
Post on 30-Jan-2016






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mysql> create table tblTugas2 (NIS Char(5) Not Null primary key, -> NamaSiswa Varchar(25), -> Tgl_Lahir Date Not Null Default '0000-00-00', -> Teori Decimal(6,2) Not Null default 0, -> Praktek Decimal(6,2) Not Null default 0);Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)mysql> desc tbltugas2;+-----------+--------------+------+-----+------------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+-----------+--------------+------+-----+------------+-------+| NIS | char(5) | NO | PRI | NULL | | | NamaSiswa | varchar(25) | YES | | NULL | | | Tgl_Lahir | date | NO | | 0000-00-00 | | | Teori | decimal(6,2) | NO | | 0.00 | | | Praktek | decimal(6,2) | NO | | 0.00 | | +-----------+--------------+------+-----+------------+-------+5 rows in set (0.03 sec)mysql> insert into tbltugas2 values -> ('10701','Wawan B','1989-05-17',75.50,80.25);Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)mysql> select * from tbltugas2;+-------+-----------+------------+-------+---------+| NIS | NamaSiswa | Tgl_Lahir | Teori | Praktek |+-------+-----------+------------+-------+---------+| 10701 | Wawan B | 1989-05-17 | 75.50 | 80.25 | +-------+-----------+------------+-------+---------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> insert into tbltugas2 values -> ('10702','Siti Fatimah','1990-11-24',95.75,85.50), -> ('10703','Burhanudin H','1990-06-25',100.00,95.25), -> ('10704','Ernawati','1989-10-08',50.50,65.75), -> ('10705','Fransisca P','1990-04-15',75.25,62.50);Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.03 sec)Records: 4 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0mysql> select * from tbltugas2;+-------+--------------+------------+--------+---------+| NIS | NamaSiswa | Tgl_Lahir | Teori | Praktek |+-------+--------------+------------+--------+---------+| 10701 | Wawan B | 1989-05-17 | 75.50 | 80.25 | | 10702 | Siti Fatimah | 1990-11-24 | 95.75 | 85.50 | | 10703 | Burhanudin H | 1990-06-25 | 100.00 | 95.25 | | 10704 | Ernawati | 1989-10-08 | 50.50 | 65.75 | | 10705 | Fransisca P | 1990-04-15 | 75.25 | 62.50 | +-------+--------------+------------+--------+---------+5 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> update tbltugas2 set teori = 40.50,praktek=55.25 where nis like '10704';Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0mysql> select * from tbltugas2;+-------+--------------+------------+--------+---------+| NIS | NamaSiswa | Tgl_Lahir | Teori | Praktek |+-------+--------------+------------+--------+---------+| 10701 | Wawan B | 1989-05-17 | 75.50 | 80.25 | | 10702 | Siti Fatimah | 1990-11-24 | 95.75 | 85.50 | | 10703 | Burhanudin H | 1990-06-25 | 100.00 | 95.25 | | 10704 | Ernawati | 1989-10-08 | 40.50 | 55.25 | | 10705 | Fransisca P | 1990-04-15 | 75.25 | 62.50 | +-------+--------------+------------+--------+---------+5 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> alter table tbltugas2 add Sex Enum('L','P') Not Null Default 'P' after Tgl_Lahir;Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.25 sec)Records: 5 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0mysql> desc tbltugas2;+-----------+---------------+------+-----+------------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+-----------+---------------+------+-----+------------+-------+| NIS | char(5) | NO | PRI | NULL | | | NamaSiswa | varchar(25) | YES | | NULL | | | Tgl_Lahir | date | NO | | 0000-00-00 | | | Sex | enum('L','P') | NO | | P | | | Teori | decimal(6,2) | NO | | 0.00 | | | Praktek | decimal(6,2) | NO | | 0.00 | | +-----------+---------------+------+-----+------------+-------+6 rows in set (0.02 sec)mysql> insert into tbltugas2 (NIS,NamaSiswa,Tgl_Lahir,Teori,Praktek) values -> ('10706','Budiman S','1990-03-10',45.25,78.50), -> ('10707','Zaenal A','1989-11-18',75.00,100.00), -> ('10708,'B Yulianti','1990-01-28',35.75,40.50), '> ('1070;8,'B Yulianti','1990-01-28',35.75,40.50),ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'B Yulianti','1990-01-28',35.75,40.50),('1070' at line 4 -> insert into tbltugas2 (NIS,NamaSiswa,Tgl_Lahir,Teori,Praktek) values -> ('10706','Budiman S','1990-03-10',45.25,78.50), -> ('10707','Zaenal A','1989-11-18',75.00,100.00), -> ('10708','B Yulianti','1990-01-28',35.75,40.50), -> ('10709','Endang Y','1990-06-21',67.50,80.25), -> ('10710','M Widodo','1989-02-25',87.00,60.50);ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '8,'B Yulianti','1990-01-28',35.75,40.50),insert into tbltugas2 (NIS,NamaSiswa,T' at line 1mysql> select * from tbltugas2;+-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+| NIS | NamaSiswa | Tgl_Lahir | Sex | Teori | Praktek |+-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+| 10701 | Wawan B | 1989-05-17 | P | 75.50 | 80.25 | | 10702 | Siti Fatimah | 1990-11-24 | P | 95.75 | 85.50 | | 10703 | Burhanudin H | 1990-06-25 | P | 100.00 | 95.25 | | 10704 | Ernawati | 1989-10-08 | P | 40.50 | 55.25 | | 10705 | Fransisca P | 1990-04-15 | P | 75.25 | 62.50 | +-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+5 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> insert into tbltugas2 (NIS,NamaSiswa,Tgl_Lahir,Teori,Praktek) values -> ('10706','Budiman S','1990-03-10',45.25,78.50), -> ('10707','Zaenal A','1989-11-18',75.00,100.00), -> ('10708','B Yulianti','1990-01-28',35.75,40.50), -> ('10709','Endang Y','1990-06-21',67.50,80.25), -> ('10710','M Widodo','1989-02-25',87.00,60.50);Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.00 sec)Records: 5 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0mysql> select * from tbltugas2;+-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+| NIS | NamaSiswa | Tgl_Lahir | Sex | Teori | Praktek |+-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+| 10701 | Wawan B | 1989-05-17 | P | 75.50 | 80.25 | | 10702 | Siti Fatimah | 1990-11-24 | P | 95.75 | 85.50 | | 10703 | Burhanudin H | 1990-06-25 | P | 100.00 | 95.25 | | 10704 | Ernawati | 1989-10-08 | P | 40.50 | 55.25 | | 10705 | Fransisca P | 1990-04-15 | P | 75.25 | 62.50 | | 10706 | Budiman S | 1990-03-10 | P | 45.25 | 78.50 | | 10707 | Zaenal A | 1989-11-18 | P | 75.00 | 100.00 | | 10708 | B Yulianti | 1990-01-28 | P | 35.75 | 40.50 | | 10709 | Endang Y | 1990-06-21 | P | 67.50 | 80.25 | | 10710 | M Widodo | 1989-02-25 | P | 87.00 | 60.50 | +-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+10 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> update tbltugas2 set sex = 'L' where nis in('10701','10703','10706','10707,'10710'); '> ; '> ';ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '10710');;'' at line 1mysql> update tbltugas2 set sex = 'L' where nis in('10701','10703','10706','10707','10710');Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.05 sec)Rows matched: 5 Changed: 5 Warnings: 0mysql> select * from tbltugas2;+-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+| NIS | NamaSiswa | Tgl_Lahir | Sex | Teori | Praktek |+-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+| 10701 | Wawan B | 1989-05-17 | L | 75.50 | 80.25 | | 10702 | Siti Fatimah | 1990-11-24 | P | 95.75 | 85.50 | | 10703 | Burhanudin H | 1990-06-25 | L | 100.00 | 95.25 | | 10704 | Ernawati | 1989-10-08 | P | 40.50 | 55.25 | | 10705 | Fransisca P | 1990-04-15 | P | 75.25 | 62.50 | | 10706 | Budiman S | 1990-03-10 | L | 45.25 | 78.50 | | 10707 | Zaenal A | 1989-11-18 | L | 75.00 | 100.00 | | 10708 | B Yulianti | 1990-01-28 | P | 35.75 | 40.50 | | 10709 | Endang Y | 1990-06-21 | P | 67.50 | 80.25 | | 10710 | M Widodo | 1989-02-25 | L | 87.00 | 60.50 | +-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+10 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> alter table tbltugas2 add RataNilai Decima(6,2) Unsogned not Null Default 0;ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Decima(6,2) Unsogned not Null Default 0' at line 1mysql> alter table tbltugas2 add RataNilai Decima(6,2) Unsigned not Null Default 0;ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Decima(6,2) Unsigned not Null Default 0' at line 1mysql> alter table tbltugas2 add RataNilai Decimal(6,2) Unsigned not Null Default 0;Query OK, 10 rows affected (0.20 sec)Records: 10 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0mysql> desc tbltugas2 -> ;+-----------+-----------------------+------+-----+------------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+-----------+-----------------------+------+-----+------------+-------+| NIS | char(5) | NO | PRI | NULL | | | NamaSiswa | varchar(25) | YES | | NULL | | | Tgl_Lahir | date | NO | | 0000-00-00 | | | Sex | enum('L','P') | NO | | P | | | Teori | decimal(6,2) | NO | | 0.00 | | | Praktek | decimal(6,2) | NO | | 0.00 | | | RataNilai | decimal(6,2) unsigned | NO | | 0.00 | | +-----------+-----------------------+------+-----+------------+-------+7 rows in set (0.01 sec)mysql> update tbltugas2 set ratanilai=(0.45*Teori+0.55*Praktek);Query OK, 10 rows affected, 9 warnings (0.08 sec)Rows matched: 10 Changed: 10 Warnings: 9mysql> select * from tbltugas2;+-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+-----------+| NIS | NamaSiswa | Tgl_Lahir | Sex | Teori | Praktek | RataNilai |+-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+-----------+| 10701 | Wawan B | 1989-05-17 | L | 75.50 | 80.25 | 78.11 | | 10702 | Siti Fatimah | 1990-11-24 | P | 95.75 | 85.50 | 90.11 | | 10703 | Burhanudin H | 1990-06-25 | L | 100.00 | 95.25 | 97.39 | | 10704 | Ernawati | 1989-10-08 | P | 40.50 | 55.25 | 48.61 | | 10705 | Fransisca P | 1990-04-15 | P | 75.25 | 62.50 | 68.24 | | 10706 | Budiman S | 1990-03-10 | L | 45.25 | 78.50 | 63.54 | | 10707 | Zaenal A | 1989-11-18 | L | 75.00 | 100.00 | 88.75 | | 10708 | B Yulianti | 1990-01-28 | P | 35.75 | 40.50 | 38.36 | | 10709 | Endang Y | 1990-06-21 | P | 67.50 | 80.25 | 74.51 | | 10710 | M Widodo | 1989-02-25 | L | 87.00 | 60.50 | 72.43 | +-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+-----------+10 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> alter table tbltugas2 add keterangan enum('Lulus','Gagal') Not NUll Default 'Lulus';Query OK, 10 rows affected (0.11 sec)Records: 10 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0mysql> desc tbltugas2 -> ;+------------+-----------------------+------+-----+------------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+------------+-----------------------+------+-----+------------+-------+| NIS | char(5) | NO | PRI | NULL | | | NamaSiswa | varchar(25) | YES | | NULL | | | Tgl_Lahir | date | NO | | 0000-00-00 | | | Sex | enum('L','P') | NO | | P | | | Teori | decimal(6,2) | NO | | 0.00 | | | Praktek | decimal(6,2) | NO | | 0.00 | | | RataNilai | decimal(6,2) unsigned | NO | | 0.00 | | | keterangan | enum('Lulus','Gagal') | NO | | Lulus | | +------------+-----------------------+------+-----+------------+-------+8 rows in set (0.03 sec)mysql> update tbltugas2 set Keterangan='Gagal' where Ratanilai select * from tbltugas2;+-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+-----------+------------+| NIS | NamaSiswa | Tgl_Lahir | Sex | Teori | Praktek | RataNilai | keterangan |+-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+-----------+------------+| 10701 | Wawan B | 1989-05-17 | L | 75.50 | 80.25 | 78.11 | Lulus | | 10702 | Siti Fatimah | 1990-11-24 | P | 95.75 | 85.50 | 90.11 | Lulus | | 10703 | Burhanudin H | 1990-06-25 | L | 100.00 | 95.25 | 97.39 | Lulus | | 10704 | Ernawati | 1989-10-08 | P | 40.50 | 55.25 | 48.61 | Gagal | | 10705 | Fransisca P | 1990-04-15 | P | 75.25 | 62.50 | 68.24 | Gagal | | 10706 | Budiman S | 1990-03-10 | L | 45.25 | 78.50 | 63.54 | Gagal | | 10707 | Zaenal A | 1989-11-18 | L | 75.00 | 100.00 | 88.75 | Lulus | | 10708 | B Yulianti | 1990-01-28 | P | 35.75 | 40.50 | 38.36 | Gagal | | 10709 | Endang Y | 1990-06-21 | P | 67.50 | 80.25 | 74.51 | Gagal | | 10710 | M Widodo | 1989-02-25 | L | 87.00 | 60.50 | 72.43 | Gagal | +-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+-----------+------------+10 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from tbltugas2 -> where sex like 'P' or keterangan like 'Lulus' -> order by ratanilai desc;+-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+-----------+------------+| NIS | NamaSiswa | Tgl_Lahir | Sex | Teori | Praktek | RataNilai | keterangan |+-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+-----------+------------+| 10703 | Burhanudin H | 1990-06-25 | L | 100.00 | 95.25 | 97.39 | Lulus | | 10702 | Siti Fatimah | 1990-11-24 | P | 95.75 | 85.50 | 90.11 | Lulus | | 10707 | Zaenal A | 1989-11-18 | L | 75.00 | 100.00 | 88.75 | Lulus | | 10701 | Wawan B | 1989-05-17 | L | 75.50 | 80.25 | 78.11 | Lulus | | 10709 | Endang Y | 1990-06-21 | P | 67.50 | 80.25 | 74.51 | Gagal | | 10705 | Fransisca P | 1990-04-15 | P | 75.25 | 62.50 | 68.24 | Gagal | | 10704 | Ernawati | 1989-10-08 | P | 40.50 | 55.25 | 48.61 | Gagal | | 10708 | B Yulianti | 1990-01-28 | P | 35.75 | 40.50 | 38.36 | Gagal | +-------+--------------+------------+-----+--------+---------+-----------+------------+8 rows in set (1.94 sec)mysql> select NIS,NamaSiswa,teori,praktekratanilai,keterangan from tbltugas2 -> where ratanilai between 50 and 75 -> order by ratanilai desc;ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'praktekratanilai' in 'field list'mysql> select NIS,NamaSiswa,teori,praktek,ratanilai,keterangan from tbltugas2 -> where ratanilai between 50 and 75 -> order by ratanilai desc;+-------+-------------+-------+---------+-----------+------------+| NIS | NamaSiswa | teori | praktek | ratanilai | keterangan |+-------+-------------+-------+---------+-----------+------------+| 10709 | Endang Y | 67.50 | 80.25 | 74.51 | Gagal | | 10710 | M Widodo | 87.00 | 60.50 | 72.43 | Gagal | | 10705 | Fransisca P | 75.25 | 62.50 | 68.24 | Gagal | | 10706 | Budiman S | 45.25 | 78.50 | 63.54 | Gagal | +-------+-------------+-------+---------+-----------+------------+4 rows in set (0.01 sec)mysql> select NIs,Namasiswa,Tgl_Lahir,dayname(tgl_lahir) NamaHari,keterangan -> from tbltugas2 -> where dayname(tgl_lahir) in('Sunday','Tuesday') or keterangan like 'Gagal' -> order by dayofweek(tgl_lahir);+-------+-------------+------------+----------+------------+| NIs | Namasiswa | Tgl_Lahir | NamaHari | keterangan |+-------+-------------+------------+----------+------------+| 10704 | Ernawati | 1989-10-08 | Sunday | Gagal | | 10705 | Fransisca P | 1990-04-15 | Sunday | Gagal | | 10708 | B Yulianti | 1990-01-28 | Sunday | Gagal | | 10709 | Endang Y | 1990-06-21 | Thursday | Gagal | | 10706 | Budiman S | 1990-03-10 | Saturday | Gagal | | 10710 | M Widodo | 1989-02-25 | Saturday | Gagal | +-------+-------------+------------+----------+------------+6 rows in set (0.11 sec)mysql> select NIs,Namasiswa,Tgl_Lahir,dayname(tgl_lahir) NamaHari,keterangan -> from tbltugas2;+-------+--------------+------------+-----------+------------+| NIs | Namasiswa | Tgl_Lahir | NamaHari | keterangan |+-------+--------------+------------+-----------+------------+| 10701 | Wawan B | 1989-05-17 | Wednesday | Lulus | | 10702 | Siti Fatimah | 1990-11-24 | Saturday | Lulus | | 10703 | Burhanudin H | 1990-06-25 | Monday | Lulus | | 10704 | Ernawati | 1989-10-08 | Sunday | Gagal | | 10705 | Fransisca P | 1990-04-15 | Sunday | Gagal | | 10706 | Budiman S | 1990-03-10 | Saturday | Gagal | | 10707 | Zaenal A | 1989-11-18 | Saturday | Lulus | | 10708 | B Yulianti | 1990-01-28 | Sunday | Gagal | | 10709 | Endang Y | 1990-06-21 | Thursday | Gagal | | 10710 | M Widodo | 1989-02-25 | Saturday | Gagal | +-------+--------------+------------+-----------+------------+10 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> \t

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