manifest destiny

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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Manifest Destiny

By Hannah Tennant

What is the Manifest Destiny?

The 19th century belief that the expansion of the United States was destined to expand from coast to coast.

Impact #1

Initially, the Manifest Destiny helped fuel western settlement, and pushed Native Americans out of America.

Impact #2

A substantial impact on the people of the United States is what influenced the decision to go to the west. There were new benefits in the west that the east didn’t have such as markets.

Map of the Manifest Destiny

Impact #3

A negative effect was the Americans disregarding the Native American’s territorial rights, wiping out many tribes, cultures, and tension.

Impact #4

The Manifest Destiny caused war and tension with Mexico for also disregarding territorial rights.

Impact #5

With the expansion of the Manifest Destiny, slavery was included. More farms were created which meant more slaves were entitled to work. Fortunately, later on there was a debate about slaves which helped end slavery.

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