last week - textbook page 73 - suac ·...

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Last week - Textbook page 73

Given enough time, humans take advantage of all available resources

Given enough time, humans take advantage of all available resources


Guns, Germs, and Steel

Chapter 10 “Spacious Skies & Tilted Axes”

Guns, Germs, and Steel

What is an “axis?”

What is an “axis?” 軸

How does geography influence society?

Most of the continents are longer from north to south…

Most of the continents are longer from north to south…

…than they are wide from east to west

Which continent is widest from east to west?

a) Africa b) South America c) Eurasia

Which continent is widest from east to west?

a) Africa   b) South America  c) Eurasia

a) Africa   b) South America  c) Eurasia

Which continent is widest from east to west?

Agriculture spread east and west far quicker than it spread north and south

Agriculture spread east and west far quicker than it spread north and south


Agriculture spread east and west far quicker than it spread north and south


From Mesopotamia to the Indus Valley =

From Mesopotamia to the Indus Valley =

0.95 miles a year

From Mesopotamia to the Indus Valley =

0.95 miles a year


= 1.5 kilometers

From Mexico north =

From Mexico north =

0.3 miles a year

From Mexico north =

0.3 miles a year = 0.5 kilometers

From Mexico north =

0.3 miles a year



= 0.5 kilometers

Agriculture and the domestication of large mammals

Agriculture and the domestication of large mammals

spread more slowly through the Americas than Eurasia



Mesopotamian agriculture transplanted crops and farming techniques to Europe


Mesopotamian agriculture transplanted crops and farming techniques to Europe


Europeans began to grow wheat and barley because they acquired Mesopotamian wheat and barley through trade and travel

小麦 オオムギ


the first (known) area to spread agriculture to its neighbors


Mesopotamian farmers spread their techniques and their crops to Europe

The sun’s heat warms places with the same latitude(緯度)equally

The sun’s heat warms places with the same latitude(緯度)equally

Two areas with the same latitude have similar day lengths and…

The sun’s heat warms places with the same latitude(緯度)equally

tend to have similar climates even if they’re on opposite sides of the world

The sun’s heat warms places with the same latitude(緯度)equally

tend to have similar climates even if they’re on opposite sides of the world気候

Whereas two areas with the same longitude (経度) often have very

different climates

Whereas two areas with the same longitude (経度) often have very

different climates

A person whose climate is similar to that of a farmer’s is …

A person whose climate is similar to that of a farmer’s is …

more likely to adopt crops and techniques from the farmer

A person whose climate is similar to that of a farmer’s is …

more likely to adopt crops and techniques from the farmer


Eurasia = Europe and Asia Eurasia

The biggest continent

Eurasia = Europe and Asia Eurasia

More regions in Eurasia shared the same latitude than in Africa or the Americas

The biggest continent

More regions in Eurasia shared the same latitude than in Africa or the Americas

The biggest continent


Mesopotamian agriculture spread quickly to the many areas that shared Mesopotamia’s climate

This benefited many different peoples

Mesopotamian agriculture never spread very far south into Africa because of…

Mesopotamian agriculture never spread very far south into Africa because of…

“climate barriers” like the _______ ________

Mesopotamian agriculture never spread very far south into Africa because of…

“climate barriers” like the Sahara Desert

In the Americas, Incas never transported their domesticated animals …

In the Americas, Incas never transported their domesticated animals …

north into _______

In the Americas, Incas never transported their domesticated animals …

north into Mexico



changes in climate made such travel very difficult 


longitude (経度) is a big barrier to diffusion (普及, 流布)…

but so are geographic barriers


What is an example of a geographic barrier?


What is an example of a geographic barrier?


Possible answers:


Tr______ ra________


What is an example of a geographic barrier?


What is an example of a geographic barrier?

Tropical rainforest

What is an example of a geographic barrier?


Agriculture can never emerge in a place where the soil (土, 土壌)

can’t support agriculture

Agriculture rarely spreads through such a region and moves on to others

Agriculture rarely spreads through such a region and moves on to others



Agriculture rarely spreads through such a region and moves on to others



Agriculture rarely spreads through such a region and moves on to others


Agriculture rarely spreads through such a region and moves on to others


Both coasts of the U.S. shared a similar, fertile (肥沃な, 肥えた) climate

Both coasts of the U.S. shared a similar, fertile (肥沃な, 肥えた) climate

Both coasts of the U.S. shared a similar, fertile (肥沃な, 肥えた) climate

However, agriculture didn’t spread from one side to the other because of the _______ (at that time) in between

Both coasts of the U.S. shared a similar, fertile (肥沃な, 肥えた) climate

However, agriculture didn’t spread from one side to the other because of the deserts (at that time) in between



What does “diffusion” mean?


diffusion is “the spreading of something more widely”

What does “diffusion” mean?


diffusion is “the spreading of something more widely”

What does “diffusion” mean?

(普及, 流布)…


not just crops, but ideas and inventions


not just crops, but ideas and inventions


not just crops, but ideas and inventions


not just crops, but ideas and inventions



Generally ideas and inventions “travel” east and west (i.e. latitude)


Generally ideas and inventions “travel” east and west (i.e. latitude) (緯度)


Generally ideas and inventions “travel” east and west (i.e. latitude)

more effectively than they travel north and south (i.e. longitude)



Generally ideas and inventions “travel” east and west (i.e. latitude)

more effectively than they travel north and south (i.e. longitude)




Writing was developed in Mesopotamia and “diffused” (spread) to


Writing was developed in Mesopotamia and “diffused” (spread) to

Rome and India (same latitude)


Writing was also developed in Mesoamerica but never diffused to


Writing was also developed in Mesoamerica but never diffused to

the Andes (same longitude)


Ideas and inventions are passed along the same trade networks


Ideas and inventions are passed along the same trade networks

that arose though agriculture in the first place

Chapter 11 “Lethal Gifts of Livestock”

Guns, Germs, and Steel

Differences between:

agricultural societies

Differences between:

hunter-gatherer societies


agricultural societies

Agricultural societies -

large, centrally organized, food storage, non-food producing specialists, hierarchal

Hunter-gatherer societies -

small, egalitarian, no food storage

Differences between civilizations led to huge differences in:

Differences between civilizations led to huge differences in:


Differences between civilizations led to huge differences in:

literacy health

Differences between civilizations led to huge differences in:

literacy health


Differences between civilizations led to huge differences in:

literacy health


Differences between civilizations led to huge differences in:

literacy health


People living close to animals =

Differences between civilizations led to huge differences in:

literacy health


People living close to animals =

catch diseases from those animals

Epidemic (流行; 伝染病) diseases that spread…

from _______ to _______

Epidemic (流行; 伝染病) diseases that spread…

from animals to _______

Epidemic (流行; 伝染病) diseases that spread…

from animals to humans

Epidemic (流行; 伝染病) diseases that spread…

from animals to humans

Black Death 1346–1353(黒死病, ペスト)

Spanish Flu 1918-1919(スペインかぜ)

Human Defenses

Human Defenses


Human Defenses



Human Defenses



running a fever

Human Defenses


Human Defenses


over time humans with weak immune systems are more likely to die

Human Defenses


over time humans with weak immune systems are more likely to die免疫系・免疫機構が弱い者は死ぬ確率が高い

Human Defenses


over time humans with weak immune systems are more likely to die

Over time, the people who survive evolve to be immune to diseases


Human Defenses


over time humans with weak immune systems are more likely to die

Over time, the people who survive evolve to be immune to diseases



Human Defenses


over time humans with weak immune systems are more likely to die

Over time, the people who survive evolve to be immune to diseases

Diseases then evolve to become more infectious



Human Defenses


over time humans with weak immune systems are more likely to die

Over time, the people who survive evolve to be immune to diseases

Diseases then evolve to become more infectious




Population size

Population size

Fewer people =

Population size

Hunter-gatherer community can easily be wiped out by disease

Fewer people =

Population size

More people =

Population size

Farming community will contain some people with

immunity (免疫) to the disease More people =

Population size

Even if most people die

Population size

The community as a whole will survive

Even if most people die

Population size

The community as a whole will survive

Even if most people die

Those who survive will pass on their immunity to their children

Population size

The community as a whole will survive

Even if most people die

Those who survive will pass on their immunity to their children 生き残る者は子供へ免疫力が高い遺伝子を渡す

Crowd diseases

Crowd diseases (群衆の病気)

Crowd diseases (群衆の病気)

Flu (インフルエンザ)

Crowd diseases (群衆の病気)

Flu (インフルエンザ) Measles (はしか)

Crowd diseases (群衆の病気)

Flu (インフルエンザ)

Cholera (コレラ)

Measles (はしか)

Some diseases only exist in large communities =

Some diseases only exist in large communities =

large communities are the only groups that develop immunities (免疫) to the diseases

When a large community (_______) interacts with

When a large community (farmers) interacts with

When a large community (farmers) interacts with

a smaller community (______ & __________)

When a large community (farmers) interacts with

a smaller community (hunter & gatherers)

a greater number of the small community will die of the disease

Agriculture led to crowd diseases (群衆の病気)

Farming communities were ..

Agriculture led to crowd diseases (群衆の病気)

Farming communities were ..


Agriculture led to crowd diseases (群衆の病気)

Farming communities were ..

bigger denser

Agriculture led to crowd diseases (群衆の病気)

Farming communities were ..

bigger denser

Agriculture led to crowd diseases (群衆の病気)


Farming communities were ..

bigger denser

more sedentary (定住している, 移動をしない)

Agriculture led to crowd diseases (群衆の病気)


Everyone shared resources like food and water and there were many animals

Agriculture led to crowd diseases (群衆の病気)


The rise of cities was also important for the spread of crowd diseases


Cities allowed many people to live very close to each other


Many animals spread disease to humans

Agricultural societies in which people are often around animals will…

tend to have more ___________

Agricultural societies in which people are often around animals will…

tend to have more diseases

However, they will also develop more…


However, they will also develop more…


A large, agricultural society = _____

A large, agricultural society = Spain

A large, agricultural society = Spain


a small, hunter-gatherer society = most ______ __________

a small, hunter-gatherer society = most Native Americans

The small, hunter-gatherer society will die of …

Native Americans

The small, hunter-gatherer society will die of …

the larger society’s diseases (i.e. smallpox 天然痘)

Native Americans Spanish

The Spanish Europeans who colonized the New World had immunities to the diseases that killed so many Native Americans

The Spanish Europeans who colonized the New World had immunities to the diseases that killed so many Native Americans


Because the Spanish came from dense, __________ societies

Because the Spanish came from dense, agricultural societies

Because the Spanish came from dense, agricultural societies

They had developed _________ living close to each other over many hundreds of years

Because the Spanish came from dense, agricultural societies

They had developed immunities living close to each other over many hundreds of years

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