function in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus BRITISH JOURNAL

OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

(Correspondence Author)

127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

Hsu SH Biocompatibility and favorable response of mesenchymal stem cells on fibronectin-gold

nanocomposites PLoS One 2013 Jun 248(6)e65738

128 Huang PH Chih-Yang Huang Chen MC Lee YT Yue CH Wang HY Lin H Emodin and

Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 20132013376123 (co-correspondence Author)

129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 201333(2) 139-148 (First Author)

130 Wang HY Lin WY Chen MC Lin T Chao CH Hsu FN Lin E Chih-Yang Huang Luo TY Lin H

Inhibitory eff ects of Rhenium-188-labeled Herceptin on prostate cancer cell growth A possible

radioimmunotherapy to prostate carcinoma Int J Radiat Biol 2013 May89(5)346-55

131 Wang KL Hsia SM Chan CJ Chang FY Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT Wang PSInhibitory effects of

isoliquiritigenin on the migration and invasion of human breast cancer cells Expert Opin Ther Targets

2013 Apr17(4)337-49

132 Chang CW Chen CC Wu MJ Chen YS Chen CC Sheu SJ Lin TW Chou SH Lin SC Liu CJ Lee

TC Chih-Yang Huang Lo J F Active Component of Antrodia cinnamomea Mycelia Targeting Head

and Neck Cancer Initiating Cells through Exaggerated Autophagic Cell Death Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2013 2013946451 (co-correspondence Author)

133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Activation of estrogen receptors with E2 downregulates peroxisome proliferator-activated

receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

survival pathways and attenuates cardiac apoptosis in the hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats

Int J Mol Med 201332(6)1319-28 (co-correspondence Author)

135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

Genistein Suppresses the Isoproterenol-Treated H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Associated with

P-38 Erk12 JNK and NF κ B Signaling Protein Activation The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013 41(5)1125-36 (correspondence Author)

136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

Synergistic Apoptotic Effects of Angiotensin II plus Leu 27-IGF II on Cardiomyoblasts Acta

Cardiologica Sinica2013 201430 (correspondence Author)

137 Tu CC Kumar VB Day CH Kuo WW Yeh SP Chen RJ Liao CR Chen HY Tsai FJ Wu WJ

Chih-Yang HuangEstrogen recepPtor a overexpression mediated apoptosis in Hep3B cells by

binding with Sp1 proteins JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 2013 Jul

1251(1)203-12 (Correspondence Author)

138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

activation involved in glycitein protective effects on isoproterenol-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells

J O U R N A L O F F U N C T I O N A L F O O D 2013 5 460-465(Correspondence Author)

139 Tsai KH Lee NH Chen GY Hu WS Tsai CY Chang MH Jong GP Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ

Tsai CH Chih-Yang HuangDung-shen (Codonopsis pilosula) attenuated the cardiac-impaired

insulin-like growth factor II receptor pathway on myocardial cells FOOD CHEMISTRY 2013

138(2-3)1856-67(Correspondence Author)

140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Henry J TsaiChih-Yang Huang Rhubarb inhibits hepatocellular

carcinoma cell metastasis via GSK-3-b activation to enhance protein degradation and attenuate

nuclear translocation of b-catenin Food Chemistry 2013 138 278ndash285 (correspondence Author)

141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

Accelerates Recovery from Physical Fatigue Journal of the International Society of Sports

Nutrition2013 10(1)7 (co-correspondence Author)

142 Hsia TC Tu CY Chen YJ Wei YL Yu MC Hsu SC Tsai SL Chen WS Yeh MH Yen CJ Yu YL

Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

EGFRHuR interaction enhances the aggressiveness of triple-negative breast cancer cells


143 Chung-Hsiang Liu Yi-Wen Lin Nou-Ying Tang Hsu-Jan Liu Chih-Yang Huang Ching-Liang

Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through P38β inhibition The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013Vol 41 No 3 683ndash696 (Correspondence Author)

145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

146 Wu MH Chen LM Hsu HH Lin JA Lin YM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang CH

Endothelin-1 enhances cell migration through COX-2 up-regulation in human chondrosarcoma


(co-correspondence Author)

147 Cheng YC Chang MH Tsai CC Chen TS Fan CC Lin CC Lai CH Tsai FJ Lin JA Chih-Yang

Huang Garlic oil attenuates the cardiac apoptotosis in hamster-fed with hypercholesterol diet

FOOD CHEMISTRY 2013 136(3-4)1296-302 (Correspondence Author)

148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

Huang Danshen mediates through estrogen receptors to activate Akt and inhibit apoptosis effect of

Leu27IGF-II-induced IGF-II receptor signaling activation in cardiomyoblasts FOOD AND

CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 2013 5628-39 (Correspondence Author)

149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

The effect of Elephantopus scaber L on Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy

Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2013 2013369180 (Correspondence


150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY2013 1131783ndash1792 (Correspondence Author)

151 Chou SH Lin SZ Day CH Kuo WW Shen CY Hsieh DJ Lin JY Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Hematological Transplantation CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 2013 22(4)711-21 (Correspondence Author)

152 Chia M Liao CA Chih-Yang Hu ng Lee WC Hou CW Yu SH Harris MB Hsu TS Lee SD

Reducing body fat with altitude hypoxia training in swimmers role of blood perfusion to skeletal

muscles CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2013 56(1) 18-25

153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

Activators and the MMP-2-9 Pathway by a Zanthoxylum avicennae Extract to Inhibit the HA22T

Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

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20122012139045(correspondence Author)

164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

201240(5)1063-71 (correspondence Author)

165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

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166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

Human Growth Hormone Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I IGF-II and IGF-Binding Protein

(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

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167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

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169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012736752

170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and

tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

Chem Toxicol 2012 May50(5)1802-1810 (Correspondence Author)

171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

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174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

Jun29(6)1045-52 (Correspondence Author)

175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

Physiol 2012 Mar112(5)883-91 (First Author)

177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

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182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

through FAKPI3KAktmTOR pathways J Cell Physiol 2012 Aug227(8)3016-26

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186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

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188 Ding-Yu Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Mechanisms governing the

protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

2012 22(1)711-721 (correspondence Author)

189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

through PI3K-Akt-MDM2 signaling suppression FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 50(5)1802-10

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191 Chung YS Chih-Yang Huang Ma MC Chu CC Chiang HS Lin LJ Chou SH Cardiac Injury

Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

2011 2011380809 (correspondence Author)

194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

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196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

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197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

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198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

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Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

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202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

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epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

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CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

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218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

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221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

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237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

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241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

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243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

Iron status and

cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

Activated apoptotic and anti-survival effects on rat hearts with fructose induced metabolic syndrome

Cell Biochem Funct 2014 32(2)133-41 (co-correspondence Author)

122 Kan NW Huang WC Lin WT Chih-Yang HuangWen KC Chiang HM Huang CC Hsu MC

Hepatoprotective Effects of Ixora parviflora Extract against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Mice MOLECULES 2013 Sep 318(9)10721-32

123 Chuan-Chou Tu Li-Hao Cheng Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Mien Chen Ming-Cheng Chen Nien-Hung Lee

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Wen-Jun Wu Yueh-Min Lin Activation of Snail and EMT-Like

Signaling via the IKK αβ NF- κ B Pathway in Apicidin-Resistant HA22T Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Cells Chinese Journal of Physiology2013 3156(6)326-333 (co-correspondence Author)

124 Wei-Kung ChenYu-LanYehYueh-Min LinJing-Ying LinBor-Show TzangJames A LinAi-Lun

Yang Fong-Li WuFuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Cardiac Hypertrophy-related

Pathways in Obesity CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY2013 57(3)111-20

(co-correspondence Author)

125 Lin CH Lin CC Shibu MA Liu CS Kuo CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Hsieh CH Chen YH Chih-Yang

Huang Oral Lactobacillus reuteri GMN-32 treatment reduces blood glucose concentrations and

promotes cardiac function in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus BRITISH JOURNAL

OF NUTRITION2013 Sep 41-8 (Correspondence Author)

126 Yung-Ming Chang Bharath Kumar Velmurugan Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Sheng Chen Tsung-Jung Ho

Chuan-Te Tsai Chi-Xin Ye Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang HuangInhibitory effect of

alpinate Oxyphyllae fructus extracts on Ang II-induced cardiac pathological remodeling-related

pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells Biomedical Materials2013 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 8-1 5 2

(Correspondence Author)

127 Hung HS Tang CM Lin CH Lin SZ Chu MY Sun WS Kao WC Hsien-Hsu H Chih-Yang Huang

Hsu SH Biocompatibility and favorable response of mesenchymal stem cells on fibronectin-gold

nanocomposites PLoS One 2013 Jun 248(6)e65738

128 Huang PH Chih-Yang Huang Chen MC Lee YT Yue CH Wang HY Lin H Emodin and

Aloe-Emodin Suppress Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation through ER120572 Inhibition Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 20132013376123 (co-correspondence Author)

129 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun LinTung-Tso HoHui-Chen ChenMei-Yun ChuWei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Huey-Shan Hung Shan-hui Hsu Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 201333(2) 139-148 (First Author)

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133 Lin YM Velmurugan BK Yeh YL Tu CC Ho TJ Lai TY Tsai CH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

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receptor γ in hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2013 30(6)3027-31(Correspondence Author)

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135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

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TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

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Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

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141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

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Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through P38β inhibition The American Journal of Chinese

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CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

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150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

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Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

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Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

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TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

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157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

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Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

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Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

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159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

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mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

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Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

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Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

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173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

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Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

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mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

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Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

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Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

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195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

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198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

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Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

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215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

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Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

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Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

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217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

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Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

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Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

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221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

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Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

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311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

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編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

134 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin YM Yeh YL Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt activates compensatory IGF-IRPI3KAkt

survival pathways and attenuates cardiac apoptosis in the hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats

Int J Mol Med 201332(6)1319-28 (co-correspondence Author)

135 Hu WS Lin YM Ho TJ Chen RJ Li YH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Day CH Chen TS Chih-Yang Huang

Genistein Suppresses the Isoproterenol-Treated H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis Associated with

P-38 Erk12 JNK and NF κ B Signaling Protein Activation The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013 41(5)1125-36 (correspondence Author)

136 Ko-Shih ChangNien-Hung LeeWei-Wen KuoWei-Syun HuMu-Hsin ChangFuu-Jen TsaiKun-Hsi

TsaiYuh-Shyong Yang Tung-Sheng Chen Chih-Yang Huang Dung-Shen Downregulates the

Synergistic Apoptotic Effects of Angiotensin II plus Leu 27-IGF II on Cardiomyoblasts Acta

Cardiologica Sinica2013 201430 (correspondence Author)

137 Tu CC Kumar VB Day CH Kuo WW Yeh SP Chen RJ Liao CR Chen HY Tsai FJ Wu WJ

Chih-Yang HuangEstrogen recepPtor a overexpression mediated apoptosis in Hep3B cells by

binding with Sp1 proteins JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 2013 Jul

1251(1)203-12 (Correspondence Author)

138 Chien-Chung Lin Tung-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Yi-Hui Li Wei-Wen Kuo Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang The p38 and NFκB signaling protein

activation involved in glycitein protective effects on isoproterenol-treated H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells

J O U R N A L O F F U N C T I O N A L F O O D 2013 5 460-465(Correspondence Author)

139 Tsai KH Lee NH Chen GY Hu WS Tsai CY Chang MH Jong GP Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ

Tsai CH Chih-Yang HuangDung-shen (Codonopsis pilosula) attenuated the cardiac-impaired

insulin-like growth factor II receptor pathway on myocardial cells FOOD CHEMISTRY 2013

138(2-3)1856-67(Correspondence Author)

140 Kun-Hsi Tsai Hau-Hsueh Hsien Li-Mien ChenWei-Jen TingYuh-ShyongYangChia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Henry J TsaiChih-Yang Huang Rhubarb inhibits hepatocellular

carcinoma cell metastasis via GSK-3-b activation to enhance protein degradation and attenuate

nuclear translocation of b-catenin Food Chemistry 2013 138 278ndash285 (correspondence Author)

141 Hou CW Tsai YS Jean WH Chen CY Ivy JL Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Deep Ocean Water

Accelerates Recovery from Physical Fatigue Journal of the International Society of Sports

Nutrition2013 10(1)7 (co-correspondence Author)

142 Hsia TC Tu CY Chen YJ Wei YL Yu MC Hsu SC Tsai SL Chen WS Yeh MH Yen CJ Yu YL

Huang TC Chih-Yang Huang Hung MC Huang WC Lapatinib-mediated COX-2 expression via

EGFRHuR interaction enhances the aggressiveness of triple-negative breast cancer cells


143 Chung-Hsiang Liu Yi-Wen Lin Nou-Ying Tang Hsu-Jan Liu Chih-Yang Huang Ching-Liang

Hsieh Effect of Oral Administration of Pheretima Aspergillum (Earthworm) in Rats with Cerebral

Infarction Induced by Middle-Cerebral Artery Occlusion African Journal of Traditional

Complementary and Alternative Medicines2013 10(1)66-82

144 Ehab Abdelfadil Ya-Hsin Cheng Da-Tian BauWei-Jen TingLi-Mien Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Yueh-Min LinRay-Jade ChenFu-Jenn TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Thymoquinone

induces apoptosis in oral cancer cells through P38β inhibition The American Journal of Chinese

Medicine 2013Vol 41 No 3 683ndash696 (Correspondence Author)

145 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells JOURNAL OF

CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY2013 228(3)563-71 (Correspondence Author)

146 Wu MH Chen LM Hsu HH Lin JA Lin YM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang CH

Endothelin-1 enhances cell migration through COX-2 up-regulation in human chondrosarcoma


(co-correspondence Author)

147 Cheng YC Chang MH Tsai CC Chen TS Fan CC Lin CC Lai CH Tsai FJ Lin JA Chih-Yang

Huang Garlic oil attenuates the cardiac apoptotosis in hamster-fed with hypercholesterol diet

FOOD CHEMISTRY 2013 136(3-4)1296-302 (Correspondence Author)

148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

Huang Danshen mediates through estrogen receptors to activate Akt and inhibit apoptosis effect of

Leu27IGF-II-induced IGF-II receptor signaling activation in cardiomyoblasts FOOD AND

CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 2013 5628-39 (Correspondence Author)

149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

The effect of Elephantopus scaber L on Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy

Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2013 2013369180 (Correspondence


150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY2013 1131783ndash1792 (Correspondence Author)

151 Chou SH Lin SZ Day CH Kuo WW Shen CY Hsieh DJ Lin JY Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Hematological Transplantation CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 2013 22(4)711-21 (Correspondence Author)

152 Chia M Liao CA Chih-Yang Hu ng Lee WC Hou CW Yu SH Harris MB Hsu TS Lee SD

Reducing body fat with altitude hypoxia training in swimmers role of blood perfusion to skeletal

muscles CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2013 56(1) 18-25

153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

Activators and the MMP-2-9 Pathway by a Zanthoxylum avicennae Extract to Inhibit the HA22T

Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

(Correspondence Author)

155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

(Correspondence Author)

159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

16-20 (co-correspondence Author)

163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

-Induced Liver Cirrhosis Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

20122012139045(correspondence Author)

164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

201240(5)1063-71 (correspondence Author)

165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

(Correspondence Author)

166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

Human Growth Hormone Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I IGF-II and IGF-Binding Protein

(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

267-273 (Correspondence Author)

167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

Paoletti MG Earthworms Dilong Ancient Inexpensive Noncontroversial ModelsMay Help Clarify

Approaches to IntegratedMedicine Emphasizing Neuroimmune Systems Evid Based Complement

Alternat Med 20122012164152

169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012736752

170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and

tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

Chem Toxicol 2012 May50(5)1802-1810 (Correspondence Author)

171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

478ndash485 (co-correspondence Author)

174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

Jun29(6)1045-52 (Correspondence Author)

175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

Physiol 2012 Mar112(5)883-91 (First Author)

177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

Ginsenoside-Rg1 Protects the Liver against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2012 2012932165

181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

through FAKPI3KAktmTOR pathways J Cell Physiol 2012 Aug227(8)3016-26

(co-correspondence Author)

186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training withhypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2012 2011 1-10

187 Ho TJ Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lin WT Fasudila Rho-kinase inhibitorprotects against

excessive endurance exercise training-induced cardiac hypertrophyapoptosis and fibrosis in rats Eur

J Appl Physiol 2012 Aug112(8)2943-55 (co-correspondence Author)

188 Ding-Yu Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Mechanisms governing the

protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

2012 22(1)711-721 (correspondence Author)

189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

through PI3K-Akt-MDM2 signaling suppression FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 50(5)1802-10

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190 Cheng IS Huang SW Lu HC Wu CL Chu YC Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Oral

hydroxycitrate supplementation enhances glycogen synthesis in exercised human skeletal muscle Br

J Nutr 2011 Apr107(7)1048-55 (co-correspondence Author)

191 Chung YS Chih-Yang Huang Ma MC Chu CC Chiang HS Lin LJ Chou SH Cardiac Injury

Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

2011 2011380809 (correspondence Author)

194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

activation in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and block tumor growth in xenografted


Dec28(6)927-36 (Correspondence Author)

196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

Metalloproteinase (MMP) Expression by Modulatingthe Protein Kinase C-rExtracellular

Signal-Regulated KinasePeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γNuclear

Factor-KB(PKC-rERKPP 2011 May 1159(9)5100-8

197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

221861 (correspondence Author)

198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells and Pathologically Hypertensive Rat Heart J Cell Physiol 2011

Jan227(1)259-68 (Correspondence Author)




HIGH-CHOLESTEROL DIETARY MICE Journal of Food Biochemistry 2011 DOI

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200 Chen TS Liou SY Wu HC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Chang YL Efficacy of

Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amla (Emblica officinalis) Extract for the Treatment of Uremic

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

201 Lai TY Su CC Kuo WW Yeh YL Kuo WH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YJ Chih-Yang Huang Chen

LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

203 Lo JF Yu CC Chiou SH Chih-Yang Huang Jan CI Lin SC Liu CJ Hu WY Yu YH The

epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

(co-correspondence Author)

221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

Huang Garlic oil attenuates the cardiac apoptotosis in hamster-fed with hypercholesterol diet

FOOD CHEMISTRY 2013 136(3-4)1296-302 (Correspondence Author)

148 Weng YS Kuo WW Lin YM Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lin JA Hsieh DJ Chih-Yang

Huang Danshen mediates through estrogen receptors to activate Akt and inhibit apoptosis effect of

Leu27IGF-II-induced IGF-II receptor signaling activation in cardiomyoblasts FOOD AND

CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 2013 5628-39 (Correspondence Author)

149 Tsai CC Wu JP Lin YM Yeh YL Ho TJ Kuo CH Tzang BS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang

The effect of Elephantopus scaber L on Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy

Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2013 2013369180 (Correspondence


150 Liu TC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Ivy JL Kuo CH Effect of acute DHEA administration on free

testosterone in middle-aged and young men following high-intensity interval training EUROPEAN

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY2013 1131783ndash1792 (Correspondence Author)

151 Chou SH Lin SZ Day CH Kuo WW Shen CY Hsieh DJ Lin JY Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang

Huang Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insights Prospects in Hematological Transplantation CELL

TRANSPLANTATION 2013 22(4)711-21 (Correspondence Author)

152 Chia M Liao CA Chih-Yang Hu ng Lee WC Hou CW Yu SH Harris MB Hsu TS Lee SD

Reducing body fat with altitude hypoxia training in swimmers role of blood perfusion to skeletal

muscles CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2013 56(1) 18-25

153 Tran Duc Dung Yueh-Min Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Peiying Pai Li-Chin Chung Sheng-Huang Chang

Hsi-Hsien Hsug Fuu-Jen Tsaia Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of Plasminogen

Activators and the MMP-2-9 Pathway by a Zanthoxylum avicennae Extract to Inhibit the HA22T

Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion Effects in Vitro and in Vivo via Biosci

Biotechnol Biochem 201377(9)1814-21 (Correspondence Author)

154 Pei-Pei Lin You-Miin Hsieh Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen

Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Cheng-Chih Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Suppression of TLR-4-Related

Inflammatory Pathway and Anti-Fibrosis Effects of Probiotic-Fermented Purple Sweet Potato Yogurt

in Hearts of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Chinese Journal of Physiology 201356(3)174-83

(Correspondence Author)

155 Lu DY Chen JH Tan TW Chih-Yang Huang Yeh WL Hsu HC Resistin protects against

6-hydroxydopamine-induced cell death in dopaminergic-like MES235 cells J Cell Physiol 2013



156 Chin-Chuan TsaiJia-Ping WuYueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Tsung-Jung Ho Chia-Hua KuoBor-Show

TzangFuu-Jen TsaiChang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang The Effect of Elephantopus scaber Lon

Liver Regeneration afterPartial Hepatectomy Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative

Medicine2012 2013369180 (Correspondence Author)

157 Mei-Chih ChenChih-Yang HuangShih-Lan Hsu Eugene Lin Chien-Te KuHo LinChuan-Mu

Chen Retinoic Acid Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer DU145 Cells through Cdk5 Overactivation

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012580736

158 Yung-Ming Chang Chuan-Te Tsai Chiun-Chuang Roger Wang Yueh-Sheng Chen Yueh-Min Lin

Chia-Hua Kuo Bor-Show TzangRay-Jade Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Alpinate

Oxyphyllae Fructus (Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq) Extracts Inhibit Angiotensin II Induced Cardiac

Apoptosis in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 201377(2)229-34

(Correspondence Author)

159 Tung-Sheng Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Wen Kuo Yueh-Min Lin Yu-Lan Yeh Cecilia Hsuan Day

Chien-Chung Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Maldi-tof mass spectrometry

analysis of small molecular weight compounds (with molecular weight under 10 KDa) as

biomarkers of rat hearts undergoing arecoline challenge Pharmaceutical Biology 2012 2013 Vol 51

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

16-20 (co-correspondence Author)

163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

-Induced Liver Cirrhosis Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

20122012139045(correspondence Author)

164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

201240(5)1063-71 (correspondence Author)

165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

(Correspondence Author)

166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

Human Growth Hormone Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I IGF-II and IGF-Binding Protein

(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

267-273 (Correspondence Author)

167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

Paoletti MG Earthworms Dilong Ancient Inexpensive Noncontroversial ModelsMay Help Clarify

Approaches to IntegratedMedicine Emphasizing Neuroimmune Systems Evid Based Complement

Alternat Med 20122012164152

169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012736752

170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and

tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

Chem Toxicol 2012 May50(5)1802-1810 (Correspondence Author)

171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

478ndash485 (co-correspondence Author)

174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

Jun29(6)1045-52 (Correspondence Author)

175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

Physiol 2012 Mar112(5)883-91 (First Author)

177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

Ginsenoside-Rg1 Protects the Liver against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2012 2012932165

181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

through FAKPI3KAktmTOR pathways J Cell Physiol 2012 Aug227(8)3016-26

(co-correspondence Author)

186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training withhypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2012 2011 1-10

187 Ho TJ Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lin WT Fasudila Rho-kinase inhibitorprotects against

excessive endurance exercise training-induced cardiac hypertrophyapoptosis and fibrosis in rats Eur

J Appl Physiol 2012 Aug112(8)2943-55 (co-correspondence Author)

188 Ding-Yu Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Mechanisms governing the

protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

2012 22(1)711-721 (correspondence Author)

189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

through PI3K-Akt-MDM2 signaling suppression FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 50(5)1802-10

(Correspondence Author)


190 Cheng IS Huang SW Lu HC Wu CL Chu YC Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Oral

hydroxycitrate supplementation enhances glycogen synthesis in exercised human skeletal muscle Br

J Nutr 2011 Apr107(7)1048-55 (co-correspondence Author)

191 Chung YS Chih-Yang Huang Ma MC Chu CC Chiang HS Lin LJ Chou SH Cardiac Injury

Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

2011 2011380809 (correspondence Author)

194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

activation in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and block tumor growth in xenografted


Dec28(6)927-36 (Correspondence Author)

196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

Metalloproteinase (MMP) Expression by Modulatingthe Protein Kinase C-rExtracellular

Signal-Regulated KinasePeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γNuclear

Factor-KB(PKC-rERKPP 2011 May 1159(9)5100-8

197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

221861 (correspondence Author)

198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells and Pathologically Hypertensive Rat Heart J Cell Physiol 2011

Jan227(1)259-68 (Correspondence Author)




HIGH-CHOLESTEROL DIETARY MICE Journal of Food Biochemistry 2011 DOI

101111j1745-4514201000498 (co-correspondence Author)

200 Chen TS Liou SY Wu HC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Chang YL Efficacy of

Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amla (Emblica officinalis) Extract for the Treatment of Uremic

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

201 Lai TY Su CC Kuo WW Yeh YL Kuo WH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YJ Chih-Yang Huang Chen

LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

203 Lo JF Yu CC Chiou SH Chih-Yang Huang Jan CI Lin SC Liu CJ Hu WY Yu YH The

epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

(co-correspondence Author)

221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

No 4 488-491 (Correspondence Author)

160 Chih-Yang HuangChien-Hsun LinTung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen

SunWei-Chien KaoShan-hui HsuHuey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocompositesJournal of Medical and Biological

Engineering2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

161 Shin-Da LeeWoei-Cherng Shyu I-Shiung Cheng Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Sheng Chan Yueh-Min Lin

Ching-Yi Tasi Chang-Hai Tsai Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang Huang Effects of exercise training on

cardiac apoptosis in obese rats Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2013 Jun23(6)566-73 (correspondence


162 Tung-Yuan Lai Yi-Jiun Weng Wei-Kung Chen Yueh-Min Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Yi-Chang Cheng

Li-Mien Chen Eric YC Lai Chih-Yang Huang Jin-Ming Hwang The Anti-Hepatitis Effect by

Tao-He-Cheng-Qi-Tang on Acetaminophen (APAP) Induced Rats Adaptive Medicine 2012 3(1)

16-20 (co-correspondence Author)

163 Li PC Chiu YW Lin YM Day CH Hwang GY Pai P Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo YC Chang HC Liu JY

Chih-Yang Huang Herbal Supplement Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats with CCl 4

-Induced Liver Cirrhosis Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

20122012139045(correspondence Author)

164 Hwang JM Ting WJ Wu HC Chen YJ Tsai FJ Chen PY Liu CY Chou LC Kuo SC Chih-Yang

Huang KHC-4 Anti-Cancer Effects on Human PC3 Prostate Cancer Cell Line Am J Chin Med

201240(5)1063-71 (correspondence Author)

165 Hwang JM Wu CH Kuo WW Jong GP Lai CH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Chang MH Wu JP Chih-Yang

Huang Pro-inflammation and pro-fibrosis factors were highly induction in heart tissues of carotid

arteries balloon-injured animal model Cell Biochem Funct 2012 Jul30(5)390-394

(Correspondence Author)

166 Wei-Syun Hu Jin-Ming Hwang Ying-Lan Tsai Chia-Hua Kuo Gwo-Ping Jong Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Chin Chung Chih-Yang Huang Association of Serum Cytokines

Human Growth Hormone Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I IGF-II and IGF-Binding Protein

(IGFBP)-3 with Coronary Artery Disease CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY 2012 55(4)

267-273 (Correspondence Author)

167 Wang HF Tseng CY Chang MH Lin JA Tsai FJ Tsai CH Lu YC Lai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai

CC Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Probiotic Lactobacillus paracasi on Ventricles of BALBC Mice

Treated with Ovalbumin Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)37-46 (co-correspondence Author)

168 Cooper EL Balamurugan M Chih-Yang Huang Tsao CR Heredia J Tommaseo-Ponzetta M

Paoletti MG Earthworms Dilong Ancient Inexpensive Noncontroversial ModelsMay Help Clarify

Approaches to IntegratedMedicine Emphasizing Neuroimmune Systems Evid Based Complement

Alternat Med 20122012164152

169 Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Chen TY Kao SH Liu JY Wang YW Tzang BS Hsu TC Beneficial

Effects of Ocimum gratissimum Aqueous Extract on Rats with CCl4-Induced Acute Liver Injury Evid

Based Complement Alternat Med 20122012736752

170 Dung TD Day CH Binh TV Lin CH Hsu HH Su CC Lin YM Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and

tumor growth in xenografted nude mice through PI3KndashAktndashMDM2 signaling suppression Food

Chem Toxicol 2012 May50(5)1802-1810 (Correspondence Author)

171 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Yen-Lin Chang Amino acids with basic amino side chain accelerate the pro-oxidant ability of

polyphenolic compounds FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 9ndash14 (co-correspondence Author)

172 Tung-Sheng Chen Show-Yih Liou Hsi-Chin Wu Miao-Lin Wu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

TsaiChih-Yang Huang Yen-Lin Chang The application of ( )-epigallocatechin gallate in preparation

of an antioxidant dialysate FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 134 (2012) 1307ndash1311 (co-correspondence


173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

478ndash485 (co-correspondence Author)

174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

Jun29(6)1045-52 (Correspondence Author)

175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

Physiol 2012 Mar112(5)883-91 (First Author)

177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

Ginsenoside-Rg1 Protects the Liver against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2012 2012932165

181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

through FAKPI3KAktmTOR pathways J Cell Physiol 2012 Aug227(8)3016-26

(co-correspondence Author)

186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training withhypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2012 2011 1-10

187 Ho TJ Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lin WT Fasudila Rho-kinase inhibitorprotects against

excessive endurance exercise training-induced cardiac hypertrophyapoptosis and fibrosis in rats Eur

J Appl Physiol 2012 Aug112(8)2943-55 (co-correspondence Author)

188 Ding-Yu Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Mechanisms governing the

protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

2012 22(1)711-721 (correspondence Author)

189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

through PI3K-Akt-MDM2 signaling suppression FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 50(5)1802-10

(Correspondence Author)


190 Cheng IS Huang SW Lu HC Wu CL Chu YC Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Oral

hydroxycitrate supplementation enhances glycogen synthesis in exercised human skeletal muscle Br

J Nutr 2011 Apr107(7)1048-55 (co-correspondence Author)

191 Chung YS Chih-Yang Huang Ma MC Chu CC Chiang HS Lin LJ Chou SH Cardiac Injury

Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

2011 2011380809 (correspondence Author)

194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

activation in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and block tumor growth in xenografted


Dec28(6)927-36 (Correspondence Author)

196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

Metalloproteinase (MMP) Expression by Modulatingthe Protein Kinase C-rExtracellular

Signal-Regulated KinasePeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γNuclear

Factor-KB(PKC-rERKPP 2011 May 1159(9)5100-8

197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

221861 (correspondence Author)

198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells and Pathologically Hypertensive Rat Heart J Cell Physiol 2011

Jan227(1)259-68 (Correspondence Author)




HIGH-CHOLESTEROL DIETARY MICE Journal of Food Biochemistry 2011 DOI

101111j1745-4514201000498 (co-correspondence Author)

200 Chen TS Liou SY Wu HC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Chang YL Efficacy of

Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amla (Emblica officinalis) Extract for the Treatment of Uremic

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

201 Lai TY Su CC Kuo WW Yeh YL Kuo WH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YJ Chih-Yang Huang Chen

LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

203 Lo JF Yu CC Chiou SH Chih-Yang Huang Jan CI Lin SC Liu CJ Hu WY Yu YH The

epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

(co-correspondence Author)

221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

173 Cheng SM Ho TJ Yang AL Chen IJ Kao CL Wu FN Lin JA Kuo CH Ou HC Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SD Exercise training enhances cardiac IGFI-RPI3KAkt and Bcl-2 family associated

pro-survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Int J Cardiol 2012 167 (2013)

478ndash485 (co-correspondence Author)

174 Dung TD Chang HC Binh TV Lee MR Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts inhibit cell proliferation through protein phosphatase 2A activation

in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo Int J Mol Med 2012

Jun29(6)1045-52 (Correspondence Author)

175 Lin PP Hsieh YM Kuo WW Lin CC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CC Inhibition of

cardiac hypertrophy by probiotic-fermented purple sweet potato yogurt on spontaneously

hypertensive rat hearts Int J Mol Med 2012 Dec30(6)1365-75 (co-correspondence Author)

176 Chih-Yang Huang Yang AL Lin YM Wu FN Lin JA Chan YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo CH Lee

SD Anti-apoptotic and pro-survival effects of exercise training on hypertensive hearts J Appl

Physiol 2012 Mar112(5)883-91 (First Author)

177 Hsu HH Liu CJ Shen CY Chen YJ Chen LM Kuo WH Lin YM Chen RJ Tsai CH Tsai FJ 13

Chih-Yang Huang p38α MAPK Mediates 17β-Estradiol Inhibition of MMP-2 and -9

Expression and Cell Migration in Human LoVo Colon Cancer Cells J Cell Physiol 2012

Nov227(11)3648-60 (Correspondence Author)

178 Chih-Yang Huang Chien-Hsun Lin Tung-Tso Ho Hui-Chen Chen Mei-Yun Chu Wei-Shen Sun

Wei-Chien Kao Shan-hui Hsu Huey-Shan Hung Enhanced migration of Whartonrsquos jelly

mesenchymal stem cells grown on polyurethane nanocomposites Journal of Medical and Biological

Engineering 2012 Vol 33 No 2 (2013) (First Author)

179 Chang WS Yang MD Tsai CW Cheng LH Jeng LB Lo WC Lin CH Chih-Yang Huang Bau DT

Association of Cyclooxygenase 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)1-7 (co-correspondence Author)

180 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

Ginsenoside-Rg1 Protects the Liver against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2012 2012932165

181 Korivi M Hou CW Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Hsu MF Yu SH Chen CY Liu YY Kuo CH

CCN6 enhances ICAM-1 expression and cell motility in human chondrosarcoma cells Evid Based

Complement Alternat Med 2012 Jan227(1)223-32

182 Lin YM Su CC Su WW Hwang JM Hsu HH Tsai CH Wang YC Tsai FJ Chih-Yang Huang Liu

JY Chen LM Expression of protein kinase C isoforms in cancerous breast tissue and adjacent

normal breast tissue Chin J Physiol 2012 Feb 2955(1)55-61 (co-correspondence Author)

183 Chen FJ Wang HS Chih-Yang Huang Chen YS Pulse Analysis in Bipolar Disordered and

Nonpsychotic Human Subjects Am J Chin Med 2012 40(3)455-65

184 Chien-Yi Ho HM Liao Chih-Yen Tu Chih-Yang Huang Chuen-Ming Shih MY Su Chuen-Ming

Shih Tzu- ching Shih Numerical analysis of airflow alteration in central airways following

tracheobronchial stent placement Experimental Hematology amp Oncology 2012 Aug 271(1)23

185 Wu MH Lo JF Kuo CH Lin JA Lin YM Chen LM Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH Endothelin-1 promotes MMP-13 production and migration in human chondrosarcoma cells

through FAKPI3KAktmTOR pathways J Cell Physiol 2012 Aug227(8)3016-26

(co-correspondence Author)

186 Ming-Chieh Wu Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Lan Kao Chien-Wen Hou Chung-Yu

Chen Mallikarjuna Korivi Wei-Horng Jean Shin-Da Lee Chia-Hua Kuo Hyperinsulinemia and

overweight in obese Zucker rats effectively suppressed by exercise training withhypoxia recovery

European Journal of Sport Science 2012 2011 1-10

187 Ho TJ Huang CC Chih-Yang Huang Lin WT Fasudila Rho-kinase inhibitorprotects against

excessive endurance exercise training-induced cardiac hypertrophyapoptosis and fibrosis in rats Eur

J Appl Physiol 2012 Aug112(8)2943-55 (co-correspondence Author)

188 Ding-Yu Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Mechanisms governing the

protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

2012 22(1)711-721 (correspondence Author)

189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

through PI3K-Akt-MDM2 signaling suppression FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 50(5)1802-10

(Correspondence Author)


190 Cheng IS Huang SW Lu HC Wu CL Chu YC Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Oral

hydroxycitrate supplementation enhances glycogen synthesis in exercised human skeletal muscle Br

J Nutr 2011 Apr107(7)1048-55 (co-correspondence Author)

191 Chung YS Chih-Yang Huang Ma MC Chu CC Chiang HS Lin LJ Chou SH Cardiac Injury

Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

2011 2011380809 (correspondence Author)

194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

activation in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and block tumor growth in xenografted


Dec28(6)927-36 (Correspondence Author)

196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

Metalloproteinase (MMP) Expression by Modulatingthe Protein Kinase C-rExtracellular

Signal-Regulated KinasePeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γNuclear

Factor-KB(PKC-rERKPP 2011 May 1159(9)5100-8

197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

221861 (correspondence Author)

198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells and Pathologically Hypertensive Rat Heart J Cell Physiol 2011

Jan227(1)259-68 (Correspondence Author)




HIGH-CHOLESTEROL DIETARY MICE Journal of Food Biochemistry 2011 DOI

101111j1745-4514201000498 (co-correspondence Author)

200 Chen TS Liou SY Wu HC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Chang YL Efficacy of

Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amla (Emblica officinalis) Extract for the Treatment of Uremic

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

201 Lai TY Su CC Kuo WW Yeh YL Kuo WH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YJ Chih-Yang Huang Chen

LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

203 Lo JF Yu CC Chiou SH Chih-Yang Huang Jan CI Lin SC Liu CJ Hu WY Yu YH The

epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

(co-correspondence Author)

221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

Iron status and

cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

188 Ding-Yu Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Mechanisms governing the

protective effect of 17b-estradiol and estrogen receptors against cardiomyocyte injury BioMedicine

2012 22(1)711-721 (correspondence Author)

189 Tran Duc Dung Chih-Hsueh Lin Truong Viet Binh Hsi-Hsien Hsu Cheng-Chuan Su Yueh-Min Lin

Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang PP2A mediates

diosmin p53 activation to block HA22T cell proliferation and tumor growth in xenografted nude mice

through PI3K-Akt-MDM2 signaling suppression FOOD CHEMISTRY 2012 50(5)1802-10

(Correspondence Author)


190 Cheng IS Huang SW Lu HC Wu CL Chu YC Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Kuo CH Oral

hydroxycitrate supplementation enhances glycogen synthesis in exercised human skeletal muscle Br

J Nutr 2011 Apr107(7)1048-55 (co-correspondence Author)

191 Chung YS Chih-Yang Huang Ma MC Chu CC Chiang HS Lin LJ Chou SH Cardiac Injury

Protection from Mouse Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with In Utero Transplantation Followed by

Secondary Postnatal Boost Chin J Physiol 2011 Aug 3154(4)205-18

192 Hsu GJ Tzang BS Tsai CC Chiu CC Chih-Yang Huang Hsu TC Effects of Human Parvovirus

B19 on Expression of Defensins and Toll-Like Receptors CHINESE JOURNAL OF

PHYSIOLOGY 2011 Oct 3154(5)367-76 (co-correspondence Author)

193 Chang YM Chi WY Lai TY Chen YS Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WW Cheng YC Lin CC Chih-Yang

Huang Dilong Role in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med

2011 2011380809 (correspondence Author)

194 Shen JL Chen YS Lin JY Tien YC Peng WH Kuo CH Tzang BS Wang HL Tsai FJ Chou MC

Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Neuron Regeneration and Proliferation Effects of Danshen and

Tanshinone IIA Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 2011378907 (co-correspondence


195 Dung TD Chang HC Chen CY Peng WH Tsai CH Tsai FJ Kuo WW Chen LM Chih-Yang

Huang Zanthoxylum avicennae extracts induce cell apoptosis through protein phosphatase 2A

activation in HA22T human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and block tumor growth in xenografted


Dec28(6)927-36 (Correspondence Author)

196 Kuo MY Ou HC Lee WJ Kuo WW Hwang LL Song TY Chih-Yang HuangChiu TH Tsai KL

Tsai CS Sheu WH Ellagic Acid Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL)-Induced

Metalloproteinase (MMP) Expression by Modulatingthe Protein Kinase C-rExtracellular

Signal-Regulated KinasePeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γNuclear

Factor-KB(PKC-rERKPP 2011 May 1159(9)5100-8

197 Hsu HH Hu WS Lin YM Kuo WW Chen LM Chen WK Hwang JM Tsai FJ Liu CJ Chih-Yang

Huang JNK suppression is essential for 17b-Estradiol inhibits prostaglandin E2-Induced uPA and

MMP-9 expressions and cell migration in human LoVo colon cancer cells J Biomed Sci 2011 Aug

221861 (correspondence Author)

198 Chu CH Lo JF Hu WS Lu RB Chang MH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YS Tzang BS Chih-Yang

Huang HistoneQ1 Acetylation Is Essential for ANG-II-Induced IGF-IIR Gene Expression in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells and Pathologically Hypertensive Rat Heart J Cell Physiol 2011

Jan227(1)259-68 (Correspondence Author)




HIGH-CHOLESTEROL DIETARY MICE Journal of Food Biochemistry 2011 DOI

101111j1745-4514201000498 (co-correspondence Author)

200 Chen TS Liou SY Wu HC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Chang YL Efficacy of

Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amla (Emblica officinalis) Extract for the Treatment of Uremic

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

201 Lai TY Su CC Kuo WW Yeh YL Kuo WH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YJ Chih-Yang Huang Chen

LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

203 Lo JF Yu CC Chiou SH Chih-Yang Huang Jan CI Lin SC Liu CJ Hu WY Yu YH The

epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

(co-correspondence Author)

221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

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287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

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289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

Diabetic Patients J Med Food 2011 Jul-Aug14(7-8)718-23 (co-correspondence Author)

201 Lai TY Su CC Kuo WW Yeh YL Kuo WH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Weng YJ Chih-Yang Huang Chen

LM β-catenin plays a key role in metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma Oncol Rep 2011

Aug26(2)415-22 (co-correspondence Author)

202 Chiu YW Lin TH Huang WS Teng CY Liou YS Kuo WH Lin WL Huang HI Tung JN

Chih-Yang Huang Liu JY Wang WH Hwang JM Kuo HC Baicalein inhibits the migration and

invasive properties of human hepatoma cells Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 Sep 15255(3)316-26

203 Lo JF Yu CC Chiou SH Chih-Yang Huang Jan CI Lin SC Liu CJ Hu WY Yu YH The

epithelial-mesenchymal transition mediator S100A4 maintains cancer-initiating cells in head and

neck cancers Cancer Res 2011 Mar 171(5)1912-23

204 Chen LM Kuo CH Lai TY Lin YM Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Chih-Yang Huang Tang

CH RANKL increases migration of human lung cancer cells through intercellular adhesion

molecule-1 up-regulation J Cell Biochem 2011 Mar112(3)933-41 (Correspondence Author)

205 Chiang YF Shaw HM Yang MF Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CH Chao PM Dietary oxidised frying

oil causes oxidative damage of pancreatic islets and impairment of insulin secretion effects

associated with vitamin E deficiency Br J Nutr 2011 May105(9)1311-9

206 Chih-Yang HuangYu HS Lai TY Yeh YL Su CC Hsu HH Tsai FJ Tsai CH Wu HC Tang CH

Leptin increases motility and integrin up-regulation in human prostate cancer cells J Cell Physiol

2011 May226(5)1274-82 (First Author)

207 Hseu YC Wu CR Chang HW Kumar KJ Lin MK Chen CS Cho HJChih-Yang Huang Lee HZ

Hsieh WT Chung JG Wang HM Yang HL Inhibitory effects of Physalis angulata on tumor

metastasis and angiogenesis J Ethnopharmacol 2011 Jun 1135(3)762-71

208 Huang KS Lin JG Lee HC Tsai FJ Bau DT Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Chen YS Paeoniae alba

Radix Promotes Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2011


209 Tsai CY Lai CH Chang MH Jong GP Cheng YC Tsai FJ Tsai CH Kuo WH Hsieh DJ

Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II and MMP9 as surgical repair indicators of ventricular septal defects

Clin Chim Acta 2011 Apr 11412(9-10)761-5 (Correspondence Author)

210 Tien YC Liao JC Chiu CS Huang TH Chih-Yang Huang Chang WT Peng WH Esculetin

ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated hepatic apoptosis in rats Int J Mol Sci 2011


211 Jan CI Yu CC Hung MC Harn HJ Nieh S Lee HS Lou MA Wu YC Chen CY Chih-Yang

Huang Chen FN Lo JF Tid1 CHIP and ErbB2 interactions and their prognostic implications for

breast cancer patients J Pathol 2011 Nov225(3)424-37

212 Chen JL Yeh DP Lee JP Chen CY Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chen CC Kuo TB Kao CL Kuo

CH Parasympathetic nervous activity mirrors recovery status in weightlifting performance after

training J Strength Cond Res 2011 Jun25(6)1546-52

213 Bau DT Chang CH Tsai RY Wang HC Wang RF Tsai CW Yao CH Chen YS Shyue SK

Chih-Yang Huang Significant association of caveolin-1 genotypes with bladder cancer

susceptibility in Taiwan Chin J Physiol 2011 Jun 3054(3)153-60 (Correspondence Author)

214 Wang W Chih-Yang Huang Tsai FJ Tsai CC Yao CH Chen YS Growth-promoting effects of

quercetin on peripheral nerves in rats Int J Artif Organs 2011 Nov34(11)1095-105


215 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Role of ERK Signaling in the Neuroprotective Efficacy of

Magnesium Sulfate Treatment During Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Gerbil Cortex CJP 2010 Oct

3153(5)299-309 (First Author)

216 Chih-Yang Huang Yi-Fan Liou Shu-Ying Chung Peiying Pai Chung-Ben Kan Chia-Hua Kuo

Chang-Hai Tsai Jing-Ying Lin Increased expression of glucose transporter 3 in gerbil brains

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

(co-correspondence Author)

221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

Iron status and

cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

following magnesium sulfate treatment and focal cerebral ischemic injury Cell Biochem Funct 2010

Jun28(4)313-20 (First Author)

217 Da-Tian Bau Hwei-Chung Wang

Chiu-Shong Liu

Chia-Lin Chang Su-Yin Chiang Rou-Fen

Wang Chia-Wen Tsai Yen-Li Lo Chao A Hsiung Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang Single

Nucleotide Polymorphism of Exo1 Gene Association with Gastric Cancer Susceptibility and

Interaction with Smoking in Taiwan Chinese Journal of Physiology 2010 Dec 3152(6)411-8

(Correspondence Author)

218 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang Schwann

cell migration induced by earthworm extract via activation of PAs and MMP29 mediated through

ERK12 and p38 ECAM 2010 2011395458 (Correspondence Author)

219 Yung-Ming Chang Wu-Hsien Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Ting Shih Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Wen-Tong Shu Ying-Yu Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang RSC96

Schwann cell proliferation and survival induced by Dilong through PI3KAkt signaling mediated by

IGF-I ECAM 2010 2011216148 (Correspondence Author)

220 Hsien-Tung Chen Bor-Show Tzang Yueh-Sheng Chen Kung-Wei Lee Wei-Kung Chen Hwai-Lee

Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Tung-Yuan Lai Ying-Lan Tsai Chih-Yang Huang

Chung-Yen Lu Dangshen (Codonopsis Pilosula) activates IGF-I and FGF-2 pathways to induce

Proliferation and Migration Effects in RSC96 Schwann Cells AJCM 2010 38(2)359-72

(co-correspondence Author)

221 Wen-Kuei Fang Yi-Jiun Weng Mu-Hsin Chang Li-Mien Chen Yueh-Sheng Chen Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wu-Hsien Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Chung Yen Lu Proliferative

effects of chishao on injured peripheral neurons AJCM 2010 38(4)735-43 (co-correspondence


222 Wei-Hung Hsu Tsung-Jung Ho Chih-Yang HuangHsu-Chueh Ho Yi-Ling Liu Hsu-Jan Liu

Ning-Sheng Lai and Jung-Geng Acupoint herbal patch for allergic rhinitis a randomised controlled

trial AJCM 2010 38(4)661-73 (Co-first Author)

223 Wei-Wen Kuo Tsai-Ching Hsu Mei-Haung Chain Chao-Hung Lai Wen-Hong Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chieh-His Wu Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show Tzang Attenuated the Cardiac

Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic effects by Li-Fu Formula in hamsters fed with a hypercholesterol

diet Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2010 Article ID 530345 9 pages (co-correspondence


224 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Identification of an Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from

a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus CJP 2010 Feb 2853(1)11-8 (co-correspondence


225 Sheen-Yie Fang Diahn-Warng Perng J Yu-Yun Lee Ding-Yu Lin Chih-Yang Huang A

Open-Label Multicentre Study of Levocetirizine for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis and Urticaria

in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Aug 3153(4)199-207 (Correspondence Author)

226 Shiung Cheng Su-Fen Liao Kai-Li Liu Hsin-Yi Liu Ching-Lin Wu Chih-Yang Huang

Mallikarjuna K Richard William Smith Chia-Hua Ku Effect of Dietary Glycemic Index on

Substrate Transporter Gene Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle Following Exercise EJCN 2009


227 Chien-Chung Lin Min-Ting Tsai Wei-Wen Su Li-Ming Chen MD Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming

Hwang Hsi-Hsien Hsu Shiow-Kang Yen Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Protein kinase C

alpha location and the expression of phospho-MEK and MDR1 in hepatitis virus-related

hepatocellular carcinoma biopsies CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)112-8 (co-correspondence Author)

228 Eric YC LAI Yi-jiun WENG Wei-wen KUO Li-mien CHEN Yun-ting CHUNG Yueh-min LIN

Fuu-jen TSAI Chun-hsin LEE Tung-yuan LAI Chih-Yang HUANG Yu-lan YEH Taohe

ChengQi Tang ameliorated the acute liver injury induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4) in rats

Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine (JCIM) 2010 Jan8(1)49-55 (co-correspondence Author)

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

Iron status and

cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

229 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Wen-Yuan Hu

Shiu-Huey Chou Chung-Ji Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Tid1 Attenuates EGFRPI3KAKT Signaling and

Reduces Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignancy J of Pathology 2010


230 Hwei-Chung Wang Chiu-Shong Liu Chung-Hsing Wang Chia-Ling Chang Chia-Wen Tsai

Rou-Fen Wang Chao-Hsiang Chang Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Fang Chiu Da-Tian Bau


Chih-Yang Huang Significant Association of XPD Asp312Asn Polymorphism with Breast

Cancer in Taiwanese Patients CJP 2010 Apr 3053(2)130-5 (Correspondence Author)


231 Chung-Jung Liu Jeng-Fan Lo Chia-Hua Kuo Chun-Hsien Chu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Bor-Show Tzang Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Akt Mediates

17β-Estradiol andor Estrogen Receptor Inhibition of LPS-Induced Tumor Necrosis

Factor-αExpression and Myocardial Cell Apoptosis by Suppressing the JNK12 and NFkB Pathway

2009 J of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Sep13(9B)3655-67 (Correspondence Author)

232 Chi-Yuan Chen Shih-Hwa Chiou Chih-Yang Huang Chia-Ing Jan Su-Chun Lin Ming-Long Tsai

and Jeng-Fan Lo Distinct population of highly malignant cells in a head and neck squamous cell

carcinoma cell line established by xenograft model J Biomed Sci 2009 Nov 1616100

233 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chung-Jung Liu Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

James A Lin Da-Tian Bau Chun-Hsu Yao Chih-Yang Huang Specific Activated IGF2R

Induces Mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis through Gαq and Downstream Calcineurin Signaling in

Myocardial Cells Endocrinology 2009 Jun150(6)2723-31 (Correspondence Author)

234 Chen KY Liao WJ Kuo SM Tsai FJ Chen YS Chih-Yang Huang Yao CH Asymmetric chitosan

membrane containing collagen I nanospheres for skin tissue engineering Biomacromolecules 2009

Jun 810(6)1642-9 (co-correspondence Author)

235 Ray-Jade Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Mu-Hsin Chang Chao-Hung Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wu-Hsien Kuo

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Li-Mien Chen Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu Leu27IGF2

plays an opposite role to IGF1 to induce H9c2 cardiomyoblast cell apoptosis via Galphaq signaling

J Mol Endocrinol 2009 43(6)221-30 (Co-correspondence Author)

236 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou

Ming-Yung Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang RhoGDIbeta-induced hypertrophic growth in

H9c2 cells is negatively regulated by ZAK Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jan

221611(First Author)

237 Chih-Yang Huang Li-Chiu Yang Kuan-Yu Liu Pao-Hsin Liao Janet Ing-Yuh Chou Ming-Yung

Chou Wei-Wen Lin and Jaw-Ji Yang ZAK negatively regulates RhoGDIβ-induced Rac1-mediated

hypertrophic growth and cell migration Journal of Biomedical Science 2009 Jun 181656 (First


238 Yi-Chang Cheng Li-Mien Chen Mu-Hsin Chang Wei-Kung Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang Chung-Jung Liu

Lipopolysaccharide-Upregulated uPA MMP-2 and MMP-9 via ERK12 signaling in H9c2

Cardiomyoblast Cells Mol Cell Biochem 2009 325(1-2)15-23 (co-Correspondence Author)

239 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Hsi-Chin Wu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Wen-Hung Wang

Fuu-Jen Tsai Jaw-Ji Yang Chih-Yang Huang Chun-Hsien Chu ZAK induces MMP-2 activity

via JNK p38 signals and reduces MMP-9 activity by increasing TIMP-12 expression in H9c2

cardiomyoblast cells Mol Cell Biochem2009 May325(1-2)69-77 (co-Correspondence Author)

240 Kun-Shan Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Han-Chung Lee Fuu-Jen Tsai Da-Tian Bau Chih-Yang

Huang Chun-Hsu Yao Yueh-Sheng Chen Paeoniae alba Radix promotes peripheral nerve

regeneration Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2009 2011109809

(co-correspondence Author)

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

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cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



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薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

241 Lin WY Pi-Sunyer FX Liu CS Li TC Li CI Chih-Yang Huang Lin CC Betel nut chewing is

strongly associated with general and central obesity in Chinese male middle-aged adults Obesity

(Silver Spring) 2009 Jun17(6)1247-54

242 Yung-Ming Chang Ying-Ting Shih Yueh-Sheng Chen Chien-Liang Liu Wen-Kuei

Fang Chang-Hai Tsai Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Tung-Yuan Lai Chih-Yang Huang

Earthworm (Pheretima aspergilum) extracts to induce the Schwann cell migration activate PAs and

MMP29 mediated through ERK12 and p38 signalings ECAM Journal 2009 Oct 3152(5)306-15

(Correspondence Author)

243 Wang JS Chen SM Lee SP Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh CC Kuo CH

Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Linked to Physiologic Response against Hot Spring

ImmersionSteroids 2009 Jul 9 74(12)945-9

244 Chen YL Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Chou SW Hsieh PS Hsieh CC Huang YG Kuo CH

Discipline-specific insulin sensitivity in athletes Nutrition 2009 Jul 25(11-12)1137-42

245 Wei-Wen Kuo Min-Jin Lu Cheng-Tzu Liu Shih-Ping Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Hung-Chien Wu Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee Effects of insulin replacement on cardiac

apoptotic and survival pathways in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Cell Biochemistry and

Function 2009 27(7)479-87 (co-correspondence Author)

246 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai

Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chenand Ling-Yun Chen Enhancement of

AG1024-Induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα Proteins

and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators by 1GF-II Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

52(1) 1-7 (co-First Author)

247 Chen CH Liu YF Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Lee WC Tsai YL Hou CW Chan YS Kuo CH

Altitude hypoxia increases glucose uptake in human heart High Alt Med Biol 2009


248 Ming-Chin Lu Tung-Yuan Lai Jin-Ming Hwang Hsien-Te Chen3 Sheng-Huang

Chang Fuu-Jen Tsai Hwai-Lee Wang Chien-Chung Lin Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang

Proliferation- and migration- enhancing effects of Ginseng and Ginsenoside Rg1 through IGF-I- and

FGF-2-signaling pathways on RSC96 Schwann Cells (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2009

27(4)186-92 (Correspondence Author)

249 Kun Shan Huang Min-Jin Lu Yueh-Sheng Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng

Chien-Chung Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Jaung-Geng Lin Hsiu-Chung Ou

Proliferative effects of chishao on Schwann cells are FGF-uPA and ERK- and JNK-dependent

American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(6)1191-202 (co-Correspondence Author)

250 Wen-Kuei Fang Fu-Yang Ko Hwai Lee Wang Ming-Chin Lu Li-Ming Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Yueh-Sheng Chen Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang The Proliferate and Migrate

Effects of Huangqi On RSC96 Schwann Cells American J of Chinese Medicine 2009 37(5)945-59

(Correspondence Author)

251 Chih-Yang Huang Tsai-Ching Hsu Wu-Hsien Kuo Shih-Ping Wu Yueh-Min Lin Chun-Yu Yen

Jen-Huang Wu Bor-Show Tzang Beneficial Effects of Taurine on Cardiac Abnormality in NZBW

F1 Mice Fed with a High-Cholesterol Diet Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009

2357(18)8635-42 (First Author)

252 Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang Jing-Gung Chung Shun-Fa Yang Kun-Ling Tsai Tsan-Hung

Chiu Shin-Da Lee Hsiu-Chung Ou Crude Extracts of Solanum lyratum Protect Endothelial Cells

Against Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Injury Via Direct Antioxidant Action Journal of

Vascular Surgery 2009 50(4)849-60

253 Lin WT Huang CC Lin TJ Chen JR Shieh MJ Peng HC Yang SC Chih-Yang Huang Effects

of beta-carotene on antioxidant status in rats with chronic alcohol consumption Cell Biochem Funct

2009 Jul 27 (correspondence Author)

254 Chi-Chang Huang Tien-Jen Lin Yi-Fa Lu Chun-Chieh Chen Chih-Yang Huang Wan-Teng Lin

Protective Effects of L-Arginine Supplementation Against Exhaustive Exercise-Induced Oxidative

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

Iron status and

cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

Stress in Young Rat Tissue (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009 3152(5)306-15

(Co-Correspondence Author)

255 Tsai-Ching Hsu Joung-Liang Lan Shao-Hsuan Kao Yin-Chang Liu Chih-Yang Huang

Bor-Show Tzang Character of Autoantibody against Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen from a

Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus The Chinese Journal of Physiology 2009

Feb79(2)209-14 (co-correspondence Author)


256 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fong-Li Wu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming

Hwang Shyi-Gang P Wang Min-Chi Lu Chih-Yang Huang The coexistence of intermittent

hypoxia and obesity additively increase cardiac apoptosis (Journal of Applied Physiology 2008

Apr104(4)1144-53 (Correspondence Author)

257 Chiou SH CC Yu Chih-Yang Huang SC Lin

CJ Liu TH Tsai SH Chou CS Chien HH

Ku JF Lo Positive Correlations of Oct-4 and Nanog in Oral Cancer Stem-Like Cells and High

Grade Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Clinical Cancer Research 2008 Jul 114(13)4085-95

258 Tseng HC Tsai MH Chiu CF Wang CH Chang NW Chih-Yang Huang Tsai CW Liang SY Wang

CL Bau DT Association of XRCC4 codon 247 polymorphism with oral cancer susceptibility in

Taiwan Anticancer Res 2008 28(3A)1687-91

259 Tsai-Ching Hsu Yi-Chen Chen Wen-Xian Lai Szu-Yi Chiang Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Beneficial effects of treatment with cystamine on brain in NZBW F1 mice European

Journal of Pharmacology 2008591307-314 (Co-correspondence Author)

260 Tsai-Ching Hsu Szu-Yi Chiang Jen-Huang Wu Chun-Chou Tsai Chih-Yang HuangYi-Chen Chen

Bor-Show Tzang Treatment with Taurine Attenuates Hepatic Apoptosis in NZBW F1 Mice Fed with

a High-Cholesterol Diet J Agric Food Chem September 25 2008 56(20)9685-9691

(Co-correspondence Author)

261 Yi-Chang Cheng Wei-Wen Kuo Chieh-Hsi Wu Wen-Tong Shu Chia-Hua Kuo Jin-Ming Hwang

Hsi-Hsien Hsu Li-Ming Chen Chih-Yang Huang

Shin-Da Lee PhD

Iron status and

cardiovascular risk factors in patients with hemodialysis versus patients with ischemic heart disease

Nephrology 2008 Feb14(1)65-9 (Co-correspondence Author)

262 Shin-Da Lee Wei-Wen Kuo Ying-Jui Ho Ann-Chi Lin Chang-Hai Tsai Hsueh Fang Wang

Chia-Hua Kuo Ai-Lun Yang Chih-Yang Huang

Jin-Ming Hwang

Cardiac Fas-dependent and

mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in ovariectomized rat2008 61(3)268-277 (Co-correspondence


263 Chun-Hsien Chu Chih-Yang Huang Ming-Chin Lu James A Lin Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai

Chia-Yih Chu Wu-Hsien Kuo Li-Mien Chen Ling-Yun Chen IGF-II Synergistically Enhances

AG1024-induced H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cell Apoptosis via the Interaction of IGF2R with Gα

Proteins and Its Downstream PKA and PLC-β Modulators (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008

Feb 2852(1)31-7(Co-First Author)

264 Chung-Jung LiuYi-Chang ChengKung-Wei LeeHsi-Hsien HsuChun-Hsien Chu Fuu-Jen Tsai

Chang-Hai Tsai Chia-Yih Chu Jer-Yuh Liu Wei-Wen Kuo and Chih-Yang Huang

Lipopolysaccharide induces cellular hypertrophy through calcineurinNFAT-3 signaling pathway in

H9c2 myocardiac cells Mol Cell Biochem2008313(1-2)167-78 (Correspondence Author)

265 Chang MH Kuo WW Chen RJ Lu MC Tsai FJ Kuo WH Chen LY Wu WJ Chih-Yang Huang

Chu CH IGF-IImannose 6-phosphate receptor activation induces metalloproteinase-9 matrix activity

and increases plasminogen activator expression in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Mol Endocrinol 2008

41(2)65-74 (Co-correspondence Author)

266 Wen-Yuan Lin Tai-Yuan Chiu Long-Teng Lee Cheng-Chieh Lin Chih-Yang Huang and Kuo-Chin

Huang Betel nut chewing is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause

mortality in Taiwanese men American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 200887(5) 1204-1211

267 Chun-Hsien Chu Bor-Show Tzang Li-Mien Chen Chia-Hua Kuo Yi-Chang Cheng Ling-Yun Chen

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Wei-Wen Kuo Chih-Yang Huang IGF-II receptor signaling

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

induced cell hypertrophy and ANPBNP expression via Gαq interaction and PKCα CaMKII

activation in the H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells (Journal of Endocrinology 2008 197(2)381-390 )

(Correspondence Author)

268 Tsai JH Liu JY Wu TT Ho PC Chih-Yang Huang Shyu JC Hsieh YS Tsai CC and

Liu YC Effects of silymarin on the resolution of liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride in rats

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2008 Jul15(7)508-14

269 Wei-Wen Kuo Chung-Jung Liu Chun-Hsien Chu Yi-Jiun Weng May-Hua Jen Ming-Chin Lu

Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai and Chih-Yang Huang A Phonex Arising From Fire New

Application of Old Traditional herbs Chapter 6 Traditional Chinese Medicine on Protection of Heart

Function and Cardiovascular System Research Signpost 2008 (Correspondence Author)

270 Te-Chi Liu Yung-Yang Liu Shin-Dd Lee Chih-Yang Huang Kuei-Yu Chien I-Shiung Cheng

Chih-Yuan Lin Chia-Hua Kuo Effects of short-term detraining on measures of obesity and glucose

tolerance in elite athletes Journal of Sports Sciences 2008 26(9) 919-925

271 Tsai-Ching Hsu Ji-Qiang Gao Ko-Hsiu Lu Chang-Hai Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Bor-Show

Tzang Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Protein Mitigates TNF-α mRNA Expression in

RAW2647 Cells Inflammation 200831(2)133-140 (Co-correspondence Author)

272 Hsu TC Chih-Yang Huang Chiang SY Lai WX Tsai CH Tzang BS Transglutaminase inhibitor

cystamine alleviates the abnormality in liver from NZBW F1 mice Eur J Pharmacol


273 Hsi-Chin Wu Yu-Lan Yeh Wei-Wen Kuo Shu-Kuei Huang Wu-Hsien Kuo Dennis Jine-Yuan

Hsieh Ching-Lin Wu Chang-Hai Tsai Shin-Da Lee Chih-Yang Huang P38 mitogen-activated

protein kinase pathways are involved in the hypertrophy and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes induced by

Porphyromonas gingivalis conditioned medium (Cell Biochemistry and Function 2008

26(2)246-255 (Correspondence Author)

274 Mei-Kuei Wu Chih-Yang Huang Ying Jay Liou Chin-Kun Wang Shin-Da Lee Glucose-insulin

homeostasis lipid profiles and GH-IGF-IGFBP axis in clozapine-treated schizophrenic obesity versus

non-psychiatric obesity (International Journal of Obesity 2008 32(3)436-42

275 Yueh-Min Lin Shu-Kuei Huang Hsueh Fang Wang Li-Mien Chen Fuu-Jen Tsai Hsi-Hsien Hsu

Chia-Hua Kuo Shyi-Gang P Wang Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Short-Term versus

Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Cardiac fibrosis and Fas-Death-Receptor Dependent

Apoptotic Pathway in Rat Hearts (Chinese Journal of Physiology 2008 51(5)308-316

(Co-Correspondence Author)

276 Chung-Jung Liu Jin-Ming Hwang Trang-Tiau Wu Yi-Hsien Hsieh Cheng-Chung Wu Yih-Shou

Hsieh Chang-Hai Tsai Hsi-Chin Wu Chih-Yang Huang and Jer-Yuh Liu Anion Exchanger

Inhibitor DIDS Induces Human Higher Maligant Hepatoccellular Carcinoma HA22T Cell Apoptosis

Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008308(1-2)117-125 (Co-Correspondence Author)

277 Hui-Man Cheng Chien-Yun Hsiang Guang-Wei Chen Shih-Lu Wu Jaw-Chyun Chen Chih-Yang

Huang Da-Tian Bau Tin-Yun Ho LPS-Induced Interleukin-1α and TNF-αProduction is

inhibited by Menthone through NF-kB signaling Pathway in HaCat Cells Chinese Journal of

Physiology 200851(4)1-7

278 Jin-Ming Hwang Yi-Jiun Weng Yueh-Min Lin Da-Tian Bau Fu-Yang Ko Fuu-Jen Tsai Chieh-Hsi

Wu Pei-Cheng Lin Chih-Yang Huang Wei-Wen Kuo Hypoxia-induced compensatory effect as

related to Shh and HIF-1α in ischemia embryo rat heart Moelcular and cellular Biochemistry 2008

311(1-2)179-187 (Co-Correspondence Author)


279 Yi-Hsien Hsieh Trang-Tiau Wu Chih-Yang Huang Yih-Shou Hsieh Jer-Yuh Liu Suppression of

tumorigenicity of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by antisense oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chinese

Journal of Physiology 200750(1) 9-15

280 Da-Tian Bau Ming-Hsui Tsai Chih-Yang Huang Cheng-Chun LeeRelationship between

Hsien-Chang Tseng Yen-Li Lo Yuhsin Tsai Fuu-Jen TsaiPolymorphisms of Nucleotide Excision

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

Repair Genes and Oral Cancer Risk in Taiwan Evidence for Modification of Smoking Habit Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 294-300

281 Gwo-Ping Jong Yuh-Feng Wang Fuu-Jen Tsai Chang-Hai Tsai Ching-Lin Wu Rosa Huang Liu

Dennis Jine-Yuan Hsieh Fu-Yang Ko Chih-Yang Huang Shin-Da Lee Immunoglobulin E and

Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in patients with different stages of coronary artery disease Chinese

Journal of Physiology 2007 50(6) 277-282 (Co-Correspondence Author)

282 Min-Chi Lu Bor-Show TzangWei-Wen KuoFong-Li Wu Yueh-Sheng Chen Chang-Hai Tsai

Chih-Yang HuangShin-Da Lee More Activated Cardiac Mitochondrial-dependent Apoptotic

Pathway in Obese Zucker Rats Obesity (Silver Spring) 2007 Nov15(11)2634-42

(Co-Correspondence Author)

283 Lee SD Tzang BS Kuo WW Lin YM Yang AL Chen SH Tsai FJ Wu FL Lu MC Chih-Yang

Huang Fas receptor-dependent apoptotic pathway in obese Zucker rats hearts Obesity (Silver

Spring) 2007 Oct15(10)2407-15

284 Yang AL Lo MJ Ting H Chen JS Chih-Yang Huang Lee SDGABAA and GABAB receptors

differentially modulate volume and frequency in ventilatory compensation in obese Zucker rats J

Appl Physiol 2007 Jan102(1)350-7 (Co-Correspondence Author)

285 Wu TT Hsieh YH Wu CC Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Liu JYOverexpression of protein kinase

Cα mRNA in human hepatocellular carcinoma a potential marker of disease prognosis Clin Chim

Acta 2007 Jul382(1-2)54-8

286 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 MAPK Pathway Is

Involved in Protein Kinase Cα-Regulated Invasion in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Cancer

Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

287 Wu MK Wang CK Bai YM Chih-Yang Huang Lee SD Outcomes of obese clozapine-treated

inpatients with schizophrenia placed on a six-month diet and physical activity program Psychiatr Serv

2007 Apr58(4)544-50

288 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin JA Chu YF Wang CK Yeh YL Wang SG Liu JY Chang MH Chih-Yang

Huang Effects of long-term intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial and Fas death receptor

dependent apoptotic pathways in rat hearts Int J Cardiol 2007 Apr 4116(3)348-56

(Correspondence Author)

289 Chang MH Kuo WW Li PC Lin DY Lee SD Tsai FJ Jong GP Lin YM Chih-Yang Huang Wu

WJDown regulation of IGF-I and IGF-IR gene expression in cardiac tissue of infants with isolated

ventricular septal defect Clin Chim Acta 2007 Apr379(1-2)81-6 (Co-Correspondence Author)

290 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYAntisense Suppression of Tumorigenicity

of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Antisense Oligonucleotide MZF-1 Chin J Physiol

2007 Feb 2850(1)9-15

291 Chen LM Kuo WW Yang JJ Wang SG Yeh YL Tsai FJ Ho YJ Chang MH Chih-Yang Huang

Lee SD Eccentric Cardiac Hypertrophy was Induced by Long-term Intermittent Hypoxia in rats Exp

Physiol 2007 Mar92(2)409-16 (Co-Correspondence Author)

292 Hsieh YH Wu TT Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Hwang JM Liu JY p38 mitogen-activated protein

kinase pathway is involved in protein kinase Calpha-regulated invasion in human hepatocellular

carcinoma cells Cancer Res 2007 May 167(9)4320-7

293 Hsu TC Chiang SY Chih-Yang Huang Tsay GJ Yang CW Huang CN Tzang BSBeneficial

effects of treatment with transglutaminase inhibitor cystamine on macrophage response in NZBW F1

mice Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2007 Feb232(2)195-203


294 Hsu HH Cheng SF Chen LM Liu JY Chu CH Weng YJ Li ZY Lin CS Lee SD Kuo WW

Chih-Yang Huang Over-expressed estrogen receptor-alpha up-regulates hTNF-alpha gene

expression and down-regulates β-catenin signaling activity to induce the apoptosis and inhibit

proliferation of LoVo colon cancer cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Sep289(1-2)101-9

(Co-Correspondence Author)

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

295 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang HuangApoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of 17β-estradiol and 17β- estradiol

-like compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7

(Correspondence Author)

296 Lee SD Chu CH Huang EJ Lu MC Liu JY Liu CJ Hsu HH Lin JA Kuo WW Chih-Yang

HuangRole of insulin-like growth factor-II in cardiomyoblast apotosis and in hypertensive rat heart

with abdominal aorta ligation Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2006 Aug291(2)E306-14

(Correspondence Author)

297 Kuo WW Liu CJ Chen LM Wu CH Chu CH Liu JY Lu MC Lin JA Lee SD Chih-Yang

HuangCardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I resistance is IGF-II

dependent and synergistically enhanced by angiotensin II Apoptosis 2006 Jul11(7)1075-89

(Co-Correspondence Author)

298 Hsu HH Cheng SF Wu CC Chu CH Weng YJ Lin CS Lee SD Wu HC Chih-Yang Huang Kuo

WWApoptotic effects of over-expressed estrogen receptor-β on LoVo colon cancer cell is mediated

by p53 signalings in a ligand-dependent manner Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)110-6

(Co-Correspondence Author)

299 Lee SD Wu CC Chang YC Chang SH Wu CH Wu JP Hwang JM Kuo WW Liu JY Chih-Yang

Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced cellular hypertrophy and MMP-9 activity via different

signaling pathways in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells J Periodontol 2006 Apr77(4)684-91

(Correspondence Author)

300 Lee SD Chang SH Kuo WH Ying TH Kuo WW Li PC Hsu HH Lu MC Ting H Chih-Yang

HuangRole of MEK in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis Eur J Oral Sci2006 Apr114(2)154-9 (Correspondence Author)

301 Jong GP Ma T Chou P Chang MH Wu CH Lis PC Lee SD Liu JY Kuo WW Chih-Yang

Huang Serum MMP-9 Activity as a Diagnosing Marker for the Developing Heart Failure of Post MI

Patients Chin J Physiol 2006 Apr 3049(2)104-9 (Correspondence Author)

302 Lee SD Kuo WW Lin DY Chen TH Kuo WH Hsu HH Chen JZ Liu JY Yeh YL Chih-Yang

Huang Role of calcineurin in Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced myocardial cell hypertrophy and

apoptosis J Biomed Sci 2006 Mar13(2)251-60 (Correspondence Author)

303 Lee SD Chen LM Kuo WW Shu WT Kuo WH Huang EJ Tsai CC Li PC Liu JY Chen TH

Chih-Yang Huang Serum Interleukin-10 Insulin-like growth factor-axis and MMPs in the patients

with rheumatic heart disease and acute rhematoid arthritis Clin Chim Acta 2006 May367(1-2)62-8

(Correspondence Author)

304 Lee SD Wu CC Kuo WW Lin JA Hwang JM Lu MC Chen LM Hsu HH Wang CK Chang SH

Chih-Yang Huang Porphyromonas gingivalis-related cardiac cell apoptosis was majorly

co-activated by p38 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways J Periodontal Res 2006

Feb41(1)39-46 (Correspondence Author)

305 Hsieh YH Wu TT Tsai JH Chih-Yang Huang Hsieh YS Liu JYPKCα expression regulated by

Elk-1 and MZF-1 in human HCC cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006 Jan 6339(1)217-25

306 Huang EJ Wu CC Huang HP Liu JY Lin CS Chang YZ Lin JA Lin JG Chen LM Lee SD Kuo

WW Chih-Yang Huang Apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects of estrogen and estrogen-like

compounds in the Hep3B cell line Mol Cell Biochem 2006 Oct290(1-2)1-7 (Correspondence


307 Huang EJ Wu CC Lee SD Chen JH Liu JY Ko JL Lin JA Lu MC Chen LM Chih-Yang Huang

Kuo WWOpposing action of estrogen receptors α and β on tumor necrosis factor-α gene expression

and Caspase-8-mediated apoptotic effects in HA22T cells Mol Cell Biochem 2006


308 Lee SD Kuo WW Wu CH Lin YM Lin JA Lu MC Yang AL Liu JY Wang SG Liu CJ Chen LM

Chih-Yang Huang Effects of short-term and long-term Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bcl2 family in rat

heart Int J Cardiol 2006 Apr 14108(3)376-84 (Correspondence Author)

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

309 Lee SD Chih-Yang Huang Shu WT Chen TH Lin JA Hsu HH Lin CS Liu CJ Kuo WW Chen

LM Pro-inflammatory states and IGF-I level in ischemic heart disease with low or high serum iron

Clin Chim Acta 2006 Aug370(1-2)50-6

310 Huang EJ Kuo WW Chen YJ Chen TH Chang MH Lu MC Tzang BS Hsu HH Chih-Yang

Huang Lee SDHomocysteine and other biochemical parameters in type 2 diabetes with different

diabetic duration or diabetic retinopathy Clin Chim Acta 2006 Apr366(1-2)293-8

(Co-Correspondence Author)


311 Kuo WW Wu CH Lee SD Lin JA Chu CY Hwang JM Ueng KC Chang MH Yeh YL Wang CJ

Liu JY Chih-Yang HuangSecond-Hand SmokendashInduced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas

Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

Environ Health Perspect 2005 Oct113(10)1349-53 (Correspondence Author)

312 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Hsieh YH Ueng KC Lee SD Hsieh DJ Hsu HH Chen

LM Chih-Yang Huang Impaired IGF-I signaling of hypertrophic hearts in the development phase of

hypertension in genetically hypertensive rats Cell Biochem Funct 2005 Sep-Oct23(5)325-31

(Correspondence Author)

313 Tsai JH Tsai MT Su WW Chen YL Wu TT Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Yeh KT Liu JY

Expression of protein kinase C alpha in biopsies and surgical specimens of human hepatocellular

carcinoma Chin J Physiol 2005 Sep 3048(3)139-43

314 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang HuangThe profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac-hypertrophy model J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Co-Correspondence Author)

315 Lin TB Lo MJ Chih-Yang Huang Ting H Lee SDGABAergic modulation of ventilatory response

to acute and sustained hypoxia in obese Zucker rats Int J Obes (Lond) 2005 Feb29(2)188-95

316 Chih-Yang Huang Chen JH Tsai CH Kuo WW Liu JY Chang YC Regulation of extracellular

signal-regulated protein kinase signaling in human osteosarcoma cells stimulated with nicotine J

Periodontal Res 2005 Apr40(2)176-81 (First Author)

317 Kuo WW Chu CY Wu CH Lin JA Liu JY Ying TH Lee SD Hsieh YH Chu CH Lin DY Hsu HH

Chih-Yang Huang The profile of cardiac cytochrome c oxidase (COX) expression in an accelerated

cardiac hypertrophy model in rats J Biomed Sci 200512(4)601-10 (Correspondence Author)


318 Cheng TC Huang CC Chen CI Liu CH Hsieh YS Chih-Yang Huang Lee MS Liu JYLeukemia

Inhibitory Factor Antisense Oligonucleotide Inhibits the Development of Murine Embryos at

Pre-Implantation Stages Biol Reprod 2004 May70(5)1270-6

319 Wu HC Lin JG Chu CH Chang YH Chang CG Hsieh CL Tsai AH Ueng KC Kuo WW Lin JA

Liu JY Chih-Yang Huang The effects of acupuncture on cardiac muscle cells and blood Pressure in

spontaneous hypertensive rats Acupunct Electrother Res 200429(1-2)83-95 (Correspondence



320 Wu DJ Lin JA Chiu YT Cheng CC Shyu CL Chih-Yang Huang Ueng KCPathological and

biochemical analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy of broiler chickens Chin J Physiol 2003 Mar

3146(1)19-26 (Correspondence Author)



編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014


編 號 專 利 名 稱 專利國家 專利號碼

專 利

發 明

專 利

權 人 專 利 期 間




中 國 CA10401774


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興










中華民國 1042122287


黃志揚 郭

薇雯 曾博

修 陳奕興







三 發酵乳製品之用途Use

of Fermented Milk 中華民國

發明第 I











四 鷹不泊的萃取物及其製

備方法與用途 中華民國 99102417





























中華民國 I406665














編 號 研發成果 技術名稱 技術轉移廠商

一 對Oxaliplatin具有抗性之腸癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院

二 對HDAC抑制劑具有抗性之肝癌細胞株 財團法人工業技術研究院


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014


1 (Wei-Wen Kuo) (Chung-jung Liu)(Chun-Hsien Chu)(Yi-jiun Weng)(May-Hua Jen)(Ming-Chin Lu)

(Fuu-jen Tsai)(Chang-Hai Tsai) 黃志揚(Chih-Yang Huang) Traditional Chinese medicine on protection of

heart function and cardiovascular system 20083

2 (Yung-Ming Chang)(Wei-Yi Chi)(Edwin L Cooper)郭薇雯(Wei-Wen Kuo)黃志揚(Chih-Yang

Huang)Biology of Earthworms20111

3 (Chih-Yang Huang)(Edwin L Cooper)(Catherine Fang-Yeu Poh)(Wei-Wen Kuo) (Tung-Sheng Chen)

(Ronald Sherman) Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014

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