mooc campus & institute of digital humanities 발표

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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MOOC ?/The Great Equalizer

1. Free

2. Elite education for the masse

3. Education is A Human Right and Not A Privilege!

1. Letter of mankind

2. Printing Press of Gutenberg

3. MOOC : Democratization of Knowledge

MOOCs and Open Education Timeline

1. The first MOOC

2. The Year of the MOOC

3. The 2013 TIME 100

4. 5,000 courses within three to five years

Coursera Co-Founder Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller

Udacity Founder Sebastian Thrun

edX / Harvard & MIT

MOOC 출현배경

1. 미대학학자금대출 $1 trillion

2. 주립대학지원축소 3. 교육공학(Education Technology) 발달

4. 스텐포드, 하바드, MIT "대학교육의 민주화(Democratization of Higher Education)" 선도

5. 주정부 온라인강의 정규학점인정 법제화/from hour-based to competency-based

"We are at a pivotal moment. Two forces are combining: extraordinary technological progress with economic need."

Former Princeton president(1972-1988) William Bowen

Revolution Hits the Universities

1. Revolution Hits the Universities/Thomas L. Friedman/1, 26, 2013

2. 6th Davos "Online Education Changing the World"/1, 27, 2013

3. A Summit hosted by MIT and Harvard/3. 3-4, 2013

4. MOOC around the world

"I can see a day soon where you’ll create your own college degree by taking the best online courses from the best professors from around the world — some computing from Stanford, some entrepreneurship from Wharton, some ethics from Brandeis, some literature from Edinburgh — paying only the nominal fee for the certificates of completion. It will change teaching, learning and the pathway to employment. There is a new world unfolding and everyone will have to adapt.” - L. Rafael Reif(M.I.T. president)

College Credit/MOOC Credit

1. Online Education Bill(SB520) California Senate

2. San Jose Uni. Online Classes for Credit

3. Udacity Proctored Exams

4. 10 US State University Systems (1.25 million) Join Coursera

5. Coursera 50+ courses with Signature Track

6. MOOC2Degree

“degrees” for “albums” “self-selected credentials employers value” for “playlists” - McKinsey

American Council on Education (ACE)/Five of Coursera courses received approval for “credit equivalency”/ 2.7.2013

Courses cost between $60 and $90.

Proctored exams fee between $30 and $99.

A price tag ranging between $90 and $190,

The courses will be eligible for credit at over 2000 colleges and universities across the US.

SB520Jeb Bush Udacity Partners with SJSU

Utilization Plan of MOOC in Korea

현실 : 1. MOOC에 대한 무반응

2. 언어장벽과 폐쇄적 인터넷지식문화

3. MOOC 학점취득요건 엄격

해결: 1. MOOC Tutur : Second-Bilingual Instructor

2. MOOC 커뮤니티 환경제공

3. 취득학점을 이용한 취업연계

4. Major MOOC 회사와 한글번역파트너 체결

4. 이상의 과정에서 생산된 모든 교육자료 무료개방 What is Blended Learning?

Flipped Learning

1.MOOC Campus

MOOC Tutur : Second-Bilingual Instructor

- 초기엔 컴퓨터와 비지니스 중점- 전세계 최상위대학들의 학점취득 지도 - 과정 녹화 무료공개

주한미국대사관 MOOC 강좌 1기

EdX & Coursera 수료증 취득 사례

The eLearning RevolutionCoursera/Statement of Accomplishment

Coursera강의수강성적표 edX Certification

빌 게이츠가 말하는 MOOC's의 의미

2. Institute of Digital Humanities

Knowledge Designer : Curating & Remixing : 도서관과 연구소 진화융합

1. JISC/영국

2. Center for History and New Media/미국 3. Center for Excellence in Adaptive and Blended Learning/San Jose Uni.

4. MOOCResearch Hub/BillGates Foundation

5. Digital Curator Vocational Education Europe/유럽연합

“We have to move from knowledgeable—that is just knowing a bunch of stuff—

to being actually knowledge-able;

that's being able to find, sort, analyze, criticize, and ultimately create new information and knowledge.” - Michael Wesch

A Vision of Students Today/2007

What is Digital Curation?

A Short history of JISC

2.3. Knowledge&Information 인프라 구축

- 리뷰달린 지식검색 데이터베이스구축

- 지식검색엔진구축

Roll Model

- Intute/academic search engine- Refseek - Mashpedia- Zotero

Introducing Intute

2.7. 해외 학회

1. The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2013/Paris 24th-25th October 2013

2. MOOC Conference

3. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)


1. "인도 빈민가 아이도 실리콘밸리 수준의 교육 받을 수 있다"/조선일보/2013.06.17

2. "인터넷, 대학 담장마저 허물다"/조선일보/2013.04.06

3. “반값 등록금, 청년 실업 이렇게 해결할 수 있습니다" “교수가 아니라 디지털 휴머니티 디자이너입니다"/머니투데이 2013.03.11

4. College for all/McKinsey/May 2013

5. MOOC News and Reviews

6. Bibliography of MOOC


8. The Journal of Digital Humanities

9. "The MOOC Moment" /Inside Higher Ed

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