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  • ISBN 0 9529578 0 9

    RRP £3.00

    Official Guide

    GUARDS BROCHURE to print 27/5/99 3:56 pm Page 2


  • GUARDS BROCHURE to print 27/5/99 3:57 pm Page 4

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    ⽩白⾦金金漢漢宮近衛軍交接儀式(第⼀一版)在版編⽬目資料料由⼤大英圖書館收錄錄並供查詢/ IPMS出版©1999/ISBN 0 9529578 0


    編:SW6 S5)書⾯面許可,不不得將資料料的任⼀一部分複製存⼊入或引⼊入任何檢索系統,不不得以任何形式或⼿手段 (電⼦子、機械、複印、錄錄⾳音或其他形式)進⾏行行傳播。免責聲


  • 序⾔言


  • 皇家近衛軍


  • 近衛軍交接儀式是指在⽩白⾦金金漢漢宮執⾏行行完守衛⼥女女王任務的“⽼老老”衛兵由“新”衛兵換崗這⼀一儀式。當⼥女女王住在宮殿時,近衛軍團由3名軍官和40名衛兵組成,⼥女女王不不在時則由3名軍官和31名衛兵組成。如果宮殿裡的皇家旗幟為升起狀狀態,那麼⼥女女王就在宮裡。⼥女女王的近衛軍分為兩⽀支⼩小分隊,⼀一⽀支負責守衛⽩白⾦金金漢漢宮,另⼀一⽀支則負責守衛克拉倫倫斯王府(威爾⼠士親王的官邸)。 上午11時,“⽼老老”近衛軍的⼩小分隊在聖詹姆斯宮巡邏,並由近衛軍教頭檢閱,準備⾏行行進⾄至⽩白⾦金金漢漢宮進⾏行行交接儀式。 上午11時,“⽼老老”近衛軍的⼤大分隊也會進⾏行行檢閱。 上午11時15分,聖詹姆斯宮的“⽼老老”近衛軍⼩小分隊進⼊入⽩白⾦金金漢漢宮。 上午11時30分,“新”近衛軍在來來⾃自威靈靈頓軍營(近衛軍的⼤大本營)的軍樂樂樂樂團和軍⿎鼓隊的帶領下,從右邊⼤大⾨門進⼊入⽩白⾦金金漢漢宮,“新⽼老老”兩⽀支近衛軍將相向站⽴立。 ⽩白⾦金金漢漢宮的軍官揮劍向檢閱隊⻑⾧長⾏行行禮,然後進⼊入衛兵室進⾏行行⽩白⾦金金漢漢宮鑰匙的交接儀式。之後軍樂樂樂樂團將演奏⼀一系列列曲⽬目,讓“新⽼老老”衛兵進⾏行行換崗。 下午12時5分,“⽼老老”衛兵在軍樂樂樂樂團帶領下從中間⾨門離開⽩白⾦金金漢漢宮,然後回到威靈靈頓軍營(衛兵博物館所在地)並在恢宏的軍營前解散。 “新”近衛軍,此刻起稱為⼥女女王近衛軍,分成兩⽀支⼩小隊,其中⼀一⽀支⾏行行進⾄至聖詹姆斯宮然後解散。 解散:軍隊⽤用語,指在崗⼠士兵解散。

  • *

    Changing the Guard is a ceremony where the soldiers who have been mounting the Queen’s Guard at Buckingham Palace (the ‘Old Guard’) are relieved by the ‘New Guard’.When the Sovereign is in residence the Guard will consist of 3 officers and 40 men. Otherwise if will consist of 3 officers and 31 men. If the flag above the Palace is flying, the Queen is ‘at home’. The Queen’s Guard is divided into two detachments. One detachment is responsible for Buckingham Palace and the other is responsible for St. James’s Palace (the official residence of HRH Prince of Wales).

    11.00am A detachment of the ‘Old Guard’ parades

    at St. James’s Palace and is inspected by

    the Captain of the Guard, ready to march

    to Buckingham Palace for the ceremony.

    11.00am The main detachment of the ‘Old Guard’ parades in front of Buckingham Palace

    and is also inspected.

    11.15am The St. James’s Palace detachment of the

    ‘Old Guard’ marches to Buckingham


    Changing the Guard

  • GUARDS BROCHURE to print 27/5/99 3:57 pm Page 4

    11.30am The ‘New Guard’ arrives at Buckingham Palace

    through the right hand gates led by a Regimental

    Band and Corps of Drums, having come from

    Wellington Barracks, their base.The ‘New

    Guard’ will halt facing the ‘Old Guard’.

    The Officers at Buckingham Palace salute the Captain on

    Parade with their swords, before proceeding to the Guard

    Room where the keys to Buckingham Palace will be

    symbolically handed over.The Band will then play a

    selection of music, allowing the ‘Old Guard’ sentries to be

    replaced by the ‘New Guard’ sentries.

    12.05pm The ‘Old Guard’ leaves Buckingham Palace

    led by the Band, departing through the

    centre gates and returning to Wellington

    Barracks (the home of the Guards Museum)

    where they will ‘Fall Out’ in front of their

    impressive barracks.

    The ‘New Guard’, henceforth known as The

    Queen’s Guard, split

    into two. One

    marches to St.

    James’s Palace where

    they Fall Out*.

    *Falling Out is a military

    term for being

    dismissed from duty.

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