jan van den bergh kauri gent

Post on 22-May-2015






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Als medestichter en eerste Voorzitter van Kauri was het een hele eer nog eens uit te leggen waarom die aanraders zo belangrijk zijn.


Aanraders  beïnvloeden  20-­‐50%  van  alle  aankoopbeslissingen.  

Aanraders  beïnvloeden.  Willens  nillens.  

Aanraders  doen  het  hoe  langer  hoe  meer.  

Aanraders  raden  niet  alleen  aan,  ze  kopen  vaak  ook  opnieuw  en  zijn  …  vergevingsgezind.  

Aanraders  doen  het  -­‐nog  steeds-­‐  in  hoofdzaak  offline.  

While retailers were initially terrified of what bad reviews could do to their bottom line, they've since witnessed the power of a rave review and embraced the practice. Despite initial fears, says Craig Berman, Amazon's vice president of global communications, product reviews have only served to increase their customer loyalty. "It helped us build customer trust," he says. "It put us in a special place with customers in that they could come to the site and get honest and comprehensive — and over time, very substantial — firsthand knowledge from other customers." Berman says the company has some reviewers who take online shopping to heart. "There are some customers who are extraordinarily proud of being one of our top reviewers — they take their job really seriously." Some of Amazon's customers are voracious readers who consider it their duty to review one or two books every single week. While the company may have come a long way from its roots, the company's original specialty has not been forgotten.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,2004089,00.html#ixzz2TvUHmQBF

July 16, 1995

Kopen  en  intens  verder  “verkopen”.  

Welke  dingen  raden  aanraders  aan?  

De  moIeven  van  die  aanraders?  

Despite the broad agreement, the American retail giants Wal-Mart Stores and Gap have declined to endorse the pact, citing legal concerns. Both say they will continue pursuing their own worker safety programs.

For many activists, the question is why H&M, with its outsize influence in the apparel industry, did not take that step sooner — especially after a deadly fire in 2010 killed 21 people at the Garib & Garib sweater factory in Bangladesh, for which H&M was a major customer.

“This was exactly the right thing to do three years ago — but they didn’t do it,” said Ineke Zeldenrust, international coordinator for the Clean Clothes Campaign, a group opposing sweatshops, based in Amsterdam. Moving sooner, she said, “could have helped avoid these deaths.”

Even after the Rana Plaza disaster, H&M required persuading, said Jyrki Raina, the general secretary for IndustriALL Global Union, a federation of 50 million workers from 140 countries who also negotiated the binding accord with H&M and other retailers. “Unless they were really pushed,” he said, “we would not be where we are today.”

Wat  is  er  ondertussen  met  de  reclame  gebeurd?    

“Don’t trust it. Nothing but lies. I’ll ask my friends or colleagues”

“I don’t care. Will search when I need something.”

“Haven’t even seen it.”

“Nice ad, but so what? Not relevant for me.”

“So stupid”.

“Too many ads. I avoid them”

“Not for me. I just bought my stuff”


you you

Ad agency




1980-­‐1990:Adver,sing  +10%  =  +2.2%  marketshare  2008:Adver,sing  +20%  =  +2.2%  marketshare  

“  ….  the  authors  conduct  a  meta-­‐analysis  of  751  short-­‐term  and  402  long-­‐term  direct-­‐to-­‐consumer  brand  adver?sing  elas?ci?es  es?mated  in  56  studies  published  between  1960  and  2008.  the  study  finds  several  new  empirical  generaliza?ons  about  adver?sing  elas?city.  the  most  important  are  as  follows:  the  average  short-­‐term  adver?sing  elas?city  is  .12,  which  is  substan?ally  lower  than  the  prior  meta-­‐analy?c  mean  of  .22;  there  has  been  a  decline  in  the  adver?sing  elas?city  over  ?me.”  

Gerard  Tellis,  PhD  Michigan,  is  Professor  of  Marke,ng,  Management,  and  Organiza,on,  Neely  Chair  of  American  Enterprise,  and  Director  of  the  Center  for  Global  Innova,on,  at  the  USC  Marshall  School  of  Business.  He  is  Dis,nguished  Visitor  of  Marke,ng  Research,  Erasmus  University,  RoUerdam  and  has  been  Visi,ng  Chair  of  Marke,ng,  Strategy,  and  Innova,on  at  the  Judge  Business  School,  Cambridge  University,  UK.  Tellis  specializes  in  the  areas  of  innova,on,  adver,sing,  global  strategy,  market  entry,  new  product  growth,  promo,on,  and  pricing.  

Prof.  Dr.  Gerard  Tellis  

En  toch  groeiden  de  reclame-­‐uitgaven  (in  de  US)  sneller  dan  BNP  en  Mediaan  Salaris  

En  het  gaat  maar  door.  Ook  al  had  Europa  een  dipje  in  2012.  

Ondanks  alles  groeien  de  reclame-­‐uitgaven  straks  gewoon  door.  Hoe  komt  dat?    

+7% +3,8% +3,8% +4,6% +5,2% YOY-growth






Amazon spent $500 million

$557 billion in 2012

Aankoop-, productie-, hr-kosten: lager en lager.

Verkoopprijs en verkoopvolume maximaliseren

Winst (maximalisatie)

Reclame was één van de sterkste middelen om Volume en Marges de hoogte in te jagen en Nieuwe Markten te veroveren.

Het  verschil  tussen  een  aanradersbier  en  een  “reclamebiertje”.  


Het  verschil  tussen  het  vermogen  vergaard  via  het  “reclamebiertje”  en  het  aanradersbier.  

€ 270 million

$11 billion

Een  deel  van  de  1%  …  die  hebben  reclame  nodig.  Ook  in  China!  

”Verdienen  deze  10%  “rijken”  maar  7.000€  /  jaar  of  …  15  à    16.000?”  

For  2012,  the  na,onal  G.D.P.  figure  is  es,mated  to  be  nearly  52  trillion  renminbi  (about  $8.3  trillion,)  while  the  provincial  total  was  nearly  58  trillion  (about  $9.3  trillion.)  

“Media  exposes  total  G.D.P.  of  all  provinces  exceeds  na,onal  G.D.P.  by  over  5  trillion  renminbi,”  (the  exact  figure  was  5.76  trillion,)  a  headline  announced  in  the  21CN  News.  

The  gap  is  gefng  bigger,  fast:  in  2009,  total  provincial  G.D.P.  was  nearly  2.7  trillion  more  than  na,onal  G.D.P.;  in  2010  it  was  more  than  3  trillion;  in  2011  it  was  4.6  trillion,  the  Beijing  News  reported.  

In  a  chain  of  exaggera,on  that  begins  at  the  village  or  county  level,  the  figures  pile  up  un,l  they  overreach  any  possible  na,onal  total,  the  ar,cles  indicate.  

9% 9% 1%

10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%

Weinig verdieners Veel verdieners

Minder  dan  2€  per  dag  

Meer  dan  40€  per  dag  

Grote  markten.  Grote  reclamelanden.    Grote  Gini-­‐kampioenen.  

0.474  or  0.61?  0.469  

Griekenland  zonder  reclame.    Winter  2013  -­‐  De  Morgen  

Dank  voor  het  luisteren.  Vragen  mailen  op  jevedebe@gmail.com  


Op  80,000  restaurants  in  Fr  minder  dan  10%  garanderen  dat  de  ingrediënten  vers  zijn  schotels  ter  plekke  


Vlees, wijn, groenten en arbeid voor Boeuf Bourguignon = €3.53 Hetzelfde kant-en-klaar van Davigel (Nestlé) = €3.1 Verschil = 10% Verkoopprijs in restaurant blijft €18

“Restaurant owners argue that the 36.3% increase in real terms in France's minimum wage since 1990 has forced them to cut costs aggressively to preserve their profit margins.”

1995: minst betaalde hulp = €12,610/jaar 2012: minst betalade hulp = €25,153/jaar

“We  hebben  de  media  nodig.  Ze  coveren  in  ieder  geval  de  schandalen.”  


De  Chinezen  “vertrouwen”  hun  banken.    Wij  niet.  

De  zeer  geliefde  banken  in  China.  

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